11 letter words that start with B

11 letter words that start with B

11 letter B word


Words With Friends®


babbittries 26 20 BABBITTRY, narrow-mi...
babblements 26 25 BABBLEMENT, babble [...
babiroussas 23 18 BABIROUSSA, (Malay)...
babooneries 20 18 BABOONERY, baboonish...
babyproofed 32 26 BABYPROOF, to render...
babysitting 31 22 BABYSIT, to care for...
bacchanalia 28 24 a Roman festival of...
bacciferous 29 24 bearing berries [adj...
baccivorous 29 25 eating berries [adj]
bachelordom 27 24 the state of being a...
bachelorism 28 23 the state of being a...
bacillaemia 26 22 the presence of baci...
bacillemias 27 22 BACILLEMIA, the pres...
bacillicide 30 23 something which dest...
bacilliform 30 25 shaped like a bacill...
bacillurias 27 20 BACILLURIA, the pres...
bacitracins 27 21 BACITRACIN, an antib...
backbencher 31 30 BACKBENCH [v]
backbenches 31 30 BACKBENCH, a rear be...
backbitings 29 27 BACKBITING [n]
backblocker 32 32 one who lives in the...
backbreaker 27 28 a strenuous task [n...
backburning 28 29 BACKBURN, to set a f...
backcasting 29 27 BACKCAST, to make a...
backchannel 29 29 an unofficial or cov...
backchatted 30 27 BACKCHAT, to engage...
backchecked 34 34 BACKCHECK, in ice ho...
backcombing 32 33 BACKCOMB, to comb ba...
backcountry 34 28 a remote rural regio...
backcrossed 28 25 BACKCROSS, to create...
backcrosses 28 24 BACKCROSS, a cross b...
backdraught 29 27 a reverse movement o...
backdropped 29 29 BACKDROP, to create...
backfilling 31 29 the act of refilling...
backfisches 33 29 BACKFISCH, (German)...
backfitting 29 27 BACKFIT, to modify l...
backflipped 33 32 BACKFLIP, to perform...
backgammons 27 30 BACKGAMMON, to defea...
backgrounds 26 26 BACKGROUND, to provi...
backhanders 26 25 BACKHANDER, a bribe...
backhanding 27 28 BACKHAND, to strike...
backhauling 29 28 BACKHAUL, to return...
backlashers 28 24 BACKLASHER, one who...
backlashing 29 27 BACKLASH, to cause a...
backlighted 30 27 BACKLIGHT, to illumi...
backlisting 28 25 BACKLIST, to include...
backloading 26 26 BACKLOAD, to load a...
backlogging 29 29 BACKLOG, to accumula...
backmarkers 27 28 BACKMARKER, a person...
backpackers 31 31 BACKPACKER, one who...
backpacking 32 34 BACKPACK, to hike wi...
backpedaled 27 27 BACKPEDAL, to pedal...
backscatter 28 24 the deflection of ra...
backscratch 34 29 to scratch the back;...
backsetting 26 24 BACKSET, to attack f...
backshished 30 26 BACKSHISH, to give a...
backshishes 30 25 BACKSHISH, (Persian)...
backslapped 30 29 BACKSLAP, to show ap...
backslapper 30 28 one who backslaps [n...
backslashes 28 24 BACKSLASH, the chara...
backslidden 26 25 BACKSLIDE, to fall b...
backsliders 27 23 BACKSLIDER, one who...
backsliding 28 26 a lapse, a moral tra...
backspacers 30 27 BACKSPACER, the back...
backspacing 31 30 BACKSPACE, to move t...
backspeered 26 25 BACKSPEER, (Scots) t...
backspeired 27 25 BACKSPEIR, (Scots) t...
backstabbed 29 28 BACKSTAB, to stab in...
backstabber 29 27 one who backstabs [n...
backstalled 27 24 BACKSTALL, of a kite...
backstamped 28 28 BACKSTAMP, to mark w...
backstopped 29 28 BACKSTOP, to act as...
backstories 25 21 BACKSTORY, events as...
backstreets 25 21 BACKSTREET, a street...
backstretch 31 26 a back straight [n -...
backstroked 26 26 BACKSTROKE, to swim...
backstrokes 26 25 BACKSTROKE [n]
backswimmer 31 30 one who swims on the...
backtracked 29 29 BACKTRACK, to go bac...
backvelders 28 27 BACKVELDER, one who...
backwashing 31 29 BACKWASH, to affect...
backwinding 29 29 BACKWIND, to deflect...
backworkers 29 28 BACKWORKER, a miner...
bacteraemia 23 20 the presence of bact...
bacteraemic 27 23 containing, caused b...
bacteremias 24 20 BACTEREMIA, the pres...
bacterially 32 21 BACTERIAL, of or lik...
bactericide 27 21 an agent that kills...
bacteriocin 26 21 an antibiotic (as co...
bacterioids 24 18 BACTERIOID, a swolle...
bacterioses 23 17 BACTERIOSIS, any bac...
bacteriosis 24 17 any bacterial plant...
bacterising 25 20 BACTERISE, to treat...
bacteriuria 24 18 the presence of bact...
bacterizing 28 29 BACTERIZE, to treat...
bacterurias 24 18 BACTERURIA, the pres...
baculovirus 28 24 a type of virus foun...
baddeleyite 27 19 zirconium dioxide, o...
badderlocks 26 24 BADDERLOCK, an edibl...
badmouthing 25 24 BADMOUTH, to abuse [...
bafflements 26 25 BAFFLEMENT, the stat...
bagginesses 22 19 BAGGINESS, the state...
bagswingers 26 22 BAGSWINGER, (Austral...
bailieships 27 20 BAILIESHIP, the offi...
bailiffship 32 26 the office of bailif...
baillieship 28 21 the office of bailli...
bakhshished 29 25 BAKHSHISH, (Persian)...
bakhshishes 29 24 BAKHSHISH [n]
baksheeshed 25 23 BAKSHEESH, to give a...
baksheeshes 25 22 BAKSHEESH, (Persian)...
bakshishing 28 25 BAKSHISH, to give a...
balanceable 25 23 that can be balanced...
balanitises 21 16 BALANITIS, inflammat...
balbriggans 26 23 BALBRIGGAN, a knitte...
balconettes 23 19 BALCONETTE, a miniat...
baldachinos 26 22 BALDACHINO, a rich e...
balderlocks 27 24 an edible seaweed, a...
balefulness 24 21 the state of being b...
balibuntals 25 21 BALIBUNTAL, (Tagalog...
balkanising 23 23 BALKANISE, to divide...
balkanizing 26 32 BALKANIZE, to divide...
balkinesses 22 20 BALKINESS, the state...
balladeered 21 18 BALLADEER, to sing b...
ballbreaker 25 23 an aggressively femi...
ballcarrier 26 19 one who carries a ba...
balletomane 21 20 a devotee of ballet...
ballflowers 29 23 BALLFLOWER, a carved...
ballhawking 30 28 BALLHAWK, to act as...
ballicatter 26 19 in Newfoundland, ice...
ballistites 24 16 BALLISTITE, a kind o...
ballocksing 28 26 BALLOCKS, to make a...
balloonings 22 20 BALLOONING [n]
balloonists 22 17 BALLOONIST, a person...
ballplayers 32 22 BALLPLAYER, a person...
ballyhooing 31 23 BALLYHOO, to promote...
ballyragged 31 23 BALLYRAG, to overawe...
balminesses 22 19 BALMINESS, the state...
balmorality 30 21 superficial enthusia...
balneations 19 17 BALNEATION, the act...
balustraded 22 18 having a balustrade...
balustrades 22 17 BALUSTRADE, a row of...
bamboozlers 27 30 BAMBOOZLER, one who...
bamboozling 28 33 BAMBOOZLE, to deceiv...
bancassurer 23 19 one involved in banc...
bandeirante 18 17 (Portuguese) a pione...
banderillas 22 18 BANDERILLA, a dart s...
bandicooted 22 20 BANDICOOT, to remove...
bandinesses 19 17 BANDINESS, the state...
bandleaders 20 18 BANDLEADER, the cond...
bandmasters 21 19 BANDMASTER, the cond...
bandoleered 19 18 wearing a bandoleer,...
bandoliered 20 18 wearing a bandolier,...
bandolining 21 21 BANDOLINE, to apply...
baneberries 21 18 BANEBERRY, a black p...
