5 letter words that starts with r

5 letter words that start with R

5 letter R word


Word With Friends


rabat 10 8 (French) to rotate i...
rabbi 13 11 (Hebrew) a Jewish ex...
rabic 14 11 pertaining to rabies...
rabid 11 9 afflicted with rabie...
rabis 11 8 RABI, (Urdu) the spr...
raced 11 9 RACE, to compete in...
racer 11 8 one that races [n -S...
races 11 8 RACE, to compete in...
rache 13 10 (archaic) a dog that...
racks 13 12 RACK, to place in a...
racon 10 9 a type of radar tran...
radar 8 6 an electronic locati...
radge 9 8 (Scots) angry, obstr...
radii 9 6 RADIUS, (Latin) the...
radio 8 6 signalling through s...
radix 15 13 (Latin) a root; a ro...
radon 7 7 a radioactive elemen...
raffs 13 11 RAFF, (archaic) rubb...
rafts 11 8 RAFT, to ride on wat...
ragas 9 7 RAGA, (Sanskrit) an...
ragde 9 8 (Shakespeare) ragged...
raged 9 8 RAGE, to react with...
ragee 8 7 (Hindi) a kind of mi...
rager 9 7 one who rages [n -S]
rages 9 7 RAGE, to react with...
ragga 10 9 a type of rap music...
raggs 11 9 RAGG, a rough hard s...
raggy 17 11 tattered [adj RAGGIE...
ragis 10 7 RAGI, (Hindi) a kind...
ragus 10 8 RAGU, in Italian coo...
rahed 10 8 RAH, to cheer on a t...
rahui 11 8 (Maori) a Maori proh...
raias 8 5 RAIA, (Arabic) a non...
raids 9 6 RAID, to make a sudd...
raiks 10 9 RAIK, (Scots) to go;...
raile 9 6 (Spenser) to flow, g...
rails 10 6 RAIL, to scold in ab...
raine 7 6 (Spenser) to reign,...
rains 8 6 RAIN, to fall in dro...
rainy 14 8 marked by rain [adj...
raird 9 6 (Scots) an uproar, a...
raise 8 5 to move to a higher...
raita 8 5 (Hindi) an Indian di...
raits 9 5 RAIT, to soak flax,...
rajah 12 16 (Hindi) an Indian ru...
rajas 10 14 RAJA, (Hindi) an Ind...
rajes 10 14 RAJ, in India, sover...
raked 9 10 RAKE, to gather with...
rakee 8 9 a Turkish liqueur, a...
raker 9 9 in games, a long, fa...
rakes 9 9 RAKE, to gather with...
rakia 9 9 a kind of fruit bran...
rakis 10 9 RAKI, (Turkish) a Tu...
rakus 10 10 RAKU, (Japanese) a k...
rales 9 6 RALE, (French) a rat...
rally 17 9 to call together for...
ralph 14 11 (US slang) to vomit...
ramal 10 9 of or pertaining to...
ramee 8 8 (Malay) Rhea or Chin...
ramen 8 9 (Japanese) a dish of...
ramet 9 8 an independent membe...
ramie 9 8 (Malay) Rhea or Chin...
ramin 9 9 (Malay) a Malaysian...
ramis 10 8 RAMI, (Malay) Rhea o...
rammy 17 13 resembling a male sh...
ramps 12 11 RAMP, to swindle, es...
ramus 10 9 a branch-like part o...
ranas 7 6 RANA, (Hindi) a Rajp...
rance 10 9 to prop [v RANCED, R...
ranch 13 11 to work at an establ...
rands 8 7 RAND, to rant [v]
randy 14 9 full of sexual desir...
ranee 6 6 the wife of a rajah,...
ranga 8 8 (Australian) an offe...
range 8 8 to place in a partic...
rangi 9 8 (Maori) sky [n -S]
rangs 9 8 RANG, a row of long...
rangy 15 10 tall and slender [ad...
ranid 8 7 any of a large famil...
ranis 8 6 RANI, the wife of a...
ranke 8 10 (Shakespeare) a jogt...
ranks 9 10 RANK, to assign to a...
rants 8 6 RANT, to declaim bom...
raped 10 9 RAPE, to take by for...
