9 letter words that end with M

9 letter words that end with M

9 letter M word


Words With Friends®


absurdism 20 17 the doctrine that we...
academism 20 19 the doctrines of the...
achaenium 20 19 a small one-seeded f...
aciniform 21 19 shaped like cluster...
airstream 16 12 a flow of air [n -S]
albinoism 19 17 the state or conditi...
algorithm 21 17 a step-by-step proce...
alloplasm 21 18 protoplasm different...
aluminium 19 19 a light silvery mall...
americium 21 19 a white metallic tra...
amoralism 18 16 the refusal to recog...
amorphism 22 20 absence of regular f...
anabolism 18 17 the constructive met...
analogism 17 16 the act of analogizi...
anarchism 21 18 the doctrine or prac...
anemogram 16 18 a record made by an...
angiogram 17 17 a photograph made by...
angleworm 20 19 a earthworm of the g...
anglicism 22 19 an English idiom or...
anguiform 19 19 shaped like a snake...
aniconism 18 17 the worship of an ob...
animalism 18 17 physicality; the sta...
animatism 17 16 the primitive attrib...
anoestrum 15 14 a period of sexual i...
anthodium 18 17 the flower head of c...
anthurium 19 17 a tropical American...
antiserum 16 14 a serum containing a...
antivenom 16 18 an antitoxin counter...
apriorism 19 15 an a priori principl...
arbitrium 20 16 (Latin) a power of d...
arboretum 18 16 a collection of tree...
arrowworm 22 18 a peculiar transpare...
asphaltum 22 19 a mixture of bitumin...
asplenium 19 18 a genus of fern, aka...
athenaeum 16 16 a literary or scient...
atonalism 16 14 an adherence to aton...
audiogram 17 16 a graphic representa...
auteurism 17 14 the profession of au...
authorism 19 15 authorship [n -S]
autoecism 19 16 the development of t...
avisandum 18 19 (Scots) a private co...
avizandum 21 28 (Scots) a private co...
bacciform 27 24 shaped like a berry...
backronym 28 25 an acronym formed us...
bacterium 22 19 a class of unicellul...
barathrum 21 18 (Latin) an insatiabl...
barbarism 21 18 the state of being a...
barnstorm 18 16 to tour country area...
bashawism 24 20 (Turkish) the state...
beadledom 18 18 the office of beadle...
bedlamism 21 20 anything characteris...
beggardom 20 20 the state of being a...
belgicism 25 21 a word or expression...
berkelium 21 21 a radioactive, metal...
beryllium 28 20 a metallic element [...
biblicism 27 22 learning or literatu...
biologism 21 18 biological theory; t...
biorhythm 30 21 a periodic change in...
bishopdom 23 21 the jurisdiction of...
bitstream 19 15 a sequence of digita...
blindworm 23 21 a slowworm [n -S]
bloodworm 22 20 the larva of the mid...
boardroom 17 16 a room where the boa...
botulinum 20 19 a powerful bacterial...
brainstem 18 16 the stem of the brai...
breadroom 17 16 an apartment in a sh...
broadbrim 21 19 a broad-brimmed hat...
broadloom 18 17 woven on a wide loom...
brominism 20 19 poisoning by an over...
bromoform 21 21 a bromine compound a...
bronchium 24 22 a small branch of th...
brummagem 22 24 making an imposing d...
brutalism 21 17 a style of art, arch...
bubblegum 26 26 a kind of chewing-gu...
bumbledom 23 24 self-importance in a...
bursiform 22 19 shaped like a pouch...
cabbalism 25 22 a sect based on cabb...
cablegram 23 21 a message sent by a...
caciquism 32 28 government by a caci...
cactiform 25 21 cactus-shaped [adj]
caesarism 19 15 imperialism [n -S]
cairngorm 20 18 (Gaelic) a yellow-br...
calcaneum 22 21 (Latin) one of the b...
caldarium 21 18 (Latin) a hot room i...
calligram 23 19 a design using the l...
calvarium 23 21 the dome of the skul...
cambiform 25 24 shaped like cambium,...
candygram 26 21 a message accompanie...
capitulum 24 21 a flower cluster as...
capriform 24 21 goatlike [adj]
carbonium 21 20 a type of positively...
careerism 19 15 intentness on one's...
carnalism 20 17 the state of being c...
cartelism 21 16 the system of having...
cartogram 20 17 a map with diagramma...
castellum 22 18 (Latin) a small Roma...
castoreum 19 16 (Latin) the dried pe...
casualism 21 17 the belief that chan...
