10 letter words that end with M

10 letter words that end with M

10 letter M word


Words With Friends®


absinthism 23 19 a disease resembling...
absolutism 22 18 the doctrine of gove...
acetabulum 24 22 (Latin) a cuplike ho...
acrobatism 23 19 the art of the acrob...
acroterium 21 17 a pedestal or orname...
actiniform 23 20 having a radiate for...
afterswarm 23 19 a second swarm or ca...
alcoholism 25 20 continued excessive...
allomerism 21 18 similarity of crysta...
allotheism 22 17 belief in or worship...
alternatim 18 15 (Latin) in sacred mu...
amateurism 19 17 the state of being a...
ambulacrum 26 25 a radial band in the...
ammoniacum 22 24 gum ammoniac [n -S]
amoebiform 22 22 resembling an amoeba...
anabaptism 21 20 the doctrine of the...
anacardium 20 19 a genus of plants in...
anachorism 22 19 a geographical mispl...
anaerobium 18 18 an organism not requ...
androecium 20 19 the male organs (sta...
angiosperm 20 19 a plant of the Angio...
antagonism 17 17 actively expressed o...
antebellum 21 20 relating to the peri...
antemortem 17 17 taking place before...
anticivism 24 21 opposition to the bo...
antimerism 19 17 the state of having...
antiracism 21 17 opposition to racism...
antireform 19 17 opposed to reform [a...
antitheism 20 16 the doctrine of anti...
aplanatism 20 18 freedom from spheric...
apophthegm 27 25 (Greek) a short, pit...
apothecium 25 22 the spore-producing...
archaicism 27 21 an archaic expressio...
archiplasm 27 22 the protoplasmic mat...
archoplasm 26 22 the protoplasmic mat...
argumentum 20 21 logical argument, pr...
asceticism 25 19 the state of being a...
ascogonium 21 20 the female reproduct...
asepticism 24 19 aseptic treatment [n...
astaticism 22 16 the quality of being...
asystolism 26 16 the state or symptom...
atracurium 22 18 a muscle-relaxing dr...
auditorium 19 16 (Latin) the part of...
automatism 19 17 the state of being a...
autotheism 20 16 belief that one is G...
baalebatim 22 20 BAALEBOS, (Hebrew) t...
baculiform 27 24 rod-shaped [adj]
bantingism 21 20 slimming by avoiding...
bastardism 21 17 the state of being a...
belletrism 23 18 the writing of belle...
bestialism 22 17 having sexual interc...
bipedalism 24 21 the state of being b...
blamestorm 22 20 (of colleagues in a...
blastoderm 21 18 the germinal membran...
blepharism 26 22 spasm of the eyelid...
blogstream 22 19 the alternative news...
bolshevism 26 23 being a bolshevik [n...
boosterism 20 16 the practice of boos...
bourbonism 22 21 the principles of th...
bowdlerism 25 21 the censoring of a l...
bradyseism 27 19 a slow up-and-down m...
brahmanism 23 22 the religious and so...
brahminism 24 22 the religious and so...
brainstorm 20 17 a sudden disturbance...
bridegroom 21 19 a man just married o...
caddisworm 25 21 the larva of the cad...
cafetorium 23 20 a large room designe...
caffeinism 25 23 an unhealthy conditi...
calceiform 27 23 slipper-shaped [adj]
calyciform 34 25 having the form or a...
cancriform 26 23 shaped like a crab [...
cankerworm 24 24 a larva that feeds o...
capitalism 25 20 the economic system...
capitellum 26 22 the capitulum of the...
cardiogram 22 19 a tracing obtained f...
catabolism 24 20 destructive chemical...
centralism 22 18 the tendency or poli...
cerebellum 25 22 (Latin) the lower po...
charmonium 24 23 any of various eleme...
chauvinism 26 24 excessive or blind p...
chimaerism 25 21 the state of being o...
chloralism 26 20 a morbid condition o...
chloroform 26 22 to treat with or as...
choreiform 25 21 resembling chorea [a...
chromidium 26 23 an algal cell in a l...
chromogram 25 23 a combination of pho...
chronogram 23 21 an inscription whose...
churnalism 25 21 a type of journalism...
cicisbeism 28 22 the state or conduct...
cinchonism 26 23 a condition produced...
cinerarium 21 18 (Latin) a place to r...
classicism 27 20 the principles or st...
clonazepam 25 30 a sedative drug used...
clypeiform 33 25 shaped like a buckle...
