5 letter words that starts with k

5 letter words that start with K

5 letter K word


Word With Friends


kaama 9 12 a large South Africa...
kabab 13 15 cubes of meat cooked...
kabar 11 12 (Scots) a heavy wood...
kabob 13 15 cubes of meat cooked...
kacha 14 14 made of dried mud, m...
kacks 14 16 KACK, faeces, rubbis...
kadai 9 10 (Hindi) a wok-like c...
kades 9 10 KADE, a wingless fly...
kadis 10 10 KADI, (Arabic) a civ...
kafir 12 12 a kind of cereal gra...
kagos 10 11 KAGO, a Japanese bas...
kagus 11 12 KAGU, a flightless b...
kahal 12 12 the governing body o...
kaiak 10 13 (Inuit) a type of ca...
kaids 10 10 KAID, (Arabic) a Nor...
kaies 9 9 KAIE, (obsolete) a k...
kaifs 12 12 KAIF, a state of dre...
kaika 10 13 (New Zealand) the So...
kaiks 11 13 KAIK, (New Zealand)...
kails 11 10 KAIL, a ninepin, als...
kaims 11 12 KAIM, (Scots) a comb...
kaing 10 12 KA, to serve, also K...
kains 9 10 KAIN, (Gaelic) a ten...
kakas 10 13 KAKA, (Maori) a brow...
kakis 11 13 KAKI, (Japanese) a f...
kalam 11 13 a type of Muslim the...
kales 10 10 KALE, a hardy cabbag...
kalif 13 13 an Eastern ruler, al...
kalis 11 10 KALI, the prickly sa...
kalpa 12 13 one of the Brahmanic...
kamas 10 12 KAMA, in Indian phil...
kames 10 12 KAME, (Scots) a comb...
kamik 12 16 (Inuit) a knee-lengt...
kamis 11 12 a loose shirt or tun...
kamme 11 15 (Shakespeare) crooke...
kanae 7 10 (Maori) the grey mul...
kanas 8 10 KANA, the Japanese s...
kandy 15 13 a South Indian weigh...
kaneh 10 12 (Hebrew) a Hebrew me...
kanes 8 10 KANE, (Gaelic) a ten...
kanga 9 12 a coloured cotton cl...
kangs 10 12 KANG, a Chinese slee...
kanji 11 19 the characters in Ja...
kants 9 10 KANT, to tilt, slope...
kanzu 12 20 a long white garment...
kaons 8 10 KAON, one of a subat...
kapas 11 12 KAPA, a kind of clot...
kaphs 14 14 KAPH, a Hebrew lette...
kapok 12 16 a very light, waterp...
kapow 14 15 a sudden sharp sound...
kappa 13 15 the tenth letter of...
kapus 12 13 KAPU, (Hawaiian) a H...
kaput 12 13 (German) finished, d...
karas 9 9 KARA, a steel bangle...
karat 9 9 (US) a unit of quali...
karks 11 13 KARK, (Australian sl...
karma 10 12 (Sanskrit) the moral...
karns 9 10 KARN, a mound of sto...
karoo 8 9 in South Africa, a h...
karos 9 9 KARO, a small New Ze...
karri 10 9 a type of Australian...
karst 10 9 a landscape composed...
karsy 16 11 (slang) a lavatory,...
karts 10 9 KART, a small motor...
karzy 19 20 (slang) a lavatory,...
kasha 11 11 (Russian) a porridge...
kasme 10 12 (Hinglish) I swear [...
katal 10 10 a derived SI unit, t...
katas 9 9 KATA, a sequence of...
katis 10 9 KATI, an Asian unit...
katti 10 9 an Asian unit of wei...
kaugh 13 14 (Scots) care, troubl...
kauri 10 10 (Maori) a gum- and t...
kauru 10 11 the edible stem of t...
kaury 16 12 (Maori) a gum- and t...
kaval 12 14 a kind of flute, pla...
kavas 11 13 KAVA, a tropical shr...
kawas 12 12 KAWA, (Maori) protoc...
kawau 12 13 (Maori) the black sh...
kawed 12 13 KAW, to cry like a c...
kayak 16 15 (Inuit) a type of ca...
kayle 16 12 a ninepin, also KAIL...
kayos 15 11 KAYO, to knock out [...
kazis 13 18 KAZI, a lavatory, al...
kazoo 11 18 a toy musical instru...
kbars 12 12 KBAR, a unit of atmo...
kebab 13 15 cubes of meat cooked...
kebar 11 12 (Scots) a heavy wood...
kebob 13 15 cubes of meat cooked...
kecks 14 16 the hollow stalk of...
kedge 10 12 to move (a ship) by...
