8 letter words that start with B

8 letter words that start with B

8 letter B word


Words With Friends®


baalebos 17 15 (Hebrew) the master...
baalisms 18 15 BAALISM, the worship...
baaskaap 17 18 (Afrikaans) the poli...
baaskaps 18 18 BAASKAP, (Afrikaans)...
baasskap 18 18 a theory of racial p...
babassus 18 15 BABASSU, (Tupi) a Br...
babbelas 20 18 (Afrikaans) drunk, a...
babbitry 27 19 conventional middle-...
babbitts 21 17 BABBITT, to fit with...
babblers 21 18 BABBLER, any of a fa...
babblier 21 18 BABBLY, given to bab...
babbling 22 21 idle talk [n -S]
babeldom 19 19 a confused sound of...
babelish 21 17 in a confused state...
babelism 20 18 a state of confused...
babesias 17 14 BABESIA, a parasite...
babiches 23 19 BABICHE, a thong or...
babirusa 18 15 a large hoglike quad...
babouche 22 20 a kind of heelless s...
babuches 23 20 BABUCHE, a kind of h...
babudoms 19 19 BABUDOM, the state o...
babuisms 20 18 BABUISM, the state o...
babushka 21 21 a triangular headsca...
babycino 26 20 a drink of frothy st...
babydoll 26 19 a woman's short nigh...
babyfood 25 20 food prepared for ba...
babyhood 25 19 the state of being a...
babylike 26 21 resembling a baby [a...
babysits 25 16 BABYSIT, to care for...
bacalaos 18 15 BACALAO, (Spanish) s...
bacalhau 21 18 (Spanish) salted cod...
baccalas 22 18 BACCALA, (Spanish) s...
baccaras 21 17 BACCARA, a French ca...
baccarat 21 17 a French card game,...
baccated 21 18 having berries; berr...
bacchant 23 20 a priest of Bacchus,...
bacchiac 27 22 relating to the bacc...
bacchian 23 20 relating to the bacc...
bacchius 25 20 a metrical foot comp...
bachatas 20 16 BACHATA, (Spanish) a...
bachchas 26 21 BACHCHA, (Hinglish)...
bachelor 21 17 an unmarried man [n...
bacillar 21 16 of the shape or natu...
bacillus 22 17 any of the genus of...
backache 24 23 pain in the back [n...
backband 21 23 the band which passe...
backbars 22 21 BACKBAR, the space b...
backbeat 21 21 one of the normally...
backbend 21 23 an acrobatic feat [n...
backbite 22 21 to speak ill of [v B...
backbond 21 23 a deed attaching a q...
backbone 20 22 the spine [n -S]
backburn 22 23 to set a fire in ord...
backcast 23 21 to make a backward c...
backchat 25 23 impertinence, repart...
backcomb 26 27 to comb back e.g. th...
backdate 19 19 to date to an earlie...
backdoor 19 19 clandestine [adj]
backdown 22 23 the abandonment of o...
backdrop 22 22 to create a backgrou...
backfall 24 23 a fall or throw on t...
backfats 22 21 BACKFAT, the layer o...
backfile 23 22 the back numbers of...
backfill 25 23 to refill e.g. a fou...
backfire 22 21 to go wrong [v BACKF...
backfits 23 21 BACKFIT, to modify l...
backflip 26 25 to perform a backwar...
backflow 26 25 the action of flowin...
backhand 21 22 to strike with the b...
backhaul 23 22 to return after deli...
backhoed 21 21 BACKHOE, to dig with...
backhoes 21 20 BACKHOE, to dig with...
backings 21 21 BACKING, a support [...
backland 20 21 a piece of land at t...
backlash 23 21 to cause a reaction...
backless 21 19 having no back [adj]
backlift 24 22 the backwards liftin...
backline 20 20 in some team sports,...
backlist 22 19 to include in a publ...
backload 20 20 to load a lorry for...
backlogs 22 21 BACKLOG, to accumula...
backlots 21 19 BACKLOT, an outdoor...
backmost 21 21 hindmost [adj]
backouts 20 19 BACKOUT, a reversal...
backpack 26 28 to hike with a pack...
backrest 20 18 a back support [n -S...
backroom 20 21 a room at the back [...
backrush 23 21 the seaward return o...
backsaws 23 21 BACKSAW, a saw (as a...
backseat 19 18 a rear seat [n -S]
backsets 20 18 BACKSET [n]
backseys 26 20 BACKSEY, (Scots) sir...
backside 20 19 the buttocks [n -S]
backslap 23 22 to show approval [v...
backslid 22 20 BACKSLIDE, to fall b...
backspin 22 22 a backward rotation...
backstab 22 21 to stab in the back...
backstay 26 20 a stay extending fro...
backstop 22 21 something preventing...
backtalk 22 23 an impudent reply [n...
backveld 23 24 a remote area [n -S]
backward 23 22 in a reverse directi...
backwash 25 23 to affect with reced...
backwind 23 23 to deflect airflow i...
backwood 22 22 uncouth [adj]
backword 23 22 a retort [n -S]
backwork 24 25 work done undergroun...
backwrap 25 24 a wrap around garmen...
backyard 26 21 the area at the rear...
baclavas 21 19 BACLAVA, a middle Ea...
baclofen 20 19 a drug used to treat...
baconers 17 15 BACONER, a pig suita...
bacronym 25 20 an acronym formed us...
bacteria 18 14 a microscopic organi...
bacteric 22 17 of bacteria [adj]
bacterin 18 15 a vaccine derived fr...
baculine 19 17 pertaining to the st...
baculite 20 16 a fossil of the genu...
baculums 22 20 BACULUM, the bone in...
badassed 15 13 touchy, difficult, i...
badasses 15 12 BADASS, a difficult...
badgered 16 15 BADGER, to pester or...
badgerly 24 17 like a badger [adj]
badinage 15 15 to banter [v BADINAG...
badlands 16 15 BADLAND, a barren, h...
badmouth 19 18 to abuse [v -ED, -IN...
badwares 18 15 BADWARE, malicious c...
bafflers 21 18 BAFFLER, a person wh...
baffling 22 21 BAFFLE, to confuse,...
bagarres 16 13 BAGARRE, (French) a...
bagasses 16 13 BAGASSE, dry refuse...
bageling 18 17 BAGEL, to defeat in...
bagelled 18 16 BAGEL, to defeat in...
baggages 18 17 BAGGAGE, luggage [n]
baggiest 18 15 BAGGY, loose fitting...
baggings 19 18 BAGGING, material fo...
baghouse 18 16 a means of cleaning...
bagnette 15 14 (French) a long Fren...
bagpiped 21 20 BAGPIPE, to play the...
bagpiper 21 19 one who plays the ba...
bagpipes 21 19 BAGPIPE, to play the...
baguette 16 14 (French) a long Fren...
bagworms 21 19 BAGWORM, one of seve...
bahadurs 18 15 BAHADUR, a Hindu tit...
bahookie 17 17 (colloquial) the but...
baidarka 16 16 (Russian) an Alaskan...
bailable 19 16 able to be bailed [a...
bailbond 18 17 a bond given by a pr...
bailiffs 22 18 BAILIFF, a sheriff's...
baillies 18 13 BAILLIE, in Scotland...
bailment 17 16 a delivery of goods...
bailouts 17 13 BAILOUT, the act of...
bailsman 17 16 a person who stands...
bailsmen 17 16 BAILSMAN, a person w...
bainites 15 12 BAINITE, a byproduct...
bairnish 18 14 like a bairn, a chil...
baitfish 21 16 a fish used as bait...
baitings 17 14 BAITING, fish or wor...
bakelite 17 16 (tradename) a thermo...
bakemeat 16 18 (Biblical) pastry, p...
bakeoffs 20 21 BAKEOFF, a baking co...
bakeries 16 15 BAKERY, a baker's sh...
bakeshop 20 20 a bakery [n -S]
bakeware 18 18 heat-resistant dishe...
baklavas 19 20 BAKLAVA, a Middle Ea...
baklawas 20 19 BAKLAWA, a Middle Ea...
bakshish 22 19 in Eastern countries...
baladine 15 14 (French) a (female)...
baladins 16 14 BALADIN, (French) a...
balafons 17 16 BALAFON, a musical i...
balanced 18 17 BALANCE, to have equ...
balancer 18 16 one who balances [n...
balances 18 16 BALANCE, to have equ...
balayage 22 16 to highlight hair by...
balconet 18 16 a miniature balcony,...
baldhead 18 16 a bald person [n -S]
baldiest 17 13 BALDY, having no hai...
baldness 16 14 the state of being b...
baldpate 18 16 a bald person [n -S]
baldrick 22 20 a warrior's sword be...
baldrics 21 16 BALDRIC, a warrior's...
balefire 18 15 a bonfire or beacon-...
balisaur 17 13 a long-tailed badger...
balistae 16 12 BALISTA, a Roman mac...
balistas 17 12 BALISTA, a Roman mac...
balkiest 18 16 BALKY, apt to balk;...
balkings 19 19 BALKING, the act of...
balkline 18 18 a line drawn across...
balladed 17 15 BALLAD, to make ball...
ballades 17 14 BALLADE, (French) a...
balladic 21 17 relating to a ballad...
balladin 17 15 (French) a (male) th...
balladry 24 16 ballads collectively...
ballants 17 14 BALLANT, to make bal...
ballasts 18 13 BALLAST, to load wit...
ballated 17 14 BALLAT, to make ball...
ballboys 26 18 BALLBOY, a boy who r...
ballclay 28 19 a fine-textured high...
ballcock 25 23 the stopcock in a ci...
balleted 17 14 BALLET, to make ball...
balletic 21 16 relating to ballet [...
ballgame 19 18 a game played with a...
ballgirl 21 16 a girl who retrieves...
ballgown 21 19 a long formal dress...
ballhawk 24 22 to act as a good def...
ballings 19 16 BALLING, forming int...
ballista 18 13 a Roman machine for...
balliums 20 17 BALLIUM, the outer w...
ballocks 22 20 to make a mess of, a...
ballonet 16 14 in a balloon or diri...
ballonne 15 15 (French) a kind of b...
balloons 16 14 BALLOON, to swell ou...
balloted 17 14 BALLOT, to vote by b...
ballotee 16 13 a candidate in a bal...
balloter 17 13 one who votes by bal...
ballpark 21 20 a baseball park [n -...
ballpeen 18 17 as in ballpeen hamme...
ballroom 18 16 a large room for dan...
ballsier 18 13 BALLSY, gutsy [adj]
ballsing 19 16 BALLS, to mess up [v...
ballutes 18 14 BALLUTE, a small inf...
ballyard 24 16 a baseball ground [n...
ballyhoo 25 17 to promote by uproar...
ballyrag 25 17 to overawe; to maltr...
balmiest 18 15 BALMY, mild, tempera...
balmlike 20 20 like balm [adj]
balmoral 18 16 a flat Scottish bonn...
balneary 21 15 a bath; a medicinal...
baloneys 21 15 BALONEY, deceptive t...
balsamed 17 16 BALSAM, to soothe; t...
balsamic 21 18 relating to balsam [...
baluster 17 13 a small pillar suppo...
bambinos 18 18 BAMBINO, (Italian) a...
banalest 15 13 BANAL, flat and unin...
banalise 15 13 to make banal, also...
banality 22 15 triteness [n BANALIT...
banalize 18 22 to make banal, also...
banausic 18 16 mechanical, utilitar...
bandaged 15 16 BANDAGE, to cover a...
bandager 15 15 one who bandages [n...
bandages 15 15 BANDAGE, to cover a...
bandanas 13 14 BANDANA, a large col...
bandanna 12 15 a coloured silk or c...
bandaris 15 13 BANDARI, (Hindi) a f...
bandeaus 14 14 BANDEAU, (French) a...
bandeaux 20 21 BANDEAU, (French) a...
bandeira 14 13 an expedition in sea...
bandelet 15 14 a flat moulding arou...
banderol 15 14 (French) a small ban...
bandfish 20 18 a bright-red Mediter...
bandiest 15 13 BANDY, having crooke...
bandings 16 16 BANDING, a streaming...
banditos 15 13 BANDITO, (Spanish) a...
banditry 22 15 robbery by bandits [...
banditti 16 13 (Italian) a gang of...
bandmate 15 16 a fellow member of a...
bandooks 15 17 BANDOOK, (Urdu) indi...
bandoras 14 13 BANDORA, an ancient...
bandores 14 13 BANDORE, an ancient...
bandpass 17 16 the range of frequen...
bandrols 16 14 BANDROL, a small ban...
bandsaws 18 16 BANDSAW, a type of p...
bandsman 15 17 a member of a band o...
bandsmen 15 17 BANDSMAN, a member o...
bandster 15 13 a binder of sheaves...
banduras 15 14 BANDURA, a twelve-st...
bandying 22 18 the act of bandying...
bandyman 21 19 in India, one who dr...
bandymen 21 19 BANDYMAN, in India,...
bangalay 22 17 an Australian tree w...
bangalow 19 18 an Australian palm t...
bangkoks 18 22 BANGKOK, a straw hat...
bangster 16 14 (Scots) a violent pe...
bangtail 17 15 a mustang or wild ho...
banished 17 15 BANISH, to expel, ex...
banisher 17 14 one that banishes [n...
banishes 17 14 BANISH, to expel, ex...
banister 15 12 a stair hand-rail [n...
banjaxed 22 29 BANJAX, (slang) to r...
banjaxes 22 28 BANJAX, (slang) to r...
banjoist 17 21 one who plays the ba...
bankable 18 20 able to be banked [a...
bankbook 18 23 a depositor's book [...
bankcard 19 20 a card issued by a b...
bankerly 23 19 like a banker [adj]
bankings 17 19 BANKING, the busines...
banknote 14 17 a paper unit of curr...
bankroll 18 18 to provide with fina...
bankrupt 19 20 to make insolvent [v...
banksias 16 16 BANKSIA, an evergree...
bankside 16 17 the slope of a river...
banksman 16 20 an overseer of a pit...
banksmen 16 20 BANKSMAN, an oversee...
bankster 16 16 a banker or investor...
banlieue 15 14 (French) a suburb [n...
bannable 16 17 able to be banned [a...
bannered 13 14 BANNER, to furnish w...
banneret 13 13 (historical) a knigh...
bannerol 14 14 a streamer, also BAN...
bannings 15 16 BANNING, the act of...
bannocks 18 20 BANNOCK, (Scots) a f...
banoffee 17 18 banana and toffee as...
banoffis 19 18 BANOFFI, banana and...
banquets 23 22 BANQUET, to feast [v...
banselas 15 13 BANSELA, a gratuity...
banshees 16 14 BANSHEE, in Irish fo...
banshies 17 14 BANSHIE, in Irish fo...
bantengs 15 15 BANTENG, an ox, also...
bantered 14 13 BANTER, to exchange...
banterer 14 12 one who banters or r...
bantings 16 15 BANTING, weight-redu...
bantling 17 16 (archaic) a baby, a...
banxring 22 22 a tree-shrew, an Eas...
baptised 18 15 BAPTISE, to administ...
baptiser 18 14 one who baptizes, al...
baptises 18 14 BAPTISE, to administ...
baptisia 18 14 a genus of North Ame...
baptisms 20 17 BAPTISM, immersion i...
baptists 19 14 BAPTIST, one who bap...
baptized 21 24 BAPTIZE, to administ...
baptizer 21 23 one who baptizes, al...
baptizes 21 23 BAPTIZE, to administ...
baracans 17 15 BARACAN, (French) a...
barathea 16 13 a pebbly silk or wor...
barbaric 21 17 uncivilized [adj BAR...
barbasco 20 17 any of a variety of...
barbated 17 15 barbed, bearded, als...
barbecue 20 18 to grill over an ope...
barbells 20 16 BARBELL, a weight-li...
barbeque 25 24 to grill over an ope...
barbered 17 15 BARBER, to shave or...
barberry 24 16 a thorny shrub of th...
barbette 17 14 (French) an earthen...
barbican 20 18 an outer defensive w...
barbicel 22 18 one of the small hoo...
barbital 19 15 (US) a derivative of...
barbless 19 15 having no barbs [adj...
barbolas 18 15 BARBOLA, an ornament...
barbotte 17 14 a kind of large catf...
barbules 19 16 BARBULE, a small bar...
barbwire 21 17 (US) barbed wire [n...
barchane 19 17 a crescent-shaped sa...
barchans 20 17 BARCHAN, a crescent-...
barcoded 18 16 marked with a BARCOD...
barcodes 18 15 BARCODE, an arrangem...
bardiest 16 12 BARDY, (Scots) scold...
bardisms 18 15 BARDISM, the study o...
bardling 18 16 a petty poet [n -S]
bardship 21 17 the office of a bard...
bareback 21 21 without a saddle [ad...
bareboat 16 14 a pleasure-boat rent...
barebone 15 15 (Shakespeare) a very...
barefoot 16 14 being without shoes...
baregine 15 14 a gelatinous mass of...
barehand 16 15 to field the ball in...
barehead 16 14 having the head unco...
bareland 15 14 as in bareland croft...
