12 letter words that end with M

12 letter words that end with M

12 letter M word


Words With Friends®


abolitionism 24 20 principles or measur...
aeroembolism 24 22 sickness caused by e...
aestheticism 27 20 the doctrine that be...
allomorphism 29 25 the state of being a...
amphithecium 33 29 the outer layer of c...
androclinium 25 23 another name for the...
anecdotalism 24 21 the relating of anec...
anguilliform 27 24 shaped like an eel [...
animalculism 28 25 the former biologica...
anisotropism 23 19 the state of being a...
antiblackism 29 27 prejudice against bl...
antifeminism 24 23 opposition to femini...
antihumanism 24 23 opposition to humani...
antinepotism 22 20 opposed to nepotism...
apocalyptism 36 27 the doctrine of the...
apostolicism 28 22 the quality of being...
appressorium 26 22 the flattened thicke...
archesporium 29 24 a primitive cell or...
astrotourism 22 16 tourism in space [n...
asynchronism 32 24 the state of being a...
automobilism 26 23 an interest in cars...
automorphism 27 24 ascription to others...
barbarianism 25 22 the state of being a...
behaviourism 28 25 the psychological th...
bicameralism 29 25 the state of being b...
bilateralism 26 20 two-sidedness; equal...
bilingualism 28 24 the ability to speak...
bimillennium 27 26 (Latin) a period of...
bronchospasm 30 27 constriction of the...
calceamentum 28 27 (Latin) a red silk e...
campodeiform 29 28 of or resembling the...
causationism 24 20 the principle of uni...
characterism 30 23 a characteristic [n...
charlatanism 27 22 the state of being a...
checkerbloom 33 31 a Californian malvac...
chemotropism 30 26 plant growth in the...
chlorophytum 39 29 any plant of the gen...
chromaticism 32 26 the state of being c...
chromatogram 28 25 a visible record of...
cladosporium 28 24 a type of fungus [n...
classicalism 31 23 in literature, music...
coalitionism 25 20 the forming of a coa...
collectivism 33 27 the doctrine of comm...
collegialism 29 23 the theory that the...
commensalism 27 26 a relation between t...
connubialism 27 25 the state of being c...
conservatism 26 23 the principles and p...
corporealism 27 22 materialism [n -S]
countercharm 29 25 to destroy or dissol...
counterclaim 28 24 to enter or plead a...
crassamentum 25 23 (Latin) a clot of bl...
cremationism 25 22 the policy of burnin...
cryptorchism 40 28 a medical condition...
cuprammonium 29 30 a solution of cupric...
cylindriform 35 26 shaped like a cylind...
darmstadtium 24 21 an artificially prod...
deinotherium 23 20 an extinct elephanti...
deuteroplasm 24 21 the food material, s...
deviationism 23 21 the deviation of a d...
dialecticism 30 23 the study of dialect...
diamagnetism 23 22 the form of magnetis...
diastrophism 27 21 the process by which...
dichromatism 29 24 partial color blindn...
diffusionism 27 24 the theory that diff...
dilettantism 23 18 the state of being a...
dissenterism 22 17 the beliefs of a dis...
dissyllabism 34 23 the fact of having t...
diverticulum 30 26 a blind passage or t...
doctrinarism 25 20 being doctrinaire, a...
dolphinarium 27 24 a place where dolphi...
draconianism 23 21 extreme harshness of...
duraluminium 25 24 a strong, light, alu...
dyotheletism 31 21 the doctrine that Ch...
ecotarianism 23 19 the principle or pra...
ecoterrorism 24 18 sabotage intended to...
elementalism 23 21 the worship of eleme...
emotionalism 22 20 a tendency to regard...
endomorphism 26 25 metamorphism of cool...
endothermism 24 22 the formation of a c...
epicureanism 26 23 a Greek philosophy h...
epileptiform 29 25 resembling that of e...
episcopalism 30 25 episcopalian governm...
epithalamium 28 25 a lyric ode in honor...
equisetiform 32 28 having the form of a...
ergastoplasm 25 21 ribosome-studded end...
essentialism 22 17 a belief that the va...
etymologicum 34 27 an etymological dict...
eunuchoidism 27 24 a condition in which...
evangelarium 24 24 a book containing pa...
evangelicism 28 26 being an evangelist...
evolutionism 24 22 belief in evolution...
exclusionism 32 28 the practice of excl...
expansionism 28 27 a policy or practice...
expatriatism 30 25 the state of being a...
factionalism 27 23 belonging to a facti...
fantasticism 27 22 being fantastic [n -...
fibrilliform 32 26 in the form of fibri...
flabelliform 31 27 shaped like a fan [a...
flagelliform 30 26 shaped like a whip [...
fraternalism 24 20 being fraternal [n -...
geomagnetism 23 23 the state of being g...
grammaticism 29 26 a point of grammar [...
greenbackism 28 28 the advocation of a...
gregarianism 23 20 gregariousness [n -S...
