5 letter words that starts with f

5 letter words that start with F

5 letter F word


Word With Friends


fabby 21 16 excellent, marvellou...
fable 13 12 to tell fictitious t...
faced 13 12 FACE, to confront [v...
facer 13 11 a sudden difficulty...
faces 13 11 FACE, to confront [v...
facet 13 11 to cut small plane s...
facia 13 11 an architectural ban...
facta 13 11 FACTUM, (Latin) a ma...
facts 14 11 FACT, something know...
faddy 17 12 inclined to take up...
faded 10 10 FADE, to lose colour...
fader 10 9 a sliding control as...
fades 10 9 FADE, to lose colour...
fadge 11 11 (archaic) to agree,...
fados 10 9 FADO, a Portuguese f...
faena 8 9 a series of passes m...
faery 16 10 (archaic) the world...
faffs 15 14 FAFF, (colloquial) t...
faffy 21 16 awkward and time-con...
faggy 19 14 having the character...
fagin 11 11 an adult who instruc...
fagot 11 10 to bind together in...
faiks 12 12 FAIK, (Scots) to aba...
fails 12 9 FAIL, to be unsucces...
faine 9 9 (Spenser) to feign,...
fains 10 9 FAIN, (Spenser) to f...
faint 10 9 to lose consciousnes...
fairs 11 8 FAIR, to make fair [...
fairy 17 10 a creature of folklo...
faith 13 10 to believe or trust...
faked 11 13 FAKE, to pretend and...
faker 11 12 one who fakes e.g. w...
fakes 11 12 FAKE, to pretend and...
fakey 17 14 fake [adj FAKIER, FA...
fakie 11 12 (in skateboarding an...
fakir 12 12 a Hindu ascetic, als...
falaj 13 18 (Arabic) an irrigati...
falls 13 10 FALL, to descend fre...
false 11 9 to deceive [v FALSED...
famed 11 12 FAME, to make famous...
fames 11 11 FAME, to make famous...
fanal 10 10 (archaic) a lighthou...
fancy 19 14 to take a liking to...
fands 10 10 FAND, (Scots) to try...
fanes 9 9 FANE, a temple [n]
fanga 10 11 a Spanish unit of dr...
fango 10 11 (Italian) clay or mu...
fangs 11 11 FANG, to seize in th...
fanks 11 13 FANK [n]
fanny 15 12 as in to fanny about...
fanon 8 10 a liturgical cape wo...
fanos 9 9 FANO, a liturgical c...
fanum 11 13 a cape worn by the p...
faqir 19 17 a Hindu ascetic, als...
farad 10 9 a unit of electrical...
farce 13 11 to fill with stuffin...
farci 14 11 (French) stuffed, as...
farcy 20 13 a chronic horse dise...
fards 11 9 FARD, to paint with...
fared 10 9 FARE, to get on or s...
farer 10 8 a traveller [n -S]
fares 10 8 FARE, to get on or s...
farle 11 9 an oatmeal cake, als...
farls 12 9 FARL, (Scots) an oat...
farms 12 11 FARM, to practise th...
faros 10 8 FARO, a card game [n...
farse 10 8 to expand a narrativ...
farts 11 8 FART, to expel gas t...
fasci 14 11 FASCIO, an organized...
fasti 11 8 (Latin) those days a...
fasts 11 8 FAST, to abstain fro...
fatal 11 9 capable of causing d...
fated 10 9 FATE, to destine [v]
fates 10 8 FATE, to destine [v]
fatly 18 11 FAT, having an abund...
fatso 10 8 (colloquial) a fat p...
fatty 17 10 one that is fat [n F...
fatwa 13 11 to threaten death by...
faugh 14 13 used to express disg...
fauld 12 11 the arch over the da...
fault 12 10 to criticize [v -ED,...
fauna 9 10 the animal life of a...
fauns 10 10 FAUN, a rural deity...
faurd 11 10 (Scots) favoured [ad...
