9 letter words that start with D

9 letter words that start with D

9 letter D word


Words With Friends®


dabbities 20 16 DABBITY, (Scots) a c...
dabblings 22 20 DABBLING, the act of...
dabchicks 28 25 DABCHICK, the little...
dachshund 23 20 (German) a breed of...
dackering 20 20 DACKER, (Scots) to l...
dacoitage 18 15 (Hindi) robbery by d...
dacoities 18 13 DACOITY, (Hindi) rob...
dacquoise 26 23 a layered dessert of...
dactylics 30 19 DACTYLIC, a dactylic...
dactylist 27 16 a writer of dactylic...
dadaistic 19 14 relating to the art...
dadchelor 21 17 as in dadchelor part...
daedalean 13 13 ingenious and cunnin...
daedalian 14 13 ingenious and cunnin...
daffiness 19 17 the state of being d...
daffodils 21 18 DAFFODIL, a yellow-f...
daggering 18 17 DAGGER, to stab with...
dahabeahs 20 17 DAHABEAH, (Arabic) a...
dahabeeah 19 17 (Arabic) a Nile sail...
dahabiahs 21 17 DAHABIAH, (Arabic) a...
dahabiehs 21 17 DAHABIEH, (Arabic) a...
dahabiyah 27 19 (Arabic) a Nile sail...
dahabiyas 25 17 DAHABIYA, (Arabic) a...
dahabiyeh 27 19 (Arabic) a Nile sail...
daidzeins 18 21 DAIDZEIN, a chemical...
daikering 17 17 DAIKER, (Scots) to l...
dailiness 16 12 the quality of being...
dailyness 22 14 the state of being d...
daintiest 15 11 DAINT [adj]
daiquiris 25 20 DAIQUIRI, a cocktail...
dairyings 23 15 DAIRYING, the busine...
dairymaid 23 16 a woman who works in...
daishikis 20 16 DAISHIKI, (Yoruba) a...
dakerhens 17 17 DAKERHEN, another na...
dakoities 16 14 DAKOITY, (Hindi) rob...
dalliance 19 16 flirtation [n -S]
dalmahoys 25 18 DALMAHOY, (historica...
dalmatian 16 15 a large breed of dog...
dalmatics 21 17 DALMATIC, an ecclesi...
daltonian 14 13 relating to a dalton...
daltonism 17 15 color blindness, esp...
damascene 17 17 to decorate or engra...
damaskeen 15 18 to decorate or engra...
damasking 18 20 DAMASK, to weave wit...
damaskins 17 18 DAMASKIN, to decorat...
damasquin 24 24 to decorate or engra...
damassins 16 14 DAMASSIN, a kind of...
damboards 18 17 DAMBOARD, a draughtb...
dameworts 19 16 DAMEWORT, a crucifer...
damnation 14 15 condemnation; the pu...
damnatory 21 16 consigning to damnat...
damndests 16 15 DAMNDEST, utmost eff...
damnedest 15 15 utmost effort, in ph...
damnified 18 18 DAMNIFY, to cause lo...
damnifies 18 17 DAMNIFY, to cause lo...
damningly 24 20 DAMNING [adv]
damoisels 17 14 DAMOISEL, (archaic)...
dampeners 17 17 DAMPENER, a thing th...
dampening 18 20 DAMPEN, to moisten [...
damselfly 27 20 an insect of the ord...
danceable 19 18 capable of being dan...
dancehall 21 18 a style of dance-ori...
dancettee 16 14 of a heraldic line,...
dancettes 17 14 DANCETTE, a zigzag l...
dancicals 22 18 DANCICAL, a type of...
dandelion 14 14 a common yellow-flow...
dandering 15 15 DANDER, (dialect) to...
dandiacal 18 16 inclined to be a dan...
dandified 17 16 DANDIFY, to dress up...
dandifies 17 15 DANDIFY, to dress up...
dandiprat 17 15 (obsolete) a silver...
dandriffs 20 18 DANDRIFF, a scurf th...
dandruffs 20 19 DANDRUFF, a scurf th...
dandruffy 26 21 full of dandruff [ad...
dandyfunk 24 23 a ship's biscuit, so...
dandyisms 23 17 DANDYISM, the conduc...
dandyprat 23 17 (obsolete) a silver...
danegelds 16 15 DANEGELD, a tax impo...
danegelts 16 14 DANEGELT, a tax impo...
danelaghs 18 16 DANELAGH, the law th...
daneweeds 16 15 DANEWEED, an elder-l...
daneworts 17 14 DANEWORT, an elder-l...
dangering 16 16 DANGER, to expose to...
dangerous 15 14 full of danger [adj...
dangliest 17 14 DANGLY, hanging loos...
danglings 18 17 DANGLING, the act of...
dannebrog 16 17 (Danish) the ancient...
danseuses 14 12 DANSEUSE, a professi...
danthonia 15 14 a tufted grass nativ...
dantoning 14 15 DANTON, to dare, als...
dapperest 19 16 DAPPER, trim, neat [...
daredevil 18 16 a reckless person [n...
darkeners 15 15 DARKENER, someone or...
darkening 16 18 DARKEN, to make dark...
darkfield 20 19 as in darkfield micr...
darkliest 18 15 DARKLY, DARK, having...
darklings 19 18 in the dark, taking...
darkrooms 17 17 DARKROOM, a room use...
darlingly 25 17 DARLING, lovable [ad...
darnation 13 12 a mild form of damna...
darndests 15 12 DARNDEST, one's utmo...
darnedest 14 12 one's utmost, also D...
darraigne 15 13 (obsolete) to vindic...
darraigns 16 13 DARRAIGN, to justify...
darrained 14 12 DARRAIN, to justify,...
darraines 14 11 DARRAINE, to justify...
darrayned 20 14 DARRAYN, to justify,...
dartboard 17 14 the target used in t...
dartingly 24 16 DARTING [adv]
dashboard 19 16 the instrument panel...
dashingly 26 18 DASHING, spirited, s...
dashlight 23 17 a light illuminating...
dastardly 23 14 like a dastard, desp...
dasymeter 22 15 a device for measuri...
databanks 17 18 DATABANK, a collecti...
databased 16 14 DATABASE, to put dat...
databases 16 13 DATABASE, to put dat...
databuses 17 14 DATABUS, path for tr...
datacards 18 14 DATACARD, a card con...
datacomms 20 19 (short for) data com...
dataglove 18 17 an electrically wire...
datagrams 17 15 DATAGRAM, a communic...
datallers 17 12 DATALLER, a day-labo...
datebooks 17 17 DATEBOOK, a notebook...
datedness 14 12 the state of being d...
datelined 15 13 DATELINE, to provide...
datelines 15 12 DATELINE, to provide...
datolites 16 11 DATOLITE, a rock for...
daturines 15 12 DATURINE, a poison [...
dauberies 17 14 DAUBERY, a crudely a...
daubingly 26 20 DAUBING [adv]
daughters 19 15 DAUGHTER, a female c...
daundered 14 14 DAUNDER, (dialect) t...
daunering 15 15 DAUNER, (dialect) to...
dauntless 16 13 unafraid [adj DAUNTL...
dauntoned 13 14 DAUNTON, to dare, al...
dauphines 19 17 DAUPHINE, (French) t...
davenport 18 18 a small ornamental w...
dawnering 18 17 DAWNER, (dialect) to...
dawsonite 17 14 a hydrous carbonate...
daybreaks 24 19 DAYBREAK, the first...
daycation 23 16 a day trip to a reso...
daycentre 23 16 a building used for...
daydreams 22 16 DAYDREAM, to fantasi...
daydreamt 22 16 DAYDREAM, to fantasi...
daydreamy 28 18 given to daydreaming...
dayflower 27 19 a genus consisting m...
daylights 27 17 DAYLIGHT, to illumin...
daylilies 24 14 DAYLILY, a liliaceou...
daysailed 22 14 DAYSAIL, to sail a y...
daysailer 22 13 a dayboat powered by...
daysailor 22 13 a dayboat powered by...
dayshells 26 16 DAYSHELL, (dialect)...
dayspring 25 18 (archaic) dawn [n -S...
daytalers 22 13 DAYTALER, a day-labo...
dayworker 25 19 one who does daywork...
dazedness 17 21 the state of being d...
dazzlings 24 32 DAZZLING, the act of...
deacidify 27 19 to remove the acid f...
deaconess 16 14 a female deacon [n -...
deaconing 17 17 DEACON, to put the b...
deadbeats 16 14 DEADBEAT, one who is...
deadbolts 18 15 DEADBOLT, a lock for...
deadeners 13 12 DEADENER, one that d...
deadening 14 15 DEADEN, to deprive o...
deadfalls 19 16 DEADFALL, a type of...
deadheads 16 14 DEADHEAD, to remove...
deadhouse 16 14 a mortuary [n -S]
deadliest 16 12 DEADLY, lethal [adj]
deadlifts 19 15 DEADLIFT, to lift wi...
deadlight 20 16 a strong shutter, ma...
deadlined 15 14 DEADLINE, to put a t...
deadlines 15 13 DEADLINE, to put a t...
deadlocks 20 19 DEADLOCK, to come to...
deadstock 19 18 farm equipment [n -S...
deadwoods 17 15 DEADWOOD, useless ma...
deaerated 13 11 DEAERATE, to remove...
deaerates 13 10 DEAERATE, to remove...
deaerator 13 10 a device for removin...
deafblind 20 19 deaf and blind [adj]
deafening 16 17 very loud [adj DEAFE...
dealation 14 12 the removal of wings...
dealigned 16 15 DEALIGN, to withdraw...
dealmaker 17 18 a person who makes d...
deaminase 14 14 an enzyme that hydro...
deaminate 14 14 to remove the amino...
deaminise 15 14 to remove the amino...
deaminize 18 23 to remove the amino...
deaneries 13 11 DEANERY, the office...
deanships 19 16 DEANSHIP, the office...
dearlings 17 14 DEARLING, a much lov...
deathbeds 19 16 DEATHBED, the bed on...
deathblow 23 19 a fatal blow [n -S]
deathcare 19 15 of, relating to, or...
deathcups 23 19 DEATHCUP, a poisonou...
deathiest 17 12 DEATHY, like death [...
deathless 18 13 not subject to death...
deathlier 18 13 DEATHLY, like death...
deathlike 19 17 like death [adj]
deathsman 17 16 (Shakespeare) an exe...
deathsmen 17 16 DEATHSMAN, (Shakespe...
deathtrap 19 15 a potentially fatal...
deathward 20 16 toward death, also D...
debagging 20 20 the act of removing...
debarkers 18 17 DEBARKER, one that r...
debarking 19 20 DEBARK, to unload fr...
debarment 17 17 the act of debarring...
debarrass 17 13 (archaic) to disemba...
debarring 18 16 DEBAR, to exclude [v...
debatable 19 17 that can be debated,...
debatably 26 19 DEBATABLE, that can...
debateful 20 18 (obsolete) quarrelso...
debatings 18 16 DEBATING, the act of...
debauched 22 20 DEBAUCH, to lead int...
debauchee 21 19 one who is debauched...
debaucher 22 19 one who debauches [n...
debauches 22 19 DEBAUCH, to lead int...
debeaking 18 20 DEBEAK, to remove th...
debearded 16 15 DEBEARD, to remove t...
debelling 20 18 DEBEL, to conquer in...
debenture 16 15 an official certific...
debonaire 15 14 of good appearance,...
deboshing 20 18 DEBOSH, to lead into...
debossing 18 16 DEBOSS, to impress a...
debouched 22 20 DEBOUCH, to emerge o...
debouches 22 19 DEBOUCH, to emerge o...
debriding 19 17 DEBRIDE, to remove d...
debriefed 19 17 DEBRIEF, to question...
debriefer 19 16 one who debriefs [n...
debruised 18 15 DEBRUISE, in heraldr...
debruises 18 14 DEBRUISE, in heraldr...
debudding 19 19 DEBUD, to remove the...
debuggers 20 18 DEBUGGER, a computer...
debugging 21 21 the act of removing...
debunkers 18 19 DEBUNKER, one who de...
debunking 19 22 DEBUNK, to clear of...
deburring 19 17 DEBURR, to remove bu...
debussing 19 17 DEBUS, to get off a...
debutante 16 15 someone (female) mak...
debutants 17 15 DEBUTANT, someone (m...
decachord 23 19 an old ten-stringed...
decadence 19 18 a falling away; deca...
decadency 26 20 a falling away; deca...
decadents 17 15 DECADENT, one who is...
decagonal 18 17 of a plane figure, h...
decagrams 20 18 DECAGRAM, a measure...
decahedra 19 16 DECAHEDRON, a solid...
decalcify 31 22 to deprive of calciu...
decaliter 19 14 a cubic volume of te...
decalitre 19 14 a cubic volume of te...
decalling 21 18 DECAL, to transfer b...
decalogue 19 17 the Ten Commandments...
decameter 18 16 ten meters, also DEC...
decametre 18 16 ten meters, also DEC...
decamping 22 22 DECAMP, to depart fr...
decanally 25 18 DECANAL, relating to...
decantate 16 14 (obsolete) to chant...
decanters 17 14 DECANTER, a decorati...
decanting 18 17 DECANT, to pour from...
decapodal 20 18 relating to decapods...
decapodan 18 18 relating to decapods...
decarbing 21 19 DECARB, to decarboni...
decastere 17 13 a measure of capacit...
decastich 24 18 a ten-line poem [n -...
decastyle 25 16 a portico with ten c...
decathlon 20 17 an athletic contest...
decaudate 17 15 to cut off the tail...
decayable 26 19 capable of decaying...
decayless 25 16 without decay [adj]
deceaseds 17 14 DECEASED, a dead per...
deceasing 18 16 DECEASE, to die [v]
decedents 17 15 DECEDENT, (US) in US...
deceitful 22 18 given to deceiving [...
deceivers 20 17 DECEIVER, one who de...
deceiving 21 20 deceptive [adj DECEI...
deceleron 17 15 a type of aileron [n...
decemviri 22 20 DECEMVIR, (Latin) on...
decemvirs 22 20 DECEMVIR, (Latin) on...
decencies 20 17 DECENCY, the state o...
decennary 22 17 a tithing, also DECE...
decennial 17 16 happening every ten...
decennium 18 19 (Latin) a period of...
decenters 17 14 DECENTER, to put out...
decentest 17 14 DECENT, conforming t...
decentred 17 15 DECENTRE, to put out...
decentres 17 14 DECENTRE, to put out...
deception 19 17 the act of deceiving...
deceptive 22 20 tending to deceive,...
deceptory 26 18 tending to deceive,...
decerning 18 17 DECERN, to decree by...
decertify 27 18 to withdraw or revok...
decession 17 14 departure [n -S]
decheance 21 19 (French) forfeiture...
decidable 21 18 that can be decided...
decidedly 26 18 DECIDED [adv]
deciduate 18 15 possessed of, or cha...
deciduous 19 16 losing leaves in aut...
