5 letter words that start with B

5 letter words that start with B

5 letter B word


Words With Friends®


baaed 9 9 BAA, to cry like a s...
baals 11 9 BAAL, a false god [n...
babas 12 11 BABA, a kind of coff...
babel 13 12 a confused sound of...
babes 12 11 BABE, a baby; an att...
babka 13 15 (Polish) a kind of c...
baboo 11 11 (Hindi) a native cle...
babul 14 13 (Hindi) a species of...
babus 13 12 BABU, (Hindi) a nati...
bacca 16 14 a botanical name for...
bacco 16 14 (short for) tobacco,...
baccy 23 16 (colloquial) tobacco...
bacha 15 13 (Hinglish) in India,...
bachs 16 13 BACH, a Welsh term o...
backs 15 15 BACK, to help or sup...
bacon 12 12 cured and salted pig...
baddy 17 12 a bad person, also B...
badge 11 11 to supply with an in...
badly 18 12 BAD, not good [adv]
baels 11 9 BAEL, a thorny India...
baffs 15 14 BAFF, in golf, to st...
baffy 21 16 a wooden golf club [...
bafts 13 11 BAFT, a kind of coar...
bagel 12 11 (Yiddish) a hard, le...
baggy 19 14 loose fitting [adj B...
baghs 14 12 BAGH, (Hindi) a gard...
bagie 11 10 (Northumbrian dialec...
bahts 13 10 BAHT, the monetary u...
bahus 13 11 BAHU, (Hindi) a daug...
bahut 13 11 (French) an ornament...
bails 12 9 BAIL, to set free by...
bairn 10 9 (Scots) a child [n -...
baisa 10 8 (Arabic) a unit of c...
baith 13 10 (Scots) both [adj]
baits 11 8 BAIT, to set a trap...
baiza 13 17 (Arabic) a monetary...
baize 13 17 to cover with a gree...
bajan 11 18 (Scots) a freshman a...
bajra 12 17 (Hindi) in the India...
bajri 13 17 (Hindi) in the India...
bajus 13 18 BAJU, a short loose...
baked 11 13 BAKE, to cook in an...
baken 10 13 BAKE, to cook in an...
baker 11 12 one that bakes [n -S...
bakes 11 12 BAKE, to cook in an...
bakra 11 12 (Caribbean) a white...
balas 11 9 a variety of spinel...
balds 12 10 BALD, to lose one's...
baldy 18 12 a bald person [n BAL...
baled 11 10 BALE, to form into t...
baler 11 9 one who bales [n -S]
bales 11 9 BALE, to form into t...
balks 13 13 BALK, to refrain fro...
balky 19 15 apt to balk; as, a b...
balls 13 10 to mess up [v BALLSE...
bally 19 12 a noisy uproar [n BA...
balms 13 12 BALM, to embalm [v]
balmy 19 14 mild, temperate [adj...
baloo 10 9 (Hindi) a bear, also...
balsa 11 9 a tropical American...
balti 12 9 (Urdu) a spicy India...
balun 11 11 a device for couplin...
balus 12 10 BALU, (Hindi) a bear...
bambi 14 14 (colloquial) a born...
banak 10 13 (Honduran) a Central...
banal 10 10 flat and uninteresti...
banco 12 12 the standard money f...
bancs 13 12 BANC, the judges' be...
banda 9 10 in Africa, a thatche...
bandh 12 12 (Hindi) in India, a...
bands 10 10 BAND, to decorate wi...
bandy 16 12 to toss to and fro [...
baned 9 10 BANE, to kill with p...
banes 9 9 BANE, to kill with p...
bangs 11 11 BANG, to make a loud...
bania 9 9 an Indian fig tree [...
banjo 11 18 a stringed musical i...
banks 11 13 BANK, to deposit mon...
banns 9 10 a marriage notice [n...
bants 10 9 BANT, to diet [v]
bantu 10 10 a group of African l...
banty 16 11 a bantam [n BANTIES]
banya 15 11 a Russian sauna-type...
bapus 13 12 BAPU, (Hindi) a spir...
barbe 12 11 a medieval cloth hea...
barbs 13 11 BARB, to pierce with...
barby 19 13 (Australian slang) a...
barca 13 11 (Italian) a boat, a...
barde 10 9 to cover a horse wit...
bardo 10 9 in Tibetan Buddhism,...
bards 11 9 BARD, to cover a hor...
bardy 17 11 (Scots) scolding, im...
bared 10 9 BARE, to make bare [...
barer 10 8 BARE, unclothed, unc...
bares 10 8 BARE, to make bare [...
barfi 13 11 (Hindi) an Indian de...
barfs 13 11 BARF, (colloquial) t...
barge 11 10 to push one's way ru...
baric 14 11 of or containing bar...
barks 12 12 BARK, to make a soun...
barky 18 14 having a tough outer...
barms 12 11 BARM, the froth of m...
barmy 18 13 foamy, dotty, also B...
barns 10 9 BARN, to store in a...
barny 16 11 like a barn [adj BAR...
baron 9 9 a lower member of th...
barps 13 11 BARP, (Scots) a moun...
barra 10 8 (Australian slang) s...
barre 10 8 a chord on a guitar...
barro 10 8 (Australian slang) e...
barry 17 10 (Australian slang) a...