cataclasm 23 19 disruption; breaking...
cataclysm 30 21 a great flood or oth...
cataplasm 22 19 a plaster or poultic...
catechism 25 20 a form of instructio...
cauliform 23 20 shaped like or resem...
cauterism 20 16 the use or applicati...
centigram 20 18 1/100th of a gramme,...
cerastium 20 16 any low ground-cover...
chalutzim 27 28 CHALUTZ, an Israeli...
chazzanim 27 36 CHAZZAN, (Hebrew) a...
chazzenim 27 36 CHAZZEN, (Hebrew) a...
checkroom 25 24 (US) a cloakroom, a...
cheliform 25 21 shaped like a chela...
cheongsam 21 20 (Chinese) an orienta...
chernozem 23 27 (Russian) a very fer...
chimerism 24 20 the state of being o...
chumashim 26 23 CHUMASH, a printed b...
churchism 29 23 devotion to church r...
cirriform 23 18 formed like a cirrus...
cladogram 21 19 a branching diagram...
classroom 20 16 a room in which chil...
claustrum 22 18 (Latin) a thin lamin...
claviform 25 23 in the shape of a cl...
clingfilm 26 23 thin plastic film th...
clitellum 24 19 a region in the body...
cloakroom 20 20 a room in which coat...
cobriform 24 21 like or related to t...
cocainism 22 19 a morbid condition c...
coccidium 27 23 a parasitic protozoa...
coenobium 20 20 a colony of unicellu...
cofferdam 23 22 a narrow vacant spac...
cohyponym 35 25 a word which is one...
colchicum 30 25 a flowering plant [n...
collegium 23 20 a Soviet executive c...
collodium 22 19 a solution of pyroxy...
colluvium 25 23 material which accum...
collyrium 29 20 an eye lotion [n COL...
colosseum 20 17 a large building or...
colostrum 21 17 (Latin) milk secrete...
colourism 21 17 discrimination in wh...
columbium 25 24 a rare element of th...
combretum 23 22 (Latin) a member of...
commendam 20 23 (Latin) a vacant liv...
communism 22 23 a social theory acco...
contagium 20 19 a causative agent of...
continuum 19 19 a continuous range [...
conundrum 19 20 (Latin) a riddle, es...
cordiform 22 19 heart-shaped [adj]
cormidium 22 20 the assemblage of in...
corniform 21 19 shaped like a horn [...
coupledom 22 21 the state of being a...
courtroom 19 16 a room in a courthou...
credendum 19 19 an article of faith...
cretinism 20 16 a congenital deficie...
cribellum 25 21 a spinning organ of...
criterium 21 16 a kind of cycling ra...
criticism 25 18 the act of criticisi...
crossbeam 21 18 a beam joining other...
crotalism 21 16 poisoning by crotala...
cruciform 26 22 cross-shaped [adj CR...
cryptogam 29 22 a plant reproducing...
cryptonym 34 23 a code name or secre...
ctenidium 20 18 a comblike anatomica...
cteniform 21 19 comb-shaped [adj]
cubiculum 28 25 a burial chamber [n...
cuckoldom 25 25 the state of being a...
cuneiform 21 20 a wedge-shaped scrip...
curialism 22 17 the system of govern...
curviform 25 23 curving [adj]
cyclicism 35 24 the state of being c...
cymbidium 31 25 a kind of tropical o...
cymbiform 32 26 boat-shaped [adj]
cystiform 29 20 like a cyst [adj]
cytoplasm 29 21 the protoplasm of a...
daltonism 17 15 color blindness, esp...
decennium 18 19 (Latin) a period of...
defeatism 18 16 readiness or inclina...
deliquium 27 25 (archaic) a swoon; a...
dentalium 17 16 (Latin) any mollusc...
dentiform 18 17 shaped like a tooth...
deprogram 19 18 to prevail on a pers...
desmodium 18 18 a plant of the teleg...
despotism 19 16 absolute power; a st...
deuterium 17 15 heavy hydrogen, an i...
diabolism 20 17 devil-worship [n -S]
diachylum 30 22 formerly a plaster o...
diacodium 20 18 (obsolete) a syrup o...
dialogism 19 16 deduction with one p...
diaphragm 22 20 the muscular structu...
diapirism 20 16 the upward movement...
diatretum 17 14 a kind of glass bowl...
diazonium 19 24 a group of diazo com...
dibbukkim 25 28 DIBBUK, a wandering...
dichasium 23 19 a cymose inflorescen...
dichroism 23 18 the property of show...
diclinism 22 18 the state of having...
