7 letter words that start with B

7 letter words that start with B

7 letter B word


Words With Friends®


baaings 14 13 BAAING, the cry of a...
baalism 16 14 the worship of baal...
baaskap 16 17 (Afrikaans) the poli...
babacos 18 16 BABACO, a subtropica...
babacus 19 17 BABACU, (Tupi) a Bra...
babalas 16 14 (Afrikaans) drunk, a...
babassu 16 14 (Tupi) a Brazilian p...
babbitt 19 16 to fit with Babbitt...
babbled 19 18 BABBLE, to talk ince...
babbler 19 17 any of a family of t...
babbles 19 17 BABBLE, to talk ince...
babesia 15 13 a parasite causing c...
babiche 21 18 a thong or lace made...
babiest 16 13 BABY, like a baby [a...
bablahs 19 16 BABLAH, (Hindi) a sp...
babools 16 14 BABOOL, (Hindi) a sp...
baboons 14 14 BABOON, a large ape...
baboosh 17 15 a kind of heelless s...
babuche 21 19 a kind of heelless s...
babudom 17 18 the state of being a...
babuism 18 17 the state of being a...
babying 23 18 BABY, to treat like...
babyish 25 17 resembling a baby [a...
babysat 22 15 BABYSIT, to care for...
babysit 23 15 to care for a child...
bacalao 16 14 (Spanish) salted cod...
baccala 20 17 (Spanish) salted cod...
baccara 19 16 a French card game,...
baccare 19 16 (Shakespeare) back!...
baccate 19 16 having berries; berr...
bacchic 26 21 relating to the wors...
bacchii 23 18 BACCHIUS, a metrical...
baccies 20 16 BACCY, (colloquial)...
baccoes 19 16 BACCO, (short for) t...
bachata 18 15 (Spanish) a type of...
bachcha 24 20 (Hinglish) in India,...
baching 20 18 BACH, to live as a b...
bacilli 20 15 BACILLUS, any of the...
backare 17 17 (Shakespeare) back!...
backbar 20 20 the space behind a b...
backbit 21 20 BACKBITE, to speak i...
backers 18 17 BACKER, a supporter...
backets 18 17 BACKET, (Scots) a sh...
backfat 20 20 the layer of fat bet...
backfit 21 20 to modify later [v B...
backhoe 19 19 an excavating machin...
backies 18 17 BACKIE, (slang) a ri...
backing 19 20 a support [n -S]
backlit 20 18 lit from behind [adj...
backlog 20 20 to accumulate [v BAC...
backlot 19 18 an outdoor area, oft...
backout 18 18 a reversal of launch...
backras 18 17 BACKRA, in the West...
backsaw 21 20 a saw (as a tenon sa...
backset 18 17 to attack from the r...
backsey 24 19 (Scots) sirloin [n -...
backups 21 21 BACKUP, a substitute...
baclava 19 18 a middle Eastern des...
baconer 15 14 a pig suitable for b...
baculum 20 19 the bone in the peni...
baddest 14 12 BAD, not good [adj]
baddies 14 12 BADDY, a bad person,...
baddish 17 14 not very good [adj]
badgers 15 13 BADGER, to pester or...
badging 16 16 BADGE, to supply wit...
badious 14 12 chestnut-coloured [a...
badland 14 14 a barren, hilly area...
badmash 17 16 an evil-doer, also B...
badness 13 12 the state of being b...
badware 16 14 malicious computer s...
baetyls 21 13 BAETYL, a magical or...
baffies 18 16 BAFFY, a wooden golf...
baffing 19 19 BAFF, in golf, to st...
baffled 19 18 BAFFLE, to confuse,...
baffler 19 17 a person who or thin...
baffles 19 17 BAFFLE, to confuse,...
bagarre 14 12 (French) a scuffle o...
bagasse 14 12 dry refuse in sugar-...
bageled 15 14 BAGEL, to defeat in...
bagfuls 19 17 BAGFUL, as much as a...
baggage 16 16 luggage [n -S]
baggers 16 14 BAGGER, one that bag...
baggier 16 14 BAGGY, loose fitting...
baggies 16 14 BAGGIE, (colloquial)...
baggily 24 17 BAGGY, loose fitting...
bagging 17 17 material for bags [n...
baggits 17 14 BAGGIT, a ripe femal...
bagless 16 13 not having a bag [ad...
baglike 17 17 like a bag [adj]
bagnios 14 13 BAGNIO, (Italian) a...
bagpipe 19 18 a wind instrument [n...
bagsful 19 17 BAGFUL, as much as a...
baguets 15 13 BAGUET, (French) a l...
baguios 15 13 BAGUIO, (Spanish) a...
bagwash 20 17 a laundry service of...
bagwigs 20 17 BAGWIG, a wig, in us...
bagworm 19 18 one of several lepid...
bahadas 15 13 BAHADA, (Spanish) a...
bahadur 16 14 a Hindu title of res...
baidars 14 11 BAIDAR, (Russian) an...
bailees 14 11 BAILEE, a person to...
bailers 15 11 BAILER, (US) a perso...
baileys 21 13 BAILEY, the outer wa...
bailies 15 11 BAILIE, in Scotland,...
bailiff 20 17 a sheriff's officer...
bailing 16 14 BAIL, to set free by...
baillie 16 12 in Scotland, a magis...
baillis 17 12 BAILLI, (French) a m...
bailors 15 11 BAILOR, a person who...
bailout 15 12 the act of parachuti...
bainins 13 12 BAININ, (Irish) a wh...
bainite 13 11 a byproduct of steel...
bairnly 21 14 like a bairn, a chil...
baiters 14 10 BAITER, one who bait...
baiting 15 13 fish or worms used a...
baizing 18 22 BAIZE, to cover with...
bajadas 15 20 BAJADA, (Spanish) a...
bajrees 15 19 BAJREE, (Hindi) in t...
bakeoff 18 20 a baking contest in...
bakings 16 17 BAKING, the process...
bakkies 16 18 BAKKIE, (South Afric...
baklava 17 19 a Middle Eastern des...
baklawa 18 18 a Middle Eastern des...
baladin 14 13 (French) a (male) th...
balafon 15 15 a musical instrument...
balance 16 15 to have equal weight...
balases 14 11 BALAS, a variety of...
balatas 14 11 BALATA, a large ever...
balboas 16 14 BALBOA, the monetary...
balcony 23 17 a platform projectin...
baldest 15 12 BALD, without hair [...
baldier 15 12 BALDY, having no hai...
baldies 15 12 BALDY, a bald person...
balding 16 15 BALD, to lose one's...
baldish 18 14 somewhat bald [adj]
baldric 19 15 a warrior's sword be...
baleens 13 12 BALEEN, whalebone [n...
baleful 18 16 foreboding or threat...
balings 16 14 BALING, the act of m...
balises 15 11 BALISE, an electroni...
balista 15 11 a Roman machine for...
balkers 16 15 BALKER, one who, or...
balkier 16 15 BALKY, apt to balk;...
balkily 24 18 BALKY, apt to balk;...
balking 17 18 the act of balking [...
ballade 15 13 (French) a poetic fo...
ballads 16 13 BALLAD, to make ball...
ballans 15 13 BALLAN, a species of...
ballant 15 13 (Scots) a ballad [n...
ballast 16 12 heavy material used...
ballats 16 12 BALLAT, to make ball...
ballboy 24 17 a boy who retrieves...
ballers 16 12 BALLER, a person who...
ballets 16 12 BALLET, to make ball...
ballies 16 12 BALLY, a noisy uproa...
balling 17 15 forming into a ball...
ballium 18 16 the outer wall and f...
ballons 15 13 BALLON, in dancing,...
balloon 14 13 to swell out [v -ED,...
ballots 16 12 BALLOT, to vote by b...
ballows 19 15 BALLOW, (Shakespeare...
ballsed 16 13 BALLS, to mess up [v...
ballses 16 12 BALLS, to mess up [v...
ballups 19 16 BALLUP, (US) a botch...
ballute 16 13 a small inflatable p...
balmier 16 14 BALMY, mild, tempera...
balmily 24 17 BALMY, mild, tempera...
balming 17 17 BALM, to embalm [v]
balneal 14 13 of or pertaining to...
baloney 19 14 deceptive talk, nons...
balsams 16 14 BALSAM, to soothe; t...
balsamy 22 16 like balsam, fragran...
bambini 17 17 BAMBINO, (Italian) a...
bambino 16 17 (Italian) a child [n...
bamboos 16 16 BAMBOO, a giant trop...
bammers 16 16 BAMMER, a fool [n]
bamming 17 19 BAM, to hoax or chea...
bampots 17 16 BAMPOT, (Scots) an i...
banaler 13 12 BANAL, flat and unin...
banally 21 15 BANAL, flat and unin...
bananas 11 12 BANANA, an edible fr...
bandage 13 14 to cover a wound wit...
bandaid 13 13 acting as a quick fi...
bandana 11 13 a large coloured han...
bandari 13 12 (Hindi) a female mon...
bandars 13 12 BANDAR, (Hindi) a rh...
bandbox 21 22 a box for holding ba...
bandeau 12 13 (French) a narrow ba...
banders 13 12 BANDER, a member of...
bandied 13 13 BANDY, to toss to an...
bandier 13 12 BANDY, having crooke...
bandies 13 12 BANDY, to toss to an...
banding 14 15 a streaming system f...
bandito 13 12 (Spanish) a Mexican...
bandits 14 12 BANDIT, a robber [n]
bandogs 14 14 BANDOG, a mastiff or...
bandook 13 16 (Urdu) indian army s...
bandora 12 12 an ancient lute, als...
bandore 12 12 an ancient lute, als...
bandrol 14 13 a small banner or st...
bandsaw 16 15 a type of power saw...
bandura 13 13 a twelve-stringed in...
baneful 16 16 poisonous [adj BANEF...
bangers 14 13 BANGER, (colloquial)...
banging 15 16 BANG, to make a loud...
bangkok 16 21 a straw hat [n -S]
bangled 15 15 wearing bangles [adj...
bangles 15 14 BANGLE, a rigid ring...
banians 12 12 BANIAN, a Hindu trad...
banjoes 14 20 BANJO, a stringed mu...
bankers 14 15 BANKER, a person who...
bankets 14 15 BANKET, a gold-beari...
banking 15 18 the business of a ba...
bankits 15 15 BANKIT, a raised sid...
banksia 14 15 an evergreen, flower...
banners 12 12 BANNER, to furnish w...
bannets 12 12 BANNET, a bonnet [n]
banning 13 15 the act of imposing...
bannock 16 19 (Scots) a flat oatme...
banoffi 17 17 banana and toffee as...
banquet 21 21 to feast [v -ED, -IN...
bansela 13 12 a gratuity to a blac...
banshee 14 13 in Irish folklore, a...
banshie 15 13 in Irish folklore, a...
bantams 14 14 BANTAM, a small vari...
banteng 13 14 an ox, also BANTING...
banters 13 11 BANTER, to exchange...
banties 13 11 BANTY, a bantam [n]
banting 14 14 weight-reduction by...
banyans 18 14 BANYAN, (Hindi) an I...
banzais 16 20 BANZAI, a Japanese b...
baobabs 17 16 BAOBAB, an African t...
baptise 16 13 to administer baptis...
baptism 18 16 immersion in water a...
baptist 17 13 one who baptises [n...
baptize 19 22 to administer baptis...
baracan 15 14 (French) a coarsely...
barazas 16 19 BARAZA, (Swahili) in...
barbate 15 13 barbed, bearded, als...
barbell 18 15 a weight-lifting app...
barbels 17 14 BARBEL, a fleshy app...
barbers 16 13 BARBER, to shave or...
barbets 16 13 BARBET, (French) a v...
barbies 16 13 BARBIE, (Australian...
barbing 17 16 BARB, to pierce with...
barbola 16 14 an ornamentation of...
barbots 16 13 BARBOT, a kind of la...
barbule 17 15 a small barb [n -S]
barbuts 17 14 BARBUT, a type of he...
barchan 18 16 a crescent-shaped sa...
barcode 16 14 an arrangement, read...
bardash 16 13 (obsolete) a homosex...
bardier 14 11 BARDY, (Scots) scold...
bardies 14 11 BARDIE, an Australia...
barding 15 14 BARDE, to cover a ho...
bardism 16 14 the study of the mus...
barefit 16 13 (Scots) barefoot [ad...
bareges 14 12 BAREGE, a light silk...
barfing 17 16 BARF, (colloquial) t...
bargain 14 13 to haggle over costs...
bargees 14 12 BARGEE, a bargeman [...
bargest 15 12 a doglike goblin who...
barging 16 15 BARGE, to push one's...
bargoon 13 13 (Canadian slang) a b...
barhops 18 15 BARHOP, to go from o...
barilla 16 12 the alkali plant; an...
barista 14 10 one who makes and se...
barites 14 10 BARITE, a native sul...
bariums 16 14 BARIUM, a metallic e...
barkans 14 15 BARKAN, a crescent-s...
barkeep 16 17 (US) a bartender [n...
barkens 14 15 BARKEN, to dry up in...
barkers 15 14 BARKER, (slang) a pi...
barkhan 16 17 a crescent-shaped sa...
barkier 15 14 BARKY, having a toug...
barking 16 17 BARK, to make a soun...
barless 15 11 without a bar [adj]
barleys 21 13 BARLEY, a cereal gra...
barlows 18 14 BARLOW, a jackknife...
barmaid 15 14 a female bartender [...
barmier 15 13 BARMIE, foamy; dotty...
barmily 23 16 BARMY [adv]
barmkin 16 18 (archaic) a battleme...
barmpot 17 16 an idiot, fool, also...
barnets 13 11 BARNET, (slang) hair...
barneys 19 13 BARNEY, to quarrel l...
barnier 13 11 BARNY, like a barn [...
barning 14 14 BARN, to store in a...
barocco 19 16 a bold decorative st...
barocks 18 17 BAROCK, a bold decor...
barolos 14 11 BAROLO, a red Italia...
baronet 12 11 the lowest British h...
barongs 14 13 BARONG, a broad-blad...
baronne 11 12 (French) a baroness...
baroque 21 20 a bold decorative st...
barques 22 20 BARQUE, a three-mast...
barrace 16 13 (obsolete) the lists...
barrack 18 17 to shout encourageme...
barrage 14 12 to subject to a mass...
barrats 14 10 BARRAT [n]
barreed 13 11 BARRE, to execute ba...
barrels 15 11 BARREL, to move fast...
barrens 13 11 BARREN, a tract of i...
barrets 14 10 BARRET, a kind of ca...
barrico 17 13 a small cask [n BARR...
barrier 14 10 to shut by means of...
