5 letter words that starts with e

5 letter words that start with E

5 letter E word


Word With Friends


eager 8 7 a tidal flood, also...
eagle 9 8 a large bird of prey...
eagre 8 7 a bore or sudden ris...
ealed 8 7 EALE, (Shakespeare)...
eales 8 6 EALE [n]
eaned 6 7 EAN, to give birth t...
eards 8 6 EARD, (Scots) to bur...
eared 7 6 EAR, to plough or ti...
earls 9 6 EARL, a rank above v...
early 15 8 an early potato [n E...
earns 7 6 EARN, to obtain rewa...
earst 8 5 formerly, also ERST...
earth 10 7 to cover with soil [...
eased 7 6 EASE, to free from p...
easel 8 6 a three-legged frame...
easer 7 5 one who eases [n -S]
eases 7 5 EASE, to free from p...
easle 8 6 (Scots) hot ashes, a...
easts 8 5 EAST, to turn east (...
eaten 6 6 EAT, to consume food...
eater 7 5 one who eats [n -S]
eathe 9 7 easy, also EATH, ETH...
eaved 9 10 having eaves [adj]
eaves 9 9 EAVE, the projecting...
ebbed 12 12 EBB, to move back fr...
ebbet 12 11 a common green newt...
ebons 9 9 EBON, a hard wood li...
ebony 15 11 a dark heavy tropica...
ebook 10 12 a book in electronic...
ecads 11 9 ECAD, a plant which...
eched 13 11 ECHE, (obsolete) to...
eches 13 10 ECHE, (obsolete) to...
echos 13 10 ECHO, a reflected so...
eclat 12 9 (French) great brill...
ecrus 12 9 ECRU, (French) the c...
edema 8 9 local or general swe...
edged 9 9 EDGE, to furnish wit...
edger 9 8 a tool used to trim...
edges 9 8 EDGE, to furnish wit...
edict 12 9 an authoritative ord...
edify 17 11 to enlighten [v EDIF...
edile 9 7 (Latin) in classical...
edits 9 6 EDIT, to prepare for...
educe 11 10 to draw out, elicit...
educt 12 10 that which is educed...
eejit 10 14 (colloquial) an idio...
eensy 13 8 (colloquial) very sm...
eerie 7 5 uncanny, also EERY [...
eeven 8 10 the latter part of d...
eevns 9 10 EEVN, the latter par...
effed 12 12 EFF, euphemism for f...
egads 9 8 a mild oath, also EG...
egers 9 7 EGER, a tidal flood,...
egest 9 7 to discharge from th...
eggar 10 9 any of several large...
egged 10 10 EGG, to incite [v]
egger 10 9 any of several large...
egmas 10 10 EGMA, (Shakespeare)...
egret 9 7 a wading bird of the...
ehing 11 10 EH, to say 'Eh', exp...
eider 8 6 a large sea duck [n...
eidos 8 6 (Greek) the formal s...
eight 12 9 the cardinal number...
eigne 8 8 (archaic) first born...
eiked 9 10 EIK, (Scots) to augm...
eikon 8 10 (Greek) a religious...
eilds 10 7 EILD, old age, also...
eisel 9 6 (obsolete) sour wine...
eject 13 17 to throw out forcibl...
ejido 10 15 (Spanish) a piece of...
eking 10 12 EKE, to augment, als...
ekkas 10 13 EKKA, (Hindi) a smal...
elain 8 7 a glyceride of oleic...
eland 8 8 a large African ante...
elans 8 7 ELAN, (French) ardor...
elate 8 6 to raise the spirits...
elbow 14 12 to jostle [v -ED, -I...
elchi 15 11 an ambassador, also...
elder 9 7 a kind of shrub or s...
eldin 9 8 (Scots) fuel, also E...
elect 12 9 to select by vote [v...
elegy 16 10 a mournful poem for...
elemi 10 9 a fragrant resinous...
elfed 11 10 ELF, to entangle (ha...
elfin 11 10 like an elf, also EL...
eliad 9 7 an amorous glance, a...
elide 9 7 to strike out (a wor...
elint 9 7 (short for) electron...
elite 9 6 a socially select gr...
elmen 9 10 made of elm [adj]
eloge 9 8 a funeral oration, a...
elogy 16 10 a funeral oration, a...
eloin 8 7 to remove to a dista...
elope 10 9 to run away to be ma...
elops 11 9 a type of sturgeon,...
elpee 10 9 a long-playing recor...
elsin 9 7 (Scots) an awl, also...
elude 9 8 to evade [v ELUDED,...
