11 letter words that start with D

11 letter words that start with D

11 letter D word


Words With Friends®


dactylogram 31 23 a fingerprint [n -S]
dactylology 37 23 the study of sign la...
daffinesses 22 19 DAFFINESS, the state...
daggerboard 22 20 a light, narrow, com...
dahabeeyahs 29 21 DAHABEEYAH, (Arabic)...
dailinesses 19 14 DAILINESS, the quali...
dailynesses 25 16 DAILYNESS, the state...
daisywheels 31 20 DAISYWHEEL, a kind o...
damasceened 20 20 DAMASCEENE, to decor...
damasceenes 20 19 DAMASCEENE, to decor...
damascening 22 22 DAMASCENE, to decora...
damaskeened 18 21 DAMASKEEN, to decora...
damaskining 21 23 DAMASKIN, to decorat...
damasquined 27 27 DAMASQUIN, to decora...
daminozides 22 26 DAMINOZIDE, a kind o...
damnability 29 22 the ability to be da...
damoiselles 21 17 DAMOISELLE, a young...
dampcourses 25 22 DAMPCOURSE, a horizo...
dampishness 24 21 the state of being d...
damselflies 24 20 DAMSELFLY, an insect...
dangerously 26 19 DANGEROUS, full of d...
dapperlings 25 22 DAPPERLING, (archaic...
daredevilry 28 20 the state of being a...
darlingness 20 17 the state of being a...
darraigning 20 18 DARRAIGN, to justify...
dastardness 18 14 the state of being d...
datamations 18 16 DATAMATION, automati...
datednesses 17 14 DATEDNESS, the state...
daunomycins 28 23 DAUNOMYCIN, an antib...
dauntlessly 27 18 DAUNTLESS, unafraid...
daydreamers 25 18 DAYDREAMER, one who...
daydreaming 26 21 having daydreams [n...
daylighting 31 22 illuminating by dayl...
dazednesses 20 23 DAZEDNESS, the state...
dazzlements 26 35 DAZZLEMENT, dazzling...
deacidified 24 20 DEACIDIFY, to remove...
deacidifies 24 19 DEACIDIFY, to remove...
deaconesses 19 16 DEACONESS, a female...
deaconhoods 21 19 DEACONHOOD, the offi...
deaconships 25 21 DEACONSHIP, the offi...
deactivated 23 20 DEACTIVATE, to make...
deactivates 23 19 DEACTIVATE, to make...
deactivator 23 19 something that deact...
deadeningly 25 20 DEADENING [adv]
deadheading 20 19 DEADHEAD, to remove...
deadlifting 23 20 DEADLIFT, to lift wi...
deadlocking 24 24 DEADLOCK, to come to...
deadpanners 18 18 DEADPANNER, one who...
deadpanning 19 21 DEADPAN, to act with...
deadweights 25 20 DEADWEIGHT, a weight...
deaerations 16 13 DEAERATION, the remo...
deafeningly 27 22 DEAFENING, very loud...
dealbations 20 17 DEALBATION, whitenin...
dealbreaker 21 20 an issue that preven...
dealerships 24 18 DEALERSHIP, an autho...
deaminating 19 19 DEAMINATE, to remove...
deamination 17 17 the act of deaminati...
deaminising 20 19 DEAMINISE, to remove...
deaminizing 23 28 DEAMINIZE, to remove...
deaspirated 20 16 DEASPIRATE, to remov...
deaspirates 20 15 DEASPIRATE, to remov...
deathlessly 29 18 DEATHLESS, not subje...
deathliness 21 16 the state of being d...
deattribute 21 16 to withdraw the attr...
debarcation 22 19 the act of debarking...
debarkation 20 20 the act of debarking...
debarrassed 20 16 DEBARRASS, (archaic)...
debarrasses 20 15 DEBARRASS, (archaic)...
debasedness 19 17 the state of being d...
debasements 20 19 DEBASEMENT, the act...
debatements 20 19 DEBATEMENT, (obsolet...
debauchedly 33 25 DEBAUCHED [adv]
debauchment 26 25 the act of debauchin...
debilitated 22 17 DEBILITATE, to make...
debilitates 22 16 DEBILITATE, to make...
debouchment 26 25 the act of debouchin...
debouchures 26 22 DEBOUCHURE, (French)...
debridement 21 20 (French) the surgica...
debriefings 24 21 DEBRIEFING, question...
decadencies 23 20 DECADENCY, a falling...
decagonally 29 22 DECAGONAL, of a plan...
decagrammes 24 23 DECAGRAMME, a weight...
decahedrons 22 19 DECAHEDRON, a solid...
decalcified 28 23 DECALCIFY, to depriv...
decalcifier 28 22 an agent that decalc...
decalcifies 28 22 DECALCIFY, to depriv...
decalescent 24 20 relating to decalesc...
decalogists 24 18 DECALOGIST, an expon...
decameronic 24 22 of or like the Decam...
decampments 25 25 DECAMPMENT, departur...
decanedioic 23 20 designating a type o...
decanically 32 23 DECANAL, relating to...
decantating 21 19 DECANTATE, (obsolete...
decantation 19 17 the act of decanting...
decapitated 23 19 DECAPITATE, to cut o...
decapitates 23 18 DECAPITATE, to cut o...
decapitator 23 18 one who decapitates...
decapsulate 24 20 to remove a capsule...
decarbonate 21 19 to remove carbon dio...
decarbonise 22 19 to remove carbon or...
decarbonize 25 28 to remove carbon fro...
decarburise 24 19 to remove carbon or...
decarburize 27 28 to remove carbon or...
decartelise 22 16 to break up (a carte...
decartelize 25 25 to break up (a carte...
decasualise 22 17 (US) to replace the...
decasualize 25 26 (US) to replace the...
decathletes 24 18 DECATHLETE, an athle...
decaudating 22 20 DECAUDATE, to cut of...
deceitfully 33 23 DECEITFUL, given to...
deceivingly 32 25 DECEIVING, deceptive...
decelerated 21 17 DECELERATE, to reduc...
decelerates 21 16 DECELERATE, to reduc...
decelerator 21 16 something that decel...
decemvirate 24 22 the office of decemv...
decennaries 19 17 DECENNARY, a tithing...
decennially 28 21 DECENNIAL, happening...
decentering 21 19 DECENTER, to put out...
deceptional 23 20 of the nature of dec...
deceptively 33 25 DECEPTIVE, tending t...
decerebrate 22 18 to eliminate cerebra...
decerebrise 23 18 to deprive of the ce...
decerebrize 26 27 to deprive of the ce...
decertified 24 19 DECERTIFY, to withdr...
decertifies 24 18 DECERTIFY, to withdr...
decidedness 21 18 the state of being d...
deciduously 30 21 DECIDUOUS, losing le...
decigrammes 25 23 DECIGRAMME, a tenth...
decillionth 26 20 one part in a decill...
decimalised 24 20 DECIMALISE, to conve...
decimalises 24 19 DECIMALISE, to conve...
decimalisms 26 22 DECIMALISM, the syst...
decimalists 25 19 DECIMALIST, one who...
decimalized 27 29 DECIMALIZE, to conve...
decimalizes 27 28 DECIMALIZE, to conve...
decimations 22 19 DECIMATION, the act...
decipherers 26 20 DECIPHERER, one who...
deciphering 27 23 DECIPHER, to interpr...
decisioning 22 19 DECISION, to win a b...
decivilised 26 21 DECIVILISE, to reduc...
decivilises 26 20 DECIVILISE, to reduc...
decivilized 29 30 DECIVILIZE, to reduc...
decivilizes 29 29 DECIVILIZE, to reduc...
declaimants 23 20 DECLAIMANT, a declai...
declaimings 25 22 DECLAIMING [n]
declamation 22 20 the act of declaimin...
declamatory 29 21 in the manner of a d...
declaration 21 17 the act of declaring...
declarative 24 20 making a declaration...
declarators 22 16 DECLARATOR, a form o...
declaratory 28 18 in the manner of a d...
declensions 21 18 DECLENSION, a system...
declination 21 18 the angular distance...
declinators 22 17 DECLINATOR, an instr...
declinatory 28 19 a legal plea that ha...
declinature 22 18 an act of declining...
declivities 26 20 DECLIVITY, a descend...
declivitous 26 21 sloping downhill, al...
declutching 30 25 DECLUTCH, to release...
decluttered 23 18 DECLUTTER, to simpli...
decoherence 24 21 the act of becoming...
decollating 24 20 DECOLLATE, to behead...
decollation 22 18 the act of decollati...
decollators 23 17 DECOLLATOR, one who...
decolletage 23 19 (French) the low-cut...
decolonised 21 18 DECOLONISE, to relea...
decolonises 21 17 DECOLONISE, to relea...
decolonized 24 27 DECOLONIZE, to relea...
decolonizes 24 26 DECOLONIZE, to relea...
decolorants 21 17 DECOLORANT, a substa...
decolorated 21 17 DECOLORATE, to depri...
decolorates 21 16 DECOLORATE, to depri...
decolorised 22 17 DECOLORISE, to remov...
decoloriser 22 16 an agent that decolo...
decolorises 22 16 DECOLORISE, to remov...
decolorized 25 26 DECOLORIZE, to remov...
decolorizer 25 25 an agent that decolo...
decolorizes 25 25 DECOLORIZE, to remov...
decolouring 23 20 DECOLOUR, to deprive...
decolourise 22 17 to remove the colour...
decolourize 25 26 to remove the colour...
decommitted 24 22 DECOMMIT, to withdra...
decommunise 23 23 to remove communist...
decommunize 26 32 to remove communist...
decomposers 24 21 DECOMPOSER, somethin...
decomposing 25 24 DECOMPOSE, to fall t...
decomposite 24 21 a composite element...
decompounds 24 24 DECOMPOUND, to decom...
decondition 20 18 to cause extinction...
decongested 21 19 DECONGEST, to reliev...
deconstruct 25 20 to examine (as a wor...
decoratings 22 18 DECORATING, the act...
decorations 20 16 DECORATION, the act...
decorticate 24 18 to remove the bark,...
decoupaging 25 24 DECOUPAGE, to apply...
decouplings 26 23 DECOUPLING, the act...
decreasings 22 18 DECREASING, the act...
decremental 22 20 having the nature of...
decremented 21 20 DECREMENT, to decrea...
decrepitate 23 18 to crackle; to roast...
decrepitude 24 20 the state of being d...
decrescence 26 22 the state of being d...
decrescendo 23 20 (Italian) in a gradu...
decretalist 23 16 one who studies decr...
decryptions 30 21 DECRYPTION, the act...
decumbences 27 26 DECUMBENCE, the act...
decumbently 32 26 DECUMBENT, lying dow...
decumbiture 26 23 the time spent by an...
decurionate 20 17 the office of decuri...
decurrently 29 20 DECURRENT, continued...
decursively 32 23 DECURSIVE, running d...
decurvation 23 21 downward curvature [...
decussately 29 19 DECUSSATE, arranged...
decussating 23 19 DECUSSATE, to divide...
decussation 21 17 the action of crossi...
dedicatedly 29 20 DEDICATED [adv]
dedications 21 17 DEDICATION, an act o...
dedramatise 19 16 to play down the imp...
dedramatize 22 25 to play down the imp...
deducements 22 21 DEDUCEMENT, inferenc...
deductibles 26 21 DEDUCTIBLE, a clause...
deductively 32 24 DEDUCTIVE, of though...
deduplicate 25 21 to remove (duplicate...
deepfreezes 24 27 DEEPFREEZE, to freez...
deerberries 20 15 DEERBERRY, a shrub o...
deergrasses 19 14 DEERGRASS, a type of...
deerstalker 20 17 a kind of cap [n -S]
defacements 23 22 DEFACEMENT, the act...
defaecating 23 21 DEFAECATE, to void e...
defaecation 21 19 the expulsion of sol...
defaecators 22 18 DEFAECATOR, one who...
defalcating 25 22 DEFALCATE, to embezz...
defalcation 23 20 the act or an instan...
defalcators 24 19 DEFALCATOR, a defaul...
