12 letter words that start with B

12 letter words that start with B

12 letter B word


Words With Friends®


babingtonite 24 22 a triclinic basic si...
babyproofing 35 29 BABYPROOF, to render...
baccalaurean 27 24 relating to a baccal...
bacchanalian 29 26 related to drinking...
bachelordoms 29 25 BACHELORDOM, the sta...
bachelorette 27 21 an unmarried woman [...
bachelorhood 29 24 the state of being a...
bachelorisms 30 24 BACHELORISM, the sta...
bachelorship 33 26 the state of being a...
bacillaemias 28 23 BACILLAEMIA, the pre...
bacillicides 32 24 BACILLICIDE, somethi...
backbenchers 33 31 BACKBENCHER [n]
backblockers 34 33 BACKBLOCKER, one who...
backboneless 28 27 without a backbone [...
backbreakers 29 29 BACKBREAKER, a stren...
backbreaking 30 32 exhausting [adj]
backchannels 31 30 BACKCHANNEL, an unof...
backchatting 33 30 BACKCHAT, to engage...
backchecking 37 37 BACKCHECK, in ice ho...
backcourtman 30 30 a guard on a basketb...
backcourtmen 30 30 BACKCOURTMAN, a guar...
backcrossing 31 28 BACKCROSS, to create...
backdraughts 31 28 BACKDRAUGHT, a rever...
backdropping 32 32 BACKDROP, to create...
backfillings 33 30 BACKFILLING, the act...
backfittings 31 28 BACKFITTING [n]
backflipping 36 35 the act of performin...
backgammoned 28 32 BACKGAMMON, to defea...
backgrounded 27 28 BACKGROUND, to provi...
backgrounder 27 27 an off the record br...
backhandedly 35 30 BACKHANDED [adv]
backlighting 33 30 BACKLIGHT, to illumi...
backpackings 34 35 BACKPACKING [n]
backpedaling 30 30 BACKPEDAL, to pedal...
backpedalled 30 29 BACKPEDAL, to pedal...
backscatters 30 25 BACKSCATTER, to scat...
backsheeshed 30 27 BACKSHEESH, to give...
backsheeshes 30 26 BACKSHEESH, (Persian...
backshishing 33 29 BACKSHISH, to give a...
backslappers 32 29 BACKSLAPPER, one who...
backslapping 33 32 BACKSLAP, to show ap...
backslidings 30 27 BACKSLIDING, a lapse...
backspeering 29 28 BACKSPEER, (Scots) t...
backspeiring 30 28 BACKSPEIR, (Scots) t...
backsplashes 32 28 BACKSPLASH, a vertic...
backstabbers 31 28 BACKSTABBER, one who...
backstabbing 32 31 the act of stabbing...
backstalling 30 27 BACKSTALL, of a kite...
backstamping 31 31 BACKSTAMP, to mark w...
backstarting 28 25 a marketing techniqu...
backstitched 33 28 BACKSTITCH, to stitc...
backstitches 33 27 BACKSTITCH, a stitch...
backstopping 32 31 BACKSTOP, to act as...
backstroking 29 29 BACKSTROKE, to swim...
backswimmers 33 31 BACKSWIMMER, one who...
backswordman 30 30 one who uses a backs...
backswordmen 30 30 BACKSWORDMAN, one wh...
backtracking 32 32 the act of backtrack...
backwardness 29 27 the state of being b...
backwoodsman 29 30 a provincial, a coun...
backwoodsmen 29 30 BACKWOODSMAN, a prov...
bacteraemias 25 21 BACTERAEMIA, the pre...
bactericidal 30 23 destroying bacteria...
bactericides 29 22 BACTERICIDE, an agen...
bacteriocins 28 22 BACTERIOCIN, an anti...
bacteriology 33 23 the scientific study...
bacteriostat 25 18 an agent that causes...
bacteriurias 26 19 BACTERIURIA, the pre...
baddeleyites 29 20 BADDELEYITE, zirconi...
bailiffships 34 27 BAILIFFSHIP, the off...
baillieships 30 22 BAILLIESHIP, the off...
bakhshishing 32 28 BAKHSHISH, (Persian)...
baksheeshing 28 26 BAKSHEESH, to give a...
balderdashes 25 20 BALDERDASH, nonsense...
balladeering 24 21 BALLADEER, to sing b...
balladmonger 25 24 a dealer in or compo...
ballanwrasse 26 21 a species of wrasse,...
ballbreakers 27 24 BALLBREAKER, an aggr...
ballcarriers 28 20 BALLCARRIER, one who...
balletically 36 24 BALLETIC, relating t...
balletomanes 23 21 BALLETOMANE, a devot...
balletomania 23 21 an abnormal fondness...
ballhandling 28 25 the art of handling...
ballicatters 28 20 BALLICATTER, in Newf...
ballottement 24 21 a technique of feeli...
ballsinesses 24 18 BALLSINESS, spunk, s...
