7 letter words that end with Y

7 letter words that end with Y

7 letter Y word


Words With Friends®


abbotcy 25 18 the office of an abb...
abhenry 21 15 a unit of inductance...
ability 22 13 a special skill [n A...
academy 21 16 a secondary school [...
acetify 23 15 to convert to vinega...
acidify 24 16 to render acid [v AC...
acidity 22 13 sourness [n ACIDITIE...
acouchy 26 18 a burrowing rodent,...
acridly 23 14 ACRID, sharp to the...
actorly 22 13 in the manner of an...
actuary 21 13 a person who compile...
acutely 22 14 to a greater degree...
addedly 19 13 additionally [adv]
adeptly 21 14 ADEPT, highly skille...
adultly 21 13 ADULT, grown up [adv...
affably 25 19 AFFABLE, easy to spe...
agentry 18 12 the office or duties...
agilely 21 13 AGILE, able to move...
agility 21 12 nimbleness [n AGILIT...
ahungry 21 15 (archaic) oppressed...
airplay 21 13 the broadcasting of...
alchemy 25 18 the infant stage of...
alchymy 32 20 the infant stage of...
alertly 20 11 ALERT, ready for sud...
alienly 19 12 ALIEN, foreign [adv]
alimony 19 14 an allowance paid to...
allergy 21 13 a state of hypersens...
almondy 19 15 having an almond fla...
almonry 19 14 a place where alms a...
alonely 18 12 solitary [adv]
aloofly 21 14 ALOOF, distant in in...
already 18 11 by this time [adv]
alveary 20 14 a beehive; the hollo...
amatory 18 12 pertaining to sexual...
ambassy 21 15 the offices of an am...
ambitty 22 15 denoting glass which...
amenity 18 13 pleasantness [n AMEN...
amiably 22 16 AMIABLE, having a pl...
aminity 19 13 the state of being a...
amnesty 18 13 to pardon during a l...
ampassy 21 15 ampersand, a symbol...
amplify 25 19 to make larger or mo...
anagogy 18 14 a spiritual, mystica...
anality 18 11 a stage of infantile...
analogy 18 13 a figure of speech i...
anarchy 22 15 the absence of law o...
anatomy 17 13 the structure of an...
anchovy 24 19 a small edible Medit...
angerly 19 13 ANGER, wrath [adv]
anglify 22 16 to make English [v A...
angrily 20 13 ANGRY, having anger...
anility 19 11 the state of being a...
animacy 21 16 the state of being a...
annuity 17 12 income paid at regul...
anomaly 18 14 deviation from the r...
anorexy 22 17 lack of appetite, al...
anticly 22 14 ANTIC, quaint, also...
antigay 18 12 opposed to homosexua...
anxiety 23 17 painful or apprehens...
anybody 25 16 a single person [n A...
apetaly 20 13 the state of having...
aphylly 31 18 absence of leaves [n...
apishly 24 15 APISH, like an ape [...
aplenty 20 14 in a state of plenti...
apogamy 21 17 a form of plant repr...
apology 21 15 an explanation with...
archery 23 14 the sport of shootin...
archway 26 17 a passageway under a...
ardency 20 14 a burning quality; (...
areally 19 11 AREAL, relating to a...
areaway 19 12 a sunken area leadin...
aridity 19 10 the state of being a...
armoury 19 13 a place where weapon...
ashtray 20 11 a receptacle for tob...
asphyxy 35 23 stoppage of vital fu...
astheny 19 12 a lack of strength,...
ataraxy 23 16 peace of mind, also...
atrophy 22 14 to waste away [v ATR...
attaboy 19 12 an interjection expr...
audibly 22 15 able to be heard [ad...
aurally 20 12 like an ear [adv]
aureity 18 10 properties of gold [...
autarky 19 14 a policy of national...
autopsy 20 13 a postmortem examina...
autumny 19 15 autumn like [adv]
avidity 21 14 greed [n AVIDITIES]
avoutry 20 14 (obsolete) adultery,...
awayday 26 15 a one day excursion...
awfully 26 18 AWFUL, horrible [adv...
axially 26 18 pertaining to an axi...
backsey 24 19 (Scots) sirloin [n -...
baggily 24 17 BAGGY, loose fitting...
bairnly 21 14 like a bairn, a chil...
balcony 23 17 a platform projectin...
balkily 24 18 BALKY, apt to balk;...
ballboy 24 17 a boy who retrieves...
balmily 24 17 BALMY, mild, tempera...
baloney 19 14 deceptive talk, nons...
balsamy 22 16 like balsam, fragran...
banally 21 15 BANAL, flat and unin...
barmily 23 16 BARMY [adv]
basally 22 14 BASAL, relating to,...
battery 20 12 a device for generat...
battily 22 13 BATTY [adv]
bawdily 25 17 BAWDY, obscene [adv]
beadily 21 14 BEADY, resembling be...
beamily 22 16 radiantly [adv]
beanery 18 13 a cheap restaurant [...
beastly 21 13 resembling a beast [...
beatify 22 15 to make blessed [v B...
beavery 21 16 a place where beaver...
bedirty 21 13 to make dirty [v BED...
beefily 23 16 BEEFY, thickly built...
beerily 21 13 BEERY, smelling of b...
beetfly 23 16 a fly which attacks...
beggary 22 16 extreme poverty [n B...
bellboy 24 17 a pageboy in a hotel...
beltway 24 16 a highway round an u...
beweary 22 15 to make weary [v BEW...
beworry 23 15 to worry [v BEWORRIE...
bheesty 22 14 an Indian water carr...
bibbery 25 18 the act of tippling...
bifidly 25 17 in the manner of a b...
biggety 23 16 conceited [adj]
biggity 24 16 conceited, also BIGG...
bigotry 22 14 prejudice [n BIGOTRI...
bikeway 24 19 (US) a route set asi...
biliary 22 13 infectious canine ja...
billowy 26 17 swelling [adj BILLOW...
bindery 20 14 a place where books...
biogeny 20 15 the development of l...
biology 22 15 the science of life...
bionomy 20 16 physiology [n BIONOM...
bioplay 23 16 a play based on the...
biparty 23 15 of two parties [adj]
bittily 23 13 BITTY [adv]
blackly 27 21 BLACK, being of the...
blandly 22 16 BLAND, neutral-tasti...
blankly 23 19 BLANK, empty [adv]
blarney 20 14 to cajole, flatter [...
bleakly 23 18 BLEAK, dull and chee...
blighty 26 17 a soldier's wound th...
blindly 23 16 BLIND, sightless [ad...
blotchy 27 18 covered with blotche...
blowfly 28 20 a type of fly [n BLO...
bluejay 23 23 a North American bir...
bluffly 28 21 BLUFF, rough and hea...
bluntly 23 16 BLUNT, not sharp or...
bobbery 24 18 a noisy row [n BOBBE...
bobstay 22 15 a rope used on ships...
bockedy 24 20 of a structure such...
boffiny 24 19 like a boffin, a sci...
bogusly 23 16 BOGUS, not genuine,...
boilery 21 13 a place and apparatu...
boloney 19 14 deceptive talk, nons...
bonnily 20 15 BONNY, pretty or hea...
bootery 19 12 a shoe store [n BOOT...
boozily 24 22 BOOZY, inclined to b...
bossboy 22 15 a Black African fore...
bossily 22 13 BOSSY, domineering [...
bottony 19 13 having buds or knobs...
brambly 25 19 full of brambles [ad...
branchy 25 18 having many branches...
brashly 24 15 BRASH, forward, over...
bravely 23 17 BRAVE, showing coura...
bravery 22 16 courage [n BRAVERIES...
breathy 22 14 marked by loud breat...
brevity 23 16 shortness of ddurati...
brewery 23 15 a place for brewing...
bribery 23 15 an act of influencin...
briefly 24 16 BRIEF, short [adv]
briskly 24 17 BRISK, quick of move...
bristly 23 13 stiffly erect [adj B...
brittly 23 13 BRITT [adv]
broadly 21 14 BROAD, broad [adv]
brokery 21 16 a broker's business...
brutely 22 14 BRUTE, brutal [adv]
brutify 24 16 to make brutal [v BR...
buggery 23 17 sodomy [n BUGGERIES]
buirdly 23 15 (Scots) stalwart; la...
bulkily 25 19 BULKY, having bulk [...
bullary 23 15 a collection of papa...
bumpily 26 20 BUMPY, of uneven sur...
bunbury 23 18 to create a fictitio...
burlily 24 15 BURLY, heavy and mus...
bursary 21 13 a college treasury [...
bushfly 27 19 a fly which breeds i...
bushily 25 16 BUSHY, having many b...
butlery 22 14 a storage room [n BU...
buttery 21 13 a wine cellar [n BUT...
buttony 20 14 resembling a button...
buxomly 29 24 BUXOM, healthily plu...
byrlady 28 16 (archaic) a mediaeva...
cabbagy 26 20 like a cabbage, also...
cachexy 32 24 general ill health,...
cacoepy 25 18 a wrong pronunciatio...
cadency 23 17 the status of a youn...
calcify 28 19 to convert into calc...
callboy 25 17 a boy who calls acto...
calumny 23 18 to utter false charg...
calvary 24 17 a place or occasion...
camelry 23 16 troops mounted on ca...
campery 24 18 being camp [n CAMPER...
campily 26 19 CAMPY, comically exa...
cankery 21 17 like a canker; full...
cannery 19 14 a place where food i...
cannily 21 15 CANNY, prudent, also...
canonry 19 14 the benefice, office...
cantily 22 14 CANTY, (Scots) conte...
capably 26 19 CAPABLE, competent [...
caprify 26 18 to cultivate the goa...
caraway 23 15 an umbelliferous pla...
carnify 23 16 to form flesh; to be...
carroty 21 12 like or tasting of c...
cartway 24 15 a way used by carts...
carvery 23 16 a type of buffet ser...
castory 21 12 (Spenser) a red or p...
cattery 21 12 a breeding place for...
cattily 23 13 CATTY, spiteful [adv...
cautery 21 13 something used to de...
cavally 25 18 a large food fish, a...
cavalry 24 17 a mobile army unit [...
cecally 26 17 CECAL, pertaining to...
century 21 14 a period of a hundre...
certify 24 15 to declare as true [...
chancey 25 18 risky, also CHANCY [...
chantey 22 15 a song sung by sailo...
chantry 23 15 a chapel or altar bu...
charily 25 15 CHARY, discreetly ca...
charity 24 14 universal love [n CH...