fauts 11 9 FAUT, (Scots) to fau...
fauve 12 13 a member of a group...
favas 12 12 FAVA, (Italian) a br...
favel 13 13 (obsolete) light-bro...
faver 12 12 FAVE, (slang) favour...
faves 12 12 FAVE, a favourite pe...
favor 12 12 to regard with goodw...
favus 13 13 a fungal skin diseas...
fawns 13 12 FAWN, to please in a...
fawny 19 14 yellowish-brown colo...
faxed 16 16 FAX, to send message...
faxes 16 15 FAX, to send message...
fayed 16 11 FAY, to clean out es...
fayer 16 10 FAY, whimsical, also...
fayne 15 11 (Spenser) to feign,...
fayre 16 10 (archaic) a fair [n...
fazed 13 18 FAZE, to unsettle, a...
fazes 13 17 FAZE, to unsettle, a...
feals 11 9 FEAL, to conceal [v]
feare 9 8 a companion, also FE...
fears 10 8 FEAR, to be afraid o...
feart 10 8 (Scots) afraid [adj]
fease 9 8 to unsettle, also FA...
feast 10 8 to dine sumptuously...
feats 10 8 FEAT, (Shakespeare)...
feaze 12 17 to unsettle, also FA...
fecal 14 12 relating to feces, a...
feces 13 11 bodily waste dischar...
fecht 16 13 (Scots) to fight [v...
fecit 14 11 he/she made (it): fo...
fecks 15 15 FECK, (Scots) to fuc...
fedex 16 16 to send by Federal E...
feebs 12 11 FEEB, (US) a weak in...
feeds 10 9 FEED, to give food t...
feels 11 9 FEEL, to perceive by...
feens 9 9 FEEN, (Irish) a man...
feers 10 8 FEER, (Scots) to dra...
feese 9 8 to unsettle, also FA...
feeze 12 17 to unsettle, also FA...
fehme 13 13 FEHM, (German) a med...
feign 11 11 to pretend, give a f...
feint 10 9 to make a pretence [...
feist 11 8 a small dog of mixed...
felch 17 14 to lick or suck ejac...
felid 12 10 a member of the cat...
fella 12 10 (colloquial) fellow...
fells 13 10 FELL, to cause to fa...
felly 19 12 the rim of a wheel,...
felon 10 10 a person guilty of a...
felts 12 9 FELT, to mat togethe...
felty 18 11 matted like felt [ad...
femal 12 12 (Milton) a female [n...
femes 11 11 FEME, a legal term f...
femme 12 14 (French) a woman [n...
femmy 19 16 markedly feminine in...
femur 12 12 a bone in the leg [n...
fence 12 12 to enclose with a ba...
fends 10 10 FEND, to ward off [v...
fendy 16 12 (Scots) resourceful,...
fenis 10 9 FENI, an alcoholic s...
fenks 11 13 the refuse of whale-...
fenny 15 12 an alcoholic spirit...
fents 10 9 FENT, a slit [n]
feods 10 9 FEOD, a fief or land...
feoff 14 14 to grant a feudal es...
feral 11 9 of a species which b...
ferer 10 8 FERE, able [adj]
feres 10 8 FERE, a companion, a...
feria 10 8 a weekday which is n...
ferly 18 11 marvellous [adj FERL...
fermi 12 11 in physics, a unit o...
ferms 12 11 FERM, (Spenser) a fa...
ferns 10 9 FERN, a flowerless v...
ferny 16 11 covered with ferns [...
ferry 17 10 to transport by a ty...
fesse 10 8 a horizontal band ac...
festa 10 8 a holiday [n -S]
fests 11 8 FEST, a gathering of...
festy 17 10 (Australian slang) v...
fetal 11 9 pertaining to a fetu...
fetas 10 8 FETA, a crumbly whit...
fetch 16 13 to go after and brin...
feted 10 9 FETE, to honour with...
fetes 10 8 FETE, to honour with...
