8 letter words that end with N

8 letter words that end with N

8 letter N word


Words With Friends®


ablation 15 13 surgical removal of...
ablution 16 14 the act of washing o...
aborigen 15 14 an original or nativ...
aborigin 16 14 an original or nativ...
abortion 14 12 the induced expulsio...
abrasion 14 12 a graze on the skin...
abscisin 19 15 abscisic acid, a pla...
abutilon 16 14 (Arabic) a flowering...
acanthin 17 15 a deposit within the...
acaridan 15 13 relating to the Acar...
acrolein 16 13 a flammable liquid,...
acromion 16 15 (Greek) the outer ex...
actinian 15 13 a sea-anemone, also...
adaption 14 13 the act of adapting,...
addition 13 11 something added [n -...
adhesion 14 12 the act of sticking...
adnation 11 11 the state of being a...
adoption 14 13 the act of adopting...
advowson 17 17 the right of present...
aequorin 20 19 a protein secreted b...
aeration 11 9 exposure to the acti...
aesculin 17 14 a glucoside found in...
affusion 17 16 the act of pouring a...
aftersun 15 13 moisturing lotion ap...
agnathan 14 14 any of a family of e...
agnation 12 12 the relationship of...
agraphon 17 16 (Greek) a saying of...
agrarian 13 11 related to land [adj...
airdrawn 16 13 drawn in the air; vi...
airwoman 16 15 a female aviator [n...
airwomen 16 15 AIRWOMAN, a female a...
alderman 14 14 a member of a munici...
aldermen 14 14 ALDERMAN, a member o...
alfaquin 24 23 a teacher of Muslim...
alizarin 17 19 a coloring principle...
alkannin 13 16 a wild flower; a red...
allergen 15 13 a substance that ind...
allergin 16 13 a substance that ind...
allerion 14 11 in heraldry, an eagl...
allusion 15 12 the act of alluding...
alluvion 17 16 land gained from the...
amanitin 13 13 a toxin produced by...
ambition 16 15 aspiration after suc...
amelcorn 17 16 (German) a variety o...
amidogen 14 15 a derivative of ammo...
amoebean 13 15 alternately answerin...
amylogen 21 17 the relatively solub...
analogon 12 13 (Greek) that which i...
anatoxin 17 17 a potent alkaloid to...
anchusin 18 16 a red dye obtained f...
androgen 12 13 a male sex hormone [...
annexion 16 18 (archaic) the act of...
antiarin 12 10 a poisonous principl...
antimuon 13 14 the antiparticle of...
antiphon 16 15 alternate chanting o...
antiporn 14 13 opposed to pornograp...
aphelian 17 15 relating to an aphel...
aphelion 17 15 the farthest point o...
aphidian 17 15 an aphid, any member...
apiarian 14 12 of or relating to be...
aquarian 20 19 a curator of an aqua...
arbutean 14 13 relating to the arbu...
arcadian 15 13 one who lives in an...
archaean 16 14 any member of the ar...
archaeon 16 14 a single celled orga...
armozeen 15 21 a thick plain silk,...
artesian 12 9 pertaining to a well...
ascidian 16 13 a sea-squirt or tuni...
assassin 13 9 a murderer [n -S]
audition 13 11 to give a trial perf...
aularian 13 11 a member of a hall a...
aurelian 13 11 one who studies moth...
aurorean 11 10 relating to the dawn...
autobahn 16 15 (German) a motorway...
aversion 14 13 a feeling of repugna...
aviation 14 13 the aircraft industr...
avoision 14 13 a portmanteau coinag...
avulsion 16 15 the act of pulling a...
bacchian 23 20 relating to the bacc...
backburn 22 23 to set a fire in ord...
backdown 22 23 the abandonment of o...
backspin 22 22 a backward rotation...
baclofen 20 19 a drug used to treat...
bacterin 18 15 a vaccine derived fr...
bailsman 17 16 a person who stands...
bailsmen 17 16 BAILSMAN, a person w...
balladin 17 15 (French) a (male) th...
ballgown 21 19 a long formal dress...
ballpeen 18 17 as in ballpeen hamme...
bandsman 15 17 a member of a band o...
bandsmen 15 17 BANDSMAN, a member o...
bandyman 21 19 in India, one who dr...
bandymen 21 19 BANDYMAN, in India,...
banksman 16 20 an overseer of a pit...
banksmen 16 20 BANKSMAN, an oversee...
barbican 20 18 an outer defensive w...
bargeman 16 17 a man who manages a...
bargemen 16 17 BARGEMAN, a man who...
barracan 17 15 a coarsely woven fab...
bartisan 15 12 a small overhanging...
bartizan 18 21 a corner turret, als...
baseborn 16 15 of low birth [adj]
batwoman 18 18 an officer's female...
batwomen 18 18 BATWOMAN, an officer...
baudekin 16 18 a rich embroidered m...
beadsman 15 16 one who prays for an...
beadsmen 15 16 BEADSMAN, one who pr...
bearskin 16 16 the pelt of a bear [...
bedarken 15 17 to make dark [v -ED,...
bedeafen 15 16 to make deaf [v -ED,...
bedesman 15 16 one who prays for an...
bedesmen 15 16 BEDESMAN, one who pr...
befallen 18 17 BEFALL, to happen or...
begotten 15 14 BEGET, to cause to e...
behappen 20 20 (Spenser) to happen...
beholden 17 16 under an obligation...
bemadden 15 17 to make mad, also BE...
benjamin 17 25 a kind of overcoat [...
benzidin 18 23 a hydrocarbon used i...
berberin 17 15 an alkaloid obtained...
bereaven 15 16 BEREAVE, to deprive...
berghaan 17 16 (Afrikaans) the bate...
berrigan 16 14 an Australian tree w...
bescreen 17 15 to cover with a scre...
besonian 13 13 (Shakespeare) a begg...
bespoken 17 19 BESPEAK, to request...
bestrewn 18 15 BESTREW, to strew, s...
bestrown 18 15 BESTROW, to strew, s...
betatron 14 12 an electron accelera...
bevatron 16 16 a proton accelerator...
bezonian 16 22 (Shakespeare) a begg...
biathlon 18 15 a competition in cro...
bibation 17 15 tippling [n -S]
bigaroon 15 14 any of several heart...
billycan 27 19 (Australian slang) a...
bioclean 18 16 free of harmful orga...
biotoxin 21 19 a poison of biologic...
blackfin 23 23 a food fish, a kind...
bloodfin 18 17 a freshwater fish [n...
blowdown 22 20 an accident in a nuc...
bludgeon 17 17 to hit with a club [...
bluegown 20 19 one of a former clas...
bluesman 17 17 a man who plays the...
bluesmen 17 17 BLUESMAN, a man who...
boardman 15 16 a board member [n BO...
boardmen 15 16 BOARDMAN, a board me...
boatsman 15 15 a man who works on a...
boatsmen 15 15 BOATSMAN, a man who...
bogeyman 22 19 a terrifying creatur...
bogeymen 22 19 BOGEYMAN, a terrifyi...
bohemian 17 17 an unconventional pe...
bombesin 18 18 a hormone partly res...
bondsman 15 17 a male slave [n BOND...
bondsmen 15 17 BONDSMAN, a male sla...
boogyman 22 19 a terrifying creatur...
boogymen 22 19 BOOGYMAN, a terrifyi...
boomtown 18 18 a town which has exp...
bootikin 16 16 (obsolete) a little...
bosthoon 16 14 (Irish) a boor [n -S...
bothyman 24 19 one who lives in a b...
bothymen 24 19 BOTHYMAN, one who li...
boughten 18 17 (archaic) purchased;...
bouillon 17 15 (French) a strong br...
bourgeon 15 15 (obsolete) to sprout...
boxthorn 23 21 a thorny shrub with...
brainpan 16 16 the upper part of th...
brakeman 16 19 a man in charge of a...
brakemen 16 19 BRAKEMAN, a man in c...
brasilin 17 13 a dyestuff obtained...
brazilin 20 22 a dyestuff obtained...
breadbin 17 16 a household containe...
brethren 17 14 BROTHER, a male sibl...
brideman 16 16 a groom's attendant...
bridemen 16 16 BRIDEMAN, a groom's...
brighten 19 16 to make bright [v -E...
brinkman 17 20 someone whose policy...
brinkmen 17 20 BRINKMAN, someone wh...
brodekin 16 17 a high boot worn by...
bromelin 17 16 an enzyme obtained f...
bryozoan 23 23 a type of small aqua...
buckbean 21 23 a marsh plant [n -S]
buckhorn 22 22 the material of a bu...
buckskin 22 24 the skin of a male d...
bulletin 18 15 an official report o...
bullhorn 20 17 (US) a loudhailer [n...
bulnbuln 20 20 (Native Australian)...
bursicon 19 16 a hormone produced b...
busulfan 19 18 a drug used to treat...
butsudan 16 15 a small Buddhist hou...
buttyman 23 18 a comrade in a coalm...
buttymen 23 18 BUTTYMAN, a comrade...
byrlakin 24 19 (archaic) a mediaeva...
cabochon 22 20 (French) a precious...
caducean 18 17 of or belonging to M...
calfskin 21 20 the skin of a calf [...
calutron 17 14 a mass spectrometer...
cameleon 16 16 a small African liza...
campaign 20 20 to conduct an operat...
