5 letter words that end with Y

5 letter words that end with Y

5 letter Y word


Words With Friends®


abbey 18 13 a building inhabited...
abray 16 10 (Spenser) to awake,...
absey 16 10 (obsolete) the alpha...
accoy 20 13 (Spenser) to subdue,...
acidy 18 11 resembling acid, sou...
aggry 17 11 ancient West African...
agley 16 10 (Scots) with a turn...
agony 14 10 extreme suffering [n...
aiery 14 7 the nest of a bird o...
alary 15 8 of or pertaining to...
allay 16 9 to reduce in intensi...
alley 16 9 a narrow passageway,...
alloy 16 9 to combine a mixture...
alway 18 11 (archaic) always [ad...
ambry 18 13 a cupboard for sacre...
amity 16 10 friendship [n AMITIE...
amply 19 14 AMPLE, plentiful [ad...
angry 15 10 having anger [adj AN...
annoy 12 9 to be troublesome to...
anomy 14 11 (French) a condition...
antsy 14 8 eager, excited [adj...
apery 16 10 the act of aping [n...
appay 18 13 to satisfy, also APA...
apply 20 14 to bring to bear [v...
appuy 19 14 to give military sup...
aptly 18 11 APT, suited to [adv]
arefy 16 10 to dry up [v AREFIED...
array 14 7 to place in order [v...
arsey 14 7 aggressive, irritabl...
artsy 15 7 arty [adj ARTSIER, A...
assay 14 7 to put to the proof,...
asway 17 10 swayingly [adv]
ataxy 20 14 loss of muscular coo...
atimy 16 10 loss of honour [n AT...
atomy 15 10 (archaic) an atom, a...
atony 13 8 muscular debility, a...
atopy 16 10 an inherited tendenc...
aunty 14 9 an aunt, also AUNTIE...
awmry 19 13 a cupboard for sacre...
azury 18 17 a bluish colour, als...
azygy 25 20 a state of being unp...
baccy 23 16 (colloquial) tobacco...
baddy 17 12 a bad person, also B...
badly 18 12 BAD, not good [adv]
baffy 21 16 a wooden golf club [...
baggy 19 14 loose fitting [adj B...
baldy 18 12 a bald person [n BAL...
balky 19 15 apt to balk; as, a b...
bally 19 12 a noisy uproar [n BA...
balmy 19 14 mild, temperate [adj...
bandy 16 12 to toss to and fro [...
banty 16 11 a bantam [n BANTIES]
barby 19 13 (Australian slang) a...
bardy 17 11 (Scots) scolding, im...
barky 18 14 having a tough outer...
barmy 18 13 foamy, dotty, also B...
barny 16 11 like a barn [adj BAR...
barry 17 10 (Australian slang) a...
bassy 17 10 somewhat deep in sou...
batty 17 10 (colloquial) crazy [...
bawdy 20 14 obscene [adj BAWDIER...
bawty 20 13 a kind of dog, also...
beady 16 11 resembling beads [ad...
beaky 17 14 resembling a beak [a...
beamy 17 13 radiant [adj BEAMIER...
beany 15 11 a small close-fittin...
beaty 16 10 of music, having a m...
beefy 18 13 thickly built [adj B...
beery 16 10 smelling of beer [ad...
beigy 18 12 relating to the colo...
belay 17 11 to fasten a rope [v...
belly 19 12 to swell out [v BELL...
bendy 16 12 a tropical plant [n...
benny 15 12 (slang) an overcoat...
benty 16 11 like wiry grass [adj...
beray 16 10 (obsolete) to befoul...
berry 17 10 a fleshy fruit which...
betty 17 10 a burglar's tool, a...
bevvy 21 18 an alcoholic drink [...
bezzy 23 28 (slang) one's best f...
bialy 18 11 an onion roll, also...
biccy 24 16 (slang) biscuit, als...
biddy 18 12 a chicken or hen; an...
biffy 22 16 (US) an outdoor toil...
biggy 20 14 a biggish thing, als...
bigly 20 13 BIG, of large size [...
bilby 21 14 a burrowing marsupia...
bilgy 20 13 having the smell of...
billy 20 12 (Australian slang) a...
bingy 18 13 (Australian slang) t...
birsy 18 10 (Scots) bristly [adj...
bitsy 18 10 small and attractive...
bitty 18 10 fragmented [adj BITT...
bivvy 22 18 to bivouac, to remai...
bizzy 24 28 a policeman [n BIZZI...
blady 18 12 as in blady grass, a...
blimy 20 14 an interjection expr...
bliny 18 12 BLIN, (Russian) a sm...
blowy 21 14 windy, gusty [adj BL...
bludy 19 13 stained with blood,...
bluey 18 12 a swagman's bundle o...
bobby 21 16 (slang) a policeman...
bogey 17 12 to shoot one over pa...
boggy 19 14 like a bog [adj BOGG...
boney 15 11 like bone, also BONY...
bonny 15 12 a sweetheart [n BONN...
booay 15 10 a remote rural place...
booby 18 13 a name for various k...
boody 16 11 to sulk or mope [v B...
boofy 18 13 muscular and strong...
boogy 17 12 to dance to rock mus...
booky 17 14 by way of being lite...
boomy 17 13 hollow-sounding [adj...
booty 16 10 a rich prize [n BOOT...
boozy 19 19 inclined to booze, a...
boppy 21 16 suggestive of bebop...
borty 17 10 relating to bort, di...
bosky 18 14 woody or bushy [adj...
bossy 17 10 a cow [n BOSSIES] /...
bothy 19 12 (Scots) a hut, cabin...
botty 17 10 (colloquial) a botto...
bousy 17 11 inclined to booze, a...
boxty 23 17 an Irish dish of pot...
boysy 23 12 suited to or typical...
braky 18 14 abounding in shrubs...
braxy 23 17 a bacterial disease...
briny 17 11 the sea [n BRINIES]...
brosy 17 10 having the quality o...
bubby 22 17 (colloquial) a woman...
buddy 18 13 to become close frie...
buffy 22 17 of a yellowish-brown...
bufty 20 14 (colloquial) a homos...
buggy 20 15 a light carriage [n...
bulgy 20 14 bulging [adj BULGIER...
bulky 20 16 having bulk [adj BUL...
bully 20 13 to treat threatening...
bumpy 21 17 of uneven surface [a...
bundy 17 13 to clock on or clock...
bungy 18 14 a strong rubber rope...
bunjy 19 21 a strong rubber rope...
bunny 16 13 (colloquial) a rabbi...
bunty 17 12 having bunt, a disea...
buppy 22 17 a black urban profes...
burly 19 12 heavy and muscular [...
burry 18 11 abounding in burs, o...
busby 20 14 a fur hat with a bag...
bushy 20 13 having many bushes [...
busky 19 15 (Shakespeare) bushy...
busty 18 11 full-bosomed [adj BU...
butty 18 11 a fellow workman, es...
buzzy 24 29 having a buzzing qua...
byway 26 15 a side road [n -S]
cabby 22 16 (colloquial) a cabdr...
cacky 22 17 of or like excrement...
caddy 18 12 to serve as a golfer...
cadgy 19 13 cheerful, also KIDGI...
cagey 18 12 shrewd, also CAGY [a...
cakey 18 14 lumpy, also CAKY [ad...
calmy 20 14 clayey [adj CALMIER,...
campy 21 16 comically exaggerate...