ballyragging 34 26 BALLYRAG, to overawe...
balneologies 23 20 BALNEOLOGY, the scie...
balneologist 24 20 a student of balneol...
banalisation 21 18 the act of making ba...
banalization 24 27 the act of making ba...
bancassurers 25 20 BANCASSURER, one inv...
bandeirantes 20 18 BANDEIRANTE, (Portug...
banderillero 23 19 a person who thrusts...
bandersnatch 26 23 an imaginary wild an...
bandicooting 25 23 BANDICOOT, to remove...
bankruptcies 29 27 BANKRUPTCY, the stat...
bantamweight 29 26 a weight category in...
baptisteries 25 18 BAPTISTERY, a part o...
baraesthesia 23 17 the sense of pressur...
barbarianism 25 22 the state of being a...
barbarically 36 25 BARBARIC, uncivilize...
barbastelles 26 20 BARBASTELLE, (French...
barbiturates 25 19 BARBITURATE, a sleep...
bardolatries 23 17 BARDOLATRY, excessiv...
bardolatrous 23 18 showing bardolatry,...
barebackings 29 28 BAREBACKING, the act...
baresthesias 24 17 BARESTHESIA, the sen...
bargemasters 24 20 BARGEMASTER, one in...
barnstormers 23 19 BARNSTORMER [n]
barnstorming 24 22 touring country area...
barodynamics 32 25 the science of the s...
barometrical 27 22 as measured by a bar...
baronetesses 20 16 BARONETESS, a female...
barophoreses 25 20 BAROPHORESIS, the di...
barophoresis 26 20 the diffusion of sus...
baroreceptor 26 21 a sensory nerve endi...
barotraumata 22 19 BAROTRAUMA, injury s...
barquantines 29 27 BARQUANTINE, a three...
barquentines 29 27 BARQUENTINE, a three...
barramundies 23 21 BARRAMUNDI, (Native...
barratrously 30 19 BARRATROUS, tainted...
barrelhouses 25 19 BARRELHOUSE, a cheap...
barrennesses 20 17 BARRENNESS, the stat...
barretrously 30 19 BARRETROUS, tainted...
barricadoing 26 22 BARRICADO, to barric...
barristerial 24 16 of or like a barrist...
baselessness 22 17 the state of being b...
basementless 23 20 without a basement [...
baserunnings 22 21 BASERUNNING, attempt...
bashibazouks 31 34 BASHIBAZOUK, one of...
basidiocarps 28 22 BASIDIOCARP, the fru...
basidiospore 24 19 a spore produced by...
basification 27 22 the process of basif...
basketweaver 27 26 one who weaves baske...
basketweaves 27 26 BASKETWEAVE, a form...
bastardising 24 19 BASTARDISE, to make...
bastardizing 27 28 BASTARDIZE, to make...
bastinadoing 22 20 BASTINADO, to tortur...
bastnaesites 21 16 BASTNAESITE, (Swedis...
bathetically 36 24 BATHETIC, characteri...
bathmitsvahs 31 26 BATHMITSVAH, (Hebrew...
bathmitzvahs 34 35 BATHMITZVAH, (Hebrew...
bathochromes 30 25 BATHOCHROME, a shift...
bathochromic 34 28 denoting or relating...
bathometries 25 20 BATHOMETRY, measurem...
bathophilous 30 24 of an organism, livi...
bathophobias 30 25 BATHOPHOBIA, fear of...
bathygraphic 40 29 of or relating to th...
bathymetries 32 22 BATHYMETRY, the art...
bathypelagic 38 28 found in the depths...
bathyscaphes 38 27 BATHYSCAPHE, a subme...
bathyspheres 35 24 BATHYSPHERE, a subme...
batsmanships 28 24 BATSMANSHIP, skill w...
battlebusses 26 20 BATTLEBUS, a campaig...
battlefields 27 21 BATTLEFIELD, a place...
battlefronts 25 20 BATTLEFRONT, the mil...
battleground 24 21 the site of a battle...
battlemented 23 21 having a battlement...
battlepieces 28 22 BATTLEPIECE, a paint...
battleplanes 25 21 BATTLEPLANE, a plane...
battlespaces 28 22 BATTLESPACE, the are...
battlewagons 26 22 BATTLEWAGON, a battl...
battological 28 22 pertaining to battol...
baulkinesses 24 22 BAULKINESS, the stat...
beachcombers 33 29 BEACHCOMBER [n]
beachcombing 34 32 wandering along a be...
beadblasters 25 20 BEADBLASTER [n]
beadblasting 26 23 BEADBLAST, to clean...
bearableness 23 20 the state of being b...
bearbaitings 25 21 BEARBAITING, the spo...
beardtongues 22 20 BEARDTONGUE, a name...
beatifically 36 25 BEATIFICAL, making s...
beaujolaises 24 26 BEAUJOLAIS, a kind o...
beaumontages 22 22 BEAUMONTAGE, a compo...