banefulness 22 21 the state of being b...
banishments 23 21 BANISHMENT, the act...
bankability 31 25 being bankable, reli...
bankrollers 23 21 BANKROLLER, one who...
bankrolling 24 24 BANKROLL, to provide...
bankrupting 25 26 BANKRUPT, to make in...
bannerettes 18 16 BANNERETTE, a small...
banqueteers 27 25 BANQUETEER, one who...
banquetings 29 28 BANQUETING, feasting...
banteringly 28 21 BANTERING [adv]
bantingisms 23 21 BANTINGISM, slimming...
baptismally 33 24 BAPTISMAL, relating...
baptistries 24 17 BAPTISTRY, a part of...
barasinghas 23 19 BARASINGHA, (Hindi)...
barbaresque 30 27 relating to Barbary,...
barbarising 24 20 BARBARISE, to reduce...
barbarities 23 17 BARBARITY, the state...
barbarizing 27 29 BARBARIZE, to reduce...
barbarously 30 21 BARBAROUS, unciviliz...
barbastelle 24 19 (French) a long-eare...
barbershops 27 22 BARBERSHOP, a type o...
barbiturate 23 18 a sleeping drug [n -...
barcarolles 25 19 BARCAROLLE, (French)...
bardolaters 21 16 BARDOLATER, a person...
barebacking 27 27 the act of practisin...
barefacedly 32 24 BAREFACED, blatant,...
barehanding 22 21 BAREHAND, to field t...
baresthesia 22 16 the sense of pressur...
bargainings 22 20 BARGAINING [n]
bargeboards 23 20 BARGEBOARD, a board...
bargemaster 22 19 one in charge of a b...
barkantines 20 20 BARKANTINE, a three-...
barkentines 20 20 BARKENTINE, a three-...
barleycorns 30 21 BARLEYCORN, an old u...
barminesses 21 18 BARMINESS, the state...
barmitsvahs 27 23 BARMITSVAH, (Hebrew)...
barmitzvahs 30 32 BARMITZVAH, (Hebrew)...
barnstormed 21 19 BARNSTORM, to tour c...
barnstormer 21 18 BARNSTORM, to tour c...
baroceptors 25 20 BAROCEPTOR, a sensor...
barographic 29 24 relating to the meas...
barometries 21 17 BAROMETRY, the art o...
baronetages 19 17 BARONETAGE, the titl...
baronetcies 22 18 BARONETCY, the offic...
baronetical 23 19 of or like a baronet...
barotitises 21 14 BAROTITIS, inflammat...
barotraumas 21 18 BAROTRAUMA, injury s...
barquantine 27 26 a three-masted vesse...
barquentine 27 26 a three-masted vesse...
barrackings 26 24 BARRACKING, heckling...
barracoutas 23 18 BARRACOUTA, (Spanish...
barramundas 21 20 BARRAMUNDA, (Native...
barramundis 22 20 BARRAMUNDI, (Native...
barrelheads 23 18 BARRELHEAD, the flat...
barrelhouse 23 18 a cheap saloon [n -S...
barrenworts 23 18 BARRENWORT, a herbac...
barricaders 24 18 BARRICADER, one who...
barricading 25 21 BARRICADE, (French)...
barricadoed 23 19 BARRICADO, to barric...
barricadoes 23 18 BARRICADO, a barrica...
barycentres 29 20 BARYCENTRE, a centre...
barycentric 33 23 relating to the cent...
baryspheres 31 21 BARYSPHERE, the area...
basaltwares 24 18 BASALTWARE, a hard f...
baseballers 24 19 BASEBALLER, one who...
baseburners 22 19 BASEBURNER, a type o...
baserunners 19 17 BASERUNNER, a baseba...
baserunning 20 20 attempting to perfor...
bashawships 31 24 BASHAWSHIP, the offi...
bashfulness 26 22 the state of being b...
bashibazouk 29 33 one of a group of ir...
basicranial 24 19 of or relating to th...
basidiocarp 26 21 the fruiting body of...
basipetally 31 21 BASIPETAL, produced...
basketballs 26 23 BASKETBALL, a usuall...
basketweave 25 25 a form of weaving us...
basketworks 26 25 BASKETWORK, objects...
basmitzvahs 30 32 BASMITZVAH, (Hebrew)...
basophilias 26 20 BASOPHILIA, of white...
bassoonists 20 15 BASSOONIST, a perfor...
bastardised 21 16 BASTARDISE, to make...
bastardises 21 15 BASTARDISE, to make...
bastardisms 23 18 BASTARDISM, the stat...
bastardized 24 25 BASTARDIZE, to make...
bastardizes 24 24 BASTARDIZE, to make...
bastardries 21 15 BASTARDRY, (Australi...
bastinading 21 19 BASTINADE, (French)...
bastinadoed 19 17 BASTINADO, to tortur...
bastinadoes 19 16 BASTINADO, to tortur...
bastnaesite 19 15 (Swedish) a reddish-...
bastnasites 20 15 BASTNASITE, (Swedish...
batfowlings 28 24 BATFOWLING [n]
bathmitsvah 29 25 (Hebrew) in the Jewi...
bathmitzvah 32 34 (Hebrew) in the Jewi...
bathmizvahs 32 34 BATHMIZVAH, (Hebrew)...
bathochrome 28 24 a shift to a longer...
batholithic 30 22 of or like a batholi...
bathometers 23 19 BATHOMETER, an instr...
bathometric 27 22 relating to a bathom...
bathophobia 28 24 fear of falling from...
bathybiuses 32 22 BATHYBIUS, a substan...
bathylithic 37 24 like a bathylith, a...
bathymeters 30 21 BATHYMETER, an instr...
bathymetric 34 24 relating to measurem...
bathyscapes 34 24 BATHYSCAPE, a submer...
bathyscaphe 36 26 a submersible observ...
bathyscaphs 37 26 BATHYSCAPH, a submer...
bathysphere 33 23 a submersible observ...
batmitzvahs 30 32 BATMITZVAH, (Hebrew)...
batological 26 21 relating to batology...
batologists 23 17 BATOLOGIST, one who...
batrachians 25 20 BATRACHIAN, a frog o...
batsmanship 26 23 skill with the crick...
battinesses 20 15 BATTINESS, the state...
battlebuses 24 19 BATTLEBUS, a campaig...
battledoors 21 16 BATTLEDOOR, (obsolet...
battledores 21 16 BATTLEDORE, a light...
battledress 22 16 a soldier's attire f...
battlefield 25 20 a place where a batt...
battlefront 23 19 the military sector...
battlements 22 19 BATTLEMENT, a parape...
battlepiece 26 21 a painting, relief,...
battleplane 23 20 a plane used in war...
battleships 27 20 BATTLESHIP, a heavil...
battlespace 26 21 the area of air, sea...
battlewagon 24 21 a battleship [n -S]
battologies 22 17 BATTOLOGY, a needles...
bawdinesses 23 19 BAWDINESS, the state...
bawdyhouses 32 23 BAWDYHOUSE, a brothe...
bayonetting 26 20 BAYONET, to stab wit...
beachcombed 31 29 BEACHCOMB, to wander...
beachcomber 31 28 BEACHCOMB, to wander...
beachfronts 27 23 BEACHFRONT, a strip...
beadblasted 23 20 BEADBLAST, to clean...
beadblaster 23 19 BEADBLAST, to clean...
beadinesses 19 16 BEADINESS, the state...
beadlehoods 22 19 BEADLEHOOD, the offi...
beadleships 26 21 BEADLESHIP, the stat...
beaminesses 20 18 BEAMINESS, the state...
beansprouts 22 19 BEANSPROUT, the spro...
bearability 30 20 the ability to be bo...
bearbaiting 23 20 the sport of torment...
bearberries 22 17 BEARBERRY, a trailin...
beardedness 19 17 the state of having...
beardtongue 20 19 a name for the flowe...
beargrasses 21 16 BEARGRASS, a North A...
bearhugging 26 24 BEARHUG, to embrace...
bearishness 22 17 the state of being b...
beastliness 21 16 the state of being b...
beatboxings 29 27 BEATBOXING, a form o...
beaumontage 20 21 a composition for hi...
beauteously 27 19 BEAUTEOUS, beautiful...
beauticians 23 19 BEAUTICIAN, a person...
beautifiers 23 18 BEAUTIFIER, one who...
