5 letter words that starts with h

5 letter words that start with H

5 letter H word


Word With Friends


haafs 12 10 HAAF, a deep sea fis...
haars 10 7 HAAR, a cold sea-mis...
habit 13 10 to clothe [v -ED, -I...
hable 13 11 (Spenser) able [adj]
habus 13 11 HABU, a venomous sna...
hacek 14 14 in Slavonic language...
hacks 15 14 HACK, to cut or chop...
hadal 11 9 of, relating to or b...
haded 10 9 HADE, to incline fro...
hades 10 8 HADE, to incline fro...
hadji 13 17 a person who has mad...
hadst 11 8 (archaic) 2nd person...
haems 11 10 HAEM, the pigment co...
haets 10 7 HAET, a small amount...
haffs 15 13 HAFF, (German) a lag...
hafiz 16 19 a Muslim who knows t...
hafts 13 10 HAFT, to set in a ha...
haggs 13 11 HAGG, (Scots) broken...
hahas 12 9 HAHA, a fence set in...
haick 15 14 an Arab head coverin...
haika 11 11 HAIK, an Arab head c...
haiks 12 11 HAIK, an Arab head c...
haiku 12 12 a Japanese poem, als...
hails 12 8 HAIL, to greet [v]
haily 18 10 with hail falling [a...
hains 10 8 HAIN, (Scots) to sav...
haint 10 8 (Southern US dialect...
hairs 11 7 HAIR, to free from h...
hairy 17 9 covered with hair [a...
haith 13 9 (Scots) an interject...
hajes 12 16 HAJ, a pilgrimage to...
hajis 13 16 HAJI, a person who h...
hajji 15 25 a person who has mad...
hakam 12 14 (Hebrew) a sage, a r...
hakas 11 11 HAKA, a Maori ceremo...
hakea 10 11 an Australian shrub...
hakes 11 11 HAKE, a fish of the...
hakim 13 14 a Muslim physician,...
hakus 12 12 HAKU, (Maori) the ki...
halal 12 9 to slaughter accordi...
haled 11 9 HALE, to compel to g...
haler 11 8 a coin of the Czech...
hales 11 8 HALE, to compel to g...
halfa 13 11 a North African espa...
halfs 14 11 HALF, one of two equ...
halid 12 9 a compound of a halo...
hallo 12 9 to shout out a greet...
halls 13 9 HALL, a large room f...
halma 12 11 a board game [n -S]
halms 13 11 HALM, a plant stem,...
halon 10 9 any one of a class o...
halos 11 8 HALO, to form a ring...
halse 11 8 to embrace, also HAU...
halts 12 8 HALT, to stop [v]
halva 13 12 a sweetmeat containi...
halve 13 12 to divide into two e...
halwa 14 11 (Hindi) a sweet Indi...
hamal 12 11 a porter in eastern...
hamba 13 13 (South Africa) go aw...
hamed 11 11 HAME, (Scots) to go...
hames 11 10 HAME, (Scots) to go...
hammy 19 15 overly theatrical [a...
hamza 14 19 an Arab diacritical...
hanap 11 11 an ornate mediaeval...
hance 12 11 a curved rise from a...
hanch 15 13 (Scots) to snap with...
hands 10 9 HAND, to present wit...
handy 16 11 convenient [adj HAND...
hangi 11 10 (Maori) an open air...
hangs 11 10 HANG, to attach from...
hanks 11 12 HANK, to catch, as o...
hanky 17 14 (colloquial) handker...
hansa 9 8 a guild of merchants...
hanse 9 8 a guild of merchants...
hants 10 8 HANT, to haunt [v]
haole 10 8 one who is not a nat...
haoma 10 10 a drink made from th...
hapax 18 17 (Greek) a word that...
haply 20 13 by chance [adv]
happi 15 13 (Japanese) a loose J...
happy 21 15 marked by joy [adj H...
hapus 13 11 HAPU, a Maori subtri...
haram 11 10 a women's quarters i...
hards 11 8 the coarse refuse of...
hardy 17 10 very sturdy [adj HAR...
hared 10 8 HARE, to run like a...
harem 11 10 a women's quarters i...
hares 10 7 HARE, to run like a...
harim 12 10 a women's quarters i...
harks 12 11 HARK, to listen, als...
harls 12 8 HARL, (Scots) to dra...
harms 12 10 HARM, to injure [v]
harns 10 8 HARN, a coarse linen...
haros 10 7 HARO, in the Channel...
harps 13 10 HARP, to play on a t...
harpy 19 12 a shrewish person [n...
harry 17 9 to plunder, ravage [...
