5 letter words that starts with a

5 letter words that start with A

5 letter A word


Word With Friends


aahed 9 8 AAH, to exclaim in s...
aalii 9 6 (Hawaiian) a tropica...
aargh 11 9 an exclamation indic...
aarti 8 5 (Hindi) an Indian ce...
abaca 12 11 a Philippine plant,...
abaci 13 11 ABACUS, a counting f...
aback 14 15 towards the back [ad...
abacs 13 11 ABAC, a nomogram, a...
abaft 12 11 towards or at the st...
abaka 10 12 (Tagalog) the Manila...
abamp 13 14 short for ABAMPERE,...
aband 9 10 (Spenser) to abandon...
abase 9 8 to lower in rank, pr...
abash 12 10 to strike with shame...
abask 11 12 in genial warmth [ad...
abate 9 8 to reduce in intensi...
abaya 15 10 a Syrian cloth of go...
abbas 12 11 ABBA, a Syrian cloth...
abbed 12 12 displaying well-deve...
abbes 12 11 ABBE, (French) a cou...
abbey 18 13 a building inhabited...
abbot 12 11 the superior in a mo...
abcee 12 11 the alphabet, also A...
abeam 10 11 in a line at right a...
abear 9 8 to bear; to behave [...
abele 10 9 the white poplar-tre...
abers 10 8 ABER, (Welsh) an est...
abets 10 8 ABET, to incite by e...
abhor 12 10 to loathe, hate [v A...
abide 10 9 to wait for; to stay...
abies 10 8 (Latin) a fir tree [...
abled 11 10 ABLE, (obsolete) to...
abler 11 9 ABLE, competent, als...
ables 11 9 ABLE, (obsolete) to...
ablet 11 9 a small freshwater f...
ablow 14 12 in a blowing state [...
abmho 13 13 a unit of electrical...
abode 9 9 a dwelling-place [n...
abohm 13 13 a unit of electrical...
aboil 11 9 boiling [adj]
aboma 10 11 a South American sna...
aboon 8 9 above [adv]
abord 10 9 (archaic) to accost,...
abore 9 8 ABEAR, to bear; to b...
abort 10 8 to bring forth a foe...
about 10 9 approximately [adv]
above 11 12 mentioned earlier [a...
abram 11 11 (Shakespeare) auburn...
abray 16 10 (Spenser) to awake,...
abrim 12 11 in a brimming state...
abrin 10 9 a poisonous protein...
abris 11 8 ABRI, (French) a bom...
absey 16 10 (obsolete) the alpha...
absit 11 8 (Latin) a student's...
abuna 9 10 (Amharic) an Ethiopi...
abune 9 10 (Scots) above, also...
abuse 10 9 to revile or swear a...
abuts 11 9 ABUT, to be adjacent...
abuzz 17 27 buzzing [adj]
abyes 16 10 ABYE, (archaic) to p...
abysm 18 13 (archaic) an abyss,...
abyss 17 10 a bottomless chasm [...
acais 11 8 ACAI, (Tupi) a berry...
acari 11 8 ACARUS, a mite, a ki...
accas 14 11 ACCA, (Australian sl...
accoy 20 13 (Spenser) to subdue,...
acerb 13 11 bitter and sour, als...
acers 11 8 ACER, a plant of the...
aceta 10 8 ACETUM, (Latin) vine...
achar 13 10 a spicy pickle made...
ached 13 11 ACHE, to endure a du...
aches 13 10 ACHE, to endure a du...
achoo 12 10 an imitation of the...
acids 12 9 ACID, a type of chem...
acidy 18 11 resembling acid, sou...
acing 12 11 ACE, to serve an unr...
acini 11 9 ACINUS, a small sack...
ackee 11 12 (Kru) a small Africa...
acker 12 12 (Australian slang) a...
acmes 12 11 ACME, the highest po...
acmic 16 14 relating to the high...
acned 10 10 afflicted with acne...
acnes 10 9 ACNE, a skin disease...
acock 15 15 in a cocked position...
acold 12 10 (Shakespeare) chille...
acorn 10 9 the fruit of the oak...
acred 11 9 possessing acres, la...
acres 11 8 ACRE, a measure of l...
acrid 12 9 sharp to the taste o...