beautifully 32 23 BEAUTIFUL, fair to l...
beautifying 30 23 BEAUTIFY, to make be...
beaverboard 23 22 a building-board of...
beblubbered 28 26 disfigured from weep...
becarpeting 26 23 BECARPET, to cover w...
beckoningly 32 28 BECKONING [adv]
beclamoring 26 24 BECLAMOR, to beset w...
beclamoured 25 23 BECLAMOUR, to make a...
becowarding 27 24 BECOWARD, to accuse...
becudgeling 27 25 BECUDGEL, to beat wi...
becudgelled 27 24 BECUDGEL, to beat wi...
bedarkening 21 23 BEDARKEN, to make da...
bedchambers 29 26 BEDCHAMBER, (archaic...
bedcovering 26 25 linen etc. used to c...
bedeafening 21 22 BEDEAFEN, to make de...
bedellships 28 22 BEDELLSHIP, the offi...
bedevilling 26 24 BEDEVIL, to plague,...
bedevilment 24 24 the state of being b...
bediapering 23 21 BEDIAPER, to put a n...
bedizenment 23 29 the act of bedizenin...
bedpressers 23 18 BEDPRESSER, (Shakesp...
bedraggling 25 23 BEDRAGGLE, to soil b...
bedrenching 26 24 BEDRENCH, to wet tho...
bedriveling 25 23 BEDRIVEL, to cover w...
bedrivelled 25 22 BEDRIVEL, to cover w...
beefburgers 26 23 BEEFBURGER, a round...
beefinesses 21 18 BEEFINESS, the state...
beekeepings 23 24 BEEKEEPING, the act...
beerinesses 19 15 BEERINESS, the quali...
beetlebrain 22 19 a heavy stupid perso...
beetleheads 22 18 BEETLEHEAD, a heavy...
beetmasters 21 17 BEETMASTER, (Scots)...
beetmisters 22 17 BEETMISTER, (Scots)...
befingering 24 23 BEFINGER, to touch a...
befittingly 32 23 BEFITTING [adv]
beflowering 27 24 BEFLOWER, to cover w...
befortuning 23 22 BEFORTUNE, (Shakespe...
befoulments 24 23 BEFOULMENT, the act...
befrienders 22 19 BEFRIENDER, one who...
befriending 23 22 BEFRIEND, to act as...
beggarhoods 24 21 BEGGARHOOD, the stat...
beggarweeds 25 22 BEGGARWEED, any of v...
beglamoring 24 23 BEGLAMOR, to dazzle...
beglamoured 23 22 BEGLAMOUR, to impres...
beguilement 23 22 the state of being b...
beguilingly 32 24 BEGUILING [adv]
behappening 26 26 BEHAPPEN, (Spenser)...
behaviorism 26 23 (US) the psychologic...
behaviorist 25 20 a student of behavio...
behavioural 25 22 relating to behaviou...
beingnesses 20 18 BEINGNESS, a state o...
bejesuiting 24 27 BEJESUIT, to initiat...
bejewelling 28 31 BEJEWEL, to adorn wi...
beknighting 26 26 BEKNIGHT, to raise t...
belabouring 24 22 BELABOUR, to buffet,...
belatedness 20 17 the state of being b...
beleaguered 21 19 BELEAGUER, to surrou...
believingly 32 25 BELIEVING, accepting...
beliquoring 31 28 BELIQUOR, to soak wi...
belladonnas 20 19 BELLADONNA, (Italian...
bellamoures 23 20 BELLAMOURE, (Spenser...
bellarmines 23 20 BELLARMINE, a large...
belletrisms 25 19 BELLETRISM, the writ...
belletrists 24 16 BELLETRIST, one who...
bellettrist 24 16 one who engages in b...
bellflowers 29 23 BELLFLOWER, a plant...
bellfounder 24 22 a foundry worker who...
bellfoundry 31 24 a place where bells...
bellhangers 25 21 BELLHANGER, a person...
bellicosely 33 22 BELLICOSE, warlike [...
bellicosity 33 21 the state of being b...
belligerati 24 18 members of the intel...
belligerent 23 19 aggressive [adj BELL...
bellwethers 28 21 BELLWETHER, the lead...
bellyachers 34 23 BELLYACHER, one who...
bellyaching 35 26 the act of complaini...
bellybutton 31 23 (colloquial) the nav...
belomancies 24 22 BELOMANCY, divinatio...
belowground 25 23 underground [adv]
belowstairs 25 18 in or belonging to t...
belshazzars 30 35 BELSHAZZAR, a large...
beltcourses 25 19 BELTCOURSE, an ornam...
bemaddening 21 23 BEMADDEN, to make ma...
bemedalling 24 23 BEMEDAL, (archaic) t...
bemonstered 20 19 BEMONSTER, (archaic)...
bemurmuring 25 25 BEMURMUR, to murmur...
bemusements 22 22 BEMUSEMENT, the act...
benchership 30 25 the office of benche...
benchmarked 27 28 BENCHMARK, to test b...
benchwarmer 29 26 (slang) in sport, a...
benedicites 23 19 BENEDICITE, (Latin)...
benediction 22 20 the invocation of a...
benedictive 25 23 giving benediction [...
benedictory 29 21 of or expressing ben...
benefacting 25 24 BENEFACT, to confer...
benefaction 23 22 the act of benefitin...
benefactors 24 21 BENEFACTOR, one that...
benefactory 30 23 having the nature of...
beneficence 26 25 the state of being b...
beneficials 26 22 BENEFICIAL, (Spenser...
beneficiary 31 23 one that benefits fr...
beneficiate 24 21 to treat ores to rem...
benefitting 23 21 BENEFIT, to obtain a...
beneplacito 25 22 (Italian) good pleas...
benevolence 23 24 a disposition to do...
benightedly 31 23 BENIGHTED [adv]
benightened 22 21 BENIGHTEN, to overta...
benightings 25 22 BENIGHTING, being ov...
benightment 24 23 the state of being b...
benignantly 27 22 BENIGNANT, kind; gra...
benignities 21 18 BENIGNITY, the state...
bentgrasses 21 17 BENTGRASS, a stiff w...
benthoscope 26 23 a submersible sphere...
benumbingly 32 28 BENUMBING [adv]
benumbments 24 26 BENUMBMENT, the stat...
benzocaines 24 28 BENZOCAINE, a drug u...
benzofurans 24 29 BENZOFURAN, a compou...
benzpyrenes 30 30 BENZPYRENE, a cancer...
benzylidine 30 29 a radical whose oxid...
bepeppering 27 26 BEPEPPER, to hit har...
bepestering 23 20 BEPESTER, (archaic)...
beplastered 23 19 BEPLASTER, (archaic)...
bepommelled 26 26 BEPOMMEL, to pommel...
bepowdering 26 24 BEPOWDER, to powder...
bequeathals 31 27 BEQUEATHAL, the act...
bequeathers 30 26 BEQUEATHER, one who...
bequeathing 31 29 BEQUEATH, to leave b...
berascaling 25 21 BERASCAL, to accuse...
bereavement 21 22 the state or fact of...
bergamaskos 23 23 BERGAMASKO, an inhab...
bergschrund 28 24 (German) a crevasse...
berryfruits 31 20 BERRYFRUIT, a fruit...
bersagliere 22 17 (Italian) a rifleman...
bersaglieri 23 17 BERSAGLIERE, (Italia...
beryllioses 29 18 BERYLLIOSIS, berylli...
berylliosis 30 18 beryllium poisoning...
bescattered 23 18 BESCATTER, (archaic)...
bescorching 30 25 BESCORCH, to scorch...
bescrawling 29 24 BESCRAWL, to cover w...
bescreening 23 21 BESCREEN, to cover w...
bescribbled 30 25 BESCRIBBLE, (archaic...
bescribbles 30 24 BESCRIBBLE, (archaic...
beseechings 26 22 BESEECHING, the act...
beseemingly 29 23 BESEEMING [adv]
beseemliest 22 18 BESEEMLY, fit; suita...
beshadowing 26 23 BESHADOW, to cast a...
beshivering 26 23 BESHIVER, to break i...
beshrouding 24 21 BESHROUD, to cover w...
besiegement 21 20 the state of being b...
besiegingly 30 22 BESIEGING [adv]
beslavering 24 22 BESLAVER, to slobber...
beslobbered 25 22 BESLOBBER, to slobbe...