barye 16 10 a unit of pressure [...
basal 11 9 relating to, or form...
basan 9 9 a sheepskin roughly...
based 10 9 BASE, to place on a...
basen 9 9 (Spenser) a basin (f...
baser 10 8 BASE, mean [adj]
bases 10 8 BASE, to place on a...
basho 12 10 a sumo wrestling tou...
basic 14 11 fundamental [adj BAS...
basij 13 17 in Iran, volunteer v...
basil 12 9 an aromatic herb [n...
basin 10 9 a wide dish, also BA...
basis 11 8 the foundation [n BA...
basks 12 12 BASK, to relax in pl...
bason 9 9 (archaic) a basin, a...
basse 10 8 a European fish of t...
bassi 11 8 BASSO, a low-pitched...
basso 10 8 a low-pitched singer...
bassy 17 10 somewhat deep in sou...
basta 10 8 (Shakespeare) enough...
baste 10 8 to keep (meat) moist...
basti 11 8 (India) a slum, also...
basto 10 8 the ace of clubs in...
basts 11 8 BAST, the inner bark...
batch 16 13 to collect together...
bated 10 9 BATE, to diminish, a...
bates 10 8 BATE, to diminish, a...
bathe 12 10 to wash by immersion...
baths 13 10 BATH, to take a bath...
batik 12 12 an Indonesian dyed f...
baton 9 9 to strike with a tru...
batta 10 8 extra pay; esp. an e...
batts 11 8 BATT, a sheet of bat...
battu 11 9 pertaining to a type...
batty 17 10 (colloquial) crazy [...
bauds 11 10 BAUD, a unit of data...
bauks 12 13 BAUK, to refrain fro...
baulk 13 14 to refrain from proc...
baurs 11 9 BAUR, (Scots) a joke...
bavin 12 13 to tie brushwood int...
bawds 14 12 BAWD, a female broth...
bawdy 20 14 obscene [adj BAWDIER...
bawks 15 15 BAWK, an Atlantic se...
bawls 15 12 BAWL, to shout or cr...
bawns 13 12 BAWN, in Ireland, th...
bawrs 14 11 BAWR, (Scots) a joke...
bawty 20 13 a kind of dog, also...
bayed 16 11 BAY, to bark or howl...
bayes 16 10 BAYE, (Spenser) to b...
bayle 17 11 a pole, a barrier se...
bayou 16 11 a marshy offshoot of...
bayts 17 10 BAYT, (Spenser) to b...
bazar 13 17 an Eastern market-pl...
bazoo 12 17 (US slang) the mouth...
beach 15 13 to drive onto the sh...
beads 10 9 BEAD, to adorn with...
beady 16 11 resembling beads [ad...
beaks 11 12 BEAK, a bird's bill...
beaky 17 14 resembling a beak [a...
beals 11 9 BEAL, an infected so...
beams 11 11 BEAM, to emit a ray...
beamy 17 13 radiant [adj BEAMIER...
beano 8 9 (slang) a feast [n -...
beans 9 9 BEAN, to hit on the...
beany 15 11 a small close-fittin...
beard 10 9 hair on the lower fa...
beare 9 8 (Spenser) a burden;...
bears 10 8 BEAR, to endure [v]
beast 10 8 to punish or torture...
beath 12 10 (Spenser) to bathe,...
beats 10 8 BEAT, to strike repe...
beaty 16 10 of music, having a m...
beaus 10 9 BEAU, a boyfriend [n...
beaut 10 9 (colloquial) a beaut...
beaux 16 16 BEAU, a boyfriend [n...
bebop 14 14 to play a style of j...
becap 15 14 to put a cap on [v B...
becke 14 15 (Spenser) a beak, al...
becks 15 15 BECK, to beckon [v]
bedad 10 10 an Irish oath, by Go...
bedel 11 10 (obsolete) a minor p...
bedes 10 9 BEDE, (obsolete) a p...
bedew 13 12 to cover with dew [v...
bedim 12 12 to make dim [v BEDIM...
bedye 16 11 to dye or stain [v B...
beech 15 13 a common forest tree...
beedi 10 9 (Hindi) a hand rolle...
beefs 12 11 BEEF, to grumble [v]
beefy 18 13 thickly built [adj B...
beeps 12 11 BEEP, to honk a horn...
beers 10 8 BEER, an alcoholic d...
beery 16 10 smelling of beer [ad...
beets 10 8 BEET, to improve or...
befit 13 11 to be suitable for [...
befog 13 13 to fog up, obscure [...
begad 11 11 by God! [interj]
began 10 11 BEGIN, to start [v]
begar 11 10 forced labour in Ind...
begat 11 10 BEGET, to cause to e...
begem 12 13 to adorn with gems [...
beget 11 10 to cause to exist [v...
begin 11 11 to start [v BEGAN, B...
begot 11 10 BEGET, to cause to e...
begum 13 14 a high ranking Musli...
begun 11 12 BEGIN, to start [v]
beige 11 10 a woollen fabric of...
beigy 18 12 relating to the colo...
being 11 11 something that exist...
beins 10 9 BEIN, to fill [v]
bekah 13 14 (Hebrew) half a shek...
belah 13 11 (Native Australian)...
belar 11 9 an Australian tree o...
belay 17 11 to fasten a rope [v...