defamations 20 19 DEFAMATION, the act...
defeasanced 21 20 liable to be forfeit...
defeasances 21 19 DEFEASANCE, a condit...
defeaturing 21 19 DEFEATURE, (archaic)...
defecations 22 19 DEFECATION, the act...
defectively 33 25 DEFECTIVE, deficient...
defeminised 21 20 DEFEMINISE, to remov...
defeminises 21 19 DEFEMINISE, to remov...
defeminized 24 29 DEFEMINIZE, to remov...
defeminizes 24 28 DEFEMINIZE, to remov...
defenceless 23 20 without defence [adj...
defensative 21 20 a protection [n -S]
defenseless 20 17 without defense [adj...
defensively 29 23 DEFENSIVE, tending t...
deferential 20 17 showing or expressin...
deferrables 23 19 DEFERRABLE, somethin...
defeudalise 21 18 to deprive of feudal...
defeudalize 24 27 to deprive of feudal...
defiantness 19 17 the state of being d...
defibrinate 22 19 to remove fibrin fro...
defibrinise 23 19 to deprive of fibrin...
defibrinize 26 28 to deprive of fibrin...
deficiences 26 22 DEFICIENCE, a lack,...
deficiently 31 22 DEFICIENT, lacking [...
defilements 22 20 DEFILEMENT, the act...
defiliation 21 17 depriving a parent o...
definements 20 20 DEFINEMENT, the act...
definiendum 21 22 (Latin) a word or ph...
definientia 19 17 DEFINIENS, (Latin) a...
definitions 20 17 DEFINITION, an act o...
definitised 21 17 DEFINITISE, to make...
definitises 21 16 DEFINITISE, to make...
definitives 23 20 DEFINITIVE, a defini...
definitized 24 26 DEFINITIZE, to make...
definitizes 24 25 DEFINITIZE, to make...
definitudes 21 18 DEFINITUDE, definite...
deflagrable 25 22 which deflagrates; d...
deflagrated 22 19 DEFLAGRATE, to burn...
deflagrates 22 18 DEFLAGRATE, to burn...
deflagrator 22 18 an apparatus for def...
deflectable 27 23 able to be deflected...
deflections 24 20 DEFLECTION, an act o...
deflexional 27 25 showing deflexion, a...
deflorating 22 19 DEFLORATE, to deflow...
defloration 20 17 rupture of the hymen...
deflowerers 24 19 DEFLOWERER, one who...
deflowering 25 22 DEFLOWER, to deprive...
defocussing 25 22 DEFOCUS, to cause to...
defoliating 22 19 DEFOLIATE, to remove...
defoliation 20 17 the act of defoliati...
defoliators 21 16 DEFOLIATOR, a defoli...
deforcement 23 22 the act of deforcing...
deforciants 23 19 DEFORCIANT, one who...
deforesters 20 15 DEFORESTER, one who...
deforesting 21 18 DEFOREST, to remove...
deformalise 22 19 to make less formal,...
deformalize 25 28 to make less formal,...
deformation 20 19 alteration of form o...
deformative 23 22 tending to deform [a...
deformities 22 18 DEFORMITY, the state...
defraggings 24 22 DEFRAGGING, in compu...
defragments 22 21 DEFRAGMENT, to run a...
defraudment 21 21 the act of defraudin...
defrayments 27 21 DEFRAYMENT, the paym...
defriending 21 20 DEFRIEND, to remove...
defunctions 23 21 DEFUNCTION, (Shakesp...
defunctness 23 21 the state of being d...
degarnished 21 18 DEGARNISH, to despoi...
degarnishes 21 17 DEGARNISH, to despoi...
degendering 19 19 DEGENDER, (Spenser)...
degenerated 17 16 DEGENERATE, to pass...
degenerates 17 15 DEGENERATE, to pass...
deglaciated 23 19 showing deglaciation...
deglamorise 21 18 to remove the glamou...
deglamorize 24 27 to remove the glamou...
deglutinate 20 17 to unglue or unstick...
deglutition 21 17 the power or act of...
deglutitive 24 20 relating to deglutit...
deglutitory 28 18 relating to deglutit...
degradation 18 16 the act of degrading...
degradative 21 19 of the nature of deg...
degradingly 28 21 DEGRADING [adv]
degreasants 18 15 DEGREASANT, a substa...
degressions 19 15 DEGRESSION, a gradua...
degringoler 21 18 to descend rapidly o...
degustating 21 18 DEGUSTATE, to taste,...
degustation 19 16 the action or an ins...
degustatory 26 17 relating to degustat...
dehiscences 26 21 DEHISCENCE, the act...
dehortation 19 15 advice against somet...
dehortative 22 18 dissuasive, also DEH...
dehortatory 26 16 dissuasive, also DEH...
dehumanised 21 20 DEHUMANISE, to remov...
dehumanises 21 19 DEHUMANISE, to remov...
dehumanized 24 29 DEHUMANIZE, to depri...
dehumanizes 24 28 DEHUMANIZE, to depri...
dehydraters 27 17 DEHYDRATER, a dehydr...
dehydrating 28 20 DEHYDRATE, to dry ou...
dehydration 26 18 loss or withdrawal o...
dehydrators 27 17 DEHYDRATOR, a dehydr...
dehypnotise 28 20 to free from hypnosi...
dehypnotize 31 29 to free from hypnosi...
deictically 34 22 DEICTIC, relating to...
deification 23 19 the act or an instan...
deinonychus 29 22 any of a genus of sm...
deinotheres 19 15 DEINOTHERE, an extin...
deistically 31 19 DEISTICAL, relating...
delaminated 19 18 DELAMINATE, to split...
delaminates 19 17 DELAMINATE, to split...
delassement 19 17 (French) a relaxatio...
delayerings 26 18 DELAYERING, the redu...
delectables 25 20 DELECTABLE, somethin...
delectating 23 19 DELECTATE, to deligh...
delectation 21 17 delight, enjoyment [...
delegations 19 16 DELEGATION, the act...
deleterious 19 14 harmful, injurious [...
deleveraged 21 20 DELEVERAGE, (of an o...
deleverages 21 19 DELEVERAGE, (of an o...
delibations 21 17 DELIBATION, the act...
deliberated 21 17 DELIBERATE, to think...
deliberates 21 16 DELIBERATE, to think...
deliberator 21 16 one who deliberates...
deliciously 31 20 DELICIOUS, tasting v...
deligations 20 16 DELIGATION, bandagin...
delightedly 31 21 DELIGHTED [adv]
delightless 25 18 giving no delight [a...
delightsome 24 20 (archaic) delightful...
delimitated 21 17 DELIMITATE, to delim...
delimitates 21 16 DELIMITATE, to delim...
delineating 19 17 DELINEATE, to mark o...
delineation 17 15 the act of delineati...
delineative 20 18 relating to delineat...
delineators 18 14 DELINEATOR, one who,...
delinquency 36 30 a delinquent act [n...
delinquents 27 25 DELINQUENT, an offen...
deliquesced 31 27 DELIQUESCE, to melt...
deliquesces 31 26 DELIQUESCE, to melt...
delirations 19 14 DELIRATION, madness;...
deliriously 28 17 DELIRIOUS, mentally...
delitescent 22 17 hidden, latent [adj]
deliverable 24 21 an item named in a c...
deliverance 23 21 the act of deliverin...
deliveryman 28 23 a person who deliver...
deliverymen 28 23 DELIVERYMAN, a perso...
delocalised 23 18 DELOCALISE, to free...
delocalises 23 17 DELOCALISE, to free...
delocalized 26 27 DELOCALIZE, to free...
delocalizes 26 26 DELOCALIZE, to free...
delphically 36 25 DELPHIC, like an ora...
delphiniums 26 23 DELPHINIUM, a genus...
delphinoids 24 20 DELPHINOID, a member...
delusionary 25 17 relating to delusion...
delusionist 20 15 one who suffers from...
delustering 21 17 DELUSTER, to lessen...
delustrants 20 15 DELUSTRANT, a dense...
demagnetise 19 18 to remove the magnet...
demagnetize 22 27 to deprive of magnet...
demagogical 25 23 of or like a demagog...
demagogisms 23 22 DEMAGOGISM, the prac...
demagoguery 27 22 the actions of a dem...
demagoguing 22 23 DEMAGOGUE, to act in...
demagoguism 23 23 being a demagogue, a...
demandingly 27 23 DEMANDING [adv]
demarcating 23 21 DEMARCATE, to mark t...
demarcation 21 19 the act of demarking...
demarcators 22 18 DEMARCATOR, one who...
demarkation 19 20 the act of demarking...
demarketing 21 22 DEMARKET, to discour...
demeasnures 18 17 DEMEASNURE, (Spenser...
dementating 19 19 DEMENTATE, (archaic)...
demergering 21 20 DEMERGER, to remove...
demibastion 21 19 half a bastion, havi...
demicantons 21 20 DEMICANTON, one of t...
demigoddess 21 19 a half-goddess; a wo...
demigration 20 18 change of abode [n -...
demireliefs 23 19 DEMIRELIEF, carving...
demirepdoms 23 22 DEMIREPDOM, the stat...
demiurgeous 21 19 relating to a demiur...
demiurgical 26 22 relating to a demiur...
demiurguses 22 19 DEMIURGUS, (Greek) a...
demivierges 23 21 DEMIVIERGE, a woman...
demobilised 23 20 DEMOBILISE, to disba...
demobilises 23 19 DEMOBILISE, to disba...
demobilized 26 29 DEMOBILIZE, to disba...
demobilizes 26 28 DEMOBILIZE, to disba...
democracies 25 21 DEMOCRACY, a form of...
democraties 22 18 DEMOCRATY, (Milton)...
democratise 22 18 to make democratic,...
democratist 23 18 a democrat [n -S]
democratize 25 27 to make democratic,...
demodulated 20 19 DEMODULATE, to remov...
demodulates 20 18 DEMODULATE, to remov...
demodulator 20 18 something that demod...
demographer 24 22 a student of demogra...
demographic 28 25 relating to demograp...
demoiselles 21 17 DEMOISELLE, (archaic...
demolishers 23 18 DEMOLISHER, one who...
demolishing 24 21 DEMOLISH, to destroy...
demolitions 20 17 DEMOLITION, the act...
demonetised 18 17 DEMONETISE, to depri...
demonetises 18 16 DEMONETISE, to depri...
demonetized 21 26 DEMONETIZE, to depri...
demonetizes 21 25 DEMONETIZE, to depri...
demoniacism 23 22 the state of being a...
demonianism 19 20 possession by a demo...
demonically 30 23 DEMONICAL, of or lik...
demonocracy 30 24 government by demons...
demonolater 18 17 a worshipper of demo...
demonolatry 25 19 the worship of or de...
demonologic 23 22 relating to demonolo...
demonomania 17 20 an obsession with de...
demonstrate 18 16 to show clearly [v D...
demoralised 20 17 DEMORALISE, to corru...
demoraliser 20 16 something or someone...
demoralises 20 16 DEMORALISE, to corru...
demoralized 23 26 DEMORALIZE, to corru...
demoralizer 23 25 one who demoralizes,...
demoralizes 23 25 DEMORALIZE, to corru...
demoticists 24 18 DEMOTICIST, a studen...
demotivated 21 20 DEMOTIVATE, to remov...
demotivates 21 19 DEMOTIVATE, to remov...
demountable 21 21 that can be demounte...
demulsified 24 21 DEMULSIFY, to separa...
demulsifier 24 20 an agent to prevent...
demulsifies 24 20 DEMULSIFY, to separa...
demutualise 21 18 of a mutual institut...
demutualize 24 27 of a company, esp. a...
demyelinate 25 19 to destroy the myeli...
demystified 29 21 DEMYSTIFY, to remove...
demystifies 29 20 DEMYSTIFY, to remove...
demythified 31 23 DEMYTHIFY, to remove...
demythifies 31 22 DEMYTHIFY, to remove...
denaturants 17 15 DENATURANT, a substa...
denaturised 18 15 DENATURISE, to remov...
denaturises 18 14 DENATURISE, to remov...
