14 letter words that end with M

14 letter words that end with M

14 letter M word


Words With Friends®


abstractionism 30 24 the principles or pr...
allelomorphism 33 28 the state of being a...
andromonoecism 26 26 having hermaphrodite...
anthropophuism 33 29 the ascription of hu...
antialcoholism 31 25 the doctrine of bein...
anticapitalism 31 25 opposition to capita...
antiliberalism 29 23 opposition to libera...
antimilitarism 28 22 opposition to milita...
antiquarianism 32 29 an interest in antiq...
antiradicalism 29 23 opposition to radica...
apheliotropism 32 26 growth away from the...
apocalypticism 43 32 the doctrine of the...
associationism 27 21 the theory which con...
bidialectalism 33 26 facility in using tw...
bioregionalism 28 24 an environmentalist...
breatharianism 28 23 the belief that huma...
centenarianism 25 23 the state of being a...
centripetalism 31 25 the state of being c...
chondrocranium 32 29 the cartilaginous pa...
chordamesoderm 30 27 the layer of special...
clavicytherium 44 33 a harpsichord-like m...
conservatorium 29 26 (Latin) a school of...
constructivism 35 29 a nonobjective art m...
continentalism 27 24 anything peculiar to...
cruciverbalism 38 32 the compiling and so...
cryptorchidism 44 31 the condition in whi...
cyanobacterium 38 30 a blue-green alga [n...
cyberterrorism 37 25 computer-related ter...
dichromaticism 36 29 the property of pres...
disciplinarium 33 27 a scourge for penite...
disequilibrium 39 33 loss or lack of equi...
dissolutionism 27 21 belief in political...
echocardiogram 33 28 a visual record made...
egalitarianism 26 21 a belief in human eq...
electromyogram 36 28 a tracing made by an...
encyclopaedism 39 31 the compiling of enc...
endoparasitism 26 22 the state of being a...
evangelicalism 32 29 being evangelical [n...
exceptionalism 36 32 the condition of bei...
existentialism 32 26 the doctrine of indi...
extensionalism 30 27 the state of being e...
ferrimagnetism 29 26 the state of being f...
ferromagnetism 28 26 the state of being f...
fideicommissum 34 31 a request by a deced...
flexitarianism 34 29 a semi-vegetarian di...
fundamentalism 28 28 a movement in 20th c...
galvanotropism 30 28 the directional grow...
heterochronism 31 25 divergence from the...
heteromorphism 32 27 the state of having...
heterothallism 31 23 the state of being h...
hobbledehoydom 39 32 the state of being a...
hobbledehoyism 40 31 the state of being a...
holometabolism 31 27 of an insect, comple...
homochromatism 34 30 the state of being h...
homoeomorphism 32 30 the state of being h...
hypercriticism 44 30 an instance of being...
hypermodernism 36 29 a hypermodern approa...
hypochondriasm 40 31 hypochondria [n -S]
hypothyroidism 45 29 deficient activity o...
incrementalism 29 26 a policy or advocacy...
indifferentism 29 26 the belief that all...
inspirationism 27 22 the belief that the...
interactionism 27 22 the belief that mind...
intersexualism 32 27 the state of being i...
intuitionalism 26 21 the doctrine that th...
libertarianism 28 22 belief in the maximu...
lipogrammatism 32 29 the practice of writ...
liquidationism 35 30 a theory of economic...
lymphangiogram 39 33 a radiogram of the l...
matriarchalism 33 26 the state of being m...
megasporangium 29 29 the sporangium in he...
metachromatism 32 28 a change in colour,...
millenarianism 27 24 the belief that an i...
monochromatism 31 29 complete color blind...
monolingualism 28 27 the state of being m...
multiracialism 33 26 the state of being m...
narcoterrorism 27 21 drug-related terrori...
necessarianism 26 22 the theory that acti...
neocolonialism 27 24 the quasi-colonialis...
nitrobacterium 30 25 a bacterium that con...
noncognitivism 30 29 something that is no...
nonequilibrium 36 34 lack of equilibrium...
nonobjectivism 33 38 the state of being n...
obstructionism 31 25 deliberate interfere...
operationalism 26 22 the theory that defi...
overenthusiasm 28 25 an excessive enthusi...
paleomagnetism 28 27 the study of the Ear...
parajournalism 29 32 journalism that is h...
patriarchalism 34 26 a patriarchical syst...
pentadactylism 37 28 the state of being p...
perfectibilism 37 30 the doctrine that hu...
peripateticism 33 26 the state of being p...
phallocentrism 34 28 the state of being p...
photoperiodism 31 26 a plant or animal's...
piezomagnetism 31 35 magnetism developed...
pococuranteism 32 28 indifference, also P...
polychromatism 41 31 being multi-coloured...
polysynthesism 43 28 the state of being p...
polysynthetism 43 28 the state of being p...
predeterminism 28 25 determinism [n -S]
prescriptivism 37 30 the belief that mora...
probabiliorism 33 27 the belief that when...
progressionism 28 23 sympathy with or adv...
prohibitionism 32 26 support for prohibit...
proletarianism 27 22 belief in the prolet...
pseudomorphism 33 30 the state of being p...
psilanthropism 33 27 the denial of Christ...
quattrocentism 36 31 the spirit of the 15...
radiostrontium 25 20 a radioactive isotop...
reactionaryism 33 23 the state of being r...
restitutionism 26 19 the belief that afte...
restorationism 24 18 the belief that afte...
restrictionism 29 21 a policy or philosop...
sacramentalism 29 25 belief in or use of...
sceuophylacium 43 33 a sacristy [n SCEUOP...
semiparasitism 29 23 the state of being s...
sensationalism 24 20 the belief that idea...
sentimentalism 26 23 the disposition to f...
servomechanism 32 30 an automatic device...
spermatogonium 28 27 a primitive male ger...
stalactitiform 32 24 having the form of a...
substantialism 29 23 the belief that ther...
synaposematism 33 26 warning coloration c...
telejournalism 28 30 journalism for telev...
territorialism 27 18 a social system in w...
tetartohedrism 27 20 the state of being t...
theocentricism 33 26 the state of being t...
theriomorphism 33 27 the belief that gods...
thermochromism 35 30 a phenomenon in whic...
traditionalism 26 20 adherence to the doc...
transsexualism 32 27 the state of being a...
transvestitism 28 22 cross-dressing [n -S...
tripersonalism 28 22 belief in the Trinit...
trituberculism 34 26 the state of being t...
ultramodernism 27 24 an artistic movement...
ultramontanism 26 24 the act of supportin...
unsectarianism 27 23 lack of sectarianism...
utilitarianism 27 20 the belief that util...