13 letter words that end with N

13 letter words that end with N

13 letter N word


Words With Friends®


acceptilation 30 24 the remission of a d...
acclimatation 29 24 acclimatization [n -...
accommodation 28 27 traveling space and...
accreditation 27 21 the act or result of...
acculturation 29 23 the assimilation, th...
accustomation 28 24 the act of accustomi...
acetaminophen 27 26 (US) paracetamol, a...
acetification 29 23 the process of aceti...
acidification 30 24 the act of acidifyin...
actualisation 25 19 the process of actua...
actualization 28 28 the process of actua...
afforestation 24 20 the process of estab...
agglomeration 24 22 the act of collectin...
agglutination 24 21 applied to agglutina...
aircraftwoman 30 26 a member of the lowe...
aircraftwomen 30 26 AIRCRAFTWOMAN, a mem...
alongshoreman 24 23 a stevedore; a perso...
alongshoremen 24 23 ALONGSHOREMAN, a ste...
alphabetarian 27 23 someone learning the...
amplification 31 27 an act, example, or...
anatomisation 20 18 the process of anato...
anatomization 23 27 the process of anato...
anglicisation 26 21 the process of angli...
anglicization 29 30 the process of angli...
animadversion 23 23 hostile criticism; a...
animalisation 22 19 the process of anima...
animalization 25 28 the process of anima...
antichristian 27 20 opposed to Christian...
anticollision 26 20 designed to prevent...
anticorrosion 23 18 the prevention or co...
antievolution 23 21 opposed to (the teac...
antioestrogen 20 17 a drug that inhibits...
antipollution 25 21 designed to prevent...
antiquitarian 29 25 a person attached to...
antirecession 23 18 designed to counter...
antirejection 25 27 used or tending to p...
anythingarian 29 22 a person with no bel...
appropriation 27 23 an act or instance o...
approximation 32 30 the act of drawing t...
arabicisation 26 20 the act of arabicisi...
arabicization 29 29 the act of arabicizi...
archipelagian 30 25 of, relating to, or...
argumentation 22 21 the process of formi...
arithmetician 28 22 one who practises ar...
aromatisation 21 17 the act of aromatisi...
aromatization 24 26 the act of aromatizi...
assassination 20 15 the act of assassina...
assemblywoman 35 29 a female member of a...
assemblywomen 35 29 ASSEMBLYWOMAN, a fem...
authorisation 23 17 the act of authorisi...
authoritarian 23 17 one who favours blin...
authorization 26 26 the act of authorizi...
autoinfection 25 22 reinfection with lar...
averruncation 25 23 the act of averrunca...
backswordsman 32 31 one who uses a backs...
backswordsmen 32 31 BACKSWORDSMAN, one w...
backwardation 30 28 on the Stock Exchang...
bacteriolysin 34 23 an antibody that des...
bacteriotoxin 32 27 a toxin of bacterial...
bacterisation 26 20 treatment with bacte...
bacterization 29 29 treatment with bacte...
balkanisation 24 23 the act of balkanisi...
balkanization 27 32 the act of balkanizi...
barbarisation 25 20 the act of barbarisi...
barbarization 28 29 the act of barbarizi...
beatification 28 23 the attainment of th...
beneficiation 27 24 the treatment of raw...
bildungsroman 27 26 (German) a psycholog...
bioconversion 27 25 the conversion of or...
boustrophedon 27 24 (Greek) a method of...
brainchildren 30 25 BRAINCHILD, a produc...
brutalisation 25 19 the act of brutalisi...
brutalization 28 28 the act of brutalizi...
businesswoman 27 25 a woman who transact...
businesswomen 27 25 BUSINESSWOMAN, a wom...
calcification 34 27 the act of calcifyin...
callithumpian 33 28 relating to the soun...
canthaxanthin 33 30 a naturally occurrin...
cantonisation 22 19 the act of dividing...
cantonization 25 28 the act of dividing...
caprification 32 26 a method of promotin...
carbonisation 25 21 the act of carbonisi...
carbonization 28 30 the act of carbonizi...
carbonylation 32 24 the synthesis of a c...
carboxylation 39 30 the act of carboxyla...
carburisation 27 21 the act of carburisi...
carburization 30 30 the act of carburizi...
carnification 29 24 conversion into fles...
cartelisation 25 18 the act of cartelisi...
cartelization 28 27 the act of cartelizi...
casualisation 25 19 the process of casua...
casualization 28 28 the process of casua...
catechisation 29 22 the act of catechisi...
catechization 32 31 the act of catechizi...
cauterisation 24 18 the act of cauterisi...
cauterization 27 27 the act of cauterizi...
cephalisation 29 23 the gradually increa...
cephalization 32 32 the gradually increa...
cephalosporin 31 26 any of a group of wi...
certification 30 23 the act of certifyin...
ceruloplasmin 30 26 a blue copper-bindin...
chemisorption 30 25 the act of chemisorb...
chlorocruorin 31 24 a green respiratory...
chromoprotein 29 25 any of various prote...
chylification 40 28 the process of chyli...
chymification 40 30 the process of chymi...
cicatrisation 28 20 the process of cicat...
cicatrization 31 29 the process of cicat...