denaturized 21 24 DENATURIZE, to remov...
denaturizes 21 23 DENATURIZE, to remov...
denazifying 30 30 DENAZIFY, to rid of...
dendrachate 22 19 moss agate [n -S]
dendritical 23 18 of or like a dendrit...
dendrobiums 22 21 DENDROBIUM, a kind o...
dendroglyph 31 24 an ancient carving o...
dendrograms 20 19 DENDROGRAM, a branch...
dendrolatry 25 17 worship of trees [n...
dendrologic 23 20 relating to dendrolo...
dendrometer 18 17 an instrument for me...
denegations 17 16 DENEGATION, denial [...
denervating 20 20 DENERVATE, to depriv...
denervation 18 18 the act of denervati...
deniability 28 19 the ability to deny...
denigrating 20 18 DENIGRATE, to blacke...
denigration 18 16 the act of denigrati...
denigrative 21 19 serving to denigrate...
denigrators 19 15 DENIGRATOR, one who,...
denigratory 25 17 serving to denigrate...
denisations 17 14 DENISATION, the act...
denitrating 19 16 DENITRATE, to free f...
denitration 17 14 the removal of nitro...
denitrified 21 17 DENITRIFY, to depriv...
denitrifier 21 16 an agent that remove...
denitrifies 21 16 DENITRIFY, to depriv...
denizations 20 23 DENIZATION, the act...
denizenship 25 28 the state of being a...
denominable 20 21 capable of being den...
denominated 17 18 DENOMINATE, to give...
denominates 17 17 DENOMINATE, to give...
denominator 17 17 the divisor of a fra...
denotations 16 14 DENOTATION, the mark...
denotements 17 17 DENOTEMENT, (Shakesp...
denouements 17 18 DENOUEMENT, (French)...
densenesses 16 14 DENSENESS, the state...
densimeters 19 16 DENSIMETER, an instr...
densimetric 23 19 measurement by densi...
dentalities 19 14 DENTALITY, use of th...
denticulate 22 18 finely dentate or se...
dentifrices 24 19 DENTIFRICE, a powder...
dentigerous 19 16 having teeth [adj]
dentilabial 22 18 labiodental [adj]
dentistries 19 13 DENTISTRY, the work...
denudations 17 16 DENUDATION, the act...
denudements 18 19 DENUDEMENT, the act...
denumerable 21 21 that can be denumera...
denumerably 28 23 DENUMERABLE, that ca...
denunciated 20 19 DENUNCIATE, to denou...
denunciates 20 18 DENUNCIATE, to denou...
denunciator 20 18 one who denunciates...
deobstruent 20 17 something that remov...
deodorisers 18 13 DEODORISER, a substa...
deodorising 19 16 DEODORISE, to take t...
deodorizers 21 22 DEODORIZER, a substa...
deodorizing 22 25 DEODORIZE, to take t...
deoppilated 23 20 DEOPPILATE, to free...
deoppilates 23 19 DEOPPILATE, to free...
deoxidating 25 23 DEOXIDATE, to deoxid...
deoxidation 23 21 the act of deoxidizi...
deoxidisers 25 20 DEOXIDISER, a substa...
deoxidising 26 23 DEOXIDISE, to remove...
deoxidizers 28 29 DEOXIDIZER, a substa...
deoxidizing 29 32 DEOXIDIZE, to remove...
deoxygenate 29 24 to remove esp. molec...
deoxygenise 30 24 to remove oxygen fro...
deoxygenize 33 33 to remove oxygen fro...
deoxyribose 32 24 a pentose sugar obta...
departement 20 19 (French) an administ...
departments 21 19 DEPARTMENT, a major...
depasturing 22 19 DEPASTURE, to graze...
depauperate 21 19 to impoverish [v DEP...
depauperise 22 19 to free from pauperd...
depauperize 25 28 to free from pauperd...
depeincting 24 22 DEPEINCT, (Spenser)...
dependances 21 21 DEPENDANCE, the stat...
dependences 21 21 DEPENDENCE, the stat...
dependently 26 21 DEPENDENT, depending...
dependingly 28 23 DEPENDING [adv]
dephlegmate 25 23 to distill something...
depicturing 26 22 DEPICTURE, (archaic)...
depigmented 22 22 DEPIGMENT, to take a...
depilations 21 17 DEPILATION, the act...
deplenished 23 20 DEPLENISH, to depriv...
deplenishes 23 19 DEPLENISH, to depriv...
deploration 20 17 the act of deploring...
deploringly 30 22 DEPLORING [adv]
deployments 28 22 DEPLOYMENT, the act...
deplumation 22 21 the removal of feath...
depolarised 21 17 DEPOLARISE, to remov...
depolariser 21 16 an agent for depolar...
depolarises 21 16 DEPOLARISE, to remov...
depolarized 24 26 DEPOLARIZE, to remov...
depolarizer 24 25 an agent for depolar...
depolarizes 24 25 DEPOLARIZE, to remov...
depolishing 25 21 DEPOLISH, to remove...
depopulated 23 21 DEPOPULATE, to reduc...
depopulates 23 20 DEPOPULATE, to reduc...
depopulator 23 20 one who depopulates...
deportation 19 16 an act or instance o...
deportments 21 19 DEPORTMENT, the mann...
depositions 20 16 DEPOSITION, the act...
depravation 21 20 the act of depraving...
depravement 22 23 (archaic) vitiation...
depravingly 31 25 DEPRAVING [adv]
depravities 23 19 DEPRAVITY, wickednes...
deprecating 24 21 DEPRECATE, to regret...
deprecation 22 19 the act of deprecati...
deprecative 25 22 serving to deprecate...
deprecators 23 18 DEPRECATOR, one who...
deprecatory 29 20 serving to deprecate...
depreciable 26 22 that can be deprecia...
depreciated 23 19 DEPRECIATE, to lower...
depreciates 23 18 DEPRECIATE, to lower...
depreciator 23 18 one who depreciates...
depredating 21 19 DEPREDATE, to plunde...
depredation 19 17 the act of depredati...
depredators 20 16 DEPREDATOR, one who...
depredatory 26 18 serving to depredate...
deprehended 21 20 DEPREHEND, (obsolete...
depressants 20 16 DEPRESSANT, an agent...
depressible 24 19 able to be depressed...
depressions 20 16 DEPRESSION, a pressi...
depressives 23 19 DEPRESSIVE, one who...
deprivation 22 20 the state of being d...
deprivative 25 23 serving to deprive [...
deprivement 23 23 the act of depriving...
deprogramed 22 21 DEPROGRAM, to prevai...
deprogramme 23 23 to prevail on a pers...
depurations 20 17 DEPURATION, the act...
depuratives 23 20 DEPURATIVE, a purify...
deputations 20 17 DEPUTATION, the act...
deracialise 22 16 to divest of racial...
deracialize 25 25 to divest of racial...
deracinated 20 17 DERACINATE, to uproo...
deracinates 20 16 DERACINATE, to uproo...
deraignment 19 19 the act of deraignin...
derailleurs 21 15 DERAILLEUR, (French)...
derailments 20 17 DERAILMENT, the act...
derangement 18 19 the act of deranging...
derationing 18 16 DERATION, to free fr...
derecognise 21 18 to withdraw recognit...
derecognize 24 27 to withdraw recognit...
deregisters 20 14 DEREGISTER, to remov...
deregulated 20 17 DEREGULATE, to free...
deregulates 20 16 DEREGULATE, to free...
deregulator 20 16 one who deregulates...
dereliction 22 17 an intentional aband...
derepressed 20 16 DEREPRESS, to activa...
derepresses 20 15 DEREPRESS, to activa...
derestricts 23 15 DERESTRICT, to remov...
derivations 20 17 DERIVATION, the act...
derivatised 21 17 DERIVATISE, to make...
derivatises 21 16 DERIVATISE, to make...
derivatives 23 20 DERIVATIVE, a word f...
derivatized 24 26 DERIVATIZE, to make...
derivatizes 24 25 DERIVATIZE, to make...
dermapteran 20 19 any insect of the or...
dermatogens 19 18 DERMATOGEN, the laye...
dermatology 27 20 the study of skin [n...
dermography 31 24 anatomical descripti...
derogations 18 15 DEROGATION, a taking...
desacralise 22 16 to deprive or remove...
desacralize 25 25 to divest of superna...
desagrement 19 18 (French) something d...
desalinated 18 15 DESALINATE, to remov...
desalinates 18 14 DESALINATE, to remov...
desalinator 18 14 an apparatus for des...
desalinised 19 15 DESALINISE, to remov...
desalinises 19 14 DESALINISE, to remov...
desalinized 22 24 DESALINIZE, to remov...
desalinizes 22 23 DESALINIZE, to remov...
descendable 23 21 that can be descende...
descendants 20 18 DESCENDANT, one desc...
descendents 20 18 DESCENDENT, a descen...
descendeurs 21 18 DESCENDEUR, a shaped...
descendible 24 21 that can be descende...
descendings 22 20 DESCENDING, (Shakesp...
descensions 20 17 DESCENSION, the act...
deschoolers 24 18 DESCHOOLER, one who...
deschooling 25 21 the freeing of child...
descrambled 26 23 DESCRAMBLE, to unscr...
descrambler 26 22 an electronic device...
descrambles 26 22 DESCRAMBLE, to unscr...
describable 27 22 that can be describe...
description 24 19 an act of describing...
descriptive 27 22 serving to describe...
descriptors 25 18 DESCRIPTOR, in compu...
desecraters 21 15 DESECRATER, one who...
desecrating 22 18 DESECRATE, to make n...
desecration 20 16 an act of desecratin...
desecrators 21 15 DESECRATOR, one who...
desegregate 19 16 to eliminate segrega...
deselecting 23 19 DESELECT, to dismiss...
deselection 21 17 the act of deselecti...
desensitise 18 13 to make insensitive,...
desensitize 21 22 to make insensitive,...
deserpidine 20 17 a synthetic sedative...
desertified 21 16 DESERTIFY, to make i...
desertifies 21 15 DESERTIFY, to make i...
deservingly 29 22 DESERVING, worthy [a...
desexualise 25 21 to deprive of sexual...
desexualize 28 30 to deprive of sexual...
deshabilles 25 19 DESHABILLE, (French)...
desiccating 26 21 DESICCATE, to remove...
desiccation 24 19 the state of being d...
desiccative 27 22 a drying agent [n -S...
desiccators 25 18 DESICCATOR, one who,...
desiderated 18 14 DESIDERATE, to desir...
desiderates 18 13 DESIDERATE, to desir...
desideratum 20 17 (Latin) something co...
desideriums 21 17 DESIDERIUM, longing...
designating 20 18 DESIGNATE, to mark o...
designation 18 16 the act of indicatin...
designative 21 19 serving to designate...
designators 19 15 DESIGNATOR, an offic...
designatory 25 17 serving to designate...
designingly 28 21 DESIGNING, artful; s...
designments 20 19 DESIGNMENT, (obsolet...
desilvering 23 20 DESILVER, to remove...
desilverise 22 17 to remove the silver...
desilverize 25 26 to remove the silver...
desinential 18 15 (archaic) terminal;...
desipiences 23 19 DESIPIENCE, foolishn...
desipramine 21 19 a tricyclic antidepr...
desistances 21 16 DESISTANCE, the act...
desistences 21 16 DESISTENCE, the act...
deskillings 24 21 DESKILLING, the act...
desmodromic 24 22 denoting a system, u...
desolations 18 14 DESOLATION, the acti...
desorptions 20 16 DESORPTION, release...
despatchers 26 20 DESPATCHER, one who...
despatching 27 23 DESPATCH, to deal wi...
desperadoes 19 16 DESPERADO, a despera...
desperately 27 18 DESPERATE, in a stat...
desperation 19 16 loss of hope and sur...
despisement 21 19 the act of despising...
despisingly 30 21 DESPISING [adv]
despoilings 23 19 DESPOILING, the act...
despoilment 22 20 the act of despoilin...
despondence 21 21 the state of being d...
despondency 28 23 the state of being d...
despondings 21 20 DESPONDING, the act...
despumating 23 22 DESPUMATE, to throw...