kedgy 17 14 (Scots) brisk, cheer...
keech 14 14 (Shakespeare) a lump...
keefs 11 12 KEEF, (Arabic) a sta...
keeks 10 13 KEEK, to glance; to...
keels 10 10 KEEL, to turn keel u...
keema 9 12 (Hindi) in Indian co...
keeno 7 10 a gambling game, a v...
keens 8 10 KEEN, to wail loudly...
keeps 11 12 KEEP, to retain in o...
keets 9 9 KEET, a young guinea...
keeve 10 13 a large tub, also KI...
kefir 12 12 a drink made from fe...
kehua 11 12 (Maori) a ghost or s...
keirs 10 9 KEIR, a bleaching-va...
kelep 12 13 a stinging ant, intr...
kelim 12 13 a pileless woven rug...
kells 12 11 KELL, (Scots) a woma...
kelly 18 13 the top pipe of a ro...
kelps 13 13 KELP, to burn kelp s...
kelpy 19 15 (Scots) a water-hors...
kelts 11 10 KELT, (Scots) a salm...
kelty 17 12 (Scots) a bumper or...
kembo 12 15 to set akimbo, also...
kembs 13 15 KEMB, (dialect) to c...
kemps 13 15 KEMP, to strive to w...
kempt 13 15 combed, tidy [adj]
kempy 19 17 of hair, coarse, lik...
kenaf 10 13 a fibre-yielding pla...
kench 14 15 a bin for salting fi...
kendo 8 11 a martial art, stick...
kenos 8 10 KENO, a gambling gam...
kente 8 10 brightly coloured wo...
kents 9 10 KENT, to steer by a...
kepis 12 12 KEPI, (French) a leg...
kerbs 12 12 KERB, to provide wit...
kerel 10 10 (Afrikaans) a chap o...
kerfs 12 12 KERF, to make an inc...
kerky 17 15 stupid [adj KERKIER,...
kerma 10 12 a term in physics re...
kerne 8 10 a medieval foot sold...
kerns 9 10 KERN, to be formed w...
keros 9 9 KERO, (Australian sl...
kerry 16 11 one of an Irish bree...
kerve 11 13 (Spenser) to carve [...
kesar 9 9 (obsolete) an empero...
kests 10 9 KEST, (obsolete) to...
ketas 9 9 KETA, a Pacific salm...
ketch 15 14 a small two-masted s...
ketes 9 9 KETE, (Maori) a bask...
ketol 10 10 one of a series of c...
kevel 12 14 (Scots) a piece of w...
kevil 13 14 (Scots) a piece of w...
kexes 15 16 KEX, the hollow stal...
keyed 15 12 KEY, to enter (data)...
keyer 15 11 a device that turns...
khadi 12 12 (Hindi) a homespun c...
khafs 14 14 KHAF, (Hebrew) the e...
khaki 13 15 a dull brownish colo...
khans 11 12 KHAN, an Asian princ...
khaph 16 16 (Hebrew) the elevent...
khats 12 11 KHAT, (Arabic) a shr...
khaya 17 13 a lofty West African...
khazi 15 20 (slang) a lavatory,...
kheda 11 12 an enclosure for ele...
kheth 14 13 (Hebrew) the eighth...
khets 12 11 KHET, (Hebrew) the e...
khoja 13 20 a Middle Eastern tit...
khors 12 11 KHOR, (Arabic) a dry...
khoum 13 15 (Arabic) a monetary...
khuds 13 13 KHUD, (Hindi) in Ind...
kiaat 9 9 (Afrikaans) a tropic...
kiack 14 16 a fish of the herrin...
kiang 10 12 a kind of Tibetan wi...
kibbe 14 15 an Eastern dish of g...
kibbi 15 15 an Eastern dish of g...
kibei 12 12 (Japanese) an Americ...
kibes 12 12 KIBE, a chapped plac...
kibla 13 13 (Arabic) the directi...
kicks 15 16 KICK, to strike with...
kicky 21 18 exciting [adj KICKIE...
kiddo 10 11 (slang) a kid, child...
kiddy 17 13 to hoax; to kid [v K...
kidel 11 11 (historical) a stake...
kidge 11 12 (Scots) brisk, cheer...
kiefs 12 12 KIEF, (Arabic) a sta...
kiers 10 9 KIER, a vat for boil...
kieve 11 13 a large tub, also KE...
kievs 12 13 KIEV, a dish made of...
kight 14 13 (Spenser) a bird of...
kikes 11 13 KIKE, (offensive) a...
kikoi 11 13 in East Africa, a st...
kiley 17 12 a boomerang, also KY...
kilim 13 13 a pileless woven rug...
kills 13 11 KILL, to put to deat...
