6 letter words that start with D

6 letter words that start with D

6 letter D word


Words With Friends®


dabbas 14 13 DABBA, (Hindi) in In...
dabbed 14 14 DAB, to touch lightl...
dabber 14 13 a pad for dabbing in...
dabble 15 14 to dip or splash in...
dachas 15 12 DACHA, a Russian cou...
dacite 13 10 a fine-grained volca...
dacked 14 15 DACK, (Australian sl...
dacker 14 14 (Scots) to lounge, s...
dacoit 13 10 a member of an India...
dacron 12 11 a synthetic polyeste...
dactyl 21 13 a metrical foot of o...
dadahs 12 10 DADAH, (Australian s...
dadded 10 10 DAD, to dash against...
daddle 11 10 (Scots) to waddle, s...
dadgum 13 14 (colloquial) damned...
dadoed 9 9 DADO, to set into a...
dadoes 9 8 DADO, an ornamental...
daedal 10 9 ingenious and cunnin...
daeing 10 10 DAE, (Scots) to do [...
daemon 9 11 (Greek) an inward sp...
daffed 14 14 DAFF, to play the fo...
daftar 12 10 (Hindi) in India, an...
dafter 12 10 DAFT, insane [adj]
daftie 12 10 a simpleton [n -S]
daftly 20 13 DAFT, insane [adv]
dagaba 12 12 a Buddhist memorial...
daggas 12 11 DAGGA, marijuana [n]
dagged 12 12 DAG, to remove clott...
dagger 12 11 to stab with a small...
daggle 13 12 to drag in mud [v DA...
dagoba 12 12 a Buddhist memorial...
dagoes 10 9 DAGO, (offensive) a...
dahlia 13 10 a flowering plant [n...
dahoon 10 10 a perennial shrub of...
daidle 11 9 (Scots) to waddle, s...
daiker 11 11 (Scots) to lounge, s...
daikon 10 12 (Japanese) a long wh...
daikos 11 11 DAIKO, a large Japan...
daimen 10 11 occasional [adj]
daimio 11 10 a former Japanese no...
daimon 10 11 (Greek) an inward sp...
daimyo 17 12 a former Japanese no...
dained 9 9 DAINE, (Shakespeare)...
daines 9 8 DAINE, (Shakespeare)...
daints 10 8 DAINT, (Spenser) a d...
dainty 16 10 tasteful, delicate [...
daises 10 7 DAIS, a raised platf...
dakers 11 11 DAKER, to lounge, al...
dakoit 11 11 a member of an India...
dalasi 11 8 a unit of Gambian cu...
daledh 13 11 the fourth letter of...
daleds 11 9 DALED, the fourth le...
daleth 13 10 the fourth letter of...
dalles 12 9 DALLE, (French) a sl...
dallop 14 12 (obsolete) a tuft or...
dalton 10 9 a unit of atomic mas...
damage 11 12 to damage [v DAMAGED...
damans 10 11 DAMAN, a small herbi...
damars 11 10 DAMAR, a hard resin...
damask 12 14 to weave with elabor...
dammar 12 13 a hard resin used in...
dammed 12 14 DAM, to build an emb...
dammer 12 13 a hard resin used in...
dammit 13 13 damn it [interj]
damned 10 12 damnable [adj DAMNED...
damner 10 11 one who damns [n -S]
damped 13 14 DAMP, to wet slightl...
dampen 12 14 to moisten [v -ED, -...
damper 13 13 (Australian slang) a...
damply 21 16 DAMP, moist [adv]
damsel 12 11 (archaic) a young gi...
damson 10 11 a rather small, oval...
danced 12 12 DANCE, to move rhyth...
dancer 12 11 one who dances [n -S...
dances 12 11 DANCE, to move rhyth...
dancey 18 13 relating to dance mu...
dander 9 9 (dialect) to stroll,...
dandle 10 10 to dance (a child) o...
danged 10 11 DANG, to damn [v]
danger 10 10 to expose to loss or...
dangle 11 11 to hang loosely [v D...
dangly 18 13 hanging loosely [adj...
danios 9 8 DANIO, a brightly co...
danish 12 10 a pastry of raised d...
danker 10 12 DANK, unpleasantly d...
dankly 18 15 DANK, unpleasantly d...
dansak 10 12 (Urdu) any of a vari...
danted 9 9 DANT, (obsolete) to...
danton 8 9 to dare, also DAUNTO...
daphne 13 13 a genus of diminutiv...
dapped 14 14 DAP, to dip in water...
dapper 14 13 trim, neat [adj DAPP...
dapple 15 14 to mark with spots [...
darafs 12 10 DARAF, an electrical...
darbar 12 10 the court of a nativ...
darcys 20 12 DARCY, a unit of geo...
darers 10 7 DARER, one who dares...
dargah 13 11 the tomb of a Muslim...
dargas 11 9 DARGA, the tomb of a...
dargle 12 10 (Scott) a dell [n -S...
darics 14 10 DARIC, a gold coin o...
daring 11 10 brave, audacious [ad...
darked 11 12 DARK, to make dark [...
darken 10 12 to make dark [v -ED,...
darker 11 11 DARK, having little...
darkey 17 13 (offensive) a colour...
darkie 11 11 (offensive) a colour...
darkle 12 12 to grow dark; to sho...
darkly 19 14 DARK, having little...
darned 9 9 bothersome [adj DARN...
darnel 10 9 a species of ryegras...
darner 9 8 one who darns [n -S]
darred 10 8 DARRE, to venture bo...
darres 10 7 DARRE, to venture bo...
darted 10 8 DART, to move sudden...
darter 10 7 a freshwater diving...
dartle 11 8 to dart repeatedly [...
dartre 10 7 (French) a herpes-li...
darzis 14 16 DARZI, a Hindu tailo...
dashed 12 10 DASH, to strike viol...
dasher 12 9 one who dashes [n -S...
dashes 12 9 DASH, to strike viol...
dashis 13 9 DASHI, a fish broth...
dassie 10 7 (Afrikaans) the hyra...
datals 11 8 DATAL, a daily recko...
datary 16 9 an officer who atten...
datcha 15 12 a Russian country ho...
daters 10 7 DATER, one who dates...
dating 11 10 a determination of a...
dative 12 11 expressing an indire...
dattos 10 7 DATTO, a Philippine...
datums 12 11 DATUM, something use...
datura 10 8 a genus of solanaceo...
daubed 12 12 DAUB, to smear [v]
dauber 12 11 one who daubs; an un...
daubes 12 11 DAUBE, (French) a me...
daubry 19 13 a crudely artful dev...
dauded 10 10 DAUD, to knock, also...
daults 12 9 DAULT, (Scots) a fos...
dauner 9 9 (dialect) to stroll,...
daunts 10 9 DAUNT, to intimidate...
daured 10 9 DAUR, to venture bol...
dauted 10 9 DAUT, (Scots) to pet...
dautie 10 8 (Scots) a pet, also...
davens 11 12 DAVEN, to utter Jewi...