charley 24 15 a fool, also CHARLIE...
charpoy 25 17 a string framed bed,...
cheaply 26 18 CHEAP, inexpensive [...
cheerly 24 15 (archaic) cheerful [...
chicory 27 17 succory, a blue-flow...
chiefly 27 18 CHIEF, important [ad...
chiefry 26 17 an Irish chieftaincy...
childly 27 17 (archaic) having the...
chimbly 29 21 a chimney, also CHIM...
chimley 26 18 a chimney, also CHIM...
chimney 24 18 to proceed up a rock...
chinchy 29 20 stingy [adj CHINCHIE...
chintzy 27 24 like chintz [adj CHI...
choltry 25 15 a shed used for asse...
choosey 22 14 difficult to please,...
christy 25 14 a kind of turn in sk...
chumley 26 19 a chimney, also CHIM...
churchy 30 20 associated with or r...
chutney 23 16 (Hindi) a warm or sp...
chylify 34 20 to produce chyle [v...
chymify 34 22 to form into chyme [...
ciliary 23 13 pertaining to the ci...
cindery 21 14 having the nature of...
ciphony 25 18 the electronic mixin...
circusy 26 16 pertaining to a circ...
citrusy 23 13 pertaining to citrus...
civilly 27 18 CIVIL, pertaining to...
clarify 25 16 to make clear [v CLA...
clarity 23 13 the state of being c...
cleanly 22 15 clean in habits [adj...
clearly 23 14 CLEAR, easy to see [...
clerisy 23 13 scholars and educate...
clerkly 25 18 pertaining to a cler...
cliquey 31 23 inclined to form cli...
closely 23 14 CLOSE, near [adv]
clovery 24 17 abounding in clover...
clutchy 29 19 tending to clutch [a...
coalify 24 16 to convert into coal...
cockily 27 20 COCKY, arrogantly se...
cockney 24 20 a resident of London...
cockshy 28 21 a target in a throwi...
cogency 24 18 the state of being c...
colicky 27 20 pertaining to, or tr...
coloury 22 14 having much colour,...
comfily 26 19 COMFY [adv]
comfrey 24 18 a boraginaceous plan...
company 23 19 to associate with [v...
compony 23 19 composed of squares...
concupy 26 20 (Shakespeare) a conc...
conjury 23 23 conjurors' tricks, m...
cookery 21 16 the art of cooking [...
coopery 22 15 the trade of cooperi...
coppery 25 18 like copper [adj]
copyboy 31 20 an office boy [n -S]
cornfly 24 17 the goutfly [n CORNF...
cornify 23 16 to form keratin [v C...
cornily 22 14 CORNY, trite, sentim...
corrody 21 13 an allowance of food...
coshery 23 14 the ancient right of...
cosplay 24 16 the practice of dres...
cottony 20 13 like cotton (a soft...
country 21 14 the territory of a n...
courtly 23 14 polite [adj COURTLIE...
cowedly 25 17 COWED [adv]
coxalgy 29 22 pain in the hip, als...
crackly 27 20 making a crackling n...
cramesy 22 15 (archaic) crimson, a...
crankly 23 18 CRANK, lively [adv]
crassly 23 13 CRASS, grossly vulga...
crazily 26 22 CRAZY, insane [adv]
creeshy 23 14 (Scots) greasy [adj...
crickey 26 19 a mild oath, also CR...
criminy 23 16 an interjection expr...
crinkly 24 18 crinkled [adj CRINKL...
crisply 26 16 CRISP, brittle [adv]
crossly 23 13 CROSS, ill-tempered...
crucify 28 19 to put to death on a...
crudely 23 15 CRUDE, unrefined [ad...
crudity 23 14 the state of being c...
cruelly 24 15 CRUEL, disposed to i...
cruelty 23 14 savage behaviour tow...
cruisey 22 13 frequented by homose...
crumbly 27 20 easily crumbed [adj...
crumply 27 20 easily wrinkled [adj...
crunchy 27 19 given to crunching [...
crusily 24 14 of a shield or charg...
crybaby 32 20 a person who cries e...
cubicly 29 20 CUBIC, in the form o...
curably 25 17 CURABLE, able to be...
curlily 25 15 CURLY, tending to cu...
cursory 22 13 hasty and superficia...
curtesy 22 13 the lifetime right o...
curtsey 22 13 to bow politely, als...
curvity 25 17 the state of being c...
cushily 26 16 CUSHY, (colloquial)...
custody 22 14 guardianship [n CUST...
cutaway 24 16 a type of coat [n -S...
cutlery 23 14 the business of a cu...
cyclery 32 18 a bicycle shop [n CY...
dabbity 23 16 (Scots) a cheap pott...
dacoity 21 13 (Hindi) robbery by d...
daffily 24 17 DAFFY, daft [adv]
dakoity 19 14 (Hindi) robbery by d...
damnify 21 17 to cause loss or dam...
dandify 20 15 to dress up [v DANDI...
dandily 19 13 DANDY, fine [adv]
daresay 17 10 (I) venture to say (...
datedly 19 12 DATED [adv]
daubery 20 14 a crudely artful dev...
daylily 27 14 a liliaceous plant g...
dazedly 22 21 DAZED [adv]
deadboy 19 14 a metal plate driven...
deanery 16 11 the office of a dean...
dearnly 18 12 DEARN, secret; lonel...
deathly 21 13 like death [adj DEAT...
decency 23 17 the state of being d...
deedily 19 12 DEEDY, industrious [...
deerfly 21 14 a bloodsucking fly [...
demonry 18 14 demoniacal influence...
densely 18 12 DENSE, compact [adv]
densify 20 14 to increase the dens...
density 18 11 the state of being d...
dentary 17 11 a bone of the lower...
destiny 18 11 inevitable fate [n D...
destroy 18 10 to damage beyond rep...
devilry 22 15 mischief, also DEVIL...
dewanny 19 15 the office of dewan,...
diandry 18 12 the state of being d...
diarchy 24 15 government by two po...
dicliny 23 15 the state of having...
dicycly 33 19 the state of being d...
diddley 20 13 the least amount, al...
didicoy 22 14 an itinerant tinker,...
dietary 18 10 relating to diet [ad...
dignify 22 16 to add dignity to [v...
dignity 20 13 the state of being d...
dimyary 26 15 having two adductor...
dingily 21 14 DINGY, grimy, also D...
dirtily 21 11 DIRTY, soiled [adv]
disally 21 12 to break an alliance...
disobey 20 13 to refuse to follow...
display 22 14 to put on show [v -E...
dithery 21 12 nervously excited [a...
dittany 18 11 a plant of the mint...
dizzily 27 29 DIZZY, giddy [adv]
doddery 18 12 unsteady with age [a...
dodgery 19 13 evasion, trickery [n...
doggery 20 14 surly behaviour [n D...
doobrey 19 13 a thing whose name i...
doomily 20 14 ominously [adv]
doorway 20 13 the entrance to a ho...
dottily 20 11 DOTTY, feebleminded,...
doucely 22 15 DOUCE, (French) swee...
doughty 22 15 courageous [adj DOUG...
dovekey 20 18 (Scots) a kind of gu...
dowdily 23 15 DOWDY, dressed unsty...
dowlney 21 15 (Shakespeare) downy,...
downcry 24 17 to denigrate or disp...
downily 22 15 DOWNY [adv]
dragway 22 15 a race course for dr...
dramady 19 14 a sitcom with dramat...
dramedy 19 14 a sitcom with dramat...
drapery 20 13 cloth, textiles etc....
dreadly 19 12 dreadful [adj]
dribbly 25 17 given to dribbling [...
drizzly 27 29 marked by light rain...
droichy 24 15 (Gaelic) dwarfish [a...
dropfly 24 17 an angling fly [n DR...
droshky 22 16 an open carriage, al...
drostdy 19 11 a type of South Afri...
drouthy 21 13 dry, also DROUGHTY [...
druidry 20 12 the practice of drui...
duality 20 12 the state of being t...
duarchy 24 16 government by two po...
dubiety 21 14 doubtfulness [n DUBI...
ducally 24 16 DUCAL, pertaining to...
duddery 19 13 rags collectively [n...
dulcify 26 18 to sweeten [v DULCIF...
dumpily 24 18 DUMPY, short and thi...
duncery 21 15 stupidity [n DUNCERI...
duopoly 21 15 the market condition...
durably 22 15 DURABLE, lasting [ad...
duskily 22 16 DUSKY, somewhat dark...
dustily 21 12 DUSTY, full of dust...
dyarchy 30 17 government by two po...
dyingly 27 16 DYING, fading [adv]
dynasty 24 13 a succession of rule...
dyslogy 27 15 dispraise [n DYSLOGI...
dyvoury 27 17 (Scots) bankruptcy [...
eagerly 19 12 EAGER, full of keen...
earthly 21 12 any chance on earth,...
ebriety 20 12 drunkenness [n EBRIE...
ecology 22 15 the study of the int...
economy 20 16 thrift [n ECONOMIES]
ecstasy 21 12 a state of exalted p...
edacity 21 13 ravenousness, voraci...
egality 20 12 the state of being e...
elderly 20 12 older people [n ELDE...
elusory 19 11 tending to elude or...
embassy 21 15 the offices of an am...
empathy 23 17 the comprehension of...
emptily 23 16 EMPTY, containing no...
encraty 20 13 self-control [n ENCR...
endplay 20 15 to force (an opponen...
enology 18 13 the study of wines,...
enomoty 17 13 a band of sworn sold...
enquiry 26 20 a question, also INQ...
entropy 19 13 a thermodynamic meas...
eparchy 25 17 an administrative su...
epiboly 23 16 the process by which...
epigyny 27 17 the state of having...
epitaxy 26 19 the growth of a thin...
eponymy 26 18 the derivation of an...
epulary 21 14 concerning feasting...
equably 29 23 EQUABLE, smooth; wit...
equally 28 21 in an equal way, als...
equerry 26 19 an official who atte...
erectly 22 13 ERECT, upright [adv]
erosely 18 10 EROSE, irregularly n...
errancy 20 13 an instance of errin...
esotery 17 9 secret doctrine [n E...
estuary 18 10 the tidal mouth of a...
eupepsy 22 16 a good digestion, al...
euphony 21 16 an agreeable sound,...
euphory 22 15 elation, also EUPHOR...
euryoky 25 16 organisms living und...
eustacy 21 13 a worldwide change i...
eustasy 18 10 a worldwide change i...
eutropy 20 13 variation of crystal...