dicrotism 21 16 a condition in which...
diltiazem 21 23 a drug used to treat...
disablism 21 17 discrimination again...
disaffirm 22 19 to assert the contra...
disciform 23 19 round or oval in sha...
disesteem 16 13 to hold of low value...
disinform 19 17 to inform incorrectl...
dithelism 21 16 the doctrine that Ch...
dogmatism 19 18 the manner or charac...
doornboom 16 17 a South African acac...
doronicum 19 18 a flower, leopard's-...
draconism 19 17 being draconic in th...
dragonism 17 16 unremitting watchful...
drepanium 18 18 a kind of cymose inf...
dufferdom 21 21 being a duffer, also...
dufferism 22 20 being a duffer, also...
duststorm 18 14 a storm of dust [n -...
dybbukkim 31 30 DYBBUK, (Yiddish) a...
earthworm 21 17 the common worm [n -...
economism 19 19 a belief that econom...
ecosystem 25 17 all the organisms in...
ectoplasm 22 19 the outer transparen...
ectotherm 21 17 a cold-blooded anima...
ectropium 22 19 an unnatural eversio...
ecumenism 20 20 the doctrines and pr...
effluvium 25 25 disagreeable vapours...
egotheism 19 16 identification of on...
elaterium 17 14 a substance containe...
elbowroom 21 19 room to extend the e...
emblossom 20 19 to cover or adorn wi...
emotivism 20 19 the theory that mora...
emplectum 24 23 (archaic) ashlar mas...
encolpium 22 21 a reliquary; a cross...
endoplasm 18 18 the protoplasm in th...
endosperm 17 17 in a seed, nutritive...
endosteum 15 15 the internal periost...
endotherm 17 16 a warm-blooded anima...
enfreedom 16 17 (Shakespeare) to set...
enneagram 14 16 a personality system...
entropium 18 17 (Latin) the inversio...
epicedium 22 20 (Latin) a funeral od...
epicenism 21 19 the state of being e...
epicurism 23 19 the doctrines of Epi...
epigonism 19 18 the state of being a...
epilobium 22 20 a genus of plants th...
epimerism 20 18 optical isomerism [n...
epimysium 27 21 a fibrous sheet encl...
epiphragm 24 22 the disc with which...
epipolism 22 19 fluorescence [n -S]
equisetum 25 23 (Latin) a plant, hor...
eremitism 18 15 the state of a hermi...
eroticism 20 15 erotic quality [n -S...
eruciform 22 19 like a caterpillar [...
erythrism 26 16 a condition of exces...
esoterism 16 12 the holding of esote...
ethnicism 22 18 consciousness of or...
eunuchism 22 20 the state of being e...
euphemism 22 21 a figure of rhetoric...
euphonism 20 19 the custom of using...
euphonium 20 20 a musical instrument...
eurytherm 25 17 an organism which to...
excambium 29 29 in Scots law, exchan...
excerptum 28 26 (Latin) an excerpt,...
exogenism 22 22 the state of being e...
exoticism 26 22 the state of being e...
expertism 25 22 possession of specif...
extremism 24 22 the taking of an ext...
falangism 20 19 membership of the Sp...
falciform 25 22 shaped like a sickle...
fastigium 21 18 (Latin) the apex of...
ferrogram 19 17 a slide prepared to...
fetichism 25 20 devotion to or rever...
fetishism 22 17 devotion to or rever...
feudalism 20 18 the feudal system; a...
fibriform 24 21 shaped like a fibre...
firestorm 19 15 a huge blaze (especi...
flabellum 24 22 a fan-like structure...
flagellum 23 21 a long slender plant...
flerovium 22 21 an artificially prod...
fleshworm 25 21 (archaic) a worm or...
floriform 22 19 shaped like a flower...
flunkyism 28 24 the state of being a...
foregleam 19 18 a glimpse into the f...
formalism 21 19 the practice or the...
formulism 22 20 excessive use of, or...
foveiform 22 22 shaped like a small...
fungiform 22 22 shaped like a fungus...
fusionism 19 17 a policy that favour...
gaelicism 22 18 the Gaelic world [n...
galeiform 20 18 helmet-shaped [adj]
gallicism 24 19 a French turn of exp...
galvanism 20 20 the production of an...
ganderism 17 16 behaviour of or suit...
gargarism 19 16 (obsolete) a gargle...
gasconism 20 18 boastfulness [n -S]
gastraeum 17 15 the undersurface of...
gelsemium 20 19 a climbing plant [n...
gentilism 19 16 paganism, the qualit...