candy 17 12 to coat with sugar [...
canny 16 12 prudent, also CANNIE...
canty 17 11 (Scots) contented [a...
carby 20 13 (Australian) short f...
cardy 18 11 (short for) a short...
carny 17 11 to coax, also CARNEY...
carry 18 10 to convey from one p...
carvy 20 14 a herb used in cooki...
casky 19 14 resembling a cask [a...
catty 18 10 spiteful [adj CATTIE...
certy 18 10 as in by my certy, S...
chary 20 12 discreetly cautious...
chevy 22 16 to chase about, also...
chewy 23 15 not easily chewed [a...
chivy 23 16 to chase about, also...
choky 21 16 a prison [n CHOKIES]...
ciggy 21 14 (slang) cigarette, a...
cissy 19 10 an effeminate boy [n...
civvy 23 18 (short for) a civili...
clary 19 11 any plant of the gen...
cluey 19 12 (Australian slang) w...
coady 17 11 a sauce made from mo...
coaly 18 11 containing coal [adj...
cobby 22 16 stout, obstinate [ad...
cocky 22 17 an Australian farmer...
colby 21 14 a type of mild-tasti...
coley 18 11 an edible fish of th...
colly 20 12 to blacken with coal...
comby 21 16 full of holes like a...
comfy 21 16 (colloquial) comfort...
commy 20 16 a Communist, also CO...
coney 16 11 a rabbit, also CONY...
conky 18 15 full of a tree fungu...
cooey 16 10 to cry out shrilly,...
cooky 18 14 a small flat cake, a...
cooly 18 11 (historical) a (non-...
coomy 18 13 full of coom, soot;...
copay 19 13 an amount payable by...
coppy 22 16 a small stool [n COP...
copsy 20 13 like a coppice [adj...
corby 20 13 a raven, a crow, als...
corey 17 10 the penis, also CORY...
corky 19 14 like cork [adj CORKI...
corny 17 11 trite, sentimental [...
cosey 17 10 a covering for a tea...
covey 19 14 a small flock of bir...
cowry 21 13 a glossy seashell, a...
coyly 25 13 COY, modest, bashful...
cozey 20 19 a covering for a tea...
crapy 20 13 like crape [adj CRAP...
crazy 21 19 insane [adj CRAZIER,...
crepy 20 13 having the texture o...
crony 17 11 a close friend [n CR...
crudy 19 12 (Shakespeare) crude,...
crusy 19 11 (Scots) an open iron...
cubby 23 17 a snug enclosed spac...
cuddy 19 13 (Scots) a young coal...
cully 21 13 to cheat, deceive [v...
culty 20 12 intended to appeal t...
cundy 18 13 a covered drain, als...
cuppy 23 17 cuplike [adj CUPPIER...
curdy 19 12 having the texture o...
curly 20 12 tending to curl [adj...
curny 18 12 granular, also CURNE...
curry 19 11 meat, fish, vegetabl...
curvy 21 15 curved [adj CURVIER,...
cushy 21 13 (colloquial) easy, c...
cuspy 21 14 of a computer progra...
cutey 18 11 a cute person, also...
cutty 19 11 a short clay pipe [n...
daddy 15 10 (colloquial) father...
daffy 19 14 short for daffodil [...
daggy 17 12 (Australian colloqui...
daily 16 9 a newspaper publishe...
dairy 15 8 a shop where dairy p...
daisy 15 8 a flowering plant [n...
dally 17 10 to waste time [v DAL...
dampy 18 14 somewhat damp [adj D...
dancy 17 12 (esp. of electronic...
dandy 14 10 a fop [n DANDIES] /...
danny 13 10 the hand, also DONNY...
darcy 18 11 a unit of geological...
darky 16 12 (offensive) a colour...
dashy 17 10 stylish [adj DASHIER...
dauby 17 12 smeary [adj DAUBIER,...
deary 14 8 a term of endearment...
deawy 17 11 (Spenser) dewy, also...
debby 19 14 a debutante [n DEBBI...
decay 17 11 to decompose [v -ED,...
decoy 17 11 to lure into a trap...
decry 18 11 to denounce [v DECRI...
deedy 14 9 industrious [adj DEE...
deely 15 9 as in deely boppers,...
deify 17 11 to make a god of [v...
deity 15 8 a god or goddess [n...
delay 15 9 to put off to a late...
delly 17 10 (colloquial) a delic...
denay 13 9 (obsolete) to declar...
deoxy 20 15 having less oxygen t...
deray 14 8 (obsolete) to derang...
derby 17 11 a type of hat [n DER...
derry 15 8 (Australian slang) a...
diary 15 8 a personal journal [...
dicey 18 11 dangerous [adj DICIE...
dicky 20 15 poor in condition [a...
dicty 19 11 (US slang) proud, sn...
diddy 16 10 (colloquial) small,...
dikey 16 12 (colloquial) like a...
dilly 18 10 a small bag, also DI...
dimly 18 12 DIM, obscure [adv]
dingy 16 11 to ignore or avoid [...
dinky 16 13 a small locomotive,...
dippy 20 14 crazy, insane [adj D...
dirty 16 8 soiled [adj DIRTIER,...
dishy 18 10 (colloquial) attract...
ditsy 16 8 eccentric, also DITZ...
ditty 16 8 to put to music [v D...
ditzy 19 17 eccentric, also DITS...
divvy 20 16 to divide up, also D...
dizzy 22 26 giddy [adj DIZZIER,...
dobby 19 14 a loom attachment wh...
doddy 15 10 a hornless cow [n DO...
dodgy 16 11 dubious, shady [adj...
dogey 15 10 a stray calf, also D...
doggy 17 12 resembling a dog [ad...
doily 16 9 an ornamental napkin...
dolly 17 10 to move on a wheeled...
donny 13 10 (colloquial) the han...
donsy 14 9 unlucky, also DONSIE...
doody 14 9 a childish word for...
dooly 15 9 (Hindi) a litter or...
doomy 15 11 depressed [adj DOOMI...
doozy 17 17 an extraordinary one...
dopey 16 11 lethargic; stupid, a...
dorky 16 12 (slang) idiotic, con...
dormy 16 11 being ahead in golf...
dorty 15 8 (Scots) pettish, sul...
dotty 15 8 feebleminded, harmle...
dowdy 18 12 a woman who wears un...
dowly 19 12 (English dialect) du...
downy 17 12 covered in down [adj...
dowry 18 11 the property which a...
doyly 22 11 an ornamental napkin...
drily 17 9 DRY, having no moist...
drony 14 9 monotonous [adj DRON...
drusy 16 9 rough with minute cr...
druxy 22 16 of timber, having hi...
dryly 23 11 DRY, having no moist...
duchy 21 14 the domain of a duke...
ducky 20 16 (US slang) excellent...
duddy 16 11 (Scots) ragged, also...
dully 18 11 somewhat dull [adj D...
dumky 18 16 DUMKA, (Czech) a lam...
dummy 18 15 sham, feigned [adj D...
dumpy 19 15 a dumpy person [n DU...
dungy 16 12 having the quality o...
dunny 14 11 an outside lavatory,...
duply 19 13 to give a second rep...
duppy 20 15 in the West Indies,...
durgy 17 11 dwarfish [adj DURGIE...
duroy 15 9 a coarse woollen fab...
durry 16 9 (Australian slang) a...
dusky 17 13 somewhat dark [adj D...
