15 letter words that end with N

15 letter words that end with N

15 letter N word


Words With Friends®


acanthocephalan 35 31 belonging to the Aca...
acclimatisation 33 26 the act of acclimati...
acclimatization 36 35 the act of acclimati...
acetophenetidin 30 26 another name for phe...
achromatisation 30 24 the process of achro...
achromatization 33 33 the process of achro...
agribusinessman 29 26 a person who works i...
agribusinessmen 29 26 AGRIBUSINESSMAN, a p...
alphabetisation 31 25 the act of alphabeti...
alphabetization 34 34 the act of alphabeti...
anesthetisation 25 19 the process of anest...
anesthetization 28 28 the process of anest...
antiegalitarian 25 20 opposed to egalitari...
antilibertarian 27 21 opposed to libertari...
antisegregation 25 21 opposed to segregati...
antispeculation 30 25 opposed to speculati...
antitrinitarian 24 18 opposed to Trinitari...
antivivisection 32 28 opposed to vivivsect...
appendicularian 32 29 a member of the Appe...
appropinquation 38 36 approach [n]
arterialisation 25 17 the process of arter...
arterialization 28 26 the process of arter...
astronavigation 26 23 the navigation of ai...
autocorrelation 27 21 the correlation betw...
autoinoculation 27 23 self-inoculation [n]
autotransfusion 26 22 the return of autolo...
bioaccumulation 35 31 accumulation in a bi...
biostatistician 31 22 one who studies bios...
calendarisation 27 22 the process of calen...
calendarization 30 31 the process of calen...
canisterisation 27 20 the process of canis...
canisterization 30 29 the process of canis...
cannibalisation 29 25 the act of cannibali...
cannibalization 32 34 the act of cannibali...
catheterisation 29 21 the process of cathe...
catheterization 32 30 the use of or introd...
catholicisation 34 25 the process of catho...
catholicization 37 34 the process of catho...
chemoprevention 33 32 the use of chemical...
cholecystokinin 41 32 a hormone secreted e...
chondrification 35 29 the process of chond...
chondroskeleton 30 28 the cartilaginous pa...
circularisation 33 24 the process of circu...
circularization 36 33 the process of circu...
circumincession 36 30 the reciprocal exist...
circuminsession 33 27 the reciprocal exist...
circumscription 40 32 the act of circumscr...
circumvallation 37 32 a surrounding with a...
civilianisation 31 25 the act of civiliani...
civilianization 34 34 the act of civiliani...
cockneyfication 42 35 the process of cockn...
codetermination 27 24 the participation of...
commodification 35 32 the act of commodify...
communalisation 30 28 the process of commu...
communalization 33 37 the process of commu...
complementation 31 30 the operation of det...
computerisation 31 26 the process of compu...
computerization 34 35 the act of computeri...
contravallation 30 26 a fortification buil...
conveyorisation 34 26 the process of conve...
conveyorization 37 35 the process of conve...
corporification 35 28 the act of corporify...
countercampaign 34 32 an opposing campaign...
counterpetition 29 24 an opposing petition...
counterquestion 35 31 a question in respon...
counterreaction 29 24 a reaction in opposi...
counterstricken 32 28 COUNTERSTRIKE, to co...
criminalisation 30 24 the process of crimi...
criminalization 33 33 the act of criminali...
crossopterygian 37 26 a member of a subcla...
crystallisation 37 23 the process of cryst...
crystallization 40 32 the act of crystalli...
cyanoethylation 41 27 the act of introduci...
deacidification 33 27 the act of deacidify...
decalcification 37 30 the removal or loss...
decarbonisation 28 24 the process of decar...
decarbonization 31 33 the process of decar...
decarboxylation 42 33 the removal or elimi...
decarburisation 30 24 the process of decar...
decarburization 33 33 the act of decarburi...
decasualisation 28 22 the process of makin...
decasualization 31 31 the process of elimi...
decertification 33 26 the act of decertify...
decolourisation 28 22 the process of decol...