acros 11 8 ACRO, a skiing event...
acted 11 9 ACT, to do something...
actin 11 9 a protein found in m...
acton 10 9 a stuffed jacket wor...
actor 11 8 a theatrical perform...
acute 11 9 a type of accent mar...
acyls 19 11 ACYL, an organometal...
adage 8 8 a proverb, a traditi...
adapt 10 9 to make suitable [v...
adaws 11 9 ADAW, (Spenser) to d...
adays 14 8 (Spenser) by day, da...
adbot 10 9 a specialized comput...
addax 14 14 a large light-colour...
added 8 8 ADD, to compute the...
adder 8 7 a venomous snake [n...
addio 8 7 (Italian) goodbye [n...
addle 9 8 to confuse [v ADDLED...
adeem 8 9 to cancel a bequest...
adept 10 9 an expert [n -S] / h...
adhan 9 9 the Muslim call to p...
adieu 8 7 (French) a farewell...
adios 8 6 (Spanish) goodbye [n...
adits 9 6 ADIT, a nearly horiz...
adman 8 10 a man employed in ad...
admen 8 10 ADMAN, a man employe...
admin 9 10 (short for) administ...
admit 10 9 to allow to enter; t...
admix 16 16 to mix [v ADMIXED or...
adobe 9 9 (Arabic) an unburned...
adobo 9 9 (Spanish) a Philippi...
adopt 10 9 to take as one's own...
adore 7 6 to love deeply [v AD...
adorn 7 7 to embellish [v -ED,...
adown 10 10 (archaic) from a hig...
adoze 10 15 dozing [adj]
adrad 8 7 (Spenser) afraid, al...
adred 8 7 (Spenser) afraid, al...
adsum 10 10 (Latin) I am here (a...
aduki 10 11 (Japanese) a kind of...
adult 10 8 grown up [adj ADULTL...
adunc 11 11 hooked, also ADUNCAT...
adust 9 7 (Milton) to scorch [...
advew 13 13 (Spenser) to view [v...
adyta 14 8 ADYTUM, the inner sa...
adzed 11 16 ADZ, to dress timber...
adzes 11 15 ADZ, a cutting tool...
aecia 10 8 AECIUM, a cup-shaped...
aedes 7 6 any of a genus of mo...
aegis 9 7 (Greek) protection,...
aeons 6 6 AEON, the largest di...
aerie 7 5 the nest of a bird o...
aeros 7 5 AERO, (Relating to)...
aesir 8 5 AS, a Norse god livi...
afald 11 10 onefold, also AEFALD...
afara 9 8 (Yoruba) a type of W...
afars 10 8 AFAR, a great distan...
afear 9 8 (Spenser) to frighte...
affix 19 18 to fix on to, append...
afire 10 8 on fire [adj]
aflaj 13 18 FALAJ, (Arabic) an i...
afoot 9 8 on foot [adv]
afore 9 8 before [adv]
afoul 11 10 entangled [adj]
afrit 11 8 an evil spirit in Ar...
afros 10 8 AFRO, a thick curly...
after 10 8 later in time [prep]
again 8 8 once more, also AGEN...
agama 9 10 a tropical lizard [n...
agami 10 10 a crane-like bird of...
agape 10 10 a love feast practis...
agars 9 7 AGAR, a jelly prepar...
agast 9 7 (Milton) to terrify...
agate 8 7 a variety of quartz...
agave 10 11 any of numerous spin...
agaze 11 16 (archaic) at gaze, g...
agene 7 8 a chemical compound...
agent 8 8 a person or thing th...
agers 9 7 AGER, one that ages...
agger 10 9 (historical) an arti...
aggie 10 9 a type of playing ma...
aggri 11 9 ancient West African...
aggro 10 9 (short for) aggressi...
aggry 17 11 ancient West African...
aghas 11 9 AGHA, a Turkish mili...
agila 10 8 (Tamil) the wood of...
agile 10 8 able to move quickly...
aging 10 10 the process of growi...
agios 9 7 AGIO, a premium paid...
agism 11 10 discrimination based...
agist 10 7 to admit (livestock)...
agita 9 7 a feeling of agitati...
aglee 9 8 (Scots) with a turn...
aglet 10 8 a metal sheath at th...