beslubbered 26 23 BESLUBBER, to slobbe...
besmirching 29 25 BESMIRCH, to soil, m...
besmoothing 24 22 BESMOOTH, to make sm...
besmutching 29 26 BESMUTCH, (archaic)...
bespangling 25 24 BESPANGLE, to adorn...
bespattered 22 18 BESPATTER, to soil b...
bespeckling 29 28 BESPECKLE, to mark w...
bespreading 23 21 BESPREAD, to spread...
besprinkled 25 24 BESPRINKLE, to sprin...
besprinkles 25 23 BESPRINKLE, to sprin...
bestialised 22 16 BESTIALISE, to make...
bestialises 22 15 BESTIALISE, to make...
bestialisms 24 18 BESTIALISM, having s...
bestialized 25 25 BESTIALIZE, to make...
bestializes 25 24 BESTIALIZE, to make...
bestowments 24 21 BESTOWMENT, the act...
bestraddled 22 18 BESTRADDLE, to bestr...
bestraddles 22 17 BESTRADDLE, to bestr...
bestreaking 22 21 BESTREAK, to overspr...
bestridable 24 19 that can be bestridd...
bestsellers 23 16 BESTSELLER, a book,...
bestselling 24 19 selling in large num...
betacyanins 28 21 BETACYANIN, any one...
betattering 21 17 BETATTER, to tatter...
bethralling 26 21 BETHRALL, (Spenser)...
bethwacking 31 29 BETHWACK, to thrash...
betrothment 23 20 the state of being b...
betterments 21 18 BETTERMENT, a making...
betulaceous 24 20 belonging to the bir...
betweenness 21 19 the state of being b...
betweentime 23 21 at intervals, also B...
bewailingly 33 24 BEWAILING [adv]
bewhiskered 27 24 having whiskers [adj...
bewildering 26 22 BEWILDER, to confuse...
bewitchment 30 26 the state of being b...
biauricular 26 20 having two auricles...
bibliolater 25 19 one having excessive...
bibliolatry 32 21 worship of the Bible...
bibliomancy 34 27 divination by interp...
bibliomanes 24 22 BIBLIOMANE, one with...
bibliomania 24 22 a craze for books or...
bibliopegic 31 26 relating to bibliope...
bibliophile 30 24 a lover of books, al...
bibliophils 31 24 BIBLIOPHIL, a lover...
bibliophily 37 26 the love of books [n...
bibliopoles 27 22 BIBLIOPOLE, (archaic...
bibliopolic 31 25 relating to a biblio...
bibliotheca 29 23 a collection of book...
bibliotists 26 18 BIBLIOTIST, one who...
bicarbonate 24 21 an acid carbonate [n...
bicentenary 28 21 happening every two...
bicephalous 29 24 having two heads [ad...
bichlorides 28 21 BICHLORIDE, a compou...
bichromated 27 23 relating to a salt o...
bichromates 27 22 BICHROMATE, a salt o...
bicomponent 25 25 a fiber made of two...
biconcavity 35 27 the state of being b...
biconvexity 38 31 the state of being b...
bicorporate 25 20 double-bodied, as th...
bicuspidate 27 22 having two cusps [ad...
biddability 32 22 being biddable [n BI...
bidialectal 26 20 speaking two dialect...
bidonvilles 25 22 BIDONVILLE, (French)...
bienseances 21 19 BIENSEANCE, proper,...
bierkellers 24 20 BIERKELLER, (German)...
bifariously 31 21 BIFARIOUS, organized...
bifoliolate 24 19 having two leaflets...
bifurcating 28 24 BIFURCATE, to fork [...
bifurcation 26 22 the state of being b...
bigheadedly 31 23 BIGHEADED, conceited...
bijouteries 23 24 BIJOUTERIE, (French)...
bilaterally 30 19 BILATERAL, having or...
bilgewaters 26 20 BILGEWATER, the wate...
bilingually 32 23 BILINGUAL, speaking...
bilinguists 25 19 BILINGUIST, one vers...
biliousness 22 17 the state of being b...
biliverdins 25 21 BILIVERDIN, a green...
billboarded 25 21 BILLBOARD, to advert...
billionaire 22 17 one possessing a bil...
billowiness 26 20 the state of being b...
billposters 26 19 BILLPOSTER, one who...
billposting 27 22 the act of posting a...
billsticker 29 23 one who sticks up bi...
bilocations 24 19 BILOCATION, the abil...
bimetallics 28 22 BIMETALLIC, a bimeta...
bimetallism 26 22 currency exchange on...
bimetallist 25 19 a practitioner of bi...
bimillenary 30 22 happening every two...
bimillennia 23 21 BIMILLENNIUM, (Latin...
bimolecular 27 23 having two molecules...
bimonthlies 25 21 BIMONTHLY, a periodi...
bimorphemic 31 28 consisting of two mo...
bindingness 21 20 being binding [n -ES...
binocularly 32 23 BINOCULAR, with two...
binucleated 24 21 having two nuclei; a...
bioactivity 33 23 the state of being b...
bioaeration 18 15 the oxidative treatm...
bioassaying 27 19 BIOASSAY, to test th...
biobankings 24 25 BIOBANKING, the prac...
biocatalyst 31 20 a substance, e.g. an...
biocenology 30 23 the branch of ecolog...
biochemical 31 26 of or relating to bi...
biochemists 28 22 BIOCHEMIST, a chemis...
bioclimatic 30 24 of or relating to th...
biocoenoses 21 18 BIOCOENOSIS, a state...
biocoenosis 22 18 a state of associati...
biocoenotic 25 21 ecological, also BIO...
biocontrols 24 19 BIOCONTROL, pest con...
biodegraded 21 19 BIODEGRADE, to break...
biodegrades 21 18 BIODEGRADE, to break...
biodynamics 31 24 the study of the act...
bioelectric 28 21 of or relating to el...
bioenergies 20 17 BIOENERGY, fuel or e...
bioengineer 19 18 to engineer life-for...
bioethanols 22 18 BIOETHANOL, ethanol...
bioethicist 27 19 a practitioner of bi...
biofeedback 28 28 a technique for lear...
biofoulings 25 22 BIOFOULING, fouling...
biogenetics 24 20 the direct manipulat...
biographees 25 21 BIOGRAPHEE, a person...
biographers 26 21 BIOGRAPHER, a writer...
biographies 26 21 BIOGRAPHY, the story...
biographing 27 24 BIOGRAPH, to write a...
biographise 26 21 to make the subject...
biographize 29 30 to make the subject...
bioindustry 28 19 industry centred on...
biologicals 27 21 BIOLOGICAL, a drug o...
biologistic 27 20 relating to biologis...
biomaterial 22 18 suitable synthetic m...
biomedicine 24 22 medicine based on th...
biometrical 26 21 relating to biometry...
biomimetics 27 23 BIOMIMETIC [n]
biomolecule 26 23 an organic molecule...
biophysical 36 25 relating to biophysi...
biopiracies 26 20 BIOPIRACY, the use o...
biopolymers 31 23 BIOPOLYMER, a polyme...
bioprinting 24 21 the construction of...
bioreactors 23 17 BIOREACTOR, a device...
bioreagents 20 17 BIOREAGENT, a biolog...
bioregional 21 18 relating to a bioreg...
biorhythmic 37 26 relating to biorhyth...
biosafeties 22 17 BIOSAFETY, safety wi...
biosciences 26 21 BIOSCIENCE, any one...
biosocially 32 21 BIOSOCIAL, relating...
bipartitely 31 20 BIPARTITE, being in...
bipartition 23 18 division into two pa...
bipedalisms 26 22 BIPEDALISM, the stat...
bipinnarias 22 19 BIPINNARIA, the larv...
bipinnately 29 22 BIPINNATE, of a comp...
bipolarised 24 19 BIPOLARISE, to make...
bipolarises 24 18 BIPOLARISE, to make...
bipolarized 27 28 BIPOLARIZE, to make...
bipolarizes 27 27 BIPOLARIZE, to make...
bipyramidal 32 24 in the form of a bip...
biquadrates 29 25 BIQUADRATE, the four...
biquadratic 33 28 a quantity twice squ...
biquarterly 37 27 occurring every seco...
biquintiles 31 26 BIQUINTILE, the aspe...
biracialism 27 21 the state of being b...
birdbrained 23 20 simple-minded [adj]
birddogging 25 23 the act of controlli...