exactly 28 20 EXACT, precise [adv]
exarchy 29 21 the domain of an exa...
exility 26 17 (obsolete) slenderne...
exogamy 25 21 marriage outside a p...
extropy 26 19 the prediction that...
factory 23 15 a place where goods...
faculty 25 17 an inherent power or...
fadedly 21 15 FADED [adv]
faggery 22 16 drudgery, fagging [n...
faggoty 22 16 having the character...
faintly 21 14 FAINT, lacking stren...
fairily 22 13 FAIRY, of or like a...
fairway 23 15 the mown part of a g...
fallacy 25 17 delusion or error [n...
falsely 22 14 FALSE, not genuine [...
falsify 24 16 to misrepresent [v F...
falsity 22 13 something false [n F...
fancify 25 19 to make fancy [v FAN...
fancily 24 17 FANCY, ornamental [a...
fantasy 19 13 to imagine, also PHA...
faraday 19 13 a unit used in elect...
faraway 22 15 distant, abstracted...
farcify 26 18 to turn into a farce...
farmery 21 15 farm buildings [n FA...
fashery 22 14 annoyance [n FASHERI...
fatally 22 14 FATAL, capable of ca...
fattily 22 13 FATTY, greasy or oil...
fatuity 21 13 complacent stupidity...
felonry 20 14 a body of felons [n...
feodary 19 13 one holding lands or...
fernery 19 13 a place where ferns...
ferrety 20 12 like a polecat [adj]
fetidly 22 14 FETID, stinking, als...
feudary 20 14 a holder of land by...
fibbery 25 18 the habit of fibbing...
fiddley 22 15 an iron framework ar...
fidgety 22 15 restless, uneasy [ad...
fierily 22 13 FIERY, intensely hot...
fifthly 27 18 in the fifth place [...
figgery 23 16 dressy ornamentation...
filmily 25 17 FILMY, thin, delicat...
finally 22 15 FINAL, last in seque...
finicky 25 20 difficult to please,...
firefly 24 16 any of various noctu...
firstly 23 13 FIRST, preceding all...
fishery 23 14 a place for catching...
fishify 26 17 to turn into fish [v...
fishily 25 15 FISHY, consisting of...
fishway 26 17 a device for enablin...
fixedly 28 21 FIXED [adv]
fizzily 29 31 FIZZY [adv]
flakily 24 18 FLAKY, tending to fo...
flaunty 21 15 showy [adj FLAUNTIER...
flavory 23 17 full of flavor, also...
fleetly 22 14 FLEET, swift, also F...
fleshly 25 16 pertaining to the bo...
flighty 26 17 fickle [adj FLIGHTIE...
flouncy 24 18 flouncing [adj FLOUN...
flowery 24 16 abounding in flowers...
fluency 24 18 the quality of being...
fluidly 24 16 FLUID, flowing [adv]
flukily 25 19 FLUKY, lucky, by acc...
flunkey 22 19 a servile follower,...
flyaway 30 18 one that is elusive...
foamily 22 16 FOAMY, covered with...
focally 25 17 FOCAL, pertaining to...
foggily 24 17 FOGGY, filled with f...
folkway 25 20 a traditional custom...
foodery 19 13 a restaurant [n FOOD...
foolery 20 13 foolish behaviour or...
footboy 21 15 a page, an attendant...
footway 22 15 a passage for pedest...
foppery 24 18 dandyish behaviour [...
forebay 21 15 a reservoir from whi...
forelay 20 13 to wait in ambush [v...
foresay 19 12 to foretell [v FORES...
forgery 21 14 the act of fraudulen...
fortify 23 15 to strengthen agains...
foughty 24 17 (dialect) musty, mou...
foundry 20 15 a building where met...
frailly 23 14 FRAIL, weak, infirm...
frailty 22 13 a weakness of charac...
frankly 22 18 FRANK, free and open...
fratchy 26 17 quarrelsome [adj FRA...
fratery 20 12 a convent of friars,...
frawzey 26 24 (dialect) a treat [n...
freckly 26 20 marked with freckles...
freeway 22 15 an express highway [...
frenemy 20 16 a person who pretend...
freshly 24 15 FRESH, new [adv]
friarly 22 13 resembling or charac...
fritfly 25 16 a small fly [n FRITF...
frizzly 29 31 of hair, tightly cur...
froughy 24 17 of timber, soft and...
frowsty 24 15 fusty, stuffy, also...
frutify 24 16 (Shakespeare) Launce...
fubbery 25 19 a deception [n FUBBE...
fugally 24 17 FUGAL, being in the...
fuggily 25 18 FUGGY, close, stuffy...
fullery 23 15 a place for fulling...
funkily 23 19 FUNKY, of jazz, pop...
funnily 21 16 FUNNY, amusing [adv]
furmety 22 16 a wheat dish boiled...
furmity 23 16 a wheat dish boiled...
furrily 23 14 FURRY, covered in fu...
furrowy 24 16 marked by furrows [a...
fusibly 25 17 FUSIBLE, capable of...
fussily 23 14 FUSSY, overly concer...
fustily 23 14 FUSTY, old-fashioned...
fuzzily 29 32 FUZZY, covered with...
gadgety 20 14 like a gadget [adj]
gaggery 21 15 the practice of tell...
gainsay 18 12 to deny or contradic...
galanty 19 13 as in galanty show,...
gallery 21 13 to provide with a lo...
gallfly 25 17 an insect that cause...
gangway 22 17 either of the sides...
garagey 19 13 in the garage style...
garbagy 22 16 like garbage, also G...
gargety 20 13 suffering from garge...
gaseity 19 11 the state of being g...
gassily 21 12 GASSY, containing ga...
gateway 21 14 a passage that may b...
gaudery 19 13 finery [n GAUDERIES]
gaudily 21 14 GAUDY, tastelessly s...
gauntly 20 14 GAUNT, emaciated [ad...
gauntry 19 13 a frame for supporti...
gauzily 24 22 GAUZY, resembling ga...
gawkily 25 19 GAWKY, awkward [adv]
geekery 19 15 preoccupation with,...
gelidly 22 14 GELID, extremely col...
gemmery 21 17 gems generally [n GE...
gemmily 23 18 GEMMY, resembling a...
geodesy 18 12 the branch of mathem...
geogeny 18 14 the science of the f...
geogony 18 14 the theory of the fo...
geology 20 14 the science of the o...
getaway 21 14 an escape [n -S]
ghastly 23 14 like a ghost in appe...
ghostly 23 14 relating to the soul...
giantly 20 13 like a giant [adj GI...
giantry 19 12 the race of giants [...
giddily 22 14 GIDDY, dizzy [adv]
gingely 21 15 the sesame seed or i...
gingery 20 14 sandy in colour [adj...
ginnery 18 13 a place where cotton...
gironny 18 13 in the shape of a gy...
glazily 25 22 GLAZY, covered with...
glitchy 27 17 characterised by gli...
glorify 23 15 to bestow honour or...
glowfly 27 19 a glowworm [n GLOWFL...
godlily 22 14 GODLY, like a god [a...
goofily 22 15 GOOFY, foolish, stup...
goombay 21 17 calypso music of the...
goonery 17 12 thuggish behaviour [...
goosery 18 11 a place for geese [n...
gossipy 22 14 inclined to gossip [...
goutfly 23 16 a fly whose lavae ca...
goutily 21 13 GOUTY, affected with...
gownboy 23 18 a school foundatione...
gradely 20 13 decent, orderly, als...
gramary 20 14 occult learning or m...
granary 18 12 a storehouse for gra...
grandly 20 14 GRAND, large and imp...
grapery 21 14 a building or inclos...
gratify 22 14 to satisfy [v GRATIF...
gravely 22 16 GRAVE, extremely ser...
gravity 22 15 the force of attract...
grayfly 29 17 (Milton) an unidenti...
greatly 20 12 GREAT, large, exalte...
greenly 19 13 GREEN, of the colour...
greisly 21 12 (Spenser) grisly, al...
griesly 21 12 (Spenser) grisly, al...
grimily 23 15 GRIMY, dirty, covere...
grisely 21 12 (Spenser) grisly, al...
gristly 22 12 containing gristle [...
grizzly 28 30 greyish [adj GRIZZLI...
grocery 22 14 a grocer's store [n...
grossly 21 12 GROSS, flagrant [adv...
grouchy 25 17 ill-tempered [adj GR...
growthy 25 16 exceptionally fast i...
gruffly 26 19 GRUFF, low and harsh...
grumbly 25 19 muttering in discont...
grumphy 26 20 a pig, also GRUMPHIE...
grungey 20 15 dirty, messy; unattr...
grysely 27 14 (Spenser) grisly, al...
guildry 22 14 membership of a guil...
gullery 22 14 a deception [n GULLE...
gummily 24 19 GUMMY, resembling gu...
gunnery 18 14 the use of guns [n G...
gunplay 22 17 the shooting of guns...
gushily 24 15 GUSHY, overly sentim...
gustily 22 13 GUSTY, blowing in gu...
gutsily 22 13 GUTSY, (colloquial)...
guttery 20 12 marked by vulgarity...
gyrally 28 15 GYRAL, moving in a c...
gyronny 24 15 in the shape of a gy...
hackery 24 18 an ox-drawn cart for...
hackney 23 19 a four-wheeled two-h...
hadaway 22 15 an interjection urgi...
haemony 19 15 a plant which could...
hairily 22 12 HAIRY [adv]
halfway 26 18 being in the middle...
hallway 25 16 a hall or corridor [...
hammily 24 18 HAMMY, overly theatr...
handily 21 14 HANDY, convenient [a...
happily 26 18 HAPPY, marked by joy...
hardily 22 13 HARDY, very sturdy [...
harmony 20 15 agreement [n HARMONI...
harshly 24 14 HARSH, severe [adv]
hartely 21 12 (Spenser) heartily,...
hastily 22 12 HASTY, speedy [adv]
haughty 24 16 arrogant [adj HAUGHT...
hautboy 22 15 (archaic) an old nam...
hazelly 25 22 of the color of the...
headily 21 13 HEADY, intoxicating...
headway 22 15 forward movement [n...
healthy 23 14 wholesome [adj HEALT...
hearsay 19 11 secondhand informati...
heartly 21 12 HEART [adv]
heavily 23 16 HEAVY, of great weig...
heftily 24 15 HEFTY, big of build...
hellery 22 13 rough play [n HELLER...
helotry 21 12 slavery or serfdom,...
hennery 18 13 a poultry farm [n HE...
