13 letter words that end with M

13 letter words that end with M

13 letter M word


Words With Friends®


aboriginalism 27 23 due recognition of n...
abstentionism 24 21 the policy of not us...
academicalism 31 27 close adherence to f...
acaridomatium 27 24 a habitat for mites...
acarodomatium 26 24 a habitat for mites...
accidentalism 30 25 the theory that even...
actinouranium 25 23 the isotope of urani...
agroterrorism 24 18 terrorism aimed at a...
aldosteronism 23 19 excessive secretion...
alphabetiform 32 28 shaped like letters...
amphigastrium 31 27 a scalelike leaf on...
anagrammatism 25 25 the practice of cons...
analphabetism 29 26 illiteracy [n -S]
anastigmatism 25 22 being free from asti...
androcentrism 25 22 regarding the male s...
androdioecism 25 22 the state of being a...
annexationism 26 26 the policy of annexa...
anticlinorium 27 23 an arch-shaped group...
anticommunism 28 28 opposition to commun...
antilogarithm 27 22 a number of which a...
antinomianism 22 22 the doctrine of the...
antiritualism 25 19 opposition to ritual...
antisepticism 29 23 antiseptic treatment...
antisocialism 27 21 being antisocial [n...
antiterrorism 23 17 opposition to terror...
apochromatism 31 27 being apochromatic [...
apogeotropism 27 24 bending up or away f...
aristocratism 27 19 the spirit of, pract...
armamentarium 24 24 the collection of eq...
autochthonism 30 25 the condition of bei...
autoeroticism 26 20 sexual feeling arisi...
autoradiogram 23 20 an autoradiographic...
autoschediasm 28 23 anything which is ex...
bestsellerdom 27 22 the world of bestsel...
bibliophilism 36 29 love of books [n -S]
biculturalism 33 26 the state of being b...
bipartisanism 28 23 the state of being b...
blackguardism 33 31 being a blackguard [...
blepharospasm 32 28 a form of constant w...
brachypterism 40 29 the state of having...
bureaucratism 29 24 bureaucracy [n -S]
caesaropapism 29 25 control of the churc...
catastrophism 31 24 belief in rapid geol...
catechumenism 32 29 being a catechumen [...
ceremonialism 27 24 being ceremonial [n...
chiaroscurism 33 25 the practice of chia...
cholangiogram 30 27 a record produced by...
chrysanthemum 38 30 any of several culti...
cochleariform 34 28 spoon-shaped [adj]
colloquialism 38 32 a colloquial express...
commercialism 33 29 commercial spirit, i...
compatriotism 30 25 the state of being a...
conceptualism 32 28 the doctrine in phil...
connectionism 27 25 the theory that conn...
contortionism 25 21 the art of the conto...
contrabandism 27 25 trading in contraban...
corporativism 31 26 the policy of contro...
cosmopolitism 31 26 the state of being c...
counterreform 27 24 to make a reform des...
counterstream 25 21 a stream running cou...
credentialism 27 22 undue emphasis on cr...
decamethonium 28 27 a type of muscle rel...
descriptivism 33 27 a theory of ethics b...
destructivism 31 25 the theory that a pa...
diageotropism 26 22 the tendency of root...
dilettanteism 24 19 the state of being a...
doctrinairism 27 21 the state of being d...
dodecaphonism 29 27 twelve-tone music, a...
dunderheadism 25 23 being a dunderhead [...
ecumenicalism 31 28 the doctrines and pr...
electromerism 28 23 the ionization of ga...
eliminativism 28 25 the theory that peop...
encephalogram 30 28 an X-ray picture of...
encyclopedism 38 30 the state of being e...
epigrammatism 29 27 the making of epigra...
equestrianism 31 27 horsemanship [n -S]
ethnocentrism 27 23 the state of being e...
evangeliarium 26 25 (Latin) a book of pa...
exhibitionism 34 29 extravagant behaviou...
expressionism 31 27 a theory or practice...
ferrochromium 32 28 an alloy of iron wit...
feuilletonism 27 23 the production of fe...
filibusterism 31 24 the actions of a fil...
flagellantism 29 25 the practice of whip...
flunitrazepam 31 34 a powerful hypnotic...
fractionalism 29 24 the state of consist...
fringilliform 32 27 resembling a finch [...
fruitarianism 26 21 the state of being a...
functionalism 29 26 a doctrine emphasisi...
generationism 22 20 the theory that the...
geocentricism 30 25 the belief that the...
gynomonoecism 32 28 the state of being g...
gyromagnetism 32 26 the magnetic propert...
heterostylism 33 21 the state of having...
hexamethonium 33 32 either of two compou...
histrionicism 30 22 acting, theatricalit...
homeomorphism 31 29 one-to-one correspon...
homeothermism 29 26 the maintenance of a...
homoeroticism 29 24 homosexuality, also...
homosexualism 33 30 being homosexual [n...
hyperurbanism 36 28 use of hypercorrect...
hypochondrium 39 31 either of two region...
iconomaticism 30 26 the quality of being...
immaterialism 27 23 the doctrine that th...
impossibilism 32 26 belief in or advocac...
impressionism 27 23 a 19th century movem...
inclinatorium 27 23 the dipping-needle,...
indeterminism 24 22 the theory that deni...
individualism 28 25 belief that individu...
industrialism 26 20 social organization...
infallibilism 32 26 the doctrine of the...
interferogram 25 22 a photographic recor...
irrationalism 24 18 a system emphasizing...
isodimorphism 30 25 isomorphism between...
lectisternium 28 22 (Latin) an ancient G...
liberationism 26 21 the cause of social...
managerialism 25 23 the adoption of busi...
