10 letter words that start with D

10 letter words that start with D

10 letter D word


Words With Friends®


dabblingly 31 24 DABBLING, bobbing fo...
dachshunds 25 21 DACHSHUND, (German)...
dacoitages 20 16 DACOITAGE, (Hindi) r...
dacquoises 28 24 DACQUOISE, a layered...
dactylists 29 17 DACTYLIST, a writer...
daffodilly 30 22 a yellow-flowered na...
daftnesses 18 15 DAFTNESS, the qualit...
daggerlike 21 20 like a dagger [adj]
daguerrean 16 15 relating to photogra...
dahabeeahs 21 18 DAHABEEAH, (Arabic)...
dahabeeyah 27 20 (Arabic) a Nile sail...
dahabiyahs 29 20 DAHABIYAH, (Arabic)...
dahabiyehs 29 20 DAHABIYEH, (Arabic)...
daintiness 16 13 the quality of being...
dairymaids 25 17 DAIRYMAID, a woman w...
daisywheel 29 19 a kind of printer [n...
dalliances 21 17 DALLIANCE, flirtatio...
dalmatians 18 16 DALMATIAN, a large b...
daltonisms 19 16 DALTONISM, color bli...
damageable 20 20 capable of being dam...
damagingly 27 22 DAMAGING [adv]
damasceene 18 18 to decorate or engra...
damascened 19 19 DAMASCENE, to decora...
damascenes 19 18 DAMASCENE, to decora...
damaskeens 17 19 DAMASKEEN, to decora...
damaskined 18 20 DAMASKIN, to decorat...
damasquins 26 25 DAMASQUIN, to decora...
daminozide 20 25 a kind of pesticide...
damnations 16 16 DAMNATION, condemnat...
damnedests 17 16 DAMNEDEST, utmost ef...
damnifying 27 23 DAMNIFY, to cause lo...
damoiselle 19 16 a young girl or unma...
dampcourse 23 21 a horizontal layer o...
dampnesses 19 18 DAMPNESS, the state...
damselfish 24 20 a small brightly-col...
dancehalls 23 19 DANCEHALL, a style o...
dandelions 16 15 DANDELION, a common...
dandifying 26 21 DANDIFY, to dress up...
dandiprats 19 16 DANDIPRAT, (obsolete...
dandyfunks 26 24 DANDYFUNK, a ship's...
dandyishly 33 20 DANDYISH, suggestive...
dandyprats 25 18 DANDYPRAT, (obsolete...
dangerless 18 15 without danger [adj]
danglingly 27 21 DANGLING, hanging do...
danknesses 16 17 DANKNESS, the state...
dannebrogs 18 18 DANNEBROG, (Danish)...
danthonias 17 15 DANTHONIA, a tufted...
dapperling 23 21 (archaic) a dapper l...
dapperness 20 18 the state of being d...
daredevils 20 17 DAREDEVIL, a reckles...
daringness 17 15 boldness [n -ES]
darknesses 17 16 DARKNESS, the state...
darnations 15 13 DARNATION, a mild fo...
darnedests 16 13 DARNEDEST, one's utm...
darraigned 17 15 DARRAIGN, to justify...
darraignes 17 14 DARRAIGNE, (obsolete...
darraining 17 15 DARRAIN, to justify,...
darrayning 23 17 DARRAYN, to justify,...
dartboards 19 15 DARTBOARD, the targe...
dartitises 18 11 DARTITIS, a nervous...
dashboards 21 17 DASHBOARD, the instr...
dashlights 25 18 DASHLIGHT, a light i...
dastardies 17 12 DASTARDY, despicable...
dasymeters 24 16 DASYMETER, a device...
dasypaedal 25 18 of young birds, havi...
databasing 19 17 DATABASE, to put dat...
databusses 19 15 DATABUS, path for tr...
datagloves 20 18 DATAGLOVE, an electr...
datamation 16 15 automatic data proce...
datelining 18 16 DATELINE, to provide...
daughterly 28 19 as becomes a daughte...
daundering 17 17 DAUNDER, (dialect) t...
daunomycin 26 22 an antibiotic used i...
dauntingly 25 19 DAUNTING [adv]
dauntoning 16 17 DAUNTON, to dare, al...
dauphiness 21 18 DAUPHINES, DAUPHINE,...
davenports 20 19 DAVENPORT, a small o...
dawdlingly 30 22 DAWDLING [adv]
dawsonites 19 15 DAWSONITE, a hydrous...
daycations 25 17 DAYCATION, a day tri...
daycentres 25 17 DAYCENTRE, a buildin...
daydreamed 23 18 DAYDREAM, to fantasi...
daydreamer 23 17 one who daydreams [n...
dayflowers 29 20 DAYFLOWER, a genus c...
daylighted 28 19 DAYLIGHT, to illumin...
daysailers 24 14 DAYSAILER, a dayboat...
daysailing 25 17 DAYSAIL, to sail a y...
daysailors 24 14 DAYSAILOR, a dayboat...
daysprings 27 19 DAYSPRING, (archaic)...
dayworkers 27 20 DAYWORKER, one who d...
dazzlement 24 34 dazzling flash, glar...
dazzlingly 33 36 DAZZLING, blindingly...
deaconhood 19 18 the office of deacon...
deaconries 18 15 DEACONRY, a clerical...
deaconship 23 20 the office or minist...
deactivate 21 18 to make inactive or...
deadenings 16 16 DEADENING [n]
deadheaded 17 16 DEADHEAD, to remove...
deadhouses 18 15 DEADHOUSE, a mortuar...
deadlifted 20 17 DEADLIFT, to lift wi...
deadlights 22 17 DEADLIGHT, a strong...
deadliness 17 14 the quality of being...
deadlining 18 17 DEADLINE, to put a t...
deadlocked 21 21 DEADLOCK, to come to...
deadnesses 15 13 DEADNESS, the state...
deadpanned 16 18 DEADPAN, to act with...
deadpanner 16 17 one who acts in a de...
deadstocks 21 19 DEADSTOCK, farm equi...
deadstroke 17 16 without recoil [adj]
deadweight 23 19 a weight esp. of a p...
deaerating 16 14 DEAERATE, to remove...
deaeration 14 12 the removal of air b...
deaerators 15 11 DEAERATOR, a device...
deafenings 18 18 DEAFENING, the act o...
deafnesses 17 15 DEAFNESS, the state...
dealations 16 13 DEALATION, the remov...
dealbation 18 16 whitening; bleaching...
dealership 22 17 an authorized sales...
dealfishes 22 17 DEALFISH, a kind of...
dealigning 19 18 DEALIGN, to withdraw...
dealmakers 19 19 DEALMAKER, a person...
deaminases 16 15 DEAMINASE, an enzyme...
deaminated 16 16 DEAMINATE, to remove...
deaminates 16 15 DEAMINATE, to remove...
deaminised 17 16 DEAMINISE, to remove...
deaminises 17 15 DEAMINISE, to remove...
deaminized 20 25 DEAMINIZE, to remove...
deaminizes 20 24 DEAMINIZE, to remove...
dearbought 22 19 precious [adj]
dearnesses 15 12 DEARNESS, the state...
deaspirate 18 14 to remove the aspira...
deathblows 25 20 DEATHBLOW, a fatal b...
deathliest 20 14 DEATHLY, like death...
deathtraps 21 16 DEATHTRAP, a potenti...
deathwards 22 17 DEATHWARD [n]
deathwatch 27 21 a vigil, a watch kep...
debaggings 22 21 DEBAGGING, the act o...
debarments 19 18 DEBARMENT, the act o...
debasement 18 18 the act of debasing...
debasingly 27 20 DEBASING [adv]
debateable 20 18 that can be debated,...
debatement 18 18 (obsolete) controver...
debatingly 27 20 DEBATING [adv]
debauchees 23 20 DEBAUCHEE, one who i...
debauchers 24 20 DEBAUCHER, one who d...
debauchery 30 22 the act of debauchin...
debauching 25 23 DEBAUCH, to lead int...
debearding 19 18 DEBEARD, to remove t...
debentured 18 17 entitled to drawback...
debentures 18 16 DEBENTURE, an offici...
debilitate 20 15 to make weak [v DEBI...
debilities 21 15 DEBILITY, weakness [...
debonairly 25 18 DEBONAIR, (French) o...
debonnaire 16 16 (French) of good app...
debouching 25 23 DEBOUCH, to emerge o...
debouchure 24 21 (French) the mouth o...
debriefers 21 17 DEBRIEFER, one who d...
debriefing 22 20 questioning after a...
debruising 21 18 DEBRUISE, in heraldr...
debuggings 23 22 DEBUGGING, the act o...
debutantes 18 16 DEBUTANTE, someone (...
decachords 25 20 DECACHORD, an old te...
decadences 21 19 DECADENCE, a falling...
decadently 26 19 DECADENT, decaying [...
decagramme 22 22 a weight of the metr...
decagynian 25 20 having ten pistils,...
decagynous 26 20 having ten pistils,...
decahedral 22 18 having ten sides [ad...
decahedron 20 18 a solid figure or bo...
decaliters 21 15 DECALITER, a cubic v...
decalitres 21 15 DECALITRE, a cubic v...
decalogist 22 17 an exponent of the D...
decalogues 21 18 DECALOGUE, the Ten C...
decamerous 20 18 having parts in tens...
decameters 20 17 DECAMETER, ten meter...
decametres 20 17 DECAMETRE, ten meter...
decametric 24 20 of or like a decamet...
decampment 23 24 departure from a cam...
decandrian 18 17 belonging to the Dec...
decandrous 19 17 belonging to the Dec...
decantated 18 16 DECANTATE, (obsolete...
decantates 18 15 DECANTATE, (obsolete...
decapitate 21 17 to cut off the head...
decapodans 20 19 DECAPODAN, a decapod...
decapodous 21 19 relating to the Deca...
decasteres 19 14 DECASTERE, a measure...
decastichs 26 19 DECASTICH, a ten-lin...
decastyles 27 17 DECASTYLE, a portico...
decathlete 22 17 an athlete who compe...
decathlons 22 18 DECATHLON, an athlet...
decaudated 19 17 DECAUDATE, to cut of...
decaudates 19 16 DECAUDATE, to cut of...
deceivable 24 22 fitted to deceive; d...
deceivably 31 24 DECEIVABLE, fitted t...
deceivings 23 21 DECEIVING, the act o...
decelerate 19 15 to reduce the speed...
decelerons 19 16 DECELERON, a type of...
decemviral 24 22 pertaining to the de...
decenaries 18 15 DECENARY, a tithing,...
decennials 19 17 DECENNIAL, a ten-yea...
decenniums 20 20 DECENNIUM, (Latin) a...
decennoval 20 21 (obsolete) relating...
decentered 18 16 DECENTER, to put out...
decentness 18 16 the state of being d...
decentring 20 18 DECENTRE, to put out...
deceptible 25 21 capable of being dec...
deceptions 21 18 DECEPTION, the act o...
deceptious 22 18 (Shakespeare) deceit...
decessions 19 15 DECESSION, departure...
decheances 23 20 DECHEANCE, (French)...
decigramme 23 22 a tenth of a gram, a...
deciliters 22 15 DECILITER, one tenth...
decilitres 22 15 DECILITRE, one tenth...
decillions 22 17 DECILLION, the eleve...
decimalise 22 18 to convert to a deci...
decimalism 24 21 the system of a deci...
decimalist 23 18 one who advocates a...
decimalize 25 27 to convert to a deci...
decimating 22 20 DECIMATE, to kill ev...
decimation 20 18 the act of decimatin...
decimators 21 17 DECIMATOR, one who d...
decimeters 21 17 DECIMETER, one tenth...
decimetres 21 17 DECIMETRE, one tenth...
decimetric 25 20 relating to a decime...
decinormal 21 19 of a chemical soluti...
deciphered 24 20 DECIPHER, to interpr...
decipherer 24 19 one who deciphers [n...
decisional 20 16 relating to a decisi...
decisioned 19 16 DECISION, to win a b...
decisively 30 21 DECISIVE, conclusive...
decisteres 20 14 DECISTERE, one tenth...
decivilise 24 19 to reduce from civil...
decivilize 27 28 to reduce from civil...
deckchairs 27 23 DECKCHAIR, a chair,...
deckhouses 23 21 DECKHOUSE, a room er...
declaimant 21 19 a declaimer [n -S]
declaimers 22 18 DECLAIMER, one who d...
declaiming 23 21 DECLAIM, to speak fo...
declarable 23 19 that can be declared...
declarants 20 16 DECLARANT, one who m...
declarator 20 15 a form of action in...
declaredly 28 19 DECLARED [adv]
declassify 30 20 to remove or reduce...
declassing 22 18 DECLASS, to lower in...
declension 19 17 a system of cases an...
declinable 23 20 capable of being dec...
declinants 20 17 DECLINANT, a person...
declinator 20 16 an instrument for ta...
declinists 22 16 DECLINIST, a person...
declutched 27 22 DECLUTCH, to release...
declutches 27 21 DECLUTCH, to release...
declutters 22 16 DECLUTTER, to simpli...
decoctible 26 21 capable of being boi...
decoctions 22 18 DECOCTION, the act o...
decoctures 23 18 DECOCTURE, a decocti...
decoherers 21 16 DECOHERER, a device...
decollated 21 17 DECOLLATE, to behead...
decollates 21 16 DECOLLATE, to behead...
decollator 21 16 one who decollates,...
decolletes 21 16 DECOLLETE, (French)...
decolonise 19 16 to release from bein...
decolonize 22 25 to release from bein...
decolorant 19 16 a substance which re...
decolorate 19 15 to deprive of color...
decoloring 21 18 DECOLOR, to deprive...
decolorise 20 15 to remove the colour...
decolorize 23 24 to remove the colour...
decoloured 20 17 DECOLOUR, to deprive...
decomposed 22 21 DECOMPOSE, to fall t...
decomposer 22 20 something that decom...
decomposes 22 20 DECOMPOSE, to fall t...
decompound 22 23 to decompose, decay...
