9 letter words that end with Y

9 letter words that end with Y

9 letter Y word


Words With Friends®


abashedly 26 18 ABASHED [adv]
abernethy 24 17 a crisp unleavened b...
aberrancy 25 18 the state of being a...
abidingly 26 19 ABIDING, continual [...
abnormity 24 18 a deviation from the...
abortuary 23 15 an anti-abortion ter...
absurdity 25 16 the quality of being...
abundancy 25 21 the state of being a...
abusively 27 20 ABUSIVE, in the mann...
abysmally 33 21 ABYSMAL, immeasurabl...
acarology 25 17 the study of mites [...
accessary 27 17 accompanying, as a s...
accessory 27 17 accompanying, as a s...
acclivity 32 22 an upward slope [n A...
accompany 29 24 to escort [v ACCOMPA...
accusably 31 22 ACCUSABLE, liable to...
acescency 29 21 the act of turning s...
acrophony 27 20 the use of a word st...
actinally 26 17 ACTINAL, pertaining...
actuality 26 16 the state of being a...
adamantly 22 17 ADAMANT, very firm [...
adhocracy 29 20 management that resp...
adiposity 24 15 the state of being f...
adjacency 28 28 the state of being a...
adjunctly 28 27 ADJUNCT, attached [a...
adjutancy 26 26 the office of an adj...
adjuvancy 28 30 the state of being a...
admirably 26 19 ADMIRABLE, worthy of...
admiralty 24 16 the office of admira...
adoringly 23 16 ADORING [adv]
adrenally 22 15 ADRENAL, relating to...
adulatory 22 14 showing adulation [a...
adversary 23 16 an opponent [n ADVER...
adversely 24 17 ADVERSE, acting agai...
adversity 24 16 a state, condition,...
advisably 27 20 ADVISABLE, sensible,...
advisedly 25 18 ADVISED [adv]
aeriality 22 12 the state of being a...
aeromancy 23 18 divination by means...
aerometry 21 14 the measurement of t...
aerophagy 25 18 spasmodic swallowing...
aetiology 22 14 the science of cause...
affluency 29 23 the state of being a...
afterbody 25 18 any discarded part t...
agamogony 22 19 asexual reproduction...
agelessly 24 15 AGELESS, never growi...
agreeably 24 17 AGREEABLE, pleasant...
agriology 24 16 the comparative stud...
aimlessly 25 16 AIMLESS, without aim...
airworthy 27 16 suitable for flying...
alackaday 25 20 an expression of reg...
alarmedly 24 17 ALARMED [adv]
algometry 24 17 the measurement of s...
aliteracy 25 15 the state of being n...
allegedly 25 17 ALLEGED [adv]
allenarly 23 15 (Scots) solely, only...
allicholy 30 19 (Shakespeare) melanc...
allocarpy 28 19 fruiting after cross...
allometry 24 16 the study of growth...
allopathy 27 18 the treatment of dis...
allopatry 25 16 the state of occurri...
allostery 23 13 of an enzyme, the pr...
allotropy 25 16 the property whereby...
allottery 23 13 (Shakespeare) a shar...
allowably 29 20 ALLOWABLE, that can...
allowedly 27 18 ALLOWED [adv]
alterably 25 16 ALTERABLE, that can...
altimetry 24 15 the art of measuring...
amatively 25 19 AMATIVE, strongly mo...
amazingly 27 27 AMAZING [adv]
ambiguity 27 20 the state of being a...
amniotomy 22 18 surgical removal of...
amorality 23 15 the absence of moral...
amorosity 22 14 the quality of being...
amorously 23 16 AMOROUS, pertaining...
amphiboly 30 23 a grammatically ambi...
amphigory 28 21 a nonsensical piece...
ampullary 27 20 resembling an ampull...
amusingly 25 19 AMUSING [adv]
anaglyphy 33 22 (Greek) the art of c...
anaplasty 23 16 the art or operation...
anciently 24 17 ANCIENT, very old, a...
ancientry 23 16 (archaic) the state...
ancillary 26 17 subordinate or subsi...
androgyny 27 18 hermaphroditism [n A...
andrology 22 16 the branch of medici...
anemology 22 18 the study of winds [...
angiology 23 17 the branch of medica...
angularly 24 17 ANGULAR, having an a...
animality 23 16 animal existence or...
animately 22 16 ANIMATE [adv]
animosity 22 15 hostility [n ANIMOSI...
anisogamy 22 17 union between marked...
annularly 22 16 ANNULAR, ring-shaped...
anonymity 27 18 the state of being a...
antennary 18 14 having antennae [adj...
anthology 24 17 a choice collection...
anthotaxy 28 21 the arrangement of f...
antically 26 17 ANTICAL, above or in...
antiparty 23 15 pposed to a politica...
antipathy 25 17 aversion, dislike [n...
antiphony 24 18 antiphonal chanting...
antiquary 29 22 a student or collect...
antiquely 30 23 ANTIQUE, very old, a...
antiquity 30 22 the quality of being...
antistory 21 12 a narrative that doe...
anxiously 28 21 ANXIOUS, full of fea...
apparency 27 21 (archaic) apparentne...
appetency 27 21 strong craving or po...
apriority 24 14 the quality of being...
aqueously 30 23 AQUEOUS, pertaining...
arability 25 15 the ability to be pl...
arbitrary 24 14 arising from acciden...
archduchy 33 23 the territory of an...
archenemy 26 20 a chief enemy [n ARC...
archology 28 19 the science of the o...
arcuately 25 16 ARCUATE, arched like...
arduously 23 15 ARDUOUS, laborious [...
areometry 21 14 the science of estim...
armillary 25 16 of bracelets or hoop...
arrivancy 26 19 (Shakespeare) compan...
arrogancy 24 17 the quality of being...
artillery 24 13 offensive weapons of...
artlessly 24 13 ARTLESS, lacking cun...
asexually 29 21 ASEXUAL, of reproduc...
ashamedly 25 18 ASHAMED [adv]
asininely 21 14 ASININE, of or like...
asininity 21 13 stupidity [n ASININI...
aspersory 23 14 a vessel for holding...
assertory 21 11 affirmative [adj]
assiduity 23 13 persevering applicat...
assumably 26 19 ASSUMABLE, that may...
assumedly 24 17 ASSUMED [adv]
assuredly 23 14 ASSURED [adv]
astrology 23 14 the study of the sup...
astronomy 21 15 the study of the cel...
asymmetry 30 19 lack of symmetry [n...
atheology 24 16 antagonism to theolo...
atmometry 23 17 measurement by atmom...
atomicity 26 17 the number of atoms...
atonality 21 13 the state of being a...
atonicity 24 15 the quality of being...
atoningly 22 16 ATONING [adv]
audiology 23 16 the study of hearing...
aureately 21 13 AUREATE, pertaining...
aurorally 23 14 AURORAL, relating to...
austerely 22 13 AUSTERE, severe [adv...
austerity 22 12 the quality of being...
authority 24 14 the power or right t...
autocracy 27 18 government by one in...
autolatry 22 13 self-worship [n AUTO...
autophagy 26 19 sustenance by self-a...
autophoby 27 20 a shrinking from mak...
autophony 24 18 apparent distortion...
autoreply 24 16 a facility which all...
autoscopy 26 18 a hallucination of a...
auxiliary 29 20 a helper, a subordin...
availably 27 20 AVAILABLE, at hand [...
averagely 24 18 AVERAGE, mediocre [a...
avertedly 24 17 AVERTED [adv]
avoidably 26 20 AVOIDABLE, capable o...
awesomely 25 18 AWESOME, impressive...
awkwardly 30 23 AWKWARD, lacking gra...
azeotropy 25 23 the state of being a...
azygously 33 26 AZYGOUS, not being o...
babbittry 29 20 narrow-minded middle...
baboonery 23 18 baboonish behavior [...
babyishly 36 22 BABYISH, resembling...
bacillary 29 19 of the shape or natu...
backstory 28 21 events assumed befor...
baldmoney 24 20 a wild flower, aka m...
balefully 29 21 BALEFUL, foreboding...
balkingly 28 23 BALKING [adv]
baneberry 24 18 a black poisonous be...
banefully 27 21 BANEFUL, poisonous [...
baptistry 27 17 a part of church res...
barbarity 26 17 the state of being b...
barometry 24 17 the art or process o...
baronetcy 25 18 the office of a baro...
baroquely 32 25 BAROQUE, in baroque...
bashfully 31 22 BASHFUL, shy, timid...
basically 29 19 BASIC, fundamental [...
bastardly 25 16 like a bastard; base...
bastardry 24 15 (Australian slang) m...
battology 25 17 a needless repetitio...
beamingly 26 21 BEAMING, smiling bro...
beamishly 28 20 BEAMISH, radiant [ad...
bearberry 25 17 a trailing plant of...
bearishly 27 17 BEARISH, in the mann...
beggingly 28 22 BEGGING [adv]
belatedly 25 17 BELATED [adv]
belomancy 27 22 divination by means...
bemusedly 26 20 BEMUSED [adv]
bendingly 25 20 BENDING [adv]
benignity 24 18 the state of being b...
berserkly 26 19 BERSERK, out of cont...
bestially 26 16 BESTIAL, animallike...
biassedly 25 16 BIASSED [adv]
biaxially 32 23 BIAXIAL, having two...
bifilarly 29 19 BIFILAR, having two...
bigotedly 26 18 BIGOTED, like a bigo...
biliously 27 17 BILIOUS, pertaining...
bimonthly 28 21 occurring once every...
bindingly 26 20 BINDING, obligatory...
bioenergy 23 17 fuel or electricity...
biography 29 21 the story of someone...
biopiracy 29 20 the use of wild plan...
biosafety 25 17 safety with respect...
bipedally 28 20 BIPEDAL, having two...
bivalency 29 23 the state of being b...
bizarrely 28 24 BIZARRE, strange [ad...
blackbody 31 26 a body absorbing all...
blaeberry 26 18 (Scots) the bilberry...
blameably 28 22 BLAMEABLE, deserving...
blasphemy 30 23 impious speech [n BL...
blatantly 25 17 BLATANT, offensively...
blazingly 30 28 BLAZING [adv]
bleachery 29 20 a place or an establ...
blessedly 26 17 BLESSED, holy [adv]
blizzardy 32 34 like a blizzard [adj...
blotchily 32 21 BLOTCHY, covered wit...
blueberry 27 19 the edible fruit of...
blurredly 27 18 BLURRED [adv]
boarishly 27 17 BOARISH, swinish; br...
boilingly 27 19 BOILING, at boiling...
bolometry 25 18 measurement by a bol...
bookishly 28 21 BOOKISH, pertaining...
boomingly 26 21 BOOMING, making a ho...
boorishly 27 17 BOORISH, rude [adv]
botchedly 30 21 BOTCHED [adv]
boutiquey 32 25 like a boutique [adj...
bracingly 29 21 BRACING, invigoratin...
branchery 28 20 a system of branches...
breakaway 26 21 a revolt, a defectio...
breathily 27 17 BREATHY, marked by l...
breezeway 28 26 a roofed often open...
brickclay 33 25 a clay containing sa...
bridleway 28 19 a path on which hors...
brigandry 25 18 the act of being a b...
brimfully 31 23 BRIMFUL, full to the...
brimstony 25 18 containing or resemb...
brinjarry 26 24 (Hindi) a travelling...
brittlely 27 16 BRITTLE, frail [adv]
brotherly 27 17 like a brother [adj]
brusquely 34 26 BRUSQUE, abrupt in m...
brutality 26 16 a brutal act [n BRUT...
brutishly 29 18 BRUTISH, brutal [adv...
buckishly 33 25 BUCKISH, dandified;...
budgetary 25 18 relating to a budget...
bulbosity 28 19 the state of being b...
bulbously 29 21 BULBOUS, bulb-shaped...
bulgingly 29 22 BULGING [adv]
bullishly 31 20 BULLISH, anticipatin...
bullwaddy 30 22 an Australian tree,...
bumpkinly 30 27 like a bumpkin, also...
bumpology 29 24 jocularly, the study...
buoyantly 30 19 BUOYANT, having buoy...
burningly 26 20 BURNING, very hot, a...
businessy 24 16 relating to business...
butcherly 31 21 like a butcher, sava...
butterfly 28 19 a general name for a...
buttinsky 26 20 a person given to bu...
buzzingly 33 37 BUZZING, busy, vibra...
cabinetry 26 18 cabinetwork [n CABIN...
cacophony 30 23 the harsh joining of...
caddisfly 29 20 any small mothlike i...
caddishly 29 19 CADDISH, like a cad;...
calcedony 27 20 a form of quartz, mi...
calculary 30 20 of or pertaining to...
caliology 27 18 the study of bird's...