raper 10 8 one who rapes [n -S]
rapes 10 8 RAPE, to take by for...
raphe 12 10 a seamlike ridge bet...
rapid 11 9 quick [adj RAPIDER,...
rappe 12 11 a Canadian dish of g...
rared 8 6 RARE, to be enthusia...
raree 7 5 as in raree show, a...
rarer 8 5 RARE, not common [ad...
rares 8 5 RARE, to be enthusia...
rarks 10 9 RARK, (New Zealand)...
rased 8 6 RASE, to demolish, a...
raser 8 5 one that rases, also...
rases 8 5 RASE, to demolish, a...
rasps 11 8 RASP, to scrape with...
raspy 17 10 rough [adj RASPIER,...
rasse 8 5 a carnivore allied t...
rasta 8 5 (short for) rastafar...
ratal 9 6 an amount on which r...
ratan 7 6 a climbing plant wit...
ratas 8 5 RATA, (Maori) a myrt...
ratch 14 10 to wander, prowl [v...
rated 8 6 RATE, to estimate th...
ratel 9 6 (Afrikaans) an Afric...
rater 8 5 one that rates [n -S...
rates 8 5 RATE, to estimate th...
ratha 10 7 (Hindi) a four-wheel...
rathe 10 7 (archaic) quick, ear...
raths 11 7 RATH, an ancient hil...
ratio 8 5 a proportional relat...
ratoo 7 5 a local chief in Fij...
ratos 8 5 RATO, a rocket-assis...
ratty 15 7 infested with rats [...
ratus 9 6 RATU, a local chief...
rauns 8 7 RAUN, (Scott) fish-r...
raupo 10 9 (Maori) the New Zeal...
raved 10 10 RAVE, to utter wildl...
ravel 11 10 to entangle [v RAVEL...
raven 9 10 to devour greedily,...
raver 10 9 one that raves [n -S...
raves 10 9 RAVE, to utter wildl...
ravey 16 11 characteristic of a...
ravin 10 10 to devour greedily,...
rawer 11 8 RAW, uncooked [adj]
rawin 11 9 a wind measurement m...
rawly 19 11 RAW, uncooked [adv]
rawns 11 9 RAWN, (Scots) fish-r...
raxed 14 13 RAX, to stretch out...
raxes 14 12 RAX, to stretch out...
rayah 16 9 a non-Muslim inhabit...
rayas 14 7 RAYA, (Arabic) a non...
rayed 14 8 RAY, to emit a narro...
rayle 15 8 (Spenser) to rail [v...
rayne 13 8 (Spenser) a reign, a...
rayon 13 8 a synthetic fibre [n...
razed 11 15 RAZE, to demolish, a...
razee 10 14 to cut down by remov...
razer 11 14 one who razes, also...
razes 11 14 RAZE, to demolish, a...
razoo 10 14 (Australian slang) a...
razor 11 14 to shave with a shar...
reach 13 10 to stretch out or pu...
react 11 8 to respond to a stim...
readd 8 7 to add again [v -ED,...
reads 8 6 READ, to look at and...
ready 14 8 prepared [adj READIE...
reaks 9 9 REAK, (obsolete) to...
realm 10 9 a kingdom, also REAM...
realo 8 6 (German) a member of...
reals 9 6 REAL, a former monet...
reame 8 8 (Spenser) a realm [n...
reams 9 8 REAM, to enlarge the...
reamy 15 10 creamy, frothy [adj...
reans 7 6 REAN, a drainage cha...
reaps 10 8 REAP, to cut for har...
rearm 9 8 to arm again [v -ED,...
rears 8 5 REAR, to lift uprigh...
reast 8 5 to become rancid, al...
reata 7 5 (Spanish) a lariat,...
reate 7 5 any of several kinds...
reave 9 9 (archaic) to rob, pl...
rebar 10 8 a steel rod for use...
rebbe 12 11 (Yiddish) a rabbi or...
rebec 13 11 a medieval musical i...
rebel 11 9 to oppose authority...
rebid 11 9 to bid again [v REBI...
rebit 11 8 REBITE, in engraving...
rebop 12 11 a type of music [n -...
rebus 11 9 a representation of...
rebut 11 9 to prove to be false...
rebuy 17 11 to buy again [v REBO...
recal 12 9 to call back, also R...
