11 letter words that end with M

11 letter words that end with M

11 letter M word


Words With Friends®


abnormalism 23 22 the state of being a...
absenteeism 20 18 prolonged absence of...
academicism 27 24 the doctrine that no...
achromatism 26 22 the state of being a...
acinaciform 27 24 scimitar-shaped [adj...
adiaphorism 24 20 tolerance or indiffe...
adoptianism 21 19 the doctrine that Ch...
adoptionism 21 19 the doctrine that Ch...
adventurism 22 21 improvisation in the...
aerotropism 21 17 curvature in respons...
agnosticism 24 20 the doctrine that we...
agrarianism 20 17 a social or politica...
agritourism 22 17 the business of prov...
agrotourism 21 17 the business of prov...
allotropism 24 19 the state of an elem...
ametabolism 23 21 the lack of metamorp...
anachronism 23 21 the error of placing...
anamorphism 24 23 metamorphism of a ro...
animalculum 26 25 a microscopic animal...
antenniform 19 20 shaped like an anten...
antependium 20 21 a cloth that hangs o...
antheridium 22 19 the male reproductiv...
antielitism 21 16 opposition to elitis...
antifascism 25 21 opposition to fascis...
antirealism 20 16 opposition to realis...
antirrhinum 22 19 a garden flower, aka...
apodyterium 28 21 an undressing-room a...
apoliticism 27 21 being uninterested i...
apotropaism 23 20 a magical practice a...
archdukedom 26 26 the domain of an arc...
archegonium 25 23 the structure on the...
arteriogram 20 16 a radiograph of an a...
asbestiform 24 20 of or like asbestos...
aspergillum 26 22 a holy water sprinkl...
aspersorium 22 18 a basin for holy wat...
aspheterism 24 19 the belief that ther...
astigmatism 23 19 a defect in the eye...
athleticism 27 20 the quality of being...
attorneydom 24 18 the office of attorn...
attorneyism 25 17 the state of being a...
autoerotism 19 15 self-love, also AUTO...
bachelordom 27 24 the state of being a...
bachelorism 28 23 the state of being a...
bacilliform 30 25 shaped like a bacill...
behaviorism 26 23 (US) the psychologic...
bimetallism 26 22 currency exchange on...
biracialism 27 21 the state of being b...
bisexualism 30 26 being bisexual [n -S...
bloodstream 22 19 the flowing blood in...
bohemianism 24 23 the unconventional w...
brachyprism 37 27 a prism parallel to...
braggartism 25 21 boastfulness [n -S]
bryophyllum 42 29 another name for kal...
cabbageworm 30 28 the larva of the cab...
calcariform 29 24 spur-shaped [adj]
californium 26 23 a synthetic element...
campaniform 27 27 bell-shaped [adj]
candelabrum 25 24 a candleholder [n CA...
cannibalism 25 23 the usually ritualis...
capillitium 29 23 a mass of threads [n...
caprolactam 28 24 a white crystalline...
carpogonium 25 24 an egg-bearing vesse...
cassiopeium 25 21 a former name for lu...
catheterism 25 19 use of the catheter...
catholicism 30 23 the state of being c...
cavalierism 26 22 the state of being a...
cerebralism 26 21 the theory that all...
cerebriform 27 23 shaped like the brai...
clericalism 29 22 a policy of maintain...
clickstream 29 25 a path used in navig...
clicktivism 33 29 a policy of using th...
clinandrium 24 22 a cavity in the uppe...
clostridium 26 20 any of a genus of sp...
coenobitism 24 21 the state of being a...
cognitivism 27 24 the meta-ethical the...
cologarithm 27 22 the logarithm of the...
colonialism 24 20 the system by which...
colubriform 29 25 shaped like a snake...
columbarium 28 26 (Latin) a vault with...
communalism 26 26 social organization...
computerdom 26 25 the world of compute...
comstockism 29 27 overzealous censorsh...
condominium 23 24 (US) a block of apar...
consumerism 24 22 the promotion of the...
copernicium 28 25 a short-lived artifi...
coraciiform 28 23 of, belonging to or...
coralliform 27 22 having the form of c...
corolliform 27 22 having the form of a...
corporatism 25 20 the policy of contro...
corrigendum 24 22 an error in a printe...
corybantism 31 23 the rites associated...