bareness 14 12 the state of being b...
baresark 16 15 a Norse warrior who...
barflies 19 15 BARFLY, a drinker wh...
bargains 16 14 BARGAIN, to haggle o...
bargeese 15 13 BARGOOSE, a kind of...
bargello 18 15 a type of needlework...
bargeman 16 17 a man who manages a...
bargemen 16 17 BARGEMAN, a man who...
bargests 17 13 BARGEST, a doglike g...
barghest 19 15 a doglike goblin who...
bargoons 15 14 BARGOON, (Canadian s...
bargoose 15 13 a kind of wild goose...
barguest 17 14 a doglike goblin who...
barillas 18 13 BARILLA, the alkali...
baristas 16 11 BARISTA, one who mak...
baritone 14 12 a deep male voice, a...
barkeeps 18 18 BARKEEP, (US) a bart...
barkened 15 17 BARKEN, to dry up in...
barkhans 18 18 BARKHAN, a crescent-...
barkiest 17 15 BARKY, having a toug...
barkless 18 16 having no bark [adj]
barleduc 20 17 a kind of gooseberry...
barmaids 17 15 BARMAID, a female ba...
barmiest 17 14 BARMIE, foamy; dotty...
barmkins 18 19 BARMKIN, (archaic) a...
barmpots 19 17 BARMPOT, an idiot, f...
barnacle 18 16 a kind of crustacean...
barneyed 20 15 BARNEY, to quarrel l...
barniest 15 12 BARNY, like a barn [...
barnlike 17 17 like a barn [adj]
barnwood 17 16 a wide wood for buil...
barnyard 21 15 a yard near a barn [...
baroccos 21 17 BAROCCO, a bold deco...
barogram 17 16 a recording made by...
barometz 19 23 a fabulous Russian c...
baronage 14 14 the rank of a baron...
baroness 14 12 the wife of a baron...
baronets 14 12 BARONET, the lowest...
baronial 15 13 relating to a baron...
baronies 14 12 BARONY, the territor...
baronnes 13 13 BARONNE, (French) a...
baroques 23 21 BAROQUE, a bold deco...
barosaur 15 12 a large dinosaur [n...
barostat 15 11 an automatic device...
barouche 20 17 a four-wheeled hoode...
barrable 18 15 able to be barred [a...
barracan 17 15 a coarsely woven fab...
barraces 18 14 BARRACE, (obsolete)...
barracks 20 18 BARRACK, to shout en...
barraged 16 14 BARRAGE, to subject...
barrages 16 13 BARRAGE, to subject...
barranca 17 15 (Spanish) a deep rav...
barranco 17 15 (Spanish) a deep rav...
barrated 15 12 BARRAT, to quarrel e...
barrater 15 11 one that persistentl...
barrator 15 11 one that persistentl...
barratry 22 13 the practice of stir...
barreing 16 14 BARRE, to execute ba...
barreled 16 13 BARREL, to move fast...
barrener 14 12 BARREN, unproductive...
barrenly 22 15 BARREN, unproductive...
barretor 15 11 one that persistentl...
barretry 22 13 the practice of stir...
barrette 15 11 a bar-shaped hair-cl...
barricos 19 14 BARRICO, a small cas...
barriers 16 11 BARRIER, to shut by...
barriest 16 11 BARRIE, (Edinburgh s...
barrings 17 14 BARRING, an exclusio...
barrique 24 21 a wine barrel, also...
barrooms 16 14 BARROOM, a room in w...
barrulet 17 13 a thin horizontal he...
barstool 16 12 a stool in a barroom...
bartends 15 13 BARTEND, to serve in...
bartered 15 12 BARTER, to trade by...
barterer 15 11 a person who barters...
bartisan 15 12 a small overhanging...
bartizan 18 21 a corner turret, als...
bartsias 16 11 BARTSIA, a wild flow...
barwares 18 14 BARWARE, barroom equ...
barwoods 18 15 BARWOOD, a hard red...
baryonic 24 17 relating to baryon [...
barytone 20 14 a deep male voice, a...
barytons 21 14 BARYTON, a kind of b...
basaltes 16 12 unglazed stoneware [...
basaltic 20 15 relating to basalt [...
basanite 14 12 a black form of jasp...
bascinet 18 15 a light helmet, also...
bascules 20 16 BASCULE, a type of b...
baseball 19 16 a team game, played...
baseband 16 16 a communication devi...
baseborn 16 15 of low birth [adj]
basehead 16 14 a habitual user of f...
baselard 16 13 (obsolete) a short s...
baseless 16 12 without foundation [...
baseline 15 13 a line at both ends...
baseload 15 13 the permanent load o...
basement 15 15 the part of the buil...
baseness 14 12 the state of being b...
basenjis 17 21 BASENJI, (Bantu) a s...
basepath 19 16 a baserunner's path...
bashings 19 16 BASHING, a malicious...
bashless 19 14 unashamed [adj]
bashliks 21 18 BASHLIK, a long Russ...
bashlyks 27 20 BASHLYK, a long Russ...
bashment 18 17 a large gathering fo...
bashtags 19 15 BASHTAG, a hashtag u...
basicity 26 16 the state of being a...
basidial 17 13 relating to basidium...
basidium 18 16 a fungal fructificat...
basified 18 15 BASIFY, to convert i...
basifier 18 14 that which converts...
basifies 18 14 BASIFY, to convert i...
basilary 23 14 relating to, or situ...
basilect 20 15 the least prestigiou...
basilica 20 15 an ancient Roman bui...
basilisk 19 16 a harmless crested l...
basinets 15 12 BASINET, a light hel...
basinful 19 17 as much as fills a b...
basketry 23 17 basket work [n BASKE...
basmatis 17 14 BASMATI, (Hindi) a t...
basoches 20 16 BASOCHE, a mediaeval...
basophil 21 17 of white blood cells...
basquine 23 22 an outer petticoat w...
basseted 15 12 BASSET, to outcrop,...
bassetts 16 11 BASSETT, to outcrop,...
bassiest 16 11 BASSY, somewhat deep...
bassinet 15 12 a basket used as a b...
bassists 17 11 BASSIST, a person wh...
bassline 16 13 the lowest line in a...
bassness 15 12 the state of being l...
bassoons 14 12 BASSOON, a woodwind...
basswood 18 15 an American lime-tre...
bastards 16 12 BASTARD, a child who...
bastardy 22 14 the state of being a...
bastides 16 12 BASTIDE, a French co...
bastiles 17 12 BASTILE, a tower or...
bastille 18 13 a tower or an elevat...
bastings 17 14 BASTING, loose tempo...
bastions 15 12 BASTION, a tower at...
batavias 17 15 BATAVIA, a variety o...
batchers 21 16 BATCHER, one who put...
batching 22 19 the act of sorting i...
bateless 16 12 (Shakespeare) that c...
bateleur 16 13 an African eagle [n...
batement 15 15 reduction [n -S]
batfowls 22 18 BATFOWL, to catch bi...
batgirls 19 14 BATGIRL, a girl who...
bathcube 23 20 a fragrant cube for...
bathetic 21 16 characterized by tri...
bathings 19 16 BATHING, the act of...
bathless 19 14 without a bath [adj]
bathmats 19 16 BATHMAT, a mat used...
bathmism 21 19 a theory of directed...
bathorse 17 13 (archaic) a horse wh...
bathoses 17 13 BATHOS, the appearan...
bathrobe 19 16 a robe worn for taki...
bathroom 18 16 a room for bathing [...
bathtubs 21 17 BATHTUB, a tub for b...
batiking 18 18 BATIK, to produce ba...
batistes 16 11 BATISTE, (French) a...
batology 23 16 the study of bramble...
batoning 15 15 BATON, to strike wit...
batooned 13 13 BATOON, to strike wi...
batswing 20 17 shaped like a bat's...
battalia 16 12 the main body of an...
batteaux 21 19 BATTEAU, a flat bott...
batteled 16 13 BATTEL, to have an a...
batteler 16 12 someone who battels;...
battened 14 13 BATTEN, to fasten wi...
battener 14 12 one who battens [n -...
battered 15 12 BATTER, to beat repe...
batterer 15 11 someone who batters...
batterie 15 11 (French) a ballet ju...
batteros 15 11 BATTERO, (Shakespear...
battiest 16 11 BATTY, (colloquial)...
battills 19 13 BATTILL, to make fer...
battings 17 14 BATTING, cottonwool...
battleax 22 19 a kind of axe once u...
battlers 17 12 BATTLER, one who bat...
battling 18 15 BATTLE, to fight [v]
battutas 16 12 BATTUTA, (Italian) t...
battutos 16 12 BATTUTO, a selection...
batwoman 18 18 an officer's female...
batwomen 18 18 BATWOMAN, an officer...
baubling 20 19 (Shakespeare) trifli...
bauchled 22 19 BAUCHLE, to make sha...
bauchles 22 18 BAUCHLE, to make sha...
baudekin 16 18 a rich embroidered m...
baudrick 21 20 a warrior's sword be...
baudrics 20 16 BAUDRIC, a warrior's...
baudrons 15 14 (Scots) a quasi-prop...
bauhinia 17 15 a plant of the Bauhi...
baulkers 18 17 BAULKER, one who bau...
baulkier 18 17 BAULKY, stubborn [ad...
baulkily 26 20 BAULKY, stubborn [ad...
baulking 19 20 BAULK, to refrain fr...
bauxites 22 19 BAUXITE, an ore of a...
bauxitic 26 22 of or like bauxite,...
bavarois 17 15 a cold dessert consi...
bavining 18 19 BAVIN, to tie brushw...
bawcocks 26 24 BAWCOCK, (Shakespear...
bawdiest 19 15 BAWDY, obscene [adj]
bawdkins 20 20 BAWDKIN, a rich embr...
bawdrics 23 18 BAWDRIC, a warrior's...
bawdries 19 15 BAWDRY, (archaic) le...
bawlings 21 18 BAWLING, loud crying...
bawneens 16 16 BAWNEEN, (Irish) a w...
bayadeer 20 14 a fabric with horizo...
bayadere 20 14 a fabric with horizo...
bayberry 30 18 the berry of the bay...
bayfront 23 17 the shoreline of a b...
baynoddy 27 18 a bayman [n BAYNODDI...
bayonets 20 14 BAYONET, to stab wit...
baysides 22 14 BAYSIDE, the shore o...
baywoods 24 17 BAYWOOD, a coarse ma...
bazazzes 24 38 BAZAZZ, flamboyance,...
bazookas 18 24 BAZOOKA, a small roc...
bazoukis 20 25 BAZOUKI, a Greek str...
bdellium 20 18 a fragrant gum resin...
beachboy 28 21 a male beach attenda...
beachier 20 16 BEACHY, sandy or peb...
beaching 21 19 BEACH, to drive onto...
beaconed 16 16 BEACON, to shine lik...
beadiest 15 12 BEADY, resembling be...
beadings 16 15 BEADING, decoration...
beadlike 17 17 like a bead [adj]
beadroll 17 14 a list of the dead t...
beadsman 15 16 one who prays for an...
beadsmen 15 16 BEADSMAN, one who pr...
beadwork 19 19 decorative work done...
beaglers 17 14 BEAGLER, one who hun...
beagling 18 17 hunting with beagles...
beakiest 16 15 BEAKY, resembling a...
beakless 17 16 without a beak [adj]
beaklike 18 20 like a beak [adj]
bealings 17 15 BEALING, an infected...
beamiest 16 14 BEAMY, radiant [adj]
beamings 17 17 BEAMING, the act of...
beamless 17 15 without beams [adj]
beamlets 17 15 BEAMLET, a small bea...
beamlike 18 19 like a beam [adj]
beanbags 17 17 BEANBAG, a small clo...
beanball 18 17 a baseball thrown at...
beanlike 16 17 like a bean [adj]
beanpole 16 16 a pole support for c...
bearable 17 15 able to be borne [ad...
bearably 24 17 BEARABLE, able to be...
bearbine 16 15 a bindweed [n -S]
bearcats 18 14 BEARCAT, the lesser...
beardier 15 12 BEARDY, having a bea...
beardies 15 12 BEARDIE, a fish, the...
bearding 16 15 BEARD, to oppose wit...
bearhugs 19 16 BEARHUG, a firm embr...
bearings 16 14 BEARING, demeanour,...
bearlike 17 16 like a bear [adj]
bearpaws 20 17 BEARPAW, the paw of...
bearskin 16 16 the pelt of a bear [...
bearward 18 15 a keeper of bears [n...
bearwood 17 15 a small tree of the...
beasties 15 11 BEASTIE, a small bea...
beastily 23 14 bestially [adv]
beasting 16 14 BEAST, to punish or...
beatable 17 15 able to be beaten [a...
beathing 18 16 BEATH, (Spenser) to...
beatiest 15 11 BEATY, of music, hav...
beatific 21 17 making supremely hap...
beatings 16 14 BEATING, a defeat [n...
beatless 16 12 having no rhythm [ad...
beatniks 16 16 BEATNIK, a bohemian...
beaucoup 20 19 many or much [adj] /...
beaufets 17 15 BEAUFET, (obsolete)...
beauffet 19 18 (obsolete) a sideboa...
beaufins 17 16 BEAUFIN, a red cooki...
beautest 15 12 BEAUT, beautiful [ad...
beautied 15 13 BEAUTY, (Shakespeare...
beauties 15 12 BEAUTY, (Shakespeare...
beautify 24 17 to make beautiful [v...
beauxite 21 19 a claylike compound...
beavered 16 16 BEAVER, to work hard...
bebeerus 17 15 BEBEERU, a tropical...
bebloods 18 16 BEBLOOD, to cover wi...
bebopped 21 21 BEBOP, to play a sty...
bebopper 21 20 one who plays bebop,...
becalled 20 17 BECALL, to call name...
becalmed 20 19 BECALM, to make calm...
becapped 22 21 BECAP, to put a cap...
becarpet 20 17 to cover with a carp...
becasses 18 14 BECASSE, (French) a...
bechalks 23 21 BECHALK, to cover wi...
bechamel 22 20 a rich, white sauce,...
bechance 22 20 to happen by chance...
becharms 22 19 BECHARM, to enchant...
beckoned 18 20 BECKON, to indicate...
beckoner 18 19 one who beckons [n -...
beclamor 20 18 to beset with noise,...
beclasps 22 18 BECLASP, to clasp, e...
becloaks 20 19 BECLOAK, to place a...
beclothe 21 17 to put clothes on [v...
beclouds 20 17 BECLOUD, to make dim...
beclowns 22 19 BECLOWN, to make rid...
becoming 20 20 fitting [adj BECOMIN...
becoward 21 18 to accuse of cowardi...
becrawls 23 18 BECRAWL, to creep ov...
becrimed 20 18 BECRIME, to make gui...
becrimes 20 17 BECRIME, to make gui...
becrowds 22 18 BECROWD, to press cl...
becrusts 20 15 BECRUST, to cover wi...
becudgel 21 19 to beat with a club...
becurled 20 17 BECURL, to curl; to...
becursed 19 16 BECURSE, to put a cu...
becurses 19 15 BECURSE, to put a cu...
bedabble 20 19 to make wet by dabbl...
bedaggle 18 17 to soil by dragging...
bedamned 15 17 BEDAMN, to swear at...
bedarken 15 17 to make dark [v -ED,...
bedashed 17 15 BEDASH, to wet by da...
bedashes 17 14 BEDASH, to wet by da...
bedaubed 17 17 BEDAUB, to cover wit...
bedawins 18 16 BEDAWIN, a nomadic A...
bedazing 19 24 BEDAZE, to daze thor...
bedazzle 22 31 to dazzle or make di...
bedbaths 20 17 BEDBATH, the washing...
bedboard 17 16 a board placed betwe...
bedchair 21 17 a chair with adjusta...
bedcover 20 19 a cover for a bed [n...
beddable 18 17 sexually attractive...
beddings 17 16 BEDDING, articles us...
bedeafen 15 16 to make deaf [v -ED,...
bedecked 19 20 BEDECK, to attire wi...
bedeguar 16 15 a soft spongy gall f...
bederals 16 13 BEDERAL, (Scots) a b...
bedesman 15 16 one who prays for an...
bedesmen 15 16 BEDESMAN, one who pr...
bedevils 19 17 BEDEVIL, to plague,...
bedewing 19 18 BEDEW, to cover with...
bedframe 18 18 the frame of a bed [...
bedgowns 19 18 BEDGOWN, a nightgown...
bedheads 17 15 BEDHEAD, the headboa...
bediaper 17 15 to put a nappy on [v...
bedights 20 16 BEDIGHT, (archaic) t...
bedimmed 18 19 BEDIM, to make dim [...
bedimple 20 19 to make a small impr...
bedizens 18 22 BEDIZEN, to dress ga...
bedlamer 17 16 a young harp seal [n...
bedlamps 20 19 BEDLAMP, a reading l...
bedliner 16 14 a protective coverin...
bedmaker 17 19 one who makes beds [...
bedmates 16 15 BEDMATE, one who sha...
bedotted 15 13 covered with dots [a...
bedouins 15 14 BEDOUIN, a nomadic A...
