4 letter words that start with D

4 letter words that start with D

4 letter D word


Words With Friends®


daal 7 6 the pigeon pea, a pe...
dabs 9 8 DAB, to touch lightl...
dace 9 8 a small river fish o...
dack 11 12 (Australian slang) t...
dada 6 6 an artistic and lite...
dado 6 6 an ornamental groove...
dads 7 6 DAD, to dash against...
daes 6 5 DAE, (Scots) to do [...
daff 11 11 to play the fool [v...
daft 9 8 insane [adj DAFTER,...
dago 7 7 (offensive) a man of...
dags 8 7 DAG, to remove clott...
dahl 10 8 (Hindi) an Indian na...
dahs 9 7 DAH, a dash in morse...
dais 7 5 a raised platform [n...
daks 8 9 DAK, the mail-post i...
dale 7 6 a valley [n -S]
dali 8 6 a tropical American...
dals 8 6 DAL, (Hindi) a kind...
dalt 8 6 (Scots) a foster-chi...
dame 7 8 a matron [n -S]
damn 7 9 to curse [v -ED, -IN...
damp 10 11 to wet slightly [v -...
dams 8 8 DAM, to build an emb...
dang 7 8 to damn [v -ED, -ING...
dank 7 10 unpleasantly damp [a...
dans 6 6 DAN, a level of effi...
dant 6 6 (obsolete) to fright...
daps 9 8 DAP, to dip in water...
darb 9 8 something considered...
dare 6 5 to venture boldly, a...
darg 8 7 a day's labour [n -S...
dari 7 5 Indian millet, also...
dark 8 9 having little light...
darn 6 6 to mend with interla...
dart 7 5 to move suddenly and...
dash 9 7 to strike violently...
data 6 5 DATUM, something use...
date 6 5 to record a statemen...
dato 6 5 a Philippine tribal...
daub 9 9 to smear [v -ED, -IN...
daud 7 7 to knock, also DAWD...
daur 7 6 to venture boldly, a...
daut 7 6 (Scots) to pet, also...
davy 15 11 a safety lamp [n DAV...
dawd 10 9 (Scots) to knock, th...
dawk 11 12 the mail-post in Ind...
dawn 9 9 to grown light in th...
daws 10 8 DAW, to dawn [v]
dawt 10 8 (Scots) to pet, also...
days 13 7 DAY, the time betwee...
daze 9 14 to stun [v DAZED, DA...
dead 6 6 not alive [adj DEADE...
deaf 8 8 lacking the sense of...
deal 7 6 to trade or do busin...
dean 5 6 to serve as the head...
dear 6 5 costly [adj DEARER,...
deaw 9 8 (Spenser) to cover w...
debe 8 8 (Swahili) a large ti...
debs 9 8 DEB, (short for) deb...
debt 9 8 something that is ow...
deck 11 12 to adorn [v -ED, -IN...
deco 9 8 a style of decorativ...
deed 6 6 dead [adj DEEDER, DE...
deek 7 9 (Romany) look at, se...
deem 7 8 to hold as an opinio...
deen 5 6 (Spenser) din [n -S]
deep 8 8 the place far down u...
deer 6 5 a ruminant mammal [n...
dees 6 5 DEE, to damn [v]
deet 6 5 an insect repellent...
deev 8 9 in Persian legend, a...
defi 9 8 (French) a challenge...
defo 8 8 definitely, as an ex...
deft 9 8 skilful [adj DEFTER,...
defy 15 10 to resist openly and...
degs 8 7 DEG, (dialect) to wa...
degu 8 8 a small rodent nativ...
deid 7 6 (Scots) death [n -S]...
deif 9 8 (Scots) deaf [adj DE...
deil 8 6 (Scots) devil [n -S]
deke 7 9 to feint in hockey [...
dele 7 6 in printing, to dele...
delf 10 9 a type of earthenwar...
deli 8 6 (short for) a delica...
dell 9 7 a small wooded valle...
delo 7 6 (Australian slang) a...
dels 8 6 DEL, an operator in...
delt 8 6 (colloquial) a delto...
deme 7 8 (Greek) a territoria...
demo 7 8 a demonstration [n -...
demy 14 10 a size of paper [n D...
dene 5 6 a sandy tract or dun...
deni 6 6 one hundredth part o...
dens 6 6 DEN, to live in a la...
dent 6 6 to make a depression...
deny 12 8 to declare to be unt...
deps 9 8 DEP, a convenience s...
dere 6 5 to injure, also DEAR...
derm 8 8 the true skin, below...
dern 6 6 secret; lonely, also...
dero 6 5 (Australian slang) a...
derv 9 9 fuel for a diesel en...
desi 7 5 (Hinglish) a person...
desk 8 9 a writing table [n -...
deus 7 6 god [n DEI or DI]
deva 8 9 a Hindu god, also DE...
devi 9 9 (Sanskrit) a Hindu g...
devo 8 9 (short for) devoluti...