decigrams 21 18 DECIGRAM, a tenth of...
deciliter 20 14 one tenth of a liter...
decilitre 20 14 one tenth of a liter...
decillion 20 16 the eleventh power o...
decimally 28 20 DECIMAL, relating to...
decimated 19 17 DECIMATE, to kill ev...
decimates 19 16 DECIMATE, to kill ev...
decimator 19 16 one who decimates [n...
decimeter 19 16 one tenth of a metre...
decimetre 19 16 one tenth of a metre...
deciphers 23 18 DECIPHER, to interpr...
decisions 18 14 DECISION, to win a b...
decistere 18 13 one tenth of a stere...
deckchair 25 22 a chair, usually fol...
deckhands 21 21 DECKHAND, a seaman w...
deckhouse 21 20 a room erected on th...
declaimed 20 18 DECLAIM, to speak fo...
declaimer 20 17 one who declaims [n...
declarant 18 15 one who makes a decl...
declarers 19 14 DECLARER, one who de...
declaring 20 17 DECLARE, to make kno...
declassed 19 15 DECLASS, to lower in...
declassee 18 14 of a female person,...
declasses 19 14 DECLASS, to lower in...
declawing 23 20 DECLAW, to remove th...
declinals 20 16 DECLINAL, the act of...
declinant 18 16 a person who is decl...
declinate 18 15 curving downwards [a...
decliners 19 15 DECLINER, one who de...
declining 20 18 DECLINE, to refuse [...
declinist 20 15 a person who believe...
declivity 29 20 a descending slope [...
declivous 22 19 sloping downhill, al...
declutter 20 15 to simplify or get r...
decocting 22 19 DECOCT, to extract t...
decoction 20 17 the act of boiling a...
decoctive 23 20 relating to decoctio...
decocture 21 17 a decoction [n -S]
decodings 19 17 DECODING, the act of...
decoherer 19 15 a device for bringin...
decollate 19 15 to behead [v DECOLLA...
decollete 19 15 (French) a low cut a...
decolored 18 15 DECOLOR, to deprive...
decolours 19 15 DECOLOUR, to deprive...
decommits 21 19 DECOMMIT, to withdra...
decomplex 28 27 repeatedly compound...
decompose 20 19 to fall to pieces [v...
decongest 18 16 to relieve or end th...
decontrol 18 15 to remove (esp. offi...
decorated 17 14 DECORATE, to adorn [...
decorates 17 13 DECORATE, to adorn [...
decorator 17 13 one who decorates [n...
decoupage 20 19 (French) the applica...
decoupled 21 19 DECOUPLE, to disconn...
decoupler 21 18 one who decouples [n...
decouples 21 18 DECOUPLE, to disconn...
decreased 17 14 DECREASE, to diminis...
decreases 17 13 DECREASE, to diminis...
decreeing 18 16 DECREE, to issue an...
decrement 18 17 a gradual decrease i...
decretals 19 14 DECRETAL, a papal de...
decretist 19 13 one who studies, or...
decretive 20 17 relating to or havin...
decretory 24 15 relating to or havin...
decrewing 22 19 DECREW, (Spenser) to...
decrowned 20 18 DECROWN, to deprive...
decrypted 27 19 DECRYPT, to decode [...
decubital 22 18 in a lying down posi...
decubitus 22 18 (Latin) one's postur...
decumbent 21 21 lying down; reclinin...
decupling 23 21 DECUPLE, to increase...
decurions 18 15 DECURION, (historica...
decurrent 18 15 continued down the s...
decursion 18 15 a military manoeuvre...
decursive 21 18 running down; decurr...
decurving 22 21 DECURVE, to curve do...
decussate 18 14 arranged in crossing...
dedendums 16 17 DEDENDUM, the root o...
dedicants 18 15 DEDICANT, a person w...
dedicated 18 15 DEDICATE, to set apa...
dedicatee 17 14 one to whom somethin...
dedicates 18 14 DEDICATE, to set apa...
dedicator 18 14 one who dedicates [n...
dedimuses 17 15 DEDIMUS, (Latin) a w...
deducible 22 19 capable of being ded...
deducibly 29 21 DEDUCIBLE, capable o...
deducting 20 18 DEDUCT, to subtract...
deduction 18 16 the act of deducing...
deductive 21 19 of thought or reason...
deejaying 23 24 the act of compering...
deemsters 16 13 DEEMSTER, a judge on...
deepeners 15 14 DEEPENER, one that d...
deepening 16 17 DEEPEN, to make deep...
deepfroze 21 25 DEEPFREEZE, to freez...
deepwater 19 16 relating to the deep...
deerberry 23 15 a shrub of the blueb...
deerflies 18 14 DEERFLY, a bloodsuck...
deergrass 16 12 a type of grass [n -...
deerhorns 16 13 DEERHORN, the horn o...
deerhound 16 15 a kind of hound used...
deerskins 16 15 DEERSKIN, the skin o...
deerweeds 17 14 DEERWEED, a bushlike...
deeryards 21 13 DEERYARD, an area wh...
defaecate 18 16 to void excrement, a...
defalcate 20 17 to embezzle money he...
defamings 19 19 DEFAMING, the act of...
defanging 18 19 DEFANG, to remove th...
defatting 18 16 DEFAT, to remove fat...
defaulted 18 16 DEFAULT, to fail to...
defaulter 18 15 one who defaults [n...
defeaters 16 13 DEFEATER, one who de...
defeating 17 16 DEFEAT, to win a vic...
defeatism 18 16 readiness or inclina...
defeatist 17 13 one who shows defeat...
defeature 16 14 (archaic) to disfigu...
defecated 19 17 DEFECATE, to void ex...
defecates 19 16 DEFECATE, to void ex...
defecator 19 16 a device for purifyi...
defecting 21 19 DEFECT, to desert an...
defection 19 17 a failure to carry o...
defective 22 20 deficient [adj DEFEC...
defectors 20 16 DEFECTOR, one who de...
defencing 20 20 DEFENCE, to make a d...
defendant 15 16 a person accused or...
defenders 16 15 DEFENDER, one who de...
defending 17 18 DEFEND, to protect [...
defensing 17 17 DEFENSE, to guard ag...
defensive 18 18 tending to defend [a...
deferable 19 17 that can be deferred...
deference 18 17 a deferring or yield...
deferents 16 14 DEFERENT, an imagina...
deferment 17 17 the act of deferring...
deferrals 18 14 DEFERRAL, the act of...
deferrers 17 13 DEFERRER, one who de...
deferring 18 16 DEFER, to postpone [...
defiances 19 17 DEFIANCE, a bold opp...
defiantly 24 17 DEFIANT, showing def...
deficient 20 17 lacking [adj DEFICIE...
defiladed 18 16 DEFILADE, (French) t...
defilades 18 15 DEFILADE, (French) t...
definable 19 18 that can be defined...
definably 26 20 DEFINABLE, that can...
definiens 16 15 (Latin) a word or wo...
definites 17 14 DEFINITE, something...
deflaters 18 14 DEFLATER, something...
deflating 19 17 DEFLATE, to release...
deflation 17 15 the act of deflating...
deflators 18 14 DEFLATOR, something...
defleaing 18 17 DEFLEA, to rid of fl...
deflected 21 18 DEFLECT, to turn asi...
deflector 21 17 something that defle...
deflexing 25 24 DEFLEX, to bend down...
deflexion 23 22 an act of bending or...
deflexure 24 22 a deflection [n -S]
deflorate 17 14 past flowering [adj]...
deflowers 21 17 DEFLOWER, to deprive...
defluxion 24 23 (obsolete) a dischar...
defoamers 17 16 DEFOAMER, an agent u...
defoaming 18 19 DEFOAM, to remove fo...
defocused 20 18 DEFOCUS, to cause to...
defocuses 20 17 DEFOCUS, to cause to...
defoggers 19 17 DEFOGGER, an agent u...
defogging 20 20 DEFOG, to remove fog...
defoliant 17 15 a chemical used to c...
defoliate 17 14 to remove the leaves...
deforcers 20 16 DEFORCER, one who de...
deforcing 21 19 DEFORCE, to withhold...
deforests 17 13 DEFOREST, to remove...
deformers 18 16 DEFORMER, one who de...
deforming 19 19 DEFORM, to spoil the...
deformity 25 18 the state of being d...
defouling 19 18 DEFOUL, (obsolete) t...
defragged 19 18 DEFRAG, to defragmen...
defragger 19 17 one who defrags [n -...
defrauded 17 16 DEFRAUD, to swindle...
defrauder 17 15 one who defrauds [n...
defrayals 24 16 DEFRAYAL, the paymen...
defrayers 23 15 DEFRAYER, one who pa...
defraying 24 18 DEFRAY, to pay or se...
defreezes 19 22 DEFREEZE, to thaw ou...
defriends 17 15 DEFRIEND, to remove...
defrocked 21 21 DEFROCK, to deprive...
defrosted 17 14 DEFROST, to remove f...
defroster 17 13 something that defro...
defueling 19 18 DEFUEL, to remove fu...
defuelled 19 17 DEFUEL, to remove fu...
defunding 18 19 DEFUND, to remove fu...
degarnish 18 15 to despoil, also DIS...
degassers 16 12 DEGASSER, an agent u...
degassing 17 15 DEGAS, to remove gas...
degaussed 16 14 DEGAUSS, to demagnet...
degausser 16 13 a device for nullify...
degausses 16 13 DEGAUSS, to demagnet...
degearing 16 15 a process in which a...
degenders 15 14 DEGENDER, (Spenser)...
degerming 18 18 DEGERM, to remove ge...
deglazing 21 25 DEGLAZE, to remove t...
degouting 17 16 DEGOUT, to make (som...
degraders 16 13 DEGRADER, one that d...
degrading 17 16 DEGRADE, to debase,...
degreased 15 13 DEGREASE, to remove...
degreaser 15 12 a substance that rem...
degreases 15 12 DEGREASE, to remove...
degumming 20 22 DEGUM, to free from...
degustate 16 13 to taste, relish, al...
degusting 18 16 DEGUST, to taste wit...
dehairing 18 15 DEHAIR, to remove th...
dehiscent 20 16 gaping, bursting ope...
dehiscing 22 18 DEHISCE, to split op...
dehorners 16 13 DEHORNER, an impleme...
dehorning 17 16 DEHORN, to deprive o...
dehorters 17 12 DEHORTER, a dissuade...
dehorting 18 15 DEHORT, to dissuade...
dehydrate 23 15 to dry out, remove t...
deindexed 20 20 DEINDEX, to unlink f...
deindexes 20 19 DEINDEX, to unlink f...
deinosaur 14 12 any of a group of ex...
deionised 14 12 DEIONISE, to remove...
deioniser 14 11 an apparatus for rem...
deionises 14 11 DEIONISE, to remove...
deionized 17 21 DEIONIZE, to remove...
deionizer 17 20 an apparatus for rem...
deionizes 17 20 DEIONIZE, to remove...
deiparous 17 14 bearing a god [adj]
deisheals 18 13 DEISHEAL, (Scots) mo...
deistical 20 14 relating to deism, a...
dejecting 21 25 DEJECT, to depress,...
dejection 19 23 lowness of spirits [...
dejectory 26 24 promoting evacuation...
dejeuners 16 21 DEJEUNER, (French) a...
dekagrams 18 19 DEKAGRAM, a weight o...
dekaliter 17 15 a cubic volume of te...
dekalitre 17 15 a cubic volume of te...
dekameter 16 17 ten meters, also DEC...
dekametre 16 17 ten meters, also DEC...
delapsing 19 17 DELAPSE, to sink dow...
delapsion 17 15 a sinking down [n -S...
delations 15 12 DELATION, the act of...
delayable 24 17 that can be delayed...
deleading 16 15 DELEAD, to free from...
deleaving 18 18 DELEAVE, to separate...
delectate 18 14 to delight [v DELECT...
delegable 19 17 that can be delegate...
delegated 16 14 DELEGATE, to appoint...
delegatee 15 13 one to whom somethin...
delegates 16 13 DELEGATE, to appoint...
delegator 16 13 one who delegates [n...
deletable 18 15 that can be deleted,...
deletions 15 12 DELETION, the act of...
delftware 21 17 a type of earthenwar...
delibated 18 15 DELIBATE, (obsolete)...
delibates 18 14 DELIBATE, (obsolete)...
delicates 19 14 DELICATE, a delicacy...
delicious 20 15 tasting very good [a...
delighted 20 16 DELIGHT, to give gre...
delighter 20 15 one who delights [n...
delimited 18 15 DELIMIT, to mark the...
delimiter 18 14 something that marks...
delineate 14 12 to mark out with, or...
delinking 18 19 DELINK, to break a c...
deliquium 27 25 (archaic) a swoon; a...
deliriant 16 12 of a drug, causing d...
delirious 17 12 mentally confused, e...
deliriums 19 15 DELIRIUM, the state...
delisting 18 14 DELIST, to remove fr...
delivered 18 16 DELIVER, to take to...
deliverer 18 15 one who delivers [n...
deliverly 26 18 DELIVER, nimble [adv...
delousers 16 12 DELOUSER, an agent t...
delousing 17 15 DELOUSE, to free fro...
delphinia 20 17 DELPHINIUM, a genus...
deltoidei 16 12 DELTOIDEUS, the delt...
delubrums 21 19 DELUBRUM, a font in...
deludable 19 17 capable of being del...
delundung 17 18 (Javanese) the wease...
delusions 16 13 DELUSION, the act of...
delusters 17 12 DELUSTER, to lessen...
delustred 17 13 DELUSTRE, to remove...
delustres 17 12 DELUSTRE, to remove...
demagoged 17 18 DEMAGOG, to behave l...
demagogic 21 20 of or like a demagog...
demagogue 17 18 a person who appeals...
demandant 14 16 one who demands; a p...
demanders 15 15 DEMANDER, one who de...
demanding 16 18 DEMAND, to ask for w...
demanning 15 18 DEMAN, to reduce the...
demantoid 15 15 a lustrous green gem...
demarcate 18 16 to mark the boundary...
demarches 21 18 DEMARCHE, (French) a...
demarkets 17 17 DEMARKET, to discour...
demarking 18 20 DEMARK, to demarcate...
demasting 17 16 DEMAST, to remove th...
demeaning 15 17 DEMEAN, to conduct o...
demeanors 14 14 DEMEANOR, behavior t...
demeanour 14 15 behavior toward othe...
dementate 14 14 (archaic) to deprive...
demential 16 15 relating to dementia...
dementias 15 14 DEMENTIA, chronic me...
dementing 16 17 DEMENT, to deprive o...
demeraran 14 14 like demerara, a lig...
demeraras 15 13 DEMERARA, a light-br...
demergers 17 15 DEMERGER, to remove...
demerging 18 18 DEMERGE, to remove a...
demerited 16 14 DEMERIT, to lower in...
demersing 17 16 DEMERSE, (obsolete)...
demersion 15 14 immersion [n -S]
demijohns 20 25 DEMIJOHN, (French) a...