davies 12 11 DAVY, a safety lamp...
davits 13 11 DAVIT, a crane that...
dawahs 15 12 DAWAH, (Arabic) the...
dawbry 22 15 (Shakespeare) a crud...
dawded 13 12 DAWD, (Scots) to kno...
dawdle 14 12 to waste time [v DAW...
dawing 14 13 DAW, to dawn [v]
dawish 16 12 like a daw, a jackda...
dawned 12 12 DAWN, to grown light...
dawner 12 11 (dialect) to stroll,...
dawney 18 13 (Irish) dull or slow...
dawted 13 11 DAWT, (Scots) to pet...
dawtie 13 10 (Scots) a pet, also...
dayans 15 10 DAYAN, (Hebrew) a se...
daybed 18 13 a bed in a hospital...
dayboy 24 14 a boy who attends cl...
dayfly 26 15 a mayfly [n DAYFLIES...
dayglo 18 12 (tradename) of a lum...
daylit 18 10 DAYLIGHT, to illumin...
daynts 16 10 DAYNT, (Spenser) a t...
dazers 13 16 DAZER, something tha...
dazing 14 19 DAZE, to stun [v]
dazzle 17 26 to blind with a brig...
deacon 11 11 to put the best look...
deaded 9 9 DEAD, (obsolete) to...
deaden 8 9 to deprive of feelin...
deader 9 8 a dead person [n -S]
deadly 17 11 lethal [adj DEADLIER...
deafen 10 11 to make deaf [v -ED,...
deafer 11 10 DEAF, lacking the se...
deafly 19 13 DEAF, lacking the se...
deairs 10 7 DEAIR, to remove air...
dealer 10 8 one that deals [n -S...
deaned 8 9 DEAN, to serve as th...
deaner 8 8 (obsolete slang) a s...
deared 9 8 DEARE, to injure, al...
dearer 9 7 DEAR, costly [adj]
deares 9 7 DEARE, to injure, al...
dearie 9 7 a term of endearment...
dearly 17 10 DEAR, costly [adv]
dearns 9 8 DEARN [n]
dearth 12 9 scarcity, also DERTH...
deasil 11 8 (Scots) motion in th...
deaths 12 9 DEATH, the end of li...
deathy 18 11 like death [adj DEAT...
deaved 11 12 DEAVE, (Scots) to de...
deaves 11 11 DEAVE, (Scots) to de...
deawed 12 11 DEAW, (Spenser) to c...
deawie 12 10 (Spenser) dewy, also...
debags 13 12 DEBAG, to take someo...
debark 13 14 to unload from a shi...
debars 12 10 DEBAR, to exclude [v...
debase 11 10 to lower or degrade...
debate 11 10 to deliberate [v DEB...
debeak 12 14 to remove the tip of...
debels 13 11 DEBEL, to conquer in...
debile 13 11 (archaic) feeble [ad...
debits 13 10 DEBIT, to charge wit...
debone 10 11 to remove the bones...
debosh 14 12 to lead into lewdnes...
deboss 12 10 to impress a design...
debris 13 10 scattered remains [n...
debted 12 11 obliged [adj]
debtee 11 10 one to whom a debt i...
debtor 12 10 someone who owes a d...
debuds 13 12 DEBUD, to remove the...
debugs 14 13 DEBUG, to remove the...
debunk 13 16 to clear of humbug [...
deburr 13 11 to remove burrs from...
deburs 13 11 DEBUR, to remove rou...
debuts 13 11 DEBUT, to make a fir...
debyes 18 12 DEBYE, a unit of mea...
decade 12 11 a period of ten year...
decads 13 11 DECAD, (obsolete) a...
decaff 17 16 (short for) decaffei...
decafs 15 13 DECAF, (short for) d...
decals 14 11 DECAL, a design made...
decamp 16 16 to depart from a cam...
decane 11 11 a hydrocarbon of the...
decani 12 11 (Latin) the dean's (...
decans 12 11 DECAN, one of three...
decant 12 11 to pour from one con...
decarb 15 13 to decarbonise [v -E...
decare 12 10 a measure equal to t...
decays 19 12 DECAY, to decompose...
deccie 16 13 (slang) interior dec...
deceit 13 10 falseness [n -S]
decent 12 11 conforming to standa...
decern 12 11 to decree by judicia...
decide 13 11 to make a choice [v...
decile 14 11 a statistical interv...
decime 14 13 (historical) a forme...
decked 14 15 DECK, to adorn [v]
deckel 15 15 a frame used in maki...
decker 14 14 a person who adorns...
deckle 15 15 a frame used in maki...
deckos 14 14 DECKO [v]
declaw 17 14 to remove the claws...
decoct 16 13 to extract the flavo...
decode 12 11 to convert a coded m...
decoke 13 14 to decarbonise (an i...
decors 13 10 DECOR, a style of de...
decoys 19 12 DECOY, to lure into...
decree 12 10 to issue an edict [v...
decrew 16 13 (Spenser) to decreas...
dectet 13 10 a group of ten (musi...
decury 20 13 a group of ten soldi...
dedans 9 9 (French) spectators...
deduce 13 12 to infer [v DEDUCED,...
deduct 14 12 to subtract [v -ED,...
deeded 9 9 DEED, to transfer by...
deeder 9 8 DEED, dead [adj]
deeing 10 10 DEE, to damn [v]
deejay 17 18 to act as a disk joc...
deemed 10 11 DEEM, to hold as an...
deepen 10 11 to make deep [v -ED,...
deeper 11 10 DEEP, extending far...
deepie 11 10 (colloquial) a three...
deeply 19 13 DEEP, extending far...
deeres 9 7 DEERE, (Spenser) a d...
deeved 11 12 DEEVE, to deafen, al...
deeves 11 11 DEEVE, to deafen, al...
deewan 11 11 an official in India...
deface 14 13 to spoil the appeara...
defame 12 13 to destroy the reput...
defang 12 13 to remove the fangs...
defast 12 10 DEFACE, to spoil the...
defats 12 10 DEFAT, to remove fat...
defeat 11 10 to win a victory ove...
defect 15 13 to desert an allegia...
defend 11 12 to protect [v -ED, -...
defers 12 10 DEFER, to postpone [...
deffer 14 13 DEF, excellent [adj]
deffly 22 16 DEF, excellent [adv]
defied 12 11 DEFY, to resist open...
defier 12 10 one that defies [n -...
defies 12 10 DEFY, to resist open...
defile 13 11 to make dirty [v DEF...
define 11 11 to state the meaning...
deflea 12 11 to rid of fleas [v -...
deflex 19 18 to bend down [v -ED,...
defoam 12 13 to remove foam from...
defogs 13 12 DEFOG, to remove fog...
deform 13 13 to spoil the form of...
defoul 13 12 (obsolete) to befoul...
defrag 13 12 to defragment (to re...
defray 18 12 to pay or settle [v...
defter 12 10 DEFT, skilful [adj]
deftly 20 13 DEFT, skilful [adv]
defuel 13 12 to remove fuel from...