candyman 22 19 (US slang) a drug-pu...
candymen 22 19 CANDYMAN, (US slang)...
cannabin 16 17 a resin extracted fr...
cannelon 14 15 a stuffed roll [n -S...
cannikin 16 18 a small can or cup,...
canoeman 14 16 a canoeist [n CANOEM...
canoemen 14 16 CANOEMAN, a canoeist...
capeskin 19 19 a type of soft leath...
capitayn 24 17 (Spenser) a captain...
capsicin 22 18 a liquid used as a f...
capuchin 24 21 a South American mon...
carageen 15 14 (Irish) a kind of da...
cardamon 16 16 a spice consisting o...
cardigan 17 15 a woollen jacket whi...
careworn 18 15 showing signs of str...
carillon 18 14 to play a set of bel...
carrotin 16 12 a plant pigment, als...
caryotin 22 14 the nuclear material...
catechin 21 17 one of the tannic ac...
cauldron 17 15 a large kettle or bo...
cavesson 17 16 a noseband for a hor...
cavicorn 21 19 hollow-horned [adj]...
cecropin 21 18 a peptide with antib...
cephalin 21 18 a compound of phosph...
cerulean 16 14 a sky-blue colour, a...
cerulein 17 14 a coal-tar dyestuff,...
cesarean 14 12 a method of child de...
cesarian 15 12 a method of child de...
cetacean 17 15 a type of aquatic ma...
chaffron 22 20 a piece of leather,...
chainman 18 18 a surveyor's assista...
chainmen 18 18 CHAINMAN, a surveyor...
chairman 19 17 the presiding office...
chairmen 19 17 CHAIRMAN, the presid...
chaldron 19 16 an old unit of capac...
chamfron 21 20 a piece of leather,...
champion 21 20 to defend or support...
chanfron 19 18 a piece of leather,...
chaperon 19 17 to accompany and sup...
chaplain 21 18 a Christian clergyma...
characin 21 17 any carnivorous fres...
chawdron 21 18 (Shakespeare) the en...
cherubin 21 18 (Shakespeare) a cher...
chessman 19 17 a piece for a board...
chessmen 19 17 CHESSMAN, a piece fo...
cheveron 19 18 a kid glove [n -S]
children 20 16 CHILD, a young perso...
chinaman 18 18 a tricky ball bowled...
chinamen 18 18 CHINAMAN, a tricky b...
chitosan 18 14 a compound derived f...
chlordan 19 16 a toxic compound of...
choirman 19 17 a male chorister [n...
choirmen 19 17 CHOIRMAN, a male cho...
chondrin 18 16 an elastic, gelatino...
choreman 18 17 a menial worker [n C...
choremen 18 17 CHOREMAN, a menial w...
chowdown 24 21 the act of eating a...
chrismon 20 17 a Christian monogram...
christen 19 14 to baptise [v -ED, -...
chymosin 26 19 rennin [n -S]
cibation 18 15 a process used by al...
ciclaton 20 16 (obsolete) a costly...
ciderkin 18 17 a type of weak cider...
cinnamon 15 17 the spicy bark of a...
cinquain 24 23 a stanza of five lin...
cistvaen 18 16 a tomb covered with...
citation 16 12 an official summons...
citrinin 17 13 an antibiotic [n -S]
civilian 20 17 a nonmilitary person...
clansman 17 17 a member of a clan [...
clansmen 17 17 CLANSMAN, a member o...
classman 18 16 a person who has gai...
classmen 18 16 CLASSMAN, a person w...
clavecin 22 20 a harpsichord [n -S]
clinamen 17 17 (Latin) a bias, an i...
coachman 21 20 one who drives a coa...
coachmen 21 20 COACHMAN, one who dr...
coaction 18 15 joint action [n -S]
cocksman 21 22 a man reputed to be...
cocksmen 21 22 COCKSMAN, a man repu...
codesign 17 15 to design jointly [v...
codomain 16 16 in mathematics, the...
codriven 18 17 CODRIVE, to work as...
coercion 18 15 the act of coercing...
cognomen 16 18 a family name [n COG...
cohesion 17 14 the act of sticking...
colistin 18 13 a type of antibiotic...
collagen 18 16 a fibrous protein th...
colophon 20 18 an inscription place...
colorman 17 16 a sportscaster who c...
colormen 17 16 COLORMAN, a sportsca...
comedian 16 16 a humorous entertain...
comedown 19 19 a drop in status [n...
complain 20 19 to express disconten...
conation 14 13 the inclination to a...
conidian 15 14 relating to a conidi...
conquian 23 23 a card game resembli...
conurban 17 17 relating to a conurb...
conwoman 18 19 a (female) confidenc...
conwomen 18 19 CONWOMAN, a (female)...
coolamon 16 16 (Native Australian)...
cooldown 19 17 a period after exert...
coonskin 16 17 the skin of a raccoo...
cooption 17 15 the act of coopting,...
cootikin 17 16 (Scots) a gaiter, al...
copatron 17 15 a fellow patron [n -...
cordovan 17 17 a fine leather, also...
cordwain 19 16 a fine goatskin leat...
corpsman 19 18 an enlisted man trai...
corpsmen 19 18 CORPSMAN, an enliste...
cotillon 18 14 (French) an elaborat...
cotquean 23 22 a woman of humble bi...
coumarin 17 16 a chemical compound,...
countian 15 14 a resident of a coun...
coxswain 25 22 to steer a racing ro...
cragsman 18 17 someone who climbs c...
cragsmen 18 17 CRAGSMAN, someone wh...
crampoon 18 18 a device for raising...
crankpin 19 20 the handle of a cran...
creation 15 12 something that is cr...
cremosin 17 15 (obsolete) crimson,...
creolian 16 13 a type of mixed lang...
crumhorn 20 18 (German) an ancient...
cryotron 22 14 a tiny form of elect...
cuitikin 19 17 (Scots) a gaiter, al...
cultigen 19 16 a variety of plant o...
culverin 20 18 a lightweight, porta...
cumacean 19 19 a small crustacean l...
curation 16 13 the work of a curato...
curcumin 22 20 the saffron-yellow c...
cyanogen 21 17 a compound of carbon...
cyclamen 27 21 a primulaceous flowe...
daidzein 16 20 a chemical found chi...
dairyman 20 15 a man who owns a dai...
dairymen 20 15 DAIRYMAN, a man who...
dakerhen 15 16 another name for the...
dalesman 14 14 one living in a dale...
dalesmen 14 14 DALESMAN, one living...
damaskin 15 17 to decorate or engra...
damassin 14 13 a kind of modified d...
darraign 14 12 to justify, put in b...
decision 16 13 the act of deciding...
decurion 16 14 (historical) in the...
dedalian 13 12 ingenious and cunnin...
deerhorn 14 12 the horn of a deer [...
deerskin 14 14 the skin of a deer [...
defrozen 17 22 DEFREEZE, to thaw ou...
delation 13 11 the act of informing...
deletion 13 11 the act of deleting...
delusion 14 12 the act of deluding...
demijohn 18 24 (French) a large bot...
demonian 12 14 characteristic of a...
demotion 13 13 the action of demoti...
deration 12 10 to free from rationi...
derision 13 10 the act of deriding...
desyatin 19 12 (Russian) a measure...
deuddarn 13 13 (Welsh) a Welsh dres...
deuteron 12 11 the nucleus of heavy...
devilkin 18 19 a little devil, also...
devonian 13 15 relating to a type o...
devotion 14 14 the act of devoting...
diapason 14 13 a loud, harmonious b...
diazinon 15 20 (tradename) an insec...
dieldrin 15 12 a persistent chemica...
digitron 15 12 a type of tube for d...
digynian 20 15 of or pertaining to...
dihedron 15 13 a flattened double p...
dilation 14 11 the act of dilating...
dilution 15 12 the act of diluting...
diluvian 17 16 pertaining to a floo...
diluvion 17 16 a deposit of superfi...
diobolon 15 14 an ancient Greek coi...
diocesan 15 13 the bishop of a dioc...
diolefin 16 14 a compound containin...
diplogen 17 16 an alternative name...
dipteran 15 13 an insect of the ord...
dipteron 15 13 a two-winged insect,...
disadorn 13 11 to deprive of orname...
discrown 20 16 to deprive of a crow...
disliken 16 15 (Shakespeare) to mak...
disloign 16 13 (Spenser) to put at...
distrain 14 10 to seize and hold pr...
disunion 13 12 the state of being d...
division 16 14 the act of dividing...
dominion 13 14 supreme authority [n...
donation 11 11 something donated [n...
doomsman 14 16 one who pronounces d...
doomsmen 14 16 DOOMSMAN, one who pr...
doorsman 13 13 a porter, a doorkeep...
doorsmen 13 13 DOORSMAN, a porter,...
dotation 12 10 an endowment [n -S]
doubloon 15 15 an obsolete Spanish...
downspin 18 17 a spinning motion [n...
downtown 18 17 the business distric...
downturn 16 15 a downward decline [...
dragoman 14 15 an interpreter in Ea...
dragomen 14 15 DRAGOMAN, an interpr...
dragsman 15 15 the driver of a coac...
dragsmen 15 15 DRAGSMAN, the driver...
drawdown 19 17 a reduction, a dimin...
driftpin 19 16 a metal pin for secu...
drisheen 15 12 a type of Irish saus...
duathlon 16 14 an athletic event wh...