ciprofloxacin 39 34 an antibiotic used a...
circumduction 34 29 the act of circumduc...
circumflexion 39 35 a bending round [n -...
circumvention 31 29 the act of circumven...
clarification 31 24 the act of clarifyin...
cliometrician 30 24 one who uses mathema...
coalification 30 24 a process in which v...
coastguardman 26 24 a member of a coast...
coastguardmen 26 24 COASTGUARDMAN, a mem...
cocainisation 26 21 the process of cocai...
cocainization 29 30 the process of cocai...
cochairperson 31 25 a joint chairmen or...
cocultivation 31 26 the act of cocultiva...
codeclination 27 23 polar distance [n -S...
cognomination 24 24 the act of cognomina...
collaboration 27 22 the act of collabora...
colourisation 25 19 the act of colourisi...
colourization 28 28 the act of colourizi...
commemoration 26 26 the act of commemora...
commiseration 26 23 the act of commisera...
communication 29 28 an act or instance o...
communisation 26 25 the act of communisi...
communitarian 26 25 a member of a commun...
communization 29 34 the act of communizi...
compagination 27 26 the act of compagina...
comprehension 28 26 the act or action of...
concatenation 24 22 the act of concatena...
concentration 25 22 the act of concentra...
condescension 25 23 voluntary descent fr...
confabulation 28 26 the fabrication of p...
confarreation 24 21 a Roman patrician mo...
confederation 24 22 an act of confederat...
configuration 27 24 external figure, sha...
conflagration 27 24 a large fire [n -S]
confrontation 24 22 the act of confronti...
congresswoman 28 26 a woman who is a mem...
congresswomen 28 26 CONGRESSWOMAN, a wom...
connumeration 23 23 the act of connumera...
consideration 23 19 continuous and caref...
consolidation 24 20 the act of consolida...
conspurcation 29 25 (obsolete) defilemen...
constellation 25 20 the configuration of...
consternation 22 19 amazement or dismay...
constupration 26 22 the act of constupra...
contamination 23 22 a process of contami...
contemplation 27 25 concentration on spi...
contrabassoon 24 21 a musical instrument...
contraception 28 24 deliberate preventio...
contradiction 27 22 an act or an instanc...
contragestion 24 20 a form of birth cont...
contravention 24 23 the act of contraven...
contristation 24 18 the act of contristi...
cornification 29 24 conversion into horn...
corroboration 25 20 corroboration [n -S]
corticotropin 30 23 a hormone that stimu...
counteraction 26 22 an opposing action [...
countermotion 24 22 an opposite motion [...
customisation 26 21 the process of custo...
customization 29 30 the process of custo...
cybernetician 35 26 a specialist in cybe...
cycloaddition 35 25 a chemical reaction...
cycloparaffin 41 32 a saturated hydrocar...
damnification 27 25 causation of injury...
dandification 26 23 the act of dandifyin...
deaminisation 21 19 the process of deami...
deaminization 24 28 the process of deami...
decapsulation 27 23 the removal of the e...
decarbonation 24 22 the act of decarbona...
decarburation 26 22 the act of decarburi...
decerebration 25 21 the act of decerebra...
decomposition 27 24 the breakdown of dea...
decompression 27 24 the act of decompres...
decortication 27 21 the act of removing...
decrepitation 26 21 the act of decrepita...
deduplication 28 24 the act of deduplica...
defibrination 25 22 the act of defibrina...
deforestation 22 18 the act of clearing...
deglutination 23 20 the removal of glute...
degranulation 22 20 the process of losin...
demonstration 21 19 the act of demonstra...
demyelination 28 22 the act of destroyin...
densification 26 22 the act of densifyin...
denticulation 25 21 the state of being d...
deodorisation 20 16 the act of deodorisi...
deodorization 23 25 the act of deodorizi...
deoxidisation 27 23 the process of deoxi...
deoxidization 30 32 the process of deoxi...
deoxygenation 32 27 the act of deoxygena...
dephlegmation 28 26 the process of dephl...
derealisation 21 16 a feeling of altered...
derealization 24 25 a feeling of altered...
derecognition 24 21 the withdrawal of re...
derequisition 30 25 to return (something...
derestriction 25 18 the act of derestric...
desegregation 22 19 the action or an ins...
desertisation 21 15 the process of makin...
desertization 24 24 the process of makin...
desulfuration 25 21 the act of removing...
deterioration 20 15 the act of deteriora...
determination 21 19 the act, process, or...
diacatholicon 30 24 (obsolete) a purgati...
diagnostician 25 21 one who specialises...
diazotisation 24 24 the process of diazo...
diazotization 27 33 the process of diazo...
dieselisation 22 16 the process of diese...
dieselization 25 25 the process of diese...
diffarreation 25 21 (historical) a Roman...
digitoxigenin 30 27 a steroid lactone ob...
dignification 28 24 the act of dignifyin...
dinoturbation 23 20 the effects of dinos...
discoloration 25 19 the act of discolori...
discommission 28 24 (Milton) to deprive...
disconcertion 27 22 confusion [n -S]
disconnection 26 23 the act of disconnec...
disestimation 23 18 the act of disesteem...