mathematicism 31 27 the belief that ever...
mechanicalism 33 29 the belief that phen...
mesocephalism 32 28 having a medium skul...
metempiricism 32 28 the study of metempi...
microorganism 28 25 an organism (as a ba...
middlebrowism 32 28 the state of being m...
millennialism 27 24 the belief that an i...
millennianism 25 24 the belief that an i...
millenniarism 26 23 the belief that an i...
monometallism 26 25 use of one metal as...
monophysitism 35 27 belief that Christ w...
monosyllabism 34 27 the state of being m...
monotheletism 26 23 the belief that Chri...
monothelitism 27 23 the doctrine that Ch...
mountebankism 26 29 the practice of a mo...
multipartyism 36 26 the state of being m...
mycobacterium 39 31 any of a genus of ba...
neocapitalism 28 24 a politico-economic...
neoclassicism 30 24 a revival of the cla...
neoliberalism 26 22 the state of being a...
neoplasticism 29 24 a style of abstract...
nonconformism 27 28 nonconformity [n -S]
nonmainstream 21 22 not mainstream [adj]
occasionalism 29 24 the Cartesian explan...
occidentalism 30 25 the study of the Occ...
odontoglossum 24 22 any of a genus of wi...
orthognathism 28 23 the state of having...
paedomorphism 30 28 retention in the adu...
panaesthetism 26 22 totality of percepti...
panchromatism 31 28 being equally sensit...
panspermatism 28 26 the theory that life...
parallelogram 28 24 a quadrilateral with...
paramagnetism 26 25 the state of being p...
paramenstruum 26 25 the four days before...
particularism 31 24 exclusive or special...
pedestrianism 25 21 the practice of walk...
penicilliform 33 28 paintbrush-shaped [a...
perfectionism 30 26 the doctrine that mo...
perichondrium 31 27 a fibrous membrane c...
perspectivism 34 29 the theory that thin...
phalansterism 28 23 support for a system...
phenomenalism 27 27 the doctrine that kn...
philhellenism 33 27 a love of Greece [n...
photochromism 34 29 the property of chan...
phototelegram 28 24 a telegram that is s...
plagiotropism 30 25 the tendency to grow...
platiniridium 28 23 an alloy of platinum...
plethysmogram 37 29 a tracing made by a...
pococurantism 31 27 indifference, also P...
polydactylism 44 29 the state of being p...
polydaemonism 32 27 the belief in and wo...
polynomialism 34 27 the state of being p...
polysyllabism 44 29 the state of being p...
polysyllogism 43 28 a series of syllogis...
postmodernism 26 24 a movement succeedin...
primordialism 29 24 belief in first prin...
progressivism 30 25 sympathy with or adv...
protectionism 28 23 a supporter of prote...
protoactinium 28 24 a radioactive elemen...
proverbialism 31 27 a saying in the form...
provincialism 32 28 a dialectal or local...
prudentialism 27 23 a system based on pr...
pycnoconidium 37 31 an asexual fungal sp...
radiotelegram 24 20 a telegram sent by r...
reactionarism 25 20 the state of being r...
republicanism 32 28 adherence to or symp...
revolutionism 26 23 belief in revolution...
roentgenogram 22 22 a radiograph, also R...
rutherfordium 29 24 an artificially prod...
sacerdotalism 27 21 the belief that prie...
sadomasochism 29 25 the derivation of pl...
sanitarianism 22 18 the policy of favour...
sansculottism 28 22 the politics of the...
scalpelliform 34 28 shaped like a scalpe...
scholasticism 34 25 the aims, methods, a...
scolopendrium 29 26 any fern with undivi...
scripturalism 32 24 literal adherence to...
separationism 24 20 a belief in, movemen...
skeuomorphism 30 29 the state of being a...
solifidianism 27 22 the doctrine that fa...
spathiphyllum 42 31 any tropical plant o...
stereotropism 25 19 the tendency to bend...
strombuliform 31 27 shaped like a spinni...
structuralism 30 22 a branch of psycholo...
succinctorium 34 28 a band embroidered w...
suffragettism 30 25 belief in the aims o...
suggestionism 26 22 treatment by suggest...
superorganism 26 23 an organized society...
sustentaculum 28 24 a supporting part or...
tautochronism 28 23 the state of being a...
telescopiform 31 26 in the form of a tel...
televangelism 27 25 evangelism through t...
thaumaturgism 29 25 belief in the perfor...
theanthropism 29 24 the belief in the un...
theatricalism 30 22 the state of being t...
thermotropism 29 24 the growth of organi...
thigmotropism 31 26 the response of an o...
tintinnabulum 26 25 a usually high-pitch...
tolerationism 23 18 the policy of tolera...
transexualism 30 26 a strong desire to c...
trichromatism 31 24 use of the three pri...
trilateralism 26 18 the state of being t...
trilingualism 28 22 the state of being t...
triliteralism 27 18 the state of being t...
trophotropism 30 24 direction of growth...
ultrarightism 30 22 adherence to extreme...
umbraculiform 34 31 shaped like an umbre...
unicameralism 28 25 the state of being u...
unilateralism 25 20 the state of being u...
unilingualism 27 24 the state of being u...
vegetarianism 25 23 the theory or practi...
ventriloquism 35 32 the production of th...
vernacularism 29 26 a vernacular word or...
vibracularium 33 29 a long bristle, a mo...
vivisectorium 32 28 a place for vivisect...
vocationalism 28 25 emphasis on vocation...
xanthochroism 36 31 a condition in which...
zoosporangium 28 32 a spore case or spor...
zygodactylism 45 36 the state of being z...