demilunes 17 16 DEMILUNE, (French) a...
demimonde 16 18 (French) a class of...
deminings 17 17 DEMINING, the remova...
demipique 27 26 an 18th century war-...
demisable 19 17 capable of being tra...
demission 16 14 lowering, degradatio...
demissive 19 17 (obsolete) humble, a...
demisters 17 13 DEMISTER, a device t...
demisting 18 16 DEMIST, to clear a w...
demitasse 16 13 (French) a half-cup...
demitting 18 16 DEMIT, to let fall,...
demiurges 18 16 DEMIURGE, (Greek) an...
demiurgic 22 19 relating to a demiur...
demiurgus 19 17 (Greek) an inferior...
demiveges 19 19 DEMIVEG, a person wh...
demivolte 19 18 a half-turn of a hor...
demivolts 20 18 DEMIVOLT, a half tur...
demiworld 21 18 the demimonde, a cla...
demobbing 21 22 DEMOB, to discharge...
democracy 28 21 a form of government...
democrats 19 16 DEMOCRAT, a believer...
democraty 25 18 (Milton) democracy,...
demoniacs 18 17 DEMONIAC, one posses...
demonical 19 18 of or like a demon,...
demonised 15 15 DEMONISE, to make a...
demonises 15 14 DEMONISE, to make a...
demonisms 17 17 DEMONISM, a belief i...
demonists 16 14 DEMONIST, one who be...
demonized 18 24 DEMONIZE, to make a...
demonizes 18 23 DEMONIZE, to make a...
demonries 15 14 DEMONRY, demoniacal...
demoscene 17 17 a computer art subcu...
demotions 15 14 DEMOTION, the action...
demotists 17 13 DEMOTIST, a student...
demounted 15 16 DEMOUNT, to remove f...
dempsters 19 16 DEMPSTER, (Scots) fo...
demulcent 20 19 an emulsifier; somet...
demulsify 27 20 to separate from an...
demurrage 17 16 undue delay or deten...
demurrals 18 15 DEMURRAL, the act of...
demurrers 17 14 DEMURRER, one who de...
demurring 18 17 DEMUR, to object [v]
demyships 28 20 DEMYSHIP, a minor sc...
demystify 32 20 to remove the myster...
demythify 34 22 to remove the mythic...
denatured 14 13 DENATURE, to deprive...
denatures 14 12 DENATURE, to deprive...
dendrimer 16 15 a polymer that has a...
dendrites 15 12 DENDRITE, a branched...
dendritic 19 15 of or like a dendrit...
dendroids 15 13 DENDROID, a fossil m...
denervate 15 15 to deprive of nerve...
denetting 15 14 DENET, to market a b...
denialist 16 12 a person who refuses...
denigrate 15 13 to blacken, defame [...
denitrate 14 11 to free from nitric...
denitrify 24 16 to deprive of, or fr...
denizened 16 22 DENIZEN, to naturali...
denominal 15 16 derived from a noun...
denotable 16 15 capable of being den...
denotated 13 12 DENOTATE, (obsolete)...
denotates 13 11 DENOTATE, (obsolete)...
denounced 16 17 DENOUNCE, to condemn...
denouncer 16 16 one who denounces [n...
denounces 16 16 DENOUNCE, to condemn...
denseness 13 12 the state of being d...
densified 17 15 DENSIFY, to increase...
densifier 17 14 an agent that densif...
densifies 17 14 DENSIFY, to increase...
densities 15 11 DENSITY, the state o...
dentality 22 14 use of the teeth in...
dentalium 17 16 (Latin) any mollusc...
dentarias 14 11 DENTARIA, any plant...
dentaries 14 11 DENTARY, a bone of t...
dentately 21 14 DENTATE, having teet...
dentation 13 12 the condition of bei...
dentelles 16 13 DENTELLE, (French) l...
denticles 19 15 DENTICLE, a small to...
dentiform 18 17 shaped like a tooth...
dentistry 22 13 the work of a dentis...
dentition 14 12 the cutting or growi...
dentulous 16 14 having teeth [adj]
denturist 16 12 one who makes dentur...
denudated 14 14 DENUDATE, to strip o...
denudates 14 13 DENUDATE, to strip o...
denyingly 29 19 DENYING [adv]
deodorant 13 12 a substance that rem...
deodorise 14 11 to take the (usu unp...
deodorize 17 20 to take the (usu unp...
deorbited 17 14 DEORBIT, to come out...
deoxidate 20 18 to deoxidize [v DEOX...
deoxidise 21 18 to remove oxygen fro...
deoxidize 24 27 to remove oxygen fro...
depainted 16 15 DEPAINT, (Spenser) t...
depanneur 15 16 (French) a convenien...
departeds 17 14 DEPARTED, a dead per...
departees 16 13 DEPARTEE, one that d...
departers 17 13 DEPARTER, one who de...
departing 18 16 the act of departing...
departure 17 14 the act of departing...
depasture 17 14 to graze [v DEPASTUR...
depeching 23 21 DEPECHE, (French) to...
depeincts 20 17 DEPEINCT, (Spenser)...
dependant 15 16 a person who depends...
dependent 15 16 depending on another...
depending 17 18 DEPEND, to rely [v]
depeopled 19 18 DEPEOPLE, to reduce...
depeoples 19 17 DEPEOPLE, to reduce...
deperming 19 19 DEPERM, to demagneti...
depicters 21 16 DEPICTER, one that d...
depicting 22 19 DEPICT, to portray [...
depiction 20 17 an act of depicting...
depictive 23 20 relating to depictio...
depictors 21 16 DEPICTOR, one that d...
depicture 21 17 (archaic) to depict...
depigment 19 19 to take away or redu...
depilated 18 15 DEPILATE, to remove...
depilates 18 14 DEPILATE, to remove...
depilator 18 14 an agent for removin...
deplaning 18 18 DEPLANE, to get off...
deplenish 20 17 to deprive of conten...
depleters 18 14 DEPLETER, one who de...
depleting 19 17 DEPLETE, to lessen t...
depletion 17 15 the act of depleting...
depletive 20 18 serving to deplete,...
depletory 24 16 serving to deplete,...
deplorers 18 14 DEPLORER, one who de...
deploring 19 17 DEPLORE, to regret s...
deployers 24 16 DEPLOYER, one who de...
deploying 25 19 DEPLOY, to position...
depluming 21 21 DEPLUME, to deprive...
deponents 15 15 DEPONENT, a verb hav...
deportees 16 13 DEPORTEE, one who is...
deporters 17 13 DEPORTER, one who de...
deporting 18 16 DEPORT, to expel fro...
deposable 19 17 capable of being dep...
deposited 17 14 DEPOSIT, to place [v...
depositor 17 13 one who deposits [n...
depravers 19 17 DEPRAVER, one who de...
depraving 20 20 DEPRAVE, to corrupt...
depravity 26 19 wickedness [n DEPRAV...
deprecate 19 16 to regret deeply; to...
depredate 16 14 to plunder or prey u...
deprehend 18 17 (obsolete) to catch;...
deprenyls 24 17 DEPRENYL, a drug for...
depressed 17 14 DEPRESS, to make sad...
depresses 17 13 DEPRESS, to make sad...
depressor 17 13 one who, or that whi...
deprivals 21 18 DEPRIVAL, deprivatio...
deprivers 20 17 DEPRIVER, one who de...
depriving 21 20 DEPRIVE, to take som...
deprogram 19 18 to prevail on a pers...
depthless 21 16 having no depth; sha...
depurants 17 15 DEPURANT, a purifyin...
depurated 17 15 DEPURATE, to free fr...
depurates 17 14 DEPURATE, to free fr...
depurator 17 14 one who, or that whi...
deputable 20 18 that can be deputed...
deputised 18 15 DEPUTISE, to act as...
deputises 18 14 DEPUTISE, to act as...
deputized 21 24 DEPUTIZE, to act as...
deputizes 21 23 DEPUTIZE, to act as...
dequeuing 24 24 DEQUEUE, to remove f...
deracines 17 14 DERACINE, (French) a...
deraigned 15 14 DERAIGN, (obsolete)...
derailers 16 11 DERAILER, something...
derailing 17 14 DERAIL, to cause to...
derangers 15 13 DERANGER, one who de...
deranging 16 16 DERANGE, to disorder...
deratings 16 13 DERATING, the act of...
derations 14 11 DERATION, to free fr...
deratting 16 13 DERAT, to rid of rat...
derelicts 20 14 DERELICT, anything f...
derepress 17 13 to activate (a gene...
derigging 19 17 DERIG, to dismantle...
deringers 16 13 DERINGER, a small po...
derisible 19 14 worthy of derision [...
derisions 15 11 DERISION, the act of...
derivable 20 18 that can be derived...
derivably 27 20 DERIVABLE, that can...
derivated 17 15 DERIVATE, to derive,...
derivates 17 14 DERIVATE [n]
dermatoid 16 14 like or resembling s...
dermatome 16 16 the lateral wall of...
dermestid 17 14 any of a family of b...
derogated 15 13 DEROGATE, to lessen...
derogates 15 12 DEROGATE, to lessen...
derricked 20 18 DERRICK, to hoist by...
derrieres 15 10 DERRIERE, (French) t...
derringer 16 13 a small pocket pisto...
dervishes 20 16 DERVISH, a member of...
desalters 16 11 DESALTER, something...
desalting 17 14 the act of removing...
desanding 15 15 DESAND, to remove sa...
descalers 19 14 DESCALER, a thing fo...
descaling 20 17 DESCALE, to remove s...
descanted 17 15 DESCANT, to comment...
descanter 17 14 one who performs a d...
descended 17 16 DESCEND, to come dow...
descender 17 15 the part of the lowe...
deschools 21 16 DESCHOOL, to educate...
described 21 17 DESCRIBE, to recount...
describer 21 16 one who describes [n...
describes 21 16 DESCRIBE, to recount...
descriers 19 13 DESCRIER, one who de...
descrived 21 18 DESCRIVE, to recount...
descrives 21 17 DESCRIVE, to recount...
descrying 26 18 DESCRY, to discern,...
desecrate 17 13 to make no longer co...
deseeders 14 11 DESEEDER, one that d...
deseeding 15 14 DESEED, to remove th...
deselects 19 14 DESELECT, to dismiss...
deserters 15 10 DESERTER, one that d...
desertify 24 15 to make into a deser...
deserting 16 13 DESERT, to abandon [...
desertion 14 11 the act of deserting...
deservers 17 14 DESERVER, one who de...
deserving 18 17 worthy [adj DESERVIN...
desiccant 21 17 a drying or desiccat...
desiccate 21 16 to remove the moistu...
designate 15 13 to mark out so as to...
designees 15 13 DESIGNEE, one who is...
designers 16 13 DESIGNER, one who de...
designful 20 18 full of design [adj]
designing 17 16 artful; scheming [ad...
desilvers 19 15 DESILVER, to remove...
desinence 16 15 an ending [n -S]
desipient 17 14 playing the fool; tr...
desirable 18 14 to be desired [adj D...
desirably 25 16 DESIRABLE, to be des...
desisting 17 13 DESIST, to cease doi...
deskbound 18 20 confined to a desk (...
deskfasts 19 17 DESKFAST, breakfast...
deskilled 19 17 DESKILL, to make uns...
desknotes 15 15 DESKNOTE, a notebook...
desmidian 16 15 like a desmid, any m...
desmodium 18 18 a plant of the teleg...
desmosome 16 16 a small thickened pa...
desnooded 13 13 DESNOOD, to remove a...
desoeuvre 16 15 (French) unoccupied,...
desolated 15 12 DESOLATE, to lay was...
desolater 15 11 one who desolates, l...
desolates 15 11 DESOLATE, to lay was...
desolator 15 11 one who desolates, l...
desorbers 17 13 DESORBER, one that d...
desorbing 18 16 DESORB, to release a...
despaired 17 14 DESPAIR, to lose all...
despairer 17 13 one who despairs [n...
desperado 16 14 a desperate fellow,...
desperate 16 13 in a state of despai...
despights 22 17 DESPIGHT, a looking...
despisals 19 14 DESPISAL, the act of...
despisers 18 13 DESPISER, one who de...
despising 19 16 DESPISE, to look dow...
despiting 19 16 DESPITE, to treat wi...
despoiled 18 15 DESPOIL, to plunder...
despoiler 18 14 one who despoils [n...
desponded 16 16 DESPOND, to lose hea...
despotate 16 13 a territory governed...
despotats 17 13 DESPOTAT, a territor...
despotism 19 16 absolute power; a st...
despumate 18 17 to throw off impurit...
dessyatin 21 13 (Russian) a measure...
destained 14 12 DESTAIN, to rid of s...
destemper 18 16 (obsolete) to distem...
destinate 14 11 (obsolete) to ordain...
destinies 15 11 DESTINY, inevitable...
destining 16 14 DESTINE, to determin...
destitute 16 11 forsaken, very poor...
destocked 19 18 DESTOCK, to reduce t...
destreams 16 13 DESTREAM, to reverse...
destriers 16 10 DESTRIER, (archaic)...
destroyed 21 13 DESTROY, to damage b...
destroyer 21 12 a small fast lightly...
destructo 19 14 (Australian slang) a...
destructs 20 14 DESTRUCT, to destroy...
desuetude 15 13 disuse, discontinuan...
desugared 16 14 DESUGAR, to remove t...
desulfurs 20 16 DESULFUR, to free fr...
desulphur 22 18 to remove sulphur fr...
desultory 23 14 jumping from one thi...
desyatins 21 13 DESYATIN, (Russian)...
detachers 20 15 DETACHER, one who de...
detaching 21 18 DETACH, to unfasten...
detailers 16 11 DETAILER, one who de...
detailing 17 14 the act of detailing...
detainees 13 11 DETAINEE, one who is...
detainers 14 11 DETAINER, the unlawf...
detaining 15 14 DETAIN, to hold in c...
detangled 16 15 DETANGLE, to remove...
detangler 16 14 a cosmetic product f...
detangles 16 14 DETANGLE, to remove...
detassels 16 11 DETASSEL, to remove...
detecters 18 13 DETECTER, one that d...
detecting 19 16 DETECT, to discover...
detection 17 14 the act of detecting...
detective 20 17 a policeman, usually...
detectors 18 13 DETECTOR, one that d...
detention 13 12 the act of detaining...
detentist 15 11 a supporter of deten...
detergent 15 13 a cleansing agent [n...
detergers 16 12 DETERGER, one that d...
deterging 17 15 DETERGE, to cleanse...
determent 15 14 the act of deterring...
determine 15 14 to put terms or boun...
deterrent 14 11 serving to deter [ad...
deterrers 15 10 DETERRER, one that d...
deterring 16 13 DETER, to hinder or...
detersion 14 11 the act of cleaning...
detersive 17 14 cleansing [adj] / a...
detesters 15 10 DETESTER, one who de...
detesting 16 13 DETEST, to hate inte...