gubernaculum 29 28 in mammals, the cord...
guerrillaism 26 20 the activities of gu...
gynodioecism 31 24 the state of being g...
haptotropism 28 23 curving in response...
helianthemum 27 25 a garden flower with...
heliotropism 27 21 the movement of plan...
hemimorphism 31 28 the state of being h...
heterosexism 29 24 the belief that homo...
hibernaculum 30 27 (Latin) a shelter oc...
hobgoblinism 30 27 the state of being a...
hojatoleslam 26 28 an Iranian cleric be...
hojatolislam 27 28 an Iranian cleric be...
homomorphism 30 28 similarity of extern...
homothallism 29 24 the state of having...
hydatidiform 33 24 having the shape of...
hydrargyrism 39 24 mercury poisoning, a...
hydrotropism 33 23 growth in the direct...
hylomorphism 37 28 the belief that matt...
hyperrealism 33 23 realism in art chara...
hypogastrium 34 25 (Latin) the lower mi...
hypognathism 35 27 the state of being h...
iconophilism 30 25 a taste for pictures...
idiomorphism 28 24 the state of being i...
illiberalism 28 21 opposition to or lac...
immersionism 24 22 the practise of bapt...
incendiarism 24 21 the malicious burnin...
inflationism 24 21 the policy of econom...
infundibulum 28 28 a funnel-shaped body...
inhalatorium 24 20 an institution or de...
intuitionism 22 18 the belief that the...
involucellum 30 28 a whorl or set of br...
isolationism 22 17 a policy of national...
justicialism 30 29 the political ideolo...
kurchatovium 31 30 a former name for ru...
laryngospasm 31 24 spasmodic closure of...
leontopodium 23 22 any plant of the Eur...
lithospermum 29 25 a kind of flower [n...
logocentrism 26 22 a philosophy holding...
lumbriciform 33 29 shaped like a worm [...
mammilliform 30 29 in the form of a nip...
mediaevalism 25 24 the spirit of the Mi...
mercantilism 27 23 the theory or practi...
mercurialism 28 23 a morbid condition d...
mesogastrium 24 21 the mesentery suppor...
mesognathism 25 23 the state of having...
mesomorphism 28 26 the state of being m...
metachronism 27 24 an error of dating a...
metagnathism 25 23 the state of being m...
metamorphism 28 26 the processes of rec...
metasomatism 23 21 metamorphism caused...
microprogram 29 26 a routine composed o...
miserabilism 27 22 the quality of seemi...
mithridatism 27 21 immunity to poison b...
monomorphism 27 27 existence in one for...
monorchidism 28 25 the state of being m...
morbilliform 30 26 like or resembling m...
multiproblem 30 27 featuring many probl...
municipalism 30 27 concern for the inte...
mycodomatium 33 28 a fungus gall [n MYC...
necrophilism 30 25 the erotic love of c...
negrophilism 28 24 sympathy for the pli...
neonomianism 19 21 the theory that the...
newspaperdom 27 26 the world of newspap...
newspaperism 28 25 the system of having...
noctambulism 29 27 somnambulism [n -S]
nonclassroom 23 21 not classroom [adj]
nonpetroleum 22 22 not derived from pet...
nyctitropism 34 24 the assumption by pl...
obscurantism 27 23 opposition to the sp...
operationism 22 19 the theory that defi...
ornithogalum 25 22 a plant of a large g...
orthotropism 26 20 vertical growth [n -...
overoptimism 27 25 excessive optimism [...
paedobaptism 27 25 the doctrine of infa...
paludamentum 25 26 a Roman general's or...
pandaemonium 22 25 riotous uproar, also...
panhellenium 26 25 a council representi...
pansexualism 30 28 the theory that all...
parachronism 28 24 the representation o...
paragnathism 26 23 having equal mandibl...
paramorphism 29 26 the state of being a...
parapsychism 38 28 panpsychistic parall...
parkinsonism 24 24 Parkinson's disease...
parochialism 30 24 the state of being p...
patriarchism 30 23 government by a patr...
patristicism 29 21 the mode of thought,...
perichaetium 29 24 a sheath or cluster...
perimorphism 30 26 the state of being a...
perinephrium 28 25 the fatty tissue sur...
perionychium 35 27 tissue surrounding a...
periostracum 27 22 the horny outer laye...
periselenium 24 21 in an elliptical orb...
perpetualism 27 23 a belief in the perp...
philistinism 29 22 lack of culture, a m...
philosophism 32 26 would-be philosophy...
photorealism 26 21 an esp. detailed, pr...
phototropism 28 23 movement directed by...
pictorialism 29 22 the use or creation...
pityrosporum 33 24 a yeastlike fungus w...
placentiform 29 26 cake-shaped [adj]
pleiochasium 30 25 a cymose inflorescen...
pleiotropism 27 22 the state of being p...
pleomorphism 30 27 polymorphism; the oc...
poikilotherm 28 25 an organism that tak...
pollyannaism 30 24 a pollyannaish obser...