harsh 13 9 severe [adj HARSHER,...
harts 11 7 HART, the male of th...
hashy 19 11 thrown together in a...
hasks 12 11 HASK, (Spenser) a fi...
hasps 13 10 HASP, to fasten with...
hasta 10 7 (Spanish) until [pre...
haste 10 7 to hurry, also HASTE...
hasty 17 9 speedy [adj HASTIER,...
hatch 16 12 to bring forth young...
hated 10 8 HATE, to loathe [v]
hater 10 7 one who hates [n -S]
hates 10 7 HATE, to loathe [v]
hatha 12 9 (Sanskrit) as in hat...
hauds 11 9 HAUD, (Scots) to hol...
haufs 13 11 HAUF, (Scots) half [...
haugh 14 12 (Scots) a low-lying...
hauld 12 10 (Scots) tenancy, as...
haulm 13 12 a plant stem, also H...
hauls 12 9 HAUL, to pull with f...
hault 12 9 (Shakespeare) haught...
hauns 10 9 HAUN, (Scots) a hand...
haunt 10 9 to visit frequently...
hause 10 8 (archaic) to embrace...
haute 10 8 (French) feminine of...
haven 11 12 to shelter [v -ED, -...
haver 12 11 to hem and haw [v -E...
haves 12 11 HAVE, a wealthy pers...
havoc 15 14 to lay waste [v HAVO...
hawed 13 11 HAW, to make indecis...
hawks 15 14 HAWK, to peddle [v]
hawms 15 13 HAWM, to lounge abou...
hawse 13 10 to salute, greet, al...
hayed 16 10 HAY, to convert cut...
hayer 16 9 one who makes hay [n...
hayey 22 11 like hay [adj HAYIER...
hayle 17 10 (Spenser) welfare [n...
hazan 12 17 (Hebrew) a cantor in...
hazed 13 17 HAZE, to make a shim...
hazel 14 17 a tree of the birch...
hazer 13 16 one who hazes, a tea...
hazes 13 16 HAZE, to make a shim...
heads 10 8 HEAD, to be chief of...
heady 16 10 intoxicating [adj HE...
heald 11 9 (obsolete) to heel,...
heals 11 8 HEAL, to make sound...
heame 10 10 (Spenser) home [adv]
heaps 12 10 HEAP, to pile up [v]
heapy 18 12 full of heaps [adj H...
heard 10 8 herd [n -S]
heare 9 7 (Spenser) hair [n -S...
hears 10 7 HEAR, to perceive by...
heart 10 7 to hearten, encourag...
heast 10 7 (Spenser) behest, co...
heath 12 9 an evergreen shrub [...
heats 10 7 HEAT, to make hot [v...
heave 11 11 to lift forcefully [...
heavy 18 13 of great weight [adj...
heben 11 11 (obsolete) a hard wo...
hebes 12 10 HEBE, a member of a...
hecht 16 12 to command, also HIG...
hecks 15 14 HECK, the lower part...
heder 10 8 (Hebrew) a Jewish sc...
hedge 11 10 to enclose with a de...
hedgy 18 12 abounding in hedges...
heeds 10 8 HEED, to pay attenti...
heedy 16 10 (Spenser) heedful, c...
heels 11 8 HEEL, to supply with...
heeze 12 16 (Scots) to lift, hoi...
hefte 12 10 (Spenser) heaved [v]
hefts 13 10 HEFT, to lift up, fe...
hefty 19 12 big of build [adj HE...
heids 11 8 HEID, (Scots) head [...
heigh 14 11 a cry used to attrac...
heils 12 8 HEIL, to salute [v]
heirs 11 7 HEIR, to inherit [v]
heist 11 7 to steal, rob [v -ED...
hejab 14 19 (Arabic) a covering...
hejra 12 16 (Arabic) the flight...
heled 11 9 HELE, to hide [v]
heles 11 8 HELE, to hide [v]
helio 11 8 a signalling mirror...
helix 18 15 something spiral in...
hello 12 9 to shout out a greet...
hells 13 9 HELL, to hide, conce...
helms 13 11 HELM, to steer a shi...
helos 11 8 HELO, (short for) a...
helot 11 8 a slave or serf [n -...
helps 14 11 HELP, to give aid [v...
helve 13 12 to provide with a ha...
hemal 12 11 pertaining to the bl...
hemes 11 10 HEME, a component of...
hemic 15 13 pertaining to the bl...
hemin 11 11 the red, crystalline...
hemps 14 13 HEMP, a plant yieldi...
hempy 20 15 a rogue, a tomboy [n...
hence 12 11 consequently [adv]
hends 10 9 HEND, (obsolete) to...