agley 16 10 (Scots) with a turn...
agloo 9 8 (Inuit) a hole in th...
aglow 13 11 glowing [adj]
aglus 11 9 AGLU, (Inuit) a hole...
agmas 10 10 AGMA, (Greek) a phon...
agoge 9 9 (Greek) in Greek mus...
agone 7 8 (archaic) gone, past...
agons 8 8 AGON, the dramatic c...
agony 14 10 extreme suffering [n...
agood 8 8 (Shakespeare) in goo...
agora 8 7 a market-place in an...
agree 8 7 to have the same opi...
agria 9 7 a skin condition wit...
agrin 9 8 a proteoglycan that...
agros 9 7 AGRO, a student of a...
agued 9 9 suffering from the a...
agues 9 8 AGUE, a malarial fev...
aguna 8 9 (Hebrew) a woman who...
aguti 10 8 a burrowing South Am...
ahead 9 8 further on [adv]
aheap 11 10 (obsolete) in a heap...
ahent 9 8 (dialect) behind, al...
ahigh 14 11 (obsolete) on high [...
ahind 10 9 (dialect) behind, al...
ahing 11 10 AH, to say ah [v]
ahint 10 8 (dialect) behind, al...
ahold 11 9 (obsolete) near the...
ahull 13 10 with sails furled, a...
ahuru 11 9 (Maori) a small pink...
aidas 8 6 AIDA, a finely-meshe...
aided 8 7 AID, to help [v]
aider 8 6 one who aids [n -S]
aides 8 6 AIDE, (French) a con...
aidoi 8 6 AIDOS, (Greek) shame...
aidos 8 6 (Greek) shame, modes...
aiery 14 7 the nest of a bird o...
aigas 9 7 AIGA, (Samoan) a lar...
aight 12 9 an informal or diale...
ailed 9 7 AIL, to be indispose...
aimed 9 9 AIM, to direct a cou...
aimer 9 8 one who aims [n -S]
ainee 6 6 (French) (of a femal...
ainga 8 8 (Samoan) a large fam...
aioli 9 6 (French) a garlic-fl...
aired 8 6 AIR, to make known p...
airer 8 5 a frame on which to...
airns 8 6 AIRN, to iron [v]
airth 11 7 (Scots) to guide, al...
airts 9 5 AIRT, to direct, als...
aisle 9 6 a passage between se...
aitch 14 10 the letter H [n -ES]
aitus 9 6 AITU, a Polynesian d...
aiver 10 9 (Scots) a draft hors...
aiyee 13 7 an interjection used...
aizle 12 15 (Scots) hot ashes, a...
ajiva 12 18 (Sanskrit) inanimate...
ajuga 11 17 a genus of plants, i...
ajwan 12 18 the fruit of an Egyp...
akees 8 9 AKEE, (Kru) a small...
akela 9 10 a leader of a cub sc...
akene 7 10 a dry one-seeded fru...
aking 10 12 AKE, to endure a dul...
akita 9 9 (Japanese) a large p...
akkas 10 13 (slang) money, also...
alaap 10 9 (Sanskrit) in Indian...
alack 13 13 (archaic) an interje...
alamo 9 9 (Spanish) a kind of...
aland 8 8 a large hunting dog,...
alane 7 7 (dialect) alone [adj...
alang 9 9 (Malay) a coarse gra...
alans 8 7 ALAN, a large huntin...
alant 8 7 a large hunting dog,...
alapa 10 9 (Sanskrit) in Indian...
alaps 11 9 ALAP, (Sanskrit) in...
alarm 10 9 to strike with fear...
alary 15 8 of or pertaining to...
alate 8 6 having wings, also A...
alays 15 8 ALAY, to quell, also...
albas 11 9 ALBA, the white subs...
albee 10 9 (archaic) albeit, al...
album 13 13 a book for storing p...
alcid 13 10 a diving sea bird, a...
alcos 12 9 ALCO, (Australian sl...
aldea 8 7 (Spanish) a small vi...
alder 9 7 any tree of the genu...
aldol 10 8 a chemical compound...
aleck 13 13 an irritatingly over...
alecs 12 9 ALEC, a herring [n]
alefs 11 9 ALEF, a Hebrew lette...
aleft 11 9 (archaic) on or to t...