barries 14 10 BARRY, (Australian s...
barring 15 13 an exclusion [n -S]
barrios 14 10 BARRIO, a Spanish-sp...
barroom 14 13 a room in which drin...
barrows 17 13 BARROW, a hand prope...
bartend 13 12 to serve in a bar [v...
barters 14 10 BARTER, to trade by...
bartons 13 11 BARTON, a farmyard [...
bartsia 14 10 a wild flower of the...
barware 16 13 barroom equipment [n...
barwood 16 14 a hard red African d...
baryons 19 13 BARYON, a heavier cl...
barytas 20 12 BARYTA, barium monox...
barytes 20 12 BARYTE, a native sul...
barytic 24 15 relating to baryta [...
baryton 19 13 a kind of bass viol...
basally 22 14 BASAL, relating to,...
basalts 15 11 BASALT, an igneous v...
basants 13 11 BASANT, (Urdu) a Pak...
bascule 18 15 a type of bridge [n...
baseman 13 14 a player who stands...
basemen 13 14 BASEMAN, a player wh...
basenji 15 20 (Bantu) a small Afri...
bashaws 19 15 BASHAW, a former Tur...
bashers 16 12 BASHER, one who bash...
bashful 20 17 shy, timid [adj BASH...
bashing 17 15 a malicious physical...
bashlik 19 17 a long Russian hood,...
bashlyk 25 19 a long Russian hood,...
bashtag 17 14 a hashtag used for c...
basidia 14 11 BASIDIUM, a fungal f...
basilar 15 11 relating to, or situ...
basilic 19 14 pertaining to the la...
basinal 14 12 pertaining to a basi...
basined 13 12 put in a basin [adj]
basinet 13 11 a light helmet, also...
basions 13 11 BASION, a part of th...
baskets 15 14 BASKET, a container...
basking 16 17 BASK, to relax in pl...
basmati 15 13 (Hindi) a type of lo...
basnets 13 11 BASNET, a light helm...
basoche 18 15 a mediaeval guild of...
basqued 22 21 furnished with a bas...
basques 22 20 BASQUE, a kind of bo...
bassers 14 10 BASSER, someone who...
bassest 14 10 BASS, of a voice, lo...
bassets 14 10 BASSET, to outcrop,...
bassett 14 10 to outcrop, also BAS...
bassier 14 10 BASSY, somewhat deep...
bassing 15 13 BASSE [v]
bassist 15 10 a person who plays a...
bassoon 12 11 a woodwind instrumen...
bastard 14 11 a child whose parent...
basters 14 10 BASTER, one who bast...
bastide 14 11 a French country hou...
bastile 15 11 a tower or an elevat...
basting 15 13 loose temporary stit...
bastion 13 11 a tower at the corne...
bastles 15 11 BASTLE, a fortified...
basucos 17 14 BASUCO, an low grade...
batable 16 14 debatable, disputabl...
batards 14 11 BATARD, a birchbark...
batatas 13 10 BATATA, an aborigina...
batavia 15 14 a variety of lettuce...
batboys 22 15 BATBOY, a boy who mi...
batched 19 16 BATCH, to collect to...
batcher 19 15 one who puts things...
batches 19 15 BATCH, to collect to...
bateaux 19 18 BATEAU, (French) a b...
batfish 19 15 a fish with wing-lik...
batfowl 20 17 to catch birds at ni...
batgirl 17 13 a girl who minds bas...
bathers 16 12 BATHER, one who bath...
bathing 17 15 the act of taking a...
bathmat 17 15 a mat used in bathro...
bathmic 21 18 relating to bathmism...
bathtub 19 16 a tub for bathing [n...
bathyal 23 15 pertaining to the zo...
batiked 15 15 BATIK, to produce ba...
batiste 14 10 (French) a fine fabr...
batlers 15 11 BATLER, a wooden mal...
batlets 15 11 BATLET, a wooden mal...
batlike 16 15 resembling a bat (a...
batoned 12 12 BATON, to strike wit...
batoons 12 11 BATOON, to strike wi...
batshit 17 12 completely mad or cr...
batsman 14 14 one who bats [n BATS...
batsmen 14 14 BATSMAN, one who bat...
batteau 13 11 a flat bottomed rive...
battels 15 11 BATTEL, to have an a...
battens 13 11 BATTEN, to fasten wi...
battero 13 10 (Shakespeare) a cudg...
batters 14 10 BATTER, to beat repe...
battery 20 12 a device for generat...
battier 14 10 BATTY, (colloquial)...
batties 14 10 BATTY, (West Indian...
battiks 16 14 BATTIK, an Indonesia...
battill 17 12 to make fertile, als...
battily 22 13 BATTY [adv]
batting 15 13 cottonwool prepared...
battled 15 12 BATTLE, to fight [v]
battler 15 11 one who battles [n -...
battles 15 11 BATTLE, to fight [v]
battues 14 11 BATTUE, (French) ind...
battuta 14 11 (Italian) the measur...
battuto 14 11 a selection of chopp...
batwing 18 16 as in batwing sleeve...
baubees 15 14 BAUBEE, (Scots) a ha...
baubles 17 15 BAUBLE, a cheap trin...
bauchle 20 17 to make shapeless, b...
baudric 18 15 a warrior's sword be...
baueras 13 11 BAUERA, a kind of ev...
bauking 16 18 BAUK, to refrain fro...
baulked 16 17 BAULK, to refrain fr...
baulker 16 16 one who baulks [n -S...
bausond 13 13 of animals, having w...
bauxite 20 18 an ore of aluminium,...
bavined 15 16 BAVIN, to tie brushw...
bawbees 18 16 BAWBEE, (Scots) a ha...
bawbles 20 17 BAWBLE, a cheap trin...
bawcock 24 23 (Shakespeare) a fine...
bawdier 17 14 BAWDY, obscene [adj]
bawdies 17 14 BAWDY, obscene langu...
bawdily 25 17 BAWDY, obscene [adv]
bawdkin 18 19 a rich embroidered m...
bawdric 21 17 a warrior's sword be...
bawlers 18 14 BAWLER, one who bawl...
bawleys 24 16 BAWLEY, in Essex and...
bawling 19 17 loud crying [n -S]
bawneen 14 15 (Irish) a white, clo...
bawsunt 17 15 having white marks,...
bawties 17 13 BAWTIE, (Scots) a do...
baxters 20 17 BAXTER, (obsolete) a...
bayamos 20 15 BAYAMO, a strong win...
bayards 20 13 BAYARD, a bay horse,...
bayonet 18 13 to stab with a dagge...
bayside 20 13 the shore of a bay [...
bayting 21 15 BAYT, (Spenser) to b...
baywood 22 16 a coarse mahogany [n...
baywops 25 18 BAYWOP, in Newfoundl...
bayyans 25 15 BAYYAN, an official...
bazaars 16 19 BAZAAR, an Eastern m...
bazooka 16 23 a small rocket launc...
bazooms 17 22 BAZOOM, a woman's br...
bazouki 18 24 a Greek stringed ins...
bazzing 21 31 BAZZ, to throw (as a...
beached 18 16 BEACH, to drive onto...
beaches 18 15 BEACH, to drive onto...
beacons 15 14 BEACON, to shine lik...
beaders 13 11 BEADER, one who make...
beadier 13 11 BEADY, resembling be...
beadily 21 14 BEADY, resembling be...
beading 14 14 decoration in the fo...
beadles 14 12 BEADLE, a minor pari...
beadman 13 15 one who prays for an...
beadmen 13 15 BEADMAN, one who pra...
beagled 15 14 BEAGLE, to hunt with...
beagler 15 13 one who hunts with b...
beagles 15 13 BEAGLE, to hunt with...
beakers 14 14 BEAKER, a large cup...
beakier 14 14 BEAKY, resembling a...
bealing 15 14 an infected sore, al...
beamers 14 13 BEAMER, a workman or...
beamier 14 13 BEAMY, radiant [adj]
beamily 22 16 radiantly [adv]
beaming 15 16 smiling broadly [adj...
beamish 17 15 radiant [adj BEAMISH...
beamlet 15 14 a small beam of ligh...
beanbag 15 16 a small cloth bag co...
beanery 18 13 a cheap restaurant [...
beanies 12 11 BEANIE, a small clos...
beaning 13 14 BEAN, to hit on the...
bearcat 16 13 the lesser panda [n...
bearded 13 12 BEARD, to oppose wit...
beardie 13 11 a fish, the bearded...
bearers 13 10 BEARER, one who bear...
bearhug 17 15 a firm embrace [n -S...
bearing 14 13 demeanour, carriage...
bearish 16 12 in the manner of a b...
bearpaw 18 16 the paw of a bear [n...
beasted 13 11 BEAST, to punish or...
beastie 13 10 a small beast [n -S]
beastly 21 13 resembling a beast [...
beatbox 21 20 to use a kind of dru...
beaters 13 10 BEATER, one who beat...
beathed 15 13 BEATH, (Spenser) to...
beatier 13 10 BEATY, of music, hav...
beatify 22 15 to make blessed [v B...
beating 14 13 a defeat [n -S]
beatnik 14 15 a bohemian or non-co...
beaufet 15 14 (obsolete) a sideboa...
beaufin 15 15 a red cooking apple...
beauish 16 13 like a beau, foppish...
beauter 13 11 BEAUT, beautiful [ad...
beavers 15 14 BEAVER, to work hard...
beavery 21 16 a place where beaver...
bebeeru 15 14 a tropical tree, aka...
beblood 16 15 to cover with blood...
bebungs 17 17 BEBUNG, a tremolo ef...
becalls 19 15 BECALL, to call name...
becalms 19 17 BECALM, to make calm...
becasse 16 13 (French) a woodcock...
because 16 14 for the reason that...
bechalk 21 20 to cover with chalk...
becharm 20 18 to enchant [v -ED, -...
beckets 18 17 BECKET, a loop of ro...
becking 19 20 BECK, to beckon [v]
beckons 17 18 BECKON, to indicate...
beclasp 20 17 to clasp, embrace [v...
becloak 18 18 to place a cloak on...
beclogs 19 16 BECLOG, to clog up [...
becloud 18 16 to make dim, cloud [...
beclown 20 18 to make ridiculous [...
becomes 17 16 BECOME, to come to b...
becrawl 21 17 to creep over [v -ED...
becrime 18 16 to make guility of a...
becrowd 20 17 to press closely tog...
becrust 18 14 to cover with a crus...
becurls 19 15 BECURL, to curl; to...
becurse 17 14 to put a curse on [v...
becurst 18 14 BECURSE, to put a cu...
bedamns 14 15 BEDAMN, to swear at...
bedaubs 16 15 BEDAUB, to cover wit...
bedawin 16 15 a nomadic Arab, also...
bedazed 16 21 BEDAZE, to daze thor...
bedazes 16 20 BEDAZE, to daze thor...
bedbath 18 16 the washing of a sic...
bedbugs 18 17 BEDBUG, a bloodsucki...
bedders 14 12 BEDDER, one that mak...
bedding 15 15 articles used in mak...
bedecks 18 18 BEDECK, to attire wi...
bedells 16 13 BEDELL, (obsolete) a...
bedeman 13 15 one who prays for an...
bedemen 13 15 BEDEMAN, one who pra...
bederal 14 12 (Scots) a beadle, al...
bedevil 17 16 to plague, torment [...
bedewed 16 15 BEDEW, to cover with...
bedfast 16 14 confined to bed [adj...
bedgown 17 17 a nightgown [n -S]
bedhead 15 14 the headboard of a b...
bedight 18 15 (archaic) to equip,...
bedirty 21 13 to make dirty [v BED...
bedizen 16 21 to dress gaudily [v...
bedlamp 18 18 a reading light near...
bedlams 16 15 BEDLAM, pandemonium...
bedless 15 12 without a bed [adj]
bedlike 16 16 resembling a bed [ad...
bedmate 14 14 one who shares a bed...
bedouin 13 13 a nomadic Arab, also...
bedpans 15 15 BEDPAN, a toilet pan...
bedpost 16 14 a post of a bed [n -...
bedrail 15 12 a rail that runs alo...
bedrals 15 12 BEDRAL, (Scots) a be...
bedrape 15 14 to cover with cloth...
bedrest 14 11 confinement to bed,...
bedrite 14 11 the privilege or due...
bedrock 18 18 the rock underlying...
bedroll 16 13 a portable roll of b...
bedroom 14 14 a room for sleeping...
bedrops 16 14 BEDROP, to sprinkle...
bedropt 16 14 sprinkled as with dr...
bedrugs 16 14 BEDRUG, to drug abun...
bedside 14 12 the side of a bed [n...
bedsits 15 11 BEDSIT, a one-room d...
bedsock 18 18 a sock for wear in b...
bedsore 13 11 a type of sore cause...
bedtick 19 18 a tick or bag made o...
bedtime 15 14 the time at which on...
beducks 19 19 BEDUCK, to plunge un...
beduins 14 13 BEDUIN, a nomadic Ar...
bedumbs 18 18 BEDUMB, to render sp...
bedunce 16 16 to make a dunce of [...
bedungs 15 15 BEDUNG, to cover wit...
bedusts 15 12 BEDUST, to cover wit...
bedward 17 15 towards bed [adv]
bedwarf 19 17 to make small by com...
beebees 14 13 BEEBEE, a pellet e.g...
beechen 17 16 relating to a beech...
beeches 18 15 BEECH, a common fore...
beedies 13 11 BEEDIE, a cheap thin...
beefalo 15 14 a cross between a co...
beefier 15 13 BEEFY, thickly built...
beefily 23 16 BEEFY, thickly built...
beefing 16 16 BEEF, to grumble [v]
beegahs 16 14 BEEGAH, an Indian la...
beehive 17 16 a hive for bees [n -...
beelike 15 15 resembling a bee [ad...
beeline 13 12 to head directly tow...
beenahs 14 13 BEENAH, a form of ma...
beentos 12 11 BEENTO, in West Afri...
beepers 15 13 BEEPER, a paging dev...
beeping 16 16 BEEP, to honk a horn...
beerage 13 12 the brewing industry...
beerier 13 10 BEERY, smelling of b...
beerily 21 13 BEERY, smelling of b...
beermat 14 13 a cardboard mat to p...
beernut 13 12 a peanut with a swee...
beesome 13 13 blind, also BISSON [...
beeswax 22 20 to polish with the w...
beetfly 23 16 a fly which attacks...
beeting 14 13 BEET, to improve or...
beetled 14 12 BEETLE, to jut out,...
beetler 14 11 an operator of a clo...
beetles 14 11 BEETLE, to jut out,...
beeyard 19 13 an apiary [n -S]
beezers 16 19 BEEZER, (Scots) some...
befalls 18 15 BEFALL, to happen or...
