9 letter words that start with B

9 letter words that start with B

9 letter B word


Words With Friends®


baaskaaps 19 19 BAASKAAP, (Afrikaans...
baasskaps 20 19 BAASSKAP, a theory o...
babacoote 20 18 (Malagasy) a large l...
babbitted 22 19 BABBITT, to fit with...
babbittry 29 20 narrow-minded middle...
babbliest 23 19 BABBLY, given to bab...
babblings 24 22 BABBLING, idle talk...
babeldoms 21 20 BABELDOM, a confused...
babelisms 22 19 BABELISM, a state of...
babirusas 20 16 BABIRUSA, a large ho...
babirussa 20 16 (Malay) a large hogl...
baboonery 23 18 baboonish behavior [...
baboonish 20 18 like a baboon [adj]
babooshes 20 17 BABOOSH, a kind of h...
babouches 24 21 BABOUCHE, a kind of...
babushkas 23 22 BABUSHKA, a triangul...
babyccino 31 24 a drink of frothy st...
babycinos 28 21 BABYCINO, a drink of...
babydolls 28 20 BABYDOLL, a woman's...
babyfoods 27 21 BABYFOOD, food prepa...
babyhoods 27 20 BABYHOOD, the state...
babyishly 36 22 BABYISH, resembling...
babyproof 29 23 to render e.g. a roo...
bacalhaus 23 19 BACALHAU, (Spanish)...
baccarats 23 18 BACCARAT, a French c...
bacchanal 25 22 a drunken reveller,...
bacchante 24 21 a priestess of Bacch...
bacchants 25 21 BACCHANT, a priest o...
bacciform 27 24 shaped like a berry...
bacharach 27 22 (German) a wine from...
bachelors 23 18 BACHELOR, an unmarri...
bacillary 29 19 of the shape or natu...
backaches 26 24 BACKACHE, pain in th...
backacter 24 22 a mechanical excavat...
backbands 23 24 BACKBAND, the band w...
backbeats 23 22 BACKBEAT, one of the...
backbench 28 28 a rear bench (in Par...
backbends 23 24 BACKBEND, an acrobat...
backbiter 24 22 one who engages in m...
backbites 24 22 BACKBITE, to speak i...
backblock 29 30 (Australian) of the...
backboard 23 23 a board which suppor...
backbonds 23 24 BACKBOND, a deed att...
backboned 22 24 having a backbone, v...
backbones 22 23 BACKBONE, the spine...
backburns 24 24 BACKBURN, to set a f...
backcasts 25 22 BACKCAST, to make a...
backchats 27 24 BACKCHAT, to engage...
backcheck 31 31 in ice hockey, to re...
backcloth 28 25 the painted cloth or...
backcombs 28 28 BACKCOMB, to comb ba...
backcourt 25 23 in lawn tennis, that...
backcross 25 22 a cross between a hy...
backdated 21 21 BACKDATE, to date to...
backdates 21 20 BACKDATE, to date to...
backdowns 24 24 BACKDOWN, the abando...
backdraft 24 23 a reverse movement o...
backdrops 24 23 BACKDROP, to create...
backdropt 24 23 BACKDROP, to create...
backfalls 26 24 BACKFALL, a fall or...
backfield 25 24 in American football...
backfiles 25 23 BACKFILE, the back n...
backfills 27 24 BACKFILL, to refill...
backfired 24 23 BACKFIRE, to go wron...
backfires 24 22 BACKFIRE, to go wron...
backfisch 30 27 (German) a young gir...
backflips 28 26 BACKFLIP, to perform...
backflows 28 26 BACKFLOW, the action...
backhands 23 23 BACKHAND, to strike...
backhauls 25 23 BACKHAUL, to return...
backhouse 23 22 a building behind th...
backlands 22 22 BACKLAND, a piece of...
backlifts 26 23 BACKLIFT, the backwa...
backlight 27 24 to illumine a subjec...
backlines 22 21 BACKLINE, in some te...
backlists 24 20 BACKLIST, to include...
backloads 22 21 BACKLOAD, to load a...
backpacks 28 29 BACKPACK, to hike wi...
backpedal 24 24 to pedal backwards [...
backpiece 26 25 a piece or plate of...
backplate 24 23 a piece of armour fo...
backrests 22 19 BACKREST, a back sup...
backronym 28 25 an acronym formed us...
backrooms 22 22 BACKROOM, a room at...
backseats 21 19 BACKSEAT, a rear sea...
backshish 27 23 (Persian) in Eastern...
backshore 23 21 an area of beach [n...
backsides 22 20 BACKSIDE, the buttoc...
backsight 26 23 the sight of a rifle...
backslaps 25 23 BACKSLAP, to show ap...
backslash 25 22 the character \ [n -...
backslide 23 21 to fall back [v BACK...
backspace 26 25 to move the cursor o...
backspeer 23 22 (Scots) to cross-que...
backspeir 24 22 (Scots) to cross-que...
backspins 24 23 BACKSPIN, a backward...
backstabs 24 22 BACKSTAB, to stab in...
backstage 22 21 behind the scenes, u...
backstair 22 19 underhand [n -S]
backstall 24 21 of a kite, to lose p...
backstamp 25 25 a mark stamped on th...
backstays 28 21 BACKSTAY, a stay ext...
backstops 24 22 BACKSTOP, to act as...
backstory 28 21 events assumed befor...
backswept 27 25 swept backwards [adj...
backswing 26 25 the first stage in a...
backsword 25 23 an archaic, edged, u...
backtalks 24 24 BACKTALK, an impuden...
backtrack 26 26 to go back on a prev...
backvelds 25 25 BACKVELD, a remote a...
backwards 25 23 in a reverse directi...
backwater 24 22 water turned back in...
backwinds 25 24 BACKWIND, to deflect...
backwoods 24 23 the forest beyond cl...
backwords 25 23 BACKWORD, a retort [...
backworks 26 26 BACKWORK, work done...
backwraps 27 25 BACKWRAP, a wrap aro...
backyards 28 22 BACKYARD, the area a...
baclofens 22 20 BACLOFEN, a drug use...
bacronyms 27 21 BACRONYM, an acronym...
bacterial 21 16 of or like bacteria,...
bacterian 19 16 of or like bacteria,...
bacterias 20 15 BACTERIA, a microsco...
bacterins 20 16 BACTERIN, a vaccine...
bacterise 20 15 to treat with bacter...
bacterium 22 19 a class of unicellul...
bacterize 23 24 to treat with bacter...
bacteroid 20 16 a swollen bacterium...
baculites 22 17 BACULITE, a fossil o...
badgeless 19 16 without a badge [adj...
badgering 19 18 BADGER, to pester or...
badinaged 17 17 BADINAGE, to banter...
badinages 17 16 BADINAGE, to banter...
badinerie 16 14 (French) a name give...
badmashes 20 18 BADMASH, an evil-doe...
badminton 17 18 a game played with a...
badmouths 21 19 BADMOUTH, to abuse [...
badnesses 16 14 BADNESS, the state o...
bafflegab 25 24 official or professi...
bagatelle 19 16 (French) a trifle, a...
bagelling 21 19 BAGEL, to defeat in...
bagginess 19 17 the state of being b...
baghouses 20 17 BAGHOUSE, a means of...
bagnettes 17 15 BAGNETTE, (French) a...
bagpipers 23 20 BAGPIPER, one who pl...
bagpiping 24 23 playing the bagpipes...
baguettes 18 15 BAGUETTE, (French) a...
bagwashes 23 19 BAGWASH, a laundry s...
bahookies 19 18 BAHOOKIE, (colloquia...
bahuvrihi 25 21 (Sanskrit) a class o...
baidarkas 18 17 BAIDARKA, (Russian)...
baignoire 17 15 (French) a theatre b...
bailbonds 20 18 BAILBOND, a bond giv...
bailiwick 27 23 the region in which...
bailliage 20 16 (French) the jurisdi...
bailments 19 17 BAILMENT, a delivery...
bairnlier 18 14 BAIRNLY, like a bair...
bairnlike 19 18 (Scots) childlike [a...
baisemain 17 16 (French) a kiss on t...
bajillion 21 24 an unspecified but e...
bakeapple 22 23 (Canadian) the fruit...
bakeboard 19 20 (Scots) a board for...
bakehouse 19 19 a place where bread...
bakelites 19 17 BAKELITE, (tradename...
bakemeats 18 19 BAKEMEAT, (Biblical)...
bakeshops 22 21 BAKESHOP, a bakery [...
bakestone 16 17 a flat stone or iron...
bakewares 20 19 BAKEWARE, heat-resis...
bakhshish 26 22 (Persian) in Eastern...
baksheesh 22 20 (Persian) in Eastern...
balaclava 23 21 a knitted hat which...
baladines 17 15 BALADINE, (French) a...
balalaika 19 18 (Russian) a Russian...
balancers 20 17 BALANCER, one who ba...
balancing 21 20 BALANCE, to have equ...
balanitis 18 14 inflammation of the...
balayaged 24 18 BALAYAGE, to highlig...
balayages 24 17 BALAYAGE, to highlig...
balconets 20 17 BALCONET, a miniatur...
balconied 20 18 having a balcony [ad...
balconies 20 17 BALCONY, a platform...
baldachin 23 20 a rich embroidered m...
baldaquin 26 25 a rich embroidered m...
baldfaced 23 21 bald [adj]
baldheads 20 17 BALDHEAD, a bald per...
baldicoot 21 17 the coot, from its w...
baldmoney 24 20 a wild flower, aka m...
baldpated 20 18 destitute of hair on...
baldpates 20 17 BALDPATE, a bald per...
baldricks 24 21 BALDRICK, a warrior'...
balection 20 17 a moulding around a...
balefires 20 16 BALEFIRE, a bonfire...
balefully 29 21 BALEFUL, foreboding...
balisaurs 19 14 BALISAUR, a long-tai...
balkanise 18 18 to divide (a region...
balkanize 21 27 to divide (a region...
balkiness 19 18 the state of being b...
balkingly 28 23 BALKING [adv]
balklines 20 19 BALKLINE, a line dra...
ballabile 22 18 (Italian) a part of...
ballabili 23 18 BALLABILE, (Italian)...
balladeer 18 15 one who sings ballad...
balladine 18 16 (French) a (female)...
ballading 20 18 BALLAD, to make ball...
balladins 19 16 BALLADIN, (French) a...
balladist 20 15 one who composes bal...
ballanted 18 16 BALLANT, to make bal...
ballasted 19 15 BALLAST, to load wit...
ballaster 19 14 one who ballasts [n...
ballating 20 17 BALLAT, to make ball...
ballclays 30 20 BALLCLAY, a fine-tex...
ballcocks 27 24 BALLCOCK, the stopco...
ballerina 18 15 (Italian) a female b...
ballerine 18 15 BALLERINA, (Italian)...
balleting 20 17 BALLET, to make ball...
ballgames 21 19 BALLGAME, a game pla...
ballgirls 23 17 BALLGIRL, a girl who...
ballgowns 23 20 BALLGOWN, a long for...
ballhawks 26 23 BALLHAWK [n]
ballistae 19 14 BALLISTA, a Roman ma...
ballistas 20 14 BALLISTA, a Roman ma...
ballistic 24 17 relating to projecti...
ballonets 18 15 BALLONET, in a ballo...
ballonnes 17 16 BALLONNE, (French) a...
ballooned 17 16 BALLOON, to swell ou...
ballotees 18 14 BALLOTEE, a candidat...
balloters 19 14 BALLOTER, one who vo...
balloting 20 17 the act of conductin...
ballotini 19 15 (Italian) small glas...
ballparks 23 21 BALLPARK, a baseball...
ballpoint 21 18 a type of pen [n -S]
ballrooms 20 17 BALLROOM, a large ro...
ballsiest 20 14 BALLSY, gutsy [adj]
ballyards 26 17 BALLYARD, a baseball...
ballyhoos 27 18 BALLYHOO, to promote...
ballyrags 27 18 BALLYRAG, to overawe...
balmacaan 20 20 a man's loose overco...
balminess 19 17 the state of being b...
balmorals 20 17 BALMORAL, a flat Sco...
balsaming 20 19 BALSAM, to soothe; t...
balsawood 20 17 the very light wood...
balthasar 20 15 a large wine bottle...
balthazar 23 24 a large wine bottle...
balusters 19 14 BALUSTER, a small pi...
balzarine 20 23 (French) a light cot...
bamboozle 23 28 to deceive by underh...
banalised 17 15 BANALISE, to make ba...
banalises 17 14 BANALISE, to make ba...
banalized 20 24 BANALIZE, to make ba...
banalizes 20 23 BANALIZE, to make ba...
banausian 15 15 mechanical, utilitar...
bandagers 17 16 BANDAGER, one who ba...
bandaging 18 19 the act of putting a...
bandalore 16 15 (obsolete) an eighte...
bandannas 14 16 BANDANNA, a coloured...
bandboxes 24 24 BANDBOX, a box for h...
bandbrake 19 21 a brake or clutch in...
bandeiras 16 14 BANDEIRA, an expedit...
bandelets 17 15 BANDELET, a flat mou...
bandelier 17 15 (French) a shoulder...
banderole 16 15 (French) a small ban...
banderols 17 15 BANDEROL, (French) a...
bandicoot 19 17 a species of very la...
bandiness 16 15 the state of being b...
bandittis 18 14 BANDITTI, (Italian)...
bandmates 17 17 BANDMATE, a fellow m...
bandobast 18 17 (Urdu) an organisati...
bandobust 19 18 (in India and Pakist...
bandoleer 16 15 (French) a shoulder...
bandoleon 15 16 a kind of button acc...
bandolero 16 15 (Spanish) a highwaym...
bandolier 17 15 (French) a shoulder...
bandoline 16 16 (French) a glutinous...
bandoneon 13 16 a kind of button acc...
bandonion 14 16 a kind of button acc...
bandshell 21 18 a bandstand concave...
bandstand 16 16 a structure for acco...
bandsters 17 14 BANDSTER, a binder o...
bandwagon 19 20 a large wagon used b...
bandwidth 23 20 the width of a band...
bandyings 24 19 BANDYING, the act of...
baneberry 24 18 a black poisonous be...
banefully 27 21 BANEFUL, poisonous [...
bangalays 24 18 BANGALAY, an Austral...
bangalore 17 16 as in bangalore torp...
bangalows 21 19 BANGALOW, an Austral...
bangsring 19 18 (Javanese) a tree-sh...
bangsters 18 15 BANGSTER, (Scots) a...
bangtails 19 16 BANGTAIL, a mustang...
banishers 19 15 BANISHER, one that b...
banishing 20 18 BANISH, to expel, ex...
banisters 17 13 BANISTER, a stair ha...
banjaxing 25 32 BANJAX, (slang) to r...
banjoists 19 22 BANJOIST, one who pl...
banjolele 19 24 a four-stringed musi...
banjulele 20 25 a small banjo with g...
bankbooks 20 24 BANKBOOK, a deposito...
bankcards 21 21 BANKCARD, a card iss...
banknotes 16 18 BANKNOTE, a paper un...
bankrolls 20 19 BANKROLL, to provide...
bankrupts 21 21 BANKRUPT, to make in...
banksides 18 18 BANKSIDE, the slope...
banksters 18 17 BANKSTER, a banker o...
banlieues 17 15 BANLIEUE, (French) a...
bannerall 17 16 (Spenser) a small ba...
bannerets 15 14 BANNERET, (historica...
bannering 16 17 BANNER, to furnish w...
bannerols 16 15 BANNEROL, a streamer...
bannister 16 14 any of the upright p...
banoffees 19 19 BANOFFEE, banana and...
banqueted 24 24 BANQUET, to feast [v...
banqueter 24 23 one who banquets [n...
banquette 24 23 (French) a raised wa...