decolourization 31 31 the process of decol...
decommunisation 29 28 the act or process o...
decommunization 32 37 the act or process o...
deconcentration 28 25 the act of deconcent...
decontamination 26 25 the act of decontami...
deglamorisation 27 23 the process of degla...
deglamorization 30 32 the act of deglamori...
dehydrogenation 32 25 the removal of hydro...
dehypnotisation 34 25 the process of dehyp...
dehypnotization 37 34 the process of dehyp...
deindividuation 27 25 the loss of a person...
demagnetisation 25 23 the act of demagneti...
demagnetization 28 32 the act of demagneti...
democratisation 28 23 the act of democrati...
democratization 31 32 the act of democrati...
demulsification 33 28 the act of demulsify...
demutualisation 27 23 the process of demut...
demutualization 30 32 the process of demut...
demystification 38 28 the act of demystify...
demythification 40 30 the process of demyt...
denitrification 30 24 the removal of nitro...
desacralisation 28 21 the act of desacrali...
desacralization 31 30 the act of desacrali...
desensitisation 24 18 the act of desensiti...
desensitization 27 27 the act of desensiti...
desertification 30 23 a process of land de...
desexualisation 31 26 the act of desexuali...
desexualization 34 35 the act of desexuali...
desilverisation 28 22 the process of desil...
desilverization 31 31 the process of desil...
destabilisation 28 21 the act of destabili...
destabilization 31 30 the act of destabili...
desulfurisation 29 23 the removal of sulfu...
desulfurization 32 32 the removal of sulfu...
detribalisation 28 21 the act of detribali...
detribalization 31 30 the act of detribali...
devitrification 33 27 the act of devitrify...
diagonalisation 25 21 the act of diagonali...
diagonalization 28 30 the act of diagonali...
dichotomisation 31 25 the act of dichotomi...
dichotomization 34 34 the act of dichotomi...
differentiation 28 24 the act of different...
disarticulation 30 22 the act of disarticu...
disassimilation 28 21 the act of disassimi...
discommendation 29 28 the act of discommen...
disconfirmation 31 27 the act of disconfir...
discontinuation 27 23 the act of discontin...
dishabilitation 31 23 disqualification [n]
disintoxication 34 28 the act of disintoxi...
disorganisation 25 20 the process of disor...
disorganization 28 29 the act of disorgani...
dissatisfaction 31 23 the state of being d...
diversification 33 27 the act of diversify...
edriophthalmian 33 28 of crustaceans, with...
electrification 34 26 an act of electrifyi...
electrolysation 35 23 the act of electroly...
electrolyzation 38 32 the act of electroly...
epichlorohydrin 42 30 a volatile liquid to...
etherealisation 26 19 the process of ether...
etherealization 29 28 the act of ethereali...
evangelistarion 27 24 a book of the Gospel...
excommunication 38 37 an ecclesiastical ce...
exemplification 40 36 the act of exemplify...
experimentation 32 30 the act of experimen...
extemporisation 33 29 the act of extempori...
extemporization 36 38 the act of extempori...
extensification 35 30 an agricultural poli...
extensivisation 32 28 the extensive method...
extensivization 35 37 the extensive method...
exteriorisation 30 23 the process of exter...
exteriorization 33 32 the act of exteriori...
externalisation 30 25 the act of externali...
externalization 33 34 the act of externali...
familiarisation 29 23 the act of familiari...
familiarization 32 32 the act of familiari...
formularisation 29 24 the act of formulari...
formularization 32 33 the act of formulari...
fractionisation 29 23 the process of fract...
fractionization 32 32 the process of fract...
frenchification 37 31 the act of frenchify...
granitification 31 25 the process of turni...
granulitisation 27 21 the reduction of the...
granulitization 30 30 the reduction of the...
graviperception 35 31 the perception of gr...
gutturalisation 28 21 the process of guttu...
gutturalization 31 30 the process of guttu...
hematoporphyrin 40 31 any of several porph...