ducatoon 15 14 an old silver coin i...
dunnakin 13 17 an outside lavatory,...
duration 13 11 the portion of time...
dutchman 20 19 something used to hi...
dutchmen 20 19 DUTCHMAN, something...
dynatron 18 13 an electrode thermio...
earthman 15 14 a male inhabitant of...
earthmen 15 14 EARTHMAN, a male inh...
eburnean 13 14 of or like ivory, al...
echiuran 18 15 one of the Echiura,...
eclosion 16 13 the emergence of ins...
ectozoan 17 21 a parasite on the bo...
ectozoon 17 21 a parasite on the bo...
eduction 16 14 the act of drawing o...
effusion 17 16 a pouring or streami...
egestion 13 11 the process of excre...
egyptian 22 16 a typeface with squa...
eighteen 15 13 a number, ten and ei...
einstein 12 10 a very intelligent p...
ejection 17 21 the act of ejecting...
elaterin 13 10 a purgative produced...
election 16 13 the act of electing...
electron 16 13 an elementary partic...
emblazon 19 25 to depict heraldical...
embolden 16 17 to instil with coura...
emersion 13 12 the act of emerging...
emiction 17 15 the discharge of uri...
emission 14 12 the act of emitting...
emoticon 16 15 in computing, an ico...
empatron 15 15 (Shakespeare) to pat...
empoison 15 15 (archaic) to poison...
empyrean 21 17 pertaining to the sk...
emulsion 15 14 a colloidal suspensi...
enaction 14 13 the passing of a bil...
encomion 15 16 (Greek) glowing and...
endbrain 14 14 a part of the brain...
endozoon 13 20 an internal parasite...
enfrosen 13 13 ENFREEZE, to freeze;...
enfrozen 16 22 ENFREEZE, to freeze;...
engraven 14 16 ENGRAVE, to carve a...
enlargen 13 13 to make larger, also...
enneagon 10 13 a polygon with nine...
entozoan 13 19 an internal parasite...
entozoon 13 19 an internal parasite...
envision 14 14 to visualize, also E...
ephedrin 17 15 an alkaloid obtained...
epigaean 14 14 living close to the...
epiploon 17 16 a flap which covers...
episemon 15 15 a badge or character...
epyllion 23 16 a shorter epic poem...
equation 20 19 the act of making eq...
erection 15 12 the act of erecting...
erigeron 13 11 a plant of the genus...
eruption 15 13 the action of a volc...
erythron 21 13 a bodily organ consi...
estragon 13 11 a kind of herb, also...
estrogen 13 11 a female sex-hormone...
ethephon 18 16 a synthetic plant gr...
etherion 14 11 a very light gas onc...
ethician 18 14 an expert upon ethic...
eucaryon 21 15 a type of cell nucle...
eudaemon 12 14 (Greek) a benevolent...
eudaimon 13 14 (Greek) a benevolent...
eukaryon 19 16 a type of cell nucle...
eulachan 18 16 (Native American) th...
eulachon 18 16 (Native American) th...
euonymin 19 16 an extract of the ba...
evection 17 16 a lunar inequality,...
eversion 14 13 the act of turning i...
everyman 21 18 the hero of an old m...
everymen 21 18 EVERYMAN, the hero o...
eviction 18 16 the act of evicting...
evulsion 16 15 the act of pulling o...
exaction 21 19 the act of exacting...
excision 22 19 the act of excising...
exertion 18 16 the act of exerting...
exotoxin 24 23 a secreted toxin [n...
faburden 17 17 (obsolete) a type of...
facedown 20 19 the act of confronti...
falchion 21 18 a curved short sword...
fanfaron 15 16 (Spanish) an empty b...
fauchion 20 18 a curved short sword...
faustian 15 13 in the manner of Fau...
favonian 15 17 of or relating to th...
fedayeen 19 15 FEDAYEE, an Arab com...
fellahin 19 16 FELLAH, a peasant of...
fenthion 16 15 an insecticide [n -S...
ferritin 16 12 a protein in which i...
ferryman 22 17 a man who operates a...
ferrymen 22 17 FERRYMAN, a man who...
fetation 14 12 the development of a...
filarian 16 13 relating to a filari...
finespun 17 17 developed with extre...
finickin 20 20 particular about uni...
fishskin 20 18 the skin of a fish [...
fixation 21 19 the act of fixating...
flaperon 17 16 an airfoil that func...
flashgun 20 18 a photographic appar...
flatiron 16 13 an iron for pressing...
flection 19 16 a bend or a fold [n...
flexagon 22 22 a folded paper const...
flittern 17 13 bark obtained from y...
floorpan 17 16 the bottom part of t...
florigen 17 15 a plant hormone [n -...
fluellen 18 16 a weedy annual relat...
fluellin 19 16 a weedy annual relat...
flyblown 29 22 FLYBLOW, to taint wi...
foilsman 17 16 a fencer [n FOILSMEN...
foilsmen 17 16 FOILSMAN, a fencer [...
footworn 17 15 worn by the passing...
forelain 15 13 FORELAY, to wait in...
foremean 14 15 to intend beforehand...
forenoon 12 13 the period of daylig...
foreplan 17 16 to plan beforehand [...
foreseen 13 12 FORESEE, to see in a...
foreskin 16 16 a fold of skin cover...
forewarn 17 15 to warn in advance,...
foreworn 17 15 worn out, also FORWO...
forfairn 17 15 FORFAIR, (obsolete)...
forgeman 16 17 an iron worker [n FO...
forgemen 16 17 FORGEMAN, an iron wo...
forgiven 18 18 FORGIVE, to pardon [...
formalin 17 16 an aqueous solution...
forsaken 15 16 FORSAKE, to quit or...
forsworn 18 15 FORSWEAR, to deny un...
foughten 18 17 exhausted, especiall...
fountain 14 14 to display water lik...
fourteen 14 13 a number, ten and fo...
fraction 18 15 to divide into porti...
franklin 17 18 a medieval English l...
fraughan 18 17 (Irish) the whortleb...
fraulein 16 14 a German governess [...
freeborn 16 15 born free [adj]
freedman 15 16 a man who has been f...
freedmen 15 16 FREEDMAN, a man who...
freshman 18 17 a first-year student...
freshmen 18 17 FRESHMAN, a first-ye...
friction 19 15 the rubbing of two b...
frighten 19 16 to make afraid, to s...
frontman 15 16 the presenter of a T...
frontmen 15 16 FRONTMAN, the presen...
frontoon 13 13 (French) a pediment...
fruition 16 13 a fulfilment of some...
fugleman 18 19 a soldier placed in...
fuglemen 18 19 FUGLEMAN, a soldier...
function 18 17 to perform or act [v...
funnyman 21 20 a comedian [n FUNNYM...
funnymen 21 20 FUNNYMAN, a comedian...
furfuran 18 17 a chemical used in t...
gallican 19 16 pertaining to a Fren...
gambeson 16 17 (historical) a leath...
gambroon 16 17 a twilled cloth of w...
gamesman 15 17 one who plays games...
gamesmen 15 17 GAMESMAN, one who pl...
ganglion 15 15 a group of nerve cel...
gangsman 15 17 a foreman of a gang...
gangsmen 15 17 GANGSMAN, a foreman...
garrison 14 11 a body of troops sta...
gaussian 14 12 due to the mathemati...
gavelman 17 19 a tenant holding lan...
gavelmen 17 19 GAVELMAN, a tenant h...
gelation 14 12 the process of gelli...
gemshorn 17 16 a chamois horn used...
gildsman 17 16 a male member of a g...
gildsmen 17 16 GILDSMAN, a male mem...
glassman 16 15 a maker or seller of...
glassmen 16 15 GLASSMAN, a maker or...
globulin 19 17 any of a group of si...
glucagon 19 18 a pancreatic hormone...
gluhwein 21 18 a type of wine [n -S...
glutelin 17 14 a simple plant prote...
glutenin 15 14 a protein of cereal...
glycerin 25 17 a non-technical name...
glycogen 25 19 animal starch, as fo...
gnathion 15 14 the tip of the chin...
gnatwren 16 15 any of various speci...
goadsman 14 15 a man who uses a goa...
goadsmen 14 15 GOADSMAN, a man who...
goatskin 15 15 the hide of a goat [...
gohonzon 17 23 a Buddhist paper scr...
gombroon 16 17 a type of Persian po...
gonfalon 15 16 a small flag or penn...
gonfanon 13 16 (historical) a small...
gorgerin 15 13 a part of a column [...
gospodin 16 15 (Russian) a Russian...
gownsman 17 18 one whose profession...
gownsmen 17 18 GOWNSMAN, one whose...
grandson 13 13 the son of one's son...
gravamen 16 18 the most serious par...
graviton 16 15 a hypothetical parti...
gridelin 16 13 (French) a colour, p...
gridiron 15 12 a frame of iron bars...
grillion 17 13 an indefinitely larg...
groschen 19 16 a small German monet...
grounden 13 14 GRIND, to wear, smoo...
guanidin 14 14 a strongly basic com...
guardian 14 13 one that guards [n -...
gueridon 14 13 a small ornate stand...
gumphion 20 20 (Scots) a kind of ba...
gumption 18 18 shrewdness [n -S]
gypseian 22 16 of or pertaining to...
gyration 20 13 the act of gyrating...
hacksawn 22 21 HACKSAW, to cut with...