cosmeticism 28 23 the use of cosmetics...
cosmotheism 26 22 the belief that iden...
courtierism 24 18 the behaviour or pra...
crateriform 25 20 cup-shaped [adj]
creatianism 22 18 a fundamentalism Chr...
creationism 22 18 a fundamentalism Chr...
crematorium 24 21 a place where bodies...
cryptarithm 35 24 an arithmetic proble...
cypripedium 35 27 a kind of orchid [n...
dactylogram 31 23 a fingerprint [n -S]
definiendum 21 22 (Latin) a word or ph...
demagoguism 23 23 being a demagogue, a...
demoniacism 23 22 the state of being a...
demonianism 19 20 possession by a demo...
desideratum 20 17 (Latin) something co...
deteriorism 20 15 the doctrine that th...
determinism 21 19 the doctrine that al...
diachronism 25 21 the study of a subje...
diascordium 24 20 (obsolete) a medicin...
diatonicism 23 19 the state of being d...
dicephalism 29 24 the state of being d...
didacticism 28 22 being didactic [n -S...
didactylism 32 22 having twelve finger...
digoneutism 21 19 the state of being d...
dihybridism 33 23 the state of being a...
diluvialism 26 22 a belief in Noah's f...
dinotherium 22 19 an extinct elephanti...
diphysitism 33 22 belief in the dual n...
disaccustom 27 22 to free from a habit...
disyllabism 32 22 the character of hav...
ditheletism 24 18 the doctrine that Ch...
dithelitism 25 18 the doctrine that Ch...
diversiform 25 22 of diverse form [adj...
divisionism 23 20 pointillism [n -S]
dogberryism 30 22 the state of being l...
dolabriform 25 22 shaped like a hatche...
dramaticism 25 21 the quality of being...
dynasticism 30 21 a system of governme...
eclecticism 31 24 being eclectic [n -S...
ecofeminism 25 24 a movement or theory...
ecumenicism 27 25 the doctrines and pr...
egocentrism 23 20 being egocentric, al...
einsteinium 19 17 a radioactive elemen...
electroform 25 21 to form (shaped arti...
electrogram 24 20 a tracing of the ele...
endocardium 22 21 (Latin) a membrane l...
endocranium 21 21 the thick fibrous me...
endometrium 20 20 (Latin) the inner li...
endoneurium 18 19 the delicate connect...
endothecium 24 22 the inner lining of...
endothelium 22 20 the layer of cell ti...
epigastrium 24 20 part of abdomen lyin...
equilibrium 33 29 a state of intellect...
erythronium 28 20 any plant of the bul...
esotericism 23 17 esoteric doctrines o...
estheticism 26 19 the doctrine that be...
eubacterium 25 22 a member of the Euba...
eudaemonism 19 20 the theory that the...
eudaimonism 20 20 the theory that the...
exclusivism 34 30 the practice of excl...
excrementum 29 29 (Latin) waste materi...
exotericism 29 24 the state of being e...
externalism 26 23 undue regard to mere...
falconiform 27 25 shaped like a falcon...
fallibilism 29 23 the doctrine that em...
favouritism 25 22 the state of having...
fissiparism 26 20 the state of being f...
florilegium 26 22 (Latin) a collection...
formicarium 27 24 an anthill, an ant c...
freneticism 25 21 the state of being f...
frigidarium 25 21 (Latin) the room in...
funambulism 27 27 tightrope walking [n...
gametangium 22 23 an organ or cell in...
gamotropism 24 22 the tendency of game...
gangsterdom 21 20 the world of gangste...
gangsterism 22 19 the ethos of the gan...
gorillagram 24 20 a greetings telegram...
gourmandism 22 22 the state of being a...
granitiform 23 20 having the form of g...
granuliform 24 22 having the form of a...
guerillaism 24 19 the activities of gu...
gutturalism 24 19 the quality of being...
gynostemium 28 23 the central reproduc...
halophytism 34 24 the state of being a...
harmonogram 22 22 a curve drawn by a h...
helichrysum 36 25 a genus of composite...
hemihedrism 26 22 a property of crysta...
hemitropism 26 22 the state of being a...
hermeticism 27 22 a system of ideas ba...
hesperidium 25 21 a plant with a berry...
heteroecism 24 19 a form of parasitism...