banterers 16 13 BANTERER, one who ba...
bantering 17 16 the exchange of mild...
bantlings 19 17 BANTLING, (archaic)...
banxrings 24 23 BANXRING, a tree-shr...
baptisers 20 15 BAPTISER, one who ba...
baptisias 20 15 BAPTISIA, a genus of...
baptising 21 18 BAPTISE, to administ...
baptismal 22 19 relating to baptism...
baptistry 27 17 a part of church res...
baptizers 23 24 BAPTIZER, one who ba...
baptizing 24 27 BAPTIZE, to administ...
barachois 22 17 (French) a shallow l...
baragouin 17 16 (French) any jargon...
barasinga 17 15 (Hindi) the Indian s...
baratheas 18 14 BARATHEA, a pebbly s...
barathrum 21 18 (Latin) an insatiabl...
barbarian 18 16 a member of a primit...
barbarise 19 15 to reduce to a state...
barbarism 21 18 the state of being a...
barbarity 26 17 the state of being b...
barbarize 22 24 to reduce to a state...
barbarous 19 16 uncivilized [adj BAR...
barbascos 22 18 BARBASCO, any of a v...
barbastel 20 16 (French) a long-eare...
barbecued 22 20 BARBECUE, to grill o...
barbecuer 22 19 one who barbecues [n...
barbecues 22 19 BARBECUE, to grill o...
barbequed 27 26 BARBEQUE, to grill o...
barbeques 27 25 BARBEQUE, to grill o...
barbering 20 18 BARBER, to shave or...
barbettes 19 15 BARBETTE, (French) a...
barbicans 22 19 BARBICAN, an outer d...
barbicels 24 19 BARBICEL, one of the...
barbitals 21 16 BARBITAL, (US) a der...
barbitone 18 16 a sleep-inducing dru...
barbotine 18 16 (French) a paste of...
barbottes 19 15 BARBOTTE, a kind of...
barbwires 23 18 BARBWIRE, (US) barbe...
barcarole 20 16 (French) a gondolier...
barchanes 21 18 BARCHANE, a crescent...
bardashes 19 15 BARDASH, (obsolete)...
bardlings 20 17 BARDLING, a petty po...
bardships 23 18 BARDSHIP, the office...
barebacks 23 22 BAREBACK, to have un...
bareboats 18 15 BAREBOAT, a pleasure...
bareboned 17 17 short of resources [...
barebones 17 16 BAREBONE, (Shakespea...
barefaced 21 19 blatant, undisguised...
baregines 17 15 BAREGINE, a gelatino...
barehands 18 16 BAREHAND, to field t...
baresarks 18 16 BARESARK, a Norse wa...
bargained 17 16 BARGAIN, to haggle o...
bargainer 17 15 one who bargains [n...
bargander 17 16 the shelduck, also B...
bargellos 20 16 BARGELLO, a type of...
bargepole 20 18 a pole for propellin...
barghests 21 16 BARGHEST, a doglike...
barguests 19 15 BARGUEST, a doglike...
barhopped 23 21 BARHOP, to go from o...
bariatric 21 15 relating to the trea...
baritonal 17 14 of or like a bariton...
baritones 16 13 BARITONE, a deep mal...
barkeeper 19 19 a bartender [n -S]
barkening 18 20 BARKEN, to dry up in...
barleducs 22 18 BARLEDUC, a kind of...
barmbrack 25 25 (Irish) a currant bu...
barminess 18 16 the state of being b...
barnacled 20 18 wearing spectacles [...
barnacles 20 17 BARNACLE, a kind of...
barnbrack 23 23 (Irish) a currant bu...
barneying 23 18 BARNEY, to quarrel l...
barnstorm 18 16 to tour country area...
barnwoods 19 17 BARNWOOD, a wide woo...
barnyards 23 16 BARNYARD, a yard nea...
barograms 19 17 BAROGRAM, a recordin...
barograph 22 19 a recording baromete...
barometer 17 15 an instrument for me...
barometry 24 17 the art or process o...
baronages 16 15 BARONAGE, the rank o...
baronetcy 25 18 the office of a baro...
barophile 22 18 a bacterium able to...
baroquely 32 25 BAROQUE, in baroque...
barosaurs 17 13 BAROSAUR, a large di...
baroscope 21 18 a weatherglass [n -S...
barostats 17 12 BAROSTAT, an automat...
barotitis 18 12 inflammation and pai...
barouches 22 18 BAROUCHE, a four-whe...
barperson 18 16 one who serves in a...
barquette 25 22 (French) a small bar...
barracans 19 16 BARRACAN, a coarsely...
barracked 21 20 BARRACK, to shout en...
barracker 21 19 one who barracks [n...
barracoon 18 16 (Spanish) an enclosu...
barracuda 20 17 (Spanish) a voraciou...
barraging 19 17 BARRAGE, to subject...
barrancas 19 16 BARRANCA, (Spanish)...
barrancos 19 16 BARRANCO, (Spanish)...
barraters 17 12 BARRATER, one that p...
barrating 18 15 BARRAT, to quarrel e...
barrators 17 12 BARRATOR, one that p...
barrefull 22 18 full of obstructions...
barrelage 18 15 barrels taken collec...
barrelful 22 18 the contents of a ba...
barreling 19 16 BARREL, to move fast...
barrelled 19 15 BARREL, to move fast...
barrenest 16 13 BARREN, unproductive...
barretors 17 12 BARRETOR, one that p...
barretter 17 12 a resistor capable o...
barrettes 17 12 BARRETTE, a bar-shap...
barricade 20 16 (French) to block wi...
barricado 20 16 a barricade [n -S] /...
barricoes 20 15 BARRICO, a small cas...
barriered 17 13 BARRIER, to shut by...
barriques 26 22 BARRIQUE, a wine bar...
barrister 18 12 a person who is qual...
barrowful 24 20 the contents of a ba...
barrulets 19 14 BARRULET, a thin hor...
barstools 18 13 BARSTOOL, a stool in...
bartended 16 15 BARTEND, to serve in...
bartender 16 14 one who tends a bar...
barterers 17 12 BARTERER, a person w...
bartering 18 15 BARTER, to trade by...
bartisans 17 13 BARTISAN, a small ov...
bartizans 20 22 BARTIZAN, a corner t...
barytones 22 15 BARYTONE, a deep mal...
basaltine 17 14 a black or brown-gre...
basanites 16 13 BASANITE, a black fo...
bascinets 20 16 BASCINET, a light he...
baseballs 21 17 BASEBALL, a team gam...
basebands 18 17 BASEBAND, a communic...
baseboard 18 16 a board which forms...
baseheads 18 15 BASEHEAD, a habitual...
baselards 18 14 BASELARD, (obsolete)...
baseliner 17 14 a tennis-player who...
baselines 17 14 BASELINE, a line at...
baseloads 17 14 BASELOAD, the perman...
basements 17 16 BASEMENT, the part o...
basepaths 21 17 BASEPATH, a baserunn...
baseplate 19 16 the foundation plate...
bashawism 24 20 (Turkish) the state...
bashfully 31 22 BASHFUL, shy, timid...
bashments 20 18 BASHMENT, a large ga...
basically 29 19 BASIC, fundamental [...
basifiers 20 15 BASIFIER, that which...
basifixed 26 23 attached by the base...
basifugal 22 19 developing in a dire...
basifying 27 20 BASIFY, to convert i...
basilects 22 16 BASILECT, the least...
basilicae 21 16 BASILICA, an ancient...
basilical 23 17 of, relating to, or...
basilican 21 17 of, relating to, or...
basilicas 22 16 BASILICA, an ancient...
basilicon 21 17 (Greek) any of sever...
basilisks 21 17 BASILISK, a harmless...
basinfuls 21 18 BASINFUL, as much as...
basinlike 19 18 like a basin [adj]
basipetal 20 16 produced in successi...
basketful 22 21 the contents of a ba...
basophile 22 18 of white blood cells...
basophils 23 18 BASOPHIL, a basophil...
basquines 25 23 BASQUINE, an outer p...
basseting 18 15 BASSET, to outcrop,...
bassetted 17 13 BASSETT, to outcrop,...
bassinets 17 13 BASSINET, a basket u...
basslines 18 14 BASSLINE, the lowest...
basswoods 20 16 BASSWOOD, an America...
bastardly 25 16 like a bastard; base...
bastardry 24 15 (Australian slang) m...
bastilles 20 14 BASTILLE, a tower or...
bastinade 16 14 (French) to beat wit...
bastinado 16 14 (Spanish) torture by...
bastioned 16 14 having a defence [ad...
batchings 24 20 BATCHING, the act of...
bateleurs 18 14 BATELEUR, an African...
batements 17 16 BATEMENT, reduction...
batfishes 22 17 BATFISH, a fish with...
batfowled 23 20 BATFOWL, to catch bi...
batfowler 23 19 one who batfowls, ca...
bathcubes 25 21 BATHCUBE, a fragrant...
bathhouse 21 17 a public bathing est...
bathmisms 23 20 BATHMISM, a theory o...
batholite 20 15 a mass of igneous ro...
batholith 23 17 a mass of igneous ro...
bathorses 19 14 BATHORSE, (archaic)...
bathrobes 21 17 BATHROBE, a robe wor...
bathrooms 20 17 BATHROOM, a room for...
bathwater 22 17 the water in a bath...
bathybius 29 20 a substance on the s...
bathylite 27 17 a mass of igneous ro...
bathylith 30 19 a mass of igneous ro...
batooning 16 16 BATOON, to strike wi...
batrachia 22 17 the order of tailles...
batswoman 20 19 a female person who...
batswomen 20 19 BATSWOMAN, a female...
battalias 18 13 BATTALIA, the main b...
battalion 17 14 a body of soldiers c...
battelers 18 13 BATTELER, someone wh...
batteling 19 16 BATTEL, to have an a...
battelled 19 15 BATTEL, to have an a...
battement 17 16 (French) a movement...
batteners 16 13 BATTENER, one who ba...
battening 17 16 battens forming a st...
batterers 17 12 BATTERER, someone wh...
batteries 17 12 BATTERY, a device fo...
battering 18 15 a beating involving...
battilled 20 15 BATTILL, to make fer...
battiness 17 13 the state of being b...
battleaxe 23 20 a kind of axe once u...
battlebus 21 17 a campaign bus in an...
battology 25 17 a needless repetitio...
bauchling 25 22 BAUCHLE, to make sha...
baudekins 18 19 BAUDEKIN, a rich emb...
baudricke 22 21 (Spenser) the zodiac...
baudricks 23 21 BAUDRICK, a warrior'...
bauhinias 19 16 BAUHINIA, a plant of...
baulkiest 20 18 BAULKY, stubborn [ad...
baulkline 20 20 a straight line acro...
bavardage 19 19 (French) small talk...
bawdiness 20 17 the state of being b...
bayadeers 22 15 BAYADEER, a fabric w...
bayaderes 22 15 BAYADERE, a fabric w...
bayfronts 25 18 BAYFRONT, the shorel...
bayoneted 21 16 BAYONET, to stab wit...
bazillion 22 24 an indefinitely larg...
bdelliums 22 19 BDELLIUM, a fragrant...
beachball 26 22 a light ball for pla...
beachboys 30 22 BEACHBOY, a male bea...
beachcomb 28 26 to wander along a be...
beachgoer 22 19 one who frequents th...
beachhead 23 20 an area held on an e...
beachiest 22 17 BEACHY, sandy or peb...
beachside 22 18 situated at the side...
beachwear 24 20 wear suitable for th...
beaconing 19 19 BEACON, to shine lik...
beadblast 20 17 a jet of small glass...
beadhouse 18 16 a chapel, also BEDEH...
beadiness 16 14 the state of being b...
beadledom 18 18 the office of beadle...
beadrolls 19 15 BEADROLL, a list of...
beadworks 21 20 BEADWORK, decorative...
beaglings 20 18 BEAGLING, hunting wi...
beakerful 21 21 the contents of a fu...
beaminess 17 16 the state of being b...
beamingly 26 21 BEAMING, smiling bro...
beamishly 28 20 BEAMISH, radiant [ad...
beanballs 20 18 BEANBALL, a baseball...
beaneries 15 13 BEANERY, a cheap res...
beanfeast 17 16 a lavish meal [n -S]
beanpoles 18 17 BEANPOLE, a pole sup...
beanstalk 18 18 the stem of a bean p...
bearberry 25 17 a trailing plant of...
bearbines 18 16 BEARBINE, a bindweed...
beardiest 17 13 BEARDY, having a bea...
beardless 18 14 without a beard [adj...
beargrass 18 14 a North American pla...
bearishly 27 17 BEARISH, in the mann...
bearnaise 15 13 (French) a rich whit...
bearskins 18 17 BEARSKIN, the pelt o...
bearwards 20 16 BEARWARD, a keeper o...
bearwoods 19 16 BEARWOOD, a small tr...
beasthood 18 15 the state or nature...
beastings 18 15 the first milk drawn...
beastlier 18 13 BEASTLY, resembling...
beastlike 19 17 like a beast [adj]
beatboxed 24 23 BEATBOX, to use a ki...
beatboxer 24 22 one who practises be...
beatboxes 24 22 BEATBOX, to use a ki...
beatified 19 16 BEATIFY, to make ble...
beatifies 19 15 BEATIFY, to make ble...
beatitude 17 14 a state of blessedne...
beaucoups 22 20 BEAUCOUP, a great am...
beauffets 21 19 BEAUFFET, (obsolete)...
beauteous 16 14 beautiful [adj BEAUT...
beautiful 21 18 fair to look at [adj...
beautying 24 18 BEAUTY, (Shakespeare...
beauxites 23 20 BEAUXITE, a claylike...
beaveries 18 16 BEAVERY, a place whe...
beavering 19 19 BEAVER, to work hard...
bebeerine 17 16 an alkaloid yielded...
beblooded 19 18 BEBLOOD, to cover wi...
beboppers 23 21 BEBOPPER, one who pl...
bebopping 24 24 BEBOP, to play a sty...
becalling 23 20 BECALL, to call name...
becalming 23 22 BECALM, to make calm...
becapping 25 24 BECAP, to put a cap...
becarpets 22 18 BECARPET, to cover w...
beccaccia 29 24 (Italian) a woodcock...
beccafico 28 24 (Italian) a garden w...
bechalked 24 23 BECHALK, to cover wi...
bechamels 24 21 BECHAMEL, a rich, wh...
bechanced 24 22 BECHANCE, to happen...
bechances 24 21 BECHANCE, to happen...
becharmed 23 21 BECHARM, to enchant...
beckoners 20 20 BECKONER, one who be...
beckoning 21 23 the act of signallin...
beclamors 22 19 BECLAMOR, to beset w...
beclamour 22 20 to make a clamour, a...
beclasped 23 20 BECLASP, to clasp, e...
becloaked 21 21 BECLOAK, to place a...
beclogged 23 21 BECLOG, to clog up [...
beclothed 23 19 BECLOTHE, to put clo...
beclothes 23 18 BECLOTHE, to put clo...
beclouded 21 19 BECLOUD, to make dim...
beclowned 23 21 BECLOWN, to make rid...
becomings 22 21 BECOMING, a process...
becowards 23 19 BECOWARD, to accuse...
becquerel 29 26 (French) the SI unit...
becrawled 24 20 BECRAWL, to creep ov...
becriming 23 21 BECRIME, to make gui...
becrowded 23 20 BECROWD, to press cl...
becrusted 21 17 BECRUST, to cover wi...
becudgels 23 20 BECUDGEL, to beat wi...
becurling 23 20 BECURL, to curl; to...
becursing 22 19 BECURSE, to put a cu...
bedabbled 22 21 BEDABBLE, to make we...
bedabbles 22 20 BEDABBLE, to make we...