recap 13 11 (short for) recapitu...
recce 14 11 to make a preliminar...
recco 14 11 (colloquial) a recon...
reccy 21 13 (colloquial) to reco...
recit 12 8 (French) the narrati...
recks 13 12 RECK, to be concerne...
recon 10 9 to conduct a prelimi...
recta 11 8 RECTUM, the terminal...
recti 12 8 RECTUS, any one of s...
recto 11 8 a right-hand page of...
recur 12 9 to come around at in...
recut 12 9 to cut again [v RECU...
redan 7 7 (French) a field for...
redds 9 7 REDD, to put in orde...
reddy 15 9 somewhat red [adj RE...
reded 8 7 REDE, (archaic) to a...
redes 8 6 REDE, (archaic) to a...
redia 8 6 the larva or certain...
redid 9 7 REDO, to do again [v...
redip 11 9 to dip again [v REDI...
redly 16 9 RED, the colour of b...
redon 7 7 to don again [v REDO...
redos 8 6 REDO, to do again [v...
redox 14 13 a type of chemical r...
redry 15 8 to dry again [v REDR...
redub 11 10 to dub again [v REDU...
redux 15 14 (Latin) brought back...
redye 14 8 to dye again [v REDY...
reech 13 10 to emit smoke, also...
reede 7 6 (Spenser) counsel, a...
reeds 8 6 REED, to fasten or t...
reedy 14 8 abounding in reeds [...
reefs 10 8 REEF, to reduce the...
reefy 16 10 abounding in ridges...
reeks 9 9 REEK, to give off sm...
reeky 15 11 (Scots) smoky, reeki...
reels 9 6 REEL, to wind on a t...
reens 7 6 REEN, a drainage cha...
reest 8 5 to be noisily uncoop...
reeve 9 9 to fasten by passing...
refed 10 9 REFEED, to feed agai...
refel 11 9 (obsolete) to refute...
refer 10 8 to direct to a sourc...
reffo 12 11 (Australian slang) a...
refis 11 8 REFI, (short for) re...
refit 11 8 to fit out afresh an...
refix 17 15 to fix again [v -ED,...
refly 18 11 to fly again [v REFL...
refry 17 10 to fry again [v REFR...
regal 10 8 royal [adj REGALLY]...
regar 9 7 (Hindi) the rich bla...
reges 9 7 REX, a king [n]
reggo 10 9 (Australian slang) a...
regie 9 7 (French) a system of...
regma 10 10 (Greek) a dry fruit...
regna 8 8 REGNUM, (Latin) reig...
regos 9 7 REGO, (Australian sl...
regur 10 8 (Hindi) the rich bla...
rehab 12 10 to restore to a good...
rehem 11 10 to take up the hem o...
reifs 11 8 REIF, (Scots) proper...
reify 17 10 to regard as real or...
reign 9 8 to exercise sovereig...
reiki 10 9 (Japanese) a form of...
reiks 10 9 REIK, (obsolete) a p...
reink 9 10 to ink again [v -ED,...
reins 8 6 REIN, to restrain [v...
reird 9 6 (Scots) an uproar, a...
reist 9 5 to become rancid [v...
reive 10 9 (archaic) to plunder...
rejig 12 16 to fix something up...
rejon 9 15 (Spanish) a lance wi...
reked 9 10 REKE, (Spenser) to r...
rekes 9 9 REKE, (Spenser) to r...
rekey 15 11 to re-enter informat...
relax 15 13 to make less tense o...
relay 15 8 to put down new floo...
relet 9 6 to let again [v RELE...
relic 13 9 a surviving memorial...
relie 9 6 (obsolete) to assemb...
relit 10 6 RELIGHT, to light ag...
reman 8 9 to supply a fresh gr...
remap 11 11 to map again [v REMA...
remen 8 9 an ancient Egyptian...
remet 9 8 REMEET, to meet agai...
remex 15 15 (Latin) one of the l...
remit 10 8 to send payment [v R...
remix 16 15 to mix again [v REMI...
renal 8 7 pertaining to the ki...
renay 13 8 (obsolete) to renoun...
rends 8 7 REND, to tear apart...
renew 10 9 to make new again [v...
reney 13 8 (obsolete) to renoun...
renga 8 8 (Japanese) a kind of...