elute 9 7 to remove by means o...
elvan 10 11 a granular rock, als...
elven 10 11 resembling an elf, a...
elver 11 10 a young eel [n -S]
elves 11 10 ELF, a fairylike bei...
emacs 12 11 a powerful computer...
email 10 9 to send electronic m...
embar 11 11 (archaic) to shut in...
embay 17 13 to enclose in a bay...
embed 11 12 to plant firmly, als...
ember 11 11 a small piece of woo...
embog 12 13 to bog down [v EMBOG...
embow 14 14 to bend or arch [v -...
embox 17 18 to set in a box [v -...
embus 12 12 to board a bus [v EM...
emcee 11 11 to serve as master o...
emeer 8 8 (Arabic) an Eastern...
emend 8 10 to correct, also EME...
emerg 10 10 the section of a hos...
emery 15 10 to coat with emery (...
emeus 9 9 EMEU, an emu [n]
emics 13 11 EMIC, a type of ling...
emirs 10 8 EMIR, (Arabic) an Ea...
emits 10 8 EMIT, to send forth...
emmas 10 11 EMMA, formerly, a si...
emmer 10 11 (German) a primitive...
emmet 10 11 (dialect) an ant [n...
emmew 13 14 to confine, mew up,...
emmys 17 13 EMMY, (tradename) a...
emoji 11 17 a standardized image...
emong 9 11 (obsolete) among, al...
emote 8 8 to show exaggerated...
emove 10 12 to affect emotionall...
empts 12 11 EMPT, (dialect) to e...
empty 18 13 to remove the conten...
emule 10 10 (Southey) to emulate...
emure 9 9 (Shakespeare) to imm...
emyde 15 11 a genus of freshwate...
emyds 16 11 EMYD, a genus of fre...
enact 10 9 to establish by law...
enarm 8 9 (obsolete) to arm [v...
enate 6 6 a relative in the mo...
ended 7 8 END, to terminate [v...
ender 7 7 one that ends someth...
endew 10 10 (Spenser) to endow,...
endow 10 10 to bequeath, also IN...
endue 7 8 to put on, as of clo...
enema 7 9 fluid injected into...
enemy 14 11 one that is antagoni...
enews 10 9 ENEW, in falconry, t...
enfix 16 16 (archaic) to fasten...
eniac 10 9 an early computer [n...
enjoy 15 17 to take pleasure in...
enlit 9 7 ENLIGHT, to shed lig...
enmew 11 12 to confine, also EMM...
ennog 7 9 (dialect) a back all...
ennui 7 8 to bore, annoy [v EN...
enoki 8 10 (Japanese) a thin wh...
enols 8 7 ENOL, a chemical com...
enorm 8 9 huge, also ENORMOUS...
enows 10 9 ENOW, (archaic) enou...
enrol 8 7 to insert on a regis...
ensew 10 9 (Spenser) to ensue [...
ensky 15 12 to raise in the skie...
ensue 7 7 to follow, also ENSE...
enter 7 6 to go or come in [v...
entia 7 6 ENS, being, existenc...
entry 14 8 a place of entrance...
enure 7 7 to accustom or habit...
enurn 7 8 to put into an urn,...
envoi 9 10 the concluding part...
envoy 15 12 a representative [n...
enzym 18 20 a complex protein th...
eorls 9 6 EORL, (obsolete) an...
eosin 7 6 a red dye, also EOSI...
epact 13 11 the difference in da...
epees 9 8 EPEE, (French) a swo...
ephah 14 12 a Hebrew unit of dry...
ephas 12 10 EPHA, a Hebrew unit...
ephod 12 11 a sleeveless garment...
ephor 12 10 a magistrate of anci...
epics 14 11 EPIC, a long narrati...
epoch 15 13 an important period...
epode 9 9 a genre of lyric poe...
epopt 12 11 someone initiated in...
epoxy 22 17 to glue with a type...
epris 11 8 (French) captivated...
equal 17 16 equivalent, also EGA...
eques 16 15 (Latin) a member of...
equid 17 16 any member of the ho...
equip 19 18 to provide with what...
erase 7 5 to efface or rub out...
erbia 10 8 erbium oxide [n -S]
erect 11 8 upright [adj ERECTLY...
erevs 10 9 EREV, the day before...
ergon 8 8 (Greek) work or busi...
ergos 9 7 ERGO, (short for) er...
ergot 9 7 a fungal disease of...
erhus 11 8 ERHU, a Chinese two-...
erica 11 8 a shrub of the heath...
erick 13 12 a murderer's fine in...
erics 12 8 ERIC, a murderer's f...