belch 17 14 to expel gas through...
belee 10 9 to put on the lee si...
belga 12 11 a former currency un...
belie 11 9 to misrepresent [v B...
belle 12 10 a young lady of supe...
bells 13 10 BELL, to provide wit...
belly 19 12 to swell out [v BELL...
belon 10 10 a type of oyster [n...
below 14 12 the lower part of so...
belts 12 9 BELT, to thrash with...
bemad 11 12 (archaic) to make ma...
bemas 11 11 BEMA, a platform in...
bemix 18 18 to mix well [v BEMIX...
bemud 12 13 (archaic) to spatter...
bench 15 14 to provide with benc...
bends 10 10 BEND, to curve [v]
bendy 16 12 a tropical plant [n...
benes 9 9 BENE, a prayer, a bo...
benet 9 9 to catch in a net, t...
benga 10 11 a form of Kenyan pop...
benis 10 9 BENI, the sesame pla...
benne 8 10 the sesame plant, al...
benni 9 10 the sesame plant, al...
benny 15 12 (slang) an overcoat...
bento 9 9 a Japanese meal pack...
bents 10 9 BENT, a stiff wiry g...
benty 16 11 like wiry grass [adj...
bepat 12 11 to pat often [v BEPA...
beray 16 10 (obsolete) to befoul...
beres 10 8 BERE, barley, esp. t...
beret 10 8 a flat round woollen...
bergs 12 10 BERG, (short for) ic...
berko 11 12 (Australian slang) b...
berks 12 12 BERK, (colloquial) a...
berme 11 11 a narrow shelf or pa...
berms 12 11 BERM, to provide a b...
berob 12 11 (Spenser) to rob [v...
berry 17 10 a fleshy fruit which...
berth 13 10 to moor a ship [v -E...
beryl 18 11 a semiprecious stone...
besat 10 8 BESIT, (archaic) to...
besaw 13 11 BESEE, (obsolete) to...
besee 9 8 (obsolete) to look t...
beses 10 8 BES, the second lett...
beset 10 8 to assail [v BESET,...
besit 11 8 (archaic) to suit, t...
besom 11 11 a broom, esp. one ma...
besot 10 8 to infatuate [v BESO...
besti 11 8 (Hinglish) in India,...
bests 11 8 BEST, to outdo [v]
betas 10 8 BETA, a Greek letter...
beted 10 9 BETE, to mend, impro...
betel 11 9 the leaf of the bete...
betes 10 8 BETE, to mend, impro...
beths 13 10 BETH, (Hebrew) the s...
betid 11 9 BETIDE, to befall, h...
beton 9 9 lime concrete [n -S]
betta 10 8 a strikingly-colored...
betty 17 10 a burglar's tool, a...
bevel 13 13 to cut at an angle [...
bever 12 12 to snack [v -ED, -IN...
bevor 12 12 armour for the face...
bevue 12 13 (French) a blunder,...
bevvy 21 18 an alcoholic drink [...
bewet 13 11 to make wet [v BEWET...
bewig 15 13 to dress in a wig [v...
bezel 14 18 the oblique side or...
bezes 13 17 BEZ, the second tine...
bezil 15 18 the oblique side or...
bezzy 23 28 (slang) one's best f...
bhais 13 10 BHAI, (Hindi) brothe...
bhaji 15 19 (Hindi) in Indian co...
bhang 13 13 (Urdu) cannabis, Ind...
bhels 14 11 BHEL, (Hindi) a thor...
bhoot 12 10 a small whirlwind, a...
bhuna 12 12 (Urdu) an Indian sau...
bhuts 14 11 BHUT, a small whirlw...
biach 16 13 (slang) a bitch, als...
biali 12 9 an onion roll, also...
bialy 18 11 an onion roll, also...
bibbs 16 14 BIBB, a mast support...
bibes 13 11 BIBE, (Irish) a type...
bible 14 12 an authoritative pub...
biccy 24 16 (slang) biscuit, als...
bicep 16 14 the two-headed muscl...
bices 14 11 BICE, a pale blue or...
biddy 18 12 a chicken or hen; an...
bided 11 10 BIDE, to wait, dwell...
bider 11 9 one who bides [n -S]
bides 11 9 BIDE, to wait, dwell...
bidet 11 9 (French) a shallow o...
bidis 12 9 BIDI, (Hindi) a hand...
bidon 10 10 a container for liqu...
bield 12 10 (Scots) to give shel...
biers 11 8 BIER, a coffin stand...
biffo 15 14 (Australian slang) f...
biffs 16 14 BIFF, to strike hard...
biffy 22 16 (US) an outdoor toil...
bifid 14 12 divided into two par...
bigae 11 10 BIGA, (Latin) a two-...
biggs 14 12 BIGG, a four-rowed b...
biggy 20 14 a biggish thing, als...
bigha 14 12 an Indian land measu...
bight 15 12 to fasten with a loo...
bigly 20 13 BIG, of large size [...
bigos 12 10 a kind of Polish ste...
bigot 12 10 a prejudiced person...
bijou 13 18 (French) a trinket,...
biked 12 13 BIKE, to ride a bicy...
biker 12 12 one who rides a bike...
bikes 12 12 BIKE, to ride a bicy...
bikie 12 12 (Australian slang) a...
bilbo 14 12 a rapier, also BILBO...