bedplate 18 16 a foundation framing...
bedposts 18 15 BEDPOST, a post of a...
bedquilt 26 23 a quilt for a bed; a...
bedrails 17 13 BEDRAIL, a rail that...
bedraped 17 16 BEDRAPE, to cover wi...
bedrapes 17 15 BEDRAPE, to cover wi...
bedrench 20 18 to wet thoroughly [v...
bedrests 16 12 BEDREST, confinement...
bedright 20 16 the privilege of the...
bedrites 16 12 BEDRITE, the privile...
bedrivel 19 17 to cover with saliva...
bedrocks 20 19 BEDROCK, the rock un...
bedrolls 18 14 BEDROLL, a portable...
bedrooms 16 15 BEDROOM, a room for...
bedsheet 17 14 a sheet for a bed [n...
bedsides 16 13 BEDSIDE, the side of...
bedskirt 18 16 drapery attached to...
bedsocks 20 19 socks worn in bed [n...
bedsonia 14 13 a kind of virus [n -...
bedsores 15 12 BEDSORE, a type of s...
bedstand 15 14 a table beside a bed...
bedstead 15 13 a support for a bed...
bedstraw 19 15 any of numerous stra...
bedticks 21 19 BEDTICK, a tick or b...
bedtimes 17 15 BEDTIME, the time at...
beducked 20 21 BEDUCK, to plunge un...
bedumbed 19 20 BEDUMB, to render sp...
bedunced 18 18 BEDUNCE, to make a d...
bedunces 18 17 BEDUNCE, to make a d...
bedunged 16 17 BEDUNG, to cover wit...
bedusted 16 14 BEDUST, to cover wit...
bedwards 19 16 towards bed [adv]
bedwarfs 21 18 BEDWARF, to make sma...
bedyeing 22 17 BEDYE, to dye or sta...
beebread 16 15 a mixture of pollen...
beechier 20 16 BEECHY, abounding in...
beechnut 20 18 the nut of the beech...
beefalos 17 15 BEEFALO, a cross bet...
beefcake 20 21 a picture of a male...
beefiest 17 14 BEEFY, thickly built...
beefless 18 15 being without beef [...
beefwood 19 18 an Australian tree a...
beehived 19 18 having a hairdo shap...
beehives 19 17 BEEHIVE, a hive for...
beelined 15 14 BEELINE, to head dir...
beelines 15 13 BEELINE, to head dir...
beerages 15 13 BEERAGE, the brewing...
beerfest 17 14 (US) a beer festival...
beerhall 19 15 a large drinking pla...
beeriest 15 11 BEERY, smelling of b...
beermats 16 14 BEERMAT, a cardboard...
beernuts 15 13 BEERNUT, a peanut wi...
beersies 15 11 (New Zealand slang)...
beesting 16 14 as in beesting lips,...
beestung 16 15 as in beestung lips,...
beeswing 19 17 a crust that forms o...
beetlers 16 12 BEETLER, an operator...
beetling 17 15 BEETLE, to jut out,...
beetroot 14 11 the dark-red root of...
beeyards 21 14 BEEYARD, an apiary [...
befallen 18 17 BEFALL, to happen or...
beffanas 18 18 BEFFANA, an Epiphany...
befinger 18 17 to touch all over [v...
befinned 16 17 having fins [adj]
befitted 18 15 BEFIT, to be suitabl...
befleaed 17 16 BEFLEA, to infest wi...
beflecks 23 22 BEFLECK, to cover wi...
beflower 21 18 to cover with flower...
befoamed 17 18 BEFOAM, to cover wit...
befogged 19 19 BEFOG, to fog up, ob...
befooled 17 16 BEFOOL, to fool; to...
befouled 18 17 BEFOUL, to make foul...
befouler 18 16 one who befouls [n -...
befriend 17 16 to act as a friend t...
befringe 18 17 to adorn with fringe...
befuddle 19 18 to confuse [v BEFUDD...
begalled 18 16 BEGALL, to make sore...
begazing 20 25 BEGAZE, to look at f...
begemmed 18 20 BEGEM, to adorn with...
begetter 16 13 one who begets [n -S...
beggared 17 16 BEGGAR, to impoveris...
beggarly 25 18 like a beggar, very...
beggings 19 18 BEGGING, the act of...
beghards 19 16 BEGHARD, in Flanders...
begifted 19 17 BEGIFT, to present w...
begilded 18 16 BEGILD, to gild [v]
beginner 15 15 one who begins, a no...
beginnes 15 15 BEGINNE, (Spenser) a...
begirded 17 15 BEGIRD, (archaic) to...
begirdle 18 15 to surround as with...
beglamor 18 17 to dazzle with glamo...
beglooms 18 17 BEGLOOM, to make glo...
begnawed 18 18 BEGNAW, to gnaw [v]
begonias 15 14 BEGONIA, a garden pl...
begorrah 18 15 (Irish) an interject...
begotten 15 14 BEGET, to cause to e...
begrimed 18 17 BEGRIME, to soil wit...
begrimes 18 16 BEGRIME, to soil wit...
begroans 15 14 BEGROAN, to groan at...
begrudge 18 17 to concede reluctant...
beguiled 18 16 BEGUILE, to deceive...
beguiler 18 15 one who beguiles [n...
beguiles 18 15 BEGUILE, to deceive...
beguines 16 15 BEGUINE, (French) a...
begulfed 20 19 BEGULF, to engulf [v...
begunked 17 20 BEGUNK, (Scots) to t...
behalves 20 18 BEHALF, interest or...
behappen 20 20 (Spenser) to happen...
behatted 17 14 wearing a hat [adj]
behavers 19 17 BEHAVER, one who beh...
behaving 20 20 BEHAVE, to act prope...
behavior 19 17 conduct, also BEHAVI...
beheadal 17 15 the cutting off of a...
beheaded 16 15 BEHEAD, to cut off t...
beheader 16 14 one who beheads [n -...
behemoth 20 18 (Hebrew) an enormous...
behights 22 17 BEHIGHT, to vow [v]
beholden 17 16 under an obligation...
beholder 18 15 one that beholds [n...
behooved 18 18 BEHOOVE, to be fit,...
behooves 18 17 BEHOOVE, to be fit,...
behoting 18 16 BEHOTE, to vow, prom...
behovely 26 20 (obsolete) useful, p...
behoving 20 20 BEHOVE, to be fit, r...
behowled 21 18 BEHOWL, to howl at [...
beigiest 17 13 BEIGY, relating to t...
beignets 16 14 BEIGNET, a fritter,...
beinness 14 13 wellbeing [n -ES]
bejabers 19 23 an interjection attr...
bejading 18 24 BEJADE, to tire out...
bejeezus 20 30 a mild oath, also BE...
bejesuit 18 21 to initiate into Jes...
bejewels 21 24 BEJEWEL, to adorn wi...
bejumble 22 28 to mix confusedly [v...
bekissed 17 16 BEKISS, to cover wit...
bekisses 17 15 BEKISS, to cover wit...
beknaved 17 21 BEKNAVE, to treat as...
beknaves 17 20 BEKNAVE, to treat as...
beknight 20 20 to raise to knightho...
belabors 18 15 BELABOR, to buffet,...
belabour 18 16 to buffet, beat, als...
belacing 20 18 BELACE, to adorn wit...
beladied 16 14 BELADY, to apply the...
beladies 16 13 BELADY, to apply the...
belamies 17 15 BELAMY, (Spenser) a...
belamour 17 16 (Spenser) a beloved,...
belating 17 15 BELATE, (archaic) to...
belauded 16 15 BELAUD, to laud or p...
belayers 22 14 BELAYER, one who bel...
belaying 23 17 BELAY, to fasten a r...
belchers 22 17 BELCHER, a kind of s...
belching 23 20 BELCH, to expel gas...
beldames 17 16 BELDAME, an old woma...
beleaped 17 16 BELEAP, to leap upon...
beleeing 16 15 BELEE, to put on the...
belfried 19 16 having a belfry [adj...
belfries 19 15 BELFRY, a bell-tower...
belgards 18 15 BELGARD, (Spenser) a...
believed 18 17 BELIEVE, to accept a...
believer 18 16 one who believes [n...
believes 18 16 BELIEVE, to accept a...
beliquor 25 22 to soak with liquor...
belittle 18 13 to disparage [v BELI...
bellbind 20 18 hedge or field bindw...
bellbird 21 17 any of several tropi...
bellboys 26 18 BELLBOY, a pageboy i...
bellbuoy 26 19 a buoy having a bell...
bellcast 21 16 designating a style...
bellcote 20 16 an ornamental struct...
belleeks 18 17 BELLEEK, a thin tran...
belleter 17 13 a bellfounder [n -S]
bellhops 22 18 BELLHOP, a pageboy i...
bellings 19 16 BELLING, a mock sere...
bellinis 18 14 BELLINI, a cocktail...
bellocks 22 20 BELLOCK, to shout [v...
bellowed 20 17 BELLOW, to roar like...
bellower 20 16 one who bellows [n -...
bellpull 23 19 a cord pulled to rin...
bellwort 21 16 a genus of plants wi...
bellyful 28 20 more than enough [n...
bellying 25 18 the act of swelling...
belonged 16 16 BELONG, to be a memb...
belonger 16 15 a person of conserva...
beloveds 18 17 BELOVED, a person wh...
beloving 19 19 BELOVE, (obsolete) t...
beltings 18 15 BELTING, a thrashing...
beltless 18 13 without a belt [adj]
beltline 17 14 the waistline [n -S]
beltways 26 17 BELTWAY, a highway r...
bemadams 17 18 BEMADAM, to call by...
bemadded 16 17 BEMAD, (archaic) to...
bemadden 15 17 to make mad, also BE...
bemauled 17 17 BEMAUL, (archaic) to...
bembexes 24 24 BEMBEX, a noisy sand...
bembixes 25 24 BEMBIX, a noisy sand...
bemeaned 14 16 BEMEAN, (archaic) to...
bemedals 17 16 BEMEDAL, (archaic) t...
bemeting 17 17 BEMETE, (archaic) to...
bemingle 18 18 to mix together [v B...
bemiring 18 17 BEMIRE, (archaic) to...
bemisted 17 15 BEMIST, to envelop i...
bemixing 24 24 BEMIX, to mix well [...
bemoaned 14 16 BEMOAN, to lament [v...
bemoaner 14 15 one who bemoans [n -...
bemocked 20 22 BEMOCK, (archaic) to...
bemoiled 17 16 BEMOIL, (Shakespeare...
bemouths 19 17 BEMOUTH, (archaic) t...
bemudded 17 18 BEMUD, (archaic) to...
bemuddle 18 18 (archaic) to confuse...
bemuffle 22 22 to wrap or muffle [v...
bemurmur 19 19 to murmur at [v -ED,...
bemusing 18 18 BEMUSE, to confuse [...
bemuzzle 24 34 to put a gag on [v B...
benadryl 22 16 (tradename) an antih...
benaming 16 18 BENAME, to name, men...
benchers 20 17 BENCHER, a senior me...
benchier 20 17 BENCHY, of a hillsid...
benching 21 20 BENCH, to provide wi...
benchtop 22 20 a flat surface area...
bendable 17 17 able to be bent [adj...
bendayed 20 16 BENDAY, to reproduce...
bendiest 15 13 BENDY, full of bends...
bendings 16 16 BENDING, the act of...
bendlets 16 14 BENDLET, in heraldry...
bendways 24 18 diagonally, also BEN...
bendwise 18 16 diagonally, also BEN...
benedick 19 20 a newly married husb...
benedict 18 16 a newly married husb...
benefact 19 18 to confer a benefit...
benefice 19 18 an ecclesiastical of...
benefits 17 15 BENEFIT, to obtain a...
benetted 14 13 BENET, to catch in a...
benights 19 16 BENIGHT, to be overt...
benigner 15 15 BENIGN, favourably d...
benignly 23 18 BENIGN, favourably d...
beniseed 14 13 sesame seed [n -S]
benisons 14 13 BENISON, a blessing,...
benitier 15 12 a holy-water font [n...
benjamin 17 25 a kind of overcoat [...
benomyls 23 18 BENOMYL, a pesticide...
benthoal 17 15 living on the sea bo...
benthons 16 15 BENTHON, the flora a...
bentiest 15 12 BENTY, like wiry gra...
bentwood 17 16 wood artifically cur...
benumbed 18 20 BENUMB, to make numb...
benzenes 16 22 BENZENE, a solvent d...
benzidin 18 23 a hydrocarbon used i...
benzines 17 22 BENZINE, a mixture o...
benzoate 16 21 a salt of benzoic ac...
benzoins 17 22 BENZOIN, a fragrant...
benzoles 18 22 BENZOLE, crude benze...
benzoyls 25 24 BENZOYL, a compound...
benzylic 29 27 of or like benzyl [a...
bepaints 17 15 BEPAINT, (archaic) t...
bepatted 17 15 BEPAT, to pat often...
bepearls 18 15 BEPEARL, to cover wi...
bepelted 18 16 BEPELT, to pelt hard...
bepepper 21 20 to hit hard with gun...
bepester 17 14 (archaic) to pester,...
bepimple 22 21 to cover with pimple...
bepitied 18 15 BEPITY, to pity grea...
bepities 18 14 BEPITY, to pity grea...
beplumed 20 20 (archaic) adorned wi...
bepommel 20 21 to pommel soundly [v...
bepowder 20 18 to powder over [v -E...
bepraise 17 14 to lavish praise upo...
beprosed 17 15 BEPROSE, to reduce t...
beproses 17 14 BEPROSE, to reduce t...
bepuffed 22 22 BEPUFF, (archaic) to...
bequeath 25 23 to leave by will [v...
bequests 24 21 BEQUEST, a legacy [n...
beraking 17 18 BERAKE, to rake all...
berascal 19 15 to accuse of being a...
berating 16 14 BERATE, to scold sev...
beraying 22 16 BERAY, (obsolete) to...
berberes 17 14 BERBERE, an Ethiopia...
berberin 17 15 an alkaloid obtained...
berberis 18 14 a flowering shrub [n...
berceaux 24 22 BERCEAU, a cradle, a...
berceuse 18 15 (French) a lullaby [...
berdache 20 17 an American Indian t...
bereaved 16 16 BEREAVE, to deprive...
bereaven 15 16 BEREAVE, to deprive...
bereaver 16 15 one who bereaves [n...
bereaves 16 15 BEREAVE, to deprive...
berettas 15 11 BERETTA, a square ca...
bergalis 18 14 BERGALI, a fish of t...
bergamas 17 16 BERGAMA, a type of r...
bergamot 17 16 a citrus tree [n -S]
bergenia 15 14 any of various peren...
bergeres 16 13 BERGERE, a type of e...
bergfall 21 18 (German) a fall of m...
berghaan 17 16 (Afrikaans) the bate...
bergmehl 21 19 (German) a powdery d...
bergylts 25 16 BERGYLT, (Norwegian)...
berhymed 25 19 BERHYME, to compose...
berhymes 25 18 BERHYME, to compose...
beriberi 18 14 a disease caused by...
berimbau 19 18 a Brazilian single-s...
beriming 18 17 BERIME, to compose i...
beringed 16 15 adorned with rings [...
berleyed 22 15 BERLEY, (Australian)...
berlines 16 13 BERLINE, an old four...
bermudas 17 16 knee-length walking...
bernicle 19 16 a kind of wild goose...
berobbed 19 18 BEROB, (Spenser) to...
berouged 16 15 thickly rouged [adj]
berretta 15 11 (Spanish) a square c...
berrigan 16 14 an Australian tree w...
berrying 23 16 the gathering of ber...
berseems 16 14 BERSEEM, a Mediterra...
berserks 17 15 BERSERK, a Norse war...
berthage 18 15 a place for mooring...
berthing 19 16 the act of occupying...
beryline 22 15 of or like beryl, th...
beryllia 24 15 an oxide of berylliu...
besaints 15 12 BESAINT, to make a s...
bescorch 24 19 to scorch thoroughly...
bescours 19 15 BESCOUR, to scour th...
bescrawl 23 18 to cover with scrawl...
bescreen 17 15 to cover with a scre...
beseeing 15 14 BESEE, (obsolete) to...
beseekes 15 15 BESEEKE, (Spenser) t...
beseemed 15 15 BESEEM, to be becomi...
beseemly 23 17 fit; suitable [adj B...
besetter 15 11 one who, or that whi...
beshadow 20 17 to cast a shadow on...
beshamed 18 17 BESHAME, (archaic) t...
beshames 18 16 BESHAME, (archaic) t...
beshines 17 14 BESHINE, (archaic) t...
beshiver 20 17 to break into small...
beshouts 18 14 BESHOUT, to shout at...
beshrews 21 16 BESHREW, (archaic) t...
beshroud 18 15 to cover with, or as...
besieged 16 14 BESIEGE, to attack a...
besieger 16 13 one who besieges, al...
besieges 16 13 BESIEGE, to attack a...
besighed 19 16 BESIGH, (archaic) to...
beslaved 18 17 BESLAVE, to make a s...
beslaver 18 16 to slobber upon [v -...