defund 12 13 to remove funding fr...
defuse 12 11 to remove the fuse f...
defuze 15 20 to remove the fuse f...
degage 11 11 (French) unconstrain...
degame 11 12 a tropical tree, lem...
degami 12 12 a tropical tree, lem...
degerm 12 12 to remove germs from...
degged 12 12 DEG, (dialect) to wa...
degout 11 10 to make (something)...
degras 11 9 (French) a fat obtai...
degree 10 9 a graduation on a sc...
degums 13 13 DEGUM, to free from...
degust 12 10 to taste with pleasu...
dehair 12 9 to remove the hair f...
dehorn 11 10 to deprive of horns...
dehors 12 9 other than [prep]
dehort 12 9 to dissuade [v -ED,...
deiced 13 11 DEICE, to free of ic...
deicer 13 10 one that deices [n -...
deices 13 10 DEICE, to free of ic...
deider 10 8 DEID, dead [adj]
deifer 12 10 DEIF, (Scots) deaf [...
deific 16 13 godlike, also DEIFIC...
deigns 11 10 DEIGN, to condescend...
deisms 12 10 DEISM, belief in God...
deists 11 7 DEIST, an adherent o...
deixes 16 14 DEIXIS, use of words...
deixis 17 14 use of words relatin...
deject 15 19 to depress, make sad...
dekare 10 11 ten ares, or 1000 sq...
deking 12 14 DEKE, to feint in ho...
dekkos 12 15 DEKKO [v]
delate 10 8 (archaic) to charge...
delays 17 10 DELAY, to put off to...
delead 10 9 to free from lead [v...
delete 10 8 to remove printed ma...
delfts 14 11 DELFT, a type of ear...
delice 14 11 (obsolete) a delight...
delict 15 11 in Scots law, a civi...
delime 12 11 to free from lime [v...
delink 12 13 to break a connectio...
delish 14 10 (slang) delicious [a...
delist 12 8 to remove from a lis...
delope 12 11 to fire one's gun in...
delphs 16 13 DELPH, a type of ear...
deltas 11 8 DELTA, an alluvial d...
deltic 15 11 pertaining to a delt...
delude 11 10 to mislead that what...
deluge 12 11 to flood [v DELUGED,...
deluxe 17 16 of special elegance...
delved 13 13 DELVE, to search in...
delver 13 12 one who delves [n -S...
delves 13 12 DELVE, to search in...
demain 10 11 a manor house and it...
demand 10 12 to ask for with auth...
demans 10 11 DEMAN, to reduce the...
demark 12 14 to demarcate, mark o...
demast 11 10 to remove the masts...
demean 9 11 to conduct oneself i...
dement 10 11 to deprive of reason...
demies 11 10 DEMY, a size of pape...
demise 11 10 to give to a success...
demiss 12 10 humble, also DEMISSI...
demist 12 10 to clear a windscree...
demits 12 10 DEMIT, to let fall,...
demobs 13 13 DEMOB, to discharge...
demode 10 11 (French) old-fashion...
demoed 10 11 DEMO, to demonstrate...
demons 10 11 DEMON, an evil spiri...
demote 10 10 to lower in rank [v...
demure 11 11 shy and modest [adj...
demurs 12 11 DEMUR, to object [v]
denari 9 8 DENAR, a monetary un...
denars 9 8 DENAR, a monetary un...
denary 15 10 a group of ten [n DE...
denays 15 10 DENAY, (obsolete) to...
denets 9 8 DENET, to market a b...
dengue 10 11 an acute tropical ep...
denial 10 9 the act of denying [...
denied 9 9 DENY, to declare to...
denier 9 8 a unit of weight for...
denies 9 8 DENY, to declare to...
denims 11 11 DENIM, a coloured tw...
denned 8 10 DEN, to live in a la...
dennet 8 9 a nineteenth century...
denote 8 8 to indicate [v DENOT...
denser 9 8 DENSE, compact [adj]
dental 10 9 relating to teeth [a...
dented 9 9 DENT, to make a depr...
dentel 10 9 one of a row of toot...
dentex 15 15 (Latin) a strongly t...
dentil 11 9 one of a row of toot...
dentin 9 9 the hard substance f...
denude 9 10 to strip of all cove...
deodar 9 8 an East Indian cedar...
depart 12 10 to go away [v -ED, -...
depend 11 12 to rely [v -ED, -ING...
deperm 13 13 to demagnetize [v -E...
depict 16 13 to portray [v -ED, -...
deploy 19 13 to position troops f...
depone 10 11 to testify under oat...
deport 12 10 to expel from a coun...
depose 11 10 to remove from offic...
depots 12 10 DEPOT, a railway or...
depths 15 12 DEPTH, deepness [n]
depute 12 11 to delegate [v DEPUT...
deputy 19 13 one appointed to act...
derail 11 8 to cause to leave th...
derate 9 7 to relieve from some...
derats 10 7 DERAT, to rid of rat...
derays 16 9 DERAY, (obsolete) to...
derham 13 12 a Middle Eastern coi...
deride 10 8 to ridicule, mock [v...
derigs 12 9 DERIG, to dismantle...
dering 11 10 DERE, to injure, als...
derive 12 11 to trace to an origi...
dermal 12 11 relating to the derm...
dermas 11 10 DERMA, the true skin...
dermic 15 13 relating to the derm...
dermis 12 10 the true skin, below...
derned 9 9 DERN, to keep hidden...
dernly 17 11 (archaic) secretly;...
derris 11 7 a vine yielding rote...
derros 10 7 DERRO, (Australian s...
derths 13 9 DERTH, (Spenser) dea...
desalt 11 8 to remove the salt f...
desand 9 9 to remove sand from...
descry 20 12 to discern, detect [...
deseed 9 8 to remove the seeds...
desert 10 7 to abandon [v -ED, -...
deshis 13 9 DESHI, (Hinglish) a...
design 11 10 to plan in outline,...
desine 9 8 to plan in outline,...
desire 10 7 to wish for [v DESIR...
desist 11 7 to cease doing somet...
desman 10 11 a Russian aquatic in...
desmid 12 11 any member of a fami...
desorb 12 10 to release a sorbed...
desoxy 22 16 having less oxygen t...
despot 12 10 a ruler with absolut...
desses 10 7 DESSE, (Spenser) a d...
desyne 15 10 to plan in outline,...
detach 15 12 to unfasten and sepa...
detail 11 8 to relate minutely [...
detain 9 8 to hold in custody [...
detect 13 10 to discover or perce...
detent 9 8 any stop or catch in...
detenu 9 9 (French) a (male) pr...
deters 10 7 DETER, to hinder or...
detest 10 7 to hate intensely [v...
detick 15 14 to free from ticks [...
detort 10 7 (obsolete) to untwis...
detour 10 8 to take an indirect...
detune 9 9 to reduce the power...
deuced 13 12 DEUCE, to even the s...
deuces 13 11 DEUCE, to even the s...