bilby 21 14 a burrowing marsupia...
biled 12 10 BILE, (Scots) to boi...
biles 12 9 BILE, (Scots) to boi...
bilge 13 11 to spring a leak [v...
bilgy 20 13 having the smell of...
bilks 14 13 BILK, to avoid payin...
bills 14 10 BILL, to charge some...
billy 20 12 (Australian slang) a...
bimah 14 13 (Hebrew) a raised pl...
bimas 12 11 BIMA, (Hebrew) a rai...
bimbo 14 14 a woman who is attra...
binal 11 10 twofold [adj]
bindi 11 10 (Hindi) a dot worn o...
binds 11 10 BIND, to tie, fasten...
biner 10 9 (short for) karabine...
bines 10 9 BINE, the flexible s...
binge 11 11 to eat or drink to e...
bingo 11 11 a lottery-type game...
bings 12 11 BING, a heap or pile...
bingy 18 13 (Australian slang) t...
binit 11 9 a unit of computer i...
binks 12 13 BINK, a bench [n]
bints 11 9 BINT, (slang) a woma...
biogs 12 10 BIOG, (colloquial) b...
biome 11 11 an extensive ecologi...
biont 10 9 a physiologically in...
biota 10 8 the flora and fauna...
biped 13 12 an animal with two f...
bipod 13 12 a two-legged stand [...
birch 17 13 to flog [v -ED, -ING...
birds 12 9 BIRD, to hunt birds...
birks 13 12 BIRK, (Scots) birch...
birle 12 9 to carouse, also BIR...
birls 13 9 BIRL, to spin round...
biros 11 8 BIRO, (tradename) a...
birrs 12 8 BIRR, to make a whir...
birse 11 8 to bruise [v BIRSED,...
birsy 18 10 (Scots) bristly [adj...
birth 14 10 to originate [v -ED,...
bises 11 8 BISE, a cold wind in...
bisks 13 12 BISK, a kind of rich...
bisom 12 11 a term of reproach e...
bison 10 9 either of two heavil...
bitch 17 13 to complain [v -ED,...
biter 11 8 that which bites [n...
bites 11 8 BITE, to seize with...
bitos 11 8 BITO, a tree of dry...
bitou 11 9 as in bitou bush, a...
bitsy 18 10 small and attractive...
bitte 11 8 (German) please [int...
bitts 12 8 BITT, to secure a ca...
bitty 18 10 fragmented [adj BITT...
bivia 13 12 BIVIUM, in echinoder...
bivvy 22 18 to bivouac, to remai...
bizes 14 17 BIZE, (French) a col...
bizzo 17 26 (Australian slang) i...
bizzy 24 28 a policeman [n BIZZI...
blabs 14 12 BLAB, to tell tales...
black 16 16 being of the darkest...
blade 11 10 the cutting part of...
blads 12 10 BLAD, (Scots) to str...
blady 18 12 as in blady grass, a...
blaer 11 9 BLAE, blackish blue...
blaes 11 9 a kind of clay, livi...
blaff 16 15 to bark [v -ED, -ING...
blags 13 11 BLAG, to rob, steal...
blahs 14 11 BLAH, to talk stupid...
blain 11 10 a blister [n -S]
blame 12 12 to find fault with [...
blams 13 12 BLAM [n]
bland 11 11 neutral-tasting, ins...
blank 12 14 empty [adj BLANKER,...
blare 11 9 to sound loudly [v B...
blart 12 9 to shout loudly and...
blase 11 9 (French) having the...
blash 14 11 to splash [v -ED, -I...
blast 12 9 to use explosives [v...
blate 11 9 (Scots) timidly awkw...
blats 12 9 BLAT, to bleat, cry...
blatt 12 9 (slang) a newspaper...
blaud 12 11 (Scots) a fragment,...
blawn 14 13 BLAW, (Scots) to blo...
blaws 15 12 BLAW, (Scots) to blo...
blays 18 11 BLAY, a small fish,...
blaze 14 18 to burn with a stron...
bleak 12 13 a freshwater fish [n...
blear 11 9 of the eyes, dim, wa...
bleat 11 9 to cry like a sheep...
blebs 14 12 BLEB, a bubble or bl...
blech 17 14 an interjection expr...
bleed 11 10 to lose blood [v BLE...
bleep 13 12 to emit a short high...
blees 11 9 BLEE, (archaic) comp...
blend 11 11 to mix together [v B...
blent 11 10 BLEND, to mix togeth...
blert 12 9 (colloquial) a fooli...
bless 12 9 to sanctify [v BLESS...
blest 12 9 BLESS, to sanctify [...
blets 12 9 BLET, to decay like...
bleys 18 11 BLEY, a small fish,...
blimp 16 15 to swell out [v -ED,...
blimy 20 14 an interjection expr...
blind 12 11 to make sightless [v...
bling 13 12 flashy [adj BLINGER,...
blini 12 10 a small buckwheat pa...
blink 13 14 to open and shut the...
blins 12 10 BLIN, (Spenser) to c...
bliny 18 12 BLIN, (Russian) a sm...
blips 15 12 BLIP, to remove soun...
bliss 13 9 to experience ecstas...
blist 13 9 BLESS, to sanctify [...
blite 12 9 a genus of herbs of...
blits 13 9 BLIT, to transfer a...