beslaves 18 16 BESLAVE, to make a s...
beslimed 18 16 BESLIME, to cover wi...
beslimes 18 15 BESLIME, to cover wi...
besmears 16 14 BESMEAR, to smear, b...
besmiled 18 16 BESMILE, to smile on...
besmiles 18 15 BESMILE, to smile on...
besmirch 23 19 to soil, make dirty...
besmoked 17 19 BESMOKE, to pollute...
besmokes 17 18 BESMOKE, to pollute...
besmooth 18 16 to make smooth [v -E...
besmudge 18 18 to cover with smudge...
besmutch 23 20 (archaic) to soil, b...
besnowed 17 16 BESNOW, to cover wit...
besognio 15 14 (Italian) a beggar [...
besoming 17 17 BESOM, to sweep with...
besonian 13 13 (Shakespeare) a begg...
besoothe 16 13 to soothe [v BESOOTH...
besorted 15 12 BESORT, (Shakespeare...
besotted 15 12 BESOT, to infatuate...
besought 19 16 BESEECH, to implore,...
besouled 16 14 (archaic) having a s...
bespeaks 18 18 BESPEAK, to request...
bespeeds 17 15 BESPEED, to help on...
bespiced 21 18 BESPICE, (Shakespear...
bespices 21 17 BESPICE, (Shakespear...
bespoken 17 19 BESPEAK, to request...
besports 18 14 BESPORT, to sport, p...
bespouse 17 15 to marry [v BESPOUSE...
bespouts 18 15 BESPOUT, to spout ov...
bespread 17 15 to spread over [v BE...
besprent 17 15 (obsolete) sprinkled...
bestadde 15 13 beset by, also BESTA...
bestains 15 12 BESTAIN, to stain al...
besteads 15 12 BESTEAD, (archaic) t...
bestials 17 12 BESTIAL, a collectiv...
bestiary 22 13 a book of animal fab...
besticks 21 18 BESTICK, to stick ov...
bestills 19 13 BESTILL, (archaic) t...
bestorms 17 14 BESTORM, to assail w...
bestowal 19 15 a gift [n -S]
bestowed 18 15 BESTOW, to present a...
bestower 18 14 one who bestows [n -...
bestreak 16 15 to overspread with s...
bestrewn 18 15 BESTREW, to strew, s...
bestrews 19 14 BESTREW, to strew, s...
bestride 16 12 to stride across, st...
bestrode 15 12 BESTRIDE, to stride...
bestrown 18 15 BESTROW, to strew, s...
bestrows 19 14 BESTROW, to strew, s...
besuited 16 13 wearing a suit [adj]
beswarms 20 17 BESWARM, to swarm al...
betacism 20 17 the pronunciation of...
betaines 14 12 BETAINE, a crystalli...
betaking 17 18 BETAKE, to take ones...
betatron 14 12 an electron accelera...
betatter 15 11 to tatter [v -ED, -I...
beteemed 15 15 BETEEME, (Spenser) t...
beteemes 15 14 BETEEME, (Spenser) t...
betelnut 16 14 the areca nut [n -S]
bethanks 18 18 BETHANK, to ply with...
bethesda 17 14 a Nonconformist chur...
bethinks 19 18 BETHINK, to call to...
bethorns 17 14 BETHORN, to fill wit...
bethrall 20 15 (Spenser) to enslave...
bethumbs 22 20 BETHUMB, to wear or...
bethumps 22 20 BETHUMP, to thump so...
bethwack 25 23 to thrash soundly [v...
betiding 17 15 BETIDE, to befall, h...
betiming 18 17 BETIME, (Shakespeare...
betitled 17 13 BETITLE, to furnish...
betitles 17 12 BETITLE, to furnish...
betoiled 16 13 BETOIL, to weary wit...
betokens 15 16 BETOKEN, to signify...
betonies 14 12 BETONY, a labiate pl...
betossed 15 12 BETOSS, (Shakespeare...
betosses 15 11 BETOSS, (Shakespeare...
betrayal 22 14 the act of betraying...
betrayed 21 14 BETRAY, to disclose...
betrayer 21 13 one who betrays [n -...
betreads 15 12 BETREAD, to walk upo...
betroths 18 13 BETROTH, to engage t...
bettered 15 12 BETTER, to improve [...
bettings 17 14 BETTING, the act of...
bettongs 16 14 BETTONG, an Australi...
betweens 17 15 BETWEEN, a needle of...
beuncled 19 18 having too many uncl...
bevatron 16 16 a proton accelerator...
bevelers 18 16 BEVELER, one who bev...
beveling 19 19 BEVEL, to cut at an...
bevelled 19 18 BEVEL, to cut at an...
beveller 19 17 one who bevels, also...
beverage 17 17 any liquid for drink...
bevering 18 18 BEVER, to snack [v]
bevomits 19 18 BEVOMIT, to vomit al...
bevvying 27 24 BEVVY, to engage in...
bewailed 19 16 BEWAIL, to lament [v...
bewailer 19 15 one who bewails or l...
bewaring 19 17 BEWARE, to be on one...
bewetted 18 15 BEWET, to make wet [...
bewhored 20 17 BEWHORE, to call som...
bewhores 20 16 BEWHORE, to call som...
bewigged 21 19 BEWIG, to dress in a...
bewilder 20 16 to confuse [v -ED, -...
bewinged 19 18 having wings [adj]
bewormed 19 18 BEWORM, to cover wit...
bewrayed 24 17 BEWRAY, (archaic) to...
bewrayer 24 16 one who, or that whi...
bezazzes 24 38 BEZAZZ, panache, fla...
beziques 27 30 BEZIQUE, a card game...
bezonian 16 22 (Shakespeare) a begg...
bezzants 21 30 BEZZANT, a gold coin...
bezzling 24 33 BEZZLE, to drink har...
bhangras 18 16 BHANGRA, a combinati...
bheestie 17 13 an Indian water carr...
bhelpuri 22 18 an Indian dish of pu...
bhishtis 22 15 BHISHTI, an Indian w...
bhistees 18 13 BHISTEE, an Indian w...
bhisties 19 13 BHISTIE, an Indian w...
biacetyl 26 17 a chemical flavor en...
biannual 15 15 taking place twice a...
biasedly 23 15 BIASED [adv]
biasings 17 14 BIASING, the act of...
biasness 15 12 the state of being s...
biassing 17 14 BIAS, to cause to in...
biatches 21 16 BIATCH, (slang) a bi...
biathlon 18 15 a competition in cro...
bibation 17 15 tippling [n -S]
bibbings 22 20 BIBBING, the act of...
bibcocks 26 24 BIBCOCK, a tap with...
bibelots 19 15 BIBELOT, (French) a...
biblical 24 19 relating to the bibl...
biblists 21 15 BIBLIST, one skilled...
bibulous 20 17 addicted to strong d...
bicaudal 20 17 having two tails [ad...
bicepses 21 17 BICEPS, the two-head...
bichrome 22 19 two-colored [adj]
bickered 20 19 BICKER, to squabble...
bickerer 20 18 one who bickers [n -...
bicolors 20 15 BICOLOR, something h...
bicolour 20 16 something having two...
biconvex 26 26 convex on both sides...
bicornes 18 15 BICORNE, a hat with...
bicuspid 23 19 having two cusps [ad...
bicycled 30 21 BICYCLE, to ride a t...
bicycler 30 20 one who rides a bicy...
bicycles 30 20 BICYCLE, to ride a t...
bicyclic 34 23 having two cycles [a...
bidarkas 17 16 BIDARKA, (Russian) a...
bidarkee 16 16 (Russian) an Alaskan...
biddable 19 17 obedient, docile [ad...
biddably 26 19 BIDDABLE, obedient,...
biddings 18 16 BIDDING, a command [...
bidental 16 14 a place struck by li...
bieldier 17 13 BIELDY, (Scots) affo...
bielding 18 16 BIELD, (Scots) to gi...
biennale 14 14 (Italian) an interna...
biennial 15 14 occurring every two...
biennium 16 17 a period of two year...
bifacial 22 18 having two faces [ad...
bifidity 26 17 the state of being d...
bifidums 21 19 BIFIDUM, a bacterium...
bifocals 22 18 spectacles with bifo...
biforate 17 14 having two perforati...
biforked 19 19 divided into two bra...
biformed 19 18 having two forms, al...
bigamies 18 16 BIGAMY, the crime of...
bigamist 19 16 a person who commits...
bigamous 18 17 guilty of bigamy [ad...
bigarade 16 14 a bitter Seville ora...
bigaroon 15 14 any of several heart...
bigeminy 24 19 the state of having...
bigeners 16 14 BIGENER, a hybrid be...
bigfoots 19 16 BIGFOOT, to throw on...
biggings 20 18 BIGGING, (Scots) a b...
bigheads 19 16 BIGHEAD, a conceited...
bighorns 19 16 BIGHORN, a kind of w...
bighting 21 18 BIGHT, to fasten wit...
bigmouth 21 19 a loud conceited per...
bignonia 15 15 any member of the Bi...
bigstick 23 20 of or relating to ir...
biguines 17 15 BIGUINE, (French) a...
bihourly 26 17 occuring every two h...
bijugate 19 23 having two pairs of...
bijugous 20 24 having two pairs of...
bijwoner 20 24 (Afrikaans) the subt...
bikeways 26 20 BIKEWAY, (US) a rout...
bikinied 17 17 wearing a bikini [ad...
bilabial 20 16 a sound produced by...
bilander 16 14 (Dutch) a two-masted...
bilayers 23 14 BILAYER, a film with...
bilberry 26 17 a whortleberry shrub...
bilevels 20 17 BILEVEL, of an image...
bilgiest 19 14 BILGY, having the sm...
bilimbis 22 18 BILIMBI, an East Ind...
bilinear 16 13 pertaining to two li...
billable 21 17 that can be billed,...
billbook 21 20 a book used in comme...
billbugs 23 19 BILLBUG, a weevil or...
billeted 18 14 BILLET, to accomodat...
billetee 17 13 one who is billeted...
billeter 18 13 one who billets [n -...
billfish 24 18 a kind of fish with...
billfold 22 18 a wallet [n -S]
billhead 20 16 a printed form, used...
billhook 21 19 a tool for cutting b...
billiard 19 14 a carom shot in bill...
billings 20 16 BILLING, the relativ...
billions 18 14 BILLION, a thousand...
billowed 21 17 BILLOW, to swell up...
billyboy 33 20 a flat-bottomed rive...
billycan 27 19 (Australian slang) a...
billyohs 27 17 BILLYOH, in the phra...
bilobate 18 15 having two lobes, al...
bilsteds 18 13 BILSTED, a North Ame...
biltongs 18 15 BILTONG, (Afrikaans)...
bimanous 16 16 two-handed, also BIM...
bimanual 17 17 done with two hands...
bimbashi 22 19 a Turkish military o...
bimbette 19 17 a very dumb female b...
bimensal 17 16 occuring every two m...
bimester 17 14 a two-month period [...
bimetals 18 15 BIMETAL, something c...
bimethyl 27 19 ethane [n -S]
bimorphs 22 19 BIMORPH, a device co...
binaries 15 12 BINARY, a combinatio...
binarism 17 15 a mode of thought ba...
binately 22 15 BINATE, growing in p...
binaural 16 14 hearing with both ea...
bindable 18 17 able to be bound [ad...
bindings 17 16 BINDING, the cover a...
bindweed 18 17 any of various weeds...
bingeing 17 17 overindulgence in fo...
bingings 18 17 BINGING, the act of...
bingling 19 18 BINGLE, to style the...
bingoing 17 17 BINGO, to play all s...
binnacle 18 17 a casing for a ship'...
binocles 19 16 BINOCLE, (French) a...
binomial 17 16 containing the sum o...
bioassay 21 13 to test the strength...
biobanks 18 19 BIOBANK, any large s...
bioblast 19 15 a tiny granule of pr...
biochips 24 19 BIOCHIP, a computer...
biocidal 20 16 killing living mater...
biocides 19 15 BIOCIDE, a substance...
bioclean 18 16 free of harmful orga...
biocycle 29 20 the cycling of chemi...
bioethic 21 16 relating to ethical...
biofacts 21 17 BIOFACT, an item of...
biofilms 21 18 BIOFILM, a thin laye...
biofuels 19 16 BIOFUEL, a fuel (as...
biogases 16 13 BIOGAS, gas obtained...
biogenic 19 17 relating to biogens...
biograph 21 18 to write a biography...
bioherms 19 16 BIOHERM, a mound of...
biologic 21 17 related to biology [...
biolyses 23 14 BIOLYSIS, the breakd...
biolysis 24 14 the breakdown of org...
biolytic 27 17 relating to [adj BIO...
biometer 16 14 a device for measuri...
biometry 23 16 the statistical stud...
biomorph 21 19 a representation of...
bionomic 19 18 relating to bionomic...
biophore 19 16 a hypothetical unit...
biophors 20 16 BIOPHOR, a hypotheti...
bioplasm 20 18 living matter [n -S]
bioplast 19 15 a tiny mass of biopl...
bioplays 25 17 BIOPLAY, a play base...
biopsied 18 15 BIOPSY, to examine t...
biopsies 18 14 BIOPSY, to examine t...
bioscope 20 17 an early movie proje...
bioscopy 27 19 a type of mediical e...
biosolid 17 13 solid organic matter...
biotechs 21 16 BIOTECH, applied bio...
biotical 20 15 relating to living o...
biotites 16 11 BIOTITE, mica contai...
biotitic 20 14 of or like biotite,...
biotopes 17 14 BIOTOPE, an area hav...
biotoxin 21 19 a poison of biologic...
biotrons 15 12 BIOTRON, a climate c...
biotroph 20 16 a parastic organism...
biotypes 24 16 BIOTYPE, a distinct...
biotypic 28 19 relating to a biotyp...
biovular 19 17 derived from two ova...
biowaste 18 14 waste composed chief...
biparous 18 15 producing offspring...
biparted 18 15 having two parts [ad...
biphasic 24 19 having two phases [a...
biphenyl 27 20 a hydrocarbon consis...
biplanes 18 16 BIPLANE, a plane wit...
biprisms 21 17 BIPRISM, a prism hav...
biracial 20 15 including members of...
biradial 17 13 having dual symmetry...
biramose 16 14 divided into branche...
biramous 17 15 divided into branche...
birching 23 19 a flogging [n -S]
birchirs 23 16 BIRCHIR, any of vari...
birdbath 21 17 a bath for birds [n...
birdcage 20 17 a cage for birds [n...
birdcall 22 17 the call of a bird [...
birddogs 18 15 BIRDDOG, to follow c...
birdfarm 20 18 (US colloquial) an a...
birdfeed 18 16 food suitable for bi...
birdings 18 15 BIRDING, the occupat...
birdlife 20 16 birds collectively [...
birdlike 19 17 like a bird [adj]
birdlime 19 16 a sticky substance p...
birdseed 16 13 seed used for feedin...
birdseye 22 14 a kind of primrose [...
birdshot 19 14 small shot for shoot...
birdsong 17 15 the song of a bird [...
birdwing 21 18 a large tropical but...
birettas 16 11 BIRETTA, a square ca...
birianis 16 12 BIRIANI, a spicy ric...
biriyani 22 14 a spicy rice dish, a...
birkiest 18 15 BIRKIE, (Scots) acti...
birlings 19 15 BIRLING, a lumberjac...
birlinns 17 14 BIRLINN, a Gaelic ch...
birretta 16 11 a square cap worn by...
birrotch 22 16 BIRR, a monetary uni...
birsiest 17 11 BIRSY, (Scots) brist...
birsling 19 15 BIRSLE, to scorch, t...
birthday 25 16 the day of one's bir...
birthdom 20 17 (Shakespeare) birthr...
birthers 19 13 BIRTHER, a person wh...
birthing 20 16 the act of giving bi...
biryanis 22 14 BIRYANI, a spicy ric...
biscacha 24 19 a South American rod...
biscotti 20 14 BISCOTTO, a crisp, a...
biscotto 19 14 a crisp, anise-flavo...
biscuits 21 15 BISCUIT, a small, th...
biscuity 27 17 like a biscuit [adj]
bisected 19 15 BISECT, to divide in...
bisector 19 14 a line that divides...
biserial 17 12 arranged in two rows...
bisexual 23 20 hermaphrodite [adj B...
bishoped 20 17 BISHOP, to fill, or...
bismarck 22 21 (Canadian) a type of...
bismuths 21 17 BISMUTH, a brittle r...
bisnagas 16 14 BISNAGA, a type of c...
bissoned 15 13 BISSON, to cause to...
bistable 19 15 having two stable st...
bistered 16 12 painted with bister,...
bistorts 17 11 BISTORT, a plant of...
bistoury 23 14 a narrow surgical kn...
bistroic 20 14 of or like a bistro,...
bitchery 28 18 ill-tempered [n BITC...
bitchier 22 16 BITCHY, catty [adj]
bitchily 30 19 BITCHY, catty [adv]
bitching 23 19 BITCH, to complain [...
bitcoins 19 15 BITCOIN, a unit of d...
biteable 18 15 that can be bitten,...
