6 letter words that end with N

6 letter words that end with N

6 letter N word


Words With Friends®


acetin 12 10 a combination of ace...
achkan 15 16 (Hindi) in India, a...
action 12 10 activity, a deed [n]...
acumen 13 14 mental keenness [n -...
adjoin 11 17 to lie next to [v -E...
adnoun 8 10 an adjective used as...
afghan 14 14 a heavy knitted or c...
aidman 10 11 a corpsman [n AIDMEN...
aidmen 10 11 AIDMAN, a corpsman [...
aircon 12 10 an air conditioner [...
airgun 11 10 a gun that discharge...
airman 10 10 an aviator [n AIRMEN...
airmen 10 10 AIRMAN, an aviator [...
ajowan 13 19 the fruit of an Egyp...
alanin 9 9 an amino acid, also...
aldern 10 9 made of alder wood [...
aldrin 11 9 a chlorinated hydroc...
alevin 12 12 a young fish [n -S]
alexin 16 15 a substance in the b...
alison 10 8 a small flowering pl...
almain 11 11 an old courtly dance...
alpeen 11 11 (Irish a cudgel [n -...
alsoon 9 8 (Spenser) as soon, a...
altern 10 8 (archaic) alternate...
alumin 12 12 an oxide of aluminum...
amazon 12 19 a powerful woman [n...
ameban 11 13 pertaining to an ame...
amidin 11 11 the soluble matter o...
amnion 9 11 the innermost membra...
amtman 11 13 (German) in Germany,...
anilin 10 9 a product of coal-ta...
anuran 8 9 a toad or a frog [n...
apeman 11 13 any of several extin...
apemen 11 13 APEMAN, any of sever...
arabin 11 10 the essential chemic...
archon 14 12 the chief magistrate...
arcmin 14 13 an angular measure,...
arghan 12 11 pita fibre [n -S]
arisen 9 7 ARISE, to come up [v...
arshin 12 9 a Russian unit of le...
ascian 12 10 an inhabitant of the...
ashcan 14 12 a metal receptacle f...
ashman 12 12 one who collects and...
ashmen 12 12 ASHMAN, one who coll...
ashpan 13 12 a tray under a grate...
assign 11 9 to set apart for a p...
astern 9 7 towards the stern [a...
aswoon 11 10 swooning [adj]
ataman 9 10 (Russian) a chief of...
attain 9 7 to gain or achieve b...
attorn 9 7 to accept tenancy fr...
atwain 12 10 (archaic) in twain;...
atween 11 10 between [prep]
auburn 12 12 a reddish brown colo...
autumn 11 12 a season of the year...
avidin 12 12 a protein found in e...
awaken 12 14 to rouse from sleep...
awoken 12 14 AWAKE, to rouse from...
axeman 15 17 a man who uses an ax...
axemen 15 17 AXEMAN, a man who us...
baboon 12 13 a large ape [n -S]
badman 12 14 an outlaw [n BADMEN]
badmen 12 14 BADMAN, an outlaw [n...
bagman 13 15 a travelling salesma...
bagmen 13 15 BAGMAN, a travelling...
bainin 11 11 (Irish) a white, clo...
baleen 11 11 whalebone [n -S]
ballan 13 12 a species of wrasse...
ballon 13 12 in dancing, lightnes...
banian 10 11 a Hindu trader [n -S...
banyan 16 13 (Hindi) an Indian fi...
barkan 12 14 a crescent-shaped sa...
barken 12 14 to dry up in a barky...
barman 12 13 a male bartender [n...
barmen 12 13 BARMAN, a male barte...
barren 11 10 a tract of infertile...
barton 11 10 a farmyard [n -S]
baryon 17 12 a heavier class of s...
basion 11 10 a part of the skull...
batman 12 13 an officer's persona...
batmen 12 13 BATMAN, an officer's...
batoon 10 10 to strike with a tru...
batten 11 10 to fasten with strip...
bayman 18 15 a person who works a...
baymen 18 15 BAYMAN, a person who...
bayyan 23 14 an official declarat...
beacon 13 13 to shine like a ligh...
beaten 10 10 BEAT, to strike repe...
beckon 15 17 to indicate by sign...
bedamn 12 14 to swear at [v -ED,...
bedpan 13 14 a toilet pan for use...
beduin 12 12 a nomadic Arab, also...
beguin 13 13 in Flanders, a man l...
bemean 11 13 (archaic) to make me...
bemoan 11 13 to lament [v -ED, -I...
benign 12 13 favourably disposed...
benzin 14 20 a solvent distilled...
bergen 12 12 a type of large ruck...
berlin 13 11 an old four-wheeled...
beseen 10 10 BESEE, (obsolete) to...
besoin 11 10 (French) need, want,...
bhajan 15 21 a Hindu religious so...
bhavan 15 16 (India) a large hous...
bhawan 16 15 (India) a large hous...
bicorn 15 13 a hat with two corne...
bicron 15 13 one billionth of a m...
bidden 12 12 BID, to make an offe...
biffin 17 16 a variety of red coo...
biggin 15 14 a child's cap worn i...
biggon 14 14 a child's cap worn i...
bilian 13 11 a heavy ant-proof ti...
billon 14 12 base metal, an alloy...
binman 12 14 a refuse disposal ma...
binmen 12 14 BINMAN, a refuse dis...
biogen 12 12 a hypothetical unit...
biotin 12 10 a growth-promoting v...
birken 13 14 made of birch wood,...
bisson 12 10 to cause to be blind...
bitten 12 10 BITE, to seize with...
blazon 15 20 heraldic arms painte...
bobbin 16 16 a thread holder [n -...
bodkin 13 15 a dagger, stiletto;...
boffin 16 16 a scientific expert...
bogman 13 15 the body of a man pr...
bogmen 13 15 BOGMAN, the body of...
bokken 13 18 (Japanese) a wooden...
bolden 12 12 (obsolete) to make b...
bollen 13 12 (obsolete) swollen [...
bolson 12 11 (Spanish) a basin-sh...
bonbon 12 14 a confection [n -S]
boreen 10 10 (Irish) a lane [n -S...
boston 11 10 a card game [n -S]
bothan 13 12 (Gaelic) a booth, a...
boudin 12 12 a spicy Cajun sausag...
bouton 11 11 an enlarged end of a...
bowfin 17 16 a voracious ganoid f...
bowman 15 16 an archer [n BOWMEN]
bowmen 15 16 BOWMAN, an archer [n...
brazen 14 19 impudent [adj BRAZEN...
brehon 13 12 (historical) a judge...
breton 11 10 (French) a hat with...
brogan 12 12 a strong and tough w...
broken 12 14 BREAK, to shatter or...
bromin 13 13 a volatile liquid el...
brucin 16 14 a poisonous alkaloid...
buggan 14 15 an evil spirit, a ho...
buggin 15 15 an evil spirit, a ho...
bumkin 15 18 a spar projecting fr...
bunion 11 12 a painful swelling o...