disfiguration 26 21 the act of disfiguri...
disinhibition 27 21 the removal of inhib...
disobligation 26 21 the act of disobligi...
displantation 24 20 the act of displanti...
dispossession 24 18 the act of disposses...
disproportion 26 21 to make out of propo...
disreputation 24 19 bad repute [n -S]
dissemination 22 19 the act of dissemina...
disseveration 23 19 the act of disseveri...
dissimilation 25 19 the change or omissi...
dissimulation 25 20 the act of dissimula...
documentarian 24 23 one who makes a docu...
documentation 24 23 the act or an instan...
dogmatisation 23 20 the act of dogmatisi...
dogmatization 26 29 the act of dogmatizi...
dollarisation 23 17 the process of dolla...
dollarization 26 26 the process of dolla...
domestication 25 21 the act of domestica...
domiciliation 27 22 the act of domicilia...
dosimetrician 26 21 one who uses a dosim...
dramatisation 22 18 the act of dramatisi...
dramatization 25 27 the act of dramatizi...
draughtswoman 29 26 a female draughtsman...
draughtswomen 29 26 DRAUGHTSWOMAN, a fem...
dulcification 32 26 the act of dulcifyin...
economisation 23 21 the process of econo...
economization 26 30 the process of econo...
eigenfunction 26 25 each of a set of ind...
electrisation 25 18 the act of electrify...
electrization 28 27 the act of electrify...
electrocution 28 22 execution by electri...
encapsulation 26 23 the act of encapsula...
enculturation 25 21 the process by which...
encyclopedian 35 28 embracing the whole...
entomostracan 23 21 any of the lower ord...
epidotisation 23 18 the process of trans...
epidotization 26 27 the process of trans...
epiphenomenon 25 27 a secondary phenomen...
epitomisation 24 20 the process of epito...
epitomization 27 29 the process of epito...
epitrachelion 29 23 the stole of an Orth...
equilibration 33 28 the act of equilibra...
equipartition 32 27 the equal division o...
eroticisation 24 17 the process of eroti...
eroticization 27 26 the process of eroti...
eudicotyledon 31 23 an angiosperm having...
euphausiacean 27 24 a member of the Euph...
evangeliarion 23 22 a book of passages f...
excortication 33 27 the act of excortica...
expectoration 31 27 the act of expectora...
expostulation 30 26 an act or an instanc...
expropriation 31 27 the act of expropria...
extermination 27 25 the act of extermina...
extrapolation 29 25 the act of extrapola...
extraposition 29 24 the act of extraposi...
extravagation 29 27 the act of extravaga...
extravasation 28 25 an escape or effusio...
factorisation 26 20 the operation of res...
factorization 29 29 the operation of res...
falsification 30 24 the act of falsifyin...
fasciculation 31 25 muscular twitching i...
ferricyanogen 32 25 the trivalent radica...
ferrocyanogen 31 25 the quadrivalent rad...
fertilisation 25 18 the process by which...
fertilization 28 27 the process by which...
festschriften 32 25 FESTSCHRIFT, (German...
fetishisation 26 19 the process of fetis...
fetishization 29 28 the process of fetis...
feudalisation 24 20 the act of feudalisi...
feudalization 27 29 the act of feudalizi...
flavopurpurin 32 30 a yellow crystalline...
floccillation 33 26 a picking or pluckin...
foraminiferan 25 24 a foraminifer [n -S]
formalisation 25 21 the act of formalisi...
formalization 28 30 the act of formalizi...
fortification 29 23 an act of fortifying...
fossilisation 25 18 the process of fossi...
fossilization 28 27 the process of fossi...
fractionation 25 21 the act of fractiona...
fragmentation 24 23 the act of fragmenti...
frequentation 30 28 the act of frequenti...
funambulation 27 27 tightrope-walking [n...
gallicisation 28 21 the process of galli...
gallicization 31 30 the process of galli...
galvanisation 24 22 the process of galva...
galvanization 27 31 the process of galva...
geopolitician 28 23 a specialist in geop...
germanisation 22 20 the act of germanisi...
germanization 25 29 the act of germanizi...
gesticulation 27 21 the act of making ge...
ghettoisation 24 18 the process of ghett...
ghettoization 27 27 the process of ghett...
glamorisation 24 20 the process of glamo...
glamorization 27 29 the process of glamo...
globalisation 26 21 the process of globa...
globalization 29 30 the process of globa...
glorification 29 23 the act of glorifyin...
glycosylation 40 25 the process of addin...
gonadotrophin 25 23 a substance that sti...
grandchildren 29 25 GRANDCHILD, the chil...
granitisation 22 17 a metamorphic proces...
granitization 25 26 a metamorphic proces...
graticulation 27 21 division of design i...
gratification 28 22 the act of gratifyin...
haemodilution 25 22 an increase in the f...
hallucination 28 23 perception of object...
handcraftsman 29 27 a person who is skil...
handcraftsmen 29 27 HANDCRAFTSMAN, a per...
harmonisation 23 20 the act of harmonisi...
harmonization 26 29 the act of harmonisi...
haruspication 29 23 divination by inspec...
hellenisation 24 19 the act of hellenisi...
hellenization 27 28 the act of hellenizi...