befanas 14 14 BEFANA, an Epiphany...
beffana 16 17 an Epiphany gift, al...
beflags 18 16 BEFLAG, to deck with...
befleas 16 14 BEFLEA, to infest wi...
befleck 21 21 to cover with flecks...
beflums 19 18 BEFLUM, (Scott) to b...
befoams 16 16 BEFOAM, to cover wit...
befools 16 14 BEFOOL, to fool; to...
befouls 17 15 BEFOUL, to make foul...
befrets 16 13 BEFRET, to gnaw [v]
begalls 17 14 BEGALL, to make sore...
begazed 17 22 BEGAZE, to look at f...
begazes 17 21 BEGAZE, to look at f...
beggars 16 14 BEGGAR, to impoveris...
beggary 22 16 extreme poverty [n B...
begging 17 17 the act of begging [...
beghard 17 15 in Flanders, a man l...
begifts 18 15 BEGIFT, to present w...
begilds 17 14 BEGILD, to gild [v]
beginne 13 14 (Spenser) a beginnin...
begirds 16 13 BEGIRD, (archaic) to...
beglads 16 14 BEGLAD, to make glad...
begloom 16 16 to make gloomy [v -E...
begnaws 17 16 BEGNAW, to gnaw [v]
begoing 15 15 BEGO, to beset [v]
begonia 13 13 a garden plant with...
begorah 16 14 (Irish) an interject...
begored 14 13 smeared with gore [a...
begorra 14 12 (Irish) an interject...
begrime 16 15 to soil with grime,...
begrims 17 15 BEGRIM, to soil with...
begroan 13 13 to groan at [v -ED,...
beguile 16 14 to deceive [v BEGUIL...
beguine 14 14 (French) a dance of...
beguins 15 14 BEGUIN, in Flanders,...
begulfs 19 17 BEGULF, to engulf [v...
begunks 16 18 BEGUNK, (Scots) to t...
behaved 17 17 BEHAVE, to act prope...
behaver 17 16 one who behaves [n -...
behaves 17 16 BEHAVE, to act prope...
beheads 15 13 BEHEAD, to cut off t...
behests 16 12 BEHEST, a command [n...
behight 20 16 to vow [v BEHIGHT or...
behinds 16 14 BEHIND, the buttocks...
beholds 17 14 BEHOLD, to view [v]
behoofs 17 15 BEHOOF, a benefit re...
behoove 16 16 to be fit, right or...
behotes 15 12 BEHOTE, to vow, prom...
behoved 17 17 BEHOVE, to be fit, r...
behoves 17 16 BEHOVE, to be fit, r...
behowls 20 16 BEHOWL, to howl at [...
beigels 16 13 BEIGEL, a hard ring-...
beigest 15 12 BEIGE, greyish buff...
beigier 15 12 BEIGY, relating to t...
beignes 14 13 BEIGNE, a fritter, a...
beignet 14 13 a fritter, a deep-fr...
beining 14 14 BEIN, to fill [v]
beinked 14 16 smeared with ink [ad...
bejaded 15 21 BEJADE, to tire out...
bejades 15 20 BEJADE, to tire out...
bejants 15 20 BEJANT, (Scots) a fr...
bejasus 16 20 an oath, by Jesus, a...
bejesus 16 20 a mild oath, also BE...
bejewel 19 23 to adorn with jewels...
beknave 15 19 to treat as a knave...
beknots 14 15 BEKNOT, to tie in kn...
beknown 16 19 (archaic) known [adj...
belabor 16 14 to buffet, beat, als...
belaced 17 15 BELACE, to adorn wit...
belaces 17 14 BELACE, to adorn wit...
belated 14 12 BELATE, (archaic) to...
belates 14 11 BELATE, (archaic) to...
belauds 15 13 BELAUD, to laud or p...
belayed 20 14 BELAY, to fasten a r...
belayer 20 13 one who belays [n -S...
belched 20 17 BELCH, to expel gas...
belcher 20 16 a kind of spotted ne...
belches 20 16 BELCH, to expel gas...
beldame 15 15 an old woman, esp. a...
beldams 16 15 BELDAM, an old woman...
beleaps 16 14 BELEAP, to leap upon...
beleapt 16 14 BELEAP, to leap upon...
belgard 16 14 (Spenser) a fair or...
beliefs 17 14 BELIEF, a conviction...
beliers 15 11 BELIER, one who beli...
believe 16 15 to accept as true [v...
bellboy 24 17 a pageboy in a hotel...
belleek 16 16 a thin translucent p...
bellhop 20 17 a pageboy in a hotel...
bellied 16 13 BELLY, to swell out...
bellies 16 12 BELLY, to swell out...
belling 17 15 a mock serenade for...
bellini 16 13 a cocktail consistin...
bellman 16 16 a watchman employed...
bellmen 16 16 BELLMAN, a watchman...
bellock 20 19 to shout [v -ED, -IN...
bellows 19 15 BELLOW, to roar like...
belongs 15 14 BELONG, to be a memb...
beloved 16 16 a person who is much...
beloves 16 15 BELOVE, (obsolete) t...
belters 15 11 BELTER, an impressiv...
belting 16 14 a thrashing [n -S]
beltman 15 15 a lifesaver with a l...
beltmen 15 15 BELTMAN, a lifesaver...
beltway 24 16 a highway round an u...
belugas 16 14 BELUGA, the white wh...
belying 22 16 BELIE, to misreprese...
bemadam 15 17 to call by the title...
bemauls 16 15 BEMAUL, (archaic) to...
bemazed 17 23 (archaic) stupefied,...
bemeans 13 14 BEMEAN, (archaic) to...
bemeant 13 14 BEMEAN, (archaic) to...
bemedal 15 15 (archaic) to decorat...
bemeted 14 14 BEMETE, (archaic) to...
bemetes 14 13 BEMETE, (archaic) to...
bemired 15 14 BEMIRE, (archaic) to...
bemires 15 13 BEMIRE, (archaic) to...
bemists 16 13 BEMIST, to envelop i...
bemixed 21 21 BEMIX, to mix well [...
bemixes 21 20 BEMIX, to mix well [...
bemoans 13 14 BEMOAN, to lament [v...
bemocks 19 20 BEMOCK, (archaic) to...
bemoils 16 14 BEMOIL, (Shakespeare...
bemouth 17 16 (archaic) to mouth a...
bemused 15 15 BEMUSE, to confuse [...
bemuses 15 14 BEMUSE, to confuse [...
benamed 13 15 BENAME, to name, men...
benames 13 14 BENAME, to name, men...
benched 18 17 BENCH, to provide wi...
bencher 18 16 a senior member of a...
benches 18 16 BENCH, to provide wi...
bendays 19 14 BENDAY, to reproduce...
bendees 12 12 BENDEE, a heraldic f...
benders 13 12 BENDER, a drunken sp...
bendier 13 12 BENDY, full of bends...
bending 14 15 the act of bending [...
bendlet 14 13 in heraldry, a narro...
beneath 14 13 under, also ANEATH,...
benefic 18 17 of, having, or exert...
benefit 15 14 to obtain an advanta...
benempt 16 17 BENAME, to name, men...
benight 17 15 to be overtaken by n...
benison 12 12 a blessing, a benedi...
bennets 12 12 BENNET, a dry grass...
bennies 12 12 BENNY, (slang) an ov...
benomyl 21 17 a pesticide and fung...
benthal 16 14 living on the sea bo...
benthic 19 16 living on the sea bo...
benthon 14 14 the flora and fauna...
benthos 15 13 the flora and fauna...
bentier 13 11 BENTY, like wiry gra...
benumbs 17 18 BENUMB, to make numb...
benzals 17 21 BENZAL, a radical in...
benzene 14 21 a solvent distilled...
benzils 18 21 BENZIL, a hydrocarbo...
benzine 15 21 a mixture of hydroca...
benzins 16 21 BENZIN, a solvent di...
benzoic 19 23 relating to benzoin,...
benzoin 15 21 a fragrant aromatic...
benzole 16 21 crude benzene, used...
benzols 17 21 BENZOL, a crude form...
benzoyl 23 23 a compound radical,...
benzyls 24 23 BENZYL, a compound r...
bepaint 15 14 (archaic) to paint o...
bepearl 16 14 to cover with pearls...
bepelts 17 14 BEPELT, to pelt hard...
beprose 15 13 to reduce to prose [...
bepuffs 21 20 BEPUFF, (archaic) to...
bequest 22 20 a legacy [n -S]
beraked 14 15 BERAKE, to rake all...
berakes 14 14 BERAKE, to rake all...
berated 13 11 BERATE, to scold sev...
berates 13 10 BERATE, to scold sev...
berayed 19 13 BERAY, (obsolete) to...
berbere 15 13 an Ethiopian hot pas...
berbers 16 13 BERBER, a type of ca...
berbice 19 16 as in berbice chair,...
berceau 16 14 a cradle, a covered...
berdash 16 13 an American Indian t...
bereave 14 14 to deprive esp. by d...
beretta 13 10 a square cap worn by...
bergali 16 13 a fish of the wrasse...
bergama 15 15 a type of rug [n -S]
bergens 14 13 BERGEN, a type of la...
bergere 14 12 a type of easy chair...
bergylt 23 15 (Norwegian) the Norw...
berhyme 23 17 to compose in rhyme,...
berimed 15 14 BERIME, to compose i...
berimes 15 13 BERIME, to compose i...
berleys 21 13 BERLEY, (Australian)...
berline 14 12 an old four-wheeled...
berlins 15 12 BERLIN, an old four-...
berming 16 16 BERM, to provide a b...
berobed 15 14 wearing a robe [adj]
berrets 14 10 BERRET, a round clos...
berried 14 11 BERRY, to collect be...
berries 14 10 BERRY, to collect be...
berseem 14 13 a Mediterranean clov...
berserk 15 14 out of control [adj...
berthas 16 12 BERTHA, a woman's de...
berthed 16 13 BERTH, to moor a shi...
berthes 16 12 BERTHE, a woman's de...
besaint 13 11 to make a saint of [...
bescour 17 14 to scour thoroughly...
beseech 18 15 to implore, also BES...
beseeke 13 14 (Spenser) to entreat...
beseems 14 13 BESEEM, to be becomi...
beshame 16 15 (archaic) to put to...
beshine 15 13 (archaic) to light u...
beshone 14 13 BESHINE, (archaic) t...
beshout 16 13 to shout at [v -ED,...
beshrew 19 15 (archaic) to wish ev...
besides 14 11 in addition [adv]
besiege 14 12 to attack and surrou...
besighs 18 14 BESIGH, (archaic) to...
besings 15 13 BESING, (archaic) to...
beslave 16 15 to make a slave of [...
beslime 16 14 to cover with slime...
besmear 14 13 to smear, bedaub [v...
besmile 16 14 to smile on [v BESMI...
besmoke 15 17 to pollute with smok...
besmuts 16 14 BESMUT, to blacken w...
besnows 16 14 BESNOW, to cover wit...
besoins 13 11 BESOIN, (French) nee...
besomed 14 14 BESOM, to sweep with...
besorts 14 10 BESORT, (Shakespeare...
bespake 16 17 BESPEAK, to request...
bespate 15 13 BESPIT, to spit upon...
bespeak 16 17 to request in advanc...
bespeed 15 14 to help on [v BESPED...
bespice 19 16 (Shakespeare) to sea...
bespits 17 13 BESPIT, to spit upon...
bespoke 16 17 BESPEAK, to request...
besport 16 13 to sport, play [v -E...
bespots 16 13 BESPOT, to cover wit...
bespout 16 14 to spout over [v -ED...
bestain 13 11 to stain all over [v...
bestars 14 10 BESTAR, to cover wit...
bestead 13 11 (archaic) to help, r...
bestial 15 11 animallike [adj BEST...
bestick 19 17 to stick over, as wi...
besties 14 10 BESTIE, (slang) one'...
bestill 17 12 (archaic) to make st...
besting 15 13 BEST, to outdo [v]
bestirs 15 10 BESTIR, to rouse to...
bestorm 15 13 to assail with storm...
bestows 17 13 BESTOW, to present a...
bestrew 17 13 to strew, scatter [v...
bestrid 15 11 BESTRIDE, to stride...
bestrow 17 13 to strew, scatter, a...
bestuck 19 18 BESTICK, to stick ov...
bestuds 15 12 BESTUD, to adorn wit...
beswarm 18 16 to swarm all over [v...
betaine 12 11 a crystalline, sweet...
betaken 13 15 BETAKE, to take ones...
betakes 14 14 BETAKE, to take ones...
betaxed 19 18 burdened with taxes...
beteeme 13 13 (Spenser) to grant,...
beteems 14 13 BETEEM, (Spenser) to...
bethank 16 17 to ply with thanks [...
bethels 17 13 BETHEL, a place of w...
bethink 17 17 to call to mind [v B...
bethorn 15 13 to fill with thorns...
bethumb 20 19 to wear or soil with...
bethump 20 19 to thump soundly [v...
betided 14 12 BETIDE, to befall, h...
betides 14 11 BETIDE, to befall, h...
betight 18 14 BETIDE, to befall, h...
betimed 15 14 BETIME, (Shakespeare...
betimes 15 13 BETIME, (Shakespeare...
betises 14 10 BETISE, (French) stu...
betitle 15 11 to furnish with a ti...
betoils 15 11 BETOIL, to weary wit...
betoken 13 15 to signify [v -ED, -...
betrays 20 12 BETRAY, to disclose...
betread 13 11 to walk upon [v BETR...
betrims 16 13 BETRIM, to deck with...
betroth 16 12 to engage to marry [...
betters 14 10 BETTER, to improve [...
betties 14 10 BETTY, a burglar's t...
betting 15 13 the act of placing a...
bettong 14 13 an Australian rat ka...
bettors 14 10 BETTOR, one who bets...
between 15 14 a needle of middling...
betwixt 24 20 between [prep]
beurres 14 11 BEURRE, a pear with...
beveled 16 16 BEVEL, to cut at an...
beveler 16 15 one who bevels, also...
bevered 15 15 BEVER, to snack [v]
bevomit 17 17 to vomit all over [v...
bevvied 18 19 BEVVY, to engage in...
bevvies 18 18 BEVVY, to engage in...
bewails 18 14 BEWAIL, to lament [v...
bewared 16 14 BEWARE, to be on one...
bewares 16 13 BEWARE, to be on one...
beweary 22 15 to make weary [v BEW...
beweeps 18 16 BEWEEP, to weep over...
bewhore 18 15 to call someone a wh...
bewitch 23 18 to affect by wichcra...
beworms 18 16 BEWORM, to cover wit...
beworry 23 15 to worry [v BEWORRIE...