beaumontague 22 23 a composition for hi...
beautifuller 27 22 BEAUTIFUL, fair to l...
beaverboards 25 23 BEAVERBOARD, a build...
beclamouring 28 26 BECLAMOUR, to make a...
becomingness 26 25 the state of being b...
becudgelling 30 27 BECUDGEL, to beat wi...
bedazzlement 29 39 the state of being b...
bedcoverings 28 26 BEDCOVERING, linen e...
bedevilments 26 25 BEDEVILMENT, the sta...
bedizenments 25 30 BEDIZENMENT, the act...
bedrivelling 28 25 BEDRIVEL, to cover w...
beetlebrains 24 20 BEETLEBRAIN, a heavy...
beetleheaded 23 20 like a beetlehead, s...
befuddlement 26 26 the state of being b...
beggarliness 25 21 the state of being b...
beglamouring 26 25 BEGLAMOUR, to impres...
begrudgeries 25 21 BEGRUDGERY, the act...
begrudgingly 34 27 BEGRUDGING [adv]
beguilements 25 23 BEGUILEMENT, the sta...
behaviorally 34 25 BEHAVIORAL, (US) rel...
behaviorisms 28 24 BEHAVIORISM, (US) th...
behaviorists 27 21 BEHAVIORIST, a stude...
behaviourism 28 25 the psychological th...
behaviourist 27 22 an adherent of behav...
beleaguering 24 22 BELEAGUER, to surrou...
belittlement 25 21 the act of belittlin...
belittlingly 34 23 BELITTLING [adv]
belletristic 29 20 relating to belles-l...
bellettrists 26 17 BELLETTRIST, one who...
bellfounders 26 23 BELLFOUNDER, a found...
belligerence 27 23 an aggressive or tru...
belligerency 34 25 an aggressive or tru...
belligerents 25 20 BELLIGERENT, one who...
bellyachings 37 27 BELLYACHING, the act...
bellybuttons 33 24 BELLYBUTTON, (colloq...
bemonstering 23 22 BEMONSTER, (archaic)...
bencherships 32 26 BENCHERSHIP, the off...
benchmarking 30 31 the process of testi...
benchwarmers 31 27 BENCHWARMER, (slang)...
benedictions 24 21 BENEDICTION, the inv...
benedictuses 25 21 BENEDICTUS, a short...
benefactions 25 23 BENEFACTION, the act...
benefactress 26 22 a female benefactor...
beneficences 28 26 BENEFICENCE, the sta...
beneficently 33 26 BENEFICENT, doing or...
beneficially 35 26 BENEFICIAL, doing go...
beneficiated 26 23 BENEFICIATE, to trea...
beneficiates 26 22 BENEFICIATE, to trea...
benevolences 25 25 BENEVOLENCE, a dispo...
benevolently 30 25 BENEVOLENT, marked b...
benightening 25 24 BENIGHTEN, to overta...
benightments 26 24 BENIGHTMENT, the sta...
benignancies 24 23 BENIGNANCY, a benign...
benthoscopes 28 24 BENTHOSCOPE, a subme...
benumbedness 24 25 the state of being b...
benzaldehyde 33 32 oil of bitter almond...
benzoapyrene 30 31 a carcinogenetic hyd...
benzophenone 25 32 a colorless crystall...
benzoquinone 30 37 quinone [n -S]
benzylidines 32 30 BENZYLIDINE, a radic...
beplastering 26 22 BEPLASTER, (archaic)...
bepommelling 29 29 BEPOMMEL, to pommel...
bequeathable 34 31 capable of being beq...
bequeathment 32 31 the act of bequeathi...
bereavements 23 23 BEREAVEMENT, the sta...
bergschrunds 30 25 BERGSCHRUND, (German...
bertillonage 24 20 (French) a system of...
bescattering 26 21 BESCATTER, (archaic)...
bescribbling 33 28 BESCRIBBLE, (archaic...
beseechingly 35 26 BESEECHING [adv]
besiegements 23 21 BESIEGEMENT, the sta...
beslobbering 28 25 BESLOBBER, to slobbe...
beslubbering 29 26 BESLUBBER, to slobbe...
besottedness 21 17 the state of being b...
bespattering 25 21 BESPATTER, to soil b...
bespectacled 31 26 wearing spectacles [...
besprinkling 28 27 BESPRINKLE, to sprin...
bestialising 25 19 BESTIALISE, to make...
bestialities 24 16 BESTIALITY, the stat...
bestializing 28 28 BESTIALIZE, to make...
bestraddling 25 21 BESTRADDLE, to bestr...
betacarotene 22 19 a nutrient found in...
betrothments 25 21 BETROTHMENT, the sta...
betternesses 21 16 BETTERNESS, the qual...
betweenbrain 25 23 the diencephalon [n...
betweenities 24 19 BETWEENITY, a jocula...
betweentimes 25 22 at intervals, also B...