henge 10 10 a circle of stones o...
henna 8 9 to dye with a reddis...
henny 15 11 a hen-like cock [n H...
henry 16 10 a unit of inductance...
hents 10 8 HENT, (obsolete) to...
hepar 12 10 any of various sulph...
herbs 13 10 HERB, a seed-bearing...
herby 19 12 abounding with herbs...
herds 11 8 HERD, to bring toget...
heres 10 7 (Latin) an heir, als...
herls 12 8 HERL, a feathered fi...
herma 11 10 a type of statue, al...
herms 12 10 HERM, a type of stat...
herns 10 8 HERN, (dialect) a he...
heron 9 8 a wading bird [n -S]
heros 10 7 HERO, a brave man [n...
herry 17 9 (Spenser) to praise,...
herse 10 7 (obsolete) a harrow...
hertz 14 16 a unit of electromag...
herye 16 9 (Spenser) to praise,...
hesps 13 10 HESP, (Scots) to fas...
hests 11 7 HEST, (archaic) behe...
hetes 10 7 HETE, (obsolete) to...
heths 13 9 HETH, the eighth let...
heuch 16 13 (Scots) a crag, a st...
heugh 14 12 (Scots) a crag, a st...
hevea 11 11 any of various South...
hewed 13 11 HEW, to cut with an...
hewer 13 10 one that hews [n -S]
hewgh 17 14 (Shakespeare) imitat...
hexad 16 15 a group of six, also...
hexed 16 15 HEX, to cast an evil...
hexer 16 14 one who hexes, casts...
hexes 16 14 HEX, to cast an evil...
hexyl 24 17 a radical derived fr...
heyed 16 10 HEY, to dance the he...
hiant 10 8 gaping [adj]
hicks 16 14 HICK, a person from...
hided 11 9 HIDE, to conceal [v]
hider 11 8 one who hides [n -S]
hides 11 8 HIDE, to conceal [v]
hiems 12 10 (Shakespeare) winter...
highs 15 11 HIGH, to turn to the...
hight 15 11 (archaic) to command...
hijab 15 19 (Arabic) a covering...
hijra 13 16 (Arabic) the flight...
hiked 12 12 HIKE, to go walking...
hiker 12 11 one who hikes [n -S]
hikes 12 11 HIKE, to go walking...
hikoi 12 11 (Maori) to take part...
hilar 12 8 belonging to the hil...
hilch 18 13 (Scots) to hobble [v...
hillo 13 9 to shout out a greet...
hills 14 9 HILL, to form into b...
hilly 20 11 abounding in hills [...
hilts 13 8 HILT, to provide a h...
hilum 14 12 the scar on a seed w...
hilus 13 9 the scar on a seed w...
himbo 14 13 a male bimbo, a supe...
hinau 10 9 a New Zealand tree [...
hinds 11 9 HIND, the female of...
hinge 11 10 to attach a jointed...
hings 12 10 HING, a foul-smellin...
hinky 18 14 strange, unreliable...
hinny 16 11 to neigh, whinny, al...
hints 11 8 HINT, to suggest ind...
hiois 11 7 HIOI, a New Zealand...
hiply 21 13 HIP, aware of the la...
hippo 15 13 (short for) a hippop...
hippy 22 15 having big hips [adj...
hired 11 8 HIRE, to use for a p...
hiree 10 7 one who is hired [n...
hirer 11 7 one who hires [n -S]
hires 11 7 HIRE, to use for a p...
hissy 18 9 a tantrum [n HISSIES...
hists 12 7 HIST, to urge or sum...
hitch 17 12 to fasten with a kno...
hithe 13 9 a port or small have...
hived 13 12 HIVE, to enter a bee...
hiver 13 11 someone who hives [n...
hives 13 11 HIVE, to enter a bee...
hizen 13 17 a type of richly dec...
hoaed 9 8 HOA, to stop [v]
hoagy 17 11 a long sandwich, als...
hoard 10 8 to gather and store...
hoars 10 7 HOAR, to make hoary,...
hoary 16 9 white with age [adj...
hoast 10 7 (dialect) to cough [...
hobby 21 15 a recreational pasti...
hobos 12 10 HOBO, to live like a...
hocks 15 14 HOCK, to pawn [v]
hocus 14 11 to deceive or cheat...
hodad 10 9 a nonsurfer, also HO...
hodja 12 17 (Turkish) an Eastern...
hoers 10 7 HOER, one who hoes [...
hogan 10 10 (Dutch) strong liquo...
hogen 10 10 (Dutch) strong liquo...
hoggs 13 11 HOGG, a yearling she...