bedaggled 20 19 BEDAGGLE, to soil by...
bedaggles 20 18 BEDAGGLE, to soil by...
bedamning 18 20 BEDAMN, to swear at...
bedarkens 17 18 BEDARKEN, to make da...
bedashing 20 18 BEDASH, to wet by da...
bedaubing 20 20 BEDAUB, to cover wit...
bedazzled 24 33 BEDAZZLE, to dazzle...
bedazzles 24 32 BEDAZZLE, to dazzle...
bedboards 19 17 BEDBOARD, a board pl...
bedchairs 23 18 BEDCHAIR, a chair wi...
bedcovers 22 20 BEDCOVER, a cover fo...
bedeafens 17 17 BEDEAFEN, to make de...
bedecking 22 23 BEDECK, to attire wi...
bedeguars 18 16 BEDEGUAR, a soft spo...
bedehouse 18 16 a chapel, also BEADH...
bedelship 23 19 the office of bedel,...
bedeviled 20 19 BEDEVIL, to plague,...
bedfellow 24 21 one who shares a bed...
bedframes 20 19 BEDFRAME, the frame...
bediapers 19 16 BEDIAPER, to put a n...
bedighted 21 18 BEDIGHT, (archaic) t...
bedimming 21 22 BEDIM, to make dim [...
bedimpled 22 21 BEDIMPLE, to make a...
bedimples 22 20 BEDIMPLE, to make a...
bedirtied 18 14 BEDIRTY, to make dir...
bedirties 18 13 BEDIRTY, to make dir...
bedizened 19 24 BEDIZEN, to dress ga...
bedlamers 19 17 BEDLAMER, a young ha...
bedlamism 21 20 anything characteris...
bedlamite 19 17 an inhabitant of a m...
bedliners 18 15 BEDLINER, a protecti...
bedmakers 19 20 BEDMAKER, one who ma...
bedplates 20 17 BEDPLATE, a foundati...
bedquilts 28 24 BEDQUILT, a quilt fo...
bedraggle 20 18 to soil by dragging...
bedraping 20 19 BEDRAPE, to cover wi...
bedridden 17 16 confined to bed, als...
bedrights 22 17 BEDRIGHT, the privil...
bedrivels 21 18 BEDRIVEL, to cover w...
bedroomed 17 17 having a bedroom [ad...
bedropped 21 20 BEDROP, to sprinkle...
bedrugged 20 19 BEDRUG, to drug abun...
bedsheets 19 15 BEDSHEET, a sheet fo...
bedsitter 18 13 a furnished room wit...
bedskirts 20 17 BEDSKIRT, drapery at...
bedsonias 16 14 BEDSONIA, a kind of...
bedspread 19 17 a coverlet for a bed...
bedspring 21 19 the spring of a bed...
bedstands 17 15 BEDSTAND, a table be...
bedsteads 17 14 BEDSTEAD, a support...
bedstraws 21 16 BEDSTRAW, any of num...
beducking 23 24 BEDUCK, to plunge un...
bedumbing 22 23 BEDUMB, to render sp...
beduncing 21 21 BEDUNCE, to make a d...
bedunging 19 20 BEDUNG, to cover wit...
bedusting 19 17 BEDUST, to cover wit...
bedwarfed 22 20 BEDWARF, to make sma...
bedwarmer 21 19 a metal pan containi...
bedwetter 20 16 a person who urinate...
beebreads 18 16 BEEBREAD, a mixture...
beechiest 22 17 BEECHY, abounding in...
beechmast 23 20 the nuts of a beech...
beechnuts 22 19 BEECHNUT, the nut of...
beechwood 24 21 the wood of the beec...
beefaloes 18 16 BEEFALO, a cross bet...
beefcakes 22 22 BEEFCAKE, a picture...
beefeater 17 15 an African bird, aka...
beefiness 18 16 the state of being b...
beefsteak 19 19 a thick lean slice o...
beefwoods 21 19 BEEFWOOD, an Austral...
beekeeper 18 19 one who keeps bees [...
beelining 18 17 BEELINE, to head dir...
beerfests 19 15 BEERFEST, (US) a bee...
beerhalls 21 16 BEERHALL, a large dr...
beeriness 16 13 the quality of being...
beestings 18 15 the first milk drawn...
beeswaxed 25 23 BEESWAX, to polish w...
beeswaxes 25 22 BEESWAX, to polish w...
beeswings 21 18 BEESWING, a crust th...
beetflies 20 16 BEETFLY, a fly which...
beetroots 16 12 BEETROOT, the dark-r...
befalling 22 20 BEFALL, to happen or...
befingers 20 18 BEFINGER, to touch a...
befitting 21 18 BEFIT, to be suitabl...
beflagged 22 21 BEFLAG, to deck with...
befleaing 20 19 BEFLEA, to infest wi...
beflecked 24 24 BEFLECK, to cover wi...
beflowers 23 19 BEFLOWER, to cover w...
beflummed 23 24 BEFLUM, (Scott) to b...
befoaming 20 21 BEFOAM, to cover wit...
befogging 22 22 BEFOG, to fog up, ob...
befooling 20 19 BEFOOL, to fool; to...
befortune 18 17 (Shakespeare) to bef...
befoulers 20 17 BEFOULER, one who be...
befouling 21 20 BEFOUL, to make foul...
befretted 19 16 BEFRET, to gnaw [v]
befriends 19 17 BEFRIEND, to act as...
befringed 20 19 BEFRINGE, to adorn w...
befringes 20 18 BEFRINGE, to adorn w...
befuddled 21 20 BEFUDDLE, to confuse...
befuddles 21 19 BEFUDDLE, to confuse...
begalling 21 19 BEGALL, to make sore...
begemming 21 23 BEGEM, to adorn with...
begetters 18 14 BEGETTER, one who be...
begetting 19 17 BEGET, to cause to e...
beggardom 20 20 the state of being a...
beggaries 19 16 BEGGARY, extreme pov...
beggaring 20 19 BEGGAR, to impoveris...
beggingly 28 22 BEGGING [adv]
begifting 22 20 BEGIFT, to present w...
begilding 21 19 BEGILD, to gild [v]
beginners 17 16 BEGINNER, one who be...
beginning 18 19 the start of somethi...
begirding 20 18 BEGIRD, (archaic) to...
begirdled 20 17 BEGIRDLE, to surroun...
begirdles 20 16 BEGIRDLE, to surroun...
begladded 19 18 BEGLAD, to make glad...
beglamors 20 18 BEGLAMOR, to dazzle...
beglamour 20 19 to impress with glam...
beglerbeg 22 20 (Turkish) the govern...
begloomed 19 19 BEGLOOM, to make glo...
begnawing 21 21 BEGNAW, to gnaw [v]
begoggled 21 20 wearing goggles [adj...
begriming 21 20 BEGRIME, to soil wit...
begrimmed 21 21 BEGRIM, to soil with...
begroaned 16 16 BEGROAN, to groan at...
begrudged 20 19 BEGRUDGE, to concede...
begrudger 20 18 one who begrudges [n...
begrudges 20 18 BEGRUDGE, to concede...
beguilers 20 16 BEGUILER, one who be...
beguiling 21 19 BEGUILE, to deceive...
beguinage 18 18 an establishment for...
begulfing 23 22 BEGULF, to engulf [v...
begunking 20 23 BEGUNK, (Scots) to t...
behappens 22 21 BEHAPPEN, (Spenser)...
behaviors 21 18 BEHAVIOR, conduct, a...
behaviour 21 19 conduct, also BEHAVI...
beheadals 19 16 BEHEADAL, the cuttin...
beheaders 18 15 BEHEADER, one who be...
beheading 19 18 an execution by deca...
behemoths 22 19 BEHEMOTH, (Hebrew) a...
beholders 20 16 BEHOLDER, one that b...
beholding 21 19 (Shakespeare) sight,...
behooving 21 21 BEHOOVE, to be fit,...
behoveful 24 23 (archaic) right, nec...
behowling 24 21 BEHOWL, to howl at [...
beingless 19 16 without being [adj]
beingness 17 16 a state of being [n...
bejabbers 23 27 an interjection attr...
bejasuses 19 22 BEJASUS, an oath, by...
bejeebers 20 24 an interjection attr...
bejesuits 20 22 BEJESUIT, to initiat...
bejesuses 19 22 BEJESUS, a mild oath...
bejeweled 22 26 BEJEWEL, to adorn wi...
bejumbled 24 30 BEJUMBLE, to mix con...
bejumbles 24 29 BEJUMBLE, to mix con...
bekissing 20 19 BEKISS, to cover wit...
beknaving 20 24 BEKNAVE, to treat as...
beknights 22 21 BEKNIGHT, to raise t...
beknotted 17 18 BEKNOT, to tie in kn...
belabored 19 17 BELABOR, to buffet,...
belabours 20 17 BELABOUR, to buffet,...
beladying 25 19 BELADY, to apply the...
belamoure 18 17 (Spenser) a beloved,...
belamours 19 17 BELAMOUR, (Spenser)...
belatedly 25 17 BELATED [adv]
belauding 19 18 BELAUD, to laud or p...
beleaguer 18 16 to surround with an...
beleaping 20 19 BELEAP, to leap upon...
belemnite 18 17 a fossil pointed lik...
belemnoid 18 18 of a fossil, shaped...
belgicism 25 21 a word or expression...
believers 20 17 BELIEVER, one who be...
believing 21 20 accepting as true or...
beliquors 27 23 BELIQUOR, to soak wi...
belittled 20 15 BELITTLE, to dispara...
belittler 20 14 one who belittles [n...
belittles 20 14 BELITTLE, to dispara...
bellbinds 22 19 BELLBIND, hedge or f...
bellbirds 23 18 BELLBIRD, any of sev...
bellbuoys 28 20 BELLBUOY, a buoy hav...
bellcotes 22 17 BELLCOTE, an ornamen...
belleters 19 14 BELLETER, a bellfoun...
bellibone 20 18 (Spenser) a woman ex...
bellicose 22 17 warlike [adj BELLICO...
bellocked 23 22 BELLOCK, to shout [v...
bellowers 22 17 BELLOWER, one who be...
bellowing 23 20 the act of emitting...
bellpulls 25 20 BELLPULL, a cord pul...
bellworts 23 17 BELLWORT, a genus of...
bellyache 30 21 a pain in the stomac...
bellyband 27 21 a saddle-girth [n -S...
bellyfuls 30 21 BELLYFUL, more than...
bellyings 27 19 BELLYING, the act of...
bellylike 28 21 shaped like a belly...
belomancy 27 22 divination by means...
belongers 18 16 BELONGER, a person o...
belonging 19 19 BELONG, to be a memb...
beltlines 19 15 BELTLINE, the waistl...
belvedere 19 18 (Italian) a structur...
bemadamed 18 20 BEMADAM, to call by...
bemaddens 17 18 BEMADDEN, to make ma...
bemadding 19 20 BEMAD, (archaic) to...
bemauling 20 20 BEMAUL, (archaic) to...
bemeaning 17 19 BEMEAN, (archaic) to...
bemedaled 18 18 BEMEDAL, (archaic) t...
bemingled 20 20 BEMINGLE, to mix tog...
bemingles 20 19 BEMINGLE, to mix tog...
bemisting 20 18 BEMIST, to envelop i...
bemoaners 16 16 BEMOANER, one who be...
bemoaning 17 19 lamentation [n -S]
bemocking 23 25 BEMOCK, (archaic) to...
bemoiling 20 19 BEMOIL, (Shakespeare...
bemonster 17 16 (archaic) to make mo...
bemouthed 20 19 BEMOUTH, (archaic) t...
bemudding 20 21 BEMUD, (archaic) to...
bemuddled 20 20 BEMUDDLE, (archaic)...
bemuddles 20 19 BEMUDDLE, (archaic)...
bemuffled 24 24 BEMUFFLE, to wrap or...
bemuffles 24 23 BEMUFFLE, to wrap or...
bemurmurs 21 20 BEMURMUR, to murmur...
bemusedly 26 20 BEMUSED [adv]
bemuzzled 26 36 BEMUZZLE, to put a g...
bemuzzles 26 35 BEMUZZLE, to put a g...
benadryls 24 17 BENADRYL, (tradename...
benchiest 22 18 BENCHY, of a hillsid...
benchland 22 21 a former wave-cut sh...
benchless 23 19 without a bench [adj...
benchmark 24 25 to test by a preset...
benchtops 24 21 BENCHTOP, a flat sur...
bendaying 23 19 BENDAY, to reproduce...
bendingly 25 20 BENDING [adv]
benedicks 21 21 BENEDICK, a newly ma...
benedicts 20 17 BENEDICT, a newly ma...
benedight 20 18 blessed [adj]
benefacts 21 19 BENEFACT, to confer...
beneficed 21 20 BENEFICE, to endow w...
benefices 21 19 BENEFICE, to endow w...
benefited 18 17 BENEFIT, to obtain a...
benefiter 18 16 one who benefits [n...
benempted 19 20 BENAME, to name, men...
benetting 17 16 BENET, to catch in a...
bengaline 17 17 a crosswise ribbed f...
benighted 20 18 BENIGHT, to be overt...
benighten 19 18 to overtake with nig...
benighter 20 17 one who benights [n...
benignant 16 17 kind; gracious, as a...
benignest 17 16 BENIGN, favourably d...
benignity 24 18 the state of being b...
beniseeds 16 14 BENISEED, sesame see...
benitiers 17 13 BENITIER, a holy-wat...
benjamins 19 26 BENJAMIN, a kind of...
bentgrass 18 15 a stiff wiry grass,...
benthonic 21 19 living on the sea bo...
benthoses 18 15 BENTHOS, the flora a...
bentonite 15 14 a kind of clay, used...
bentwoods 19 17 BENTWOOD, wood artif...
benumbing 21 23 BENUMB, to make numb...
benzenoid 18 24 like benzene, a hydr...
benzidine 19 24 a base used in prepa...
benzidins 20 24 BENZIDIN, a hydrocar...
benzoates 18 22 BENZOATE, a salt of...
benzoline 19 24 impure benzene [n -S...
bepainted 18 17 BEPAINT, (archaic) t...
bepatched 24 21 (archaic) covered wi...
bepatting 20 18 BEPAT, to pat often...
bepearled 19 17 BEPEARL, to cover wi...
bepelting 21 19 BEPELT, to pelt hard...
bepeppers 23 21 BEPEPPER, to hit har...
bepesters 19 15 BEPESTER, (archaic)...
bepimpled 24 23 BEPIMPLE, to cover w...
bepimples 24 22 BEPIMPLE, to cover w...
bepitying 27 20 BEPITY, to pity grea...
beplaster 20 16 (archaic) to plaster...
bepommels 22 22 BEPOMMEL, to pommel...
bepowders 22 19 BEPOWDER, to powder...
bepraised 19 16 BEPRAISE, to lavish...
bepraises 19 15 BEPRAISE, to lavish...
beprosing 20 18 BEPROSE, to reduce t...
bepuffing 25 25 BEPUFF, (archaic) to...
bequeaths 27 24 BEQUEATH, to leave b...
berascals 21 16 BERASCAL, to accuse...
berberine 18 16 an alkaloid obtained...
berberins 19 16 BERBERIN, an alkaloi...
berceuses 20 16 BERCEUSE, (French) a...
berdaches 22 18 BERDACHE, an America...
berdashes 19 15 BERDASH, an American...
bereavers 18 16 BEREAVER, one who be...
bereaving 19 19 BEREAVE, to deprive...
bergamask 20 21 a rustic dance, also...
bergamots 19 17 BERGAMOT, a citrus t...
bergander 17 16 the shelduck, also B...
bergenias 17 15 BERGENIA, any of var...
bergfalls 23 19 BERGFALL, (German) a...
berghaans 19 17 BERGHAAN, (Afrikaans...