birdwatched 30 24 BIRDWATCH, to watch...
birdwatcher 30 23 one who watches bird...
birdwatches 30 23 BIRDWATCH, to watch...
birthnights 28 21 BIRTHNIGHT, the nigh...
birthplaces 30 23 BIRTHPLACE, a place...
birthrights 29 20 BIRTHRIGHT, a right,...
birthstones 23 17 BIRTHSTONE, a gemsto...
bisectional 24 19 relating to bisectio...
bisectrices 28 20 BISECTRIX, the bisec...
bisexualism 30 26 being bisexual [n -S...
bisexuality 35 25 the state of being b...
bishopbirds 29 23 BISHOPBIRD, a genus...
bishopesses 25 19 BISHOPESS, a female...
bishopweeds 28 23 BISHOPWEED, goutweed...
bisociation 23 18 the association of a...
bisociative 26 21 relating to bisociat...
bissextiles 29 22 BISSEXTILE, the extr...
bisulphates 27 21 BISULPHATE, a salt c...
bisulphides 28 22 BISULPHIDE, a sulphi...
bisulphites 28 21 BISULPHITE, a salt o...
bisymmetric 34 25 showing symmetry in...
bitartrates 21 14 BITARTRATE, a salt o...
bitterbarks 25 21 BITTERBARK, an Austr...
bitterbrush 27 20 a silvery shrub of N...
bittercress 25 17 one of several peren...
bitterlings 24 18 BITTERLING, a roachl...
bitterroots 21 14 BITTERROOT, a plant...
bittersweet 24 17 part bitter, part sw...
bitterweeds 24 18 BITTERWEED, any of v...
bitterwoods 24 18 BITTERWOOD, a West I...
bittinesses 21 15 BITTINESS, the state...
bituminated 22 20 BITUMINATE, to treat...
bituminates 22 19 BITUMINATE, to treat...
bituminised 23 20 BITUMINISE, to treat...
bituminises 23 19 BITUMINISE, to treat...
bituminized 26 29 BITUMINIZE, to treat...
bituminizes 26 28 BITUMINIZE, to treat...
bivalencies 26 23 BIVALENCY, the state...
bivouacking 28 29 BIVOUAC, to spend th...
bizarreness 23 24 the state of being b...
bizarreries 24 23 BIZARRERIE, (French)...
blackamoors 26 25 BLACKAMOOR, (archaic...
blackballed 30 28 BLACKBALL, to vote a...
blackbirded 29 27 BLACKBIRD, to traffi...
blackbirder 29 26 (Australian slang) a...
blackboards 28 26 BLACKBOARD, a hard s...
blackbodies 28 26 BLACKBODY, a body ab...
blackenings 26 26 BLACKENING, the act...
blackfellas 30 27 BLACKFELLA, (Austral...
blackfishes 31 27 BLACKFISH, a colloqu...
blackguards 28 26 BLACKGUARD, to vitup...
blackhander 27 26 a member of the Blac...
blackheaded 27 26 BLACKHEAD [v]
blackhearts 28 24 BLACKHEART, a heart-...
blackjacked 32 39 BLACKJACK, to hit wi...
blackleaded 26 25 BLACKLEAD, to coat w...
blacklegged 29 28 BLACKLEG, to work ev...
blacklisted 28 24 BLACKLIST, to ban or...
blacklister 28 23 one who blacklists [...
blackmailed 28 27 BLACKMAIL, to extort...
blackmailer 28 26 one who commits blac...
blacknesses 25 23 BLACKNESS, the state...
blacksmiths 31 27 BLACKSMITH, a smith...
blacksnakes 26 27 BLACKSNAKE, a snake...
blackstraps 29 25 BLACKSTRAP, a kind o...
blackthorns 28 25 BLACKTHORN, a dark-c...
blacktopped 30 29 BLACKTOP, to pave wi...
blackwashed 31 28 BLACKWASH, to treat...
blackwashes 31 27 BLACKWASH, to treat...
blackwaters 29 25 BLACKWATER, a compli...
bladderlike 24 22 like a bladder in fo...
bladdernose 20 18 the hooded seal [n -...
bladdernuts 22 19 BLADDERNUT, a genus...
bladderwort 25 20 a kind of seaweed [n...
blaeberries 23 18 BLAEBERRY, (Scots) t...
blamelessly 31 22 BLAMELESS, without b...
blamestorms 24 21 BLAMESTORM, (of coll...
blameworthy 34 25 worthy of censure [a...
blancmanges 25 25 BLANCMANGE, (French)...
blandishers 24 19 BLANDISHER, one who...
blandishing 25 22 BLANDISH, to coax an...
blandnesses 20 18 BLANDNESS, something...
blanketings 23 23 BLANKETING, cloth fo...
blanketlike 24 25 like a blanket [adj]
blanketweed 24 24 a rapidly spreading...
blanknesses 21 21 BLANKNESS, emptyness...
blanquettes 29 26 BLANQUETTE, (French)...
blasphemers 27 23 BLASPHEMER, one who...
blasphemies 27 23 BLASPHEMY, impious s...
blaspheming 28 26 BLASPHEME, to speak...
blasphemous 27 24 related to blasphemy...
blastematic 26 21 of or like a blastem...
blastochyle 34 23 the fluid in a blast...
blastocoele 24 19 the cavity inside a...
blastocoels 25 19 BLASTOCOEL, the cavi...
blastocysts 32 20 BLASTOCYST, a mammal...
blastoderms 23 19 BLASTODERM, the germ...
blastodiscs 26 19 BLASTODISC, the embr...
blastogenic 25 21 related to blastogen...
blastomeres 22 18 BLASTOMERE, one of t...
blastomeric 26 21 like a blastomere [a...
blastoporal 24 19 like a blastopor [ad...
blastopores 23 18 BLASTOPORE, the open...
blastoporic 27 21 relating to a blasto...
blastospore 23 18 the orifice of a gas...
bleacheries 26 20 BLEACHERY, a place o...
bleacherite 26 20 one who sits in the...
bleaknesses 21 20 BLEAKNESS, starkness...
blemishment 26 24 (Spenser) a blemish...
blennorrhea 21 19 an excessive dischar...
blepharisms 28 23 BLEPHARISM, spasm of...
blepharitic 30 23 relating to blephari...
blepharitis 27 20 inflammation of the...
blessedness 21 17 the state of being b...
bletherings 25 20 BLETHERING, the act...
blightingly 35 25 BLIGHTING, causing d...
blindfishes 27 22 BLINDFISH, an eyeles...
blindfolded 25 23 BLINDFOLD, to cover...
blindnesses 21 18 BLINDNESS, the state...
blindsiding 24 21 BLINDSIDE, to hit un...
blindsights 27 21 BLINDSIGHT, the abil...
blindstorey 28 19 a storey without win...
blinglishes 27 21 BLINGLISH, English m...
blisteriest 23 15 BLISTERY, having bli...
blitzkriegs 29 30 BLITZKRIEG, (German)...
blizzarding 30 37 BLIZZARD, to rage li...
bloatedness 20 17 the state of being b...
blockboards 28 26 BLOCKBOARD, plywood...
blockbusted 29 27 BLOCKBUST, to bring...
blockbuster 29 26 a bomb large enough...
blockheaded 27 26 stupid [adj BLOCKHEA...
blockhouses 28 25 BLOCKHOUSE, a wooden...
blogjacking 30 36 the use of another p...
blogosphere 26 22 the part of the Worl...
blogstreams 24 20 BLOGSTREAM, the alte...
blokartings 24 22 BLOKARTING, the spor...
blokishness 25 22 the state of being b...
blondnesses 20 18 BLONDNESS, the state...
bloodguilts 25 20 BLOODGUILT, the guil...
bloodguilty 31 22 guilty of shedding b...
bloodhounds 23 21 BLOODHOUND, a large...
bloodlessly 30 20 BLOODLESS, without b...
bloodletter 22 17 one who lets blood [...
bloodmobile 25 23 a vehicle used to ca...
bloodsprent 23 20 (archaic) sprinkled...
bloodstains 21 17 BLOODSTAIN, a discol...
bloodstocks 26 23 BLOODSTOCK, horses o...
bloodstones 20 17 BLOODSTONE, a green...
bloodstream 22 19 the flowing blood in...
bloodsucker 26 24 an animal that sucks...
blossomings 24 21 BLOSSOMING [n]
blossomless 24 19 without blossom [adj...