deuton 9 9 the nucleus of heavy...
devall 14 13 to sink, decline [v...
devein 11 12 to remove the dorsal...
devels 13 12 DEVEL, to hit hard w...
devest 12 11 to strip or deprive...
device 15 14 something constructe...
devils 14 12 DEVIL, to prepare fo...
devise 12 11 to form in the mind...
devoid 12 12 completely lacking [...
devoir 12 11 (French) duty, respo...
devons 11 12 DEVON, one of a bree...
devore 11 11 (of velvet or satin)...
devote 11 11 to give oneself whol...
devots 12 11 DEVOT, (French) a de...
devour 12 12 to eat voraciously [...
devout 12 12 pious [adj DEVOUTER,...
devvel 15 16 (Scots) to stun with...
dewani 12 11 the office of dewan,...
dewans 12 11 DEWAN, (Urdu) in Ind...
dewars 13 10 DEWAR, a double-wall...
dewier 13 10 DEWY, covered with d...
dewily 21 13 DEWY, covered with d...
dewing 14 13 DEW, to wet with con...
dewitt 14 10 to lynch [v -ED, -IN...
dewlap 16 14 a fold of loose skin...
dewool 13 11 to remove the wool f...
deworm 14 13 to rid of worms [v -...
dexies 16 14 DEXY, a pill contain...
dexter 16 14 a small breed of Ker...
dextro 16 14 in compounds, toward...
dezinc 16 20 to remove zinc from...
dhamma 14 15 (Sanskrit) custom or...
dharma 13 12 (Sanskrit) custom or...
dharna 11 10 (Hindi) a method of...
dhikrs 15 13 DHIKR, (Arabic) a Su...
dhimmi 16 15 a non-Muslim subject...
dhobis 15 12 DHOBI, (Hindi) an In...
dholak 14 14 (Hindi) a two-headed...
dholes 13 10 DHOLE, an Indian wil...
dholls 15 11 DHOLL, a pea-like pl...
dhooly 19 12 (Hindi) a litter or...
dhoora 11 9 (Arabic) indian mill...
dhooti 12 9 a loincloth worn by...
dhotis 13 9 DHOTI, a loincloth w...
dhurna 12 11 (Hindi) a method of...
dhurra 13 10 (Arabic) indian mill...
dhutis 14 10 DHUTI, a loincloth w...
dhyana 17 12 (Sanskrit) a profoun...
diable 13 11 (French) an unglazed...
diacid 14 11 a type of chemical c...
diacts 14 10 DIACT, a sponge spic...
diadem 11 11 to adorn with a crow...
dialed 11 9 DIAL, to use a calib...
dialer 11 8 one that dials, also...
dialog 12 10 to hold a conversati...
diamin 11 11 a chemical compound...
diamyl 19 13 having two amyl grou...
diaper 12 10 to put a nappy on [v...
diapir 13 10 an anticlinal fold i...
diarch 16 12 having two xylem str...
diatom 11 10 a microscopic unicel...
diaxon 15 15 a bipolar nerve-cell...
diazin 13 17 any organic compound...
diazos 13 16 DIAZO, a type of pho...
dibbed 15 14 DIB, to fish by floa...
dibber 15 13 a planting instrumen...
dibble 16 14 to fish by floating...
dibbuk 17 18 a wandering soul in...
dicast 14 10 (historical) one of...
dicers 14 10 DICER, a device that...
dichts 17 12 DICHT, (Scots) to wi...
dicier 14 10 DICEY, dangerous [ad...
dicing 15 13 dice-playing [n -S]
dicked 15 15 DICK, to copulate wi...
dicker 15 14 to haggle, to hesita...
dickey 21 16 a false shirt front,...
dickie 15 14 a false shirt front,...
dickty 22 16 (US slang) proud, sn...
dicots 14 10 DICOT, (short for) a...
dicted 14 11 DICT, (obsolete) to...
dictum 16 14 an authoritative sta...
didact 14 11 a person given to le...
didder 11 9 (dialect) to shake [...
diddle 12 10 to cheat, swindle [v...
diddly 19 12 the least amount, al...
didies 11 8 DIDY, a diaper, also...
didoes 10 8 DIDO, a mischievous...
diedre 10 8 (French) a rock angl...
dieing 11 10 DIE, to cut with a m...
dienes 9 8 DIENE, an organic co...
dieoff 14 13 a dying off of veget...
diesel 11 8 to continue running...
dieses 10 7 DIESIS, a reference...
diesis 11 7 a reference mark in...
dieted 10 8 DIET, to regulate fo...
dieter 10 7 one who diets [n -S]
differ 15 13 to be unlike [v -ED,...
digamy 19 14 a second legal marri...
digest 12 9 to assimilate food i...
digged 13 12 DIG, to make a hole,...
digger 13 11 one who or something...
dights 15 11 DIGHT, to adorn, to...
digits 13 9 DIGIT, a finger or a...
diglot 13 10 a bilingual book [n...
dikast 12 11 (historical) one of...
dikdik 14 16 a small East African...
dikers 12 11 DIKER, a person who...
dikier 12 11 DIKEY, (colloquial)...
diking 13 14 DIKE, to furnish wit...
dikkop 15 18 (Afrikaans) the ston...
diktat 12 11 a harsh settlement i...
dilate 11 8 to make wider or lar...
dildoe 11 9 an object used as a...
dildos 12 9 DILDO, an object use...
dilled 13 10 flavoured with dill...
dillis 14 9 DILLI, (Native Austr...
dilute 12 9 to make thinner [v D...
dimble 15 14 a deep narrow wooded...
dimbos 14 13 DIMBO, an unintellig...
dimers 12 10 DIMER, a molecular c...
dimity 19 12 a cotton fabric [n D...
dimmed 13 14 DIM, to reduce the l...
dimmer 13 13 a device for dimming...
dimout 12 11 a condition of parti...
dimple 15 14 to mark with indenta...
dimply 22 16 dimpled [adj DIMPLIE...
dimpsy 21 15 (dialect) twilight [...
dimwit 16 13 a person of low inte...
dinars 10 8 DINAR, a monetary un...
dindle 11 10 (Scots) to tingle, v...
dinero 9 8 a former Peruvian si...
diners 10 8 DINER, one that dine...
dinful 14 13 full of din [adj]
dinged 11 11 DING, to dash; to th...
dinger 11 10 anything superlative...
dinges 11 10 a doodad, also DINGU...
dingey 17 12 a small open boat, p...
dinghy 20 14 a small open boat, p...
dingle 12 11 a deep narrow wooded...
dingos 11 10 DINGO, the Australia...
dingus 12 11 a doodad, also DINGE...
dinics 14 11 DINIC, a remedy for...
dining 11 11 an act of formal eat...
dinked 11 13 DINK, to play a drop...
dinker 11 12 DINK, neat [adj]
dinkey 17 14 a small locomotive,...
dinkie 11 12 an affluent married...
dinkly 19 15 neat, tidy [adj DINK...
dinkum 13 16 (Australian slang) t...