decompress 23 20 to release from pres...
decongests 20 17 DECONGEST, to reliev...
decontrols 20 16 DECONTROL, to remove...
decorating 20 17 the act of adorning...
decoration 18 15 the act of decoratin...
decorative 21 18 serving to decorate...
decorators 19 14 DECORATOR, one who d...
decorously 27 18 DECOROUS, marked by...
decoupaged 22 21 DECOUPAGE, to apply...
decoupages 22 20 DECOUPAGE, to apply...
decouplers 23 19 DECOUPLER, one who d...
decoupling 24 22 the act of disconnec...
decrassify 29 19 to make less crass o...
decreasing 20 17 diminishing [adj DEC...
decreeable 21 18 capable of being dec...
decrements 20 18 DECREMENT, to decrea...
decrepitly 30 20 DECREPIT, worn out,...
decrescent 22 18 waning, with horns t...
decretists 21 14 DECRETIST, one who s...
decrowning 23 21 DECROWN, to deprive...
decrypting 30 22 DECRYPT, to decode [...
decryption 28 20 the act of decryptin...
decumbence 25 25 the act or posture o...
decumbency 32 27 the act or posture o...
decurrency 29 21 the state of being d...
decursions 20 16 DECURSION, a militar...
decussated 20 16 DECUSSATE, to divide...
decussates 20 15 DECUSSATE, to divide...
dedicatees 19 15 DEDICATEE, one to wh...
dedicating 21 18 DEDICATE, to set apa...
dedication 19 16 an act or rite of de...
dedicative 22 19 of or like a dedicat...
dedicators 20 15 DEDICATOR, one who d...
dedicatory 26 17 constituting or serv...
deducement 20 20 inference; deduction...
deductible 24 20 a clause in an insur...
deductions 20 17 DEDUCTION, the act o...
deejayings 25 25 DEEJAYING, the act o...
deepenings 18 18 DEEPENING [n]
deepfreeze 22 26 (tradename) a type o...
deepfrozen 22 27 DEEPFREEZE, to freez...
deepnesses 17 15 DEEPNESS, the qualit...
deerhounds 18 16 DEERHOUND, a kind of...
defaceable 23 21 that can be defaced...
defacement 21 21 the act of defacing...
defacingly 30 23 DEFACING [adv]
defaecated 20 18 DEFAECATE, to void e...
defaecates 20 17 DEFAECATE, to void e...
defaecator 20 17 one who defaecates,...
defalcated 22 19 DEFALCATE, to embezz...
defalcates 22 18 DEFALCATE, to embezz...
defalcator 22 18 a defaulter or embez...
defamation 18 18 the act of defaming...
defamatory 25 19 serving to defame [a...
defaulters 20 16 DEFAULTER, one who d...
defaulting 21 19 DEFAULT, to fail to...
defeasance 19 18 a condition which, i...
defeasible 21 18 that may be annulled...
defeatisms 20 17 DEFEATISM, readiness...
defeatists 19 14 DEFEATIST, one who s...
defeatured 18 16 DEFEATURE, (archaic)...
defeatures 18 15 DEFEATURE, (archaic)...
defecating 22 20 DEFECATE, to void ex...
defecation 20 18 the act of defecatin...
defecators 21 17 DEFECATOR, a device...
defectible 25 21 liable to defect; im...
defections 21 18 DEFECTION, a failure...
defectives 24 21 DEFECTIVE, a person...
defeminise 19 18 to remove feminine c...
defeminize 22 27 to remove feminine c...
defenceman 20 22 in ice-hockey, a pla...
defencemen 20 22 DEFENCEMAN, in ice-h...
defendable 20 20 capable of being def...
defendants 17 17 DEFENDANT, a person...
defenseman 17 19 in ice-hockey, a pla...
defensemen 17 19 DEFENSEMAN, in ice-h...
defensible 21 19 that can be defended...
defensibly 28 21 DEFENSIBLE, that can...
defensives 20 19 DEFENSIVE, a state o...
deferences 20 18 DEFERENCE, a deferri...
deferments 19 18 DEFERMENT, the act o...
deferrable 21 18 that can be deferred...
deficience 24 21 a lack, shortage, al...
deficiency 31 23 a lack, shortage, al...
deficients 22 18 DEFICIENT, a person...
defilading 21 19 DEFILADE, (French) t...
defilement 20 19 the act of defiling...
definement 18 19 the act of defining...
definienda 17 17 DEFINIENDUM, (Latin)...
definitely 26 18 DEFINITE, known for...
definition 18 16 an act of determinin...
definitise 19 15 to make definite, al...
definitive 21 19 serving to define [a...
definitize 22 24 to make definite, al...
definitude 19 17 definiteness [n -S]
deflagrate 20 17 to burn suddenly, ge...
deflations 19 16 DEFLATION, the act o...
deflecting 24 21 DEFLECT, to turn asi...
deflection 22 19 an act of bending or...
deflective 25 22 causing deflection [...
deflectors 23 18 DEFLECTOR, something...
deflexions 25 23 DEFLEXION, an act of...
deflexures 26 23 DEFLEXURE, a deflect...
deflorated 19 16 DEFLORATE, to deflow...
deflorates 19 15 DEFLORATE, to deflow...
deflowered 22 19 DEFLOWER, to deprive...
deflowerer 22 18 one who deflowers [n...
defluxions 26 24 DEFLUXION, (obsolete...
defocusing 23 21 DEFOCUS, to cause to...
defocussed 22 19 DEFOCUS, to cause to...
defocusses 22 18 DEFOCUS, to cause to...
defoliants 19 16 DEFOLIANT, a chemica...
defoliated 19 16 DEFOLIATE, to remove...
defoliates 19 15 DEFOLIATE, to remove...
defoliator 19 15 a defoliating agent...
deforciant 21 18 one who keeps out of...
deforested 18 15 DEFOREST, to remove...
deforester 18 14 one who deforests [n...
deformable 22 21 able to be deformed...
deformedly 27 21 DEFORMED [adv]
defraggers 21 18 DEFRAGGER, one who d...
defragging 22 21 in computing, the pr...
defragment 20 20 to run a program whi...
defrauders 19 16 DEFRAUDER, one who d...
defrauding 20 19 DEFRAUD, to swindle...
defrayable 27 20 that can be defrayed...
defrayment 25 20 the payment of charg...
defreezing 22 26 DEFREEZE, to thaw ou...
defriended 18 17 DEFRIEND, to remove...
defrocking 24 24 DEFROCK, to deprive...
defrosters 19 14 DEFROSTER, something...
defrosting 20 17 DEFROST, to remove f...
deftnesses 18 15 DEFTNESS, the qualit...
defuelling 22 20 DEFUEL, to remove fu...
defunction 21 20 (Shakespeare) death...
defunctive 24 23 relating to the dead...
degaussers 18 14 DEGAUSSER, a device...
degaussing 19 17 DEGAUSS, to demagnet...
degearings 18 16 DEGEARING, a process...
degendered 16 16 DEGENDER, (Spenser)...
degeneracy 25 19 the state of being d...
degenerate 15 14 base, immoral [adj D...
degenerous 16 15 (obsolete) degenerat...
degradable 20 18 capable of being che...
degradedly 25 18 DEGRADED [adv]
degreasant 16 14 a substance which re...
degreasers 17 13 DEGREASER, a substan...
degreasing 18 16 DEGREASE, to remove...
degreeless 18 14 without a degree [ad...
degression 17 14 a gradual decrease;...
degressive 20 17 showing degression,...
degustated 18 15 DEGUSTATE, to taste,...
degustates 18 14 DEGUSTATE, to taste,...
dehiscence 24 20 the act of gaping [n...
dehumanise 19 18 to remove the humani...
dehumanize 22 27 to deprive of human...
dehumidify 30 23 to remove moisture f...
dehydrated 25 17 DEHYDRATE, to dry ou...
dehydrater 25 16 a dehydrating agent,...
dehydrates 25 16 DEHYDRATE, to dry ou...
dehydrator 25 16 a dehydrating agent,...
deindexing 23 23 DEINDEX, to unlink f...
deinosaurs 16 13 DEINOSAUR, any of a...
deinothere 17 14 an extinct elephanti...
deionisers 16 12 DEIONISER, an appara...
deionising 17 15 DEIONISE, to remove...
deionizers 19 21 DEIONIZER, an appara...
deionizing 20 24 DEIONIZE, to remove...
dejectedly 29 27 DEJECTED [adv]
dejections 21 24 DEJECTION, lowness o...
dekaliters 19 16 DEKALITER, a cubic v...
dekalitres 19 16 DEKALITRE, a cubic v...
dekalogies 19 18 DEKALOGY, a group of...
dekameters 18 18 DEKAMETER, ten meter...
dekametres 18 18 DEKAMETRE, ten meter...
dekametric 22 21 of or like a dekamet...
delaminate 17 16 to split into layers...
delapsions 19 16 DELAPSION, a sinking...
delayering 24 17 the reduction of the...
delayingly 32 20 DELAYING [adv]
delectable 23 19 very tasty [adj DELE...
delectably 30 21 DELECTABLE, very tas...
delectated 20 16 DELECTATE, to deligh...
delectates 20 15 DELECTATE, to deligh...
delegacies 21 17 DELEGACY, the act of...
delegatees 17 14 DELEGATEE, one to wh...
delegating 19 17 DELEGATE, to appoint...
delegation 17 15 the act of empowerin...
delegators 18 14 DELEGATOR, one who d...
deleverage 19 18 (of an organization)...
delftwares 23 18 DELFTWARE, a type of...
delibating 21 18 DELIBATE, (obsolete)...
delibation 19 16 the act of tasting;...
deliberate 19 15 intentional [adj DEL...
delicacies 24 18 DELICACY, a choice f...
delicately 28 18 DELICATE, gently ple...
deligation 18 15 bandaging [n -S]
delighters 22 16 DELIGHTER, one who d...
delightful 26 21 full of delight [adj...
delighting 23 19 DELIGHT, to give gre...
delimitate 19 15 to delimit [v DELIMI...
delimiters 20 15 DELIMITER, something...
delimiting 21 18 DELIMIT, to mark the...
delineable 19 17 capable of being del...
delineated 16 14 DELINEATE, to mark o...
delineates 16 13 DELINEATE, to mark o...
delineator 16 13 one who, or that whi...
delineavit 19 17 (Latin) he or she dr...
delinquent 25 24 failing in duty; of...
deliquesce 29 25 to melt away; to dis...
deliquiums 29 26 DELIQUIUM, (archaic)...
deliration 17 13 madness; aberration...
deliverers 20 16 DELIVERER, one who d...
deliveries 20 16 DELIVERY, the act of...
delivering 21 19 DELIVER, to take to...
delocalise 21 16 to free from the lim...
delocalize 24 25 to free from the lim...
delphinium 24 22 a genus of garden fl...
delphinoid 22 19 a member of the genu...
deltiology 26 17 the collecting of po...
deltoideus 18 14 the deltoid muscle [...
deludingly 27 20 DELUDING [adv]
delundungs 19 19 DELUNDUNG, (Javanese...
delusional 18 15 relating to delusion...
delusively 28 20 DELUSIVE, tending to...
delustered 18 14 DELUSTER, to lessen...
delustrant 18 14 a dense inorganic ma...
delustring 20 16 DELUSTRE, to remove...
demagogies 19 18 DEMAGOGY, the rule o...
demagoging 20 21 DEMAGOG, to behave l...
demagogism 21 21 the practices of a d...
demagogued 19 20 DEMAGOGUE, to act in...
demagogues 19 19 DEMAGOGUE, a person...
demandable 19 20 that may be demanded...
demandants 16 17 DEMANDANT, one who d...
demannings 17 19 DEMANNING [n]
demantoids 17 16 DEMANTOID, a lustrou...
demarcated 20 18 DEMARCATE, to mark t...
demarcates 20 17 DEMARCATE, to mark t...
demarcator 20 17 one who demarcates [...
demarketed 18 19 DEMARKET, to discour...
demeanours 16 16 DEMEANOUR, behavior...
demeasnure 16 16 (Spenser) demeanor,...
dementated 16 16 DEMENTATE, (archaic)...
dementates 16 15 DEMENTATE, (archaic)...
dementedly 24 19 DEMENTED [adv]
demergered 18 17 DEMERGER, to remove...
demeriting 19 17 DEMERIT, to lower in...
demersions 17 15 DEMERSION, immersion...
demicanton 19 19 one of two parts of...
demimondes 18 19 DEMIMONDE, (French)...
demipiques 29 27 DEMIPIQUE, an 18th c...
demirelief 21 18 carving in which the...
demirepdom 21 21 the state of being a...
demissions 18 15 DEMISSION, lowering,...
demitasses 18 14 DEMITASSE, (French)...
demivegges 22 22 DEMIVEG, a person wh...
demivierge 21 20 a woman who engages...
demivoltes 21 19 DEMIVOLTE, a half-tu...
demiworlds 23 19 DEMIWORLD, the demim...
demobilise 21 18 to disband e.g. sold...
demobilize 24 27 to disband e.g. sold...
democratic 24 20 related to democracy...
demodulate 18 17 to remove the modula...
demography 29 23 the study of populat...
demoiselle 19 16 (archaic) a young gi...
demolished 21 18 DEMOLISH, to destroy...
demolisher 21 17 one who demolishes [...
demolishes 21 17 DEMOLISH, to destroy...
demolition 18 16 the act of demolishi...
demologies 19 17 DEMOLOGY, the study...
demonesses 16 15 DEMONESS, a female d...
demonetise 16 15 to deprive of moneta...
demonetize 19 24 to deprive of curren...
demoniacal 20 19 like a demoniac, a p...
demonising 18 18 DEMONISE, to make a...
demonizing 21 27 DEMONIZE, to make a...
demonology 24 20 the study of demons...
demoralise 18 15 to corrupt the moral...
demoralize 21 24 to corrupt the moral...
demoscenes 19 18 DEMOSCENE, a compute...
demoticist 22 17 a student of demotic...
