15 letter words that start with D

15 letter words that start with D

15 letter D word


Words With Friends®


dactyliomancies 39 29 DACTYLIOMANCY, divin...
dactylographers 41 29 DACTYLOGRAPHER, one...
dactylographies 41 29 DACTYLOGRAPHY, the s...
daguerreotypers 34 24 DAGUERREOTYPER, one...
daguerreotypies 34 24 DAGUERREOTYPY, the a...
daguerreotyping 35 27 DAGUERREOTYPE, to de...
daguerreotypist 35 24 one who practises da...
damageabilities 30 25 DAMAGEABILITY, the q...
dangerousnesses 24 21 DANGEROUSNESS, DANGE...
dastardlinesses 26 19 DASTARDLINESS, the s...
dauntlessnesses 25 20 DAUNTLESSNESS, DAUNT...
deacidification 33 27 the act of deacidify...
deathlessnesses 27 20 DEATHLESSNESS, DEATH...
debauchednesses 31 27 DEBAUCHEDNESS, the s...
decalcification 37 30 the removal or loss...
decarbonisation 28 24 the process of decar...
decarbonization 31 33 the process of decar...
decarboxylating 44 35 DECARBOXYLATE, to re...
decarboxylation 42 33 the removal or elimi...
decarburisation 30 24 the process of decar...
decarburization 33 33 the act of decarburi...
decasualisation 28 22 the process of makin...
decasualization 31 31 the process of elimi...
deceitfulnesses 31 25 DECEITFULNESS, the s...
deceivabilities 34 27 DECEIVABILITY, the q...
deceptibilities 35 26 DECEPTIBILITY, the q...
deceptivenesses 31 27 DECEPTIVENESS, the s...
decertification 33 26 the act of decertify...
dechlorinations 30 24 DECHLORINATION, the...
dechristianised 31 23 DECHRISTIANISE, to t...
dechristianises 31 22 DECHRISTIANISE, to t...
dechristianized 34 32 DECHRISTIANIZE, to t...
dechristianizes 34 31 DECHRISTIANIZE, to t...
deciduousnesses 28 23 DECIDUOUSNESS, the s...
decimalisations 30 24 DECIMALISATION, conv...
decimalizations 33 33 DECIMALIZATION, conv...
decipherability 43 30 the quality of being...
decolonisations 27 22 DECOLONISATION, the...
decolonizations 30 31 DECOLONIZATION, the...
decolorisations 28 21 DECOLORISATION, the...
decolorizations 31 30 DECOLORIZATION, the...
decolourisation 28 22 the process of decol...
decolourization 31 31 the process of decol...
decommissioners 30 26 DECOMMISSIONER, one...
decommissioning 31 29 DECOMMISSION, to rem...
decommunisation 29 28 the act or process o...
decommunization 32 37 the act or process o...
decompensations 29 27 DECOMPENSATION, the...
decomposability 41 31 the state of being d...
deconcentrating 30 27 DECONCENTRATE, to re...
deconcentration 28 25 the act of deconcent...
deconsecrations 29 24 DECONSECRATION, the...
deconstructions 31 25 DECONSTRUCTION, inte...
decontaminating 28 27 DECONTAMINATE, to ri...
decontamination 26 25 the act of decontami...
decontaminative 29 28 related to decontami...
decontaminators 27 24 DECONTAMINATOR, some...
decontextualise 34 29 to consider (somethi...
decontextualize 37 38 to consider (somethi...
decriminalising 32 27 DECRIMINALISE, to re...
decriminalizing 35 36 DECRIMINALIZE, to re...
dedifferentiate 28 24 to effect dedifferen...
deduciblenesses 31 26 DEDUCIBLENESS, the s...
deductibilities 34 25 DEDUCTIBILITY, the q...
defeasibilities 31 23 DEFEASIBILITY, the q...
defectibilities 35 26 DEFECTIBILITY, the q...
defectivenesses 31 27 DEFECTIVENESS, DEFEC...
defeminisations 27 24 DEFEMINISATION, the...
defeminizations 30 33 DEFEMINIZATION, the...
defencelessness 29 25 DEFENCELESS, without...
defenestrations 25 21 DEFENESTRATION, the...
defenselessness 26 22 DEFENSELESS, without...
defensibilities 31 24 DEFENSIBILITY, the q...
defensivenesses 27 25 DEFENSIVENESS, DEFEN...
defervescencies 34 30 DEFERVESCENCY, abate...