dinnae 8 9 (Scots) do not, also...
dinned 9 10 DIN, to make a loud...
dinner 9 9 the chief meal of th...
dinnle 10 10 (Scots) to tingle, v...
dinted 10 9 DINT, to make a dent...
diobol 13 11 an ancient Greek coi...
diodes 10 8 DIODE, a type of ele...
dioecy 19 12 the state of having...
diotas 10 7 DIOTA, an ancient tw...
dioxan 15 15 a toxic flammable so...
dioxid 17 15 an oxide with two at...
dioxin 16 15 an extremely toxic p...
diplex 20 18 pertaining to transm...
diploe 13 11 the soft, spongy, or...
diplon 13 12 an alternative name...
dipnet 12 11 a handheld fishing s...
dipody 19 13 a verse of two metri...
dipole 13 11 a pair of equal and...
dipped 15 14 DIP, to immerse brie...
dipper 15 13 a water bird with a...
dipsas 13 10 a fabled serpent who...
dipsos 13 10 DIPSO, (short for) a...
diquat 19 17 a kind of herbicide...
dirams 12 10 DIRAM, a monetary un...
dirdam 12 11 (Scots) an uproar, a...
dirdum 13 12 (Scots) an uproar, a...
direct 14 10 straightforward [adj...
direly 18 10 DIRE, disastrous [ad...
direst 11 7 DIRE, disastrous [ad...
dirges 12 9 DIRGE, a funeral son...
dirham 14 12 a Middle Eastern coi...
dirhem 14 12 a Middle Eastern coi...
dirige 12 9 (obsolete) a dirge [...
dirked 12 12 DIRK, to stab with a...
dirkes 12 11 DIRKE, (Spenser) to...
dirled 12 9 DIRL, (Scots) to (ca...
dirndl 12 10 (German) an Alpine p...
dirted 11 8 DIRT, to make dirty...
disarm 12 10 to deprive of weapon...
disbar 13 10 to expel from the le...
disbud 14 12 to remove buds from...
discal 15 11 pertaining to a disc...
disced 14 11 DISC, to break up la...
discos 14 10 DISCO, to take part...
discus 15 11 a disc hurled in ath...
diseur 11 8 (French) a (male) re...
dished 13 10 DISH, to put into a...
dishes 13 9 DISH, to put into a...
disked 12 12 DISK, to break up la...
disker 12 11 one who disks, break...
dismal 13 11 sad, gloomy [adj DIS...
disman 11 11 to deprive of men [v...
dismay 18 12 to appall or alarm [...
dismes 12 10 DISME, a former 10-c...
disomy 18 12 the state of being d...
disown 13 11 to deny the ownershi...
dispel 14 11 to drive away and sc...
disple 14 11 (Spenser) to discipl...
dissed 11 8 DIS, to disparage, a...
disses 11 7 DISS, to disrespect,...
distal 12 8 remote from the poin...
distil 13 8 to extract by vapori...
disuse 11 8 to stop using [v DIS...
ditals 12 8 DITAL, a device whic...
dither 13 9 to act indecisively...
diting 12 10 DITE, (obsolete) to...
ditone 9 8 in ancient Greek mus...
dittay 17 9 a legal charge in Sc...
ditted 11 8 DIT, (Scots) to bloc...
dittit 12 7 DIT, (Scots) to bloc...
dittos 11 7 DITTO, to repeat tha...
ditzes 14 16 DITZ, a silly person...
diuron 10 9 a herbicide [n -S]
divans 12 12 DIVAN, a couch or be...
divers 13 11 sundry, several [adj...
divert 13 11 to turn aside [v -ED...
divest 13 11 to strip or deprive...
divide 13 12 to separate into dif...
divied 13 12 DIVI, to divide up,...
divine 12 12 pertaining to or cha...
diving 14 14 the sport or profess...
divots 13 11 DIVOT, a piece of tu...
diwans 13 11 DIWAN, (Urdu) in Ind...
dixies 17 14 DIXIE, a camp-kettle...
dixits 18 14 DIXIT, (Latin) an ut...
dizain 13 17 (French) a ten-line...
dizens 13 17 DIZEN, to dress in f...
djebel 15 20 (Arabic) a hill, a r...
djembe 15 22 a West African drum...
djibba 17 22 a long loose outer g...
djinni 12 18 (Arabic) a supernatu...
djinns 12 18 DJINN, a supernatura...
djinny 18 20 (Arabic) one of a cl...
doable 12 11 able to be done [adj...
doated 9 8 DOAT, to love excess...
doater 9 7 one who dotes, also...
dobbed 14 14 DOB, to inform on [v...
dobber 14 13 (Australian slang) o...
dobbie 14 13 a loom attachment wh...
dobbin 14 14 a farm horse [n -S]
dobies 12 10 DOBIE, an unburnt su...
doblas 13 11 DOBLA, a former gold...
doblon 12 12 a former gold coin o...
dobras 12 10 DOBRA, a former gold...
dobros 12 10 DOBRO, a type of aco...
dobson 11 11 the larva of a large...
docent 12 11 (German) a college o...
docile 14 11 compliant [adj DOCIL...
docked 14 15 DOCK, to bring into...
docken 13 15 (Scots) a dock plant...
docker 14 14 a dock worker [n -S]
docket 14 14 to provide with an i...
doctor 13 10 to treat medically [...
dodded 10 10 DOD, (Scots) to knoc...
dodder 10 9 to walk unsteadily o...
doddle 11 10 an easy task [n -S]
dodged 11 11 DODGE, to evade [v]
dodgem 12 13 an amusement park ri...
dodger 11 10 one that dodges [n -...
dodges 11 10 DODGE, to evade [v]
dodkin 11 13 an old Dutch coin, a...
dodman 10 12 a snail [n -S]
dodoes 9 8 DODO, an extinct bir...
doffed 14 14 DOFF, to take off [v...
doffer 14 13 part of a carding ma...
dogans 10 10 DOGAN, a derogatory...
dogate 10 9 the office of a doge...
dogdom 12 13 the world of dogs [n...
dogear 10 9 to turn down a corne...
dogeys 17 11 DOGEY, a stray calf,...
dogfox 19 19 a male fox [n -ES]
dogged 12 12 stubbornly determine...
dogger 12 11 a two-masted fishing...
doggie 12 11 a small dog, also DO...
dogies 11 9 DOGY, a stray calf,...
dogleg 13 12 to move along a bent...
dogman 11 13 a man who directs a...
dogmas 12 12 DOGMA, an authoritat...
dogmen 11 13 DOGMAN, a man who di...
dognap 12 13 to steal a dog [v DO...
dogrel 12 10 doggerel, also DOGGE...
dohyos 18 11 DOHYO, a sumo wrestl...
doiled 11 9 (Scots) crazy, fooli...
doings 11 10 DOING, an action [n]
doited 10 8 (Scots) in one's dot...
doitit 11 7 (Scots) in one's dot...
dolces 14 11 DOLCE, (Italian) a s...