despumation 21 20 the throwing off of...
desquamated 27 26 DESQUAMATE, to scale...
desquamates 27 25 DESQUAMATE, to scale...
dessiatines 18 13 DESSIATINE, (Russian...
dessignment 20 19 (Spenser) design, pl...
dessyatines 24 15 DESSYATINE, (Russian...
destabilise 22 16 to make unstable, al...
destabilize 25 25 to make unstable, al...
destempered 21 19 DESTEMPER, (obsolete...
destinating 19 16 DESTINATE, (obsolete...
destination 17 14 the purpose for whic...
destituting 21 16 DESTITUTE, to forsak...
destitution 19 14 the state of being d...
destreaming 20 18 DESTREAM, to reverse...
destressing 20 15 DESTRESS, to remove...
destroyable 27 18 that can be destroye...
destructing 24 19 DESTRUCT, to destroy...
destruction 22 17 the state or fact of...
destructive 25 20 causing destruction...
destructors 23 16 DESTRUCTOR, a destro...
desulfurate 22 18 to remove the sulphu...
desulfuring 24 21 DESULFUR, to free fr...
desulfurise 23 18 to remove the sulfur...
desulfurize 26 27 to remove the sulphu...
desulphured 25 21 DESULPHUR, to remove...
desultorily 28 17 DESULTORY, jumping f...
detachments 24 21 DETACHMENT, the act...
detainments 18 17 DETAINMENT, detentio...
detasseling 20 16 DETASSEL, to remove...
detasselled 20 15 DETASSEL, to remove...
detectivist 25 19 a writer of detectiv...
detectorist 22 15 a person whose hobby...
detergences 21 18 DETERGENCE, a cleans...
deteriorate 17 12 to make inferior in...
deteriorism 20 15 the doctrine that th...
deteriority 25 14 (obsolete) worseness...
determinacy 28 21 the state of being d...
determinant 18 17 that which serves to...
determinate 18 16 of definite or limit...
determiners 19 16 DETERMINER, one that...
determining 20 19 DETERMINE, to put te...
determinism 21 19 the doctrine that al...
determinist 20 16 a believer in determ...
deterrences 20 16 DETERRENCE, the act...
deterrently 25 16 DETERRENT, serving t...
detestation 17 13 extreme dislike [n -...
dethatching 27 22 DETHATCH, to remove...
dethronings 21 18 DETHRONING [n]
dethronised 20 16 DETHRONISE, to remov...
dethronises 20 15 DETHRONISE, to remov...
dethronized 23 25 DETHRONIZE, to dethr...
dethronizes 23 24 DETHRONIZE, to dethr...
detonatable 19 17 able to be detonated...
detonations 16 14 DETONATION, the act...
detoxicants 27 23 DETOXICANT, an agent...
detoxicated 27 23 DETOXICATE, to rid o...
detoxicates 27 22 DETOXICATE, to rid o...
detoxifying 34 27 DETOXIFY, to remove...
detractings 23 18 DETRACTING [n]
detractions 21 16 DETRACTION, deprecia...
detractress 22 15 a female detractor [...
detrainment 18 17 the act of detrainin...
detribalise 22 16 to cause to lose tri...
detribalize 25 25 to cause to lose tri...
detrimental 20 17 harmful [adj DETRIME...
detritovore 20 16 an organism that fee...
detruncated 21 18 DETRUNCATE, to cut s...
detruncates 21 17 DETRUNCATE, to cut s...
detumescent 22 20 causing detumescence...
deuteranope 18 17 an individual affect...
deuterating 19 16 DEUTERATE, to add de...
deuteration 17 14 the act of deuterati...
deuterogamy 26 20 a second marriage af...
deuterotoky 25 19 parthenogenesis in w...
deutoplasms 23 20 DEUTOPLASM, the food...
devalorised 21 18 DEVALORISE, to deval...
devalorises 21 17 DEVALORISE, to deval...
devalorized 24 27 DEVALORIZE, to deval...
devalorizes 24 26 DEVALORIZE, to deval...
devaluating 22 21 DEVALUATE, to devalu...
devaluation 20 19 an official reductio...
devanagaris 20 19 DEVANAGARI, (Sanskri...
devastating 21 19 overpoweringly effec...
devastation 19 17 ruin, destruction [n...
devastative 22 20 serving to devastate...
devastators 20 16 DEVASTATOR, one who,...
devastavits 23 20 DEVASTAVIT, waste or...
developable 25 24 that can be develope...
development 23 24 the act of developin...
deverbative 24 23 a noun derived from...
devilfishes 27 22 DEVILFISH, an octopu...
deviousness 20 18 the state of being d...
devitalised 22 18 DEVITALISE, to depri...
devitalises 22 17 DEVITALISE, to depri...
devitalized 25 27 DEVITALIZE, to depri...
devitalizes 25 26 DEVITALIZE, to depri...
devitrified 24 20 DEVITRIFY, to depriv...
devitrifies 24 19 DEVITRIFY, to depriv...
devocalised 24 21 DEVOCALISE, to make...
devocalises 24 20 DEVOCALISE, to make...
devocalized 27 30 DEVOCALIZE, to make...
devocalizes 27 29 DEVOCALIZE, to make...
devolutions 21 19 DEVOLUTION, transfer...
devolvement 23 25 the act of devolving...
devotedness 19 18 the state of being d...
devotements 20 20 DEVOTEMENT, (archaic...
devotionals 20 18 DEVOTIONAL, a short...
devotionist 20 17 one who practises de...
devouringly 29 23 DEVOURING [adv]
devourments 21 21 DEVOURMENT, the act...
dewaterings 22 18 DEWATERING, the act...
dexiotropic 30 25 turning to the right...
dexterities 25 19 DEXTERITY, adroitnes...
dexterously 32 23 DEXTEROUS, skilful a...
dextranases 23 20 DEXTRANASE, a hydrol...
dextrorsely 32 22 DEXTRORSE, rising sp...
dharmshalas 25 20 DHARMSHALA, (Hindi)...
diabolising 23 19 DIABOLISE, to conver...
diabolizing 26 28 DIABOLIZE, to conver...
diabologies 22 18 DIABOLOGY, the study...
diabolology 29 21 the study of devils,...
diacaustics 26 19 DIACAUSTIC, a type o...
diachronies 23 18 DIACHRONY, the histo...
diachronism 25 21 the study of a subje...
diachronous 23 19 relating to the stud...
diaconicons 23 20 DIACONICON, a sacris...
diacoustics 26 19 the branch of physic...
diacritical 27 19 distinctive; serving...
diactinisms 24 19 DIACTINISM, the abil...
diadelphous 24 20 having the filaments...
diagnosable 21 19 capable of being dia...
diagnostics 23 18 DIAGNOSTIC, the art...
diagometers 20 17 DIAGOMETER, an instr...
diagonalise 19 16 to put (a matrix) in...
diagonalize 22 25 to put (a matrix) in...
diagramming 23 23 DIAGRAM, to illustra...
dialectally 31 20 DIALECTAL, relating...
dialectical 27 20 relating to the dial...
dialogising 22 18 DIALOGISE, to discou...
dialogistic 25 18 relating to dialog,...
dialogizing 25 27 DIALOGIZE, to discou...
dialysation 25 16 the act of dialysing...
dialyzation 28 25 the act of dialyzing...
diamagnetic 23 21 applied to any subst...
diametrally 28 19 DIAMETRAL, pertainin...
diametrical 24 19 pertaining to a diam...
diamondback 25 27 a kind of rattlesnak...
diamorphine 23 21 a strong painkilling...
diaphaneity 28 20 the quality of trans...
diaphorases 22 17 DIAPHORASE, a flavop...
diaphoreses 22 17 DIAPHORESIS, perspir...
diaphoresis 23 17 perspiration, esp. w...
diaphoretic 26 20 promoting sweating [...
diaphragmal 26 23 relating to the diap...
diaphragmed 25 23 DIAPHRAGM, to fit wi...
diapophyses 31 22 DIAPOPHYSIS, a dorsa...
diapophysis 32 22 a dorsal transverse...
diapositive 23 19 a transparent photog...
diarthroses 21 14 DIARTHROSIS, a joint...
diarthrosis 22 14 a joint permitting f...
diascordium 24 20 (obsolete) a medicin...
diaskeuasts 20 17 DIASKEUAST, a revise...
diastematic 23 18 of or like a diastem...
diastrophic 27 20 relating to diastrop...
diatessaron 17 13 a medicine with four...
diathermacy 31 22 permeability by or c...
diathermias 22 17 DIATHERMIA, heating...
diathermies 22 17 DIATHERMY, heating o...
diathermous 22 18 permeable to or able...
diatomicity 30 20 the state of being a...
diatonicism 23 19 the state of being d...
diatribists 23 15 DIATRIBIST, one who...
diatropisms 23 18 DIATROPISM, the grow...
diazotising 23 24 DIAZOTISE, to conver...
diazotizing 26 33 DIAZOTIZE, to conver...
dicasteries 22 15 DICASTERY, a court o...
dicephalism 29 24 the state of being d...
dicephalous 27 22 having two heads [ad...
dichasially 33 21 DICHASIAL, relating...
dichlorides 26 19 DICHLORIDE, a compou...
dichogamies 26 22 DICHOGAMY, an arrang...
dichogamous 26 23 having males and fem...
dichotomies 25 20 DICHOTOMY, division...
dichotomise 25 20 to render dichotomou...
dichotomist 26 20 one that dichotomize...
dichotomize 28 29 to render dichotomou...
dichotomous 25 21 forking into two equ...
dichromates 25 20 DICHROMATE, a salt o...
dichromatic 29 23 having or exhibiting...
dichromisms 28 23 DICHROMISM, the stat...
dichroscope 29 23 an instrument for ex...
dickcissels 29 23 DICKCISSEL, the Amer...
dickeybirds 33 25 DICKEYBIRD, a false...
dicotyledon 28 20 a plant having two c...
dicoumarins 23 20 DICOUMARIN, a crysta...
dicoumarols 24 20 DICOUMAROL, a crysta...
dictational 22 17 relating to dictatio...
dictatorial 23 16 befitting a dictator...
dictatrices 26 18 DICTATRIX, a female...
dictatrixes 29 22 DICTATRIX, a female...
dictionally 30 20 DICTIONAL, relating...
dictyosomes 29 20 DICTYOSOME, any of t...
dictyostele 29 18 a complex stele with...
dicynodonts 27 20 DICYNODONT, a fossil...
didacticism 28 22 being didactic [n -S...
didactylism 32 22 having twelve finger...
didactylous 30 20 having twelve finger...
didgeridoos 20 16 DIDGERIDOO, (Native...
didjeridoos 21 23 DIDJERIDOO, (Native...
dielectrics 27 19 DIELECTRIC, a substa...
diencephala 25 22 DIENCEPHALON, the ba...
dieselising 21 16 DIESELISE, to equip...
dieselizing 24 25 DIESELIZE, to equip...
diesellings 22 17 DIESELLING, running...
diethylenes 27 18 DIETHYLENE, as in di...
differenced 25 23 DIFFERENCE, to make...
differences 25 22 DIFFERENCE, to make...
differentia 22 19 a property which dis...
differently 30 22 DIFFERENT, separate,...
difficultly 37 26 DIFFICULT, not easy,...
diffidences 26 23 DIFFIDENCE, the stat...
diffidently 31 23 DIFFIDENT, hesitant...
diffracting 28 24 DIFFRACT, to separat...
diffraction 26 22 a modification which...
diffractive 29 25 causing diffraction...
diffuseness 23 20 the state of being d...
diffusional 24 21 relating to diffusio...
diffusively 34 26 DIFFUSIVE, having th...
diffusivity 34 25 the state of being d...
digestional 20 16 relating to digestio...
digestively 30 21 DIGESTIVE, related t...
digitalised 22 16 DIGITALIS [v]
digitalises 22 15 DIGITALISE, to make...
digitalisms 24 18 DIGITALISM, a seriou...
digitalized 25 25 DIGITALIZE, to make...
digitalizes 25 24 DIGITALIZE, to make...