hemagglutinin 28 26 a virus, antibody or...
hendecahedron 26 24 a solid figure havin...
herborisation 25 19 botanising, also HER...
herborization 28 28 botanising, also HER...
hibernisation 25 20 the act of hibernisi...
hibernization 28 29 the act of hibernizi...
hippopotamian 30 28 like a hippopotamus,...
homeoteleuton 23 21 the use or occurrenc...
horrification 29 22 the act of causing h...
horripilation 27 20 the erection of the...
hyalinisation 30 20 the process of hyali...
hyalinization 33 29 the process of hyali...
hybridisation 33 22 the process of hybri...
hybridization 36 31 the act of hybridizi...
hydrogenation 29 22 the act of hydrogena...
hydrolysation 37 22 the process of hydro...
hydrolyzation 40 31 the process of hydro...
hydroxylation 43 29 the act of hydroxyla...
hyperfunction 37 29 the overactivity of...
hyperphrygian 44 30 above the Phrygian;...
hyphenisation 33 24 the process of hyphe...
hyphenization 36 33 the process of hyphe...
hypnotisation 31 22 the process of hypno...
hypnotization 34 31 the process of hypno...
hypothecation 36 26 the act of taking a...
ichthyopsidan 38 27 a member of the Icht...
impenetration 23 21 thorough penetration...
imperforation 26 23 the state of being i...
impersonation 23 21 the act of impersona...
impignoration 25 23 the state of being m...
impostumation 26 24 the formation of an...
impropriation 27 23 the act of impropria...
improvisation 27 24 the act or art of im...
incapsulation 27 23 the act of incapsula...
incarceration 26 21 imprisonment [n -S]
incardination 23 20 acceptance by a dioc...
incorporation 25 21 the act of incorpora...
incrimination 25 22 the act of incrimina...
indisposition 24 19 the condition of bei...
indistinction 25 20 lack of distinction...
individuation 24 22 the development of t...
induplication 28 24 being folded inwards...
inegalitarian 22 18 a person who holds t...
inexpectation 31 28 lack of expectation...
informatician 27 24 someone engaged in i...
infraposition 25 21 the state of being p...
ingurgitation 24 20 the act of ingurgita...
inobservation 24 22 lack of observation...
instantiation 20 16 the act of instantia...
intercalation 24 19 an insertion or inte...
interdominion 21 20 between dominions [a...
interelectron 24 19 operating between el...
interlocation 24 19 a placing between [n...
interlocution 25 20 dialogue, conversati...
interlunation 21 18 the dark time betwee...
intermountain 21 20 situated between mou...
interoception 25 21 sensitivity to stimu...
interpolation 23 19 the act of interpola...
interposition 23 18 the act of interposi...
interpunction 26 23 the insertion of pun...
interrelation 21 16 the state of being i...
interrogation 21 17 the act of interroga...
interspersion 23 18 the act of intersper...
intravasation 22 19 the entrance of exte...
introgression 22 17 the modification of...
introspection 26 21 a reflective looking...
investigation 24 21 the act of investiga...
irrecognition 25 20 lack of recognition...
isoagglutinin 25 21 an antibody that cau...
isomerisation 22 17 the process of isome...
isomerization 25 26 the process of isome...
italicisation 26 18 the act of italicisi...
italicization 29 27 the act of italicizi...
jargonisation 23 26 the process of jargo...
jargonization 26 35 the process of jargo...
jellification 31 31 the act of jellifyin...
jollification 31 31 festivity, merrymaki...
justification 30 30 the act, process, or...
juxtaposition 32 34 the act or an instan...
labefactation 28 24 a weakening, a decay...
labialisation 25 19 the process of labia...
labialization 28 28 the process of labia...
lactoglobulin 31 26 a crystalline protei...
laevorotation 22 19 counter-clockwise ro...
lateroversion 23 19 abnormal lateral dis...
lemmatisation 24 21 the process of lemma...
lemmatization 27 30 the process of lemma...
leucitohedron 27 22 the cubic icositetra...
lighthouseman 29 25 one who keeps a ligh...
lighthousemen 29 25 LIGHTHOUSEMAN, one w...
lignification 29 24 the act of lignifyin...
linearisation 21 16 the act of making li...
linearization 24 25 the act of making li...
linguistician 28 22 a linguist [n -S]
lithification 31 23 the process by which...
lowerclassman 30 25 a freshman or sophom...
lowerclassmen 30 25 LOWERCLASSMAN, a fre...
luteinisation 22 17 the process of stimu...
luteinization 25 26 the process of stimu...
machiavellian 31 28 characterised by rut...
machicolation 31 26 an opening between t...
macroglobulin 31 28 a highly polymerized...
macromutation 26 24 an abnormally great...
magnetisation 22 20 the process of magne...
magnetization 25 29 the process of magne...
magnification 28 26 the act of magnifyin...
malabsorption 27 24 faulty absorption es...
malacostracan 28 24 any of a large subcl...
maladaptation 24 22 poor or inadequate a...
manifestation 23 21 the act, process, or...
marketisation 23 21 the process of bring...
marketization 26 30 the process of bring...
martyrisation 29 19 the act of martyrisi...