haematin 15 14 a brown substance co...
halation 15 12 a blurring of light...
handsewn 17 16 sewn by hand [adj]
handyman 21 18 a man who does odd j...
handymen 21 18 HANDYMAN, a man who...
hapteron 16 14 a holdfast or attach...
haqueton 22 21 a stuffed jacket wor...
harmalin 17 15 an alkaloid derived...
harridan 15 12 a sharp-tongued woma...
hawthorn 20 16 a small tree of the...
hazelhen 20 23 a European grouse [n...
headsman 15 15 an executioner [n HE...
headsmen 15 15 HEADSMAN, an executi...
heighten 18 15 to raise [v -ED, -IN...
helmsman 18 18 one who steer a ship...
helmsmen 18 18 HELMSMAN, one who st...
hematein 15 14 a reddish brown or v...
henchman 20 20 an unscrupulous supp...
henchmen 20 20 HENCHMAN, an unscrup...
henequen 21 22 a fibre used to make...
henequin 22 22 a fibre used to make...
heniquen 22 22 a fibre used to make...
heniquin 23 22 a fibre used to make...
heptagon 17 16 a seven-sided polygo...
herdsman 16 15 a keeper of a herd,...
herdsmen 16 15 HERDSMAN, a keeper o...
hereupon 16 15 immediately followin...
herisson 15 11 (French) a pivoted b...
hermaean 14 14 of or like a herma,...
hielaman 16 15 an Australian Aborig...
highborn 21 18 of noble birth [adj]
himation 16 14 a rectangular garmen...
histamin 17 14 a base used in medic...
histidin 17 12 an amino acid found...
histogen 16 13 a more or less well-...
histrion 16 11 (archaic) an actor,...
hoactzin 21 23 a South American bir...
hoastman 15 14 a member of an old m...
hoastmen 15 14 HOASTMAN, a member o...
hoistman 16 14 a person who works a...
hoistmen 16 14 HOISTMAN, a person w...
holddown 19 17 a clamp for holding...
holstein 16 12 a breed of cattle [n...
homespun 18 18 cloth made of yarn s...
hometown 18 17 the town of one's bi...
hominian 15 15 a manlike creature,...
honeybun 22 18 a sweetheart [n -S]
hoolican 18 15 (Gaelic) a Highland...
hooligan 16 14 a street tough [n -S...
horseman 15 14 one who rides a hors...
horsemen 15 14 HORSEMAN, one who ri...
hotelman 16 15 a hotel manager, als...
hotelmen 16 15 HOTELMAN, a hotel ma...
houseman 15 15 a male servant [n HO...
housemen 15 15 HOUSEMAN, a male ser...
huntsman 16 16 a hunter [n HUNTSMEN...
huntsmen 16 16 HUNTSMAN, a hunter [...
hurcheon 20 17 (Scots) an urchin, a...
hyalogen 22 16 a substance found in...
hydrogen 22 16 a gaseous element [n...
hymenean 20 17 of or relating to ma...
hyoidean 20 14 pertaining to the hy...
hypogean 23 18 germinating with cot...
hypopyon 31 21 an accumulation of p...
ideation 12 10 the power of the min...
idyllian 22 14 simple and happy, al...
ignition 14 12 the act of igniting...
ignitron 14 12 a device for conduct...
iguanian 13 13 resembling, or perta...
illation 15 11 the act of inferring...
illision 16 11 the act of striking...
illusion 16 12 a false perception [...
imbolden 17 17 to instil with coura...
imprison 17 15 to confine in a pris...
inaction 15 13 lack of action [n -S...
incision 16 13 the act of incising...
infixion 21 20 the act of infixing...
infobahn 18 18 an information super...
infusion 15 14 the act of infusing...
inhesion 14 12 the state of being i...
inkstain 14 14 a stain made by ink...
insectan 15 13 pertaining to insect...
insucken 17 18 in Scots law, relati...
integrin 14 12 any of a superfamily...
inustion 13 11 burning in [n -S]
invasion 14 14 the act of invading...
invertin 15 14 an unorganized ferme...
iodation 12 10 the act of iodating...
iodopsin 15 13 a light sensitive pi...
irenicon 15 13 a peace-making messa...
irrision 14 9 the act of laughing...
islesman 15 13 an islander, also IS...
islesmen 15 13 ISLESMAN, an islande...
isochron 18 14 a line connecting po...
isodicon 16 13 in the Greek Church,...
isodomon 13 13 a type of masonry, a...
isopodan 14 13 a kind of crustacean...
isthmian 17 14 a native of an isthm...
jambolan 18 25 (Sanskrit) the rose-...
jehadeen 15 21 Islamic freedom figh...
jerrican 18 21 a fuel container, al...
jerrycan 24 23 a fuel container, al...
jettison 15 18 to throw overboard [...
jihadeen 16 21 islamic freedom figh...
jobation 16 21 a long, tedious rebu...
junction 18 23 an intersection [n -...
kaiserin 14 13 a kaiser's wife [n -...
kakiemon 15 20 a type of Japanese p...
kalamdan 15 18 a Persian writing-ca...
kallidin 17 16 a naturally occurrin...
karyotin 20 15 a readily stained su...
kenotron 12 14 a type of diode (val...
kephalin 19 19 a compound of phosph...
khamseen 16 18 (Arabic) the sirocco...
kickdown 22 24 a method of changing...
kistvaen 16 17 (Welsh) a tomb cover...
klystron 22 16 a type of electron t...
knifeman 16 20 a man armed with a k...
knifemen 16 20 KNIFEMAN, a man arme...
krumhorn 18 19 (German) an ancient...
laevulin 17 16 a sugar occurring in...
lamantin 14 14 a large aquatic mamm...
lambskin 19 20 the skin of a lamb [...
landsman 14 15 a man who lives and...
landsmen 14 15 LANDSMAN, a man who...
langshan 16 15 (Chinese) a small bl...
lanthorn 15 13 (obsolete) a lantern...
larrigan 15 12 a long boot made of...
larrikin 16 14 a rowdy or hooligan...
lasslorn 15 11 (Shakespeare) forsak...
lastborn 16 13 a child born last in...
lavandin 15 16 a hybrid plant with...
lavation 15 14 the act of washing o...
laxation 19 17 the act of loosening...
laywoman 23 18 a female member of t...
laywomen 23 18 LAYWOMAN, a female m...
leadsman 14 14 the man who heaves t...
leadsmen 14 14 LEADSMAN, the man wh...
leathern 15 12 made of leather [adj...
lecithin 20 15 a complex substance...
legation 14 12 the sending of an of...
lemurian 15 14 like a lemur [adj] /...
lengthen 16 15 to make longer [v -E...
lenition 13 11 a change in articula...
lernaean 11 11 in Greek myth relati...
leucosin 17 14 a cereal albumen [n...
lewisson 17 13 a dovetailed iron te...
libation 16 13 a ceremonial pouring...
lichenin 19 16 a substance isomeric...
liegeman 15 15 a feudal vassal [n L...
liegemen 15 15 LIEGEMAN, a feudal v...
lifespan 18 16 the time from birth...
ligation 15 12 the act of binding [...
limation 15 13 filing; (figurative)...
limekiln 18 18 a furnace in which s...
linchpin 22 19 a locking pin insert...
linesman 14 14 an official who help...
linesmen 14 14 LINESMAN, an officia...
linksman 16 18 a golfer [n LINKSMEN...
linksmen 16 18 LINKSMAN, a golfer [...
linkspan 17 18 a ramp attached to a...
lobation 15 13 the formation of lob...
location 16 13 the position in a pa...
lockdown 21 21 the confinement of p...
locksman 19 20 a turnkey; a lockkee...
locksmen 19 20 LOCKSMAN, a turnkey;...
locution 17 14 a style of speech, i...
lodesman 14 14 a pilot [n LODESMEN]
lodesmen 14 14 LODESMAN, a pilot [n...
loftsman 17 16 someone who makes a...
loftsmen 17 16 LOFTSMAN, someone wh...
logician 18 15 one who is skilled i...
longeron 13 13 a longitudinal membe...
longhorn 16 15 one of a breed of lo...
lookdown 17 18 a marine fish [n -S]
lovelorn 16 15 not loved [adj]
lunarian 13 12 (archaic) an inhabit...
lunation 13 12 a lunar month; the i...
luncheon 18 17 a midday meal [n -S]...
luteolin 15 12 a yellow dyestuff ob...
luxation 20 18 the dislocation of a...
lynchpin 28 21 a locking pin insert...
macaroon 15 15 a sweet biscuit made...
macruran 17 16 any of a suborder of...
madbrain 16 16 (Shakespeare) a rash...
madwoman 17 19 a woman who is insan...
madwomen 17 19 MADWOMAN, a woman wh...
magainin 14 15 one of several chemi...
magdalen 15 16 a reformed prostitut...
magician 18 17 one who is skilled i...
magneton 13 15 a unit of magnetic m...
maintain 13 13 to keep in proper co...
malarian 14 13 relating to malaria,...
mandarin 13 14 a member of one of n...
mandolin 14 15 a musical instrument...
manganin 13 16 an alloy of copper,...
mannikin 14 18 an anatomical model...
mansworn 16 16 (archaic) a perjurer...
marathon 15 14 a long-distance race...
marchman 20 20 a person living near...
marchmen 20 20 MARCHMAN, a person l...
