6 letter words that end with M

6 letter words that end with M

6 letter M word


Words With Friends®


abloom 13 13 blooming [adj]
acetum 14 13 (Latin) vinegar [n A...
addeem 10 11 (obsolete) to award;...
addoom 10 11 (Spenser) to award;...
adytum 18 13 the inner sanctuary...
aecium 14 13 a cup-shaped structu...
affirm 16 15 to state positively...
ageism 12 11 discrimination based...
agleam 12 12 gleaming [adj]
alarum 12 11 (archaic) to alarm,...
allium 14 12 a plant of the Alliu...
amomum 13 16 a plant of the ginge...
amylum 20 16 starch [n -S]
anadem 9 11 a wreath for the hea...
anonym 15 13 an anonymous person...
anthem 12 12 a song of praise or...
antrum 11 11 a cavity in a bone [...
apedom 12 13 the world of apes [n...
apozem 15 21 a medicine obtained...
asarum 11 10 the dried root of th...
ashram 13 11 (Sanskrit) the dwell...
aswarm 14 12 swarming [adj]
asylum 19 13 an institution for t...
atrium 12 10 a square hall lighte...
autism 12 10 absorption in imagin...
baalim 14 13 BAAL, a false god [n...
balsam 14 13 a resinous substance...
bantam 12 13 a small variety of t...
barium 14 13 a metallic element [...
bazoom 15 21 a woman's breast [n...
becalm 17 16 to make calm [v -ED,...
bedlam 14 14 pandemonium [n -S]
beflum 17 17 (Scott) to befool, c...
befoam 14 15 to cover with foam [...
begrim 15 14 to soil with grime,...
beldam 14 14 an old woman, esp. a...
beseem 12 12 to be becoming [v -E...
beteem 12 12 (Spenser) to grant,...
betrim 14 12 to deck with trimmin...
beworm 16 15 to cover with worms...
biform 16 15 having two forms, al...
bivium 17 17 in echinoderms, the...
bonham 14 15 (Irish) a piglet [n...
bonism 13 13 the doctrine that th...
boojum 15 22 a spiny desert tree...
bottom 13 12 to reach the lowest...
bunkum 15 19 insincere or foolish...
byroom 19 14 a private room [n -S...
caecum 17 16 a bodily cavity with...
carrom 14 12 to collide with and...
centum 14 14 (Latin) a hundred [n...
cerium 15 13 a metallic chemical...
cesium 15 13 a metallic element [...
chiasm 17 14 a commissure; esp. t...
chrism 18 14 a consecrated oil, a...
cilium 17 14 a short hairlike pro...
civism 18 16 good citizenship [n...
coelom 14 13 a body cavity in som...
condom 13 14 a prophylactic [n -S...
conium 14 14 a poisonous herb [n...
copalm 17 16 a hardwood tree of t...
corium 15 13 a leather armour; th...
crinum 15 14 a family of tropical...
cubism 18 16 an art style [n -S]
cundum 15 16 a condom [n -S]
cuprum 18 17 copper [n -S]
curium 16 14 a radioactive elemen...
custom 15 13 a habitual practice...
dadgum 13 14 (colloquial) damned...
defoam 12 13 to remove foam from...
deform 13 13 to spoil the form of...
degerm 12 12 to remove germs from...
deperm 13 13 to demagnetize [v -E...
derham 13 12 a Middle Eastern coi...
deworm 14 13 to rid of worms [v -...
diadem 11 11 to adorn with a crow...
diatom 11 10 a microscopic unicel...
dictum 16 14 an authoritative sta...
dinkum 13 16 (Australian slang) t...
dirdam 12 11 (Scots) an uproar, a...
dirdum 13 12 (Scots) an uproar, a...
dirham 14 12 a Middle Eastern coi...
dirhem 14 12 a Middle Eastern coi...
disarm 12 10 to deprive of weapon...
dodgem 12 13 an amusement park ri...