bewilderedly 34 24 BEWILDERED [adv]
bewilderment 27 24 the state of being b...
bewitcheries 31 23 BEWITCHERY, the powe...
bewitchingly 40 29 BEWITCHING [adv]
bewitchments 32 27 BEWITCHMENT, the sta...
biauriculate 27 21 having two auricles...
bibliography 38 28 the history, identif...
bibliolaters 27 20 BIBLIOLATER, one hav...
bibliologies 28 22 BIBLIOLOGY, the stud...
bibliologist 29 22 a student of bibliol...
bibliomaniac 29 26 one suffering from b...
bibliomanias 26 23 BIBLIOMANIA, a craze...
bibliopegies 29 24 BIBLIOPEGY, the art...
bibliopegist 30 24 a bookbinder [n -S]
bibliophiles 32 25 BIBLIOPHILE, a lover...
bibliophilic 36 28 loving books [adj]
bibliophobia 32 27 fear of books [n -S]
bibliopolies 29 23 BIBLIOPOLY, booksell...
bibliopolist 30 23 a bookseller [n -S]
bibliothecae 30 24 BIBLIOTHECA, a colle...
bibliothecal 32 25 of or like a bibliot...
bibliothecas 31 24 BIBLIOTHECA, a colle...
bibulousness 26 22 the state of being b...
bicameralism 29 25 the state of being b...
bicameralist 28 22 a supporter of bicam...
bicarbonates 26 22 BICARBONATE, an acid...
bicarpellary 36 25 of an ovary, having...
bicentennial 24 22 happening every two...
bicollateral 28 21 of a vascular bundle...
bicomponents 27 26 BICOMPONENT, a fiber...
bicuspidates 29 23 BICUSPIDATE, a tooth...
biddableness 25 22 the state of being b...
biflagellate 28 23 having two flagella...
bifunctional 28 25 having two functions...
bifurcations 28 23 BIFURCATION, the sta...
bigheartedly 33 23 BIGHEARTED, generous...
bilateralism 26 20 two-sidedness; equal...
bilharziases 29 27 BILHARZIASIS, a dise...
bilharziasis 30 27 a disease caused by...
bilharzioses 29 27 BILHARZIOSIS, a dise...
bilharziosis 30 27 a disease caused by...
bilingualism 28 24 the ability to speak...
billboarding 28 24 BILLBOARD, to advert...
billingsgate 27 22 coarsely abusive lan...
billionaires 24 18 BILLIONAIRE, one pos...
billpostings 29 23 BILLPOSTING, the act...
billstickers 31 24 BILLSTICKER, one who...
billsticking 32 27 the act of posting b...
bimestrially 33 22 BIMESTRIAL, occurrin...
bimetallisms 28 23 BIMETALLISM, currenc...
bimetallists 27 20 BIMETALLIST, a pract...
bimillennial 26 23 happening every two...
bimillennium 27 26 (Latin) a period of...
bimodalities 25 20 BIMODALITY, the stat...
binocularity 33 23 the state of being b...
bioacoustics 29 22 a branch of science...
bioaerations 20 16 BIOAERATION, the oxi...
bioastronomy 28 21 the branch of biolog...
bioavailable 27 24 relating to bioavail...
biocatalysts 33 21 BIOCATALYST, a subst...
biocatalytic 36 24 of or like a biocata...
biochemicals 33 27 BIOCHEMICAL, a chemi...
biochemistry 36 25 chemistry that deals...
biocoenology 31 24 the study of biocoen...
biocomputing 30 28 the application of c...
biodegrading 24 22 BIODEGRADE, to break...
biodiversity 32 22 the number of specie...
biodynamical 33 26 relating to biodynam...
bioecologies 26 21 BIOECOLOGY, the stud...
bioecologist 27 21 a specialist in bioe...
bioenergetic 25 21 relating to bioenerg...
bioengineers 21 19 BIOENGINEER [n]
bioethicists 29 20 BIOETHICIST, a pract...
biofeedbacks 30 29 BIOFEEDBACK, a techn...
bioflavonoid 26 25 vitamin P, a vitamin...
biogenetical 26 22 pertaining to biogen...
biogeography 34 26 the study of the geo...
biographical 32 26 relating to biograph...
biographised 28 23 BIOGRAPHISE, to make...
biographises 28 22 BIOGRAPHISE, to make...
biographized 31 32 BIOGRAPHIZE, to make...
biographizes 31 31 BIOGRAPHIZE, to make...
biohazardous 27 28 of or like a biohaza...
biologically 36 25 BIOLOGICAL, relating...
biomagnetics 27 24 a type of magnetic t...
biomaterials 24 19 BIOMATERIAL, suitabl...
biomechanics 31 27 the mechanics of bio...
biomedicines 26 23 BIOMEDICINE, medicin...
biometrician 26 22 a practitioner of bi...
biomimicries 29 24 BIOMIMICRY, the mimi...
biomolecular 28 24 relating to biomolec...