callidity 28 17 shrewdness [n CALLID...
callosity 27 16 a hardening and thic...
callously 28 18 CALLOUS, unfeeling [...
calmingly 29 22 in a way which calms...
cambistry 29 20 the science of finan...
campeachy 32 25 as in campeachy wood...
camstairy 26 17 (Scots) perverse, un...
camsteary 25 17 (Scots) perverse, un...
candidacy 27 20 the state of being a...
cantingly 26 19 CANTING, whining, pr...
capillary 29 19 any of the extremely...
capitally 29 19 CAPITAL, excellent [...
capsulary 28 19 of or pertaining to...
captaincy 29 21 the rank or conditio...
captainry 26 18 the rank or conditio...
captivity 30 21 the state of being c...
cardialgy 27 18 heartburn, also CARD...
carefully 29 20 CAREFUL, cautious [a...
cariosity 25 14 the state of being c...
carnality 25 16 the state of being c...
carnivory 26 19 the state of being a...
carnosity 24 15 a fleshy excrescence...
carpentry 26 18 the craft of working...
carpingly 29 21 CARPING, complaining...
carpology 28 20 the study of fruits...
cartology 26 17 the science of maps...
cartulary 26 16 a keeper of monastic...
cassowary 27 17 any large flightless...
casuistry 26 15 plausible but flawed...
catalepsy 27 18 a rigid or trancelik...
cataplexy 33 25 a condition feigning...
cattishly 29 17 CATTISH, like a cat,...
caulinary 25 17 belonging to or grow...
causality 26 16 the relationship bet...
cautionry 24 16 in Scots law, the ac...
celebrity 28 18 a well-known person...
cellarway 29 19 a way into a cellar...
centenary 22 16 relating to a period...
centrally 26 17 CENTRAL, in the midd...
ceromancy 27 21 divination by means...
certainly 25 16 CERTAIN, absolutely...
certainty 24 15 the state of being c...
champerty 30 22 an illegal contract...
chandlery 27 19 the business of, pre...
chantilly 29 19 (French) as in chant...
charcoaly 30 20 like charcoal [adj]
chemistry 29 19 the physical science...
chemitypy 37 24 printing by chemityp...
chicanery 29 20 deception by tricker...
chidingly 30 21 CHIDING, scolding [a...
chirality 29 17 the chemical propert...
chirology 29 19 the language of gest...
chironomy 27 20 the art of gesticula...
chiropody 29 20 the treatment of ail...
chocolaty 30 20 of or like chocolate...
chokingly 30 24 CHOKING [adv]
chondrify 29 21 to convert, or be co...
chopsocky 33 26 a genre of martial a...
chorology 28 19 the science or study...
chromakey 28 23 a special television...
chuprassy 30 20 (Urdu) an office mes...
churchway 36 25 the public way or ro...
chymistry 36 21 (archaic) chemistry...
ciliately 27 16 CILIATE, possessing...
cinnamony 23 20 like cinnamon [adj]
circuitry 30 18 an assemblage of cir...
citizenly 29 25 like a citizen [adj]
citizenry 28 24 a whole body of citi...
civically 33 23 CIVIC, pertaining to...
clamantly 27 20 CLAMANT, calling alo...
clavately 28 20 CLAVATE, club-shaped...
cleanlily 27 18 CLEANLY, clean in ha...
clemently 27 20 CLEMENT, merciful [a...
clericity 30 18 the state of being a...
clonicity 29 19 the state of being c...
clouterly 27 17 like a clouter, clow...
cloyingly 34 21 CLOYING [adv]
coastally 26 16 COASTAL, pertaining...
coaxially 32 23 COAXIAL, having a co...
coaxingly 32 25 COAXING [adv]
cockamamy 30 27 ridiculous, incredib...
cockneyfy 36 27 to make (an accent)...
cocoonery 25 18 a building or apartm...
coequally 34 26 COEQUAL, equal in ra...
coercibly 31 21 COERCIBLE, capable o...
coevality 27 19 the state of being c...
cognately 25 18 COGNATE, related by...
coherency 28 20 a tendency to cohere...
colectomy 29 21 the surgical removal...
collotypy 35 21 printing by collotyp...
colonelcy 28 20 the office, rank, or...
colophony 28 21 rosin [n COLOPHONIES...
colorably 28 19 COLORABLE, that can...
colostomy 26 18 a surgical incision...
colourway 28 19 one of several combi...
colpotomy 28 21 surgical incision in...
coltishly 30 18 COLTISH, like a colt...
columbary 29 22 a dovecote; a pigeon...
comically 31 22 COMICAL, amusing, al...
commodify 29 24 to make a commodity...
commodity 27 21 an article of trade...
community 27 22 a body of people in...
compactly 32 24 COMPACT, closely fit...
complexly 36 29 COMPLEX, complicated...
comradely 26 19 like a comrade [adj]
comradery 25 18 the spirit of comrad...
concavely 29 23 CONCAVE, curved inwa...
concavity 29 22 the state of being c...
concisely 28 19 CONCISE, succinct [a...
condignly 26 20 CONDIGN, deserved, a...
confestly 27 19 CONFEST [adv]
congruity 26 18 agreement between th...
conically 29 20 CONICAL, shaped like...
coniology 25 18 the study of atmosph...
connately 23 17 CONNATE, congenitall...
connivery 25 20 an act of conniving...
constancy 26 19 the state of being c...
contently 24 17 CONTENT, happy with...
contrasty 24 15 of e.g. a photograph...
contumacy 28 22 stubborn perversenes...
contumely 26 20 contemptuous or insu...
convexity 32 26 the state of being c...
coolingly 27 19 COOLING, serving to...
coparceny 28 21 a form of joint owne...
copiously 28 19 COPIOUS, abundant [a...
coprology 28 20 the study of pornogr...
cordately 25 16 CORDATE, heart-shape...
cordially 27 17 CORDIAL, genial [adv...
cordotomy 25 18 the surgical divisio...
corivalry 28 19 rivalry [n CORIVALRI...
corollary 26 16 an easy inference; a...
coronally 25 17 CORONAL, relating to...
corporify 29 20 to embody; to form i...
correctly 29 18 CORRECT, free from e...
corruptly 29 19 CORRUPT, debased [ad...
cosmogeny 25 20 a theory or myth of...
cosmogony 25 20 a theory or myth of...
cosmology 27 20 the study of the cos...
costively 28 19 COSTIVE, affected wi...
costotomy 25 17 surgical incision in...
costumery 26 18 costumes taken colle...
cotenancy 25 19 a joint tenancy [n C...
countably 27 20 COUNTABLE, that can...
covalency 29 23 the union of a pair...
coxcombry 37 30 the behaviour of a c...
crabbedly 30 22 CRABBED [adv]
cranberry 26 18 the red acid berry o...
cranially 26 17 CRANIAL, pertaining...
crawdaddy 28 20 a crayfish, also CRA...
credulity 27 17 readiness to believe...
crematory 25 17 a place where bodies...
crenately 24 16 CRENATE, having a no...
creophagy 29 21 the act of eating me...
crookedly 26 20 CROOKED, dishonest [...
crotchety 30 19 bad-tempered, also C...
crowberry 30 20 a low creeping moorl...
crowdedly 29 20 CROWDED [adv]
crowingly 30 21 CROWING [adv]
crucially 31 20 CRUCIAL, very import...
cruiseway 28 18 a canal for exclusiv...
crunchily 32 22 CRUNCHY, given to cr...
cryometry 32 19 measurement by use o...
cryoscopy 36 22 the study of the eff...
cubbishly 34 24 CUBBISH, like a cub...
cubically 33 23 CUBICAL, shaped like...
cuckoldly 32 25 (Shakespeare) like a...
cuckoldry 31 24 the state of being a...
cullionly 28 19 (archaic) like a cul...
culpatory 28 19 expressive of blame...
cultishly 31 19 CULTISH, having the...
cuneately 24 17 CUNEATE, wedge-shape...
cunningly 26 21 CUNNING, crafty [adv...
curiosity 26 15 the state of being c...
curiously 27 17 CURIOUS, inquisitive...
currently 26 17 CURRENT, belonging t...
currishly 30 18 CURRISH, like a cur...
cursenary 24 16 (Shakespeare) cursor...
cursitory 26 15 relating to a cursit...
cursively 29 20 CURSIVE, with flowin...
cursorary 25 15 (obsolete) cursory,...
cursorily 27 16 CURSORY, hasty and s...
customary 26 18 according to custom...
custumary 27 19 a body or book of th...
cutcherry 31 20 (Hindi) an Indian ma...
cuttingly 28 19 CUTTING, sharp [adv]
cyclicity 40 23 the state of being c...
cynically 36 22 CYNICAL, distrusting...
cystotomy 32 19 surgical incision in...
cytometry 32 19 the counting of cell...
cytopathy 35 21 a disease or disorde...
damnatory 21 16 consigning to damnat...
damningly 24 20 DAMNING [adv]
damselfly 27 20 an insect of the ord...
dandruffy 26 21 full of dandruff [ad...
darlingly 25 17 DARLING, lovable [ad...
dartingly 24 16 DARTING [adv]
dashingly 26 18 DASHING, spirited, s...
dastardly 23 14 like a dastard, desp...
daubingly 26 20 DAUBING [adv]
daydreamy 28 18 given to daydreaming...
deacidify 27 19 to remove the acid f...
debatably 26 19 DEBATABLE, that can...
decadency 26 20 a falling away; deca...
decalcify 31 22 to deprive of calciu...
decanally 25 18 DECANAL, relating to...
decennary 22 17 a tithing, also DECE...
deceptory 26 18 tending to deceive,...
decertify 27 18 to withdraw or revok...
decidedly 26 18 DECIDED [adv]
decimally 28 20 DECIMAL, relating to...
declivity 29 20 a descending slope [...
decretory 24 15 relating to or havin...
deducibly 29 21 DEDUCIBLE, capable o...
deerberry 23 15 a shrub of the blueb...
defiantly 24 17 DEFIANT, showing def...
definably 26 20 DEFINABLE, that can...
deformity 25 18 the state of being d...
dejectory 26 24 promoting evacuation...
deliverly 26 18 DELIVER, nimble [adv...
democracy 28 21 a form of government...
democraty 25 18 (Milton) democracy,...
demulsify 27 20 to separate from an...
demystify 32 20 to remove the myster...
demythify 34 22 to remove the mythic...
denitrify 24 16 to deprive of, or fr...
dentality 22 14 use of the teeth in...
dentately 21 14 DENTATE, having teet...
dentistry 22 13 the work of a dentis...
denyingly 29 19 DENYING [adv]
depletory 24 16 serving to deplete,...
depravity 26 19 wickedness [n DEPRAV...
derivably 27 20 DERIVABLE, that can...
desertify 24 15 to make into a deser...
desirably 25 16 DESIRABLE, to be des...
desultory 23 14 jumping from one thi...
deviatory 23 16 tending to deviate [...
deviously 25 18 DEVIOUS, indirect [a...
devitrify 27 19 to deprive of glassl...
devotedly 24 18 DEVOTED [adv]
dexterity 28 19 adroitness [n DEXTER...
dextrally 30 21 DEXTRAL, right, as o...
diabology 25 18 the study of devils,...
diachrony 26 18 the historical devel...
diathermy 25 17 heating of internal...
dicastery 25 15 a court of justice;...
dichogamy 29 22 an arrangement for p...
dichotomy 28 20 division into two us...
dictatory 25 15 dogmatical; overbear...
dietarily 23 13 DIETARY, relating to...
diffusely 28 20 DIFFUSE, spread wide...
digitally 26 16 DIGITAL, relating to...
dignitary 23 15 someone in a high po...
dilatably 26 17 DILATABLE, capable o...
dilatancy 25 17 the property of incr...
dimissory 24 15 giving leave to depa...
diplomacy 29 22 the art of negotiati...
directory 25 15 a body of directions...
direfully 27 18 DIREFUL, dreadful [a...
discology 27 18 the study of gramoph...
discovery 27 19 the act of finding o...
disembody 25 19 to remove or free (a...
disemploy 26 19 to throw out of empl...
dismality 25 16 the state of being d...
disparity 25 15 inequality [n DISPAR...
dispurvey 27 20 (archaic) to deprive...
dissembly 27 19 the breaking up of a...
distantly 23 14 DISTANT, far off or...
dittology 24 15 a twofold reading or...
diurnally 24 16 DIURNAL, recurring e...
divalency 27 21 the state of being d...
diversely 25 17 DIVERSE, varied [adv...
diversify 27 19 to give variety to [...
diversity 25 16 variety [n DIVERSITI...
dividedly 26 19 DIVIDED [adv]
divisibly 29 20 DIVISIBLE, that can...
dobsonfly 26 20 the larva of a large...