germanium 18 19 a metallic element,...
germplasm 22 21 plant genetic materi...
gigantism 19 17 a tendency to abnorm...
glassworm 22 18 the larva of a gnat...
globalism 22 19 internationalism [n...
glucinium 23 21 a former name for be...
gothicism 24 19 the quality of being...
greenroom 15 15 a room in a studio o...
grillroom 20 16 a room where grills...
guardroom 17 16 a room having the sa...
gymnasium 25 21 a room for athletic...
gynaeceum 25 21 the pistil of a flow...
gynaecium 26 21 the pistil of a flow...
gynoecium 26 21 the pistil of a flow...
hailstorm 20 15 a storm of hail [n -...
harmonium 19 19 a keyboard instrumen...
healthism 22 17 a lifestyle that pri...
heartworm 21 17 a filarial worm that...
hectogram 22 19 a measure of weight,...
hectorism 22 17 the disposition or t...
heightism 23 18 discrimination on gr...
hektogram 20 20 a measure of weight,...
heliogram 20 17 a message sent by re...
helvetium 22 20 a superseded name fo...
herbalism 22 18 the practice of herb...
herbarium 21 18 a collection of pres...
hermetism 20 17 a system of ideas ba...
hermitism 21 17 the state of being a...
heroinism 18 15 addiction to heroin...
hetaerism 18 14 concubinage; a syste...
hetairism 19 14 concubinage; a syste...
heteronym 23 17 a word having same s...
hieracium 22 18 any plant of the gen...
hierogram 19 16 a sacred or hierogly...
hippiedom 23 21 the world of the hip...
hirsutism 21 15 the state of being h...
hispanism 21 18 a movement asserting...
histogram 20 16 a diagram consisting...
historism 20 14 the belief that all...
hoodooism 17 15 the bringing of bad...
hordeolum 19 17 a small tumor upon t...
hospitium 22 18 a nursing home for t...
houseroom 17 15 room or place in a h...
hoydenism 24 18 the behaviour of a h...
hybridism 29 20 the state of being h...
hydronium 25 19 the hydrated hydroge...
hydroxium 32 25 a positive ion, H3O+...
hylozoism 29 26 the doctrine that al...
hypericum 31 23 a herbaceous plant o...
hyphenism 29 22 the practice of inse...
hypnotism 27 20 the science or pract...
hypogaeum 27 22 an underground chamb...
idioplasm 20 17 the part of the prot...
impluvium 25 25 a rain water recepta...
indecorum 19 18 (Latin) a lack of de...
interfirm 19 16 between firms [adj]
interterm 16 13 the period between t...
irenicism 20 16 the process of creat...
isobarism 19 15 the use of isobars [...
isomerism 18 15 the state, quality,...
jesuitism 20 22 subtle argument, als...
jetstream 18 21 a narrow belt of hig...
jockeyism 29 30 the practice of jock...
jointworm 21 25 the larva of a small...
joliotium 20 23 a former name for th...
junglegym 28 30 (tradename) a climbi...
kabbalism 23 23 the secret science o...
kaddishim 21 20 KADDISH, a Jewish pr...
kaiserdom 17 17 the office of kaiser...
kaiserism 18 16 the system of having...
karyogram 24 20 a chromosome diagram...
kibbutzim 27 32 KIBBUTZ, a collectiv...
kissagram 19 18 a service whereby a...
kissogram 19 18 a service whereby a...
klephtism 24 22 being a klepht, a Gr...
klezmorim 23 29 KLEZMER, (Yiddish) a...
labdacism 23 20 a fault in speaking...
labialism 21 17 the quality of being...
labourism 20 17 a support for worker...
lactivism 24 20 strong advocacy of b...
lanciform 22 20 shaped like a lance...
lanthanum 18 18 a rare element of th...
larviform 22 20 having the form or s...
lathyrism 27 17 a neurological disea...
lentiform 19 17 shaped like a lens [...
libriform 23 19 shaped like a book [...
lichenism 23 19 the association of f...
ligniform 21 19 of the form or shape...
literatim 18 13 (Latin) letter for l...
liturgism 21 16 the study of liturgi...
logarithm 21 17 a mathematical opera...
lorazepam 21 25 a drug used in the t...
lunchroom 22 20 a room where lunch i...
luvviedom 22 23 the world of luvvies...
machzorim 26 29 MACHZOR, a Jewish pr...
macrocosm 23 21 a large and complex...
maelstrom 18 16 (Dutch) a powerful w...
maenadism 16 17 the state of being a...
magianism 18 18 the teachings or phi...