biomolecules 28 24 BIOMOLECULE, an orga...
bionomically 34 26 BIONOMIC, relating t...
biopesticide 28 22 a biological pestici...
biophysicist 38 25 a practitioner of bi...
bioprintings 26 22 BIOPRINTING, the con...
bioprivacies 30 25 BIOPRIVACY, the stat...
biorhythmics 39 27 the study of biorhyt...
biosatellite 24 17 an artificial satell...
bioscientist 26 19 a practitioner of bi...
biosurgeries 24 18 BIOSURGERY, medical...
biosyntheses 30 20 BIOSYNTHESIS, the pr...
biosynthesis 31 20 the production of a...
biosynthetic 34 23 relating to biosynth...
biotechnical 31 25 of or relating to bi...
biotelemetry 30 21 automatic transmissi...
bioturbation 24 20 the restructuring of...
biparentally 32 23 BIPARENTAL, relating...
bipartitions 25 19 BIPARTITION, divisio...
bipedalities 26 20 BIPEDALITY, the stat...
bipolarising 27 22 BIPOLARISE, to make...
bipolarities 26 19 BIPOLARITY, the stat...
bipolarizing 30 31 BIPOLARIZE, to make...
bipropellant 28 24 a rocket propellant...
biquadratics 35 29 BIQUADRATIC, a quant...
biracialisms 29 22 BIRACIALISM, the sta...
birddoggings 27 24 BIRDDOGGING, the act...
birdwatchers 32 24 BIRDWATCHER, one who...
birdwatching 33 27 the occupation of wa...
birefringent 25 22 relating to birefrin...
bisexualisms 32 27 BISEXUALISM, being b...
bismuthinite 27 22 a grey mineral consi...
bisociations 25 19 BISOCIATION, the ass...
bisymmetries 32 23 BISYMMETRY, symmetry...
bitchinesses 28 21 BITCHINESS, the stat...
bitonalities 23 17 BITONALITY, the use...
bitternesses 22 16 BITTERNESS, the stat...
bittersweets 26 18 BITTERSWEET, the woo...
bituminating 25 23 BITUMINATE, to treat...
bituminising 26 23 BITUMINISE, to treat...
bituminizing 29 32 BITUMINIZE, to treat...
biuniqueness 30 28 the state of being b...
blabbermouth 31 28 an indiscreetly talk...
blackballing 33 31 the act of voting ag...
blackberried 30 27 BLACKBERRY, to colle...
blackberries 30 26 BLACKBERRY [n]
blackbirders 31 27 BLACKBIRDER, (Austra...
blackbirding 32 30 trafficking in slave...
blackcurrant 31 28 the small black berr...
blackguarded 29 28 BLACKGUARD, to vitup...
blackguardly 37 30 like a blackguard [a...
blackhanders 29 27 BLACKHANDER, a membe...
blackjacking 35 42 BLACKJACK, to hit wi...
blackleading 29 28 BLACKLEAD, to coat w...
blacklegging 32 31 BLACKLEG, to work ev...
blacklisters 30 24 BLACKLISTER, one who...
blacklisting 31 27 the act of putting o...
blackmailers 30 27 BLACKMAILER, one who...
blackmailing 31 30 BLACKMAIL, to extort...
blacktopping 33 32 BLACKTOP, to pave wi...
blackwashing 34 31 BLACKWASH, to treat...
bladdernoses 22 19 BLADDERNOSE, the hoo...
bladderworts 27 21 BLADDERWORT, a kind...
bladderwrack 31 28 a common brown seawe...
blamableness 26 24 the state of being b...
blamefulness 27 25 the state of being b...
blamestormed 25 23 BLAMESTORM, (of coll...
blandishment 26 24 something that tends...
blanketweeds 26 25 BLANKETWEED, a rapid...
blastochyles 36 24 BLASTOCHYLE, the flu...
blastocoeles 26 20 BLASTOCOELE, the cav...
blastocoelic 30 23 of or like a blastoc...
blastodermic 28 23 of or like a blastod...
blastosphere 27 21 a blastula [n -S]
blastospores 25 19 BLASTOSPORE, the ori...
blastulation 24 19 the act of forming a...
blatherskite 27 22 (Scots) a garrulous...
bleacherites 28 21 BLEACHERITE, one who...
blearinesses 22 17 BLEARINESS, the stat...
blemishments 28 25 BLEMISHMENT, (Spense...
blennorrheas 23 20 BLENNORRHEA, an exce...
blennorrhoea 22 20 an excessive dischar...
bletheration 24 19 blethering [n -S]
bletherskate 26 22 (Scots) a garrulous...
blimpishness 30 25 the state of being b...
blindfolding 28 26 BLINDFOLD, to cover...
blindstoreys 30 20 BLINDSTOREY, a store...
blindstories 24 18 BLINDSTORY, a storey...
blissfulness 28 22 the state of being b...
blisteringly 33 22 BLISTERING [adv]
blithenesses 25 19 BLITHENESS, the stat...