dethroned 16 14 DETHRONE, to remove...
dethroner 16 13 one who dethrones [n...
dethrones 16 13 DETHRONE, to remove...
detickers 20 17 DETICKER, an agent u...
deticking 21 20 DETICK, to free from...
detonable 16 15 able to be detonated...
detonated 13 12 DETONATE, to cause t...
detonates 13 11 DETONATE, to cause t...
detonator 13 11 a substance that det...
detorsion 14 11 the act of detorting...
detorting 16 13 DETORT, (obsolete) t...
detortion 14 11 (obsolete) the act o...
detouring 16 14 DETOUR, to take an i...
detracted 18 14 DETRACT, to take awa...
detractor 18 13 a belittler or dispa...
detrained 14 12 DETRAIN, to alight f...
detraquee 22 20 (French) a (female)...
detraques 23 20 DETRAQUE, (French) a...
detriment 16 14 diminution; damage [...
detrition 15 11 a wearing off or awa...
detruding 17 15 DETRUDE, to thrust o...
detrusion 15 12 the act of thrusting...
detrusors 16 11 DETRUSOR, a muscle i...
deuddarns 15 14 DEUDDARN, (Welsh) a...
deuterate 14 11 to add deuterium to;...
deuteride 15 12 a hydrogen compound...
deuterium 17 15 heavy hydrogen, an i...
deuterons 14 12 DEUTERON, the nucleu...
devalling 20 19 DEVALL, to sink, dec...
devaluate 17 16 to devalue, to reduc...
devaluing 19 19 DEVALUE, to lessen t...
devastate 16 14 to lay waste [v DEVA...
deveining 17 18 DEVEIN, to remove th...
develling 20 19 DEVEL, to hit hard w...
developed 19 19 DEVELOP, to bring to...
developer 19 18 one who develops [n...
developes 19 18 DEVELOPE, to bring t...
developpe 21 21 (French) a ballet po...
deverbals 20 18 DEVERBAL, a word der...
devesting 18 17 DEVEST, to strip or...
deviances 19 18 DEVIANCE, the behavi...
deviating 18 17 DEVIATE, to differ f...
deviation 16 15 the act of deviating...
deviative 19 18 tending to deviate [...
deviators 17 14 DEVIATOR, one who de...
deviatory 23 16 tending to deviate [...
deviceful 24 22 (Spenser) full of de...
devildoms 20 19 DEVILDOM, the domain...
devilfish 24 20 an octopus; also, a...
devilings 20 18 DEVILING, a young de...
devilisms 21 18 DEVILISM, the cult o...
devilkins 20 20 DEVILKIN, a little d...
devilling 21 19 DEVIL, to prepare fo...
devilment 19 19 deviltry [n -S]
devilries 19 15 DEVILRY, mischief, a...
devilship 24 20 the character or per...
devilwood 21 19 a kind of tree, alli...
deviously 25 18 DEVIOUS, indirect [a...
devisable 20 18 capable of being dev...
devitrify 27 19 to deprive of glassl...
devoicing 21 20 the act of not using...
devolving 21 22 DEVOLVE, to transfer...
devonport 18 18 a small ornamental w...
devotedly 24 18 DEVOTED [adv]
devotions 16 15 DEVOTION, the act of...
devourers 17 15 DEVOURER, one who de...
devouring 18 18 DEVOUR, to eat vorac...
devoutest 17 15 DEVOUT, pious [adj]
devvelled 21 21 DEVVEL, (Scots) to s...
dewannies 16 15 DEWANNY, the office...
dewatered 17 14 DEWATER, to remove w...
dewaterer 17 13 an agent for dewater...
dewclawed 25 21 having a vestigial t...
dewitting 20 16 DEWITT, to lynch [v]
dewlapped 23 21 having dewlaps, also...
dewooling 19 17 DEWOOL, to remove th...
dewormers 19 16 DEWORMER, an agent f...
deworming 20 19 DEWORM, to rid of wo...
dewpoints 20 17 DEWPOINT, the temper...
dexterity 28 19 adroitness [n DEXTER...
dexterous 21 18 skilful and active w...
dextrally 30 21 DEXTRAL, right, as o...
dextrines 21 18 DEXTRINE, a substanc...
dextrorse 21 17 rising spirally and...
dextroses 21 17 DEXTROSE, a form of...
dezincing 22 26 DEZINC, to remove zi...
dezincked 22 28 DEZINC, to remove zi...
dharmsala 19 16 (Hindi) a building h...
diabetics 21 16 DIABETIC, one who ha...
diablerie 18 14 (French) black magic...
diabolise 18 14 to convert into a de...
diabolism 20 17 devil-worship [n -S]
diabolist 19 14 one who practises di...
diabolize 21 23 to convert into a de...
diabology 25 18 the study of devils,...
diacetyls 26 16 DIACETYL, a chemical...
diachrony 26 18 the historical devel...
diachylon 27 19 formerly a plaster o...
diachylum 30 22 formerly a plaster o...
diacodion 17 15 (obsolete) a syrup o...
diacodium 20 18 (obsolete) a syrup o...
diaconate 16 14 the office of a deac...
diacritic 23 16 distinguishing [adj...
diactinal 19 15 having two rays, als...
diactines 18 14 DIACTINE, a sponge s...
diactinic 22 17 capable of transmitt...
diademing 17 17 DIADEM, to adorn wit...
diaereses 14 10 DIAERESIS, (Greek) t...
diaeresis 15 10 (Greek) the separati...
diaeretic 18 13 pertaining to diaere...
diaglyphs 29 20 DIAGLYPH, a figure c...
diagnosed 15 14 DIAGNOSE, to identif...
diagnoses 15 13 DIAGNOSE, to identif...
diagnosis 16 13 the identification o...
diagonals 16 14 DIAGONAL, an oblique...
diagramed 17 16 DIAGRAM, to illustra...
diagraphs 21 17 DIAGRAPH, an instrum...
dialectal 20 15 relating to a dialec...
dialectic 23 17 relating to discours...
diallages 18 14 DIALLAGE, a mineral,...
diallagic 22 17 relating to diallage...
diallings 19 15 DIALLING, the art of...
diallists 19 12 DIALLIST, a dialer,...
dialogers 17 13 DIALOGER, one who ma...
dialoging 18 16 DIALOG, to hold a co...
dialogise 17 13 to discourse in dial...
dialogism 19 16 deduction with one p...
dialogist 18 13 a speaker in a dialo...
dialogite 17 13 a native carbonate o...
dialogize 20 22 to discourse in dial...
dialogued 17 15 DIALOGUE, to hold a...
dialoguer 17 14 one who makes things...
dialogues 17 14 DIALOGUE, to hold a...
dialysate 22 13 the material subject...
dialysers 23 13 DIALYSER, an apparat...
dialysing 24 16 DIALYSE, to use a ki...
dialyzate 25 22 the material subject...
dialyzers 26 22 DIALYZER, an apparat...
dialyzing 27 25 DIALYZE, to use a ki...
diamagnet 16 16 a body having diamag...
diamantes 15 14 DIAMANTE, a sparklin...
diameters 16 13 DIAMETER, a straight...
diametral 17 14 pertaining to a diam...
diametric 20 16 pertaining to a diam...
diamonded 15 16 DIAMOND, to adorn wi...
diandries 15 12 DIANDRY, the state o...
diandrous 15 13 having two stamens [...
dianoetic 17 14 capable of or relati...
diapasons 16 14 DIAPASON, a loud, ha...
diapaused 17 15 DIAPAUSE, in insects...
diapauses 17 14 DIAPAUSE, in insects...
diapentes 16 14 DIAPENTE, in Greek m...
diapering 18 16 nappies collectively...
diaphones 18 16 DIAPHONE, a low-pitc...
diaphonic 22 19 relating to diaphony...
diaphragm 22 20 the muscular structu...
diaphyses 26 17 DIAPHYSIS, (Greek) t...
diaphysis 27 17 (Greek) the shaft of...
diapirism 20 16 the upward movement...
diapyeses 23 15 DIAPYESIS, release o...
diapyesis 24 15 release or discharge...
diapyetic 27 18 a substance causing...
diarchies 21 15 DIARCHY, government...
diarising 17 13 DIARISE, to keep a d...
diaristic 20 13 like a diarist, one...
diarizing 20 22 DIARIZE, to keep a d...
diarrheal 18 13 of or like diarrhoea...
diarrheas 17 12 DIARRHEA, a persiste...
diarrheic 21 15 of or like diarrhoea...
diarrhoea 16 12 a persistent purging...
diascopes 20 16 DIASCOPE, an optical...
diasporas 17 13 DIASPORA, an emigrat...
diaspores 17 13 DIASPORE, a hydrate...
diasporic 21 16 relating to a diaspo...
diastases 15 10 DIASTASE, a soluble,...
diastasic 19 13 of or like diastase,...
diastasis 16 10 the separation of tw...
diastatic 19 13 of or like diastase,...
diastemas 16 13 DIASTEMA, a space be...
diastoles 16 11 DIASTOLE, the normal...
diastolic 20 14 of or pertaining to...
diastyles 23 13 DIASTYLE, a colonnad...
diathermy 25 17 heating of internal...
diatheses 17 12 DIATHESIS, a constit...
diathesis 18 12 a constitutional pre...
diathetic 21 15 pertaining to a diat...
diatomist 17 13 a person who studies...
diatomite 16 13 a siliceous sediment...
diatremes 16 13 DIATREME, a volcanic...
diatretum 17 14 a kind of glass bowl...
diatribes 18 13 DIATRIBE, an abusive...
diatropic 21 16 relating to diatropi...
diazepams 21 25 DIAZEPAM, a tranquil...
diazeuxes 24 27 DIAZEUXIS, in Greek...
diazeuxis 25 27 in Greek music, the...
diazinons 17 21 DIAZINON, (tradename...
diazonium 19 24 a group of diazo com...
diazotise 18 19 to convert a compoun...
diazotize 21 28 to convert a compoun...
dibbukkim 25 28 DIBBUK, a wandering...
dibromide 19 17 a compound containin...
dicacious 22 17 talkative; pert; sau...
dicacodyl 29 20 an oily poisonous li...
dicastery 25 15 a court of justice;...
dicentras 18 14 DICENTRA, a plant wi...
dicentric 22 17 a chromosome having...
dichasial 22 16 relating to a dichas...
dichasium 23 19 a cymose inflorescen...
dichogamy 29 22 an arrangement for p...
dichondra 20 17 a genus of tropical...
dichoptic 27 21 having eyes distinct...
dichotomy 28 20 division into two us...
dichroism 23 18 the property of show...
dichroite 21 15 a strongly dichroic...
dichromat 22 18 a salt of chromic ac...
dichromic 26 21 able to see two colo...
dickenses 19 18 DICKENS, (colloquial...
dickerers 20 17 DICKERER, one who di...
dickering 21 20 DICKER, to haggle, t...
dickheads 22 20 DICKHEAD, a fool, al...
dicktiest 21 17 DICKTY, (US slang) p...
dickybird 30 23 a false shirtfront,...
diclinies 20 15 DICLINY, the state o...
diclinism 22 18 the state of having...
diclinous 20 16 having the stamens a...
dicrotism 21 16 a condition in which...
dicrotous 19 14 of or pertaining to...
dictating 20 16 DICTATE, to read alo...
dictation 18 14 the act, art or prac...
dictators 19 13 DICTATOR, one that d...
dictatory 25 15 dogmatical; overbear...
dictatrix 26 20 a female dictator, a...
dictature 19 14 the office of a dict...
dictional 19 15 relating to diction...
dictyogen 25 18 a monocotyledon with...
dicumarol 21 18 a crystalline compou...
dicyclies 30 19 DICYCLY, the state o...
didactics 23 17 the art or science o...
didactyls 27 17 DIDACTYL, a creature...
didappers 20 17 DIDAPPER, a small gr...
diddering 17 15 DIDDER, (dialect) to...
diddicoys 26 17 DIDDICOY, an itinera...
didelphic 25 20 having a double womb...
didelphid 22 18 any member of the ma...
didjeridu 19 22 a native Australian...
didrachma 22 19 (Greek) a two-drachm...
didrachms 23 19 DIDRACHM, a two-drac...
didymiums 26 20 DIDYMIUM, a mixture...
dieldrins 17 13 DIELDRIN, a persiste...
dielytras 23 13 DIELYTRA, a plant wi...
diemakers 17 17 DIEMAKER, one that m...
dieseling 17 14 the act of continuin...
dieselise 16 11 to equip e.g. a trai...
dieselize 19 20 to equip e.g. a trai...
diesinker 16 15 a person who engrave...
diestocks 20 17 DIESTOCK, a stock to...
diestrous 16 11 in a sexually inacti...
diestrums 18 14 DIESTRUM, a period o...
dietarian 14 11 one who lives in acc...
dietaries 15 10 DIETARY, a diet; a b...
dietarily 23 13 DIETARY, relating to...
dietetics 19 13 that part of the med...
dietician 18 14 an expert on diet, a...
dietitian 15 11 an expert on diet, a...
different 19 17 separate, unlike [ad...
differing 21 19 DIFFER, to be unlike...
difficile 25 20 (French) difficult [...
difficult 26 21 not easy, hard to do...
diffident 20 18 hesitant in acting o...
diffluent 21 19 readily flowing away...
diffracts 24 19 DIFFRACT, to separat...
diffusely 28 20 DIFFUSE, spread wide...
diffusers 21 17 DIFFUSER, one that d...
diffusing 22 20 DIFFUSE, to spread w...
diffusion 20 18 the spread of ideas,...
diffusive 23 21 having the quality o...
diffusors 21 17 DIFFUSOR, one that d...
digamists 19 15 DIGAMIST, one who ma...
digastric 21 15 fleshy at each end [...
digeneses 15 13 DIGENESIS, the abili...
digenesis 16 13 the ability to alter...
digenetic 19 16 of or relating to a...
digestant 16 13 serving to digest, a...
digesters 17 12 DIGESTER, an apparat...
digestifs 20 15 DIGESTIF, an alcohol...
digesting 18 15 DIGEST, to assimilat...
digestion 16 13 the act of digesting...
digestive 19 16 related to digestion...
digestors 17 12 DIGESTOR, an apparat...
digipacks 24 22 DIGIPACK, a storage...
digitalin 18 14 a drug extracted fro...
digitalis 19 13 any plant of the fox...
digitally 26 16 DIGITAL, relating to...
digitated 17 13 of a leaf, divided i...
digitised 18 13 DIGITISE, to put int...
digitiser 18 12 a device that conver...
digitises 18 12 DIGITISE, to put int...
digitized 21 22 DIGITIZE, to put int...
digitizer 21 21 a device that conver...
digitizes 21 21 DIGITIZE, to put int...
digitonin 16 14 a steroid saponin oc...
digitoxin 23 20 a poisonous glycosid...
digitrons 17 13 DIGITRON, a type of...
digitules 19 14 DIGITULE, any small...
diglossia 18 13 the coexistence of a...