bitesize 19 20 of food, small enoug...
bitewing 20 17 a dental X-ray film...
bitingly 25 17 BITING, sharp, sarca...
bitsiest 17 11 BITSY, small and att...
bitstock 21 18 a brace on a drill [...
bittacle 20 15 a casing for a ship'...
bittered 16 12 BITTER, to make rese...
bitterer 16 11 BITTER, having a dis...
bitterly 24 14 BITTER, having a dis...
bitterns 16 12 BITTERN, a wading bi...
bittiest 17 11 BITTY, fragmented [a...
bittings 18 14 BITTING, an indentat...
bittocks 21 18 BITTOCK, (Scots) a s...
bittours 17 12 BITTOUR, (Spenser) t...
bitumens 17 16 BITUMEN, (Latin) nat...
biunique 24 23 being a type of corr...
bivalent 18 17 a pair of chromosome...
bivalved 21 21 having a two-valved...
bivalves 21 20 BIVALVE, a mollusc h...
bivinyls 26 19 BIVINYL, a flammable...
bivouacs 21 19 BIVOUAC, to spend th...
bivvying 28 24 BIVVY, to bivouac, t...
biweekly 27 21 a publication issued...
biyearly 29 16 occuring every two y...
bizarres 19 20 BIZARRE, a strangely...
bizarros 19 20 BIZARRO, one that is...
bizazzes 25 38 BIZAZZ, flamboyance,...
bizcacha 27 28 a South American rod...
biznagas 19 23 BIZNAGA, a type of c...
blabbers 21 18 BLABBER, to reveal s...
blabbier 21 18 BLABBY, tending to b...
blabbing 22 21 the act of blabbing,...
blackboy 29 24 an Australian grass...
blackcap 26 25 a small European bir...
blackens 20 20 BLACKEN, to make bla...
blackest 21 19 BLACK, being of the...
blackfin 23 23 a food fish, a kind...
blackfly 31 25 a biting fly [n BLAC...
blackgum 24 25 a kind of dogwood, a...
blacking 22 22 a black shoe polish...
blackish 24 21 somewhat black [adj...
blackleg 23 22 to work even though...
blackout 21 20 a power failure [n -...
blacktop 23 22 bituminous material...
bladders 17 14 BLADDER, a saclike r...
bladdery 23 16 like a bladder [adj]
bladding 18 17 BLAD, (Scots) to str...
bladiest 17 13 BLADY, as in blady g...
bladings 18 16 BLADING, the act of...
blaffing 22 21 BLAFF, to bark [v]
blaggers 19 16 BLAGGER, one who bla...
blagging 20 19 an act of theft [n -...
blaguers 18 15 BLAGUER, one who tal...
blagueur 18 16 one who talks preten...
blamable 20 19 being at fault [adj]
blamably 27 21 BLAMABLE, being at f...
blameful 21 20 deserving blame [adj...
blamming 20 21 BLAM, to make a soun...
blanched 21 19 BLANCH, to whiten [v...
blancher 21 18 one who, or that whi...
blanches 21 18 BLANCH, to whiten [v...
blancoed 18 17 BLANCO, to whiten wi...
blandest 16 14 BLAND, neutral-tasti...
blanding 17 17 BLAND, to become bla...
blandish 19 16 to coax and flatter...
blankest 17 17 BLANK, empty [adj]
blankets 17 17 BLANKET, to cover un...
blankety 23 19 an unmentionable wor...
blankies 17 17 BLANKIE, a child's b...
blanking 18 20 the act of blanking,...
blanquet 24 23 (French) a variety o...
blarneys 22 15 BLARNEY, to cajole,...
blarting 18 15 BLART, to shout loud...
blashier 19 14 BLASHY, showery; of...
blashing 20 17 BLASH, to splash [v]
blastema 17 15 the protoplasmic par...
blasters 17 12 BLASTER, one who bla...
blastier 17 12 BLASTY, characterise...
blasties 17 12 BLASTIE, a dwarf [n]
blasting 18 15 the act of one that...
blastoff 21 18 the launching of a r...
blastoid 17 13 one of the Blastoide...
blastoma 17 15 a type of tumour [n...
blastula 18 14 a hollow sphere of c...
blatancy 25 18 something blatant [n...
blathers 19 14 BLATHER, to talk foo...
blattant 16 13 (Spenser) offensivel...
blatters 17 12 BLATTER, (Scots) to...
blatting 18 15 BLAT, to bleat, cry...
blauboks 20 20 BLAUBOK, (Afrikaans)...
blauding 18 17 BLAUD, to strike, di...
blaworts 20 15 BLAWORT, (Scots) the...
blazered 19 22 wearing a blazer [ad...
blazoned 18 23 BLAZON, to read such...
blazoner 18 22 a person who blazons...
blazonry 25 24 the correct descript...
bleached 21 18 BLEACH, to whiten [v...
bleacher 21 17 an outdoor uncovered...
bleaches 21 17 BLEACH, to whiten [v...
bleakest 17 16 BLEAK, dull and chee...
bleakish 20 18 somewhat bleak [adj]
blearest 16 12 BLEAR, of the eyes,...
blearier 16 12 BLEARY, dim [adj]
blearily 24 15 BLEARY, dim [adv]
blearing 17 15 BLEAR, to make blear...
bleaters 16 12 BLEATER, (colloquial...
bleating 17 15 the cry of a sheep [...
blebbier 21 18 BLEBBY, containing b...
blebbing 22 21 the forming of a bli...
bleeders 16 13 BLEEDER, one who ble...
bleeding 17 16 a discharge of blood...
bleepers 18 15 BLEEPER, a device th...
bleeping 19 18 BLEEP, to emit a sho...
blellums 21 18 BLELLUM, (Scots) an...
blenched 21 19 BLENCH, to shrink or...
blencher 21 18 a person stationed t...
blenches 21 18 BLENCH, to shrink or...
blenders 16 14 BLENDER, one that bl...
blending 17 17 the act of blending...
blennies 15 14 BLENNY, a long, slen...
blesboks 20 19 BLESBOK, (Afrikaans)...
blesbuck 24 23 (Afrikaans) a South...
blessers 17 12 BLESSER, one who ble...
blessing 18 15 a prayer, a wish for...
blethers 19 14 BLETHER, to talk non...
bletting 18 15 BLET, to decay like...
bleuatre 16 13 (French) bluish [adj...
blewarts 20 15 BLEWART, (Scots) the...
blighted 21 17 BLIGHT, to cause dec...
blighter 21 16 an unpleasant person...
blimbing 22 21 (Malay) an East Indi...
blimpery 27 20 pompous behaviour [n...
blimping 22 21 BLIMP, to swell out...
blimpish 24 20 like Colonel Blimp,...
blindage 17 16 a temporary wooden s...
blinders 17 14 BLINDER, a thing tha...
blindest 17 14 BLIND, sightless [ad...
blindgut 19 17 the caecum [n -S]
blinding 18 17 causing blindness, d...
blingest 18 15 BLING, flashy [adj]
blingier 18 15 BLINGY, bling, flash...
blinging 19 18 flashy and expensive...
blinkard 18 18 (archaic) one who bl...
blinkers 18 17 BLINKER, to put blin...
blinking 19 20 BLINK, to open and s...
blinning 17 17 BLIN, (Spenser) to c...
blintzes 20 22 BLINTZ, (Yiddish) a...
blipping 23 21 BLIP, to remove soun...
blipvert 22 19 a very short adverti...
blissful 22 17 very happy [adj BLIS...
blissing 19 15 BLISS, to experience...
blisters 18 12 BLISTER, to cause fl...
blistery 24 14 having blisters [adj...
blithely 27 17 BLITHE, merry [adv]
blithers 20 14 BLITHER, to talk loq...
blithest 20 14 BLITHE, merry [adj]
blitters 18 12 BLITTER, a chip or s...
blitting 19 15 BLIT, to transfer a...
blitzers 21 21 BLITZER, one who bli...
blitzing 22 24 BLITZ, to wage a bom...
blizzard 24 31 to rage like a snows...
bloaters 16 12 BLOATER, a smoked he...
bloating 17 15 a disease of cattle...
blobbier 21 18 BLOBBY, having blobs...
blobbing 22 21 BLOB, to form into a...
blockade 20 20 to block with troops...
blockage 21 21 the act of blocking...
blockers 21 19 BLOCKER, one that bl...
blockier 21 19 BLOCKY, block-like [...
blockies 21 19 BLOCKIE, (Australian...
blocking 22 22 an interruption to t...
blockish 24 21 block shaped [adj BL...
bloggers 19 16 BLOGGER, one who mai...
blogging 20 19 the act or practice...
blogpost 20 17 a single entry in a...
blogring 19 17 a number of blogs jo...
blogroll 20 16 a list of blogs [n -...
blokarts 18 16 BLOKART, a land vehi...
blokedom 18 20 the world of blokes...
blokeish 20 18 affecting a masculin...
blokiest 18 16 BLOKEY, like one of...
bloncket 20 20 (Spenser) grey [adj]
blondest 16 14 BLOND, light coloure...
blondine 15 15 to bleach hair blond...
blonding 17 17 the act of dyeing bl...
blondish 19 16 somewhat blonde [adj...
bloodfin 18 17 a freshwater fish [n...
bloodied 16 14 BLOODY, to make bloo...
bloodier 16 13 BLOODY, stained with...
bloodies 16 13 BLOODY, to make bloo...
bloodily 24 16 BLOODY, stained with...
blooding 17 16 a fox hunting ceremo...
bloodred 16 14 the colour of blood...
bloomers 17 15 BLOOMER, a large loa...
bloomery 23 17 a furnace for smelti...
bloomier 17 15 BLOOMY, covered with...
blooming 18 18 the act of coming in...
bloopers 18 15 BLOOPER, a public bl...
bloopier 18 15 BLOOPY, in baseball,...
blooping 19 18 BLOOP, in baseball,...
bloosmed 17 16 BLOOSME, (Spenser) t...
bloosmes 17 15 BLOOSME, (Spenser) t...
blossoms 18 15 BLOSSOM, to flourish...
blossomy 24 17 having blossoms [adj...
blotched 22 18 BLOTCH, to mark with...
blotches 22 17 BLOTCH, to mark with...
blotless 18 13 without blots [adj]
blotters 17 12 BLOTTER, a piece of...
blottier 17 12 BLOTTY, smudged [adj...
blotting 18 15 the method for trans...
blouboks 20 20 BLOUBOK, (Afrikaans)...
blousier 17 13 BLOUSY, coarse and r...
blousily 25 16 BLOUSY, coarse and r...
blousing 18 16 BLOUSE, to puff out...
blousons 16 14 BLOUSON, (French) a...
bloviate 18 16 to speak pompously [...
blowback 26 25 an escape of gases [...
blowball 24 20 a fluffy seed ball [...
blowdart 20 16 a dart shot from a b...
blowdown 22 20 an accident in a nuc...
blowfish 25 20 a marine fish, aka g...
blowguns 21 19 BLOWGUN, a long stra...
blowhard 22 18 a boaster [n -S]
blowhole 22 18 a hole for breathing...
blowiest 20 15 BLOWY, windy, gusty...
blowings 21 18 BLOWING, the act of...
blowjobs 24 27 BLOWJOB, oral sex, f...
blowkart 21 19 a land vehicle with...
blowlamp 24 22 a portable lamp prod...
blowoffs 24 21 BLOWOFF, the expelli...
blowouts 20 16 BLOWOUT, an irregula...
blowpipe 24 21 a long straight tube...
blowsier 20 15 BLOWSY, coarse and r...
blowsily 28 18 BLOWSY, coarse and r...
blowtube 22 19 a long straight tube...
blowzier 23 24 BLOWZY, coarse and r...
blowzily 31 27 BLOWZY, coarse and r...
blubbers 22 19 BLUBBER, to weep eff...
blubbery 28 21 swollen, protuberant...
blubbing 23 22 BLUB, to weep [v]
bluchers 23 18 BLUCHER, (German) a...
bludgeon 17 17 to hit with a club [...
bludgers 19 16 BLUDGER, (Australian...
bludging 20 19 BLUDGE, (Australian...
bludiest 18 14 BLUDY, stained with...
blueback 23 23 a kind of trout inha...
blueball 21 18 a medicinal herb [n...
bluebeat 18 16 a type of West India...
bluebell 21 18 in South England, th...
bluebill 22 18 an American duck of...
bluebird 20 17 a small American bir...
bluebook 19 20 a parliamentary repo...
bluebuck 24 24 an extinct antelope,...
bluebush 22 19 an Australian blue-g...
bluecaps 22 19 BLUECAP, a one-year...
bluecoat 19 16 one dressed in blue,...
bluefins 19 17 BLUEFIN, a species o...
bluefish 22 18 a large voracious fi...
bluegill 21 17 an edible sunfish [n...
bluegown 20 19 one of a former clas...
bluegums 20 19 BLUEGUM, any of seve...
bluehead 18 16 a marine fish, a kin...
blueings 18 16 BLUEING, the process...
bluejack 23 29 a kind of oak tree [...
bluejays 25 24 BLUEJAY, a North Ame...
blueline 17 15 a line that divides...
blueness 16 14 the state of being b...
bluenose 15 14 a nickname for a Nov...
bluesier 17 13 BLUESY, resembling b...
bluesman 17 17 a man who plays the...
bluesmen 17 17 BLUESMAN, a man who...
bluestem 18 16 a kind of prairie gr...
bluetick 22 20 a hunting dog [n -S]
bluetits 18 13 BLUETIT, a small bir...
bluettes 17 13 BLUETTE, (French) a...
blueweed 19 17 a bristly weed, vipe...
bluewing 21 19 the blue-winged teal...
bluewood 19 17 a thorny shrub growi...
bluffers 22 19 BLUFFER, one that bl...
bluffest 22 19 BLUFF, rough and hea...
bluffing 23 22 BLUFF, to deceive [v...
bluggier 20 17 BLUGGY, (colloquial)...
bluidier 18 14 BLUIDY, stained with...
blunders 17 15 BLUNDER, to make a m...
blungers 18 16 BLUNGER, a machine o...
blunging 19 19 BLUNGE, to mix clay...
blunkers 18 18 BLUNKER, (Scots) a b...
blunking 19 21 BLUNK, (Scots) to sp...
bluntest 17 14 BLUNT, not sharp or...
blunting 18 17 BLUNT, to make blunt...
bluntish 20 16 somewhat blunt [adj]
blurbing 21 19 BLURB, to praise in...
blurbist 21 16 a writer of blurbs [...
blurrier 18 13 BLURRY, blurred [adj...
blurrily 26 16 BLURRY, blurred [adv...
blurring 19 16 BLUR, to make indist...
blurters 18 13 BLURTER, one who blu...
blurting 19 16 the act of blurting,...
blushers 20 15 BLUSHER, one who blu...
blushets 20 15 BLUSHET, a modest, b...
blushful 24 20 of a red colour [adj...
blushing 21 18 the act of blushing...
blusters 18 13 BLUSTER, to blow vio...
blustery 24 15 windy [adj BLUSTERIE...
boarders 15 12 BOARDER, one that bo...
boarding 16 15 the act of boarding...
boardman 15 16 a board member [n BO...
boardmen 15 16 BOARDMAN, a board me...
boarfish 20 16 a Mediterranean fish...
boasters 15 11 BOASTER, one that bo...
boastful 19 16 given to boasting [a...
boasting 16 14 the act of boasting...
boatable 17 15 able to be negotiate...
boatbill 20 16 a bird of the heron...
boatfuls 19 16 BOATFUL, as much as...
boathook 17 17 a pole with a hook f...
boatings 16 14 BOATING, the sport o...
boatlift 19 15 to transport by boat...
boatlike 17 16 resembling a boat [a...
boatload 15 13 the amount that a bo...
boatneck 18 19 a wide open neck on...
boatport 17 14 an enclosure for boa...
boatsman 15 15 a man who works on a...
boatsmen 15 15 BOATSMAN, a man who...
boattail 16 12 a North American bir...
boatyard 21 14 a marina, a place fo...
bobbinet 19 18 a kind of cotton lac...
bobbitts 21 17 BOBBITT, to cut off...
bobblier 21 18 BOBBLY, like pilled...
bobbling 22 21 BOBBLE, to bob rapid...
bobbysox 32 26 BOBBYSOCK, an ankles...
bobeches 22 19 BOBECHE, a circular...
bobfloat 20 18 a small buoyant floa...
bobolink 19 20 a North American son...
bobolled 19 17 BOBOL, to commit a t...
boboties 17 14 BOBOTIE, (South Afri...
bobowler 21 18 a type of large moth...
bobskate 18 18 a child's skate havi...
bobsleds 19 16 BOBSLED, to ride on...
bobstays 24 16 BOBSTAY, a rope used...
bobtails 19 15 BOBTAIL, to cut a ta...
bobwheel 23 20 the bob (short line...
bobwhite 23 19 a kind of quail [n -...
bocaccio 24 20 a rockfish [n -S]
bodement 15 16 a prediction or prop...
bodgiest 17 14 BODGIE, fake [adj]
bodhrans 17 15 BODHRAN, (Irish) a s...