heterochromatin 32 26 densely staining chr...
hibernicisation 32 25 the process or act o...
hibernicization 35 34 the process or act o...
hospitalisation 30 22 the act of admitting...
hospitalization 33 31 the act of admitting...
hydrogenisation 33 24 the process of hydro...
hydrogenization 36 33 the process of hydro...
hypercorrection 41 29 a grammatical, usage...
hyperinvolution 38 30 extreme involution [...
hyperproduction 41 31 excessive production...
hypersalivation 38 28 excessive salivation...
hypostasisation 35 23 the process of hypos...
hypostasization 38 32 the process of hypos...
hypostatisation 35 23 the process of hypos...
hypostatization 38 32 the act of hypostati...
hypoventilation 37 29 abnormally decreased...
immortalisation 28 23 the process of immor...
immortalization 31 32 the process of immor...
immunodiffusion 32 32 any of various analy...
incentivisation 29 25 the process of incen...
incentivization 32 34 the action or proces...
incomprehension 31 29 lack of comprehensio...
inconsideration 26 22 the state of being i...
indemnification 30 28 the action of indemn...
indetermination 24 22 the state of being i...
infantilisation 27 22 the act of infantili...
infantilization 30 31 the act of infantili...
informatisation 27 23 the conversion of (s...
informatization 30 32 the conversion of (s...
instrumentation 25 22 the arrangement or c...
insubordination 26 23 the state of being i...
intensification 29 24 the act of intensify...
intercomparison 30 26 a comparison between...
interconnection 28 25 a connection between...
interconversion 28 25 mutual conversion [n...
interdigitation 26 20 the act of interdigi...
intergeneration 23 20 between generations...
interiorisation 24 17 the process of inter...
interiorization 27 26 the act of interiori...
interlamination 25 22 insertion between la...
intermodulation 26 23 the production in an...
internalisation 24 19 the act of internali...
internalization 27 28 the act of internali...
interosculation 28 22 intersection [n]
interpopulation 29 25 between populations...
intervisitation 27 21 between visits [n]
intrapopulation 29 25 occurring within or...
introsusception 30 24 intussusception [n]
intussusception 31 25 movement of one part...
isoimmunisation 27 24 the development of a...
isoimmunization 30 33 the development of a...
lactovegetarian 30 26 a vegetarian whose d...
latensification 30 24 the intensification...
malacopterygian 38 30 belonging to the Mal...
malassimilation 29 24 imperfect assimilati...
malconformation 31 30 disproportionate or...
maldistribution 31 25 unfair distribution...
malpresentation 27 24 abnormal positioning...
marginalisation 27 23 the act of marginali...
marginalization 30 32 the act of marginali...
masculinisation 30 25 the process of mascu...
masculinization 33 34 the act of masculini...
materialisation 26 20 the act of materiali...
materialization 29 29 the act of materiali...
mathematisation 28 24 reduction to mathema...
mathematization 31 33 reduction to mathema...
megacorporation 30 27 a huge and powerful...
memorialisation 27 23 the process of memor...
memorialization 30 32 the process of memor...
metamictisation 30 25 the process of becom...
metamictization 33 34 the process of becom...
microdissection 33 26 dissection under the...
microgeneration 28 25 the small-scale gene...
microprojection 36 37 the use of a micropr...
miniaturisation 26 21 the act of miniaturi...
miniaturization 29 30 the act of miniaturi...
misappreciation 33 28 a wrong appreciation...
misapprehension 31 28 the act of misappreh...
misconstruction 33 27 the act of misconstr...
misdistribution 31 24 a wrong distribution...
misrecollection 34 27 a false recollection...
misregistration 28 21 a wrong registration...
misvocalisation 32 27 an incorrect vocalis...
misvocalization 35 36 an incorrect vocaliz...
mythologisation 36 26 the process of mytho...
mythologization 39 35 the process of mytho...
nationalisation 23 19 the act of nationali...
nationalization 26 28 the act of nationali...
nitrogenisation 24 20 the process of nitro...