diglossic 22 16 relating to diglossi...
diglottic 22 16 relating to a diglot...
dignified 19 17 DIGNIFY, to add dign...
dignifies 19 16 DIGNIFY, to add dign...
dignitary 23 15 someone in a high po...
dignities 17 13 DIGNITY, the state o...
digraphic 25 20 of or pertaining to...
digressed 17 13 DIGRESS, to stray fr...
digresser 17 12 one who digresses [n...
digresses 17 12 DIGRESS, to stray fr...
dihedrals 19 14 DIHEDRAL, the angle...
dihedrons 17 14 DIHEDRON, a flattene...
dihybrids 28 18 DIHYBRID, the child...
diketones 15 15 DIKETONE, a compound...
dilatable 19 15 capable of being dil...
dilatably 26 17 DILATABLE, capable o...
dilatancy 25 17 the property of incr...
dilatants 16 12 DILATANT, something...
dilatator 16 11 a muscle which dilat...
dilations 16 12 DILATION, the act of...
diligence 20 17 a French or continen...
dillweeds 21 16 DILLWEED, the leaves...
dilscoops 22 17 DILSCOOP, in cricket...
diltiazem 21 23 a drug used to treat...
dilutable 20 16 that can be diluted...
dilutions 17 13 DILUTION, the act of...
diluvions 19 17 DILUVION, a deposit...
diluviums 22 20 DILUVIUM, (Latin) a...
dimension 15 15 to give the length,...
dimerised 17 14 DIMERISE, to make in...
dimerises 17 13 DIMERISE, to make in...
dimerisms 19 16 DIMERISM, the state...
dimerized 20 23 DIMERIZE, to make in...
dimerizes 20 22 DIMERIZE, to make in...
dimethyls 27 18 DIMETHYL, ethane [n]
dimidiate 17 14 to divide (a heraldi...
dimissory 24 15 giving leave to depa...
dimnesses 16 14 DIMNESS, the state o...
dimorphic 25 21 of a species, where...
dimpliest 21 17 DIMPLY, dimpled [adj...
dimwitted 21 17 stupid [adj]
dimyarian 22 16 having two adductor...
dingdongs 17 17 DINGDONG, to have a...
dinginess 16 14 the state of being d...
dinkliest 18 16 DINKLY, neat, tidy [...
dinnering 15 15 DINNER, to dine [v]
dinoceras 17 14 a uintathere, an ani...
dinomania 14 15 public interest in d...
dinosaurs 15 12 DINOSAUR, any of a g...
dinothere 16 13 an extinct elephanti...
diobolons 17 15 DIOBOLON, an ancient...
diocesans 17 14 DIOCESAN, the bishop...
dioecious 18 14 having male and fema...
dioecisms 20 16 DIOECISM, the condit...
dioestrus 16 11 a period of sexual i...
diolefins 18 15 DIOLEFIN, a compound...
dionysiac 24 16 orgiastic, also DION...
dionysian 20 14 orgiastic, also DION...
diopsides 18 14 DIOPSIDE, a mineral,...
diopsidic 22 17 relating to diopside...
dioptases 17 13 DIOPTASE, a mineral,...
dioptrate 17 13 of insects, having t...
dioptrics 22 16 the study of light r...
dioristic 20 13 serving to distingui...
diosgenin 15 14 a crystalline substa...
dipchicks 29 25 DIPCHICK, the little...
dipeptide 20 17 a peptide formed by...
diphenyls 27 19 DIPHENYL, a hydrocar...
diphthong 23 20 a union of two vowel...
diphysite 27 17 a believer in the ex...
diplegias 20 16 DIPLEGIA, paralysis...
diplexers 25 21 DIPLEXER, a device w...
diplogens 19 17 DIPLOGEN, an alterna...
diploidic 23 18 relating to diploidy...
diplomacy 29 22 the art of negotiati...
diplomaed 19 18 DIPLOMA, to confer a...
diplomata 19 17 DIPLOMA, a document...
diplomate 19 17 someone who holds a...
diplomats 20 17 DIPLOMAT [v]
diplonema 18 18 a less common name f...
diplontic 22 18 relating to a diplon...
diplopias 21 17 DIPLOPIA, a disorder...
diplopods 21 18 DIPLOPOD, any myriap...
diplotene 17 15 the fourth stage of...
diplozoic 25 26 of animals, bilatera...
diplozoon 20 24 a parasitic flatworm...
dipnetted 17 15 DIPNET, to scoop fis...
dipperful 24 21 the contents of a di...
dippiness 20 17 the state of being d...
dipsticks 24 20 DIPSTICK, a measurin...
dipswitch 28 21 a switch for dipping...
dipterans 17 14 DIPTERAN, an insect...
dipterist 19 13 a person who studies...
dipterons 17 14 DIPTERON, a two-wing...
dipterous 18 14 having two wings, as...
directest 19 13 DIRECT, straightforw...
directing 20 16 DIRECT, to control o...
direction 18 14 aim at a certain poi...
directive 21 17 a general instructio...
directors 19 13 DIRECTOR, one that d...
directory 25 15 a body of directions...
directrix 26 20 a female director, a...
direfully 27 18 DIREFUL, dreadful [a...
dirempted 19 17 DIREMPT, to separate...
dirgelike 19 17 in the manner of a d...
dirigible 21 16 that can be directed...
dirigisme 19 15 (French) state contr...
dirigisms 20 15 DIRIGISM, state cont...
dirigiste 18 12 (French) relating to...
dirtballs 21 15 DIRTBALL, a dirty or...
dirtiness 16 11 the state of being d...
disablers 19 14 DISABLER, one who di...
disabling 20 17 DISABLE, to render i...
disablism 21 17 discrimination again...
disablist 20 14 one who discriminate...
disabusal 19 15 the act of disabusin...
disabused 18 15 DISABUSE, to free fr...
disabuses 18 14 DISABUSE, to free fr...
disaccord 22 17 to refuse to assent...
disadorns 15 12 DISADORN, to deprive...
disaffect 23 19 to take away the aff...
disaffirm 22 19 to assert the contra...
disagreed 16 13 DISAGREE, to differ...
disagrees 16 12 DISAGREE, to differ...
disallied 18 13 DISALLY, to break an...
disallies 18 12 DISALLY, to break an...
disallows 21 15 DISALLOW, to refuse...
disanchor 20 16 to raise the anchor,...
disannuls 16 14 DISANNUL, to annul c...
disanoint 14 12 to undo the anointin...
disappear 19 16 to vanish from sight...
disarmers 17 13 DISARMER, one that d...
disarming 18 16 DISARM, to deprive o...
disarrays 22 12 DISARRAY, to throw i...
disasters 16 10 DISASTER, a calamity...
disattire 16 10 (Spenser) to unrobe;...
disattune 15 12 to put out of harmon...
disavouch 23 20 (obsolete) to disavo...
disavowal 21 18 the act of disavowin...
disavowed 20 18 DISAVOW, to disclaim...
disavower 20 17 one who disavows [n...
disbanded 17 16 DISBAND, to break up...
disbarked 19 18 DISBARK, to strip of...
disbarred 18 14 DISBAR, to expel fro...
disbelief 21 17 lack of belief [n -S...
disbodied 18 15 disembodied [adj]
disbosoms 19 16 DISBOSOM, to make kn...
disbowels 22 17 DISBOWEL, to remove...
disbranch 23 19 to divest of a branc...
disbudded 19 17 DISBUD, to remove bu...
disburden 18 16 to rid of a burden,...
disbursal 20 15 the act of disbursin...
disbursed 19 15 DISBURSE, to pay out...
disburser 19 14 one who disburses [n...
disburses 19 14 DISBURSE, to pay out...
discaging 21 18 DISCAGE, to free fro...
discalced 23 18 unshod; barefoot as...
discandie 18 15 (Shakespeare) to dis...
discanted 18 15 DISCANT, to sing, al...
discanter 18 14 one who sings the di...
discarded 19 15 DISCARD, to throw aw...
discarder 19 14 one who discards [n...
discasing 20 16 DISCASE, to remove t...
discepted 21 17 DISCEPT, to dispute,...
discerned 18 15 DISCERN, to perceive...
discerner 18 14 one who discerns [n...
discerped 21 17 DISCERP, to separate...
discharge 22 17 to free from or reli...
dischurch 28 21 (obsolete) to depriv...
disciding 21 17 DISCIDE, to cut asun...
disciform 23 19 round or oval in sha...
discipled 23 18 DISCIPLE, to cause t...
disciples 23 17 DISCIPLE, to cause t...
disclaims 22 17 DISCLAIM, to renounc...
disclimax 28 24 a relatively stable...
disclosed 20 15 DISCLOSE, to reveal...
discloser 20 14 one who discloses [n...
discloses 20 14 DISCLOSE, to reveal...
discoboli 22 17 DISCOBOLUS, (histori...
discoidal 20 15 disk-shaped [adj]
discology 27 18 the study of gramoph...
discolors 20 14 DISCOLOR, to alter t...
discolour 20 15 to alter the natural...
discomfit 23 19 to disconcert or bal...
discommon 20 20 to deprive of the ri...
discorded 19 15 DISCORD, to disagree...
discounts 19 15 DISCOUNT, to reduce...
discoured 19 15 DISCOURE, to find ou...
discoures 19 14 DISCOURE, to find ou...
discourse 19 14 to talk or converse...
discovers 21 17 DISCOVER, to find ou...
discovert 21 17 of a woman, without...
discovery 27 19 the act of finding o...
discredit 20 14 to refuse to believe...
discreter 19 13 DISCRETE, separate,...
discrowns 22 17 DISCROWN, to deprive...
discumber 23 20 (archaic) to free of...
discuring 21 17 DISCURE, to find out...
discursus 21 15 (Latin) argumentatio...
discussed 20 15 DISCUSS, to talk ove...
discusser 20 14 one who discusses [n...
discusses 20 14 DISCUSS, to talk ove...
disdained 15 13 DISDAIN, to scorn, l...
diseasing 16 13 DISEASE, to make unh...
disedging 18 16 DISEDGE, (Shakespear...
disembark 20 20 to leave a ship, to...
disembody 25 19 to remove or free (a...
disemploy 26 19 to throw out of empl...
disenable 17 15 to disable; to disqu...
disendows 18 15 DISENDOW, to deprive...
disengage 16 15 to separate or free...
disenrols 16 12 DISENROL, to remove...
disentail 16 12 to free from entailm...
disentomb 18 17 to take out from a t...
disesteem 16 13 to hold of low value...
disfaming 20 19 DISFAME, to throw in...
disfavors 20 17 DISFAVOR, to regard...
disfavour 20 18 want of favorable re...
disfigure 20 16 to spoil the appeara...
disfluent 19 16 not fluent [adj]
disforest 18 13 to clear of forest,...
disformed 19 17 DISFORM, to alter th...
disfrocks 23 20 DISFROCK, to deprive...
disgavels 20 17 DISGAVEL, to release...
disgested 17 13 DISGEST, to assimila...
disgodded 17 15 deprived of divinity...
disgorged 18 15 DISGORGE, to vomit [...
disgorger 18 14 one who disgorges [n...
disgorges 18 14 DISGORGE, to vomit [...
disgowned 19 17 DISGOWN, to strip of...
disgraced 20 16 DISGRACE, to bring s...
disgracer 20 15 one who disgraces [n...
disgraces 20 15 DISGRACE, to bring s...
disgraded 17 14 DISGRADE, to strip o...
disgrades 17 13 DISGRADE, to strip o...
disguised 18 14 DISGUISE, to conceal...
disguiser 18 13 one who disguises [n...
disguises 18 13 DISGUISE, to conceal...
disgusted 18 14 DISGUST, to cause lo...
dishabits 21 15 DISHABIT, (Shakespea...
dishabled 21 17 DISHABLE, to render...
dishables 21 16 DISHABLE, to render...
dishallow 23 17 to make unholy; to p...
dishcloth 25 18 a cloth used for was...
dishclout 23 17 a dishcloth [n -S]
dishdasha 20 15 (Arabic) a long-slee...
dishelmed 20 17 DISHELM, to deprive...
disherits 19 12 DISHERIT, to deprive...
dishevels 21 17 DISHEVEL, to make th...
dishoards 18 13 DISHOARD, to put pre...
dishoming 20 18 DISHOME, to deprive...
dishonest 17 13 not honest [adj DISH...
dishonors 17 13 DISHONOR, (US) to de...
dishonour 17 14 to deprive of honour...
dishorned 17 14 DISHORN, to deprive...
dishorsed 18 13 DISHORSE, to make so...
dishorses 18 12 DISHORSE, to make so...
dishoused 18 14 DISHOUSE, to deprive...
dishouses 18 13 DISHOUSE, to deprive...
dishtowel 22 16 a wiping up cloth [n...
dishumour 20 17 (obsolete) to put ou...
dishwares 21 15 DISHWARE, tableware...
dishwater 21 15 water used for washi...
disillude 19 14 to free from illusio...
disimmure 19 17 to liberate; to rele...
disinfect 21 17 to rid of disease-ca...
disinfest 18 14 to remove infestatio...
disinform 19 17 to inform incorrectl...
disinhume 19 17 to disinter [v DISIN...
disinters 16 11 DISINTER, to exhume...
disinured 16 13 DISINURE, to render...
disinures 16 12 DISINURE, to render...
disinvent 17 16 to undo the inventio...
disinvest 18 15 to reduce or elimina...
disinvite 18 15 to withdraw an invit...
disjaskit 20 23 (Scots) tired out, a...
disjected 21 23 DISJECT, to dismembe...
disjoined 17 21 DISJOIN, to separate...
disjoints 18 20 DISJOINT, to put out...
disjuncts 22 24 DISJUNCT, an alterna...
disjuning 19 24 DISJUNE, to take bre...
diskettes 17 14 DISKETTE, a small fl...
disleafed 18 15 DISLEAF, to deprive...
disleaved 18 16 DISLEAVE, to deprive...
disleaves 18 15 DISLEAVE, to deprive...
dislikens 18 16 DISLIKEN, (Shakespea...
dislikers 19 15 DISLIKER, one who di...
disliking 20 18 DISLIKE, to regard w...
dislimbed 21 18 DISLIMB, to tear lim...
dislimned 18 16 DISLIMN, (Shakespear...
dislinked 18 17 DISLINK, to unlink,...
disloaded 16 13 DISLOAD, to unload,...
dislocate 19 14 to put out of joint...
dislodged 18 15 DISLODGE, to remove...
dislodges 18 14 DISLODGE, to remove...
disloigns 18 14 DISLOIGN, (Spenser)...
dislustre 18 12 (archaic) to deprive...
dismalest 18 14 DISMAL, sad, gloomy...
dismality 25 16 the state of being d...
dismaller 19 15 DISMAL, sad, gloomy...
dismanned 15 16 DISMAN, to deprive o...
dismantle 17 15 to take to pieces [v...
dismasked 18 18 DISMASK, to divest o...
dismasted 17 14 DISMAST, to remove t...