magmatism 20 20 the production of ma...
magnalium 19 20 an alloy of magnesiu...
magnesium 18 19 a bright silver-whit...
magnetism 18 18 the state of being m...
mammiform 22 24 shaped like a breast...
mammogram 20 23 an X-ray of the brea...
mammonism 19 22 the greedy pursuit o...
mannerism 16 17 a marked peculiarity...
manubrium 20 21 any handle-like stru...
marsupium 21 20 the pouch, formed by...
martyrdom 24 18 the state of being a...
martyrium 25 18 a shrine erected in...
mashgihim 24 21 MASHGIAH, (Hebrew) a...
masochism 23 20 the derivation of se...
masterdom 17 16 dominion; rule; comm...
mausoleum 18 18 a large, stately tom...
mazaedium 20 26 a spore-producing or...
mechanism 22 21 the belief that life...
megastorm 18 17 a very large storm [...
meliorism 19 16 the belief that the...
meloxicam 27 26 a drug used to treat...
memoirism 19 18 the act or art of wr...
menstruum 18 18 (Latin) a solvent, e...
mentalism 18 17 the belief that the...
mephitism 23 20 poisoning by mephiti...
mescalism 22 19 the habitual use of...
mesmerism 19 18 a hypnotic state ind...
metaplasm 20 19 the alteration of a...
metaxylem 30 25 a part of the primar...
meteorism 17 15 abdominal cramps and...
methodism 20 18 methodical procedure...
metricism 22 18 the study of metre [...
microbeam 22 21 a beam of radiation...
microcosm 24 21 the world of human n...
microfilm 25 22 to make a microfilm...
microform 23 21 a process for reprod...
microgram 22 20 a millionth of a gra...
midrashim 21 18 MIDRASH, an early Je...
midstream 18 16 the middle part of a...
milligram 22 19 a thousandth of a gr...
misbeseem 19 18 (archaic) to be unsu...
misesteem 17 15 to lack esteem for;...
misinform 20 19 to inform incorrectl...
misoneism 17 16 a hatred or fear of...
mitriform 21 18 mitre-shaped [adj]
modernism 17 17 a modern usage, expr...
molluscum 24 22 a childhood skin pro...
monachism 22 21 the monastic system...
monergism 18 18 the theory that the...
mongolism 19 19 a medical condition,...
monkeyism 24 22 being like a monkey...
monoecism 19 19 the state or conditi...
mosaicism 21 18 the property or stat...
mridamgam 20 21 (Sanskrit) a two-hea...
mridangam 18 19 (Sanskrit) a two-hea...
mullahism 23 20 the system of having...
multiatom 19 17 containing many atom...
multiform 22 20 a multiform object;...
multigerm 21 19 producing or being a...
multiroom 19 17 having many rooms [a...
mummiform 23 25 a sarcophagus [n -S]
mutualism 20 18 a belief in the mutu...
myelogram 25 20 an X-ray of the spin...
mysticism 29 20 the habit or tendenc...
mythicism 31 22 a theory that explai...
narcotism 19 16 narcosis; the state...
nelumbium 21 22 (Tamil) a plant of t...
neodymium 23 20 a rare metallic chem...
neologism 17 16 a new word, phrase o...
neoterism 15 13 the introduction of...
nephalism 21 19 total abstinence fro...
nephogram 20 20 a photograph of clou...
neptunium 18 19 a radioactive metall...
neurogram 16 16 a modification in ne...
niggerdom 18 18 (offensive) black pe...
niggerism 19 17 (offensive) an expre...
nonrandom 13 16 not random [adj]
nonsystem 21 16 something that is no...
noodledom 15 16 the state of being a...
nymphaeum 27 24 a temple for nymphs...
occultism 25 20 the study of the occ...
operculum 23 21 an anatomical part t...
opobalsam 20 19 balm of Gilead, the...
opusculum 24 22 a short work, also O...
orphanism 20 18 the state of being a...
osteoderm 15 13 a bony dermal plate...
ostracism 20 15 expulsion from socie...
outscream 19 16 to surpass at scream...
overclaim 22 20 to claim excessively...
overgloom 19 19 to cover with gloom...
overwhelm 24 22 to crush with someth...
pachyderm 30 23 a thick-skinned quad...
padronism 18 17 a system of work con...
palladium 21 19 a metallic element r...
panderism 18 17 the employment, arts...
panegoism 18 18 solipsism [n -S]
panlogism 20 19 the theory that the...
pantheism 20 18 the belief that the...
paramylum 27 22 a substance resembli...
paroecism 21 18 the state of having...