fetid 11 9 stinking, also FOETI...
fetor 10 8 a stench, also FOETO...
fetta 10 8 a crumbly white chee...
fetts 11 8 FETT, (obsolete) to...
fetus 11 9 the unborn in the wo...
fetwa 13 11 an Islamic religious...
feuar 10 9 (Scots) in law, the...
feuds 11 10 FEUD, to engage in a...
feued 10 10 FEU, to grant land t...
fever 12 12 to affect with an ab...
fewer 13 11 FEW, not many [adj]
feyed 16 11 FEY, to clean out, e...
feyer 16 10 FEY, foreseeing the...
feyly 24 13 FEY, foreseeing the...
fezes 13 17 FEZ, a red brimless...
fezzy 23 28 like a fez, a red br...
fiars 11 8 FIAR, the owner of t...
fiats 11 8 FIAT, to sanction [v...
fiber 13 11 a threadlike cell or...
fibre 13 11 a threadlike cell or...
fibro 13 11 a wall board of comp...
fices 14 11 FICE, a small dog of...
fiche 16 13 (French) a card or s...
fichu 17 14 (French) a light cap...
ficin 14 12 a cysteine proteinas...
ficos 14 11 FICO, (Shakespeare)...
ficus 15 12 a genus of plants in...
fides 11 9 (Latin) faith, trust...
fidge 12 11 to fidget [v FIDGED,...
fidos 11 9 FIDO, a coin having...
fiefs 13 11 FIEF, a feudal estat...
field 12 10 to play as a fielder...
fiend 10 10 a devil; a person dr...
fient 10 9 (Scots) a fiend, a d...
fiere 10 8 a companion, also FE...
fiers 11 8 FIER, a companion, a...
fiery 17 10 intensely hot [adj F...
fiest 11 8 FIE, whimsical, fey...
fifed 13 12 FIFE, to play a high...
fifer 13 11 one who plays the fi...
fifes 13 11 FIFE, to play a high...
fifth 16 13 number five in seque...
fifty 20 13 a number [n FIFTIES]
fight 15 12 to contend in war, b...
figos 12 10 FIGO, (Shakespeare)...
fiked 12 13 FIKE, to fidget rest...
fikes 12 12 FIKE, to fidget rest...
filar 12 9 pertaining to a thre...
filch 18 14 to pilfer [v -ED, -I...
filed 12 10 FILE, to arrange in...
filer 12 9 a person or thing th...
files 12 9 FILE, to arrange in...
filet 12 9 to cut boneless slic...
filii 13 9 FILIUS, (Lat) a son...
filks 14 13 FILK, a type of popu...
fille 13 10 (French) a girl [n -...
fillo 13 10 (Greek) very thin pa...
fills 14 10 FILL, to make full [...
filly 20 12 a female horse up to...
filmi 14 12 (Hinglish) relating...
films 14 12 FILM, to make a moti...
filmy 20 14 thin, delicate [adj...
filos 12 9 FILO, very thin past...
filth 15 11 foul or dirty matter...
filum 14 13 a threadlike anatomi...
final 11 10 last in sequence [ad...
finca 13 12 (Spanish) a Spanish...
finch 16 14 a small bird [n -ES]
finds 11 10 FIND, to come upon a...
fined 10 10 FINE, to incur a mon...
finer 10 9 a refiner [n -S]
fines 10 9 FINE, to incur a mon...
finis 11 9 (Latin) the end, the...
finks 12 13 FINK, to inform to t...
finny 16 12 having fins [adj FIN...
finos 10 9 FINO, a type of ligh...
fiord 11 9 a narrow inlet of th...
fiqhs 22 19 FIQH, Islamic jurisp...
fique 19 18 a tough natural fibr...
fired 11 9 FIRE, to project by...
firer 11 8 a person who fires [...
fires 11 8 FIRE, to project by...
firie 11 8 (Australian slang) a...
firks 13 12 FIRK, (Shakespeare)...