dismayful 27 20 terrifying [adj DISM...
dismaying 24 18 DISMAY, to appall or...
dismayled 24 17 DISMAYL, (Spenser) t...
dismember 20 19 to cut or tear a bod...
dismissal 19 14 the act of dismissin...
dismissed 18 14 DISMISS, to send awa...
dismisses 18 13 DISMISS, to send awa...
dismounts 17 15 DISMOUNT, to get dow...
disnature 15 12 to cause to be in an...
disnested 15 12 DISNEST, to dislodge...
disobeyed 23 16 DISOBEY, to refuse t...
disobeyer 23 15 one who disobeys [n...
disoblige 20 16 to slight, inconveni...
disorders 16 11 DISORDER, to disarra...
disorient 15 11 to confuse as to dir...
disowners 18 14 DISOWNER, one who di...
disowning 19 17 DISOWN, to deny the...
dispacing 22 19 DISPACE, to range ab...
disparage 18 15 to belittle; to matc...
disparate 17 13 unequal, essentially...
disparity 25 15 inequality [n DISPAR...
disparked 19 18 DISPARK, (archaic) t...
disparted 18 14 DISPART, (archaic) t...
dispauper 20 17 to deprive of the cl...
dispeaces 20 16 DISPEACE, lack of pe...
dispelled 20 16 DISPEL, to drive awa...
dispeller 20 15 one who dispels [n -...
dispenced 20 18 DISPENCE, (Spenser)...
dispences 20 17 DISPENCE, (Spenser)...
dispended 17 16 DISPEND, (obsolete)...
dispensed 17 15 DISPENSE, to distrib...
dispenser 17 14 one who dispenses [n...
dispenses 17 14 DISPENSE, to distrib...
dispeople 20 17 to depopulate [v DIS...
dispersal 19 14 dispersion, distribu...
dispersed 18 14 DISPERSE, to scatter...
disperser 18 13 one who disperses [n...
disperses 18 13 DISPERSE, to scatter...
dispirits 20 13 DISPIRIT, to lower i...
displaced 22 18 DISPLACE, to put in...
displacer 22 17 one who displaces [n...
displaces 22 17 DISPLACE, to put in...
displants 19 15 DISPLANT, to uproot;...
displayed 25 17 DISPLAY, to put on s...
displayer 25 16 one who displays [n...
displease 18 14 to offend, to annoy...
disploded 19 16 DISPLODE, (Milton) t...
displodes 19 15 DISPLODE, (Milton) t...
displumed 21 19 DISPLUME, to deprive...
displumes 21 18 DISPLUME, to deprive...
dispondee 16 15 a double spondee; a...
disponees 16 14 DISPONEE, the person...
disponers 17 14 DISPONER, one who le...
disponged 18 17 DISPONGE, to sprinkl...
disponges 18 16 DISPONGE, to sprinkl...
disponing 18 17 DISPONE, to make a l...
disported 18 14 DISPORT, to amuse on...
disposals 19 14 DISPOSAL, the act of...
disposers 18 13 DISPOSER, one who di...
disposing 19 16 DISPOSE, to arrange...
disposted 18 14 DISPOST, to displace...
disposure 18 14 disposal, dispositio...
dispraise 18 13 to censure [v DISPRA...
dispreads 18 14 DISPREAD, to spread...
disprison 18 14 to let loose from pr...
disprized 22 23 DISPRIZE, to depreci...
disprizes 22 22 DISPRIZE, to depreci...
disprofit 21 16 (archaic) to cause t...
disproofs 20 16 DISPROOF, the act of...
disproove 19 17 (Spenser) to disappr...
disproval 21 18 the act of disprovin...
disproved 20 18 DISPROVE, to refute...
disproven 19 18 DISPROVE, to refute...
disprover 20 17 one who disproves [n...
disproves 20 17 DISPROVE, to refute...
dispunged 19 18 DISPUNGE, (Shakespea...
dispunges 19 17 DISPUNGE, (Shakespea...
dispursed 19 15 DISPURSE, (Shakespea...
dispurses 19 14 DISPURSE, (Shakespea...
dispurvey 27 20 (archaic) to deprive...
disputant 18 15 one who disputes [n...
disputers 19 14 DISPUTER, one who di...
disputing 20 17 DISPUTE, to argue ab...
disquiets 25 20 DISQUIET, to deprive...
disranked 16 16 DISRANK, to reduce r...
disrating 17 13 DISRATE, to lower in...
disregard 17 13 to pay no attention...
disrelish 20 13 to dislike, not reli...
disrepair 18 13 a worn-out or dilapi...
disrepute 18 14 bad repute, discredi...
disrobers 18 13 DISROBER, one who, o...
disrobing 19 16 DISROBE, to undress...
disrooted 15 11 DISROOT, to tear up...
disrupted 19 15 DISRUPT, to throw in...
disrupter 19 14 one who disrupts, al...
disruptor 19 14 one who disrupts, al...
dissavers 18 14 DISSAVER, one who di...
dissaving 19 17 the spending of savi...
disseated 15 11 DISSEAT, to unseat,...
dissected 19 14 DISSECT, to cut apar...
dissector 19 13 one who dissects [n...
disseised 16 11 DISSEISE, to deprive...
disseisee 15 10 one who is disseised...
disseises 16 10 DISSEISE, to deprive...
disseisin 16 11 the act of disseizin...
disseisor 16 10 one who deprives ano...
disseized 19 20 DISSEIZE, to deprive...
disseizee 18 19 one who is disseized...
disseizes 19 19 DISSEIZE, to deprive...
disseizin 19 20 the act of disseizin...
disseizor 19 19 one who deprives ano...
dissemble 20 17 to hide true feeling...
dissembly 27 19 the breaking up of a...
dissensus 16 12 (Latin) a difference...
dissented 15 12 DISSENT, to disagree...
dissenter 15 11 one who dissents [n...
disserted 16 11 DISSERT, to discuss...
disserved 18 15 DISSERVE, to treat b...
disserves 18 14 DISSERVE, to treat b...
dissevers 18 14 DISSEVER, to sever,...
disshiver 21 16 (Spenser) to shiver...
dissident 16 12 dissenting [adj DISS...
dissights 21 14 DISSIGHT, (archaic)...
dissimile 19 14 a comparison or illu...
dissipate 18 13 to scatter or disper...
dissocial 20 14 (archaic) not social...
dissolute 17 12 of loose morals; deb...
dissolved 19 16 DISSOLVE, to make in...
dissolver 19 15 something that disso...
dissolves 19 15 DISSOLVE, to make in...
dissonant 14 12 discordant, inharmon...
dissuaded 16 13 DISSUADE, to persuad...
dissuader 16 12 one who dissuades [n...
dissuades 16 12 DISSUADE, to persuad...
dissunder 16 13 (archaic) to sunder...
distained 15 12 DISTAIN, (archaic) t...
distanced 18 15 DISTANCE, to move fa...
distances 18 14 DISTANCE, to move fa...
distantly 23 14 DISTANT, far off or...
distasted 16 11 DISTASTE, (archaic)...
distastes 16 10 DISTASTE, (archaic)...
distemper 19 16 a kind of paint [n -...
distended 15 13 DISTEND, to swell [v...
distender 15 12 one who distends [n...
disthenes 17 13 DISTHENE, a mineral,...
disthrone 17 13 to remove from a thr...
distichal 23 16 in or having two row...
distilled 19 13 DISTILL, to extract...
distiller 19 12 one who distils [n -...
distingue 17 14 (French) (of a male)...
distorted 16 11 DISTORT, to twist or...
distorter 16 10 one who distorts [n...
distracts 20 13 DISTRACT, to divert...
distrails 18 11 DISTRAIL, an aircraf...
distrains 16 11 DISTRAIN, to seize a...
distraint 16 11 seizure of goods [n...
distraite 16 10 distracted in mind;...
districts 21 13 DISTRICT, to divide...
distrixes 23 17 DISTRIX, the splitti...
distrusts 18 11 DISTRUST, to have no...
distuning 17 15 DISTUNE, to put out...
disturbed 19 15 DISTURB, to interrup...
disturber 19 14 something that distu...
disulfate 19 15 a compound containin...
disulfide 20 16 a sulphide containin...
disulfids 21 16 DISULFID, a sulphide...
disunions 15 13 DISUNION, the state...
disunited 16 13 DISUNITE, to separat...
disuniter 16 12 one who disunites [n...
disunites 16 12 DISUNITE, to separat...
disusages 17 13 DISUSAGE, gradual ce...
disvalued 19 17 DISVALUE, to dispara...
disvalues 19 16 DISVALUE, to dispara...
disyoking 24 19 DISYOKE, to free fro...
ditchless 23 16 without a ditch [adj...
dithecous 21 16 having two spore-cas...
ditheisms 20 15 DITHEISM, belief in...
ditheists 19 12 DITHEIST, one who ho...
dithelete 18 13 a believer in dithel...
dithelism 21 16 the doctrine that Ch...
ditherers 18 12 DITHERER, one who di...
ditherier 18 12 DITHERY, nervously e...
dithering 19 15 DITHER, to act indec...
dithionic 21 16 as in dithionic acid...
dithyramb 28 20 a hymn or poem to ho...
ditrochee 20 15 a double trochee; a...
ditsiness 16 11 the state of being d...
dittander 15 12 a pungent cruciferou...
dittanies 15 11 DITTANY, a plant of...
dittology 24 15 a twofold reading or...
ditziness 19 20 the state of being d...
diuretics 20 14 DIURETIC, a medicine...
diurnally 24 16 DIURNAL, recurring e...
diuturnal 17 14 of long continuance;...
divagated 18 17 DIVAGATE, to wander...
divagates 18 16 DIVAGATE, to wander...
divalence 20 19 the state of being d...
divalency 27 21 the state of being d...
divalents 18 16 DIVALENT, a pair of...
divebombs 23 23 DIVEBOMB, to drop bo...
divellent 19 17 drawing apart; pulli...
divergent 18 17 diverging [adj DIVER...
diverging 20 19 DIVERGE, to move in...
diversely 25 17 DIVERSE, varied [adv...
diversify 27 19 to give variety to [...
diversing 19 17 DIVERSE, to turn asi...
diversion 17 15 the act of diverting...
diversity 25 16 variety [n DIVERSITI...
diverters 18 14 DIVERTER, one who di...
diverting 19 17 DIVERT, to turn asid...
divertive 20 18 tending to divert [a...
divesting 19 17 DIVEST, to strip or...
divesture 18 15 the act of divesting...
dividable 21 19 that can be divided,...
dividedly 26 19 DIVIDED [adv]
dividends 18 17 DIVIDEND, a portion...
dividings 20 18 DIVIDING, separation...
dividivis 22 19 DIVIDIVI, the curved...
dividuous 19 17 divided; special [ad...
divinable 20 19 that can be divined...
divinator 17 15 (archaic) one who pr...
divinised 18 16 DIVINISE, to treat a...
divinises 18 15 DIVINISE, to treat a...
divinized 21 25 DIVINIZE, to treat a...
divinizes 21 24 DIVINIZE, to treat a...
divisible 22 18 that can be divided,...
divisibly 29 20 DIVISIBLE, that can...
divisions 18 15 DIVISION, the act of...
divorcees 20 17 DIVORCEE, a divorced...
divorcers 21 17 DIVORCER, one who di...
divorcing 22 20 DIVORCE, to terminat...
divorcive 23 21 having power to divo...
divulgate 20 18 (archaic) to publish...
divulgers 21 18 DIVULGER, one who di...
divulging 22 21 DIVULGE, to reveal [...
divulsing 21 19 DIVULSE, to tear awa...
divulsion 19 17 the act of pulling o...
divulsive 22 20 tending to pull asun...
dizenment 18 24 the state of being d...
dizygotic 30 26 developed from two z...
dizziness 22 29 the state of being d...
djellabah 23 26 (Arabic) a cloak wit...
djellabas 21 24 DJELLABA, a Middle E...
dobchicks 28 25 DOBCHICK, the little...
dobhashes 21 17 DOBHASH, (Hindi) an...
dobsonfly 26 20 the larva of a large...
docketing 20 20 DOCKET, to provide w...
dockhands 21 21 DOCKHAND, one who wo...
dockising 21 20 DOCKISE, to convert...
dockizing 24 29 DOCKIZE, to convert...
docklands 20 20 DOCKLAND, the part o...
docksides 20 18 DOCKSIDE, the area a...
dockyards 26 20 DOCKYARD, a shipyard...
docqueted 26 24 DOCQUET, to make a s...
doctorand 17 15 a candidate for a do...
doctorate 17 13 the academic degree...
doctoress 18 13 a female doctor, als...
doctorial 19 14 of or pertaining to...
doctoring 19 16 the act of falsifyin...
doctrinal 19 15 of or relating to do...
doctrines 18 14 DOCTRINE, a belief t...
docudrama 19 18 a play or film repre...
documents 19 18 DOCUMENT, to support...
docusoaps 20 17 DOCUSOAP, a televisi...
dodderers 15 12 DODDERER, one who do...
dodderier 15 12 DODDERY, unsteady wi...
doddering 16 15 DODDER, to walk unst...
doddipoll 20 17 (obsolete) a blockhe...
doddypoll 26 19 (obsolete) a blockhe...
dodecagon 17 17 a plane figure with...
dodgeball 20 18 a ball game [n -S]
dodgeries 16 13 DODGERY, evasion, tr...
dodginess 16 14 the state of being d...
dogaressa 15 12 (Italian) a doge's w...
dogearing 16 15 DOGEAR, to turn down...
dogeships 21 17 DOGESHIP, the office...
dogfights 23 19 DOGFIGHT, to engage...
dogfishes 21 17 DOGFISH, a kind of s...
dogfought 22 20 DOGFIGHT, to engage...
doggedest 17 15 DOGGED, stubbornly d...
doggerels 18 15 DOGGEREL, poor quali...
doggeries 17 14 DOGGERY, surly behav...
doggerman 17 18 a sailor belonging t...
doggermen 17 18 DOGGERMAN, a sailor...
doggesses 17 14 DOGGESS, (facetious)...
dogginess 17 15 being like a dog [n...
doggishly 28 19 DOGGISH, like a dog;...
doggonest 16 15 DOGGONE, damned, cur...
doggoning 17 18 DOGGONE, to damn [v]
doghanged 18 18 shamefaced [adj]
doghouses 18 15 DOGHOUSE, a shelter...
doglegged 19 18 DOGLEG, to move alon...
dogmatics 21 18 the science which tr...
dogmatise 17 15 to assert positively...
dogmatism 19 18 the manner or charac...
dogmatist 18 15 one who dogmatizes [...
dogmatize 20 24 to assert positively...
dogmatory 23 17 relating to dogma, a...
dognapers 17 16 DOGNAPER, one who do...
dognaping 18 19 the abduction of a d...
dognapped 19 20 DOGNAP, to steal a d...
dognapper 19 19 one who dognaps, abd...