cockalorum 26 25 boastful talk; a boa...
cockneydom 30 27 the region or home o...
cockneyism 31 26 a Cockney idiom or c...
coenosteum 19 18 the calcareous skele...
colloquium 32 29 (Latin) a conference...
compendium 24 25 (Latin) an assortmen...
compluvium 29 29 (Latin) a space left...
conacreism 23 20 the system of conacr...
concettism 24 20 the use of concetti...
conchiform 28 25 shaped like a shell...
conclavism 27 25 a minority movement...
concretism 24 20 reification [n -S]
conformism 24 23 compliance with esta...
consortism 21 17 symbiosis [n -S]
consortium 21 18 (Latin) an associati...
convictism 27 24 the policy or practi...
copperworm 28 25 the shipworm [n -S]
corniculum 26 23 (Latin) a small horn...
coryneform 28 22 virgate, rod-shaped...
cottierism 22 16 the cottier system o...
cotyliform 31 22 disc-shaped with a r...
cribriform 27 22 shaped like a sieve...
crippledom 27 24 cripples collectivel...
cristiform 25 19 in the form of a cre...
crossclaim 26 20 a claim made by a de...
cryptogram 31 23 anything written in...
cuculiform 29 25 of, relating to, or...
cucumiform 29 27 cucumber-shaped [adj...
culiciform 29 24 like or resembling a...
cultriform 26 21 knife-shaped [adj]
cumuliform 27 25 shaped like a heap,...
curriculum 28 23 (Latin) a program of...
cyathiform 32 23 shaped like a cup [a...
decimalism 24 21 the system of a deci...
delphinium 24 22 a genus of garden fl...
demagogism 21 21 the practices of a d...
demirepdom 21 21 the state of being a...
dendriform 20 19 shaped like a tree,...
dendrobium 20 20 a kind of epiphytic...
dendrogram 18 18 a branching diagram...
desiderium 19 16 longing or yearning...
deutoplasm 21 19 the food material, s...
diactinism 22 18 the ability to trans...
diatropism 21 17 the growth of plant...
dichromism 26 22 the state of being d...
digitalism 22 17 a serious condition...
digitiform 23 19 shaped like a finger...
digitorium 21 17 (Latin) a silent pia...
dimorphism 25 22 the state of existin...
diothelism 22 17 the doctrine that Ch...
disconfirm 24 21 to deny the validity...
disembosom 21 20 to separate from the...
disselboom 21 18 (Afrikaans) the sing...
disulfiram 23 19 a compound used in t...
doctrinism 22 18 adherence to doctrin...
downstream 20 18 in the direction of...
dyothelism 28 19 the doctrine that Ch...
dysphemism 31 24 the substitution of...
dysprosium 28 20 a rare-earth metal u...
ebionitism 20 17 the system or doctri...
echinoderm 22 20 one of the Echinoder...
ecotourism 21 17 the practice of tour...
elytriform 28 19 having the form, or...
embothrium 24 22 an evergreen shrub n...
empiricism 26 22 pursuit of knowledge...
emplastrum 23 21 a medicated plaster,...
enthraldom 20 18 (archaic) the state...
enthusiasm 20 17 intense and lively i...
epicardium 24 21 that part of the per...
epicentrum 23 21 the point on the Ear...
epicranium 23 21 the medical term for...
epidendrum 20 20 a genus of tropical...
epineurium 20 19 the connective tissu...
epiphytism 32 23 the state of being a...
episternum 20 18 a median bone connec...
epithelium 24 20 the outer skin and c...
eponychium 31 25 a narrow band of cut...
eriophorum 22 19 a plant of the cotto...
erraticism 22 16 the state of being e...
eudemonism 18 19 the theory that the...
euhemerism 21 19 the interpretation o...
eupatorium 20 18 any plant of the gen...
euphorbium 25 23 the resinous gum of...
evangelism 21 21 the winning or reviv...
exosporium 26 24 the outermost layer...
factualism 25 21 the quality of being...
fanaticism 23 20 fanatical outlook or...
favoritism 23 20 the showing of speci...
federalism 21 18 the principles of Fe...
femininism 21 21 an addiction to femi...
filopodium 24 22 a threadlike pseudop...
flunkeydom 28 26 the world of flunkey...
flunkeyism 29 25 the state of being a...
foreignism 21 19 anything peculiar to...
fortuitism 22 17 belief in evolution...
freeganism 20 19 the policy of being...
fresherdom 22 19 the state of being a...