bunsen 11 12 a type of gas-burner...
burden 12 12 to load heavily [v -...
burton 12 11 a light handy two-bl...
buskin 14 15 a thick-soled boot w...
busman 13 14 a bus operator [n BU...
busmen 13 14 BUSMAN, a bus operat...
button 12 11 to fasten with a sma...
cabman 15 16 a driver of a cab [n...
cabmen 15 16 CABMAN, a driver of...
cacoon 14 13 the large seed of a...
caftan 14 13 a full-length tunic...
cahoun 14 13 (Spanish) a South Am...
caiman 13 13 the South American a...
calkin 15 15 a pointed piece on a...
callan 14 12 (Scots) a boy, a fel...
camion 13 13 (French) a flat, low...
cancan 14 14 a high-kicking dance...
cannon 10 12 to collide with, str...
canton 11 11 to divide into distr...
canyon 17 13 a deep gorge or ravi...
caplin 16 14 a small marine fish...
captan 14 13 a type of agricultur...
carbon 14 13 a nonmetallic elemen...
cardan 12 11 as in cardan joint,...
cardon 12 11 a variety of cactus,...
careen 11 10 to turn (a ship) on...
carlin 14 11 (Scots) an old woman...
carman 13 13 a streetcar driver [...
carmen 13 13 CARMAN, a streetcar...
carron 12 10 as in carron oil, ma...
carton 12 10 to pack in a cardboa...
carven 14 14 carved [adj]
casein 12 10 a milk protein [n -S...
casern 12 10 a barracks for soldi...
catcon 15 13 short for catalytic...
cation 12 10 a positively charged...
catkin 14 14 a crowded spike or t...
catlin 14 11 a surgical knife, al...
causen 12 11 (Spenser) to cause (...
cavern 14 14 to hollow out [v -ED...
cayman 19 15 the South American a...
cedarn 12 11 of cedar [adj]
ceroon 11 10 a crate or hamper; a...
chagan 15 14 an early form of kha...
chalan 15 13 in India, to cause (...
chaton 14 12 (French) the setting...
chazan 17 21 (Hebrew) a cantor in...
cheven 16 16 a fish, the chub, al...
chevin 17 16 a fish, the chub, al...
chicon 18 15 the shoot of the chi...
chitin 16 12 the main component o...
chiton 15 12 a tunic worn in anci...
chopin 17 15 a high clog or patte...
chosen 14 12 CHOOSE, to select by...
citrin 14 10 the water-soluble vi...
citron 13 10 the fruit of the cit...
claxon 19 18 a low-pitched horn [...
cloven 15 15 split [adj]
cocain 15 13 a narcotic, also COC...
cochin 18 15 a large variety of t...
cocoon 14 13 to wrap tightly [v -...
codein 12 11 a narcotic alkaloid,...
codlin 14 12 an unripe apple, als...
coffin 17 16 to put in a burial b...
cohorn 14 12 (Dutch) a small mort...
cojoin 14 19 (Shakespeare) to con...
coltan 13 11 a metallic ore of co...
column 15 15 a vertical cylindric...
common 14 16 to share [v -ED, -IN...
conman 12 14 a (male) confidence...
conmen 12 14 CONMAN, a (male) con...
coosen 11 10 to cheat, also COZEN...
coosin 12 10 to cheat, also COOSE...
coppin 17 16 a cop of thread [n -...
corban 14 13 (Hebrew) anything of...
cordon 12 11 to form a barrier ar...
cortin 13 10 an adrenal extract c...
cosign 14 12 to sign jointly [v -...
cosmin 14 13 a hard substance in...
cotton 12 10 to take a liking to...
cougan 13 13 (Australian slang) a...
coupon 14 14 a voucher [n -S]
cousin 13 11 a child of one's unc...
couzin 16 20 (South Africa) a fri...
cowman 16 16 one who owns cattle...
cowmen 16 16 COWMAN, one who owns...
craton 12 10 a large, relatively...
craven 14 14 cowardly [adj CRAVEN...
crayon 18 12 to use a drawing imp...
crepon 14 13 a heavy crepe fabric...
cretin 13 10 a person afflicted w...
crimen 14 13 (Latin) crime, as in...
croton 12 10 a tropical plant yie...
crumen 14 14 a deer's tea-pit [n...
cudden 13 13 (Gaelic) a young coa...
cuddin 14 13 (Gaelic) a young coa...
cuffin 18 17 in thieves' slang, a...
culmen 15 15 the top ridge of a b...
cummin 16 17 an umbelliferous pla...
cupman 16 17 a boon companion [n...
cupmen 16 17 CUPMAN, a boon compa...
curran 13 11 (Scots) a grain, a s...
cyanin 18 13 a blue dye, also CYA...
cyclin 24 16 any of a group of pr...
cymlin 22 16 a variety of squash,...
dacron 12 11 a synthetic polyeste...
daemon 9 11 (Greek) an inward sp...
dahoon 10 10 a perennial shrub of...
daikon 10 12 (Japanese) a long wh...
daimen 10 11 occasional [adj]
daimon 10 11 (Greek) an inward sp...
dalton 10 9 a unit of atomic mas...
dampen 12 14 to moisten [v -ED, -...
damson 10 11 a rather small, oval...
danton 8 9 to dare, also DAUNTO...
darken 10 12 to make dark [v -ED,...
deacon 11 11 to put the best look...
deaden 8 9 to deprive of feelin...
deafen 10 11 to make deaf [v -ED,...
decern 12 11 to decree by judicia...
deepen 10 11 to make deep [v -ED,...
deewan 11 11 an official in India...
dehorn 11 10 to deprive of horns...
demain 10 11 a manor house and it...
demean 9 11 to conduct oneself i...
dentin 9 9 the hard substance f...
design 11 10 to plan in outline,...
desman 10 11 a Russian aquatic in...
detain 9 8 to hold in custody [...
deuton 9 9 the nucleus of heavy...
devein 11 12 to remove the dorsal...
diamin 11 11 a chemical compound...
diaxon 15 15 a bipolar nerve-cell...
diazin 13 17 any organic compound...
dioxan 15 15 a toxic flammable so...
dioxin 16 15 an extremely toxic p...
diplon 13 12 an alternative name...
disman 11 11 to deprive of men [v...
disown 13 11 to deny the ownershi...
diuron 10 9 a herbicide [n -S]
dizain 13 17 (French) a ten-line...
dobbin 14 14 a farm horse [n -S]
doblon 12 12 a former gold coin o...
dobson 11 11 the larva of a large...
docken 13 15 (Scots) a dock plant...
dodkin 11 13 an old Dutch coin, a...
dodman 10 12 a snail [n -S]
dogman 11 13 a man who directs a...
dogmen 11 13 DOGMAN, a man who di...
dolman 11 12 a Turkish robe; a hu...
dolmen 11 12 a prehistoric struct...
domain 10 11 an area of control [...
donjon 10 18 the main tower of a...
doolan 9 9 (New Zealand) a Roma...