defibrillations 32 25 DEFIBRILLATION, the...
deficientnesses 29 24 DEFICIENTNESS, DEFIC...
deflocculations 35 29 DEFLOCCULATION, the...
deformabilities 32 26 DEFORMABILITY, the q...
degenerationist 24 20 someone who believes...
deglamorisation 27 23 the process of degla...
deglamorization 30 32 the act of deglamori...
degradabilities 30 23 DEGRADABILITY, the q...
degradingnesses 26 23 DEGRADINGNESS, DEGRA...
dehumanisations 27 24 DEHUMANISATION, the...
dehumanizations 30 33 DEHUMANIZATION, the...
dehydrogenating 34 27 DEHYDROGENATE, to re...
dehydrogenation 32 25 the removal of hydro...
dehydrogenising 35 27 DEHYDROGENISE, to re...
dehydrogenizing 38 36 DEHYDROGENIZE, to re...
dehydroretinols 34 23 DEHYDRORETINOL, vita...
dehypnotisation 34 25 the process of dehyp...
dehypnotization 37 34 the process of dehyp...
deindividuation 27 25 the loss of a person...
deindustrialise 27 20 to disperse or reduc...
deindustrialize 30 29 to disperse or reduc...
delectabilities 33 24 DELECTABILITY, the s...
delegitimations 28 23 DELEGITIMATION, the...
deleteriousness 25 19 DELETERIOUS, harmful...
deliciousnesses 29 22 DELICIOUSNESS, the s...
delightednesses 29 23 DELIGHTEDNESS, DELIG...
deliriousnesses 26 19 DELIRIOUSNESS, DELIR...
delocalisations 29 22 DELOCALISATION, the...
delocalizations 32 31 DELOCALIZATION, the...
demagnetisation 25 23 the act of demagneti...
demagnetization 28 32 the act of demagneti...
demandingnesses 25 25 DEMANDINGNESS, DEMAN...
dematerialising 28 23 DEMATERIALISE, to be...
dematerializing 31 32 DEMATERIALIZE, to ca...
demeritoriously 34 23 DEMERITORIOUS, not m...
demisemiquavers 38 36 DEMISEMIQUAVER, a 1/...
demobilisations 29 24 DEMOBILISATION, the...
demobilizations 32 33 DEMOBILIZATION, the...
democratifiable 34 29 able to be made demo...
democratisation 28 23 the act of democrati...
democratization 31 32 the act of democrati...
demographically 43 33 DEMOGRAPHICAL, relat...
demonetisations 24 21 DEMONETISATION, the...
demonetizations 27 30 DEMONETIZATION, the...
demonstrability 36 26 the state of being d...
demonstrational 25 22 relating to demonstr...
demonstratively 35 27 DEMONSTRATIVE, servi...
demoralisations 26 21 DEMORALISATION, the...
demoralizations 29 30 DEMORALIZATION, the...
demulsification 33 28 the act of demulsify...
demutualisation 27 23 the process of demut...
demutualization 30 32 the process of demut...
demystification 38 28 the act of demystify...
demythification 40 30 the process of demyt...
demythologisers 37 26 DEMYTHOLOGISER, one...
demythologising 38 29 DEMYTHOLOGISE, to re...
demythologizers 40 35 DEMYTHOLOGIZER, one...
demythologizing 41 38 DEMYTHOLOGIZE, to di...
denationalising 25 22 DENATIONALISE, to de...
denationalizing 28 31 DENATIONALIZE, to di...
denazifications 32 33 DENAZIFICATION, the...
denitrification 30 24 the removal of nitro...
denitrificators 31 23 DENITRIFICATOR, an a...
departmentalise 28 24 to form into separat...
departmentalism 30 27 too strict division...
departmentalize 31 33 to form into separat...
dependabilities 30 25 DEPENDABILITY, the s...
depersonalising 28 24 DEPERSONALISE, to ta...
depersonalizing 31 33 DEPERSONALIZE, to de...
dephlogisticate 35 27 to make something fi...
dephosphorylate 40 29 to remove phosphate...
depigmentations 28 26 DEPIGMENTATION, loss...
deplorabilities 32 24 DEPLORABILITY, the q...
depolarisations 27 21 DEPOLARISATION, the...
depolarizations 30 30 DEPOLARIZATION, the...
deregistrations 26 19 DEREGISTRATION, the...
dereligionising 28 23 DERELIGIONISE, to re...