firms 13 11 FIRM, to make firm [...
firns 11 9 FIRN, granular ice f...
firry 18 10 abounding in firs [a...
first 12 8 preceding all others...
firth 14 10 an inlet of the sea...
fiscs 15 11 FISC, (obsolete) the...
fishy 20 12 consisting of fish [...
fisks 13 12 FISK, to frisk, gad...
fists 12 8 FIST, to strike with...
fisty 18 10 like a fist [adj FIS...
fitch 17 13 a polecat, also FITC...
fitly 19 11 in a fit manner [adv...
fitna 10 9 a state of trouble o...
fitte 11 8 (archaic) a division...
fitts 12 8 FITT, (archaic) a di...
fiver 13 12 a five dollar bill,...
fives 13 12 FIVE, a number [n]
fixed 17 16 FIX, to make firm, r...
fixer 17 15 one that fixes [n -S...
fixes 17 15 FIX, to make firm, r...
fixit 18 15 a person known for f...
fizzy 24 28 fizzing [adj FIZZIER...
fjeld 14 19 (Norwegian) a high,...
fjord 13 18 a narrow inlet of th...
flabs 14 12 FLAB, excess body fa...
flack 16 16 to work as a press a...
flaff 16 15 (Scots) to flap, to...
flags 13 11 FLAG, to mark with a...
flail 13 10 to thresh about [v -...
flair 12 9 a natural skill [n -...
flake 12 13 to peel off in thin...
flaks 13 13 FLAK, anti-aircraft...
flaky 19 15 a fit of temper [n F...
flame 12 12 to burn brightly [v...
flamm 14 15 (archaic) a custard,...
flams 13 12 FLAM, to deceive [v]
flamy 19 14 flaming [adj FLAMIER...
flane 10 10 to walk idly, saunte...
flank 12 14 to be situated to th...
flans 11 10 FLAN, a type of cust...
flaps 14 12 FLAP, to move, as of...
flare 11 9 to display glaringly...
flary 18 11 tending to flare [ad...
flash 14 11 showy, vulgar [adj F...
flask 13 13 a narrow-necked cont...
flats 12 9 FLAT, to make flat [...
flava 13 13 (slang) a special st...
flawn 14 13 (archaic) a custard,...
flaws 15 12 FLAW, to make defect...
flawy 21 14 full of flaws [adj F...
flaxy 24 18 like flax; of a ligh...
flays 18 11 FLAY, to strip off s...
fleam 12 12 a lancet for bleedin...
fleas 11 9 FLEA, any of an orde...
fleck 16 16 to mark with tiny st...
fleer 11 9 to deride by making...
flees 11 9 FLEE, to run away [v...
fleet 11 9 swift, also FLITT [a...
flegs 13 11 FLEG, (Scots) to fri...
fleme 12 12 (Scots) to put to fl...
flesh 14 11 to scrape soft body...
fleur 12 10 (French) a flower [n...
flews 15 12 FLEW, the floppy upp...
flexo 17 16 a method of rotary l...
fleys 18 11 FLEY, (Scots) to fri...
flick 17 16 to strike lightly wi...
flics 16 12 FLIC, a French polic...
flied 12 10 FLY, to move through...
flier 12 9 one that flies, also...
flies 12 9 FLY, to move through...
flimp 16 15 to rob while diverte...
flims 14 12 FLIM, a five pound n...
fling 13 12 to throw with force...
flint 12 10 to provide with a sp...
flips 15 12 FLIP, to spin in the...
flirs 13 9 FLIR, forward lookin...
flirt 13 9 to engage in amorous...
flisk 14 13 to caper about [v -E...
flite 12 9 (Scots) to quarrel,...
flits 13 9 FLIT, to move lightl...
flitt 13 9 (obsolete) to flit [...
float 11 9 to rest or move on t...
flobs 14 12 FLOB, (slang) to spi...
flock 16 16 to gather or move in...