doggishly 28 19 DOGGISH, like a dog;...
dogmatory 23 17 relating to dogma, a...
dolefully 27 19 DOLEFUL, sad, full o...
dollishly 28 17 DOLLISH, like a doll...
doltishly 27 16 DOLTISH, like a dolt...
domically 28 20 DOMICAL, shaped like...
dominancy 24 20 the state of being d...
donnishly 24 17 DONNISH, scholarly [...
doohickey 27 21 a doodad, a thingy [...
doomfully 27 21 DOOMFUL, (Spenser) d...
dormitory 23 15 a sleeping room, or...
dosimetry 23 15 the measurement of d...
dosiology 23 15 the branch of medici...
doubtably 27 20 DOUBTABLE, capable o...
doughtily 27 18 DOUGHTY, courageous...
dragonfly 25 19 a predaceous long-bo...
drinkably 26 21 DRINKABLE, capable o...
drivingly 27 20 DRIVING, of rain, he...
dromedary 22 16 the Arabian camel, h...
droningly 23 17 DRONING [adv]
dronishly 25 16 DRONISH, like a dron...
drunkenly 23 20 DRUNKEN, drunk [adv]
dubiosity 25 16 the state of being d...
dubiously 26 18 DUBIOUS, doubtful [a...
dubitably 28 20 DUBITABLE, liable to...
dubitancy 27 20 (obsolete) doubt [n...
ductilely 28 18 DUCTILE, easily mold...
ductility 28 17 the property of a me...
dullishly 29 18 DULLISH, somewhat du...
dulocracy 29 20 a government formed...
dumpishly 30 22 DUMPISH, dull; sad [...
duncishly 29 20 DUNCISH, like a dunc...
duobinary 23 17 denoting a communica...
duodenary 20 15 relating to the numb...
duplexity 32 24 the state of being d...
duplicity 30 20 doubleness, esp. in...
duskishly 28 20 DUSKISH, somewhat du...
duteously 23 15 DUTEOUS, devoted to...
dutifully 28 19 DUTIFUL, obedient [a...
dysentery 27 15 inflammation of the...
dystrophy 33 19 impaired or imperfec...
earnestly 21 13 EARNEST, serious [ad...
easefully 25 17 EASEFUL, full of eas...
ebriosity 24 14 addiction to drink;...
edibility 26 16 the quality of being...
edictally 27 17 EDICTAL, relating to...
educatory 24 16 relating to educatio...
electrify 28 18 to charge with elect...
electuary 25 16 a medicine mixed wit...
elegantly 23 16 ELEGANT, tastefully...
elevatory 23 16 able or tending to r...
elocutory 25 16 pertaining to elocut...
elusively 26 18 ELUSIVE, tending to...
emanatory 20 15 of the nature of an...
embracery 27 20 an attempt to influe...
emergency 25 20 an unexpected occurr...
eminently 22 17 EMINENT, of high sta...
emotively 25 19 EMOTIVE, pertaining...
emotivity 25 18 emotiveness [n EMOTI...
empanoply 26 22 to clothe in full ar...
emulously 25 18 EMULOUS, eager to eq...
emunctory 25 19 a cleansing organ or...
endlessly 23 15 ENDLESS, eternal [ad...
endophagy 25 20 cannibalism within a...
endoscopy 25 19 the art or process o...
endurably 24 18 ENDURABLE, that can...
engagedly 23 18 ENGAGED [adv]
engravery 23 18 (obsolete) the trade...
enjoyably 31 27 ENJOYABLE, that can...
enragedly 22 16 ENRAGED [adv]
entelechy 26 18 perfect realization...
enterally 22 14 ENTERAL, pertaining...
enviously 24 18 ENVIOUS, resentful a...
envyingly 31 22 ENVYING, in a state...
epeolatry 23 15 the worship of words...
ephoralty 26 17 the office of an eph...
epigraphy 29 21 the study of ancient...
epirogeny 23 17 the geological forma...
epochally 30 21 EPOCHAL, belonging t...
equitably 33 25 EQUITABLE, fair, jus...
ergometry 23 16 the measurement of w...
erosivity 24 15 the state of being e...
erotology 22 14 the study of erotic...
eruditely 23 14 ERUDITE, learned [ad...
esemplasy 25 18 the unifying power o...
estimably 26 18 ESTIMABLE, worthy of...
esuriency 24 16 greed, gluttony, als...
eternally 22 14 ETERNAL, everlasting...
ethically 29 18 ETHICAL [adv]
ethnarchy 28 19 the dominion of an e...
ethnicity 27 17 ethnic character; th...
ethnogeny 22 17 the study of human r...
ethnology 24 17 cultural anthropolog...
etymology 30 19 the study of the ori...
euchology 28 20 (Greek) a formulary...
eudaemony 20 17 happiness or wellbei...
eurhythmy 34 21 rhythmical movement...
euthanasy 22 15 the practice of endi...
eutrapely 24 16 wit, ease and urbani...
evadingly 25 20 EVADING [adv]
evasively 26 20 EVASIVE, tending to...
everybody 31 21 every person [pron]
evidently 24 18 EVIDENT, clear [adv]
evincibly 30 23 EVINCIBLE, capable o...
evocatory 25 18 evocative [adj]
exaltedly 29 21 EXALTED [adv]
excitably 34 25 EXCITABLE, able to b...
excitancy 33 25 the property of bein...
excitedly 32 23 EXCITED [adv]
exclusory 32 23 acting or tending to...
excretory 30 21 serving to excrete [...
excusably 34 26 EXCUSABLE, that can...
execrably 33 25 EXECRABLE, detestabl...
executary 30 22 a business whose job...
executory 30 22 pertaining to admini...
exemplary 31 25 serving as an exampl...
exemplify 34 28 to serve as an examp...
exigently 29 22 EXIGENT, exacting; u...
expiatory 29 21 having power, or int...
expletory 30 22 serving to fill up;...
expressly 31 22 EXPRESS, explicit, c...
exstrophy 32 23 congenital eversion...
extensity 27 19 massiveness or spati...
extrality 29 19 the privilege of bei...
extremely 29 22 EXTREME, farthest fr...
extremity 29 21 the utmost limit [n...
extrusory 28 19 relating to extrusio...
exultancy 31 24 exultation, also EXU...
facticity 31 20 the quality of being...
factually 29 20 FACTUAL, actual, rea...
facundity 27 20 eloquence [n FACUNDI...
faddishly 28 19 FADDISH, inclined to...
failingly 27 19 FAILING, in a state...
faineancy 24 19 doing nothing, being...
fairishly 28 17 FAIRISH, moderately...
fallalery 26 17 foppishness [n FALLA...
fantastry 23 15 dandyism, also PHANT...
fatefully 28 20 FATEFUL, critical, f...
fatuously 25 17 FATUOUS, silly; purp...
favorably 28 22 FAVORABLE, (US) favo...
fawningly 28 22 FAWNING, ingratiatin...
fearfully 28 20 FEARFUL, full of fea...
featurely 24 16 (archaic) handsome [...
febricity 30 20 feverishness [n FEBR...
febrility 28 18 feverishness [n FEBR...
feculency 30 23 the state of being f...
fecundity 27 20 fertility [n FECUNDI...
federally 25 17 FEDERAL, relating to...
feelingly 26 19 FEELING [adv]
feignedly 25 19 FEIGNED [adv]
femineity 24 18 womanliness, feminin...
fertilely 26 16 FERTILE, productive...
fertility 26 15 the state of being f...
fervently 26 20 FERVENT, hot, glowin...
fervidity 27 19 the state of being f...
festilogy 26 17 a treatise on eccles...
festively 27 19 FESTIVE, befitting a...
festivity 27 18 conviviality, joyful...
festology 25 17 a treatise on eccles...
fetoscopy 28 20 a procedure for view...
feudality 25 17 the state of being f...
feudatory 23 16 one holding lands or...
fibrously 28 19 FIBROUS, containing,...
fictively 31 22 FICTIVE, feigned; co...
fiduciary 28 19 holding in trust [ad...
figurally 28 19 FIGURAL, represented...
figuredly 27 19 FIGURED [adv]
finically 29 20 FINICAL, particular...
finickety 28 22 particular about uni...
fissility 27 15 the ability to be sp...
fittingly 27 18 FITTING, suitable [a...
fivepenny 26 23 worth five pence [ad...
flaccidly 33 23 FLACCID, limp [adv]
flagrancy 28 21 a burning; notoriety...
flamingly 28 22 FLAMING [adv]
flannelly 25 19 like flannel [adj]
flaringly 27 19 FLARING [adv]
flauntily 26 18 FLAUNTY, showy [adv]
flightily 31 20 FLIGHTY, fickle [adv...
flippancy 32 25 the state of being f...
floridity 26 16 the state of being f...
floristry 26 15 the art of cultivati...
flourishy 28 18 full of flourishes [...
flowerily 29 19 FLOWERY, abounding i...
flowingly 30 22 FLOWING [adv]
fluidally 28 19 FLUIDAL, pertaining...
foamingly 26 21 FOAMING [adv]
fogramity 26 19 the state of being a...
foiningly 25 19 FOINING [adv]
foolhardy 26 18 recklessly brave [ad...
foolishly 28 18 FOOLISH, lacking goo...
footweary 25 17 weary from walking [...
foppishly 32 23 FOPPISH, characteris...
forcingly 29 21 FORCING [adv]
forecaddy 26 19 a caddy posted up ah...
foreignly 25 18 FOREIGN, situated ou...
forlornly 25 17 FORLORN, forsaken [a...
formality 26 18 the condition of bei...
formicary 28 20 an anthill, also FOR...
formulary 26 19 a book of formulae o...
forwardly 28 19 FORWARD, towards the...
fourpenny 24 20 a coin worth four pe...
fragilely 27 18 FRAGILE, easily brok...
fragility 27 17 the state of being f...
fragrancy 27 20 pleasantness of smel...
franticly 28 19 (Shakespeare) franti...
fratchety 29 19 quarrelsome, also FR...
freebooty 24 17 piracy, also FREEBOO...
frenchify 31 23 to make French; to i...
frequency 34 28 commonness of recurr...
fretfully 29 20 FRETFUL, inclined to...
frigidity 27 17 the state of being f...
frivolity 28 19 a trifling habit or...
frontally 25 17 FRONTAL, at the fron...
frowardly 28 19 FROWARD, (archaic) h...
fructuary 28 19 a person enjoying th...
frugality 27 18 the state of being f...
fulgently 27 20 FULGENT, shining bri...
fulsomely 27 20 FULSOME, cloying [ad...
fungosity 25 18 the quality of being...
furcately 28 19 FURCATE, forked [adv...
furiosity 25 15 madness [n FURIOSITI...
furiously 26 17 FURIOUS, extremely a...
furtively 28 20 FURTIVE, stolen; obt...
gainfully 27 20 GAINFUL, profitable...
gallantly 25 17 GALLANT, chivalrous...
gallantry 24 16 bravery; attention o...
gallingly 27 19 GALLING [adv]
garbology 26 19 the study of society...
garlandry 23 16 garlands collectivel...
garnishry 25 16 (Browning) adornment...
garrulity 25 15 talkativeness [n GAR...
gasometry 23 16 the measurement of a...
gaspingly 27 20 GASPING, breathless...
gaugeably 26 20 GAUGEABLE, capable o...
gawkishly 31 23 GAWKISH, gawky, awkw...
geminally 25 19 GEMINAL, having two...
gemmology 26 22 the study of gems, a...
genealogy 22 17 the history of the d...
generalcy 25 18 the rank of general...
generally 23 16 GENERAL, widespread...
geniality 23 15 the quality of being...
genically 27 19 GENIC, of or relatin...
genitally 24 16 GENITAL, pertaining...
genteelly 23 16 GENTEEL, well-bred o...
gentility 24 15 good birth or extrac...
genuinely 22 17 GENUINE, authentic [...
geobotany 22 17 the geographical stu...
geography 27 20 the study of the ear...
germanely 23 18 GERMANE, closely rel...
gestatory 22 13 (archaic) relating t...
gibbosity 28 19 the state of being g...
gibbously 29 21 GIBBOUS, humpbacked,...
gigmanity 25 19 narrow middle-class...
gimmickry 31 26 the use of gimmicks...
girdingly 26 18 GIRDING [adv]
girlishly 29 17 GIRLISH, like a girl...
gismology 26 19 gadgetry, technology...
gizmology 29 28 gadgetry, technology...
glacially 29 19 GLACIAL, very cold [...
glaringly 26 18 GLARING [adv]
gleefully 28 20 GLEEFUL, merry, also...
glengarry 24 17 a Highlander's cap o...
glidingly 27 19 GLIDING [adv]
globesity 26 17 obesity seen as a wo...