dereligionizing 31 32 DERELIGIONIZE, to re...
derequisitioned 33 28 DEREQUISITION, to re...
derivatisations 27 21 DERIVATISATION, the...
derivatizations 30 30 DERIVATIZATION, the...
dermatoglyphics 43 32 DERMATOGLYPHIC, a ri...
dermatographias 31 26 DERMATOGRAPHIA, a ty...
dermatographies 31 26 DERMATOGRAPHY, anato...
dermatomyositis 34 24 a disease characteri...
dermatophytoses 36 26 DERMATOPHYTOSIS, a f...
dermatophytosis 37 26 a fungal infection o...
dermatoplasties 29 23 DERMATOPLASTY, a pla...
desacralisation 28 21 the act of desacrali...
desacralization 31 30 the act of desacrali...
desalinisations 25 19 DESALINISATION, the...
desalinizations 28 28 DESALINIZATION, the...
descriptiveness 33 27 DESCRIPTIVE, serving...
desensitisation 24 18 the act of desensiti...
desensitization 27 27 the act of desensiti...
desertification 30 23 a process of land de...
deservingnesses 27 24 DESERVINGNESS, DESER...
desexualisation 31 26 the act of desexuali...
desexualization 34 35 the act of desexuali...
desilverisation 28 22 the process of desil...
desilverization 31 31 the process of desil...
desirablenesses 27 21 DESIRABLENESS, the s...
desperatenesses 25 20 DESPERATENESS, the s...
despicabilities 35 26 DESPICABILITY, the q...
despiritualised 30 22 DESPIRITUALISE, to d...
despiritualises 30 21 DESPIRITUALISE, to d...
despiritualized 33 31 DESPIRITUALIZE, to d...
despiritualizes 33 30 DESPIRITUALIZE, to d...
dessertspoonful 30 25 the contents of a de...
destabilisation 28 21 the act of destabili...
destabilization 31 30 the act of destabili...
destitutenesses 25 18 DESTITUTENESS, the s...
destructibility 41 26 the state of being d...
destructionists 30 21 DESTRUCTIONIST, one...
destructiveness 31 25 the state of being d...
destructivities 33 24 DESTRUCTIVITY, capac...
desulfurisation 29 23 the removal of sulfu...
desulfurization 32 32 the removal of sulfu...
desulphurations 31 25 DESULPHURATION, the...
desultorinesses 26 19 DESULTORINESS, the s...
detachabilities 34 25 DETACHABILITY, the s...
detectabilities 32 23 DETECTABILITY, the s...
determinability 36 26 the quality of being...
determinateness 24 21 the state of being d...
determinatively 35 27 DETERMINATIVE, havin...
deterrabilities 29 20 DETERRABILITY, the s...
detestabilities 29 20 DETESTABILITY, the q...
detoxifications 36 30 DETOXIFICATION, the...
detribalisation 28 21 the act of detribali...
detribalization 31 30 the act of detribali...
deuteranomalies 25 22 DEUTERANOMALY, the s...
deuteranomalous 25 23 exhibiting partial l...
devalorisations 27 22 DEVALORISATION, the...
devalorizations 30 31 DEVALORIZATION, the...
developmentally 38 32 DEVELOPMENTAL, relat...
devitalisations 28 22 DEVITALISATION, the...
devitalizations 31 31 DEVITALIZATION, the...
devitrification 33 27 the act of devitrify...
devotionalities 27 22 DEVOTIONALITY, the s...
dexamphetamines 36 35 DEXAMPHETAMINE, the...
dexterousnesses 30 25 DEXTEROUSNESS, the s...
dextrorotations 30 24 DEXTROROTATION, rota...
diagonalisation 25 21 the act of diagonali...
diagonalization 28 30 the act of diagonali...
diaheliotropism 32 25 the state of being d...
dialectological 35 27 relating to dialecto...
dialectologists 32 23 DIALECTOLOGIST, a sp...
dialysabilities 37 23 DIALYSABILITY, the q...
dialyzabilities 40 32 DIALYZABILITY, the q...
diamagnetically 38 29 DIAMAGNETIC, applied...
diaphototropies 31 24 DIAPHOTOTROPY, the s...
diaphototropism 33 27 the state of being d...
diaphragmatitis 33 26 inflammation of the...
diastereoisomer 25 19 a stereoisomer that...
diastrophically 42 28 DIASTROPHIC, relatin...
dichlorobenzene 34 36 any of three isomeri...