margarin 15 14 a butter substitute...
markdown 18 20 the act of labelling...
marksman 16 19 a person skillful at...
marksmen 16 19 MARKSMAN, a person s...
marocain 16 15 a dress material fin...
maroquin 22 22 goat leather, morocc...
martagon 14 14 a kind of lily [n -S...
marzipan 19 24 a confection of grou...
mascaron 16 15 a grotesque face on...
mastodon 13 13 a large extinct mamm...
matachin 19 17 (Spanish) a masked s...
matfelon 16 16 the greater knapweed...
melanian 13 14 one of a family of f...
melittin 16 13 a toxic polypeptide...
melodeon 13 14 a small reed organ,...
melodion 14 14 a small reed organ,...
meltdown 18 17 the melting of the c...
menhaden 14 16 (Native American) an...
menschen 18 18 MENSCH, an admirable...
meresman 14 15 a man appointed to a...
meresmen 14 15 MERESMAN, a man appo...
meridian 14 13 a line of longitude...
merryman 21 17 a zany, a jester [n...
merrymen 21 17 MERRYMAN, a zany, a...
mescalin 18 16 the principal alkalo...
mesotron 13 12 a former name for th...
mesozoan 15 21 any of a phylum of w...
metazoan 15 21 any of a major divis...
metazoon 15 21 any of a major divis...
methadon 15 15 a synthetic drug sim...
mezereon 15 21 an early-flowering w...
michigan 21 19 (US) a card game, eq...
midbrain 17 16 the middle region of...
milesian 15 13 of Irish origin [adj...
mirliton 16 13 (French) a musical i...
misalign 17 15 to align improperly...
misbegan 17 17 MISBEGIN, to begin w...
misbegin 18 17 to begin wrongly [v...
misbegun 18 18 MISBEGIN, to begin w...
miscegen 18 17 a person of mixed ra...
misdrawn 18 16 MISDRAW, to draw inc...
miseaten 13 12 MISEAT, to eat impro...
misfeign 18 17 (Spenser) to feign w...
misgiven 18 18 MISGIVE, to make dou...
misgrown 19 17 MISGROW, to grow abn...
misknown 18 20 MISKNOW, to fail to...
mislearn 15 13 to learn wrongly [v...
mistaken 15 16 MISTAKE, to interpre...
mistrain 15 12 to train improperly...
misunion 14 14 a bad union [n -S]
mocassin 17 15 (Native American) a...
moccasin 20 18 (Native American) a...
moleskin 16 17 a heavy durable cott...
monecian 15 16 having separate male...
monellin 15 15 a protein extracted...
moneyman 19 18 a person specializin...
moneymen 19 18 MONEYMAN, a person s...
mongcorn 17 18 a mixed grain, esp....
monition 13 13 a caution; a warning...
moorburn 16 16 the seasonal burning...
morphean 17 17 pertaining to Morphe...
mortmain 15 15 the perpetual owners...
motorman 14 15 one who operates an...
motormen 14 15 MOTORMAN, one who op...
moufflon 19 20 (French) a Corsican...
mountain 13 14 a large, natural ele...
mousekin 15 17 (archaic) a little m...
muirburn 18 17 the seasonal burning...
mulligan 18 17 a stew of meat and v...
multiton 16 14 weighing many tons [...
munchkin 21 23 a very small person,...
mungcorn 18 19 a mixed grain, esp....
munition 14 14 to furnish with war...
muscadin 18 17 (French) a Parisian...
musician 18 16 one who performs or...
muskoxen 21 24 MUSKOX, a large bovi...
mutation 14 13 the act of changing...
mutchkin 22 22 (historical) an old...
mycelian 24 18 relating to mycelium...
myrmidon 22 18 (Greek) a loyal foll...
napoleon 13 14 (French) an obsolete...
naproxen 19 20 an anti-inflammatory...
naricorn 15 13 the horny terminatio...
natation 11 10 the act of swimming...
negation 12 12 the act of negating...
negatron 12 12 a hypothetical atomi...
neomycin 22 18 an antibiotic used t...
neopagan 13 15 a modern believer in...
neotoxin 17 17 any harmful substanc...
neuraxon 17 18 a part of a neuron [...
nicotian 15 13 a tobacco smoker [n...
nidation 12 11 the process by which...
nigrosin 14 12 a blackish coal-tar...
nineteen 10 11 a number, ten and ni...
nitrogen 13 12 a gaseous element [n...
nivation 14 14 weathering of rock w...
nobleman 15 17 a noble [n NOBLEMEN]
noblemen 15 17 NOBLEMAN, a noble [n...
nodation 11 11 the act of making a...
nolition 13 11 unwillingness [n -S]
nongreen 11 13 not green [adj]
nonhuman 14 17 a creature that is n...
nonpagan 13 16 one who is not a pag...
nonunion 10 13 failure of a broken...
nonurban 13 15 not the city [adj]
nonwoven 15 18 a fabric not made by...
northern 14 12 a person living in t...
notation 11 10 a system of symbols...
noumenon 11 15 (Greek) an object of...
novation 13 14 the substitution of...
nudation 12 12 the act of making ba...
nuncheon 16 17 a light meal [n -S]
nutarian 12 11 an advocate of nuts...
nutation 12 11 a nodding [n -S]
nutbrown 18 17 of a dark brown [adj...
nymphean 23 20 of or relating to a...
nystatin 19 12 an antifungal antibi...
obesogen 14 14 a substance that cau...
oblation 15 13 the act of making a...
oblivion 18 17 a state of having fo...
obsidian 15 13 a dark-coloured vitr...
occasion 18 15 to cause [v -ED, -IN...
octaroon 14 12 a person having one-...
octoroon 14 12 a person having one-...
odyssean 18 12 of or like an odysse...
oedipean 13 13 pertaining to the li...
oerlikon 14 14 (Swiss) a type of an...
omadhaun 15 16 (Irish) a fool, idio...
omission 14 12 something left out [...
onscreen 14 13 as shown on televisi...
oolachan 17 15 the North Pacific ca...
oolichan 18 15 (Native American) th...
oophoron 15 14 an ovary [n -S]
ophidian 17 15 a snake [n -S]
ophiuran 17 15 a member of the Ophi...
optician 18 15 one who deals in opt...
ordalian 13 11 of or relating to an...
orillion 15 11 part of a fortificat...
orthicon 18 14 a kind of television...
osteogen 12 11 a substance from whi...
ostracon 15 12 a piece of tile for...
ostrakon 13 13 a piece of tile for...
oulachon 18 16 (Native American) th...
outdrawn 16 14 OUTDRAW, to attract...
outeaten 11 10 OUTEAT, to surpass i...
outflown 19 17 OUTFLY, to surpass i...
outfrown 18 16 to frown more than [...
outgiven 16 16 OUTGIVE, to give mor...
outgnawn 16 16 OUTGNAW, to surpass...
outgrown 17 15 OUTGROW, to grow too...
outlearn 13 11 to surpass in learni...
outpreen 14 13 to surpass in preeni...
outreign 14 12 to reign longer than...
outscorn 16 13 to surpass in scorni...
outsworn 16 13 OUTSWEAR, to surpass...
outtaken 13 14 OUTTAKE, to take out...
overborn 16 16 OVERBEAR, to bring d...
overburn 17 17 to burn too much; to...
overkeen 14 17 excessively keen [ad...
overlain 15 14 OVERLAY, to lay over...
overplan 17 17 to plan to excess [v...
overseen 13 13 OVERSEE, to watch ov...
oversewn 17 16 OVERSOW, to sow over...
oversman 15 16 an umpire [n OVERSME...
oversmen 15 16 OVERSMAN, an umpire...
oversoon 13 13 too soon [adv]
oversown 17 16 OVERSOW, to sow over...
overspin 17 16 a forward spin impar...
overthin 17 15 too thin [adj]
overturn 15 14 to turn over [v -ED,...
overween 16 16 to expect too much;...
overworn 17 16 OVERWEAR, to wear ou...
oxymoron 25 21 a self-contradictory...
oxytocin 28 21 a pituitary hormone...
pacation 17 15 appeasement [n -S]
pagurian 16 15 a hermit crab, also...
paleocon 17 16 an extremely right-w...
palmitin 18 16 a glyceride of palmi...
panacean 15 16 having the propertie...
pancheon 18 18 a wide-brimmed, shal...
panchion 19 18 a wide-brimmed, shal...
pangolin 16 16 the scaly anteater [...
panhuman 17 19 pertaining to all hu...
pannikin 15 18 a small metal cup [n...
pantalon 14 14 a movement in a quad...
pantheon 15 15 a temple dedicated t...
papillon 19 17 (French) a breed of...
papyrian 23 17 like papyrus, a parc...
paraffin 19 18 any saturated hydroc...
parazoan 16 21 any of a major divis...
parazoon 16 21 any member of the Pa...
parergon 15 14 (Greek) a piece of w...
parishen 17 14 (Scots) a parish, al...
parmesan 15 15 a hard, dry Italian...
parochin 20 17 (Scots) a parish, al...
partaken 15 16 PARTAKE, to particip...
partisan 15 12 biased [adj PARTISAN...
partizan 18 21 an adherent of a per...
parvolin 18 17 a ptomaine formed in...
pathogen 17 16 a disease-producing...
pattypan 23 17 a pan in which patti...
pauldron 16 15 a shoulder plate for...