herbary 22 14 a garden of herbs [n...
herdboy 22 15 a boy who acts as a...
heronry 19 12 a breeding place for...
hiccupy 30 21 marked by hiccups [a...
hickory 25 18 a hardwood tree [n H...
highboy 26 18 a tall chest of draw...
highway 27 18 a major road [n -S]
history 21 11 to relate in a histo...
hoarily 21 12 HOARY, white with ag...
hodaddy 20 14 a nonsurfer, also HO...
hoggery 22 15 hogs collectively [n...
holiday 21 13 to take a vacation [...
holyday 27 15 a religious holiday...
homeboy 22 17 a member of a youth...
honesty 19 12 the quality of being...
hornily 21 13 HORNY, like horn [ad...
horrify 23 14 to cause a reaction...
horsily 22 12 HORSY, like a horse,...
hosiery 20 11 stockings or socks [...
huckery 25 19 (colloquial) ugly [a...
huffily 27 19 HUFFY, easily offend...
humanly 22 17 HUMAN, like a human...
humidly 24 17 HUMID, moist, having...
hushaby 25 17 to sing a lullaby, a...
huskily 24 17 HUSKY, hoarse [adv]
hydroxy 33 21 of a compound, conta...
hymnary 27 17 a hymn book, also HY...
hymnody 27 18 the singing of hymns...
iconify 23 16 to reduce to an icon...
ideally 20 12 IDEAL, leaving nothi...
idiotcy 22 13 the state of being a...
ignobly 22 16 IGNOBLE, not noble,...
ilkaday 20 15 every day [n -S]
imagery 20 14 a mental picture [n...
impiety 22 15 lack of piety [n IMP...
inanely 17 12 INANE, empty, sensel...
inanity 17 11 something that is in...
inaptly 21 14 INAPT, unfit or unqu...
indeedy 17 12 indeed [interj]
ineptly 21 14 INEPT, unfit or unqu...
inertly 19 11 INERT, passive [adv]
infancy 22 17 the state of being a...
injelly 22 21 to place as if in je...
innerly 18 12 more inward [adv]
inquiry 27 20 a question, also ENQ...
introfy 20 13 to increase the wett...
irately 19 10 IRATE, angry [adv]
isogamy 20 14 the fusion of simila...
isogeny 18 12 the state of being o...
isogony 18 12 an equivalent relati...
isonomy 18 13 equality of law, rig...
isotopy 20 12 the state of being a...
itchily 26 15 ITCHY, affected with...
jadedly 21 21 JADED [adv]
jaggary 22 22 a coarse, dark sugar...
jaggery 22 22 a coarse, dark sugar...
jaloppy 25 25 a decrepit car, also...
jargony 20 21 using jargon [adj]
jaspery 22 21 of or like jasper, a...
jazzily 28 37 JAZZY, of or like ja...
jeepney 20 22 in the Philippines,...
jeezely 23 28 used as an intensifi...
jellify 25 23 to turn to jelly [v...
jerkily 23 23 JERKY, spasmodic [ad...
jessamy 21 21 (obsolete) jasmine,...
jewelry 24 22 jewels in general [n...
jimminy 23 25 an interjection expr...
jittery 21 18 extremely nervous [a...
jobbery 24 24 the conduct of publi...
jockney 23 26 the Scots dialect in...
joinery 19 19 the trade of a joine...
jointly 21 20 JOINT, combined [adv...
jollify 25 23 to make jolly [v JOL...
jollily 24 21 JOLLY, mirthful [adv...
jollity 23 20 mirth [n JOLLITIES]
joltily 23 20 JOLTY, in a jolting...
jookery 20 22 (Scots) trickery, ro...
joukery 21 23 trickery, also JOOKE...
journey 19 20 to travel [v -ED, -I...
juddery 21 21 given to juddering [...
juicily 26 23 JUICY, full of juice...
jumpily 26 26 JUMPY, nervy [adv]
jurally 23 21 JURAL, pertaining to...
justify 24 22 to vindicate [v JUST...
killjoy 24 24 one who spoils the f...
kinkily 22 19 KINKY, twisted [adv]
kitschy 26 18 having the quality o...
kitteny 19 14 like a kitten, skitt...
kludgey 22 18 involving or put tog...
knavery 20 18 trickery [n KNAVERIE...
knobbly 24 21 having very small kn...
knubbly 25 22 having little lumps,...
knuckly 25 23 having prominent knu...
kolacky 24 21 a kind of pastry, a...
kolhozy 25 25 KOLHOZ, a collective...
kolkozy 24 27 KOLKOZ, a collective...
kookily 21 18 KOOKY, eccentric [ad...
kouprey 21 17 an Indo-Chinese wild...
kvetchy 27 22 (Yiddish) habitually...
lacquey 30 23 to serve in a servil...
lactary 22 13 milky; full of white...
laddery 19 12 having a ladder [adj...
ladyboy 27 16 a transvestite [n -S...
ladyfly 29 17 a small beetle, also...
laicity 23 13 the state of being l...
lairdly 21 12 like a laird [adj LA...
laithly 23 13 LAITH, (Scots) loth,...
lamprey 22 16 a primitive fish-lik...
laneway 20 14 a narrow passageway,...
langley 20 14 a unit of illuminati...
laniary 18 11 a pointed conical to...
lankily 21 16 LANKY, tall and thin...
laptray 21 13 a tray with a cushio...
larceny 21 14 theft of personal pr...
largely 21 13 LARGE, great in size...
latency 21 14 the state of being p...
lathery 21 12 covered with lather...
laundry 19 13 a place where clothe...
layaway 27 15 an item that has bee...
leafery 20 13 foliage, also LEAFAG...
leakily 21 15 LEAKY, inclined to l...
lechery 24 15 excessive sexual ind...
leerily 20 11 LEERY, cunning, wary...
legally 22 14 LEGAL, according to...
legibly 24 16 LEGIBLE, capable of...
lengthy 22 15 very long [adj LENGT...
leprosy 21 13 a chronic disease wi...
levelly 23 16 LEVEL, even [adv]
lewdsby 25 17 someone addicted to...
liberty 22 13 the state of being f...
library 22 13 a room containing bo...
lichtly 27 16 (Scots) to slight or...
lichway 28 18 a path by which the...
licitly 25 14 LICIT, not forbidden...
lifeway 24 16 a way of living [n -...
liftboy 24 16 someone employed to...
lightly 25 15 to slight or make li...
lignify 23 16 to convert into wood...
likably 24 18 LIKABLE, able to be...
limpsey 23 16 lacking strength or...
linkboy 22 18 a male hired to ligh...
liquefy 30 23 to make or become li...
liquidy 29 21 having the nature of...
liquify 31 23 to make or become li...
lithely 23 13 LITHE, supple [adv]
lithify 25 15 to petrify, convert...
littery 20 10 covered with rubbish...
liturgy 22 13 a prescribed system...
lividly 24 16 LIVID, of bluish lea...
loathly 22 13 (archaic) hideous, l...
locally 24 15 LOCAL, from the imme...
loftily 23 14 LOFTY, very high [ad...
lollopy 23 15 lolloping [adj]
loobily 22 14 LOOBY, clumsy or stu...
loonily 19 12 LOONY, crazy [adv]
loopily 22 14 LOOPY, full of loops...
loosely 19 11 LOOSE, slack [adv]
lottery 19 10 a game of chance [n...
loungey 19 14 relating to or remin...
lousily 21 12 LOUSY, infested with...
loutery 19 11 loutish behaviour [n...
lovably 24 18 LOVABLE, worthy of l...
loverly 22 15 (archaic) like a lov...
lowlily 25 15 LOWLY, in a low posi...
loyally 27 14 LOYAL, faithful [adv...
loyalty 26 13 the state of being l...
lozengy 22 22 divided into lozenge...
lucency 25 18 the quality of being...
lucidly 25 16 LUCID, easily unders...
luckily 26 19 LUCKY, fortunate [ad...
lullaby 24 16 to lull to sleep wit...
lumpily 25 18 LUMPY, full of lumps...
luridly 22 13 LURID, shining with...
lustily 22 12 LUSTY, full of vigou...
lyingly 28 16 in an untruthful man...
maggoty 21 16 full of maggots [adj...
magnify 22 18 to increase the perc...
maistry 20 12 (obsolete) mastery,...
majesty 21 21 regal dignity [n MAJ...
majorly 22 22 MAJOR, greater [adv]
malarky 21 17 (US colloquial) absu...
malmsey 21 16 a strong sweet wine,...
mamaguy 21 18 (Caribbean) to decei...
mammary 21 18 a breast [n MAMMARIE...
mangaby 21 18 a long-tailed Africa...
mangily 21 16 MANGY, affected with...
manlily 21 15 MANLY, having the qu...
manuary 18 14 involving the hands...
mappery 23 18 working with maps [n...
marrowy 22 15 full of marrow; pith...
martyry 26 14 a shrine erected in...
masculy 24 17 covered with mascles...
masonry 18 13 the craft of a mason...
mastery 19 12 superior knowledge o...
mattery 19 12 producing pus [adj]
mattify 22 15 to use cosmetics to...
mazedly 23 23 MAZED [adv]
meadowy 21 16 of or pertaining to...
meatily 20 13 MEATY, full of meat...
mediacy 22 16 the act of mediating...
mellowy 24 17 matured [adj]
menschy 24 18 like a mensch, a per...
mercery 22 15 a mercer's shop [n M...
mercify 25 18 (Spenser) to show pi...
mercury 23 16 a metallic element [...
merrily 21 13 MERRY, mirthful, als...
mesally 21 14 MESAL, in or towards...
messily 21 13 MESSY, dirty or unti...
metally 21 14 METAL, made of metal...
methoxy 27 21 a drug that is claim...
metrify 22 15 to compose in metric...
mickery 24 19 (Native Australian)...
micrify 26 18 to make small [v MIC...
miffily 26 19 MIFFY, easily annoye...
mildewy 24 17 affected with mildew...
miliary 21 13 characterized by sma...
milkily 24 18 MILKY, like milk [ad...
mimicry 25 18 an act of mimicking...
mingily 22 16 MINGY [adv]
mirkily 23 17 MIRKY, dark, also MU...
misally 22 14 to ally badly [v MIS...
miscopy 25 18 to copy incorrectly...
miserly 21 13 characteristic of a...
misplay 23 16 to make a bad play i...
misrely 21 13 to rely wrongly [v M...
mistery 20 12 mystery, in the sens...