bodikins 17 17 BODIKIN, a diminutiv...
bodiless 17 13 lacking material for...
bodingly 24 18 BODING, ominous [adv...
bodyline 22 16 in cricket, a style...
bodyside 22 15 the side of a body o...
bodysuit 23 15 a close fitting one-...
bodysurf 25 18 to ride a wave witho...
bodywash 27 19 a liquid product for...
bodywork 26 21 the metal outer shel...
boehmite 18 16 a mineral present in...
boerbull 20 17 a South African cros...
boerbuls 19 16 BOERBUL, (South Afri...
boertjie 17 20 (South Africa) frien...
boffolas 20 18 BOFFOLA, a hearty la...
bogarted 16 14 BOGART, to monopolis...
bogbeans 17 17 BOGBEAN, a marsh pla...
bogeying 23 18 BOGEY, to shoot one...
bogeyism 24 18 belief in bogeys, al...
bogeyman 22 19 a terrifying creatur...
bogeymen 22 19 BOGEYMAN, a terrifyi...
boggards 18 16 BOGGARD, a spectre o...
boggarts 18 15 BOGGART, a spectre o...
boggiest 18 15 BOGGY, like a bog [a...
bogglers 19 16 BOGGLER, one who bog...
boggling 20 19 BOGGLE, to baffle, o...
bogholes 19 16 BOGHOLE, a natural h...
bogieing 17 16 BOGIE, (Australian s...
boglands 17 16 BOGLAND, marshland [...
bogwoods 19 17 BOGWOOD, the wood of...
bogyisms 25 18 BOGYISM, belief in b...
bohemian 17 17 an unconventional pe...
bohemias 18 16 BOHEMIA, a community...
bohriums 20 17 BOHRIUM, a radioacti...
boilable 19 16 able to be boiled [a...
boilings 18 15 BOILING, the act of...
boiloffs 21 18 BOILOFF, the removal...
boilover 18 16 a surprising result...
boinging 17 17 BOING, to reverberat...
boinking 17 19 BOINK, to reverberat...
boiserie 15 11 (French) wood panell...
boldened 15 15 BOLDEN, (obsolete) t...
boldface 21 19 to print in thick ty...
boldness 16 14 the quality of being...
bolivars 19 16 BOLIVAR, the monetar...
bolivias 19 16 BOLIVIA, a soft fabr...
bolixing 24 22 BOLIX, to make a mes...
bollards 18 14 BOLLARD, a post of m...
bollixed 24 21 BOLLIX, to make a me...
bollixes 24 20 BOLLIX, to make a me...
bollocks 22 20 to make a mess of, a...
bolloxed 23 21 BOLLOX, to make a me...
bolloxes 23 20 BOLLOX, to make a me...
bollworm 22 19 the larva of a moth...
bolognas 16 15 BOLOGNA, a seasoned...
boloneys 21 15 BOLONEY, deceptive t...
bolshier 19 14 BOLSHIE, left-wing,...
bolshies 19 14 BOLSHIE, a Bolshevik...
bolsters 17 12 BOLSTER, to support...
bolthead 18 15 a straight-necked di...
bolthole 19 15 a place or way of es...
boltings 18 15 BOLTING, the act of...
boltless 18 13 without a bolt [adj]
boltlike 19 17 like a bolt [adj]
boltonia 15 13 a tall perennial flo...
boltrope 18 15 a strong rope stitch...
bombable 21 21 able to be bombed [a...
bombarde 18 18 an alto wind instrum...
bombards 19 18 BOMBARD, to attack w...
bombasts 19 17 BOMBAST, to stuff or...
bombaxes 24 24 BOMBAX, a tree of th...
bombesin 18 18 a hormone partly res...
bombings 20 20 BOMBING, an attack w...
bomblets 20 18 BOMBLET, a small bom...
bombload 19 19 as many bombs as a p...
bomboras 18 17 BOMBORA, a submerged...
bombsite 19 17 an area that has bee...
bombycid 29 23 a silkworm [n -S]
bombyxes 31 26 BOMBYX, a moth of th...
bonamani 14 16 BONAMANO, (Italian)...
bonamano 13 16 (Italian) a tip [n B...
bonamias 15 15 BONAMIA, a parasite...
bonanzas 16 22 BONANZA, (Spanish) a...
bonassus 15 13 a bison, also BONASU...
bondable 17 17 that can be bonded [...
bondager 15 15 (historical) a field...
bondages 15 15 BONDAGE, slavery [n]
bondings 16 16 BONDING, the act of...
bondless 16 14 without a bond [adj]
bondmaid 16 17 a female slave [n -S...
bondsman 15 17 a male slave [n BOND...
bondsmen 15 17 BONDSMAN, a male sla...
bonebeds 16 16 BONEBED, an area con...
bonefish 19 17 a slender marine fis...
bonehead 15 15 a blockhead [n -S]
boneless 15 13 without bones [adj]
bonemeal 15 16 a fertilizer made fr...
bonesets 14 12 BONESET, a medicinal...
boneyard 20 15 a place where the bo...
boneyest 20 14 BONEY, like bone, al...
bonfires 17 15 BONFIRE, a large fir...
bongoist 16 14 a bongo player [n -S...
bongrace 18 17 a sunshade worn over...
bonhomie 17 17 (French) good nature...
boniatos 14 12 BONIATO, a sweet pot...
bonibell 19 17 (Spenser) a good and...
boniface 19 18 (French) the proprie...
boniness 14 13 the state of being b...
bonitoes 14 12 BONITO, a large fish...
bonkings 17 19 BONKING, the act of...
bonneted 13 14 BONNET, to put on a...
bonniest 14 13 BONNY, pretty or hea...
bonnocks 18 20 BONNOCK, (Scots) a f...
bonselas 15 13 BONSELA, a gratuity...
bonsella 16 14 a gratuity to a blac...
bonspell 19 17 (Scots) a curling ma...
bonspiel 18 16 (Scots) a curling ma...
bontboks 18 19 BONTBOK, a kind of a...
bontebok 17 19 (Afrikaans) the pied...
bonusing 16 16 at Scrabble, the act...
bonussed 15 14 BONUS, in Scrabble,...
bonusses 15 13 BONUS, in Scrabble,...
boobhead 18 17 (Australian slang) a...
boobirds 18 15 BOOBIRD, a fan who b...
boobooks 17 18 BOOBOOK, a kind of o...
boobyish 26 18 stupid; dull [adj]
boobyism 25 19 a state of stupidity...
boodlers 16 13 BOODLER, someone inv...
boodling 17 16 BOODLE, to take brib...
boodying 22 17 BOODY, to sulk or mo...
boofhead 18 17 (Australian slang) a...
boofiest 17 14 BOOFY, muscular and...
boogaloo 15 14 a kind of dance [n -...
boogeyed 21 16 BOOGEY, to dance to...
boogying 23 18 BOOGY, to dance to r...
boogyman 22 19 a terrifying creatur...
boogymen 22 19 BOOGYMAN, a terrifyi...
boohooed 15 14 BOOHOO, to cry [v]
bookable 18 19 able to be booked [a...
bookbags 19 20 BOOKBAG, a bag for c...
bookcase 18 18 furniture for holdin...
bookends 15 17 BOOKEND, a support f...
bookfuls 20 20 BOOKFUL, as much as...
bookiest 16 15 BOOKY, by way of bei...
bookings 17 18 BOOKING, an engageme...
bookland 16 18 in Old English law,...
bookless 17 16 without books, unlea...
booklets 17 16 BOOKLET, a little bo...
booklice 20 19 BOOKLOUSE, an insect...
booklore 16 16 book learning [n -S]
bookmark 18 22 a marker for indicat...
bookrack 20 22 a support for an ope...
bookrest 16 15 a rack for books [n...
bookshop 20 20 a shop that sells bo...
booksier 16 15 BOOKSY, in a literar...
bookwork 20 22 work done upon a boo...
bookworm 20 21 a avid book reader [...
boomburb 21 21 a large suburb exper...
boomiest 16 14 BOOMY, hollow-soundi...
boomings 17 17 BOOMING, the act of...
boomkins 17 19 BOOMKIN, a spar proj...
boomlets 17 15 BOOMLET, a minor exo...
boomtown 18 18 a town which has exp...
boondock 18 20 a remote and wild pl...
boongary 21 16 a tree kangaroo from...
boonless 15 13 having no boon [adj]
boortree 14 11 (Scots) the elder-tr...
boosters 15 11 BOOSTER, an engine t...
boosting 16 14 BOOST, to support, i...
bootable 17 15 of a computer, capab...
boothose 16 13 (Shakespeare) a long...
bootikin 16 16 (obsolete) a little...
bootjack 21 27 a device for pulling...
bootlace 18 15 a lace for fastening...
bootlast 16 12 a footlike last on w...
bootlegs 17 14 BOOTLEG, to smuggle...
bootless 16 12 profitless [adj BOOT...
bootlick 21 19 to toady [v -ED, -IN...
booziest 18 20 BOOZY, inclined to b...
boozings 19 23 BOOZING, an act of b...
boppiest 20 17 BOPPY, suggestive of...
borachio 20 16 (Spanish) a Spanish...
boracite 18 14 a compound of magnes...
borating 16 14 BORATE, to mix with...
borazons 17 21 BORAZON, a manmade c...
bordeaux 21 20 a red or white wine...
bordello 17 14 (Italian) a brothel,...
bordered 15 13 BORDER, to be adjace...
borderer 15 12 a person who lives o...
bordures 16 13 BORDURE, a border su...
borealis 16 12 as in aurora boreali...
boreases 14 11 BOREAS, the north wi...
borecole 18 15 a variety of cabbage...
boredoms 16 15 BOREDOM, tedium [n]
borehole 17 14 a hole made in the e...
boresome 15 14 tedious, boring [adj...
boringly 24 17 BORING [adv]
borkings 18 18 BORKING, the act of...
borlotti 17 12 as in borlotti bean,...
borneols 15 13 BORNEOL, an alcohol...
bornites 15 12 BORNITE, a valuable...
bornitic 19 15 of or like bornite,...
boronias 14 12 BORONIA, an Australi...
boroughs 19 16 BOROUGH, an incorpor...
borrelia 16 12 a type of bacterium...
borrowed 18 15 BORROW, to obtain on...
borrower 18 14 one who borrows [n -...
borsches 21 16 BORSCH, (Russian) co...
borschts 22 16 BORSCHT, (Russian) c...
borstall 18 13 an establishment for...
borstals 17 12 BORSTAL, an establis...
bortiest 16 11 BORTY, relating to b...
boscages 19 16 BOSCAGE, (French) th...
boschbok 24 23 (Afrikaans) a kind o...
boshboks 21 20 BOSHBOK, (Afrikaans)...
boshvark 21 21 (Afrikaans) the bush...
boskages 17 17 BOSKAGE, thick folia...
boskiest 17 15 BOSKY, woody or bush...
bosomier 16 14 BOSOMY, having large...
bosoming 17 17 BOSOM, to enclose in...
bosquets 24 21 BOSQUET, a thicket,...
bossboys 24 16 BOSSBOY, a Black Afr...
bossdoms 17 15 BOSSDOM, the domain...
bossiest 16 11 BOSSY, domineering [...
bossings 17 14 BOSSING, the act of...
bossisms 18 14 BOSSISM, the rule or...
bostangi 16 14 a Turkish palace gua...
bosthoon 16 14 (Irish) a boor [n -S...
botanica 17 15 a shop that sells he...
botanics 18 15 BOTANIC, a drug made...
botanies 14 12 BOTANY, the science...
botanise 14 12 to collect plants fo...
botanist 15 12 one skilled in botan...
botanize 17 21 to collect plants fo...
botargos 16 13 BOTARGO, a type of r...
botchers 21 16 BOTCHER, one who mak...
botchery 27 18 something botched [n...
botchier 21 16 BOTCHY, done badly [...
botchily 29 19 BOTCHY, done badly [...
botching 22 19 the act of botching...
botflies 19 15 BOTFLY, a name for v...
bothered 17 14 BOTHER, to annoy [v]
botholes 18 14 BOTHOLE, a hole in a...
bothrium 20 17 a groove on a tapewo...
bothyman 24 19 one who lives in a b...
bothymen 24 19 BOTHYMAN, one who li...
botonnee 12 13 having buds or knobs...
botryoid 22 14 of minerals, occurri...
botryose 21 13 having the form of a...
botrytis 23 13 a genus of fungi whi...
bottarga 16 13 (Italian) a relish m...
bottegas 16 13 BOTTEGA, (Italian) a...
bottines 15 12 BOTTINE, (French) a...
bottlers 17 12 BOTTLER, (Australian...
bottling 18 15 a bottled beverage [...
bottomed 16 15 BOTTOM, to reach the...
bottomer 16 14 a person who provide...
bottomry 23 16 the use of a ship as...
botulins 17 14 BOTULIN, a powerful...
botulism 19 16 botulin poisoning [n...
bouchees 20 17 BOUCHEE, a small pat...
bouclees 19 16 BOUCLEE, a loop made...
bouderie 15 13 (French) a pouting,...
boudoirs 16 13 BOUDOIR, a woman's b...
bouffant 19 19 a woman's hairdo [n...
boughpot 21 19 (archaic) a pot for...
boughten 18 17 (archaic) purchased;...
bouillis 19 14 BOUILLI, (French) bo...
bouillon 17 15 (French) a strong br...
boulders 17 14 BOULDER, a large roc...
bouldery 23 16 of a landscape, char...
boulters 17 13 BOULTER, a sieve, a...
boulting 18 16 the act of sieving t...
bouncers 18 16 BOUNCER, a person or...
bouncier 18 16 BOUNCY, tending to b...
bouncily 26 19 BOUNCY, tending to b...
bouncing 19 19 BOUNCE, to spring ba...
boundary 21 16 a final limit [n BOU...
bounders 15 14 BOUNDER, a cad [n]
bounding 16 17 BOUND, to leap [v]
bountied 15 14 with a bounty on one...
bounties 15 13 BOUNTY, a reward [n]
bountree 14 13 (Scots) the elder tr...
bouquets 24 22 BOUQUET, a bunch of...
bourbons 17 16 BOURBON, a kind of w...
bourders 16 13 BOURDER, a jester [n...
bourding 17 16 BOURD, (obsolete) to...
bourdons 15 14 BOURDON, the drone b...
bourgeon 15 15 (obsolete) to sprout...
bourkhas 19 18 BOURKHA, a coverall...
bourlaws 20 16 BOURLAW, (archaic) a...
bourrees 15 12 BOURREE, (French) a...
bourride 16 13 (French) a fish dish...
boursier 16 12 (French) a foundatio...
boursins 16 13 BOURSIN, a mild, smo...
bourtree 15 12 (Scots) the elder tr...
bousiest 16 12 BOUSY, inclined to b...
bousouki 17 17 a stringed musical i...
boutades 15 13 BOUTADE, a sudden ou...
boutique 24 22 a shop, or departmen...
boutonne 13 14 (French) reserved, r...
bouviers 18 16 BOUVIER, (French) a...
bouzouki 20 26 a Greek stringed ins...
bovinely 24 19 BOVINE, relating to...
bovinity 24 18 the state of being a...
boweling 20 18 BOWEL, to take out t...
bowelled 20 17 BOWEL, to take out t...
boweries 18 14 BOWERY, a colonial D...
bowering 19 17 BOWER, to enclose in...
bowfront 20 18 having a curved fron...
bowheads 20 17 BOWHEAD, the great A...
bowhunts 21 18 BOWHUNT, to hunt wit...
bowingly 27 20 BOWING [adv]
bowknots 19 19 BOWKNOT, a type of k...
bowlders 20 16 BOWLDER, a large roc...
bowlfuls 24 20 BOWLFUL, as much as...
bowlines 19 16 BOWLINE, a simple kn...
bowlings 21 18 BOWLING, a game in w...
bowllike 22 20 concave [adj]
bowshots 21 16 BOWSHOT, the distanc...
bowsprit 22 17 a spar that extends...
bowwoods 21 18 BOWWOOD, a deciduous...
bowwowed 24 21 BOWWOW, to bark like...
bowyangs 25 19 BOWYANG, a strap tie...
boxballs 26 23 BOXBALL, a form of h...
boxberry 30 23 an evergreen plant,...
boxboard 23 22 a kind of stiff pape...
boxhauls 25 22 BOXHAUL, to put (a v...
boxiness 21 19 the state of being b...
boxplots 25 22 BOXPLOT, a type of s...
boxrooms 22 21 BOXROOM, a room for...
boxthorn 23 21 a thorny shrub with...
boxwoods 24 22 BOXWOOD, the wood of...
boyarism 23 16 (Russian) rule by th...
boychick 32 25 (Yiddish) boy, a ter...
boychiks 29 22 BOYCHIK, a young man...
boycotts 25 16 BOYCOTT, to refuse t...
boyhoods 23 16 BOYHOOD, the state o...
boyishly 32 18 BOYISH, like a boy [...
boysiest 22 13 BOYSY, suited to or...
bozzetti 22 29 BOZZETTO, (Italian)...