flocs 15 12 FLOC, to aggregate i...
floes 11 9 FLOE, a large mass o...
flogs 13 11 FLOG, to beat with a...
flong 12 12 papier-mache for mak...
flood 11 10 to inundate [v -ED,...
floor 11 9 to supply with the l...
flops 14 12 FLOP, to drop heavil...
flora 11 9 the plant life of a...
flors 12 9 FLOR, a flavoursome...
flory 18 11 having fleur-de-lis...
flosh 14 11 any loose downy stuf...
floss 12 9 to clean between the...
flota 11 9 (Spanish) a commerci...
flote 11 9 to skim e.g. milk [v...
flour 12 10 to cover with a fine...
flout 12 10 to treat with contem...
flown 14 13 FLY, to move through...
flows 15 12 FLOW, to move steadi...
flubs 15 13 FLUB, to bungle, bot...
flued 12 11 having a flue [adj]
flues 12 10 FLUE, a smoke-duct i...
fluey 18 12 infected with the fl...
fluff 17 16 a soft down from cot...
fluid 13 11 flowing [adj FLUIDLY...
fluke 13 14 to obtain by chance...
fluky 20 16 lucky, by accidental...
flume 13 13 to convey by an arti...
flump 16 16 to fall or move heav...
flung 13 13 FLING, to throw with...
flunk 13 15 to fail in an examin...
fluor 12 10 a mineral form of ca...
flurr 13 10 to scatter [v -ED, -...
flush 15 12 to clean by a gush o...
flute 12 10 to play on a woodwin...
fluty 19 12 resembling a flute i...
fluyt 19 12 (Dutch) a small 17th...
flyby 27 16 a flight, at low alt...
flyer 18 11 one that flies, also...
flype 20 14 to strip back, to tu...
flyte 18 11 (Scots) to quarrel,...
foals 11 9 FOAL, to give birth...
foams 11 11 FOAM, to form froth...
foamy 17 13 covered with foam [a...
focal 14 12 pertaining to a focu...
focus 14 12 a point in which ray...
foehn 11 11 a warm dry wind, als...
fogey 17 12 a person with an old...
foggy 19 14 filled with fog [adj...
fogie 11 10 a person with an old...
fogle 12 11 (slang) a silk handk...
fogou 11 11 a manmade undergroun...
fohns 12 11 FOHN, a warm dry win...
foids 11 9 FOID, any mineral of...
foils 12 9 FOIL, to defeat or b...
foins 10 9 FOIN, to thrust with...
foist 11 8 to pass off (on or u...
folds 12 10 FOLD, to double over...
foley 17 11 in filming, the foot...
folia 11 9 FOLIUM, a leaf, a th...
folic 15 12 designating a type o...
folie 11 9 (French) madness [n...
folio 11 9 to number the pages...
folks 13 13 FOLK, a people or tr...
folky 19 15 a performer of folk...
folly 19 12 to act with folly [v...
fomes 11 11 a substance capable...
fonda 9 10 (Spanish) a tavern [...
fonds 10 10 FOND, to display aff...
fondu 10 11 to cook a dish of me...
fonly 17 12 foolishly [adv]
fonts 10 9 FONT, a container fo...
foods 10 9 FOOD, nourishment fo...
foody 16 11 an enthusiast for fo...
fools 11 9 FOOL, to deceive [v]
foots 10 8 FOOT, to walk [v]
footy 16 10 mean [adj FOOTIER, F...
foram 11 11 one of the Rhizopoda...
foray 16 10 to make a raid [v -E...
forbs 13 11 FORB, any herb which...
forby 19 13 (Scots) besides, als...
force 13 11 to compel by strengt...
fordo 10 9 to destroy, also FOR...
fords 11 9 FORD, to wade across...
forel 11 9 (archaic) a kind of...
fores 10 8 FORE, the front part...
forex 16 15 (short for) foreign...
forge 11 10 to counterfeit for f...
forgo 11 10 to refrain from [v F...