dichloroethanes 32 25 DICHLOROETHANE, a co...
dichloromethane 33 28 a noxious colourless...
dichotomisation 31 25 the act of dichotomi...
dichotomization 34 34 the act of dichotomi...
dichotomousness 31 26 DICHOTOMOUS, forking...
dichromaticisms 38 30 DICHROMATICISM, the...
dictatorialness 29 21 DICTATORIAL, befitti...
differentiating 30 26 DIFFERENTIATE, to ob...
differentiation 28 24 the act of different...
differentiators 29 23 DIFFERENTIATOR, some...
differentnesses 28 24 DIFFERENTNESS, DIFFE...
diffractiveness 35 30 DIFFRACTIVE, causing...
diffractometers 34 28 DIFFRACTOMETER, an i...
diffractometric 38 31 relating to measurem...
diffrangibility 42 31 the state of being d...
diffusibilities 36 27 DIFFUSIBILITY, the s...
diffusivenesses 32 28 DIFFUSIVENESS, the s...
digestibilities 32 22 DIGESTIBILITY, the f...
digitalisations 28 20 DIGITALISATION, the...
digitalizations 31 29 DIGITALIZATION, the...
dignifiednesses 28 24 DIGNIFIEDNESS, DIGNI...
dihydrocodeines 36 26 DIHYDROCODEINE, a sy...
dilatablenesses 28 22 DILATABLENESS, DILAT...
dimenhydrinates 34 26 DIMENHYDRINATE, a cr...
dimethylaniline 36 27 an oily liquid, anil...
dinitrobenzenes 28 31 DINITROBENZENE, any...
dinoflagellates 30 25 DINOFLAGELLATE, a ki...
dioeciousnesses 27 21 DIOECIOUSNESS, DIOEC...
diphenhydramine 38 31 a type of antihistam...
diphenylenimine 36 30 a derivative of benz...
diphenylketones 36 30 DIPHENYLKETONE, the...
diplomatologies 31 26 DIPLOMATOLOGY, the s...
disaccharidases 34 25 DISACCHARIDASE, an e...
disaccommodated 33 30 DISACCOMMODATE, to p...
disaccommodates 33 29 DISACCOMMODATE, to p...
disacknowledged 34 32 DISACKNOWLEDGE, to r...
disacknowledges 34 31 DISACKNOWLEDGE, to r...
disadvantageous 27 25 constituting a disad...
disaffectedness 32 27 the state of being d...
disaffectionate 31 26 showing disaffection...
disaffiliations 31 24 DISAFFILIATION, the...
disaffirmations 31 26 DISAFFIRMATION, the...
disafforestment 30 26 the act of disaffore...
disaggregations 28 23 DISAGGREGATION, the...
disagreeability 36 24 the quality of being...
disambiguations 30 26 DISAMBIGUATION, the...
disapplications 34 27 DISAPPLICATION, the...
disappointingly 38 29 DISAPPOINTING [adv]
disappointments 30 27 DISAPPOINTMENT, the...
disapprobations 31 26 DISAPPROBATION, the...
disappropriated 32 26 DISAPPROPRIATE, to t...
disappropriates 32 25 DISAPPROPRIATE, to t...
disarrangements 26 23 DISARRANGEMENT, the...
disarticulating 32 24 DISARTICULATE, to se...
disarticulation 30 22 the act of disarticu...
disarticulators 31 21 DISARTICULATOR, a de...
disassimilating 30 23 DISASSIMILATE, to su...
disassimilation 28 21 the act of disassimi...
disassimilative 31 24 relating to the act...
disassociations 28 20 DISASSOCIATION, the...
disattributions 29 21 DISATTRIBUTION, the...
discapacitating 35 28 DISCAPACITATE, to in...
disciplinarians 32 25 DISCIPLINARIAN, one...
disciplinariums 35 28 DISCIPLINARIUM, a sc...
discolourations 29 22 DISCOLOURATION, the...
discomboberated 33 29 DISCOMBOBERATE, to t...
discomboberates 33 28 DISCOMBOBERATE, to t...
discombobulated 35 31 DISCOMBOBULATE, to t...
discombobulates 35 30 DISCOMBOBULATE, to t...
discommendation 29 28 the act of discommen...
discommissioned 31 27 DISCOMMISSION, (Milt...
discommodiously 39 30 DISCOMMODIOUS, incon...
disconcertingly 40 29 DISCONCERTING [adv]
disconcertments 32 27 DISCONCERTMENT, the...