aleph 13 11 (Hebrew) the first l...
alert 9 6 ready for sudden act...
alews 12 9 ALEW, a greeting cry...
aleye 14 8 to quell, also ALLAY...
alfas 11 9 ALFA, (Arabic) a Nor...
algae 9 8 ALGA, a seaweed [n]
algal 11 9 of or like alga, any...
algas 10 8 ALGA, a seaweed [n]
algid 11 9 cold or chill, esp....
algin 10 9 sodium alginate, a g...
algor 10 8 coldness; a shiverin...
algum 12 12 (Hebrew) a wood impo...
alias 9 6 an assumed name [n -...
alibi 12 9 the plea in a crimin...
alien 8 7 foreign [adj ALIENLY...
alifs 12 9 ALIF, an Arabic lett...
align 10 9 to arrange in line [...
alike 10 10 having close resembl...
aline 8 7 to arrange in a stra...
alist 10 6 leaning to one side...
alive 11 10 living [adj]
aliya 15 8 the immigration of J...
alkie 10 10 an alcoholic, also A...
alkos 10 10 ALKO, an alcoholic,...
alkyd 17 13 any of a group of sy...
alkyl 18 13 any radical derived...
allay 16 9 to reduce in intensi...
allee 9 7 (French) an avenue,...
allel 11 8 (short for) allelomo...
alley 16 9 a narrow passageway,...
allis 11 7 a fish of the shad f...
allod 10 8 an estate held in ab...
allot 10 7 to give as a share o...
allow 13 10 to put no obstacle i...
alloy 16 9 to combine a mixture...
allyl 18 10 an organic radical e...
almah 12 11 an Egyptian girl who...
almas 10 9 ALMA, an Egyptian gi...
almeh 12 11 an Egyptian girl who...
almes 10 9 ALME, an Egyptian gi...
almud 11 11 a Spanish unit of ca...
almug 12 12 a precious wood ment...
alods 9 7 ALOD, an estate held...
aloed 8 7 planted or flavoured...
aloes 8 6 ALOE, any member of...
aloft 11 9 on high [adv]
aloha 10 8 (Hawaiian) a greetin...
aloin 8 7 a kind of laxative [...
alone 7 7 solitary [adj ALONEL...
along 9 9 onward [adv]
aloof 10 9 distant in interest...
aloos 8 6 ALOO, (Hindu) a pota...
aloud 9 8 audibly [adv]
alowe 11 9 ablaze [adv]
alpha 13 11 a Greek letter [n -S...
altar 9 6 a raised structure u...
alter 9 6 to make different [v...
altho 11 8 although [conj]
altos 9 6 ALTO, a low female s...
alula 10 8 one of three feather...
alums 11 10 ALUM, a sulphate of...
alure 9 7 (obsolete) a walk be...
alvar 11 10 (Swedish) an area of...
alway 18 11 (archaic) always [ad...
amahs 11 10 AMAH, (Hindi) a nati...
amain 8 9 (archaic) to a high...
amass 9 8 to accumulate [v -ED...
amate 8 8 (archaic) to dismay,...
amaut 9 9 (Inuit) a hood on a...
amaze 11 17 to overwhelm with as...
amban 10 12 (Chinese) a Chinese...
amber 11 11 a fossil resin, used...
ambit 12 11 a circuit, compass,...
amble 12 12 to saunter [v AMBLED...
ambos 11 11 AMBO, a pulpit in an...
ambry 18 13 a cupboard for sacre...
ameba 10 11 a one-celled animal...
ameer 8 8 a Muslim governor, a...
amend 8 10 to correct, improve...
amene 7 9 pleasant, offering a...
amens 8 9 AMEN, to conclude pr...
ament 8 9 a mentally deficient...
amias 9 8 AMIA, a freshwater f...
amice 12 11 a furred hood with l...
amici 13 11 AMICUS, (Latin) a le...
amide 9 9 a compound formed by...
amido 9 9 containing an amide...
amids 10 9 AMID, a compound for...
amies 9 8 AMIE, (French) a (fe...
amiga 10 10 (Spanish) a (female)...
amigo 10 10 (Spanish) a (male) f...
amine 8 9 a compound derived f...
amino 8 9 a compound containin...
amins 9 9 AMIN, a compound der...