mistily 22 13 MISTY, blurry [adv]
mixedly 27 21 MIXED [adv]
mockery 23 19 the act of mocking [...
mockney 22 20 a person who affects...
modally 21 15 MODAL, related to mo...
modesty 19 13 the quality of being...
moistly 21 13 MOIST, slightly wet...
mollify 24 17 to soften, appease [...
mongery 19 15 trading in a particu...
monkery 19 17 the mode of life of...
monoecy 20 16 the condition of bei...
monthly 22 16 a publication issued...
moodily 20 14 MOODY, given to chan...
moonily 19 14 MOONY, resembling th...
morally 21 14 MORAL, observing pri...
morassy 19 12 like a morass, marsh...
mortary 19 12 resembling mortar [a...
mortify 22 15 to humiliate [v MORT...
mothery 21 14 consisting of, conta...
mousery 19 13 a place where mice g...
mousily 21 14 MOUSY, like a mouse;...
movably 24 20 so as to be capable...
muckily 26 21 MUCKY, dirty [adv]
muddily 22 16 MUDDY, covered with...
muggily 24 18 MUGGY, warm and humi...
mummery 22 19 a performance by mum...
mummify 25 22 to preserve by embal...
mundify 22 18 to cleanse, purify [...
murkily 23 18 MURKY, dark, also MI...
muscley 24 17 of a muscular build,...
muscovy 25 20 as in muscovy duck,...
mushily 24 16 MUSHY, like mush, so...
muskily 23 18 MUSKY, resembling mu...
mussily 22 14 MUSSY, disarranged,...
mustily 22 14 MUSTY, having a stal...
mutably 23 17 MUTABLE, capable of...
mutedly 21 15 MUTED [adv]
muttony 19 14 like mutton; having...
muzzily 28 32 MUZZY, confused [adv...
myology 27 17 the study of muscles...
mystery 26 14 something that canno...
mystify 29 17 to perplex [v MYSTIF...
naebody 18 14 (Scots) nobody [n NA...
nailery 18 11 a place where nails...
naively 20 15 NAIVE, lacking sophi...
naivety 19 14 the quality of being...
nakedly 19 16 NAKED, without cloth...
nargily 20 13 (Persian) a hookah,...
nasally 19 12 through the nose [ad...
nastily 19 11 NASTY, ill-natured [...
nattery 17 10 peevish [adj]
nattily 19 11 NATTY, neatly dresse...
naughty 21 15 badly-behaved [adj N...
navally 21 16 NAVAL, pertaining to...
nectary 20 13 a gland in a flower...
needily 18 12 NEEDY, in a state of...
neology 18 13 a new word, phrase o...
neoteny 15 11 attainment of sexual...
nervily 21 15 NERVY, nervous [adv]
newsboy 22 16 a boy who delivers n...
niftily 22 14 NIFTY, apt, agile; s...
niggery 20 14 like a black person...
nightly 23 15 taking place every n...
nigrify 22 15 to blacken [v NIGRIF...
nimiety 19 13 excess [n NIMIETIES]
ninthly 21 14 in the ninth place [...
nippily 24 17 NIPPY, quick [adv]
nitrify 21 13 to combine with nitr...
nobbily 23 17 NOBBY, stylish, modi...
nodally 19 13 NODAL, of the nature...
noisily 19 11 NOISY, making loud s...
nonbody 18 15 a person's nonphysic...
nonjury 19 21 not involving a jury...
nonoily 17 12 not oily [adj]
nonplay 19 15 a theatrical work th...
noology 18 13 the science of the i...
noonday 15 12 the middle of the da...
nosegay 17 12 a bouquet of fragran...
noshery 19 12 (colloquial) a cafe...
notably 20 14 NOTABLE [adv]
notedly 18 12 NOTED [adv]
novelly 21 16 NOVEL, new [adv]
novelty 20 15 something unusual [n...
nuggety 20 15 in nuggets [adj]
nullify 23 16 to make useless or i...
nullity 21 13 nothingness, also NU...
nummary 20 17 relating to coins or...
nunnery 16 13 a religious house fo...
nursery 18 11 a room for young chi...
nuttery 18 11 an area of nut-trees...
nuttily 20 12 NUTTY, tasting of nu...
nymphly 31 21 like a nymph [adj]
obesely 20 13 OBESE, very fat [adv...
obesity 20 12 the condition of bei...
obloquy 29 23 abusive language [n...
obolary 20 13 extremely poor [adj]
obsequy 28 22 a funeral rite, also...
octuply 25 17 OCTUPLE, eightfold [...
odyssey 24 12 (Greek) a long wande...
olitory 19 10 (archaic) a potherb,...
olivary 21 14 shaped like an olive...
omneity 18 13 allness, also OMNIET...
omniety 18 13 allness, also OMNEIT...
opacify 25 18 to make opaque [v OP...
opacity 23 15 something that is op...
orality 19 10 the state of being p...
orangey 17 12 somewhat orange, als...
oratory 17 9 the art of public sp...
orderly 19 11 a male attendant [n...
orebody 19 13 a mass of ore in a m...
organdy 18 13 a cotton fabric, als...
oriency 20 13 brightness or streng...
orogeny 17 12 the process of mount...
orology 19 12 the scientific study...
orphrey 22 14 gold or other rich e...
ossuary 18 10 a depository for the...
ostiary 18 9 a doorkeeper at a ch...
otology 19 12 the science of the e...
outcity 22 13 a city on the outski...
outpity 21 13 to surpass in pityin...
outplay 21 14 to excel or defeat i...
outpray 20 13 to surpass in prayin...
outstay 18 10 to surpass in stayin...
ovality 21 14 the state of being o...
ovately 20 14 OVATE, egg-shaped [a...
overbuy 22 17 to buy too much [v -...
overcoy 22 16 excessively coy [adj...
overdry 20 14 to dry too much [v O...
overfly 23 17 to fly over [v OVERF...
overjoy 21 22 to fill with great j...
overlay 20 14 to lay over [v OVERL...
overpay 21 16 to pay too much [v O...
overply 23 17 to ply to excess; ov...
overtly 21 14 OVERT, open to view...
ovulary 21 15 relating or belongin...
owrelay 21 13 (Scots) a large crav...
paceway 25 18 (Australian) a racec...
packway 27 22 a narrow path for pa...
pageboy 22 17 a boy attendant [n -...
paisley 21 13 a woollen or other f...
palfrey 23 16 a saddle horse, esp....
palmary 22 16 worthy of the ceremo...
paneity 19 13 the state of being b...
pangamy 21 18 random mating [n PAN...
panicky 24 20 tending to panic [ad...
panoply 22 17 an impressive, dazzl...
papally 24 17 PAPAL, of or relatin...
parkway 24 19 a broad road adorned...
parroty 20 12 like a hook-billed t...
parsley 21 13 a cultivated herb [n...
partway 23 15 to some extent [adv]
passkey 21 16 a key that opens sev...
pastily 22 13 PASTY, pale and unhe...
patency 22 16 the condition of bei...
pathway 25 17 a path [n -S]
paucity 24 16 smallness of number...
paughty 24 17 (Scots) haughty [adj...
paunchy 25 19 having a protruding...
pawkily 26 20 PAWKY, (Scots) drily...
payably 29 18 PAYABLE, able to be...
peartly 21 13 PEART, active, livel...
peatary 19 12 a region covered wit...
peatery 19 12 a region covered wit...
peccary 26 18 a hoofed mammal [n P...
pedlary 21 14 the trade of a peddl...
pedlery 21 14 the trade of a peddl...
penally 21 15 PENAL, pertaining to...
penalty 20 14 punishment imposed f...
peppery 24 18 resembling pepper [a...
peppily 26 19 PEPPY, full of energ...
perenty 19 13 a large Australian m...
perfidy 23 16 deliberate breach of...
perfumy 24 19 redolent of perfume...
perjury 23 22 false swearing under...
perkily 23 17 PERKY, cheerful, liv...
peskily 23 17 PESKY, annoying [adv...
pessary 20 12 a contraceptive devi...
petrary 20 12 a contrivance for hu...
petrify 23 15 to convert into a st...
pettily 22 13 PETTY, insignificant...
pewtery 23 15 of or like pewter [a...
phenoxy 27 22 containing a radical...
phlegmy 26 20 full of phlegm [adj...
phonily 23 16 PHONY, not genuine o...
phoresy 22 14 a symbiotic relation...
phratry 23 14 a tribal unit among...
phrensy 22 15 to make frantic, als...
pickery 25 19 pilfering [n PICKERI...
pickily 27 20 PICKY, choosy, fasti...
pickney 24 20 in Jamaican patois,...
piggery 23 16 a place where swine...
pigsney 21 15 (archaic) a term of...
pilfery 24 16 petty theft [n PILFE...
pillory 23 14 to hold up to public...
pillowy 26 17 resembling a pillow...
piosity 21 12 an excessive show of...
piously 22 14 PIOUS, marked by rel...
piscary 24 15 a place for fishing...
pithily 25 15 PITHY, full of pith,...
pizazzy 30 39 flamboyant, also PIZ...
plaguey 22 16 vexatious, also PLAG...
plainly 22 15 PLAIN, unadorned [ad...
planury 21 15 the discharge of uri...
planxty 27 21 an Irish or Welsh me...
playboy 29 18 a man devoted to ple...
playday 27 16 a holiday [n -S]
plebify 26 19 to lower to vulgar s...
plenary 20 14 attended by all memb...
pliably 25 17 PLIABLE, easily bent...
pliancy 24 17 the quality of being...
plovery 23 17 abounding in plovers...
plowboy 26 19 a boy who drives or...
plumery 23 17 plumes collectively...
plumply 27 21 PLUMP, somewhat fat...
plushly 26 17 PLUSH, luxurious [ad...
pockily 26 20 POCKY, covered with...
podgily 23 16 PODGY, short and fat...
pollicy 26 17 (Spenser) policy, al...
pomeroy 20 15 an old variety of ap...
pontify 22 16 to play the pontiff...
poovery 21 16 the state of being a...
portray 20 12 to paint or draw the...
postboy 22 15 a boy who carries ma...
potency 22 16 the quality of being...
pothery 22 14 in a turmoil [adj]
pottery 20 12 articles moulded fro...
poultry 22 14 farmyard fowls colle...
poverty 22 16 the state of being p...
powdery 23 16 like powder [adj POW...
pravity 23 16 wickedness [n PRAVIT...
preachy 25 17 tending to preach [a...
prelacy 24 16 the office of a prel...
prelaty 21 13 the office of a prel...