dolent 10 9 (obsolete) causing s...
dolina 10 9 a swallow-hole, also...
doline 10 9 a swallow-hole, also...
doling 12 11 DOLE, to distribute...
dolium 13 12 (Latin) a Roman eart...
dollar 12 9 a monetary unit of t...
dolled 12 10 DOLL, to dress styli...
dollop 14 12 to dispense in small...
dolman 11 12 a Turkish robe; a hu...
dolmas 12 11 DOLMA, a vine or cab...
dolmen 11 12 a prehistoric struct...
dolors 11 8 DOLOR, grief, also D...
dolour 11 9 grief, also DOLOR [n...
domain 10 11 an area of control [...
domett 11 10 a type of plain clot...
domier 11 10 DOMY, like a dome [a...
domine 10 11 a member of the cler...
doming 12 13 DOME, to cover with...
domino 10 11 a small mask [n DOMI...
domoic 14 13 as in domoic acid, a...
donahs 11 10 DONAH, (Spanish) fem...
donair 9 8 sliced lamb rolled i...
donary 15 10 a thing given to sac...
donate 8 8 to contribute [v DON...
donder 9 9 (Afrikaans) to beat...
donees 8 8 DONEE, the person to...
dongas 10 10 DONGA, a gully in a...
donged 10 11 DONG, to ring a deep...
dongle 11 11 a security device on...
doning 10 11 (colloquial) the act...
donjon 10 18 the main tower of a...
donkey 16 14 the common ass [n -S...
donkos 10 12 DONKO, (New Zealand)...
donnas 8 9 DONNA, (Italian) a t...
donnat 8 9 (dialect) a good-for...
donned 8 10 DON, to put on [v]
donnee 7 9 (French) a datum, so...
donnes 8 9 DONNE, (French) a da...
donnot 8 9 (dialect) an idler,...
donors 9 8 DONOR, one that dona...
donsie 9 8 unlucky, also DONSY...
donuts 10 9 DONUT, to surround a...
donzel 13 18 (obsolete) a squire,...
doobie 11 10 a marijuana cigarett...
doobry 18 12 a thing whose name i...
dooced 12 11 DOOCE, to dismiss (a...
dooces 12 10 DOOCE, to dismiss (a...
doocot 12 10 (Scots) a dovecote,...
doodad 9 9 something whose name...
doodah 11 10 something whose name...
doodle 10 9 to scribble aimlessl...
doodoo 8 8 a childish word for...
doofer 11 10 a thingummybob The n...
doofus 12 11 a stupid person, als...
dooked 10 12 DOOK, (Scots) to duc...
dooket 10 11 (Scots) a dovecote,...
doolan 9 9 (New Zealand) a Roma...
doolee 9 8 (Hindi) a litter or...
dooles 10 8 DOOLE, (obsolete) pa...
doolie 10 8 (Hindi) a litter or...
doomed 10 11 DOOM, to condemn to...
doonas 8 8 DOONA, a light quilt...
doored 9 8 having a door [adj]
doorns 9 8 DOORN, (Afrikaans) a...
doosra 9 7 a delivery bowled by...
doowop 14 13 a style of singing i...
doozer 12 16 an extraordinary one...
doozie 12 16 an extraordinary one...
dopant 11 11 in electronics, an i...
dopers 12 10 DOPER, one who dopes...
dopest 12 10 DOPE, excellent [adj...
dopier 12 10 DOPY, lethargic; stu...
dopily 20 13 DOPY, lethargic; stu...
doping 13 13 the act of doping [n...
dopped 14 14 DOP, to dip [v]
dopper 14 13 a little grebe, also...
doppie 14 13 a cartridge-case [n...
doppio 14 13 a double measure of...
dorado 9 8 a large edible marin...
dorads 10 8 DORAD, any member of...
dorbas 12 10 DORBA, (Australian s...
dorbug 14 13 (US) a cockchafer [n...
dorees 9 7 DOREE, a yellow mack...
dories 10 7 DORY, a golden-yello...
dorise 10 7 to become like the D...
dorize 13 16 to become like the D...
dormer 11 10 a type of gabled win...
dormie 11 10 being ahead in golf...
dormin 11 11 abscisic acid, a pla...
dorper 12 10 a breed of mutton-pr...
dorred 10 8 DOR, to mock, scoff...
dorsad 10 8 toward the dorsum or...
dorsal 11 8 relating to the back...
dorsel 11 8 an ornamental cloth...
dorser 10 7 a covering for the b...
dorses 10 7 DORSE, a kind of sma...
dorsum 12 11 (Latin) the back [n...
dorted 10 8 DORT, (Scots) to sul...
dorter 10 7 (archaic) a dormitor...
dosage 10 9 the amount of medici...
dosehs 12 9 DOSEH, an old Arabia...
dosers 10 7 DOSER, one who doses...
doshas 12 9 DOSHA, (Sanskrit) ea...
doshes 12 9 DOSH, (slang) money...
dosing 11 10 DOSE, to give a meas...
dossal 11 8 an ornamental cloth...
dossed 10 8 DOSS, to sleep in an...
dossel 11 8 an ornamental cloth...
dosser 10 7 a covering for the b...
dosses 10 7 DOSS, to sleep in an...
dossil 12 8 a wad of lint for wi...
dotage 10 9 the state of senilit...
dotant 9 8 (Shakespeare) one wh...
dotard 10 8 someone who dotes, a...
dotcom 14 13 a company that condu...
doters 10 7 DOTER, one who dotes...
dotier 10 7 DOTY, stained by dec...
doting 11 10 an excessive love, a...
dotish 13 9 foolish; weak [adj]
dotted 10 8 DOT, to cover with t...
dottel 11 8 a mass of half-burnt...
dotter 10 7 one who dots [n -S]
dottle 11 8 a mass of partly bur...
douane 8 9 a customhouse [n -S]
douars 10 8 DOUAR, a type of ten...
double 13 12 to make twice as muc...
doubly 20 14 DOUBLE [adv]
doubts 13 11 DOUBT, to be uncerta...
doucer 13 11 DOUCE, (French) swee...
doucet 13 11 a sweet dish, also D...
douche 15 13 to cleanse with a je...
doughs 14 12 DOUGH, a flour mixtu...
dought 14 12 DOW, to be able [v]
doughy 20 14 resembling dough [ad...
douked 11 13 DOUK, to duck, bathe...
doulas 11 9 DOULA, (Modern Greek...
doumas 11 11 DOUMA, (Russian) the...
dourah 12 10 Indian millet, also...
douras 10 8 DOURA, Indian millet...
dourer 10 8 DOUR, determined, su...
dourly 18 11 DOUR, determined, su...
doused 10 9 DOUSE, to plunge int...
douser 10 8 something used for d...
douses 10 8 DOUSE, to plunge int...
douted 10 9 DOUT, (Scots) to put...
douter 10 8 an extinguisher for...
dovens 11 12 DOVEN, to utter Jewi...
dovers 12 11 DOVER, (Scots) to do...