dormin 11 11 abscisic acid, a pla...
dragon 10 10 a mythical, serpentl...
driven 12 12 DRIVE, to urge or co...
dromon 10 11 a large fast-sailing...
drusen 10 9 accumulations of ext...
dualin 11 10 an explosive mixture...
dubbin 15 15 a preparation of gre...
dudeen 9 10 (Irish) a clay pipe,...
dunlin 11 11 a species of brown-a...
dupion 12 12 (French) a coarse si...
durgan 11 11 (dialect) a dwarf, a...
durian 10 9 (Malay) a tree of th...
durion 10 9 (Malay) a tree of th...
dusken 11 13 to grow dark [v -ED,...
dynein 15 11 an enzyme involved i...
dzeren 12 17 a kind of Asian ante...
earcon 11 10 an audible marker in...
eleven 11 12 a number, ten and on...
elevon 11 12 a hinged flap on the...
eloign 11 10 to remove to a dista...
elshin 13 10 an awl, also ELSIN [...
emetin 10 10 an alkaloid which ca...
emodin 10 11 a compound obtained...
endrin 9 9 an insecticide [n -S...
enjoin 10 17 to order or direct [...
ensign 10 10 to mark with a badge...
enzian 11 17 (German) a type of s...
eolian 9 8 relating to, acted o...
eonian 7 8 lasting for eons, et...
eothen 10 9 (archaic) from the e...
epigon 12 12 an inferior imitator...
eruvin 12 12 ERUV, a designated r...
esloin 10 8 to remove to a dista...
essoin 9 7 to give an excuse fo...
estrin 10 7 an estrogen, also ES...
etalon 9 8 a device used to mea...
etamin 10 10 a loosely woven fabr...
ethion 11 9 a pesticide [n -S]
etymon 16 12 the true origin of a...
eucain 12 11 an anaesthetic safer...
eughen 12 12 (Spenser) made of ye...
euphon 13 13 a type of glass harm...
ewghen 15 14 (Spenser) made of ye...
examen 15 17 a critical study of...
exogen 15 16 a plant which grows...
expugn 19 20 to take by storm [v...
extern 15 14 an officer in attend...
fadein 11 11 a gradual increase i...
falcon 15 14 any of various long-...
fallen 13 12 FALL, to descend fre...
fanion 10 11 a small flag, esp. f...
farcin 15 13 (obsolete) a disease...
farden 11 11 (dialect) a farthing...
farren 11 10 a division of land [...
fasten 11 10 to secure [v -ED, -I...
fatten 11 10 to make fat [v -ED,...
feckin 16 17 (colloquial) fucking...
feerin 11 10 a first guiding furr...
fenman 11 14 a fen country reside...
fenmen 11 14 FENMAN, a fen countr...
fibrin 15 13 an insoluble protein...
ficain 15 13 a cysteine proteinas...
fingan 12 13 the handleless coffe...
finjan 13 20 the handleless coffe...
finnan 10 12 (Scots) haddock cure...
fiorin 12 10 a species of creepin...
firkin 14 14 a small cask for liq...
firman 13 13 an Oriental sovereig...
fizzen 18 28 (Scots) physical ene...
flacon 15 14 (French) a small dec...
flagon 13 13 a large vessel conta...
flamen 13 14 a priest of ancient...
flavin 15 15 a yellow dye made fr...
flaxen 18 18 pale yellow [adj]
florin 13 11 an obsolete British...
flyman 20 16 the driver of a fly,...
flymen 20 16 FLYMAN, the driver o...
foeman 11 13 an enemy in war [n F...
foemen 11 13 FOEMAN, an enemy in...
fogman 13 15 a person who sets ra...
fogmen 13 15 FOGMAN, a person who...
foison 11 10 (Scots) physical ene...
forren 11 10 (Milton) foreign [ad...
fripon 14 13 (French) a knave or...
froren 11 10 frozen, also FRORE,...
frozen 14 19 FREEZE, to turn into...
frypan 20 15 a pan for frying foo...
fullan 14 13 a loaded die, also F...
fusain 12 11 a fine charcoal used...
fusion 12 11 (Scots) physical ene...
gabion 12 12 a basket of earth or...
gaboon 11 12 a West African hardw...
gadman 11 13 (Scots) a person who...
gadmen 11 13 GADMAN, (Scots) a pe...
gagman 12 14 one who writes jokes...
gagmen 12 14 GAGMAN, one who writ...
gaijin 13 18 foreigner in Japan [...
gallon 12 11 a unit of liquid mea...
gammon 12 15 to mislead by decept...
ganoin 9 10 the hard shiny subst...
garcon 13 12 (French) a waiter [n...
garden 10 10 to cultivate a plot...
garjan 12 18 a thin balsam or woo...
garran 10 9 a small sturdy horse...
garron 10 9 a small sturdy horse...
gascon 13 12 (French) a braggart...
gaskin 12 13 a part of a horse's...
gasman 11 12 an employee of a gas...
gasmen 11 12 GASMAN, an employee...
gazoon 12 18 (obsolete) one of th...
geason 9 9 (obsolete) rare; won...
gemman 12 15 (archaic) a gentlema...
gemmen 12 15 GEMMAN, (archaic) a...
german 11 12 an elaborate dance [...
germen 11 12 something that serve...
germin 12 12 something that serve...
gibbon 15 15 any of various small...
gibson 13 12 a martini served wit...
gigman 13 14 a gig driver [n GIGM...
gigmen 13 14 GIGMAN, a gig driver...
gilden 12 11 (Spenser) golden, gi...
gipsen 13 12 (Spenser) a gypsy [n...
girkin 13 13 (obsolete) a gherkin...
gittin 12 9 GET, a Jewish divorc...
gizzen 17 27 (Scots) to shrink fr...
glazen 14 19 (obsolete) resemblin...
globin 14 13 a protein constituen...
glucan 15 14 a polymer of glucose...
gluten 12 11 a tough elastic plan...
glycan 21 15 a carbohydrate whose...
glycin 22 15 the simplest amino a...
gnomon 10 13 the pointer of a sun...
goblin 14 13 an unpleasant or mis...
godden 10 11 a dialect variant of...
godown 13 13 an oriental warehous...
godson 10 10 a male godchild [n -...
golden 11 11 of the colour of gol...
gollan 12 11 (dialect) a name for...
gonion 9 10 a part of the lower...
gorgon 11 11 (Greek) a very ugly...
gorhen 12 11 the female red grous...
gossan 10 9 a type of decomposed...
gotten 10 9 GET, to obtain or ac...
goujon 12 19 (French) a small str...
govern 12 13 to rule or direct [v...
gowlan 14 13 (dialect) a name for...
gowpen 15 15 the hollow of the tw...
gozzan 16 27 a type of decomposed...
graben 12 12 (German) a rift vall...
gradin 11 10 anything like a step...
gratin 11 9 (French) the golden-...
graven 12 13 GRAVE, to engrave [v...
grison 11 9 a carnivorous mustel...