martyrization 32 28 the act of martyrizi...
massification 28 23 the practice of maki...
mastigophoran 27 24 any protozoan having...
mathematician 28 25 a specialist or expe...
matriculation 27 22 the act of matricula...
mechanisation 26 23 the act of mechanisi...
mechanization 29 32 the act of mechanizi...
mediatisation 22 18 the act of mediatisi...
mediatization 25 27 the act of mediatisi...
mediterranean 20 19 of, relating to, or...
megalopolitan 26 24 an inhabitant of a m...
megalosaurian 23 21 a large dinosaur, al...
mellification 30 25 honey-making [n -S]
mercerisation 25 20 the process of merce...
mercerization 28 29 the process of merce...
mesencephalon 28 27 the middle section o...
mesmerisation 23 20 the process of mesme...
mesmerization 26 29 the process of mesme...
metacognition 25 23 thinking about one's...
metallisation 24 19 the act of making me...
metallization 27 28 the act of making me...
metaphysician 36 27 a student of or spec...
metencephalon 28 27 the anterior segment...
methemoglobin 29 28 a soluble brown crys...
methodisation 24 20 the process of metho...
methodization 27 29 the process of metho...
metrification 28 23 the act of making me...
micronisation 25 21 the process of micro...
micronization 28 30 the process of micro...
microplankton 29 29 very small plankton...
milliroentgen 25 22 one thousandth of a...
misallocation 27 22 a wrong allocation [...
misassumption 27 24 a wrong assumption [...
miscegenation 25 23 the interbreeding of...
misconception 30 27 a false conception [...
misconnection 27 25 the act of misconnec...
miscorrection 29 23 a wrong correction [...
misestimation 24 20 a wrong estimation [...
misevaluation 25 23 a wrong evaluation [...
misimpression 27 23 a mistaken impressio...
misperception 30 26 a false perception [...
mispersuasion 25 21 a wrong persuasion [...
misproportion 27 23 to proportion wrongl...
mitochondrion 27 24 a cell structure con...
modernisation 21 19 the act of modernisi...
modernization 24 28 the act of modernizi...
mollification 30 25 the act of mollifyin...
monocotyledon 30 25 a plant having a sin...
mortification 28 23 the subjection and d...
multifunction 30 27 having many function...
multitrillion 28 21 a number or amount e...
mummification 31 30 the act of mummifyin...
mundification 28 26 the act of cleansing...
mutualisation 24 20 the process of mutua...
mutualization 27 29 the process of mutua...
mystification 35 25 an act or instance o...
mythicisation 35 24 the process of mythi...
mythicization 38 33 the process of mythi...
nannoplankton 21 26 very small plankton,...
narcotisation 23 18 the process of narco...
narcotization 26 27 the process of narco...
necessitarian 23 18 a fatalist, also NEC...
necessitation 23 18 the act of necessita...
neogrammarian 22 23 a philologist of the...
nightwatchman 34 30 a person who keeps w...
nightwatchmen 34 30 NIGHTWATCHMAN, a per...
nitrification 27 21 the oxidation (as by...
nitroglycerin 33 23 a powerful explosive...
nitroparaffin 27 24 any of various nitro...
noctivagation 26 24 wandering around at...
nonaggression 21 20 lack of aggression [...
noncarcinogen 25 25 a substance that is...
noncompletion 26 26 failure to complete...
nonconclusion 26 25 the lack of a conclu...
nonconduction 25 25 not conduction [adj]
nonconnection 23 24 lack of a connection...
nondeposition 21 20 something that is no...
nonpolitician 26 23 someone who is not a...
nonpossession 21 19 something that is no...
nonregulation 21 20 not according to reg...
nonvegetarian 21 22 someone who is not a...
normalisation 22 19 the act of normalisi...
normalization 25 28 the act of normalizi...
nucleoprotein 26 23 a compound that cons...
nullification 29 24 the act of nullifyin...
objectivation 30 33 the act of rendering...
octodecillion 29 23 ten to the 108th pow...
oppignoration 25 23 the act of pawning [...
orchestration 26 19 the arrangement of a...
ornamentation 19 19 something that ornam...
ornithischian 29 22 any of an order of h...
orthohydrogen 32 23 the form of molecula...
overassertion 22 18 an excessive asserti...
overattention 21 19 excessive attention...
overeducation 25 23 excessive education...
overexpansion 29 29 excessive expansion...
overextension 27 26 an excessive extensi...
overinflation 25 23 excessive inflation...
overnutrition 23 20 excessive nutrition...
oversecretion 25 21 excessive secretion...
overvaluation 25 24 excessive valuation...
oxyhemoglobin 40 34 a loose compound of...
paediatrician 26 21 a specialist in chil...
palletisation 25 19 the process of palle...
palletization 28 28 the act of palletizi...
palmification 31 27 the artificial ferti...
pandiculation 27 24 a stretching out whe...
panharmonicon 27 27 a mechanical musical...
paralipomenon 25 25 a thing added as a s...
parasyntheton 30 22 a word derived from...
parencephalon 29 27 a cerebral hemispher...
participation 29 23 the act of participa...
patronisation 22 18 the act of patronisi...
patronization 25 27 the act of patronizi...