dogdom 12 13 the world of dogs [n...
dolium 13 12 (Latin) a Roman eart...
dorsum 12 11 (Latin) the back [n...
dotcom 14 13 a company that condu...
drachm 17 15 (Greek) a Greek mone...
dudism 13 12 dressing up like a d...
dumdum 14 16 a soft-nosed expandi...
durdum 13 13 (Scots) an uproar; a...
echium 17 15 any plant of a genus...
egoism 12 11 the doctrine that th...
embalm 15 16 to preserve a dead b...
emblem 15 16 to represent with a...
encalm 14 14 (obsolete) to becalm...
enform 12 13 (Spenser) to form; t...
engram 11 12 a deep-seated psycho...
enseam 9 10 to make a mark like...
eonism 10 10 transvestism, especi...
eponym 18 15 a personal name from...
erbium 14 13 a metallic element [...
eruvim 14 14 ERUV, a designated r...
esteem 10 9 to have a high opini...
estrum 12 10 the period of heat i...
exacum 20 20 any plant of the tro...
exonym 22 19 a name for a town in...
factum 17 16 (Latin) a man's own...
fandom 12 14 an aggregate of enth...
fantom 12 13 a phantom, something...
fathom 15 14 a measure of length,...
favism 16 16 an acute type of ana...
ferbam 15 15 a fungicide [n -S]
ferrum 14 13 iron [n -S]
figjam 17 23 (Australian slang) a...
fogram 14 14 a person with an old...
folium 15 14 a leaf, a thin layer...
frenum 13 14 a connecting fold of...
fulham 17 16 a loaded die, also F...
fullam 16 15 a loaded die, also F...
goddam 12 13 to damn, also GODDAM...
gonium 12 13 an immature reproduc...
graham 14 13 bread made of unbolt...
granum 12 13 a part of a plant ch...
gypsum 22 17 hydrated calcium sul...
hakeem 13 15 a Muslim physician,...
hammam 15 17 a Turkish bath, also...
hansom 12 12 a light two-wheeled...
haraam 12 11 forbidden under Isla...
hareem 12 11 a women's quarters i...
helium 15 13 a gaseous element [n...
holism 15 12 the philosophical th...
humhum 18 18 a kind of plain, coa...
hummum 17 19 a Turkish bath, also...
hylism 22 14 materialism [n -S]
hypnum 22 18 a type of moss [n HY...
ibidem 14 13 (Latin) in the same...
idolum 13 12 (Latin) a mental ima...
imbalm 16 16 to impregnate with b...
indium 12 12 a metallic element [...
infirm 14 13 to weaken or the des...
inform 13 13 to pass on informati...
ingram 12 12 (obsolete) an ignora...
ingrum 13 13 (obsolete) an ignora...
inseam 10 10 to mark as if with a...
inseem 10 10 to grease, defile, a...
iodism 12 10 a morbid state produ...
ionium 11 11 a radioactive isotop...
iterum 12 10 again, once more [ad...
jetsam 13 18 stuff thrown overboa...
jetsom 13 18 (archaic) jetsam, al...
jimjam 17 30 a knick-knack [n -S]
jissom 14 18 (colloquial) energy,...
kaboom 13 16 the sound of a large...
kalium 14 15 an old name for pota...
khanum 14 17 a lady's title of ra...
khilim 17 16 an Eastern woven rug...
kookum 13 18 an East Indian tree,...
kumkum 16 22 (Hindi) a red powder...
labium 15 14 a fold of the vulva...
labrum 15 14 a liplike structure...
lactam 15 13 one of a series of a...
laxism 19 17 the belief that an u...
lehaim 14 12 a traditional Jewish...
lignum 14 14 the fragrant wood of...
lingam 13 13 (Sanskrit) the phall...
lissom 13 10 easily flexed, lithe...
logjam 15 21 a tangled mass of lo...
lolium 14 12 any plant of the Lol...
luteum 13 12 a hormone-secreting...