fumatorium 22 21 (Latin) a place for...
funnelform 22 23 having the form of a...
gadolinium 20 19 a rare metallic elem...
gangliform 23 22 in the form of a gan...
gargoylism 28 20 a rare condition cha...
generalism 19 17 the practice of stud...
genteelism 19 17 being genteel [n -S]
geophagism 24 22 the act or habit of...
geotropism 21 18 a disposition to tur...
gestaltism 21 16 gestalt psychology [...
glandiform 22 21 gland-shaped; acorn-...
glochidium 27 23 (Latin) the larva of...
gnaphalium 24 23 a genus of composite...
gnosticism 23 19 the belief that free...
gombeenism 21 22 the state of being a...
gormandism 20 20 gluttony [n -S]
gradualism 21 18 the belief that thin...
grangerism 20 18 the practice of illu...
griffinism 25 22 being like a griffin...
gymnosperm 28 24 a plant with the ovu...
gynandrism 25 20 the state of being g...
hackneyism 30 25 the quality of being...
hacktivism 28 26 the act of breaking...
haustellum 23 19 the sucking organ or...
haustorium 21 17 (Latin) one of the s...
headstream 19 16 the stream forming t...
heathendom 20 19 (archaic) heathenism...
heathenism 21 18 the state of being h...
hegemonism 21 21 the state of being a...
hemelytrum 29 22 an insect forewing t...
henotheism 21 18 the worship of one g...
heteroatom 18 15 an atom other than c...
hexamerism 27 25 the state of being h...
hidalgoism 23 19 the state of being a...
hipsterism 24 18 the state of being a...
homeotherm 22 20 an organism that mai...
honorarium 19 17 a voluntary fee paid...
hoodlumism 23 21 being a hoodlum [n -...
horologium 22 19 (obsolete) a horolog...
humoralism 23 20 the state of being h...
hyaloplasm 30 22 the clear fluid part...
hylotheism 30 20 the doctrine that th...
hypanthium 31 24 a fruit consisting i...
hypocorism 32 23 the use of a pet nam...
iconoclasm 24 21 attacking of establi...
illuminism 23 20 a belief in an inwar...
immobilism 25 23 a political policy c...
immoralism 22 20 rejection of moralit...
impaludism 24 22 a disease carried by...
incisiform 24 20 shaped like an incis...
individuum 22 22 (Latin) an indivisib...
indumentum 19 21 (Latin) a total body...
initialism 20 15 an acronym formed fr...
insularism 20 16 the state of being i...
intravitam 20 18 performed upon or fo...
invalidism 22 20 the condition of an...
involucrum 25 24 (Latin) a whorl or s...
iridosmium 21 18 a very hard corrosio...
isotropism 21 16 isotropy, also ISOTR...
journalism 21 25 the collection and e...
kaffirboom 25 26 a deciduous flowerin...
karyoplasm 28 23 nucleoplasm [n -S]
katabolism 22 21 destructive metaboli...
kettledrum 21 20 a drum made of thin...
kitchendom 24 24 the domain of the ki...
laconicism 25 21 a vigorous, brief ma...
lageniform 21 20 shaped like a flask...
lambdacism 26 24 a fault in speaking...
lamestream 19 17 the traditional medi...
lawrencium 25 22 a transuranic elemen...
lebensraum 20 19 (German) room to liv...
legitimism 23 19 adherence to the pri...
lenocinium 21 20 in Scots law, conniv...
lesbianism 21 18 female homosexuality...
letterform 21 17 the shape of a lette...
liberalism 23 18 the state of being l...
limaciform 26 23 slug-like [adj]
linguiform 23 21 shaped like a tongue...
literalism 21 15 adherence to the exp...
livestream 21 18 to broadcast (an eve...
lowbrowism 28 23 the state of being a...
luminarism 21 19 painting that shows...
lycopodium 31 24 a genus of mosslike...
lymphogram 32 26 a record made by lym...
macroprism 25 22 in crystallography,...
mahatmaism 22 21 the state of being a...
mainstream 18 17 to place (as a disab...
malleiform 23 21 shaped like a hammer...
martialism 21 17 the quality of being...
mashgichim 29 25 MASHGIACH, (Hebrew)...
maudlinism 21 20 tearful sentimentali...
medusiform 22 21 resembling a jellyfi...
meerschaum 24 22 (German) hydrated ma...
meitnerium 19 18 an artificially prod...
memorandum 19 22 (Latin) a note to he...
mesomerism 20 19 in chemistry, resona...