pavilion 18 17 to cover with a larg...
pavillon 19 18 the bell of a wind i...
pavonian 15 17 of or relating to pe...
peabrain 16 15 a stupid person [n -...
pearmain 15 15 a variety of apple [...
pelagian 16 15 of or pertaining to...
pelorian 15 13 showing peloria, an...
pemmican 20 21 a food prepared by N...
pentagon 14 15 a five-sided polygon...
pentosan 13 13 a complex carbohydra...
penwoman 17 19 a female person skil...
penwomen 17 19 PENWOMAN, a female p...
percolin 19 16 a small bird, a cros...
peregrin 16 14 a swift falcon much...
perigean 15 14 relating to a perige...
permatan 15 15 a permanent tan [n -...
pertaken 15 16 PERTAKE, to particip...
peterman 15 15 a safe-blower [n PET...
petermen 15 15 PETERMAN, a safe-blo...
petition 15 12 to make a formal req...
phenazin 19 24 a chemical compound,...
phlegmon 20 20 an inflammation with...
phosphin 22 19 a colorless gas anal...
photogen 17 16 a light-producing or...
phthalin 21 17 a colourless crystal...
piazzian 21 30 relating to a piazza...
picarian 18 15 a woodpecker or simi...
picaroon 17 15 (Spanish) a pirate s...
piccanin 21 19 a little child, esp....
pigmaean 16 17 pygmy-like, also PIG...
pilotman 17 16 a railway employee a...
pilotmen 17 16 PILOTMAN, a railway...
pimenton 15 16 smoked chilli powder...
pitchman 22 20 a salesman of small...
pitchmen 22 20 PITCHMAN, a salesman...
pivotman 18 19 a centre on a basket...
pivotmen 18 19 PIVOTMAN, a centre o...
placeman 19 19 a political appointe...
placemen 19 19 PLACEMAN, a politica...
plaidman 17 17 a Highlander [n PLAI...
plaidmen 17 17 PLAIDMAN, a Highland...
plankton 16 18 the minute animal an...
plantain 15 14 any of various low-g...
plastron 16 13 a fencer's padded br...
plateman 16 16 someone who is in ch...
platemen 16 16 PLATEMAN, someone wh...
playdown 25 19 a playoff [n -S]
plebeian 17 16 relating to the comm...
plectron 19 16 a small pointed obje...
pleuston 16 14 organisms living in...
pliotron 16 13 a type of vacuum tub...
pointman 15 16 the soldier at the h...
pointmen 15 16 POINTMAN, the soldie...
poltroon 15 13 a despicable coward,...
polyaxon 27 22 a nerve cell with mu...
polyphon 26 20 a character or vocal...
polyzoan 24 24 a bryozoan, a moss o...
polyzoon 24 24 one of the individua...
ponyskin 22 19 the skin of a foal u...
portolan 15 13 (Italian) in the Mid...
portulan 16 14 in the Middle Ages,...
poshteen 16 14 an Afghan sheepskin...
position 15 12 to put in a particul...
positron 15 12 an electron but with...
postburn 18 16 following a burn [ad...
postteen 14 12 occurring after one'...
potation 14 12 the act of drinking...
pouldron 16 15 a shoulder-plate of...
pozzolan 21 31 (Italian) volcanic a...
preclean 18 16 to clean beforehand...
prehuman 18 18 a prototype of man [...
prenomen 14 16 the first name of an...
preshown 20 17 PRESHOW, to show bef...
pression 15 12 pressure [n -S]
pressman 16 15 a printing press ope...
pressmen 16 15 PRESSMAN, a printing...
pressrun 16 13 a continuous operati...
pretrain 15 12 to train beforehand...
preunion 14 14 a union beforehand [...
priapean 16 15 phallic, also PRIAPI...
prizeman 19 24 a winner of a prize...
prizemen 19 24 PRIZEMAN, a winner o...
prochain 20 17 nearest in time, rel...
prochein 20 17 nearest in time, rel...
prolamin 17 16 one of a group of pr...
propylon 24 18 an entrance to a tem...
proseman 15 15 a writer of prose [n...
prosemen 15 15 PROSEMAN, a writer o...
prosopon 16 15 the embodiment of an...
protamin 16 15 any of a class of si...
proturan 15 13 any of an order of w...
prounion 14 14 favouring labour uni...
prussian 16 13 as in prussian blue,...
psilocin 20 16 a hallucinogenic dru...
psoralen 15 13 a drug used to treat...
publican 22 20 one who owns or mana...
punaluan 15 16 pertaining to punalu...
puncheon 19 19 a cask; a liquid mea...
punition 15 14 punishment [n -S]
puntsman 16 17 someone who uses a p...
puntsmen 16 17 PUNTSMAN, someone wh...
pupation 17 16 the act of becoming...
purpurin 19 17 a reddish dye [n -S]
purslain 17 14 a pot herb and salad...
pushdown 21 19 a store of computer...
putcheon 20 18 a wire trap for catc...
pygmaean 22 19 pygmy-like, also PIG...
qalamdan 22 23 (Persian) a Persian...
quadroon 20 20 an old term for a pe...
quarrian 21 19 a kind of cockatiel,...
quarrion 21 19 a kind of cockatiel,...
quartern 21 19 a fourth part [n -S]
quatrain 21 19 a stanza of four lin...
question 21 19 to ask [v -ED, -ING,...
quillman 25 24 a clerk [n QUILLMEN]
quillmen 25 24 QUILLMAN, a clerk [n...
quinolin 22 21 a pungent, colourles...
quintain 21 20 (historical) a post...
radioman 13 13 a radio operator or...
radiomen 13 13 RADIOMAN, a radio op...
raftsman 16 15 one who manages a ra...
raftsmen 16 15 RAFTSMAN, one who ma...
rambutan 16 16 (Malay) a tree of th...
ramequin 22 22 a small casserole di...
rampsman 17 18 a person who exploit...
rampsmen 17 18 RAMPSMAN, a person w...
ramshorn 16 14 a snail used as an a...
ranarian 11 10 pertaining to frogs...
ranchman 18 18 one who works on or...
ranchmen 18 18 RANCHMAN, one who wo...
rataplan 15 13 to make a rapidly re...
reaction 15 12 the act of reacting...
rearisen 12 9 REARISE, to arise ag...
reassign 14 11 to assign again [v -...
reattain 12 9 to attain again [v -...
reawaken 15 16 to wake again [v -ED...
reawoken 15 16 REAWAKE, to awake ag...
rebidden 15 14 REBID, to bid again...
rebitten 15 12 REBITE, in engraving...
rebutton 15 13 to button again [v -...
rechosen 17 14 RECHOOSE, to choose...
recision 16 12 a cancellation [n -S...
redesign 14 12 to design again [v -...
redriven 15 14 REDRIVE, to drive ag...
refallen 16 14 REFALL, to fall agai...
refasten 14 12 to fasten again [v -...
refrozen 17 21 REFREEZE, to freeze...
refusion 15 13 the act of fusing ag...
regalian 14 12 (archaic) regal [adj...
reharden 14 12 to harden again [v -...
reinsman 13 13 a skilled rider of h...
reinsmen 13 13 REINSMAN, a skilled...
relation 13 10 an association betwe...
religion 15 12 belief in a higher p...
remotion 13 12 the act of removing...
reobtain 14 12 to obtain again [v -...
reordain 12 10 to ordain again [v -...
replevin 18 17 to regain possession...
replicon 19 16 a part of a DNA mole...
rescreen 15 12 to screen again [v -...
reseason 11 9 to season again [v -...
reshaven 16 15 RESHAVE, to shave ag...
resoften 14 12 to soften again [v -...
resorcin 16 12 a colourless phenol...
respoken 15 16 RESPEAK, to speak ag...
restrain 13 9 to hold back [v -ED,...
resummon 15 16 to summon again [v -...
revision 15 13 a revised version, a...
rhodamin 16 15 a synthetic dyestuff...
rifampin 19 18 an antibiotic [n -S]
rifleman 17 16 a soldier armed with...
riflemen 17 16 RIFLEMAN, a soldier...
rigadoon 13 12 a lively Baroque per...
rigaudon 14 13 (French) a lively Ba...
riparian 15 12 of or inhabiting a r...
riverain 15 13 a riverside dweller...
riverman 16 16 a man who works on a...
rivermen 16 16 RIVERMAN, a man who...
roadsman 13 13 one who works making...
roadsmen 13 13 ROADSMAN, one who wo...
roentgen 12 12 a unit of radiation...
rogation 13 11 an asking or supplic...
rosarian 12 9 a cultivator of rose...
rotation 12 9 an instance of rotat...
routeman 13 13 a man who conducts b...
routemen 13 13 ROUTEMAN, a man who...
rubellan 17 15 a mineral, an altere...
safranin 14 13 the yellow colouring...
sainfoin 14 13 a leguminous plant,...
salesman 14 13 a man who sells merc...
salesmen 14 13 SALESMAN, a man who...
salopian 15 13 relating to a salop,...
salpicon 19 16 (French) a dish comp...
sanction 15 13 to authorize [v -ED,...
santalin 13 11 colouring matter [n...
santonin 11 11 an anthelminthic ext...
sarrasin 13 9 (French) buckwheat,...
sarrazin 16 18 (French) buckwheat,...
sassolin 14 10 a native boric acid,...
saucepan 17 16 a cooking utensil [n...