digitations 20 15 DIGITATION, a divisi...
digitigrade 22 17 an animal that walks...
digitoriums 23 18 DIGITORIUM, (Latin)...
digladiated 21 17 DIGLADIATE, (obsolet...
digladiates 21 16 DIGLADIATE, (obsolet...
digladiator 21 16 one who fights with...
diglyceride 31 21 an ester formed from...
dignifiedly 30 22 DIGNIFIED [adv]
dignitaries 20 15 DIGNITARY, someone i...
digoneutism 21 19 the state of being d...
digressions 20 15 DIGRESSION, the act...
dihybridism 33 23 the state of being a...
dijudicated 25 27 DIJUDICATE, to judge...
dijudicates 25 26 DIJUDICATE, to judge...
dilacerated 22 17 DILACERATE, to rend...
dilacerates 22 16 DILACERATE, to rend...
dilapidated 22 18 DILAPIDATE, to bring...
dilapidates 22 17 DILAPIDATE, to bring...
dilapidator 22 17 an agent that dilapi...
dilatancies 22 17 DILATANCY, the prope...
dilatations 19 14 DILATATION, prolixit...
dilatometer 20 16 an instrument for me...
dilatometry 27 18 meaurement by dilato...
dilettantes 19 14 DILETTANTE, (Italian...
dilucidated 24 19 DILUCIDATE, (obsolet...
dilucidates 24 18 DILUCIDATE, (obsolet...
dilutionary 26 17 tending to dilute [a...
diluvialism 26 22 a belief in Noah's f...
diluvialist 25 19 one who believes in...
dimensional 19 18 concerning dimension...
dimensioned 18 18 DIMENSION, to give t...
dimercaprol 26 22 a compound developed...
dimethoates 21 17 DIMETHOATE, a kind o...
dimidiating 22 19 DIMIDIATE, to divide...
dimidiation 20 17 division into two ha...
diminishing 24 21 lessening [adj DIMIN...
diminuendos 19 19 DIMINUENDO, a passag...
diminutions 20 18 DIMINUTION, the act...
diminutival 24 22 relating to or like...
diminutives 23 21 DIMINUTIVE, a diminu...
dimorphisms 27 23 DIMORPHISM, the stat...
dimplements 24 23 DIMPLEMENT, the stat...
dinanderies 17 15 DINANDERIE, (French)...
dingdonging 21 22 DINGDONG, to have a...
dinginesses 19 16 DINGINESS, the state...
dingleberry 29 21 a piece of dried fec...
dinnertimes 19 17 DINNERTIME, the time...
dinnerwares 20 17 DINNERWARE, plates e...
dinocerases 20 16 DINOCERAS, a uintath...
dinosaurian 17 15 of or like a dinosau...
dinotherium 22 19 an extinct elephanti...
dioeciously 29 19 DIOECIOUS, having ma...
dioestruses 19 13 DIOESTRUS, a period...
diophysites 30 19 DIOPHYSITE, a believ...
dioptometer 21 18 an instrument for me...
dioptometry 28 20 the measurement of o...
dioristical 24 16 serving to distingui...
diotheletes 21 15 DIOTHELETE, a believ...
diotheletic 25 18 relating to dithelet...
diothelisms 24 18 DIOTHELISM, the doct...
diothelites 22 15 DIOTHELITE, a believ...
dioxonitric 28 23 as in dioxonitric ac...
dipeptidase 23 19 any of various enzym...
diphenylene 28 22 as in diphenylene di...
diphosgenes 23 20 DIPHOSGENE, a liquid...
diphosphate 27 22 a phosphate containi...
diphtherial 27 20 relating to diphther...
diphtherias 26 19 DIPHTHERIA, an infec...
diphtheroid 26 20 a bacterium that res...
diphthongal 27 23 of or like a diphtho...
diphthonged 26 23 DIPHTHONG, to pronou...
diphthongic 30 25 having the nature of...
diphycercal 37 26 of fishes, etc., hav...
diphyodonts 29 21 DIPHYODONT, a mammal...
diphysitism 33 22 belief in the dual n...
diplobionts 24 20 DIPLOBIONT, an organ...
diplococcal 32 26 of or like a diploco...
diplococcic 35 28 of or like a diploco...
diplococcus 32 26 a coccus that divide...
diplomacies 26 22 DIPLOMACY, the art o...
diplomatese 22 19 the language of dipl...
diplomatics 27 22 the science of decip...
diplomating 24 22 DIPLOMATE, to invest...
diplomatise 23 19 to practise, or brin...
diplomatist 24 19 a diplomat [n -S]
diplomatize 26 28 to practise, or brin...
diplophases 26 21 DIPLOPHASE, a diploi...
diplospeaks 25 23 DIPLOSPEAK, the poli...
dippinesses 23 19 DIPPINESS, the state...
diprotodons 20 17 DIPROTODON, any mars...
diprotodont 20 17 any marsupial of the...
dipsomaniac 24 22 one addicted to drin...
dipsomanias 21 19 DIPSOMANIA, an abnor...
dipswitches 31 23 DIPSWITCH, a switch...
dipterocarp 26 21 a kind of Oriental t...
directional 22 17 suitable for detecti...
directivity 32 21 the property of bein...
directorate 21 15 the office of direct...
directorial 23 16 serving to direct [a...
directories 22 15 DIRECTORY, a body of...
directrices 26 18 DIRECTRICE, (French)...
directrixes 29 22 DIRECTRIX, a female...
direfulness 22 18 the state of being d...
diremptions 22 19 DIREMPTION, separati...
dirtinesses 19 13 DIRTINESS, the state...
disablement 22 20 the act of disabling...
disaccharid 28 21 any of a class of su...
disaccorded 25 20 DISACCORD, to refuse...
disaccredit 26 19 to remove accreditat...
disaccustom 27 22 to free from a habit...
disadorning 19 17 DISADORN, to deprive...
disadvanced 23 22 DISADVANCE, (Spenser...
disadvances 23 21 DISADVANCE, (Spenser...
disaffected 26 22 DISAFFECT, to take a...
disaffirmed 25 22 DISAFFIRM, to assert...
disafforest 23 18 to clear of forest,...
disagreeing 20 17 DISAGREE, to differ...
disallowing 25 20 DISALLOW, to refuse...
disanchored 23 19 DISANCHOR, to raise...
disanimated 19 17 DISANIMATE, to depri...
disanimates 19 16 DISANIMATE, to depri...
disannexing 24 24 DISANNEX, to disunit...
disannulled 20 18 DISANNUL, to annul c...
disannuller 20 17 one who disannuls [n...
disanointed 17 15 DISANOINT, to undo t...
disapparels 24 19 DISAPPAREL, to disro...
disappeared 22 19 DISAPPEAR, to vanish...
disapplying 32 24 DISAPPLY, to make a...
disappoints 23 19 DISAPPOINT, to fail...
disapproval 26 23 censure, disapprobat...
disapproved 25 23 DISAPPROVE, to pass...
disapprover 25 22 one who disapproves...
disapproves 25 22 DISAPPROVE, to pass...
disarmament 20 19 the act of disarming...
disarmingly 29 21 DISARMING [adv]
disarranged 19 16 DISARRANGE, to distu...
disarranges 19 15 DISARRANGE, to distu...
disarraying 26 17 DISARRAY, to throw i...
disassemble 23 19 to take apart [v DIS...
disassembly 30 21 the act of disassemb...
disattiring 21 15 DISATTIRE, (Spenser)...
disattuning 20 17 DISATTUNE, to put ou...
disavaunced 23 22 DISAVAUNCE, (Spenser...
disavaunces 23 21 DISAVAUNCE, (Spenser...
disaventure 20 18 (Spenser) a mishap,...
disavouched 26 23 DISAVOUCH, (obsolete...
disavouches 26 22 DISAVOUCH, (obsolete...
disavowable 26 23 that can be disavowe...
disavowedly 31 23 DISAVOWED [adv]
disbandment 21 21 the act of disbandin...
disbarments 22 19 DISBARMENT, the act...
disbelieved 24 21 DISBELIEVE, to hold...
disbeliever 24 20 one who disbelieves...
disbelieves 24 20 DISBELIEVE, to hold...
disbenching 27 24 DISBENCH, to drive f...
disbenefits 23 19 DISBENEFIT, a drawba...
disbosoming 23 21 DISBOSOM, to make kn...
disboweling 26 22 DISBOWEL, to remove...
disbowelled 26 21 DISBOWEL, to remove...
disbranched 26 22 DISBRANCH, to divest...
disbranches 26 21 DISBRANCH, to divest...
disburdened 21 19 DISBURDEN, to rid of...
disbursable 25 20 that can be disburse...
disburthens 24 19 DISBURTHEN, to get r...
discalceate 25 19 unshod [adj] / one w...
discandying 29 22 DISCANDY, (Shakespea...
discardable 25 20 that can be discarde...
discardment 23 20 the act of discardin...
disceptator 24 18 (obsolete) one who d...
discernable 24 20 that can be discerne...
discernably 31 22 DISCERNABLE, that ca...
discernible 25 20 that can be discerne...
discernibly 32 22 DISCERNIBLE, that ca...
discernment 22 20 the quality of being...
discerpible 28 22 (obsolete) that can...
discerption 24 19 the act of discerpin...
discerptive 27 22 tending to discerp [...
dischargees 25 19 DISCHARGEE, one who...
dischargers 26 19 DISCHARGER, one who,...
discharging 27 22 DISCHARGE, to free f...
dischurched 31 24 DISCHURCH, (obsolete...
dischurches 31 23 DISCHURCH, (obsolete...
disciplinal 27 21 relating to discipli...
disciplined 26 21 DISCIPLINE, to punis...
discipliner 26 20 one who disciplines...
disciplines 26 20 DISCIPLINE, to punis...
discissions 23 16 DISCISSION, an open...
disclaimers 25 19 DISCLAIMER, a denial...
disclaiming 26 22 DISCLAIM, to renounc...
disclimaxes 31 26 DISCLIMAX, a relativ...
disclosures 24 17 DISCLOSURE, the act...
discography 34 24 phonographic records...
discologies 24 18 DISCOLOGY, the study...
discologist 25 18 one who studies gram...
discoloring 24 19 DISCOLOR, to alter t...
discoloured 23 18 DISCOLOUR, to alter...
discomfited 26 22 DISCOMFIT, to discon...
discomfiter 26 21 one who discomfits [...
discomforts 26 21 DISCOMFORT, to make...
discommends 24 23 DISCOMMEND, to menti...
discommoded 24 23 DISCOMMODE, to put t...
discommodes 24 22 DISCOMMODE, to put t...
discommoned 23 23 DISCOMMON, to depriv...
discomposed 25 22 DISCOMPOSE, to disar...
discomposes 25 21 DISCOMPOSE, to disar...
discomycete 32 23 one of a group of fu...
disconcerts 25 19 DISCONCERT, to throw...
disconfirms 26 22 DISCONFIRM, to deny...
disconnects 24 20 DISCONNECT, to sever...
disconsents 21 17 DISCONSENT, (obsolet...
discontents 21 17 DISCONTENT, to make...
discontinue 21 18 to break the continu...
discophiles 28 21 DISCOPHILE, one who...
discophoran 25 21 a jellyfish [n -S]
discordance 24 20 the state or an inst...
discordancy 31 22 the state or an inst...
discotheque 32 27 a place or event at...
discounsels 23 18 DISCOUNSEL, (Spenser...
discounters 22 17 DISCOUNTER, one who...
discounting 23 20 DISCOUNT, to reduce...
discouraged 23 19 DISCOURAGE, to dishe...
discourager 23 18 one who discourages...
discourages 23 18 DISCOURAGE, to dishe...
discoursers 23 16 DISCOURSER, (Shakesp...
discoursing 24 19 DISCOURSE, to talk o...
discoursive 25 20 (obsolete) relating...
discourtesy 29 18 lack of courtesy [n...
discoverers 24 19 DISCOVERER, one who...
discoveries 24 19 DISCOVERY, the act o...
discovering 25 22 DISCOVER, to find ou...
discredited 23 17 DISCREDIT, to refuse...