globosely 26 18 GLOBOSE, shaped like...
globosity 26 17 sphericity [n GLOBOS...
glowingly 29 21 GLOWING [adv]
gnawingly 27 21 GNAWING, of a pain,...
goatishly 26 16 GOATISH, lustful [ad...
godlessly 25 16 GODLESS, worshipping...
goldfinny 25 20 one of two or more s...
goldsinny 23 17 one of two or more s...
gorblimey 27 20 a kind of flat army...
gossamery 23 16 of or like gossamer,...
gracility 28 17 slenderness [n GRACI...
gradatory 22 14 a flight of stairs [...
gradually 25 17 GRADUAL, happening b...
grandaddy 22 17 (colloquial) grandfa...
grandbaby 26 21 an infant grandchild...
granulary 23 16 (archaic) granular,...
graphicly 32 22 GRAPHIC, of or perta...
gratingly 25 17 GRATING, rasping [ad...
gravidity 26 18 the state of being g...
grazingly 28 26 GRAZING [adv]
gripingly 28 20 GRIPING [adv]
gropingly 27 20 GROPING [adv]
grouchily 30 20 GROUCHY, ill-tempere...
growingly 28 20 GROWING, increasing...
guardedly 24 17 GUARDED [adv]
gulpingly 29 22 GULPING [adv]
gummosity 26 20 gumminess [n GUMMOSI...
gushingly 28 20 GUSHING [adv]
gustatory 23 14 pertaining to the se...
gutlessly 26 16 GUTLESS, lacking cou...
gynocracy 34 22 government by women...
gyromancy 32 22 divination by walkin...
habitably 29 20 HABITABLE, that can...
hackberry 30 23 a genus of trees rel...
haecceity 29 19 the quality that mak...
haggardly 27 19 HAGGARD [adv]
haggishly 30 20 HAGGISH, resembling...
hagiarchy 30 20 government by holy p...
hagiology 26 18 the literature deali...
hairspray 26 16 lacquer sprayed on t...
halfpenny 27 22 a coin worth half a...
halophily 30 20 being adapted to sal...
haltingly 27 18 HALTING, stopping [a...
haplessly 28 18 HAPLESS, luckless [a...
haplology 28 20 the contraction of a...
harmfully 30 22 HARMFUL, capable of...
haruspicy 30 20 divination by inspec...
hastately 24 14 HASTATE, spear-shape...
hatefully 28 19 HATEFUL, detestable...
haughtily 29 19 HAUGHTY, arrogant [a...
hawkishly 32 23 HAWKISH, like a hawk...
hawthorny 28 19 like hawthorn [adj]
headachey 27 19 afflicted with a hea...
healingly 26 18 HEALING, curative [a...
healthily 28 17 HEALTHY, wholesome [...
heathenry 24 16 the state, quality,...
hedgingly 27 20 HEDGING [adv]
heedfully 28 20 HEEDFUL, paying clos...
heinously 24 16 HEINOUS, very wicked...
helically 30 19 HELICAL, shaped like...
heliology 26 17 the science of the s...
heliotypy 33 19 a photomechanical pr...
hellishly 30 18 HELLISH, horrible [a...
helpfully 32 23 HELPFUL, giving help...
hemihedry 27 19 a property of crysta...
hemitropy 27 19 the state of being a...
hennishly 26 18 HENNISH, like a hen...
heptapody 27 20 the state of having...
heptarchy 31 21 government by seven...
herbivory 28 20 the eating of grass...
herbology 27 19 the use or study of...
hercogamy 28 21 the prevention of se...
heritably 27 17 HERITABLE, capable o...
herkogamy 26 22 the prevention of se...
hesitancy 26 17 wavering, doubt, als...
hideosity 24 14 hideousness [n HIDEO...
hideously 25 16 HIDEOUS, very ugly [...
hierarchy 29 18 a body or organizati...
hierology 25 16 the science of sacre...
hillbilly 32 20 a simple rustic, a y...
hindberry 26 18 the raspberry [n HIN...
hintingly 26 18 HINTING, suggestive...
hippiatry 29 19 the treatment of dis...
hippology 30 22 the study of horses...
hircosity 28 16 goatishness, lewdnes...
hispidity 28 17 shagginess [n HISPID...
hissingly 27 17 HISSING, making a hi...
histogeny 24 16 the formation or dif...
histology 26 16 the study of the tis...
historify 27 16 to record in history...
hodometry 24 17 the measurement of d...
hoggishly 30 20 HOGGISH, coarsely se...
homeomery 24 19 the state of being h...
homocercy 30 22 the condition in fis...
homophony 27 22 sameness of sound [n...
homophyly 36 24 resemblance due to c...
homoplasy 27 20 the quality or fact...
homospory 26 19 having spores all of...
homostyly 32 19 in flowers, the exis...
honeyedly 29 18 HONEYED [adv]
honorably 25 18 HONORABLE, (US) hono...
honourary 22 15 conferring honour, a...
hootnanny 20 16 (US) a party with fo...
hopefully 30 22 HOPEFUL, full of hop...
hoplology 28 20 the study of weapons...
horometry 24 16 the science of time...
horoscopy 28 19 the art or practice...
horseplay 26 17 rough, boisterous pl...
hortatory 23 13 giving exhortation;...
hostilely 26 15 HOSTILE, like an ene...
hostility 26 14 the state of being h...
howlingly 30 21 HOWLING, making a ho...
huckstery 29 21 the business of a hu...
huffishly 33 23 HUFFISH, given to hu...
hugeously 26 18 HUGEOUS, (archaic) h...
humorally 27 19 HUMORAL, of diseases...
hurriedly 26 16 HURRIED [adv]
hurtfully 30 20 HURTFUL, causing inj...
husbandly 27 20 of or like a husband...
husbandry 26 19 the business of a fa...
hushpuppy 34 26 a type of shoe [n HU...
hybridity 34 19 the state of being h...
hydrology 32 19 the study of water r...
hyetology 31 18 the science of rainf...
hygrology 33 20 the study of humidit...
hymnology 32 22 the study of hymns [...
hypergamy 34 23 the marriage of a ma...
hypernymy 39 24 the state of being a...
hypnogeny 31 22 production of the hy...
hypnology 33 22 the study of sleep o...
hypocrisy 36 21 a feigning to be bet...
hyponasty 31 19 a tendency in part o...
iatrogeny 21 14 the study of disease...
ichnology 28 20 a branch of paleonto...
iconicity 28 18 the state of being i...
iconology 25 18 a branch of art hist...
idiopathy 26 17 a disease of unknown...
ileostomy 23 15 removal of the ileum...
illegally 27 17 ILLEGAL, not legal [...
illegibly 29 19 ILLEGIBLE, not legib...
illicitly 30 17 ILLICIT, unlawful, f...
imaginary 23 17 imagined [adj IMAGIN...
immanency 25 22 the state of being i...
immediacy 27 21 the quality of being...
immensely 24 19 IMMENSE, huge [adv]
immensity 24 18 the quality of being...
imminency 26 22 the quality of being...
immodesty 24 18 lack of modesty [n I...
immorally 26 19 IMMORAL, promiscuous...
immovably 29 25 IMMOVABLE, that cann...
immutably 28 22 IMMUTABLE, that cann...
impavidly 29 23 IMPAVID, fearless; u...
impiously 27 19 IMPIOUS, not pious [...
implicity 31 21 a state of being imp...
impliedly 28 20 IMPLIED [adv]
impotency 27 21 lack of power, also...
improbity 28 20 dishonesty [n IMPROB...
impudency 28 23 shameless boldness,...
imputably 29 22 IMPUTABLE, that can...
inability 25 16 the absence of an in...
inaudibly 25 18 INAUDIBLE, that cann...
incapably 29 22 INCAPABLE, not capab...
incensory 23 16 the vessel in which...
incretory 24 15 relating to incretio...
incurably 28 20 INCURABLE, that cann...
incurvity 28 20 a state of being ben...
indecency 26 20 the quality of being...
indelibly 26 18 INDELIBLE, that cann...
indemnify 24 20 to secure, to compen...
indemnity 22 17 security from damage...
indigency 25 19 poverty; the state o...
indignify 25 19 (archaic) to treat i...
indignity 23 16 disgrace, humiliatio...
indolency 24 18 laziness, also INDOL...
inebriety 23 15 drunkenness [n INEBR...
ineffably 28 22 INEFFABLE, unspeakab...
inerrably 24 16 INERRABLE, incapable...
inerrancy 23 16 exemption from error...
inexactly 31 23 INEXACT, not exact o...
inferably 26 19 INFERABLE, that can...
infirmary 25 18 a hospital or place...
infirmity 26 18 weakness, frailty [n...
ingenuity 22 16 the quality of being...
ingrately 23 15 (archaic) ungrateful...
inharmony 23 18 want of harmony [n I...
inherency 25 18 the state of inherin...
inhumanly 25 20 INHUMAN, lacking des...
initially 24 14 INITIAL, at the begi...
innocency 25 20 (archaic) innocence,...
innocuity 24 17 innocuousness [n INN...
inquietly 31 23 INQUIET, not quiet [...
insatiety 21 12 insatiableness [n IN...
insectary 24 15 a place for keeping...
insipidly 26 17 INSIPID, dull and un...
insolubly 26 18 INSOLUBLE, that cann...
instantly 22 14 INSTANT, without del...
insularly 24 15 INSULAR, like an isl...
insulsity 24 14 stupidity [n INSULSI...
integrity 23 14 the state of being w...
intensely 21 14 INTENSE, existing in...
intensify 23 16 to make intense [v I...
intensity 21 13 the state of being i...
intercity 25 15 between cities [adj]
interplay 24 16 mutual action [n -S]...
intestacy 24 15 the condition or fac...
intracity 25 15 between cities [adj]
intricacy 28 18 the state of being i...
inutilely 24 15 INUTILE, useless; un...
inutility 24 14 lack of utility [n I...
invalidly 26 19 INVALID, not valid [...
inventory 22 17 a list or schedule o...
inversely 24 17 INVERSE, opposite [a...
inviolacy 27 20 the state of being i...
invisibly 28 20 INVISIBLE, that cann...
iodometry 22 15 a procedure for dete...
ionotropy 22 15 the reversible inter...
irascibly 29 18 IRASCIBLE, easily an...
irenology 22 15 the study of peace [...
iridology 24 15 diagnosis based on e...
iridotomy 23 15 surgical removal of...
irksomely 25 19 IRKSOME, tending to...
irreality 23 12 unreality [n IRREALI...
irrigably 27 17 IRRIGABLE, that can...
irritably 26 15 IRRITABLE, easily pr...
irritancy 25 15 the state of being n...
isopolity 25 15 reciprocity of right...
itineracy 24 15 making journeys from...
itinerary 21 12 a plan or record of...
jabbingly 30 30 JABBING [adv]
janissary 23 21 (Turkish) a soldier...
jarringly 26 24 JARRING, harshly dis...
jealously 25 23 JEALOUS, envious of...
jeeringly 25 24 JEERING, mocking [ad...
jequerity 32 30 the tropical shrub I...
jequirity 33 30 the tropical shrub I...
jerkingly 27 28 JERKING, jerky [adv]
jestingly 26 24 JESTING [adv]
jewellery 28 25 jewels in general, a...
jocularly 29 26 JOCULAR, given to jo...
jocundity 27 26 joyfulness [n JOCUND...
jointedly 24 23 JOINTED [adv]
joltingly 27 25 JOLTING [adv]
joshingly 28 26 JOSHING [adv]
joviality 27 25 the state of being j...
joylessly 32 24 JOYLESS, without joy...
jubilancy 30 29 jubilation, also JUB...
judgingly 28 28 JUDGING [adv]
judiciary 28 25 the judicial authori...
jumpingly 30 31 JUMPING [adv]
juniority 24 22 the state of being j...
juttingly 27 25 JUTTING [adv]
karyogamy 30 22 a process of fusion...
karyology 30 20 the study of cell nu...
kerflooey 24 19 into a state of dest...
kiddingly 26 21 KIDDING [adv]
killingly 28 21 KILLING, causing dea...
kitschify 32 23 to make kitsch [v KI...
kitschily 31 21 KITSCHY, having the...
knavishly 28 23 KNAVISH, like a knav...
knowingly 27 23 KNOWING, astute, cra...
koniology 23 19 the study of atmosph...
kvetchily 32 25 KVETCHY, (Yiddish) h...
labiality 26 16 the quality of being...
laboredly 25 17 LABORED [adv]
lacrimary 27 18 a tear bottle, also...
lacteally 27 17 LACTEAL, pertaining...
laggardly 26 18 like a laggard [adj]
laggingly 27 20 LAGGING [adv]
lambently 26 20 LAMBENT, flickering...
lampadary 25 19 in the Greek Church,...