dovier 12 11 DOVIE, (Scots) stupi...
doving 13 14 DOVE, to doze, also...
dovish 15 13 like a dove, seeking...
dowars 13 10 DOWAR, (Arabic) a ci...
dowels 14 11 DOWEL, to fasten wit...
dowers 13 10 DOWER, to provide wi...
dowery 19 12 the property which a...
dowier 13 10 DOWIE, (Scots) dull,...
dowing 14 13 DOW, to be able [v]
dowlas 14 11 a coarse linen cloth...
dowles 14 11 DOWLE, (dialect) a p...
dowlne 13 12 (Shakespeare) down,...
downed 12 12 DOWN, to cause to fa...
downer 12 11 something that oppre...
dowsed 13 11 DOWSE, to search for...
dowser 13 10 one who searches for...
dowses 13 10 DOWSE, to search for...
dowset 13 10 a savory tart baked...
doxies 16 14 DOXIE, a doctrine, a...
doyens 15 10 DOYEN, the senior me...
doyley 23 12 an ornamental napkin...
dozens 12 17 DOZEN, (Scots) to do...
dozers 13 16 DOZER, one who dozes...
dozier 13 16 DOZY, sleepy [adj]
dozily 21 19 DOZY, sleepy [adv]
dozing 14 19 the act of taking a...
drabby 21 15 sluttish, also DRABB...
drably 20 13 DRAB, dull and monot...
drachm 17 15 (Greek) a Greek mone...
draffs 15 13 DRAFF, the damp rema...
draffy 21 15 like dregs, worthles...
drafts 13 10 DRAFT, to conscript...
drafty 19 12 exposed to currents...
dragee 10 9 a sugarcoated candy...
draggy 19 13 boring [adj DRAGGIER...
dragon 10 10 a mythical, serpentl...
drails 12 8 DRAIL, to dirty by d...
drains 10 8 DRAIN, to draw off a...
drakes 11 11 DRAKE, a male duck [...
dramas 11 10 DRAMA, a story showi...
drants 10 8 DRANT, (dialect) to...
draped 12 11 DRAPE, to arrange in...
draper 12 10 a dealer in cloth [n...
drapes 12 10 DRAPE, to arrange in...
drapet 12 10 (Spenser) a cloth co...
drapey 18 12 characterized by gra...
drappy 21 15 (Scots) a little dro...
draunt 10 9 to drawl, to drone,...
drawee 12 10 the person on whom a...
drawer 13 10 one that draws [n -S...
drawls 15 11 DRAWL, to speak slow...
drawly 21 13 marked by drawling [...
drayed 16 10 DRAY, to transport b...
drazel 14 17 (dialect) a slut; a...
dreads 10 8 DREAD, to fear great...
dreams 11 10 DREAM, to experience...
dreamt 11 10 DREAM, to experience...
dreamy 17 12 full of dreams [adj...
dreare 9 7 (Spenser) dreariness...
drears 10 7 DREAR, gloom [n]
dreary 16 9 a dismal person [n D...
drecks 15 14 DRECK, inferior merc...
drecky 21 16 rubbishy, also DREKK...
dredge 11 10 to scoop mud with a...
dreest 10 7 DREE, (Scots) dreary...
dreggy 19 13 full of dregs [adj D...
dreich 16 12 dreary, also DREIGH...
dreidl 12 9 a four-sided toy mar...
dreigh 14 11 (Scots) dreary, also...
drekky 19 17 rubbishy, also DRECK...
drench 15 13 to wet thoroughly [v...
dreres 10 7 DRERE, (Spenser) dre...
dressy 17 9 showy in dress [adj...
drices 14 10 DRICE, dry ice or fr...
driegh 14 11 (Scots) dreary, also...
driers 11 7 DRIER, an apparatus...
driest 11 7 DRY, having no moist...
drifts 14 10 DRIFT, to drift alon...
drifty 20 12 full of masses of wi...
drills 14 9 DRILL, to bore a hol...
drinks 12 12 DRINK, to swallow li...
drippy 22 15 silly, inane [adj DR...
drivel 14 12 to let saliva flow f...
driven 12 12 DRIVE, to urge or co...
driver 13 11 one who drives [n -S...
drives 13 11 DRIVE, to urge or co...
droger 11 9 a West Indian sailin...
drogue 11 10 a funnel-shaped sea...
droich 16 12 (Gaelic) a dwarf [n...
droids 11 8 DROID, (colloquial)...
droils 12 8 DROIL, (obsolete) to...
droits 11 7 DROIT, (French) a le...
drokes 11 11 DROKE, (Canadian) a...
droler 11 8 DROLE, amusing [adj]
droles 11 8 DROLE, a rogue or kn...
drolls 13 9 DROLL, to jest [v]
drolly 19 11 DROLL, quaintly amus...
dromes 11 10 DROME, (colloquial)...
dromic 15 13 relating to a raceco...
dromoi 11 10 DROMOS, a Greek race...
dromon 10 11 a large fast-sailing...
dromos 11 10 a Greek race-course...
droned 9 9 DRONE, to make a mon...
droner 9 8 one who drones [n -S...
drones 9 8 DRONE, to make a mon...
drongo 10 10 (Australian slang) a...
droobs 12 10 DROOB, (Australian s...
droogs 11 9 DROOG, (Russian) a v...
drooks 11 11 DROOK, (Scots) to dr...
drools 11 8 DROOL, to let saliva...
drooly 17 10 drooling [adj DROOLI...
droome 10 10 (Spenser) a drum [n...
droops 12 10 DROOP, to hang downw...
droopy 18 12 hanging [adj DROOPIE...
dropsy 19 12 unnatural accumulati...
drosky 18 13 an open carriage, al...
drossy 17 9 worthless [adj DROSS...
drouks 12 12 DROUK, (Scots) to dr...
drouth 13 10 drought [n -S]
droved 12 12 DROVE, to drive shee...
drover 12 11 a driver of cattle o...
droves 12 11 DROVE, to drive shee...
drownd 13 12 (colloquial) to drow...
drowns 13 11 DROWN, to suffocate...
drowse 13 10 to doze [v DROWSED,...
drowsy 20 12 sleepy [adj DROWSIER...
drudge 12 11 to do hard, tedious...
druggy 20 14 affected by drugs [a...
druids 12 9 DRUID, one of an anc...
drumly 20 14 (Scots) turbid, mudd...
drummy 20 16 (South Africa) a dru...
drunks 12 13 DRUNK, an intoxicate...
drupel 14 12 a small part of a fr...
drupes 13 11 DRUPE, a fleshy frui...
drusen 10 9 accumulations of ext...
druses 11 8 DRUSE, a crust of sm...
dryads 17 10 DRYAD, a nymph of th...
dryers 17 9 DRYER, an apparatus...
dryest 17 9 DRY, having no moist...
drying 18 12 the act of drying [n...
dryish 20 11 somewhat dry [adj]
drylot 18 10 an enclosure for liv...
dsobos 12 10 DSOBO, (Tibetan) a m...
