5 letter words that starts with n

5 letter words that start with N

5 letter N word


Word With Friends


naams 8 9 NAAM, (historical) t...
naans 6 7 NAAN, (Hindi) a kind...
nabes 9 9 NABE, a neighbourhoo...
nabis 10 9 (French) a group of...
nabks 11 13 NABK, (Arabic) a pri...
nabla 10 10 in Cartesian coordin...
nabob 11 12 (Urdu) a provincial...
nache 12 11 the rump of beef; es...
nacho 12 11 (Spanish) a corn chi...
nacre 10 9 mother-of-pearl [n -...
nadas 7 7 NADA, nothingness [n...
nadir 8 7 (Arabic) the point o...
naeve 8 10 (obsolete) a birthma...
naevi 9 10 NAEVUS, a birthmark,...
naffs 12 12 NAFF, to go away (as...
nagas 8 8 NAGA, (Sanskrit) a s...
naggy 16 12 given to nagging [ad...
nagor 8 8 a reedbuck of savann...
nahal 10 9 (Hebrew) in Israel,...
naiad 7 7 a water nymph [n NAI...
naifs 10 9 NAIF, a naive person...
naiks 9 10 NAIK, (Hindi) the ra...
nails 9 7 NAIL, to fasten with...
naira 7 6 a Nigerian currency...
nairu 8 7 an acronym for Non-A...
naive 9 10 lacking sophisticati...
naked 8 11 without clothes [adj...
naker 8 10 a small kettledrum [...
nakfa 10 13 the standard currenc...
nalas 8 7 NALA, (Hindi) a ravi...
naled 8 8 an agricultural pest...
nalla 9 8 (Hindi) a ravine, a...
named 8 10 NAME, to give a titl...
namer 8 9 one who names [n -S]
names 8 9 NAME, to give a titl...
namma 9 12 as in namma hole, an...
namus 9 10 NAMU, a black New Ze...
nanas 6 7 NANA, (Australian sl...
nance 9 10 an effeminate young...
nancy 16 12 an effeminate young...
nandu 7 9 the rhea, or South A...
nanna 5 8 (colloquial) a grand...
nanny 12 10 to look after someon...
nanos 6 7 NANO, the science th...
nanua 6 8 (Maori) a New Zealan...
napas 9 9 NAPA, a kind of soft...
naped 9 10 NAPE, to attack with...
napes 9 9 NAPE, to attack with...
napoo 8 9 to use up [v -ED, -I...
nappa 11 12 a kind of soft leath...
nappe 11 12 a sheet of rock whic...
nappy 18 14 of beer, having a he...
naras 7 6 an edible melonlike...
narco 10 9 (short for) a narcot...
narcs 11 9 NARC, (short for) a...
nards 8 7 NARD, to anoint with...
nares 7 6 NARE, (archaic) a no...
naric 11 9 of or relating to th...
naris 8 6 (Latin) a nostril [n...
narks 9 10 NARK, to spy or info...
narky 15 12 irritable [adj NARKI...
narre 7 6 (Spenser) nearer [ad...
nasal 8 7 through the nose [ad...
nashi 10 8 (Japanese) an Asian...
nasty 14 8 ill-natured [adj NAS...
natal 8 7 pertaining to one's...
natch 13 11 the rump of beef; es...
nates 7 6 NATIS, (Latin) a but...
natis 8 6 (Latin) a buttock [n...
natty 14 8 neatly dressed [adj...
nauch 13 12 (Hindi) an entertain...
naunt 7 8 (archaic) an aunt [n...
naval 10 11 pertaining to ships...
navar 9 10 a system of air navi...
navel 10 11 a depression in the...
naves 9 10 NAVE, the main body...
navew 12 13 a wild Swedish turni...
navvy 18 16 to work as a laboure...
nawab 12 12 (Urdu) a governor of...
nazes 10 15 NAZE, a headland or...
