3 letter words that start with D

3 letter words that start with D

3 letter D word


Words With Friends®


dab 7 7 to touch lightly [v...
dad 5 5 to dash against [v D...
dae 4 4 (Scots) to do [v DON...
dag 6 6 to remove clotted tu...
dah 7 6 a dash in morse code...
dak 6 8 the mail-post in Ind...
dal 6 5 (Hindi) a kind of In...
dam 6 7 to build an embankme...
dan 4 5 a level of efficienc...
dap 7 7 to dip in water [v D...
das 5 4 DA, a heavy Burmese...
daw 8 7 to dawn [v DAWED, DA...
day 11 6 the time between sun...
deb 7 7 (short for) debutant...
dee 4 4 the letter D [n -S]...
def 7 7 excellent [adj DEFFE...
deg 6 6 (dialect) to water (...
dei 5 4 DEUS, god [n]
del 6 5 an operator in diffe...
den 4 5 to live in a lair [v...
dep 7 7 a convenience store...
dev 7 8 a Hindu god, also DE...
dew 8 7 to wet with condense...
dex 11 11 a pill containing De...
dey 11 6 formerly, the pasha...
dib 8 7 to fish by floating...
did 6 5 DO, to perform [v]
die 5 4 to cut with a materi...
dif 8 7 (colloquial) differe...
dig 7 6 to make a hole, exca...
dim 7 7 to reduce the light...
din 5 5 to make a loud noise...
dip 8 7 to immerse briefly i...
dis 6 4 to disparage, also D...
dit 6 4 (Scots) to block [v...
div 8 8 in Persian legend, a...
dob 7 7 to inform on [v DOBB...
doc 8 7 (short for) doctor [...
dod 5 5 (Scots) to knock, th...
doe 4 4 the female of a deer...
dof 7 7 (South African slang...
dog 6 6 to follow closely be...
doh 7 6 a musical note [n -S...
dol 6 5 a unit of pain inten...
dom 6 7 a title given to cer...
don 4 5 to put on [v DONNED,...
doo 4 4 (Scots) a dove or pi...
dop 7 7 to dip [v DOPPED, DO...
dor 5 4 to mock, scoff at, a...
dos 5 4 DO, a party, celebra...
dot 5 4 to cover with tiny r...
dow 8 7 to be able [v DOCHT...
doy 11 6 (Scots) dear, a love...
dry 12 6 having no moisture [...
dso 5 4 a cross between a ya...
dub 8 8 to confer knighthood...
dud 6 6 a bomb that fails to...
due 5 5 required [adj DULY]...
dug 7 7 the udder of a femal...
duh 8 7 an ironic response t...
dui 6 5 DUO, two people cons...
dum 7 8 cooked with steam [a...
dun 5 6 to make demands for...
duo 5 5 two people considere...
dup 8 8 (Shakespeare) to und...
dux 12 12 a leader [n DUCES or...
dye 11 6 to change the colour...
dzo 8 13 a cross between a ya...