dusty 16 9 full of dust [adj DU...
dykey 22 14 like a lesbian, also...
early 15 8 an early potato [n E...
ebony 15 11 a dark heavy tropica...
edify 17 11 to enlighten [v EDIF...
eensy 13 8 (colloquial) very sm...
elegy 16 10 a mournful poem for...
elogy 16 10 a funeral oration, a...
embay 17 13 to enclose in a bay...
emery 15 10 to coat with emery (...
empty 18 13 to remove the conten...
enemy 14 11 one that is antagoni...
enjoy 15 17 to take pleasure in...
ensky 15 12 to raise in the skie...
entry 14 8 a place of entrance...
envoy 15 12 a representative [n...
epoxy 22 17 to glue with a type...
essay 14 7 to attempt [v -ED, -...
every 16 11 each without excepti...
fabby 21 16 excellent, marvellou...
faddy 17 12 inclined to take up...
faery 16 10 (archaic) the world...
faffy 21 16 awkward and time-con...
faggy 19 14 having the character...
fairy 17 10 a creature of folklo...
fakey 17 14 fake [adj FAKIER, FA...
fancy 19 14 to take a liking to...
fanny 15 12 as in to fanny about...
farcy 20 13 a chronic horse dise...
fatly 18 11 FAT, having an abund...
fatty 17 10 one that is fat [n F...
fawny 19 14 yellowish-brown colo...
felly 19 12 the rim of a wheel,...
felty 18 11 matted like felt [ad...
femmy 19 16 markedly feminine in...
fendy 16 12 (Scots) resourceful,...
fenny 15 12 an alcoholic spirit...
ferly 18 11 marvellous [adj FERL...
ferny 16 11 covered with ferns [...
ferry 17 10 to transport by a ty...
festy 17 10 (Australian slang) v...
feyly 24 13 FEY, foreseeing the...
fezzy 23 28 like a fez, a red br...
fiery 17 10 intensely hot [adj F...
fifty 20 13 a number [n FIFTIES]
filly 20 12 a female horse up to...
filmy 20 14 thin, delicate [adj...
finny 16 12 having fins [adj FIN...
firry 18 10 abounding in firs [a...
fishy 20 12 consisting of fish [...
fisty 18 10 like a fist [adj FIS...
fitly 19 11 in a fit manner [adv...
fizzy 24 28 fizzing [adj FIZZIER...
flaky 19 15 a fit of temper [n F...
flamy 19 14 flaming [adj FLAMIER...
flary 18 11 tending to flare [ad...
flawy 21 14 full of flaws [adj F...
flaxy 24 18 like flax; of a ligh...
flory 18 11 having fleur-de-lis...
fluey 18 12 infected with the fl...
fluky 20 16 lucky, by accidental...
fluty 19 12 resembling a flute i...
flyby 27 16 a flight, at low alt...
foamy 17 13 covered with foam [a...
fogey 17 12 a person with an old...
foggy 19 14 filled with fog [adj...
foley 17 11 in filming, the foot...
folky 19 15 a performer of folk...
folly 19 12 to act with folly [v...
fonly 17 12 foolishly [adv]
foody 16 11 an enthusiast for fo...
footy 16 10 mean [adj FOOTIER, F...
foray 16 10 to make a raid [v -E...
forby 19 13 (Scots) besides, als...
forky 18 14 resembling a fork [a...
forty 17 10 a number [n FORTIES]
frory 17 10 frozen, also FRORE,...
frowy 20 13 musty, rancid, also...
fubby 22 17 chubby and squat, al...
fubsy 20 14 chubby, also FUBBY [...
fuddy 18 13 old-fashioned, dull...
fudgy 19 14 resembling fudge (a...
fuffy 22 17 light and soft [adj...
fuggy 20 15 close, stuffy [adj F...
fugly 20 14 an offensive word fo...
fully 20 13 FULL, filled complet...
fundy 17 13 (German) a member of...
funky 18 16 of jazz, pop music e...
funny 16 13 a comic strip [n FUN...
furry 18 11 covered in fur [adj...
furzy 21 20 abounding in furze [...
fussy 18 11 overly concerned wit...
fusty 18 11 old-fashioned; musty...
fuzzy 24 29 covered with fuzz [a...
gabby 20 15 talkative [adj GABBI...
gaily 17 10 GAY, cheerful [adv]
gally 18 11 gall-like, bitter [a...
gamay 16 12 a variety of red gra...
gamey 16 12 tasting like game, h...
gammy 18 15 lame, maimed [adj GA...
gandy 15 11 as in gandy dancer,...
gappy 20 15 full of gaps [adj GA...
gaspy 18 12 GAS [adv]
gassy 16 9 containing gas [adj...
gaucy 19 13 (Scots) portly, joll...
gaudy 16 11 tastelessly showy [a...
gaumy 17 13 dauby, smeary, also...
gauzy 19 19 resembling gauze [ad...
gawcy 22 15 (Scots) portly, joll...
gawky 20 16 awkward [adj GAWKIER...
gawsy 19 12 (Scots) portly, joll...
gayly 23 12 GAY, cheerful [adv]
geeky 16 13 socially awkward or...
gelly 18 11 (slang) gelignite [n...
gemmy 18 15 resembling a gem [ad...
genny 14 11 a large triangular s...
genty 15 10 neat, trim [adj GENT...
germy 17 12 full of germs [adj G...
giddy 17 11 to make dizzy [v GID...
gilly 19 11 a Highland chief's a...
gilpy 20 13 a boisterous girl, a...
gimpy 20 15 limping [adj GIMPIER...
ginny 15 11 affected with gin (a...
gippy 21 15 (offensive) a gypsy,...
gipsy 19 12 to live like a gypsy...
girly 18 10 a girl, also GIRLIE...
glady 17 11 full of glades [adj...
glary 17 10 glaring [adj GLARIER...
glazy 20 19 covered with a smoot...
gleby 19 13 (archaic) cloddy, tu...
globy 19 13 (Milton) round [adj...
glory 17 10 to rejoice proudly [...
gluey 17 11 resembling glue [adj...
goary 15 9 (Milton) gory, blood...
goaty 15 9 like a goat, smellin...
gobby 20 15 (colloquial) loudmou...
godly 17 11 like a god [adj GODL...
goety 15 9 (obsolete) black mag...
goldy 17 11 somewhat like gold [...
golly 18 11 a grotesque black do...
gooby 17 12 (New Zealand) spittl...
goody 15 10 an archaic title for...
gooey 14 9 sticky or viscid [ad...
goofy 17 12 foolish, stupid; (of...
gooky 16 13 sticky, messy [adj G...
gooly 16 10 (Australian) a small...
goony 14 10 an albatross, also G...
goopy 17 12 sticky or gooey [adj...
goory 15 9 (New Zealand) a mong...
goosy 15 9 a goose, a blockhead...
gormy 17 12 dauby, smeary, also...
gorsy 16 9 covered with gorse [...
gothy 18 11 (colloquial) relatin...
gouty 16 10 affected with gout [...
grapy 18 12 resembling grapes, a...
gravy 18 13 a sauce of the fat a...
grimy 18 12 dirty, covered with...
gripy 19 12 causing sharp pains...
grisy 17 9 (obsolete) grim, gri...
grody 16 10 (US slang) sleazy, g...
grovy 18 13 like a grove [adj GR...
gucky 21 17 slimy, mucky [adj GU...