blitz 16 18 to wage a bombing at...
blive 14 13 immediately, also BE...
bloat 11 9 to swell [v -ED, -IN...
blobs 14 12 BLOB, to form into a...
block 16 16 to obstruct [v -ED,...
blocs 15 12 BLOC, (French) a com...
blogs 13 11 BLOG, to keep a pers...
bloke 12 13 a fellow [n -S]
blond 11 11 a fair complexioned...
blood 11 10 to stain with blood...
blook 12 13 a book serialized on...
bloom 12 12 to bear flowers [v -...
bloop 13 12 in baseball, to hit...
blore 11 9 (archaic) a violent...
blots 12 9 BLOT, to spot or sta...
blown 14 13 BLOW, to propel by a...
blows 15 12 BLOW, to propel by a...
blowy 21 14 windy, gusty [adj BL...
blubs 15 13 BLUB, to weep [v]
blude 12 11 (Scots) blood, also...
bludy 19 13 stained with blood,...
blued 12 11 BLUE, to make the co...
bluer 12 10 BLUE, having the col...
blues 12 10 BLUE, to make the co...
bluet 12 10 a meadow flower [n -...
bluey 18 12 a swagman's bundle o...
bluff 17 16 to deceive [v -ED, -...
bluid 13 11 (Scots) blood BLUDE...
blume 13 13 to blossom [v BLUMED...
blunk 13 15 (Scots) to spoil, bu...
blunt 12 11 not sharp or pointed...
blurb 15 13 to praise in a publi...
blurs 13 10 BLUR, to make indist...
blurt 13 10 to utter unadvisedly...
blush 15 12 to become red [v -ED...
blype 20 14 (Scots) a piece of s...
boabs 12 11 BOAB, a tropical tre...
boaks 11 12 BOAK, to belch, vomi...
board 10 9 to supply food and l...
boars 10 8 BOAR, a male pig [n]
boart 10 8 diamond dust or frag...
boast 10 8 to brag [v -ED, -ING...
boats 10 8 BOAT, to travel on a...
bobac 15 14 a type of marmot, al...
bobak 13 15 a type of marmot, al...
bobas 12 11 BOBA, a contagious s...
bobby 21 16 (slang) a policeman...
bobol 13 12 to commit a type of...
bobos 12 11 BOBO, a well-to-do p...
bocca 16 14 (Italian) a mouth [n...
bocce 16 14 an Italian bowling g...
bocci 17 14 an Italian bowling g...
boche 15 13 an offensive term fo...
bocks 15 15 BOCK, to belch, also...
boded 10 10 BODE, to foretell, b...
bodes 10 9 BODE, to foretell, b...
bodge 11 11 to patch up [v BODGE...
bodhi 13 11 as in bodhi tree, an...
bodle 11 10 a former Scottish co...
boeps 12 11 BOEP, (South African...
boets 10 8 BOET, (South Africa)...
boeuf 12 12 (French) beef, as in...
boffo 14 14 a hearty laugh, also...
boffs 15 14 BOFF, to hit, strike...
bogan 10 11 (Native American) a...
bogey 17 12 to shoot one over pa...
boggy 19 14 like a bog [adj BOGG...
bogie 11 10 (Australian slang) t...
bogle 12 11 to perform the bogle...
bogue 11 11 a Mediterranean fish...
bogus 12 11 not genuine, counter...
bohea 11 10 (Chinese) an inferio...
bohos 12 10 BOHO, (short for) a...
boils 12 9 BOIL, to pass rapidl...
boing 11 11 to reverberate by bo...
boink 11 13 to reverberate by bo...
boite 10 8 (French) a nightclub...
boked 11 13 BOKE, to belch, also...
bokes 11 12 BOKE, to belch, also...
bokos 11 12 BOKO, (slang) the no...
bolar 11 9 pertaining to a fine...
bolas 11 9 (Spanish) a South Am...
bolds 12 10 BOLD, to make type b...
boles 11 9 BOLE, a fine earthy...
bolix 18 16 to make a mess of, a...
bolls 13 10 BOLL, to form pods [...
bolos 11 9 BOLO, (Spanish) a tr...
bolts 12 9 BOLT, to run away [v...
bolus 12 10 (Latin) a large pill...
bomas 11 11 BOMA, (Swahili) in A...
bombe 13 14 (French) a dessert,...
bombo 13 14 (Australian slang) c...
bombs 14 14 BOMB, to attack with...
bonce 12 12 a large marble used...
bonds 10 10 BOND, to join togeth...
boned 9 10 BONE, to take the bo...
boner 9 9 (US slang) a stupid...
bones 9 9 BONE, to take the bo...
boney 15 11 like bone, also BONY...
bongo 10 11 a kind of antelope [...
bongs 11 11 BONG, to make a deep...
bonie 9 9 (Scots) bonny [adj]
bonks 11 13 BONK, to hit or thum...
bonne 8 10 (French) a French ma...
bonny 15 12 a sweetheart [n BONN...
bonus 10 10 in Scrabble, to play...
bonza 12 18 (Australian slang) v...
bonze 12 18 (Japanese) a Japanes...
booai 9 8 a remote rural place...
booay 15 10 a remote rural place...
boobs 12 11 BOOB, to make a mist...
booby 18 13 a name for various k...