pricily 26 16 PRICY, expensive, al...
prickly 27 20 having many sharp po...
primacy 25 18 the state of being f...
primary 22 15 taking first place [...
primely 23 16 PRIME, in best condi...
priorly 22 13 PRIOR, previous [adv...
privacy 26 19 the state of being p...
privily 25 17 PRIVY, private [adv]
privity 24 16 private knowledge [n...
probity 23 15 complete and confirm...
prodigy 22 15 a child with excepti...
progeny 20 15 a descendant [n PROG...
pronely 20 14 PRONE, lying face do...
prosify 23 15 to write prose [v PR...
prosily 22 13 PROSY, prosaic, tedi...
prosody 20 13 the study of poetica...
proudly 22 15 PROUD, having or dis...
prudery 21 14 a person with affect...
psaltry 22 13 an ancient stringed...
puberty 23 16 the beginning of sex...
puckery 25 20 astringent; tending...
pudency 23 18 (Shakespeare) modest...
pudgily 24 17 PUDGY, short and fat...
puffery 25 19 excessive public pra...
puffily 27 20 PUFFY, swollen [adv]
puggery 23 17 (Hindi) a turban, a...
pulpify 27 20 to reduce to pulp [v...
pulpily 26 18 PULPY, resembling pu...
punaany 18 15 (slang) the female g...
pursily 23 14 PURSY, short of brea...
pushily 25 16 PUSHY, offensively a...
pussley 22 14 purslane, also PUSLE...
putrefy 23 16 to make or become pu...
pysanky 27 19 PYSANKA, (Russian) a...
quakily 29 24 QUAKY, quaking, shak...
qualify 30 23 to be eligible after...
quality 28 20 persons of the upper...
quartzy 30 28 like quartz [adj QUA...
quavery 28 23 shaky, quavering [ad...
queachy 31 24 forming a thicket; b...
queechy 31 24 forming a thicket; b...
queenly 26 21 like a queen [adj QU...
queerly 27 20 QUEER, strange [adv]
quickly 33 27 QUICK, acting or cap...
quietly 28 20 QUIET, making little...
quinary 26 20 a set of five [n QUI...
quivery 29 23 quivering [adj QUIVE...
rabbity 23 15 resembling a rabbit...
rabidly 22 14 RABID, afflicted wit...
raceway 23 15 a course for running...
rackety 22 16 noisy [adj RACKETIER...
raggedy 20 14 somewhat ragged [adj...
raggery 20 13 rags collectively [n...
railway 22 13 a railroad [n -S]
rainily 19 11 RAINY, marked by rai...
raisiny 18 10 full of raisins [adj...
randily 19 12 RANDY, full of sexua...
rangily 20 13 RANGY, tall and slen...
rapidly 22 14 RAPID, quick [adv]
ratably 21 13 RATABLE, capable of...
rattery 18 9 a place where rats a...
rattily 20 10 RATTY, infested with...
raucity 22 13 harshness of sound;...
raunchy 23 16 coarsely or openly s...
ravelly 22 15 tangled [adj]
readily 19 11 READY, prepared [adv...
reality 19 10 something that is re...
reapply 23 16 to apply again [v RE...
recarry 21 12 to carry again [v RE...
recency 23 16 the state of being r...
rectify 24 15 to correct, put righ...
rectory 21 12 a rector's dwelling...
reedify 20 13 to rebuild (a house,...
reedily 19 11 REEDY, abounding in...
reenjoy 18 19 to enjoy again [v -E...
reentry 17 10 a second entry [n RE...
regally 21 13 REGAL, royal [adv]
regency 21 15 the office of a rege...
remarry 19 12 to marry again [v RE...
remercy 22 15 (obsolete) to thank...
replevy 23 17 to regain possession...
respray 20 12 to spray again [v -E...
restudy 19 11 to study again [v RE...
retally 20 11 to tally again [v RE...
retiary 18 9 fighting with a net,...
rettery 18 9 a place where flax i...
reunify 20 14 to unify again [v RE...
revelry 21 14 noisy merrymaking [n...
rhatany 19 12 a South American shr...
riantly 19 11 RIANT, mirthful, gay...
ribbony 22 16 resembling ribbon [a...
rickety 23 16 shaky, ramshackle, a...
riflery 22 13 the practice of shoo...
rightly 24 14 RIGHT, being in acco...
rigidly 22 13 RIGID, stiff [adv]
ringway 22 15 a ring-road [n -S]
risibly 23 13 RISIBLE, provoking l...
riskily 22 14 RISKY, dangerous, al...
ritzily 24 19 RITZY, pretentious [...
rivalry 22 14 competition, also RI...
roadway 20 13 a road, also RODEWAY...
robbery 22 15 the act of one who r...
robotry 20 12 the science of robot...
rockaby 24 19 a song used to lull...
rockery 22 16 a rock garden [n ROC...
rockily 24 17 ROCKY, shaky, or uns...
rocklay 23 17 (Scots) a short cloa...
rodeway 20 13 (Shakespeare) a road...
roguery 19 12 roguish conduct [n R...
rokelay 19 14 (Scots) a short cloa...
rollway 23 14 an incline for rolli...
rookery 18 13 a colony of European...
roomily 20 13 ROOMY, spacious [adv...
ropeway 22 15 an aerial cable used...
rosebay 19 12 the oleander; any rh...
rosetty 18 9 (Scots) like rosin,...
roughly 23 15 ROUGH, having an une...
roundly 19 13 ROUND, shaped like a...
roupily 22 14 ROUPY, hoarse, also...
rowdily 23 14 ROWDY, turbulent [ad...
royally 26 13 ROYAL, relating to a...
royalty 25 12 the status or power...
rubbery 23 16 resembling an elasti...
rubbidy 24 17 a pub (rhyming slang...
rubbity 24 16 a pub (rhyming slang...
ruddily 21 13 RUDDY, reddish [adv]
rudesby 21 14 (Shakespeare) an unc...
rummily 23 17 RUMMY, queer [adv]
runaway 20 14 one that runs away [...
rurally 21 12 RURAL, belonging to...
russety 19 10 rust coloured [adj]
russify 22 13 to make Russian [v R...
rustily 21 11 RUSTY, covered with...
ruttily 21 11 RUTTY, marked by rut...
sacrify 24 15 to sacrifice [v SACR...
sagathy 21 13 a lightweight fabric...
saintly 19 11 befitting a saint [a...
salably 22 14 SALABLE, able to be...
sallowy 23 14 abounding in willow...
salmony 19 14 of or like a salmon...
salsify 22 13 the oyster plant, a...
saltery 19 10 a factory where fish...
saltily 21 11 SALTY, tasting of sa...
sandboy 19 14 one who is proverbia...
sandfly 21 15 any of various small...
sappily 24 16 SAPPY, full of sap [...
sarkily 21 14 SARKY, sarcastic [ad...
sassaby 20 12 (Setswana) a kind of...
sassily 20 10 SASSY, impertinent [...
satiety 18 9 the state of being s...
satisfy 21 12 to provide fully for...
satrapy 20 12 the territory of a s...
saucily 23 14 SAUCY, impertinent [...
saveloy 20 14 a highly seasoned sa...
savoury 20 14 pleasant to the tast...
savvily 24 18 SAVVY, shrewd [adv]
scantly 22 14 SCANT, scarce [adv]
scaredy 21 13 someone who is easil...
scarify 24 15 to make superficial...
scarily 23 13 SCARY, frightening,...
scenary 20 13 (obsolete) scenery [...
scenery 20 13 a picturesque landsc...
sceptry 24 15 (Keats) sceptred [ad...
schelly 26 16 a freshwater white f...
schizzy 31 32 affected with schizo...
scorify 24 15 to reduce to scoria...
scotomy 22 15 (obsolete) dizziness...
scraggy 24 16 skinny [adj SCRAGGIE...
scranny 20 14 thin, scrawny [adj S...
scrappy 26 18 fragmentary [adj SCR...
scrawly 26 16 written hastily or i...
scrawny 24 16 extremely thin, also...
screaky 22 16 creaky [adj SCREAKIE...
scrimpy 26 18 scanty [adj SCRIMPIE...
scroggy 24 16 abounding in scrogs,...
scrubby 27 19 inferior in size or...
scruffy 27 19 untidy, dirty [adj S...
scrummy 25 19 (colloquial) scrumpt...
scrumpy 26 19 a kind of rough cide...
scrunty 22 14 (Scots) stunted [adj...
sealery 18 10 the occupation of hu...
sebundy 20 15 an Indian irregular...
secrecy 24 15 the condition of bei...
sectary 21 12 a member of a sect [...
seedily 19 11 SEEDY, shabby [adv]
semidry 20 13 half dry [adj SEMIDR...
sensory 17 10 pertaining to the se...
servery 20 13 a room or rooms adjo...
seventy 19 14 a number [n SEVENTIE...
shadfly 24 16 the mayfly [n SHADFL...
shadily 22 13 SHADY, full of shade...
shadowy 23 15 full of shadows [adj...
shakily 23 16 SHAKY, shaking [adv]
shambly 25 18 awkwardly [adj SHAMB...
shandry 20 13 a light, sprung cart...
shantey 19 12 a song sung by sailo...
shapely 23 15 having a pleasing sh...
sharply 24 15 SHARP, keen, acute [...
shawley 24 15 in Ireland, a workin...
sheathy 22 13 sheathlike [adj SHEA...
sheeney 18 12 a Jew, a pawnbroker,...
sheerly 21 12 SHEER, utter [adv]
shimmey 23 17 a chemise [n -S]
shingly 23 15 covered with small,...
shinily 22 13 SHINY, filled with l...
shinney 19 13 to play a form of ho...
shipway 26 17 a sliding way for la...
shivery 23 15 shivering [adj SHIVE...
shleppy 26 18 shabby, rundown, als...
shlocky 26 19 of poor quality [adj...
shlumpy 26 19 (Yiddish) slovenly [...
shmoozy 24 23 given to shmoozing,...
shmucky 27 22 foolish, contemptibl...
shoggly 24 16 (Scots) shaky, also...
shoofly 23 15 a child's rocker wit...
shoogly 22 14 (Scots) shaky, also...
shopboy 24 17 a boy employed in a...
shortly 22 12 SHORT, having little...
showery 23 14 abounding with showe...
showily 25 15 SHOWY, making a bril...
shreddy 21 13 cut up [adj SHREDDIE...
shrieky 22 15 shrill [adj SHRIEKIE...
shrilly 24 13 high-pitched or pier...
