5 letter words that starts with i

5 letter words that start with I

5 letter I word


Word With Friends


iambi 12 11 IAMBUS, a type of me...
iambs 12 11 IAMB, a poetic foot...
ibrik 13 12 the Arabic name for...
icers 12 8 ICER, a person who m...
iched 14 11 ICH, (Shakespeare) t...
iches 14 10 ICH, (Shakespeare) t...
ichor 14 10 a watery discharge f...
icier 12 8 ICY, covered with ic...
icily 20 11 ICY, covered with ic...
icing 13 11 a sweet mixture for...
icker 13 12 (Scots) a single ear...
ickle 14 13 (colloquial) little...
icons 11 9 ICON, a symbol or im...
ictal 13 9 relating to an ictus...
ictic 16 11 relating to an ictus...
ictus 13 9 a recurring stress/a...
idant 8 7 a chromosome which i...
ideal 9 7 leaving nothing to b...
ideas 8 6 IDEA, a conception o...
idees 8 6 IDEE, (French) an id...
ident 8 7 a short visual image...
idiom 10 9 a mode of expression...
idiot 9 6 a mentally deficient...
idled 10 8 IDLE, to be unoccupi...
idler 10 7 one that idles [n -S...
idles 10 7 IDLE, to be unoccupi...
idola 9 7 IDOLON, a mental ima...
idols 10 7 IDOL, an object of w...
idyll 18 10 a description in ver...
idyls 17 9 IDYL, a description...
iftar 11 8 (Arabic) a meal eate...
igapo 11 10 in Peru, a riverside...
igged 11 10 IGG, (slang) to igno...
igloo 10 8 (Inuit) a snow house...
iglus 12 9 IGLU, (Inuit) a snow...
ihram 12 10 (Arabic) the white c...
ikans 9 10 IKAN, (Malay) fish e...
ikats 10 9 IKAT, (Malay) a tech...
ikons 9 10 IKON, a religious ca...
ileac 12 9 pertaining to the il...
ileal 10 7 pertaining to the il...
ileum 11 10 a part of the small...
ileus 10 7 an intestinal obstru...
iliac 13 9 pertaining to the il...
iliad 10 7 a long poem [n -S]
ilial 11 7 pertaining to the il...
ilium 12 10 the anterior or supe...
iller 11 7 ILL, unwell [adj]
illth 14 9 the contrary of weal...
image 10 10 to form a likeness o...
imago 10 10 an insect in its fin...
imams 11 11 IMAM, (Arabic) the o...
imari 10 8 (Japanese) a type of...
imaum 11 12 (Arabic) the officer...
imbar 12 11 (obsolete) to bar in...
imbed 12 12 to plant firmly, als...
imbue 12 12 to inspire with [v I...
imide 10 9 a class of organic c...
imido 10 9 of a compound, conta...
imids 11 9 IMID, a class of org...
imine 9 9 a chemical compound...
imino 9 9 of a compound, conta...
immew 14 14 to confine, mew up,...
immit 12 11 (obsolete) to insert...
immix 18 18 (archaic) to mix in,...
imped 12 12 IMP, to graft feathe...
impel 13 12 to drive forward [v...
impis 13 11 IMPI, (Zulu) a regim...
imply 20 14 to insinuate [v IMPL...
impot 12 11 (slang) an impositio...
impro 12 11 (short for) improvis...
imshi 13 10 in old military slan...
imshy 19 12 in old military slan...
inane 6 7 empty, senseless [ad...
inapt 10 9 unfit or unqualified...
inarm 9 9 to encircle with the...
inbox 16 16 (On a computer) a fo...
inbye 16 11 (Scots) towards the...
incle 12 10 a broad linen tape,...
incog 12 11 (short for) incognit...
incur 12 10 to bring upon onesel...
incus 12 10 an anvil-shaped bone...
incut 12 10 in rock climbing, an...
indew 11 10 to provide with, als...
index 14 14 to provide with an i...
india 8 7 (In international ra...
indie 8 7 (colloquial) an inde...
indol 9 8 a crystalline chemic...
indow 11 10 to bequeath, also EN...
indri 9 7 a short-tailed lemur...
indue 8 8 to provide with, als...
inept 10 9 unfit or unqualified...
inerm 9 9 without thorns, also...
inert 8 6 passive [adj INERTER...
infer 10 9 to reach or derive b...
infix 17 16 to fix in, also ENFI...
infos 10 9 INFO, (short for) in...
infra 10 9 (Latin) below; later...
ingan 8 9 (Scots) an onion [n...
ingle 10 9 a fireplace [n -S]
ingot 9 8 a mass of unwrought...
inion 7 7 a part of the skull...
inked 9 11 INK, to colour with...
inker 9 10 one who inks; a pad...
inkle 10 11 a broad linen tape,...
inlay 15 9 to insert or imbed [...
inlet 9 7 to insert [v INLET,...
inned 7 8 IN, to take in e.g....
inner 7 7 interior [adj INNERL...
innit 8 7 an informal contract...
inorb 10 9 to set in an orb, to...
input 11 10 to enter data into a...
inrun 8 8 the approach ramp of...
inset 8 6 to set in, in fix [v...
intel 9 7 military intelligenc...
inter 8 6 to bury [v INTERRED,...
intil 10 7 (Scots) into, in [pr...
intis 9 6 INTI, a monetary uni...
intra 8 6 within [prep]
intro 8 6 (short for) an intro...
inula 9 8 a kind of plant, aka...
inure 8 7 to accustom oneself...
inurn 8 8 to put in an urn [v...
inust 9 7 (obsolete) burnt in...
invar 10 10 (tradename) an iron-...
inwit 12 9 (archaic) inward sen...
iodic 12 9 pertaining to iodine...
iodid 9 7 a salt of hydriodic...
iodin 8 7 a chemical element,...
ionic 11 9 a style of type [n -...
iotas 8 5 IOTA, a Greek letter...
ippon 12 12 a winning point for...
irade 8 6 (historical) a writt...
irate 8 5 angry [adj IRATER, I...
irids 10 6 IRID, a plant of the...
iring 10 8 IRE, to anger [v]
irked 10 10 IRK, to annoy or wea...
iroko 9 9 a large African timb...
irone 7 6 an aromatic oil [n -...
irons 8 6 IRON, to eliminate w...
irony 14 8 words used to expres...
isbas 11 8 ISBA, a Russian log...
ishes 11 7 ISH, in Scots law, i...
isled 10 7 ISLE, to place on a...
isles 10 6 ISLE, to place on a...
islet 10 6 a small island [n -S...
isnae 7 6 is not (no inflectio...
issei 9 5 a Japanese immigrant...
issue 9 6 to put into circulat...
istle 10 6 a strong fibre obtai...
itchy 21 12 affected with itchin...
items 10 8 ITEM, to set down th...
ither 11 7 other [adj]
ivied 11 10 covered with ivy [ad...
ivies 11 9 IVY, a climbing vine...
ivory 17 11 a hard white substan...
ixias 15 12 IXIA, a flowering pl...
ixnay 20 15 not! [interj]
ixora 14 12 a flowering plant, a...
ixtle 16 13 a strong fibre obtai...
izard 12 15 (French) the Pyrenea...
izars 12 14 IZAR, a long cotton...
izzat 15 23 (Urdu) honour, reput...