passivism 22 19 the doctrine of bein...
pastorium 19 16 the residence of a p...
pauperdom 20 20 the state of being a...
pauperism 21 19 the state of being a...
pedantism 18 17 pedantry, also PEDAN...
pelmanism 20 20 a card game in which...
pelviform 24 23 basin-shaped [adj]
pennalism 18 18 a system of fagging...
penniform 19 20 feather-shaped [adj]
pentagram 18 18 a five-pointed star,...
perciform 24 21 a perch-like fish [n...
perinaeum 17 17 the lower part of th...
periplasm 22 19 the region inside th...
perisperm 21 18 the albumen of a see...
pessimism 21 18 a tendency to look o...
petersham 20 17 a rough, knotted woo...
petrogram 19 17 a picture on stone [...
petroleum 19 17 a general term inclu...
phaenogam 19 20 (Greek) any plant of...
phantasim 20 18 (Shakespeare) a fant...
phenakism 21 22 deceit [n -S]
phonetism 20 18 the science which tr...
phonogram 20 20 a letter, character,...
photogram 21 19 a photograph [n -S]
physicism 32 22 belief in the materi...
pictogram 23 20 a pictograph; a grap...
piracetam 21 18 a drug used to treat...
piroplasm 22 19 a parasite causing c...
pisciform 25 21 shaped like a fish [...
placoderm 22 20 covered with bony sc...
planigram 20 19 an x-ray photograph...
planogram 19 19 a schematic drawing...
platonism 19 17 the philosophy of Pl...
plexiform 28 26 in the form of a net...
pluralism 22 18 a theory or system o...
plutonism 20 18 the theory that the...
plutonium 20 19 a naturally radioact...
poeticism 22 18 a word or phrase tha...
pollinium 21 19 a coherent mass of p...
polygonum 26 22 any plant of the kno...
polypidom 28 22 a coral, or corallum...
pomoerium 19 19 (Latin) an open spac...
potassium 19 16 a silvery alkaline m...
practicum 26 22 (Latin) a course of...
predatism 19 16 the state of preying...
preinform 20 19 to inform in advance...
prelatism 20 16 domination by prelat...
prereform 20 18 before reform [adj]
prescutum 23 20 in insects, a plate...
presidium 20 17 a standing committee...
pressroom 18 15 a room for reporters...
prettyism 26 17 affectation of a pre...
princedom 21 20 the realm or authori...
privatism 22 19 a tendency to be con...
prooemium 19 19 a preface, also PROE...
proofroom 19 18 a room where proofs...
propodeum 20 20 in some Hymenoptera,...
proreform 20 18 in favour of reform...
protoderm 18 16 the dermatogen, the...
prytaneum 24 19 an ancient Greek tow...
pseudonym 24 20 a fictitious name as...
pterygium 27 20 a growth over the co...
puerilism 21 17 childishness [n -S]
purdonium 19 19 a kind of coal-scutt...
puzzledom 26 36 the domain of puzzle...
pycnidium 29 23 a spore-bearing orga...
pyelogram 26 20 an X-ray picture of...
pyrethrum 28 20 a name still applied...
pyroceram 27 20 a transparent cerami...
quaesitum 25 23 (Latin) something so...
quercetum 28 26 (Latin) a plantation...
quickbeam 31 32 the hawthorn [n -S]
quitclaim 30 26 to draw up a quitcla...
quixotism 32 29 quixotic principles,...
rabbinism 21 19 a rabbinic expressio...
racialism 21 16 a doctrine of racial...
radiogram 17 15 an X-ray photograph...
rainstorm 16 13 a storm of rain [n -...
ralliform 21 17 of the rail family o...
ranterism 16 13 the practice or tene...
rascaldom 20 17 the state of being a...
rascalism 21 16 rascally conduct, al...
razorclam 23 25 a lamellibranch moll...
reacclaim 23 19 to acclaim again [v...
rebaptism 21 18 a second baptism [n...
reblossom 19 16 to blossom again [v...
reconfirm 21 19 to confirm anew [v -...
reddendum 16 17 a clause in a lease...
reformism 20 18 any doctrine or move...
reprogram 19 17 to program again [v...
reptilium 21 17 a building for displ...
responsum 18 17 (Latin) in rabbinica...
restiform 19 15 cordlike [adj]
reticulum 22 18 a network [n RETICUL...
rhipidium 23 19 a fan-shaped cymose...
rhizobium 25 27 a bacterium importan...
rhopalism 22 18 a sentence or poem i...
rhotacism 22 17 the excessive use or...