gulfy 20 14 full of whirlpools [...
gully 19 12 to form ravines by t...
gulpy 20 14 marked by gulping [a...
gummy 19 16 resembling gum [adj...
gundy 16 12 (Scots) a toffee mad...
gungy 17 13 sticky and messy [ad...
gunky 17 15 covered in gunk [adj...
gunny 15 12 a coarse jute fabric...
guppy 21 16 a small brightly-col...
gurdy 17 11 a winch on a fishing...
gurly 18 11 grim [adj GURLIER, G...
gurry 17 10 fish offal [n GURRIE...
gushy 19 12 overly sentimental [...
gussy 17 10 to dress up in fine...
gusty 17 10 blowing in gusts [ad...
gutsy 17 10 (colloquial) courage...
gutty 17 10 a solid gutta-percha...
gynny 21 13 (Shakespeare) a guin...
gyppy 27 17 (offensive slang) a...
gypsy 25 14 to live like a gypsy...
haily 18 10 with hail falling [a...
hairy 17 9 covered with hair [a...
hammy 19 15 overly theatrical [a...
handy 16 11 convenient [adj HAND...
hanky 17 14 (colloquial) handker...
haply 20 13 by chance [adv]
happy 21 15 marked by joy [adj H...
hardy 17 10 very sturdy [adj HAR...
harpy 19 12 a shrewish person [n...
harry 17 9 to plunder, ravage [...
hashy 19 11 thrown together in a...
hasty 17 9 speedy [adj HASTIER,...
hayey 22 11 like hay [adj HAYIER...
heady 16 10 intoxicating [adj HE...
heapy 18 12 full of heaps [adj H...
heavy 18 13 of great weight [adj...
hedgy 18 12 abounding in hedges...
heedy 16 10 (Spenser) heedful, c...
hefty 19 12 big of build [adj HE...
hempy 20 15 a rogue, a tomboy [n...
henny 15 11 a hen-like cock [n H...
henry 16 10 a unit of inductance...
herby 19 12 abounding with herbs...
herry 17 9 (Spenser) to praise,...
hilly 20 11 abounding in hills [...
hinky 18 14 strange, unreliable...
hinny 16 11 to neigh, whinny, al...
hiply 21 13 HIP, aware of the la...
hippy 22 15 having big hips [adj...
hissy 18 9 a tantrum [n HISSIES...
hoagy 17 11 a long sandwich, als...
hoary 16 9 white with age [adj...
hobby 21 15 a recreational pasti...
hokey 17 13 overdone, contrived,...
holey 17 10 full of holes [adj H...
holly 19 11 an evergreen shrub h...
homey 17 12 home-loving [adj HOM...
honey 15 10 to sweeten with a sw...
honky 17 14 (slang) a white man,...
hoody 16 10 resembling a hoodlum...
hooey 15 9 nonsense [n -S]
hooky 17 13 truancy [n HOOKIES]...
hooly 17 10 soft and careful [ad...
hooty 16 9 sounding like the cr...
hoppy 21 15 tasting of hops [adj...
horny 16 10 like horn [adj HORNI...
horsy 17 9 like a horse, also H...
hosey 16 9 to choose sides in a...
hotly 18 10 HOT, having a high t...
hotty 17 9 a hot-water bottle,...
howdy 20 13 to greet (how do you...
hubby 22 16 (colloquial) husband...
huffy 22 16 easily offended [adj...
huggy 20 14 sensitive and caring...
hulky 20 15 bulky, unwieldy [adj...
hully 20 12 having husks [adj HU...
humpy 21 16 an Aboriginal hut [n...
hunky 18 15 strongly built [adj...
hurly 19 11 a large two-wheeled...
hurry 18 10 to move swiftly [v H...
hushy 20 12 hush-hush, secret [a...
husky 19 14 a breed of dog used...
hussy 18 10 a brazen girl, also...
huzzy 24 28 a brazen girl, also...
hyphy 28 16 a style of hip-hop m...
icily 20 11 ICY, covered with ic...
imply 20 14 to insinuate [v IMPL...
imshy 19 12 in old military slan...
inlay 15 9 to insert or imbed [...
irony 14 8 words used to expres...
itchy 21 12 affected with itchin...
ivory 17 11 a hard white substan...
ixnay 20 15 not! [interj]
jacky 21 23 a sailor [n JACKIES]
jaggy 19 20 jagged, rough-edged...
jakey 17 20 (Scots) a homeless a...
jammy 19 22 very lucky [adj JAMM...
janny 15 18 to act as a disguise...
janty 16 17 briskly self-assured...
jasey 16 16 a wig of worsted, al...
jazzy 23 34 of or like jazz, noi...
jeely 17 17 to make into a jelly...
jelly 19 18 to make into a jelly...
jemmy 19 22 neat, smart [adj JEM...
jenny 15 18 a female donkey [n J...
jerky 18 20 dried meat [n JERKIE...
jerry 17 16 (colloquial) a chamb...
jetty 17 16 to jut out, also JUT...
jiffy 22 22 (colloquial) a short...
jiggy 20 20 with the rhythm of a...
jimmy 20 22 a short crowbar used...
jimpy 21 22 (Scots) neat [adj JI...
jivey 19 20 jazzy, lively, also...
jocky 21 23 resembling an athlet...
jokey 17 20 full of jokes, also...
jolly 19 18 mirthful [adj JOLLIE...
jolty 18 17 in a jolting manner...
jonty 16 17 a naval master-at-ar...
jotty 17 16 written down quickly...
jowly 21 20 having prominent jow...
juicy 21 20 full of juice [adj J...
jumby 21 23 (West Indian) a ghos...
jumpy 21 23 nervy [adj JUMPIER,...
junky 18 22 rubbishy, worthless...
jutty 18 17 jutting out [adj JUT...
kandy 15 13 a South Indian weigh...
karsy 16 11 (slang) a lavatory,...
karzy 19 20 (slang) a lavatory,...
kaury 16 12 (Maori) a gum- and t...
kedgy 17 14 (Scots) brisk, cheer...
kelly 18 13 the top pipe of a ro...
kelpy 19 15 (Scots) a water-hors...
kelty 17 12 (Scots) a bumper or...
kempy 19 17 of hair, coarse, lik...
kerky 17 15 stupid [adj KERKIER,...
kerry 16 11 one of an Irish bree...
kicky 21 18 exciting [adj KICKIE...
kiddy 17 13 to hoax; to kid [v K...
kiley 17 12 a boomerang, also KY...
kilty 18 12 one who wears a kilt...
kindy 16 13 (Australian slang) a...
kinky 17 16 twisted [adj KINKIER...
kirby 19 14 as in kirby grip, a...
kissy 17 11 inclined to kiss [ad...
kitty 17 11 a kitten [n KITTIES]
kooky 16 15 eccentric [adj KOOKI...
lacey 18 11 resembling lacework,...
laddy 16 10 laddish in behaviour...
lairy 16 8 flashily dressed [ad...
laity 16 8 the non-clerical mem...
laldy 17 10 (Scots) a beating or...
lamby 19 14 resembling a lamb [a...
lammy 18 14 a thick quilted jump...
lanky 16 13 tall and thin [adj L...
lardy 16 9 like lard [adj LARDI...
larky 17 12 given to larking, al...
lassy 16 8 molasses [n LASSIES]
lathy 18 10 like a lath; long an...
lavvy 20 16 (colloquial) lavator...