boody 16 11 to sulk or mope [v B...
booed 9 9 BOO, to show disappr...
boofy 18 13 muscular and strong...
boogy 17 12 to dance to rock mus...
boohs 12 10 BOOH, to show disapp...
books 11 12 BOOK, to reserve in...
booky 17 14 by way of being lite...
bools 11 9 BOOL, (Scots) to pla...
booms 11 11 BOOM, to make a roar...
boomy 17 13 hollow-sounding [adj...
boong 10 11 (offensive) an abori...
boons 9 9 BOON, a timely benef...
boord 10 9 (Spenser) board, als...
boors 10 8 BOOR, a rude person...
boose 9 8 to drink excessively...
boost 10 8 to support, increase...
booth 12 10 a stall for the disp...
boots 10 8 BOOT, to kick with t...
booty 16 10 a rich prize [n BOOT...
booze 12 17 to drink excessively...
boozy 19 19 inclined to booze, a...
boppy 21 16 suggestive of bebop...
borak 11 12 (Native Australian)...
boral 11 9 a mixture of boron c...
boras 10 8 BORA, a violent cold...
borax 16 15 a mineral, hydrated...
borde 10 9 (obsolete) board, al...
bords 11 9 BORD, (obsolete) a b...
bored 10 9 BORE, to pierce with...
boree 9 8 (Native Australian)...
borel 11 9 a boring tool [n -S]
borer 10 8 one that bores [n -S...
bores 10 8 BORE, to pierce with...
borgo 11 10 (Italian) a market t...
boric 14 11 of, pertaining to, o...
borks 12 12 BORK, to denigrate a...
borms 12 11 BORM, to smear with...
borna 9 9 s in borna disease,...
borne 9 9 BEAR, to endure [v]
boron 9 9 a relatively inert n...
borts 11 8 BORT, diamond dust o...
borty 17 10 relating to bort, di...
bortz 14 17 diamond dust or frag...
bosie 10 8 a kind of delivery i...
bosks 12 12 BOSK, a bush, a thic...
bosky 18 14 woody or bushy [adj...
bosom 11 11 to enclose in the bo...
boson 9 9 any of a certain cla...
bossy 17 10 a cow [n BOSSIES] /...
bosun 10 10 a ship's officer in...
botas 10 8 BOTA, (Spanish) a le...
botch 16 13 to bungle [v -ED, -I...
botel 11 9 a waterside hotel, c...
botes 10 8 BOTE, compensation f...
bothy 19 12 (Scots) a hut, cabin...
botte 10 8 a thrust in fencing...
botts 11 8 BOTT, the maggot of...
botty 17 10 (colloquial) a botto...
bouge 11 11 (Shakespeare) to bud...
bough 14 13 a tree branch [n -S]
bouks 12 13 BOUK, (Scots) the bo...
boule 11 10 (Greek) in ancient G...
boult 12 10 to sieve through a c...
bound 10 11 to leap [v -ED, -ING...
bouns 10 10 BOUN, to prepare, al...
bourd 11 10 (obsolete) to jest [...
bourg 12 11 a market-town [n -S]
bourn 10 10 a small stream [n -S...
bouse 10 9 to haul with tackle,...
bousy 17 11 inclined to booze, a...
bouts 11 9 BOUT, a contest [n]
bovid 13 13 an animal of the cat...
bowat 13 11 (Scots) a lantern, a...
bowed 13 12 BOW, to bend or incl...
bowel 14 12 to take out the entr...
bower 13 11 to enclose in a shad...
bowes 13 11 (Milton) boughs [n]
bowet 13 11 (Scots) a lantern, a...
bowie 13 11 as in bowie knife, a...
bowls 15 12 BOWL, to make a deli...
bowne 12 12 to prepare, also BOU...
bowrs 14 11 BOWR, (Spenser) a mu...
bowse 13 11 to haul with tackle,...
boxed 16 16 BOX, to put in a con...
boxen 15 16 made of boxwood [adj...
boxer 16 15 a person who boxes o...
boxes 16 15 BOX, to put in a con...
boxla 17 16 a form of indoor lac...
boxty 23 17 an Irish dish of pot...
boyar 16 10 (Russian) a member o...
boyau 16 11 a communication tren...
boyed 16 11 BOY, to act a female...
boyfs 19 13 BOYF, boyfriend [n]
boygs 18 12 BOYG, (Norwegian) a...
boyla 17 11 a witch doctor [n -S...
boyos 16 10 BOYO, a young man [n...
boysy 23 12 suited to or typical...
bozos 13 17 BOZO, (US slang) a m...
braai 10 8 (South Africa) to gr...
brace 13 11 to support [v BRACED...
brach 16 13 a female hunting hou...
brack 15 15 a flaw in cloth [n -...
bract 14 11 any reduced leaflike...
brads 11 9 BRAD, to fasten with...
braes 10 8 BRAE, (Scots) a stee...
brags 12 10 BRAG, to boast [v]
braid 11 9 broad [adj BRAIDER,...
brail 12 9 a line fastened to a...
brain 10 9 to dash out the brai...
brake 11 12 to slow down or stop...
braks 12 12 BRAK, (South African...
braky 18 14 abounding in shrubs...
brame 11 11 (Spenser) a fierce l...
brand 10 10 to mark with a hot i...