scalepan 18 16 a pan on a weighing...
scallion 18 14 an onion-like plant...
scansion 15 13 the mode of analysin...
scarfpin 21 18 a pin for fastening...
sceneman 15 16 a scene-shifter [n S...
scenemen 15 16 SCENEMAN, a scene-sh...
scholion 19 15 (Greek) a marginal a...
scission 17 12 a division or split...
scoinson 15 13 the inner part of a...
scontion 15 13 the inner part of a...
scorpion 18 15 any arachnid of the...
scroggin 19 16 (Australian) a hiker...
scullion 19 15 a kitchen servant wh...
sealskin 15 14 the skin of a seal [...
searobin 14 12 an American fish of...
seatrain 12 9 a ship equipped to c...
seawoman 15 15 a woman serving at s...
seawomen 15 15 SEAWOMAN, a woman se...
sebesten 14 12 (Arabic) an oriental...
secretin 16 12 a hormone secreted b...
sedation 12 10 the reduction of str...
sedition 13 10 incitement or rebell...
seedsman 13 13 a dealer in seeds, a...
seedsmen 13 13 SEEDSMAN, a dealer i...
seldseen 13 11 (obsolete) seldom se...
selenian 12 11 of the moon [adj]
semillon 16 14 a white grape grown...
semiopen 15 15 partly open [adj]
sengreen 12 12 houseleek, a plant w...
seraphin 17 14 (Portuguese) a forme...
shadchan 20 17 a Jewish marriage br...
shadkhan 18 18 (Hebrew) a Jewish ma...
shagreen 15 13 the rough skin of ce...
shagroon 15 13 (Irish) an early set...
shalloon 16 13 a light woollen fabr...
shamisen 16 14 (Japanese) a banjo-l...
shareman 15 14 a fisherman who shar...
sharemen 15 14 SHAREMAN, a fisherma...
shearman 15 14 a textile worker [n...
shearmen 15 14 SHEARMAN, a textile...
sheepman 17 17 a man who raises she...
sheepmen 17 17 SHEEPMAN, a man who...
shireman 16 14 a law-enforcement of...
shiremen 16 14 SHIREMAN, a law-enfo...
shoehorn 16 13 to force into a smal...
shopworn 20 17 showing wear from be...
shoreman 15 14 one who dwells on or...
shoremen 15 14 SHOREMAN, one who dw...
showdown 21 18 an event that causes...
shrunken 16 17 SHRINK, to contract...
shuriken 17 16 (Japanese) a handhel...
shutdown 19 16 a temporary closing...
shwanpan 19 18 (Chinese) a Chinese...
sialidan 14 11 an alderfly, also SI...
sideburn 16 14 either of two strips...
sidesman 14 13 a deputy churchwarde...
sidesmen 14 13 SIDESMAN, a deputy c...
sidespin 16 13 a type of spin impar...
silurian 15 11 formed in the third...
simoleon 14 13 (US slang) a dollar...
sirenian 12 10 any of an order of a...
skeechan 18 18 (Gaelic) a kind of b...
skeleton 14 14 the supporting bone...
skiatron 14 13 a cathode-ray tube [...
skillion 17 15 (Australian) an outh...
skokiaan 14 17 (Zulu) a strong home...
skyrmion 22 18 a mathematical model...
slattern 14 10 a slovenly woman [n...
sleeveen 14 14 (Irish) a crafty, sm...
slimdown 19 17 an instance of an or...
slowdown 20 17 a lessening of pace...
slughorn 18 15 (Browning) an old fo...
smidgeon 15 15 a very small amount,...
smilodon 15 14 an extinct genus of...
smoothen 15 14 to free from lumps,...
sneeshan 13 12 (Scots) snuff, also...
sneeshin 14 12 (Scots) snuff, also...
solation 13 10 liquefaction of a ge...
solution 14 11 the act of solving o...
somewhen 18 17 at some indefinite t...
sonarman 12 13 a man who operates s...
sonarmen 12 13 SONARMAN, a man who...
sorbitan 15 12 a chemical compound...
sorption 15 12 the process or sorbi...
soundman 13 15 a person who control...
soundmen 13 15 SOUNDMAN, a person w...
southern 15 12 in the south [adj SO...
southron 15 12 someone from the sou...
spaceman 18 18 an astronaut [n SPAC...
spacemen 18 18 SPACEMAN, an astrona...
spademan 15 16 a worker with a spad...
spademen 15 16 SPADEMAN, a worker w...
spadroon 14 13 (historical) a sword...
spaldeen 15 14 a small hollow rubbe...
spalpeen 17 16 (Irish) a scamp, a g...
speargun 16 15 a gun that shoots sp...
spearman 15 15 a man armed with a s...
spearmen 15 15 SPEARMAN, a man arme...
specimen 19 18 a representative of...
spectrin 19 15 a protein found in r...
spelaean 14 13 living in caves, als...
speldrin 17 14 a haddock or other s...
spilikin 19 17 a small slip of wood...
spittoon 15 12 a receptacle for sal...
sponsion 14 13 the act of becoming...
spontoon 13 13 a small-headed halbe...
spredden 15 14 SPRED, (obsolete) to...
spunyarn 21 16 rope of yarns twiste...
squadron 21 20 to organize in divis...
squarson 21 19 a clergyman who is a...
squawman 25 25 a white man with an...
squawmen 25 25 SQUAWMAN, a white ma...
squireen 21 19 (facetious) one who...
staffman 18 18 a person who holds t...
staffmen 18 18 STAFFMAN, a person w...
staghorn 16 13 a stag's antler [n -...
stallion 15 11 an uncastrated male...
stallman 16 14 a keeper of a stall...
stallmen 16 14 STALLMAN, a keeper o...
staragen 13 11 (obsolete) the tarra...
stasimon 14 12 a choral ode in an a...
steapsin 15 12 an enzyme present in...
steelman 14 13 a worker in the stee...
steelmen 14 13 STEELMAN, a worker i...
stegodon 13 12 an extinct mammal wi...
stellion 15 11 an East Mediterranea...
sternson 12 10 the end of a ship's...
stickman 19 19 one who supervises p...
stickmen 19 19 STICKMAN, one who su...
stickpin 21 19 a decorative tiepin...
stiction 17 12 frictional force whi...
stillion 16 11 a cask stand, also S...
stillman 17 14 one who operates a d...
stillmen 17 14 STILLMAN, one who op...
stillson 16 11 (tradename) a kind o...
stockman 18 19 a man who owns or ra...
stockmen 18 19 STOCKMAN, a man who...
storeman 13 12 a storekeeper [n STO...
storemen 13 12 STOREMAN, a storekee...
stowdown 19 16 the process of stowi...
straiten 13 9 to make strait, narr...
stricken 18 16 strongly affected or...
stridden 14 11 STRIDE, to walk with...
strooken 13 13 STRIKE, to hit [v]
stroupan 15 13 (Scots) a drink of t...
strucken 18 17 STRIKE, to hit [v]
stubborn 18 16 obstinate [adj STUBB...
stuntman 14 14 a stand-in for dange...
stuntmen 14 14 STUNTMAN, a stand-in...
sturgeon 14 12 a large fish of nort...
subbasin 18 16 a section of an area...
subhuman 19 19 one that is less tha...
subocean 17 16 beneath the ocean [a...
subtaxon 21 20 a subdivision of a t...
subtilin 18 14 an antibiotic [n -S]
suburban 18 17 one who lives in a s...
sudation 13 11 excessive sweating [...
sumpitan 17 16 (Malay) a Malay blow...
superfan 17 16 an exceedingly devot...
supergun 17 16 a very large gun [n...
superman 16 16 a hypothetical super...
supermen 16 16 SUPERMAN, a hypothet...
sutorian 13 10 relating to cobbling...
suzerain 16 19 a feudal lord [n -S]
swagsman 18 17 a man who seeks work...
swagsmen 18 17 SWAGSMAN, a man who...
swanskin 17 17 a soft napped fabric...
swaption 18 15 a swap option [n -S]
sweetman 16 15 (Caribbean) a man ke...
sweetmen 16 15 SWEETMAN, (Caribbean...
swingbin 20 18 a rubbish bin with a...
swingman 18 18 a basketball player...
swingmen 18 18 SWINGMAN, a basketba...
swordman 17 16 one who wields a swo...
swordmen 17 16 SWORDMAN, one who wi...
syndeton 18 13 in grammar, a syndet...
syntonin 18 13 a substance similar...
syrphian 24 16 a wasplike fly, also...
sysadmin 21 15 a computer system ad...
taboggan 16 16 a kind of sledge, al...
tabourin 15 13 a small drum longer...
taciturn 17 13 habitually silent [a...
tacksman 18 19 one who holds a tack...
tacksmen 18 19 TACKSMAN, one who ho...
tagareen 12 11 (dialect) a junk sho...
taileron 13 10 either part of a two...
tailspin 17 13 to perform a kind of...
tailspun 17 14 TAILSPIN, to perform...
takedown 16 17 an article that can...
talapoin 15 13 (Portuguese) a small...
talesman 14 13 a bystander chosen t...
talesmen 14 13 TALESMAN, a bystande...
talisman 15 13 an object believed t...
tallyman 22 16 a person who tallies...
tallymen 22 16 TALLYMAN, a person w...
tamburin 17 16 (Spenser) a tambouri...
tarlatan 13 10 (French) a thin, sti...