lawny 18 12 covered with lawn [a...
laxly 23 16 LAX, slack or loose...
leady 15 9 resembling lead [adj...
leafy 17 11 abounding in leaves,...
leaky 16 12 inclined to leak [ad...
leany 14 9 (Spenser) lean [adj]
leary 15 8 cunning, wary, also...
leavy 17 12 full of leaves, also...
leccy 22 14 (colloquial) electri...
ledgy 17 11 abounding in ledges;...
leery 15 8 cunning, wary, also...
lefty 18 11 someone who is polit...
leggy 18 12 having long legs [ad...
lezzy 22 26 (short for) a lesbia...
limby 20 14 having many large br...
limey 17 11 a British sailor [n...
lindy 16 10 to perform the lindy...
liney 15 9 resembling a line, a...
lingy 17 11 covered with heaths...
linky 17 13 full of interlocking...
linny 15 10 a shed, also LINHAY,...
linty 16 9 covered with lint [a...
lippy 21 14 impertinent [adj LIP...
loamy 16 11 resembling loam [adj...
lobby 20 14 to seek to influence...
lofty 18 11 very high [adj LOFTI...
loggy 18 12 sluggish, also LOGY...
lolly 18 10 (short for) a lollip...
looby 17 11 a large, awkward per...
looey 14 8 a lieutenant of the...
looky 16 12 an interjection: loo...
loony 14 9 crazy [adj LOONIER,...
loopy 17 11 full of loops [adj L...
loppy 20 14 hanging limply [adj...
lordy 16 9 a mild interjection...
lorry 16 8 a vehicle used for t...
lossy 16 8 of a compression for...
loury 16 9 gloomy, louring, als...
lousy 16 9 infested with lice [...
lovey 17 12 fondly affectionate...
lowly 20 12 in a low position of...
lowry 19 11 a kind of small parr...
lucky 21 16 fortunate [adj LUCKI...
lummy 19 15 (slang) excellent [a...
lumpy 20 15 full of lumps [adj L...
lurgy 18 11 (facetious) a fictit...
lurry 17 9 (Milton) a confused...
lushy 19 11 tipsy [adj LUSHIER,...
lusty 17 9 full of vigour [adj...
luvvy 21 17 (colloquial) a membe...
madly 17 12 MAD, insane [adv]
malmy 18 14 resembling malm, a c...
malty 17 11 resembling malt [adj...
mamey 16 13 a tropical plant hav...
mammy 18 16 a child's name for m...
mangy 16 13 affected with mange,...
manky 16 15 (Scots) filthy, dirt...
manly 16 12 having the qualities...
manty 15 11 (Scots) a woman's lo...
mardy 16 11 petulant [adj MARDIE...
marly 17 11 abounding with marl...
marry 16 10 to enter into marria...
marvy 18 14 marvellous [adj MARV...
mashy 18 12 of the nature of a m...
massy 16 10 solid, full of mass...
masty 16 10 as if well fed on ma...
matey 15 10 a friend [n -S]
mauby 18 14 a frothy beverage ma...
mausy 16 11 foggy, misty, also M...
mauzy 19 20 foggy, misty, also M...
mawky 20 17 maggoty [adj MAWKIER...
mazey 18 19 winding or convolute...
mealy 16 11 covered with meal [a...
meany 14 11 a nasty person, also...
meaty 15 10 full of meat [adj ME...
meiny 15 11 a family, including...
melty 17 11 liable to melt [adj...
mercy 19 13 compassion and cleme...
merry 16 10 mirthful, also MERRI...
meshy 18 12 formed like network...
messy 16 10 dirty or untidy [adj...
micky 21 17 an Irishman, also MI...
middy 17 12 a medium sized beer...
midgy 18 13 full of midges [adj...
miffy 21 16 easily annoyed [adj...
mifty 19 13 (obsolete) quick to...
milky 19 15 like milk [adj MILKI...
milty 18 11 full of milt [adj MI...
mimsy 18 13 prim, demure, prudis...
mincy 19 14 affectedly dainty [a...
mingy 17 13 mean and stingy [adj...
minny 15 12 a small fish, a minn...
minty 16 11 having the flavour o...
mirky 18 14 dark, also MURKY [ad...
mirly 18 11 marbled [adj MIRLIER...
missy 17 10 a young girl [n MISS...
misty 17 10 blurry [adj MISTIER,...
mizzy 23 28 as in mizzy maze, di...
mobby 20 16 a frothy beverage, a...
mobey 17 13 (slang) a mobile pho...
mochy 21 15 (Scots) mouldy, damp...
moggy 18 14 a cat, also MOGGIE [...
moldy 17 12 mouldy [adj MOLDIER,...
molly 18 12 a kind of tropical f...
mommy 18 16 (colloquial) mother,...
money 14 11 an official medium o...
monty 15 11 the whole lot, as in...
moody 15 11 given to changing at...
mooly 16 11 a hornless cow, also...
moony 14 11 resembling the moon,...
moory 15 10 of or pertaining to...
mopey 17 13 dejected, also MOPY...
moppy 20 16 (obsolete) drunk [ad...
mopsy 18 13 a woman who wears do...
moray 15 10 a kind of eel, also...
mosey 15 10 to saunter [v -ED, -...
mossy 16 10 covered with moss [a...
motey 15 10 full of motes [adj M...
mothy 18 12 full of moths [adj M...
motty 16 10 (Scots) containing m...
mousy 16 11 like a mouse; timid;...
mucky 21 18 dirty [adj MUCKIER,...
muddy 17 13 covered with mud [ad...
muggy 19 15 warm and humid [adj...
muhly 20 14 a perennial grass [n...
muley 17 12 a hornless cow, also...
mummy 19 17 to preserve by embal...
mumsy 18 14 old-fashioned; drab...
murky 18 15 dark, also MIRKY [ad...
murly 18 12 (Scots) crumbly [adj...
murry 17 11 a kind of eel, also...
mushy 19 13 like mush, soft [adj...
musky 18 15 resembling musk [adj...
mussy 17 11 disarranged, rumpled...
musty 17 11 having a stale odour...
muzzy 23 29 confused [adj MUZZIE...
myopy 24 15 a visual defect, als...
mythy 25 14 resembling myth [adj...
naggy 16 12 given to nagging [ad...
nancy 16 12 an effeminate young...
nanny 12 10 to look after someon...
nappy 18 14 of beer, having a he...
narky 15 12 irritable [adj NARKI...
nasty 14 8 ill-natured [adj NAS...
natty 14 8 neatly dressed [adj...
navvy 18 16 to work as a laboure...
neddy 14 10 like a ned, a hoolig...
needy 13 9 in a state of povert...
nelly 16 10 an effeminate male,...
nerdy 14 9 socially inept, also...
nervy 16 12 nervous [adj NERVIER...
netty 14 8 resembling a net [ad...
newly 18 12 NEW, of recent origi...
newsy 17 11 full of news [adj NE...
niffy 19 14 smelly [adj NIFFIER,...
nifty 17 11 apt, agile; stylish...
ninny 13 10 a fool [n NINNIES]
nippy 19 14 quick [adj NIPPIER,...
nirly 16 9 (Scots) knotty, stun...
nitry 15 8 (obsolete) containin...
nitty 15 8 full of nits [adj NI...
nobby 18 14 stylish, modish; ele...
nobly 17 12 NOBLE, possessing qu...