gryfon 19 14 a fabled animal part...
guanin 10 11 a yellowish-white, a...
guenon 9 11 a long-tailed monkey...
guidon 11 11 a small flag [n -S]
gulden 12 12 a monetary unit of t...
gunman 11 14 one who is armed wit...
gunmen 11 14 GUNMAN, one who is a...
gunnen 9 12 GIN, to process cott...
gurjun 14 20 a thin balsam or woo...
gylden 18 13 (Spenser) golden, gi...
hadden 11 11 HAD, (Scots) to hold...
hadron 11 10 one of a class of su...
haemin 12 12 the red, crystalline...
hagden 12 12 a sea bird, the grea...
hagdon 12 12 a sea bird, the grea...
halfen 14 13 (Spenser) half [adj]
hallan 13 11 (Scots) a partition...
happen 15 15 to occur [v -ED, -IN...
hapten 13 12 a substance similar...
harden 11 10 to make hard [v -ED,...
harken 12 13 to listen, also HARK...
harman 12 12 in thieves' slang, a...
harmin 13 12 an alkaloid derived...
harpin 14 12 a wooden plank used...
harten 11 9 to give courage to,...
hasten 11 9 to urry, also HASTE...
hatpin 14 12 a pin for securing a...
hausen 11 10 (German) a large stu...
hazzan 17 27 (Hebrew) a cantor in...
heaven 12 13 the sky [n -S]
hempen 14 15 made of hemp [adj]
hennin 10 11 a steeple-hat with a...
herden 11 10 a coarse fabric made...
herein 11 9 contained in this [a...
hereon 10 9 upon this [adv]
heroin 11 9 an addictive narcoti...
heroon 10 9 (Greek) a temple to...
hetman 12 12 (historical) a Cossa...
hetmen 12 12 HETMAN, (historical)...
hidden 12 11 concealed [adj HIDDE...
hippen 16 15 a baby's nappy wrapp...
hippin 17 15 a baby's nappy wrapp...
hitman 13 12 a professional kille...
hitmen 13 12 HITMAN, a profession...
hodden 11 11 (Scots) a coarse und...
hoddin 12 11 (Scots) a coarse und...
hodman 12 13 a bricklayer's labou...
hodmen 12 13 HODMAN, a bricklayer...
hoggin 14 13 sifted gravel, also...
hoiden 11 10 to act like a tomboy...
hoisin 12 9 a Chinese sweet spic...
holden 12 11 HOLD, to keep posses...
holpen 14 13 HELP, to give aid [v...
hooven 12 13 having hoove, a dise...
horson 11 9 (Shakespeare) a whor...
houdan 11 11 a type of domestic f...
hoyden 17 12 to act like a tomboy...
hudden 12 12 HAUD, (Scots) to hol...
humpen 15 16 (German) a type of e...
hungan 12 13 a voodoo priest, als...
hurden 12 11 a coarse fabric made...
hyalin 19 12 a clear translucent...
hyphen 22 16 to connect words wit...
iceman 13 13 a man who supplies i...
icemen 13 13 ICEMAN, a man who su...
idolon 10 9 a mental image, a fa...
impawn 16 16 (archaic) to stake,...
impugn 15 16 to attack by words [...
inborn 11 11 existing in one from...
indign 11 11 disgraceful, unworth...
inspan 11 11 to harness or yoke a...
intern 9 8 to confine during a...
intown 12 11 located in the centr...
intron 9 8 any of the segments...
inturn 10 9 a turning inward [n...
inulin 11 10 a carbohydrate got f...
inworn 12 11 worn or worked in; i...
isatin 10 7 a substance obtained...
isogon 10 9 a polygon having equ...
jampan 14 22 an Indian sedan chai...
jargon 12 18 to use words specifi...
jasmin 13 19 a genus of oleaceous...
jerkin 13 20 a kind of jacket [n...
jetson 11 16 (archaic) jetsam, al...
jetton 11 16 a piece of metal use...
jimson 13 19 a type of poisonous...
jordan 11 17 a chamberpot [n -S]
joskin 13 20 (slang) a clown, yok...
jotunn 11 18 in Norse myth, a gia...
kaftan 12 14 a kind of tunic, als...
kaizen 13 20 in Japan, the princi...
kalian 11 12 a Persian hookah or...
kamsin 12 14 the sirocco in Egypt...
kanban 11 15 a Japanese industria...
kanten 9 12 agar-agar jelly [n -...
kaolin 11 12 a very pure white cl...
karyon 16 13 the cell nucleus [n...
kation 10 11 a positively charged...
keiren 10 11 an 8-lap track cycli...
keirin 11 11 an 8-lap track cycli...
kelson 11 12 a wooden or steel st...
kelvin 14 16 the SI unit of tempe...
keppen 14 17 KEP, (Scots) to catc...
khazen 15 22 (Hebrew) a cantor in...
kippen 15 17 KEP, (Scots) to catc...
kirpan 13 14 a small sword of rel...
kirtan 11 11 (Sanskrit) devotiona...
kitten 11 11 to bear young cats [...
klaxon 17 19 a loud mechanical ho...
koulan 11 13 a wild ass inhabitin...
kraken 11 15 a legendary sea mons...
kronen 9 12 KRONE, a former mone...
kuchen 16 17 (German) a yeast-rai...
kurgan 12 14 (Russian) a prehisto...
kyogen 17 15 a comic interlude be...
ladron 10 9 (Spanish) a robber;...
laggen 12 12 the angle between th...
laggin 13 12 the angle between th...
lagoon 10 10 a shallow body of wa...
lallan 12 10 (Scots) lowland, als...
lardon 10 9 a strip of bacon, al...
largen 11 10 to enlarge, also ENL...
lateen 9 8 a triangular sail ri...
lathen 12 10 made of lath, thin s...
latron 10 8 (obsolete) a robber,...
latten 10 8 metal in thin plates...
lattin 11 8 metal in thin plates...
lawman 14 14 a law-enforcement of...
lawmen 14 14 LAWMAN, a law-enforc...
layman 17 13 a member of the lait...
laymen 17 13 LAYMAN, a member of...
leaden 9 9 made of or resemblin...
leaven 11 12 to produce fermentat...
lectin 14 11 a protein that binds...
ledden 10 10 (Spenser) language,...
leggin 13 12 a cover for the leg,...
legion 11 10 a large military for...
leglan 12 11 a milking pail, also...
leglen 12 11 a milking pail, also...
leglin 13 11 a milking pail, also...
legman 12 13 a newspaperman assig...
legmen 12 13 LEGMAN, a newspaperm...
leguan 11 11 (Dutch) a large moni...
lenten 9 9 meagre, i.e. that wh...
leptin 13 11 a hormone released b...
lepton 12 11 a monetary unit of G...
lesion 10 8 an abnormal change i...
lessen 10 8 to make or become le...
lesson 10 8 a teaching [n -S] /...
leucin 14 12 an amino acid, also...
leucon 13 12 a sponge of complex...
leukon 11 13 a bodily organ consi...