hoghs 14 11 HOGH, (Spenser) a ho...
hohed 12 10 HOH, to stop, also H...
hoick 15 14 to hitch up, also HO...
hoied 10 8 HOI, to urge, incite...
hoiks 12 11 HOIK, to hitch up, a...
hoing 11 10 HO, to stop [v]
hoise 10 7 to hoist [v HOISED,...
hoist 11 7 to raise with tackle...
hokas 11 11 HOKA, (Maori) red co...
hoked 11 12 HOKE, to give false...
hokes 11 11 HOKE, to give false...
hokey 17 13 overdone, contrived,...
hokis 12 11 HOKI, (Maori) a type...
hokku 13 16 (Japanese) the first...
hokum 13 15 nonsense [n -S]
holds 12 9 HOLD, to keep posses...
holed 11 9 HOLE, to make a cavi...
holes 11 8 HOLE, to make a cavi...
holey 17 10 full of holes [adj H...
holks 13 12 HOLK, (Scots) to dig...
holla 12 9 to shout out a greet...
hollo 12 9 to shout out a greet...
holly 19 11 an evergreen shrub h...
holme 12 11 an island in a river...
holms 13 11 HOLM, a river island...
holon 10 9 an autonomous self-r...
holos 11 8 HOLO, (short for) ho...
holts 12 8 HOLT, the lair or de...
homas 11 10 HOMA, a sacred plant...
homed 11 11 HOME, to return to a...
homer 11 10 to hit a home run [v...
homes 11 10 HOME, to return to a...
homey 17 12 home-loving [adj HOM...
homie 11 10 a member of a youth...
homme 12 13 (French) a man [n -S...
homos 11 10 HOMO, (Latin) man ge...
honan 8 9 a pongee fabric of e...
honda 9 9 a part of a lariat [...
honds 10 9 HOND, (obsolete) han...
honed 9 9 HONE, to whet [v]
honer 9 8 a tool for honing [n...
hones 9 8 HONE, to whet [v]
honey 15 10 to sweeten with a sw...
hongi 11 10 (Maori) a traditiona...
hongs 11 10 HONG, (obsolete) to...
honks 11 12 HONK, to cry like a...
honky 17 14 (slang) a white man,...
honor 9 8 to treat with respec...
hooch 15 12 whisky or any strong...
hoods 10 8 HOOD, to furnish wit...
hoody 16 10 resembling a hoodlum...
hooey 15 9 nonsense [n -S]
hoofs 12 10 HOOF, to dance [v]
hooka 10 11 a pipe with a long,...
hooks 11 11 HOOK, to catch with...
hooky 17 13 truancy [n HOOKIES]...
hooly 17 10 soft and careful [ad...
hoons 9 8 HOON, to act loutish...
hoops 12 10 HOOP, to fasten with...
hoord 10 8 (obsolete) a hoard [...
hoors 10 7 HOOR, a Scots and Ir...
hoosh 12 9 to shoo away [v -ED,...
hoots 10 7 HOOT, to cry like an...
hooty 16 9 sounding like the cr...
hoove 11 11 (Spenser) to hover,...
hopak 13 14 (Russian) a Ukrainia...
hoped 12 11 HOPE, to have a desi...
hoper 12 10 one who hopes [n -S]
hopes 12 10 HOPE, to have a desi...
hoppy 21 15 tasting of hops [adj...
horah 12 9 an Israeli dance, al...
horal 11 8 relating to hours; h...
horas 10 7 HORA, an Israeli dan...
horde 10 8 to gather in a large...
horis 11 7 HORI, (Maori) a Maor...
horks 12 11 HORK, to spit [v]
horme 11 10 goal-directed or pur...
horns 10 8 HORN, to form a hard...
horny 16 10 like horn [adj HORNI...
horse 10 7 to provide with a la...
horst 11 7 (German) a mass of t...
horsy 17 9 like a horse, also H...
hosed 10 8 HOSE, to spray with...
hosel 11 8 a socket in the head...
hosen 9 8 HOSE, stockings or s...
hoser 10 7 a person who deceive...
hoses 10 7 HOSE, to spray with...
hosey 16 9 to choose sides in a...
hosta 10 7 any plant of the lil...
hosts 11 7 HOST, to entertain s...
hotch 16 12 (Scots) to hitch, jo...
hotel 11 8 an inn [n -S]
hoten 9 8 HIGHT, (archaic) to...
hotly 18 10 HOT, having a high t...
hotty 17 9 a hot-water bottle,...
houff 15 14 (Scots) a place wher...
houfs 13 11 HOUF, to haunt, freq...
hough 14 12 to hamstring [v -ED,...