ering 9 8 ERE, to plough [v]
erned 7 7 ERNE [v]
ernes 7 6 ERNE [v]
erode 7 6 to wear away [v EROD...
erose 7 5 irregularly notched...
erred 8 6 ERR, to make a mista...
error 8 5 a mistake [n -S]
erses 8 5 ERS, a European vetc...
eruct 12 9 to belch out, also E...
erugo 9 8 a green film that fo...
erupt 11 9 to break out or thro...
eruvs 11 10 ERUV, a designated r...
erven 9 10 ERF, in South Africa...
ervil 12 10 a European vetch, al...
escar 11 8 a narrow ridge of gr...
escot 11 8 (Shakespeare) to mai...
esile 9 6 (obsolete) sour wine...
eskar 9 9 a narrow ridge of gr...
esker 9 9 a narrow ridge of gr...
esnes 7 6 ESNE, (historical) a...
essay 14 7 to attempt [v -ED, -...
esses 8 5 ESSE, (Latin) actual...
ester 8 5 a compound formed by...
estoc 11 8 a short sword [n -S]
estop 10 8 to hinder or preclud...
estro 8 5 (Italian) the height...
etage 8 7 a floor storey [n -S...
etape 9 8 (French) a storehous...
etats 8 5 ETAT, (French) the s...
etens 7 6 ETEN, a giant, also...
ethal 11 8 a white waxy solid,...
ether 10 7 a volatile liquid us...
ethic 14 10 relating to morals,...
ethne 9 8 ETHNOS, (Greek) a gr...
ethos 10 7 the fundamental char...
ethyl 18 10 a univalent chemical...
etics 12 8 ETIC, a type of ling...
etnas 7 6 ETNA, a vessel for h...
ettin 8 6 (archaic) a giant, a...
ettle 9 6 (Scots) to intend, p...
etude 8 7 (French) a compositi...
etuis 9 6 ETUI, (French) a sma...
etwee 10 8 a small ornamental c...
etyma 15 10 ETYMON, the true ori...
eughs 12 10 EUGH, (Spenser) a ye...
euked 9 11 EUK, to itch, also E...
eupad 10 10 an antiseptic powder...
euros 8 6 EURO, (Native Austra...
eusol 9 7 an antiseptic soluti...
evade 9 10 to escape or avoid b...
evens 9 10 EVEN, to make smooth...
event 9 10 a happening [n -S] /...
evert 10 9 to turn inside out [...
every 16 11 each without excepti...
evets 10 9 EVET, a newt, also E...
evhoe 11 11 (Greek) a cry expres...
evict 14 12 to dispossess by law...
evils 12 10 EVIL, wickedness or...
evite 10 9 to avoid, also EVITA...
evohe 11 11 expressing Bacchic f...
evoke 10 13 to call forth [v EVO...
ewers 11 8 EWER, a jug with a w...
ewest 11 8 (Scots) near, close...
ewhow 16 13 expressing regret [i...
ewked 12 13 EWK, to itch, also E...
exact 17 15 precise [adj EXACTER...
exalt 15 13 to place in a high p...
exams 15 15 EXAM, an examination...
excel 18 16 to surpass others [v...
exeat 13 12 (Latin) a permit for...
execs 17 15 EXEC, (short for) an...
exeem 14 15 to release or exempt...
exeme 14 15 to release or exempt...
exert 14 12 to make an effort [v...
exfil 18 16 to remove (data) fro...
exies 14 12 (Scots) a fit, e.g....
exile 15 13 to banish from one's...
exine 13 13 the outer layer of s...
exing 15 15 EX, to cross out [v]
exist 15 12 to have actual being...
exits 15 12 EXIT, to go out [v]
exode 13 13 (Greek) the concludi...
exons 13 13 EXON, within a nucle...
expat 16 15 someone who lives ab...
expel 17 16 to force out [v EXPE...
expos 16 15 EXPO, an exhibition...
extol 15 13 to praise highly, al...
extra 14 12 something additional...
exude 14 14 to ooze forth [v EXU...
exuls 16 14 EXUL [n]
exult 16 14 to rejoice greatly [...
exurb 17 16 a residential area b...
eyass 14 7 an untrained young h...
eyers 14 7 EYER, one who eyes [...
eying 15 10 EYE, to watch closel...
eyots 14 7 EYOT, a small island...
eyras 14 7 EYRA, a South Americ...
eyres 14 7 EYRE, (historical) a...
eyrie 14 7 a bird of prey's nes...
eyrir 15 7 a monetary unit of I...
ezine 10 15 a magazine available...