messianism 19 17 belief in a single m...
metabolism 22 20 the sum of the proce...
metamerism 20 19 a particular form of...
microprism 26 22 a tiny prism used as...
microseism 23 19 a small earth tremor...
militarism 22 17 reliance on military...
milksopism 25 24 the state of being a...
millennium 21 21 (Latin) a period of...
millstream 22 18 a stream whose flow...
minimalism 22 21 making do with as li...
minisystem 26 19 a set of hi-fi equip...
miracidium 24 21 the ciliated first-s...
misprogram 23 21 to program incorrect...
moderatism 19 17 moderation in doctri...
molybdenum 28 25 a rare element of th...
monadiform 20 21 having the form of a...
monarchism 24 22 monarchical governme...
monetarism 18 17 an economic policy b...
mongrelism 21 20 the state of being m...
moniliform 22 21 having narrow interv...
monogenism 18 20 the doctrine of the...
monopodium 20 22 a stem in which the...
monopolism 21 21 the practice of oper...
monorchism 24 22 the state of being m...
monosodium 18 19 as in monosodium glu...
monotheism 20 19 belief in only one G...
moratorium 19 17 a legal authorizatio...
morphinism 24 22 a morbid condition p...
mugwumpism 29 29 being a mugwump [n -...
myocardium 29 23 the main substance o...
mytiliform 30 22 mussel-shaped [adj]
narcissism 22 17 egocentrism [n -S]
nasturtium 19 16 a genus of crucifero...
natatorium 17 15 (Latin) an indoor sw...
naturalism 19 16 the belief that the...
negativism 21 20 a tendency to deny a...
neorealism 17 15 a modern form of rea...
nephridium 23 21 in invertebrates and...
neuroplasm 20 19 the protoplasm of a...
neutralism 19 16 a position or doctri...
nicotinism 21 18 a morbid state induc...
nidamentum 18 20 an egg-capsule [n NI...
nitrazepam 22 26 a hypnotic and tranq...
nominalism 19 19 the doctrine that na...
nonconform 20 22 to fail to conform [...
nonproblem 21 22 something that is no...
nonprogram 19 20 not relating to a pr...
nonuniform 18 20 not uniform [adj]
nothingism 21 19 nihility; nothingnes...
obsoletism 21 17 a disused word or ph...
oceanarium 19 18 an enclosed part of...
ommatidium 21 21 a simple element of...
opprobrium 25 23 something that bring...
organicism 22 19 the conception of li...
organogram 18 18 a chart showing a gr...
orthoprism 23 18 in monoclinic crysta...
osmeterium 19 17 a forked process beh...
osmiridium 21 18 a very hard corrosio...
ostrichism 25 18 the habit or policy...
outperform 22 20 to exceed in perform...
overinform 21 21 to inform excessivel...
pacificism 30 25 opposition to war or...
palmerworm 25 23 (Biblical) any destr...
panaritium 20 18 a whitlow [n -S]
pancosmism 24 23 the theory that the...
pancratium 23 21 an athletic contest...
panjandrum 21 29 a powerful personage...
pansophism 24 22 the claim to know ev...
paralogism 22 19 false reasoning, als...
paramecium 24 23 a genus of tiny anim...
parapodium 22 21 a jointless muscular...
parasitism 21 16 the behavior of a pa...
partialism 22 17 partiality; specific...
pasteurism 21 17 a method of treatmen...
patrialism 22 17 the state of being a...
patriotism 21 16 love for or devotion...
pedagogism 22 21 the spirit or system...
pentaprism 22 20 a five-sided prism u...
pentathlum 23 21 a pentathlon [n PENT...
peridinium 21 19 a dinoflagellate, a...
perigonium 21 20 any organ inclosing...
perimysium 29 22 the connective tissu...
periosteum 20 17 a tough fibrous memb...
peritoneum 19 18 the smooth serous me...
petrolatum 21 18 petroleum jelly [n -...
phallicism 29 23 worship of the phall...
phanerogam 21 21 a seed-plant or sper...
pharisaism 23 18 the notions, doctrin...
phelloderm 24 21 a layer of green par...
phialiform 26 22 saucer-shaped [adj]
phlebogram 26 24 a tracing (with the...
phoenixism 28 26 the practice of form...
phyllodium 32 24 a petiole dilated in...
plagiarism 23 19 an act or instance o...
plasmodesm 22 21 a strand of living c...
plasmodium 23 22 a naked mass of prot...