brane 9 9 a multi-dimensional...
brank 11 13 (Scots) to prance, t...
brans 10 9 BRAN, to soak in wat...
brant 10 9 a wild goose, also B...
brash 13 10 forward, over-confid...
brass 11 8 to coat with an allo...
brast 11 8 (dialect) to break o...
brats 11 8 BRAT, a badly behave...
brava 12 12 (Italian) a shout of...
brave 12 12 to face with courage...
bravi 13 12 (Italian) bravo, whe...
bravo 12 12 to applaud by shouti...
brawl 15 12 to fight rowdily [v...
brawn 13 12 muscular strength [n...
braws 14 11 (Scots) fine clothes...
braxy 23 17 a bacterial disease...
brays 17 10 BRAY, to cry like as...
braza 13 17 a Spanish unit of le...
braze 13 17 to solder with an al...
bread 10 9 to cover with breadc...
break 11 12 to shatter or damage...
bream 11 11 to clean a ship's bo...
brede 10 9 to braid, to plait [...
breds 11 9 BRED, someone living...
breed 10 9 to produce by giving...
breem 11 11 (Spenser) fierce, ke...
breer 10 8 to sprout above grou...
brees 10 8 BREE, (Scots) the li...
breid 11 9 bread [n -S]
breis 11 8 BREI, (South Africa)...
breme 11 11 (Spenser) fierce, ke...
brens 10 9 BREN, (archaic) to b...
brent 10 9 (Scots) lofty, steep...
brere 10 8 (Spenser) a briar, a...
brers 11 8 BRER, (US dialect) b...
breve 12 12 an obsolescent music...
brews 14 11 BREW, to make beer [...
breys 17 10 BREY, (South Africa)...
briar 11 8 a prickly bush, esp....
bribe 13 11 to influence by offe...
brick 16 15 to build with blocks...
bride 11 9 to act the bride [v...
brief 13 11 to give instructions...
brier 11 8 a prickly shrub, als...
bries 11 8 BRIE, (Scots) the li...
brigs 13 10 BRIG, a two-masted,...
briki 13 12 the Greek name for a...
briks 13 12 BRIK, a Tunisian dee...
brill 14 10 a fish spotted with...
brims 13 11 BRIM, to fill to the...
brine 10 9 to treat with salt w...
bring 12 11 to take with oneself...
brink 12 13 an extreme edge [n -...
brins 11 9 BRIN, the rib of a f...
briny 17 11 the sea [n BRINIES]...
brios 11 8 BRIO, (Italian) live...
brise 11 8 (French) a movement...
brisk 13 12 to make quick of mov...
briss 12 8 (Hebrew) a Jewish ci...
brith 14 10 (Hebrew) a Jewish ci...
brits 12 8 BRIT, a young herrin...
britt 12 8 a young herring, als...
brize 14 17 furnace refuse used...
broad 10 9 an expansion of a ri...
broch 16 13 to broach, to pierce...
brock 15 15 a badger [n -S]
brods 11 9 BROD, to prod [v]
brogh 14 12 a dry-built circular...
brogs 12 10 BROG, to prick with...
broil 12 9 to cook over hot coa...
broke 11 12 to act as a stockbro...
brome 11 11 a kind of grass rese...
bromo 11 11 a medicinal compound...
bronc 13 12 a native or a Mexica...
brond 10 10 (obsolete) a brand,...
brood 10 9 to ponder gloomily [...
brook 11 12 to tolerate [v -ED,...
brool 11 9 a deep murmur [n -S]
broom 11 11 to sweep with a broo...
broos 10 8 BROO, (Scots) unempl...
brose 10 8 (Scots) a dish of oa...
brosy 17 10 having the quality o...
broth 13 10 a clear thin soup [n...
brown 13 12 to make brown [v -ED...
brows 14 11 BROW, the eyebrow; t...
brugh 15 13 a borough [n -S]
bruin 11 10 a bear [n -S]
bruit 12 9 to spread by rumour...
brule 12 10 a mixed race person...
brume 12 12 mist or fog [n -S]
brung 12 12 BRING, to take with...
brunt 11 10 to bear the chief st...
brush 14 11 to touch lightly [v...
brusk 13 13 abrupt in manner, al...
brust 12 9 (Spenser) to burst [...
brute 11 9 brutal [adj BRUTER,...
bruts 12 9 BRUT, a very dry cha...
buats 11 9 BUAT, (Scots) a lant...
buaze 13 18 an African shrub, al...
bubal 14 13 a large antelope, al...
bubas 13 12 BUBA, a contagious s...
bubba 15 15 (colloquial) a redne...
bubbe 15 15 (Yiddish) a Jewish g...
bubby 22 17 (colloquial) a woman...
bubus 14 13 BUBU, a long flowing...
buchu 17 15 an African medicinal...
bucko 15 16 a bully [n BUCKOS or...
bucks 16 16 BUCK, to leap forwar...
bucku 16 17 an African medicinal...
budas 11 10 BUDA, (Hindi) an ins...
buddy 18 13 to become close frie...
budge 12 12 to move or stir [v B...
budis 12 10 BUDI, (Hindi) an ins...
budos 11 10 BUDO, (Japanese) the...
buffa 15 15 (Italian) the comic...
buffe 15 15 BUFFA, (Italian) the...