hierarchism 28 21 a hierarchical syste...
highbrowism 32 26 the state of being a...
hippeastrum 27 23 any plant of the Sou...
hispanicism 28 23 a Spanish phrase [n...
historicism 27 19 the belief that all...
histrionism 23 17 acting, theatricalit...
holohedrism 25 20 the property of havi...
holophytism 34 24 the property of bein...
homoeotherm 23 21 an animal or organis...
homoerotism 22 19 homosexuality, also...
homoiotherm 24 21 a warm-blooded anima...
hooliganism 23 20 rowdy, violent, or d...
hormogonium 23 23 a portion of a filam...
hucksterism 28 24 being a huckster [n...
hydrargyrum 37 24 an obsolete name for...
hydroxonium 34 28 the obsolete name fo...
hylopathism 34 24 belief in ability of...
hyperbolism 34 25 use of hyperbole [n...
illusionism 23 18 the doctrine that th...
immanentism 21 22 belief in an immanen...
immediatism 23 21 the policy of action...
imperialism 25 21 the policy, practice...
incunabulum 26 26 (Latin) a book print...
infantilism 23 20 retention of childis...
infusionism 22 20 the doctrine that at...
inquilinism 30 27 living in another's...
insectarium 23 19 a place for keeping...
insectiform 25 21 having the form of a...
intermedium 21 20 a small bone in the...
interregnum 20 19 (Latin) the time dur...
intersystem 26 17 between systems [adj...
intervallum 24 22 between ramparts [ad...
intrapartum 22 19 of or relating to ch...
intuitivism 24 20 being intuitive [n -...
ipratropium 25 21 a bronchodilator dru...
irredentism 20 16 advocating return of...
isochronism 25 20 the property of havi...
isogeotherm 22 18 a line connecting po...
isomorphism 26 22 similarity in shape...
lamelliform 26 23 shaped like a plate...
landlordism 22 19 an economic system o...
lapilliform 28 23 shaped like a small...
larrikinism 23 20 (Australian slang) t...
latifundium 24 22 (Latin) a great land...
latrocinium 24 20 (obsolete) highway r...
leprosarium 23 19 a hospital for leper...
libertinism 24 19 the state of being l...
literaryism 28 17 a bookish expression...
livermorium 25 23 a transuranic elemen...
lubritorium 25 20 a place in a garage...
macrophylum 36 29 a large phylum, as i...
maggotorium 23 22 a place where maggot...
magisterium 23 20 (Latin) the teaching...
malapropism 26 24 a humorous misuse of...
mamilliform 27 25 nipple-shaped, also...
mandarinism 20 20 the state of being a...
manorialism 21 19 the system of having...
marconigram 24 23 a message sent by wi...
marginalism 23 21 an economic theory t...
martinetism 21 18 the state of being a...
materialism 22 18 the belief that matt...
maternalism 21 19 the state of being m...
mediastinum 21 20 the chest cavity con...
medievalism 24 23 the spirit of the Mi...
mendelevium 23 25 an unstable radioact...
menispermum 24 25 any plant of the moo...
mercenarism 23 21 the state of being a...
mesothelium 24 21 squamous cells linin...
mesothorium 23 20 an old name for eith...
meteorogram 20 19 a meteorograph recor...
millenarism 23 20 the belief that an i...
ministerium 22 19 (Latin) a ministry [...
miserablism 25 21 the quality of seemi...
monasticism 24 21 the monastic system...
monochasium 25 24 a cyme with a single...
monoclinism 24 23 the state of being m...
monothelism 23 21 the doctrine that Ch...
multisystem 30 21 related to more than...
muscatorium 25 22 (Latin) a flabellum,...
mythopoeism 31 24 the making of myths...
nationalism 19 17 loyalty and devotion...
naupliiform 25 23 having the form of a...
neopaganism 20 21 a revival of paganis...
neovitalism 22 20 the theory or belief...
neuroticism 23 19 a neurotic character...
nonaluminum 20 23 not made of aluminum...
nonunionism 17 19 opposition to trade...
northernism 21 18 a northern expressio...
notaphilism 25 21 the collecting of ba...
nototherium 21 18 an extinct Pleistoce...
noumenalism 20 21 Kant's philosophy of...
nucleoplasm 26 24 the protoplasm in th...