bewraps 19 16 BEWRAP, to wrap comp...
bewrapt 19 16 BEWRAP, to wrap comp...
bewrays 23 15 BEWRAY, (archaic) to...
beylics 25 16 BEYLIC, the domain o...
beyliks 23 17 BEYLIK, the domain o...
beyonds 19 14 BEYOND, the unknown,...
bezants 16 20 BEZANT, a gold coin...
bezique 25 29 a card game played w...
bezoars 16 19 BEZOAR, a concretion...
bezzant 19 29 a gold coin first st...
bezzies 20 28 BEZZIE, a person's b...
bezzled 21 30 BEZZLE, to drink har...
bezzles 21 29 BEZZLE, to drink har...
bhagees 16 14 BHAGEE, in Indian co...
bhajans 17 22 BHAJAN, a Hindu reli...
bhajees 17 21 BHAJEE, in Indian co...
bhaktas 17 16 BHAKTA, (Sanskrit) d...
bhaktis 18 16 BHAKTI, (Sanskrit) d...
bhangra 16 15 a combination of tra...
bharals 17 13 BHARAL, a blue Himal...
bhavans 17 17 BHAVAN, (India) a la...
bhawans 18 16 BHAWAN, (India) a la...
bheesty 22 14 an Indian water carr...
bhikhus 21 19 BHIKHU, (Pali) a ful...
bhindis 17 14 BHINDI, (Hindi) the...
bhishti 20 14 an Indian water carr...
bhistee 16 12 an Indian water carr...
bhistie 17 12 an Indian water carr...
bhistis 18 12 BHISTI, an Indian wa...
bhoonas 14 13 BHOONA, a dish saute...
biaches 19 15 BIACH, (slang) a bit...
bialies 15 11 BIALY, an onion roll...
biasing 15 13 the act of making a...
biassed 14 11 BIAS, to cause to in...
biasses 14 10 BIAS, to cause to in...
biaxial 21 18 having two axes, als...
bibasic 20 16 of acids, having two...
bibbers 19 16 BIBBER, a tippler [n...
bibbery 25 18 the act of tippling...
bibbing 20 19 the act of imbibing...
bibbles 20 17 BIBBLE, (English dia...
bibcock 24 23 a tap with a downtur...
bibelot 17 14 (French) a small hou...
bibfuls 21 18 BIBFUL, as in to spi...
bibless 18 14 not wearing a bib [a...
biblike 19 18 resembling a bib [ad...
biblist 19 14 one skilled in bibli...
bicarbs 20 16 BICARB, (short for)...
biccies 21 16 BICCY, (slang) biscu...
bichirs 21 15 BICHIR, any of vario...
bichord 20 16 of a musical instrum...
bickers 19 17 BICKER, to squabble...
bickies 19 17 BICKIE, (colloquial)...
bicolor 18 14 something having two...
bicorne 16 14 a hat with two corne...
bicorns 17 14 BICORN, a hat with t...
bicrons 17 14 BICRON, one billiont...
bicycle 28 19 to ride a two-wheele...
bidarka 15 15 (Russian) an Alaskan...
bidders 15 12 BIDDER, one who bids...
biddies 15 12 BIDDY, a chicken or...
bidding 16 15 a command [n -S]
bidents 14 12 BIDENT, a two-pronge...
bidings 16 14 BIDING, a residence...
bielded 15 13 BIELD, (Scots) to gi...
biennia 12 12 BIENNIUM, a period o...
bifaces 19 16 BIFACE, a type of pr...
biffers 19 16 BIFFER, in sports, s...
biffies 19 16 BIFFY, (US) an outdo...
biffing 20 19 BIFF, to strike hard...
biffins 19 17 BIFFIN, a variety of...
bifidly 25 17 in the manner of a b...
bifidum 19 18 a bacterium often ad...
bifidus 18 15 a genus of anaerobic...
bifilar 18 14 having two threads [...
bifocal 20 17 having two focal poi...
bifolds 18 15 BIFOLD, a two-piece...
biftahs 19 15 BIFTAH, (slang) a ca...
bifters 17 13 BIFTER, (slang) a ca...
bigener 14 13 a hybrid between gen...
bigeyes 21 14 BIGEYE, a kind of ma...
bigfeet 17 15 BIGFOOT, a large hai...
bigfoot 17 15 a large hairy primat...
biggest 17 14 BIG, of large size [...
biggety 23 16 conceited [adj]
biggies 17 14 BIGGY, a biggish thi...
bigging 18 17 (Scots) a building [...
biggins 17 15 BIGGIN, a child's ca...
biggish 20 16 somewhat big [adj]
biggity 24 16 conceited, also BIGG...
biggons 16 15 BIGGON, a child's ca...
bighead 17 15 a conceited person [...
bighorn 17 15 a kind of wild sheep...
bighted 18 15 BIGHT, to fasten wit...
bigness 15 13 the state of being b...
bigoses 15 12 BIGOS, a kind of Pol...
bigoted 15 13 like a bigot, intole...
bigotry 22 14 prejudice [n BIGOTRI...
bigtime 17 15 significant, reknown...
biguine 15 14 (French) a dance of...
bigwigs 21 17 BIGWIG, a important...
bijural 18 21 pertaining to a sing...
bikeway 24 19 (US) a route set asi...
bikings 17 17 BIKING, the act of r...
bikinis 16 15 BIKINI, a brief two-...
bikkies 17 18 BIKKIE, (slang) a bi...
bilayer 21 13 a film with two mole...
bilbies 18 14 BILBY, a burrowing m...
bilboas 17 14 BILBOA, a rapier, al...
bilboes 17 14 BILBO, a rapier, als...
bilevel 18 16 of an image, showing...
bilgier 17 13 BILGY, having the sm...
bilging 18 16 BILGE, to spring a l...
bilians 15 12 BILIAN, a heavy ant-...
biliary 22 13 infectious canine ja...
bilimbi 20 17 an East Indian tree...
bilious 16 12 pertaining to bile;...
bilkers 17 15 BILKER, one who bilk...
bilking 18 18 BILK, to avoid payin...
billbug 21 18 a weevil or curculio...
billers 17 12 BILLER, one who bill...
billets 17 12 BILLET, to accomodat...
billies 17 12 BILLY, (Australian s...
billing 18 15 the relative positio...
billion 16 13 a thousand million [...
billman 17 16 one who uses, or is...
billmen 17 16 BILLMAN, one who use...
billons 16 13 BILLON, base metal,...
billows 20 15 BILLOW, to swell up...
billowy 26 17 swelling [adj BILLOW...
billyoh 25 16 in the phrase "like...
billyos 23 14 BILLYO, in the phras...
bilobar 17 14 having two lobes [ad...
bilobed 17 15 having two lobes [ad...
bilsted 16 12 a North American tre...
biltong 16 14 (Afrikaans) a kind o...
bimanal 15 15 two-handed, also BIM...
bimboes 17 16 BIMBO, a woman who i...
bimetal 16 14 something composed o...
biminis 16 14 BIMINI, a kind of aw...
bimodal 16 15 in statistics, havin...
bimorph 20 18 a device consisting...
binders 14 12 BINDER, one who bind...
bindery 20 14 a place where books...
bindhis 17 14 BINDHI, (Hindi) a do...
binding 15 15 obligatory [adj BIND...
bindles 15 13 BINDLE, the bundle i...
bingers 15 13 BINGER, someone who...
binghis 18 15 BINGHI, (Australian...
bingies 15 13 BINGY, (Australian s...
binging 16 16 the act of indulging...
bingled 16 15 BINGLE, to style the...
bingles 16 14 BINGLE, to style the...
bingoed 14 14 BINGO, to play all s...
bingoes 14 13 BINGO, a lottery-typ...
binious 14 12 BINIOU, a small Bret...
binning 14 15 BIN, to store in a l...
binocle 17 15 (French) a telescope...
biobank 16 18 any large store of h...
biochip 22 18 a computer logic cir...
biocide 17 14 a substance that kil...
biodata 13 11 biographical informa...
biodots 14 11 BIODOT, a temperatur...
biofact 19 16 an item of biologica...
biofilm 19 17 a thin layer of micr...
biofuel 17 15 a fuel (as wood or e...
biogens 14 13 BIOGEN, a hypothetic...
biogeny 20 15 the development of l...
bioherm 17 15 a mound of material...
biology 22 15 the science of life...
biomass 15 13 the total mass of li...
bionics 17 14 the study of the rep...
bionomy 20 16 physiology [n BIONOM...
biontic 17 14 of or like a biont,...
biophor 18 15 a hypothetical unit...
biopics 20 16 BIOPIC, a film telli...
bioplay 23 16 a play based on the...
biopsic 20 16 relating to a biopsy...
bioptic 20 16 relating to biopsy [...
biotech 19 15 applied biological s...
biotics 18 13 the science of livin...
biotins 14 11 BIOTIN, a growth-pro...
biotite 14 10 mica containing iron...
biotope 15 13 an area having unifo...
biotron 13 11 a climate control ch...
biotype 22 15 a distinct sub-group...
bipacks 21 20 BIPACK, a pair of fi...
biparty 23 15 of two parties [adj]
bipedal 17 15 having two feet [adj...
biplane 16 15 a plane with two set...
bipolar 17 14 having two poles [ad...
biprism 19 16 a prism having a hig...
birched 20 16 BIRCH, to flog [v]
birchen 19 16 made of birch [adj]
birches 20 15 BIRCH, to flog [v]
birchir 21 15 any of various primi...
birddog 16 14 to follow closely [v...
birders 15 11 BIRDER, a birdwatchi...
birdied 15 12 BIRDIE, to score one...
birdies 15 11 BIRDIE, to score one...
birding 16 14 the occupation of ca...
birdman 15 15 a fowler or birdcatc...
birdmen 15 15 BIRDMAN, a fowler or...
biremes 15 13 BIREME, an ancient g...
biretta 14 10 a square cap worn by...
biriani 14 11 a spicy rice dish, a...
birkier 16 14 BIRKIE, (Scots) acti...
birkies 16 14 BIRKIE, a lively or...
birlers 16 11 BIRLER, one who birl...
birling 17 14 a lumberjack game in...
birlinn 15 13 a Gaelic chief's bar...
birring 16 13 BIRR, to make a whir...
birsier 15 10 BIRSY, (Scots) brist...
birsing 16 13 BIRSE, to bruise [v]
birsled 16 12 BIRSLE, to scorch, t...
birsles 16 11 BIRSLE, to scorch, t...
birthed 17 13 BIRTH, to originate...
birther 17 12 a person who believe...
biryani 20 13 a spicy rice dish, a...
biscuit 19 14 a small, thin, crisp...
bisects 18 13 BISECT, to divide in...
bishops 19 15 BISHOP, to fill, or...
bismars 16 13 BISMAR, (Old Norse)...
bismuth 19 16 a brittle reddish-wh...
bisnaga 14 13 a type of cactus, al...
bisques 23 20 BISQUE, (French) a r...
bissons 14 11 BISSON, to cause to...
bistate 14 10 pertaining to two st...
bisters 15 10 BISTER, a pigment of...
bistort 15 10 a plant of the dock...
bistred 15 11 painted with bistre,...
bistres 15 10 BISTRE, a pigment of...
bistros 15 10 BISTRO, a small bar...
bitable 17 14 capable of being bit...
bitched 20 16 BITCH, to complain [...
bitchen 19 16 (slang) marvellous [...
bitches 20 15 BITCH, to complain [...
bitcoin 17 14 a unit of digital cu...
bitings 16 13 BITING, the act of b...
bitless 16 11 not having a bit or...
bitmaps 18 16 BITMAP, to produce a...
bitonal 14 12 using two musical ke...
bitsers 15 10 BITSER, (Australian...
bitsier 15 10 BITSY, small and att...
bittern 14 11 a wading bird, also...
bitters 15 10 BITTER, to make rese...
bittier 15 10 BITTY, fragmented [a...
bitties 15 10 BITTIE, (Scots) a sm...
bittily 23 13 BITTY [adv]
bitting 16 13 an indentation of a...
bittock 19 17 (Scots) a small bit...
bittors 15 10 BITTOR, (Spenser) th...
bittour 15 11 (Spenser) the bitter...
bitturs 16 11 BITTUR, (Spenser) th...
bitumed 16 15 (Shakespeare) impreg...
bitumen 15 15 (Latin) naturally oc...
bitwise 18 13 designating an opera...
bivalve 19 19 a mollusc having a s...
bivinyl 24 18 a flammable gas used...
bivious 17 15 (obsolete) offering...
bivouac 19 18 to spend the night i...
bivvied 19 19 BIVVY, to bivouac, t...
bivvies 19 18 BIVVY, to bivouac, t...
bizarre 17 19 strange [adj BIZARRE...
bizarro 17 19 one that is striking...
biznaga 17 22 a type of cactus, al...
bizonal 17 21 pertaining to a zone...
bizones 16 20 BIZONE, a country fo...
bizzies 21 28 BIZZY, a policeman [...
blabbed 19 18 BLAB, to tell tales...
blabber 19 17 to reveal secrets [v...
blacked 19 19 BLACK, to blacken [v...
blacken 18 19 to make black, to de...
blacker 19 18 BLACK, being of the...
blackly 27 21 BLACK, being of the...
bladded 15 14 BLAD, (Scots) to str...
bladder 15 13 a saclike receptacle...
bladers 15 12 BLADER, a person ska...
bladier 15 12 BLADY, as in blady g...
blading 16 15 the act of skating o...
blaffed 19 18 BLAFF, to bark [v]
blagged 17 16 BLAG, to rob, steal...
blagger 17 15 one who blags, a thi...
blaguer 16 14 one who talks preten...
blagues 16 14 BLAGUE, (French) hum...
blahest 17 13 BLAH, dull, insipid...
blahing 18 16 BLAH, to talk stupid...
blamers 16 14 BLAMER, one who blam...
blaming 17 17 BLAME, to find fault...
blammed 17 18 BLAM, to make a soun...
blancos 17 15 BLANCO, to whiten wi...
blanded 14 14 BLAND, to become bla...
blander 14 13 BLAND, neutral-tasti...
blandly 22 16 BLAND, neutral-tasti...
blanked 15 17 BLANK, to delete [v]
blanker 15 16 BLANK, empty [adj]
blanket 15 16 to cover uniformly [...
blankie 15 16 a child's blanket, a...
blankly 23 19 BLANK, empty [adv]
blaring 16 14 BLARE, to sound loud...
blarney 20 14 to cajole, flatter [...
blarted 15 12 BLART, to shout loud...
blashed 17 14 BLASH, to splash [v]
blashes 17 13 BLASH [n]
blasted 15 12 BLAST, to use explos...
blaster 15 11 one who blasts [n -S...