renig 9 8 (Irish) to refuse, d...
renin 7 7 a protein enzyme sec...
renne 6 7 (Spenser) to run [v...
renos 7 6 RENO, (short for) a...
rente 7 6 (French) French or o...
rents 8 6 RENT, to hire [v]
reoil 9 6 to oil again [v -ED,...
reorg 9 7 to reorganize [v -ED...
repay 16 10 to pay back [v REPAI...
repeg 11 10 to peg again [v REPE...
repel 11 9 to drive back [v REP...
repin 10 9 to pin again [v REPI...
repla 11 9 REPLUM, a partition...
reply 18 11 to answer [v REPLIED...
repos 10 8 REPO, (short for) re...
repot 10 8 to put in a new pot...
repps 13 11 REPP, a kind of cord...
repro 10 8 (short for) reproduc...
reran 7 6 RERUN, to show a rep...
rerig 10 7 to rig again [v RERI...
rerun 8 7 to show a repetition...
resat 8 5 RESIT, to sit again...
resaw 11 8 to saw again [v RESA...
resay 14 7 to say again [v RESA...
resee 7 5 to see again [v RESA...
reses 8 5 RES, (short for) (a...
reset 8 5 to set again [v RESE...
resew 11 8 to sew again [v RESE...
resid 9 6 a type of fuel oil [...
resin 8 6 any of a number of s...
resit 9 5 to sit again after f...
resod 8 6 to put down new turf...
resow 11 8 to sow again [v RESO...
resto 8 5 (Australian slang) a...
rests 9 5 REST, to stop word o...
resty 15 7 (obsolete) restive [...
resus 9 6 (short for) resuscit...
retag 9 7 to tag again [v RETA...
retax 14 12 to tax again [v -ED,...
retch 14 10 to make an effort to...
retem 9 8 (Spanish) a name for...
retia 8 5 RETE, an anatomical...
retie 8 5 to tie again [v RETI...
retox 14 12 to embark on a binge...
retro 8 5 a kind of rocket [n...
retry 15 7 to try again [v RETR...
reuse 8 6 to use again [v REUS...
revel 11 10 to engage in noisy m...
revet 10 9 to face with masonry...
revie 10 9 to stake higher [v R...
revue 10 10 a type of musical sh...
rewan 10 9 REWIN, to win again...
rewax 17 15 to wax again [v -ED,...
rewed 11 9 to wed again [v REWE...
rewet 11 8 to wet again [v REWE...
rewin 11 9 to win again [v REWO...
rewon 10 9 REWIN, to win again...
rewth 14 10 (Spenser) ruth, pity...
rexes 14 12 REX, a king [n]
rezes 11 14 REZ, (short for) a (...
rheas 10 7 RHEA, a flightless b...
rheme 11 10 the constituent of a...
rheum 12 11 a watery discharge f...
rhies 11 7 RHY, (Spenser) rye [...
rhime 12 10 (obsolete) a rhyme [...
rhine 10 8 a drainage channel,...
rhino 10 8 (short for) a rhinoc...
rhody 17 10 (colloquial) a rhodo...
rhomb 14 13 a type of geometric...
rhone 9 8 (Scots) a roof-gutte...
rhumb 15 14 in marine navigation...
rhyme 18 12 to compose verse wit...
rhyne 16 10 a drainage channel,...
rhyta 17 9 RHYTON, an ancient G...
riads 9 6 RIAD, a traditional...
rials 10 6 RIAL, a monetary uni...
riant 8 6 mirthful, gay [adj R...
riata 8 5 (Spanish) a lariat,...
ribas 11 8 RIBA, (Arabic) inter...
ribby 20 13 marked by ribs [adj...
ribes 11 8 a genus of shrubs in...
riced 12 9 RICE, to form soft f...
ricer 12 8 a cooking utensil fo...
rices 12 8 RICE, to form soft f...
ricey 18 10 containing rice, als...
richt 15 10 (Scots) right [adj R...
ricin 12 9 a substance extracte...
ricks 14 12 RICK, to pile hay in...
rider 9 6 one who rides [n -S]
rides 9 6 RIDE, to be conveyed...
ridge 10 8 to form into long, n...
ridgy 17 10 having ridges [adj R...