nazir 11 15 an Indian court offi...
nazis 11 15 NAZI, (German) a typ...
neafe 8 9 (Shakespeare) a fist...
neals 8 7 NEAL, an aphetic for...
neaps 9 9 NEAP, to tend toward...
nears 7 6 NEAR, to approach [v...
neath 9 8 (dialect) beneath, a...
neats 7 6 NEAT, cattle [n]
nebek 10 13 a prickly shrub, the...
nebel 10 10 (Hebrew) a Hebrew in...
necks 12 13 NECK, to kiss and ca...
neddy 14 10 like a ned, a hoolig...
needs 7 7 NEED, to have an urg...
needy 13 9 in a state of povert...
neeld 8 8 a needle, also NEELE...
neele 7 7 (obsolete) a needle,...
neemb 10 12 (Hindi) an East Indi...
neems 8 9 NEEM, (Hindi) an Eas...
neeps 9 9 NEEP, (Scots) a turn...
neese 6 6 (Scots) to sneeze, a...
neeze 9 15 (Scots) to sneeze, a...
negro 8 8 a member of any of t...
negus 9 9 an alcoholic beverag...
neifs 10 9 NEIF, (archaic) the...
neigh 11 10 to utter the cry of...
neist 8 6 (Scots) next, neares...
neive 9 10 (archaic) the fist,...
nelis 9 7 a winter pear, also...
nelly 16 10 an effeminate male,...
nemas 8 9 NEMA, (short for) a...
nemns 8 10 NEMN, (obsolete) to...
nempt 11 12 NEMN, (obsolete) to...
nenes 6 7 NENE, (Hawaiian) a k...
neons 6 7 NEON, a gaseous elem...
neper 9 9 a unit for expressin...
nepit 10 9 a unit of informatio...
neral 8 7 the trans-isomer of...
nerds 8 7 NERD, a person obses...
nerdy 14 9 socially inept, also...
nerka 8 10 the sockeye salmon [...
nerks 9 10 NERK, a bothersome i...
nerol 8 7 a fragrant alcohol [...
nerts 8 6 used to express defi...
nertz 11 15 used to express defi...
nerve 9 10 to give courage to [...
nervy 16 12 nervous [adj NERVIER...
nests 8 6 NEST, to build a str...
netes 7 6 NETE, the highest no...
netop 9 9 a friend, companion...
netts 8 6 NETT, to gain or pro...
netty 14 8 resembling a net [ad...
neuks 9 11 NEUK, (Scots) a nook...
neume 8 10 a succession of note...
neums 9 10 NEUM, a sign used in...
nevel 10 11 (Scots) to pound wit...
never 9 10 at no time [adv]
neves 9 10 NEVE, old compressed...
nevus 10 11 a birthmark, also NA...
newbs 13 12 NEWB, a newbie, also...
newed 10 10 NEW, to renew [v]
newel 11 10 a post supporting th...
newer 10 9 NEW, of recent origi...
newie 10 9 (Australian slang) a...
newly 18 12 NEW, of recent origi...
newsy 17 11 full of news [adj NE...
newts 11 9 NEWT, a tailed amphi...
nexts 14 13 NEXT, the next thing...
nexus 14 14 a link [n -ES]
ngaio 8 8 (Maori) a New Zealan...
ngana 7 9 (Zulu) a tropical di...
ngati 9 8 (Maori) a tribe or c...
ngoma 9 11 (Swahili) a type of...
ngwee 11 11 (Bantu) a Zambian mo...
nicad 11 10 (short for) nickel-c...
nicer 11 9 NICE, agreeable; pre...
niche 13 11 to place in a hollow...
nicht 14 11 (Scots) night [n -S]
nicks 13 13 NICK, to make a shal...
nicol 12 10 a crystal of calcium...
nidal 9 8 pertaining to a nest...
nided 8 8 NIDE, to nest [v]
nides 8 7 NIDE, to nest [v]
nidor 8 7 (Latin) the savory a...