languidly 25 18 LANGUID, lacking vit...
lashingly 27 18 LASHING [adv]
lastingly 25 16 LASTING, remaining e...
laterally 24 14 LATERAL, sideways [a...
latitancy 25 16 the act or state of...
latrociny 25 16 (obsolete) highway r...
laudatory 22 14 expressing praise [a...
laughably 29 21 LAUGHABLE, ridiculou...
lawlessly 28 17 LAWLESS, having no l...
leadingly 24 17 LEADING, in first po...
learnedly 22 15 LEARNED [adv]
leeringly 24 16 LEERING [adv]
leewardly 26 17 LEEWARD, towards the...
legendary 22 16 having the nature of...
legionary 22 15 a member of a legion...
leisurely 24 14 relaxed [adj]
lengthily 27 18 LENGTHY, very long [...
leniently 22 15 LENIENT, not severe,...
leprosery 24 15 a hospital for leper...
leprosity 25 15 the state of being l...
leprously 26 17 LEPROUS, affected wi...
lethality 26 15 the quality of being...
leucotomy 26 19 a surgical scission...
leukotomy 24 20 a surgical scission...
lexically 34 24 LEXICAL, of or relat...
liability 27 16 the state of being l...
liberally 27 17 LIBERAL, generous, f...
libratory 25 15 balancing; moving li...
lickpenny 28 24 an absorber or devou...
liltingly 27 17 LILTING [adv]
limitedly 26 17 LIMITED, restricted...
limnology 25 19 the study of bodies...
limpidity 28 19 the quality of being...
limpingly 29 22 LIMPING [adv]
lineality 23 14 the quality of being...
linearity 22 13 the quality of being...
lingberry 26 18 the cowberry or red...
lingually 26 18 LINGUAL, pronounced...
lipectomy 29 21 the surgical removal...
lipotropy 27 18 the breaking down of...
liquidity 33 23 the state of being l...
lispingly 28 19 LISPING, making a li...
lissomely 25 16 LISSOME, easily flex...
literally 25 14 LITERAL, to be taken...
lithology 27 17 the study of rocks [...
lithotomy 26 17 the operation, art,...
lobectomy 28 21 the surgical excisio...
lobularly 27 18 LOBULAR, shaped like...
logically 29 19 LOGICAL, pertaining...
logomachy 29 22 a dispute about word...
lollingly 27 18 LOLLING [adv]
longevity 25 19 long life [n LONGEVI...
longingly 25 19 LONGING [adv]
loquacity 34 25 talkativeness [n LOQ...
louringly 25 17 LOURING, sullen, thr...
loutishly 27 16 LOUTISH, ill-mannere...
loxodromy 29 23 the art of sailing a...
lubricity 30 19 slipperiness; lewdne...
luckpenny 28 25 a coin kept for luck...
ludically 29 19 LUDIC, aimlessly pla...
lumpingly 29 23 LUMPING [adv]
lumpishly 31 22 LUMPISH, like a lump...
lurkingly 27 21 LURKING, lying in wa...
lustfully 29 19 LUSTFUL, marked by e...
lyrically 35 19 LYRICAL, having the...
lytically 35 19 LYTIC, relating to l...
macabrely 28 21 MACABRE, gruesome, a...
machinery 27 20 machines in general...
macrocopy 30 23 an enlarged copy of...
macrology 27 20 much talk with littl...
maddingly 25 20 MADDING [adv]
magically 29 21 MAGICAL, resembling...
magistery 24 16 the quality, positio...
makeready 22 19 the preparation of a...
malignity 25 18 the quality of being...
malingery 24 18 the spirit or practi...
malleably 27 20 MALLEABLE, able to b...
mamillary 26 19 relating to the nipp...
mammality 26 21 the state of being a...
mammalogy 26 23 the study of mammals...
mandatary 21 16 the holder of a mand...
mandatory 21 16 by mandate, also MAN...
manically 27 20 MANIC, affected by m...
manlikely 25 21 MANLIKE, like a man...
mannishly 25 19 MANNISH, resembling...
manometry 22 18 the measurement of t...
manoscopy 26 21 the measurement of t...
maritally 25 16 MARITAL, relating to...
marquetry 31 24 furniture inlaid wit...
marrowsky 27 21 a spoonerism [n MARR...
marshalcy 29 20 the rank, office or...
martially 25 16 MARTIAL, pertaining...
massively 26 19 MASSIVE, of great si...
mastopexy 30 24 cosmetic surgery of...
matchplay 31 23 scoring in golf acco...
maternity 22 15 motherhood [n MATERN...
matriliny 24 16 descent reckoned thr...
matrimony 23 18 the rite or institut...
maudlinly 25 19 MAUDLIN, weakly sent...
mawkishly 31 24 MAWKISH, offensively...
maxillary 31 23 of or relating to th...
maximally 32 26 MAXIMAL, pertaining...
maximumly 33 29 MAXIMUM, greatest [a...
mayoralty 29 17 the office, or the t...
meaningly 23 19 MEANING [adv]
medalplay 26 20 a scoring system use...
mediately 23 16 MEDIATE, middle, int...
mediatory 22 15 acting to mediate [a...
medicably 29 22 MEDICABLE, capable o...
medically 28 20 MEDICAL, related to...
medullary 25 18 consisting of or res...
meliority 24 15 the state of being b...
meltingly 26 19 MELTING, in a meltin...
memorably 26 21 MEMORABLE, worth rem...
mendacity 25 19 given to lying, esp....
mendicity 26 19 the practice of begg...
mentality 23 16 mind, a way of think...
mercenary 24 18 hired for money; mot...
mereology 23 17 the formal study of...
mesentery 21 15 a membrane enclosing...
mesically 28 19 MESIC, relating to a...
mesocrany 24 18 medium skull breadth...
metrology 24 17 the science of weigh...
microcopy 31 23 a copy on microfilm...
micrology 28 20 the branch of scienc...
microtomy 27 20 the art of using the...
midweekly 28 23 taking place in the...
midwifery 29 21 the occupation of a...
migratory 24 16 migrating, wandering...
militancy 27 19 the condition or fac...
milksoppy 30 25 like a milksop, a sp...
millenary 24 17 a group of a thousan...
millinery 25 17 hat-making [n MILLIN...
mincingly 28 22 MINCING [adv]
mindfully 28 22 MINDFUL, heedful [ad...
minimally 26 20 MINIMAL, relating to...
minirugby 27 21 a scaled down versio...
mischancy 31 23 unlucky, happening a...
misemploy 27 21 to employ wrongly or...
miserably 26 18 MISERABLE, wretched...
missilery 25 15 missiles collectivel...
missingly 26 18 (Shakespeare) with a...
moanfully 26 21 MOANFUL, full of moa...
moaningly 23 19 MOANING, making a mo...
mobbishly 31 23 MOBBISH, in the way...
mobocracy 30 23 government by mobs o...
mockingly 29 25 MOCKING, derisive [a...
modernity 22 16 the quality of being...
modularly 25 18 MODULAR, pertaining...
moilingly 26 19 MOILING [adv]
momentany 21 19 (Shakespeare) moment...
momentary 22 18 lasting for a moment...
monastery 21 15 the residence of a r...
mongrelly 25 19 like a mongrel [adj]
monkishly 27 22 MONKISH, pertaining...
monocracy 27 21 rulership by one ind...
monolatry 22 16 worship of one god w...
monomachy 27 23 single combat; a due...
monophagy 26 22 the eating of one ki...
monophony 24 21 a composition for on...
monophyly 33 23 the state of being m...
monopsony 22 19 a market condition w...
monostely 22 16 a single stele, also...
moonishly 25 18 MOONISH, like the mo...
moonshiny 23 18 full of moonlight [a...
morbidity 26 18 the condition or sta...
mordacity 26 18 the quality of being...
mordantly 23 17 MORDANT, biting [adv...
mortality 24 15 the state of being m...
mountainy 21 17 mountainous [adj]
multicity 29 19 involving several ci...
multicopy 30 22 any of several or ma...
mumpishly 31 24 MUMPISH, sulky [adv]
mundanely 22 19 MUNDANE, ordinary, b...
mundanity 22 18 worldliness [n MUNDA...
muscology 28 21 the study of mosses...
musefully 28 21 MUSEFUL, meditative;...
museology 24 18 the study of museums...
musically 29 20 MUSICAL, relating to...
mutuality 25 17 the state of being m...
mycophagy 37 26 the eating of mushro...
myiophily 35 22 pollination of plant...
myography 34 23 the recording of mus...
mystagogy 31 20 the doctrines, princ...
mythology 33 21 a body of myths; the...
naggingly 25 20 NAGGING [adv]
narghilly 27 18 (Persian) a hookah,...
narratory 20 12 like narrative, cons...
naseberry 22 15 an edible fruit, aka...
naturally 23 15 NATURAL, according t...
naughtily 26 18 NAUGHTY, badly-behav...
navigably 27 22 NAVIGABLE, that can...
necessary 23 15 needed [adj NECESSAR...
necessity 24 15 a state of being nec...
necrology 25 18 an obituary list [n...
necrotomy 24 18 the dissection of de...
needfully 25 19 NEEDFUL, necessary [...
neesberry 22 15 an edible fruit, aka...
neoplasty 23 16 the surgical formati...
nephology 26 20 the study of clouds...
nephralgy 27 20 pain in the kidneys,...
nervosity 23 16 nervousness [n NERVO...
nervously 24 18 NERVOUS, easily exci...
neurility 23 14 the essential charac...
neurology 22 16 the branch of scienc...
neurotomy 21 16 the dissection, or a...
neutrally 23 15 NEUTRAL, taking no p...
niggardly 25 18 like a niggard, stin...
nightmary 26 19 like a nightmare, al...
ninepenny 20 18 a coin worth nine pe...
nippingly 28 22 NIPPING [adv]
nobiliary 24 16 of or relating to no...
nocuously 25 18 NOCUOUS, hurtful, no...
noddingly 23 18 NODDING, inclining,...
noisomely 22 16 NOISOME, noxious, un...
nominally 23 18 NOMINAL, in name onl...
nomocracy 27 21 the rule of law; gov...
nonbinary 21 17 not binary [adj]
noncounty 22 18 not part of the coun...
nonenergy 19 16 relating to the abse...
nonentity 19 14 a person or thing of...
nonfamily 24 20 something that is no...
nonglossy 22 16 not glossy [adj]
nongreasy 20 15 not greasy [adj]
noninjury 22 24 relating to somethin...
nonorally 21 15 NONORAL, not oral [a...
nonparity 22 16 the state of not bei...
nonsteady 19 14 not steady [adj]
nonsticky 25 20 not sticky [adj]
normality 23 16 the state of being n...
northerly 24 15 situated in the nort...
nostology 22 15 the study of senilit...
notaphily 26 18 the collecting of ba...
notoriety 20 12 the state of being n...
noxiously 28 21 NOXIOUS, harmful to...
numbingly 27 23 NUMBING [adv]
numerably 25 20 NUMERABLE, that can...
numerally 24 18 NUMERAL, according t...
nummulary 25 21 relating to coins or...
nuptially 26 18 NUPTIAL, relating to...
objectify 31 29 to make objective [v...
obliquely 34 26 OBLIQUE, slanting [a...
obliquity 34 25 the state of being o...
obovately 25 19 OBOVATE, of a leaf,...
obscenely 26 19 OBSCENE, offensive,...
obscenity 26 18 something offensive,...
obscurely 28 19 OBSCURE, indistinct...
obscurity 28 18 the state of being o...
obstinacy 26 18 stubbornness [n OBST...
obtundity 24 17 the state of being o...
obversely 26 19 OBVERSE [adv]
obviously 27 20 OBVIOUS, easily unde...
occupancy 32 25 the act or fact of o...
odontalgy 22 16 toothache, also ODON...
odorously 22 14 ODOROUS, having an o...
oedipally 25 17 OEDIPAL, pertaining...
oenomancy 22 19 divination by studyi...
oenophily 25 18 the love of wine [n...
offertory 25 17 the part of the Euch...
officiary 29 20 a body of officers;...
ogreishly 26 16 OGREISH, resembling...
ohmically 30 21 OHMIC, of or pertain...
okeydokey 28 22 perfectly all right,...
olfactory 27 18 concerned with the s...
oligarchy 29 19 a government in whic...
oligopoly 26 18 a market situation i...
ominously 23 17 OMINOUS, portending...
onerously 21 14 ONEROUS, burdensome...
ontically 26 17 ONTIC, having real e...
operantly 23 16 OPERANT, operative [...
operosely 23 15 OPEROSE, involving g...
operosity 23 14 laboriousness [n OPE...
ophiology 27 19 the study of snakes...
opponency 26 22 the act of being an...
opposably 28 21 OPPOSABLE, that can...