shrimpy 25 17 abounding in shrimp...
shroudy 21 13 giving shelter [adj...
shrubby 26 18 covered with shrubs...
shticky 26 18 like a shtick, a fam...
siccity 26 15 dryness, aridity [n...
sickbay 25 19 a ship's hospital [n...
sidedly 20 12 adverb used in combi...
sideway 21 13 from the side, also...
sightly 24 14 pleasing to look at...
signary 19 12 a system of signals...
signify 22 15 to make known [v SIG...
signory 19 12 feudal lordship, als...
silkily 23 15 SILKY, resembling si...
sillily 23 12 SILLY, showing a lac...
silvery 22 14 appearing like silve...
sintery 18 10 coalescing under hea...
sixthly 29 19 SIXTH, number six in...
sizably 25 22 SIZABLE, of consider...
sketchy 25 18 lacking in completen...
skidway 23 17 a platform on which...
slackly 25 18 SLACK, not tight or...
slantly 20 12 SLANT, oblique [adv]
slavery 21 14 the ownership of one...
sleechy 24 15 slimy with mud [adj...
sleekly 21 15 SLEEK, smooth, gloss...
sleepry 21 13 (Scots) sleepy, also...
slickly 26 18 SLICK, smooth and sl...
slimily 23 14 SLIMY, resembling sl...
slimpsy 24 16 flimsy, also SLIMSY...
slipway 25 16 an sloping area for...
slouchy 25 16 slouching [adj SLOUC...
sloughy 23 15 full of sloughs, mir...
slumbry 24 17 full of slumber, als...
slutchy 26 16 (English dialect) mu...
smartly 21 13 SMART, clever [adv]
smickly 26 20 amorously [adv]
smokily 22 17 SMOKY, full of smoke...
smoochy 24 17 given to smooching [...
smoothy 21 14 a person with polish...
smutchy 26 18 smutched [adj SMUTCH...
snakily 20 15 SNAKY, like a snake,...
snatchy 23 15 irregular, in snatch...
snidely 19 12 SNIDE, base, also SN...
sniffly 24 17 having a sniffle [ad...
snitchy 24 15 bad tempered [adj SN...
snively 21 15 given to snivelling,...
snowily 22 14 SNOWY, full of snow...
snuffly 24 18 tending to snuffle [...
snuggly 22 16 warm and cosy [adj S...
soapily 21 13 SOAPY, like soap [ad...
soberly 21 13 SOBER, having contro...
society 21 12 an organized group,...
soggily 22 14 SOGGY, heavy with mo...
solidly 21 12 SOLID, having defini...
solubly 23 15 SOLUBLE, that dissol...
someday 18 13 at some future time...
someway 21 15 in some way, somehow...
somewhy 24 17 for some reason [adv...
sonancy 19 14 the quality of being...
soothly 21 12 (Spenser) truly, ind...
sootily 19 10 SOOTY, covered with...
soppily 24 16 SOPPY, foolishly sen...
sorcery 21 12 alleged use of super...
sorrily 20 10 SORRY, feeling regre...
soundly 19 13 SOUND, being in good...
soupily 22 14 SOUPY [adv]
sowarry 21 12 (Urdu) a mounted ret...
spangly 22 16 covered with spangle...
sparely 21 13 SPARE, meagre [adv]
sparkly 23 17 sparkling [adj SPARK...
specify 26 18 to state in detail [...
spicery 24 15 spices in general; a...
spicily 26 16 SPICY, tasting of sp...
spidery 21 13 like a spider, scraw...
spikery 22 16 very High-Church Ang...
spikily 24 17 SPIKY, resembling a...
spindly 22 15 long and slender [ad...
spinney 19 14 a small thicket or g...
spirity 22 12 (dialect) spirited;...
spittly 23 13 like or covered with...
splashy 24 15 given to splashing [...
spleeny 20 14 (Shakespeare) irrita...
splodgy 23 16 covered with splodge...
splurgy 24 16 tending to splurge [...
spooney 18 13 foolishly fond, also...
sprawly 25 16 tending to sprawl [a...
sprayey 26 14 full of spray [adj S...
spriggy 24 16 having small branche...
springy 22 15 resilient [adj SPRIN...
spritzy 25 21 emitting a spray [ad...
spurrey 21 13 an annual herb with...
spurway 24 16 a bridle road [n -S]
squabby 31 25 short and thick, als...
squaddy 27 21 (colloquial) a soldi...
squally 29 21 full of squalls [adj...
squashy 29 21 yielding, soft and m...
squatly 28 20 SQUAT, short and thi...
squatty 27 19 squat, dumpy [adj SQ...
squawky 31 26 shrill and grating [...
squeaky 27 23 making a squeak [adj...
squeezy 29 28 squeezable [adj SQUE...
squidgy 29 22 unpleasantly damp, c...
squiffy 32 25 (colloquial) tipsy,...
squinny 26 21 squinting [adj SQUIN...
squinty 27 20 marked by squinting...
squirmy 29 22 given to squirming [...
squishy 30 21 squashy [adj SQUISHI...
stagery 19 11 theatrical contrivan...
stagily 21 12 STAGY, having a thea...
staidly 20 11 STAID, sober and sed...
stalely 20 11 STALE, not fresh [ad...
standby 20 14 one who can be relie...
starchy 24 14 containing starch [a...
starkly 21 14 STARK, stern, harsh...
startly 20 10 of a horse, apt to s...
startsy 19 9 STARETS, a spiritual...
stately 19 10 dignified [adj STATE...
statusy 19 10 conferring prestige...
steeply 21 13 STEEP, inclined shar...
stenchy 23 15 having a foul odour...
stenoky 18 14 the ability to live...
stepney 19 13 (slang) a spare whee...
sternly 19 11 STERN, severe [adv]
stiffly 25 16 STIFF, rigid [adv]
stonily 19 11 STONY, of or like st...
stoutly 20 11 STOUT, thick, resolu...
strappy 23 15 having straps [adj S...
streaky 19 13 covered with streaks...
streamy 19 12 streaming [adj STREA...
streety 18 9 abounding in streets...
stressy 19 9 (colloquial) causing...
stringy 20 12 fibrous [adj STRINGI...
stripey 21 12 patterned with strip...
stroppy 23 15 (colloquial) touchy,...
stubbly 25 17 covered with stubble...
stumbly 24 17 apt to stumble [adj...
stupefy 23 16 to dull the senses o...
suasory 18 10 tending to persuade;...
suavely 21 15 SUAVE, sophisticated...
suavity 21 14 the state of being s...
subsidy 22 14 a grant or contribut...
succory 25 16 chicory [n SUCCORIES...
sulfury 23 15 resembling sulfur, a...
sulkily 23 16 SULKY, in a resentfu...
summary 21 16 a condensation of th...
summery 21 16 characteristic of su...
sunnily 19 13 SUNNY, full of sun [...
surdity 20 11 deafness [n SURDITIE...
surgery 20 12 the treatment of med...
surlily 22 12 SURLY, sullenly rude...
sutlery 20 11 a camp hawker's stal...
swankey 21 17 (Scots) one who show...
swarthy 24 14 having a dark comple...
sweeney 19 13 atrophy of a horse's...
sweetly 22 13 SWEET, tasting like...
sweltry 23 13 oppressively hot [ad...
swiftly 26 16 SWIFT, rapid [adv]
swinery 21 13 a place where pigs a...
swingby 25 18 a spacecraft mission...
swinney 20 14 atrophy of a horse's...
switchy 28 17 full of switches [ad...
swithly 26 15 SWITH [adv]
synergy 25 14 combined action, als...
syngamy 26 17 the union of two gam...
synteny 23 13 the presence of seve...
syntony 23 13 the tuning of transm...
tacitly 23 13 TACIT, unspoken; und...
tackety 22 16 like a tacket or hob...
tackify 25 19 to make tacky [v TAC...
tackily 24 17 TACKY, adhesive, als...
taffety 22 15 made of taffeta, a t...
tailfly 23 14 part of a fishing fl...
tallboy 22 14 a high chest of draw...
tallowy 23 14 resembling tallow, a...
tannery 16 11 a place where hides...
tantivy 20 14 a hunting cry [n TAN...
tantony 16 11 the smallest pig in...
tapstry 21 12 a taproom in a publi...
tardily 20 11 TARDY, late [adv]
tartily 20 10 TARTY, like a prosti...
tastily 20 10 TASTY, pleasant to t...
tatouay 17 10 a South American arm...
tattery 18 9 ragged [adj]
tattily 20 10 TATTY, shabby, fraye...
tawnily 22 14 TAWNY, orange-brown,...
taxably 27 20 TAXABLE, capable of...
taxiway 27 19 at an airport, a spe...
tearily 19 10 TEARY, wet with tear...
techily 25 15 TECHY, irritable, al...
teentsy 17 10 (colloquial) very sm...
telergy 20 12 a physical force in...
tenably 20 14 TENABLE, capable of...
tenancy 19 14 the temporary occupa...
tensely 18 11 TENSE, taut [adv]
tensity 18 10 the state of being t...
tenthly 21 13 TENTH, number ten in...
tenuity 18 11 lack of strength [n...
tepidly 22 14 TEPID, moderately wa...
ternary 17 10 a group of three [n...
terrify 21 12 to cause terror in [...
tersely 19 10 TERSE, succinct [adv...
testacy 21 12 the state of being t...
testify 21 12 to bear witness [v T...
testily 20 10 TESTY, irritable [ad...
teughly 23 15 TEUGH, (Scots) tough...
thatchy 26 16 resembling thatch [a...
thegnly 22 15 like a thegn [adj]
therapy 22 14 the treatment of ill...
thereby 22 14 by that means [adv]
theurgy 22 14 magic or miracles by...
thickly 27 19 THICK, having a grea...
thirdly 23 13 THIRD, number three...
thirsty 22 11 feeling a need to dr...
thistly 23 12 full of thistles [ad...
thrashy 23 13 characteristic of a...
thready 20 12 resembling a thread...
thretty 21 11 (dialect) thirty [ad...
thrifty 24 14 frugal [adj THRIFTIE...
thrilly 24 13 full of thrills [adj...
thristy 22 11 (Spenser) thirsty [a...
throaty 20 11 of a voice, vocal so...
thrummy 24 18 made of or like thru...
thruway 24 15 (US) a motorway, als...
thurify 24 15 to perfume with ince...
tidally 21 12 TIDAL, pertaining to...
tiddley 20 12 slightly drunk, also...
tideway 21 13 a channel in which t...