lyceum 22 16 a hall for public le...
lyrism 20 12 the quality of being...
madtom 12 13 a North American cat...
magism 14 14 the teaching of the...
magnum 13 16 a bottle for wine, s...
maihem 14 14 maiming, malicious d...
malism 14 13 belief in the predom...
mallam 14 14 a Muslim scholar, us...
mandom 11 14 man collectively [n...
marmem 13 15 as in marmem alloy,...
marram 12 12 a seaside grass, als...
marrum 13 13 a seaside grass, als...
mayhem 20 16 maiming, malicious d...
medium 13 14 a spiritualist [n -S...
megohm 15 16 a measure of electri...
megrim 14 14 a severe headache, a...
mentum 12 14 the chin [n MENTA]
merism 13 12 repetition of parts...
mestom 12 12 biological conductin...
milium 15 14 a small, whitish lum...
minium 13 14 a red pigment [n -S]
misaim 13 12 to aim badly [v -ED,...
momism 14 15 an excessive depende...
monism 12 13 the philosophical be...
montem 11 13 a custom, formerly p...
multum 15 15 an extract of quassi...
murram 13 13 a tough clayey grave...
museum 13 14 a repository for the...
mutism 14 13 the condition of bei...
mutuum 14 15 (historical) a bailm...
nanism 10 11 abnormal smallness [...
napalm 13 14 to assault with a ty...
nickum 16 18 (Scots) a mischievou...
nincom 13 14 (short for) nincompo...
nincum 14 15 (short for) nincompo...
nomism 12 13 the view that moral...
noncom 12 14 (short for) a non-co...
nudism 12 12 the practice of goin...
obeism 13 12 a form of West India...
obiism 14 12 a form of West India...
ogrism 13 11 the state of being o...
oidium 12 11 a thin-walled fungal...
omasum 12 13 the third stomach of...
omnium 12 14 the aggregate value...
orgasm 12 11 to experience the he...
osmium 13 13 a metallic element [...
ostium 12 10 (Latin) the mouth of...
outsum 12 11 to outnumber [v OUTS...
pablum 17 17 food, esp. a suspens...
pactum 17 16 (Latin) a pact [n PA...
painim 13 13 (obsolete) a pagan,...
papism 16 15 adherence to the Pop...
partim 14 12 in part [adv]
pashim 16 14 the fine underfleece...
passim 14 12 here and there [adv]
paynim 19 15 a heathen, also PAIN...
pelham 16 15 a type of horse's bi...
pellum 16 15 (dialect) dust [n -S...
pensum 13 14 (Latin) a task; a sc...
peplum 17 17 a flounce attached t...
phenom 14 15 a person of extraord...
phlegm 18 17 a thick mucus secret...
phloem 16 15 the nutrient-conduct...
phylum 24 18 a main taxonomical d...
pileum 15 14 the top of a bird's...
plenum 14 15 space considered as...
podium 14 14 (Latin) a low wall,...
pogrom 14 14 to massacre systemat...
pompom 16 18 (French) any triflin...
porism 14 12 the geometric propos...
possum 14 13 to feign ignorance (...
prearm 13 12 to arm beforehand [v...
prelim 15 13 a preliminary or ent...
purism 15 13 strict adherence to...
quidam 20 20 (Latin) a certain pe...
quorum 20 20 (Latin) a minimum nu...
quotum 20 20 (Latin) a share, als...
racism 15 12 a doctrine of racial...
radium 12 11 a radioactive elemen...
randem 10 11 a tandem with three...
random 10 11 haphazard [adj RANDO...
ransom 10 10 to pay a price for r...
rectum 15 13 the terminal portion...
redeem 10 10 to buy back [v -ED,...
refilm 15 13 to film again [v -ED...
reform 13 12 to change to a bette...
regnum 12 13 (Latin) reign, domin...
replum 15 14 a partition in fruit...
restem 11 9 to force against the...
reteam 10 9 to team up with agai...