bozzetto 21 29 (Italian) a small sk...
braaiing 16 14 BRAAI, (South Africa...
brabbled 21 19 BRABBLE, to squabble...
brabbler 21 18 a clamorous, quarrel...
brabbles 21 18 BRABBLE, to squabble...
braccate 21 17 having feathered leg...
bracelet 19 15 an ornamental band o...
braceros 18 14 BRACERO, (Spanish) a...
brachahs 23 18 BRACHAH, (Hebrew) a...
brachets 21 16 BRACHET, a hunting d...
brachial 22 17 pertaining or belong...
brachium 23 20 (Latin) the upper ar...
bracings 20 17 BRACING, a reinforce...
braciola 19 15 a thin slice of meat...
braciole 19 15 a thin slice of meat...
brackens 19 19 BRACKEN, a large fer...
brackets 20 18 BRACKET, to group, c...
brackish 23 20 somewhat salty [adj]
braconid 18 16 any of a family of p...
bracteal 19 15 of a bract [adj]
bractlet 20 15 a small leaf on the...
bradawls 20 16 BRADAWL, a small bor...
bradding 17 16 BRAD, to fasten with...
bradoons 14 13 BRADOON, (French) a...
braeheid 17 14 (Scots) the summit o...
braggart 18 15 a boaster [n -S]
braggers 18 15 BRAGGER, one who bra...
braggest 18 15 BRAG, first-rate [ad...
braggier 18 15 BRAGGY, tending to b...
bragging 19 18 an act of bragging [...
brahmani 18 17 a female member of t...
brahmans 18 17 BRAHMAN, a member of...
brahmins 19 17 BRAHMIN, a member of...
braiders 16 12 BRAIDER, one who bra...
braidest 16 12 BRAID, broad [adj]
braiding 17 15 a piece of braided w...
brailing 18 15 BRAIL, to haul in a...
brailled 18 14 BRAILLE, to write in...
brailler 18 13 a Braille writing ma...
brailles 18 13 BRAILLE, to write in...
brainbox 23 22 a clever person [n -...
brainiac 18 15 a very intelligent p...
brainier 15 12 BRAINY, intelligent...
brainily 23 15 BRAINY, intelligent...
braining 16 15 BRAIN, to dash out t...
brainish 18 14 (Shakespeare) hothea...
brainpan 16 16 the upper part of th...
brairded 16 13 BRAIRD, to sprout ab...
braising 17 14 BRAISE, to cook slow...
brakeage 16 17 the act of braking [...
brakeman 16 19 a man in charge of a...
brakemen 16 19 BRAKEMAN, a man in c...
brakiest 17 15 BRAKY, abounding in...
brakings 18 18 BRAKING, the act of...
brambled 20 19 BRAMBLE, to gather b...
brambles 20 18 BRAMBLE, to gather b...
brancard 18 16 (French) a horse-lit...
branched 20 18 BRANCH, to spread li...
brancher 20 17 a young hawk or othe...
branches 20 17 BRANCH, to spread li...
branchia 20 17 a gill [n BRANCHIAE]
brandade 14 14 (French) a Provencal...
branders 15 13 BRANDER, to cook on...
brandied 15 14 BRANDY, to mix with...
brandies 15 13 BRANDY, to mix with...
branding 16 16 the promoting of a p...
brandise 15 13 a trivet [n -S]
brandish 18 15 to move or wave, esp...
brangled 17 16 BRANGLE, to wrangle...
brangles 17 15 BRANGLE, to wrangle...
brankier 16 16 BRANKY, (Scots) show...
branking 17 19 BRANK, (Scots) to pr...
branners 14 13 BRANNER, one that br...
brannier 14 13 BRANNY, containing b...
branning 15 16 BRAN, to soak in wat...
bransles 16 13 BRANSLE, an old Fren...
brantail 16 13 the redstart, so cal...
brantles 16 13 BRANTLE, an old Fren...
braseros 15 11 BRASERO, (Spanish) a...
brashest 18 13 BRASH, forward, over...
brashier 18 13 BRASHY, covered with...
brashing 19 16 BRASH, (obsolete) to...
brasiers 16 11 BRASIER, one who wor...
brasilin 17 13 a dyestuff obtained...
brassage 16 13 (French) a mint-char...
brassard 16 12 (French) a piece of...
brassart 16 11 (historical) a piece...
brassets 16 11 BRASSET, a piece of...
brassica 19 14 a plant of the turni...
brassier 16 11 BRASSY, resembling b...
brassies 16 11 BRASSIE, a golf club...
brassily 24 14 BRASSY, resembling b...
brassing 17 14 BRASS, to coat with...
brassish 19 13 like brass [adj]
brasting 17 14 BRAST, (dialect) to...
bratchet 21 16 a hunting dog, also...
bratling 18 15 a little brat [n -S]
bratpack 22 21 a clique of rowdy fi...
brattice 19 14 a wooden tower used...
brattier 16 11 BRATTY, like a brat,...
brattish 19 13 a wooden tower used...
brattled 17 13 BRATTLE, (Scots) to...
brattles 17 12 BRATTLE, (Scots) to...
braunite 15 13 a native oxide of ma...
bravados 17 16 BRAVADO, to display...
bravoing 18 18 BRAVO, to applaud by...
bravuras 18 16 BRAVURA, a brilliant...
brawlers 20 15 BRAWLER, a fighter [...
brawlier 20 15 BRAWLIE, (Scots) ver...
brawling 21 18 rowdy fighting [n -S...
brawnier 18 15 BRAWNY, strongly bui...
brawnily 26 18 BRAWNY, strongly bui...
brazened 17 22 BRAZEN, to face bold...
brazenly 25 24 BRAZEN, impudent [ad...
brazenry 24 23 effrontery [n BRAZEN...
braziers 19 20 BRAZIER, a container...
braziery 25 22 a place where brass...
brazilin 20 22 a dyestuff obtained...
breached 20 17 BREACH, to break thr...
breacher 20 16 one who breaches [n...
breaches 20 16 BREACH, to break thr...
breadbin 17 16 a household containe...
breadbox 23 22 a container for brea...
breadier 15 12 BREADY, resembling b...
breading 16 15 BREAD, to cover with...
breadnut 15 14 a tropical fruit [n...
breadths 18 14 BREADTH, width [n]
breakage 16 17 the act of breaking...
breakers 16 15 BREAKER, one that br...
breaking 17 18 the act of breaking...
breakoff 20 21 an act of breaking o...
breakout 16 16 an escape [n -S]
breakups 19 19 BREAKUP, the act of...
breaming 17 17 BREAM, to clean a sh...
breaskit 17 15 meat from the breast...
breasted 15 12 BREAST, to confront...
breathed 17 14 BREATHE, to inhale a...
breather 17 13 a rest to recover br...
breathes 17 13 BREATHE, to inhale a...
breccial 23 18 of or like breccia,...
breccias 22 17 BRECCIA, a geologica...
brechams 22 19 BRECHAM, (Scots) a h...
brechans 20 17 BRECHAN, (Scots) a h...
bredrens 15 13 BREDREN, (colloquial...
bredrins 16 13 BREDRIN, (colloquial...
breeched 20 17 BREECH, to clothe wi...
breeches 20 16 BREECH, to clothe wi...
breeders 15 12 BREEDER, one who bre...
breeding 16 15 upbringing [n -S]
breenged 15 15 BREENGE, (Scots) to...
breenges 15 14 BREENGE, (Scots) to...
breering 16 14 BREER, to sprout abo...
breezier 18 20 BREEZY, windy [adj]
breezily 26 23 BREEZY, windy [adv]
breezing 19 23 BREEZE, to move bris...
bregmata 17 16 BREGMA, (Greek) the...
bregmate 17 16 relating to the breg...
breinged 16 15 BREINGE, (Scots) to...
breinges 16 14 BREINGE, (Scots) to...
brekkies 18 19 BREKKY, (colloquial)...
breloque 24 22 a watch chain [n -S]
brenning 15 16 BRENNE, (archaic) to...
brentest 15 12 BRENT, (Scots) lofty...
bresaola 15 12 salt-cured, air-drie...
bretesse 15 11 a wooden tower used...
brethren 17 14 BROTHER, a male sibl...
brettice 19 14 a wooden tower used...
brevetcy 27 20 an honorary military...
breveted 17 16 BREVET, to confer an...
breviary 24 17 a prayer book [n BRE...
breviate 17 15 a lawyer's brief [n...
breviers 18 15 BREVIER, an old type...
brevises 18 15 BREVIS, broth, esp....
brewages 19 16 BREWAGE, the process...
brewings 20 17 BREWING, a quantity...
brewises 19 14 BREWIS, (archaic) br...
brewpubs 24 21 BREWPUB, a combined...
brewskis 21 18 BREWSKI, (colloquial...
brewster 19 14 (Scots) a brewer, al...
briarier 16 11 BRIARY, full of bria...
bribable 21 18 able to be bribed [a...
brichter 22 16 BRICHT, (Scots) brig...
brickbat 23 21 a piece of brick [n...
brickier 21 18 BRICKY, made of bric...
brickies 21 18 BRICKIE, (colloquial...
bricking 22 21 brickwork [n -S]
brickles 22 19 BRICKLE, a brittle c...
bricoles 20 15 BRICOLE, (French) a...
bridally 25 16 BRIDAL, related to b...
brideman 16 16 a groom's attendant...
bridemen 16 16 BRIDEMAN, a groom's...
bridging 19 17 the process of const...
bridlers 18 13 BRIDLER, one who res...
bridling 19 16 BRIDLE, to check or...
bridoons 15 13 BRIDOON, a light mil...
briefers 18 14 BRIEFER, one who giv...
briefest 18 14 BRIEF, short [adj]
briefing 19 17 a short lecture [n -...
brierier 16 11 BRIERY, thorny, full...
brigaded 17 15 BRIGADE, to group to...
brigades 17 14 BRIGADE, to group to...
brigalow 21 17 (Native Australian)...
brigands 17 15 BRIGAND, a bandit [n...
brighten 19 16 to make bright [v -E...
brighter 20 15 BRIGHT, shining [adj...
brightly 28 18 BRIGHT, shining [adv...
briguing 19 17 canvassing [n -S]
brillest 19 13 BRILL, brilliant [ad...
brimfull 23 20 full to the brim [ad...
brimings 19 17 BRIMING, phosphoresc...
brimless 19 15 having no upper edge...
brimmers 19 17 BRIMMER, a bowl or g...
brimming 20 20 BRIM, to fill to the...
brindisi 17 13 (Italian) a toast; a...
brindled 17 15 marked with spots or...
brindles 17 14 BRINDLE, an animal m...
bringers 17 14 BRINGER, one who bri...
bringing 18 17 the act of bringing...
briniest 16 12 BRINY, salty [adj]
brinjals 19 22 BRINJAL, the aubergi...
brinkman 17 20 someone whose policy...
brinkmen 17 20 BRINKMAN, someone wh...
brinnies 15 13 BRINNY, (Australian...
brioches 21 16 BRIOCHE, (French) a...
brionies 15 12 BRIONY, a climbing p...
briquets 25 21 BRIQUET, (French) a...
brisance 18 15 (French) the shatter...
briskens 17 16 BRISKEN, to make bri...
briskest 18 15 BRISK, quick of move...
briskets 18 15 BRISKET, meat from t...
briskier 18 15 BRISKY [adj]
brisking 19 18 BRISK, to make quick...
briskish 21 17 somewhat brisk [adj]
brisling 19 15 (Norwegian) a Norweg...
bristled 18 13 BRISTLE, to stand er...
bristles 18 12 BRISTLE, to stand er...
bristols 18 12 BRISTOL, a smooth ca...
brisures 17 12 BRISURE, (French) a...
britches 22 16 breeches, also BREEC...
britskas 18 15 BRITSKA, a four-whee...
brittled 18 13 BRITTLE, to become f...
brittler 18 12 BRITTLE, frail [adj]
brittles 18 12 BRITTLE, to become f...
britzkas 21 24 BRITZKA, a four-whee...
britzska 21 24 a four-wheeled carri...
broached 20 17 BROACH, to pierce (a...
broacher 20 16 a spit; a broach [n...
broaches 20 16 BROACH, to pierce (a...
broadaxe 20 19 an ancient military...
broadens 14 13 BROADEN, to make wid...
broadest 15 12 BROAD, broad [adj]
broadish 18 14 somewhat broad [adj]
broadway 24 17 a broad road [n -S]
broasted 15 12 BROAST, to boil and...
brocaded 18 16 BROCADE, to weave a...
brocades 18 15 BROCADE, to weave a...
brocages 19 16 BROCAGE, the busines...
brocards 19 15 BROCARD, (French) an...
brocatel 19 15 (French) a stiff, or...
broccoli 23 18 a plant of the cabba...
brochans 20 17 BROCHAN, (Gaelic) gr...
broching 22 19 BROCH, to broach, to...
brochure 21 17 a pamphlet, informat...
brockage 20 20 (Scots) fragments of...
brockets 20 18 BROCKET, a male red...
brockram 21 21 fragmented rock, bre...
brocolis 20 15 BROCOLI, a plant of...
brodding 17 16 BROD, to prod [v]
broddled 17 15 BRODDLE, (dialect) t...
broddles 17 14 BRODDLE, (dialect) t...
brodekin 16 17 a high boot worn by...
brodkins 17 17 BRODKIN, a high boot...
broekies 16 15 (South Africa) under...
brogging 19 18 BROG, to prick with...
broguery 23 16 the use of an Irish...
broguish 20 16 having a brogue [adj...
broiders 16 12 BROIDER, to adorn wi...
broidery 22 14 the act of broiderin...
broilers 17 12 BROILER, a quickly-r...
broiling 18 15 BROIL, to cook over...
brokages 17 17 BROKAGE, the busines...
brokenly 23 19 BROKEN [adv]
brokered 16 16 BROKER, to act as a...
brokings 18 18 BROKING, the busines...
brollies 18 13 BROLLY, an umbrella...
bromance 18 18 a close but not roma...
bromated 16 15 BROMATE, to combine...
bromates 16 14 BROMATE, to combine...
bromelia 17 15 any plant of the gen...
bromelin 17 16 an enzyme obtained f...
bromides 17 15 BROMIDE, a bromine c...
bromidic 21 18 conventional, common...
bromines 16 15 BROMINE, a volatile...
bromised 17 15 BROMISE, to treat wi...
bromises 17 14 BROMISE, to treat wi...
bromisms 19 17 BROMISM, poisoning b...
bromized 20 24 BROMIZE, to treat wi...
bromizes 20 23 BROMIZE, to treat wi...
brommers 18 17 BROMMER, (Afrikaans)...
bronchia 20 17 BRONCHIUM, a small b...
bronchos 20 17 BRONCHO, (Spanish) a...
bronchus 21 18 one of the main fork...
bronzers 18 21 BRONZER, a tanning c...
bronzier 18 21 BRONZY, of a brownis...
bronzify 27 26 to make bronze [v BR...
bronzing 19 24 a brownish colouring...
bronzite 18 21 a variety of the min...
brooched 20 17 BROOCH, to adorn wit...
brooches 20 16 BROOCH, to adorn wit...
brooders 15 12 BROODER, a heated bu...
broodier 15 12 BROODY, tending to b...
broodily 23 15 BROODY, tending to b...
brooding 16 15 pondering gloomily [...
brookies 16 15 BROOKIE, an American...
brooking 17 18 BROOK, to tolerate [...
brookite 16 15 a mineral, titanium...
brooklet 17 16 a small brook [n -S]
broomier 16 14 BROOMY, abounding in...
brooming 17 17 BROOM, to sweep with...
brosiest 16 11 BROSY, having the qu...
brothels 19 14 BROTHEL, a house of...
brothers 18 13 BROTHER, to treat li...
brothier 18 13 BROTHY, like broth [...
brougham 20 19 a one-horse closed c...
broughta 19 16 a small portion adde...
brouhaha 19 16 fuss, also BRUHAHA [...
browband 20 19 the bridle-strap tha...
browbeat 20 17 to intimidate [v BRO...
browbone 19 18 the bone of the brow...
browless 20 15 without eyebrows [ad...
browners 18 15 BROWNER, a fawning p...
brownest 18 15 BROWN, of a dark col...
brownier 18 15 BROWNY, somewhat bro...
brownies 18 15 BROWNIE, a benevolen...
browning 19 18 the process of makin...
brownish 21 17 somewhat brown [adj]
brownout 18 16 a reduction in elect...
browsers 19 14 BROWSER, one who bro...
browsier 19 14 BROWSY, relating to...
browsing 20 17 the shoots of leaves...
brucella 21 17 any of a genus of ha...
bruchids 23 18 BRUCHID, a beetle of...
brucines 19 16 BRUCINE, a poisonous...
brucites 20 15 BRUCITE, a mineral,...
bruhahas 20 16 BRUHAHA, (French) a...
bruilzie 21 22 (Scots) a broil, a n...
bruisers 17 12 BRUISER, a big husky...
bruising 18 15 the act of bruising...
bruiters 17 12 BRUITER, one that br...
bruiting 18 15 BRUIT, to spread by...