libken 14 15 in thieves' slang, a...
lichen 16 13 a compound plant con...
lignan 11 11 a beneficial substan...
lignin 12 11 an essential part of...
linden 10 10 a lime-tree, also LI...
lippen 15 14 (Scots) to trust, de...
listen 11 8 to try to hear [v -E...
litten 11 8 LET, to allow [v]
loaden 9 9 (archaic) to load, a...
lochan 15 13 (Gaelic) a small lak...
logion 11 10 a saying attributed...
loipen 12 11 LOIPE, a track for c...
lomein 11 11 a Chinese dish of no...
longan 10 11 the edible fruit of...
loosen 9 8 to make less tight [...
looten 9 8 LET, to allow [v]
lotion 10 8 a liquid preparation...
louden 10 10 to increase in volum...
loupen 12 12 LOUP, (Scots) to lea...
lucern 14 12 a fodder plant, aka...
lucken 15 16 (Scots) closed [adj]
luiten 11 9 LET, to allow [v]
lumpen 14 15 (German) relating to...
lungan 11 12 a pulpy fruit relate...
luppen 15 15 LEAP, to spring off...
lurdan 11 10 (archaic) a dull or...
lurden 11 10 (archaic) a dull or...
lutein 11 9 a yellow pigment fou...
lutten 11 9 LET, to allow [v]
luzern 14 18 a fodder plant, aka...
machan 15 15 (Hindi) a raised pla...
macron 13 13 a symbol placed over...
madden 10 12 to make or become ma...
madman 11 14 a man who is insane...
madmen 11 14 MADMAN, a man who is...
magian 11 12 a magician, also MAG...
magnon 10 13 a quantum of spin wa...
maidan 10 11 in India, an open pl...
maiden 10 11 unmarried, virgin [a...
malign 13 13 evil [adj MALIGNLY]...
malkin 13 15 (dialect) a cat, als...
mammon 12 16 riches regarded as t...
mannan 8 12 a type of sugar [n -...
margin 12 12 to provide with a bo...
marlin 12 11 a marine game fish [...
maroon 9 10 to abandon in an iso...
marron 10 10 (Native Australian)...
marten 10 10 a carnivore of the m...
martin 11 10 a bird of the swallo...
mascon 13 13 a concentration of d...
maslin 12 11 a mixed grain, also...
matron 10 10 a married woman of e...
mattin 11 10 (French) a morning p...
mauvin 13 15 a mauve dye, also MA...
mawkin 15 17 (dialect) a cat, als...
mayvin 19 16 (US slang) an expert...
median 10 11 middle [adj MEDIANLY...
meeken 10 14 to make meek [v -ED,...
melton 11 11 a strong and smooth...
merkin 12 14 a hairpiece for the...
merlin 12 11 a species of small f...
merlon 11 11 the part of a parape...
merman 11 13 a fabulous creature...
mermen 11 13 MERMAN, a fabulous c...
mesian 10 10 situated in the midd...
messan 10 10 (Scots) a lapdog, a...
micron 14 13 a unit of length, al...
midden 11 12 a dungheap [n -S]
mignon 11 13 (French) a filet mig...
mikron 12 14 a unit of length, al...
milden 12 12 to make mild, or mil...
milken 13 15 like milk [adj]
minion 10 11 a darling, a favouri...
minyan 16 13 the minimum number r...
misken 12 14 to fail to recognize...
mispen 13 13 to write incorrectly...
mitten 11 10 any of various glove...
mizzen 17 28 in a three-masted ve...
mnemon 10 14 a hypothetical unit...
modern 10 11 pertaining to the pr...
moggan 12 14 a footless stocking...
molten 11 11 made liquid by heat...
montan 9 11 as in montan wax, a...
moreen 9 10 a stout corded wool...
morgan 11 12 a unit of distance b...
morgen 11 12 a Dutch unit of land...
morion 10 10 a type of helmet, al...
morkin 12 14 an animal that has d...
motion 10 10 to direct by a gestu...
moulin 12 12 a nearly vertical, c...
moutan 10 11 the Chinese tree peo...
mouton 10 11 (French) a sheepskin...
mudhen 13 14 a water bird living...
muffin 16 17 a thick round baked...
muflon 14 15 (French) a Corsican...
mullen 13 13 a tall, stiff, yello...
muntin 11 12 the vertical framing...
murein 11 11 a peptidoglycan foun...
murlan 12 12 (Gaelic) a narrow-mo...
murlin 13 12 (Gaelic) a narrow-mo...
murren 11 11 a disease of cattle,...
murrin 12 11 a disease of cattle,...
muslin 13 12 a cotton fabric [n -...
musmon 12 14 a Corsican wild shee...
mutton 11 11 the flesh of sheep u...
myelin 18 13 the fatty substance...
myelon 17 13 the spinal cord [n -...
myogen 17 14 an albumin, soluble...
myosin 17 12 a protein found in m...
nandin 8 10 (Japanese) an evergr...
nankin 9 13 a durable buff-colou...
napkin 12 15 a piece of material...
napron 10 11 (archaic) an apron [...
nasion 8 8 the middle point of...
nation 8 8 people who share com...
natron 8 8 a mineral, native hy...
neaten 7 8 to make neat [v -ED,...
nekton 9 12 (Greek) the totality...
nelson 9 9 a wrestling hold [n...
neocon 10 11 (short for) a neocon...
neuron 8 9 the basic cellular u...
newton 11 11 a unit of force [n -...
niacin 12 11 a nicotinic acid, a...
noggin 11 12 a small mug or cup;...
nonfan 9 12 a person who is not...
nonman 8 12 a being that is not...
nonmen 8 12 NONMAN, a being that...
nonrun 8 10 of e.g. tights, not...
norman 9 11 a tethering bar inse...
nosean 7 8 a cubic mineral, alu...
notion 8 8 a general idea [n -S...
nubbin 14 15 a stunted or imperfe...
nuffin 14 15 (slang) nothing [n -...
nuthin 12 11 (colloquial) nothing...
obsign 13 12 to seal or confirm,...
obtain 11 10 to gain possession o...
oilcan 13 11 a can containing oil...
oilman 11 11 one who owns or oper...
oilmen 11 11 OILMAN, one who owns...
oilpan 12 11 (US) a sump [n -S]
olefin 12 11 a hydrocarbon of the...
operon 10 10 a group of genes ope...
oppugn 15 16 to assail with argum...
option 11 10 to grant the act of...
orcein 12 10 a purple dyestuff ob...
ordain 9 8 to invest with holy...
orexin 15 14 a hormone that stimu...
origan 10 9 wild marjoram, also...
origin 11 9 a coming into being...
orison 9 7 a short prayer [n -S...
orogen 9 9 an orogenic belt, a...
orphan 13 12 to deprive of both p...
ossein 9 7 a gelatinous bone re...
outgun 11 11 to surpass in fire p...
outman 10 11 to surpass in manpow...
outran 9 8 OUTRUN, to run faste...