blithesomely 34 24 BLITHESOME, gay, mer...
blockbusters 31 27 BLOCKBUSTER, a bomb...
blockbusting 32 30 the act of bringing...
blockinesses 27 24 BLOCKINESS, the stat...
blockishness 30 26 the state of being b...
blogjackings 32 37 BLOGJACKING, the use...
blogospheres 28 23 BLOGOSPHERE, the par...
blokeishness 26 23 the state of being b...
blondenesses 21 19 BLONDENESS, the stat...
bloodinesses 22 18 BLOODINESS, the stat...
bloodletters 24 18 BLOODLETTER, one who...
bloodletting 25 21 the act of letting b...
bloodmobiles 27 24 BLOODMOBILE, a vehic...
bloodstained 22 19 stained with blood [...
bloodstreams 24 20 BLOODSTREAM, the flo...
bloodsuckers 28 25 BLOODSUCKER, an anim...
bloodsucking 29 28 sucking blood [adj]
bloodthirsty 33 21 eager for bloodshed...
blowsinesses 26 20 BLOWSINESS, the stat...
blowtorching 33 27 BLOWTORCH, to apply...
blowzinesses 29 29 BLOWZINESS, the stat...
bluejackings 31 36 BLUEJACKING, the sen...
blueprinting 27 24 BLUEPRINT, to draw u...
bluesnarfing 26 24 the unauthorized acc...
bluestocking 29 27 an early feminist; a...
bluishnesses 26 20 BLUISHNESS, the stat...
blunderingly 32 25 BLUNDERING [adv]
blurrinesses 24 18 BLURRINESS, the stat...
blusteringly 33 23 BLUSTERING [adv]
blusterously 32 21 BLUSTEROUS, inclined...
boardsailing 24 20 the sport of sailing...
boardsailors 23 17 BOARDSAILOR, one who...
boastfulness 25 21 the state of being b...
boatbuilders 26 21 BOATBUILDER, one tha...
boatbuilding 27 24 the industry of buil...
bobsleddings 27 24 BOBSLEDDING, riding...
bobsleighing 30 26 BOBSLEIGH, to travel...
boddhisattva 27 23 one who gives up Nir...
bodhisattvas 27 22 BODHISATTVA, one who...
bodyboarding 31 25 the sport of riding...
bodybuilders 33 24 BODYBUILDER, one who...
bodybuilding 34 27 the sport of buildin...
bodychecking 39 33 BODYCHECK, to make a...
bodyguarding 31 25 BODYGUARD, to act as...
bodysurfings 33 25 BODYSURFING, the spo...
boeremusieks 24 23 BOEREMUSIEK, (Afrika...
bogtrottings 25 20 BOGTROTTING, the pra...
bohemianisms 26 24 BOHEMIANISM, the unc...
boilermakers 25 23 BOILERMAKER, a drink...
boilermaking 26 26 metal-working in hea...
boilerplated 26 21 BOILERPLATE, to prin...
boilerplates 26 20 BOILERPLATE, to prin...
boisterously 30 19 BOISTEROUS, rowdy, h...
bokmakieries 25 26 BOKMAKIERIE, (South...
bolshevising 29 25 BOLSHEVISE, to make...
bolshevizing 32 34 BOLSHEVIZE, to make...
bombacaceous 30 28 relating to the fami...
bombardments 26 26 BOMBARDMENT, the act...
bombilations 26 23 BOMBILATION, a buzzi...
bombinations 24 23 BOMBINATION, a buzzi...
bombproofing 30 30 BOMBPROOF, to make p...
bonbonnieres 21 21 BONBONNIERE, (French...
bondmanships 27 26 BONDMANSHIP, the sta...
bondservants 23 22 BONDSERVANT, a slave...
bonefishings 27 24 BONEFISHING, the spo...
bonnyclabber 35 29 (Irish) milk natural...
bookbindings 26 27 BOOKBINDING, the art...
bookcrossing 27 25 the practice of leav...
bookkeepings 26 29 BOOKKEEPING, the job...
booksellings 26 24 BOOKSELLING, the pro...
boomeranging 23 24 BOOMERANG, to return...
boondogglers 24 22 BOONDOGGLER, one who...
boondoggling 25 25 BOONDOGGLE, to carry...
bootleggings 26 23 BOOTLEGGING, the act...
bootlessness 22 17 the state of being b...
bootlickings 29 26 BOOTLICKING, the act...
bootstrapped 26 22 BOOTSTRAP, to prepar...
bootylicious 33 22 (colloquial) delicio...
boringnesses 22 19 BORINGNESS, the qual...
borohydrides 31 21 BOROHYDRIDE, a compo...
borosilicate 26 19 a salt of boric and...
bossnappings 27 25 BOSSNAPPING, kidnapp...
botchinesses 27 21 BOTCHINESS, the stat...
botherations 23 18 BOTHERATION, trouble...