bergmehls 23 20 BERGMEHL, (German) a...
bergomask 20 21 a rustic dance, also...
berhyming 28 22 BERHYME, to compose...
beriberis 20 15 BERIBERI, a disease...
berimbaus 21 19 BERIMBAU, a Brazilia...
berkelium 21 21 a radioactive, metal...
berleying 25 18 BERLEY, (Australian)...
bernicles 21 17 BERNICLE, a kind of...
berobbing 22 21 BEROB, (Spenser) to...
berrettas 17 12 BERRETTA, (Spanish)...
berrigans 18 15 BERRIGAN, an Austral...
berryings 25 17 BERRYING, the gather...
berryless 25 15 without berries [adj...
berrylike 26 19 like a berry [adj]
berserker 18 16 (Old Norse) a Norse...
berserkly 26 19 BERSERK, out of cont...
berthages 20 16 BERTHAGE, a place fo...
berthings 21 17 BERTHING, the act of...
beryllias 26 16 BERYLLIA, an oxide o...
beryllium 28 20 a metallic element [...
besainted 16 14 BESAINT, to make a s...
bescatter 20 15 (archaic) to scatter...
bescoured 20 17 BESCOUR, to scour th...
bescrawls 25 19 BESCRAWL, to cover w...
bescreens 19 16 BESCREEN, to cover w...
beseeched 21 18 BESEECH, to implore,...
beseecher 21 17 one who beseeches [n...
beseeches 21 17 BESEECH, to implore,...
beseeking 18 19 BESEEKE, (Spenser) t...
beseeming 18 18 BESEEM, to be becomi...
besetment 17 16 the act of besetting...
besetters 17 12 BESETTER, one who, o...
besetting 18 15 BESET, to assail [v]
beshadows 22 18 BESHADOW, to cast a...
beshaming 21 20 BESHAME, (archaic) t...
beshining 20 18 BESHINE, (archaic) t...
beshivers 22 18 BESHIVER, to break i...
beshouted 19 16 BESHOUT, to shout at...
beshrewed 22 18 BESHREW, (archaic) t...
beshrouds 20 16 BESHROUD, to cover w...
besiegers 18 14 BESIEGER, one who be...
besieging 19 17 the act of surroundi...
besighing 22 19 BESIGH, (archaic) to...
besinging 19 18 BESING, (archaic) to...
besitting 19 15 BESIT, (archaic) to...
beslavers 20 17 BESLAVER, to slobber...
beslaving 21 20 BESLAVE, to make a s...
besliming 21 19 BESLIME, to cover wi...
beslobber 22 19 to slobber on; to sm...
beslubber 23 20 to slobber on; to sm...
besmeared 17 16 BESMEAR, to smear, b...
besmearer 17 15 one who besmears [n...
besmiling 21 19 BESMILE, to smile on...
besmoking 20 22 BESMOKE, to pollute...
besmooths 20 17 BESMOOTH, to make sm...
besmudged 20 20 BESMUDGE, to cover w...
besmudges 20 19 BESMUDGE, to cover w...
besmutted 19 17 BESMUT, to blacken w...
besnowing 20 19 BESNOW, to cover wit...
besognios 17 15 BESOGNIO, (Italian)...
besonians 15 14 BESONIAN, (Shakespea...
besoothed 18 15 BESOOTHE, to soothe...
besoothes 18 14 BESOOTHE, to soothe...
besorting 18 15 BESORT, (Shakespeare...
besotting 18 15 BESOT, to infatuate...
bespangle 20 19 to adorn with spangl...
bespatter 19 15 to soil by spatterin...
bespeckle 24 23 to mark with speckle...
bespicing 24 21 BESPICE, (Shakespear...
besported 19 16 BESPORT, to sport, p...
bespotted 19 16 BESPOT, to cover wit...
bespoused 19 17 BESPOUSE, to marry [...
bespouses 19 16 BESPOUSE, to marry [...
bespouted 19 17 BESPOUT, to spout ov...
bespreads 19 16 BESPREAD, to spread...
bestained 16 14 BESTAIN, to stain al...
bestarred 17 13 BESTAR, to cover wit...
besteaded 16 14 BESTEAD, (archaic) t...
bestially 26 16 BESTIAL, animallike...
bestilled 20 15 BESTILL, (archaic) t...
bestirred 18 13 BESTIR, to rouse to...
bestormed 18 16 BESTORM, to assail w...
bestowals 21 16 BESTOWAL, a gift [n]
bestowers 20 15 BESTOWER, one who be...
bestowing 21 18 BESTOW, to present a...
bestreaks 18 16 BESTREAK, to overspr...
bestrewed 20 16 BESTREW, to strew, s...
bestrides 18 13 BESTRIDE, to stride...
bestrowed 20 16 BESTROW, to strew, s...
bestudded 18 16 BESTUD, to adorn wit...
beswarmed 21 19 BESWARM, to swarm al...
betacisms 22 18 BETACISM, the pronun...
betatopic 22 18 of atoms, differing...
betatrons 16 13 BETATRON, an electro...
betatters 17 12 BETATTER, to tatter...
beteeming 18 18 BETEEME, (Spenser) t...
betelnuts 18 15 BETELNUT, the areca...
bethanked 19 20 BETHANK, to ply with...
bethankit 20 19 (Scots) a grace, ell...
bethesdas 19 15 BETHESDA, a Nonconfo...
bethorned 18 16 BETHORN, to fill wit...
bethought 23 19 BETHINK, to call to...
bethralls 22 16 BETHRALL, (Spenser)...
bethumbed 23 22 BETHUMB, to wear or...
bethumped 23 22 BETHUMP, to thump so...
bethwacks 27 24 BETHWACK, to thrash...
betitling 20 16 BETITLE, to furnish...
betoiling 19 16 BETOIL, to weary wit...
betokened 16 18 BETOKEN, to signify...
betossing 18 15 BETOSS, (Shakespeare...
betrayals 24 15 BETRAYAL, the act of...
betrayers 23 14 BETRAYER, one who be...
betraying 24 17 BETRAY, to disclose...
betrimmed 20 19 BETRIM, to deck with...
betrodden 16 15 BETREAD, to walk upo...
betrothal 20 15 an engagement to mar...
betrothed 19 15 one who is engaged t...
bettering 18 15 improvement [n -S]
betumbled 22 21 (Shakespeare) in a t...
bevatrons 18 17 BEVATRON, a proton a...
bevellers 21 18 BEVELLER, one who be...
bevelling 22 21 BEVEL, to cut at an...
bevelment 20 21 the process of bevel...
beverages 19 18 BEVERAGE, any liquid...
bevomited 20 20 BEVOMIT, to vomit al...
bewailers 21 16 BEWAILER, one who be...
bewailing 22 19 the act of bewailing...
bewearied 19 16 BEWEARY, to make wea...
bewearies 19 15 BEWEARY, to make wea...
beweeping 22 21 BEWEEP, to weep over...
bewetting 21 18 BEWET, to make wet [...
bewhoring 23 20 BEWHORE, to call som...
bewigging 24 22 BEWIG, to dress in a...
bewilders 22 17 BEWILDER, to confuse...
bewitched 26 21 BEWITCH, to affect b...
bewitcher 26 20 one who bewitches [n...
bewitches 26 20 BEWITCH, to affect b...
beworming 22 21 BEWORM, to cover wit...
beworried 20 16 BEWORRY, to worry [v...
beworries 20 15 BEWORRY, to worry [v...
bewrapped 24 22 BEWRAP, to wrap comp...
bewrayers 26 17 BEWRAYER, one who, o...
bewraying 27 20 BEWRAY, (archaic) to...
bezoardic 23 25 pertaining to, or co...
bezonians 18 23 BEZONIAN, (Shakespea...
bheesties 19 14 BHEESTY, an Indian w...
bhelpuris 24 19 BHELPURI, an Indian...
bhikkhuni 25 26 (Pali) a fully ordai...
biacetyls 28 18 BIACETYL, a chemical...
biannuals 17 16 BIANNUAL, something...
biassedly 25 16 BIASSED [adv]
biathlete 20 15 one who takes part i...
biathlons 20 16 BIATHLON, a competit...
biaxially 32 23 BIAXIAL, having two...
bibacious 23 19 overly fond of drink...
bibations 19 16 BIBATION, tippling [...
bibberies 22 18 BIBBERY, the act of...
biblicism 27 22 learning or literatu...
biblicist 26 19 one skilled in the k...
bibliotic 25 19 relating to biblioti...
bicameral 22 19 consisting of, or in...
bicentric 24 19 having two centres [...
bicipital 25 19 having two heads or...
bickerers 22 19 BICKERER, one who bi...
bickering 23 22 a petty quarrel [n -...
bicoastal 21 16 living or based simu...
bicolored 21 17 (US) having two colo...
bicolours 22 17 BICOLOUR, something...
biconcave 24 23 concave on both side...
bicornate 19 16 having two horns or...
bicuspids 25 20 BICUSPID, a tooth ha...
bicyclers 32 21 BICYCLER, one who ri...
bicycling 33 24 BICYCLE, to ride a t...
bicyclist 33 21 one who rides a bicy...
bidarkees 18 17 BIDARKEE, (Russian)...
bidentals 18 15 BIDENTAL, a place st...
bidentate 16 14 having two teeth or...
bieldiest 19 14 BIELDY, (Scots) affo...
biennales 16 15 BIENNALE, (Italian)...
biennials 17 15 BIENNIAL, something...
bienniums 18 18 BIENNIUM, a period o...
biestings 19 15 the first milk drawn...
bifarious 20 16 organized in two row...
bifiduses 21 17 BIFIDUS, a genus of...
bifilarly 29 19 BIFILAR, having two...
bifocaled 23 20 wearing bifocals [ad...
bifoliate 20 16 having two leaves or...
bifurcate 23 19 to fork [v BIFURCATE...
bigamists 21 17 BIGAMIST, a person w...
bigarades 18 15 BIGARADE, a bitter S...
bigaroons 17 15 BIGAROON, any of sev...
bigarreau 18 15 any of several heart...
bigeminal 20 19 having a double puls...
bigeneric 21 18 relating to a bigene...
bigfooted 20 18 BIGFOOT, to throw on...
biggitier 21 16 BIGGITY, conceited,...
bigheaded 20 18 conceited [adj BIGHE...
bigmouths 23 20 BIGMOUTH, a loud con...
bignesses 18 15 BIGNESS, the state o...
bignonias 17 16 BIGNONIA, any member...
bigotedly 26 18 BIGOTED, like a bigo...
bigotries 19 14 BIGOTRY, prejudice [...
biguanide 18 17 one of a group of dr...
bijection 22 25 in maths, a kind of...
bijective 25 28 having the propertie...
bijwoners 22 25 BIJWONER, (Afrikaans...
bilabials 22 17 BILABIAL, a sound pr...
bilabiate 20 16 having two lips, as...
bilanders 18 15 BILANDER, (Dutch) a...
bilateral 19 14 having or involving...
bilection 21 17 a moulding around a...
bilestone 17 14 a gallstone [n -S]
bilharzia 24 24 a disease caused by...
biliaries 19 13 BILIARY, infectious...
bilimbing 24 22 (Malay) an East Indi...
bilingual 21 18 speaking two languag...
biliously 27 17 BILIOUS, pertaining...
bilirubin 22 18 a reddish yellow pig...
biliteral 20 14 consisting of two le...
billabong 22 20 in Australia, a cut-...
billboard 22 18 a board on which lar...
billbooks 23 21 BILLBOOK, a book use...
billetees 19 14 BILLETEE, one who is...
billeters 20 14 BILLETER, one who bi...
billeting 21 17 the act of allocatin...
billfolds 24 19 BILLFOLD, a wallet [...
billheads 22 17 BILLHEAD, a printed...
billhooks 23 20 BILLHOOK, a tool for...
billiards 21 15 BILLIARD, a carom sh...
billionth 22 17 the ordinal of billi...
billowier 23 17 BILLOWY, swelling [a...
billowing 24 20 a swelling out [n -S...
billyboys 35 21 BILLYBOY, a flat-bot...
billycans 29 20 BILLYCAN, (Australia...
billycock 34 26 a kind of felt hat [...
bilobated 20 17 having two lobes, al...
bilobular 22 18 having two lobules [...
bilocular 23 18 divided into two cha...
bimbashis 24 20 BIMBASHI, a Turkish...
bimbettes 21 18 BIMBETTE, a very dum...
bimesters 19 15 BIMESTER, a two-mont...
bimethyls 29 20 BIMETHYL, ethane [n]
bimonthly 28 21 occurring once every...
binarisms 19 16 BINARISM, a mode of...
binderies 17 14 BINDERY, a place whe...
bindingly 26 20 BINDING, obligatory...
bindweeds 20 18 BINDWEED, any of var...
binervate 18 17 of leaves, having tw...
bingeings 19 18 BINGEING, overindulg...
binnacles 20 18 BINNACLE, a casing f...
binocular 21 18 with two eyes or eye...
binomials 19 17 BINOMIAL, a binomial...
binominal 18 18 making use of two na...
binovular 20 19 relating to or deriv...
binturong 18 17 a small Asiatic cive...
binuclear 21 18 having two nuclei [a...
bioactive 22 19 having an effect on...
bioassays 23 14 BIOASSAY, to test th...
bioblasts 21 16 BIOBLAST, a tiny gra...
biocenose 18 16 living together in m...
biochemic 27 23 relating to the chem...
biocycles 31 21 BIOCYCLE, the cyclin...
biodiesel 18 14 a biofuel for use in...
bioenergy 23 17 fuel or electricity...
bioethics 23 17 the study of ethical...
biofibers 22 18 vegetable, animal, o...
biofibres 22 18 vegetable, animal, o...
biofouler 20 17 an animal that obstr...
biofueled 20 18 running on biofuels,...
biogasses 18 14 BIOGAS, gas obtained...
biogenies 17 15 BIOGENY, the develop...
biogenous 17 16 parasitic; biogenic...
biographs 23 19 BIOGRAPH, to write a...
biography 29 21 the story of someone...
biohazard 22 24 a danger of disease...
biologics 23 18 BIOLOGIC, a biologic...
biologies 19 15 BIOLOGY, the science...
biologism 21 18 biological theory; t...
biologist 20 15 one who studies biol...
biomarker 19 19 anything that might...
biomasses 18 15 BIOMASS, the total m...
biometers 18 15 BIOMETER, a device f...
biometric 22 18 relating to biometry...
biomining 19 19 microbiological mini...
biomorphs 23 20 BIOMORPH, a represen...
bionomics 21 19 the study of organis...
bionomies 17 16 BIONOMY, physiology...
bionomist 18 16 a student of bionomi...
bioparent 18 16 a biological parent,...
biophilia 23 18 innate love for the...
biophores 21 17 BIOPHORE, a hypothet...
biopiracy 29 20 the use of wild plan...
biopirate 19 15 one who practises bi...
bioplasms 22 19 BIOPLASM, living mat...
bioplasts 21 16 BIOPLAST, a tiny mas...
biopsying 27 20 BIOPSY, to examine t...
bioregion 17 15 an area in which cli...
biorhythm 30 21 a periodic change in...
biosafety 25 17 safety with respect...
bioscopes 22 18 BIOSCOPE, an early m...
biosensor 16 13 a living organism us...
biosocial 21 16 relating to the inte...
biosolids 19 14 BIOSOLID, solid orga...
biosphere 21 17 the plant and animal...
biostable 20 16 not affected by the...
biostatic 21 15 of or relating to th...
biostrome 18 15 a rock layer consist...
bioterror 17 12 use of biological we...
biotoxins 23 20 BIOTOXIN, a poison o...
biotrophs 22 17 BIOTROPH, a parastic...
bioturbed 20 17 stirred by organisms...
biowastes 20 15 BIOWASTE, waste comp...
