8 letter words that end with Y

8 letter words that end with Y

8 letter Y word


Words With Friends®


abasedly 22 15 ABASED [adv]
abeyancy 29 19 a state of suspensio...
abjectly 28 26 ABJECT, humble; mise...
aborally 23 15 away from the mouth...
abruptly 26 18 ABRUPT, sudden [adv]
absently 22 15 ABSENT, not present...
absurdly 24 16 ABSURD, ridiculous [...
accuracy 29 20 exactness [n ACCURAC...
acerbity 25 16 sourness [n ACERBITI...
achingly 27 19 ACHING, hurting, thr...
acridity 24 14 the state of being a...
acrimony 23 17 bitterness of feelin...
actively 26 18 with activity [adv]
activity 26 17 the state of being a...
actressy 23 13 like an actress [adj...
actually 25 16 ACTUAL, existing in...
adamancy 22 18 unyielding hardness,...
additory 20 12 making an addition [...
adequacy 30 24 the state of suffici...
adorably 22 15 ADORABLE, worthy of...
adroitly 21 12 ADROIT, skilful [adv...
adultery 21 13 voluntary sexual int...
aduncity 23 16 state of being hooke...
advisory 22 15 a report giving info...
advocacy 27 21 the function of an a...
advoutry 22 16 (obsolete) adultery,...
aerially 21 12 pertaining to the ai...
aerology 20 13 the study of the atm...
aeronomy 18 14 the study of the upp...
affinely 24 18 in the manner of a t...
affinity 24 17 a natural attraction...
agrimony 21 16 a perennial herb of...
agrology 22 15 the science of soils...
agronomy 20 16 rural economy [n AGR...
aguishly 25 16 AGUISH, having the q...
aimfully 26 19 full of purpose [adv...
aisleway 23 14 a passage for inside...
alacrity 24 14 cheerful promptness...
alderfly 24 16 a riverside winged i...
aleatory 19 11 dependent on chance,...
algidity 23 14 chilliness, esp. dur...
algology 23 16 the study of algae [...
alkalify 25 19 to convert into an a...
allegory 22 14 a story presenting a...
alleyway 30 17 a narrow passageway,...
allogamy 23 17 cross-fertilization...
allotypy 30 17 the condition of bei...
almighty 26 18 having absolute powe...
alpinely 23 16 ALPINE, related to m...
alterity 21 11 otherness [n ALTERIT...
amazedly 24 24 AMAZED [adv]
amenably 22 18 AMENABLE, capable of...
amicably 27 20 AMICABLE, friendly [...
ammonify 23 20 to treat with ammoni...
amorally 22 15 AMORAL, lacking a se...
amusedly 22 16 AMUSED [adv]
anatropy 20 14 the state of being a...
ancestry 22 14 a line of ancestors...
animally 22 16 ANIMAL, of the natur...
annually 20 15 ANNUAL, happening ev...
anodally 20 14 ANODAL, relating to...
antibody 21 15 a body substance tha...
anticity 23 14 opposed to cities [a...
antilogy 21 14 a contradiction in t...
antimony 19 15 a brittle, bluish-wh...
antinomy 19 15 a conflict of author...
antiquey 27 21 resembling an antiqu...
antonymy 25 17 the state of being a...
apically 27 18 at the tip [adv]
apiology 23 16 the study of bees [n...
apocarpy 26 19 the state of being a...
apophony 24 19 a change in root vow...
apoplexy 30 24 a sudden loss of sen...
apospory 23 16 reproduction without...
apostacy 24 16 abandonment of one's...
apostasy 21 13 abandonment of one's...
arcanely 22 15 ARCANE, mysterious [...
arcology 24 16 a system of architec...
ardently 20 13 ARDENT, burning with...
areology 20 13 the study of the pla...
arguably 24 17 ARGUABLE, capable of...
argutely 22 14 ARGUTE, shrill, keen...
arillary 22 12 having an aril, also...
arrantly 20 12 ARRANT, thoroughgoin...
artfully 25 16 ARTFUL, crafty [adv]
artistry 21 10 artistic workmanship...
asperity 22 13 roughness [n ASPERIT...