opsimathy 27 19 education late in li...
optically 29 19 OPTICAL, pertaining...
optimally 27 19 OPTIMAL, best, most...
optometry 24 17 the science of visio...
opulently 25 18 OPULENT, wealthy [ad...
orbitally 26 16 ORBITAL, relating to...
ordinally 23 15 ORDINAL, indicating...
orography 26 18 the branch of physic...
orthodoxy 29 21 the state of being o...
orthopedy 25 17 the art or process o...
oscitancy 27 18 yawning, sleepiness,...
osmically 28 19 relating to the sens...
osmometry 23 17 the use of an osmome...
osseously 22 13 OSSEOUS, composed of...
ostensory 20 12 a container for hold...
osteogeny 20 14 the formation or gro...
osteology 22 14 the study of bones [...
osteotomy 21 14 the dissection or an...
otoplasty 24 15 cosmetic surgery on...
ouroscopy 26 18 the diagnosis of dis...
outcrafty 27 18 (Shakespeare) to exc...
outdoorsy 21 13 (colloquial) of an o...
outjockey 27 28 to surpass in jockey...
outwardly 26 17 OUTWARD [adv]
overcarry 26 18 to carry too far [v...
overfussy 26 19 too fussy [adj OVERF...
overhappy 29 23 exceedingly happy [a...
overhasty 25 17 too hasty [adj OVERH...
overlusty 25 17 (Shakespeare) too lu...
overmerry 24 18 excessively merry [a...
overstory 23 15 the highest level of...
overstudy 24 17 to study to excess [...
overweary 25 18 to weary too much; t...
oviparity 26 18 the production of of...
ovulatory 24 17 relating to ovulatio...
paediatry 23 15 the care of children...
paedology 24 18 the study of the gro...
pageantry 23 17 splendid display; po...
painfully 28 21 PAINFUL, causing pai...
painterly 24 16 having the qualities...
palatably 27 19 PALATABLE, pleasant...
palatally 26 17 PALATAL, of or perta...
paleology 25 18 the study of prehist...
palillogy 28 19 the repetition of a...
pallidity 27 17 pallidness; paleness...
palmately 26 19 PALMATE, resembling...
palmistry 27 18 foretelling a person...
palpatory 26 18 relating to palpatio...
panically 28 20 PANIC [adv]
panspermy 26 21 the theory that life...
pantagamy 24 20 marriage in which al...
pantingly 25 19 PANTING, breathless...
papillary 28 19 like, of the nature...
paraffiny 27 21 of or like paraffin...
parcenary 25 18 the state of being a...
parchedly 30 21 PARCHED [adv]
parcimony 27 21 (archaic) sparingnes...
parlously 26 17 PARLOUS, perilous, a...
parquetry 32 24 the art of making pa...
parsimony 24 18 sparingness or reluc...
partially 26 16 PARTIAL, not whole [...
passersby 26 17 PASSERBY, one who pa...
passingly 26 18 PASSING, incidental,...
passively 27 19 PASSIVE, not active...
passivity 27 18 the state of being p...
patchouly 30 21 (Tamil) an Asiatic t...
paternity 23 15 fatherhood [n PATERN...
pathogeny 25 19 the production and d...
pathology 27 19 the study of disease...
patiently 24 16 PATIENT, calm and un...
patriliny 25 16 descent reckoned thr...
patrimony 24 18 an inheritance from...
patrology 25 17 the study of early C...
pausingly 26 19 PAUSING, hesitating...
peaceably 28 21 PEACEABLE, inclined...
peasantry 22 15 peasants as a class;...
peccantly 30 22 PECCANT, sinning; gu...
peckishly 32 24 PECKISH, somewhat hu...
pecuniary 26 19 pertaining to money...
pederasty 23 15 anal intercourse bet...
peevishly 29 21 PEEVISH, irritable [...
pelletify 28 19 to make into a pelle...
pellitory 26 16 a low, harmless weed...
peltately 25 16 PELTATE, having the...
peltingly 27 19 (Shakespeare) in a p...
pendantly 23 18 PENDANT, hanging, al...
pendently 23 18 PENDENT, hanging; dr...
penguinry 24 19 a breeding place, or...
penitency 25 19 the state of being p...
pensility 25 16 being pensile, hangi...
pensively 26 20 PENSIVE, engaged in...
pentalogy 24 18 the state of being i...
pentamery 23 18 the condition of bei...
pentapody 24 19 a measure or series...
pentarchy 28 20 government by five i...
pepticity 30 20 being peptic [n PEPT...
perennity 22 16 the quality of being...
perfectly 30 21 PERFECT, lacking in...
perfumery 27 21 a place where perfum...
perimetry 25 17 measurement of the f...
periphery 28 19 a line or surface ac...
periptery 26 17 a peripteral buildin...
permalloy 26 19 an alloy of nickel a...
permeably 27 21 PERMEABLE, allowing...
perorally 25 16 PERORAL, occurring t...
personify 25 18 to be the embodiment...
pervicacy 32 24 (obsolete) the state...
pestology 25 17 the science of pests...
petrogeny 23 17 the study of the ori...
petrology 25 17 the geological study...
pettishly 28 17 PETTISH, sulky, petu...
petulancy 27 20 peevish impatience,...
phenocopy 29 23 a copy of a genetic...
phenology 26 20 the study of organis...
philately 28 18 the study of postage...
philavery 29 21 an idiosyncratic col...
philogyny 34 22 the love of women [n...
philology 29 20 the science of langu...
phocomely 30 23 a type of congenital...
phonatory 24 17 relating to phonatio...
phonology 26 20 the branch of lingui...
phonotypy 33 22 the transcription in...
photocopy 30 22 a photographic repro...
photogeny 25 19 (obsolete) photograp...
photoplay 28 20 a motion picture [n...
phototaxy 31 23 the movement of an e...
phototypy 34 21 the art or process o...
phrasally 28 18 PHRASAL, pertaining...
phycology 37 24 the study of algae,...
phylarchy 39 24 the office of a phyl...
phylogeny 33 22 the evolutionary dev...
physiatry 33 18 the treatment of inj...
phytogeny 32 21 the doctrine of the...
phytology 34 21 the study of plants...
phytotomy 33 21 the dissection of pl...
picaninny 25 20 a little child, esp....
piggishly 31 21 PIGGISH, greedy or d...
pinnately 23 17 PINNATE, resembling...
piquantly 33 26 PIQUANT, having an a...
piscatory 27 17 of or pertaining to...
piteously 25 16 PITEOUS, arousing pi...
pitifully 30 20 PITIFUL, arousing pi...
pituitary 25 15 of or relating to ph...
pityingly 33 20 PITYING [adv]
pivotally 28 20 PIVOTAL, critically...
placatory 27 18 tending to placate,...
placidity 29 19 the state of being p...
placitory 28 18 of or pertaining to...
planarity 24 16 the property of bein...
planetary 23 16 of or pertaining to...
plangency 27 22 resonance [n PLANGEN...
plasticky 30 22 of a plastic nature...
plasticly 30 19 PLASTIC, easily moul...
plausibly 29 20 PLAUSIBLE, superfici...
playfully 36 23 PLAYFUL, full of fun...
pleasedly 25 17 PLEASED [adv]
pleiomery 25 18 the state of being p...
pleiotaxy 30 22 an increase in the w...
plenarily 25 17 PLENARY, attended by...
plicately 29 19 PLICATE, folded like...
ploughboy 30 23 a boy who drives or...
plumosely 27 20 PLUMOSE, having feat...
plumosity 27 19 the state of being p...
plurality 27 17 the state of being p...
plutology 27 19 political economy; t...
plutonomy 25 20 economics [n PLUTONO...
pockmanky 29 29 (Scots) a corrupt fo...
poenology 23 18 the study of crime a...
poetastry 23 14 the writing of infer...
poignancy 26 21 the state of being p...
pointedly 24 17 POINTED [adv]
pokeberry 26 21 an American plant, a...
politicly 30 19 POLITIC, shrewd [adv...
polyamory 31 20 the practice of havi...
polyandry 30 19 marriage to several...
polyarchy 36 22 government by many p...
polycarpy 36 23 the condition of bei...
polymasty 32 20 the presence of supe...
polymathy 34 22 the knowledge of man...
polyonymy 37 23 a multiplicity of na...
polyphagy 36 24 the practice or facu...
polyphony 34 23 composition in separ...
polyzoary 33 26 the compound organis...
pomposity 27 20 the state of being p...
pompously 28 22 POMPOUS, infused wit...
popularly 28 20 POPULAR, well-liked...
porcupiny 29 22 like a porcupine, a...
poroscopy 28 20 the use of a porosco...
posterity 24 14 those coming after;...
pothecary 28 19 an apothecary, also...
pouringly 26 19 POURING, of rain, ve...
poutingly 26 19 POUTING [adv]
powerplay 29 21 strong, attacking pl...
pratingly 26 18 PRATING [adv]
prayingly 32 20 PRAYING, in prayer [...
preachify 31 22 to discourse in the...
preachily 30 20 PREACHY, tending to...
precatory 26 17 expressing a wish [a...
precisely 28 18 PRECISE, sharply and...
precocity 30 20 the state of being p...
predacity 27 18 being predacious, li...
predatory 23 15 preying on other ani...
prefatory 25 17 acting as a preface...
pregnancy 26 21 the state of being p...
prelusory 25 16 introductory, also P...
premodify 27 21 to modify beforehand...
prenotify 25 18 to notify beforehand...
preoccupy 32 24 to engross or fill t...
presbyopy 34 22 long-sightedness in...
presently 24 16 shortly, soon [adv]
presurvey 26 19 to survey in advance...
primality 27 18 the state of being p...
primarily 27 18 PRIMARY, taking firs...
privately 27 19 PRIVATE, secluded fr...
probatory 25 17 testing, affording p...
probingly 28 21 PROBING [adv]
procacity 30 20 forwardness, insolen...
procerity 27 17 tallness, loftiness...
procuracy 30 21 the office of a proc...
proditory 24 15 treacherous [adj]
profamily 28 21 supportive of the fa...
profanely 25 19 PROFANE [adv]
profanity 25 18 the state of being p...
profusely 27 19 PROFUSE, pouring for...
prolately 25 16 PROLATE, having flat...
proletary 24 15 a proletarian, also...
prolixity 32 22 long-windedness in s...
prolusory 25 16 relating to prolusio...
propriety 26 17 properness, correct...
protandry 23 16 the development of m...
protogyny 30 19 the development of f...
proveably 28 22 PROVEABLE, that can...
provisory 26 18 of the nature of a p...
provostry 26 18 the office of provos...
proximity 32 24 immediate nearness i...
prudently 25 18 PRUDENT, cautious, w...
prudishly 29 19 PRUDISH, marked by p...
pruriency 27 19 the state of being p...
publicity 32 22 the process of makin...
puckishly 33 25 PUCKISH, like a puck...
puerilely 26 17 PUERILE, juvenile; c...
puerility 26 16 the state of being p...
puffingly 31 25 PUFFING [adv]
pugnacity 28 21 the state of being p...
pulmonary 25 20 of or pertaining to...
pulsatory 25 16 capable of pulsating...
pungently 25 20 PUNGENT, sharply aff...
punningly 25 21 PUNNING, playing on...
pupillary 29 20 relating to a pupil...
purgatory 25 17 a place or state in...
purposely 27 19 deliberately [adv]
purringly 27 19 PURRING, making a so...
purulency 28 21 the state of being p...
pushfully 32 23 PUSHFUL, energetical...
pushingly 29 21 PUSHING [adv]
putridity 26 16 the state of being p...
puzzledly 33 36 PUZZLED [adv]
pyrolatry 31 17 fire-worship [n PYRO...
pyromancy 33 23 divination by the us...
pyrometry 31 19 the art of measuring...
quadruply 34 27 (Scots) a reply to a...
quakingly 33 29 QUAKING, shaking [ad...
quantally 31 24 QUANTAL, of or perta...
quarterly 31 22 a periodical appeari...
querimony 30 25 a complaint [n QUERI...
quintuply 34 27 QUINTUPLE, fivefold...
rackingly 28 22 RACKING, tormenting,...
radiality 23 13 radial symmetry [n R...
radiantly 22 14 RADIANT, shining [ad...
radiately 22 13 RADIATE, arranged li...
radiatory 21 12 relating to radiatio...
radically 27 17 RADICAL, fundamental...
radiology 23 15 the study of X-rays...
raffishly 30 20 RAFFISH, marked by o...
railingly 25 16 RAILING, jeering [ad...
rakehelly 26 19 like a rakehell, dis...
rammishly 28 20 RAMMISH, resembling...
rampantly 25 19 RAMPANT, unrestraine...
rancidity 25 16 the state of being r...