outrun 10 9 to run faster than [...
outsin 10 8 to surpass in sinnin...
outwin 13 11 (Spenser) to win a w...
outwon 12 11 OUTWIN, (Spenser) to...
oxygen 22 18 a gaseous element [n...
paesan 10 10 (Spanish) a fellow c...
paisan 11 10 (Spanish) a fellow c...
pandan 10 12 (Malay) a palm of SE...
pangen 11 13 a hypothetical unit...
panton 10 11 (Scots) a slipper [n...
pantun 11 12 (Malay) a Malayan ve...
papain 13 13 an enzyme that diges...
pardon 11 11 to release from liab...
parian 11 10 a hard white porcela...
parkin 13 14 a north of England g...
parpen 13 13 a stone passing thro...
parson 11 10 a clergyman [n -S]
partan 11 10 a kind of edible cra...
parton 11 10 a hypothetical parti...
patron 11 10 a regular customer [...
patten 11 10 a wooden shoe; a clo...
paulin 13 12 a sheet of waterproo...
peahen 12 12 a female peacock [n...
peasen 10 10 PEASE, (archaic) a p...
peason 10 10 PEASE, (archaic) a p...
pechan 16 15 (Scots) the stomach...
pecten 14 13 a comblike anatomica...
pectin 15 13 a mixture of carbohy...
penman 11 14 an author [n PENMEN]
penmen 11 14 PENMAN, an author [n...
pennon 9 12 a long, narrow flag,...
pepsin 14 13 a digestive enzyme o...
percen 14 13 (Spenser) to pierce...
pereon 10 10 a crustacean's thora...
perfin 14 13 a postage stamp perf...
perkin 13 14 an oatmeal biscuit,...
perron 11 10 a raised platform or...
person 11 10 a human being [n -S]
phonon 12 13 a quantum of vibrati...
photon 13 12 a quantum of light o...
phylon 21 15 a main taxonomical d...
phytin 21 14 a substance from pla...
phyton 20 14 the smallest part of...
pickin 17 17 (West Africa) a smal...
pidgin 14 13 a simplified speech...
piecen 14 13 to join the broken e...
pieman 12 13 someone who sells pi...
piemen 12 13 PIEMAN, someone who...
pigeon 12 12 to gull or hoax [v -...
piggin 15 14 (Scots) a small pail...
pigman 14 15 a male pig farmer [n...
pigmen 14 15 PIGMAN, a male pig f...
pigpen 15 15 a place where pigs a...
pindan 11 12 a desert region of W...
pinion 11 11 to remove the wing f...
pinken 12 15 to become pink [v -E...
pinyin 18 13 (Chinese) a system f...
pinyon 17 13 (Spanish) an edible...
pipkin 16 17 a small earthenware...
pippin 17 16 any of numerous fine...
piston 12 10 a part of an engine...
pitman 13 13 a mine worker [n PIT...
pitmen 13 13 PITMAN, a mine worke...
pitten 12 10 PIT, to mark with de...
platan 12 11 the plane tree, also...
platen 12 11 the part of a printi...
pluton 13 12 a mass of rock solid...
poison 11 10 to administer a kill...
poitin 12 10 (Irish) Irish whiske...
poleyn 18 13 a piece of armour fo...
pollan 13 12 a whitefish, plentif...
pollen 13 12 the microspore of se...
pompon 14 16 (French) any triflin...
ponton 10 11 a float, a bridge of...
popgun 15 16 a tube for shooting...
poplin 15 14 a corded fabric with...
poprin 14 13 (Shakespeare) design...
postin 12 10 an Afghan sheepskin...
poteen 10 10 Irish whiskey distil...
potgun 13 13 a pot-shaped cannon;...
potion 11 10 a magical elixir or...
potman 12 13 a man who serves cus...
potmen 12 13 POTMAN, a man who se...
poyson 17 12 (obsolete) to poison...
preman 12 13 a hypothetical ances...
premen 12 13 PREMAN, a hypothetic...
prewyn 21 15 (Shakespeare) a prun...
prison 12 10 a place for holding...
progun 13 13 in favour of guns [a...
proign 13 12 (obsolete) to preen,...
prolan 12 11 a gonadotropic hormo...
proton 11 10 a subatomic particle...
proven 13 14 PROVE, to establish...
pterin 12 10 (Greek) any of a gro...
ptisan 12 10 a wholesome or medic...
pudden 12 13 a dull person [n -S]
puffin 17 17 a seabird of the auk...
pultan 13 12 an Indian regiment,...
pulton 13 12 an Indian regiment,...
pultun 14 13 an Indian regiment,...
punkin 13 16 a pumpkin, also POMP...
purlin 14 12 a horizontal support...
putten 12 11 PIT, to mark with de...
pycnon 20 16 a term in ancient Gr...
python 20 14 a large snake [n -S]
quinin 18 18 a colourless, bitter...
rabbin 14 13 (Hebrew) a Jewish ex...
racoon 11 10 a small American ani...
radian 9 8 a unit of angular me...
raglan 11 10 a loose overcoat wit...
ragman 11 12 a man who collects,...
ragmen 11 12 RAGMAN, a man who co...
raisin 10 7 a dried grape [n -S]
ramson 10 10 a broad-leaved garli...
randan 8 9 a boat rowed by thre...
randon 8 9 (Spenser) random cha...
rappen 13 13 a monetary unit of S...
rateen 8 7 a rough dress fabric...
ration 9 7 to distribute in fix...
ratlin 11 8 any of the small lin...
ratoon 8 7 to sprout from a roo...
rattan 9 7 a climbing plant wit...
ratten 9 7 to compel obedience...
ratton 9 7 (dialect) a rat, als...
reagin 10 9 a type of antibody [...
reason 8 7 to deduct inferences...
reborn 11 10 born again [adj]
reckan 13 14 a chain, hook or bar...
reckon 13 14 to count or compute...
recoin 12 10 to coin again [v -ED...
redden 9 9 to make or become re...
redfin 12 11 a small North Americ...
reearn 8 7 to earn again [v -ED...
reeden 8 8 made of reeds [adj]
regain 10 9 to take possession o...
region 10 9 an area or district;...
rejoin 11 16 to join again [v -ED...
reloan 9 8 to loan again [v -ED...
remain 10 10 to continue in the s...
rennin 8 9 an enzyme found in g...
renown 11 11 to make famous [v -E...
reopen 10 10 to open again [v -ED...
replan 12 11 to plan again [v REP...
repugn 13 13 to fight against; to...
requin 18 17 (French) the man-eat...
resawn 12 10 RESAW, to saw again...
reseen 8 7 RESEE, to see again...
resewn 12 10 RESEW, to sew again...
resign 11 9 to give up an office...
reskin 11 11 to replace the outer...
resown 12 10 RESOW, to sow again...
retain 9 7 to keep possession o...
retorn 9 7 RETEAR, to tear agai...
return 10 8 to go back [v -ED, -...
reworn 12 10 REWEAR, to wear agai...