polycentrism 34 25 the existence of man...
polydemonism 31 26 the belief in and wo...
polyglottism 34 24 the state of being p...
polymorphism 37 29 the circumstance in...
polytonalism 31 23 the state of being p...
postfeminism 27 25 a movement that rega...
postliminium 27 24 the right by which p...
practicalism 32 25 devotion to what is...
pragmaticism 30 26 the philosophic doct...
praseodymium 31 25 a chemical element,...
precisianism 27 22 over-preciseness, fo...
precisionism 27 22 over-preciseness, fo...
presenteeism 22 19 ostentatious attenda...
progymnasium 32 27 in Germany, a gymnas...
propagandism 26 25 the practice of prop...
propheticism 32 26 being prophetic [n -...
prosyllogism 34 24 a syllogism whose co...
protactinium 27 23 a radioactive metall...
prothalamium 28 25 (Spenser) a song in...
pseudopodium 26 25 a process protruding...
pseudorandom 22 22 being or involving e...
psychologism 38 28 a theory that applie...
psychoticism 40 28 the state of being p...
pteridosperm 26 22 an extinct group of...
pulvilliform 33 29 shaped like a cushio...
quadriennium 29 29 (Latin) a period of...
quinquennium 37 39 a period of five yea...
radiothorium 24 19 a radioactive isotop...
receptaculum 31 27 a receptacle [n RECE...
reductionism 25 21 the belief that comp...
reflectogram 28 24 an image produced by...
rheomorphism 29 25 the liquefaction of...
rontgenogram 21 21 a photograph made wi...
saltationism 22 17 punctuation in evolu...
salvationism 24 21 religious teaching e...
saprophytism 35 25 being a saprophyte [...
scapegoatism 27 23 the act of making sc...
secessionism 24 19 support for secessio...
sectarianism 24 19 being a sectarian [n...
sectionalism 25 20 an exaggerated devot...
sensationism 20 17 exploitation of the...
serpentiform 25 22 in the form of a ser...
shamateurism 25 21 the retention of ama...
situationism 22 17 the theory that beha...
somnambulism 27 27 an abnormal conditio...
somniloquism 32 30 talking in one's sle...
spermagonium 25 25 a receptacle in whic...
spermogonium 25 25 a flask-shaped struc...
spiritualism 27 20 the belief that noth...
sporangiolum 25 23 a sporangium contain...
stakhanovism 26 26 the practice of work...
stalactiform 28 22 shaped like a stalac...
standpattism 24 20 the practice of refu...
stercoranism 24 19 formerly, a name for...
stomatodaeum 21 20 in embryology, the i...
strippergram 28 23 a message delivered...
strobiliform 28 22 having the form of a...
strychninism 34 24 strychnine poisoning...
subjectivism 33 35 the doctrine that al...
submicrogram 30 27 relating to or havin...
suboperculum 31 28 in fishes, a bone be...
superkingdom 26 27 a taxonomical classi...
supernaculum 28 26 liquor of the best k...
superpremium 28 26 a very large premium...
superrealism 25 20 in art, a style that...
superstardom 24 20 being a superstar [n...
superstratum 25 20 an overlying layer [...
suspensorium 24 21 that which holds up...
sycophantism 35 26 sycophancy [n -S]
symmetallism 33 25 a system of coinage...
synclinorium 32 24 a great synclinal st...
syndactylism 39 25 being syndactyl, hav...
synecdochism 36 27 the use of synecdoch...
syntheticism 34 23 the principles of sy...
theocentrism 26 21 the belief that God...
theomorphism 29 25 the concept of man a...
thunderstorm 24 20 a storm featuring th...
traducianism 25 21 the theory that the...
transformism 25 22 the theory of the mu...
transuranium 21 19 of an element, havin...
transvestism 24 20 dressing oneself in...
trimethoprim 28 23 a synthetic antibact...
trinacriform 27 22 three-pronged [adj]
trinomialism 24 20 the system of naming...
triumphalism 30 25 belief in the superi...
troglodytism 31 21 the practice of livi...
ultraleftism 27 21 support of the extre...
ultrarealism 24 18 extreme realism [n -...
underkingdom 23 26 a subkingdom [n -S]
underperform 25 24 to perform insuffici...
understratum 22 19 a stratum under anot...
unguentarium 22 22 a vessel for holding...
unitarianism 21 18 belief in unity or u...
universalism 25 22 belief in universal...
unnilpentium 24 24 a former name of the...
unnilquadium 31 31 a former name of the...
unnilseptium 25 23 a former name of the...
verticillium 31 25 a fungus some specie...
verumontanum 23 26 a ridge on the male...
voluntaryism 31 24 the principle or pra...
volunteerism 24 22 the use of volunteer...
voluntourism 25 23 tourism in which tra...
xiphisternum 33 29 the posterior and sm...
xylobalsamum 39 33 the dried twigs, or...
zoomagnetism 25 30 animal magnetism [n...
zygomorphism 38 36 the state of being z...