amirs 10 8 AMIR, a Muslim gover...
amiss 10 8 wrongly, astray [adv...
amity 16 10 friendship [n AMITIE...
amlas 10 9 AMLA, an East Indian...
amman 9 12 (German) in Germany,...
ammon 9 12 the Asian wild sheep...
ammos 10 11 AMMO, (short for) am...
amnia 8 9 AMNION, the innermos...
amnic 12 12 pertaining to the am...
amnio 8 9 (short for) an amnio...
amoks 10 12 AMOK, a murderous fr...
amole 9 9 a plant root used as...
among 9 11 in the midst of, als...
amort 9 8 (archaic) spiritless...
amour 9 9 (French) a love affa...
amove 10 12 (obsolete) to stir u...
amowt 12 11 (Inuit) a hood on a...
amped 11 12 AMP, (Australian sla...
ample 12 12 plentiful [adj AMPLE...
amply 19 14 AMPLE, plentiful [ad...
ampul 13 13 a small sealed glass...
amrit 10 8 (Punjabi) a sacred s...
amuck 14 16 a murderous frenzy,...
amuse 9 9 to entertain [v AMUS...
amyls 17 11 AMYL, an alcohol rad...
anana 5 7 (French) a pineapple...
anata 6 6 (Sanskrit) the Buddh...
ancho 12 11 a type of dried chil...
ancle 11 10 (archaic) ankle [n -...
ancon 9 10 (Greek) the elbow, a...
andro 7 7 a type of sex hormon...
anear 6 6 (archaic) to draw ne...
anele 7 7 to anoint with extre...
anent 6 7 (archaic) about; con...
angas 8 8 ANGA, any of the eig...
angel 9 9 to support financial...
anger 8 8 wrath [adj ANGERLY]...
angle 9 9 to with hook and lin...
anglo 9 9 a white inhabitant o...
angry 15 10 having anger [adj AN...
angst 9 8 (German) a feeling o...
anigh 11 10 nigh [adv]
anile 8 7 old-womanish [adj]
anils 9 7 ANIL, indigo, the pl...
anima 8 9 (Latin) the soul, th...
anime 8 9 the resin of the W I...
animi 9 9 the resin of the Wes...
anion 6 7 an ion with a negati...
anise 7 6 an annual Mediterran...
anker 8 10 an old wine measure...
ankhs 11 12 ANKH, (Arabic) an Eg...
ankle 9 11 the joint connecting...
ankus 9 11 an elephant goad, al...
anlas 8 7 a short two-edged da...
annal 7 8 a record of a single...
annas 6 7 ANNA, a former coin...
annat 6 7 (Scots) the half-yea...
annex 12 14 to join or attach [v...
annoy 12 9 to be troublesome to...
annul 8 9 to declare void [v A...
anoas 6 6 ANOA, a wild ox of t...
anode 6 7 a positively charged...
anole 7 7 a tropical lizard of...
anomy 14 11 (French) a condition...
ansae 6 6 ANSA, the projecting...
antae 6 6 ANTA, a square pilas...
antar 7 6 (Shakespeare) a cave...
antas 7 6 ANTA, a square pilas...
anted 7 7 ANTE, to put a fixed...
antes 7 6 ANTE, to put a fixed...
antic 11 9 quaint, also ANTICK...
antis 8 6 ANTI, one who is opp...
antra 7 6 ANTRUM, a cavity in...
antre 7 6 (Shakespeare) a cave...
antsy 14 8 eager, excited [adj...
anura 7 7 frogs and toads [n]
anvil 11 11 an iron block on whi...
anyon 12 9 an elementary partic...
aorta 7 5 the main blood vesse...
apace 12 11 in a state of haste...
apage 10 10 (Greek) away, depart...
apaid 10 9 APAY, to satisfy, al...
apart 10 8 separate [adv]
apayd 16 11 APAY, to satisfy, al...
apays 16 10 APAY, to satisfy, al...
apeak 10 12 of an anchor, in a v...
apeek 10 12 of an anchor, in a v...
apers 10 8 APER, one who mimics...
apert 10 8 (archaic) open, publ...
apery 16 10 the act of aping [n...
apgar 11 10 as in apgar score, a...
aphid 13 11 a plant-louse, a sma...