demotivate 19 18 to remove motivation...
demounting 18 19 DEMOUNT, to remove f...
demulcents 22 20 DEMULCENT, an emulsi...
demureness 17 16 the state of being d...
demurrable 21 19 that may be demurred...
demurrages 19 17 DEMURRAGE, undue del...
denaturant 15 14 a substance used to...
denaturing 17 16 DENATURE, to deprive...
denaturise 16 13 to remove the nature...
denaturize 19 22 to remove the nature...
denazified 21 25 DENAZIFY, to rid of...
denazifies 21 24 DENAZIFY, to rid of...
dendriform 20 19 shaped like a tree,...
dendrimers 18 16 DENDRIMER, a polymer...
dendrobium 20 20 a kind of epiphytic...
dendrogram 18 18 a branching diagram...
dendroidal 17 15 treelike, also DENDR...
dendrology 24 18 the study of trees [...
dendrophis 21 18 a snake of the genus...
denegation 15 15 denial [n -S]
denervated 17 17 DENERVATE, to depriv...
denervates 17 16 DENERVATE, to depriv...
denialists 18 13 DENIALIST, a person...
denigrated 17 15 DENIGRATE, to blacke...
denigrates 17 14 DENIGRATE, to blacke...
denigrator 17 14 one who, or that whi...
denisation 15 13 the act of making on...
denitrated 16 13 DENITRATE, to free f...
denitrates 16 12 DENITRATE, to free f...
denization 18 22 the act of making on...
denizening 19 25 DENIZEN, to naturali...
denominate 15 16 to give a name to [v...
denotating 16 15 DENOTATE, (obsolete)...
denotation 14 13 the marking off or s...
denotative 17 16 having power to deno...
denotement 15 16 (Shakespeare) a sign...
denouement 15 17 (French) the final r...
denouncers 18 17 DENOUNCER, one who d...
denouncing 19 20 DENOUNCE, to condemn...
densifiers 19 15 DENSIFIER, an agent...
densifying 26 20 DENSIFY, to increase...
densimeter 17 15 an instrument for me...
densimetry 24 17 the measurement of r...
dentaliums 19 17 DENTALIUM, (Latin) a...
dentations 15 13 DENTATION, the condi...
dentifrice 22 18 a powder or other su...
dentitions 16 13 DENTITION, the cutti...
denturists 18 13 DENTURIST, one who m...
denudating 17 17 DENUDATE, to strip o...
denudation 15 15 the act of making ba...
denudement 16 18 the act of denuding...
denunciate 18 17 to denounce; to cond...
deodorants 15 13 DEODORANT, a substan...
deodorised 16 13 DEODORISE, to take t...
deodoriser 16 12 a substance that des...
deodorises 16 12 DEODORISE, to take t...
deodorized 19 22 DEODORIZE, to take t...
deodorizer 19 21 a substance that deo...
deodorizes 19 21 DEODORIZE, to take t...
deontology 23 17 the theory or study...
deoppilate 21 18 to free from obstruc...
deorbiting 20 17 DEORBIT, to come out...
deoxidated 22 20 DEOXIDATE, to deoxid...
deoxidates 22 19 DEOXIDATE, to deoxid...
deoxidised 23 20 DEOXIDISE, to remove...
deoxidiser 23 19 a substance that deo...
deoxidises 23 19 DEOXIDISE, to remove...
deoxidized 26 29 DEOXIDIZE, to remove...
deoxidizer 26 28 a substance that deo...
deoxidizes 26 28 DEOXIDIZE, to remove...
depainting 19 18 DEPAINT, (Spenser) t...
depanneurs 17 17 DEPANNEUR, (French)...
departings 20 17 DEPARTING, the act o...
department 19 18 a major administrati...
departures 19 15 DEPARTURE, the act o...
depastured 19 16 DEPASTURE, to graze...
depastures 19 15 DEPASTURE, to graze...
depeincted 21 19 DEPEINCT, (Spenser)...
dependable 20 20 that can be depended...
dependably 27 22 DEPENDABLE, that can...
dependance 19 20 the state of being a...
dependancy 26 22 the state of being d...
dependants 17 17 DEPENDANT, a person...
dependence 19 20 the state of being d...
dependency 26 22 the state of being d...
dependents 17 17 DEPENDENT, a person...
depeopling 22 21 DEPEOPLE, to reduce...
depictions 22 18 DEPICTION, an act of...
depictured 23 19 DEPICTURE, (archaic)...
depictures 23 18 DEPICTURE, (archaic)...
depigments 21 20 DEPIGMENT, to take a...
depilating 21 18 DEPILATE, to remove...
depilation 19 16 the act of removing...
depilators 20 15 DEPILATOR, an agent...
depilatory 26 17 having the power of...
depletable 22 19 that can be depleted...
depletions 19 16 DEPLETION, the act o...
deplorable 22 19 to be deplored [adj...
deplorably 29 21 DEPLORABLE, to be de...
deployable 28 21 able to be deployed...
deployment 26 21 the act of deploying...
depolarise 19 15 to remove the polari...
depolarize 22 24 to remove the polari...
depolished 22 18 DEPOLISH, to remove...
depolishes 22 17 DEPOLISH, to remove...
depopulate 21 19 to reduce greatly th...
deportable 21 18 that can be deported...
deportment 19 18 the manner in which...
depositary 25 16 a person with whom a...
depositing 20 17 DEPOSIT, to place [v...
deposition 18 15 the act of depositin...
depositive 21 18 relating to depositi...
depositors 19 14 DEPOSITOR, one who d...
depository 25 16 a place where anythi...
depravedly 28 22 DEPRAVED [adv]
deprecable 24 21 that may or should b...
deprecated 21 18 DEPRECATE, to regret...
deprecates 21 17 DEPRECATE, to regret...
deprecator 21 17 one who deprecates [...
depreciate 21 17 to lower in estimati...
depredated 18 16 DEPREDATE, to plunde...
depredates 18 15 DEPREDATE, to plunde...
depredator 18 15 one who plunders or...
deprehends 20 18 DEPREHEND, (obsolete...
depressant 18 15 an agent or remedy w...
depressing 20 17 DEPRESS, to make sad...
depression 18 15 a pressing down [n -...
depressive 21 18 tending to depress [...
depressors 19 14 DEPRESSOR, one who,...
deprivable 24 22 capable of being dep...
deprograms 21 19 DEPROGRAM, to prevai...
depurating 20 18 DEPURATE, to free fr...
depuration 18 16 the act of depuratin...
depurative 21 19 a purifying agent, a...
depurators 19 15 DEPURATOR, one who,...
depuratory 25 17 tending to depurate...
deputation 18 16 the act of deputing...
deputising 21 18 DEPUTISE, to act as...
deputizing 24 27 DEPUTIZE, to act as...
dequeueing 25 25 DEQUEUE, to remove f...
deracinate 18 15 to uproot [v DERACIN...
deraigning 18 17 DERAIGN, (obsolete)...
derailleur 19 14 (French) a type of g...
derailment 18 16 the act of going off...
derationed 15 13 DERATION, to free fr...
deregister 18 13 to remove from a reg...
deregulate 18 15 to free from regulat...
derestrict 21 14 to remove restricion...
deridingly 26 18 DERIDING [adv]
derisively 27 18 DERISIVE, expressing...
derivating 20 18 DERIVATE, to derive,...
derivation 18 16 the act of deriving...
derivatise 19 15 to make derivative,...
derivative 21 19 formed by derivation...
derivatize 22 24 to make derivative,...
dermatitis 19 14 inflammation of the...
dermatogen 17 17 the layer from which...
dermatomal 19 18 of or like a dermato...
dermatomes 18 17 DERMATOME, the later...
dermatomic 22 20 relating to a dermat...
dermatoses 17 14 DERMATOSIS, any skin...
dermatosis 18 14 any skin disease [n...
dermestids 19 15 DERMESTID, any of a...
derogately 24 16 DEROGATE, degenerate...
derogating 18 16 DEROGATE, to lessen...
derogation 16 14 a taking from, a det...
derogative 19 17 derogatory [adj DERO...
derogatory 23 15 detracting, injuriou...
derricking 23 21 DERRICK, to hoist by...
derringers 18 14 DERRINGER, a small p...
desalinate 16 13 to remove the salt f...
desalinise 17 13 to remove the salt f...
desalinize 20 22 to remove the salt f...
desaltings 19 15 DESALTING, the act o...
descanters 19 15 DESCANTER, one who p...
descanting 20 18 DESCANT, to comment...
descendant 18 17 one descended from a...
descendent 18 17 descending; proceedi...
descenders 19 16 DESCENDER, the part...
descendeur 19 17 a shaped metal piece...
descending 20 19 (Shakespeare) lineag...
descension 18 16 the act of going dow...
deschooled 22 18 DESCHOOL, to educate...
deschooler 22 17 one who deschools, f...
descramble 24 21 to unscramble [v DES...
describers 23 17 DESCRIBER, one who d...
describing 24 20 DESCRIBE, to recount...
descriptor 23 17 in computing, a symb...
descriving 24 21 DESCRIVE, to recount...
desecrated 19 15 DESECRATE, to make n...
desecrater 19 14 one who desecrates,...
desecrates 19 14 DESECRATE, to make n...
desecrator 19 14 one who desecrates,...
deselected 20 16 DESELECT, to dismiss...
desertions 16 12 DESERTION, the act o...
desertless 18 12 without merit [adj]
deservedly 26 19 DESERVED [adv]
deservings 20 18 DESERVING, the act o...
deshabille 23 18 (French) an undress;...
desiccants 23 18 DESICCANT, a drying...
desiccated 23 18 DESICCATE, to remove...
desiccates 23 17 DESICCATE, to remove...
desiccator 23 17 one who, or that whi...
desiderata 16 12 DESIDERATUM, (Latin)...
desiderate 16 12 to desire; to feel t...
desiderium 19 16 longing or yearning...
designable 20 18 capable of being des...
designated 17 15 DESIGNATE, to mark o...
designates 17 14 DESIGNATE, to mark o...
designator 17 14 an officer who assig...
designedly 25 18 DESIGNED [adv]
designings 19 17 DESIGNING, the art o...
designless 19 15 without design [adj]
designment 18 18 (obsolete) the desig...
desilvered 20 17 DESILVER, to remove...
desinences 18 16 DESINENCE, an ending...
desipience 21 18 foolishness, triflin...
desirables 20 15 DESIRABLE, something...
desireless 18 12 free from desire [ad...
desirously 25 15 DESIROUS, desiring [...
desistance 19 15 the act or state of...
desistence 19 15 the act or state of...
deskilling 22 20 the act of making e....
desmodiums 20 19 DESMODIUM, a plant o...
desmosomal 19 18 relating to a desmos...
desmosomes 18 17 DESMOSOME, a small t...
desnooding 16 16 DESNOOD, to remove a...
desolately 24 15 DESOLATE, lonely, wa...
desolaters 17 12 DESOLATER, one who d...
desolating 18 15 DESOLATE, to lay was...
desolation 16 13 the action of desola...
desolators 17 12 DESOLATOR, one who d...
desolatory 23 14 causing desolation [...
desoriente 15 12 (French) having lost...
desorption 18 15 release from an adso...
despairers 19 14 DESPAIRER, one who d...
despairful 23 19 (archaic) hopeless [...
despairing 20 17 DESPAIR, to lose all...
despatched 24 20 DESPATCH, to deal wi...
despatcher 24 19 one who despatches,...
despatches 24 19 DESPATCH, to deal wi...
desperados 18 15 DESPERADO, a despera...
despicable 25 21 worthy of being desp...
despicably 32 23 DESPICABLE, worthy o...
despisable 22 18 despicable; contempt...
despiteful 23 19 (archaic) full of de...
despiteous 19 15 (obsolete) feeling o...
despoilers 20 15 DESPOILER, one who d...
despoiling 21 18 the act of pillaging...
despondent 17 17 feeling or showing e...
desponding 19 19 hopeless [adj DESPON...
despotates 18 14 DESPOTATE, a territo...
despotical 23 18 having the character...
despotisms 21 17 DESPOTISM, absolute...
despumated 20 19 DESPUMATE, to throw...
despumates 20 18 DESPUMATE, to throw...
desquamate 25 24 to scale or flake of...
dessiatine 16 12 (Russian) a measure...
dessyatine 22 14 (Russian) a measure...
dessyatins 23 14 DESSYATIN, (Russian)...
destaining 17 15 DESTAIN, to rid of s...
destempers 20 17 DESTEMPER, (obsolete...
destinated 16 13 DESTINATE, (obsolete...
destinates 16 12 DESTINATE, (obsolete...
destituted 18 13 DESTITUTE, to forsak...
destitutes 18 12 DESTITUTE, to forsak...
destocking 22 21 DESTOCK, to reduce t...
destreamed 17 15 DESTREAM, to reverse...
destressed 17 12 DESTRESS, to remove...
destresses 17 11 DESTRESS, to remove...
destroyers 23 13 DESTROYER, a small f...
destroying 24 16 DESTROY, to damage b...
destructed 21 16 DESTRUCT, to destroy...
destructor 21 15 a destroyer [n -S]
destructos 21 15 DESTRUCTO, (Australi...
desuetudes 17 14 DESUETUDE, disuse, d...
desugaring 19 17 DESUGAR, to remove t...
desulfured 21 18 DESULFUR, to free fr...
desulphurs 24 19 DESULPHUR, to remove...
detachable 24 20 that can be detached...
detachably 31 22 DETACHABLE, that can...
detachedly 29 20 DETACHED [adv]
detachment 22 20 the act of detaching...
detailedly 25 16 DETAILED [adv]
detailings 19 15 DETAILING, the act o...
detainable 18 16 that can be detained...
detainment 16 16 detention [n -S]
detanglers 18 15 DETANGLER, a cosmeti...
detangling 19 18 DETANGLE, to remove...
detasseled 17 13 DETASSEL, to remove...
detectable 22 18 that can be detected...
detectible 23 18 that can be detected...
detections 19 15 DETECTION, the act o...