ridic 13 9 (slang) ridiculous [...
riels 10 6 RIEL, a monetary uni...
riems 10 8 RIEM, (Afrikaans) a...
rieve 10 9 to rob, plunder, als...
rifer 11 8 RIFE, abundant, prev...
riffs 14 11 RIFF, to play such a...
rifle 12 9 to search through an...
rifte 11 8 RIVE, to tear apart...
rifts 12 8 RIFT, to form a fiss...
rifty 18 10 having fissures [adj...
riggs 12 9 RIGG, the dogfish [n...
right 13 9 being in accordance...
rigid 11 8 stiff [adj RIGIDER,...
rigol 11 8 a gutter or water-ch...
rigor 10 7 a sense of chillines...
riled 10 7 RILE, to anger [v]
riles 10 6 RILE, to anger [v]
riley 16 8 turbid, also ROILY [...
rille 11 7 a valley on the moon...
rills 12 7 RILL, to flow like a...
rimae 9 8 RIMA, (Latin) a chin...
rimed 10 9 RIME, to cover with...
rimer 10 8 one that rimes, also...
rimes 10 8 RIME, to cover with...
rimus 11 9 RIMU, (Maori) a coni...
rinds 9 7 RIND, to cover with...
rindy 15 9 covered in rind [adj...
rines 8 6 RINE, (Spenser) rind...
rings 10 8 RING, to give forth...
rinks 10 10 RINK, to skate at an...
rinse 8 6 to cleanse with clea...
rioja 10 14 (Spanish) a dry red...
riots 9 5 RIOT, to take part i...
riped 11 9 RIPE, to ripen [v]
ripen 10 9 to become ripe [v -E...
riper 11 8 one who gropes, rans...
ripes 11 8 RIPE, to ripen [v]
ripps 14 11 RIPP, (Scots) a pluc...
risen 8 6 RISE, to move upward...
riser 9 5 a rod securing a sta...
rises 9 5 RISE, to move upward...
rishi 12 7 (Sanskrit) a sage or...
risks 11 9 RISK, to expose to l...
risky 17 11 dangerous, also RISK...
risps 12 8 RISP, (Scots) to ras...
risus 10 6 (Latin) a laugh; a g...
rites 9 5 RITE, a ceremonial a...
ritts 10 5 RITT, (Scots) to sco...
ritzy 19 16 pretentious [adj RIT...
rival 12 10 to strive to equal o...
rivas 11 9 RIVA, in Shetland, a...
rived 11 10 RIVE, to tear apart...
rivel 12 10 to wrinkle [v RIVELL...
riven 10 10 RIVE, to tear apart...
river 11 9 a large natural stre...
rives 11 9 RIVE, to tear apart...
rivet 11 9 to fasten with a typ...
riyal 16 8 a monetary unit of S...
rizas 12 14 RIZA, (Russian) an o...
roach 13 10 to clip or trim (a h...
roads 8 6 ROAD, a way for publ...
roams 9 8 ROAM, to move about...
roans 7 6 ROAN, (Scots) a roof...
roars 8 5 ROAR, to utter a ful...
roary 14 7 noisy, garish, too b...
roast 8 5 to cook with dry hea...
roate 7 5 to learn by repetiti...
robed 10 9 ROBE, to dress [v]
robes 10 8 ROBE, to dress [v]
robin 10 9 a songbird [n -S]
roble 11 9 (Spanish) a name for...
robot 10 8 a man-like machine t...
rocks 13 12 ROCK, to move back a...
rocky 19 14 shaky, or unsteady [...
roded 8 7 RODE, to perform an...
rodeo 7 6 to perform a public...
rodes 8 6 RODE, to perform an...
roger 9 7 (slang) to have inte...
rogue 9 8 to cheat or defraud...
roguy 16 10 pertaining to a rogu...
roils 10 6 ROIL, to make muddy...
roily 16 8 turbid [adj ROILIER,...
roins 8 6 ROIN, (Spenser) to g...
roist 9 5 to revel noisily, ca...
rojak 11 18 (Malay) a salad dish...
rojis 11 14 ROJI, a Japanese gar...
roked 9 10 ROKE, to steam, smok...
roker 9 9 any ray other than a...
rokes 9 9 ROKE, to steam, smok...