objectivism 30 33 the doctrine that re...
officialdom 28 25 officials as a class...
officialism 29 24 excessive devotion t...
ophidiarium 25 21 a snake-house [n OPH...
opportunism 24 22 the practice of regu...
organistrum 21 18 an early musical ins...
orientalism 20 16 a style or manner as...
oscillogram 26 21 a record made by an...
ostensorium 19 16 a monstrance (a rece...
ostracoderm 22 18 any of the early fos...
overfreedom 22 22 an excess of freedom...
overprogram 24 23 to program excessive...
pandemonium 21 24 riotous uproar, also...
panduriform 24 23 fiddle-shaped, e.g....
panentheism 22 21 the belief that worl...
panjandarum 22 30 a powerful personage...
panpsychism 36 28 the theory that all...
panspermism 25 24 the theory that life...
papilliform 29 25 nipple-shaped [adj]
parabaptism 26 23 uncanonical baptism...
parallelism 25 20 the belief that matt...
paramaecium 25 24 a microscopic unicel...
paramoecium 25 24 any freshwater proto...
parascenium 24 22 in the Greek theatre...
pastoralism 23 18 pastoral character,...
patelliform 26 22 shaped like a saucer...
paternalism 22 19 a system or tendency...
pedagoguism 24 23 the state of being a...
pedanticism 25 22 pedantry, also PEDAN...
pelargonium 23 22 a kind of geranium [...
penicillium 28 24 any of a genus of fu...
pentamerism 22 21 the condition of bei...
pericardium 26 22 a membranous sac con...
pericranium 25 22 a membrane covering...
peridesmium 24 22 the areolar tissue a...
perineurium 22 20 the connective tissu...
perithecium 28 23 a small fruiting bod...
peritonaeum 20 19 a serous membrane en...
personalism 22 19 the doctrine that hu...
phagocytism 35 26 the nature or functi...
phariseeism 24 19 the state of being a...
phenomenism 23 24 the doctrine that kn...
phoneticism 27 23 phonetic character o...
phosphonium 28 26 the radical PH4, ana...
phosphorism 29 24 (obsolete) chronic p...
photosystem 30 21 either of two photoc...
phraseogram 24 21 a single sign, writt...
physicalism 36 25 the belief that all...
physitheism 34 23 the ascription of ph...
pittosporum 25 21 any of numerous chie...
planetarium 22 20 a model or represent...
planuliform 26 24 having the form of a...
plebeianism 24 22 the state of being p...
pleinairism 23 19 painting in the open...
pleochroism 28 23 the property of diff...
podophyllum 35 28 the dried rootlet an...
pointillism 25 20 a painting technique...
polychasium 35 26 a cymose inflorescen...
polychroism 35 25 the state of being p...
polycrotism 33 23 the state of having...
polyglotism 32 23 the use of many lang...
polygonatum 29 24 the Solomon's seal g...
polymastism 31 23 the presence of supe...
polyzoarium 32 30 a bryozoan colony or...
positronium 22 19 a positron and and a...
possibilism 27 21 the policy of confin...
postscenium 25 22 the part of the stag...
primitivism 28 24 the doctrine that a...
probabilism 28 24 the belief that know...
procerebrum 27 24 the forebrain, the p...
prochronism 27 23 assigning a date to...
proctodaeum 24 22 the posterior portio...
prognathism 25 22 the state of having...
progressism 24 19 sympathy with or adv...
promycelium 34 27 a short germ-tube pu...
proselytism 30 20 conversion [n -S]
protagonism 22 20 the state of being a...
prothallium 27 22 the free-living game...
protophloem 26 23 the first-formed phl...
quadrennium 27 28 (Latin) a period of...
quislingism 32 28 being a quisling [n...
rationalism 20 16 reliance on reason a...
reactionism 22 18 the state of being a...
regionalism 21 18 consciousness of and...
relationism 20 16 the doctrine that re...
religionism 22 18 religiosity, bigotry...
reptiliform 26 21 having the form of a...
retinaculum 24 21 a band-like structur...
retransform 21 18 to transform again [...
revisionism 22 19 a movement in revolu...
rhagadiform 25 22 in the form of crack...
rheotropism 24 19 the direction of gro...
roentgenium 19 19 a short-lived radioa...
romanticism 24 21 romantic quality, fe...