blotchiness 27 21 the state of being b...
blottesques 30 25 BLOTTESQUE, a daub [...
bloviations 23 20 BLOVIATION, long-win...
blowinesses 24 19 BLOWINESS, the state...
blowtorched 30 24 BLOWTORCH, to apply...
blowtorches 30 23 BLOWTORCH, to apply...
blubberiest 27 22 BLUBBERY, swollen, p...
bludgeoners 22 20 BLUDGEONER, one who...
bludgeoning 23 23 BLUDGEON, to hit wit...
blueberries 24 19 BLUEBERRY, the edibl...
bluebonnets 22 21 BLUEBONNET, a Scotti...
bluebottles 25 20 BLUEBOTTLE, a large...
bluebreasts 24 19 BLUEBREAST, the blue...
bluegrasses 23 18 BLUEGRASS, a style o...
blueishness 24 19 the state of being b...
bluejackets 28 32 BLUEJACKET, an enlis...
bluejacking 29 35 the sending of unsol...
blueprinted 24 21 BLUEPRINT, to draw u...
blueshifted 27 22 BLUESHIFT [v]
bluethroats 24 18 BLUETHROAT, a singin...
bluetongues 22 20 BLUETONGUE, an Austr...
bluffnesses 26 23 BLUFFNESS, the state...
blunderbuss 25 22 an old-fashioned gun...
blunderings 23 21 BLUNDERING, the act...
bluntnesses 21 18 BLUNTNESS, the state...
blurredness 22 18 the state of being b...
blushlessly 34 22 BLUSHLESS, free from...
blusteriest 23 16 BLUSTERY, windy [adj...
blusterings 24 19 BLUSTERING [n]
boardsailor 21 16 one who practises sa...
boarishness 22 17 the state of being b...
boatbuilder 24 20 one that builds boat...
boatlifting 25 21 BOATLIFT, to transpo...
bobbleheads 27 24 BOBBLEHEAD, a type o...
bobbysoxers 37 29 BOBBYSOXER, (colloqu...
bobsledders 24 20 BOBSLEDDER, one who...
bobsledding 25 23 riding in a bobsled...
bobsleighed 27 23 BOBSLEIGH, to travel...
bodaciously 31 22 BODACIOUS, remarkabl...
bodhisattva 25 21 one who gives up Nir...
bodyboarded 28 22 BODYBOARD, to ride a...
bodybuilder 31 23 one who engages in b...
bodychecked 36 30 BODYCHECK, to make a...
bodyguarded 28 22 BODYGUARD, to act as...
bodyshapers 31 22 BODYSHAPER, an under...
bodysurfers 30 21 BODYSURFER, one who...
bodysurfing 31 24 the sport of surfing...
bodyworkers 31 24 BODYWORKER, a therap...
boeremusiek 22 22 (Afrikaans) a specia...
boereworses 22 17 BOEREWORS, (Afrikaan...
bogginesses 22 19 BOGGINESS, the state...
bogtrotters 22 16 BOGTROTTER, one who...
bogtrotting 23 19 the practice of wand...
bogusnesses 21 18 BOGUSNESS, the state...
bohemianism 24 23 the unconventional w...
boilermaker 23 22 a drink of whiskey f...
boilerplate 24 19 syndicated material...
boilersuits 23 16 BOILERSUIT, a covera...
bokmakierie 23 25 (South African) a la...
bollockings 28 26 BOLLOCKING [n]
bollocksing 28 26 BOLLOCKS, to make a...
bolometries 22 18 BOLOMETRY, measureme...
bolshevised 26 22 BOLSHEVISE, to make...
bolshevises 26 21 BOLSHEVISE, to make...
bolshevisms 28 24 BOLSHEVISM, being a...
bolshevized 29 31 BOLSHEVIZE, to make...
bolshevizes 29 30 BOLSHEVIZE, to make...
bolsterings 23 18 BOLSTERING, the act...
bombardiers 24 21 BOMBARDIER, (French)...
bombardment 24 25 the act of bombardin...
bombilating 26 24 BOMBILATE, to buzz,...
bombilation 24 22 a buzzing or droning...
bombinating 24 24 BOMBINATE, to buzz,...
bombination 22 22 a buzzing or droning...
bombproofed 27 27 BOMBPROOF, to make p...
bonbonniere 19 20 (French) a fancy box...
bondholders 23 20 BONDHOLDER, a person...
bondmanship 25 25 the state of being a...
bondservant 21 21 a slave [n -S]
bonefishing 25 23 the sport of fishing...
bonesetters 19 15 BONESETTER, one who...
boneshakers 22 21 BONESHAKER, a car or...
bonkbusters 24 23 BONKBUSTER, a work o...
bonnilasses 20 17 BONNILASSE, (Spenser...
bonninesses 18 17 BONNINESS, the state...
boogalooing 21 20 BOOGALOO, to dance t...
bookbinders 23 23 BOOKBINDER, one who...
bookbindery 29 25 a place where books...
bookbinding 24 26 the art or trade of...
bookishness 23 21 the state of being b...
bookkeepers 23 25 BOOKKEEPER, a person...
bookkeeping 24 28 the job of keeping b...
bookmakings 24 28 BOOKMAKING, the busi...
bookmarkers 23 25 BOOKMARKER, a marker...
bookmarking 24 28 BOOKMARK, to place a...
bookmobiles 25 25 BOOKMOBILE, (US) a t...
booksellers 23 20 BOOKSELLER, one that...
bookselling 24 23 the profession of se...
bookshelves 26 25 BOOKSHELF, a shelf f...
boomeranged 20 21 BOOMERANG, to return...
boondoggled 22 22 BOONDOGGLE, to carry...
boondoggler 22 21 one who engages in b...
boondoggles 22 21 BOONDOGGLE, to carry...
boorishness 22 17 the state of being b...
boosterisms 22 17 BOOSTERISM, the prac...
bootleggers 23 19 BOOTLEGGER, one who...
bootlegging 24 22 the act of distillin...
bootlickers 26 22 BOOTLICKER, a toady...
bootlicking 27 25 the act of toadying...
bootloaders 20 16 BOOTLOADER, a system...
bootmakings 23 24 BOOTMAKING, the craf...
boozehounds 24 28 BOOZEHOUND, (colloqu...
boozinesses 22 24 BOOZINESS, the state...
borborygmal 32 25 relating to borboryg...
borborygmic 35 27 relating to borboryg...
borborygmus 32 25 a rumbling noise pro...
borderlands 21 18 BORDERLAND, territor...
borderlines 21 17 BORDERLINE, an inter...
bordragings 23 20 BORDRAGING, (Spenser...
borohydride 29 20 a compound of boron...
boskinesses 21 19 BOSKINESS, the state...
bossinesses 20 15 BOSSINESS, the state...
bossnapping 25 24 kidnapping a company...
botanically 31 22 BOTANICAL [adv]
botanomancy 28 24 divination using bur...
botheration 21 17 trouble, bother [n -...
bottlebrush 27 21 an Australian flower...
bottlenecks 25 23 BOTTLENECK, to slow...
bottlenoses 20 16 BOTTLENOSE, a kind o...
bottomlands 22 20 BOTTOMLAND, (US) all...
botulinuses 22 18 BOTULINUS, a powerfu...
bouillottes 23 17 BOUILLOTTE, (French)...
boulderings 23 20 BOULDERING, the prac...
boulleworks 27 24 BOULLEWORK, (French)...
bouncedowns 25 24 BOUNCEDOWN, in Austr...
boundedness 19 19 the state of being b...
boundlessly 29 21 BOUNDLESS, having no...
boundnesses 19 18 BOUNDNESS, the state...
bounteously 27 20 BOUNTEOUS, generous...
bountifully 32 24 BOUNTIFUL, generous...
bouquetiere 28 25 (French) a flower-gi...
bourbonisms 24 22 BOURBONISM, the prin...
bourgeoises 21 17 BOURGEOISE, (French)...
bourgeoisie 21 17 (French) the middle...
bourgeoning 21 21 BOURGEON, (obsolete)...
bourguignon 22 22 (French) a meat dish...
bousingkens 22 23 BOUSINGKEN, (obsolet...
boutonniere 18 17 (French) a flower fo...
bowdlerised 25 20 BOWDLERISE, to expur...
bowdleriser 25 19 one who bowdlerises,...