disconfirmation 31 27 the act of disconfir...
disconformities 32 26 DISCONFORMITY, an un...
disconsolations 28 22 DISCONSOLATION, the...
discontentments 28 25 DISCONTENTMENT, disc...
discontiguities 31 23 DISCONTIGUITY, lack...
discontinuances 30 26 DISCONTINUANCE, the...
discontinuation 27 23 the act of discontin...
discontinuities 29 22 DISCONTINUITY, lack...
discontinuously 36 26 DISCONTINUOUS, not c...
discountenanced 29 27 DISCOUNTENANCE, to a...
discountenances 29 26 DISCOUNTENANCE, to a...
discouragements 30 26 DISCOURAGEMENT, the...
discretionarily 36 23 DISCRETIONARY, at di...
discriminations 30 24 DISCRIMINATION, the...
disembarkations 29 27 DISEMBARKATION, the...
disembarrassing 30 25 DISEMBARRASS, to fre...
disembellishing 35 29 DISEMBELLISH, to dep...
disemboguements 30 29 DISEMBOGUEMENT, the...
disembowelments 33 30 DISEMBOWELMENT, the...
disempowerments 32 29 DISEMPOWERMENT, the...
disenchantingly 38 29 DISENCHANTING [adv]
disenchantments 30 27 DISENCHANTMENT, the...
disencumberment 32 31 the act of disencumb...
disencumbrances 34 31 DISENCUMBRANCE, the...
disenfranchised 32 27 DISENFRANCHISE, to d...
disenfranchises 32 26 DISENFRANCHISE, to d...
disentanglement 26 25 the act of disentang...
disenthrallment 30 25 the act of disenthra...
disenthralments 29 24 DISENTHRALMENT, the...
disentrainments 25 22 DISENTRAINMENT, the...
disentrancement 27 25 the act of disentran...
disequilibrated 38 31 DISEQUILIBRATE, to p...
disequilibrates 38 30 DISEQUILIBRATE, to p...
disequilibriums 41 34 DISEQUILIBRIUM, loss...
disestablishing 33 25 DISESTABLISH, to dep...
disfeaturements 28 24 DISFEATUREMENT, the...
disfellowshiped 38 30 DISFELLOWSHIP, to ex...
disforestations 27 20 DISFORESTATION, the...
disfurnishments 32 27 DISFURNISHMENT, the...
disgracefulness 33 27 DISGRACEFUL, bringin...
disgruntlements 29 25 DISGRUNTLEMENT, the...
disguisednesses 27 21 DISGUISEDNESS, the s...
disgustednesses 27 21 DISGUSTEDNESS, DISGU...
dishabilitating 33 25 DISHABILITATE, to di...
dishabilitation 31 23 disqualification [n]
disharmoniously 36 26 DISHARMONIOUS, lacki...
dishearteningly 35 25 DISHEARTENING [adv]
disheartenments 27 23 DISHEARTENMENT, the...
disilluminating 31 26 DISILLUMINATE, to de...
disillusionised 29 21 DISILLUSIONISE, to f...
disillusionises 29 20 DISILLUSIONISE, to f...
disillusionized 32 30 DISILLUSIONIZE, to f...
disillusionizes 32 29 DISILLUSIONIZE, to f...
disillusionment 29 24 the state of being d...
disimprisonment 30 27 the act of freeing f...
disincarcerated 31 24 DISINCARCERATE, to f...
disincarcerates 31 23 DISINCARCERATE, to f...
disinclinations 29 23 DISINCLINATION, a pr...
disincorporated 30 24 DISINCORPORATE, to d...
disincorporates 30 23 DISINCORPORATE, to d...
disinfestations 27 21 DISINFESTATION, the...
disinflationary 34 24 relating to disinfla...
disinformations 28 24 DISINFORMATION, deli...
disinheritances 30 23 DISINHERITANCE, the...
disintegrations 26 20 DISINTEGRATION, the...
disinterestedly 33 21 DISINTERESTED, havin...
disinthrallings 32 24 DISINTHRALLING, the...
disintoxicating 36 30 DISINTOXICATE, to de...
disintoxication 34 28 the act of disintoxi...
disinvestitures 29 22 DISINVESTITURE, the...
disinvigorating 30 26 DISINVIGORATE, to we...
disnaturalising 28 22 DISNATURALISE, to ma...
disnaturalizing 31 31 DISNATURALIZE, to ma...
disobligingness 31 26 DISOBLIGING, uncoope...