aphis 13 10 a plant-louse, a mem...
apian 9 9 relating to bees [ad...
aping 11 11 APE, to mimic [v]
apiol 11 9 an oily liquid deriv...
apish 13 10 like an ape [adj API...
apism 12 11 the state of being l...
apnea 8 9 a temporary cessatio...
apode 9 9 an animal without fe...
apods 10 9 APOD, an animal with...
apoop 11 11 on the poop, astern...
aport 10 8 towards the left sid...
appal 13 12 to horrify, also APP...
appay 18 13 to satisfy, also APA...
appel 13 12 (French) in fencing,...
apple 13 12 the firm round edibl...
apply 20 14 to bring to bear [v...
appro 12 11 (colloquial) approva...
appui 13 12 to give military sup...
appuy 19 14 to give military sup...
apres 10 8 (French) after [prep...
apron 9 9 a piece of cloth, le...
apses 10 8 APSE, a rounded exte...
apsis 11 8 the point at which a...
apsos 10 8 APSO, (Tibetan) a Ti...
apted 10 9 APT, to adapt [v]
apter 10 8 APT, suited to [adj]
aptly 18 11 APT, suited to [adv]
aquae 15 15 AQUA, water [n]
aquas 16 15 AQUA, water [n]
araba 9 8 a heavy wagon, also...
araks 9 9 ARAK, a strong alcoh...
arame 8 8 (Japanese) a type of...
arars 8 5 ARAR, the sandarac t...
arbas 10 8 ARBA, a heavy screen...
arbor 10 8 a shady garden shelt...
arced 11 9 ARC, to make an elec...
archi 14 10 ARCO, (Italian) the...
arcos 11 8 ARCO, (Italian) the...
arcus 12 9 a bow-shaped or ring...
ardeb 10 9 an Egyptian measure...
ardor 8 6 (US) passion of feel...
ardri 9 6 (Irish) a title give...
aread 7 6 (Spenser) to counsel...
areae 6 5 AREA, a region [n]
areal 8 6 relating to an area...
arear 7 5 an unpaid and overdu...
areas 7 5 AREA, a region [n]
areca 10 8 a tree of the beteln...
aredd 8 7 AREAD, (Spenser) to...
arede 7 6 to declare, also ARE...
arefy 16 10 to dry up [v AREFIED...
areic 11 8 of an area of the ea...
arena 6 6 any sphere of action...
arene 6 6 an aromatic hydrocar...
arepa 9 8 (Spanish) a usually...
arere 7 5 (Spenser) backward,...
arete 7 5 a sharp mountain rid...
arets 8 5 ARET, (Spenser) to e...
arett 8 5 (obsolete) to entrus...
argal 10 8 a hard crust (genera...
argan 8 8 (Arabic) a Moroccan...
argil 11 8 a potter's clay [n -...
argle 10 8 to argue [v ARGLED,...
argol 10 8 a hard crust (genera...
argon 8 8 an inert gaseous ele...
argot 9 7 (French) an often mo...
argue 9 8 to discuss with reas...
argus 10 8 an East Indian pheas...
arhat 10 7 (Sanskrit) a Buddhis...
arias 8 5 ARIA, an accompanied...
ariel 9 6 a kind of mountain g...
ariki 10 9 (Maori) the firstbor...
arils 10 6 ARIL, an additional...
ariot 8 5 in riot [adv]
arise 8 5 to come up [v AROSE,...
arish 11 7 (dialect) a stubble...
arked 9 10 ARK, to put into an...
arled 9 7 ARLE, to give earnes...
arles 9 6 ARLE, to give earnes...
armed 9 9 ARM, to supply with...
armer 9 8 one who arms [n -S]
armet 9 8 a kind of medieval h...
armil 11 9 a bracelet, also ARM...
armor 9 8 (US) to dress with d...
arnas 7 6 ARNA, an Indian wate...
arnut 8 7 the earthnut, an edi...
aroba 9 8 a heavy screened wag...
aroha 9 7 (Maori) love, compas...
aroid 8 6 any plant of the aru...
aroma 8 8 a distinctive fragra...
arose 7 5 ARISE, to come up [v...
arpas 10 8 ARPA, a top level in...
arpen 9 9 a old French land me...
arrah 10 7 an Anglo-Irish excla...