nidus 9 8 a breeding place [n...
niece 10 9 a daughter of one's...
niefs 10 9 NIEF, (archaic) the...
nieve 9 10 (archaic) the fist,...
nifes 10 9 NIFE, the earth's hy...
niffs 13 12 NIFF, to smell bad [...
niffy 19 14 smelly [adj NIFFIER,...
nifty 17 11 apt, agile; stylish...
niger 9 8 (obsolete) a negro,...
nighs 12 10 NIGH, to draw near t...
night 12 10 the period from suns...
nihil 12 9 (Latin) nothing [n -...
nikab 11 13 a veil covering the...
nikah 11 12 in Islamic marriage,...
nikau 9 11 (Maori) a type of pa...
nills 11 8 NILL, to be unwillin...
nimbi 12 12 NIMBUS, a halo; a ty...
nimbs 12 12 NIMB, (Hindi) an Eas...
nimps 12 12 (Liverpool dialect)...
niner 7 7 a student in the nin...
nines 7 7 NINE, the cardinal n...
ninja 9 16 (Japanese) one of a...
ninny 13 10 a fool [n NINNIES]
ninon 6 8 a sheer fabric [n -S...
ninth 10 9 one of nine equal pa...
nipas 10 9 NIPA, (Malay) a low-...
nippy 19 14 quick [adj NIPPIER,...
niqab 18 18 (Arabic) a veil cove...
nirls 10 7 NIRL, (Scots) to stu...
nirly 16 9 (Scots) knotty, stun...
nisei 8 6 (Japanese) a second-...
nisse 8 6 in Scandinavian folk...
nisus 9 7 (Latin) a mental or...
niter 8 6 potassium nitrate or...
nites 8 6 NITE, (colloquial) n...
nitid 9 7 bright, shining [adj...
niton 7 7 an old name for the...
nitre 8 6 potassium nitrate or...
nitro 8 6 (short for) nitrogly...
nitry 15 8 (obsolete) containin...
nitty 15 8 full of nits [adj NI...
nival 11 11 pertaining to snow [...
nixed 14 14 NIX, to veto [v]
nixer 14 13 (Australian slang) a...
nixes 14 13 NIX, to veto [v]
nixie 14 13 a female nix or mali...
nizam 12 18 (Hindi) the title of...
nkosi 9 10 (South Africa) term...
noahs 9 8 NOAH, (Australian sl...
nobby 18 14 stylish, modish; ele...
noble 10 10 possessing qualities...
nobly 17 12 NOBLE, possessing qu...
nocks 12 13 NOCK, to fit an arro...
nodal 8 8 of the nature of a n...
noddy 14 10 a fool [n NODDIES] /...
nodes 7 7 NODE, a swollen enla...
nodus 8 8 (Latin) a knotty poi...
noels 8 7 NOEL, a Christmas ca...
noggs 10 10 NOGG, an eggnog or s...
nohow 12 11 in no way [adv]
noils 9 7 NOIL, short fibers c...
noily 15 9 of or like noil [adj...
noint 7 7 to anoint [v -ED, -I...
noirs 8 6 NOIR, (French) a typ...
noise 7 6 to spread as a rumou...
noisy 14 8 making loud sounds [...
noles 8 7 NOLE, (Shakespeare)...
nolls 10 8 NOLL, the top of the...
nolos 8 7 NOLO, (Latin) a type...
nomad 8 10 a member of a wander...
nomas 8 9 NOMA, an ulceration...
nomen 7 10 (Latin) a name, esp....
nomes 8 9 NOME, (Greek) a prov...
nomic 12 12 pertaining to or con...
nomoi 8 9 NOMOS, (Greek) a pro...
nomos 8 9 (Greek) a province o...
nonas 6 7 NONA, a virus diseas...
nonce 9 10 the present occasion...
nones 6 7 a prayer service hel...