pauperisation 25 21 the process of paupe...
pauperization 28 30 the process of paupe...
pedunculation 27 25 the state of being p...
pelletisation 25 19 the act of pelletisi...
pelletization 28 28 the act of pelletizi...
peneplanation 23 23 the state of being a...
penicillation 28 23 the state of being p...
peptidoglycan 37 29 a polymer in the cel...
peptonisation 24 21 the process of pepto...
peptonization 27 30 the process of pepto...
perambulation 27 25 the act of perambula...
peregrination 23 20 an excursion esp. on...
periodisation 23 18 division into period...
periodization 26 27 division into period...
perlustration 25 19 the act of perlustra...
perscrutation 27 21 a thorough search [n...
perseveration 24 21 continuation of some...
petrification 29 23 turning to stone [n...
phalansterian 25 21 a person who support...
phantasmalian 26 24 like a phantasm [adj...
phonetisation 24 20 the process of phone...
phonetization 27 29 the process of phone...
photoelectron 28 23 an electron released...
photoemission 26 22 the release of elect...
photoreaction 27 22 a photochemical reac...
phthalocyanin 37 28 any of a group of gr...
phycoerythrin 44 28 any of the red prote...
phytoestrogen 32 23 a plant substance si...
phytopathogen 36 28 an organism parasiti...
phytoplankton 35 30 vegetable plankton,...
picturisation 28 21 the act of picturisi...
picturization 31 30 the act of picturizi...
pidginisation 25 21 the process of pidgi...
pidginization 28 30 the process of pidgi...
platinisation 24 19 the process of plati...
platinization 27 28 the process of plati...
platyrrhinian 33 23 having a short, flat...
plebification 32 27 making something vul...
plesiosaurian 24 19 a member of the rept...
pluralisation 26 20 the act of pluralisi...
pluralization 29 29 the act of pluralizi...
podsolisation 24 19 the process of turni...
podsolization 27 28 the process of turni...
podzolisation 27 28 the process of turni...
podzolization 30 37 the process of turni...
pollicitation 29 22 a promise or an offe...
polycotyledon 40 27 any of various plant...
polyhistorian 33 22 a person of great an...
pontification 28 24 the act of pontifica...
pornification 28 24 the introduction of...
posterisation 23 17 a video effect in wh...
posterization 26 26 a video effect in wh...
postinfection 28 24 taking place after a...
postinjection 28 30 taking place after a...
postisolation 24 18 following a period o...
postlapsarian 26 21 of, relating to, or...
postrecession 26 20 following a recessio...
preadaptation 24 21 a character of an or...
preadmonition 23 22 the act of preadmoni...
precipitation 29 23 any form of water th...
precombustion 30 27 a preliminary combus...
preconception 30 27 a preconceived idea...
preconisation 25 21 the process of preco...
preconization 28 30 the process of preco...
preconvention 26 26 preceding a conventi...
preconviction 31 28 a preliminary convic...
predefinition 25 22 the act of predefini...
predomination 23 22 the act of predomina...
prefiguration 27 23 the act of prefiguri...
prejudication 29 31 the act of prejudgin...
premedication 27 24 drugs given to sedat...
premeditation 24 21 an act or instance o...
prenomination 22 22 the act of prenomina...
preoccupation 31 27 an act of preoccupyi...
preordination 22 19 the act of preordain...
prepossession 25 20 a fixed conception l...
preproduction 29 25 a preliminary produc...
prerevolution 26 23 preceding a revoluti...
pretelevision 26 22 before television [a...
pretermission 25 20 the act or an instan...
prevarication 28 24 the act of prevarica...
privateersman 26 24 a crew member on a p...
privateersmen 26 24 PRIVATEERSMAN, a cre...
privatisation 26 21 the act of privatisi...
privatization 29 30 the act of privatizi...
proglottidean 25 21 of or like a proglot...
proliferation 26 21 a rapid increase in...
prolification 30 24 the production of yo...
pronunciation 25 23 the act or manner of...
propraetorian 24 20 of or like a proprae...
prostaglandin 25 22 any of a group of ch...
protuberation 25 21 a swelling out, a bu...
psychosurgeon 36 27 a practitioner of ps...
pulverisation 27 23 the process of pulve...
pulverization 30 32 the act of pulverizi...
quadrisection 33 28 division into four e...
qualification 36 31 a restriction in mea...
quartodeciman 33 31 an early Christian w...
quindecillion 35 31 ten to the power of...
radialisation 22 16 the process of radia...
radialization 25 25 the process of radia...
radiolocation 24 19 position-finding by...
randomisation 21 19 the process of rando...
randomization 24 28 the act of randomizi...
ratiocination 23 18 the process of exact...
reacquisition 33 27 the act of reacquiri...
reaffirmation 26 23 the act of reaffirmi...
reaggregation 23 20 the act of reaggrega...
reapplication 29 24 the act of reapplyin...
reattribution 24 18 the act of reattribu...
recalculation 29 23 the act of recalcula...
recalibration 27 21 the act of recalibra...
reciprocation 29 23 a mutual exchange [n...
recirculation 29 22 the act of recircula...
recombination 26 24 the formation by the...
recompilation 28 24 the act of recompili...