rolag 10 8 (Gaelic) a roll of c...
roles 9 6 ROLE, a part played...
rolfs 12 9 ROLF, to perform a d...
rolls 11 7 ROLL, to move along...
romal 10 9 (Urdu) a handkerchie...
roman 8 9 a metrical narrative...
romeo 8 8 a man who is a passi...
romps 12 11 ROMP, to play boiste...
ronde 7 7 a script printing ty...
rondo 7 7 (Italian) a piece of...
roneo 6 6 (tradename) to produ...
rones 7 6 RONE, (Scots) a roof...
ronin 7 7 (Japanese) a lordles...
ronne 6 7 (Spenser) to run [v...
ronte 7 6 (Spenser) a runt, al...
ronts 8 6 RONT, (Spenser) a ru...
roods 8 6 ROOD, a cross or cru...
roofs 10 8 ROOF, to provide a b...
roofy 16 10 having a roof [adj R...
rooks 9 9 ROOK, to swindle [v]
rooky 15 11 (Shakespeare) full o...
rooms 9 8 ROOM, to occupy a ro...
roomy 15 10 spacious [adj ROOMIE...
roons 7 6 ROON, (Scots) a stri...
roops 10 8 ROOP, (Scots) to mak...
roopy 16 10 (Scots) hoarse [adj...
roosa 7 5 an Indian grass [n -...
roose 7 5 to heap praise on [v...
roost 8 5 to prepare for sleep...
roots 8 5 ROOT, to implant in...
rooty 14 7 full of roots [adj R...
roped 10 9 ROPE, to bind with t...
roper 10 8 a rope-maker [n -S]
ropes 10 8 ROPE, to bind with t...
ropey 16 10 resembling rope, als...
roque 16 15 a form of croquet [n...
roral 9 6 dewy, also RORIC, RO...
rores 8 5 RORE, (Shakespeare)...
roric 12 8 dewy, also RORAL, RO...
rorid 9 6 dewy, also RORAL, RO...
rorie 8 5 noisy, garish, too b...
rorts 9 5 RORT, to falsify acc...
rorty 15 7 (Australian slang) l...
rosed 8 6 ROSE, to redden [v]
roses 8 5 ROSE, to redden [v]
roset 8 5 (Scots) to coat with...
roshi 11 7 (Japanese) a teacher...
rosin 8 6 to treat with a brit...
rosit 9 5 (Scots) to coat with...
rosti 9 5 a cheese-topped frie...
rosts 9 5 ROST, (obsolete) to...
rotal 9 6 relating to wheels o...
rotan 7 6 a climbing plant wit...
rotas 8 5 ROTA, a list of name...
rotch 14 10 the little auk, also...
roted 8 6 ROTE, to learn by re...
rotes 8 5 ROTE, to learn by re...
rotis 9 5 ROTI, (Hindi) a cake...
rotls 10 6 ROTL, (Arabic) a var...
roton 7 6 a quantum of vortex...
rotor 8 5 a rotating part of a...
rotos 8 5 ROTO, (short for) ro...
rotte 8 5 a medieval stringed...
rouen 7 7 (French) a type of d...
roues 8 6 ROUE, (French) a deb...
rouge 9 8 to colour with a red...
rough 12 10 having an uneven sur...
roule 9 7 (obsolete) a roll, a...
rouls 10 7 ROUL, (obsolete) a r...
roums 10 9 ROUM, (obsolete) a r...
round 8 8 shaped like a sphere...
roups 11 9 ROUP, (Scots) to auc...
roupy 17 11 hoarse, also ROOPIT,...
rouse 8 6 to disturb or awaken...
roust 9 6 to arouse and drive...
route 8 6 to send on a particu...
routh 11 8 (Scots) abundance, a...
routs 9 6 ROUT, to defeat utte...
roved 10 10 ROVE, to roam [v]
roven 9 10 REEVE, to fasten by...
rover 10 9 one who roves [n -S]
roves 10 9 ROVE, to roam [v]
rowan 10 9 a small deciduous tr...
rowdy 18 11 turbulent [adj ROWDI...
rowed 11 9 ROW, to propel by me...
rowel 12 9 to prick with a spik...
rowen 10 9 a second mowing of g...