kilns 11 11 KILN, to bake in a t...
kilos 11 10 KILO, a short form o...
kilps 14 13 KILP, a type of larg...
kilts 12 10 KILT, to tuck up lik...
kilty 18 12 one who wears a kilt...
kimbo 13 15 to set akimbo, also...
kinas 9 10 KINA, a tree yieldin...
kinda 9 11 (colloquial) kind of...
kinds 10 11 KIND, (obsolete) to...
kindy 16 13 (Australian slang) a...
kines 9 10 KINE, cattle, also K...
kings 11 12 KING, to make king;...
kinin 9 11 a plant hormone whic...
kinks 11 14 KINK, to form a loop...
kinky 17 16 twisted [adj KINKIER...
kinos 9 10 KINO, a red gum cont...
kiore 9 9 a small brown rat na...
kiosk 11 13 an open booth [n -S]
kipes 12 12 KIPE, an osier baske...
kippa 14 15 (Hebrew) a religious...
kipps 15 15 KIPP, (Scots) anythi...
kirby 19 14 as in kirby grip, a...
kirks 12 13 KIRK, to perform a c...
kirns 10 10 KIRN, to churn [v]
kirri 11 9 a stick, also KIERIE...
kisan 9 10 (Hindi) an Indian pe...
kissy 17 11 inclined to kiss [ad...
kists 11 9 KIST, to place into...
kited 10 10 KITE, to obtain mone...
kiter 10 9 one that kites, obta...
kites 10 9 KITE, to obtain mone...
kithe 12 11 to make known, also...
kiths 13 11 KITH, one's friends...
kitty 17 11 a kitten [n KITTIES]
kitul 12 11 the jaggery palm; a...
kivas 12 13 KIVA, an underground...
kiwis 14 12 KIWI, a flightless N...
klang 11 13 (German) a complex t...
klaps 13 13 KLAP, to slap (South...
klett 11 10 a lightweight climbi...
klick 16 17 (colloquial) a kilom...
klieg 12 12 a kind of electric l...
kliks 13 14 KLIK, (colloquial) a...
klong 11 13 in Thailand, a canal...
kloof 12 13 a deep ravine in Sou...
kluge 12 13 to fix by clumsy mak...
klutz 15 20 (Yiddish) a clumsy p...
knack 13 17 to strike sharply [v...
knags 10 12 KNAG, a short projec...
knaps 11 13 KNAP, to strike shar...
knarl 10 11 a knot in a tree, al...
knars 9 10 KNAR, to snarl, also...
knaur 9 11 a knot in a tree, al...
knave 10 14 a dishonest man [n -...
knawe 11 13 a cornfield weed of...
knead 8 11 to massage with the...
kneed 8 11 KNEE, to strike with...
kneel 9 11 to rest on the knees...
knees 8 10 KNEE, to strike with...
knell 11 12 to sound a bell [v -...
knelt 10 11 KNEEL, to rest on th...
knife 11 13 to stab with a knife...
knish 12 12 (Yiddish) in Jewish...
knits 10 10 KNIT, to make a garm...
knive 11 14 to knife [v KNIVED,...
knobs 11 13 KNOB, to knock off p...
knock 13 17 to strike sharply [v...
knoll 11 12 a small hill [n -S]...
knops 11 13 KNOP, a loop or tuft...
knosp 11 13 (German) an architec...
knots 9 10 KNOT, to tie with a...
knout 9 11 to flog with a leath...
knowe 11 13 a rounded hillock, a...
known 11 14 a mathematical quant...
knows 12 13 KNOW, to have a true...
knubs 12 14 KNUB, a small lump [...
knurl 11 12 to make grooves or r...
knurr 10 11 a knot of wood, also...
knurs 10 11 KNUR, a knot of wood...
knuts 10 11 KNUT, a swell, a dan...
koala 9 10 a small furry Austra...
koans 8 10 KOAN, a paradox medi...
koaps 11 12 KOAP, in Papua New G...
koban 10 13 an obsolete Japanese...
kobos 11 12 KOBO, a monetary uni...
koels 10 10 KOEL, an Asian or Au...
koffs 14 15 KOFF, a small Dutch...
kofta 11 12 in India, fried ball...
kogal 11 12 (Japanese) a teenage...
kohas 11 11 KOHA, a gift or dona...
kohen 10 12 a member of the Jewi...
kohls 13 12 KOHL, a black powder...
koine 8 10 (Greek) a dialect th...
kojis 12 18 KOJI, a Japanese fun...
kokam 11 16 (Marathi) an East In...
kokas 10 13 KOKA, the lowest sco...
koker 10 13 (Dutch) in Guyana, a...