rhyton 18 11 an ancient Greek dri...
ribbon 14 13 to decorate with nar...
richen 15 12 to make or become ri...
ridden 10 9 RIDE, to be conveyed...
riglin 13 10 a male animal with o...
rivlin 14 12 (Scots) a shoe mould...
robbin 14 13 a kind of package in...
rodman 10 11 a surveyor's assista...
rodmen 10 11 RODMAN, a surveyor's...
rognon 9 10 (French) an isolated...
ronion 8 8 a mangy or scabby cr...
ronyon 14 10 (Shakespeare) a mang...
rottan 9 7 (dialect) a rat, als...
rotten 9 7 very bad, rotted, al...
ruffin 15 14 (Spenser) a small fr...
rumkin 13 15 (obsolete) a kind of...
rurban 12 11 partially rural, par...
rushen 12 10 made of rushes [adj]
ryokan 16 13 (Japanese) a traditi...
sadden 9 9 to make sad [v -ED,...
sagoin 10 9 a South American mon...
saguin 11 10 a South American mon...
saimin 11 10 (Chinese) a Hawaiian...
salmon 11 11 any soft-finned fish...
saloon 9 8 a large room or hall...
samaan 9 10 (Carib) the rain-tre...
sampan 12 13 (Chinese) a flat-bot...
sanpan 10 11 (Chinese) a flat-bot...
santon 8 8 (Spanish) an Eastern...
sappan 13 13 (Malay) the wood of...
sarsen 9 7 a sandstone boulder...
sateen 8 7 a glossy cotton or w...
saxman 16 17 a saxophone player [...
saxmen 16 17 SAXMAN, a saxophone...
sazhen 14 18 (Russian) a unit of...
scazon 15 19 (Greek) a choliamb,...
schuln 17 14 SCHUL, a synagogue,...
screen 12 10 to provide with a co...
sdeign 11 10 (obsolete) to disdai...
seaman 9 10 a sailor [n SEAMEN]
seamen 9 10 SEAMAN, a sailor [n]
season 8 7 to improve flavour [...
seawan 11 10 (Native American) sh...
secern 12 10 to discern as separa...
seisin 10 7 legal possession of...
seitan 9 7 a food made from whe...
seiten 9 7 a food made from whe...
seizin 13 16 legal possession of...
selsyn 17 10 a type of remote-con...
sephen 13 12 (Arabic) a large sti...
sequin 18 17 to apply shiny ornam...
serein 9 7 (French) fine tropic...
sermon 10 10 to preach a religiou...
seroon 8 7 a crate, also SERON...
serran 9 7 a fish of the genus...
seston 9 7 (German) a very smal...
sextan 15 14 a recurrent malarial...
sexton 15 14 a church caretaker o...
shairn 12 9 (Scots) cow-dung, al...
shaken 12 13 SHAKE, to move to an...
shaman 12 12 (Russian) a doctor-p...
shapen 13 12 to shape [v -ED, -IN...
sharon 11 9 as in sharon fruit,...
shaven 13 13 SHAVE, to remove hai...
shogun 13 12 (Japanese) a heredit...
shoran 11 9 a system of navigati...
sialon 10 8 a type of ceramic ma...
siccan 16 13 (Scots) such, what a...
sicken 14 14 to make sick [v -ED,...
silken 12 12 to make soft and smo...
silvan 13 12 one that lives in a...
simian 11 10 an ape or monkey [n...
simkin 13 14 an Urdu corruption o...
simlin 13 11 a variety of squash,...
simoon 10 10 a hot, dry desert wi...
sindon 9 9 (archaic) a fine thi...
siphon 14 12 to draw off through...
siskin 12 11 a small green-yellow...
sithen 12 9 (Shakespeare) since;...
sitten 10 7 SIT, to rest on the...
sixain 16 14 a stanza of six line...
skreen 10 11 a screen, esp. in th...
skyman 18 16 a paratrooper [n SKY...
skymen 18 16 SKYMAN, a paratroope...
sliven 13 12 SLIVE, to slip [v]
slogan 11 10 a motto adopted by a...
sloken 11 12 (Scots) to quench, m...
sloven 12 12 a slovenly person [n...
soaken 9 11 SOAK, to saturate in...
socman 13 13 a tenant by socage,...
socmen 13 13 SOCMAN, a tenant by...
sodain 9 8 (obsolete) sudden, a...
sodden 9 9 wet through [adj SOD...
soften 11 10 to make soft [v -ED,...
soldan 10 9 (archaic) the monarc...
solein 10 8 (Spenser) sullen [ad...
solemn 11 11 serious [adj SOLEMNE...
solion 10 8 an electronic detect...
soudan 9 9 a Muslim ruler, also...
sovran 11 11 sovereign [adj SOVRA...
spavin 14 14 a disease of horses,...
spleen 12 11 a ductless organ of...
spoken 12 14 SPEAK, to speak [v]
sprain 12 10 to injure by twistin...
stamen 10 10 the male part of the...
statin 10 7 a type of drug that...
steven 11 11 (dialect) a voice; a...
stolen 10 8 STEAL, to take by th...
stolon 10 8 (Latin) a runner or...
stonen 8 8 (dialect) of stone,...
stotin 10 7 a monetary unit of S...
strain 10 7 to exert to the utmo...
strawn 13 10 STRAW, to cover with...
strewn 13 10 STREW, to scatter, s...
strown 13 10 STROW, to scatter, a...
subman 13 14 a primitive being [n...
submen 13 14 SUBMAN, a primitive...
suborn 12 11 to induce to commit...
sucken 14 15 a feudal district un...
sudden 10 10 without warning, als...
suldan 11 10 (Arabic) the monarch...
sullen 12 10 showing brooding ill...
sultan 11 9 (Arabic) the monarch...
summon 12 14 to order to appear [...
sunken 10 13 SINK, to subside to...
suntan 9 9 a brown skin colour...
supawn 15 14 (Native American) a...
sweven 14 14 (obsolete) a dream,...
sylvan 19 14 one that lives in a...
sylvin 20 14 a native potassium c...
syntan 15 10 a synthetic tanning...
syphon 20 14 to draw off through...
taguan 10 10 (Tagalog) a giant fl...
taipan 11 10 (Native Australian)...
talion 10 8 (historical) a punis...
tamein 10 10 a garment worn by Bu...
tampan 12 13 (Setswana) a venomou...
tampon 12 13 (French) a plug in a...
tangun 10 11 (Hindi) a piebald va...
tannin 8 9 any of a group of ye...
tarpan 11 10 an Asian wild horse...
tarpon 11 10 a marine game fish [...
tartan 9 7 a patterned woollen...
tarzan 12 16 a person of superior...
tauten 9 8 to make taut [v -ED,...
tavern 11 11 an ale house [n -S]
taxman 16 17 one who collects tax...
taxmen 16 17 TAXMAN, one who coll...
teflon 12 11 (tradename) a nonsti...
tegmen 11 12 (Latin) the inner co...