bioweapon 20 19 a biological weapon...
bipartite 20 15 being in two parts e...
bipedally 28 20 BIPEDAL, having two...
biphenyls 29 21 BIPHENYL, a hydrocar...
bipinnate 18 17 of a compound leaf,...
bipyramid 28 21 a crystal formed of...
biradical 22 17 a molecule with two...
birchbark 27 24 the bark of the birc...
birchings 25 20 BIRCHING, a flogging...
birdbaths 23 18 BIRDBATH, a bath for...
birdbrain 20 17 one of very limited...
birdcages 22 18 BIRDCAGE, a cage for...
birdcalls 24 18 BIRDCALL, the call o...
birdfarms 22 19 BIRDFARM, (US colloq...
birdfeeds 20 17 BIRDFEED, food suita...
birdhouse 20 16 a nesting-box; an av...
birdieing 19 16 BIRDIE, to score one...
birdlifes 22 17 BIRDLIFE, birds coll...
birdlimed 21 18 BIRDLIME, to smear o...
birdlimes 21 17 BIRDLIME, to smear o...
birdseeds 18 14 BIRDSEED, seed used...
birdseyes 24 15 BIRDSEYE, a kind of...
birdsfoot 20 16 a papilionaceous gen...
birdshots 21 15 BIRDSHOT, small shot...
birdsongs 19 16 BIRDSONG, the song o...
birdwatch 27 21 to watch birds as a...
birdwings 23 19 BIRDWING, a large tr...
biriyanis 24 15 BIRIYANI, a spicy ri...
birlieman 19 17 (Scott) a byrlaw-man...
birliemen 19 17 BIRLIEMAN, (Scott) a...
birrettas 18 12 BIRRETTA, a square c...
birthdate 20 15 the date on which a...
birthdays 27 17 BIRTHDAY, the day of...
birthdoms 22 18 BIRTHDOM, (Shakespea...
birthings 22 17 BIRTHING, the act of...
birthmark 23 21 a mark, e.g. a pigme...
birthname 20 18 the name given one a...
birthrate 20 14 the proportion of li...
birthroot 20 14 an herbaceous plant...
birthwort 24 17 a plant formerly rep...
biscachas 26 20 BISCACHA, a South Am...
bisecting 22 18 BISECT, to divide in...
bisection 20 16 the act of bisecting...
bisectors 21 15 BISECTOR, a line tha...
bisectrix 28 22 the bisector of the...
biseriate 17 12 of petals etc. arran...
biserrate 17 12 doubly serrated [adj...
bisexuals 25 21 BISEXUAL, one who is...
bishopdom 23 21 the jurisdiction of...
bishopess 22 17 a female bishop [n -...
bishoping 23 20 BISHOP, to fill, or...
bishopric 26 20 the diocese or juris...
bismarcks 24 22 BISMARCK, (Canadian)...
bismillah 24 19 (Arabic) in the name...
bismuthal 23 19 of or like bismuth [...
bismuthic 26 21 containing bismuth i...
bisontine 16 14 of or relating to bi...
bisphenol 22 19 a hydrocarbon used i...
bissoning 18 16 BISSON, to cause to...
bistables 21 16 BISTABLE, a valve or...
bisulcate 22 17 cloven-footed [adj]
bisulfate 21 17 an acid sulphate, al...
bisulfide 22 18 a sulphide having tw...
bisulfite 22 17 an acid sulfite, als...
bitchfest 26 20 malicious discussion...
bitchiest 24 17 BITCHY, catty [adj]
biteplate 20 16 a device used by den...
bitewings 22 18 BITEWING, a dental X...
bitmapped 23 22 BITMAP, to produce a...
bitstocks 23 19 BITSTOCK, a brace on...
bitstream 19 15 a sequence of digita...
bittacles 22 16 BITTACLE, a casing f...
bitterest 18 12 BITTER, having a dis...
bittering 19 15 BITTER, to make rese...
bitterish 21 14 somewhat bitter [adj...
bitternut 18 14 a North American hic...
bittiness 18 13 the state of being b...
bivalence 22 21 the state of being b...
bivalency 29 23 the state of being b...
bivalents 20 18 BIVALENT, a pair of...
bivalvate 22 21 of molluscs, having...
bivariant 19 17 involving two variab...
bivariate 19 16 involving or dependi...
bivouacks 24 24 BIVOUAC, to spend th...
bizarrely 28 24 BIZARRE, strange [ad...
bizcachas 29 29 BIZCACHA, a South Am...
blabbered 22 20 BLABBER, to reveal s...
blabbiest 23 19 BLABBY, tending to b...
blabbings 24 22 BLABBING, the act of...
blackball 27 25 to vote against some...
blackband 24 25 iron ore containing...
blackbird 26 24 a bird of the thrush...
blackbody 31 26 a body absorbing all...
blackboys 31 25 BLACKBOY, an Austral...
blackbuck 30 31 an Indian antelope [...
blackbutt 26 24 a type of eucalyptus...
blackcaps 28 26 BLACKCAP, a small Eu...
blackcock 30 30 the male of the blac...
blackdamp 26 27 air that is low in o...
blackened 21 22 BLACKEN, to make bla...
blackener 21 21 something that black...
blackface 27 26 a breed of sheep [n...
blackfins 25 24 BLACKFIN, a food fis...
blackfish 28 25 a colloquial name fo...
blackgame 24 25 black grouse [n -S]
blackgums 26 26 BLACKGUM, a kind of...
blackhead 24 23 a spot, a pimple [n...
blackings 24 23 BLACKING, a black sh...
blackjack 29 36 a kind of cosh [n -S...
blackland 23 23 a heavy, sticky blac...
blacklead 23 22 graphite used in mak...
blacklegs 25 23 BLACKLEG, to work ev...
blacklist 25 21 to ban or deem unacc...
blackmail 25 24 to extort money from...
blackness 22 21 the state of being b...
blackouts 23 21 BLACKOUT, a power fa...
blackpoll 27 25 a warbler of the Uni...
blackspot 25 23 as in accident black...
blacktail 24 21 a small fish, aka ru...
blacktops 25 23 BLACKTOP, to pave wi...
blackwash 28 25 to treat with blackw...
blackwood 25 24 a tall Australian ac...
bladdered 18 16 (slang) drunk [adj]
bladeless 19 15 without blades [adj]
bladelike 20 19 like a blade [adj]
bladework 22 21 in rowing, managemen...
blaeberry 26 18 (Scots) the bilberry...
blaggings 22 20 BLAGGING, an act of...
blagueurs 20 17 BLAGUEUR, one who ta...
blameable 21 20 deserving of blame,...
blameably 28 22 BLAMEABLE, deserving...
blameless 20 17 without blame [adj B...
blanchers 23 19 BLANCHER, one who, o...
blanching 24 22 BLANCH, to whiten [v...
blancoing 21 20 BLANCO, to whiten wi...
blandness 17 16 something that is bo...
blanketed 18 19 BLANKET, to cover un...
blankings 20 21 BLANKING, the act of...
blankness 18 19 emptyness [n -ES]
blanquets 26 24 BLANQUET, (French) a...
blarneyed 23 17 BLARNEY, to cajole,...
blashiest 21 15 BLASHY, showery; of...
blaspheme 23 21 to speak impiously o...
blasphemy 30 23 impious speech [n BL...
blastemal 20 17 relating to the blas...
blastemas 19 16 BLASTEMA, the protop...
blastemic 23 19 of or like a blastem...
blastiest 19 13 BLASTY, characterise...
blastings 20 16 BLASTING, the act of...
blastment 19 17 (Shakespeare) a blig...
blastoffs 23 19 BLASTOFF, the launch...
blastoids 19 14 BLASTOID, one of the...
blastomas 19 16 BLASTOMA, a type of...
blastopor 20 16 the opening of the a...
blastulae 19 15 BLASTULA, a hollow s...
blastular 20 15 relating to the blas...
blastulas 20 15 BLASTULA, a hollow s...
blatantly 25 17 BLATANT, offensively...
blathered 20 16 BLATHER, to talk foo...
blatherer 20 15 one who blathers, al...
blattered 18 14 BLATTER, (Scots) to...
blazingly 30 28 BLAZING [adv]
blazoners 20 23 BLAZONER, a person w...
blazoning 21 26 the act of reading a...
bleachers 23 18 BLEACHER, an outdoor...
bleachery 29 20 a place or an establ...
bleaching 24 21 the act of whitening...
bleakness 18 18 starkness [n -ES]
bleareyed 23 16 bleary eyed [adj]
bleariest 18 13 BLEARY, dim [adj]
bleatings 19 16 BLEATING, the cry of...
blebbiest 23 19 BLEBBY, containing b...
blebbings 24 22 BLEBBING, the formin...
bleedings 19 17 BLEEDING, a discharg...
blemished 22 19 BLEMISH, to mar [v]
blemisher 22 18 one who blemishes [n...
blemishes 22 18 BLEMISH, to mar [v]
blenchers 23 19 BLENCHER, a person s...
blenching 24 22 BLENCH, to shrink or...
blendings 19 18 BLENDING, the act of...
blennioid 17 16 any member of the bl...
bleomycin 28 22 a glycopeptide antib...
blesbucks 26 24 BLESBUCK, (Afrikaans...
blesseder 18 14 BLESSED, holy [adj]
blessedly 26 17 BLESSED, holy [adv]
blessings 20 16 BLESSING, a prayer,...
blethered 20 16 BLETHER, to talk non...
bletherer 20 15 one who blethers, ta...
blewitses 22 16 BLEWITS, a woodland...
blighters 23 17 BLIGHTER, an unpleas...
blighties 23 17 BLIGHTY, a soldier's...
blighting 24 20 causing decay [adj B...
blimbings 24 22 BLIMBING, (Malay) an...
blindages 19 17 BLINDAGE, a temporar...
blindfish 24 20 an eyeless fish of t...
blindfold 22 20 to cover someone's e...
blindguts 21 18 BLINDGUT, the caecum...
blindings 20 18 BLINDING, the act of...
blindless 20 16 without blinds [adj]
blindness 18 16 the state of being b...
blindside 19 16 to hit unexpectedly;...
blindworm 23 21 a slowworm [n -S]
blingiest 20 16 BLINGY, bling, flash...
blinglish 24 19 English mixed with b...
blinkards 20 19 BLINKARD, (archaic)...
blinkered 19 19 BLINKER, to put blin...
blipverts 24 20 BLIPVERT, a very sho...
blissless 21 14 destitute of bliss [...
blistered 19 14 BLISTER, to cause fl...
blitheful 25 20 joyous [adj]
blithered 21 16 BLITHER, to talk loq...
blizzards 26 32 BLIZZARD [n]
blizzardy 32 34 like a blizzard [adj...
bloatings 19 16 BLOATING, a disease...
bloatware 20 16 excessively large so...
blobbiest 23 19 BLOBBY, having blobs...
blockable 25 24 that can be blocked...
blockaded 22 22 BLOCKADE, to block w...
blockader 22 21 one who blockades [n...
blockades 22 21 BLOCKADE, to block w...
blockages 23 22 BLOCKAGE, the act of...
blockbust 26 24 to bring about the s...
blockhead 24 23 a stupid person [n -...
blockhole 25 23 the place where a ba...
blockiest 23 20 BLOCKY, block-like [...
blockings 24 23 BLOCKING, an interru...
blockship 28 25 a warship too old fo...
blockwork 27 27 hollow blocks of pre...
bloggable 23 21 forming a suitable s...
bloggings 22 20 BLOGGING, the act or...
blogposts 22 18 BLOGPOST, a single e...
blogrings 21 18 BLOGRING, a number o...
blogrolls 22 17 BLOGROLL, a list of...
blokedoms 20 21 BLOKEDOM, the world...
blondined 17 17 BLONDINE, to bleach...
blondines 17 16 BLONDINE, to bleach...
blondings 19 18 BLONDING, the act of...
blondness 17 16 the state of being b...
bloodbath 22 19 a massacre [n -S]
bloodfins 20 18 BLOODFIN, a freshwat...
bloodiest 18 14 BLOODY, stained with...
bloodings 19 17 BLOODING, a fox hunt...
bloodless 19 15 without blood [adj B...
bloodlike 20 19 like blood [adj]
bloodline 18 16 all the individuals...
bloodlust 20 16 desire for bloodshed...
bloodroot 17 14 a plant with a red r...
bloodshed 20 17 the shedding of bloo...
bloodshot 20 16 of the eye, red or i...
bloodwood 20 18 a tree having the wo...
bloodworm 22 20 the larva of the mid...
bloodwort 21 17 a plant with a red d...
bloodying 25 19 BLOODY, to make bloo...
bloomiest 19 16 BLOOMY, covered with...
bloomings 20 19 BLOOMING, the act of...
bloomless 20 17 destitute of bloom [...
bloopiest 20 16 BLOOPY, in baseball,...
bloosming 20 19 BLOOSME, (Spenser) t...
blootered 17 14 (Scots) drunk [adj]
bloquiste 27 23 a supporter of auton...
blossomed 19 17 BLOSSOM, to flourish...
blotchier 24 18 BLOTCHY, covered wit...
blotchily 32 21 BLOTCHY, covered wit...
blotching 25 21 a pattern of large s...
blottiest 19 13 BLOTTY, smudged [adj...
blottings 20 16 BLOTTING, the method...
blousiest 19 14 BLOUSY, coarse and r...
bloviated 20 18 BLOVIATE, to speak p...
bloviates 20 17 BLOVIATE, to speak p...
blowbacks 28 26 BLOWBACK, an escape...
blowballs 26 21 BLOWBALL, a fluffy s...
blowdarts 22 17 BLOWDART, a dart sho...
blowdowns 24 21 BLOWDOWN, an acciden...
blowflies 25 20 BLOWFLY, a type of f...
blowhards 24 19 BLOWHARD, a boaster...
blowholes 24 19 BLOWHOLE, a hole for...
blowiness 21 17 the state of being b...
blowkarts 23 20 BLOWKART, a land veh...
blowlamps 26 23 BLOWLAMP, a portable...
blowpipes 26 22 BLOWPIPE, a long str...
blowsiest 22 16 BLOWSY, coarse and r...
blowtorch 27 21 (US) a blowlamp [n -...
blowtubes 24 20 BLOWTUBE, a long str...
blowziest 25 25 BLOWZY, coarse and r...
blubbered 23 21 BLUBBER, to weep eff...
blubberer 23 20 one who blubbers [n...
bludgeons 19 18 BLUDGEON, to hit wit...
bluebacks 25 24 BLUEBACK, a kind of...
blueballs 23 19 BLUEBALL, a medicina...
bluebeard 20 18 a man who has murder...
bluebeats 20 17 BLUEBEAT, a type of...
bluebells 23 19 BLUEBELL, in South E...
blueberry 27 19 the edible fruit of...
bluebills 24 19 BLUEBILL, an America...
bluebirds 22 18 BLUEBIRD, a small Am...
blueblood 21 19 a royal or aristocra...
bluebooks 21 21 BLUEBOOK, a parliame...
bluebucks 26 25 BLUEBUCK, an extinct...
bluecoats 21 17 BLUECOAT, one dresse...
bluecurls 24 19 a North American pla...
bluegills 23 18 BLUEGILL, an edible...
bluegowns 22 20 BLUEGOWN, one of a f...
bluegrass 20 16 a style of country m...
blueheads 20 17 BLUEHEAD, a marine f...
bluejacks 25 30 BLUEJACK, a kind of...
bluejeans 19 24 blue denim jeans [n]
blueliner 19 16 a machine which make...
bluelines 19 16 BLUELINE, a line tha...
bluemouth 22 20 a deepwater fish [n...
bluenosed 17 16 puritanical [adj]
bluenoses 17 15 BLUENOSE, a nickname...