bottlenecked 26 25 BOTTLENECK, to slow...
bottomlessly 32 22 BOTTOMLESS, having n...
bottomnesses 22 19 BOTTOMNESS, a proper...
bougainvilia 26 24 a tropical flower, a...
boulevardier 25 22 (French) a person wh...
bouncinesses 24 21 BOUNCINESS, the stat...
bouquetieres 30 26 BOUQUETIERE, (French...
bourgeoisies 23 18 BOURGEOISIE, (French...
bourgeoisify 32 23 to make bourgeois [v...
bourguignons 24 23 BOURGUIGNON, (French...
boutonnieres 20 18 BOUTONNIERE, (French...
bowdlerisers 27 20 BOWDLERISER, one who...
bowdlerising 28 23 BOWDLERISE, to expur...
bowdlerizers 30 29 BOWDLERIZER, one who...
bowdlerizing 31 32 BOWDLERIZE, to purge...
bowstringing 28 24 BOWSTRING, to strang...
boyishnesses 30 20 BOYISHNESS, the stat...
braaivleises 25 20 BRAAIVLEIS, (Afrikaa...
brabblements 28 26 BRABBLEMENT, (archai...
brachiations 27 21 BRACHIATION, the act...
brachycephal 42 31 a short-headed perso...
brachycerous 37 26 of insects, having s...
brachydactyl 45 29 having abnormally sh...
brachygraphy 46 31 certain old systems...
brachylogies 36 25 BRACHYLOGY, a genera...
brachylogous 36 26 condensed in express...
brachyprisms 39 28 BRACHYPRISM, a prism...
brackishness 29 25 the state of being b...
bradycardiac 35 25 having an abnormally...
bradycardias 32 22 BRADYCARDIA, an abno...
bradykinesia 29 23 abnormal slowness of...
bradypeptics 37 27 BRADYPEPTIC, one who...
braggadocios 27 23 BRAGGADOCIO, (Italia...
braggartisms 27 22 BRAGGARTISM, boastfu...
braininesses 21 17 BRAININESS, the qual...
brainstormed 23 20 BRAINSTORM, to condu...
brainstormer 23 19 one who engages in b...
brainteasers 21 16 BRAINTEASER, somethi...
brainwashers 27 21 BRAINWASHER, one who...
brainwashing 28 24 indoctrination [n -S...
branchiopods 29 25 BRANCHIOPOD, any of...
brankursines 23 22 BRANKURSINE, acanthu...
brashinesses 24 18 BRASHINESS, the stat...
brassfounder 24 21 a person who casts o...
brassinesses 22 16 BRASSINESS, the qual...
brattinesses 22 16 BRATTINESS, the stat...
brattishings 27 20 BRATTISHING, work in...
brawninesses 24 20 BRAWNINESS, the stat...
brazennesses 23 26 BRAZENNESS, the stat...
breadbaskets 25 23 BREADBASKET, (colloq...
breadberries 24 19 BREADBERRY, bread st...
breadboarded 23 21 BREADBOARD, to make...
breadcrumbed 29 27 BREADCRUMB, to cover...
breadwinners 24 21 BREADWINNER, the per...
breadwinning 25 24 the act of earning a...
breakdancers 25 24 BREAKDANCER, one who...
breakdancing 26 27 a type of vigorous d...
breakfasters 25 22 BREAKFASTER, one who...
breakfasting 26 25 BREAKFAST, to take b...
breakthrough 29 26 an offensive thrust...
breastplates 25 19 BREASTPLATE, a usual...
breastplough 29 24 a kind of spade for...
breaststroke 23 19 a swimming-stroke pe...
breastsummer 25 22 a beam supporting th...
breathalysed 31 21 BREATHALYSE, to use...
breathalyser 31 20 (tradename) a device...
breathalyses 31 20 BREATHALYSE, to use...
breathalyzed 34 30 BREATHALYZE, to use...
breathalyzer 34 29 (tradename) a device...
breathalyzes 34 29 BREATHALYZE, to use...
breatharians 23 18 BREATHARIAN, a perso...
breathlessly 33 21 BREATHLESS, not brea...
breathtaking 26 24 making one out of br...
brecciations 28 22 BRECCIATION, the pro...
breechblocks 35 31 BREECHBLOCK, part of...
breechcloths 34 26 BREECHCLOTH, a loinc...
breechclouts 32 25 BREECHCLOUT, a loinc...
breechloader 27 22 a firearm that loads...
breezinesses 24 25 BREEZINESS, the stat...
breunnerites 21 18 BREUNNERITE, an iron...
brevipennate 24 24 having short wings [...
brickfielder 31 27 a hot dry wind in Au...
bricklayings 36 28 BRICKLAYING, the job...
brickmakings 31 32 BRICKMAKING, the mak...
bridemaidens 23 21 BRIDEMAIDEN, a woman...
bridewealths 29 22 BRIDEWEALTH, in trib...