detectives 22 18 DETECTIVE, a policem...
detentions 15 13 DETENTION, the act o...
detentists 17 12 DETENTIST, a support...
detergence 19 17 a cleansing quality,...
detergency 26 19 a cleansing quality,...
detergents 17 14 DETERGENT, a cleansi...
determents 17 15 DETERMENT, the act o...
determined 17 16 DETERMINE, to put te...
determiner 17 15 one that determines...
determines 17 15 DETERMINE, to put te...
deterrable 19 15 that can be deterred...
deterrence 18 15 the act of deterring...
deterrents 16 12 DETERRENT, something...
detersions 16 12 DETERSION, the act o...
detersives 19 15 DETERSIVE, a deterge...
detestable 19 15 hateful [adj DETESTA...
detestably 26 17 DETESTABLE, hateful...
dethatched 24 19 DETHATCH, to remove...
dethatches 24 18 DETHATCH, to remove...
dethroners 18 14 DETHRONER, one who d...
dethroning 19 17 DETHRONE, to remove...
dethronise 18 14 to remove from a thr...
dethronize 21 23 to dethrone, also DE...
detonating 16 15 DETONATE, to cause t...
detonation 14 13 the act of detonatin...
detonative 17 16 of or like a detonat...
detonators 15 12 DETONATOR, a substan...
detorsions 16 12 DETORSION, the act o...
detortions 16 12 DETORTION, (obsolete...
detoxicant 25 22 an agent that detoxi...
detoxicate 25 21 to rid of a poison o...
detoxified 25 22 DETOXIFY, to remove...
detoxifies 25 21 DETOXIFY, to remove...
detracting 21 17 DETRACT, to take awa...
detraction 19 15 depreciation, slande...
detractive 22 18 tending to detract,...
detractors 20 14 DETRACTOR, a belittl...
detractory 26 16 tending to detract,...
detraining 17 15 DETRAIN, to alight f...
detraquees 24 21 DETRAQUEE, (French)...
detriments 18 15 DETRIMENT, diminutio...
detritions 17 12 DETRITION, a wearing...
detruncate 19 16 to cut short, lop, m...
detrusions 17 13 DETRUSION, the act o...
deuterated 16 13 DEUTERATE, to add de...
deuterates 16 12 DEUTERATE, to add de...
deuterides 17 13 DEUTERIDE, a hydroge...
deuteriums 19 16 DEUTERIUM, heavy hyd...
deutoplasm 21 19 the food material, s...
devalorise 19 16 to devalue, also DEV...
devalorize 22 25 to devalue, also DEV...
devaluated 19 18 DEVALUATE, to devalu...
devaluates 19 17 DEVALUATE, to devalu...
devanagari 18 18 (Sanskrit) the chara...
devastated 18 16 DEVASTATE, to lay wa...
devastates 18 15 DEVASTATE, to lay wa...
devastator 18 15 one who, or that whi...
devastavit 21 19 waste or misapplicat...
developers 21 19 DEVELOPER, one who d...
developing 22 22 DEVELOP, to bring to...
developpes 23 22 DEVELOPPE, (French)...
deviancies 21 19 DEVIANCY, the behavi...
deviations 18 16 DEVIATION, the act o...
devilesses 20 16 DEVILESS, a female d...
devilishly 31 21 DEVILISH, fiendish [...
devilments 21 20 DEVILMENT, deviltry...
devilships 26 21 DEVILSHIP, the chara...
deviltries 21 16 DEVILTRY, mischief,...
devilwoods 23 20 DEVILWOOD, a kind of...
devitalise 20 16 to deprive of vitali...
devitalize 23 25 to deprive of life o...
devocalise 22 19 to make voiceless, a...
devocalize 25 28 to make toneless; to...
devoicings 23 21 DEVOICING, the act o...
devolution 19 18 transference (as of...
devonports 20 19 DEVONPORT, a small o...
devotement 18 19 (archaic) the state...
devotional 18 17 relating to devotion...
devourment 19 20 the act of devouring...
devoutness 18 17 the state of being d...
devvelling 24 24 DEVVEL, (Scots) to s...
dewaterers 19 14 DEWATERER, an agent...
dewatering 20 17 the act of removing...
dewberries 22 17 DEWBERRY, a fruit li...
dewinesses 19 15 DEWINESS, the state...
dexterwise 26 21 on the right-hand si...
dextrality 31 21 right-handedness [n...
dextranase 21 19 a hydrolase that pre...
dextrogyre 30 22 causing to turn to t...
dextrorsal 24 19 rising spirally and...
dextrously 31 22 DEXTROUS, skillful a...
dezincking 25 31 DEZINC, to remove zi...
dharmsalas 21 17 DHARMSALA, (Hindi) a...
dharmshala 23 19 (Hindi) a building h...
diabetical 23 18 pertaining to diabet...
diableries 20 15 DIABLERY, black magi...
diabolical 24 19 of, relating to, or...
diabolised 20 16 DIABOLISE, to conver...
diabolises 20 15 DIABOLISE, to conver...
diabolisms 22 18 DIABOLISM, devil-wor...
diabolists 21 15 DIABOLIST, one who p...
diabolized 23 25 DIABOLIZE, to conver...
diabolizes 23 24 DIABOLIZE, to conver...
diacaustic 24 18 a type of curve form...
diachronic 25 20 of the study of a su...
diachylons 29 20 DIACHYLON, formerly...
diachylums 32 23 DIACHYLUM, formerly...
diacodions 19 16 DIACODION, (obsolete...
diacodiums 22 19 DIACODIUM, (obsolete...
diaconates 18 15 DIACONATE, the offic...
diaconicon 21 19 a sacristy for sacre...
diacoustic 24 18 pertaining to the re...
diacritics 25 17 DIACRITIC, a mark or...
diactinism 22 18 the ability to trans...
diadochies 22 17 DIADOCHY, the replac...
diadromous 18 16 migrating between fr...
diageneses 16 14 DIAGENESIS, the phys...
diagenesis 17 14 the physical and che...
diagenetic 20 17 pertaining to change...
diagnosing 18 17 DIAGNOSE, to identif...
diagnostic 21 17 relating to diagnosi...
diagometer 18 16 an instrument for me...
diagonally 25 18 DIAGONAL, slanting [...
diagraming 20 19 DIAGRAM, to illustra...
diagrammed 20 20 DIAGRAM, to illustra...
diagraphic 26 21 pertaining to a diag...
diakineses 17 16 DIAKINESIS, the fina...
diakinesis 18 16 the final stage of p...
dialectics 25 18 DIALECTIC, the art o...
diallagoid 20 16 of or like diallage,...
dialogical 23 18 relating to a dialog...
dialogised 19 15 DIALOGISE, to discou...
dialogises 19 14 DIALOGISE, to discou...
dialogisms 21 17 DIALOGISM, deduction...
dialogists 20 14 DIALOGIST, a speaker...
dialogites 19 14 DIALOGITE, a native...
dialogized 22 24 DIALOGIZE, to discou...
dialogizes 22 23 DIALOGIZE, to discou...
dialoguers 19 15 DIALOGUER, one who m...
dialoguing 20 18 DIALOGUE, to hold a...
dialysable 27 18 able to be dialysed...
dialysates 24 14 DIALYSATE, the mater...
dialyzable 30 27 that can be dialyzed...
dialyzates 27 23 DIALYZATE, the mater...
diamagnets 18 17 DIAMAGNET, a body ha...
diamantine 16 16 adamantine, like dia...
diamonding 18 19 DIAMOND, to adorn wi...
dianthuses 19 15 DIANTHUS, a genus of...
diapasonal 18 16 relating to a diapas...
diapasonic 21 18 relating to a diapas...
diapausing 20 18 DIAPAUSE, in insects...
diapedeses 18 15 DIAPEDESIS, the migr...
diapedesis 19 15 the migration of whi...
diapedetic 22 18 relating to diapedes...
diaperings 20 17 DIAPERING, nappies c...
diaphanous 20 18 transparent, translu...
diaphonies 20 17 DIAPHONY, a system o...
diaphorase 20 16 a flavoprotein enzym...
diaphragms 24 21 DIAPHRAGM, the muscu...
diaphyseal 28 19 of or like a diaphys...
diaphysial 29 19 of or like a diaphys...
diapirisms 22 17 DIAPIRISM, the upwar...
diapyetics 29 19 DIAPYETIC, a substan...
diarchical 27 20 relating to a diarch...
diarrhetic 23 16 of or like diarrhoea...
diarrhoeal 19 14 of or like diarrhoea...
diarrhoeas 18 13 DIARRHOEA, a persist...
diarrhoeic 22 16 of or like diarrhoea...
diaskeuast 18 16 a reviser, an interp...
diastalses 18 12 DIASTALSIS, a downwa...
diastalsis 19 12 a downward wave of c...
diastaltic 22 15 (Greek music) of int...
diastemata 17 14 DIASTEMA, a space be...
diathermal 21 17 freely permeable by...
diathermia 20 16 heating of internal...
diathermic 24 19 permeable to or able...
diatomists 19 14 DIATOMIST, a person...
diatomites 18 14 DIATOMITE, a siliceo...
diatretums 19 15 DIATRETUM, a kind of...
diatribist 21 14 one who makes a diat...
diatropism 21 17 the growth of plant...
diazeuctic 27 27 relating to diazeuxi...
diazoniums 21 25 DIAZONIUM, a group o...
diazotised 20 21 DIAZOTISE, to conver...
diazotises 20 20 DIAZOTISE, to conver...
diazotized 23 30 DIAZOTIZE, to conver...
diazotizes 23 29 DIAZOTIZE, to conver...
dibasicity 30 19 the quality of being...
dibromides 21 18 DIBROMIDE, a compoun...
dicacities 24 17 DICACITY, (archaic)...
dicacodyls 31 21 DICACODYL, an oily p...
dicentrics 24 18 DICENTRIC, a chromos...
dichloride 24 18 a compound in which...
dichlorvos 26 21 a pesticide used in...
dichogamic 28 24 relating to dichogam...
dichondras 22 18 DICHONDRA, a genus o...
dichotomic 27 22 of or like a dichoto...
dichroisms 25 19 DICHROISM, the prope...
dichroites 23 16 DICHROITE, a strongl...
dichroitic 27 19 having two colours;...
dichromate 23 19 a salt of chromic ac...
dichromats 24 19 DICHROMAT, a salt of...
dichromism 26 22 the state of being d...
dickcissel 27 22 the American black-t...
dickeybird 31 24 a false shirtfront,...
dickybirds 32 24 DICKYBIRD, a false s...
diclinisms 24 19 DICLINISM, the state...
dicoumarin 21 19 a crystalline compou...
dicoumarol 22 19 a crystalline compou...
dicrotisms 23 17 DICROTISM, a conditi...
dictations 20 15 DICTATION, the act,...
dictatress 21 14 a female dictator, a...
dictatures 21 15 DICTATURE, the offic...
dictionary 26 17 a book containing th...
dictyogens 27 19 DICTYOGEN, a monocot...
dictyosome 27 19 any of the membranou...
dicumarols 23 19 DICUMAROL, a crystal...
dicynodont 25 19 a fossil reptile wit...
didactical 25 19 designed or intended...
didascalic 25 19 didactic; pertaining...
didelphian 22 19 of or relating to th...
didelphids 24 19 DIDELPHID, any membe...
didelphine 22 19 of or relating to th...
didelphous 23 19 of or relating to th...
didgeridoo 18 15 (Native Australian)...
didjeridoo 19 22 (Native Australian)...
didjeridus 21 23 DIDJERIDU, a native...
didrachmas 24 20 DIDRACHMA, (Greek) a...
didynamian 23 19 belonging to the Did...
didynamies 24 18 DIDYNAMY, the state...
didynamous 24 19 belonging to the Did...
dieciously 28 18 DIECIOUS, having mal...
dielectric 25 18 nonconducting [adj D...
dieselings 19 15 DIESELING, the act o...
dieselised 18 13 DIESELISE, to equip...
dieselises 18 12 DIESELISE, to equip...
dieselized 21 22 DIESELIZE, to equip...
dieselizes 21 21 DIESELIZE, to equip...
dieselling 20 16 running after the en...
diesinkers 18 16 DIESINKER, a person...
diestruses 18 12 DIESTRUS, a period o...
dietarians 16 12 DIETARIAN, one who l...
dietetical 21 15 relating to diet, al...
diethylene 25 17 as in diethlene glyc...
dieticians 20 15 DIETICIAN, an expert...
dietitians 17 12 DIETITIAN, an expert...
difference 23 21 to make or perceive...
differency 30 23 (archaic) difference...
difficulty 34 24 the state of being d...
diffidence 24 22 the state of being d...
difformity 30 22 irregularity of form...
diffracted 25 21 DIFFRACT, to separat...
diffusedly 30 22 DIFFUSED [adv]
diffusible 26 22 capable of being dif...
diffusions 22 19 DIFFUSION, the sprea...
digastrics 23 16 DIGASTRIC, a muscle...
digestants 18 14 DIGESTANT, serving t...
digestedly 26 17 (obsolete) in neat o...
digestible 22 17 that can be digested...
digestibly 29 19 DIGESTIBLE, that can...
digestions 18 14 DIGESTION, the act o...
digestives 21 17 DIGESTIVE, something...
digitalins 20 15 DIGITALIN, a drug ex...
digitalise 20 14 to make digital, als...
digitalism 22 17 a serious condition...
digitalize 23 23 to make digital, als...
digitately 26 16 DIGITATE, of a leaf,...
digitation 18 14 a division into fing...
digitiform 23 19 shaped like a finger...
digitisers 20 13 DIGITISER, a device...
digitising 21 16 DIGITISE, to put int...
digitizers 23 22 DIGITIZER, a device...
digitizing 24 25 DIGITIZE, to put int...
digitonins 18 15 DIGITONIN, a steroid...
digitorium 21 17 (Latin) a silent pia...
digitoxins 25 21 DIGITOXIN, a poisono...
digladiate 19 15 (obsolete) to fight...