pneumogram 21 23 an X-ray photograph...
poculiform 27 24 cup-shaped [adj]
polarogram 21 19 a picture taken by p...
polemonium 21 22 a genus of gamopetal...
polygenism 28 22 the doctrine that an...
polymerism 29 22 the state, quality,...
polyparium 30 23 the framework and ba...
polyrhythm 39 25 the simultaneous com...
polytheism 30 21 belief in multiple d...
positivism 24 20 the doctrine that th...
postbellum 25 22 (Latin) after a war...
postmortem 21 19 a postmortem examina...
postpartum 23 20 (Latin) relating to...
postulatum 22 19 (Latin) a postulate...
praeludium 22 20 (Latin) a prelude [n...
praesidium 21 18 (Latin) a standing c...
praetorium 20 17 the court or palace...
pragmatism 23 21 a doctrine emphasizi...
preprogram 23 21 to program beforehan...
presbytism 30 21 presbyopia [n -S]
presentism 20 17 the practice of eval...
presternum 20 18 the anterior segment...
primordium 23 21 (Latin) the first di...
principium 27 24 (Latin) a first prin...
procambium 27 26 the young tissue of...
proctodeum 23 21 the posterior portio...
prometheum 23 22 the former name of p...
promethium 24 22 a radioactive rare-e...
propagulum 25 24 a body with the capa...
prophetism 25 21 the actions of a pro...
propylaeum 29 23 any court or vestibu...
prosaicism 24 19 the quality of being...
proscenium 23 21 the part of the stag...
prostatism 21 16 an illness or disord...
prosternum 20 18 the sternum of the p...
prostomium 22 20 that portion of the...
proteiform 22 19 changeable in form [...
protoplasm 23 20 the complex transluc...
protoxylem 33 26 the first part of th...
psalterium 22 18 (Latin) the third st...
psychicism 37 26 psychical research [...
psychogram 33 25 writing supposedly p...
puerperium 23 21 (Latin) the conditio...
puritanism 21 18 the beliefs and prac...
quadriform 29 27 having four forms or...
quadrivium 30 29 (Latin) a higher div...
radicalism 23 18 the state of being r...
radiciform 24 20 like a root [adj]
raduliform 22 19 like a rasp or file...
reaccustom 24 20 to get used to again...
recidivism 25 21 a tendency to relaps...
referendum 19 19 (Latin) the process...
refugeeism 21 19 the state of being a...
relativism 22 18 a theory that knowle...
reunionism 17 16 a policy of reunific...
revanchism 25 23 policy of aggressive...
revivalism 24 22 the spirit or method...
rheumatism 22 19 a condition characte...
ruffianism 23 21 being a ruffian [n -...
saddleroom 18 16 a room where saddles...
salicylism 31 20 poisoning due to an...
salverform 23 21 of a corolla, having...
samariform 21 19 like a samara in sha...
sanatorium 17 15 a hospital, esp. for...
sanitarium 18 15 (Latin) a health sta...
sanitorium 18 15 a hospital, esp. for...
sarcoplasm 24 20 the protoplasmic sub...
scepticism 28 22 the doctrine that no...
schematism 25 21 combination of the a...
schoolmarm 25 22 a woman who is a sch...
schoolroom 23 19 a classroom [n -S]
scintigram 23 19 a diagram produced b...
scleroderm 22 18 one of a tribe of pl...
sclerotium 23 18 a hardened body form...
scyphiform 35 26 cup-shaped [adj]
seaborgium 21 19 an artificially prod...
seaquarium 26 24 an oceanarium [n SEA...
secularism 23 18 the belief that the...
securiform 24 20 shaped like an axe [...
seismogram 20 18 a seismograph record...
sensualism 19 16 the condition or cha...
separatism 20 16 a belief in, movemen...
septennium 19 19 a period of seven ye...
sequestrum 27 24 (Latin) a portion of...
sestertium 19 14 (Latin) a Roman mone...
shadchanim 25 22 SHADCHAN, a Jewish m...
shadkhanim 23 23 SHADKHAN, (Hebrew) a...
shammashim 25 23 SHAMMES, (Yiddish) a...
sheriffdom 25 22 the office of sherif...
shidduchim 28 23 SHIDDUCH, (Judaism)...
sidestream 18 14 relating to or being...
simillimum 25 22 a remedy chosen for...
simulacrum 25 22 (Latin) an image, a...
sinarchism 24 19 the fascist movement...
sinarquism 27 24 the fascist movement...