noddy 14 10 a fool [n NODDIES] /...
noily 15 9 of or like noil [adj...
noisy 14 8 making loud sounds [...
nonny 12 10 a meaningless word i...
nooky 14 12 full of nooks [adj N...
nosey 13 8 unduly curious, also...
nouny 13 10 having many nouns [a...
noway 16 11 in no way, also NOWA...
nowty 17 11 bad-tempered [adj NO...
nubby 19 15 having small protube...
nuddy 15 11 (Australian slang) s...
nummy 17 15 delicious [adj NUMMI...
nunny 13 11 as in nunny bag, a s...
nurdy 15 10 socially inept, also...
nutsy 15 9 (slang) crazy [adj N...
nutty 15 9 tasting of nuts; cra...
ochry 20 12 containing or resemb...
oddly 16 10 ODD, strange, unpair...
ology 16 10 a science whose name...
onely 14 9 (Spenser) only [adv]
onery 13 8 (colloquial) cantank...
onlay 14 9 an artificial veneer...
oracy 17 10 skill in oral commun...
otary 14 7 a big-eared seal [n...
oundy 14 10 (obsolete) wavy, als...
outby 17 11 (Scots) out of doors...
ovary 16 11 a female reproductio...
pacey 19 13 fast, lively, smart,...
paddy 17 12 a rice field, also P...
palay 17 11 the ivory tree, a sm...
pally 19 12 marked by close frie...
palmy 19 14 a stroke on the palm...
palsy 18 11 pally, being pals [a...
pandy 16 12 to punish by strikin...
pansy 16 11 a name for various s...
panty 16 11 a woman's or child's...
pappy 21 16 a father [n PAPPIES]...
pardy 17 11 (Shakespeare) assure...
parky 18 14 (colloquial) chilly...
parly 18 11 (Scots) a gingerbrea...
parry 17 10 to ward off a blow [...
party 17 10 to attend a social g...
paspy 19 13 (French) a Breton da...
pasty 17 10 pale and unhealthy i...
patly 18 11 PAT, hitting the mar...
patsy 17 10 a person who is easi...
patty 17 10 a small, flat cake o...
pawky 21 17 (Scots) drily or sli...
peaky 17 14 off-colour, unwell [...
peaty 16 10 of or like peat [adj...
peavy 18 14 a lever used to move...
pecky 21 17 marked by decay caus...
peeoy 15 10 (Scots) a homemade f...
peery 16 10 a wooden spinning to...
peggy 19 14 resembling a peg [ad...
penny 15 12 a coin of the United...
peony 15 11 a showy flower, also...
peppy 21 16 full of energy [adj...
perdy 17 11 (Shakespeare) assure...
perky 18 14 cheerful, lively [ad...
perry 17 10 a beverage of pear j...
pervy 19 14 perverted [adj PERVI...
pesky 18 14 annoying [adj PESKIE...
pesty 17 10 annoying [adj PESTIE...
petty 17 10 insignificant [adj P...
phony 18 13 not genuine or real,...
piccy 24 16 (slang) a picture [n...
picky 22 17 choosy, fastidious [...
piety 17 10 the state of being p...
piggy 20 14 piggish [adj PIGGIER...
pigmy 20 15 a small person, also...
pikey 18 14 a derogatory word fo...
piney 16 11 covered with pine tr...
pinky 18 15 somewhat pink [adj P...
pinny 16 12 (short for) pinafore...
piony 16 11 (obsolete) a peony,...
pippy 22 16 having pips [adj PIP...
pisky 19 14 a small fairy, also...
pissy 18 10 soiled with urine; i...
pithy 20 12 full of pith, to the...
platy 18 11 split into thin, fla...
plumy 20 15 covered with feather...
poboy 18 13 a New Orleans sandwi...
pocky 21 17 covered with pock ma...
poddy 17 12 a young calf [n PODD...
podgy 18 13 short and fat, also...
poesy 16 10 to utter poetry [v P...
pogey 17 12 in Canada, any form...
pokey 17 14 confined, also POKY...
poley 17 11 (Australian slang) a...
polly 19 12 a type of mineral wa...
pommy 19 16 an immigrant from th...
poncy 19 14 effeminate, also PON...
poney 15 11 a small horse, also...
pongy 17 13 (colloquial) smelly...
ponty 16 11 an iron rod used in...
poofy 18 13 effeminate, also POO...
poopy 18 13 stupid or ineffectua...
poovy 18 14 effeminate, also POO...
poppy 21 16 a brightly coloured...
popsy 19 13 a girlfriend, also P...
porgy 18 12 a species of saltwat...
porky 18 14 plump like a pig [ad...
porny 16 11 (colloquial) pornogr...
porty 17 10 of the taste of port...
posey 16 10 adopting poses for e...
potsy 17 10 a children's game, a...
potty 17 10 crazy [adj POTTIER,...
pouty 17 11 tending to pout [adj...
powny 19 14 (dialect) a pony, al...
pozzy 23 28 (Australian slang) a...
praty 17 10 (Irish colloquial) a...
predy 17 11 (obsolete) to make r...
premy 18 13 (US slang) a prematu...
prexy 23 17 (US slang) the presi...
pricy 21 13 expensive, also PRIC...
primy 19 13 (Shakespeare) in one...
privy 20 14 private [adj PRIVIER...
prosy 17 10 prosaic, tedious [ad...
proxy 23 17 a person authorised...
puddy 18 13 (colloquial) a paw,...
pudgy 19 14 short and fat, also...
pudsy 18 12 podgy, also PUDSEY [...
puffy 22 17 swollen [adj PUFFIER...
puggy 20 15 like a monkey or pug...
pukey 18 15 reminiscent of or re...
pully 20 13 (colloquial) a pullo...
pulpy 21 15 resembling pulp [adj...
punky 18 16 like a punk [adj PUN...
punny 16 13 involving a pun [adj...
punty 17 12 an iron supporting r...
puppy 22 17 to give birth to a p...
purpy 20 14 (Scots) purslane, or...
pursy 18 11 short of breath [adj...
purty 18 11 (US dialect) pretty...
pushy 20 13 offensively aggressi...
pussy 18 11 a cat, also POUSSIE...
putty 18 11 to fill with a type...
pygmy 26 17 a small person, also...
quaky 24 21 quaking, shaky [adj...
query 23 17 to question [v QUERI...
raggy 17 11 tattered [adj RAGGIE...
rainy 14 8 marked by rain [adj...
rally 17 9 to call together for...
rammy 17 13 resembling a male sh...
randy 14 9 full of sexual desir...
rangy 15 10 tall and slender [ad...
raspy 17 10 rough [adj RASPIER,...
ratty 15 7 infested with rats [...
ravey 16 11 characteristic of a...
rawly 19 11 RAW, uncooked [adv]
ready 14 8 prepared [adj READIE...
reamy 15 10 creamy, frothy [adj...
rebuy 17 11 to buy again [v REBO...
reccy 21 13 (colloquial) to reco...
reddy 15 9 somewhat red [adj RE...
redly 16 9 RED, the colour of b...
redry 15 8 to dry again [v REDR...
reedy 14 8 abounding in reeds [...
reefy 16 10 abounding in ridges...
reeky 15 11 (Scots) smoky, reeki...
refly 18 11 to fly again [v REFL...
refry 17 10 to fry again [v REFR...
reify 17 10 to regard as real or...
rekey 15 11 to re-enter informat...