dogrobber 20 18 an army cook [n -S]
dogshores 18 14 shores used to hold...
dogsleeps 19 16 DOGSLEEP, a light sl...
dogstails 18 13 DOGSTAIL, a grass wi...
dolabrate 17 14 shaped like the head...
dolcettos 19 14 DOLCETTO, (Italian)...
dolefully 27 19 DOLEFUL, sad, full o...
dolerites 16 11 DOLERITE, a type of...
doleritic 20 14 of or like dolerite...
dolichuri 23 17 DOLICHURUS, (Latin)...
dollarise 17 12 to replace a country...
dollarize 20 21 to replace a country...
dollhoods 19 15 DOLLHOOD, the state...
dollhouse 19 15 a house for dolls [n...
dolliness 17 13 the state of being a...
dollishly 28 17 DOLLISH, like a doll...
dolloping 20 18 DOLLOP, to dispense...
dollybird 27 18 an attractive young...
dolomites 17 14 DOLOMITE, a mineral,...
dolomitic 21 17 pertaining to dolomi...
dolorific 22 17 bearing grief or pai...
dolostone 14 12 a rock composed of d...
dolphinet 20 17 (Spenser) a female d...
doltishly 27 16 DOLTISH, like a dolt...
domesdays 22 16 DOMESDAY, a day of j...
domestics 20 16 DOMESTIC, a househol...
domically 28 20 DOMICAL, shaped like...
domiciled 21 18 DOMICIL, to establis...
domiciles 21 17 DOMICILE, to establi...
dominance 17 18 the state of being d...
dominancy 24 20 the state of being d...
dominants 15 15 DOMINANT, a controll...
dominated 15 15 DOMINATE, to control...
dominates 15 14 DOMINATE, to control...
dominator 15 14 a ruler or ruling po...
domineers 15 14 DOMINEER, to be over...
dominical 20 18 indicating, or perta...
dominicks 21 21 DOMINICK, one of an...
dominions 15 15 DOMINION, supreme au...
dominique 24 24 (French) one of an A...
dominiums 18 18 DOMINIUM, the right...
donations 13 12 DONATION, something...
donatisms 16 14 DONATISM, the tenets...
donatives 16 15 DONATIVE, a benefice...
dondering 15 15 DONDER, (Afrikaans)...
donepezil 20 24 a drug used in the t...
donnicker 18 19 an outside lavatory,...
donnikers 15 16 DONNIKER, an outside...
donnishly 24 17 DONNISH, scholarly [...
donorship 19 16 the state of being a...
donutting 16 15 DONUT, to surround a...
doodlebug 19 18 the larva of an antl...
doohickey 27 21 a doodad, a thingy [...
doomfully 27 21 DOOMFUL, (Spenser) d...
doomsayer 21 15 one who prophesies d...
doomsdays 22 16 DOOMSDAY, a day of j...
doomsters 16 13 DOOMSTER, (Scots) fo...
doomwatch 24 21 to keep an eye on th...
doorbells 19 15 DOORBELL, a bell at...
doorcases 17 13 DOORCASE, the frame...
doorframe 17 16 the frame of a door...
doorjambs 20 25 DOORJAMB, one of the...
doorknobs 17 18 DOORKNOB, a handle f...
doorknock 19 22 a fundraising appeal...
doornails 15 12 DOORNAIL, a large-he...
doornboom 16 17 a South African acac...
doorplate 17 14 a plate on a door wi...
doorposts 17 13 DOORPOST, one of the...
doorsills 18 12 DOORSILL, the sill o...
doorsteps 17 13 DOORSTEP, to canvass...
doorstone 13 11 the stone forming a...
doorstops 17 13 DOORSTOP, an object...
doorwoman 17 17 a female doorman [n...
doorwomen 17 17 DOORWOMAN, a female...
dooryards 21 13 DOORYARD, a yard in...
dopamines 17 17 DOPAMINE, a chemical...
dopeheads 18 16 DOPEHEAD, a drug add...
dopesheet 18 15 a document giving in...
dopesters 17 13 DOPESTER, one who pr...
dopeyness 22 16 the state of being d...
dorbeetle 17 14 a dung-beetle [n -S]
doridoids 16 12 DORIDOID, a shell-le...
dorkiness 16 15 the state of being d...
dormition 16 14 the act of sleeping;...
dormitive 19 17 a soporific, such as...
dormitory 23 15 a sleeping room, or...
doronicum 19 18 a flower, leopard's-...
dorsiflex 25 21 to bend towards the...
dortiness 15 11 the state of being d...
dosemeter 15 13 an instrument for me...
dosimeter 16 13 an instrument for me...
dosimetry 23 15 the measurement of d...
dosiology 23 15 the branch of medici...
dosserets 15 10 DOSSERET, a block re...
dosshouse 17 13 a very cheap lodging...
dotations 14 11 DOTATION, an endowme...
dotcommer 20 19 a person who carries...
dotterels 16 11 DOTTEREL, a shore bi...
dottiness 15 11 the state of being d...
douaniers 14 12 DOUANIER, (French) a...
doubleton 17 16 two cards that are t...
doublings 20 18 DOUBLING, the act of...
doubloons 17 16 DOUBLOON, an obsolet...
doublures 19 16 DOUBLURE, (French) a...
doubtable 20 18 capable of being dou...
doubtably 27 20 DOUBTABLE, capable o...
doubtfuls 22 19 DOUBTFUL, something...
doubtings 19 17 DOUBTING, the act of...
doubtless 19 15 without doubt [adj D...
douceness 17 15 sweetness [n -ES]
doucepere 19 17 (Spenser) one of the...
douchebag 23 21 a despicable person...
douchings 22 19 DOUCHING, the act of...
doughball 23 20 a kind of bait used...
doughboys 27 20 DOUGHBOY, a boiled f...
doughface 23 21 a contemptuous nickn...
doughiest 19 15 DOUGHY, resembling d...
doughlike 21 20 like dough [adj]
doughnuts 19 17 DOUGHNUT, to surroun...
doughtier 19 15 DOUGHTY, courageous...
doughtily 27 18 DOUGHTY, courageous...
doupionis 17 15 DOUPIONI, a kind of...
douppioni 19 18 a kind of silk yarn,...
douzepers 20 23 DOUZEPER, (Spenser)...
dovecotes 19 17 DOVECOTE, a roost fo...
dovetails 18 15 DOVETAIL, to fit tog...
dowdiness 18 15 the state of being d...
dowdyisms 27 19 DOWDYISM, the wearin...
dowelings 20 17 DOWELING, long thin...
dowelling 21 18 long thin wooden rod...
dowerless 19 14 destitute of dower;...
dowitcher 24 18 (Native American) th...
downbeats 19 17 DOWNBEAT, the first...
downburst 21 18 a sudden, violent do...
downcasts 21 17 DOWNCAST, a current...
downcomer 21 20 a pipe that connects...
downcomes 21 20 DOWNCOME, a sudden f...
downcourt 21 18 in or into the oppos...
downcried 21 18 DOWNCRY, to denigrat...
downcries 21 17 DOWNCRY, to denigrat...
downdraft 20 18 a downward movement...
downfalls 22 19 DOWNFALL, a sudden f...
downfield 21 19 in or into the part...
downflows 24 21 DOWNFLOW, a running...
downforce 22 20 an aerodynamically c...
downgrade 18 17 to relegate to an in...
downhauls 21 18 DOWNHAUL, a rope for...
downhills 23 18 DOWNHILL, a downward...
downiness 17 15 the state of being d...
downlands 18 17 DOWNLAND, a rolling...
downlight 23 19 a lamp shining downw...
downlinks 20 20 DOWNLINK, a communic...
downloads 18 16 DOWNLOAD, to transfe...
downpipes 22 20 DOWNPIPE, a drainpip...
downplays 27 20 DOWNPLAY, to underst...
downpours 20 18 DOWNPOUR, a heavy ra...
downrange 17 17 in a direction down...
downrated 17 15 DOWNRATE, to make lo...
downrates 17 14 DOWNRATE, to make lo...
downright 22 18 straight down; perpe...
downriver 20 18 down the river [adv]
downscale 21 18 to scale down [v DOW...
downshift 23 19 to change gear down...
downsides 18 15 DOWNSIDE, a negative...
downsized 21 24 DOWNSIZE, to produce...
downsizer 21 23 one who downsizes [n...
downsizes 21 23 DOWNSIZE, to produce...
downslide 19 16 a downward movement...
downslope 20 18 a downward slope [n...
downspins 20 18 DOWNSPIN, a spinning...
downspout 20 18 (US) a drainpipe [n...
downstage 18 16 the front of a stage...
downstair 18 14 situated in the lowe...
downstate 17 14 the region of a Stat...
downswept 23 20 curved downwards [ad...
downswing 22 20 a decline, a downtur...
downthrow 23 19 a state of being thr...
downticks 23 21 DOWNTICK, a stock ma...
downtimes 19 17 DOWNTIME, the time w...
downtowns 20 18 DOWNTOWN, the busine...
downtrend 17 16 a tendency in a down...
downturns 18 16 DOWNTURN, a downward...
downwards 21 18 from a higher place...
downwarps 23 20 DOWNWARP, a broad su...
downzoned 19 25 DOWNZONE, to reduce...
downzones 19 24 DOWNZONE, to reduce...
dowsabels 21 17 DOWSABEL, a sweethea...
doxaprams 24 23 DOXAPRAM, a drug use...
doxastics 25 20 the branch of logic...
drabbiest 20 16 DRABBY, sluttish, al...
drabblers 21 17 DRABBLER, a piece of...
drabbling 22 20 a manner of fishing...
drabettes 17 13 DRABETTE, a coarse l...
dracaenas 16 14 DRACAENA, a genus of...
draconian 16 15 unusually harsh, als...
draconism 19 17 being draconic in th...
dracontic 21 17 unusually harsh, als...
draffiest 20 16 DRAFFY, like dregs,...
draftable 20 17 that can be drafted...
draftiest 18 13 DRAFTY, exposed to c...
draftings 19 16 DRAFTING, mechanical...
draftsman 18 17 a person whose profe...
draftsmen 18 17 DRAFTSMAN, a person...
draggiest 18 14 DRAGGY, boring [adj]
draggings 19 17 DRAGGING, a techniqu...
draggling 20 18 DRAGGLE, to make wet...
draghound 18 17 a foxhound trained t...
draglines 17 14 DRAGLINE, an excavat...
dragomans 16 16 DRAGOMAN, an interpr...
dragoness 15 13 a female dragon [n -...
dragonets 15 13 DRAGONET, a marine f...
dragonfly 25 19 a predaceous long-bo...
dragonise 15 13 to turn into a drago...
dragonish 18 15 resembling a dragon...
dragonism 17 16 unremitting watchful...
dragonize 18 22 to turn into a drago...
dragooned 14 14 DRAGOON, to compel b...
dragropes 18 15 DRAGROPE, a rope use...
dragsters 17 12 DRAGSTER, a car buil...
dragstrip 20 15 a race course for dr...
drainable 17 15 capable of being dra...
drainages 15 13 DRAINAGE, the act of...
drainpipe 19 17 a pipe used for carr...
draisenes 14 11 DRAISENE, (historica...
draisines 15 11 DRAISINE, (historica...
dramadies 16 14 DRAMADY, a sitcom wi...
dramatics 20 16 the acting, producti...
dramatise 16 13 to adapt to dramatic...
dramatist 17 13 the author of a dram...
dramatize 19 22 to adapt to dramatic...
dramaturg 18 16 a dramatist; specifi...
dramedies 16 14 DRAMEDY, a sitcom wi...
drammachs 23 21 DRAMMACH, a mixture...
drammocks 22 23 DRAMMOCK, a mixture...
dramshops 21 18 DRAMSHOP, a shop or...
drangways 25 18 DRANGWAY, (English d...
drapeable 19 17 that can be draped,...
draperied 17 14 DRAPERY, to drape [v...
draperies 17 13 DRAPERY, to drape [v...
dratchell 23 17 a slut, also DRAZEL...
draughted 19 16 DRAUGHT, to draft [v...
draughter 19 15 one who makes a draf...
draunting 16 15 DRAUNT, to drawl, to...
drawbacks 25 23 DRAWBACK, a hinderan...
drawbores 20 16 DRAWBORE, a hole for...
drawcords 22 17 DRAWCORD, a cord for...
drawdowns 21 18 DRAWDOWN, a reductio...
drawerful 22 18 the contents of a dr...
drawknife 21 21 a carpentry tool, al...
drawliest 20 14 DRAWLY, marked by dr...
drawnwork 22 21 ornamental needlewor...
drawplate 21 17 a hardened steel pla...
drawshave 22 19 a carpentry tool, al...
drawtubes 21 17 DRAWTUBE, a tube tha...
drayhorse 23 14 a horse used to pull...
dreadfuls 19 16 DREADFUL, a lurid no...
dreadless 16 12 free from dread [adj...
dreadlock 20 19 a hairstyle favoured...
dreamboat 17 16 someone wonderful an...
dreamhole 18 16 a hole in the wall o...
dreamiest 16 13 DREAMY, full of drea...
dreamings 17 16 DREAMING, the act of...
dreamland 16 16 an unreal, delightfu...
dreamless 17 14 free from, or withou...
dreamlike 18 18 like a dream [adj]
dreamtime 17 16 in the mythology of...
dreariest 15 10 DREARY, dismal [adj]
drearings 16 13 DREARING, (Spenser)...
dreckiest 20 17 DRECKY, rubbishy, al...
drecksill 23 19 (dialect) a doorstep...
dredgings 18 16 DREDGING, matter tha...
dreggiest 18 14 DREGGY, full of dreg...
dreichest 21 15 DREICH, dreary, also...
dreighest 19 14 DREIGH, (Scots) drea...
drekkiest 18 18 DREKKY, rubbishy, al...
drenchers 20 16 DRENCHER, something...
drenching 21 19 the act of drenching...
drepanids 17 15 DREPANID, a hook-tip...
drepanium 18 18 a kind of cymose inf...
drerihead 17 13 (Spenser) dreariness...
dressages 16 12 DRESSAGE, the traini...
dressiest 16 10 DRESSY, showy in dre...
dressings 17 13 DRESSING, material a...
dressmade 16 14 DRESSMAKE, to make d...
dressmake 17 17 to make dresses [v D...
dribblers 22 17 DRIBBLER, one who dr...
dribblets 22 17 DRIBBLET, a small dr...
dribblier 22 17 DRIBBLY, given to dr...
dribbling 23 20 the act of emitting...
dricksier 21 17 DRICKSIE, of timber,...
driftages 19 15 DRIFTAGE, deviation...
driftiest 19 13 DRIFTY, full of mass...
driftings 20 16 DRIFTING, the act of...
driftless 20 14 without drift [adj]
driftnets 18 14 DRIFTNET, a large fi...
driftpins 21 17 DRIFTPIN, a metal pi...
driftwood 21 17 wood drifted or floa...
drillable 21 16 that can be drilled...