ritualism 19 14 regular observance o...
rostellum 19 15 the protruding forep...
roundworm 19 18 a nematoid worm [n -...
routinism 17 14 the practice of doin...
rusticism 22 16 a rustic saying or c...
ruthenium 19 17 a metallic element o...
sabbatism 21 18 intermission of labo...
saccharum 25 21 a genus of tall trop...
sacciform 25 21 shaped like a sac [a...
sachemdom 22 21 the government or ju...
sacrarium 20 16 (Latin) the sanctuar...
sagapenum 18 19 a gum resin, formerl...
salesroom 16 13 a room where goods f...
salicetum 21 17 a willow plantation...
salpiform 22 19 shaped like a barrel...
sandstorm 16 14 a strong wind that w...
sargassum 18 15 a genus of algae inc...
sarmentum 17 17 (Latin) a long whipl...
saturnism 17 14 (archaic) lead poiso...
savagedom 18 19 the state of being s...
scalogram 21 18 an arrangement of it...
scientism 20 16 the belief that the...
screwworm 26 21 the larva of a dipte...
scutellum 23 19 a scale on a bird's...
scutiform 23 19 shield-shaped [adj]
sensillum 19 16 (Latin) in insects,...
sensorium 16 14 the area of the brai...
separatum 18 16 a separate offprint...
septarium 19 16 a nodule of mineral...
septiform 21 18 shaped like a partit...
serialism 18 13 serial technique, or...
serriform 19 15 resembling a notched...
servilism 21 17 system of slavery or...
sexualism 24 21 emphasis on sex [n -...
shamanism 19 18 the religion of cert...
shammasim 21 20 SHAMMAS, a minor off...
shammosim 21 20 SHAMMOS, (Hebrew) th...
sheikhdom 22 21 the domain of a shei...
shelfroom 21 18 space or accommodati...
shochetim 24 19 SHOCHET, (Hebrew) a...
sialogram 18 15 an X-ray of the sali...
siddhuism 21 17 (Hinglish) any contr...
sigmatism 20 17 repetition of the si...
singledom 18 17 the state of being u...
snowstorm 19 16 a storm of snow [n -...
socialism 21 16 the theory, principl...
sociogram 20 17 a diagram of social...
solipsism 21 16 a theory holding tha...
sovietism 19 16 the principles and p...
spiniform 21 19 like a thorn or spin...
spiralism 21 16 advancement through...
spirillum 23 18 a rigid, spiral-shap...
spiritism 21 15 the belief that noth...
spirogram 20 17 a record made by a s...
splittism 22 16 advocating the withd...
spodogram 19 18 a preparation of the...
spoonworm 20 19 a marine invertebrat...
sporidesm 19 16 a multicellular body...
sporidium 20 17 a secondary spore, o...
squiredom 25 23 the office of squire...
stackroom 20 19 in a library, a room...
staffroom 20 18 a room in a school s...
stateroom 15 12 a private cabin or r...
stillroom 19 14 a room, in a large h...
stipiform 22 18 resembling a stipe,...
stockroom 20 19 a room where goods a...
stomodeum 17 17 an embryonic oral ca...
storeroom 15 12 a room in which thin...
stratagem 17 14 a plan for deceiving...
strawworm 23 18 a caddice worm [n -S...
strongarm 17 15 to use forceful tact...
strontium 17 14 a metallic element o...
styliform 27 18 shaped like a style...
stylitism 26 15 the practice of bein...
styrofoam 24 17 (tradename) a type o...
submentum 20 21 part of an insect's...
subphylum 32 25 (Latin) the taxonomi...
subsystem 26 18 part of a system [n...
sugarplum 22 20 a kind of candy or s...
sulfonium 20 19 the positively charg...
superatom 18 16 a cluster of atoms b...
superfarm 21 19 a very big farm [n -...
superfirm 22 19 a large firm [n -S]
supertram 19 16 a very superior tram...
sutteeism 17 13 the Indian practice...
swarajism 22 24 the policy of Indian...
syllabism 28 19 use of a writing sys...
syllogism 27 18 an argument in which...
symbolism 28 21 the use of symbols i...
sympodium 27 22 a stem involved in s...
symposium 27 21 a conference [n SYMP...
synangium 23 19 a cluster of sporang...
syncytium 33 21 a multinucleate cell...
synedrium 23 17 an ancient rabbinica...
synergism 24 17 the belief that huma...
synoecism 25 18 association of speci...
tachogram 22 19 a record made by a t...
tallaisim 19 14 TALLITH, (Hebrew) a...