diglossias 20 14 DIGLOSSIA, the coexi...
dignifying 28 22 DIGNIFY, to add dign...
digoneutic 21 18 breeding twice a yea...
digressers 19 13 DIGRESSER, one who d...
digressing 20 16 DIGRESS, to stray fr...
digression 18 14 the act of digressin...
digressive 21 17 characterized by dig...
dihydrogen 26 19 containing two atoms...
dijudicate 23 25 to judge, to decide...
dilacerate 20 15 to rend or tear asun...
dilapidate 20 16 to bring into a cond...
dilatation 17 13 prolixity; diffuse d...
dilatators 18 12 DILATATOR, a muscle...
dilatorily 26 15 DILATORY, given to d...
dilemmatic 24 21 relating to a dilemm...
dilettante 17 13 (Italian) a dabbler...
dilettanti 18 13 DILETTANTE, (Italian...
diligences 22 18 DILIGENCE, a French...
diligently 27 18 DILIGENT, perseverin...
dillydally 35 20 to loiter or trifle...
diltiazems 23 24 DILTIAZEM, a drug us...
dilucidate 22 17 (obsolete) to elucid...
dilutables 22 17 DILUTABLE, something...
diluteness 18 14 the state of being d...
dimensions 17 16 DIMENSION, to give t...
dimerising 20 17 DIMERISE, to make in...
dimerizing 23 26 DIMERIZE, to make in...
dimethoate 19 16 a kind of insecticid...
dimidiated 19 16 DIMIDIATE, to divide...
dimidiates 19 15 DIMIDIATE, to divide...
diminished 21 18 DIMINISH, to lessen...
diminishes 21 17 DIMINISH, to lessen...
diminuendo 17 18 (Italian) gradually...
diminution 18 17 the act of diminishi...
diminutive 21 20 small [adj DIMINUTIV...
dimorphism 25 22 the state of existin...
dimorphous 23 20 characterized by dim...
dimplement 22 22 the state of being d...
dinanderie 15 14 (French) domestic de...
dinarchies 22 17 DINARCHY, government...
dingdonged 18 19 DINGDONG, to have a...
dinitrogen 17 15 denoting a chemical...
dinnerless 17 14 having no dinner [ad...
dinnertime 17 16 the time at which di...
dinnerware 18 16 plates etc. used for...
dinomanias 16 16 DINOMANIA, public in...
dinosauric 20 16 of or like a dinosau...
dinotheres 18 14 DINOTHERE, an extinc...
dinotheria 18 14 DINOTHERIUM, an exti...
dioicously 28 18 DIOICOUS, having mal...
diophysite 28 18 a believer in the ex...
dioptrical 24 18 transparent, also DI...
diorthoses 19 13 DIORTHOSIS, a critic...
diorthosis 20 13 a critical revision...
diorthotic 23 16 relating to the corr...
diosgenins 17 15 DIOSGENIN, a crystal...
diothelete 19 14 a believer in dithel...
diothelism 22 17 the doctrine that Ch...
diothelite 20 14 a believer in the do...
dipeptides 22 18 DIPEPTIDE, a peptide...
dipetalous 20 16 having two petals [a...
diphosgene 21 19 a liquid compound us...
diphtheria 24 18 an infectious throat...
diphtheric 28 21 relating to diphther...
diphthongs 25 21 DIPHTHONG, a union o...
diphyletic 33 22 descended from two d...
diphyllous 31 21 having two leaves [a...
diphyodont 27 20 a mammal having a se...
diphysites 29 18 DIPHYSITE, a believe...
diplobiont 22 19 an organism that has...
diplococci 30 24 DIPLOCOCCUS, a coccu...
diplodocus 24 20 a gigantic, quadrupe...
diploidies 21 16 DIPLOIDY, the condit...
diplomaing 22 21 DIPLOMA, to confer a...
diplomated 21 19 DIPLOMATE, to invest...
diplomates 21 18 DIPLOMATE, to invest...
diplomatic 25 21 relating to diplomac...
diplonemas 20 19 DIPLONEMA, a less co...
diplophase 24 20 a diploid phase in a...
diplospeak 23 22 the polite and placa...
diplotenes 19 16 DIPLOTENE, the fourt...
dipnetting 20 18 DIPNET, to scoop fis...
dipperfuls 26 22 DIPPERFUL, the conte...
diprotodon 18 16 any marsupial of the...
dipsomania 19 18 an abnormal craving...
dipterists 21 14 DIPTERIST, a person...
dipteroses 19 14 DIPTEROS, a building...
directions 20 15 DIRECTION [v]
directives 23 18 DIRECTIVE, a general...
directness 20 15 the quality of being...
directress 21 14 a female director, a...
directrice 24 17 (French) a female di...
dirempting 22 20 DIREMPT, to separate...
diremption 20 18 separation into two...
direnesses 16 12 DIRENESS, the state...
dirigibles 23 17 DIRIGIBLE, a dirigib...
dirigismes 21 16 DIRIGISME, (French)...
disability 28 17 the condition of bei...
disablisms 23 18 DISABLISM, discrimin...
disablists 22 15 DISABLIST, one who d...
disabusals 21 16 DISABUSAL, the act o...
disabusing 21 18 DISABUSE, to free fr...
disaccords 24 18 DISACCORD, to refuse...
disadorned 16 14 DISADORN, to deprive...
disadvance 21 20 (Spenser) to draw ba...
disaffects 25 20 DISAFFECT, to take a...
disaffirms 24 20 DISAFFIRM, to assert...
disallowed 22 17 DISALLOW, to refuse...
disallying 27 18 DISALLY, to break an...
disamenity 24 17 a lack of amenity; a...
disanalogy 24 17 a non-correspondence...
disanchors 22 17 DISANCHOR, to raise...
disanimate 17 15 to deprive of life [...
disannexed 21 21 DISANNEX, to disunit...
disannexes 21 20 DISANNEX, to disunit...
disanoints 16 13 DISANOINT, to undo t...
disapparel 22 18 to disrobe; to strip...
disappears 21 17 DISAPPEAR, to vanish...
disapplied 23 19 DISAPPLY, to make a...
disapplies 23 18 DISAPPLY, to make a...
disappoint 21 18 to fail to meet the...
disapprove 23 21 to pass unfavorable...
disarrange 17 14 to disturb the arran...
disarrayed 23 14 DISARRAY, to throw i...
disastrous 18 12 attended by or causi...
disattired 18 12 DISATTIRE, (Spenser)...
disattires 18 11 DISATTIRE, (Spenser)...
disattuned 17 14 DISATTUNE, to put ou...
disattunes 17 13 DISATTUNE, to put ou...
disavaunce 21 20 (Spenser) to retard;...
disavowals 23 19 DISAVOWAL, the act o...
disavowers 22 18 DISAVOWER, one who d...
disavowing 23 21 DISAVOW, to disclaim...
disbanding 20 19 DISBAND, to break up...
disbarking 22 21 DISBARK, to strip of...
disbarment 20 18 the act of disbarrin...
disbarring 21 17 DISBAR, to expel fro...
disbeliefs 23 18 DISBELIEF, lack of b...
disbelieve 22 19 to hold not worthy o...
disbenched 24 21 DISBENCH, to drive f...
disbenches 24 20 DISBENCH, to drive f...
disbenefit 21 18 a drawback, loss, in...
disbosomed 20 18 DISBOSOM, to make kn...
disboweled 23 19 DISBOWEL, to remove...
disbudding 22 20 DISBUD, to remove bu...
disburdens 20 17 DISBURDEN, to rid of...
disbursals 22 16 DISBURSAL, the act o...
disbursers 21 15 DISBURSER, one who d...
disbursing 22 18 DISBURSE, to pay out...
disburthen 22 18 to get rid of a burd...
discandied 20 17 DISCANDY, (Shakespea...
discandies 20 16 DISCANDY, (Shakespea...
discanters 20 15 DISCANTER, one who s...
discanting 21 18 DISCANT, to sing, al...
discarders 21 15 DISCARDER, one who d...
discarding 22 18 DISCARD, to throw aw...
discarnate 19 15 disembodied; separat...
discepting 24 20 DISCEPT, to dispute,...
discerners 20 15 DISCERNER, one who d...
discerning 21 18 DISCERN, to perceive...
discerping 24 20 DISCERP, to separate...
discharged 24 19 DISCHARGE, to free f...
dischargee 23 18 one who is discharge...
discharger 24 18 one who, or that whi...
discharges 24 18 DISCHARGE, to free f...
dischuffed 28 24 (colloquial) not ple...
discipline 24 19 to punish or penaliz...
discipling 26 21 DISCIPLE, to cause t...
discipular 25 19 like a disciple [adj...
discission 21 15 an open incision or...
disclaimed 23 19 DISCLAIM, to renounc...
disclaimer 23 18 a denial or disavowa...
disclosers 22 15 DISCLOSER, one who d...
disclosing 23 18 DISCLOSE, to reveal...
disclosure 22 16 the act or an instan...
discobolos 23 18 a discus thrower, al...
discobolus 24 19 (historical) a discu...
discolored 21 16 DISCOLOR, to alter t...
discolours 22 16 DISCOLOUR, to alter...
discomfits 25 20 DISCOMFIT, to discon...
discomfort 24 20 to make uncomfortabl...
discommend 22 22 to mention with disa...
discommode 22 21 to put to inconvenie...
discommons 22 21 DISCOMMON, to depriv...
discompose 23 20 to disarrange; to di...
disconcert 23 18 to throw into confus...
disconfirm 24 21 to deny the validity...
disconnect 22 19 to sever the connect...
disconsent 19 16 (obsolete) to differ...
discontent 19 16 to make discontented...
discophile 26 20 one who loves record...
discordant 20 16 being at variance [a...
discordful 25 20 (Spenser) full of di...
discording 22 18 DISCORD, to disagree...
discounsel 21 17 (Spenser) to dissuad...
discounted 20 17 DISCOUNT, to reduce...
discounter 20 16 one who discounts; a...
discourage 21 17 to dishearten; to de...
discouring 22 18 DISCOURE, to find ou...
discoursal 22 16 relating to discours...
discoursed 21 16 DISCOURSE, to talk o...
discourser 21 15 (Shakespeare) one wh...
discourses 21 15 DISCOURSE, to talk o...
discovered 22 19 DISCOVER, to find ou...
discoverer 22 18 one who discovers [n...
discredits 22 15 DISCREDIT, to refuse...
discreeter 20 14 DISCREET, tactful [a...
discreetly 28 17 DISCREET, tactful [a...
discrepant 22 18 marked by disagreeme...
discretely 28 17 DISCRETE, separate,...
discretest 21 14 DISCRETE, separate,...
discretion 20 15 the quality of being...
discretive 23 18 marking distinction...
discrowned 23 19 DISCROWN, to deprive...
disculpate 24 19 to free from blame [...
discumbers 25 21 DISCUMBER, (archaic)...
discursion 21 16 desultory talk [n -S...
discursist 23 15 (obsolete) a dispute...
discursive 24 19 moving from topic to...
discursory 28 17 argumentative; discu...
discussant 21 16 one who takes part i...
discussers 22 15 DISCUSSER, one who d...
discussing 23 18 DISCUSS, to talk ove...
discussion 21 16 consideration of a q...
discussive 24 19 a medicine able or t...
discutient 21 16 a medicine serving t...
disdainful 21 18 full of or expressin...
disdaining 18 16 DISDAIN, to scorn, l...
diseaseful 20 16 (obsolete) causing u...
diseconomy 26 20 lack of economy; a f...
disembarks 22 21 DISEMBARK, to leave...
disembogue 21 20 (Spanish) to dischar...
disembosom 21 20 to separate from the...
disembowel 24 21 to take out the bowe...
disembroil 22 18 to disentangle; to f...
disemploys 28 20 DISEMPLOY, to throw...
disempower 23 20 to deprive of power;...
disemvowel 24 22 to remove the vowels...
disenabled 19 17 DISENABLE, to disabl...
disenables 19 16 DISENABLE, to disabl...
disenchain 21 18 to free from restrai...
disenchant 21 18 to free from enchant...
disenclose 20 16 to free from being i...
disendowed 19 17 DISENDOW, to deprive...
disendower 19 16 one who disendows [n...
disengaged 18 17 DISENGAGE, to separa...
disengages 18 16 DISENGAGE, to separa...
disennoble 18 17 to deprive of that w...
disenslave 19 17 to free from bondage...
disentails 18 13 DISENTAIL, to free f...
disenthral 20 15 to release from a st...
disentitle 18 13 to deprive of title...
disentombs 20 18 DISENTOMB, to take o...
disentrail 18 13 (Spenser) to disembo...
disentrain 16 13 to set down from a t...
disentwine 19 16 to free from being e...
disenvelop 21 20 to free from that in...
disenviron 18 17 to deprive of enviro...
disepalous 20 16 having two sepals [a...
disespouse 19 15 (Milton) to release...
disesteems 18 14 DISESTEEM, to hold o...
disfavored 21 19 DISFAVOR, to regard...
disfavours 22 19 DISFAVOUR, to disest...
disfeature 19 15 to deprive of featur...
disfigured 22 18 DISFIGURE, to spoil...
disfigurer 22 17 one who disfigures [...
disfigures 22 17 DISFIGURE, to spoil...
disfleshed 23 18 DISFLESH, (archaic)...
disfleshes 23 17 DISFLESH, (archaic)...
disfluency 30 22 a lack of fluency in...
disforests 20 14 DISFOREST, to clear...
disforming 22 20 DISFORM, to alter th...
disfrocked 24 22 DISFROCK, to deprive...
disfurnish 23 18 to strip, render des...
disgarnish 21 16 to despoil, also DEG...
disgesting 20 16 DISGEST, to assimila...
disgestion 18 14 digestion [n -S]
disglorify 29 19 (Milton) to deprive...
disgorgers 20 15 DISGORGER, one who d...
disgorging 21 18 DISGORGE, to vomit [...
disgowning 22 20 DISGOWN, to strip of...
disgracers 22 16 DISGRACER, one who d...