recomposition 27 23 the act of recomposi...
recompression 27 23 a repeated compressi...
recomputation 27 24 the act of recomputi...
recrimination 25 21 a retaliatory accusa...
rectification 30 23 the act of rectifyin...
redescription 27 21 a new and more compl...
redisposition 24 18 a new disposition [n...
redissolution 23 17 the act of dissolvin...
reduplication 28 23 an act or instance o...
reexamination 26 25 the act of reexamini...
reexportation 28 24 the act of reexporti...
refocillation 28 22 the act of refocilla...
reforestation 22 17 the action of renewi...
reformulation 25 22 the act of reformula...
refrigeration 24 19 the act of refrigera...
regimentation 22 20 the act of regimenti...
regurgitation 24 19 an act of regurgitat...
reimportation 24 20 the act of reimporti...
reincarnation 22 19 the action of reinca...
reinfestation 22 18 a recurrence of an i...
reinnervation 21 20 the act of reinnerva...
reinoculation 24 20 the act of reinocula...
reinstitution 22 16 the act of reinstitu...
reintegration 21 17 the act of reintegra...
relubrication 28 22 the act of relubrica...
remonstration 21 18 the act of remonstra...
renegotiation 20 17 the act of renegotia...
reorientation 19 15 the act of reorienti...
representamen 22 21 the product of repre...
republication 30 25 the act or action of...
repunctuation 26 23 the act of punctuati...
resegregation 22 18 the act of resegrega...
restimulation 24 19 the act of restimula...
resuscitation 25 18 restoration to life...
retranslation 21 16 the act of retransla...
retroflection 27 21 the state of being b...
retrogression 22 16 the act of retrogres...
retrospection 26 20 the act or an instan...
reunification 26 22 the act of reunifyin...
reutilisation 23 16 the process of reuti...
reutilization 26 25 the process of reuti...
revaccination 28 25 the act of revaccina...
revendication 25 23 (French) the action...
reverberation 24 21 an act of reverberat...
revindication 26 23 the act of revindica...
rhizocephalan 34 34 any member of the Rh...
rhythmisation 34 23 the process of rhyth...
rhythmization 37 32 the process of rhyth...
ritualisation 23 16 the act of ritualisi...
ritualization 26 25 the act of ritualizi...
routinisation 21 16 the act of routinisi...
routinization 24 25 the act of routinizi...
ruggedisation 24 20 the process of rugge...
ruggedization 27 29 the process of rugge...
rumelgumption 29 28 commonsense, also RU...
rumlegumption 29 28 commonsense, also RU...
sacralisation 25 18 the process of sacra...
sacralization 28 27 the process of sacra...
scalenohedron 25 22 a hemihedral form bo...
scarification 30 23 the act of scarifyin...
scenarisation 23 18 the process of scena...
scenarization 26 27 the process of scena...
scintillation 27 20 the twinkling of sta...
scintilliscan 31 23 a 2-D image from a r...
scleroprotein 27 21 a large class of pro...
scorification 30 23 the act of scorifyin...
sectorisation 24 17 the process of secto...
sectorization 27 26 the process of secto...
sedimentation 21 19 the act of forming s...
semievergreen 24 23 having functional an...
semipalmation 26 24 the state of being s...
semiporcelain 28 24 any of several ceram...
sensitisation 21 15 the act of sensitisi...
sensitization 24 24 the act of sensitizi...
sequestration 29 24 seizure of goods or...
serialisation 22 15 the process of seria...
serialization 25 24 the process of seria...
sexploitation 30 25 the exploitation of...
sexualisation 28 23 the process of sexua...
sexualization 31 32 the process of sexua...
signalisation 23 18 the process of signa...
signalization 26 27 the act of signalizi...
signification 28 23 the act of signifyin...
socialisation 25 18 the act of socialisi...
socialization 28 27 the act of socializi...
solemnisation 22 19 the act of solemnisi...
solemnization 25 28 the act of solemnizi...
somatotrophin 26 22 a polypeptide growth...
sorbitisation 24 17 the process of sorbi...
sorbitization 27 26 the process of sorbi...
sovietisation 23 18 the process of sovie...
sovietization 26 27 the process of sovie...
specification 32 26 the act of specifyin...
spectinomycin 37 29 a white crystalline...
spheristerion 26 19 a room or court for...
sphingomyelin 35 28 a phospholipid deriv...
spifflication 33 27 the act of spifflica...
sporopollenin 26 23 a polymer that compr...
stabilisation 25 18 the act of stabilisi...
stabilization 28 27 the act of stabilizi...
stagecoachman 30 27 the driver of a stag...
stagecoachmen 30 27 STAGECOACHMAN, the d...
sterilisation 23 15 the act of sterilisi...
sterilization 26 24 the act of sterilizi...
strangulation 23 19 the act of stranglin...
structuration 26 19 the interrelation of...
suballocation 28 23 a subdivision of an...
subcollection 32 26 a subdivision of a c...
subcommission 30 27 to give a subsidiary...
subgeneration 23 21 a subdivision of a g...
subindication 27 23 (obsolete) a hint [n...
subinvolution 27 25 partial or complete...
subirrigation 26 20 irrigation below the...