blastie 15 11 a dwarf [n -S]
blatant 14 12 offensively obvious,...
blatest 15 11 BLATE, (Scots) timid...
blather 17 13 to talk foolishly [v...
blating 16 14 BLATE, to babble [v]
blatted 15 12 BLAT, to bleat, cry...
blatter 15 11 (Scots) to beat like...
blaubok 18 19 (Afrikaans) the blue...
blauded 15 14 BLAUD, to strike, di...
blawing 19 17 BLAW, (Scots) to blo...
blawort 18 14 (Scots) the harebell...
blazars 18 20 BLAZAR, a type of ac...
blazers 18 20 BLAZER, a light jack...
blazing 19 23 BLAZE, to burn with...
blazons 17 21 BLAZON, to read such...
bleaker 15 15 BLEAK, dull and chee...
bleakly 23 18 BLEAK, dull and chee...
bleared 14 12 BLEAR, to make blear...
blearer 14 11 BLEAR, of the eyes,...
bleated 14 12 BLEAT, to cry like a...
bleater 14 11 (colloquial) a compl...
bleeder 14 12 one who bleeds [n -S...
bleeped 16 15 BLEEP, to emit a sho...
bleeper 16 14 a device that bleeps...
blellum 19 17 (Scots) an idle bori...
blemish 19 16 to mar [v -ED, -ING,...
blended 14 14 BLEND, to mix togeth...
blender 14 13 one that blends [n -...
blendes 14 13 BLENDE, (German) a z...
blesbok 18 18 (Afrikaans) a South...
blessed 15 12 holy [adj BLESSEDER,...
blesser 15 11 one who blesses [n -...
blesses 15 11 BLESS, to sanctify [...
blether 17 13 to talk nonsense [v...
bletted 15 12 BLET, to decay like...
blewart 18 14 (Scots) the harebell...
blewits 19 14 a woodland fungus, a...
blights 20 15 BLIGHT, to cause dec...
blighty 26 17 a soldier's wound th...
bliksem 18 18 (South Africa) of su...
blimped 19 18 BLIMP, to swell out...
blinded 15 14 BLIND, to make sight...
blinder 15 13 a thing that blinds...
blindly 23 16 BLIND, sightless [ad...
blinged 16 15 BLING, to adopt a fl...
blinger 16 14 BLING, flashy [adj]
blinked 16 17 BLINK, to open and s...
blinker 16 16 a leather flap to pr...
blinned 14 14 BLIN, (Spenser) to c...
blintze 18 21 (Yiddish) a thin fil...
blipped 20 18 BLIP, to remove soun...
blissed 16 12 BLISS, to experience...
blisses 16 11 BLISS, to experience...
blister 16 11 to cause fluid fille...
blither 18 13 to talk loquacious n...
blitted 16 12 BLIT, to transfer a...
blitter 16 11 a chip or system tha...
blitzed 19 21 BLITZ, to wage a bom...
blitzer 19 20 one who blitzes [n -...
blitzes 19 20 BLITZ, to wage a bom...
bloated 14 12 BLOAT, to swell [v]
bloater 14 11 a smoked herring [n...
blobbed 19 18 BLOB, to form into a...
blocked 19 19 BLOCK, to obstruct [...
blocker 19 18 one that blocks [n -...
blockie 19 18 (Australian slang) t...
blogged 17 16 BLOG, to keep a pers...
blogger 17 15 one who maintains a...
blokart 16 15 a land vehicle with...
blokier 16 15 BLOKEY, like one of...
blokish 19 17 like one of the blok...
blonder 14 13 BLOND, light coloure...
blondes 14 13 BLONDE, someone (fem...
blooded 14 13 BLOOD, to stain with...
bloomed 15 15 BLOOM, to bear flowe...
bloomer 15 14 a large loaf with a...
blooped 16 15 BLOOP, in baseball,...
blooper 16 14 a public blunder [n...
bloosme 15 14 (Spenser) to bloom [...
blossom 16 14 to flourish and pros...
blotchy 27 18 covered with blotche...
blotted 15 12 BLOT, to spot or sta...
blotter 15 11 a piece of ink-absor...
bloubok 18 19 (Afrikaans) the blue...
bloused 15 13 BLOUSE, to puff out...
blouses 15 12 BLOUSE, to puff out...
blouson 14 13 (French) a loose out...
blowbys 27 19 BLOWBY, leakage of e...
blowers 18 14 BLOWER, something or...
blowfly 28 20 a type of fly [n BLO...
blowgun 19 18 a long straight tube...
blowier 18 14 BLOWY, windy, gusty...
blowies 18 14 BLOWIE, (Australian...
blowing 19 17 the act of blowing,...
blowjob 22 26 oral sex, fellatio [...
blowoff 22 20 the expelling of gas...
blowout 18 15 an irregular depress...
blowsed 18 15 blowsy, red-faced, a...
blowses 18 14 BLOWSE, a ruddy, fat...
blowups 21 18 BLOWUP, an enlargeme...
blowzed 21 24 blowsy, red-faced, a...
blowzes 21 23 BLOWZE, a ruddy, fat...
blubbed 20 19 BLUB, to weep [v]
blubber 20 18 to weep effusively [...
blucher 21 17 (German) a leather h...
bludged 17 16 BLUDGE, (Australian...
bludger 17 15 (Australian slang) a...
bludges 17 15 BLUDGE, (Australian...
bludier 16 13 BLUDY, stained with...
bluecap 20 18 a one-year salmon, w...
bluefin 17 16 a species of whitefi...
bluegum 18 18 any of several speci...
blueing 16 15 the process of impar...
blueish 18 14 somewhat blue [adj]
bluejay 23 23 a North American bir...
bluetit 16 12 a small bird of the...
bluette 15 12 (French) a spark, a...
bluffed 20 19 BLUFF, to deceive [v...
bluffer 20 18 one that bluffs [n -...
bluffly 28 21 BLUFF, rough and hea...
bluiest 16 12 BLUEY, somewhat blue...
bluings 17 15 BLUING, the process...
bluming 18 18 BLUME, to blossom [v...
blunder 15 14 to make a mistake [v...
blunged 16 16 BLUNGE, to mix clay...
blunger 16 15 a machine or person...
blunges 16 15 BLUNGE, to mix clay...
blunked 16 18 BLUNK, (Scots) to sp...
blunker 16 17 (Scots) a bungler [n...
blunted 15 14 BLUNT, to make blunt...
blunter 15 13 BLUNT, not sharp or...
bluntly 23 16 BLUNT, not sharp or...
blurbed 18 16 BLURB, to praise in...
blurred 16 13 BLUR, to make indist...
blurted 16 13 BLURT, to utter unad...
blurter 16 12 one who blurts [n -S...
blushed 18 15 BLUSH, to become red...
blusher 18 14 one who blushes [n -...
blushes 18 14 BLUSH, to become red...
blushet 18 14 a modest, blushing g...
bluster 16 12 to blow violently [v...
boaking 15 17 BOAK, to belch, vomi...
boarded 13 12 BOARD, to supply foo...
boarder 13 11 one that boards [n -...
boarish 16 12 swinish; brutal [adj...
boasted 13 11 BOAST, to brag [v]
boaster 13 10 one that boasts [n -...
boatels 14 11 BOATEL, a waterside...
boaters 13 10 BOATER, a kind of st...
boatful 17 15 as much as a boat ca...
boaties 13 10 BOATIE, (slang) a ro...
boating 14 13 the sport of travell...
boatman 13 14 a man who works on a...
boatmen 13 14 BOATMAN, a man who w...
bobbers 18 16 BOBBER, a bobsleigh...
bobbery 24 18 a noisy row [n BOBBE...
bobbies 18 16 BOBBY, (slang) a pol...
bobbing 19 19 BOB, to move quickly...
bobbins 18 17 BOBBIN, a thread hol...
bobbish 21 18 in good spirits [adj...
bobbitt 19 16 to cut off the penis...
bobbled 19 18 BOBBLE, to bob rapid...
bobbles 19 17 BOBBLE, to bob rapid...
bobcats 19 16 BOBCAT, a short-tail...
bobeche 20 18 a circular wax catch...
boblets 17 14 BOBLET, a two-man bo...
bobotie 15 13 (South Africa) curri...
bobsled 17 15 to ride on a racing...
bobstay 22 15 a rope used on ships...
bobtail 17 14 an animal (as a hors...
bobwigs 21 18 BOBWIG, a wig with s...
bocages 17 15 BOCAGE, (French) a d...
boccias 20 16 BOCCIA, an Italian b...
boccies 20 16 BOCCIE, an Italian b...
bockedy 24 20 of a structure such...
bocking 19 20 BOCK, to belch, also...
bodachs 19 16 BODACH, (Gaelic) an...
boddles 15 13 BODDLE, a former Sco...
bodeful 17 16 boding [adj]
bodegas 14 13 BODEGA, (Spanish) a...
bodgers 15 13 BODGER, a maker of b...
bodgier 15 13 BODGIE, fake [adj]
bodgies 15 13 BODGIE, an Australia...
bodging 16 16 BODGE, to patch up [...
bodhran 15 14 (Irish) a shallow on...
bodices 17 14 BODICE, a woman's st...
bodikin 15 16 a diminutive of body...
bodings 15 14 BODING, an omen [n]
bodkins 15 16 BODKIN, a dagger, st...
bodrags 15 13 BODRAG, a hostile at...
bodying 21 16 BODY, to give form t...
bodyman 20 17 one who repairs auto...
bodymen 20 17 BODYMAN, one who rep...
boerbul 17 15 (South Africa) a mas...
boffing 19 19 BOFF, to hit, strike...
boffins 18 17 BOFFIN, a scientific...
boffiny 24 19 like a boffin, a sci...
boffola 18 17 a hearty laugh, also...
bogarts 15 12 BOGART, to monopolis...
bogbean 15 16 a marsh plant of the...
bogeyed 20 15 BOGEY, to shoot one...
boggard 16 15 a spectre or goblin,...
boggart 16 14 a spectre or goblin,...
boggers 16 14 BOGGER, (Australian...
boggier 16 14 BOGGY, like a bog [a...
bogging 17 17 BOG, to sink into a...
boggish 19 16 boggy [adj]
boggled 17 16 BOGGLE, to baffle, o...
boggler 17 15 one who boggles or h...
boggles 17 15 BOGGLE, to baffle, o...
boghead 16 15 as in boghead coal,...
boghole 17 15 a natural hole in th...
bogland 15 15 marshland [n -S]
bogling 17 16 BOGLE, to perform th...
bogoaks 15 16 BOGOAK, trunks of oa...
bogongs 15 15 BOGONG, (Native Aust...
bogusly 23 16 BOGUS, not genuine,...
bogwood 17 16 the wood of trees, e...
bogyism 23 17 belief in bogies, al...
bogyman 21 18 a terrifying creatur...
bogymen 21 18 BOGYMAN, a terrifyin...
bohemia 16 15 a community of bohem...
bohrium 18 16 a radioactive elemen...
bohunks 17 18 BOHUNK, (US slang) a...
boilers 15 11 BOILER, a vessel for...
boilery 21 13 a place and apparatu...
boiling 16 14 at boiling point; ve...
boiloff 19 17 the removal of impur...
boinged 14 14 BOING, to reverberat...
boinked 14 16 BOINK, to reverberat...
bokkens 15 19 BOKKEN, (Japanese) a...
bolases 14 11 BOLAS, (Spanish) a S...
boldens 14 13 BOLDEN, (obsolete) t...
boldest 15 12 BOLD, brave, daring...
bolding 16 15 BOLD, to make type b...
boleros 14 11 BOLERO, (Spanish) a...
boletes 14 11 BOLETE, any fungus o...
boletus 15 12 a genus of fungi wit...
bolides 15 12 BOLIDE, a large mete...
bolines 14 12 BOLINE, in wicca, a...
bolivar 17 15 the monetary unit of...
bolivia 17 15 a soft fabric [n -S]
bolixed 21 19 BOLIX, to make a mes...
bolixes 21 18 BOLIX, to make a mes...
bollard 16 13 a post of metal or w...
bolling 17 15 BOLL, to form pods [...
bollock 20 19 to reprimand severel...
bologna 14 14 a seasoned sausage,...
boloney 19 14 deceptive talk, nons...
bolshie 17 13 a Bolshevik [n -S] /...
bolsons 14 12 BOLSON, (Spanish) a...
bolster 15 11 to support [v -ED, -...
bolters 15 11 BOLTER, a sieve, a m...
bolting 16 14 the act of sieving t...
boluses 15 12 BOLUS, (Latin) a lar...
bombard 17 17 to attack with artil...
bombast 17 16 pompous speech or wr...
bombers 17 16 BOMBER, an aeroplane...
bombing 18 19 an attack with bombs...
bomblet 18 17 a small bomb [n -S]
bombora 16 16 a submerged reef [n...
bommies 16 16 BOMMIE, (Australian...
bonacis 16 14 BONACI, an edible fi...
bonamia 13 14 a parasite that atta...
bonanza 14 21 (Spanish) a lucky st...
bonasus 13 12 a bison, also BONASS...
bonbons 14 15 BONBON, a confection...
bondage 13 14 slavery [n -S]
bonders 13 12 BONDER, one who bond...
bonding 14 15 the act of bonding [...
bondman 13 16 a male slave [n BOND...
bondmen 13 16 BONDMAN, a male slav...
bonducs 17 16 BONDUC, (Arabic) the...
bonebed 14 15 an area containing d...
boneset 12 11 a medicinal plant, a...
boneyer 18 13 BONEY, like bone, al...
bonfire 15 14 a large fire in the...
bonging 15 16 BONG, to make a deep...
bongoes 13 13 BONGO, a kind of ant...
bonhams 16 16 BONHAM, (Irish) a pi...
boniato 12 11 a sweet potato [n -S...
boniest 13 11 BONY, like bone, als...
bonings 14 14 BONING, the process...
bonisms 15 14 BONISM, the doctrine...
bonists 14 11 BONIST, one who hold...
bonitas 13 11 BONITA, a large fish...
bonitos 13 11 BONITO, a large fish...
bonjour 15 21 (French) good mornin...
bonkers 14 15 crazy [adj]
bonking 15 18 the act of bonking [...
bonnets 12 12 BONNET, to put on a...
bonnier 12 12 BONNY, pretty or hea...
bonnies 12 12 BONNY, a sweetheart...
bonnily 20 15 BONNY, pretty or hea...
bonnock 16 19 (Scots) a flat oatme...
bonobos 14 14 BONOBO, a chimpanzee...
bonsela 13 12 a gratuity to a blac...
bonsoir 13 11 (French) good evenin...
bontbok 16 18 a kind of antelope,...