brulyies 24 15 BRULYIE, (Scots) a b...
brulzies 21 22 BRULZIE, (Scots) a b...
brumbies 20 18 BRUMBY, (Australian...
brummers 19 18 BRUMMER, (Afrikaans)...
brunched 21 19 BRUNCH, to eat a lat...
bruncher 21 18 someone who eats bru...
brunches 21 18 BRUNCH, to eat a lat...
brunette 15 13 a (female) person wi...
brunizem 20 25 (Russian) a prairie...
brunting 17 16 BRUNT, to bear the c...
brushers 19 14 BRUSHER, one who bru...
brushier 19 14 BRUSHY, resembling a...
brushing 20 17 the act of brushing...
brushoff 23 20 an abrupt dismissal...
brushups 22 18 BRUSHUP, a quick rev...
bruskest 18 16 BRUSK, abrupt in man...
brusquer 25 22 BRUSQUE, abrupt in m...
brussels 18 13 as in brussels sprou...
brusting 18 15 BRUST, (Spenser) to...
brutally 25 16 BRUTAL, cruel, savag...
brutings 18 15 BRUTING, a process o...
brutisms 19 15 BRUTISM, the nature...
bruxisms 25 22 BRUXISM, a nervous g...
bryology 30 18 the study of mosses...
bryonies 21 14 BRYONY, a wild climb...
bryozoan 23 23 a type of small aqua...
bubaline 18 17 pertaining to the bu...
bubblers 22 19 BUBBLER, (tradename)...
bubblier 22 19 BUBBLY, full of bubb...
bubblies 22 19 BUBBLY, champagne [n...
bubbling 23 22 BUBBLE, to form a gl...
bubingas 19 18 BUBINGA, (Bantu) a s...
bubukles 21 21 BUBUKLE, (Shakespear...
bucardos 19 16 BUCARDO, a recently...
bucatini 19 16 pasta in the form of...
buccally 31 22 BUCCAL, pertaining t...
buccinas 22 19 BUCCINA, a Roman cur...
bucellas 21 17 (Portuguese) a white...
buckaroo 19 19 (US) a cowboy, also...
buckayro 26 21 (US) a cowboy, also...
buckbean 21 23 a marsh plant [n -S]
buckeens 19 20 BUCKEEN, (Anglo-Iris...
buckeroo 19 19 (US) a cowboy, also...
bucketed 20 20 BUCKET, to push forw...
buckeyes 26 21 BUCKEYE, the America...
buckhorn 22 22 the material of a bu...
buckings 22 22 BUCKING, the process...
bucklers 22 20 BUCKLER, (Shakespear...
buckling 23 23 a smoked Baltic herr...
buckrake 21 23 a large agricultural...
buckrams 22 22 BUCKRAM, to pad or s...
bucksaws 24 22 BUCKSAW, a large saw...
buckshee 22 21 something in additio...
buckshot 23 21 a large kind of shot...
buckskin 22 24 the skin of a male d...
bucktail 22 20 a fishing lure [n -S...
bucolics 24 19 BUCOLIC, a pastoral...
buddiest 17 14 BUDDY, having buds [...
buddings 18 17 BUDDING, a type of a...
buddleia 17 15 a flowering shrub, a...
buddling 19 18 BUDDLE, to wash for...
buddying 24 19 BUDDY, to become clo...
budgeree 16 15 (Native Australian)...
budgeros 17 15 BUDGERO, (Hindi) a h...
budgerow 20 18 (Hindi) a heavy keel...
budgeted 17 16 BUDGET, to estimate...
budgeter 17 15 one who prepares a b...
budwoods 19 17 BUDWOOD, a branch ha...
budworms 21 19 BUDWORM, a moth larv...
buffable 23 22 able to be buffed [a...
buffalos 21 19 BUFFALO, to intimida...
buffered 20 19 BUFFER, to protect a...
buffeted 20 19 BUFFET, to hit sharp...
buffeter 20 18 one who buffets; a b...
buffiest 21 18 BUFFY, of a yellowis...
buffings 22 21 BUFFING, the process...
buffoons 19 19 BUFFOON, a clown [n]
bugaboos 18 17 BUGABOO, a cause for...
bugbanes 18 18 BUGBANE, a perennial...
bugbears 19 17 BUGBEAR, a cause for...
bugganes 17 17 BUGGANE, an evil spi...
buggered 18 17 BUGGER, to practise...
buggiest 19 16 BUGGY, full of bugs...
buggings 20 19 BUGGING, the conceal...
bughouse 19 17 (colloquial) an insa...
bugseeds 17 15 BUGSEED, an American...
bugworts 21 17 BUGWORT, a perennial...
buhlwork 24 22 (French) a form of m...
builders 18 14 BUILDER, one that bu...
building 19 17 the process of erect...
buildout 18 15 a process of expansi...
buildups 21 18 BUILDUP, an accumula...
buisting 18 15 BUIST, to mark a she...
bukkakes 19 24 BUKKAKE, (Japanese)...
bukshees 19 18 BUKSHEE, a paymaster...
bulblets 21 17 BULBLET, a small bul...
bulghurs 22 18 BULGHUR, (Turkish) a...
bulgiest 19 15 BULGY, bulging [adj]
bulgines 18 16 BULGINE, (US) a stea...
bulimiac 22 19 relating to bulimia,...
bulimias 19 16 BULIMIA, an eating d...
bulimics 23 19 BULIMIC, one sufferi...
bulimies 19 16 BULIMY, an eating di...
bulkages 19 19 BULKAGE, a peristalt...
bulkhead 20 20 a partition on a shi...
bulkiest 19 17 BULKY, having bulk [...
bulkings 20 20 BULKING, the act of...
bullaces 21 17 BULLACE, a small wil...
bullbars 21 17 a strong protective...
bullbats 21 17 BULLBAT, (US) a noct...
bullcook 22 21 a worker in a loggin...
bulldike 20 19 an aggressive lesbia...
bulldogs 20 17 BULLDOG, to wrestle...
bulldoze 21 24 to override objectio...
bulldust 20 16 a euphemism for bull...
bulldyke 26 21 an aggressive lesbia...
bullered 18 15 BULLER, to seethe, g...
bulleted 18 15 BULLET, to move swif...
bulletin 18 15 an official report o...
bullfrog 22 19 a large frog [n -S]
bullgine 19 17 (US slang) a steam l...
bullhead 20 17 a freshwater fish of...
bullhorn 20 17 (US) a loudhailer [n...
bulliest 19 14 BULLY, wonderful [ad...
bullings 20 17 BULLING, copulation...
bullions 18 15 BULLION, uncoined go...
bullneck 22 22 a thick short neck [...
bullnose 17 15 swine snout disease...
bullocks 23 21 BULLOCK, to force on...
bullocky 29 23 (Australian) a bullo...
bullpens 20 18 BULLPEN, an enclosur...
bullpout 21 18 a freshwater fish of...
bullring 20 17 a bullfight arena [n...
bullrush 22 17 an aquatic plant, re...
bullseye 24 16 the center of a targ...
bullshat 21 16 BULLSHIT, to talk no...
bullshit 22 16 to talk nonsense [v...
bullshot 21 16 a drink made of vodk...
bullweed 21 18 knapweed [n -S]
bullwhip 27 22 to strike with a lon...
bullyboy 33 21 a ruffian hired to b...
bullying 26 19 BULLY, to treat thre...
bullyism 27 19 rule by bullies [n -...
bullyrag 26 18 to intimidate by bul...
bulnbuln 20 20 (Native Australian)...
bulrushy 27 18 thick with bulrushes...
bulwaddy 27 20 (Native Australian)...
bulwarks 22 20 BULWARK, to fortify...
bumaloti 18 16 a small marine Asiat...
bumbazed 22 28 BUMBAZE, (Scots) to...
bumbazes 22 27 BUMBAZE, (Scots) to...
bumblers 21 19 BUMBLER, a bungler [...
bumbling 22 22 clumsy [adj BUMBLING...
bumboats 19 18 BUMBOAT, a boat used...
bumelias 18 16 BUMELIA, a thorny tr...
bumfluff 26 26 an adolescent's soft...
bumfucks 25 26 BUMFUCK, (US slang)...
bummalos 19 19 BUMMALO, a small mar...
bummaree 17 18 a middleman in Billi...
bummling 21 22 BUMMLE, to bungle, a...
bummocks 23 25 BUMMOCK, in Orkney a...
bumpered 19 19 BUMPER, to drink bum...
bumpiest 20 18 BUMPY, of uneven sur...
bumpings 21 21 BUMPING, the act of...
bumpkins 21 23 BUMPKIN, a clumsy ru...
bumsters 18 15 trousers cut just ab...
bunchers 21 18 BUNCHER, one that ga...
bunchier 21 18 BUNCHY, clustered [a...
bunchily 29 21 BUNCHY, clustered [a...
bunching 22 21 the act of grouping...
buncoing 19 19 BUNCO, to practice s...
buncombe 21 22 insincere or foolish...
bundists 17 14 BUNDIST, a member of...
bundlers 17 15 BUNDLER, one that bu...
bundling 18 18 the act of making a...
bundooks 16 18 BUNDOOK, (Urdu) Indi...
bundwall 21 19 a concrete or earth...
bundying 23 19 BUNDY, to clock on o...
bunfight 22 20 a tea party, a petty...
bungalow 20 19 (Hindi) a lightly-bu...
bunghole 19 18 a hole in a barrel [...
bunglers 18 16 BUNGLER, one who mis...
bungling 19 19 clumsy, awkward [adj...
bungwall 22 20 (Native Australian)...
bunheads 17 16 BUNHEAD, a female ba...
bunkered 16 18 BUNKER, to store in...
bunkmate 17 20 one who shares sleep...
bunkoing 17 20 BUNKO, to practice a...
bunodont 14 15 having rounded molar...
bunrakus 17 18 BUNRAKU, (Japanese)...
buntiest 16 13 BUNTY, having bunt,...
buntings 17 16 BUNTING, any of the...
buntline 16 15 a rope attached to t...
buoyages 22 16 BUOYAGE, a group of...
buoyance 23 18 the tendency to floa...
buoyancy 30 20 the tendency to floa...
buplever 21 20 the hare's-ear plant...
burblers 20 16 BURBLER, one who bur...
burblier 20 16 BURBLY, burbling [ad...
burbling 21 19 talking incoherently...
burdened 15 15 BURDEN, to load heav...
burdener 15 14 one who burdens [n -...
burdizzo 23 31 a surgical instrumen...
burdocks 21 20 BURDOCK, a coarse da...
burettes 16 12 BURETTE, a glass mea...
burgages 18 16 BURGAGE, a kind of f...
burganet 16 15 a visored helmet tha...
burgeons 16 15 BURGEON, to grow rap...
burghers 20 16 BURGHER, a freeman o...
burghuls 22 18 BURGHUL, (Turkish) a...
burglars 19 15 BURGLAR, to enter a...
burglary 25 17 a felonious theft [n...
burgling 20 18 BURGLE, to trespass...
burgonet 16 15 (French) a visored h...
burgouts 18 15 BURGOUT, a kind of o...
burgrave 19 18 (historical) the com...
burgundy 24 19 a red wine [n BURGUN...
burinist 17 13 one who works with t...
burkinis 18 17 BURKINI, a swimming...
burkites 18 16 BURKITE, one that bu...
burlesks 19 17 BURLESK, a type of s...
burletta 17 13 (Italian) a comic op...
burleyed 23 16 BURLEY, to scatter f...
burliest 18 13 BURLY, heavy and mus...
burnable 18 17 something that can b...
burnings 17 16 BURNING, the firing...
burnoose 14 13 a hooded cloak worn...
burnouse 15 14 a hooded cloak worn...
burnouts 16 14 BURNOUT, exhaustion...
burnside 16 14 the ground beside a...
burramys 24 17 a rare pigmy possum...
burratas 16 12 BURRATA, (Italian) a...
burrells 19 14 BURRELL, (Hindi) a H...
burrfish 22 17 a fish with erect sp...
burrhels 20 15 BURRHEL, (Hindi) a H...
burriest 17 12 BURRY, abounding in...
burritos 17 12 BURRITO, (Spanish) a...
burrowed 19 16 BURROW, to dig a hol...
burrower 19 15 one that burrows [n...
burseeds 16 13 BURSEED, a coarse we...
bursicon 19 16 a hormone produced b...
bursitis 18 12 inflammation of a bu...
bursters 17 12 BURSTER, a machine f...
burstier 17 12 BURSTY, occurring in...
bursting 18 15 BURST, to break open...
burstone 15 13 a cellular, flinty r...
burthens 18 15 BURTHEN, to burden [...
burweeds 19 16 BURWEED, any of vari...
busgirls 20 15 BUSGIRL, an assistan...
bushbaby 29 22 a small African tree...
bushbuck 26 25 a small South Africa...
busheled 19 16 BUSHEL, to mend or a...
busheler 19 15 one who bushels, men...
bushfire 21 17 a fire in a wooded a...
bushgoat 19 16 a small antelope, al...
bushidos 19 15 BUSHIDO, (Japanese)...
bushiest 19 14 BUSHY, having many b...
bushings 20 17 BUSHING, a bush, an...
bushland 19 17 unsettled forest lan...
bushless 20 15 having no bushes [ad...
bushlike 21 19 resembling a bush [a...
bushlots 20 15 BUSHLOT, a woodlot [...
bushmeat 19 17 meat from animals na...
bushpigs 23 19 BUSHPIG, an African...
bushtits 20 14 BUSHTIT, a small lon...
bushveld 22 20 (Afrikaans) veld mad...
bushwahs 24 19 BUSHWAH, nonsense, a...
bushwalk 24 22 to walk or hike thro...
business 16 13 an occupation, profe...
buskined 17 18 having a buskin [adj...
buskings 19 19 BUSKING, the art of...
busloads 17 14 BUSLOAD, a load that...
bussings 18 15 BUSSING, the act of...
bustards 17 13 BUSTARD, any bird of...
bustiers 17 12 BUSTIER, (French) a...
bustiest 17 12 BUSTY, full-bosomed...
bustings 18 15 BUSTING, the act of...
bustlers 18 13 BUSTLER, one who bus...
bustline 17 14 the width around a w...
bustling 19 16 lively and busy [adj...
busulfan 19 18 a drug used to treat...
busuutis 18 14 BUSUUTI, a long garm...
busybody 31 20 a nosy person [n BUS...
busyness 22 15 the state of being b...
busywork 27 21 active but valueless...
butanoic 18 16 as in butanoic acid,...
butanols 16 14 BUTANOL, a flammable...
butanone 13 14 a flammable ketone [...
butchers 22 17 BUTCHER, to slaughte...
butchery 28 19 wanton or cruel kill...
butchest 22 17 BUTCH, tough [adj]
butching 23 20 killing cruelly [n -...
butlered 17 14 BUTLER, to act as a...
butments 17 16 BUTMENT, the base of...
butsudan 16 15 a small Buddhist hou...
buttered 16 13 BUTTER, to spread wi...
butthead 18 15 a stupid person [n -...
buttling 19 16 BUTTLE, to act as a...
buttocks 21 19 BUTTOCK, in wrestlin...
buttoned 15 14 BUTTON, to fasten wi...
buttoner 15 13 one who buttons [n -...
buttress 17 12 to prop up [v -ED, -...
buttyman 23 18 a comrade in a coalm...
buttymen 23 18 BUTTYMAN, a comrade...
butylate 23 15 to add a butyl to [v...
butylene 22 16 a gaseous hydrocarbo...
butyrals 24 15 BUTYRAL, a kind of r...
butyrate 22 14 a salt of butyric ac...
butyrins 23 15 BUTYRIN, a butyrate...
butyrous 23 15 resembling butter [a...
butyryls 31 17 BUTYRYL, a radical o...
buvettes 18 16 BUVETTE, (obsolete)...
buxomest 23 22 BUXOM, healthily plu...
buyables 25 18 BUYABLE, something a...
buybacks 29 24 BUYBACK, the optiona...
buzkashi 23 27 a game played in Afg...
buzzards 23 31 BUZZARD, a large bir...
buzzbait 25 33 an artificial bait w...
buzzcuts 27 34 BUZZCUT, a very shor...
buzziest 23 30 BUZZY, having a buzz...
buzzings 24 33 BUZZING, a buzzing s...
buzzkill 27 36 someone or something...
buzzsaws 26 33 BUZZSAW, a power-ope...
buzzwigs 28 35 BUZZWIG, a large thi...
buzzword 26 34 a word used to impre...
bycokets 26 20 BYCOKET, an ornament...
bylander 22 16 (Dutch) a two-masted...
byliners 23 15 BYLINER, one that wr...
bylining 24 18 BYLINE, to write giv...
bypassed 24 17 BYPASS, to avoid by...
bypasses 24 16 BYPASS, to avoid by...
byplaces 28 20 BYPLACE, a secluded...
byrlakin 24 19 (archaic) a mediaeva...
byssuses 23 14 BYSSUS, a filamentou...
bystreet 22 13 a side street [n -S]
bywoners 24 17 BYWONER, (Afrikaans)...