rantingly 23 16 RANTING, hectoring [...
rascality 26 15 rascally conduct, al...
raspatory 23 14 a surgeon's rasp [n...
raspberry 26 17 the fruit of Rubus i...
raspingly 26 18 RASPING, abrasive [a...
raucously 26 17 RAUCOUS, loud and un...
raunchily 28 19 RAUNCHY, coarsely or...
raylessly 30 15 RAYLESS, without ray...
razzberry 30 32 (US) a raspberry [n...
recertify 27 17 to certify again [v...
reclusely 27 17 like a recluse [adj]
reclusory 26 16 the habitation of a...
recreancy 26 18 the state of being a...
recusancy 27 19 the state of being r...
reddishly 26 16 REDDISH, somewhat re...
redisplay 25 16 to display again [v...
redolency 24 17 fragrance, the state...
reducibly 29 20 REDUCIBLE, capable o...
reekingly 24 19 REEKING [adv]
reelingly 24 16 REELING, staggering...
refectory 26 17 the dining-hall of a...
refinedly 24 17 REFINED [adv]
refortify 26 17 to fortify anew [v R...
refutably 27 19 REFUTABLE, that can...
regionary 21 14 relating to a region...
reglorify 26 17 to glorify again [v...
regularly 25 16 REGULAR, occurring a...
rejustify 27 24 to justify again [v...
relatedly 23 14 RELATED [adv]
relaxedly 29 21 RELAXED [adv]
relevancy 26 20 (US) relevance, also...
reliantly 23 14 RELIANT, showing rel...
reliquary 31 22 a small box or shrin...
reliquefy 33 25 to liquefy again [v...
remanency 23 19 the property of stay...
remissory 23 14 serving or tending t...
removably 27 22 REMOVABLE, capable o...
removedly 25 20 REMOVED [adv]
renewably 26 19 RENEWABLE, capable o...
renewedly 24 17 RENEWED [adv]
renitency 23 16 the state of being r...
reparably 26 18 REPARABLE, that can...
repertory 23 14 the performance of p...
repletely 25 16 REPLETE [adv]
reposedly 24 16 REPOSED [adv]
reprobacy 28 20 the state of being a...
reputably 27 19 REPUTABLE, of good r...
reputedly 25 17 REPUTED [adv]
requalify 33 25 to qualify again [v...
residency 24 16 the official abode o...
residuary 22 13 of the nature of a r...
respecify 29 20 to specify again [v...
restfully 27 17 RESTFUL, relaxing [a...
restively 25 16 RESTIVE, uneasy, as...
retestify 24 14 to testify again [v...
reticency 27 18 the quality of being...
retiredly 23 13 RETIRED [adv]
reversely 24 16 REVERSE, in the oppo...
revivably 29 23 REVIVABLE, that can...
revocably 29 22 REVOCABLE, that can...
revokably 27 23 REVOKABLE, that can...
rheometry 24 16 measurement with a r...
rhinology 25 17 the study of the nos...
rhizotomy 28 25 the surgical severan...
rhoticity 28 16 the quality of being...
ricketily 28 19 RICKETY, shaky, rams...
rightably 29 19 RIGHTABLE, that can...
ringingly 25 18 RINGING, making a ri...
riotously 23 13 RIOTOUS, characteriz...
rippingly 29 21 RIPPING [adv]
roaringly 23 15 ROARING, proceeding...
rockingly 28 22 ROCKING, moving back...
roguishly 27 17 ROGUISH, dishonest [...
rompingly 27 21 ROMPING [adv]
rompishly 29 20 ROMPISH, inclined to...
roseately 21 12 ROSEATE, resembling...
rostrally 24 13 ROSTRAL, of or like...
rotundity 22 14 the state of being r...
roundedly 22 16 ROUNDED [adv]
roundelay 21 15 a song with a refrai...
rousingly 24 16 ROUSING [adv]
routinely 22 14 ROUTINE, regular [ad...
routously 23 14 ROUTOUS, (archaic) l...
rubbishly 31 21 like rubbish, also R...
ruffianly 27 20 like a ruffian [adj]
ruinously 23 15 RUINOUS, destructive...
runningly 23 18 RUNNING, flowing [ad...
runtishly 26 16 RUNTISH, somewhat ru...
rusticity 27 15 a rustic manner; sim...
ruthfully 30 20 RUTHFUL, full of com...
ruttishly 27 15 RUTTISH, (Shakespear...
sacrality 26 15 the state of being S...
sagittary 23 13 a representation of...
saintlily 24 14 SAINTLY, befitting a...
saleslady 23 14 a woman who sells me...
saliently 23 14 SALIENT, strikingly...
salimetry 24 15 the measurement of s...
saltatory 22 12 of or for saltation,...
saltishly 27 15 SALTISH, somewhat sa...
salubrity 26 16 the quality of being...
salvatory 24 16 a repository for saf...
sanctuary 24 16 a place of safety [n...
sapiently 24 16 SAPIENT, wise [adv]
sarcology 26 17 the study of soft, f...
savourily 25 17 SAVOURY, pleasant to...
scaleably 28 19 SCALEABLE, that can...
scapulary 28 19 a loose sleeveless v...
scatology 26 17 the study of excreme...
schmaltzy 33 29 (Yiddish) sickly sen...
scholarly 29 18 learned, like a scho...
schoolboy 29 20 a boy who attends sc...
schoolday 27 18 a day on which schoo...
schoolery 27 17 (archaic) something...
sciamachy 31 22 fighting with a shad...
sciomachy 31 22 fighting with a shad...
sciomancy 28 21 divination with the...
sciosophy 29 19 a system of knowledg...
scouthery 27 17 scorching, singeing...
scraggily 29 19 SCRAGGY, skinny [adv...
scrappily 31 21 SCRAPPY, fragmentary...
scrawnily 29 19 SCRAWNY, extremely t...
scrimpily 31 21 SCRIMPY, scanty [adv...
scriptory 28 17 by, in or relating t...
scrubbily 32 22 SCRUBBY, inferior in...
scruffily 32 22 SCRUFFY, untidy, dir...
seannachy 24 18 (Gaelic) a Highland...
searingly 23 15 SEARING, burning [ad...
seawardly 25 16 SEAWARD [adv]
seaworthy 26 16 able to be used on t...
secondary 23 16 subordinate [adj SEC...
secretary 24 14 a person who types a...
secretory 24 14 secreting, as secret...
sectility 27 15 the state of being s...
secularly 27 17 SECULAR, not spiritu...
sedentary 20 13 sitting; living in a...
seemingly 24 18 SEEMING, apparent [a...
seigneury 22 15 esp. in France and C...
seigniory 22 14 feudal lordship, als...
selfishly 29 18 SELFISH, concerned o...
semblably 29 22 SEMBLABLE, (obsolete...
semideify 25 18 to make something pa...
seminally 24 17 SEMINAL, pertaining...
semiology 24 17 the study of signs a...
seniority 21 12 the state of being s...
sensately 21 13 SENSATE, felt throug...
sensorily 22 13 SENSORY, pertaining...
sensually 23 15 SENSUAL, pertaining...
sentiency 23 16 the state of being s...
separably 26 18 SEPARABLE, that can...
septenary 22 15 a group of seven [n...
septicity 28 17 the state of being s...
sequacity 33 24 the state of being s...
sequently 30 23 SEQUENT, following [...
sergeancy 24 17 the office or rank o...
sergeanty 21 14 a condition of tenur...
seriality 23 12 the state of being s...
seriately 22 12 SERIATE, arranged in...
seriously 23 13 SERIOUS, thoughtful...
serjeancy 25 24 the office or rank o...
serjeanty 22 21 (historical) a condi...
serpentry 23 15 serpents collectivel...
serriedly 23 13 SERRIED [adv]
servantry 23 16 a body of servants;...
servilely 26 17 SERVILE, slavish, fa...
servility 26 16 the state of being s...
sessility 24 12 the quality of being...
seventhly 26 19 SEVENTH, seventh in...
severally 25 17 SEVERAL, various [ad...
severalty 24 16 separateness; separa...
sexlessly 30 20 SEXLESS, lacking sex...
sexuality 29 20 sexual quality or or...
shadberry 26 17 the edible fruit of...
shadowily 28 18 SHADOWY, full of sha...
shallowly 30 19 SHALLOW, not deep [a...
shameably 27 20 SHAMEABLE, capable o...
shiningly 26 18 SHINING, bright, gle...
showbizzy 36 37 of or like showbiz,...
showmanly 28 21 having the manner of...
shrubbery 29 20 a collection of shru...
sibilancy 28 19 pronunciation with a...
sickishly 31 21 SICKISH, somewhat si...
sidlingly 26 17 SIDLING [adv]
siftingly 27 18 SIFTING, sieving [ad...
sighingly 28 19 SIGHING [adv]
sigillary 26 15 of or pertaining to...
signatory 22 14 having signed a trea...
similarly 26 16 SIMILAR, being alike...
sincerely 25 16 SINCERE, free from h...
sincerity 25 15 the quality of being...
singingly 25 18 SINGING [adv]
singsongy 23 17 having a singsong qu...
singulary 24 16 of an operator, mona...
sinlessly 24 14 SINLESS, without sin...
sinuately 22 14 SINUATE [adv]
sinuosity 22 13 the state of being s...
sinuously 23 15 SINUOUS, characteriz...
sitiology 24 14 the science of diet,...
sketchily 30 21 SKETCHY, lacking in...
skiamachy 29 23 fighting with a shad...
skiascopy 28 21 retinoscopy [n SKIAS...
skilfully 30 22 SKILFUL, full of ski...
slaistery 23 12 slops, drudgery [n S...
slaphappy 31 23 happy-go-lucky [adj...
slavishly 29 19 SLAVISH, pertaining...
sleepaway 26 18 relating to a camp f...
slenderly 23 15 SLENDER, slight of b...
slidingly 26 17 SLIDING [adv]
slopingly 27 19 SLOPING [adv]
slouchily 30 19 SLOUCHY, slouching [...
sluiceway 29 19 an artificial channe...
smilingly 27 19 SMILING, wearing a s...
smudgedly 26 20 SMUDGED [adv]
snatchily 28 18 SNATCHY, irregular,...
snowberry 26 18 the white berry of a...
soakingly 24 19 SOAKING, very wet [a...
soapberry 25 17 any tree of the genu...
soapsudsy 24 16 like soapsuds [adj]
soaringly 23 15 SOARING, flying high...
sobbingly 28 21 SOBBING, making a so...
sociality 26 15 the quality of being...
sociology 26 17 the study of society...
sokemanry 22 19 tenure by socage, a...
soldierly 24 14 like a soldier [adj]
solemnify 25 19 to make solemn [v SO...
solemnity 23 16 the quality of being...
soliloquy 32 23 an act of talking to...
solvently 25 18 SOLVENT, able to sol...
songfully 27 20 SONGFUL, disposed to...
sonically 26 17 SONIC, pertaining to...
sonnetary 19 13 of or like a sonnet...
sophistry 27 16 deceptively subtle r...
sororally 23 13 SORORAL, pertaining...
sortilegy 24 14 divination by drawin...
sottishly 26 14 SOTTISH, resembling...
soulfully 28 19 SOULFUL, full of emo...
sourishly 26 15 SOURISH, somewhat so...
southerly 25 15 from the south [adj]...
spacially 29 19 SPACIAL, pertaining...
sparingly 26 18 SPARING [adv]
sparsedly 25 16 sparsely [adv]
spatially 26 16 SPATIAL, pertaining...
speakeasy 23 18 an illicit bar for s...
specially 29 19 SPECIAL, particular...
specialty 28 18 the particular chara...
speechify 31 22 to make long speeche...
spinosely 24 16 SPINOSE, covered wit...
spinosity 24 15 thorniness [n SPINOS...
spirality 26 15 the state of being s...
splashily 29 18 SPLASHY, given to sp...
splintery 25 16 given to splintering...
splodgily 28 19 SPLODGY, covered wit...
spluttery 26 16 given to spluttering...
sporogeny 23 17 the production of sp...
sporogony 23 17 the growth or develo...
spousally 26 17 SPOUSAL, nuptial [ad...
sprechery 29 19 cattle-stealing; plu...
sprightly 30 19 lively, also SPRITEL...
springily 27 18 SPRINGY, resilient [...
squalidly 33 24 SQUALID, filthy, neg...
squashily 34 24 SQUASHY, yielding, s...
squattily 32 22 SQUATTY, squat, dump...
squeakery 30 25 an assemblage of thi...
squeakily 32 26 SQUEAKY, making a sq...
squinancy 32 26 (obsolete) quinsy, s...
squiralty 32 22 squires collectively...
squirrely 32 22 like a squirrel, als...
stability 26 15 the quality of being...
stableboy 26 18 someone who works at...