bowdlerises 25 19 BOWDLERISE, to expur...
bowdlerisms 27 22 BOWDLERISM, the cens...
bowdlerized 28 29 BOWDLERIZE, to purge...
bowdlerizer 28 28 one who bowdlerizes,...
bowdlerizes 28 28 BOWDLERIZE, to purge...
bowlinguals 27 23 BOWLINGUAL, a device...
bowstringed 25 21 BOWSTRING, to strang...
boysenberry 34 22 a fruit growing on a...
brabblement 26 25 (archaic) a squabbli...
brachiating 27 22 BRACHIATE, to progre...
brachiation 25 20 the act of swinging...
brachiators 26 19 BRACHIATOR, an anima...
brachiopods 28 23 BRACHIOPOD, a bivalv...
brachydomes 33 25 BRACHYDOME, a dome p...
brachyodont 31 23 of mammals, such as...
brachyprism 37 27 a prism parallel to...
brachyurans 32 23 BRACHYURAN, any memb...
brachyurous 33 23 relating to the Brac...
bracketings 26 24 BRACKETING, the act...
bracteolate 23 18 having bracteoles [a...
bradycardia 30 21 an abnormally slow h...
bradykinins 28 23 BRADYKININ, a blood...
bradypeptic 35 26 one who is slow of d...
bradyseisms 29 20 BRADYSEISM, a slow u...
bragadismes 23 20 BRAGADISME, (Shakesp...
braggadocio 25 22 (Italian) swagger, b...
braggartism 25 21 boastfulness [n -S]
brahmanisms 25 23 BRAHMANISM, the reli...
brahmanists 24 20 BRAHMANIST, a practi...
brahminisms 26 23 BRAHMINISM, the reli...
brahminists 25 20 BRAHMINIST, a practi...
brainlessly 29 19 BRAINLESS, without b...
brainpowers 25 21 BRAINPOWER, intellec...
brainsickly 33 25 BRAINSICK, diseased...
brainstorms 22 18 BRAINSTORM, to condu...
brainteaser 19 15 something (as a puzz...
brainwashed 25 21 BRAINWASH, to indoct...
brainwasher 25 20 one who brainwashes...
brainwashes 25 20 BRAINWASH, to indoct...
brancheries 25 20 BRANCHERY, a system...
branchiopod 27 24 any of a subclass of...
branchlines 26 22 BRANCHLINE, a second...
brandishers 23 18 BRANDISHER, one who...
brandishing 24 21 BRANDISH, to move or...
branfulness 23 21 the state of being f...
brankursine 21 21 acanthus, or bear's-...
brashnesses 22 17 BRASHNESS, the state...
bratpackers 27 24 BRATPACKER, a member...
bratticings 26 20 BRATTICING, work in...
brattishing 25 19 work in the form of...
bravenesses 21 19 BRAVENESS, the state...
brazilwoods 28 28 BRAZILWOOD, a red tr...
breadbasket 23 22 (colloquial) the sto...
breadboards 22 19 BREADBOARD, to make...
breadcrumbs 28 25 BREADCRUMB, bread cr...
breadfruits 24 19 BREADFRUIT, a fruit...
breadknives 23 24 BREADKNIFE, a knife...
breadsticks 26 22 BREADSTICK, a stick...
breadstuffs 26 22 BREADSTUFF, grain, f...
breadthways 32 22 in terms of breadth,...
breadthwise 26 20 in terms of breadth,...
breadwinner 22 20 the person who earns...
breakdanced 23 24 BREAKDANCE, to do a...
breakdancer 23 23 one who does breakda...
breakdances 23 23 BREAKDANCE [n]
breakfasted 23 22 BREAKFAST, to take b...
breakfaster 23 21 one who takes breakf...
breakfronts 23 22 BREAKFRONT, a kind o...
breakpoints 23 22 BREAKPOINT, a point...
breakwaters 24 21 BREAKWATER, a protec...
breastbones 21 18 BREASTBONE, the larg...
breastfeeds 22 18 BREASTFEED, to feed...
breastplate 23 18 a usually metal plat...
breastrails 22 15 BREASTRAIL, the uppe...
breastworks 25 21 BREASTWORK, a tempor...
breathalyse 29 19 to use a device whic...
breathalyze 32 28 to use a device whic...
breatharian 21 17 a person who believe...
breathiness 22 17 the state of being b...
brecciating 28 23 BRECCIATE, to break...
brecciation 26 21 the process of formi...
breechblock 33 30 part of a gun [n -S]
breechcloth 32 25 a loincloth [n -S]
breechclout 30 24 a loincloth [n -S]
bressummers 24 21 BRESSUMMER, a beam s...
breunnerite 19 17 an iron-containing t...
brewmasters 25 20 BREWMASTER, the supe...
brickearths 28 23 BRICKEARTH, a clayey...
brickfields 30 26 BRICKFIELD, a bricky...
bricklayers 33 24 BRICKLAYER, a person...
bricklaying 34 27 the job of laying br...
brickmakers 28 28 BRICKMAKER, one whos...
brickmaking 29 31 the making of bricks...
brickshaped 30 27 shaped like a brick...
bridegrooms 23 20 BRIDEGROOM, a man ju...
bridemaiden 21 20 a woman who is an at...
bridesmaids 23 19 BRIDESMAID, a woman...
bridewealth 27 21 in tribal societies,...
bridezillas 27 26 BRIDEZILLA, a woman...
bridgeboard 24 21 a board on both side...
bridgeheads 24 20 BRIDGEHEAD, a fortif...
bridgeworks 27 24 BRIDGEWORK, a dental...
briefnesses 22 18 BRIEFNESS, the state...
brigandages 22 20 BRIGANDAGE, the prac...
brigandines 21 19 BRIGANDINE, leather...
brigandries 22 18 BRIGANDRY, the act o...
brigantines 21 18 BRIGANTINE, a two-ma...
brighteners 24 19 BRIGHTENER, somethin...
brightening 25 22 BRIGHTEN, to make br...
brightworks 30 25 BRIGHTWORK, polished...
brilliances 26 20 BRILLIANCE, the stat...
brillianted 23 18 BRILLIANT, to cut an...
brilliantly 31 20 BRILLIANT, shining [...
brimfulness 26 23 the state of being b...
brinellings 24 20 BRINELLING, a locali...
brininesses 20 16 BRININESS, the state...
brinjarries 23 24 BRINJARRY, (Hindi) a...
briquetting 31 27 BRIQUET, to form int...
brisknesses 22 19 BRISKNESS, the state...
bristlecone 24 19 a western American p...
bristlelike 25 20 like a bristle [adj]
bristletail 24 16 another name for the...
bristliness 23 16 the state of being b...
brittleness 22 16 the state of being b...
broadcasted 23 19 BROADCAST, to scatte...
broadcaster 23 18 BROADCAST, to scatte...
broadcloths 27 21 BROADCLOTH, dense tw...
broadleaved 22 21 having broad leaves,...
broadleaves 22 20 BROADLEAF, a tree ha...
broadnesses 19 16 BROADNESS, the state...
broadpieces 25 21 BROADPIECE, an old E...
broadsheets 22 17 BROADSHEET, a newspa...
broadsiding 22 19 BROADSIDE, to delive...
broadswords 24 19 BROADSWORD, a large...
brocatelles 25 19 BROCATELLE, (French)...
broccolinis 28 22 BROCCOLINI, (tradena...
broiderings 22 18 BROIDERING [n]
bromidroses 22 18 BROMIDROSIS, foul-sm...
bromidrosis 23 18 foul-smelling sweat;...
brominating 22 21 BROMINATE, to treat...
bromination 20 19 the substitution by...
bromouracil 26 22 a uracil derivative...
bronchially 34 24 BRONCHIAL, belonging...
bronchiolar 26 21 like a bronchiole [a...
bronchioles 26 21 BRONCHIOLE, a minute...
bronchitics 30 23 BRONCHITIC, one suff...
brontobytes 28 20 BRONTOBYTE, a very l...
brontosaurs 20 16 BRONTOSAUR, any of a...
bronzifying 33 32 BRONZIFY, to make br...
broomballer 25 22 one who plays broomb...
broomstaffs 26 23 BROOMSTAFF, (archaic...
broomsticks 27 24 BROOMSTICK, the long...
brotherhood 24 19 the state of being b...
brotherlike 25 21 like a brother [adj]
broughtases 24 19 BROUGHTAS, a small p...