disorganisation 25 20 the process of disor...
disorganization 28 29 the act of disorgani...
disorientations 24 18 DISORIENTATION, the...
disparatenesses 26 20 DISPARATENESS, DISPA...
dispassionately 34 23 DISPASSIONATE, not i...
dispensableness 29 25 the state of being d...
dispersednesses 27 21 DISPERSEDNESS, DISPE...
displeasingness 29 24 DISPLEASING, causing...
displenishments 32 27 DISPLENISHMENT, the...
disposabilities 32 23 DISPOSABILITY, the s...
disproportional 30 24 relating to dispropo...
disproportioned 29 24 DISPROPORTION, to ma...
disputabilities 33 24 DISPUTABILITY, the q...
disputativeness 30 25 DISPUTATIVE, incline...
disquisitionary 41 29 of or like a disquis...
disreputability 39 26 the state of being d...
disrespectfully 43 30 DISRESPECTFUL, showi...
dissatisfaction 31 23 the state of being d...
dissatisfactory 38 24 causing dissatisfact...
dissertationist 26 17 one who produces dis...
dissimilarities 30 20 DISSIMILARITY, the s...
dissociableness 31 24 DISSOCIABLE, that ca...
dissolubilities 32 22 DISSOLUBILITY, the s...
dissolutenesses 26 19 DISSOLUTENESS, the s...
dissolutionisms 29 22 DISSOLUTIONISM, beli...
dissolutionists 28 19 DISSOLUTIONIST, a pr...
dissolvableness 31 26 DISSOLVABLE, that ca...
dissyllabifying 47 31 DISSYLLABIFY, to mak...
distastefulness 29 22 DISTASTEFUL, objecti...
distemperatures 29 23 DISTEMPERATURE, (arc...
distinctiveness 31 25 the state of being d...
distinguishable 33 26 capable of being dis...
distinguishably 40 28 DISTINGUISHABLE, cap...
distinguishment 31 26 (Shakespeare) distin...
distortednesses 25 18 DISTORTEDNESS, DISTO...
distractibility 41 25 the state of being d...
distressfulness 30 22 DISTRESSFUL, causing...
distributorship 35 25 a company that distr...
distrustfulness 31 23 DISTRUSTFUL, having...
dithiocarbamate 33 27 any of several sulfu...
dithyrambically 50 33 DITHYRAMBIC, like a...
diversification 33 27 the act of diversify...
divertibilities 33 24 DIVERTIBILITY, the s...
divertissements 29 24 DIVERTISSEMENT, (Fre...
divisiblenesses 31 25 DIVISIBLENESS, DIVIS...
doctrinarianism 29 24 being doctrinaire, a...
documentarising 30 27 DOCUMENTARISE, to ma...
documentarizing 33 36 DOCUMENTARIZE, to ma...
documentational 28 26 relating to document...
dodecasyllables 39 28 DODECASYLLABLE, a li...
dolichocephalic 43 34 longheaded [adj]
dolichosauruses 32 24 DOLICHOSAURUS, any m...
dolomitisations 27 21 DOLOMITISATION, the...
dolomitizations 30 30 DOLOMITIZATION, the...
domineeringness 25 24 DOMINEERING [n]
dorsibranchiate 32 25 having gills on the...
dorsiventrality 35 24 the state of being d...
dorsoventrality 34 24 the state of being d...
doubtlessnesses 28 22 DOUBTLESSNESS, DOUBT...
downheartedness 28 24 DOWNHEARTED, downcas...
downregulations 29 25 DOWNREGULATION, the...
downrightnesses 31 25 DOWNRIGHTNESS, DOWNR...
dramaturgically 40 29 DRAMATURGICAL, relat...
draughtproofing 34 30 DRAUGHTPROOF, to mak...
draughtsmanship 35 30 the craft of draught...
dreadlessnesses 25 19 DREADLESSNESS, the s...
dreamlessnesses 26 21 DREAMLESSNESS, DREAM...
drinkablenesses 28 26 DRINKABLENESS, the s...
duplicabilities 37 28 DUPLICABILITY, the q...
durchkomponiert 35 33 (German) having the...
dyslogistically 47 28 DYSLOGISTIC, conveyi...
dysmorphophobia 43 34 fear of physical def...
dysmorphophobic 47 37 relating to or affec...
dysteleological 38 26 related to dysteleol...
dysteleologists 35 22 DYSTELEOLOGIST, a sp...