discreetest 22 15 DISCREET, tactful [a...
discrepance 26 22 the state of being d...
discrepancy 33 24 the state of being d...
discretions 22 16 DISCRETION, the qual...
discretives 25 19 DISCRETIVE, a disjun...
discrowning 26 22 DISCROWN, to deprive...
disculpated 26 21 DISCULPATE, to free...
disculpates 26 20 DISCULPATE, to free...
discumbered 26 23 DISCUMBER, (archaic)...
discursions 23 17 DISCURSION, desultor...
discursists 25 16 DISCURSIST, (obsolet...
discursuses 24 17 DISCURSUS, (Latin) a...
discussable 26 20 that can be discusse...
discussants 23 17 DISCUSSANT, one who...
discussible 27 20 that can be discusse...
discussions 23 17 DISCUSSION, consider...
discussives 26 20 DISCUSSIVE, a medici...
discutients 23 17 DISCUTIENT, a medici...
disembarked 23 23 DISEMBARK, to leave...
disembitter 23 18 to free from bittern...
disembodied 22 20 DISEMBODY, to remove...
disembodies 22 19 DISEMBODY, to remove...
disembogued 23 22 DISEMBOGUE, (Spanish...
disembogues 23 21 DISEMBOGUE, (Spanish...
disembosoms 23 21 DISEMBOSOM, to separ...
disembowels 26 22 DISEMBOWEL, to take...
disembroils 24 19 DISEMBROIL, to disen...
disemburden 22 21 to disburden [v -ED,...
disemployed 29 22 DISEMPLOY, to throw...
disempowers 25 21 DISEMPOWER, to depri...
disemvowels 26 23 DISEMVOWEL, to remov...
disenabling 22 20 DISENABLE, to disabl...
disenchains 23 19 DISENCHAIN, to free...
disenchants 23 19 DISENCHANT, to free...
disenclosed 22 18 DISENCLOSE, to free...
disencloses 22 17 DISENCLOSE, to free...
disencumber 25 23 to free from encumbr...
disendowers 21 17 DISENDOWER, one who...
disendowing 22 20 DISENDOW, to deprive...
disengaging 21 20 DISENGAGE, to separa...
disennobled 20 19 DISENNOBLE, to depri...
disennobles 20 18 DISENNOBLE, to depri...
disenrolled 20 16 DISENROL, to remove...
disenshroud 21 17 to divest of a shrou...
disenslaved 21 19 DISENSLAVE, to free...
disenslaves 21 18 DISENSLAVE, to free...
disentailed 19 15 DISENTAIL, to free f...
disentangle 19 17 to free from entangl...
disenthrall 23 17 to release from a st...
disenthrals 22 16 DISENTHRAL, to relea...
disenthrone 19 16 (Milton) to dethrone...
disentitled 20 15 DISENTITLE, to depri...
disentitles 20 14 DISENTITLE, to depri...
disentombed 21 20 DISENTOMB, to take o...
disentrails 20 14 DISENTRAIL, (Spenser...
disentrains 18 14 DISENTRAIN, to set d...
disentrance 20 17 to awaken from a tra...
disentrayle 25 16 (Spenser) to disembo...
disentwined 21 18 DISENTWINE, to free...
disentwines 21 17 DISENTWINE, to free...
disenvelops 23 21 DISENVELOP, to free...
disenvirons 20 18 DISENVIRON, to depri...
disespoused 21 17 DISESPOUSE, (Milton)...
disespouses 21 16 DISESPOUSE, (Milton)...
disesteemed 19 16 DISESTEEM, to hold o...
disfavoring 24 22 DISFAVOR, to regard...
disfavoured 23 21 DISFAVOUR, to disest...
disfavourer 23 20 one who disfavours [...
disfeatured 21 17 DISFEATURE, to depri...
disfeatures 21 16 DISFEATURE, to depri...
disfigurers 24 18 DISFIGURER, one who...
disfiguring 25 21 DISFIGURE, to spoil...
disfleshing 26 21 DISFLESH, (archaic)...
disforested 21 16 DISFOREST, to clear...
disfrocking 27 25 DISFROCK, to deprive...
disfunction 24 21 impairment or abnorm...
disgarrison 20 15 to deprive of a garr...
disgavelled 24 21 DISGAVEL, to release...
disgestions 20 15 DISGESTION, digestio...
disgraceful 27 22 bringing or involvin...
disgracious 24 18 (Shakespeare) ungrac...
disgruntled 22 18 DISGRUNTLE, to make...
disgruntles 22 17 DISGRUNTLE, to make...
disguisable 24 19 that can be disguise...
disguisedly 29 19 DISGUISED [adv]
disguisings 23 18 DISGUISING [n]
disgustedly 29 19 DISGUSTED [adv]
dishabilles 26 19 DISHABILLE, (French)...
dishabiting 25 20 DISHABIT, (Shakespea...
dishallowed 26 20 DISHALLOW, to make u...
disharmonic 25 21 out of harmony, disc...
disheartens 20 15 DISHEARTEN, to cause...
disherisons 21 15 DISHERISON, the act...
disheriting 23 17 DISHERIT, to deprive...
disheritors 22 14 DISHERITOR, one who...
disheveling 25 22 DISHEVEL, to make th...
dishevelled 25 21 DISHEVEL, to make th...
dishoarding 22 18 DISHOARD, to put pre...
dishonestly 28 18 DISHONEST, not hones...
dishonorary 26 17 causing dishonour [a...
dishonorers 20 15 DISHONORER, (US) one...
dishonoring 21 18 DISHONOR, (US) to de...
dishonoured 20 17 DISHONOUR, to depriv...
dishonourer 20 16 DISHONOUR, to depriv...
dishumoured 23 20 DISHUMOUR, (obsolete...
dishwashers 27 19 DISHWASHER, a worker...
disilluding 24 19 DISILLUDE, to free f...
disillusion 22 16 to free from illusio...
disillusive 25 19 tending to disillusi...
disimagined 21 19 DISIMAGINE, to banis...
disimagines 21 18 DISIMAGINE, to banis...
disimmuring 24 22 DISIMMURE, to libera...
disimprison 23 19 to free from prison...
disimproved 25 23 DISIMPROVE, to make...
disimproves 25 22 DISIMPROVE, to make...
disinclined 23 19 DISINCLINE, to make...
disinclines 23 18 DISINCLINE, to make...
disinclosed 23 18 DISINCLOSE, to free...
disincloses 23 17 DISINCLOSE, to free...
disinfected 24 20 DISINFECT, to rid of...
disinfector 24 19 an agent that disinf...
disinfested 21 17 DISINFEST, to remove...
disinformed 22 20 DISINFORM, to inform...
disinherits 22 15 DISINHERIT, to depri...
disinhibits 25 18 DISINHIBIT, to remov...
disinhuming 24 22 DISINHUME, to disint...
disinterest 19 13 to cause to regard s...
disinterred 19 14 DISINTER, to exhume...
disinthrals 23 16 DISINTHRAL, to relea...
disinvented 20 19 DISINVENT, to undo t...
disinvested 21 18 DISINVEST, to reduce...
disinviting 23 20 DISINVITE, to withdr...
disinvolved 24 23 DISINVOLVE, to unfol...
disinvolves 24 22 DISINVOLVE, to unfol...
disjections 24 25 DISJECTION, scatteri...
disjoinable 23 26 that can be disjoine...
disjointing 22 25 DISJOINT, to put out...
disjunction 24 27 the act of disjoinin...
disjunctive 27 30 separating [adj DISJ...
disjunctors 25 26 DISJUNCTOR, a device...
disjuncture 25 27 the act of disjoinin...
dislikeable 24 21 capable of being dis...
dislikeness 21 18 (obsolete) unlikenes...
dislikening 22 21 DISLIKEN, (Shakespea...
dislocating 24 19 DISLOCATE, to put ou...
dislocation 22 17 the act of dislocati...
dislodgment 22 20 the act of dislodgin...
disloigning 22 19 DISLOIGN, (Spenser)...
dislustring 23 17 DISLUSTRE, (archaic)...
dismalities 22 16 DISMALITY, the state...
dismantlers 21 17 DISMANTLER, one who...
dismantling 22 20 the act of taking ap...
dismastment 21 19 the act of dismastin...
dismayfully 38 25 DISMAYFUL, terrifyin...
dismayingly 35 23 DISMAYING [adv]
dismembered 23 22 DISMEMBER, to cut or...
dismemberer 23 21 one who dismembers [...
dismissible 25 19 capable of being dis...
dismissions 21 16 DISMISSION, the act...
dismounting 21 20 DISMOUNT, to get dow...
dismutation 20 17 simultaneous oxidati...
disnaturing 20 17 DISNATURE, to cause...
disobedient 20 17 refusing or neglecti...
disobliging 25 21 uncooperative [adj D...
disordering 20 16 DISORDER, to disarra...
disordinate 18 14 not in order [adj DI...
disorganise 19 15 to remove organisati...
disorganize 22 24 to remove organisati...
disoriented 18 14 DISORIENT, to confus...
disownments 22 20 DISOWNMENT, the act...
disparagers 22 17 DISPARAGER, one who...
disparaging 23 20 DISPARAGE, to belitt...
disparately 28 18 DISPARATE, unequal,...
disparities 22 15 DISPARITY, inequalit...
dispassions 21 16 DISPASSION, freedom...
dispatchers 27 20 DISPATCHER, one who...
dispatchful 31 25 (Milton) swift [adj]
dispatching 28 23 DISPATCH, to send of...
dispaupered 23 20 DISPAUPER, to depriv...
dispensable 23 20 that can be dispense...
dispensably 30 22 DISPENSABLE, that ca...
dispensator 20 16 a dispenser, a distr...
dispeopling 25 22 DISPEOPLE, to depopu...
dispersants 21 16 DISPERSANT, an agent...
dispersedly 29 19 DISPERSED [adv]
dispersible 25 19 that can be disperse...
dispersions 21 16 DISPERSION, the act...
dispersoids 22 16 DISPERSOID, a substa...
dispiriting 24 18 DISPIRIT, to lower i...
displanting 23 20 DISPLANT, to uproot;...
displayable 31 22 that can be displaye...
displeasant 21 17 to render unpleasing...
displeasing 23 19 causing displeasure;...
displeasure 22 17 (archaic) to displea...
displosions 22 17 DISPLOSION, an explo...
disportment 22 19 the act of disportin...
disposables 24 19 DISPOSABLE, somethin...
disposingly 30 21 DISPOSING [adv]
disposition 21 16 a person's usual tem...
dispositive 24 19 relating to or bring...
dispositors 22 15 DISPOSITOR, in astro...
dispraisers 22 15 DISPRAISER, one who...
dispraising 23 18 DISPRAISE, to censur...
dispreading 22 19 DISPREAD, to spread...
dispredding 23 20 DISPRED, to spread o...
disprisoned 21 17 DISPRISON, to let lo...
disprofited 24 19 DISPROFIT, (archaic)...
disprooving 24 22 DISPROOVE, (Spenser)...
disproperty 30 20 (Shakespeare) to dep...
disprovable 26 23 that can be disprove...
disprovided 24 21 DISPROVIDE, (archaic...
disprovides 24 20 DISPROVIDE, (archaic...
dispurveyed 30 23 DISPURVEY, (archaic)...
disputation 21 17 the action of disput...
disputative 24 20 inclined to dispute...
disquantity 34 25 (Shakespeare) to red...
disquietens 27 23 DISQUIETEN, to make...
disquietful 32 27 full of disquiet [ad...
disquieting 29 25 DISQUIET, to deprive...
disquietive 30 26 causing disquiet [ad...
disquietous 28 23 causing disquiet [ad...
disquietude 28 24 anxiety, agitation [...
disregarded 20 16 DISREGARD, to pay no...
disregarder 20 15 one who disregards [...
disrelation 19 14 lack of a fitting or...
disrelished 23 16 DISRELISH, to dislik...
disrelishes 23 15 DISRELISH, to dislik...
disremember 23 21 to forget [v -ED, -I...
disrespects 25 18 DISRESPECT, to have...