bonused 13 13 BONUS, in Scrabble,...
bonuses 13 12 BONUS [n]
bonxies 19 18 BONXIE, the great sk...
boobies 15 13 BOOBIE, (slang) a br...
boobing 16 16 BOOB, to make a mist...
boobird 16 14 a fan who boos playe...
boobish 18 15 doltish [adj]
boobook 15 17 a kind of owl found...
booboos 14 13 BOOBOO, a mistake [n...
boocoos 15 13 BOOCOO, (slang) much...
boodied 13 12 BOODY, to sulk or mo...
boodies 13 11 BOODIE, a species of...
boodled 14 13 BOODLE, to take brib...
boodler 14 12 someone involved in...
boodles 14 12 BOODLE, to take brib...
boofier 15 13 BOOFY, muscular and...
boogers 14 12 BOOGER, a bogeyman [...
boogeys 20 14 BOOGEY, to dance to...
boogied 14 13 BOOGIE, to dance to...
boogies 14 12 BOOGIE, to dance to...
boohais 15 12 BOOHAI, as in up the...
boohing 16 15 BOOH, to show disapp...
boohoos 14 12 BOOHOO, to cry [v]
booings 14 13 BOOING, the act of s...
boojums 17 23 BOOJUM, a spiny dese...
bookbag 17 19 a bag for carrying b...
bookend 13 16 a support for a row...
bookers 14 14 BOOKER, one who enga...
bookful 18 19 as much as a book ca...
bookier 14 14 BOOKY, by way of bei...
bookies 14 14 BOOKIE, (short for)...
booking 15 17 an engagement [n -S]
bookish 17 16 pertaining to books...
booklet 15 15 a little book [n -S]
bookman 14 18 a scholar, a student...
bookmen 14 18 BOOKMAN, a scholar,...
bookoos 13 14 BOOKOO, (slang) many...
booksie 14 14 in a literary way, a...
booling 15 14 BOOL, (Scots) to pla...
boombox 22 23 a powerful portable...
boomers 14 13 BOOMER, a large male...
boomier 14 13 BOOMY, hollow-soundi...
booming 15 16 making a hollow soun...
boomkin 15 18 a spar projecting fr...
boomlet 15 14 a minor exonomic boo...
booners 12 11 BOONER, (Australian...
boongas 13 13 BOONGA, (New Zealand...
boonies 12 11 remote, undeveloped...
boordes 13 11 BOORDE, (Spenser) bo...
boorish 16 12 rude [adj BOORISHLY]
boorkas 14 14 BOORKA, a coverall w...
booshit 16 12 (Australian slang) e...
boosing 14 13 BOOSE, to drink exce...
boosted 13 11 BOOST, to support, i...
booster 13 10 an engine that gives...
bootcut 17 14 of trousers, cut wid...
bootees 12 10 BOOTEE, a baby's soc...
bootery 19 12 a shoe store [n BOOT...
booties 13 10 BOOTIE, a baby's soc...
booting 14 13 BOOT, to kick with t...
bootleg 15 13 to smuggle illicit g...
boozers 16 19 BOOZER, (slang) a dr...
boozier 16 19 BOOZY, inclined to b...
boozily 24 22 BOOZY, inclined to b...
boozing 17 22 an act of boozing [n...
bopeeps 17 16 BOPEEP, a child's pe...
boppers 18 16 BOPPER, one who danc...
boppier 18 16 BOPPY, suggestive of...
bopping 19 19 BOP, to dance to pop...
boppish 21 18 suggestive of bebop...
boraces 16 13 BORAX, a mineral, hy...
boracic 20 16 of or relating to bo...
borages 14 12 BORAGE, a rough-stem...
boranes 12 11 BORANE, any boron hy...
borated 13 11 BORATE, to mix with...
borates 13 10 BORATE, to mix with...
boraxes 19 17 BORAX, a mineral, hy...
borazon 15 20 a manmade compound o...
bordars 14 11 BORDAR, (historical)...
bordels 15 12 BORDEL, (archaic) a...
borders 14 11 BORDER, to be adjace...
bordure 14 12 a border surrounding...
boredom 14 14 tedium [n -S]
boreens 12 11 BOREEN, (Irish) a la...
borides 14 11 BORIDE, a boron comp...
borings 15 13 BORING, an inner cav...
borking 16 17 the act of attacking...
borming 16 16 BORM, to smear with...
borneol 13 12 an alcohol used in p...
bornite 13 11 a valuable ore of co...
bornyls 21 14 BORNYL, an alcohol u...
boronia 12 11 an Australian scente...
boronic 16 14 of or like boron [ad...
borough 17 15 an incorporated town...
borrell 16 12 rustic, also BORREL,...
borrows 17 13 BORROW, to obtain on...
borscht 20 15 (Russian) cold beetr...
borshch 22 17 (Russian) cold beetr...
borshts 17 12 BORSHT, (Russian) co...
borsics 18 13 BORSIC, a strong lig...
borstal 15 11 an establishment for...
bortier 14 10 BORTY, relating to b...
bortsch 20 15 (Russian) cold beetr...
bortzes 17 19 BORTZ, diamond dust...
borzois 17 19 BORZOI, (Russian) a...
bosboks 17 17 BOSBOK, (Afrikaans)...
boscage 17 15 (French) thick folia...
bosches 19 15 BOSCHE, offensive te...
boshbok 19 19 (Afrikaans) a kind o...
boshter 16 12 (Australian slang) v...
boskage 15 16 thick foliage; woodl...
boskets 15 14 BOSKET, a thicket, a...
boskier 15 14 BOSKY, woody or bush...
bosomed 14 14 BOSOM, to enclose in...
bosonic 16 14 relating to a boson,...
bosques 22 20 BOSQUE, a thicket, a...
bosquet 22 20 a thicket, a plantat...
bossboy 22 15 a Black African fore...
bossdom 15 14 the domain of a poli...
bossest 14 10 BOSS, excellent [adj...
bossets 14 10 BOSSET, a rudimentar...
bossier 14 10 BOSSY, domineering [...
bossies 14 10 BOSSY, a cow [n]
bossily 22 13 BOSSY, domineering [...
bossing 15 13 the act of bossing,...
bossism 16 13 the rule or practice...
bostons 13 11 BOSTON, a card game...
bostryx 27 19 a type of infloresce...
botanic 16 14 relating to botany [...
botargo 14 12 a type of relish mad...
botched 19 16 BOTCH, to bungle [v]
botcher 19 15 one who makes a botc...
botches 19 15 BOTCH, to bungle [v]
bothans 15 13 BOTHAN, (Gaelic) a b...
bothers 16 12 BOTHER, to annoy [v]
bothies 16 12 BOTHY, (Scots) a hut...
bothole 16 13 a hole in a hide cau...
bothria 16 12 BOTHRIUM, a groove o...
botnets 13 11 BOTNET, a network of...
botonee 11 11 having buds or knobs...
botoxed 19 18 (trade) having had B...
bottega 14 12 (Italian) a wineshop...
botties 14 10 BOTTY, (colloquial)...
bottine 13 11 (French) a small boo...
botting 15 13 BOT, to cadge [v]
bottled 15 12 BOTTLE, to enclose i...
bottler 15 11 (Australian slang) a...
bottles 15 11 BOTTLE, to enclose i...
bottoms 15 13 BOTTOM, to reach the...
bottony 19 13 having buds or knobs...
botulin 15 13 a powerful bacterial...
boubous 16 15 BOUBOU, a long flowi...
bouchee 18 16 a small patty [n -S]
bouches 19 16 BOUCHE, (French) the...
bouclee 17 15 a loop made with for...
boucles 18 15 BOUCLE, (French) a k...
boudins 14 13 BOUDIN, a spicy Caju...
boudoir 14 12 a woman's bedroom [n...
bouffes 18 17 BOUFFE, (French) a c...
bougets 15 13 BOUGET, (Spenser) a...
boughed 17 16 having a bough [adj]
boughts 18 15 BOUGHT, (Spenser) a...
bougies 15 13 BOUGIE, (French) a w...
bouging 16 16 BOUGE, (Shakespeare)...
bouilli 17 13 (French) boiled meat...
boulder 15 13 a large rock, also B...
boulles 16 13 BOULLE, (French) a f...
boulted 15 13 BOULT, to sieve thro...
boulter 15 12 a sieve, a machine f...
bounced 16 16 BOUNCE, to spring ba...
bouncer 16 15 a person or thing th...
bounces 16 15 BOUNCE, to spring ba...
bounded 13 14 BOUND, to leap [v]
bounden 12 14 (archaic) being unde...
bounder 13 13 a cad [n -S]
bouning 14 15 BOUN, to prepare, al...
bouquet 22 21 a bunch of flowers [...
bourbon 15 15 a kind of whisky [n...
bourded 14 13 BOURD, (obsolete) to...
bourder 14 12 a jester [n -S]
bourdon 13 13 the drone bass of a...
bourkha 17 17 a coverall worn by M...
bourlaw 18 15 (archaic) a local la...
bournes 13 12 BOURNE, a boundary,...
bourree 13 11 (French) a brisk Fre...
bourses 14 11 BOURSE, (French) a c...
boursin 14 12 a mild, smooth, crea...
bousier 14 11 BOUSY, inclined to b...
bousing 15 14 BOUSE, to haul with...
boutade 13 12 a sudden outburst [n...
boutons 13 12 BOUTON, an enlarged...
bouvier 16 15 (French) a large rou...
bovates 15 14 BOVATE, (historical)...
bovines 15 15 BOVINE, an animal of...
bovvers 18 18 BOVVER, (slang) rowd...
bowbent 18 17 (Milton) bent like a...
boweled 17 15 BOWEL, to take out t...
bowered 16 14 BOWER, to enclose in...
bowfins 19 17 BOWFIN, a voracious...
bowgets 18 15 BOWGET, (obsolete) a...
bowhead 18 16 the great Arctic or...
bowhunt 19 17 to hunt with a bow a...
bowings 18 16 BOWING, the techniqu...
bowknot 17 18 a type of knot [n -S...
bowlder 18 15 a large rock, also B...
bowlegs 19 16 BOWLEG, an outwardly...
bowlers 18 14 BOWLER, a stiff felt...
bowless 18 14 being without a bow...
bowlful 22 19 as much as a bowl ca...
bowlike 19 18 curved [adj]
bowline 17 15 a simple knot which...
bowling 19 17 a game in which bowl...
bowning 17 17 BOWNE, to prepare, a...
bowpots 19 16 BOWPOT, a pot for bo...
bowsaws 20 16 BOWSAW, a saw with a...
bowsers 17 13 BOWSER, (tradename)...
bowseys 23 15 BOWSEY, (Irish) a me...
bowshot 19 15 the distance to whic...
bowsies 17 13 BOWSIE, (Irish) an i...
bowsing 18 16 BOWSE, to haul with...
bowsman 17 17 a bowman (one who hu...
bowsmen 17 17 BOWSMAN, a bowman (o...
bowwood 19 17 a deciduous tree of...
bowwows 23 19 BOWWOW, to bark like...
bowyang 23 18 a strap tied around...
bowyers 23 15 BOWYER, a maker of a...
boxball 24 22 a form of handball [...
boxcars 23 20 BOXCAR, a roofed fre...
boxfish 25 22 any one of several s...
boxfuls 24 22 BOXFUL, as much as a...
boxhaul 23 21 to put (a vessel) on...
boxiest 20 17 BOXY, like a box [ad...
boxings 21 20 BOXING, the sport of...
boxlike 22 22 like a box [adj]
boxplot 23 21 a type of statistica...
boxroom 20 20 a room for storing b...
boxties 20 17 BOXTY, an Irish dish...
boxwood 22 21 the wood of the box,...
boyards 20 13 BOYARD, (Russian) a...
boychik 27 21 a young man, also BO...
boycott 23 15 to refuse to have de...
boyhood 21 15 the state of being a...
boykies 21 16 BOYKIE, (colloquial)...
boysier 20 12 BOYSY, suited to or...
braaied 13 11 BRAAI, (South Africa...
braatas 13 10 (Spanish) a small po...
brabble 19 17 to squabble [v BRABB...
braccia 20 16 BRACCIO, an Italian...
braccio 20 16 an Italian measure o...
bracero 16 13 (Spanish) a Mexican...
bracers 17 13 BRACER, an archer's...
brachah 21 17 (Hebrew) a blessing,...
braches 19 15 BRACH, a female hunt...
brachet 19 15 a hunting dog, also...
brachia 19 15 BRACHIUM, (Latin) th...
brachot 19 15 BRACHAH, (Hebrew) a...
bracing 18 16 invigorating [adj BR...
bracken 17 18 a large fern [n -S]
bracket 18 17 to group, classify [...
bracted 17 14 having a bract [adj]
bradawl 18 15 a small boring tool...
bradded 14 13 BRAD, to fasten with...
bradoon 12 12 (French) a light mil...
bragged 16 15 BRAG, to boast [v]
bragger 16 14 one who brags [n -S]
brahman 16 16 a member of the high...
brahmas 17 15 BRAHMA, a large dome...
brahmin 17 16 a member of the high...
braided 14 12 BRAID, to form into...
braider 14 11 one who braids; a ma...
brailed 15 12 BRAIL, to haul in a...
braille 16 12 to write in raised p...
brained 13 12 BRAIN, to dash out t...
brairds 15 11 BRAIRD, to sprout ab...
braised 14 11 BRAISE, to cook slow...
braises 14 10 BRAISE, to cook slow...
braizes 17 19 BRAIZE, a marine fis...
brakier 15 14 BRAKY, abounding in...
braking 16 17 the act of applying...
braless 15 11 without a bra [adj]
bramble 18 17 to gather blackberri...
brambly 25 19 full of brambles [ad...
branchy 25 18 having many branches...
branded 13 13 BRAND, to mark with...
brander 13 12 (Scots) a gridiron [...
brangle 15 14 to wrangle [v BRANGL...
branked 14 16 BRANK, (Scots) to pr...
branles 14 12 BRANLE, an old Frenc...
branned 12 13 BRAN, to soak in wat...
branner 12 12 one that brans [n -S...
bransle 14 12 an old French dance,...
brantle 14 12 an old French dance,...
brascos 17 13 BRASCO, (Australian...
brasero 13 10 (Spanish) a brazier;...
brashed 16 13 BRASH, (obsolete) to...
brasher 16 12 BRASH, forward, over...
brashes 16 12 BRASH, (obsolete) to...
brashly 24 15 BRASH, forward, over...
brasier 14 10 one who works in bra...
brasils 16 11 BRASIL, an oily, thr...
brassed 14 11 BRASS, to coat with...
brasses 14 10 BRASS, to coat with...
brasset 14 10 a piece of armour fo...