kokra 10 13 the wood of a tree u...
kokum 12 17 (Marathi) an East In...
kolas 10 10 KOLA, a genus of Wes...
kolos 10 10 KOLO, a Serbian folk...
kombu 13 16 a type of Japanese s...
konbu 11 14 a type of Japanese s...
kondo 8 11 in Uganda, a thief o...
konks 10 14 KONK, to hit on the...
kooks 10 13 KOOK, to dart in and...
kooky 16 15 eccentric [adj KOOKI...
koori 9 9 (Native Australian)...
kopek 12 16 a Russian monetary u...
kophs 14 14 KOPH, (Hebrew) the n...
kopje 13 21 in South Africa, a s...
koppa 13 15 a Greek letter [n -S...
korai 9 9 KORE, (Greek) an anc...
koras 9 9 KORA, an African mus...
korat 9 9 a cat with a silver-...
kores 9 9 KORE, (Greek) an anc...
korma 10 12 (India) a mild curry...
koros 9 9 KORO, an elderly Mao...
korun 9 11 KORUNA, a monetary u...
korus 10 10 KORU, (Maori) a styl...
koses 9 9 KOS, a measure of di...
kotch 15 14 (South Africa) to vo...
kotos 9 9 KOTO, a Japanese mus...
kotow 12 12 to grovel, also KOWT...
koura 9 10 a New Zealand freshw...
kraal 10 10 a South African vill...
krabs 12 12 KRAB, (short for) a...
kraft 12 12 a type of strong bro...
krais 10 9 KRAI, (Russian) an a...
krait 10 9 a deadly Asian snake...
krang 10 12 the carcass of a wha...
krans 9 10 (Afrikaans) a crown...
kranz 12 19 (Afrikaans) a crown...
kraut 10 10 (short for) sauerkra...
krays 16 11 KRAY, (Russian) an a...
kreep 11 12 a basaltic lunar roc...
kreng 10 12 (Dutch) the carcass...
krewe 12 12 a private group part...
krill 13 11 a species of shrimpl...
krona 8 10 a monetary unit of S...
krone 8 10 a former monetary un...
kroon 8 10 a former monetary un...
krubi 13 13 a malodorous tropica...
krunk 11 15 a form of hip-hop mu...
ksars 10 9 KSAR, (Milton) a tsa...
kubie 12 13 a kubasa on a bun [n...
kudos 10 11 honour, also KUDO [n...
kudus 11 12 KUDU, a kind of ante...
kudzu 14 21 an ornamental papili...
kufis 13 13 KUFI, a close-fittin...
kugel 12 13 (Yiddish) a casserol...
kuias 10 10 KUIA, an elderly Mao...
kukri 12 14 a sharp, curved Gurk...
kukus 12 15 KUKU, (Maori) a larg...
kulak 12 15 a rich Russian peasa...
kulan 10 12 a wild ass inhabitin...
kulas 11 11 KULA, ceremonial gif...
kulfi 14 14 an Indian dessert ma...
kumis 12 13 (Russian) an intoxic...
kumys 18 15 (Russian) an intoxic...
kuris 11 10 KURI, (New Zealand)...
kurre 10 10 (Spenser) a cur [n -...
kurta 10 10 a loose-fitting tuni...
kurus 11 11 KURU, a disease of t...
kusso 10 10 an Ethiopian tree, a...
kutas 10 10 KUTA, (Hinglish) a m...
kutch 16 15 a resin used in tann...
kutis 11 10 KUTI, (Hinglish) a f...
kutus 11 11 KUTU, (Maori) a body...
kuzus 14 20 KUZU, a thickening a...
kvass 12 13 (Russian) an alcohol...
kvell 14 15 (Yiddish) to be happ...
kwela 13 13 a form of Zulu folk...
kyack 20 18 a packsack [n -S]
kyaks 17 15 KYAK, (Inuit) a type...
kyang 16 14 a Tibetan wild ass,...
kyars 16 11 KYAR, a fibre obtain...
kyats 16 11 KYAT, the standard B...
kybos 18 14 KYBO, (Australian sl...
kydst 17 12 KYTHE, to make known...
kyles 17 12 KYLE, (Gaelic) a nar...
kylie 17 12 a boomerang, also KI...
kylin 17 13 (Chinese) a fabulous...
kylix 24 19 (Greek) a shallow tw...
kyloe 16 12 (Gaelic) a small lon...
kynde 15 13 (Spenser) to beget,...
kynds 16 13 KYND, (Spenser) to k...
kypes 18 14 KYPE, a hook on the...
kyrie 16 11 a religious petition...
kytes 16 11 KYTE, (Scots) the be...
kythe 18 13 to make known, also...