stagnancy 24 18 the state of being s...
staminody 22 16 the transformation o...
standaway 23 16 of a skirt, standing...
starchily 29 17 STARCHY, containing...
stargazey 25 22 as in stargazey pie,...
staringly 24 15 STARING, looking fix...
statelily 24 13 STATELY, dignified [...
statutory 22 12 of or related to sta...
staunchly 28 19 STAUNCH, firm, stead...
stenotypy 29 17 a type of shorthand...
sterilely 24 13 STERILE, incapable o...
sterility 24 12 the quality of being...
stewardry 25 15 being a steward [n S...
stewartry 25 14 (Scots) a former ter...
stiltedly 25 14 STILTED [adv]
stintedly 23 14 STINTED [adv]
stipulary 26 16 of or pertaining to...
stitchery 28 16 needlework [n STITCH...
stoically 27 16 STOICAL, indifferent...
stolidity 24 13 impassivity [n STOLI...
strangely 23 15 STRANGE, unusual or...
strangury 23 15 severe pain in the u...
streakily 24 16 STREAKY, covered wit...
streetboy 23 14 a boy who lives main...
strenuity 22 13 strenuousness; activ...
stridency 25 16 the quality of being...
stringily 25 15 STRINGY, fibrous [ad...
stroppily 28 18 STROPPY, (colloquial...
studentry 22 14 a body of students [...
studiedly 24 15 STUDIED [adv]
stupidity 26 16 the quality of being...
stylishly 34 17 STYLISH, fashionable...
suability 26 16 liability to be sued...
suasively 25 17 SUASIVE, persuasive...
subacidly 29 20 SUBACID, slightly so...
subagency 27 21 a subordinate agency...
subahdary 26 18 the office of a suba...
subcavity 30 22 a subordinate cavity...
subcolony 27 20 a subordinate colony...
subcounty 27 20 a part of a county [...
subdeputy 27 20 an assistant to a de...
subduably 28 21 SUBDUABLE, able to b...
subduedly 26 19 SUBDUED [adv]
subfamily 29 22 a taxonomic division...
sublimely 28 20 SUBLIME, lofty [adv]
sublimity 28 19 the quality of being...
sublunary 25 18 under the moon, terr...
submissly 28 19 SUBMISS, (archaic) s...
subtilely 27 17 SUBTILE, (archaic) s...
subtility 27 16 subtlety, also SUBTI...
sugarally 25 16 (Scots) liquorice, a...
summarily 26 19 SUMMARY [adv]
sumptuary 26 19 relating to or regul...
sunlessly 24 15 SUNLESS, without sun...
superably 27 19 SUPERABLE, capable o...
superbity 27 18 haughtiness, arrogan...
supercity 28 18 a very big city [n S...
supremacy 28 21 the state of being s...
supremely 26 19 SUPREME, highest, gr...
supremity 26 18 supremacy [n SUPREMI...
surgeoncy 25 18 the office or employ...
surquedry 31 23 (obsolete) arrogance...
surreally 24 14 SURREAL, of or relat...
surrendry 22 14 (obsolete) a surrend...
surrogacy 26 17 the state of being a...
suturally 25 15 SUTURAL, pertaining...
swarthily 29 17 SWARTHY, having a da...
swinishly 29 18 SWINISH, resembling...
swollenly 27 18 SWOLLEN [adv]
swordplay 28 19 fighting with swords...
syllabary 32 18 a system of writing...
syllabify 35 21 to divide into sylla...
symbology 33 22 the study of symbols...
sympetaly 32 20 of petals, being uni...
synchrony 32 20 simultaneity [n SYNC...
tabularly 26 17 TABULAR, pertaining...
tactfully 30 20 TACTFUL, having tact...
tacticity 29 17 the stereochemical a...
tactilely 27 16 TACTILE, pertaining...
tactility 27 15 the state of being t...
tactually 27 17 TACTUAL, pertaining...
taphonomy 25 20 the study or science...
tartishly 26 14 TARTISH, somewhat ta...
tasimetry 23 14 measurement by use o...
tautology 23 15 the needless repetit...
tautonymy 28 18 the practice of usin...
taxidermy 29 22 the art of stuffing...
teachably 29 20 TEACHABLE, capable o...
teacherly 27 17 like a teacher [adj]
tearfully 26 17 TEARFUL, full of tea...
teasingly 23 15 TEASING, making fun...
tediosity 22 12 tediousness [n TEDIO...
tediously 23 14 TEDIOUS, causing wea...
teemingly 24 18 TEEMING [adv]
tegularly 25 16 TEGULAR, of, like or...
teknonymy 28 22 the naming of the pa...
telemetry 23 15 measurement using a...
teleology 23 15 the doctrine that fi...
teleonomy 21 16 the property of livi...
telepathy 26 17 mind-reading [n TELE...
telephony 25 18 the art or science o...
telescopy 27 18 the art or practice...
telically 28 17 TELIC, directed or t...
tellingly 26 17 TELLING, effective;...
temporary 24 17 not permanent [adj T...
temulency 26 20 intoxication, also T...
tendrilly 24 15 having tendrils, als...
tenebrity 23 15 gloom, darkness [n T...
tensilely 23 14 TENSILE, of or relat...
tensility 23 13 the state of being t...
tenuously 22 15 TENUOUS, thin, sligh...
termitary 23 14 a nest or mound of t...
ternately 21 13 TERNATE, with three...
terrenely 21 13 TERRENE, earthly [ad...
territory 22 11 possessions in land;...
testimony 22 15 evidence [n TESTIMON...
tetralogy 23 14 a series of four con...
tetrapody 23 15 a set of four metric...
tetrarchy 27 16 government by four p...
textually 30 21 TEXTUAL, pertaining...
thelytoky 32 20 the parthenogenetic...
theocracy 29 19 government by priest...
theocrasy 26 16 the mingling of seve...
theomachy 29 21 homeric strife or ba...
theomancy 26 20 divination by means...
theopathy 27 18 emotional experience...
theophagy 28 20 the sacramental cons...
theophany 26 19 the manifestation or...
theosophy 27 18 immediate divine ill...
thereaway 25 16 in that direction [a...
thermally 27 18 THERMAL, relating to...
therology 25 16 the study of wild ma...
thingummy 28 23 a whatsit, also THIN...
thinkably 28 22 THINKABLE, capable o...
thirstily 27 14 THIRSTY, feeling a n...
thriftily 29 17 THRIFTY, frugal [adv...
throatily 25 14 THROATY, of a voice,...
throughly 29 19 (archaic) far throug...
throwaway 29 19 a line, or a joke, t...
thrupenny 25 19 a twelve-sided Briti...
tigrishly 28 16 TIGRISH, resembling...
timenoguy 23 18 a rope stretched fro...
timeously 24 16 TIMEOUS, timely; sea...
timocracy 29 20 a state in which pos...
tinkertoy 22 16 (tradename) a child'...
titubancy 27 19 staggering [n TITUBA...
titularly 25 14 TITULAR, relating to...
toilfully 28 18 TOILFUL, producing o...
tolerably 25 16 TOLERABLE, that can...
tonically 26 17 TONIC, invigorating...
tonnishly 24 16 TONNISH, modish; fas...
tonometry 21 15 the act of measuring...
topectomy 27 20 (obsolete) the excis...
topically 29 19 TOPICAL, relating to...
topometry 24 17 the measurement of t...
toppingly 28 21 TOPPING, excellent [...
torpidity 25 15 numbness, sluggishne...
torridity 23 12 torridness [n TORRID...
tortility 24 12 the state of being t...
toxically 33 23 TOXICAL, of or perta...
toxophily 33 24 the sport of archery...
traceably 27 18 TRACEABLE, that can...
tracheary 26 16 breathing by means o...
tractably 28 18 TRACTABLE, docile, e...
trafficky 31 24 busy with traffic [a...
traitorly 23 12 (Shakespeare) traito...
trancedly 25 17 TRANCED [adv]
treachery 26 16 betrayal, readiness...
tribology 26 17 the study of interac...
tribunary 24 16 relating to a tribun...
tributary 25 15 paying tribute [adj...
tricksily 29 19 TRICKSY, mischievous...
trinketry 23 16 trinkets, collective...
triploidy 26 16 the condition of bei...
triumviry 27 19 (obsolete) a triumvi...
trivially 27 17 TRIVIAL, insignifica...
triweekly 27 19 occurring or appeari...
tropology 25 17 the use of metaphors...
truepenny 22 17 (Shakespeare) an hon...
tubectomy 28 21 the surgical cutting...
tubularly 27 18 TUBULAR, in the form...
tuggingly 27 20 TUGGING, pulling for...
tunefully 26 19 TUNEFUL, melodious [...
turbidity 26 16 muddiness [n TURBIDI...
turgently 24 16 TURGENT, (obsolete)...
turgidity 25 15 the state of being t...
twalpenny 26 20 (Scots) an old shill...
twelfthly 32 21 TWELFTH, twelfth in...
twinberry 27 18 a shrubby North Amer...
twiningly 27 19 TWINING, winding, co...
twitchily 33 20 TWITCHY, given to tw...
tycoonery 29 17 the state of being a...
tylectomy 33 20 the surgical removal...
typically 36 21 TYPICAL, representat...
ulotrichy 29 18 woolly-hairedness [n...
ultratiny 23 14 very very tiny [adj]
unadeptly 24 18 UNADEPT, not adept [...
unaidedly 22 16 UNAIDED, without aid...
unanimity 22 17 the state of being u...
unawarely 24 17 UNAWARE, not aware,...
uncannily 24 19 UNCANNY, strange and...
uncharity 27 18 uncharitableness [n...
uncivilly 30 22 UNCIVIL, not civil,...
unclarity 26 17 a lack of clarity [n...
uncleanly 25 19 not clean in person...
unclearly 26 18 UNCLEAR, not clear [...
uncourtly 26 18 not courtly [adj UNC...
uncouthly 28 20 UNCOUTH, uncultured...
uncurably 28 21 UNCURABLE, (Shakespe...
underbody 23 18 the underside of a m...
underclay 25 18 a stratum of clay ly...
underplay 24 18 to play down, unders...
undignify 25 20 to deprive of dignif...
undulancy 25 20 the state of being u...
undyingly 30 20 UNDYING, not subject...
uneagerly 22 16 UNEAGER, not eager [...
unearthly 24 16 not belonging to the...
unequally 31 25 UNEQUAL, not equal [...
unfleshly 28 20 not pertaining to th...
unfussily 26 18 UNFUSSY, not fussy [...
unghostly 26 18 not ghostly [adj UNG...
ungodlily 25 18 UNGODLY, not godly [...
ungravely 25 20 (Shakespeare) possib...
unhandily 24 18 UNHANDY, clumsy, awk...
unhappily 29 22 UNHAPPY, not happy [...
unhealthy 26 18 not healthy [adj UNH...
unheedily 24 17 UNHEEDY, incautious;...
unhumanly 25 21 UNHUMAN, not human [...
uniformly 26 20 UNIFORM, consistent...
unitarily 23 14 UNITARY, of the natu...
unitively 25 18 UNITIVE, serving to...
unkemptly 27 24 UNKEMPT, untidy [adv...
unluckily 29 23 UNLUCKY, not lucky [...
unmixedly 30 25 UNMIXED [adv]
unmorally 24 18 UNMORAL, lacking a s...
unmovably 27 24 UNMOVABLE, that cann...
unmovedly 25 22 UNMOVED, not moved [...
unorderly 22 15 not orderly [adj]
unpliably 28 21 UNPLIABLE, not pliab...
unqualify 33 27 to disqualify; to un...
unqueenly 29 25 not queenly [adj UNQ...
unquietly 31 24 UNQUIET, not quiet,...
unreadily 22 15 UNREADY, not ready,...
unreality 22 14 the state of being u...
unroyally 29 17 UNROYAL, not royal [...
unsaintly 22 15 not like a saint [ad...
unsalably 25 18 UNSALABLE, that cann...
unsavoury 23 18 not savoury, disrepu...
unshapely 26 19 not shapely [adj UNS...
unsightly 27 18 unpleasant to look a...
unsoberly 24 17 UNSOBER, not sober [...
unsolidly 24 16 UNSOLID, not solid [...
unsoundly 22 17 UNSOUND, not sound [...
untamably 25 20 UNTAMABLE, not tamab...
untenably 23 18 UNTENABLE, not tenab...
unthrifty 27 18 not thrifty [adj UNT...
untunably 24 19 UNTUNABLE, that cann...
unusually 24 17 UNUSUAL, not usual [...
unwieldly 27 19 unwieldy, also UNWEL...
unwittily 27 17 UNWITTY, not witty [...
unwomanly 25 21 not proper to a woma...
unworldly 27 19 not belonging to thi...