tellen 11 9 a kind of bivalve mo...
tellin 12 9 a kind of bivalve mo...
telson 10 8 the terminal segment...
tendon 8 9 a cord or fibrous ti...
tenpin 11 11 a bowling pin [n -S]
tenson 8 8 (French) a competiti...
tenzon 11 17 (French) a competiti...
teopan 10 10 (Nahuatl) an Aztec p...
teston 9 7 a name for various s...
thoron 11 9 the radioactive isot...
thrawn 15 12 (Scots) obstinate; t...
thrown 15 12 THROW, to fling in t...
ticken 14 14 a strong linen or co...
tiepin 12 10 a pin for holding a...
tiffin 15 13 to take lunch [v -ED...
tiglon 12 10 the offspring of a m...
tignon 10 10 a piece of cloth wor...
tinman 10 11 a worker in tin; a d...
tinmen 10 11 TINMAN, a worker in...
titian 10 7 a reddish-brown colo...
titman 11 10 the smallest of a li...
titmen 11 10 TITMAN, the smallest...
tocsin 13 10 an alarm sounded on...
toison 9 7 (French) a fleece [n...
tompon 12 13 (French) a plug in a...
topman 12 13 a seaman in the top...
topmen 12 13 TOPMAN, a seaman in...
torten 9 7 TORTE, (German) a ri...
tossen 9 7 (Spenser) to toss [v...
toucan 12 11 a tropical bird [n -...
touton 9 8 a deep-fried round o...
towmon 13 13 (Scots) a twelvemont...
toyman 16 12 a seller of toys [n...
toymen 16 12 TOYMAN, a seller of...
trapan 11 10 to operate on with a...
trepan 11 10 to cut holes in the...
trigon 11 9 a figure having thre...
triton 10 7 a kind of marine mol...
trogon 10 9 any of numerous spec...
tropin 12 10 a poisonous alkaloid...
trypan 18 12 as in trypan blue, a...
tuchun 16 14 (Chinese) a Chinese...
tulban 13 12 (obsolete) a turban,...
tundun 10 11 (Native Australian)...
turban 12 11 a man's headdress, c...
tureen 9 8 a large vessel for h...
turfen 12 11 (archaic) made of tu...
turion 10 8 (French) an undergro...
turnon 9 9 something that arous...
tutman 11 11 a piece-worker [n TU...
tutmen 11 11 TUTMAN, a piece-work...
tutsan 10 8 any of several plant...
tycoon 18 12 a wealthy and powerf...
tympan 19 15 a drum [n -S]
typhon 20 14 (Greek) a whirlwind...
ulicon 14 12 (Native American) th...
ulikon 12 13 (Native American) th...
ultion 11 9 (obsolete) vengeance...
unakin 10 13 not akin [adj]
unbeen 10 12 UNBE, to cease to ha...
unborn 11 12 not yet born [adj]
undern 9 10 (obsolete) orig the...
uneven 10 13 not even [adj UNEVEN...
ungain 10 11 (dialect) awkward, u...
ungown 13 14 to strip of a gown [...
unhewn 14 14 not hewn [adj]
unison 9 9 complete agreement [...
unmown 13 15 not mown [adj]
unopen 10 12 not open [adj]
unrein 9 9 to give rein to [v -...
unsawn 12 12 not sawn [adj]
unseen 8 9 an unprepared passag...
unsewn 12 12 UNSEW, to undo the s...
unsown 12 12 not sown, also UNSOW...
unspun 12 13 not spun [adj]
untorn 9 9 not torn [adj]
unturn 10 10 to turn backwards [v...
unworn 12 12 not worn [adj]
uplean 12 12 to rest one's weight...
uptorn 12 11 UPTEAR, to tear out...
uptown 15 14 the upper part of a...
upturn 13 12 to turn up or over [...
uranin 9 9 an alkaline salt of...
urchin 16 13 a mischievous boy [n...
ustion 10 8 (obsolete) the act o...
vanman 11 15 a man who drives a v...
vanmen 11 15 VANMAN, a man who dr...
vatman 12 14 an employee of the C...
vatmen 12 14 VATMAN, an employee...
vellon 13 13 (Spanish) a copper a...
verdin 12 12 a small yellow-heade...
verlan 12 12 (French) a variety o...
vermin 13 14 troublesome animals...
versin 12 11 a versed sine, a tri...
verven 13 15 (Spenser) vervain, t...
villan 14 13 a malevolent evildoe...
violin 13 12 the smallest of the...
virgin 14 13 chaste [adj VIRGINLY...
virion 12 11 a virus particle in...
viscin 16 14 the sticky substance...
vision 12 11 the act or faculty o...
vodoun 11 13 West Indian black ma...
voteen 10 11 (Irish) a devotee [n...
voudon 11 13 West Indian black ma...
vulcan 16 16 (Latin) a blacksmith...
wabain 14 13 a poisonous alkaloid...
waggon 14 14 to transport in a fo...
wangan 12 13 (Native American) in...
wangun 13 14 (Native American) in...
wanion 11 11 (Shakespeare) a word...
wanton 11 11 thoughtlessly cruel...
warden 12 11 someone who guards o...
warman 13 13 a warrior [n WARMEN]
warmen 13 13 WARMAN, a warrior [n...
warran 12 10 (obsolete) to warran...
warren 12 10 a rabbit's home [n -...
washen 14 12 WASH, to cleanse in...
washin 15 12 design of the leadin...
weaken 12 14 to make weak [v -ED,...
weakon 12 14 a subatomic particle...
weapon 13 13 to supply with an in...
weason 11 10 the windpipe, also W...
weazen 14 19 to become dry and sh...
wedeln 13 12 (German) to ski in a...
weeten 11 10 (Spenser) to know [v...
welkin 15 15 the sky [n -S]
whaten 14 12 (dialect) what kind...
whiten 15 12 to make white [v -ED...
wiccan 19 16 one who practices wi...
wicken 17 17 the rowan tree, also...
wigeon 13 12 a kind of freshwater...
wimmin 16 16 an attempt by Americ...
wippen 17 16 the part of a piano...
within 16 12 an interior place or...
wivern 15 14 in heraldry, a drago...
wizzen 19 28 the windpipe, also W...
wonton 11 11 (Chinese) in Chinese...
wooden 11 11 stiff as in wood [ad...
woolen 12 11 a fabric made of woo...
worsen 12 10 to become worse [v -...
wroken 13 14 WREAK, to effect, br...
wyvern 21 16 in heraldry, a drago...
xoanon 13 15 a primitive statue [...
yarran 15 9 (Native Australian)...
yaupon 17 13 (Catawba) a bushy ev...
yeelin 16 10 a person of the same...
yeoman 15 12 a member of a class...
yeomen 15 12 YEOMAN, a member of...
yitten 16 9 (dialect) frightened...
youpon 17 13 (Catawba) a bushy ev...
zeatin 12 16 a chemical compound...
zechin 18 21 (Italian) a former I...
zircon 16 19 a tetragonal mineral...