bluepoint 20 18 a small oyster typic...
blueprint 21 18 a detailed plan of w...
blueshift 24 19 a shift of the spect...
bluesiest 19 14 BLUESY, resembling b...
bluestems 20 17 BLUESTEM, a kind of...
bluestone 17 15 hydrated copper sulp...
blueticks 24 21 BLUETICK, a hunting...
blueweeds 21 18 BLUEWEED, a bristly...
bluewings 23 20 BLUEWING, the blue-w...
bluewoods 21 18 BLUEWOOD, a thorny s...
bluffable 26 24 able to be bluffed [...
bluffness 23 21 the state of being b...
bluggiest 22 18 BLUGGY, (colloquial)...
bluidiest 20 15 BLUIDY, stained with...
blundered 18 17 BLUNDER, to make a m...
blunderer 18 16 one who blunders [n...
blunthead 20 18 a frequent user of m...
bluntness 18 16 the state of being b...
blurbists 23 17 BLURBIST, a writer o...
blurredly 27 18 BLURRED [adv]
blurriest 20 14 BLURRY, blurred [adj...
blurtings 21 17 BLURTING, the act of...
blushings 23 19 BLUSHING, the act of...
blushless 23 17 free from blushes, s...
blustered 19 15 BLUSTER, to blow vio...
blusterer 19 14 one who blusters [n...
blustrous 20 15 (Shakespeare) inclin...
blutwurst 24 18 (German) a kind of G...
boardable 19 17 that can be boarded...
boardings 18 16 BOARDING, the act of...
boardlike 19 18 like a board [adj]
boardroom 17 16 a room where the boa...
boardwalk 22 21 (US) a footpath made...
boarhound 18 17 a dog used to hunt b...
boarishly 27 17 BOARISH, swinish; br...
boastings 18 15 BOASTING, the act of...
boastless 18 13 without boasting or...
boatbills 22 17 BOATBILL, a bird of...
boathooks 19 18 BOATHOOK, a pole wit...
boathouse 18 15 a place for keeping...
boatlifts 21 16 BOATLIFT, to transpo...
boatloads 17 14 BOATLOAD, the amount...
boatnecks 20 20 BOATNECK, a wide ope...
boatports 19 15 BOATPORT, an enclosu...
boatswain 19 16 a ship's officer in...
boattails 18 13 BOATTAIL, a North Am...
boatyards 23 15 BOATYARD, a marina,...
bobbejaan 21 28 (South Africa) a bab...
bobberies 21 18 BOBBERY, a noisy row...
bobbinets 21 19 BOBBINET, a kind of...
bobbitted 22 19 BOBBITT, to cut off...
bobbliest 23 19 BOBBLY, like pilled...
bobbysock 32 27 an anklesock, esp. a...
bobfloats 22 19 BOBFLOAT, a small bu...
bobolinks 21 21 BOBOLINK, a North Am...
bobolling 22 20 BOBOL, to commit a t...
bobowlers 23 19 BOBOWLER, a type of...
bobskates 20 19 BOBSKATE, a child's...
bobsleigh 24 20 a short sledge [n -S...
bobtailed 20 17 BOBTAIL, to cut a ta...
bobweight 26 22 a balance weight [n...
bobwheels 25 21 BOBWHEEL, the bob (s...
bobwhites 25 20 BOBWHITE, a kind of...
bocaccios 26 21 BOCACCIO, a rockfish...
boconcini 22 20 (Italian) small piec...
bodacious 20 17 remarkable; gutsy [a...
bodeguero 17 16 (Spanish) a man who...
bodements 17 17 BODEMENT, a predicti...
bodyboard 25 19 to ride a surfboard...
bodycheck 33 27 to make a blocking m...
bodyguard 25 19 a guard consisting o...
bodylines 24 17 BODYLINE, in cricket...
bodyshell 28 19 a vehicle's bodywork...
bodysides 24 16 BODYSIDE, the side o...
bodysuits 25 16 BODYSUIT, a close fi...
bodysurfs 27 19 BODYSURF, to ride a...
bodyworks 28 22 BODYWORK, the metal...
boehmites 20 17 BOEHMITE, a mineral...
boerbulls 22 18 BOERBULL, a South Af...
boerewors 19 15 (Afrikaans) a tradit...
boertjies 19 21 BOERTJIE, (South Afr...
bogarting 19 17 BOGART, to monopolis...
bogeyisms 26 19 BOGEYISM, belief in...
bogginess 19 17 the state of being b...
bogusness 18 16 the state of being b...
bohemians 19 18 BOHEMIAN, an unconve...
boileries 18 13 BOILERY, a place and...
boilerman 18 17 a man who looks afte...
boilermen 18 17 BOILERMAN, a man who...
boilingly 27 19 BOILING, at boiling...
boilovers 20 17 BOILOVER, a surprisi...
boiseries 17 12 BOISERIE, (French) w...
boldening 18 18 BOLDEN, (obsolete) t...
boldfaced 23 21 BOLDFACE, to print i...
boldfaces 23 20 BOLDFACE, to print i...
bolection 20 17 a moulding around a...
boletuses 18 14 BOLETUS, a genus of...
bolivares 20 17 BOLIVAR, the monetar...
boliviano 19 18 (Spanish) a Bolivian...
bolletrie 19 14 a West Indian sapona...
bollixing 27 24 BOLLIX, to make a me...
bollocked 23 22 BOLLOCK, to repriman...
bolloxing 26 24 BOLLOX, to make a me...
bollworms 24 20 BOLLWORM, the larva...
bolognese 17 16 a meat and tomato sa...
bolograph 23 20 a record made by a b...
bolometer 18 16 an instrument for me...
bolometry 25 18 measurement by a bol...
bolshevik 24 23 (Russian) a violent...
bolshiest 21 15 BOLSHIE, left-wing,...
bolstered 18 14 BOLSTER, to support...
bolsterer 18 13 one who bolsters [n...
boltheads 20 16 BOLTHEAD, a straight...
boltholes 21 16 BOLTHOLE, a place or...
boltonias 17 14 BOLTONIA, a tall per...
boltropes 20 16 BOLTROPE, a strong r...
bombarded 20 20 BOMBARD, to attack w...
bombarder 20 19 one who bombards [n...
bombardes 20 19 BOMBARDE, an alto wi...
bombardon 19 20 the bass tuba [n -S]
bombasine 19 19 (French) a twilled s...
bombasted 20 19 BOMBAST, to stuff or...
bombaster 20 18 one who speaks bomba...
bombastic 24 21 of or like bombast,...
bombazine 22 28 (French) a twilled s...
bombesins 20 19 BOMBESIN, a hormone...
bombilate 21 19 to buzz, drone, also...
bombinate 19 19 to buzz, drone, also...
bombloads 21 20 BOMBLOAD, as many bo...
bombproof 24 24 proof against bombs...
bombshell 25 22 a bomb; a sudden and...
bombsight 25 22 a device for aiming...
bombsites 21 18 BOMBSITE, an area th...
bombycids 31 24 BOMBYCID, a silkworm...
bombycoid 30 24 of or like a moth of...
bonasuses 16 14 BONASUS, a bison, al...
bondagers 17 16 BONDAGER, (historica...
bondmaids 18 18 BONDMAID, a female s...
bondstone 15 15 a stone running thro...
bondwoman 19 21 a woman who is a sla...
bondwomen 19 21 BONDWOMAN, a woman w...
boneblack 23 24 black residue from t...
boneheads 17 16 BONEHEAD, a blockhea...
bonemeals 17 17 BONEMEAL, a fertiliz...
bonetired 16 14 extremely tired [adj...
boneyards 22 16 BONEYARD, a place wh...
bongoists 18 15 BONGOIST, a bongo pl...
bongraces 20 18 BONGRACE, a sunshade...
bonhomies 19 18 BONHOMIE, (French) g...
bonhommie 20 21 (French) good nature...
bonhomous 19 19 full of bonhomie, go...
bonibells 21 18 BONIBELL, (Spenser)...
bonifaces 21 19 BONIFACE, (French) t...
bonilasse 17 14 (Spenser) a bonny la...
bonneting 16 17 BONNET, to put on a...
bonnibell 20 19 (Spenser) a good and...
bonniness 15 15 the state of being b...
bonsellas 18 15 BONSELLA, a gratuity...
bonspells 21 18 BONSPELL, (Scots) a...
bonspiels 20 17 BONSPIEL, (Scots) a...
bonteboks 19 20 BONTEBOK, (Afrikaans...
bonusings 18 17 BONUSING, at Scrabbl...
bonussing 18 17 BONUS, in Scrabble,...
boobheads 20 18 BOOBHEAD, (Australia...
boobialla 20 17 (Native Australian)...
booboisie 18 15 boobs as a class; th...
boobyisms 27 20 BOOBYISM, a state of...
boofheads 20 18 BOOFHEAD, (Australia...
boogaloos 17 15 BOOGALOO, to dance t...
boogerman 17 18 a goblin, a bugbear,...
boogermen 17 18 BOOGERMAN, a goblin,...
boogeying 24 19 BOOGEY, to dance to...
boogeyman 23 20 a goblin, a bugbear,...
boogeymen 23 20 BOOGEYMAN, a goblin,...
boogieing 18 17 BOOGIE, to dance to...
boogieman 17 18 a goblin, a bugbear,...
boogiemen 17 18 BOOGIEMAN, a goblin,...
boohooing 18 17 BOOHOO, to cry [v]
bookcases 20 19 BOOKCASE, furniture...
bookended 16 19 BOOKEND, to place so...
bookishly 28 21 BOOKISH, pertaining...
booklands 18 19 BOOKLAND, in Old Eng...
booklight 23 21 a light that clips o...
booklores 18 17 BOOKLORE, book learn...
booklouse 18 18 an insect that eats...
bookmaker 19 23 a person who accepts...
bookmarks 20 23 BOOKMARK, a marker f...
bookplate 20 20 a label usually past...
bookracks 22 23 BOOKRACK, a support...
bookrests 18 16 BOOKREST, a rack for...
bookshelf 23 22 a shelf for books [n...
bookshops 22 21 BOOKSHOP, a shop tha...
booksiest 18 16 BOOKSY, in a literar...
bookstall 20 18 a stall for the sale...
bookstand 17 18 a stand or support f...
bookstore 17 16 a bookshop [n -S]
bookworks 22 23 BOOKWORK, work done...
bookworms 22 22 BOOKWORM, a avid boo...
boomboxes 25 25 BOOMBOX, a powerful...
boomburbs 23 22 BOOMBURB, a large su...
boomerang 17 18 (Native Australian)...
boomingly 26 21 BOOMING, making a ho...
boomslang 19 19 (Afrikaans) a highly...
boomtowns 20 19 BOOMTOWN, a town whi...
boondocks 20 21 BOONDOCK, a remote a...
boorishly 27 17 BOORISH, rude [adv]
boortrees 16 12 BOORTREE, (Scots) th...
bootblack 24 23 a person whose job i...
booteries 16 12 BOOTERY, a shoe stor...
bootikins 18 17 BOOTIKIN, (obsolete)...
bootjacks 23 28 BOOTJACK, a device f...
bootlaces 20 16 BOOTLACE, a lace for...
bootlasts 18 13 BOOTLAST, a footlike...
bootlicks 23 20 BOOTLICK, to toady [...
bootmaker 18 19 one who makes boots...
bootstrap 19 15 to prepare (a comput...
booziness 19 22 the state of being b...
borachios 22 17 BORACHIO, (Spanish)...
boracites 20 15 BORACITE, a compound...
bordellos 19 15 BORDELLO, (Italian)...
bordereau 16 14 (French) a detailed...
borderers 17 13 BORDERER, a person w...
bordering 18 16 BORDER, to be adjace...
borecoles 20 16 BORECOLE, a variety...
boreholes 19 15 BOREHOLE, a hole mad...
borescope 21 18 an optical device, e...
borghetto 20 16 (Italian) a big vill...
borrelias 18 13 BORRELIA, a type of...
borrowers 20 15 BORROWER, one who bo...
borrowing 21 18 a loan [n -S]
borshches 25 19 BORSHCH, (Russian) c...
borstalls 20 14 BORSTALL, an establi...
bortsches 23 17 BORTSCH, (Russian) c...
bosberaad 18 16 (Afrikaans) a meetin...
boschboks 26 24 BOSCHBOK, (Afrikaans...
boschvark 26 25 (Afrikaans) another...
boschveld 26 23 (Afrikaans) veld mad...
boshvarks 23 22 BOSHVARK, (Afrikaans...
boskiness 18 17 the state of being b...
bosomiest 18 15 BOSOMY, having large...
bossiness 17 13 the state of being b...
bostangis 18 15 BOSTANGI, a Turkish...
bosthoons 18 15 BOSTHOON, (Irish) a...
bostryxes 30 21 BOSTRYX, a type of i...
botanical 20 17 a drug made from veg...
botanicas 19 16 BOTANICA, a shop tha...
botanised 16 14 BOTANISE, to collect...
botaniser 16 13 one who botanises, a...
botanises 16 13 BOTANISE, to collect...
botanists 17 13 BOTANIST, one skille...
botanized 19 23 BOTANIZE, to collect...
botanizer 19 22 one who botanizes, a...
botanizes 19 22 BOTANIZE, to collect...
botargoes 17 14 BOTARGO, a type of r...
botchedly 30 21 BOTCHED [adv]
botchiest 23 17 BOTCHY, done badly [...
botchings 24 20 BOTCHING, the act of...
bothering 20 17 BOTHER, to annoy [v]
bothriums 22 18 BOTHRIUM, a groove o...
bottargas 18 14 BOTTARGA, (Italian)...
bottleful 22 18 the contents of a bo...
bottlings 20 16 BOTTLING, a bottled...
bottomers 18 15 BOTTOMER, a person w...
bottoming 19 18 the act of reaching...
bottomset 18 15 as in bottomset bed,...
botulinal 19 16 relating to botulin,...
botulinum 20 19 a powerful bacterial...
botulinus 19 16 a powerful bacterial...
botulisms 21 17 BOTULISM, botulin po...
bouderies 17 14 BOUDERIE, (French) a...
bouffants 21 20 BOUFFANT, a woman's...
boughless 22 18 without boughs [adj]
boughpots 23 20 BOUGHPOT, (archaic)...
bouillons 19 16 BOUILLON, (French) a...
bouldered 18 16 BOULDER, to climb bo...
boulderer 18 15 someone who climbs b...
boulevard 20 19 (French) a broad str...
boultings 20 17 BOULTING, the act of...
bounciest 20 17 BOUNCY, tending to b...
boundable 19 19 that can be bound [a...
boundless 18 16 having no limits [ad...
boundness 16 16 the state of being b...
bounteous 16 15 generous [adj BOUNTE...
bountiful 21 19 generous in giving [...
bountrees 16 14 BOUNTREE, (Scots) th...
bountyhed 25 19 (Spenser) bounteousn...
bourasque 25 23 (French) a tempest [...
bourgeois 18 15 (French) middle-clas...
bourgeons 17 16 BOURGEON, (obsolete)...
bourrides 18 14 BOURRIDE, (French) a...
boursiers 18 13 BOURSIER, (French) a...
bourtrees 17 13 BOURTREE, (Scots) th...
bousoukia 18 18 BOUSOUKI, a stringed...
bousoukis 19 18 BOUSOUKI, a stringed...
boutiques 26 23 BOUTIQUE, a shop, or...
boutiquey 32 25 like a boutique [adj...
boutonnee 14 15 (French) reserved, r...
bouvardia 19 18 a genus of flowering...
bouzoukia 21 27 BOUZOUKI, a Greek st...
bouzoukis 22 27 BOUZOUKI, a Greek st...
bowelless 22 17 without pity [adj]
bowelling 23 20 BOWEL, to take out t...