arras 8 5 a rich tapestry [n -...
array 14 7 to place in order [v...
arret 8 5 (French) a decision;...
arris 9 5 a sharp edge on ston...
arrow 11 8 to indicate the posi...
arroz 11 14 (Spanish) rice [n AR...
arsed 8 6 ARSE, as in "to arse...
arses 8 5 ARSE, the buttocks [...
arsey 14 7 aggressive, irritabl...
arsis 9 5 the accented or long...
arson 7 6 the malicious or fra...
artal 9 6 ROTL, (Arabic) a var...
artel 9 6 (Russian) a Russian...
artic 12 8 (short for) an artic...
artis 9 5 ARTI, (Hindi) an Ind...
artsy 15 7 arty [adj ARTSIER, A...
aruhe 10 8 (Maori) the edible r...
arums 10 9 ARUM, a perennial pl...
arval 11 10 pertaining to plowed...
arvee 9 9 (short for) recreati...
arvos 10 9 ARVO, (Australian sl...
aryls 16 8 ARYL, any aromatic u...
asana 6 6 (Sanskrit) a yoga po...
ascon 10 9 a type of sponge [n...
ascot 11 8 a type of necktie wi...
ascus 12 9 an enlarged cell whi...
asdic 12 9 an apparatus for loc...
ashed 10 8 ASH, to convert some...
ashen 9 8 very pale [adj]
ashes 10 7 ASH, to convert some...
ashet 10 7 (Scots) a large plat...
aside 8 6 on or to one side [a...
asked 9 10 ASK, to inquire or r...
asker 9 9 one who asks [n -S]
askew 12 12 awry [adj]
askoi 9 9 ASKOS, an ancient Gr...
askos 9 9 an ancient Greek oil...
aspen 9 9 the trembling poplar...
asper 10 8 a Turkish money of a...
aspic 14 11 a clear savoury meat...
aspis 11 8 a clear savoury meat...
aspro 10 8 (Australian slang) a...
assai 8 5 (Tupi) a berry found...
assam 9 8 (Malay) in Malaysia,...
assay 14 7 to put to the proof,...
asses 8 5 ASS, a longhaired an...
asset 8 5 an item of worth [n...
assez 11 14 as part of a musical...
assot 8 5 to make a fool of [v...
aster 8 5 a plant of the Aster...
astir 9 5 on the move [adj]
astun 8 7 (obsolete) to astoni...
asura 8 6 (Sanskrit) a Hindu d...
asway 17 10 swayingly [adv]
aswim 13 11 afloat [adv]
asyla 15 8 ASYLUM, an instituti...
ataps 10 8 ATAP, the nipa palm...
ataxy 20 14 loss of muscular coo...
atigi 10 7 (Inuit) a kind of pa...
atilt 10 6 being in a tilted po...
atimy 16 10 loss of honour [n AT...
atlas 9 6 a book of maps [n -E...
atman 8 9 (Hindi) the essentia...
atmas 9 8 ATMA, (Hindi) the es...
atmos 9 8 (short for) atmosphe...
atocs 11 8 ATOC, a species of s...
atoke 8 9 a sexless part of so...
atoks 9 9 ATOK, a species of s...
atoll 10 7 a coral island consi...
atoms 9 8 ATOM, the smallest p...
atomy 15 10 (archaic) an atom, a...
atone 6 6 to make amends [v AT...
atony 13 8 muscular debility, a...
atopy 16 10 an inherited tendenc...
atria 8 5 ATRIUM, a square hal...
atrip 11 8 of an anchor when it...
attap 10 8 the nipa palm [n -S]
attar 8 5 a fragrant essential...
attic 12 8 a room in the roof o...
atuas 8 6 ATUA, (Polynesia) th...
audad 8 8 a North African wild...
audio 8 7 reproduction of reco...
audit 9 7 to examine accounts...
auger 9 8 a kind of boring too...
aught 12 10 anything, also OUCHT...
augur 10 9 to foretell from sig...
aulas 9 7 AULA, (Latin) a hall...
aulic 13 10 relating to a royal...
auloi 9 7 AULOS, an ancient wi...
aulos 9 7 an ancient wind inst...
aumil 11 10 a factor or manager...
aunes 7 7 AUNE, (obsolete) an...