disrobement 21 19 the act of undressin...
disruptions 22 17 DISRUPTION, the act...
dissectible 26 19 capable of being dis...
dissectings 24 18 DISSECTING, the act...
dissections 22 16 DISSECTION, the act...
disselbooms 23 19 DISSELBOOM, (Afrikaa...
dissemblers 24 19 DISSEMBLER, one who...
dissemblies 24 19 DISSEMBLY, the break...
dissembling 25 22 DISSEMBLE, to hide t...
disseminate 19 16 to spread abroad as...
disseminule 21 18 a reproductive plant...
dissensions 18 14 DISSENSION, disagree...
dissensuses 19 14 DISSENSUS, (Latin) a...
dissentient 18 14 dissenting [adj DISS...
dissentions 18 14 DISSENTION, (US) dis...
dissentious 19 14 characterized by dis...
dissepiment 22 19 a partition in an ov...
dissertated 19 13 DISSERTATE, to disco...
dissertates 19 12 DISSERTATE, to disco...
dissertator 19 12 one who writes a dis...
disservices 25 19 DISSERVICE, ill serv...
dissevering 22 19 DISSEVER, to sever,...
dissheathed 23 17 DISSHEATHE, to becom...
dissheathes 23 16 DISSHEATHE, to becom...
disshivered 24 19 DISSHIVER, (Spenser)...
dissidences 22 17 DISSIDENCE, disagree...
dissidently 27 17 DISSIDENT, dissentin...
dissilience 23 17 springing apart [n -...
dissimilars 23 16 DISSIMILAR [n]
dissimilate 22 16 to undergo dissimila...
dissimulate 22 17 to pretend, feign [v...
dissipaters 22 15 DISSIPATER, one who...
dissipating 23 18 DISSIPATE, to scatte...
dissipation 21 16 the act of dissipati...
dissipative 24 19 relating to dissipat...
dissipators 22 15 DISSIPATOR, one who...
dissociable 25 19 that can be dissocia...
dissociably 32 21 DISSOCIABLE, that ca...
dissociated 22 16 DISSOCIATE, to separ...
dissociates 22 15 DISSOCIATE, to separ...
dissolutely 28 17 DISSOLUTE, of loose...
dissolution 20 15 separation into comp...
dissolutive 23 18 causing dissolution...
dissolvable 25 21 that can be dissolve...
dissolvents 22 18 DISSOLVENT, a solven...
dissolvings 24 20 DISSOLVING, the act...
dissonances 20 17 DISSONANCE, lack of...
dissonantly 25 17 DISSONANT, discordan...
dissuadable 22 18 that can be dissuade...
dissuasions 19 14 DISSUASION, the act...
dissuasives 22 17 DISSUASIVE, that whi...
dissundered 19 16 DISSUNDER, (archaic)...
dissyllabic 34 22 having two syllables...
dissyllable 31 20 a word with two syll...
dissymmetry 35 22 the absence of or th...
distantness 18 14 the state of being d...
distasteful 23 17 objectionable becaus...
distelfinks 24 21 DISTELFINK, (Dutch)...
distempered 22 19 DISTEMPER, to paint...
distensible 22 17 that may be stretche...
distensions 18 14 DISTENSION, the act...
distentions 18 14 DISTENTION, the act...
disthroning 22 18 DISTHRONE, to remove...
disthronise 21 15 (Spenser) to dethron...
disthronize 24 24 (Spenser) to dethron...
distillable 25 18 that can be distille...
distillands 22 16 DISTILLAND, that whi...
distillates 22 14 DISTILLATE, the prod...
distillings 24 17 DISTILLING, the act...
distilments 22 17 DISTILMENT, (Shakesp...
distinctest 23 16 DISTINCT, clearly di...
distinction 22 17 separation or divisi...
distinctive 25 20 serving to distingui...
distincture 23 17 distinctness [n -S]
distinguish 24 18 to perceive a differ...
distortedly 27 16 DISTORTED [adv]
distortions 19 13 DISTORTION, a lack o...
distracters 23 15 DISTRACTER, one who...
distracting 24 18 DISTRACT, to divert...
distraction 22 16 the act of distracti...
distractive 25 19 serving to distract...
distractors 23 15 DISTRACTOR, any of t...
distrainees 18 13 DISTRAINEE, a person...
distrainers 19 13 DISTRAINER, one who...
distraining 20 16 DISTRAIN, to seize a...
distrainors 19 13 DISTRAINOR, one who...
distressers 20 12 DISTRESSER, one who...
distressful 24 17 causing distress [ad...
distressing 21 15 causing anxiety or s...
distribuend 22 18 that which is to be...
distributed 23 17 DISTRIBUTE, to divid...
distributee 22 16 one who receives a d...
distributer 23 16 one who distributes,...
distributes 23 16 DISTRIBUTE, to divid...
distributor 23 16 one who distributes,...
districting 25 18 DISTRICT, to divide...
distroubled 23 18 DISTROUBLE, (obsolet...
distroubles 23 17 DISTROUBLE, (obsolet...
distrusters 21 13 DISTRUSTER, one who...
distrustful 25 18 having or showing di...
distrusting 22 16 DISTRUST, to have no...
disturbance 24 20 the act of disturbin...
disturbants 22 17 DISTURBANT, that whi...
disulfirams 25 20 DISULFIRAM, a compou...
disulfotons 22 18 DISULFOTON, an organ...
disulphates 25 19 DISULPHATE, a pyrosu...
disulphides 26 20 DISULPHIDE, a sulphi...
disulphuret 26 20 (obsolete) a sulphid...
disulphuric 30 23 pyrosulphuric [adj]
disunionist 19 15 someone who favours...
disvouching 28 25 DISVOUCH, (Shakespea...
disworships 28 20 DISWORSHIP [n]
disyllabify 39 24 to make into two syl...
disyllabism 32 22 the character of hav...
disyllables 31 20 DISYLLABLE, a word w...
ditchdigger 28 22 one that digs ditche...
ditchwaters 28 20 DITCHWATER, water fo...
ditheletism 24 18 the doctrine that Ch...
dithelitism 25 18 the doctrine that Ch...
dithionates 20 15 DITHIONATE, a salt o...
dithionites 21 15 DITHIONITE, any salt...
dithyrambic 35 25 like a dithyramb, wi...
ditriglyphs 34 22 DITRIGLYPH, a space...
ditsinesses 19 13 DITSINESS, the state...
dittography 31 21 the unintentional re...
dittologies 21 15 DITTOLOGY, a twofold...
ditzinesses 22 22 DITZINESS, the state...
diurnalists 21 15 DIURNALIST, (archaic...
divagations 21 19 DIVAGATION, a wander...
divalencies 24 21 DIVALENCY, the state...
divaricated 24 20 DIVARICATE, to fork,...
divaricates 24 19 DIVARICATE, to fork,...
divaricator 24 19 one who divaricates...
divebombing 27 28 DIVEBOMB, to drop bo...
divellicate 26 21 to pull in pieces; t...
divergement 22 22 the act of diverging...
divergences 24 22 DIVERGENCE, a drawin...
divergently 29 22 DIVERGENT, diverging...
divergingly 31 24 DIVERGING [adv]
diverseness 20 17 the state of being d...
diversified 24 20 DIVERSIFY, to give v...
diversifier 24 19 one who diversifies...
diversifies 24 19 DIVERSIFY, to give v...
diversiform 25 22 of diverse form [adj...
diversional 21 18 relating to a divers...
diversities 22 16 DIVERSITY, variety [...
diverticula 26 21 DIVERTICULUM, a blin...
divertingly 30 22 DIVERTING [adv]
divestiture 22 17 the act of divesting...
divestments 22 20 DIVESTMENT, the act...
dividedness 21 19 the state of being d...
divinations 20 18 DIVINATION, the art...
divinifying 31 25 DIVINIFY, to treat a...
divisionary 27 19 marking a division [...
divisionism 23 20 pointillism [n -S]
divisionist 22 17 a practitioner of di...
divorceable 26 23 that can be divorced...
divorcement 24 23 the act of divorcing...
divulgaters 24 20 DIVULGATER, one who...
divulgating 25 23 DIVULGATE, (archaic)...
divulgation 23 21 the act of divulgati...
divulgators 24 20 DIVULGATOR, one who...
divulgement 24 24 the act of divulging...
divulgences 26 24 DIVULGENCE, the act...
dizzinesses 25 31 DIZZINESS, the state...
dobsonflies 23 20 DOBSONFLY, the larva...
docentships 26 21 DOCENTSHIP, the offi...
docibleness 24 20 docility, also DOCIB...
dockisation 22 20 the act of dockising...
dockization 25 29 the act of dockizing...
dockmasters 24 22 DOCKMASTER, one in c...
dockworkers 27 26 DOCKWORKER, one who...
doctorating 22 18 DOCTORATE, to take a...
doctoresses 21 15 DOCTORESS, a female...
doctorships 27 20 DOCTORSHIP, a doctor...
doctrinaire 21 16 (French) a person wh...
doctrinally 30 20 DOCTRINAL, of or rel...
doctrinisms 24 19 DOCTRINISM, adherenc...
doctrinists 23 16 DOCTRINIST, one who...
documentary 28 22 serving to document...
documenters 22 20 DOCUMENTER, one who...
documenting 23 23 DOCUMENT, to support...
dodecagonal 21 20 like a dodecagon, a...
dodecahedra 22 19 DODECAHEDRON, a twel...
dodecaphony 30 24 twelve-tone music, a...
dodecastyle 28 19 having twelve column...
dodginesses 19 16 DODGINESS, the state...
dogberryism 30 22 the state of being l...
dogcatchers 28 22 DOGCATCHER, one whos...
dogfighting 27 24 engaging in aerial c...
dogginesses 20 17 DOGGINESS, being lik...
doggishness 23 19 being like a dog [n...
doggonedest 19 18 DOGGONED, damned, cu...
dogmatisers 21 17 DOGMATISER, one who...
dogmatising 22 20 DOGMATISE, to assert...
dogmatizers 24 26 DOGMATIZER, one who...
dogmatizing 25 29 DOGMATIZE, to assert...
dogmatology 28 22 the science of dogma...
dognappings 24 24 DOGNAPPING [n]
dogsbodying 29 23 DOGSBODY, to do meni...
dogsledders 21 17 DOGSLEDDER, one who...
dogsledding 22 20 DOGSLED, to ride a s...
dogtrotting 21 17 DOGTROT, to move at...
dolabriform 25 22 shaped like a hatche...
dolcelattes 23 17 DOLCELATTE, (tradena...
dolefullest 24 19 DOLEFUL, sad, full o...
dolefulness 22 19 the state of being d...
dollarbirds 24 18 DOLLARBIRD, a bird o...
dollarising 22 17 DOLLARISE, to replac...
dollarizing 25 26 DOLLARIZE, to replac...
dollarships 26 19 DOLLARSHIP, the doma...
dollinesses 20 15 DOLLINESS, the state...
dollishness 23 17 the state of being d...
dolomitised 21 17 DOLOMITISE, to conve...
dolomitises 21 16 DOLOMITISE, to conve...
dolomitized 24 26 DOLOMITIZE, to conve...
dolomitizes 24 25 DOLOMITIZE, to conve...
dolorimetry 27 18 the measurement of p...
dolphinaria 23 19 DOLPHINARIUM, a plac...
dolphinfish 29 24 a fish of genus Cory...
doltishness 22 16 the state of being d...
domesticate 22 18 to bring into domest...
domesticise 23 18 to make domestic, al...
domesticity 30 20 the state of being d...
domesticize 26 27 to make domestic, al...
domestiques 28 25 DOMESTIQUE, a cyclis...
domiciliary 31 21 of or pertaining to...
domiciliate 24 19 to establish in a pe...
dominancies 21 20 DOMINANCY, the state...
dominations 18 17 DOMINATION, supremac...
domineering 19 19 DOMINEER, to be over...
dominickers 24 23 DOMINICKER, one of a...
donkeyworks 29 26 DONKEYWORK, monotono...
donnishness 19 17 the state of being d...
donnybrooks 26 23 DONNYBROOK, (Irish)...