subordination 23 20 the act of subordina...
subpopulation 29 26 an identifiable frac...
subsaturation 24 19 a state of incomplet...
subsidisation 25 19 the act of subsidisi...
subsidization 28 28 the act of subsidizi...
subtilisation 26 19 the process of subti...
subtilization 29 28 the act of subtilizi...
suburbicarian 30 25 pertaining to suburb...
suffumigation 29 27 fumigation from belo...
sulfurisation 26 20 the process of sulfu...
sulfurization 29 29 the process of treat...
summarisation 24 21 the act of summarisi...
summarization 27 30 the act of summarizi...
superaddition 24 20 addition over and ab...
superfetation 25 21 a second conception...
supernatation 22 19 the state of being s...
superposition 26 21 the act of superposi...
supersalesman 25 22 an exceptional sales...
supersalesmen 25 22 SUPERSALESMAN, an ex...
supplantation 26 23 the act of supplanti...
syllabication 35 24 the act of dividing...
syllogisation 31 20 the process of syllo...
syllogization 34 29 the process of syllo...
symbolisation 32 23 the act of symbolisi...
symbolization 35 32 the act of symbolizi...
syphilisation 34 22 the process of syphi...
syphilization 37 31 the process of syphi...
systematician 32 22 one who studies syst...
systemisation 29 19 the act of systemisi...
systemization 32 28 the act of systemizi...
tantalisation 21 16 the process of tanta...
tantalization 24 25 the process of tanta...
tariffication 29 23 the fixing of a tari...
tartarisation 21 14 the process of tarta...
tartarization 24 23 the process of tarta...
technopolitan 28 24 a member of a techno...
telencephalon 28 25 the anterior subdivi...
teleportation 23 18 the act of moving an...
temporisation 24 20 the act of temporisi...
temporization 27 29 the act of temporizi...
tenderisation 20 16 the act of tenderisi...
tenderization 23 25 the act of tenderizi...
terpsichorean 28 22 of or relating to da...
terrorisation 21 14 the act of terrorisi...
terrorization 24 23 the act of terrorizi...
testification 27 20 the act of testifyin...
thematisation 24 19 the process of makin...
thematization 27 28 the process of makin...
thurification 30 23 purification by use...
thyroglobulin 36 26 an iodine-containing...
tobaccanalian 28 25 (facetious) a smoker...
totipalmation 25 21 the state of being t...
transcription 27 21 the act of transcrib...
transgression 22 17 an act of transgress...
transisthmian 25 20 across an isthmus [a...
translocation 24 19 the act, process, or...
transmountain 21 20 crossing or extendin...
transmutation 22 19 an act of transmutin...
transpiration 23 18 the act of transpiri...
transposition 23 18 an act, process, or...
trapezohedron 27 29 a crystalline form w...
triangulation 23 19 in geology, a method...
trilateration 22 15 a technique involvin...
tropocollagen 28 24 a subunit of collage...
tuberculation 28 23 the formation of tub...
ultramarathon 25 21 a footrace longer th...
underclassman 26 24 a member of the fres...
underclassmen 26 24 UNDERCLASSMAN, a mem...
underreaction 23 20 a less intense react...
upperclassman 31 28 a member of the juni...
upperclassmen 31 28 UPPERCLASSMAN, a mem...
uralitisation 23 16 the process of urali...
uralitization 26 25 the process of urali...
vacuolisation 27 23 the act of producing...
vacuolization 30 32 the act of producing...
valedictorian 27 23 one who bids farewel...
vandalisation 23 21 the act of vandalisi...
vandalization 26 30 the act of vandalizi...
variolisation 24 19 inoculation with sma...
variolization 27 28 inoculation with sma...
vectorisation 26 21 the process of vecto...
vectorization 29 30 the process of vecto...
verbalisation 26 22 the act of verbalisi...
verbalization 29 31 the act of verbalizi...
verbification 31 27 conversion into a ve...
verbigeration 26 23 the obsessive repeti...
vermiculation 29 26 wormlike markings [n...
vernalisation 23 20 subjecting seeds to...
vernalization 26 29 subjecting seeds to...
versification 29 24 the making of verses...
victimisation 29 24 the act of victimisi...
victimization 32 33 the act of victimizi...
villagisation 27 22 the process of makin...
villagization 30 31 the process of makin...
visualisation 25 20 the formation of men...
visualization 28 29 the formation of men...
vitrification 30 24 the process of conve...
volcanisation 26 23 the process of volca...
volcanization 29 32 the process of volca...
vulcanisation 27 24 the process of treat...
vulcanization 30 33 the process of treat...
vulgarisation 26 22 the act of vulgarisi...
vulgarization 29 31 the act of vulgarizi...
weatherperson 27 22 a person who reports...
winterisation 24 18 the act of winterisi...
winterization 27 27 the act of winterizi...
woodcraftsman 30 27 a craftsman who work...
woodcraftsmen 30 27 WOODCRAFTSMAN, a cra...
xiphiplastron 36 30 in chelonians, one o...
yuppification 38 29 the process of conve...
zincification 33 33 the process of coati...
zinkification 31 34 the process of coati...
zombification 33 35 the act of zombifyin...