devs 9 9 DEV, a Hindu god, al...
dews 10 8 DEW, to wet with con...
dewy 16 10 covered with dew, al...
dexy 19 14 a pill containing De...
deys 13 7 DEY, formerly, the p...
dhak 10 11 (Hindi) a leguminous...
dhal 10 8 (Hindi) an Indian na...
dhol 10 8 an large cylindrical...
dhow 12 10 a lateen-rigged orie...
dial 8 6 to use a calibrated...
dibs 10 8 DIB, to fish by floa...
dice 10 8 to cut into small cu...
dich 13 10 (Shakespeare) suppos...
dick 12 12 to copulate with [v...
dict 11 8 (obsolete) to dictat...
dido 7 6 a mischievous act [n...
didy 14 8 a diaper, also DIDIE...
dieb 9 8 a North African jack...
died 7 6 DIE, to cut with a m...
diel 8 6 a 24-hour period, in...
dies 7 5 DIE, to cut with a m...
diet 7 5 to regulate food and...
diff 12 11 (colloquial) differe...
difs 10 8 DIF, (colloquial) di...
digs 9 7 DIG, to make a hole,...
dika 8 9 the wild mango, a We...
dike 8 9 to furnish with an e...
dill 10 7 an umbelliferous her...
dime 8 8 the tenth part of an...
dimp 11 11 (slang) a cigarette...
dims 9 8 DIM, to reduce the l...
dine 6 6 to eat dinner [v DIN...
ding 8 8 to dash; to throw vi...
dink 8 10 to play a dropshot i...
dino 6 6 (short for) a dinosa...
dins 7 6 DIN, to make a loud...
dint 7 6 to make a dent in [v...
diol 8 6 an alcohol with two...
dips 10 8 DIP, to immerse brie...
dipt 10 8 DIP, to immerse brie...
dire 7 5 disastrous [adj DIRE...
dirk 9 9 to stab with a small...
dirl 9 6 (Scots) to (cause to...
dirt 8 5 to make dirty [v -ED...
disa 7 5 an African orchid, w...
disc 11 8 to break up land wit...
dish 10 7 to put into a concav...
disk 9 9 to break up land wit...
diss 8 5 to disrespect, also...
dita 7 5 a tree of India and...
dite 7 5 (obsolete) to compos...
dits 8 5 DIT, (Scots) to bloc...
ditt 8 5 (archaic) a poem, th...
ditz 11 14 a silly person [n -E...
diva 9 9 a distinguished fema...
dive 9 9 to plunge headfirst...
divi 10 9 to divide up, also D...
divo 9 9 (Ital) a highly dist...
divs 10 9 DIV, in Persian lege...
dixi 14 12 (Latin) I have spoke...
dixy 20 14 a camp-kettle, also...
diya 13 7 (Hindi) a small oil...
djin 9 15 one of a class of sp...
doab 8 8 (Urdu) a tongue or t...
doat 6 5 to love excessively,...
dobe 8 8 an unburned, sun-dri...
dobs 9 8 DOB, to inform on [v...
doby 15 10 an unburnt sun-dried...
dock 11 12 to bring into a whar...
doco 9 8 (Australian slang) a...
docs 10 8 DOC, (short for) doc...
docu 10 9 (colloquial) a docum...
dodo 6 6 an extinct bird [n D...
dods 7 6 DOD, (Scots) to knoc...
doek 7 9 (Afrikaans) a square...
doen 5 6 (Spenser) 3rd person...
doer 6 5 one that does someth...
does 6 5 DO, to perform [v]
doff 11 11 to take off [v -ED,...
doge 7 7 the former title of...
dogs 8 7 DOG, to follow close...
dogy 14 9 a stray calf, also D...
dohs 9 7 DOH, a musical note...
doit 7 5 an old Dutch coin, a...
dojo 8 14 (Japanese) a martial...
dole 7 6 to distribute in sma...
doll 9 7 to dress stylishly [...
dols 8 6 DOL, a unit of pain...
dolt 8 6 a stupid person [n -...
dome 7 8 to cover with a roun...
doms 8 8 DOM, a title given t...
domy 14 10 like a dome [adj DOM...
dona 5 6 a Spanish lady, also...
done 5 6 DO, to perform [v]
dong 7 8 to ring a deep sound...
dons 6 6 DON, to put on [v]
doob 8 8 (Hindi) dog's tooth...
dook 7 9 (Scots) to duck, bat...
dool 7 6 (obsolete) pain, woe...
doom 7 8 to condemn to catast...
doon 5 6 (Scots) down, also D...
door 6 5 an entrance that ope...
doos 6 5 DOO, (Scots) a dove...
dopa 8 8 a drug used to treat...
dope 8 8 excellent [adj DOPER...
dops 9 8 DOP, to dip [v]
dopy 15 10 lethargic; stupid, a...
dorb 9 8 (Australian slang) a...
dore 6 5 another name for the...
dork 8 9 a stupid person [n -...
dorm 8 8 (short for) dormitor...