relay 15 8 to put down new floo...
renay 13 8 (obsolete) to renoun...
reney 13 8 (obsolete) to renoun...
repay 16 10 to pay back [v REPAI...
reply 18 11 to answer [v REPLIED...
resay 14 7 to say again [v RESA...
resty 15 7 (obsolete) restive [...
retry 15 7 to try again [v RETR...
rhody 17 10 (colloquial) a rhodo...
ribby 20 13 marked by ribs [adj...
ricey 18 10 containing rice, als...
ridgy 17 10 having ridges [adj R...
rifty 18 10 having fissures [adj...
riley 16 8 turbid, also ROILY [...
rindy 15 9 covered in rind [adj...
risky 17 11 dangerous, also RISK...
ritzy 19 16 pretentious [adj RIT...
roary 14 7 noisy, garish, too b...
rocky 19 14 shaky, or unsteady [...
roguy 16 10 pertaining to a rogu...
roily 16 8 turbid [adj ROILIER,...
roofy 16 10 having a roof [adj R...
rooky 15 11 (Shakespeare) full o...
roomy 15 10 spacious [adj ROOMIE...
roopy 16 10 (Scots) hoarse [adj...
rooty 14 7 full of roots [adj R...
ropey 16 10 resembling rope, als...
rorty 15 7 (Australian slang) l...
roupy 17 11 hoarse, also ROOPIT,...
rowdy 18 11 turbulent [adj ROWDI...
rubby 20 14 (Canadian slang) rub...
ruddy 16 10 reddish [adj RUDDIER...
rugby 19 13 a form of football,...
ruggy 18 12 rough and uneven [ad...
rumly 18 12 RUM, odd, droll [adv...
rummy 18 14 queer [adj RUMMIER,...
rumpy 19 14 a Manx cat [n RUMPIE...
runny 14 10 inclined to run or l...
runty 15 9 like a runt [adj RUN...
rushy 18 10 abounding in rushes...
rusty 16 8 covered with rust [a...
rutty 16 8 marked by ruts [adj...
sadly 16 9 SAD, unhappy [adv]
saggy 17 11 characterized by sag...
sally 17 9 to rush out suddenly...
salty 16 8 tasting of salt [adj...
samey 15 10 (colloquial) boringl...
sammy 17 13 an Indian fruit and...
sandy 14 9 covered with sand [a...
sappy 19 13 full of sap [adj SAP...
sarky 16 11 sarcastic [adj SARKI...
sassy 15 7 impertinent [adj SAS...
satay 14 7 (Malay) a dish of ma...
saucy 18 11 impertinent [adj SAU...
saury 15 8 a sharp-beaked fish,...
savey 16 11 to know, to understa...
savoy 16 11 a variety of cabbage...
savvy 19 15 shrewd [adj SAVVIER,...
scaly 19 11 peeling off in flake...
scary 18 10 frightening, also SC...
scody 18 11 (New Zealand) unkemp...
scray 18 10 the tern, also SCRAY...
seamy 15 10 unpleasant [adj SEAM...
sedgy 16 10 bordered by sedge [a...
seedy 14 8 shabby [adj SEEDIER,...
seely 15 8 fortunate; innocent...
seepy 16 10 oozing with water [a...
seity 15 7 personal identity [n...
senvy 16 12 (obsolete) mustard [...
sepoy 16 10 (historical) an Indi...
serry 15 7 to press close, clos...
sesey 14 7 (Shakespeare) enough...
shady 17 10 full of shade; under...
shaky 18 13 shaking [adj SHAKIER...
shaly 18 10 resembling shale, al...
shily 19 10 SHY, embarrassed, ba...
shiny 17 10 a bright object [n S...
showy 20 12 making a brilliant d...
shyly 25 12 SHY, embarrassed, ba...
sicky 20 14 (Australian slang) a...
silky 18 12 resembling silk [adj...
silly 18 9 a silly person [n SI...
silty 17 8 full of silt [adj SI...
sinky 16 12 yielding underfoot [...
sippy 20 13 as in sippy cup, an...
sissy 16 7 effeminate, also CIS...
sixty 22 14 a number [n SIXTIES]
skiey 16 11 resembling the sky,...
skivy 19 15 inclined to slack of...
skyey 22 13 resembling the sky,...
slaty 16 8 resembling slate, al...
slily 18 9 SLY, cunning, wily;...
slimy 18 11 resembling slime [ad...
slopy 18 11 sloping [adj SLOPIER...
slyly 24 11 SLY, cunning, wily;...
smoky 17 14 full of smoke, also...
snaky 15 12 like a snake, also S...
snary 14 8 in danger of entrapm...
snipy 17 11 snipelike; frequente...
snowy 17 11 full of snow [adj SN...
soapy 16 10 like soap [adj SOAPI...
soddy 15 9 consisting of sod; c...
softy 17 10 a sentimental person...
soggy 17 11 heavy with moisture...
soily 16 8 dirty, soiled [adj S...
sonly 15 9 pertaining to a son...
sonny 13 9 (colloquial) a son [...
sonsy 14 8 buxom, comely, also...
sooey 13 7 used for calling pig...
sooty 14 7 covered with soot [a...
sophy 19 12 a ruler of Persia [n...
soppy 19 13 foolishly sentimenta...
sorry 15 7 feeling regret or gr...
soupy 17 11 having the consisten...
spacy 20 13 weird in behaviour,...
spewy 20 13 boggy [adj SPEWIER,...
spicy 21 13 tasting of spice, al...
spiky 19 14 resembling a spike,...
spiny 17 11 having spines [adj S...
spiry 18 10 tall, slender and ta...
splay 18 11 to spread out [v -ED...
spray 17 10 to disperse in fine...
spumy 19 14 like spume [adj SPUM...
stagy 16 9 having a theatrical...
stewy 18 10 like a stew [adj STE...
stimy 17 10 to thwart, stump, or...
stivy 18 11 stuffy [adj STIVIER,...
stogy 16 9 (US) a long inexpens...
stony 14 8 of or like stone, al...
story 15 7 to relate an account...
stray 15 7 to wander from the p...
stroy 15 7 (dialect) to destroy...
study 16 9 to apply oneself to...
stymy 23 12 to thwart, stump, or...
subby 20 14 (Australian slang) a...
sucky 20 15 not good [adj SUCKIE...
sudsy 16 9 full of suds [adj SU...
suety 15 8 resembling suet, als...
sulky 18 13 in a resentful mood...
sully 18 10 to soil, make impure...
sunny 14 10 full of sun [adj SUN...
surfy 18 11 abounding in breakin...
surgy 17 10 surging [adj SURGIER...
surly 17 9 sullenly rude [adj S...
swaly 19 11 marshy [adj SWALIER,...
swamy 19 13 (Hindi) a Hindu myst...
tabby 19 13 to give a wavy appea...
tacky 19 14 adhesive, also TACKY...
taffy 19 13 a hard-baked chewy s...
taggy 17 11 matted into tags [ad...
takky 17 15 (South Africa) a ten...
talcy 19 11 like talc, also TALC...
talky 17 12 tending to talk a gr...
tally 17 9 to count up, reckon...
tammy 17 13 (Scots) a Tam o' Sha...
tangy 15 10 having a fresh or sh...
tanky 15 12 a hardline communist...
tansy 14 8 a perennial herb [n...
tardy 15 8 late [adj TARDIER, T...
tarry 15 7 like tar [adj TARRIE...