hound 10 10 to pursue relentless...
houri 11 8 any of the virgins o...
hours 11 8 HOUR, a period of si...
house 10 8 to reside in a build...
houts 11 8 HOUT, to make a soun...
hovea 11 11 an Australian shrub...
hoved 12 12 HOVE, to swell [v]
hovel 13 12 to live in a wretche...
hoven 11 12 having hoove, a dise...
hover 12 11 to hang suspended in...
hoves 12 11 HOVE, to swell [v]
howbe 15 13 (Spenser) be it how...
howdy 20 13 to greet (how do you...
howes 13 10 HOWE, a hill, a buri...
howff 18 16 a place where one is...
howfs 16 13 HOWF, to haunt, freq...
howks 15 14 HOWK, (Scots) to dig...
howls 15 11 HOWL, to cry like a...
howre 13 10 (obsolete) an hour [...
howso 13 10 (obsolete) in what w...
hoxed 16 15 HOX, (Shakespeare) t...
hoxes 16 14 HOX, (Shakespeare) t...
hoyas 16 9 HOYA, a plant of gen...
hoyed 16 10 HOY, to incite [v]
hoyle 17 10 a rule book [n -S]
hubby 22 16 (colloquial) husband...
hucks 16 15 HUCK, to force rough...
hudna 10 10 (Arabic) in Islam, a...
hudud 12 11 (Arabic) a set of la...
huers 11 8 HUER, a pilchard fis...
huffs 16 14 HUFF, to breathe hea...
huffy 22 16 easily offended [adj...
huger 12 10 HUGE, very large [ad...
huggy 20 14 sensitive and caring...
huhus 14 11 HUHU, a hairy New Ze...
huias 11 8 HUIA, a New Zealand...
hulas 12 9 HULA, a sinuous Poly...
hules 12 9 HULE, a Central Amer...
hulks 14 13 HULK, to appear impr...
hulky 20 15 bulky, unwieldy [adj...
hullo 13 10 to shout out a greet...
hulls 14 10 HULL, to separate th...
hully 20 12 having husks [adj HU...
human 11 12 like a human being [...
humas 12 11 HUMA, a mythical bir...
humfs 15 14 HUMF, to carry somet...
humic 16 14 pertaining to, or de...
humid 13 12 moist, having much h...
humor 12 11 (US) humour [n -S] /...
humph 17 16 to carry (something...
humps 15 14 HUMP, to bend into a...
humpy 21 16 an Aboriginal hut [n...
humus 13 12 decomposed organic m...
hunch 16 14 to arch forward [v -...
hunks 12 13 a surly old man [n -...
hunky 18 15 strongly built [adj...
hunts 11 9 HUNT, to pursue for...
hurds 12 9 the coarse refuse of...
hurls 13 9 HURL, to throw with...
hurly 19 11 a large two-wheeled...
hurra 11 8 to shout hurra, also...
hurry 18 10 to move swiftly [v H...
hurst 12 8 a wood or grove [n -...
hurts 12 8 HURT, to cause pain...
hushy 20 12 hush-hush, secret [a...
husks 13 12 HUSK, to remove the...
husky 19 14 a breed of dog used...
husos 11 8 HUSO, the great stur...
hussy 18 10 a brazen girl, also...
hutch 17 13 a coop or cage for s...
hutia 11 8 a West Indian rodent...
huzza 17 26 to cheer [v -ED, -IN...
huzzy 24 28 a brazen girl, also...
hwyls 22 13 HWYL, (Welsh) divine...
hydra 17 10 a kind of freshwater...
hydro 17 10 (short for) a hydrop...
hyena 15 10 a carrion-feeding ca...
hyens 16 10 HYEN, (Shakespeare)...
hying 18 12 HYE, (obsolete) to h...
hykes 18 13 HYKE, an Arab head c...
hylas 18 10 HYLA, a kind of tree...
hyleg 19 12 the ruling planet at...
hyles 18 10 HYLE, (Greek) wood;...
hylic 22 13 material, corporeal...
hymen 17 13 the membrane across...
hymns 18 13 HYMN, to sing a song...
hynde 16 11 (Spenser) a hind, a...
hyoid 17 10 a bone at the base o...
hyped 19 13 HYPE, to stimulate a...
hyper 19 12 an excitable person...
hypes 19 12 HYPE, to stimulate a...
hypha 21 14 a threadlike element...
hyphy 28 16 a style of hip-hop m...
hypos 19 12 HYPO, (colloquial) t...
hyrax 23 16 a small, harelike ma...
hyson 16 10 a fine sort of green...
hythe 19 11 a small port [n -S]