aunts 8 7 AUNT, the sister of...
aunty 14 9 an aunt, also AUNTIE...
aurae 7 6 AURA, a subtle emana...
aural 9 7 pertaining to the ea...
aurar 8 6 EYRIR, a monetary un...
auras 8 6 AURA, a subtle emana...
aurei 8 6 AUREUS, a gold coin...
aures 8 6 AURIS, the ear [n]
auric 12 9 pertaining to, like...
auris 9 6 the ear [n AURES]
aurum 10 10 (Latin) gold [n -S]
autos 8 6 AUTO, to ride in an...
auxin 14 14 a substance increasi...
avail 11 10 to be of use or adva...
avale 10 10 (obsolete) to descen...
avant 9 10 (French) before [pre...
avast 10 9 stop [interj]
avels 11 10 AVEL, (Hebrew) a mou...
avens 9 10 any plant of the gen...
avers 10 9 AVER, to declare pos...
avert 10 9 to ward off [v -ED,...
avgas 11 11 any kind of aviation...
avian 9 10 of or relating to bi...
avine 9 10 pertaining to birds...
avion 9 10 (French) an aeroplan...
avise 10 9 to advise, also AVIZ...
aviso 10 9 (Spanish) a boat bri...
avize 13 18 to advise, also AVIS...
avoid 10 10 to evade [v -ED, -IN...
avows 13 12 AVOW, to declare [v]
avyze 19 20 to advise, also AVIS...
await 11 8 to wait for [v -ED,...
awake 11 12 to rouse from sleep...
award 11 9 to grant as merited...
aware 10 8 knowing and alert [a...
awarn 10 9 (Spenser) to warn [v...
awash 13 10 covered with water [...
awato 10 8 (Maori) the so-calle...
awave 12 12 (archaic) in a wave,...
aways 17 10 AWAY, a game won on...
awdls 13 10 AWDL, a Welsh ode [n...
aweel 11 9 (Scots) well, indeed...
aweto 10 8 a wormlike fungus, a...
awful 15 13 horrible [adj AWFULL...
awing 12 11 AWE, to strike with...
awmry 19 13 a cupboard for sacre...
awned 10 10 AWN, to shelter with...
awner 10 9 a machine for removi...
awoke 11 12 AWAKE, to rouse from...
awols 12 9 AWOL, one who is abs...
awork 12 12 at work [adv]
axels 15 13 AXEL, in figure-skat...
axial 15 13 pertaining to an axi...
axile 15 13 coinciding with an a...
axils 16 13 AXIL, the upper angl...
axing 15 15 AX, (US) to chop wit...
axiom 15 15 a self-evident truth...
axion 13 13 a hypothetical subat...
axite 14 12 a fibre of an axon,...
axled 15 14 having an axle [adj]
axles 15 13 AXLE, a shaft upon w...
axman 14 16 a man who uses an ax...
axmen 14 16 AXMAN, a man who use...
axoid 14 13 a curve generated by...
axone 12 13 a nerve fibre, also...
axons 13 13 AXON, an extension o...
ayahs 16 9 AYAH, in India, a ma...
ayaya 19 9 (Inuit) a type of si...
ayelp 17 11 in a state of yelpin...
aygre 15 9 (Shakespeare) eager...
ayins 14 8 AYIN, (Hebrew) the s...
ayont 13 8 (archaic) beyond [ad...
ayres 14 7 AYRE, (obsolete) an...
ayrie 14 7 the nest of a bird o...
azans 10 15 AZAN, the Muslim cal...
azide 11 15 a salt of hydrazoic...
azido 11 15 of a compound, conta...
azine 10 15 a type of nitrogen c...
azlon 11 16 a textile fibre made...
azoic 14 17 lacking life, esp. o...
azole 11 15 any of various organ...
azons 10 15 AZON, a radio-contro...
azote 10 14 an old name for nitr...
azoth 13 16 an alchemist's name...
azuki 13 19 (Japanese) a kind of...
azure 11 15 a delicate blue colo...
azurn 11 16 (Milton) azure, also...
azury 18 17 a bluish colour, als...
azygy 25 20 a state of being unp...
azyme 18 19 unleavened bread, al...
azyms 19 19 AZYM, unleavened bre...