tarty 15 7 like a prostitute [a...
tasty 15 7 pleasant to the tast...
tatty 15 7 shabby, frayed [adj...
tawny 17 11 orange-brown, also T...
teary 14 7 wet with tears, tear...
techy 20 12 irritable, also TEAC...
teddy 15 9 a one-piece undergar...
teeny 13 8 (colloquial) very sm...
telly 17 9 (colloquial) televis...
tenny 13 9 the colour orange-br...
tenty 14 8 watchful, also TENTI...
tepoy 16 10 (Hindi) an ornamenta...
terry 15 7 an absorbent fabric...
testy 15 7 irritable [adj TESTI...
thawy 20 12 inclined to melt [ad...
thewy 20 12 having strong or lar...
thymy 25 14 abounding in thyme,...
tichy 21 12 very small, also TIT...
ticky 20 14 a former South Afric...
tiddy 16 9 very small [adj TIDD...
tilly 18 9 of or like till, a s...
tinny 14 9 making a noise like...
tinty 15 8 unevenly tinted [adj...
tippy 20 13 (slang) in the heigh...
tipsy 18 10 slightly drunk [adj...
titty 16 7 (Scots) a sister, al...
tizzy 22 25 (colloquial) a state...
toady 14 8 to fawn on or flatte...
tocky 19 14 muddy [adj TOCKIER,...
today 14 8 the present day [n -...
toddy 15 9 (Hindi) the fermente...
toffy 19 13 like a toff, posh [a...
tokay 15 11 a large gecko of sou...
tolly 17 9 a castrated calf, al...
tommy 17 13 to oppress by the tr...
toney 13 8 high-toned, fashiona...
toppy 19 13 of audio reproductio...
toshy 17 9 full of twaddle [adj...
tossy 15 7 tossing the head, as...
totty 15 7 unsteady; tottery [a...
tousy 15 8 shaggy, unkempt, als...
touzy 18 17 shaggy, unkempt, als...
towny 17 11 belonging to the tow...
towsy 18 10 shaggy, unkempt, als...
towzy 21 19 shaggy, unkempt, als...
tripy 18 10 like tripe, worthles...
truly 17 9 TRUE, corresponding...
tubby 20 14 corpulent, also TUBB...
tufty 18 11 abounding in tufts [...
tummy 18 14 (colloquial) the sto...
tumpy 19 14 hummocky [adj TUMPIE...
tunny 14 10 a tuna fish [n TUNNI...
turfy 18 11 covered with turf [a...
tushy 18 10 (Yiddish) the bottom...
tusky 17 12 having prominent tus...
tutty 16 8 an impure zinc oxide...
twiny 18 11 resembling strong st...
typey 23 12 conforming to the st...
umpty 19 14 designating an indef...
unary 14 9 consisting of a sing...
uncoy 17 12 not coy [adj]
unify 17 12 to make into a coher...
unity 15 9 the state of being o...
unlay 15 10 to untwist [v UNLAID...
unpay 16 12 to make good, do awa...
unsay 14 9 to retract something...
updry 18 12 to dry completely [v...
uplay 18 12 to hoard [v UPLAID,...
upsey 17 11 (obsolete) a carousa...
usury 16 9 the lending of money...
vairy 17 11 charged or variegate...
vampy 20 17 like a vamp, also VA...
vardy 17 12 (archaic) an opinion...
vasty 17 11 (archaic) vast; imme...
vealy 17 12 resembling veal or a...
veery 16 11 an American thrush,...
veily 18 12 like a veil, diaphan...
veiny 16 12 full of veins, also...
veney 15 12 (Shakespeare) a venu...
verry 17 11 charged or variegate...
vibey 19 14 lively, vibrant [adj...
vichy 23 16 a type of mineral wa...
viewy 20 14 showy; having views...
voddy 17 13 (Coll) vodka [n VODD...
vuggy 20 16 abounding in vugs, a...
vughy 21 16 abounding in vugs, a...
vutty 18 12 (dialect) dirty [adj...
wacky 22 17 eccentric, also WHAC...
waddy 18 12 (Native Australian)...
wally 20 12 (Scots) fine, excell...
walty 19 11 inclined to tip over...
waney 16 11 waning in some parts...
wanky 18 15 contemptible [adj WA...
wanly 18 12 WAN, pale [adv]
wanty 17 11 a surcingle, or stra...
warby 20 13 (Australian slang) w...
warty 18 10 covered with warts [...
washy 20 12 watery, damp [adj WA...
waspy 20 13 like a wasp, waspish...
wavey 19 14 (Native American) th...
weary 17 10 tired [adj WEARIER,...
webby 22 16 resembling a web [ad...
wedgy 19 13 resembling a wedge [...
weedy 17 11 resembling weeds [ad...
weeny 16 11 very small [adj WEEN...
weepy 19 13 tending to weep [adj...
welly 20 12 (colloquial) a welli...
wenny 16 12 resembling a wen, al...
wetly 19 11 WET, not dry [adv]
whiny 20 13 given to whining, al...
whity 21 12 whiteish, also WHITE...
wicky 23 17 the rowan tree, also...
widdy 19 12 (Scots) a rope, esp....
wifey 20 13 an endearment for wi...
wifty 21 13 ditsy, amiably eccen...
wiggy 21 14 crazy [adj WIGGIER,...
willy 21 12 to clean in a willow...
wimpy 22 16 ineffectual, also WI...
windy 18 12 related to wind [adj...
winey 17 11 like or tasting of w...
wingy 19 13 having or resembling...
wispy 21 13 like a wisp, also WI...
withy 21 12 a flexible twig [n W...
witty 19 10 possessed of wit, cl...
wolly 20 12 a uniformed policema...
womby 21 16 (Shakespeare) hollow...
wonky 18 15 not working properly...
woody 17 11 like wood [adj WOODI...
woofy 19 13 dense in texture [ad...
wooly 18 11 having the texture o...
woopy 19 13 a well-off older per...
woozy 20 19 slightly drunk or co...
wordy 18 11 verbose [adj WORDIER...
wormy 19 13 infested with worms...
worry 18 10 to cause to be anxio...
wryly 26 13 WRY, twisted [adv]
wussy 19 11 wimpish [adj WUSSIER...
yabby 25 15 (Native Australian)...
yampy 24 15 (dialect) a foolish...
yappy 25 15 given to yapping [ad...
yawey 23 12 pertaining to the di...
yawny 23 13 full of yawns [adj Y...
yechy 26 14 disgusting [adj YECH...
yesty 21 9 like yeast, also YEA...
yeuky 22 14 itchy [adj YEUKIER,...
yippy 26 15 a member of a radica...
yobby 25 15 resembling a yob [ad...
yolky 23 14 like yolk [adj YOLKI...
yucky 26 17 messy or disgusting...
yukky 24 18 disgusting, also YEU...
yummy 24 16 delicious [adj YUMMI...
yuppy 26 16 a young professional...
zaidy 18 17 (Yiddish) a grandfat...
zappy 22 22 (slang) full of verv...
zesty 18 16 full of zest [adj ZE...
zincy 21 20 of or like zinc, als...
zingy 19 19 full of zest [adj ZI...
zinky 19 21 of or like zinc, als...
zippy 23 22 full of zip, energy...
zloty 19 17 a monetary unit of P...
zooey 16 16 like a zoo [adj ZOOI...
zooty 17 16 flashy in manner or...