dsomos 11 10 DSOMO, (Tibetan) a f...
dualin 11 10 an explosive mixture...
dually 19 12 DUAL, twofold [adv]
dubbed 15 15 DUB, to confer knigh...
dubber 15 14 one that dubs [n -S]
dubbin 15 15 a preparation of gre...
dubbos 15 14 DUBBO, (Australian s...
ducats 14 11 DUCAT, (historical)...
ducked 15 16 DUCK, to bob quickly...
ducker 15 15 a diving-bird [n -S]
duckie 15 15 (US slang) excellent...
ductal 15 12 made up of ducts [ad...
ducted 14 12 DUCT, to transport a...
dudder 11 10 to tremble, shudder...
duddie 11 10 (Scots) ragged, also...
dudeen 9 10 (Irish) a clay pipe,...
duding 12 12 DUDE, to dress in fl...
dudish 14 11 like, or characteris...
dudism 13 12 dressing up like a d...
dueful 14 13 (Spenser) proper, fi...
dueled 11 10 DUEL, to fight forma...
dueler 11 9 one who duels, also...
duelli 13 10 DUELLO, (Italian) a...
duello 12 10 (Italian) a duel, du...
duende 9 10 (Spanish) the power...
duenna 8 10 (Spanish) a governes...
dueted 10 9 DUET, to perform a d...
duetti 11 8 DUETTO, a musical pe...
duetto 10 8 a musical performanc...
duetts 11 8 DUETT, a musical per...
duffed 15 15 DUFF, to bungle [v]
duffel 16 15 a coarse woollen fab...
duffer 15 14 a clumsy person [n -...
duffle 16 15 a coarse woollen fab...
dugite 12 10 an Australian venomo...
dugong 12 13 an aquatic mammal, a...
dugout 12 11 a canoe made by holl...
duhkha 16 16 suffering due to the...
duiker 12 12 (Afrikaans) a small...
dukery 18 14 a duke's seat [n DUK...
duking 13 15 DUKE, to fight with...
dukkah 15 18 a mix of ground nuts...
dukkas 13 16 DUKKA, a mix of grou...
dukkha 15 18 suffering due to the...
dulces 15 12 DULCE, a sweet food...
dulcet 15 12 sweet-toned [adj DUL...
dulias 12 9 DULIA, in Roman Cath...
dulled 13 11 DULL, to blunt, make...
duller 13 10 DULL, mentally slow...
dulses 12 9 DULSE, an edible red...
dumbed 14 15 DUMB, to deprive of...
dumber 14 14 DUMB, incapable of s...
dumbly 22 17 DUMB, incapable of s...
dumbos 14 14 DUMBO, (colloquial)...
dumdum 14 16 a soft-nosed expandi...
dumela 12 12 (South Africa) hello...
dumkas 13 15 DUMKA, (Czech) a lam...
dumose 11 11 abounding with bushe...
dumous 12 12 abounding with bushe...
dumped 14 15 DUMP, to unload, let...
dumpee 13 14 the person in a rela...
dumper 14 14 a wave that crashes...
dumple 15 15 to make dumpy; to fo...
dunams 11 12 DUNAM, an Israeli la...
dunces 13 12 DUNCE, a stupid pers...
dunder 10 10 dregs of sugar-cane...
dunged 11 12 DUNG, to fertilize w...
dunger 11 11 (New Zealand) a dila...
dunite 10 9 an igneous rock comp...
dunked 11 14 DUNK, to dip into li...
dunker 11 13 one who dunks [n -S]
dunlin 11 11 a species of brown-a...
dunned 9 11 DUN, to make demands...
dunner 9 10 DUN, of a dull brown...
dunted 10 10 DUNT, to strike with...
duolog 12 11 a conversation betwe...
duomos 11 11 DUOMO, (Italian) a c...
dupers 13 11 DUPER, one who dupes...
dupery 19 13 the act or practice...
duping 14 14 the act of deceiving...
dupion 12 12 (French) a coarse si...
duplet 14 12 a pair of electrons...
duplex 20 19 to make duple [v -ED...
dupped 15 15 DUP, (Shakespeare) t...
durals 12 9 DURAL, (tradename) a...
durant 10 9 a strong cloth in im...
durbar 13 11 the court of a nativ...
durdum 13 13 (Scots) an uproar; a...
duress 11 8 compulsion by force,...
durgah 14 12 a structure over a p...
durgan 11 11 (dialect) a dwarf, a...
durian 10 9 (Malay) a tree of th...
during 12 11 throughout the durat...
durion 10 9 (Malay) a tree of th...
durned 10 10 damned [adj DURNEDER...
durocs 14 11 DUROC, a large red h...
duroys 17 10 DUROY, a coarse wool...
durras 11 8 DURRA, (Arabic) indi...
durrie 11 8 an Indian cotton rug...
durums 13 12 DURUM, a strain of w...
durzis 15 17 DURZI, a Hindu tailo...
dushed 13 11 DUSH, (Scots) to str...
dushes 13 10 DUSH, (Scots) to str...
dusked 12 13 DUSK, to make dim [v...
dusken 11 13 to grow dark [v -ED,...
dusker 12 12 DUSK, dim, darkening...
duskly 20 15 DUSK, dim, darkening...
dusted 11 9 DUST, to rid of minu...
duster 11 8 one who dusts [n -S]
dustup 14 12 a to-do, a quarrel [...
dutied 11 9 subjected to duties...
duties 11 8 DUTY, a moral or leg...
duvets 13 12 DUVET, a light quilt...
duyker 18 14 (Afrikaans) a small...
dwaals 14 11 DWAAL, (South Africa...
dwales 14 11 DWALE, deadly nights...
dwalms 16 14 DWALM, to swoon, als...
dwangs 14 13 DWANG, a piece of ti...
dwarfs 16 13 DWARF, to cause to a...
dwaums 15 14 DWAUM, to swoon, als...
dweebs 15 13 DWEEB, a fool [n]
dweeby 21 15 socially inept, also...
dwells 16 12 DWELL, to reside [v]
dwiles 15 11 DWILE, a floorcloth...
dwined 13 12 DWINE, (Scots) to pi...
dwines 13 11 DWINE, (Scots) to pi...
dyable 19 13 that can be dyed, al...
dyadic 20 13 pertaining to the nu...
dybbuk 23 20 (Yiddish) a wanderin...
dyeing 17 12 something coloured w...
dyings 18 12 DYING, a passing out...
dykier 18 13 DYKEY, like a lesbia...
dyking 19 16 DYKE, to furnish wit...
dykons 17 14 DYKON, a celebrity,...
dynamo 16 13 a machine for genera...
dynast 16 10 a hereditary ruler [...
dynein 15 11 an enzyme involved i...
dynels 17 11 DYNEL, a synthetic f...
dynode 15 11 an intermediate elec...
dysury 24 12 pain in passing urin...
dyvour 19 14 (Scots) a bankrupt [...
dzeren 12 17 a kind of Asian ante...