forks 12 12 FORK, to work with a...
forky 18 14 resembling a fork [a...
forme 11 11 a body of type secur...
forms 12 11 FORM, to shape or pr...
forte 10 8 (French) one's stron...
forth 13 10 onward in time [adv]
forts 11 8 FORT, to fortify [v]
forty 17 10 a number [n FORTIES]
forum 12 12 a public meeting pla...
forza 13 17 (Italian) force, str...
forze 13 17 FORZA, (Italian) for...
fossa 10 8 a anatomical depress...
fosse 10 8 a ditch or moat, als...
fouat 10 9 a leek, also FOUET [...
fouds 11 10 FOUD, a bailiff or m...
fouer 10 9 FOU, (Scots) drunk [...
fouet 10 9 (Scots) the houselee...
foule 11 10 a fulled cloth, esp....
fouls 12 10 FOUL, to make dirty...
found 10 11 to establish [v -ED,...
fount 10 10 a fountain, a spring...
fours 11 9 FOUR, the cardinal n...
fouth 13 11 (Scots) abundance, a...
fovea 11 12 a shallow anatomical...
fowls 15 12 FOWL, to hunt birds...
fowth 16 13 abundance, also FOUT...
foxed 16 16 FOX, to outwit [v]
foxes 16 15 FOX, to outwit [v]
foxie 16 15 (colloquial) a fox-t...
foyer 16 10 a large room in a th...
foyle 17 11 (Spenser) to foil [v...
foyne 15 11 to thrust with a spe...
frabs 13 11 FRAB, (dialect) to w...
frack 15 15 to engage in frackin...
fract 14 11 to break; to violate...
frags 12 10 FRAG, to kill with a...
frail 12 9 a basket for holding...
fraim 12 11 a stranger, also FRE...
frame 11 11 to enclose in a bord...
franc 13 12 a monetary unit of F...
frank 11 13 to mark mail for pos...
frape 12 11 to alter the persona...
fraps 13 11 FRAP, to draw tight...
frass 11 8 debris or excrement...
frate 10 8 a Franciscan friar [...
frati 11 8 FRATE, a Franciscan...
frats 11 8 FRAT, (short for) a...
fraud 11 10 criminal deception [...
fraus 11 9 FRAU, (German) a wom...
frays 17 10 FRAY, to wear by rub...
freak 11 12 to spot or streak [v...
freed 10 9 FREE, to set at libe...
freer 10 8 one who frees [n -S]
frees 10 8 FREE, to set at libe...
freet 10 8 (Scots) an omen, als...
freit 11 8 (Scots) an omen, als...
fremd 12 12 (Scots) a stranger,...
frena 9 9 FRENUM, a connecting...
freon 9 9 (trade) an aerosol p...
frere 10 8 a friar [n -S]
fresh 13 10 to improve the condi...
frets 11 8 FRET, to worry [v]
friar 11 8 a member of a religi...
fribs 14 11 FRIB, heavy wool rem...
fried 11 9 FRY, to cook in fat...
frier 11 8 a pan or container f...
fries 11 8 FRY, to cook in fat...
frigs 13 10 FRIG, to potter abou...
frill 14 10 to provide with a ru...
frise 11 8 (French) a decorated...
frisk 13 12 to gambol, or leap p...
frist 12 8 to postpone, grant t...
frith 14 10 an inlet of the sea,...
frits 12 8 FRIT, to fuse cerami...
fritt 12 8 to fuse into a vitre...
fritz 15 17 (of an appliance, et...
frize 14 17 (obsolete) to freeze...
frizz 18 26 to curl hair tightly...
frock 15 15 to invest with pries...
froes 10 8 FROE, a cleaving too...
frogs 12 10 FROG, to hunt for we...
frond 10 10 a type of leaf [n -S...
frons 10 9 the forehead; the pa...
front 10 9 to the fore [adj FRO...
frore 10 8 frozen, also FROREN,...