nitrogenization 27 29 the process of nitro...
nonconservation 26 26 not conservation [n]
nonconstruction 29 26 not related to const...
nonexploitation 31 29 not exploitation [ad...
nonintervention 23 24 the state or policy...
nonmetropolitan 26 25 not metropolitan [ad...
nonprescription 31 27 capable of being bou...
nontotalitarian 23 19 not totalitarian [ad...
northcountryman 36 29 one living in the no...
northcountrymen 36 29 NORTHCOUNTRYMAN, one...
objectification 37 37 the act of objectify...
oligomerisation 27 22 the process of conve...
oligomerization 30 31 the process of conve...
ornithodelphian 31 26 of or like the Ornit...
overapplication 34 30 excessive applicatio...
overconsumption 32 31 excessive consumptio...
overcultivation 33 29 excessively cultivat...
overelaboration 27 24 excessive elaboratio...
overexpectation 36 33 excessive expectatio...
overpreparation 29 26 excessive preparatio...
overspeculation 32 28 excessive speculatio...
overstimulation 29 25 excessive stimulatio...
overutilisation 28 22 the act of overutili...
overutilization 31 31 the act of overutili...
parametrisation 27 22 the act of parametri...
parametrization 30 31 the act of parameter...
parliamentarian 27 24 an adherent of the p...
perfluorocarbon 34 30 an organic compound...
personalisation 26 21 the act of personali...
personalization 29 30 the act of personali...
personification 31 26 the attribution of p...
phenolphthalein 36 31 a crystalline compou...
phonemicisation 32 28 the process of phone...
phonemicization 35 37 the process of phone...
phoneticisation 31 25 the process of phone...
phoneticization 34 34 the process of phone...
phosphatisation 33 26 the act of phosphati...
phosphatization 36 35 the act of phosphati...
phosphorylation 40 29 the process of phosp...
photoconduction 34 30 conduction of electr...
photoexcitation 37 31 the process of excit...
photoionisation 27 22 ionization (as in th...
photoionization 30 31 ionization (as in th...
photoproduction 34 29 the production of on...
plainclothesman 34 30 a plainclothes polic...
plainclothesmen 34 30 PLAINCLOTHESMAN, a p...
platitudinarian 28 23 one who utters plati...
polyphloesboean 39 31 loud-roaring, also P...
postdevaluation 29 26 taking place after d...
postinoculation 30 25 taking place after i...
postirradiation 27 20 taking place after i...
postmillenarian 29 25 a believer in post-m...
postpollination 30 25 taking place after p...
poststimulation 30 24 taking place after s...
posttransfusion 29 24 caused by transfused...
postvaccination 34 30 taking place after v...
precancellation 33 28 preceding a cancella...
preconstruction 33 27 construction in adva...
preimplantation 30 27 of, involving, or be...
prekindergarten 28 27 a nursey school [n]
premodification 33 29 preceding a modifica...
prenotification 31 26 preceding a notifica...
preregistration 28 21 a special registrati...
procrastination 29 23 the act of procrasti...
prognostication 30 25 an indication in adv...
properispomenon 30 29 a word with the circ...
propylitisation 37 25 the process of propy...
propylitization 40 34 the process of propy...
proselytisation 34 22 the act of proselyti...
proselytization 37 31 the act of proselyti...
prussianisation 27 21 the act of prussiani...
prussianization 30 30 the act of prussiani...
pseudepigraphon 34 31 a book ascribed to O...
psychohistorian 41 28 a student of psychoh...
psychometrician 43 32 a person (as a clini...
quadripartition 36 30 division into four p...
quadruplication 40 35 the act of quadrupli...
quinquagenarian 40 40 aged between fifty a...
quintuplication 40 35 multiplication fivef...
radioactivation 29 24 the act of making ra...
radioprotection 29 23 protection against t...
rationalisation 24 18 the act of rationali...
rationalization 27 27 the act of rationali...
reaccreditation 30 23 the act of reaccredi...