sinecurism 22 18 the state of having...
siphonogam 22 21 a plant reproducing...
skepticism 26 23 an undecided, inquir...
slactivism 26 21 the carrying out of...
slipstream 22 17 the stream of air dr...
solidarism 20 15 solidarity [n -S]
sparganium 21 20 a plant of the bur-r...
specialism 25 20 devotion to some par...
speciesism 24 19 prejudice in favour...
speleothem 22 19 a term for depositio...
spermarium 22 20 the male germ gland,...
spermatium 22 20 one of the motionles...
sphenogram 22 21 a cuneiform characte...
spiraculum 26 22 a breathing-hole; a...
spongiform 23 22 resembling a sponge;...
spoonerism 19 17 a transposition of i...
sporangium 21 20 a chamber inside of...
squamiform 30 29 shaped like a scale...
stelliform 23 18 shaped like a star [...
stenotherm 19 16 an organism capable...
stereogram 18 15 a diagram or picture...
stibialism 23 17 antimony poisoning [...
stichidium 26 20 a branch producing t...
stigmatism 22 18 the impression of st...
stilliform 24 18 having the shape of...
stomodaeum 18 18 in embryology, the i...
stramonium 19 18 thorn apple, and its...
stratiform 21 16 layered; forming a l...
streetroom 17 13 space enough in the...
strigiform 23 18 shaped like an owl [...
stripagram 22 18 a greetings message...
stripogram 22 18 a message deliver by...
strongroom 18 16 a room for the keepi...
strychnism 31 21 strychnine poisoning...
stumblebum 26 25 (US) an awkward pers...
subkingdom 23 25 a taxonomic division...
suboptimum 25 24 less than optimal, a...
subproblem 26 24 a subdivision of a p...
subprogram 24 22 a subpart of a progr...
subsellium 24 20 one of the stalls of...
substratum 22 18 that which underlies...
sudatorium 19 16 (Latin) a sweat room...
suffragism 25 22 voting rights [n -S]
sulphonium 24 22 the positively charg...
superstorm 21 17 an extremely powerfu...
surrealism 20 15 a movement in art an...
surrogatum 20 17 something that stand...
sybaritism 28 18 devotion to luxury [...
symphilism 33 24 the state of being i...
synandrium 24 19 a mass of united sta...
syncretism 28 19 the reconciliation o...
synthetism 27 18 the symbolism of Gau...
tarmacadam 21 20 (tradename) a paving...
technetium 23 20 a chemical element [...
technicism 27 22 an emphasis on or co...
tentaculum 22 20 a tentacle [n TENTAC...
tepidarium 21 18 (Latin) a warm room...
textualism 26 22 strict adherence to...
thalictrum 26 20 a plant of the meado...
thalliform 25 20 shaped like a thallu...
thermoform 23 21 to give a final shap...
thermogram 22 20 a thermograph record...
threadworm 23 19 any long, slender ne...
tirocinium 22 18 early training; firs...
traitorism 19 13 being a traitor [n -...
traumatism 20 17 a condition caused b...
trichroism 25 18 the quality possesse...
triclinium 24 19 (Latin) a couch for...
tricrotism 23 16 that condition of th...
tripartism 22 16 an established syste...
triquetrum 28 24 one of the bones of...
trivialism 23 18 a trivial matter or...
tropaeolum 20 18 a genus of South Ame...
tuberculum 26 23 a tubercle [n TUBERC...
tuberiform 23 20 shaped like a lump o...
umbiliform 26 24 shaped like an umbil...
umbraculum 27 26 (Latin) an umbrella...
underwhelm 24 22 to fail to impress [...
unidealism 19 17 the state of not bei...
ureotelism 19 15 the state of being u...
utopianism 20 18 the ideas, views, ai...
vaporiform 24 23 existing in a vaporo...
vestibulum 25 23 (Latin) a cavity int...
vibraculum 28 26 (Latin) one of the m...
viperiform 25 23 shaped like a snake...
virtualism 23 19 the doctrine of Chri...
viviparism 26 24 the bringing forth o...
vomitorium 22 21 (Latin) an opening i...
warlordism 23 18 a system of rule by...
westernism 21 17 an idom or other cha...
witchbroom 29 24 a dense abnormal gro...
witgatboom 24 21 (Afrikaans) a South...
workstream 22 20 any one of the areas...
ypsiliform 31 22 shaped like an ypsil...
zoophilism 27 28 the love of animals;...
zoothecium 26 28 the tubular sheath o...