frorn 10 9 frozen, also FRORE,...
frory 17 10 frozen, also FRORE,...
frosh 13 10 (US) a freshman [n -...
frost 11 8 to cover with a depo...
froth 13 10 to foam [v -ED, -ING...
frown 13 12 to wrinkle the brow...
frows 14 11 FROW, (Dutch) a woma...
frowy 20 13 musty, rancid, also...
froze 13 17 FREEZE, to turn into...
frugs 13 11 FRUG, to perform a t...
fruit 12 9 to produce an edible...
frump 15 15 (obsolete) to snub [...
frush 14 11 to break or bruise [...
frust 12 9 a fragment [n -S]
fryer 17 10 a pan or container f...
fubar 13 12 Fucked Up Beyond All...
fubby 22 17 chubby and squat, al...
fubsy 20 14 chubby, also FUBBY [...
fucks 16 16 FUCK, to copulate, a...
fucus 15 13 any of a genus of br...
fuddy 18 13 old-fashioned, dull...
fudge 12 12 to falsify [v FUDGED...
fudgy 19 14 resembling fudge (a...
fuels 12 10 FUEL, to provide wit...
fuero 10 9 (Spanish) a Basque l...
fuffs 16 15 FUFF, to spit like a...
fuffy 22 17 light and soft [adj...
fugal 13 12 being in the state o...
fuggy 20 15 close, stuffy [adj F...
fugie 12 11 (Scots) a cock that...
fugio 12 11 a former coin of the...
fugle 13 12 (Carlyle) to act lik...
fugly 20 14 an offensive word fo...
fugue 12 12 to compose a type of...
fugus 13 12 FUGU, a toxin-contai...
fujis 14 18 FUJI, (Japanese) a s...
fulls 14 11 FULL, to shrink and...
fully 20 13 FULL, filled complet...
fumed 12 13 FUME, to give off sm...
fumer 12 12 one that fumes [n -S...
fumes 12 12 FUME, to give off sm...
fumet 12 12 (archaic) the dung o...
fundi 11 11 in South Africa, an...
funds 11 11 FUND, to provide mon...
fundy 17 13 (German) a member of...
fungi 12 12 FUNGUS, any of the m...
fungo 11 12 a fly ball hit to a...
fungs 12 12 FUNG, the fabled Chi...
funks 12 14 FUNK, to shrink back...
funky 18 16 of jazz, pop music e...
funny 16 13 a comic strip [n FUN...
fural 12 10 a liquid obtained by...
furan 10 10 a chemical used in t...
furca 14 12 any forklike structu...
furls 13 10 FURL, to roll up [v]
furol 12 10 a liquid obtained by...
furor 11 9 an outburst of publi...
furrs 12 9 FURR, (Scots) a furr...
furry 18 11 covered in fur [adj...
furth 14 11 (Scots) forth, outsi...
furze 14 18 a spiny shrub, aka g...
furzy 21 20 abounding in furze [...
fused 11 10 FUSE, to equip with...
fusee 10 9 a large-headed frict...
fusel 12 10 a nauseous mixture o...
fuses 11 9 FUSE, to equip with...
fusil 13 10 a type of flintlock...
fusks 13 13 FUSK, to obtain data...
fussy 18 11 overly concerned wit...
fusts 12 9 FUST, to smell mould...
fusty 18 11 old-fashioned; musty...
futon 10 10 a cotton filled matt...
fuzed 14 19 FUZE, to equip with...
fuzee 13 18 a match with a long...
fuzes 14 18 FUZE, to equip with...
fuzil 16 19 a type of flintlock...
fuzzy 24 29 covered with fuzz [a...
fyces 20 13 FYCE, a small dog of...
fyked 18 15 FYKE, to fidget rest...
fykes 18 14 FYKE, to fidget rest...
fyles 18 11 FYLE, a line (file)...
fyrds 18 11 FYRD, local militia...
fytte 17 10 (archaic) a division...