tiffany 22 16 a thin, mesh fabric...
tigerly 21 12 like a tiger [adj]
tightly 24 14 TIGHT, firmly or clo...
tilbury 23 14 a carriage having tw...
timbery 22 15 resembling timber [a...
timidly 22 14 TIMID, lacking coura...
timothy 22 14 a European grass [n...
tindery 18 11 like tinder [adj]
tinnily 19 12 TINNY, making a nois...
tinsely 19 11 like tinsel, also TI...
tipsify 24 15 to make tipsy [v TIP...
tipsily 23 13 TIPSY, slightly drun...
tiredly 20 11 TIRED, fatigued [adv...
tissuey 19 10 resembling tissue [a...
tittupy 22 13 gay, lively, unstead...
tockley 23 17 (Australian slang) p...
toggery 20 13 clothes; garments; a...
tollway 23 14 a road on which toll...
tonally 19 12 TONAL, pertaining to...
topiary 20 12 the art of trimming...
torpefy 22 15 to make numb or torp...
torquey 26 19 providing force to c...
torrefy 20 12 to subject to intens...
torrify 21 12 to subject to intens...
tossily 20 10 TOSSY, tossing the h...
totally 20 11 TOTAL [adv]
tottery 18 9 shaky [adj]
toughly 23 15 TOUGH, hard, durable...
tourney 17 11 to compete in a tour...
towaway 23 15 the act of towing aw...
tracery 21 12 ornamental work of i...
tragedy 19 12 a disastrous event [...
tramway 22 15 a route for a tram [...
trancey 20 13 (of music, etc.) cre...
trawley 22 13 a small truck for tr...
treacly 22 13 thick and sweet like...
trembly 23 16 tremulous [adj TREMB...
tribady 21 13 lesbianism, also TRI...
tricity 23 12 an area that compris...
trickly 25 17 marked by trickling...
tricksy 24 16 mischievous [adj TRI...
trifoly 22 13 a plant having three...
trigamy 21 14 having three legal s...
trilogy 21 12 a group of three rel...
trinary 18 10 consisting of three...
trinity 19 10 a group of three [n...
tripery 21 12 a place that sells o...
tripody 21 13 a verse of three met...
trisomy 20 12 the condition of bei...
tritely 20 10 TRITE, banal, common...
trolley 20 11 to travel by streetc...
truancy 21 14 an act of truanting,...
tuftily 23 14 TUFTY, abounding in...
tumidly 22 15 TUMID, swollen [adv]
tunably 21 15 TUNABLE, capable of...
turbary 21 13 a place where peat c...
turnery 18 11 the shaping of artic...
turnipy 21 14 like a turnip [adj]
turnkey 19 15 a person who has cha...
tushery 21 12 a style of period no...
twaddly 23 15 boringly [adj TWADDL...
twankay 21 17 (Chinese) a variety...
twiddly 24 15 having many turns [a...
twinkly 24 18 given to twinkling [...
twitchy 28 17 given to twitching [...
tympany 27 18 a swelling of the ab...
tyranny 23 13 the rule of a tyrant...
tzigany 22 21 (Hungarian) a gypsy,...
ufology 22 16 the study of unident...
unaptly 21 15 UNAPT, unfit or unqu...
unbulky 23 20 not bulky [adj UNBUL...
uncanny 19 16 strange and inexplic...
unchary 23 16 not chary [adj UNCHA...
uncomfy 24 20 (colloquial) not com...
uncrazy 24 23 not crazy [adj]
undeify 20 15 to deprive of the na...
unfancy 22 18 not fancy [adj UNFAN...
unfitly 22 15 UNFIT, not fit [adv]
unfunny 19 17 not funny [adj UNFUN...
unfussy 21 15 not fussy [adj UNFUS...
ungodly 20 15 not godly [adj UNGOD...
unhandy 19 15 clumsy, awkward [adj...
unhappy 24 19 not happy [adj UNHAP...
unhardy 20 14 not hardy [adj UNHAR...
unhasty 20 13 not hasty [adj UNHAS...
unheedy 19 14 incautious; heedless...
unibody 20 15 a single moulded uni...
unicity 22 14 uniqueness, oneness...
unitary 18 11 of the nature of a u...
unlucky 24 20 not lucky [adj UNLUC...
unmanly 19 16 not manly [adj UNMAN...
unmarry 19 14 to dissolve the marr...
unmerry 19 14 not merry [adj UNMER...
unnoisy 17 12 not noisy [adj UNNOI...
unready 17 12 not ready, also UNRE...
unscary 21 14 not scary [adj UNSCA...
unshowy 23 16 not showy [adj UNSHO...
unsoncy 20 15 (Scots) unlucky, als...
unsonsy 17 12 (Scots) unlucky, als...
unsunny 17 14 not sunny [adj UNSUN...
untenty 17 12 (Scots) careless [ad...
untruly 20 13 UNTRUE, not true [ad...
unweary 20 14 not weary [adj UNWEA...
unweldy 22 16 (Spenser) unwieldy,...
unwitty 22 14 not witty [adj UNWIT...
urgency 22 16 a strong urgency or...
urinary 18 11 (obsolete) a reservo...
urology 20 13 the study of urine o...
useably 21 14 USEABLE, that can be...
usually 21 13 USUAL, customary [ad...
utility 21 11 the quality of being...
utterly 20 11 UTTER, complete [adv...
vacancy 25 20 the state of being v...
vacuity 24 17 an empty space [n VA...
vagally 23 17 VAGAL, pertaining to...
vaguely 22 17 VAGUE, indeterminate...
valency 23 18 a chemical bond, als...
validly 23 16 VALID, sound, legall...
vallary 22 15 (Latin) a Roman circ...
vapidly 24 18 VAPID, empty [adv]
vapoury 22 17 full of vapour; affe...
variety 20 13 diversity [n VARIETI...
varsity 21 13 (colloquial) univers...
vastity 21 13 vastness, also VASTI...
velvety 23 18 having the plush of...
venally 21 16 VENAL, open to bribe...
verbify 25 19 to use as a verb [v...
vermily 23 17 (Spenser) vermilion,...
verminy 21 17 infested with vermin...
versify 23 16 to change from prose...
vexedly 27 22 VEXED [adv]
vicarly 25 17 like a vicar [adj]
viceroy 23 16 one who rules as the...
victory 24 16 a successful outcome...
viduity 22 15 the state of being a...
villany 22 16 conduct characterist...
virally 23 15 VIRAL, relating to o...
virelay 21 14 (French) an old Fren...
visibly 25 17 VISIBLE, able to be...
visnomy 21 17 the act of judging c...
vitally 23 15 VITAL, necessary to...
vitrify 24 16 to convert into glas...
vivency 25 21 vitality [n VIVENCIE...
vividly 25 19 VIVID, strikingly br...
vixenly 27 22 snarling [adj]
vocably 26 20 VOCABLE, capable of...
vocally 25 18 with the voice [adv]
volubly 25 19 VOLUBLE, fluent in s...
vouvray 22 18 (French) a French wh...
vowelly 25 18 full of vowels [adj]
vyingly 29 19 VYING, contending [a...
wackily 27 20 WACKY, eccentric, al...
waggery 23 16 mischievous behaviou...
walkway 26 20 a pedestrian route [...
wallaby 25 17 (Native Australian)...
washday 23 15 a day on which one w...
washery 23 14 a washhouse [n WASHE...
washily 25 15 overly diluted [adv]
waspily 25 16 WASPY, like a wasp,...
wastery 21 12 reckless extravaganc...
wealthy 24 15 rich [adj WEALTHIER,...
wearily 22 13 WEARY, tired [adv]
weasely 21 13 like a weasel (an an...
weedery 20 13 a place full of weed...
weedily 22 14 WEEDY, resembling we...
weekday 21 17 usually any day from...
weepily 24 16 WEEPY, tending to we...
weevily 24 17 infested with weevil...
weighty 25 16 heavy, ponderous [ad...
weirdly 23 14 WEIRD, eeerily stran...
welaway 24 16 (archaic) alas, also...
whalery 24 15 whaling [n WHALERIES...
whereby 25 17 by which [adv]
whimsey 25 17 delicately fanciful...
whipray 26 17 a stingray [n -S]
whiskey 25 18 an alcoholic spirit,...
whitely 25 15 WHITE, of the color...
wiggery 24 16 a wig or wigs; false...
wightly 27 17 WIGHT, swift, nimble...
willowy 27 17 slender and graceful...
windily 23 15 WINDY, related to wi...
windowy 24 17 like a window [adj]
windway 24 17 a passage for air [n...
wintery 21 13 having the character...
wireway 24 15 a tube for protectin...
wiseguy 23 15 a person who wants t...
wispily 26 16 WISPY, like a wisp,...
wittily 24 13 WITTY, possessed of...
wofully 26 18 WOFUL, full of grief...
womanly 22 17 like a woman [adj WO...
wonkery 21 17 the qualities or act...
wonkily 23 18 WONKY [adv]
woolsey 21 13 (obsolete) a cotton...
woozily 25 22 WOOZY, slightly drun...
wordily 23 14 WORDY, verbose [adv]
workday 22 17 a day on which work...
workshy 25 18 hating or avoiding w...
worldly 24 15 pertaining to the wo...
wormery 22 15 a place in which wor...
wormfly 26 19 a type of fishing fl...
wreathy 23 14 like a wreath [adj W...
wriggly 26 17 wriggling [adj WRIGG...
wrinkly 24 18 wrinkled [adj WRINKL...
wrongly 23 16 WRONG, not according...
yellowy 29 16 yellowish [adj YELLO...
yobbery 28 17 loutish behaviour, a...
youngly 26 16 in the manner of you...
youthly 28 15 (Spenser) youthful,...
yuppify 32 21 to infuse with the q...
zedoary 20 19 the medicinal root o...
zestily 23 19 ZESTY, full of zest...
zincify 27 25 to coat with zinc, a...
zinkify 25 26 to coat or impregnat...
zippily 28 25 ZIPPY [adv]
zombify 27 27 to make lethargic [v...
zonally 22 21 ZONAL, pertaining to...
zoogamy 22 23 sexual reproduction...
zoogeny 20 21 the doctrine of the...
zoogony 20 21 the doctrine of the...
zoology 22 21 the science of anima...
zoonomy 20 22 animal physiology, a...
zoopery 22 21 experimentation on a...
zootaxy 26 25 systematic zoology [...
zootomy 21 21 the dissection of an...
zymurgy 31 26 the branch of applie...