bridgeboards 26 22 BRIDGEBOARD, a board...
brightnesses 26 20 BRIGHTNESS, the stat...
brilliancies 28 21 BRILLIANCY, the stat...
brilliantine 24 19 a perfumed hair oil...
brillianting 26 21 BRILLIANT, to cut an...
brimfullness 29 25 the state of being b...
brinkmanship 29 29 the art or practice...
bristlecones 26 20 BRISTLECONE, a weste...
bristletails 26 17 BRISTLETAIL, another...
broadcasters 25 19 BROADCASTER [n]
broadcasting 26 22 sending out, dissemi...
brokennesses 21 21 BROKENNESS, the stat...
bromegrasses 24 20 BROMEGRASS, a kind o...
bromhidroses 26 21 BROMHIDROSIS, foul-s...
bromhidrosis 27 21 foul-smelling sweat;...
brominations 22 20 BROMINATION, the sub...
bromouracils 28 23 BROMOURACIL, a uraci...
bronchitises 28 21 BRONCHITIS, inflamma...
bronchogenic 30 27 of, relating to, or...
bronchoscope 31 27 an instrument for ex...
bronchoscopy 38 29 examination of the b...
bronchospasm 30 27 constriction of the...
broncobuster 27 23 one who breaks wild...
brontosaurus 22 18 any of a genus of la...
broodinesses 21 17 BROODINESS, the stat...
broomballers 27 23 BROOMBALLER, one who...
brotherhoods 26 20 BROTHERHOOD, the sta...
browbeatings 28 24 BROWBEATING, intimid...
brushability 36 24 the capacity for bei...
brushstrokes 27 22 BRUSHSTROKE, a strok...
bryophyllums 44 30 BRYOPHYLLUM, another...
bubbleheaded 29 27 frivolous, flighty [...
buccaneering 28 26 acting as a buccanee...
buccaneerish 30 25 of or like a buccane...
buccaniering 29 26 BUCCANIER, to act as...
buckjumpings 35 42 BUCKJUMPING, a compe...
buckshishing 34 30 BUCKSHISH, to give a...
buffaloberry 36 28 an American shrub of...
buffooneries 25 23 BUFFOONERY, foolish...
bullbaitings 29 24 BULLBAITING, the for...
bulldoggings 29 26 BULLDOGGING [n]
bulletproofs 29 24 BULLETPROOF, to make...
bullfighters 32 25 BULLFIGHTER [n]
bullfighting 33 28 the action involved...
bullheadedly 34 25 BULLHEADED, having a...
bullmastiffs 32 27 BULLMASTIFF, a breed...
bullshitters 29 20 BULLSHITTER, one who...
bullshitting 30 23 talking nonsense [n...
bullterriers 26 18 BULLTERRIER, a breed...
bullwhacking 36 33 BULLWHACK, to strike...
bullwhipping 37 32 BULLWHIP, to strike...
bullyragging 35 27 BULLYRAG, to intimid...
bumbershoots 28 24 BUMBERSHOOT, (US sla...
bunchberries 30 25 BUNCHBERRY, the dwar...
bunchgrasses 29 24 BUNCHGRASS, a kind o...
bunchinesses 27 23 BUNCHINESS, the stat...
bupivacaines 29 27 BUPIVACAINE, a local...
bureaucratic 29 23 of, relating to, or...
burglarising 27 22 BURGLARISE, to commi...
burglarizing 30 31 BURGLARIZE, to commi...
burglarproof 29 25 protected against or...
burgomasters 25 21 BURGOMASTER, (Dutch)...
burnettising 24 20 BURNETTISE, to subje...
burnettizing 27 29 BURNETTIZE, to subje...
burnishments 26 23 BURNISHMENT, the act...
burrowstowns 29 23 BURROWSTOWN, (Scots)...
burseraceous 25 20 belonging to a genus...
bushbashings 31 26 BUSHBASHING, the pro...
bushfighting 33 28 fighting in the bush...
bushmanships 31 27 BUSHMANSHIP, the cra...
bushrangings 27 24 BUSHRANGING, being a...
bushwalkings 32 29 BUSHWALKING, hiking...
bushwhackers 35 30 BUSHWHACKER, a guerr...
bushwhacking 36 33 the act of shooting...
businesslike 25 22 exhibiting qualities...
busybodyings 39 27 BUSYBODYING, acting...
butcherbirds 32 25 BUTCHERBIRD, the shr...
butterfishes 28 21 BUTTERFISH, a name g...
butterflyers 33 22 BUTTERFLYER, a swimm...
butterflying 34 25 BUTTERFLY, to split...
butterscotch 32 24 a candy made from br...
buttonbushes 27 23 BUTTONBUSH, a North...
buttonholers 25 20 BUTTONHOLER, a perso...
buttonholing 26 23 BUTTONHOLE, to detai...
buttonhooked 24 24 BUTTONHOOK, to make...
buttonmoulds 25 23 BUTTONMOULD, the sma...