nonet 6 7 a musical piece for...
nongs 8 9 NONG, (Australian sl...
nonis 7 7 NONI, (Hawaiian) a t...
nonny 12 10 a meaningless word i...
nonyl 14 10 a hydrocarbon radica...
noobs 9 9 NOOB, an Internet no...
nooit 7 6 (South Africa) expre...
nooks 8 10 NOOK, a corner in a...
nooky 14 12 full of nooks [adj N...
noons 6 7 NOON, to rest at mid...
noops 9 9 NOOP, (Scott) a knob...
noose 6 6 to secure with a typ...
nopal 10 10 a Central American c...
noria 7 6 (Arabic) esp. in Spa...
noris 8 6 NORI, (Japanese) a k...
norks 9 10 NORK, (Australian sl...
norma 8 9 (Latin) a norm; a pr...
norms 9 9 NORM, a standard reg...
north 10 8 to head northwards [...
nosed 7 7 NOSE, to sniff with...
noser 7 6 (slang) a blow or fa...
noses 7 6 NOSE, to sniff with...
nosey 13 8 unduly curious, also...
notal 8 7 pertaining to the no...
notch 13 11 to make an angular c...
noted 7 7 NOTE, to write down...
noter 7 6 a person who makes n...
notes 7 6 NOTE, to write down...
notum 9 10 part of the thorax o...
nould 9 9 NILL, to be unwillin...
noule 8 8 the top of the head,...
nouls 9 8 NOUL, the top of the...
nouns 7 8 NOUN, a word used to...
nouny 13 10 having many nouns [a...
noups 10 10 NOUP, (obsolete) in...
novae 8 10 NOVA, an exploding s...
novas 9 10 NOVA, an exploding s...
novel 10 11 new [adj NOVELLY] /...
novum 11 14 (Shakespeare) a dice...
noway 16 11 in no way, also NOWA...
nowed 10 10 knotted [adj]
nowls 12 10 NOWL, the top of the...
nowts 11 9 NOWT, (dialect) noth...
nowty 17 11 bad-tempered [adj NO...
noxal 14 14 relating to wrongful...
noxes 13 13 NOX, (short for) nit...
noyau 13 9 (French) a liqueur m...
noyed 13 9 NOY, (Spenser) to an...
noyes 13 8 (Spenser) noise [n -...
nubby 19 15 having small protube...
nubia 10 10 a woman's soft fleec...
nucha 13 12 the nape of the neck...
nuddy 15 11 (Australian slang) s...
nuder 8 8 NUDE, without clothe...
nudes 8 8 NUDE, a naked figure...
nudge 9 10 to poke gently [v NU...
nudie 8 8 (slang) a film featu...
nudzh 14 19 (Yiddish) to nag, al...
nuffs 13 13 NUFF, (slang) enough...
nugae 8 9 (Latin) trifles, jes...
nuked 9 12 NUKE, to attack with...
nukes 9 11 NUKE, to attack with...
nulla 10 9 (Hindi) a ravine, a...
nulls 11 9 NULL, to annul, make...
numbs 12 13 NUMB, to deprive of...
numen 8 11 (Latin) a local or p...
nummy 17 15 delicious [adj NUMMI...
nunny 13 11 as in nunny bag, a s...
nurds 9 8 NURD, a socially ine...
nurdy 15 10 socially inept, also...
nurls 10 8 NURL, to make nurls...
nurrs 9 7 NURR, a knot in wood...
nurse 8 7 to care for the sick...
nutso 8 7 (Australian slang) a...
nutsy 15 9 (slang) crazy [adj N...
nutty 15 9 tasting of nuts; cra...
nyaff 18 14 to yelp, yap [v -ED,...
nyala 14 9 a kind of antelope,...
nying 15 11 NYE, to draw near, a...
nylon 14 10 (tradename) a synthe...
nymph 20 16 to fish using a fly...
nyssa 14 8 a tree of a genus of...