reafforestation 27 22 the act of reaffores...
reauthorisation 26 19 the process of reaut...
reauthorization 29 28 the process of reaut...
recertification 33 25 the act of recertify...
reconcentration 28 24 the act of reconcent...
reconfiguration 30 26 the act of reconfigu...
reconsideration 26 21 the act of reconside...
reconsolidation 27 22 the act of reconsoli...
recontamination 26 24 the act of recontami...
redetermination 24 21 the act of redetermi...
refortification 32 25 the act of refortify...
regionalisation 25 20 the act of regionali...
regionalization 28 29 the act of regionali...
reincorporation 28 23 the act of reincorpo...
reinterrogation 24 19 a new interrogation...
reinvestigation 27 23 the act of reinvesti...
renormalisation 25 21 the process of renor...
renormalization 28 30 the process of renor...
reorchestration 29 21 the act of reorchest...
reprivatisation 29 23 the act of reprivati...
reprivatization 32 32 the act of reprivati...
resocialisation 28 20 the act of resociali...
resocialization 31 29 the act of resociali...
retroreflection 30 23 the action or use of...
revisualisation 28 22 the act of visualisi...
revisualization 31 31 the act of visualizi...
rhombencephalon 36 34 the hindbrain [n RHO...
roentgenisation 23 20 the process of roent...
roentgenization 26 29 the process of roent...
romanticisation 28 23 the act of romantici...
romanticization 31 32 the act of romantici...
roundaboutation 25 23 going round and roun...
schillerisation 33 23 the process of schil...
schillerization 36 32 the process of schil...
semiabstraction 31 25 the state of being s...
septendecillion 31 26 ten to the power of...
singularisation 27 21 the process of singu...
singularization 30 30 the process of singu...
solemnification 31 27 the act of solemnify...
speechification 37 30 the making of speech...
spheroidisation 29 22 the process of spher...
spheroidization 32 31 the process of spher...
standardisation 24 19 the act of standardi...
standardization 27 28 the act of standardi...
subcivilisation 35 28 the state of being s...
subcivilization 38 37 the state of being s...
subintellection 32 26 an implication that...
suboptimisation 31 26 the process of subop...
suboptimization 34 35 the process of subop...
suborganisation 27 23 a subsidiary part of...
suborganization 30 32 a subsidiary part of...
suburbanisation 29 25 the act of suburbani...
suburbanization 32 34 the act of suburbani...
subvocalisation 33 28 the act of inaudibly...
subvocalization 36 37 the act of inaudibly...
superconduction 33 29 the act of supercond...
superexaltation 33 28 a state of very high...
superimposition 31 26 the act of superimpo...
superordination 26 22 the relation of a un...
superphenomenon 29 30 an exceptional pheno...
supersaturation 27 21 the state of being s...
supplementation 30 28 the act of supplemen...
syllabification 41 29 the act of dividing...
synchronisation 35 25 the act of synchroni...
synchronization 38 34 the act of synchroni...
systematisation 32 21 the act of systemati...
systematization 35 30 the act of systemati...
tatterdemallion 27 22 ragged, tattered [ad...
tetrahydrofuran 35 25 a flammable liquid e...
thunderstricken 32 28 THUNDERSTRIKE, to st...
thyrocalcitonin 40 28 a hormone secreted b...
tranquilisation 34 28 the process of tranq...
tranquilization 37 37 the process of tranq...
transfiguration 28 23 a change in form or...
transliteration 25 18 the act of translite...
transplantation 26 22 the act of transplan...
tropicalisation 31 23 the process of tropi...
tropicalization 34 32 the process of tropi...
tuberculisation 32 25 the process of tuber...
tuberculization 35 34 the process of tuber...
ultrafiltration 30 22 filtration through a...
underestimation 25 22 the act of underesti...
underproduction 30 27 the production of le...
undetermination 24 23 lack of determinatio...
unpremeditation 27 25 a lack of premeditat...
vascularisation 31 25 the process of becom...
vascularization 34 34 the process of becom...