sacculiform 30 25 shaped like a small...
sagittiform 24 19 shaped like an arrow...
sardonicism 23 19 the state of being s...
satellitium 23 17 a group of three or...
scalariform 26 21 shaped like a ladder...
scalpriform 29 24 shaped like a chisel...
scattergram 24 19 a scatter diagram, a...
scoleciform 29 24 tapeworm-shaped [adj...
scriptorium 27 21 (Latin) a writing ro...
scripturism 28 21 adherence to the scr...
sempervivum 28 29 a plant, the housele...
sempiternum 23 22 (obsolete) a durable...
sericterium 24 18 a silk spinning glan...
shopaholism 27 22 an addiction to shop...
shunamitism 24 21 rejuvenation of an o...
singularism 23 19 a philosophy that re...
slacktivism 29 26 the carrying out of...
sociologism 25 20 interpretation empha...
somatoplasm 23 21 protoplasm of the so...
southernism 22 18 a southern expressio...
spectrogram 26 22 a photograph, image,...
spelaeothem 23 20 a term for depositio...
sphaeridium 25 21 a minute spheroidal...
sphygmogram 34 28 a sphygmograph recor...
spinsterdom 22 19 the state of being a...
spiraliform 26 21 shaped like a spiral...
sporogonium 22 21 an organ that produc...
staminodium 21 20 a sterile stamen, al...
steganogram 20 19 a cryptogram, also S...
stipitiform 26 20 in the form of a sti...
strippagram 26 22 a greetings message...
stylopodium 30 22 an enlargement at th...
subdelirium 25 21 a mild or intermitte...
suburbanism 25 23 the state of being s...
succedaneum 25 24 (Latin) a substitute...
superorgasm 23 20 an extreme orgasm [n...
superphylum 35 27 a taxonomical divisi...
supersystem 29 20 a system that is mad...
suppedaneum 23 24 a support under the...
supremacism 27 24 belief in the suprem...
suprematism 24 21 an early 20th centur...
survivalism 27 24 the practice of taki...
syllabarium 31 22 a syllabary [n SYLLA...
syllabogram 31 23 a written symbol rep...
symmetalism 30 23 a system of coinage...
synchronism 31 23 the state of being s...
syndicalism 31 22 the doctrine of dire...
systematism 28 19 the practice of form...
taurobolium 23 20 the sacrifice of a b...
tautologism 22 18 the use of tautology...
tautomerism 21 18 possession of more t...
teetotalism 20 15 the principle or pra...
teleologism 22 18 belief in teleology...
termitarium 22 18 (Latin) a termite ne...
tetradrachm 25 20 (Greek) a unit of Gr...
tetramerism 21 17 division into four p...
tetratheism 22 16 the belief in four e...
tetrazolium 24 25 a monovalent cation...
theatricism 26 19 theatricality, affec...
theosophism 26 21 theosophical tenets...
thirdstream 23 17 music combining jazz...
trapeziform 27 29 in the form of a tra...
tridominium 22 20 (Latin) threefold ru...
trimorphism 27 22 the property of crys...
trophoplasm 27 23 the nutritive substa...
tschernosem 24 20 (Russian) a very fer...
tympaniform 31 26 drumlike; shaped lik...
ultravacuum 27 25 an extreme vacuum [n...
unnilhexium 29 28 a chemical element,...
unsocialism 24 20 being unsocial [n -S...
uricotelism 25 19 the state of being u...
vagabondism 24 25 being a vagabond [n...
vanguardism 23 23 the condition of bei...
vasculiform 29 26 shaped like a small...
verruciform 28 25 shaped like a wart;...
vigilantism 25 22 acting as a vigilant...
voluntarism 23 21 the philosophical do...
werewolfism 29 24 the state of being a...
whiteboyism 34 24 the principles of th...
workaholism 27 24 excessive industry [...
xenodochium 30 29 a building for the r...
xeranthemum 28 28 any plant of the Xer...
xerophytism 37 28 being a xerophyte [n...
zanthoxylum 38 37 a plant of a genus o...
zeolitiform 26 27 having the form of a...
zoodendrium 22 27 the branched stalk c...
zoogonidium 23 28 a swarm-spore [n ZOO...
zoomorphism 28 31 the conception of a...
zoospermium 26 30 one of the spermatic...