brassie 14 10 a golf club [n -S]
brattle 15 11 (Scots) to rush nois...
braunch 19 17 to spread like a tre...
bravado 15 15 to display bravery [...
bravely 23 17 BRAVE, showing coura...
bravers 16 14 BRAVER, one who brav...
bravery 22 16 courage [n BRAVERIES...
bravest 16 14 BRAVE, showing coura...
braving 17 17 BRAVE, to face with...
bravoed 15 15 BRAVO, to applaud by...
bravoes 15 14 BRAVO, a hired kille...
bravura 16 15 a brilliant display...
bravure 16 15 BRAVURA, a brilliant...
brawest 17 13 BRAW, (Scots) fine,...
brawled 18 15 BRAWL, to fight rowd...
brawler 18 14 a fighter [n -S]
brawlie 18 14 (Scots) very well, a...
brawned 16 15 brawny; muscular [ad...
braxies 20 17 BRAXY, a bacterial d...
brayers 20 12 BRAYER, an instrumen...
braying 21 15 BRAY, to cry like as...
brazens 16 20 BRAZEN, to face bold...
brazers 17 19 BRAZER, one that bra...
brazier 17 19 a container for hot...
brazils 19 20 BRAZIL, the hard red...
brazing 18 22 BRAZE, to solder wit...
breaded 13 12 BREAD, to cover with...
breadth 16 13 width [n -S]
breaker 14 14 one that breaks [n -...
breakup 17 18 the act of breaking...
breamed 14 14 BREAM, to clean a sh...
breares 13 10 BREARE, (Spenser) br...
breasts 14 10 BREAST, to confront...
breathe 15 12 to inhale and exhale...
breaths 16 12 BREATH, air inhaled...
breathy 22 14 marked by loud breat...
breccia 20 16 a geological formati...
brecham 20 18 (Scots) a horse-coll...
brechan 18 16 (Scots) a horse-coll...
bredies 14 11 BREDIE, (South Afric...
breding 15 14 BREDE, to braid, to...
bredren 13 12 (colloquial) a close...
bredrin 14 12 (colloquial) a close...
breeder 13 11 one who breeds [n -S...
breenge 13 13 (Scots) to plunge fo...
breered 13 11 BREER, to sprout abo...
breeses 13 10 BREESE, (archaic) th...
breests 14 10 BREEST, (Scots) brea...
breezed 16 20 BREEZE, to move bris...
breezes 16 19 BREEZE, to move bris...
bregmas 16 15 BREGMA, (Greek) the...
brehons 15 13 BREHON, (historical)...
breiing 15 13 BREI, (South Africa)...
breinge 14 13 (Scots) to plunge fo...
breists 15 10 BREIST, (Scots) brea...
brekkie 16 18 (colloquial) breakfa...
brennes 12 12 BRENNE, (archaic) to...
brenter 13 11 BRENT, (Scots) lofty...
bretons 13 11 BRETON, (French) a h...
brevete 15 14 patented [adj]
brevets 16 14 BREVET, to confer an...
brevier 16 14 an old type size [n...
brevity 23 16 shortness of ddurati...
brewage 17 15 the process of brewi...
brewers 17 13 BREWER, one who brew...
brewery 23 15 a place for brewing...
brewing 18 16 a quantity brewed at...
brewpub 22 20 a combined pub and b...
brewski 19 17 (colloquial) beer [n...
breying 21 15 BREY, (South Africa)...
briards 15 11 BRIARD, (French) a k...
briared 14 11 covered with briars...
bribees 16 13 BRIBEE, one who rece...
bribers 17 13 BRIBER, one who brib...
bribery 23 15 an act of influencin...
bribing 18 16 BRIBE, to influence...
bricked 19 18 BRICK, to build with...
bricken 18 18 made of brick [adj]
brickie 19 17 (colloquial) a brick...
brickle 20 18 a brittle candy [n -...
bricole 18 14 (French) a shot in b...
bridals 16 12 BRIDAL, a wedding [n...
bridged 16 14 BRIDGE, to connect a...
bridges 16 13 BRIDGE, to connect a...
bridies 15 11 BRIDIE, (Scots) a me...
briding 16 14 BRIDE, to act the br...
bridled 16 13 BRIDLE, to check or...
bridler 16 12 one who restrains an...
bridles 16 12 BRIDLE, to check or...
bridoon 13 12 a light military bri...
briefed 16 14 BRIEF, to give instr...
briefer 16 13 one who gives instru...
briefly 24 16 BRIEF, short [adv]
briered 14 11 full of briers, also...
brigade 15 13 to group together [v...
brigand 15 14 a bandit [n -S]
brights 19 14 BRIGHT, a light-hued...
brigued 16 14 BRIGUE, to intrigue...
brigues 16 13 BRIGUE, to intrigue...
briller 17 12 BRILL, brilliant [ad...
brillos 17 12 BRILLO, (tradename)...
brimful 20 18 full to the brim [ad...
briming 17 16 phosphorescence of t...
brimmed 17 17 BRIM, to fill to the...
brimmer 17 16 a bowl or glass full...
brinded 14 13 marked with spots or...
brindle 15 13 an animal marked wit...
briners 14 11 BRINER, one that bri...
bringer 15 13 one who brings [n -S...
brinier 14 11 BRINY, salty [adj]
brinies 14 11 BRINY, the sea [n]
brining 15 14 BRINE, to treat with...
brinish 17 13 like brine [adj]
brinjal 17 21 the aubergine [n -S]
brioche 19 15 (French) a kind of s...
briquet 23 20 (French) a brick-sha...
brisant 14 11 (French) explosive,...
brisked 16 15 BRISK, to make quick...
brisken 15 15 to make brisk [v -ED...
brisker 16 14 BRISK, quick of move...
brisket 16 14 meat from the breast...
briskly 24 17 BRISK, quick of move...
brisses 15 10 BRISS, (Hebrew) a Je...
bristle 16 11 to stand erect stiff...
bristly 23 13 stiffly erect [adj B...
bristol 16 11 a smooth cardboard [...
brisure 15 11 (French) a part of a...
britska 16 14 a four-wheeled carri...
brittle 16 11 to become fragile [v...
brittly 23 13 BRITT [adv]
britzka 19 23 a four-wheeled carri...
broadax 19 18 an ancient military...
broaden 12 12 to make wider [v -ED...
broader 13 11 BROAD, broad [adj]
broadly 21 14 BROAD, broad [adv]
broasts 14 10 BROAST, to boil and...
brocade 16 14 to weave a silky fab...
brocage 17 15 the business of a br...
brocard 17 14 (French) an elementa...
brochan 18 16 (Gaelic) gruel, porr...
broched 19 16 BROCH, to broach, to...
broches 19 15 BROCHE, a fabric sim...
brochos 19 15 BROCHO, (Hebrew) a b...
brocked 18 18 (Scots) variegated,...
brocket 18 17 a male red deer two...
brockit 19 17 (Scots) variegated,...
brocoli 18 14 a plant of the cabba...
brodded 14 13 BROD, to prod [v]
broddle 15 13 (dialect) to poke or...
brodkin 15 16 a high boot worn by...
brogans 14 13 BROGAN, a strong and...
brogged 16 15 BROG, to prick with...
brogues 15 13 BROGUE, a strong and...
broider 14 11 to adorn with needle...
broiled 15 12 BROIL, to cook over...
broiler 15 11 a quickly-reared you...
brokage 15 16 the business or empl...
brokers 15 14 BROKER, to act as a...
brokery 21 16 a broker's business...
broking 16 17 the business of buyi...
brolgas 16 13 BROLGA, a large grey...
bromals 16 14 BROMAL, an oily, col...
bromate 14 13 to combine with brom...
bromide 15 14 a bromine compound,...
bromids 16 14 BROMID, a bromine co...
bromine 14 14 a volatile liquid el...
bromins 15 14 BROMIN, a volatile l...
bromise 15 13 to treat with bromin...
bromism 17 16 poisoning by an over...
bromize 18 22 to treat with bromin...
brommer 16 16 (Afrikaans) a bluebo...
bronchi 19 16 BRONCHUS, one of the...
broncho 18 16 (Spanish) a native o...
broncos 16 14 BRONCO, (Spanish) a...
bronzed 16 21 BRONZE, to colour br...
bronzen 15 21 like bronze [adj]
bronzer 16 20 a tanning cosmetic [...
bronzes 16 20 BRONZE, to colour br...
brooded 13 12 BROOD, to ponder glo...
brooder 13 11 a heated building or...
brooked 14 15 BROOK, to tolerate [...
brookie 14 14 an American brook tr...
broomed 14 14 BROOM, to sweep with...
brooses 13 10 BROOSE, (Scots) a ra...
brosier 14 10 BROSY, having the qu...
brothas 16 12 BROTHA, an African-A...
brothel 17 13 a house of prostitut...
brother 16 12 a male sibling [n BR...
broughs 18 15 BROUGH, a circular t...
brought 18 15 BRING, to take with...
brouzes 17 20 BROUZE, a wedding ra...
browned 16 15 BROWN, to make brown...
browner 16 14 a fawning person [n...
brownie 16 14 a benevolent creatur...
browsed 17 14 BROWSE, to look at c...
browser 17 13 one who browses [n -...
browses 17 13 BROWSE, to look at c...
browsts 18 13 BROWST, (Scots) a br...
bruchid 21 17 a beetle of the fami...
brucine 17 15 a poisonous alkaloid...
brucins 18 15 BRUCIN, a poisonous...
brucite 18 14 a mineral, magnesium...
bruckle 20 19 (Scots) liable to br...
bruhaha 18 15 (French) a fuss, cla...
bruised 15 12 BRUISE, to injure an...
bruiser 15 11 a big husky man [n -...
bruises 15 11 BRUISE, to injure an...
bruited 15 12 BRUIT, to spread by...
bruiter 15 11 one that bruits [n -...
brulots 16 12 BRULOT, a biting fly...
brulyie 22 14 (Scots) a broil, a n...
brulzie 19 21 (Scots) a broil, a n...
brummer 17 17 (Afrikaans) a bluebo...
brumous 16 15 relating to fog [adj...
brunets 14 12 BRUNET, a (male) per...
brunted 14 13 BRUNT, to bear the c...
brushed 17 14 BRUSH, to touch ligh...
brusher 17 13 one who brushes [n -...
brushes 17 13 BRUSH, to touch ligh...
brushup 20 17 a quick review [n -S...
brusker 16 15 BRUSK, abrupt in man...
brusque 23 21 abrupt in manner, al...
brussen 14 12 (dialect) bold [adj]
brutely 22 14 BRUTE, brutal [adv]
bruters 15 11 BRUTER, one that sha...
brutest 15 11 BRUTE, brutal [adj]
brutify 24 16 to make brutal [v BR...
bruting 16 14 a process of diamond...
brutish 18 13 brutal [adj BRUTISHL...
brutism 17 14 the nature or charac...
bruxing 22 21 BRUX, to grind teeth...
bruxism 23 21 a nervous grinding o...
bubales 17 15 BUBALE, a large ante...
bubalis 18 15 a large antelope, al...
bubbies 19 17 BUBBY, (colloquial)...
bubbled 20 19 BUBBLE, to form a gl...
bubbler 20 18 (tradename) a kind o...
bubbles 20 18 BUBBLE, to form a gl...
bubinga 17 17 (Bantu) a species of...
bubonic 19 18 pertaining to a bubo...
bubukle 19 20 (Shakespeare) Fluell...
bucardo 17 15 a recently extinct s...
buccina 20 18 a Roman curved trump...
buckeen 17 19 (Anglo-Irish) a poor...
buckers 19 18 BUCKER, a hammer for...
buckets 19 18 BUCKET, to push forw...
buckeye 24 20 the American horse-c...
buckies 19 18 BUCKIE, (Scots) a la...
bucking 20 21 the process of steep...
buckish 22 20 dandified; foppish [...
buckled 20 20 BUCKLE, to bend or w...
buckler 20 19 a light shield [n -S...
buckles 20 19 BUCKLE, to bend or w...
buckoes 18 18 BUCKO, a bully [n]
buckram 20 21 a stiff-finished cot...
buckras 19 18 BUCKRA, among West I...
bucksaw 22 21 a large saw in an H-...
bucksom 20 21 (Milton) buxom [adj]
bucolic 22 18 of or relating to sh...
budders 15 13 BUDDER, one that bud...
buddhas 17 15 BUDDHA, a statue of...
buddied 15 14 BUDDY, to become clo...
buddier 15 13 BUDDY, having buds [...
buddies 15 13 BUDDY, to become clo...
budding 16 16 a type of asexual re...
buddled 16 15 BUDDLE, to wash for...
buddles 16 14 BUDDLE, to wash for...
budgero 15 14 (Hindi) a heavy keel...
budgers 16 14 BUDGER, one who budg...
budgets 16 14 BUDGET, to estimate...
budgies 16 14 BUDGIE, (colloquial)...
budging 17 17 BUDGE, to move or st...
budless 16 13 without buds [adj]
budlike 17 17 like a bud [adj]
budmash 18 17 an evil-doer, also B...
budwood 17 16 a branch having buds...
budworm 19 18 a moth larva that fe...
buffalo 19 18 to intimidate [v -ED...
buffers 19 17 BUFFER, to protect a...
buffest 19 17 BUFF, dull yellow br...
buffets 19 17 BUFFET, to hit sharp...
buffier 19 17 BUFFY, of a yellowis...
buffing 20 20 the process of polis...
buffoon 17 18 a clown [n -S]
bufties 17 14 BUFTIE, (colloquial)...
bugaboo 16 16 a cause for anxiety,...
bugbane 16 17 a perennial white-fl...
bugbear 17 16 a cause for anxiety,...
bugeyes 21 15 BUGEYE, a kind of sm...
buggane 15 16 an evil spirit, a ho...
buggans 16 16 BUGGAN, an evil spir...
buggers 17 15 BUGGER, to practise...
buggery 23 17 sodomy [n BUGGERIES]
buggier 17 15 BUGGY, full of bugs...
buggies 17 15 BUGGY, a light carri...
bugging 18 18 the concealment of a...
buggins 17 16 BUGGIN, an evil spir...
buglers 17 14 BUGLER, one who play...
buglets 17 14 BUGLET, a small bugl...
bugling 18 17 BUGLE, to play a bra...
bugloss 17 14 a wild flower, with...
bugongs 16 16 BUGONG, (Native Aust...
bugouts 16 14 BUGOUT, the act of r...
bugseed 15 14 an American plant of...
bugshas 18 15 BUGSHA, a monetary u...
bugwort 19 16 a perennial white-fl...
buhunds 17 16 BUHUND, a type of No...