dorp 9 8 (Afrikaans) a South...
dorr 7 5 (obsolete) to mock,...
dors 7 5 DOR, to mock, scoff...
dort 7 5 (Scots) to sulk [v -...
dory 13 7 a golden-yellow fish...
dosa 6 5 (Hindi) an Indian pa...
dose 6 5 to give a measure of...
dosh 9 7 (slang) money [n -ES...
doss 7 5 to sleep in any conv...
dost 7 5 DO, to perform [v]
dote 6 5 to love excessively,...
doth 9 7 (archaic) 3rd person...
dots 7 5 DOT, to cover with t...
doty 13 7 stained by decay [ad...
douc 10 9 a kind of monkey, re...
douk 8 10 to duck, bathe, also...
doum 8 9 a kind of African pa...
doun 6 7 (Scots) down, also D...
doup 9 9 (Scots) the bottom o...
dour 7 6 determined, sullen [...
dout 7 6 (Scots) to put out,...
doux 13 13 (French) of champagn...
dove 8 9 to doze, also DOVER...
dowd 10 9 a woman who wears un...
dowf 12 11 (Scots) dull, heavy,...
dowl 11 9 (dialect) a portion...
down 9 9 to a lower position,...
dowp 12 11 (Scots) the bottom o...
dows 10 8 DOW, to be able [v]
dowt 10 8 (Scots) a cigarette...
doxy 19 14 a woman of loose mor...
doys 13 7 DOY, (Scots) dear, a...
doze 9 14 to sleep lightly [v...
dozy 16 16 sleepy [adj DOZIER,...
drab 9 8 dull and monotonous...
drac 10 8 (Australian slang) o...
drad 7 6 DREAD, to fear great...
drag 8 7 to pull along the gr...
dram 8 8 to tipple, drink a s...
drap 9 8 (Scots) to drop [v D...
drat 7 5 to damn [v DRATTED,...
draw 10 8 to move by pulling [...
dray 13 7 a low heavy cart use...
dree 6 5 (Scots) dreary [adj...
dreg 8 7 the sediment of liqu...
drek 8 9 (Yiddish) inferior m...
drew 10 8 DRAW, to move by pul...
drey 13 7 a squirrel's nest [n...
drib 10 8 to do by little and...
drip 10 8 to fall in drops [v...
drop 9 8 to let fall in globu...
drow 10 8 (Scots) wet mist [n...
drub 10 9 to beat severely [v...
drug 9 8 to dose with a medic...
drum 9 9 to beat a percussion...
drys 14 7 DRY, a prohibitionis...
dsos 7 5 DSO, a cross between...
duad 7 7 a pair, also DYAD [n...
dual 8 7 twofold [adj DUALLY]...
duan 6 7 (Gaelic) a division...
duar 7 6 (Arabic) a circular...
dubs 10 9 DUB, to confer knigh...
duce 10 9 (Italian) a leader [...
duci 11 9 DUCE, (Italian) a le...
duck 12 13 to bob quickly [v -E...
duct 11 9 a pipe or tube for c...
dude 7 7 a fop, a dandy [n -S...
duds 8 7 DUD, a bomb that fai...
dued 7 7 DUE, to endue [v]
duel 8 7 to fight formally [v...
dues 7 6 DUE, to endue [v]
duet 7 6 a musical performanc...
duff 12 12 no good [adj DUFFER,...
dugs 9 8 DUG, the udder of a...
duit 8 6 an old Dutch coin, a...
duka 8 10 (Swahili) in East Af...
duke 8 10 to fight with fists...
dule 8 7 (obsolete) pain, woe...
dull 10 8 mentally slow [adj D...
duly 15 9 DUE, required [adv]
duma 8 9 (Russian) the Russia...
dumb 11 12 incapable of speech...
dump 11 12 to unload, let fall...
dune 6 7 a hill of sand [n -S...
dung 8 9 to fertilize with ma...
dunk 8 11 to dip into liquid [...
duns 7 7 DUN, to make demands...
dunt 7 7 to strike with a hea...
duos 7 6 DUO, two people cons...
dupe 9 9 to deceive [v DUPED,...
dups 10 9 DUP, (Shakespeare) t...
dura 7 6 (Arabic) indian mill...
dure 7 6 (obsolete) to endure...
durn 7 7 to damn [v -ED, -ING...
duro 7 6 a Spanish silver dol...
durr 8 6 (Arabic) indian mill...
dush 10 8 (Scots) to strike he...
dusk 9 10 to make dim [v -ED,...
dust 8 6 to rid of minute par...
duty 14 8 a moral or legal obl...
dwam 11 11 to swoon, also DWALM...
dyad 13 8 two units treated as...
dyed 13 8 DYE, to change the c...
dyer 13 7 one who dyes [n -S]
dyes 13 7 DYE, to change the c...
dyke 14 11 to furnish with an e...
dyne 12 8 a unit of force, the...
dzho 12 16 a cross between a ya...
dzos 10 14 DZO, a cross between...