bowerbird 23 19 any of various passe...
bowhunted 22 20 BOWHUNT, to hunt wit...
bowhunter 22 19 a person who hunts w...
bowlegged 23 21 with outward curving...
bowsprits 24 18 BOWSPRIT, a spar tha...
bowstring 22 18 the string of a bow...
bowstrung 22 19 BOWSTRING, to strang...
bowwowing 27 24 BOWWOW, to bark like...
boxboards 25 23 BOXBOARD, a kind of...
boxercise 26 22 exercise via boxing...
boxfishes 28 24 BOXFISH, any one of...
boxhauled 26 24 BOXHAUL, to put (a v...
boxkeeper 25 26 an attendant at a th...
boxthorns 25 22 BOXTHORN, a thorny s...
boxwallah 30 26 (Hindi) a pedlar; a...
boyarisms 25 17 BOYARISM, (Russian)...
boychicks 34 26 BOYCHICK, (Yiddish)...
boycotted 26 18 BOYCOTT, to refuse t...
boycotter 26 17 one who boycotts [n...
boyfriend 25 19 a girl's favourite b...
boyshorts 26 16 a sort of lingerie t...
braatases 16 12 BRAATAS, (Spanish) a...
brabblers 23 19 BRABBLER, a clamorou...
brabbling 24 22 BRABBLE, to squabble...
bracelets 21 16 BRACELET, an ornamen...
brachials 24 18 BRACHIAL, the brachi...
brachiate 22 17 to progress by swing...
brachiums 25 21 BRACHIUM, (Latin) th...
bracingly 29 21 BRACING, invigoratin...
braciolas 21 16 BRACIOLA, a thin sli...
bracioles 21 16 BRACIOLE, a thin sli...
bracketed 21 20 BRACKET, to group, c...
braconids 20 17 BRACONID, any of a f...
bracteate 19 15 thin beaten plate of...
bracteole 20 16 a small or secondary...
bractless 22 16 destitute of bracts...
bractlets 22 16 BRACTLET, a small le...
braeheids 19 15 BRAEHEID, (Scots) th...
braggarts 20 16 BRAGGART, a boaster...
braggiest 20 16 BRAGGY, tending to b...
braggings 21 19 BRAGGING, an act of...
brahmanis 20 18 BRAHMANI, a female m...
braidings 19 16 BRAIDING, a piece of...
braillers 20 14 BRAILLER, a Braille...
brailling 21 17 BRAILLE, to write in...
braillist 21 14 one who uses braille...
braincase 19 16 the cranium [n -S]
braindead 16 15 dead as evidenced by...
brainfart 19 16 an idea expressed wi...
brainfood 18 17 any foodstuff contai...
brainiacs 20 16 BRAINIAC, a very int...
brainiest 17 13 BRAINY, intelligent...
brainless 18 14 without brains [adj...
brainpans 18 17 BRAINPAN, the upper...
brainsick 22 20 diseased in the unde...
brainstem 18 16 the stem of the brai...
brainwash 22 18 to indoctrinate [v -...
brainwave 21 20 a sudden good idea [...
brainwork 21 20 work done with the b...
brairding 19 16 BRAIRD, to sprout ab...
brakeages 18 18 BRAKEAGE, the act of...
brakeless 19 17 without brakes [adj]
brakesman 18 20 a pithead winch oper...
brakesmen 18 20 BRAKESMAN, a pithead...
bramblier 22 19 BRAMBLY, full of bra...
brambling 23 22 a bird of the finch...
brancards 20 17 BRANCARD, (French) a...
branchers 22 18 BRANCHER, a young ha...
branchery 28 20 a system of branches...
branchiae 21 18 BRANCHIA, a gill [n]
branchial 23 19 of or relating to gi...
branchier 22 18 BRANCHY, having many...
branching 23 21 BRANCH, to spread li...
branchlet 23 19 a little branch [n -...
brandades 16 15 BRANDADE, (French) a...
brandered 16 15 BRANDER, to cook on...
brandings 18 17 BRANDING, the promot...
brandises 17 14 BRANDISE, a trivet [...
brandless 18 15 without a brand [adj...
brandling 19 18 a striped earthworm...
brandreth 19 16 a stand of wood for...
brandying 24 19 BRANDY, to mix with...
brangling 20 19 the act of wrangling...
brankiest 18 17 BRANKY, (Scots) show...
branniest 16 14 BRANNY, containing b...
brannigan 16 17 a drinking spree; a...
brantails 18 14 BRANTAIL, the redsta...
brashiest 20 14 BRASHY, covered with...
brashness 19 15 the state of being b...
brasilein 18 14 a dyestuff obtained...
brasilins 19 14 BRASILIN, a dyestuff...
brassages 18 14 BRASSAGE, (French) a...
brassards 18 13 BRASSARD, (French) a...
brassarts 18 12 BRASSART, (historica...
brasserie 17 12 (French) a restauran...
brassicas 21 15 BRASSICA, a plant of...
brassiere 17 12 (French) a woman's u...
brassiest 18 12 BRASSY, resembling b...
brassware 20 15 goods made of brass...
bratchets 23 17 BRATCHET, a hunting...
bratlings 20 16 BRATLING, a little b...
bratpacks 24 22 BRATPACK, a clique o...
bratticed 21 16 BRATTICE, to provide...
brattices 21 15 BRATTICE, to provide...
brattiest 18 12 BRATTY, like a brat,...
brattling 20 16 a clattering noise [...
bratwurst 22 16 (German) a type of G...
braunched 22 20 BRAUNCH, to spread l...
braunches 22 19 BRAUNCH, to spread l...
braunites 17 14 BRAUNITE, a native o...
bravadoed 18 18 BRAVADO, to display...
bravadoes 18 17 BRAVADO, to display...
braveness 18 17 the state of being b...
braveries 19 16 BRAVERY, courage [n]
brawliest 22 16 BRAWLIE, (Scots) ver...
brawlings 23 19 BRAWLING, rowdy figh...
brawniest 20 16 BRAWNY, strongly bui...
brazeless 21 22 without soldering [a...
brazening 20 25 BRAZEN, to face bold...
brazilein 21 23 a dyestuff obtained...
brazilins 22 23 BRAZILIN, a dyestuff...
breachers 22 17 BREACHER, one who br...
breaching 23 20 BREACH, to break thr...
breadbins 19 17 BREADBIN, a househol...
breadhead 18 16 a drug-dealer who is...
breadiest 17 13 BREADY, resembling b...
breadless 18 14 without bread [adj]
breadline 17 15 the threshold of pov...
breadnuts 17 15 BREADNUT, a tropical...
breadroom 17 16 an apartment in a sh...
breadroot 16 13 the edible root of a...
breakable 20 20 that can be broken [...
breakages 18 18 BREAKAGE, the act of...
breakaway 26 21 a revolt, a defectio...
breakback 24 26 crushing [adj]
breakbeat 19 19 in house music, a sh...
breakbone 18 20 as in breakbone feve...
breakdown 20 21 a collapse, a failur...
breakeven 18 21 the point at which r...
breakfast 20 19 the first meal of th...
breakings 19 19 BREAKING, the act of...
breakneck 21 24 at full speed [adj]
breakoffs 22 22 BREAKOFF, an act of...
breakouts 18 17 BREAKOUT, an escape...
breaktime 19 19 in schools etc., a r...
breakwall 23 21 a protective wall bu...
breaskits 19 16 BREASKIT, meat from...
breastfed 19 16 BREASTFEED, to feed...
breasting 18 15 BREAST, to confront...
breastpin 19 16 an ornamental pin fo...
breathers 19 14 BREATHER, a rest to...
breathful 23 19 (Spenser) full of br...
breathier 19 14 BREATHY, marked by l...
breathily 27 17 BREATHY, marked by l...
breathing 20 17 the act of taking br...
brecciate 23 18 of a rock, composed...
breeching 23 20 a harness strap behi...
breedings 18 16 BREEDING, upbringing...
breenging 18 18 BREENGE, (Scots) to...
breezeway 28 26 a roofed often open...
breeziest 20 21 BREEZY, windy [adj]
bregmatic 23 20 relating to the breg...
breinging 19 18 BREINGE, (Scots) to...
breloques 26 23 BRELOQUE, a watch ch...
bresaolas 17 13 BRESAOLA, salt-cured...
bretasche 22 17 a wooden tower used...
bretesses 17 12 BRETESSE, a wooden t...
bretticed 21 16 BRETTICE, to provide...
brettices 21 15 BRETTICE, to provide...
breveting 20 19 BREVET, to confer an...
brevetted 19 17 BREVET, to confer an...
breviates 19 16 BREVIATE, a lawyer's...
brevities 20 16 BREVITY, shortness o...
breweries 20 15 BREWERY, a place for...
brewhouse 22 18 a brewery [n -S]
brewskies 22 19 BREWSKI, (colloquial...
brewsters 21 15 BREWSTER, (Scots) a...
briariest 18 12 BRIARY, full of bria...
briarroot 17 12 the root of a briar,...
briarwood 20 16 the wood of a briar...
bribeable 22 19 capable of being bri...
briberies 20 15 BRIBERY, an act of i...
bricabrac 26 21 (French) old curiosi...
brichtest 24 17 BRICHT, (Scots) brig...
brickbats 25 22 BRICKBAT, a piece of...
brickclay 33 25 a clay containing sa...
brickiest 23 19 BRICKY, made of bric...
brickings 24 22 BRICKING, brickwork...
brickkiln 25 25 a kiln where bricks...
bricklike 25 24 like a brick [adj]
brickwall 28 24 a shot in billiards,...
brickwork 27 26 a structure, such as...
brickyard 29 22 a place where bricks...
bricolage 22 18 (French) a construct...
bricoleur 22 17 one who engages in b...
bridecake 21 20 rich or highly ornam...
bridemaid 19 17 a woman who is an at...
bridesman 18 17 a male equivalent of...
bridesmen 18 17 BRIDESMAN, a male eq...
bridewell 23 18 a house of correctio...
bridgable 22 19 that can be bridged,...
bridgings 21 18 BRIDGING, the proces...
bridleway 28 19 a path on which hors...
briefcase 22 18 a small case for car...
briefings 21 18 BRIEFING, a short le...
briefless 21 16 having no brief; wit...
briefness 19 16 the state of being b...
brieriest 18 12 BRIERY, thorny, full...
brierroot 17 12 the root of a briar,...
brierwood 20 16 the wood of a brier...
brigadier 19 15 an officer having co...
brigading 20 18 BRIGADE, to group to...
brigalows 23 18 BRIGALOW, (Native Au...
brigandry 25 18 the act of being a b...
brightens 21 17 BRIGHTEN, to make br...
brightest 22 16 BRIGHT, shining [adj...
brightish 25 18 somewhat bright [adj...
briguings 21 18 BRIGUING, canvassing...
brilliant 20 15 shining [adj BRILLIA...
brimfully 31 23 BRIMFUL, full to the...
brimstone 18 16 sulphur; esp. (other...
brimstony 25 18 containing or resemb...
brindisis 19 14 BRINDISI, (Italian)...
brineless 18 14 without brine [adj]
bringdown 21 20 a comedown, a letdow...
bringings 20 18 BRINGING, the act of...
brininess 17 14 the state of being b...
brinjarry 26 24 (Hindi) a travelling...
briolette 18 13 (French) a pear-shap...
briquette 26 22 (French) a brick-sha...
brisances 20 16 BRISANCE, (French) t...
briskened 18 18 BRISKEN, to make bri...
briskiest 20 16 BRISKY [adj]
briskness 19 17 the state of being b...
brislings 21 16 BRISLING, (Norwegian...
bristlier 20 13 BRISTLY, stiffly ere...
bristling 21 16 BRISTLE, to stand er...
britannia 16 14 an alloy of tin and...
britschka 25 21 (Polish) an open fou...
brittania 17 13 an alloy of tin and...
brittlely 27 16 BRITTLE, frail [adv]
brittlest 20 13 BRITTLE, frail [adj]
brittling 21 16 BRITTLE, to become f...
britzskas 23 25 BRITZSKA, a four-whe...
broachers 22 17 BROACHER, a spit; a...
broaching 23 20 BROACH, to pierce (a...
broadaxes 22 20 BROADAXE, an ancient...
broadband 18 18 across, involving, o...
broadbean 17 17 a leguminous vegetab...
broadbill 22 18 any of several birds...
broadbrim 21 19 a broad-brimmed hat...
broadcast 20 16 to scatter, send out...
broadened 15 15 BROADEN, to make wid...
broadener 15 14 one who broadens [n...
broadleaf 19 17 a tree having broad...
broadline 17 15 a company dealing in...
broadloom 18 17 woven on a wide loom...
broadness 16 14 the state of being b...
broadside 17 14 all the guns on one...
broadtail 18 14 a karakul sheep; fur...
broadways 26 18 BROADWAY, a broad ro...
broadwise 20 16 breadthwise [adv]
broasting 18 15 BROAST, to boil and...
brocading 21 19 BROCADE, to weave a...
brocatels 21 16 BROCATEL, (French) a...
broccolis 25 19 BROCCOLI, a plant of...
brochette 22 17 (French) a skewer fo...
brochures 23 18 BROCHURE, a pamphlet...
brockages 22 21 BROCKAGE, (Scots) fr...
brockrams 23 22 BROCKRAM, fragmented...
broddling 20 18 BRODDLE, (dialect) t...
brodekins 18 18 BRODEKIN, a high boo...
brogueish 21 17 having a slight brog...
broidered 17 14 BROIDER, to adorn wi...
broiderer 17 13 (archaic) one who em...
brokerage 18 18 the business or empl...
brokeries 18 16 BROKERY, a broker's...
brokering 19 19 bargaining, negotiat...
bromances 20 19 BROMANCE, a close bu...
bromantic 21 19 characterising a clo...
bromating 19 18 BROMATE, to combine...
bromelain 18 17 an enzyme obtained f...
bromeliad 19 17 any plant of the gen...
bromelias 19 16 BROMELIA, any plant...
bromelins 19 17 BROMELIN, an enzyme...
bromeosin 17 16 another name for eos...
brominate 17 16 to treat with bromin...
brominism 20 19 poisoning by an over...
bromising 20 18 BROMISE, to treat wi...
bromizing 23 27 BROMIZE, to treat wi...
bromoform 21 21 a bromine compound a...
bronchial 23 19 belonging to the bro...
bronchium 24 22 a small branch of th...
brondyron 22 17 (Spenser) a brand, a...
bronziest 20 22 BRONZY, of a brownis...
bronzings 21 25 BRONZING, a brownish...
bronzites 20 22 BRONZITE, a variety...
brooching 23 20 BROOCH, to adorn wit...
broodiest 17 13 BROODY, tending to b...
broodings 18 16 BROODING, an act of...
broodless 18 14 without a brood [adj...
broodmare 17 16 a mare for breeding...
brookable 20 20 that can be brooked,...
brookites 18 16 BROOKITE, a mineral,...
brooklets 19 17 BROOKLET, a small br...
brooklike 20 21 like a brook [adj]
brooklime 20 20 a wild flower with s...
brookweed 20 20 a small white-flower...
broomball 22 20 a team game played o...
broomcorn 20 19 a kind of millet of...
broomiest 18 15 BROOMY, abounding in...
broomrape 19 18 a parasitic plant [n...
brothered 19 15 BROTHER, to treat li...
brotherly 27 17 like a brother [adj]
brothiest 20 14 BROTHY, like broth [...
broughams 22 20 BROUGHAM, a one-hors...
broughtas 21 17 a small portion adde...
brouhahas 21 17 BROUHAHA, fuss, also...
browallia 22 17 a flowering plant [n...
browbands 22 20 BROWBAND, the bridle...
browbeats 22 18 BROWBEAT, to intimid...
browbones 21 19 BROWBONE, the bone o...