disgracing 23 19 DISGRACE, to bring s...
disgrading 20 17 DISGRADE, to strip o...
disgruntle 20 16 to make ill-humoured...
disguisers 20 14 DISGUISER, one who d...
disguising 21 17 DISGUISE, to conceal...
disgustful 24 19 provoking disgust [a...
disgusting 21 17 DISGUST, to cause lo...
dishabille 24 18 (French) an undress;...
dishabited 22 17 DISHABIT, (Shakespea...
dishabling 24 20 DISHABLE, to render...
dishallows 25 18 DISHALLOW, to make u...
disharmony 26 19 lack of harmony [n D...
dishcloths 27 19 DISHCLOTH, a cloth u...
dishclouts 25 18 DISHCLOUT, a dishclo...
dishdashas 22 16 DISHDASHA, (Arabic)...
dishdashes 22 16 DISHDASH, a long one...
dishearten 18 14 to cause to lose spi...
dishelming 23 20 DISHELM, to deprive...
disherison 19 14 the act of disheriti...
disherited 20 14 DISHERIT, to deprive...
disheritor 20 13 one who puts another...
disheveled 22 19 DISHEVEL, to make th...
dishoarded 19 15 DISHOARD, to put pre...
dishonesty 25 16 lack of honesty [n D...
dishonored 18 15 DISHONOR, (US) to de...
dishonorer 18 14 (US) one who dishono...
dishonours 19 15 DISHONOUR, to depriv...
dishorning 20 17 DISHORN, to deprive...
dishorsing 21 16 DISHORSE, to make so...
dishousing 21 17 DISHOUSE, to deprive...
dishtowels 24 17 DISHTOWEL, a wiping...
dishumours 22 18 DISHUMOUR, (obsolete...
dishwasher 25 18 a worker employed to...
dishwaters 23 16 DISHWATER, water use...
disilluded 21 16 DISILLUDE, to free f...
disilludes 21 15 DISILLUDE, to free f...
disimagine 19 17 to banish from the i...
disimmured 21 19 DISIMMURE, to libera...
disimmures 21 18 DISIMMURE, to libera...
disimprove 23 21 to make worse [v DIS...
disincline 21 17 to make unwilling [v...
disinclose 21 16 to free from being i...
disinfects 23 18 DISINFECT, to rid of...
disinfests 20 15 DISINFEST, to remove...
disinforms 21 18 DISINFORM, to inform...
disinherit 20 14 to deprive of an inh...
disinhibit 23 17 to remove restraints...
disinhumed 21 19 DISINHUME, to disint...
disinhumes 21 18 DISINHUME, to disint...
disinthral 21 15 to release from a st...
disinuring 19 16 DISINURE, to render...
disinvents 19 17 DISINVENT, to undo t...
disinvests 20 16 DISINVEST, to reduce...
disinvited 20 17 DISINVITE, to withdr...
disinvites 20 16 DISINVITE, to withdr...
disinvolve 22 21 to unfold; to disent...
disjecting 24 26 DISJECT, to dismembe...
disjection 22 24 scattering or disper...
disjoining 20 24 DISJOIN, to separate...
disjointed 19 22 DISJOINT, to put out...
disjunctor 23 25 a device for breakin...
disleafing 21 18 DISLEAF, to deprive...
disleaving 21 19 DISLEAVE, to deprive...
dislikable 23 20 capable of being dis...
dislikeful 24 21 full of dislike [adj...
dislikened 19 18 DISLIKEN, (Shakespea...
dislimbing 24 21 DISLIMB, to tear lim...
dislimning 21 19 DISLIMN, (Shakespear...
dislinking 21 20 DISLINK, to unlink,...
disloading 19 16 DISLOAD, to unload,...
dislocated 21 16 DISLOCATE, to put ou...
dislocates 21 15 DISLOCATE, to put ou...
dislodging 21 18 DISLODGE, to remove...
disloigned 19 16 DISLOIGN, (Spenser)...
disloyally 33 18 DISLOYAL, not loyal,...
disloyalty 32 17 lack of loyalty [n D...
dislustred 20 14 DISLUSTRE, (archaic)...
dislustres 20 13 DISLUSTRE, (archaic)...
dismallest 21 16 DISMAL, sad, gloomy...
dismalness 19 16 the quality of being...
dismanning 18 19 DISMAN, to deprive o...
dismantled 19 17 DISMANTLE, to take t...
dismantler 19 16 one who dismantles [...
dismantles 19 16 DISMANTLE, to take t...
dismasking 21 21 DISMASK, to divest o...
dismasting 20 17 DISMAST, to remove t...
dismayling 27 20 DISMAYL, (Spenser) t...
dismembers 22 20 DISMEMBER, to cut or...
dismissals 21 15 DISMISSAL, the act o...
dismissing 21 17 DISMISS, to send awa...
dismission 19 15 the act of dismissin...
dismissive 22 18 disrespectful, incon...
dismissory 26 16 relating to the act...
dismounted 18 17 DISMOUNT, to get dow...
disnatured 17 14 DISNATURE, to cause...
disnatures 17 13 DISNATURE, to cause...
disnesting 18 15 DISNEST, to dislodge...
disobeyers 25 16 DISOBEYER, one who d...
disobeying 26 19 DISOBEY, to refuse t...
disobliged 22 18 DISOBLIGE, to slight...
disobliges 22 17 DISOBLIGE, to slight...
disordered 17 13 DISORDER, to disarra...
disorderly 25 15 not orderly [adj] /...
disorganic 21 17 lacking organic stru...
disorients 17 12 DISORIENT, to confus...
disownment 20 19 the act of disowning...
disparaged 20 17 DISPARAGE, to belitt...
disparager 20 16 one who disparages [...
disparages 20 16 DISPARAGE, to belitt...
disparates 19 14 DISPARATE, a dispara...
disparking 22 21 DISPARK, (archaic) t...
disparting 21 17 DISPART, (archaic) t...
dispassion 19 15 freedom from passion...
dispatched 25 20 DISPATCH, to send of...
dispatcher 25 19 one who dispatches,...
dispatches 25 19 DISPATCH, to send of...
dispathies 22 16 DISPATHY, dislike, a...
dispaupers 22 18 DISPAUPER, to depriv...
dispellers 22 16 DISPELLER, one who d...
dispelling 23 19 DISPEL, to drive awa...
dispencing 23 21 DISPENCE, (Spenser)...
dispending 20 19 DISPEND, (obsolete)...
dispensary 25 17 a place where medici...
dispensers 19 15 DISPENSER, one who d...
dispensing 20 18 DISPENSE, to distrib...
dispeopled 22 19 DISPEOPLE, to depopu...
dispeoples 22 18 DISPEOPLE, to depopu...
dispermous 21 18 having two seeds [ad...
dispersals 21 15 DISPERSAL, dispersio...
dispersant 19 15 an agent that causes...
dispersers 20 14 DISPERSER, one who d...
dispersing 21 17 DISPERSE, to scatter...
dispersion 19 15 the act of dispersin...
dispersive 22 18 tending to disperse...
dispersoid 20 15 a substance in a sta...
dispirited 21 15 DISPIRIT, to lower i...
dispiteous 20 15 (obsolete) pitiless,...
displacers 24 18 DISPLACER, one who d...
displacing 25 21 DISPLACE, to put in...
displanted 20 17 DISPLANT, to uproot;...
displayers 27 17 DISPLAYER, one who d...
displaying 28 20 DISPLAY, to put on s...
displeased 20 16 DISPLEASE, to offend...
displeases 20 15 DISPLEASE, to offend...
displenish 23 18 to deprive or strip,...
disploding 22 19 DISPLODE, (Milton) t...
displosion 20 16 an explosion [n -S]
displuming 24 22 DISPLUME, to deprive...
dispondaic 22 19 relating to a dispon...
dispondees 18 16 DISPONDEE, a double...
disponging 21 20 DISPONGE, to sprinkl...
disporting 21 17 DISPORT, to amuse on...
disposable 22 18 able to be disposed...
disposedly 27 18 DISPOSED [adv]
disposings 21 17 DISPOSING [n]
dispositor 20 14 in astrology, a plan...
dispossess 20 14 to put out of posses...
disposting 21 17 DISPOST, to displace...
disposures 20 15 DISPOSURE, disposal,...
dispraised 20 15 DISPRAISE, to censur...
dispraiser 20 14 one who dispraises [...
dispraises 20 14 DISPRAISE, to censur...
dispredden 19 17 DISPREAD, to spread...
disprinced 23 19 (Tennyson) deprived...
disprisons 20 15 DISPRISON, to let lo...
disprizing 25 26 DISPRIZE, to depreci...
disprofess 22 17 to renounce the prof...
disprofits 23 17 DISPROFIT [n]
disprooved 21 19 DISPROOVE, (Spenser)...
disprooves 21 18 DISPROOVE, (Spenser)...
disprovals 23 19 DISPROVAL, the act o...
disprovers 22 18 DISPROVER, one who d...
disprovide 22 19 (archaic) to fail to...
disproving 23 21 DISPROVE, to refute...
dispunging 22 21 DISPUNGE, (Shakespea...
dispursing 22 18 DISPURSE, (Shakespea...
dispurveys 29 21 DISPURVEY, (archaic)...
disputable 23 19 that can be disputed...
disputably 30 21 DISPUTABLE, that can...
disputants 20 16 DISPUTANT, one who d...
disqualify 36 27 to debar [v DISQUALI...
disquieted 26 22 DISQUIET, to deprive...
disquieten 25 22 to make disquiet, an...
disquietly 34 24 DISQUIET, not quiet...
disranking 19 19 DISRANK, to reduce r...
disregards 19 14 DISREGARD, to pay no...
disrelated 18 13 not related [adj]
disrepairs 20 14 DISREPAIR, a worn-ou...
disreputes 20 15 DISREPUTE, bad reput...
disrespect 23 17 lack of respect [n -...
disrooting 18 14 DISROOT, to tear up...
disrupters 21 15 DISRUPTER, one who d...
disrupting 22 18 DISRUPT, to throw in...
disruption 20 16 the act of disruptin...
disruptive 23 19 causing disruption [...
disruptors 21 15 DISRUPTOR, one who d...
dissatisfy 27 16 to fail to satisfy [...
dissavings 21 18 DISSAVING, the spend...
disseating 18 14 DISSEAT, to unseat,...
dissecting 22 17 the act of taking ap...
dissection 20 15 the act of dissectin...
dissective 23 18 relating to dissecti...
dissectors 21 14 DISSECTOR, one who d...
disseisees 17 11 DISSEISEE, one who i...
disseising 19 14 DISSEISE, to deprive...
disseisins 18 12 DISSEISIN, the act o...
disseisors 18 11 DISSEISOR, one who d...
disseizees 20 20 DISSEIZEE, one who i...
disseizing 22 23 DISSEIZE, to deprive...
disseizins 21 21 DISSEIZIN, the act o...
disseizors 21 20 DISSEIZOR, one who d...
disselboom 21 18 (Afrikaans) the sing...
dissembled 22 19 DISSEMBLE, to hide t...
dissembler 22 18 one who dissembles,...
dissembles 22 18 DISSEMBLE, to hide t...
dissension 16 13 disagreement, also D...
dissenters 17 12 DISSENTER, one who d...
dissenting 18 15 DISSENT, to disagree...
dissention 16 13 (US) dissension, als...
dissertate 17 11 to discourse [v DISS...
disserting 19 14 DISSERT, to discuss...
disservice 23 18 ill service [n -S]
disserving 21 18 DISSERVE, to treat b...
dissevered 19 16 DISSEVER, to sever,...
dissheathe 21 15 to become unsheathed...
disshivers 23 17 DISSHIVER, (Spenser)...
dissidence 20 16 disagreement; dissen...
dissidents 18 13 DISSIDENT, a dissent...
dissilient 19 13 springing apart; bur...
dissimilar 21 15 unlike [adj DISSIMIL...
dissimiles 21 15 DISSIMILE, a compari...
dissipable 23 18 capable of being sca...
dissipated 20 15 DISSIPATE, to scatte...
dissipater 20 14 one who dissipates,...
dissipates 20 14 DISSIPATE, to scatte...
dissipator 20 14 one who dissipates,...
dissociate 20 14 to separate from ass...
dissoluble 22 17 capable of being dis...
dissolutes 19 13 DISSOLUTE, a dissolu...
dissolvent 20 17 a solvent [n -S]
dissolvers 21 16 DISSOLVER, something...
dissolving 22 19 the act of dissoluti...
dissonance 18 16 lack of agreement [n...
dissonancy 25 18 discord, dissonance...
dissuaders 18 13 DISSUADER, one who d...
dissuading 19 16 DISSUADE, to persuad...
dissuasion 17 13 the act of dissuadin...
dissuasive 20 16 tending to dissuade...
dissuasory 24 14 a dissuasive [n DISS...
dissunders 18 14 DISSUNDER, (archaic)...
distaining 18 15 DISTAIN, (archaic) t...
distancing 21 18 DISTANCE, to move fa...
distasting 19 14 DISTASTE, (archaic)...
distelfink 22 20 (Dutch) a traditiona...
distempers 21 17 DISTEMPER, to paint...
distenders 17 13 DISTENDER, one who d...
distending 18 16 DISTEND, to swell [v...
distensile 18 13 that may be stretche...
distension 16 13 the act of distendin...
distensive 19 16 distending, or capab...
distention 16 13 the act of distendin...
disthroned 19 15 DISTHRONE, to remove...
disthrones 19 14 DISTHRONE, to remove...
distichous 24 17 in or having two row...
distilland 20 15 that which is to be,...
distillate 20 13 the product of disti...
distillers 21 13 DISTILLER, one who d...
distillery 27 15 the building and wor...
distilling 22 16 the act of distillat...
distilment 20 16 (Shakespeare) that w...
distincter 21 15 DISTINCT, clearly di...
distinctly 29 18 DISTINCT, clearly di...
distinguee 18 15 (French) (of a femal...
distorters 18 11 DISTORTER, one who d...
distorting 19 14 DISTORT, to twist or...