retrim 12 9 to trim again [v RET...
rewarm 14 12 to warm again [v -ED...
rhythm 23 15 a pattern of recurre...
romcom 15 15 a romantic comedy [n...
rumdum 14 15 an alcoholic [n -S]
sachem 16 14 a North American ind...
sacrum 15 13 a bone of the pelvis...
sadism 12 10 pleasure gained from...
salaam 11 10 (Arabic) to make a s...
santim 11 10 a formerly used coin...
satcom 14 12 satellite communicat...
schelm 18 15 (obsolete) a scoundr...
schism 18 14 a division of unity...
schtum 18 15 (Yiddish) silent, du...
scrawm 18 15 (dialect) to scratch...
scream 14 12 to utter a prolonged...
scutum 16 14 a horny plate or sca...
seldom 12 11 infrequent [adj SELD...
semsem 12 12 an East Indian plant...
sensum 11 11 an object of sensati...
sepium 14 13 cuttlebone, also SEP...
septum 14 13 a dividing membrane...
sexism 18 16 prejudice or discrim...
shalom 14 12 (Hebrew) in Jewish s...
shazam 16 20 (tradename) a magic...
sholom 14 12 (Hebrew) in Jewish s...
shroom 13 11 a magic mushroom [n...
shtoom 13 11 (Yiddish) silent, du...
shtumm 16 15 (Yiddish) silent, du...
siglum 15 13 a symbol used in a b...
simoom 12 12 a hot, dry desert wi...
sitcom 15 12 (colloquial) a situa...
sizism 16 18 prejudice against pe...
skelum 14 15 (Scots) a scoundrel,...
slalom 13 11 (Norwegian) to ski i...
sodium 12 11 a metallic element [...
spirem 14 12 a filament forming p...
sputum 15 14 (Latin) thick mucus...
spycam 23 17 a camera set up for...
squirm 21 19 to wriggle [v -ED, -...
statim 12 9 (Latin) immediately;...
stream 11 9 to flow in a steady...
stroam 11 9 to wander about idly...
subgum 16 16 (Chinese) a Chinese-...
syncom 20 15 a type of communicat...
system 18 11 a group of interacti...
talcum 16 14 to treat with a powd...
tandem 10 11 a bicycle built for...
tectum 15 13 (Latin) a rooflike b...
tedium 12 11 the state of being t...
telesm 12 10 (Greek) a talisman [...
telium 13 11 the cluster of spore...
tergum 13 12 (Latin) the back of...
thairm 14 11 (Scots) an intestine...
theism 14 11 belief in the existe...
thiram 14 11 an insecticide [n -S...
tomium 13 13 the cutting edge of...
truism 13 10 an obvious truth [n...
unfirm 14 14 not firm [adj]
unform 13 14 to unmake [v -ED, -I...
unhelm 14 14 to remove the helmet...
unicom 14 14 a designated radio f...
unicum 15 15 a unique example or...
unseam 10 11 to open the seams of...
unteam 10 11 to unyoke a team fro...
untrim 12 11 to strip of trimming...
vacuum 17 18 a space completely e...
vagrom 14 15 (Shakespeare) vagran...
valium 15 15 as in valium picnic,...
vallum 16 16 (Latin) a rampart; a...
varoom 12 13 to run an engine at...
vellum 16 16 (Latin) calf or lamb...
verism 14 13 realism in art or li...
victim 18 16 one who suffers from...
viscum 18 17 a genus of parasitic...
waboom 15 15 (Afrikaans) a South...
wampum 18 19 (Native American) be...
webcam 19 18 a camera used for tr...
whilom 18 15 (archaic) formerly;...
wigwam 19 17 (Native American) a...
wisdom 15 13 the quality of being...
xenium 17 18 a gift made to a gue...
yessum 18 12 an interjection used...
yogism 19 13 the art of yogi [n -...
zuzzim 22 37 ZUZ, a silver coin o...
zythum 24 23 (Greek) a malt beer...