tallithim 22 16 TALLITH, (Hebrew) a...
talmudism 20 18 belief in the doctri...
tantalism 17 14 the punishment of Ta...
tarantism 16 13 a dancing mania or m...
taraxacum 25 23 a plant of the dande...
tauriform 19 16 having the form of a...
tectiform 22 18 shaped like a roof [...
tectonism 19 16 tectonics [n -S]
tegmentum 18 19 a scale protecting a...
tellurium 20 16 a rare chemical elem...
temazepam 21 27 a drug used to treat...
tenaculum 20 19 a surgical hook or f...
tenebrism 18 16 a style of painting,...
tentorium 16 14 a sheet of the dura...
tephigram 22 19 a diagram on which i...
terminism 18 16 the doctrine that th...
terraform 18 15 to make (another pla...
terrarium 17 13 a glass enclosure fo...
terrorism 17 12 an organized system...
tetragram 17 14 a word or inscriptio...
thanatism 18 15 the belief that the...
therefrom 20 17 from that [adv]
thralldom 21 17 servitude, also THRA...
tormentum 17 17 a missile hurler [n...
transform 18 16 to change into anoth...
trapezium 22 25 any quadrilateral th...
trendyism 23 16 being trendy [n -S]
tribadism 20 16 lesbianism, also TRI...
tribalism 21 16 the state of existin...
triennium 16 15 a period of three ye...
trifolium 21 17 (Latin) any legumino...
triforium 20 16 a gallery in a churc...
trimerism 19 15 the state of being a...
tripudium 21 18 (Latin) an ancient R...
trisodium 18 14 containing three sod...
tritheism 20 14 the belief that the...
triticism 22 15 a trite remark [n -S...
tsaddikim 19 18 TSADDIK, (Hebrew) in...
tsaddiqim 26 23 TSADDIQ, (Hebrew) in...
tutiorism 18 13 the doctrine that on...
tzaddikim 22 27 TZADDIK, (Hebrew) in...
tzaddiqim 29 32 TZADDIQ, (Hebrew) in...
ultimatum 20 18 a last offer, or dem...
unchrisom 22 19 (Lamb) unchristened...
unconform 20 21 (Milton) unlike [adj...
underbrim 19 18 a facing on the unde...
unfreedom 17 18 lack of freedom [n -...
unguentum 17 19 (Latin) an ointment...
unguiform 20 20 shaped like a claw [...
unrealism 17 15 lack of realism [n -...
unununium 16 19 a chemical element [...
uredinium 17 16 a uredosorus, a soru...
uropygium 27 21 the rump of a bird w...
vaccinium 25 24 (Latin) a genus of e...
vampirism 23 22 the practice of a va...
vandalism 19 19 wanton damage [n -S]
vasospasm 20 19 a sharp and often pe...
verbalism 22 20 undue attention to w...
verbascum 24 23 another name for the...
vermiform 22 22 having the form of a...
versiform 21 19 varying in form [adj...
vestigium 21 19 (Latin) a trace, a v...
videogram 19 19 a commercial video f...
vikingism 22 23 the practice of bein...
villiform 24 21 of the form or shape...
virginium 21 20 a name proposed for...
viticetum 23 20 a plantation of vine...
vitriform 22 19 of the form or shape...
volcanism 22 21 volcanic power or ac...
voltinism 20 18 the number of broods...
voodooism 17 17 the belief in or pra...
vorticism 23 19 a British movement i...
voyeurism 25 19 the derivation of gr...
vulcanism 23 22 volcanic power or ac...
vulgarism 22 20 a coarse, substandar...
vulpinism 23 22 foxlike cunning [n -...
vulsellum 23 21 (Latin) a forceps wi...
vulturism 22 19 (Carlyle) the state...
vulviform 25 25 shaped like a vulva,...
wagenboom 20 21 (Afrikaans) a South...
welfarism 23 19 the social policies...
wheatgerm 22 19 the vitamin-rich emb...
wheatworm 24 20 a small nematode wor...
wherefrom 23 20 from where [adv]
whitebeam 23 20 a small tree with le...
windstorm 20 17 a storm of wind [n -...
witticism 25 18 a witty remark [n -S...
ytterbium 26 18 (Swedish) a rare ele...
yuppiedom 27 22 the state of being a...
zealotism 20 22 the character or con...
zirconium 23 26 a rare element of th...
zoocytium 29 27 a hollow vessel [n Z...
zootheism 21 23 the attribution of d...
zygantrum 27 27 extra vertebral arti...
zygosperm 29 28 a spore formed by un...