browbeaters 25 20 BROWBEATER, one who...
browbeating 26 23 intimidation [n -S]
brownfields 27 23 BROWNFIELD, a site t...
brownnesses 22 19 BROWNNESS, the state...
brownnosers 22 19 BROWNNOSER, a sycoph...
brownnosing 23 22 BROWNNOSE, to act sy...
brownshirts 27 20 BROWNSHIRT, a Nazi,...
brownstones 22 19 BROWNSTONE, a dark v...
brucelloses 26 20 BRUCELLOSIS, an undu...
brucellosis 27 20 an undulant fever of...
brugmansias 23 21 BRUGMANSIA, a subtro...
bruschettas 27 20 BRUSCHETTA, (Italian...
brushstroke 25 21 a stroke with a brus...
brushwheels 30 23 BRUSHWHEEL, a revolv...
brusqueness 29 26 the state of being b...
brusqueries 30 25 BRUSQUERIE, (French)...
brutalising 24 19 BRUTALISE, to make b...
brutalities 23 16 BRUTALITY, a brutal...
brutalizing 27 28 BRUTALIZE, to make b...
brutenesses 20 16 BRUTENESS, the quali...
brutishness 24 18 the state of being b...
bryological 33 23 relating to the stud...
bryologists 30 19 BRYOLOGIST, one vers...
bryophyllum 42 29 another name for kal...
bubbleheads 28 25 BUBBLEHEAD, a flight...
bubonoceles 25 23 BUBONOCELE, an ingui...
buccaneered 25 23 BUCCANEER, to act as...
buccaniered 26 23 BUCCANIER, to act as...
buccinators 27 22 BUCCINATOR, a flat c...
buccinatory 33 24 of or like a buccina...
buckbrushes 31 28 BUCKBRUSH, an Americ...
buckjumpers 32 38 BUCKJUMPER, an untam...
buckjumping 33 41 a competitive event...
buckshished 31 27 BUCKSHISH, to give a...
buckshishes 31 26 BUCKSHISH, (Persian)...
buckskinned 26 29 wearing buckskin [ad...
bucktoothed 27 25 BUCKTOOTH [v]
bucolically 37 26 BUCOLICAL, relating...
budgerigars 24 20 BUDGERIGAR, (Native...
buffalofish 31 27 a fish of the Missis...
buffleheads 28 25 BUFFLEHEAD, one who...
bufotenines 21 20 BUFOTENINE, a poison...
bugginesses 23 20 BUGGINESS, the state...
bulbiferous 27 23 bearing bulbs [adj]
bulbosities 25 19 BULBOSITY, the state...
bulbousness 24 21 the state of being b...
bulginesses 23 19 BULGINESS, the state...
bulkinesses 23 21 BULKINESS, the state...
bullbaiting 27 23 the former practice...
bulldoggers 26 22 BULLDOGGER, one who...
bulldogging 27 25 BULLDOG, to wrestle...
bulletining 24 21 BULLETIN, to make kn...
bulletproof 27 23 impenetrable to bull...
bulletwoods 26 21 BULLETWOOD, the wood...
bullfighter 30 24 BULLFIGHT [v]
bullfinches 31 26 BULLFINCH, a type of...
bullionists 24 18 BULLIONIST, one in f...
bullishness 26 20 the state of being b...
bullmastiff 30 26 a breed of dog [n -S...
bullroarers 23 17 BULLROARER, a wooden...
bullshitted 27 20 BULLSHIT, to talk no...
bullshitter 27 19 one who bullshits [n...
bullterrier 24 17 a breed of dog [n -S...
bullwaddies 27 22 BULLWADDY, an Austra...
bullwhacked 33 30 BULLWHACK, to strike...
bullwhipped 34 29 BULLWHIP, to strike...
bullyragged 32 24 BULLYRAG, to intimid...
bumbailiffs 31 28 BUMBAILIFF, a bailif...
bumbershoot 26 23 (US slang) umbrella...
bumbleberry 34 27 a mixture of berries...
bumfreezers 27 30 BUMFREEZER, a short...
bumfuzzling 34 44 BUMFUZZLE, to confus...
bumpinesses 24 22 BUMPINESS, the state...
bumpologies 26 24 BUMPOLOGY, jocularly...
bumpsadaisy 31 24 an exclamation on bu...
bumptiously 33 25 BUMPTIOUS, offensive...
bumsuckings 29 29 BUMSUCKING, sycophan...
buoyantness 25 19 the state of being b...
bupivacaine 27 26 a local anaesthetic...
bureaucracy 33 24 a body of nonelectiv...
bureaucrats 24 19 BUREAUCRAT, a member...
burglarious 24 19 (Facetious) like a b...
burglarised 24 19 BURGLARISE, to commi...
burglarises 24 18 BURGLARISE, to commi...
burglarized 27 28 BURGLARIZE, to commi...
burglarizes 27 27 BURGLARIZE, to commi...
burgomaster 23 20 (Dutch) the mayor of...
burlesquely 38 29 BURLESQUE, resemblin...
burlesquers 31 26 BURLESQUER, one who...
burlesquing 32 29 BURLESQUE, to make a...
burlinesses 22 17 BURLINESS, the state...
burnettised 21 17 BURNETTISE, to subje...
burnettises 21 16 BURNETTISE, to subje...
burnettized 24 26 BURNETTIZE, to subje...
burnettizes 24 25 BURNETTIZE, to subje...
burnishable 26 22 that can be burnishe...
burnishings 25 21 BURNISHING [n]
burnishment 24 22 the act of burnishin...
burramundis 23 21 BURRAMUNDI, (Native...
burrowstown 27 22 (Scots) a town that...
bursarships 27 20 BURSARSHIP, the offi...
bursiculate 26 20 shaped like small po...
burthensome 23 21 heavy, oppressive, a...
bushbashing 29 25 the process of forci...
bushellings 27 22 BUSHELLING [n]
bushelwoman 27 25 one who alters men's...
bushelwomen 27 25 BUSHELWOMAN, one who...
bushhammers 28 25 BUSHHAMMER, a hammer...
bushinesses 23 18 BUSHINESS, the condi...
bushmanship 29 26 the craft of the bus...
bushmasters 25 20 BUSHMASTER, a venomo...
bushrangers 24 20 BUSHRANGER, in Austr...
bushranging 25 23 being a bushranger [...
bushwalkers 29 25 BUSHWALKER, one who...
bushwalking 30 28 hiking through the b...
bushwhacked 33 30 BUSHWHACK, to shoot...
bushwhacker 33 29 a guerrilla fighter;...
businessman 21 20 a man who transacts...
businessmen 21 20 BUSINESSMAN, a man w...
busticating 26 21 BUSTICATE, (colloqui...
bustinesses 21 16 BUSTINESS, the state...
busybodying 37 26 acting like a busybo...
butcherbird 30 24 the shrike [n -S]
butcherings 28 23 BUTCHERING [n]
butchnesses 26 21 BUTCHNESS, the state...
butenedioic 23 20 designating a type o...
butlerships 28 21 BUTLERSHIP, the offi...
butterballs 26 20 BUTTERBALL, the buff...
butterdocks 26 23 BUTTERDOCK, a wild p...
butterflied 25 20 BUTTERFLY, to split...
butterflies 25 19 BUTTERFLY, to split...
butterflyer 31 21 a swimmer who does t...
butteriness 21 16 the state of being b...
buttermilks 26 23 BUTTERMILK, the milk...
butterweeds 24 19 BUTTERWEED, an annua...
butterworts 25 18 BUTTERWORT, a genus...
buttinskies 23 20 BUTTINSKY, a person...
buttonballs 25 21 BUTTONBALL, the Amer...
buttonholds 24 20 BUTTONHOLD, to detai...
buttonholed 23 20 BUTTONHOLE, to detai...
buttonholer 23 19 a person or sewing-m...
buttonholes 23 19 BUTTONHOLE, to detai...
buttonhooks 23 22 BUTTONHOOK, a hook f...
buttonmould 23 22 the small core of pl...
buttonwoods 23 20 BUTTONWOOD, the Amer...
buttressing 23 18 BUTTRESS, to prop up...
butylations 28 19 BUTYLATION, combinat...
butyraceous 30 21 resembling, producin...
buxomnesses 27 26 BUXOMNESS, the state...
buzzkillers 32 39 BUZZKILLER, someone...