distortion 17 12 a lack of proportion...
distortive 20 15 causing distortion [...
distracted 21 15 DISTRACT, to divert...
distracter 21 14 one who distracts [n...
distractor 21 14 any of the incorrect...
distrained 17 13 DISTRAIN, to seize a...
distrainee 16 12 a person whose prope...
distrainer 17 12 one who distrains; t...
distrainor 17 12 one who distrains; t...
distraints 18 12 DISTRAINT, seizure o...
distraught 22 16 agitated with doubt...
distressed 18 12 DISTRESS, to cause a...
distresser 18 11 one who distresses [...
distresses 18 11 DISTRESS, to cause a...
distribute 21 15 to divide among seve...
districted 22 15 DISTRICT, to divide...
distringas 19 14 formerly, a writ dir...
distrouble 21 16 (obsolete) to troubl...
distrusted 19 13 DISTRUST, to have no...
distruster 19 12 one who distrusts [n...
disturbant 20 16 disturbing [adj] / t...
disturbers 21 15 DISTURBER, something...
disturbing 22 18 DISTURB, to interrup...
disulfates 21 16 DISULFATE, a compoun...
disulfides 22 17 DISULFIDE, a sulphid...
disulfiram 23 19 a compound used in t...
disulfoton 20 17 an organophosphorus...
disulphate 23 18 a pyrosulphate [n -S...
disulphide 24 19 a sulphide containin...
disuniters 18 13 DISUNITER, one who d...
disunities 18 13 DISUNITY, lack of un...
disuniting 19 16 DISUNITE, to separat...
disutility 27 15 the state of being c...
disvaluing 22 20 DISVALUE, to dispara...
disvouched 25 22 DISVOUCH, (Shakespea...
disvouches 25 21 DISVOUCH, (Shakespea...
disworship 26 19 (Milton) to refuse t...
disyllabic 32 21 having two syllables...
disyllable 29 19 a word with two syll...
ditchwater 26 19 water found in a dit...
ditheistic 24 16 relating to ditheism...
ditheletes 20 14 DITHELETE, a believe...
ditheletic 24 17 relating to dithelet...
dithelisms 23 17 DITHELISM, the doctr...
ditheriest 20 13 DITHERY, nervously e...
dithionate 18 14 a salt of dithionic...
dithionite 19 14 any salt of dithiono...
dithionous 19 15 as in dithionous aci...
dithyrambs 30 21 DITHYRAMB, a hymn or...
ditriglyph 32 21 a space for two trig...
ditrochean 21 17 containing two troch...
ditrochees 22 16 DITROCHEE, a double...
dittanders 17 13 DITTANDER, a pungent...
diurnalist 19 14 (archaic) a journali...
diuturnity 25 16 long duration; lasti...
divagating 21 20 DIVAGATE, to wander...
divagation 19 18 a wandering about or...
divalences 22 20 DIVALENCE, the state...
divaricate 22 18 forking [adj DIVARIC...
divebombed 24 25 DIVEBOMB, to drop bo...
divergence 22 21 a drawing apart (as...
divergency 29 23 a drawing apart, as...
diversions 19 16 DIVERSION, the act o...
divertible 23 19 capable of being div...
divestible 23 19 capable of being div...
divestment 20 19 the act of divesting...
divestures 20 16 DIVESTURE, the act o...
divination 18 17 the art or practice...
divinators 19 16 DIVINATOR, (archaic)...
divinatory 25 18 professing, or relat...
divineness 18 17 the quality of being...
divineress 19 16 a woman who divines...
divinified 22 20 DIVINIFY, to treat a...
divinifies 22 19 DIVINIFY, to treat a...
divinising 21 19 DIVINISE, to treat a...
divinities 20 16 DIVINITY, the qualit...
divinizing 24 28 DIVINIZE, to treat a...
divisional 20 17 relating to or makin...
divisively 30 22 DIVISIVE, causing di...
divulgated 22 20 DIVULGATE, (archaic)...
divulgater 22 19 one who divulgates,...
divulgates 22 19 DIVULGATE, (archaic)...
divulgator 22 19 one who divulgates,...
divulgence 24 23 the act of divulging...
divulsions 21 18 DIVULSION, the act o...
dizenments 20 25 DIZENMENT, the state...
dizzyingly 39 37 DIZZYING [adv]
djellabahs 25 27 DJELLABAH, (Arabic)...
docentship 24 20 the office of docent...
dochmiacal 27 23 pertaining to, or co...
dochmiuses 24 20 DOCHMIUS, a foot of...
docibility 31 20 docility, also DOCIB...
docilities 22 15 DOCILITY, the qualit...
docimasies 21 17 DOCIMASY, scrutiny,...
docimastic 25 20 proving by docimasy,...
docimology 29 22 the art of assaying...
dockmaster 22 21 one in charge of a d...
dockworker 25 25 one who works on the...
docqueting 29 27 DOCQUET, to make a s...
doctorands 19 16 DOCTORAND, a candida...
doctorated 19 15 DOCTORATE, to take a...
doctorates 19 14 DOCTORATE, to take a...
doctorings 21 17 DOCTORING, the act o...
doctorless 21 15 without a doctor [ad...
doctorship 25 19 a doctorate [n -S]
doctresses 20 14 DOCTRESS, a female d...
doctrinism 22 18 adherence to doctrin...
doctrinist 21 15 one who adheres to d...
docudramas 21 19 DOCUDRAMA, a play or...
documental 21 20 of or pertaining to...
documented 20 20 DOCUMENT, to support...
documenter 20 19 one who documents [n...
dodderiest 17 13 DODDERY, unsteady wi...
doddipolls 22 18 DODDIPOLL, (obsolete...
doddypolls 28 20 DODDYPOLL, (obsolete...
dodecagons 19 18 DODECAGON, a plane f...
dodecanoic 21 19 as in dodecanoic aci...
dodgeballs 22 19 DODGEBALL, a ball ga...
dogaressas 17 13 DOGARESSA, (Italian)...
dogberries 20 16 DOGBERRY, the berry...
dogcatcher 26 21 one whose job is to...
doggedness 18 17 the quality of being...
doggoneder 17 17 DOGGONED, damned, cu...
doglegging 22 21 DOGLEG, to move alon...
dogmatical 23 20 pertaining to a dogm...
dogmatised 19 17 DOGMATISE, to assert...
dogmatiser 19 16 one who dogmatises,...
dogmatises 19 16 DOGMATISE, to assert...
dogmatisms 21 19 DOGMATISM, the manne...
dogmatists 20 16 DOGMATIST, one who d...
dogmatized 22 26 DOGMATIZE, to assert...
dogmatizer 22 25 one who dogmatizes,...
dogmatizes 22 25 DOGMATIZE, to assert...
dognapings 20 20 DOGNAPING, the abduc...
dognappers 21 20 DOGNAPPER, one who d...
dognapping 22 23 DOGNAP, to steal a d...
dogrobbers 22 19 DOGROBBER, an army c...
dogsbodied 20 18 DOGSBODY, to do meni...
dogsbodies 20 17 DOGSBODY, a menial w...
dogsledded 19 17 DOGSLED, to ride a s...
dogsledder 19 16 one who travels by d...
dogtrotted 18 14 DOGTROT, to move at...
dogwatches 26 21 DOGWATCH, either of...
dolcelatte 21 16 (tradename) a soft b...
dolcemente 20 19 (Italian) softly; sw...
dolefuller 22 18 DOLEFUL, sad, full o...
dolesomely 25 18 DOLESOME, doleful, d...
dolichoses 23 17 DOLICHOS, a long-pod...
dolichurus 25 19 (Latin) a dactylic h...
dollarbird 22 17 a bird of the roller...
dollarfish 24 18 any of various fishe...
dollarised 19 14 DOLLARISE, to replac...
dollarises 19 13 DOLLARISE, to replac...
dollarized 22 23 DOLLARIZE, to replac...
dollarizes 22 22 DOLLARIZE, to replac...
dollarless 20 14 without dollars [adj...
dollarship 24 18 the domain of the do...
dollhouses 21 16 DOLLHOUSE, a house f...
dollybirds 29 19 DOLLYBIRD, an attrac...
dolomitise 19 15 to convert into dolo...
dolomitize 22 24 to convert into dolo...
dolorously 25 16 DOLOROUS, full of pa...
dolostones 16 13 DOLOSTONE, a rock co...
dolphinets 22 18 DOLPHINET, (Spenser)...
domestical 22 18 (archaic) domestic [...
domestique 26 24 a cyclist whose job...
domiciling 24 21 DOMICIL, to establis...
dominances 19 19 DOMINANCE, the state...
dominantly 24 19 DOMINANT, controllin...
dominating 18 18 DOMINATE, to control...
domination 16 16 supremacy or preemin...
dominative 19 19 governing; ruling; i...
dominators 17 15 DOMINATOR, a ruler o...
dominatrix 24 22 a prostitute caterin...
domineered 16 16 DOMINEER, to be over...
dominicker 22 22 one of an American b...
dominiques 26 25 DOMINIQUE, (French)...
donataries 15 12 DONATARY, a person w...
donatistic 20 15 pertaining to donati...
donatories 15 12 DONATORY, a donee of...
donenesses 14 13 DONENESS, the state...
donepezils 22 25 DONEPEZIL, a drug us...
donkeywork 27 25 monotonous and routi...
donnickers 20 20 DONNICKER, an outsid...
donnybrook 24 22 (Irish) a brawl or h...
donorships 21 17 DONORSHIP, the state...
doodlebugs 21 19 DOODLEBUG, the larva...
doohickeys 29 22 DOOHICKEY, a doodad,...
doohickies 23 20 DOOHICKEY, a doodad,...
doomsayers 23 16 DOOMSAYER, one who p...
doomsaying 24 19 the act of prophesyi...
doomsdayer 23 17 one who prophesies d...
doorframes 19 17 DOORFRAME, the frame...
doorkeeper 18 18 a person who tends a...
doorknocks 21 23 DOORKNOCK, to go fro...
doornbooms 18 18 DOORNBOOM, a South A...
doorplates 19 15 DOORPLATE, a plate o...
doorstones 15 12 DOORSTONE, the stone...
dopesheets 20 16 DOPESHEET, a documen...
dopinesses 18 15 DOPINESS, the state...
dopplerite 22 18 a black elastic subs...
dorbeetles 19 15 DORBEETLE, a dung-be...
dormancies 20 18 DORMANCY, a period o...
dormitions 18 15 DORMITION, the act o...
dormitives 21 18 DORMITIVE, a soporif...
doronicums 21 19 DORONICUM, a flower,...
dorsifixed 26 22 attached at or by th...
dorsigrade 18 14 walking on the back...
dosemeters 17 14 DOSEMETER, an instru...
dosimeters 18 14 DOSIMETER, an instru...
dosimetric 22 17 relating to dosimetr...
dosologies 18 14 DOSOLOGY, the scienc...
dosshouses 19 14 DOSSHOUSE, a very ch...
dotcommers 22 20 DOTCOMMER, a person...
doubleness 19 17 the state of being d...
doubletons 19 17 DOUBLETON, two cards...
doubletree 19 16 the bar, or crosspie...
doubtfully 31 23 DOUBTFUL, worthy of...
doubtingly 28 21 DOUBTING, in a state...
douceperes 21 18 DOUCEPERE, (Spenser)...
douchebags 25 22 DOUCHEBAG, a despica...
doughballs 25 21 DOUGHBALL, a kind of...
doughfaced 25 23 over-persuadable, es...
doughfaces 25 22 DOUGHFACE, a contemp...
doughiness 20 17 the state of being d...
doughtiest 21 16 DOUGHTY, courageous...
doulocracy 30 21 a government formed...
douppionis 21 19 DOUPPIONI, a kind of...
dournesses 16 13 DOURNESS, the state...
dovetailed 19 17 DOVETAIL, to fit tog...
dovishness 21 18 the state of being d...
dowellings 23 19 DOWELLING, long thin...
dowfnesses 21 18 DOWFNESS, (Scots) du...
dowitchers 26 19 DOWITCHER, (Native A...
downbursts 23 19 DOWNBURST, a sudden,...
downcomers 23 21 DOWNCOMER, a pipe th...
downcrying 30 23 DOWNCRY, to denigrat...
downdrafts 22 19 DOWNDRAFT, a downwar...
downfallen 22 21 fallen down [adj]
downforces 24 21 DOWNFORCE, an aerody...
downgraded 20 19 DOWNGRADE, to relega...
downgrades 20 18 DOWNGRADE, to relega...
downhiller 24 19 one who skis downhil...
downlights 25 20 DOWNLIGHT, a lamp sh...
downlinked 21 22 DOWNLINK, to provide...
downloaded 19 18 DOWNLOAD, to transfe...
downlooked 20 21 (Dryden) downcast, g...
downplayed 28 22 DOWNPLAY, to underst...
downrating 20 18 DOWNRATE, to make lo...
downrushes 22 18 DOWNRUSH, a rushing...
downscaled 23 20 DOWNSCALE, to scale...
downscales 23 19 DOWNSCALE, to scale...
downshifts 25 20 DOWNSHIFT, to change...
downsizers 23 24 DOWNSIZER, one who d...
downsizing 24 27 the act of reducing...
downslides 21 17 DOWNSLIDE, a downwar...
downslopes 22 19 DOWNSLOPE, a downwar...
downspouts 22 19 DOWNSPOUT, (US) a dr...
downstages 20 17 DOWNSTAGE, the front...
downstairs 20 15 in or towards a lowe...
downstater 19 15 one who lives or com...
downstates 19 15 DOWNSTATE, the regio...
downstream 20 18 in the direction of...
downstroke 20 19 a stroke made with a...
downswings 24 21 DOWNSWING, a decline...
downthrows 25 20 DOWNTHROW, a state o...
downtowner 21 19 one from down town [...
downtrends 19 17 DOWNTREND, a tendenc...
downturned 19 18 turned down [adj]
downwardly 30 22 DOWNWARD [adv]
downwashes 24 20 DOWNWASH, a downward...