drillhole 21 15 a hole bored in the...
drillings 20 15 DRILLING, a heavy tw...
drillship 24 17 a free-floating ship...
drinkable 19 19 capable of being dru...
drinkably 26 21 DRINKABLE, capable o...
drinkings 18 18 DRINKING, the act of...
drippiest 21 16 DRIPPY, silly, inane...
drippings 22 19 DRIPPING, fat from m...
dripstone 17 14 mineral matter depos...
drisheens 17 13 DRISHEEN, a type of...
driveable 20 18 that can be driven,...
drivelers 19 15 DRIVELER, one who dr...
driveline 18 16 the part that connec...
driveling 20 18 DRIVEL, to let saliv...
drivelled 20 17 DRIVEL, to let saliv...
driveller 20 16 one who drivels, als...
driveways 27 19 DRIVEWAY, a private...
drivingly 27 20 DRIVING, of rain, he...
drizzlier 24 29 DRIZZLY, marked by l...
drizzling 25 32 DRIZZLE, to rain lig...
droichier 21 15 DROICHY, (Gaelic) dw...
drollings 19 15 DROLLING, the act of...
drollness 17 13 the state of being d...
dromedare 15 14 (Spenser) a dromedar...
dromedary 22 16 the Arabian camel, h...
droningly 23 17 DRONING [adv]
dronishly 25 16 DRONISH, like a dron...
dronklaps 19 19 DRONKLAP, (Afrikaans...
drookings 17 17 DROOKING, a drenchin...
drooliest 16 11 DROOLY, drooling [ad...
droopiest 17 13 DROOPY, hanging [adj...
dropcloth 24 19 a cloth dropped on t...
dropflies 21 17 DROPFLY, an angling...
dropforge 20 18 to forge metal betwe...
dropheads 19 16 DROPHEAD, a converti...
dropkicks 24 24 DROPKICK, a kick mad...
droplight 23 18 an apparatus for bri...
droplocks 23 21 DROPLOCK, a bank loa...
droppable 22 20 that can be dropped...
droppings 21 19 DROPPING, something...
dropseeds 17 14 DROPSEED, a type of...
dropshots 20 15 DROPSHOT, a type of...
dropsical 22 17 of, pertaining to, o...
dropsonde 16 15 a radiosonde dropped...
dropstone 16 14 a stone embedded in...
dropworts 21 16 DROPWORT, a wild flo...
droshkies 19 16 DROSHKY, an open car...
drossiest 16 10 DROSSY, worthless [a...
drostdies 16 11 DROSTDY, a type of S...
droukings 18 18 DROUKING, a drenchin...
drouthier 18 13 DROUTHY, dry, also D...
drownding 19 18 DROWND, (colloquial)...
drownings 19 17 DROWNING, an instanc...
drowsiest 19 13 DROWSY, sleepy [adj]
drowsihed 21 16 (Spenser) drowsiness...
drubbings 22 20 DRUBBING, a cudgelli...
drudgisms 20 17 DRUDGISM, uninterest...
druggiest 19 15 DRUGGY, affected by...
druggists 20 15 DRUGGIST, a person w...
druglords 19 15 DRUGLORD, a criminal...
drugmaker 19 20 one who manufactures...
drugsters 18 13 DRUGSTER, a drug add...
drugstore 17 13 (US) a chemist's sho...
druidical 21 16 pertaining to, or re...
druidisms 19 15 DRUIDISM, the religi...
druidries 17 12 DRUIDRY, the practic...
drumbeats 19 17 DRUMBEAT, the sound...
drumbling 22 21 DRUMBLE, to move slo...
drumfires 20 17 DRUMFIRE, massed art...
drumheads 19 17 DRUMHEAD, the materi...
drumliest 19 15 DRUMLY, (Scots) turb...
drummings 20 20 DRUMMING, the sound...
drummocks 23 24 DRUMMOCK, a mixture...
drumrolls 20 16 DRUMROLL, a roll pla...
drumstick 23 21 a stick with which a...
drunkards 17 17 DRUNKARD, one who is...
drunkenly 23 20 DRUNKEN, drunk [adv]
drupelets 19 15 DRUPELET, a small pa...
dryasdust 23 14 boring; pedantic [ad...
drybeaten 22 16 DRYBEAT, to beat wit...
drymouths 26 18 DRYMOUTH, excessive...
drynesses 21 13 DRYNESS, the state o...
drypoints 24 16 DRYPOINT, a sharp ne...
drysalter 23 13 a seller of dry good...
drywalled 27 18 DRYWALL, to build wi...
dualising 18 15 DUALISE, to make two...
dualistic 21 15 consisting of two; p...
dualities 17 12 DUALITY, the state o...
dualizing 21 24 DUALIZE, to make two...
duarchies 21 16 DUARCHY, government...
duathlete 18 14 someone who takes pa...
duathlons 18 15 DUATHLON, an athleti...
dubbining 21 21 DUBBIN, to apply a p...
dubieties 18 14 DUBIETY, doubtfulnes...
dubiosity 25 16 the state of being d...
dubiously 26 18 DUBIOUS, doubtful [a...
dubitable 21 18 liable to be doubted...
dubitably 28 20 DUBITABLE, liable to...
dubitancy 27 20 (obsolete) doubt [n...
dubitated 18 15 DUBITATE, to doubt [...
dubitates 18 14 DUBITATE, to doubt [...
dubonnets 16 16 DUBONNET, (French) a...
ducatoons 17 15 DUCATOON, an old sil...
duchessed 21 17 DUCHESS, to overwhel...
duchesses 21 16 DUCHESSE, (French) a...
duckbills 26 23 DUCKBILL, a platypus...
duckboard 22 22 a board with slats n...
duckishes 23 20 DUCKISH, dusk [n]
ducklings 23 22 DUCKLING, a young du...
duckmoles 22 22 DUCKMOLE, a platypus...
duckshove 24 24 (Australian colloqui...
ducktails 22 19 DUCKTAIL, (US) a sty...
duckwalks 26 26 DUCKWALK, to do a co...
duckweeds 23 22 DUCKWEED, any of var...
ductilely 28 18 DUCTILE, easily mold...
ductility 28 17 the property of a me...
ductworks 24 21 DUCTWORK, a system o...
dudderies 16 13 DUDDERY, rags collec...
duddering 17 16 DUDDER, to tremble,...
duecentos 17 15 DUECENTO, (Italian)...
duellings 19 16 DUELLING, the act of...
duellists 19 13 DUELLIST, one who du...
duenesses 14 12 DUENESS, the state o...
duettinos 15 12 DUETTINO, a simple d...
duettists 17 11 DUETTIST, a particip...
dufferdom 21 21 being a duffer, also...
dufferism 22 20 being a duffer, also...
duikerbok 20 22 (Afrikaans) a small...
dukelings 19 19 DUKELING, a petty du...
dukeships 22 20 DUKESHIP, the entitl...
dulcamara 20 18 (Latin) a flower of...
dulcianas 19 16 DULCIANA, a soft-ton...
dulcified 23 19 DULCIFY, to sweeten...
dulcifies 23 18 DULCIFY, to sweeten...
dulcimers 22 18 DULCIMER, a musical...
dulcimore 21 18 a musical instrument...
dulcineas 19 16 DULCINEA, a sweethea...
dulcitols 22 16 DULCITOL, a sacchari...
dulcitude 21 17 sweetness [n -S]
dullishly 29 18 DULLISH, somewhat du...
dulnesses 16 13 DULNESS, the state o...
dulocracy 29 20 a government formed...
dumbbells 24 22 DUMBBELL, a weight l...
dumbcanes 21 21 DUMBCANE, a poisonou...
dumbfound 21 23 to strike dumb; to c...
dumbheads 21 20 DUMBHEAD, a stupid p...
dumbshits 23 19 DUMBSHIT, (slang) a...
dumbshows 25 22 DUMBSHOW, gesture wi...
dumbsized 23 27 DUMBSIZE, to reduce...
dumbsizes 23 26 DUMBSIZE, to reduce...
dumfounds 19 20 DUMFOUND, to strike...
dummerers 18 17 DUMMERER, somebody w...
dumminess 18 18 being like a dummy,...
dummkopfs 24 27 DUMMKOPF, (German) a...
dumpcarts 23 20 DUMPCART, a cart for...
dumpiness 19 18 the state of being d...
dumpishly 30 22 DUMPISH, dull; sad [...
dumplings 22 21 DUMPLING, a ball of...
dumpsites 20 17 DUMPSITE, a place fo...
dumpsters 20 17 DUMPSTER, a large sk...
dumptruck 25 25 a lorry with a tippi...
duncedoms 19 19 DUNCEDOM, the class...
duncelike 20 20 like a dunce [adj]
dunceries 18 15 DUNCERY, stupidity [...
duncishly 29 20 DUNCISH, like a dunc...
dunelands 15 15 DUNELAND, an area ha...
dungareed 15 15 wearing dungarees [a...
dungarees 15 14 DUNGAREE, a coarse c...
dungeoned 14 16 DUNGEON, to confine...
dungeoner 14 15 a gaoler [n -S]
dungheaps 20 19 DUNGHEAP, a heap of...
dunghills 22 18 DUNGHILL, a heap of...
dungmeres 17 17 DUNGMERE, a manure-p...
dunnakins 15 18 DUNNAKIN, an outside...
dunnesses 14 13 DUNNESS, the state o...
duobinary 23 17 denoting a communica...
duodecimo 19 18 having twelve leaves...
duodenary 20 15 relating to the numb...
duodenums 16 17 DUODENUM, the first...
duologues 17 15 DUOLOGUE, a conversa...
duopolies 18 15 DUOPOLY, the market...
duplexers 25 22 DUPLEXER, a system a...
duplexing 26 25 DUPLEX, to make dupl...
duplexity 32 24 the state of being d...
duplicand 22 20 something being dupl...
duplicate 22 18 double, twofold [adj...
duplicity 30 20 doubleness, esp. in...
dupondius 18 17 an old Roman coin [n...
duralumin 18 17 (tradename) a strong...
durations 15 12 DURATION, the portio...
duratives 18 15 DURATIVE, a verb den...
duricrust 21 15 gravel, sand, or des...
durnedest 15 13 DURNED, damned [adj]
durometer 16 14 an instrument for me...
durukulis 20 18 DURUKULI, a small, n...
duskening 17 19 DUSKEN, to grow dark...
duskiness 17 16 the state of being d...
duskishly 28 20 DUSKISH, somewhat du...
dustballs 21 16 DUSTBALL, a ball of...
dustcarts 20 14 DUSTCART, a cart use...
dustcloth 23 17 a cloth used for dus...
dustcoats 19 14 DUSTCOAT, an overall...
dustcover 21 18 a cover to protect a...
dustheaps 20 16 DUSTHEAP, a pile of...
dustiness 16 12 the state of being d...
dustproof 20 17 designed to exclude...
dustsheet 18 13 a sheet to protect a...
duststorm 18 14 a storm of dust [n -...
duteously 23 15 DUTEOUS, devoted to...
dutifully 28 19 DUTIFUL, obedient [a...
duumviral 21 20 of or belonging to t...
duvetines 17 16 DUVETINE, (tradename...
duvetynes 23 18 DUVETYNE, (tradename...
dwarfisms 23 19 DWARFISM, a conditio...
dwarflike 23 21 like a dwarf [adj]
dwarfness 20 17 the state of being d...
dweebiest 20 16 DWEEBY, socially ine...
dwellings 22 18 DWELLING, the place...
dwindling 21 19 DWINDLE, to decrease...
dyarchies 27 17 DYARCHY, government...
dybbukkim 31 30 DYBBUK, (Yiddish) a...
dyestuffs 27 19 DYESTUFF, a substanc...
dyingness 22 16 the state of dying o...
dynameter 21 16 an instrument for de...
dynamical 26 20 related to force, al...
dynamised 22 17 DYNAMISE, to make dy...
dynamises 22 16 DYNAMISE, to make dy...
dynamisms 24 19 DYNAMISM, a theory o...
dynamists 23 16 DYNAMIST, one who ac...
dynamited 22 17 DYNAMITE, to blow up...
dynamiter 22 16 (archaic) a user of...
dynamites 22 16 DYNAMITE, to blow up...
dynamitic 26 19 relating to dynamite...
dynamized 25 26 DYNAMIZE, to make dy...
dynamizes 25 25 DYNAMIZE, to make dy...
dynamotor 21 16 a kind of electrical...
dynasties 21 13 DYNASTY, a successio...
dynatrons 20 14 DYNATRON, an electro...
dynorphin 25 19 a drug used to treat...
dysbindin 24 18 a gene associated wi...
dyschroas 27 17 DYSCHROA, discolorat...
dyschroia 27 17 discoloration of the...
dyscrasia 25 15 (obsolete) a disorde...
dyscrasic 29 18 relating to dyscrasi...
dyscratic 29 18 relating to dyscrasi...
dysentery 27 15 inflammation of the...
dysgenics 26 18 the study of racial...
dyslalias 24 14 DYSLALIA, defective...
dyslectic 30 19 suffering from dysle...
dyslexias 29 20 DYSLEXIA, impairment...
dyslexics 33 23 DYSLEXIC, one suffer...
dyslogies 24 15 DYSLOGY, dispraise [...
dysmelias 24 16 DYSMELIA, the condit...
dysodiles 23 14 DYSODILE, an impure...
dysodyles 29 16 DYSODYLE, an impure...
dyspepsia 26 18 severe indigestion,...
dyspeptic 30 21 suffering from dyspe...
dysphagia 27 19 pathological difficu...
dysphagic 31 22 suffering from dysph...
dysphasia 26 17 impairment of speech...
dysphasic 30 20 suffering from dysph...
dysphonia 25 18 physical abnormality...
dysphonic 29 21 relating to dysphoni...
dysphoria 26 17 depression, patholog...
dysphoric 30 20 relating to dysphori...
dysplasia 25 16 abnormal tissue deve...
dyspnoeal 23 17 of or like dyspnoea,...
dyspnoeas 22 16 DYSPNOEA, laboured b...
dyspnoeic 26 19 of or like dyspnoea,...
dyspraxia 30 22 an impaired ability...
dyspraxic 34 25 relating to dyspraxi...
dystaxias 28 19 DYSTAXIA, a form of...
dystectic 29 18 not easily fused [ad...
dysthesia 24 14 a morbid habit of bo...
dysthetic 28 17 suffering from dysth...
dysthymia 32 19 a mild depression, d...
dysthymic 36 22 despondent [adj] / o...
dystocial 26 16 relating to dystocia...
dystocias 25 15 DYSTOCIA, difficult...
dystonias 21 13 DYSTONIA, a conditio...
dystopian 23 16 relating to dystopia...
dystopias 24 15 DYSTOPIA, a place th...
dystrophy 33 19 impaired or imperfec...
dytiscids 27 16 DYTISCID, a carnivor...
dyvouries 24 17 DYVOURY, (Scots) ban...
dziggetai 21 23 (Mongolian) a wild a...