browniest 20 16 BROWNY, somewhat bro...
brownings 21 19 BROWNING, the proces...
brownness 19 17 the state of being b...
brownnose 18 17 to act sycophantical...
brownouts 20 17 BROWNOUT, a reductio...
browntail 21 17 as in browntail moth...
browridge 22 18 a prominence of the...
browsable 23 19 that can be browsed...
browsiest 21 15 BROWSY, relating to...
browsings 22 18 BROWSING, the shoots...
brucellae 22 18 BRUCELLA, any of a g...
brucellas 23 18 BRUCELLA, any of a g...
bruilzies 23 23 BRUILZIE, (Scots) a...
bruisings 20 16 BRUISING, the act of...
brummagem 22 24 making an imposing d...
brunchers 23 19 BRUNCHER, someone wh...
brunching 24 22 BRUNCH, to eat a lat...
brunettes 17 14 BRUNETTE, a (female)...
brunizems 22 26 BRUNIZEM, (Russian)...
brushback 27 25 a fastball intention...
brushfire 23 18 a border war, involv...
brushiest 21 15 BRUSHY, resembling a...
brushings 22 18 BRUSHING, the act of...
brushland 21 18 an area covered with...
brushless 22 16 without a brush [adj...
brushlike 23 20 like a brush [adj]
brushmark 23 22 an indented line lef...
brushoffs 25 21 BRUSHOFF, an abrupt...
brushwood 23 19 loppings and broken...
brushwork 25 22 work done with a bru...
brusquely 34 26 BRUSQUE, abrupt in m...
brusquest 27 23 BRUSQUE, abrupt in m...
brutalise 19 14 to make brutal, also...
brutalism 21 17 a style of art, arch...
brutalist 20 14 an exponent of bruta...
brutality 26 16 a brutal act [n BRUT...
brutalize 22 23 to make brutal, also...
brutelike 20 18 like a brute [adj]
bruteness 17 14 the quality of being...
brutified 21 17 BRUTIFY, to make bru...
brutifies 21 16 BRUTIFY, to make bru...
brutishly 29 18 BRUTISH, brutal [adv...
bryophyte 34 21 a member of the Bryo...
bryozoans 25 24 BRYOZOAN, a type of...
bubalises 21 17 BUBALIS, a large ant...
bubblegum 26 26 a kind of chewing-gu...
bubbliest 24 20 BUBBLY, full of bubb...
buccaneer 22 20 a pirate, orig of th...
buccanier 23 20 to act as a buccanee...
bucentaur 20 18 (Italian) a state ba...
buckaroos 21 20 BUCKAROO, (US) a cow...
buckayros 28 22 BUCKAYRO, (US) a cow...
buckbeans 23 24 BUCKBEAN, a marsh pl...
buckboard 24 24 a light horse-drawn...
buckbrush 28 26 an American shrub [n...
buckeroos 21 20 BUCKEROO, (US) a cow...
bucketful 26 25 the contents of a bu...
bucketing 23 23 the act of bucketing...
buckhorns 24 23 BUCKHORN, the materi...
buckhound 24 25 a hound for hunting...
buckishly 33 25 BUCKISH, dandified;...
bucklered 23 22 BUCKLER, (Shakespear...
bucklings 25 24 BUCKLING, a smoked B...
buckrakes 23 24 BUCKRAKE, a large ag...
buckramed 23 24 BUCKRAM, to pad or s...
buckshees 24 22 BUCKSHEE, something...
buckshish 28 24 (Persian) in Eastern...
buckshots 25 22 BUCKSHOT, a large ki...
buckskins 24 25 BUCKSKIN, the skin o...
bucktails 24 21 BUCKTAIL, a fishing...
buckteeth 24 22 BUCKTOOTH, any tooth...
buckthorn 24 23 a shrub of the Rhamn...
bucktooth 24 22 any tooth that juts...
buckwheat 27 25 a cereal plant, the...
buckyball 33 27 a ball-shaped molecu...
buckytube 31 26 a tube of carbon ato...
bucolical 26 21 relating to the tend...
buddleias 19 16 BUDDLEIA, a flowerin...
budgerows 22 19 BUDGEROW, (Hindi) a...
budgetary 25 18 relating to a budget...
budgeteer 18 16 one who prepares a b...
budgeters 19 16 BUDGETER, one who pr...
budgeting 20 19 the act of operating...
budmashes 21 19 BUDMASH, an evil-doe...
buffaloed 22 21 BUFFALO, to intimida...
buffaloes 22 20 BUFFALO, an ox-like...
buffering 23 22 the act of using a b...
buffeters 22 19 BUFFETER, one who bu...
buffeting 23 22 the act of striking...
bufotalin 20 18 a poisonous substanc...
buggeries 20 17 BUGGERY, sodomy [n]
buggering 21 20 BUGGER, to practise...
bugginess 20 18 the state of being b...
bughouses 21 18 BUGHOUSE, (colloquia...
bugleweed 22 20 a plant of the mint...
buglosses 20 16 BUGLOSS, a wild flow...
buhlworks 26 23 BUHLWORK, (French) a...
buhrstone 19 16 a cellular, flinty r...
buildable 22 19 that can be built [a...
builddown 22 20 a planned reduction...
buildings 21 18 BUILDING, the proces...
buildouts 20 16 BUILDOUT, a process...
buirdlier 20 15 BUIRDLY, (Scots) sta...
bulbosity 28 19 the state of being b...
bulbously 29 21 BULBOUS, bulb-shaped...
bulginess 20 17 the state of being b...
bulgingly 29 22 BULGING [adv]
bulimuses 21 18 BULIMUS, an eating d...
bulkheads 22 21 BULKHEAD, a partitio...
bulkiness 20 19 the state of being b...
bullaries 20 15 BULLARY, a collectio...
bullbrier 23 18 a prickly American v...
bullcooks 24 22 BULLCOOK, a worker i...
bulldikes 22 20 BULLDIKE, an aggress...
bulldozed 23 26 BULLDOZE, to overrid...
bulldozer 23 25 a powerful, heavy tr...
bulldozes 23 25 BULLDOZE, to overrid...
bulldusts 22 17 BULLDUST, a euphemis...
bulldykes 28 22 BULLDYKE, an aggress...
bullering 21 18 BULLER, to seethe, g...
bulleting 21 18 BULLET, to move swif...
bulletins 20 16 BULLETIN, to make kn...
bulletrie 20 15 a West Indian sapona...
bullfight 27 22 a fight with a bull...
bullfinch 28 24 a type of finch [n -...
bullfrogs 24 20 BULLFROG, a large fr...
bullgines 21 18 BULLGINE, (US slang)...
bullheads 22 18 BULLHEAD, a freshwat...
bullhorns 22 18 BULLHORN, (US) a lou...
bullishly 31 20 BULLISH, anticipatin...
bullnecks 24 23 BULLNECK, a thick sh...
bullnosed 19 17 of the edge of a sur...
bullnoses 19 16 BULLNOSE, swine snou...
bullocked 24 23 BULLOCK, to force on...
bullpouts 23 19 BULLPOUT, a freshwat...
bullrings 22 18 BULLRING, a bullfigh...
bullseyes 26 17 BULLSEYE, the center...
bullshits 24 17 BULLSHIT, to talk no...
bullshots 23 17 BULLSHOT, a drink ma...
bullsnake 20 20 an American burrowin...
bullwaddy 30 22 an Australian tree,...
bullweeds 23 19 BULLWEED, knapweed [...
bullwhack 30 27 to strike with a kin...
bullwhips 29 23 BULLWHIP, to strike...
bullyboys 35 22 BULLYBOY, a ruffian...
bullycide 30 21 the act or an instan...
bullyisms 29 20 BULLYISM, rule by bu...
bullyrags 28 19 BULLYRAG, to intimid...
bulnbulns 22 21 BULNBULN, (Native Au...
bulrushes 22 17 BULRUSH, an aquatic...
bulwaddee 21 19 (Native Australian)...
bulwarked 23 22 BULWARK, to fortify...
bumalotis 20 17 BUMALOTI, a small ma...
bumbazing 25 31 BUMBAZE, (Scots) to...
bumblebee 23 23 a large bee of the g...
bumbledom 23 24 self-importance in a...
bumblings 24 23 BUMBLING, an instanc...
bumfluffs 28 27 BUMFLUFF, an adolesc...
bumfuzzle 29 39 to confuse [v BUMFUZ...
bummaloti 21 20 a small marine Asiat...
bummarees 19 19 BUMMAREE, a middlema...
bumpering 22 22 BUMPER, to drink bum...
bumpiness 21 20 the state of being b...
bumpkinly 30 27 like a bumpkin, also...
bumpology 29 24 jocularly, the study...
bumptious 22 20 offensively conceite...
bumsucker 24 24 (slang) a toady [n -...
bunburied 20 19 BUNBURY, to create a...
bunburies 20 18 BUNBURY, to create a...
bunchiest 23 19 BUNCHY, clustered [a...
bunchings 24 22 BUNCHING, the act of...
buncombes 23 23 BUNCOMBE, insincere...
bundlings 20 19 BUNDLING, the act of...
bundobust 20 19 (Urdu) an organisati...
bundwalls 23 20 BUNDWALL, a concrete...
bunfights 24 21 BUNFIGHT, a tea part...
bungaloid 19 18 (facetious) of or li...
bungalows 22 20 BUNGALOW, (Hindi) a...
bungholes 21 19 BUNGHOLE, a hole in...
bunglings 21 20 BUNGLING, an instanc...
bungwalls 24 21 BUNGWALL, (Native Au...
bunkering 19 21 BUNKER, to store in...
bunkhouse 20 21 a place where cowboy...
bunkmates 19 21 BUNKMATE, one who sh...
buntlines 18 16 BUNTLINE, a rope att...
buoyances 25 19 BUOYANCE, the tenden...
buoyantly 30 19 BUOYANT, having buoy...
buplevers 23 21 BUPLEVER, the hare's...
buprestid 21 17 a kind of wood-borin...
bupropion 21 20 an antidepressant dr...
burbliest 22 17 BURBLY, burbling [ad...
burblings 23 20 BURBLING, talking in...
burdashes 20 16 BURDASH, a fringed s...
burdeners 17 15 BURDENER, one who bu...
burdening 18 18 BURDEN, to load heav...
burdenous 17 16 inflicting a burden,...
burdizzos 25 32 BURDIZZO, a surgical...
burganets 18 16 BURGANET, a visored...
burgeoned 17 17 BURGEON, to grow rap...
burgesses 19 15 BURGESS, a citizen o...
burglared 20 17 BURGLAR, to enter a...
burgonets 18 16 BURGONET, (French) a...
burgraves 21 19 BURGRAVE, (historica...
burinists 19 14 BURINIST, one who wo...
burladero 18 15 (Spanish) the wooden...
burlesque 27 24 (French) a ludicrous...
burlettas 19 14 BURLETTA, (Italian)...
burleycue 28 20 a ludicrous imitatio...
burleying 26 19 BURLEY, to scatter f...
burliness 19 15 the state of being b...
burnables 20 18 BURNABLE, something...
burningly 26 20 BURNING, very hot, a...
burnished 20 17 BURNISH, to polish [...
burnisher 20 16 one who burnishes [n...
burnishes 20 16 BURNISH, to polish [...
burnoosed 16 15 wearing a burnoose,...
burnooses 16 14 BURNOOSE, a hooded c...
burnoused 17 16 wearing a burnous, a...
burnouses 17 15 BURNOUSE, a hooded c...
burnsides 18 15 BURNSIDE, the ground...
burrawang 21 19 (Native Australian)...
burrowers 21 16 BURROWER, one that b...
burrowing 22 19 BURROW, to dig a hol...
burrstone 17 14 a cellular, flinty r...
bursarial 19 14 relating to a bursar...
bursaries 18 13 BURSARY, a college t...
bursicons 21 17 BURSICON, a hormone...
bursiform 22 19 shaped like a pouch...
burstiest 19 13 BURSTY, occurring in...
burstones 17 14 BURSTONE, a cellular...
burthened 19 17 BURTHEN, to burden [...
bushbucks 28 26 BUSHBUCK, a small So...
bushcraft 26 21 practical knowledge...
bushelers 21 16 BUSHELER, one who bu...
busheling 22 19 BUSHEL, to mend or a...
bushelled 22 18 BUSHEL, to mend or a...
busheller 22 17 one who bushels, men...
bushelman 21 20 one who bushels, men...
bushelmen 21 20 BUSHELMAN, one who b...
bushfires 23 18 BUSHFIRE, a fire in...
bushflies 24 19 BUSHFLY, a fly which...
bushgoats 21 17 BUSHGOAT, a small an...
bushiness 20 16 the condition of bei...
bushlands 21 18 BUSHLAND, unsettled...
bushmeats 21 18 BUSHMEAT, meat from...
bushvelds 24 21 BUSHVELD, (Afrikaans...
bushwalks 26 23 BUSHWALK, to walk or...
bushwhack 30 27 to shoot from ambush...
bushwoman 23 22 a woman living in th...
bushwomen 23 22 BUSHWOMAN, a woman l...
businessy 24 16 relating to business...
busticate 21 16 (colloquial) to brea...
bustiness 18 14 the state of being b...
bustlines 19 15 BUSTLINE, the width...
busulfans 21 19 BUSULFAN, a drug use...
busyworks 29 22 BUSYWORK, active but...
butadiene 16 15 a hydrocarbon used i...
butanones 15 15 BUTANONE, a flammabl...
butchered 23 19 BUTCHER, to slaughte...
butcherer 23 18 one who butchers [n...
butcherly 31 21 like a butcher, sava...
butchings 25 21 BUTCHING, killing cr...
butchness 23 19 the state of being b...
buteonine 15 15 like a buzzard [adj]...
butlerage 19 16 the department of a...
butleries 19 14 BUTLERY, a storage r...
butlering 20 17 BUTLER, to act as a...
butsudans 18 16 BUTSUDAN, a small Bu...
butterbur 21 17 a plant of damp plac...
buttercup 24 20 a crowfoot (genus Ra...
butterfat 20 16 the fat contained in...
butterfly 28 19 a general name for a...
butterier 18 13 BUTTERY, containing...
butteries 18 13 BUTTERY, a wine cell...
butterine 17 14 a substance prepared...
buttering 19 16 BUTTER, to spread wi...
butternut 18 15 the oily nut of the...
buttheads 20 16 BUTTHEAD, a stupid p...
buttinski 20 18 a person given to bu...
buttinsky 26 20 a person given to bu...
buttocked 22 21 BUTTOCK, in wrestlin...
buttoners 17 14 BUTTONER, one who bu...
buttoning 18 17 BUTTON, to fasten wi...
buttstock 23 20 the stock of a firea...
butylated 25 17 BUTYLATE, to add a b...
butylates 25 16 BUTYLATE, to add a b...
butylenes 24 17 BUTYLENE, a gaseous...
butyrates 24 15 BUTYRATE, a salt of...
buxomness 24 24 the state of being b...
buzkashis 25 28 BUZKASHI, a game pla...
buzzbaits 27 34 BUZZBAIT, an artific...
buzzingly 33 37 BUZZING, busy, vibra...
buzzkills 29 37 BUZZKILL, someone or...
buzzwords 28 35 BUZZWORD, a word use...
bycatches 32 22 BYCATCH, an immature...
bylanders 24 17 BYLANDER, (Dutch) a...
bypassing 27 20 BYPASS, to avoid by...
byproduct 30 22 a secondary product...
byrewoman 26 21 a woman who tends ca...
byrewomen 26 21 BYREWOMAN, a woman w...
bystander 23 16 someone who stands b...
bystreets 24 14 BYSTREET, a side str...
bytownite 26 18 a plagioclase interm...
byzantine 25 25 intricately involved...