buibuis 18 15 BUIBUI, a black shaw...
builded 16 14 BUILD, to construct...
builder 16 13 one that builds [n -...
buildup 19 17 an accumulation [n -...
buirdly 23 15 (Scots) stalwart; la...
buisted 15 12 BUIST, to mark a she...
bukkake 17 23 (Japanese) a type of...
bukshee 17 17 a paymaster, also BU...
bukshis 19 17 BUKSHI, a paymaster,...
bulbels 19 16 BULBEL, a small bulb...
bulbils 20 16 BULBIL, a small bulb...
bulbing 19 18 BULB, to swell out,...
bulblet 19 16 a small bulb, also B...
bulbous 18 16 bulb-shaped [adj BUL...
bulbuls 20 17 BULBUL, an Indian so...
bulgars 17 14 BULGAR, (Turkish) a...
bulgers 17 14 BULGER, a wooden gol...
bulghur 20 17 (Turkish) a form of...
bulgier 17 14 BULGY, bulging [adj]
bulgine 16 15 (US) a steam locomot...
bulging 18 17 BULGE, to swell out...
bulgurs 18 15 BULGUR, (Turkish) a...
bulimia 17 15 an eating disorder i...
bulimic 21 18 relating to bulimia,...
bulimus 18 16 an eating disorder i...
bulkage 17 18 a peristaltic stimul...
bulkers 17 16 BULKER, (archaic) a...
bulkier 17 16 BULKY, having bulk [...
bulkily 25 19 BULKY, having bulk [...
bulking 18 19 the act of gathering...
bullace 19 16 a small wild plum fr...
bullary 23 15 a collection of papa...
bullate 16 13 having a blistered a...
bullbat 19 16 (US) a nocturnal bir...
bulldog 18 16 to wrestle and throw...
bullers 17 13 BULLER, to seethe, g...
bullets 17 13 BULLET, to move swif...
bulleys 23 15 BULLEY, a two-masted...
bullied 17 14 BULLY, to treat thre...
bullier 17 13 BULLY, wonderful [ad...
bullies 17 13 BULLY, to treat thre...
bulling 18 16 copulation with a co...
bullion 16 14 uncoined gold or sil...
bullish 20 15 anticipating or asso...
bullock 21 20 to force one's way [...
bullosa 16 13 as in epidermolysis...
bullous 17 14 blistered, puckered,...
bullpen 18 17 an enclosure for bul...
bulrush 19 15 an aquatic plant, re...
bulwark 20 19 to fortify [v -ED, -...
bumbags 19 19 BUMBAG, a small bag,...
bumbaze 20 26 (Scots) to perplex,...
bumbled 19 19 BUMBLE, to bungle, a...
bumbler 19 18 a bungler [n -S]
bumbles 19 18 BUMBLE, to bungle, a...
bumboat 17 17 a boat used to peddl...
bumboys 24 19 BUMBOY, a young male...
bumelia 16 15 a thorny tree [n -S]
bumfuck 23 25 (US slang) a remote...
bumkins 17 19 BUMKIN, a spar proje...
bummalo 17 18 a small marine Asiat...
bummels 18 18 BUMMEL, (German) a s...
bummers 17 17 BUMMER, a disappoint...
bummest 17 17 BUM, worthless [adj]
bumming 18 20 BUM, to live idly [v...
bummled 18 19 BUMMLE, to bungle, a...
bummles 18 18 BUMMLE, to bungle, a...
bummock 21 24 in Orkney and Shetla...
bumpers 18 17 BUMPER, to drink bum...
bumpier 18 17 BUMPY, of uneven sur...
bumpily 26 20 BUMPY, of uneven sur...
bumping 19 20 the act of bumping [...
bumpkin 19 22 a clumsy rustic [n -...
bumster 16 14 of trousers, cut in...
bumwads 19 18 BUMWAD, a type of pa...
bunbury 23 18 to create a fictitio...
bunched 19 18 BUNCH, to gather tog...
buncher 19 17 one that gathers thi...
bunches 19 17 BUNCH, to gather tog...
buncing 18 18 BUNCE, to disguise p...
buncoed 16 16 BUNCO, to practice s...
buncoes 16 15 BUNCO, to practice s...
bundied 14 14 BUNDY, to clock on o...
bundies 14 13 BUNDY, to clock on o...
bunding 15 16 BUND, to make an emb...
bundist 15 13 a member of a bund,...
bundled 15 15 BUNDLE, to fasten to...
bundler 15 14 one that bundles [n...
bundles 15 14 BUNDLE, to fasten to...
bundook 14 17 (Urdu) Indian army s...
bungees 14 14 BUNGEE, a strong rub...
bungers 15 14 BUNGER, (Australian...
bungeys 21 16 BUNGEY, a strong rub...
bungies 15 14 BUNGY, a strong rubb...
bunging 16 17 BUNG, to plug with a...
bungled 16 16 BUNGLE, to mismanage...
bungler 16 15 one who mismanages [...
bungles 16 15 BUNGLE, to mismanage...
bunhead 15 15 a female ballet danc...
bunions 13 13 BUNION, a painful sw...
bunjees 15 21 BUNJEE, a strong rub...
bunjies 16 21 BUNJIE, a strong rub...
bunkers 15 16 BUNKER, to store in...
bunkies 15 16 BUNKIE, a small sepa...
bunking 16 19 BUNK, to go to bed [...
bunkoed 14 17 BUNKO, to practice a...
bunkums 17 20 BUNKUM, insincere or...
bunnets 13 13 BUNNET, a bonnet, al...
bunnias 13 13 BUNNIA, (Hindi) an (...
bunnies 13 13 BUNNY, (colloquial)...
bunraku 15 17 (Japanese) a form of...
bunsens 13 13 BUNSEN, a type of ga...
buntals 15 13 BUNTAL, the straw of...
bunters 14 12 BUNTER, a female rag...
buntier 14 12 BUNTY, having bunt,...
bunting 15 15 any of the small fin...
bunyips 23 17 BUNYIP, (Native Aust...
buoyage 20 15 a group of buoys [n...
buoyant 19 14 having buoyancy [adj...
buoying 21 16 BUOY, to mark with a...
buppies 19 17 BUPPIE, a black urba...
buqshas 25 22 BUQSHA, a monetary u...
burbled 18 16 BURBLE, to speak qui...
burbler 18 15 one who burbles [n -...
burbles 18 15 BURBLE, to speak qui...
burbots 17 14 BURBOT, a long, slen...
burdash 17 14 a fringed sash worn...
burdens 14 13 BURDEN, to load heav...
burdies 15 12 BURDIE, (Scots) a (s...
burdock 19 19 a coarse dandelion-l...
bureaus 14 12 BUREAU, (French) a w...
bureaux 20 19 BUREAU, (French) a w...
burette 14 11 a glass measuring tu...
burgage 16 15 a kind of feudal ten...
burgees 15 13 BURGEE, a small ship...
burgeon 14 14 to grow rapidly [v -...
burgers 16 13 BURGER, a hamburger...
burgess 16 13 a citizen of a borou...
burghal 19 16 relating to a burgh...
burgher 18 15 a freeman or citizen...
burghul 20 17 (Turkish) a form of...
burglar 17 14 to enter a building...
burgled 17 15 BURGLE, to trespass...
burgles 17 14 BURGLE, to trespass...
burgoos 15 13 BURGOO, a kind of oa...
burgout 16 14 a kind of oatmeal pu...
burhels 18 14 BURHEL, a blue Himal...
burials 16 12 BURIAL, the act of b...
buriers 15 11 BURIER, one who buri...
buritis 16 11 BURITI, (Tupi) a kin...
burkers 16 15 BURKER, one that bur...
burkhas 18 17 BURKHA, an Arab woma...
burking 17 18 BURKE, to murder by...
burkini 16 16 a swimming costume w...
burkite 16 15 one that burkes, mur...
burlaps 18 15 BURLAP, a coarse can...
burlers 16 12 BURLER, one who burl...
burlesk 17 16 a type of stage show...
burleys 22 14 BURLEY, an American...
burlier 16 12 BURLY, heavy and mus...
burlily 24 15 BURLY, heavy and mus...
burling 17 15 BURL, to finish clot...
burners 14 12 BURNER, one that bur...
burnets 14 12 BURNET, a moth of th...
burnies 14 12 BURNIE, (Scots) a sm...
burning 15 15 very hot, ardent [ad...
burnish 17 14 to polish [v -ED, -I...
burnous 14 13 a hooded cloak worn...
burnout 14 13 exhaustion due to st...
burpees 16 14 BURPEE, a type of ph...
burping 18 17 BURP, to belch [v]
burrata 14 11 (Italian) an Italian...
burrell 17 13 (Hindi) a Himalayan...
burrels 16 12 BURREL, (Hindi) a Hi...
burrers 15 11 BURRER, one that bur...
burrhel 18 14 (Hindi) a Himalayan...
burrier 15 11 BURRY, abounding in...
burring 16 14 BURR, to remove the...
burrito 15 11 (Spanish) a Mexican...
burrows 18 14 BURROW, to dig a hol...
bursars 15 11 BURSAR, a person who...
bursary 21 13 a college treasury [...
bursate 14 11 pertaining to a burs...
burseed 14 12 a coarse weed [n -S]
bursera 14 11 designating a tropic...
bursted 15 12 BURST, to break open...
bursten 14 12 BURST, to break open...
burster 15 11 a machine for separa...
burthen 16 14 to burden [v -ED, -I...
burtons 14 12 BURTON, a light hand...
burweed 17 15 any of various burry...
burying 22 16 BURY, to put in the...
busbars 17 14 BUSBAR, an electric...
busbies 17 14 BUSBY, a fur hat wit...
busboys 23 16 BUSBOY, an assistant...
buseras 14 11 BUSERA, a Ugandan al...
busgirl 18 14 an assistant waitres...
bushels 18 14 BUSHEL, to mend or a...
bushers 17 13 BUSHER, a minor leag...
bushfly 27 19 a fly which breeds i...
bushido 17 14 (Japanese) a Japanes...
bushier 17 13 BUSHY, having many b...
bushies 17 13 BUSHIE, one who live...
bushily 25 16 BUSHY, having many b...
bushing 18 16 a bush, an insulator...
bushlot 18 14 a woodlot [n -S]
bushman 17 17 (Australian) a settl...
bushmen 17 17 BUSHMAN, (Australian...
bushpig 21 18 an African wild pig...
bushtit 18 13 a small long-tailed...
bushwah 22 18 nonsense, also BUSHW...
bushwas 20 16 BUSHWA, nonsense, al...
busiest 15 11 BUSY, occupied [adj]
busings 16 14 BUSING, the act of t...
buskers 16 15 BUSKER, a street ent...
buskets 16 15 BUSKET, (Spenser) a...
busking 17 18 the art of busking [...
buskins 16 16 BUSKIN, a thick-sole...
busload 15 13 a load that fills a...
bussing 16 14 the act of transport...
bustard 15 12 any bird of the genu...
bustees 14 11 BUSTEE, (Hindi) in I...
busters 15 11 BUSTER, a horse-brea...
bustics 19 14 BUSTIC, a species of...
bustier 15 11 (French) a strapless...
busting 16 14 the act of busting [...
bustled 16 13 BUSTLE, to move nois...
bustler 16 12 one who bustles [n -...
bustles 16 12 BUSTLE, to move nois...
busuuti 16 13 a long garment with...
busying 22 16 BUSY, to occupy ones...
butanes 13 12 BUTANE, a hydrocarbo...
butanol 14 13 a flammable alcohol...
butcher 20 16 to slaughter [v -ED,...
butches 20 16 BUTCH, a lesbian wit...
butenes 13 12 BUTENE, any one of t...
butlers 16 12 BUTLER, to act as a...
butlery 22 14 a storage room [n BU...
butling 17 15 BUTLE, to serve as a...
butment 15 15 the base of an archi...
buttals 16 12 boundary lines [n]
butters 15 11 BUTTER, to spread wi...
buttery 21 13 a wine cellar [n BUT...
butties 15 11 BUTTY, a fellow work...
butting 16 14 BUTT, to hit with th...
buttled 16 13 BUTTLE, to act as a...
buttles 16 12 BUTTLE, to act as a...
buttock 19 18 in wrestling, to thr...
buttons 14 12 BUTTON, to fasten wi...
buttony 20 14 resembling a button...
butyral 22 14 a kind of resin [n -...
butyric 25 16 as in butyric acid,...
butyrin 21 14 a butyrate of glycer...
butyryl 29 16 a radical of butyric...
buvette 16 15 (obsolete) in France...
buxomer 21 21 BUXOM, healthily plu...
buxomly 29 24 BUXOM, healthily plu...
buyable 23 17 something available...
buyback 27 23 the optional or obli...
buyings 22 16 BUYING, the act of p...
buyoffs 25 19 BUYOFF, the act of b...
buyouts 21 14 BUYOUT, the buying o...
buzukia 19 25 BUZUKI, a Greek stri...
buzukis 20 25 BUZUKI, a Greek stri...
buzzard 21 30 a large bird of prey...
buzzcut 25 33 a very short haircut...
buzzers 21 29 BUZZER, an apparatus...
buzzier 21 29 BUZZY, having a buzz...
buzzing 22 32 busy, vibrant [adj B...
buzzsaw 24 32 a power-operated cir...
buzzwig 26 34 a large thick wig [n...
bycatch 29 20 an immature fish, es...
bycoket 24 19 an ornamental cap wi...
byelaws 24 16 BYELAW, the law of a...
bygones 20 15 BYGONE, something be...
bylanes 20 14 BYLANE, a side lane...
bylined 21 15 BYLINE, to write giv...
byliner 21 14 one that writes unde...
bylines 21 14 BYLINE, to write giv...
bynames 20 16 BYNAME, a secondary...
bynempt 23 19 BENAME, to name, men...
bypaths 25 17 BYPATH, a secluded o...
byplace 26 19 a secluded place [n...
byplays 30 18 BYPLAY, action subor...
byreman 20 16 a farm-servant who t...
byremen 20 16 BYREMAN, a farm-serv...
byrlady 28 16 (archaic) a mediaeva...
byrlaws 25 16 BYRLAW, (archaic) a...
byrling 23 16 BYRL, to carouse, al...
byrnies 20 13 BYRNIE, (historical)...
byroads 20 13 BYROAD, a side road...
byrooms 21 15 BYROOM, a private ro...
byssine 20 13 made of byssus or fi...
byssoid 21 13 having delicate fila...
bytalks 23 17 BYTALK, small talk [...
bywoner 22 16 (Afrikaans) the subt...
bywords 24 16 BYWORD, a well known...
byworks 25 19 BYWORK, work done du...
byzants 23 22 BYZANT, a gold coin...