downzoning 22 28 DOWNZONE, to reduce...
doxography 34 27 the compilation of o...
doxologies 24 21 DOXOLOGY, a hymn or...
dozinesses 19 21 DOZINESS, the state...
drabbiness 21 18 the state of being a...
drabblings 24 21 DRABBLING, a manner...
drabnesses 18 15 DRABNESS, the qualit...
draconisms 21 18 DRACONISM, being dra...
draconites 19 15 a jewel supposedly f...
draftiness 19 15 the state of being d...
draggingly 28 21 DRAGGING [adv]
draghounds 20 18 DRAGHOUND, a foxhoun...
dragonhead 18 17 a labiate garden pla...
dragonised 17 15 DRAGONISE, to turn i...
dragonises 17 14 DRAGONISE, to turn i...
dragonisms 19 17 DRAGONISM, unremitti...
dragonized 20 24 DRAGONIZE, to turn i...
dragonizes 20 23 DRAGONIZE, to turn i...
dragonlike 19 19 like a dragon [adj]
dragonnade 15 16 (French) a persecuti...
dragonroot 16 14 (US) an araceous pla...
dragoonage 16 16 the act of dragoonin...
dragooning 17 17 DRAGOON, to compel b...
dragstrips 22 16 DRAGSTRIP, a race co...
dragsville 23 19 (US) boredom [n -S]
drainboard 18 16 a sloping grooved bo...
drainlayer 23 15 one whose job is to...
drainpipes 21 18 DRAINPIPE, a pipe us...
drakestone 16 16 a flat stone so thro...
dramatical 22 18 of or pertaining to...
dramatised 18 15 DRAMATISE, to adapt...
dramatiser 18 14 one who dramatises,...
dramatises 18 14 DRAMATISE, to adapt...
dramatists 19 14 DRAMATIST, the autho...
dramatized 21 24 DRAMATIZE, to adapt...
dramatizer 21 23 one who dramatizes,...
dramatizes 21 23 DRAMATIZE, to adapt...
dramaturge 19 17 a dramatist; specifi...
dramaturgs 20 17 DRAMATURG, a dramati...
dramaturgy 26 19 the art of producing...
draperying 26 19 DRAPERY, to drape [v...
dratchells 25 18 DRATCHELL, a slut, a...
draughters 21 16 DRAUGHTER, one who m...
draughtier 21 16 DRAUGHTY, exposed to...
draughtily 29 19 DRAUGHTY, exposed to...
draughting 22 19 DRAUGHT, to draft [v...
draughtman 21 20 a piece used in play...
draughtmen 21 20 DRAUGHTMAN, a piece...
drawbridge 24 20 a bridge that can be...
drawerfuls 24 19 DRAWERFUL, the conte...
drawknives 23 23 DRAWKNIFE, a carpent...
drawlingly 30 21 DRAWLING [adv]
drawnworks 24 22 DRAWNWORK, ornamenta...
drawplates 23 18 DRAWPLATE, a hardene...
drawshaves 24 20 DRAWSHAVE, a carpent...
drawstring 22 17 a cord for drawing t...
drayhorses 25 15 DRAYHORSE, a horse u...
dreadfully 28 20 DREADFUL, awful [adv...
dreadlocks 22 20 DREADLOCK, a hairsty...
dreamboats 19 17 DREAMBOAT, someone w...
dreameries 17 14 DREAMERY, a place fa...
dreamfully 29 22 DREAMFUL, full of dr...
dreamholes 20 17 DREAMHOLE, a hole in...
dreaminess 17 15 the state of being d...
dreamingly 26 20 DREAMING, in a state...
dreamlands 18 17 DREAMLAND, an unreal...
dreamtimes 19 17 DREAMTIME, in the my...
dreamwhile 24 20 the duration of a dr...
dreamworld 22 19 a world of illusion...
drearihead 18 14 (Spenser) affliction...
drearihood 18 14 (Spenser) affliction...
dreariment 17 15 (Spenser) dreariness...
dreariness 16 12 the state of being d...
drearisome 17 14 very dreary [adj]
drecksills 25 20 DRECKSILL, (dialect)...
dregginess 19 16 fullness of dregs or...
dreikanter 17 16 (German) a three-fac...
drenchings 23 20 DRENCHING, the act o...
drepaniums 20 19 DREPANIUM, a kind of...
dreriheads 19 14 DRERIHEAD, (Spenser)...
dressguard 19 15 (archaic) an arrange...
dressiness 17 12 the state of being d...
dressmaker 19 18 one that makes dress...
dressmakes 19 18 DRESSMAKE, to make d...
dribbliest 24 18 DRIBBLY, given to dr...
dribblings 25 21 DRIBBLING, the act o...
dricksiest 23 18 DRICKSIE, of timber,...
driftingly 29 20 DRIFTING [adv]
driftwoods 23 18 DRIFTWOOD, wood drif...
drillholes 23 16 DRILLHOLE, a hole bo...
drillships 26 18 DRILLSHIP, a free-fl...
drillstock 25 20 the part of a machin...
drinkables 21 20 DRINKABLE, something...
dripstones 19 15 DRIPSTONE, mineral m...
drivelines 20 17 DRIVELINE, the part...
drivellers 22 17 DRIVELLER, one who d...
drivelling 23 20 DRIVEL, to let saliv...
drivenness 18 17 the state of being d...
driverless 21 16 without a driver [ad...
driveshaft 24 20 a shaft from a drivi...
drivetrain 19 16 the parts that conne...
drizzliest 26 30 DRIZZLY, marked by l...
droichiest 23 16 DROICHY, (Gaelic) dw...
drolleries 19 13 DROLLERY, something...
dromedares 17 15 DROMEDARE, (Spenser)...
droopiness 18 15 the state of being d...
droopingly 27 20 DROOPING [adv]
dropcloths 26 20 DROPCLOTH, a cloth d...
dropforged 22 20 DROPFORGE, to forge...
dropforges 22 19 DROPFORGE, to forge...
dropkicker 25 25 one who takes dropki...
droplights 25 19 DROPLIGHT, an appara...
dropperful 25 22 the contents of a dr...
dropsondes 18 16 DROPSONDE, a radioso...
dropstones 18 15 DROPSTONE, a stone e...
drosometer 17 14 an instrument for me...
drosophila 22 17 a kind of fruit-fly...
drossiness 17 12 the quality of being...
droughtier 21 16 DROUGHTY, dry, also...
drouthiest 20 14 DROUTHY, dry, also D...
drowsihead 22 17 (Spenser) drowsiness...
drowsiheds 23 17 DROWSIHED, (Spenser)...
drowsiness 20 15 the state of being d...
drudgeries 19 15 DRUDGERY, hard, tedi...
drudgingly 28 21 DRUDGING [adv]
drugmakers 21 21 DRUGMAKER, one who m...
drugstores 19 14 DRUGSTORE, (US) a ch...
druidesses 18 13 DRUIDESS, a female d...
drumbeater 20 18 one who makes drumbe...
drumbledor 22 20 a large flying beetl...
drumfishes 24 20 DRUMFISH, a fish tha...
drumsticks 25 22 DRUMSTICK, a stick w...
drunkathon 19 20 a prolonged drinking...
drupaceous 22 19 pertaining to drupes...
dryasdusts 25 15 DRYASDUST, a boring...
drybeating 26 19 DRYBEAT, to beat wit...
drysalters 25 14 DRYSALTER, a seller...
drysaltery 31 16 the articles kept by...
drywalling 30 21 DRYWALL, to build wi...
duathletes 20 15 DUATHLETE, someone w...
dubitating 21 18 DUBITATE, to doubt [...
dubitation 19 16 the act of doubting...
dubitative 22 19 relating to doubt or...
duchessing 24 20 DUCHESS, to overwhel...
duckboards 24 23 DUCKBOARD, a board w...
duckshoved 26 26 DUCKSHOVE, (Australi...
duckshover 26 25 (Australian) one who...
duckshoves 26 25 DUCKSHOVE, (Australi...
duckwalked 27 28 DUCKWALK, to do a co...
dudenesses 16 14 DUDENESS, the state...
duennaship 20 19 the office of duenna...
dufferdoms 23 22 DUFFERDOM, being a d...
dufferisms 24 21 DUFFERISM, being a d...
duikerboks 22 23 DUIKERBOK, (Afrikaan...
dukkeripen 21 24 (Romany) fortune-tel...
dulcamaras 22 19 DULCAMARA, (Latin) a...
dulcetness 21 17 the state of being d...
dulcifying 32 24 DULCIFY, to sweeten...
dulciloquy 38 29 a soft manner of spe...
dulcimores 23 19 DULCIMORE, a musical...
dulcitudes 23 18 DULCITUDE, sweetness...
dullnesses 19 15 DULLNESS, the state...
dullsville 25 20 a boring place where...
dumbfounds 23 24 DUMBFOUND, to strike...
dumbledore 21 20 a large flying beetl...
dumbnesses 20 19 DUMBNESS, the state...
dumbsizing 26 30 DUMBSIZE, to reduce...
dumbstruck 27 26 made silent by aston...
dumbwaiter 24 21 a movable platform u...
dumfounded 20 22 DUMFOUND, to strike...
dumfounder 20 21 to strike dumb; to c...
dummelhead 22 22 (dialect) a stupid p...
dumosities 19 15 DUMOSITY, bushiness...
dumptrucks 27 26 DUMPTRUCK, a lorry w...
dunderfunk 20 23 ship's biscuit soake...
dunderhead 18 17 a dunce; a numskull;...
dunderpate 18 17 a dunce; a numskull;...
dungeoners 16 16 DUNGEONER, a gaoler...
dungeoning 17 19 DUNGEON, to confine...
duniwassal 21 17 (Gaelic) a Highland...
duodecimal 22 20 of or relating to th...
duodecimos 21 19 DUODECIMO, a duodeci...
duodenitis 17 14 inflammation of the...
duopsonies 18 16 DUOPSONY, the market...
dupability 30 21 the ability to be du...
duplicable 27 23 that can be duplicat...
duplicands 24 21 DUPLICAND, something...
duplicated 24 20 DUPLICATE, to copy [...
duplicates 24 19 DUPLICATE, to copy [...
duplicator 24 19 one that duplicates...
durability 28 18 the state of being d...
duralumins 20 18 DURALUMIN, (tradenam...
durational 17 14 relating to a durati...
duricrusts 23 16 DURICRUST, gravel, s...
durometers 18 15 DUROMETER, an instru...
dusknesses 18 17 DUSKNESS, duskiness...
dustcloths 25 18 DUSTCLOTH, a cloth u...
dustcovers 23 19 DUSTCOVER, a cover t...
dustsheets 20 14 DUSTSHEET, a sheet t...
duststorms 20 15 DUSTSTORM, a storm o...
duumvirate 21 20 government or contro...
dwarfishly 33 22 DWARFISH, like a dwa...
dyadically 35 21 DYADIC, pertaining t...
dyarchical 33 22 relating to a diarch...
dyeability 33 19 the ability to be dy...
dynameters 23 17 DYNAMETER, an instru...
dynamicist 28 20 a person who studies...
dynamising 25 20 DYNAMISE, to make dy...
dynamistic 28 20 relating to dynamism...
dynamitard 24 18 (archaic) a user of...
dynamiters 24 17 DYNAMITER, (archaic)...
dynamiting 25 20 DYNAMITE, to blow up...
dynamizing 28 29 DYNAMIZE, to make dy...
dynamogeny 29 22 production of increa...
dynamotors 23 17 DYNAMOTOR, a kind of...
dynastical 27 18 relating to a dynast...
dynorphins 27 20 DYNORPHIN, a drug us...
dyophysite 34 20 a believer in the ex...
dyothelete 25 16 a believer in dithel...
dyothelism 28 19 the doctrine that Ch...
dyothelite 26 16 a believer in dithel...
dysarthria 26 15 the impaired ability...
dysbindins 26 19 DYSBINDIN, a gene as...
dyschroias 29 18 DYSCHROIA, discolora...
dyscrasias 27 16 DYSCRASIA, (obsolete...
dyscrasite 27 16 a mineral consisting...
dysenteric 26 17 relating to dysenter...
dysgeneses 23 16 DYSGENESIS, sterilit...
dysgenesis 24 16 sterility in hybrid...
dysgraphia 29 20 writing impairment [...
dysgraphic 33 23 someone suffering fr...
dyskinesia 24 18 the loss of the powe...
dyskinetic 28 21 suffering from dyski...
dyslectics 32 20 DYSLECTIC, one suffe...
dysmorphic 33 24 obsessively concerne...
dyspathies 28 18 DYSPATHY, dislike, a...
dyspepsias 28 19 DYSPEPSIA, severe in...
dyspepsies 28 19 DYSPEPSY, indigestio...
dyspeptics 32 22 DYSPEPTIC, someone s...
dysphagias 29 20 DYSPHAGIA, pathologi...
dysphagies 29 20 DYSPHAGY, difficulty...
dysphasias 28 18 DYSPHASIA, impairmen...
dysphasics 32 21 DYSPHASIC, someone s...
dysphemism 31 24 the substitution of...
dysphonias 27 19 DYSPHONIA, physical...
dysphorias 28 18 DYSPHORIA, depressio...
dysplasias 27 17 DYSPLASIA, abnormal...
dysplastic 31 20 suffering from dyspl...
dyspractic 33 22 suffering from dyspr...
dyspraxias 32 23 DYSPRAXIA, an impair...
dysprosium 28 20 a rare-earth metal u...
dyssynergy 37 20 muscular incoordinat...
dysthesias 26 15 DYSTHESIA, a morbid...
dysthymiac 37 23 a person who suffers...
dysthymias 34 20 DYSTHYMIA, a mild de...
dysthymics 38 23 DYSTHYMIC, one given...
dystopians 25 17 DYSTOPIAN, a believe...
dystrophia 28 18 impaired or imperfec...
dystrophic 32 21 relating to dystroph...
dystrophin 28 19 a protein essential...
dziggetais 23 24 DZIGGETAI, (Mongolia...