buffi 16 15 BUFFO, an operatic c...
buffo 15 15 an operatic clown [n...
buffs 16 15 BUFF, to polish [v]
buffy 22 17 of a yellowish-brown...
bufos 13 12 BUFO, a black tinctu...
bufty 20 14 (colloquial) a homos...
buggy 20 15 a light carriage [n...
bugle 13 12 to play a brass wind...
buhls 15 12 BUHL, a form of marq...
buhrs 14 11 BUHR, a cellular, fl...
buiks 13 13 BUIK, (Scots) a book...
build 13 11 to construct [v BUIL...
built 13 10 BUILD, to construct...
buist 12 9 (Scots) a box, a tar...
bukes 12 13 BUKE, (Scots) a book...
bulbs 15 13 BULB, to swell out,...
bulge 13 12 to swell out [v BULG...
bulgy 20 14 bulging [adj BULGIER...
bulks 14 14 BULK, to gather into...
bulky 20 16 having bulk [adj BUL...
bulla 13 11 a round seal attache...
bulls 14 11 BULL, to copulate wi...
bully 20 13 to treat threatening...
bulse 12 10 a small bag for diam...
bumbo 14 15 a drink mixed from g...
bumfs 15 15 BUMF, paperwork, als...
bumph 17 17 toilet paper; also,...
bumps 15 15 BUMP, to knock again...
bumpy 21 17 of uneven surface [a...
bunas 10 10 BUNA, a kind of arti...
bunce 13 13 to disguise pilferin...
bunch 16 15 to gather together [...
bunco 13 13 (US slang) a confide...
bunde 10 11 BUND, a German feder...
bundh 13 13 (Hindi) in India, a...
bunds 11 11 BUND, to make an emb...
bundt 11 11 a type of cake pan [...
bundu 11 12 (Bantu) a remote unc...
bundy 17 13 to clock on or clock...
bungs 12 12 BUNG, to plug with a...
bungy 18 14 a strong rubber rope...
bunia 10 10 (Hindi) an (Indian)...
bunje 12 19 a strong rubber rope...
bunjy 19 21 a strong rubber rope...
bunko 11 14 to practice a confid...
bunks 12 14 BUNK, to go to bed [...
bunns 10 11 BUNN, a kind of swee...
bunny 16 13 (colloquial) a rabbi...
bunts 11 10 BUNT, to push with t...
bunty 17 12 having bunt, a disea...
bunya 16 12 (Native Australian)...
buoys 17 11 BUOY, to mark with a...
buppy 22 17 a black urban profes...
buran 10 10 (Russian) a violent...
buras 11 9 BURA, (Russian) a vi...
burbs 14 12 BURB, (short for) a...
burds 12 10 BURD, (Scots) a bird...
buret 11 9 a glass measuring tu...
burfi 14 12 (Hindi) an Indian de...
burgh 15 13 a borough or incorpo...
burgs 13 11 BURG, a fortified to...
burin 11 10 an engraver's tool,...
burka 12 13 a coverall worn by M...
burke 12 13 to murder by suffoca...
burks 13 13 BURK, (colloquial) a...
burls 13 10 BURL, to finish clot...
burly 19 12 heavy and muscular [...
burns 11 10 BURN, to destroy by...
burnt 11 10 BURN, to destroy by...
buroo 10 9 (Scots) unemployment...
burps 14 12 BURP, to belch [v]
burqa 19 18 a coverall worn by M...
burro 11 9 a small donkey [n -S...
burrs 12 9 BURR, to remove the...
burry 18 11 abounding in burs, o...
bursa 11 9 a pouch or sac, esp....
burse 11 9 a square cloth case...
burst 12 9 to break open violen...
busby 20 14 a fur hat with a bag...
bused 11 10 BUS, to travel or tr...
buses 11 9 BUS, to travel or tr...
bushy 20 13 having many bushes [...
busks 13 13 BUSK, to perform in...
busky 19 15 (Shakespeare) bushy...
bussu 12 10 a tropical American...
busti 12 9 in India, a flimsy h...
busts 12 9 BUST, to break, shat...
busty 18 11 full-bosomed [adj BU...
butch 17 14 a lesbian with manni...
buteo 10 9 a buzzard [n -S]
butes 11 9 BUTE, a shortened fo...
butle 12 10 to serve as a butler...
butoh 13 11 (Japanese) a style o...
butte 11 9 an isolated hill ris...
butts 12 9 BUTT, to hit with th...
butty 18 11 a fellow workman, es...
butut 12 10 a monetary unit of G...
butyl 19 12 a compound radical,...
buxom 18 19 healthily plump [adj...
buyer 17 11 one that buys [n -S]
buzzy 24 29 having a buzzing qua...
bwana 12 12 (Swahili) a master,...
bwazi 17 20 an African shrub, al...
byded 17 12 BYDE, (Scots) to bid...
bydes 17 11 BYDE, (Scots) to bid...
byked 18 15 BYKE, to swarm [v]
bykes 18 14 BYKE, to swarm [v]
bylaw 21 14 the law of a local a...
byres 17 10 BYRE, a cow shed [n]
byrls 19 11 BYRL, to carouse, al...
byssi 18 10 BYSSUS, a filamentou...
bytes 17 10 BYTE, a set of usual...
byway 26 15 a side road [n -S]