doomsayings 26 20 DOOMSAYING, the act...
doomsdayers 25 18 DOOMSDAYER, one who...
doomwatched 27 24 DOOMWATCH, to keep a...
doomwatcher 27 23 one who engages in d...
doomwatches 27 23 DOOMWATCH, to keep a...
doorkeepers 20 19 DOORKEEPER, a person...
doorknocked 22 25 DOORKNOCK, to go fro...
doorknocker 22 24 a knocker on a door...
doorstepped 22 19 DOORSTEP, to canvass...
doorstepper 22 18 a salesman who tries...
dopeynesses 25 18 DOPEYNESS, the state...
dopplerites 24 19 DOPPLERITE, a black...
dorkinesses 19 17 DORKINESS, the state...
dormitories 20 15 DORMITORY, a sleepin...
dorsiferous 21 16 carrying young on th...
dorsiflexed 28 24 DORSIFLEX, to bend t...
dorsiflexes 28 23 DORSIFLEX, to bend t...
dorsolumbar 23 20 of or relating to th...
dortinesses 18 13 DORTINESS, the state...
dosimetries 20 15 DOSIMETRY, the measu...
dosimetrist 21 15 one who uses a dosim...
dosiologies 20 15 DOSIOLOGY, the branc...
dottinesses 18 13 DOTTINESS, the state...
doublespeak 24 24 language used to dec...
doublethink 25 24 thought marked by th...
doubletrees 21 17 DOUBLETREE, the bar,...
doubtlessly 30 20 DOUBTLESS, without d...
doucenesses 20 17 DOUCENESS, sweetness...
doughnutted 22 20 DOUGHNUT, to surroun...
doughtiness 22 18 the state of being d...
douroucouli 23 19 a small, nocturnal,...
doveishness 22 19 the state of being d...
dovetailing 22 20 the act of making a...
dowdinesses 21 17 DOWDINESS, the state...
downdraught 25 22 a downward movement...
downgrading 23 22 DOWNGRADE, to relega...
downhearted 22 19 downcast, dejected [...
downhillers 26 20 DOWNHILLER, one who...
downinesses 20 17 DOWNINESS, the state...
downlighter 26 21 a downward directed...
downlinking 24 25 DOWNLINK, to provide...
downloading 22 21 the act of obtaining...
downplaying 31 25 DOWNPLAY, to underst...
downrightly 33 23 DOWNRIGHT, plainspok...
downscaling 26 23 DOWNSCALE, to scale...
downshifted 26 22 DOWNSHIFT, to change...
downshifter 26 21 one who reduces his...
downsizings 26 28 DOWNSIZING, the act...
downstaters 21 16 DOWNSTATER, one who...
downstrokes 22 20 DOWNSTROKE, a stroke...
downtowners 23 20 DOWNTOWNER, one from...
downtrended 20 19 DOWNTREND, to tend i...
downtrodden 20 19 suffering oppression...
doxographer 29 26 a compiler of the op...
doxographic 33 29 relating to doxograp...
doxological 30 26 relating to doxology...
doxorubicin 30 27 a bacterial antibiot...
doxycycline 44 31 a broadspectrum tetr...
dracunculus 27 23 the green dragon gen...
draftswoman 24 22 (US) a draughtswoman...
draftswomen 24 22 DRAFTSWOMAN, (US) a...
dragonesses 18 15 DRAGONESS, a female...
dragonflies 22 19 DRAGONFLY, a predace...
dragonheads 20 18 DRAGONHEAD, a labiat...
dragonising 20 18 DRAGONISE, to turn i...
dragonizing 23 27 DRAGONIZE, to turn i...
dragonnaded 17 18 DRAGONNADE, to perse...
dragonnades 17 17 DRAGONNADE, (French)...
dragonroots 18 15 DRAGONROOT, (US) an...
dragoonages 18 17 DRAGOONAGE, the act...
dragsvilles 25 20 DRAGSVILLE, (US) bor...
drainboards 20 17 DRAINBOARD, a slopin...
drainlayers 25 16 DRAINLAYER, one whos...
drakestones 18 17 DRAKESTONE, a flat s...
dramaticism 25 21 the quality of being...
dramatisers 20 15 DRAMATISER, one who...
dramatising 21 18 DRAMATISE, to adapt...
dramatizers 23 24 DRAMATIZER, one who...
dramatizing 24 27 DRAMATIZE, to adapt...
dramaturges 21 18 DRAMATURGE, a dramat...
dramaturgic 25 21 relating to dramatur...
drapability 31 21 the state of being d...
drastically 31 19 DRASTIC, severe [adv...
draughtiest 23 17 DRAUGHTY, exposed to...
draughtsman 23 21 a person whose profe...
draughtsmen 23 21 DRAUGHTSMAN, a perso...
drawbridges 26 21 DRAWBRIDGE, a bridge...
drawstrings 24 18 DRAWSTRING, a cord f...
dreadlessly 27 17 DREADLESS, free from...
dreadlocked 23 22 having dreadlocks [a...
dreadnaught 21 19 a large battleship;...
dreadnought 21 19 a large battleship;...
dreamlessly 28 19 DREAMLESS, free from...
dreamwhiles 26 21 DREAMWHILE, the dura...
dreamworlds 24 20 DREAMWORLD, a world...
dreariheads 20 15 DREARIHEAD, (Spenser...
drearihoods 20 15 DREARIHOOD, (Spenser...
dreariments 19 16 DREARIMENT, (Spenser...
dreikanters 19 17 DREIKANTER, (German)...
dressguards 21 16 DRESSGUARD, (archaic...
dressmakers 21 19 DRESSMAKER, one that...
dressmaking 22 22 the craft of making...
drillmaster 23 17 an instructor in mil...
drillstocks 27 21 DRILLSTOCK, the part...
drivability 32 22 the ability to be dr...
driveshafts 26 21 DRIVESHAFT, a shaft...
drivetrains 21 17 DRIVETRAIN, the part...
drizzlingly 36 37 DRIZZLING [adv]
drollnesses 20 15 DROLLNESS, the state...
dromedaries 19 16 DROMEDARY, the Arabi...
dromophobia 25 23 a fear of crossing s...
dronishness 20 16 the state of being d...
droolworthy 31 20 inspiring or likely...
dropforging 25 23 DROPFORGE, to forge...
dropkickers 27 26 DROPKICKER, one who...
dropperfuls 27 23 DROPPERFUL, the cont...
droppersful 27 23 DROPPERFUL, the cont...
dropsically 33 22 DROPSICAL, of, perta...
drosometers 19 15 DROSOMETER, an instr...
drosophilae 23 18 DROSOPHILA, a kind o...
drosophilas 24 18 DROSOPHILA, a kind o...
droughtiest 23 17 DROUGHTY, dry, also...
drouthiness 21 16 the state of being d...
drowsiheads 24 18 DROWSIHEAD, (Spenser...
druckenness 22 22 the state of being d...
drumbeaters 22 19 DRUMBEATER, one who...
drumbeating 23 22 the beating of a dru...
drumbledors 24 21 DRUMBLEDOR, a large...
drunkalogue 21 22 an account of a pers...
drunkathons 21 21 DRUNKATHON, a prolon...
drunkenness 18 20 the state of being d...
drunkometer 20 21 a device for measuri...
dubiosities 22 16 DUBIOSITY, the state...
dubiousness 21 18 the state of being d...
dubitancies 24 20 DUBITANCY, (obsolete...
dubitations 21 17 DUBITATION, the act...
duckshovers 28 26 DUCKSHOVER, (Austral...
duckshoving 29 29 DUCKSHOVE, (Australi...
duckwalking 30 31 DUCKWALK, to do a co...
ductileness 23 18 ductility [n -ES]
ductilities 25 17 DUCTILITY, the prope...
duennaships 22 20 DUENNASHIP, the offi...
dukkeripens 23 25 DUKKERIPEN, (Romany)...
dulcifluous 28 23 flowing sweetly [adj...
dullsvilles 27 21 DULLSVILLE, a boring...
dulocracies 26 20 DULOCRACY, a governm...
dumbfounded 24 26 DUMBFOUND, to strike...
dumbfounder 24 25 to strike dumb; to c...
dumbledores 23 21 DUMBLEDORE, a large...
dumbwaiters 26 22 DUMBWAITER, a movabl...
dumfounders 22 22 DUMFOUNDER, to strik...
dumfounding 23 25 DUMFOUND, to strike...
dummelheads 24 23 DUMMELHEAD, (dialect...
dumminesses 21 20 DUMMINESS, being lik...
dumpinesses 22 20 DUMPINESS, the state...
dumpishness 25 22 the state of being d...
dunderfunks 22 24 DUNDERFUNK, ship's b...
dunderheads 20 18 DUNDERHEAD, a dunce;...
dunderpates 20 18 DUNDERPATE, a dunce;...
dundrearies 18 15 long flowing sidebur...
duniewassal 22 18 (Gaelic) a Highland...
duniwassals 23 18 DUNIWASSAL, (Gaelic)...
duodecimals 24 21 a method of multiply...
duopolistic 26 20 relating to duopoly...
duplexities 29 24 DUPLEXITY, the state...
duplicately 33 23 DUPLICATE, double, t...
duplicating 27 23 DUPLICATE, to copy [...
duplication 25 21 the act of duplicati...
duplicative 28 24 serving to duplicate...
duplicators 26 20 DUPLICATOR, one that...
duplicature 26 21 a doubling, anything...
duplicident 26 22 of certain animals,...
duplicities 27 20 DUPLICITY, doublenes...
duplicitous 27 21 given to or marked b...
durableness 21 18 the state of being d...
duskinesses 20 18 DUSKINESS, the state...
duskishness 23 20 the state of being d...
dustinesses 19 14 DUSTINESS, the state...
duteousness 18 15 the state of being d...
dutiability 30 19 the state of being d...
dutifulness 23 19 the state of being d...
duumvirates 23 21 DUUMVIRATE, governme...
dwarfnesses 23 19 DWARFNESS, the state...
dwindlement 23 22 the state of dwindli...
dyingnesses 25 18 DYINGNESS, the state...
dynamically 37 25 DYNAMICAL, related t...
dynamicists 30 21 DYNAMICIST, a person...
dynamitards 26 19 DYNAMITARD, (archaic...
dynamograph 30 25 an instrument for re...
dynamometer 25 21 instrument for measu...
dynamometry 32 23 measurement by dynam...
dynasticism 30 21 a system of governme...
dyophysites 36 21 DYOPHYSITE, a believ...
dyotheletes 27 17 DYOTHELETE, a believ...
dyotheletic 31 20 relating to dyothele...
dyothelisms 30 20 DYOTHELISM, the doct...
dyothelites 28 17 DYOTHELITE, a believ...
dyothelitic 32 20 relating to dyothele...
dysarthrias 28 16 DYSARTHRIA, the impa...
dyscalculia 34 23 the inability to cal...
dyscrasites 29 17 DYSCRASITE, a minera...
dysenteries 24 15 DYSENTERY, inflammat...
dysfunction 30 23 impaired or abnormal...
dysgraphias 31 21 DYSGRAPHIA, writing...
dysgraphics 35 24 DYSGRAPHIC, someone...
dysharmonic 31 23 out of harmony, disc...
dyskinesias 26 19 DYSKINESIA, the loss...
dyslogistic 32 20 conveying censure [a...
dyspareunia 26 19 painful or difficult...
dyspathetic 33 22 relating to dyspathy...
dyspeptical 34 24 suffering from dyspe...
dysphemisms 33 25 DYSPHEMISM, the subs...
dysprosiums 30 21 DYSPROSIUM, a rare-e...
dysrhythmia 38 23 an abnormal rhythm [...
dysrhythmic 42 26 someone suffering fr...
dyssynergia 32 19 muscular incoordinat...
dyssynergic 36 22 relating to or affec...
dysthymiacs 39 24 DYSTHYMIAC, a person...
dystrophias 30 19 DYSTROPHIA, impaired...
dystrophies 30 19 DYSTROPHY, impaired...
dystrophins 30 20 DYSTROPHIN, a protei...