tarletan 13 10 (French) a thin, sti...
tarragon 13 11 a kind of herb, also...
tastevin 15 13 (French) a small sha...
taxation 18 16 the process of taxin...
teardown 15 13 the process of disas...
teaspoon 13 12 a small spoon [n -S]
tefillin 18 14 TEFILLAH, a phylacte...
teguexin 20 19 (Aztec) a large blac...
telethon 15 12 an exceptionally lon...
teletron 13 10 a cathode-ray tube f...
tenorman 12 13 a person who plays t...
tenormen 12 13 TENORMAN, a person w...
tenoroon 10 10 an obsolete tenor ba...
teraglin 15 12 (Native Australian)...
terrapin 15 12 any of various webfo...
tetragon 13 11 a four-sided polygon...
tetraxon 18 16 a sponge spicule, al...
tevatron 14 13 a kind of particle a...
theremin 16 14 an electronic musica...
thermion 16 14 an ion emitted by a...
thespian 17 14 an actor or actress...
thindown 18 16 a lessening of the n...
thiophen 19 16 a type of sulphur co...
thirteen 15 11 a number, three and...
tholepin 18 15 a pin that serves as...
threaden 14 12 (Shakespeare) made o...
threaten 14 11 to intimidate, also...
thrombin 19 17 an enzyme that cause...
thumbkin 21 22 (Scots) an instrumen...
thymosin 23 16 a hormone secreted b...
thyroxin 28 20 an iodine compound,...
tidesman 14 13 a customhouse office...
tidesmen 14 13 TIDESMAN, a customho...
timeworn 17 15 showing the effects...
toboggan 16 16 a kind of sledge, al...
toboggin 17 16 a kind of sledge, al...
toilworn 17 13 worn down by toil [a...
toluidin 15 12 any one of three ami...
townsman 16 16 a resident of a town...
townsmen 16 16 TOWNSMAN, a resident...
toywoman 22 17 a woman who sells to...
toywomen 22 17 TOYWOMAN, a woman wh...
trackman 18 19 a railroad worker [n...
trackmen 18 19 TRACKMAN, a railroad...
traction 16 12 the act of drawing o...
tragopan 15 14 a kind of Asian phea...
trahison 15 11 (French) treachery;...
trainman 13 13 a railroad employee...
trainmen 13 13 TRAINMAN, a railroad...
trappean 16 15 pertaining to trapro...
trashcan 18 14 a rubbish bin [n -S]
trashman 16 14 a person who removes...
trashmen 16 14 TRASHMAN, a person w...
treelawn 16 13 the strip of lawn be...
trewsman 17 15 a wearer of trousers...
trewsmen 17 15 TREWSMAN, a wearer o...
trillion 16 11 a number, a million...
trimaran 14 12 a sailing vessel [n...
triolein 14 10 a glyceride of oleic...
troponin 14 13 a protein of muscle...
truchman 20 18 an interpreter [n TR...
truchmen 20 18 TRUCHMAN, an interpr...
truckman 19 20 a truck driver, also...
truckmen 19 20 TRUCKMAN, a truck dr...
trudgeon 14 13 a swimming stroke, a...
trueborn 15 13 genuinely such by bi...
trunnion 12 12 a pivot on which som...
tungsten 14 13 a metallic element [...
turbofan 17 16 a type of jet engine...
turndown 16 15 a rejection [n -S]
turnskin 15 15 (archaic) a werewolf...
twinborn 18 16 born at the same bir...
uilleann 14 13 (Irish) as in uillea...
unarisen 12 11 not arisen [adj]
unbeaten 13 14 not beaten [adj]
unbenign 15 17 not benign [adj UNBE...
unbidden 15 16 not bid or commanded...
unbitten 15 14 not bitten [adj]
unbroken 15 18 not broken, also UNB...
unburden 15 16 to free from a burde...
unbutton 15 15 to unfasten the butt...
unchosen 17 16 not chosen [adj]
uncloven 18 19 not cloven [adj]
uncoffin 20 20 to remove from a cof...
uncommon 17 20 not common [adj UNCO...
underman 13 15 to use too few worke...
undermen 13 15 UNDERMAN, an inferio...
underpin 15 15 to support from belo...
underran 12 12 UNDERRUN, to pass or...
underrun 13 13 to pass or extend un...
undriven 15 16 not driven [adj]
unfallen 16 16 not fallen [adj]
unfasten 14 14 to release from a fa...
unfrozen 17 23 UNFREEZE, to cause t...
ungotten 13 13 UNGET, to deny the b...
unhappen 18 19 to become as though...
unheppen 18 19 (dialect) clumsy [ad...
unhidden 15 15 not hidden [adj]
unholpen 17 17 not helped [adj]
unloosen 12 12 to set free, also UN...
unmolten 14 15 not molten [adj]
unperson 14 14 a nonperson [n -S] /...
unpoison 14 14 to rid of poison [v...
unprison 15 14 to release from pris...
unproven 16 18 not proven [adj]
unreason 11 11 to disrupt the sanit...
unridden 13 13 not ridden [adj]
unrotten 12 11 not rotten [adj]
unseason 11 11 (Spenser) to affect...
unshaken 15 17 not shaken [adj UNSH...
unshapen 16 16 UNSHAPE [adj]
unshaven 16 17 not shaven, also UNS...
unsodden 12 13 not sodden [adj]
unsolemn 14 15 not solemn [adj]
unspoken 15 18 UNSPEAK, (Shakespear...
unwashen 17 16 not washed [adj]
unweapon 16 17 to disarm [v -ED, -I...
upbroken 18 20 UPBREAK, to break ou...
uphudden 18 18 UPHAUD, (Scots) to m...
upspoken 18 20 UPSPEAK, to speak up...
upthrown 21 18 UPTHROW, to throw up...
urobilin 17 14 a brown pigment in f...
urodelan 13 12 a member of the Urod...
vacation 17 16 to take a holiday [v...
vacherin 20 18 (French) a kind of c...
valerian 15 14 a perennial herb [n...
vanillin 17 16 a white crystalline...
velskoen 16 18 (Afrikaans) a shoe m...
venation 13 14 the arrangement and...
venerean 12 14 a person addicted to...
venetian 13 14 a flexible window bl...
veratrin 15 13 a poisonous mixture...
verboten 16 16 (German) forbidden [...
verseman 15 16 one who writes verse...
versemen 15 16 VERSEMAN, one who wr...
vesuvian 17 18 a smoker's slow-burn...
vexation 20 20 a cause of trouble [...
vigneron 15 16 (French) a vine-grow...
viomycin 26 21 a drug used in the t...
viridian 16 14 a greenish-blue pigm...
vitellin 18 15 a protein found in e...
vocalion 18 17 a musical instrument...
vocation 17 16 one's profession, bu...
volition 16 14 the power of choosin...
volution 16 15 a revolving movement...
waldhorn 19 16 (German) a French va...
wannigan 15 16 (Native American) in...
wardcorn 19 16 a payment in corn [n...
warfarin 18 15 a rat poison [n -S]
warrison 16 12 (obsolete) reward, p...
washdown 21 18 the act of washing (...
wastebin 18 15 a rubbish bin [n -S]
watchman 22 20 a man employed to st...
watchmen 22 20 WATCHMAN, a man empl...
waterhen 17 14 the gallinule or moo...
waterman 16 15 a boatman or ferryma...
watermen 16 15 WATERMAN, a boatman...
wealsman 17 16 (Shakespeare) a stat...
wealsmen 17 16 WEALSMAN, (Shakespea...
weighman 20 19 one who weighs goods...
weighmen 20 19 WEIGHMAN, one who we...
wellborn 20 17 of good birth or anc...
whaleman 19 18 a whaler [n WHALEMEN...
whalemen 19 18 WHALEMAN, a whaler [...
wheelman 19 18 a steersman, also WH...
wheelmen 19 18 WHEELMAN, a steersma...
whipsawn 24 20 WHIPSAW, to cut with...
wholphin 24 20 a hybrid of a whale...
whoreson 17 14 (archaic) bastard; w...
widowman 20 19 a man whose wife is...
widowmen 20 19 WIDOWMAN, a man whos...
winchman 22 21 one who operates a w...
winchmen 22 21 WINCHMAN, one who op...
windburn 19 18 to cause irritation...
wineskin 17 17 a goatskin bag for h...
wingspan 19 18 the distance from th...
wolfskin 21 20 the pelt of a wolf [...
woodfern 17 16 an evergreen fern [n...
woodskin 17 17 an American Indian c...
woodsman 16 16 one who works or liv...
woodsmen 16 16 WOODSMAN, one who wo...
woolskin 18 17 a sheepskin with the...
wreathen 17 14 wreathed [adj]
xanthein 20 19 a soluble yellow col...
xeraphin 23 21 (Portuguese) a forme...
xyloidin 27 20 a substance resembli...
yachtman 25 19 one who sails a yach...
yachtmen 25 19 YACHTMAN, one who sa...
yarraman 19 14 (Native Australian)...
yarramen 19 14 YARRAMAN, (Native Au...
yataghan 21 15 (Turkish) a Muslim l...
ybounden 20 17 BIND, to tie, fasten...
yestreen 18 11 the evening of yeste...
zeppelin 21 25 (German) a dirigible...
zonation 14 19 arrangement in zones...
zootoxin 21 25 a toxin produced by...