rower 11 8 one who rows [n -S]
rowie 11 8 (Scots) a bread roll...
rowme 12 11 (Spenser) place, spa...
rownd 11 10 (obsolete) to round...
rowth 14 10 (Scots) abundance, a...
rowts 12 8 ROWT, to rummage out...
royal 15 8 relating to a king o...
royne 13 8 (Spenser) to growl,...
royst 15 7 to revel noisily, ca...
rozet 11 14 (Scots) to rosin, al...
rozit 12 14 (Scots) to rosin, al...
ruana 7 7 (Spanish) a woollen...
rubai 11 9 (Arabic) a Persian v...
rubby 20 14 (Canadian slang) rub...
rubel 12 10 a currency unit of B...
rubes 11 9 RUBE, (US slang) a b...
rubin 11 10 (Spenser) a ruby, al...
ruble 12 10 a monetary unit of t...
rubli 13 10 RUBEL, a currency un...
rubus 12 10 (Latin) a genus of r...
ruche 14 11 a frill of lace or o...
rucks 14 13 RUCK, to wrinkle or...
rudas 9 7 (Scots) a foul-mouth...
rudds 10 8 RUDD, a freshwater f...
ruddy 16 10 reddish [adj RUDDIER...
ruder 9 7 RUDE, boorish [adj]
rudes 9 7 RUDE, a rude boy, al...
rudie 9 7 (slang) a rude boy,...
rudis 10 7 RUDI, (In Jamaica) a...
rueda 8 7 a Cuban street dance...
ruers 9 6 RUER, one who rues [...
ruffe 13 12 a freshwater fish, a...
ruffs 14 12 RUFF, at bridge, to...
rugae 9 8 RUGA, an anatomical...
rugal 11 9 wrinkled [adj]
rugby 19 13 a form of football,...
ruggy 18 12 rough and uneven [ad...
ruing 10 9 repentance [n -S]
ruins 9 7 RUIN, to destroy [v]
rukhs 13 12 RUKH, (Persian) an e...
ruled 10 8 RULE, to exercise co...
ruler 10 7 to strike with an im...
rules 10 7 RULE, to exercise co...
rumal 11 10 (Urdu) a handkerchie...
rumba 12 12 to perform a kind of...
rumbo 12 12 rum punch [n -S]
rumen 9 10 a part of the stomac...
rumes 10 9 RUME, a watery disch...
rumly 18 12 RUM, odd, droll [adv...
rummy 18 14 queer [adj RUMMIER,...
rumor 10 9 to spread by hearsay...
rumpo 12 12 (slang) sexual inter...
rumps 13 12 RUMP, to turn one's...
rumpy 19 14 a Manx cat [n RUMPIE...
runch 14 12 a wild radish [n -ES...
runds 9 8 RUND, (Scots) a stri...
runed 8 8 bearing runes [adj]
runes 8 7 RUNE, a letter of an...
rungs 10 9 RUNG, a crosspiece f...
runic 12 10 pertaining to a rune...
runny 14 10 inclined to run or l...
runts 9 7 RUNT, the smallest o...
runty 15 9 like a runt [adj RUN...
rupee 10 9 a monetary unit of I...
rupia 11 9 a skin ulcer covered...
rural 10 7 belonging to the cou...
rurps 12 9 RURP, a small hookli...
rurus 10 7 RURU, (Maori) a New...
rusas 9 6 RUSA, an East Indian...
ruses 9 6 RUSE, a deception [n...
rushy 18 10 abounding in rushes...
rusks 11 10 RUSK, a light, soft-...
rusma 10 9 a depilatory made of...
russe 9 6 (French) as in charl...
rusts 10 6 RUST, to form a coat...
rusty 16 8 covered with rust [a...
ruths 12 8 RUTH, (archaic) comp...
rutin 9 7 a drug used against...
rutty 16 8 marked by ruts [adj...
ryals 16 8 RYAL, an old English...
rybat 17 10 (Scots) a dressed st...
ryked 16 12 RYKE, (Scots) to rea...
rykes 16 11 RYKE, (Scots) to rea...
rymme 17 13 (obsolete) to provid...
rynds 15 9 RYND, a fitting to s...
ryots 15 7 RYOT, (Hindi) an Ind...
ryper 17 10 RYPE, (Danish) a pta...