assembly 24 17 the act of assemblin...
astrally 22 12 ASTRAL, related to s...
astucity 24 14 astuteness [n ASTUCI...
astutely 21 12 ASTUTE, shrewd and p...
asynergy 26 15 lack of muscle co-or...
athanasy 20 13 immortality [n ATHAN...
atmology 22 16 the science of water...
atonally 20 13 not having a tonal m...
atrocity 23 13 a heinous act [n ATR...
attorney 18 11 a person formally ap...
audacity 23 15 boldness [n AUDACITI...
auditory 20 12 a group of listeners...
augustly 23 15 AUGUST, stately, ven...
aurality 21 12 the quality of being...
autarchy 25 16 absolute sovereignty...
autobody 21 15 the shell of a motor...
autogamy 21 16 self-fertilization [...
autogeny 19 14 spontaneous generati...
autology 21 14 scientific study of...
autonomy 19 15 self-government [n A...
autotomy 20 14 the reflex loss of p...
autotypy 28 16 a photographic print...
aversely 22 15 AVERSE, opposed, rel...
avowably 27 21 AVOWABLE, able to be...
avowedly 25 19 certainly [adv]
axiality 27 18 the state of being a...
axillary 28 19 a feather on the und...
axiology 27 20 the science of the u...
babbitry 27 19 conventional middle-...
backstay 26 20 a stay extending fro...
badgerly 24 17 like a badger [adj]
balladry 24 16 ballads collectively...
ballclay 28 19 a fine-textured high...
balneary 21 15 a bath; a medicinal...
banality 22 15 triteness [n BANALIT...
banditry 22 15 robbery by bandits [...
bangalay 22 17 an Australian tree w...
bankerly 23 19 like a banker [adj]
barberry 24 16 a thorny shrub of th...
barratry 22 13 the practice of stir...
barrenly 22 15 BARREN, unproductive...
barretry 22 13 the practice of stir...
basicity 26 16 the state of being a...
basilary 23 14 relating to, or situ...
basketry 23 17 basket work [n BASKE...
bastardy 22 14 the state of being a...
batology 23 16 the study of bramble...
baulkily 26 20 BAULKY, stubborn [ad...
bayberry 30 18 the berry of the bay...
baynoddy 27 18 a bayman [n BAYNODDI...
beachboy 28 21 a male beach attenda...
bearably 24 17 BEARABLE, able to be...
beastily 23 14 bestially [adv]
beautify 24 17 to make beautiful [v...
beggarly 25 18 like a beggar, very...
behovely 26 20 (obsolete) useful, p...
bellbuoy 26 19 a buoy having a bell...
benignly 23 18 BENIGN, favourably d...
beseemly 23 17 fit; suitable [adj B...
bestiary 22 13 a book of animal fab...
biasedly 23 15 BIASED [adv]
biddably 26 19 BIDDABLE, obedient,...
bifidity 26 17 the state of being d...
bigeminy 24 19 the state of having...
bihourly 26 17 occuring every two h...
bilberry 26 17 a whortleberry shrub...
billyboy 33 20 a flat-bottomed rive...
binately 22 15 BINATE, growing in p...
bioassay 21 13 to test the strength...
biometry 23 16 the statistical stud...
bioscopy 27 19 a type of mediical e...
birthday 25 16 the day of one's bir...
biscuity 27 17 like a biscuit [adj]
bistoury 23 14 a narrow surgical kn...
bitchery 28 18 ill-tempered [n BITC...
bitchily 30 19 BITCHY, catty [adv]
bitingly 25 17 BITING, sharp, sarca...
bitterly 24 14 BITTER, having a dis...
biweekly 27 21 a publication issued...
biyearly 29 16 occuring every two y...
blackboy 29 24 an Australian grass...
blackfly 31 25 a biting fly [n BLAC...
bladdery 23 16 like a bladder [adj]
blamably 27 21 BLAMABLE, being at f...
blankety 23 19 an unmentionable wor...
blatancy 25 18 something blatant [n...
blazonry 25 24 the correct descript...
blearily 24 15 BLEARY, dim [adv]
blimpery 27 20 pompous behaviour [n...
blistery 24 14 having blisters [adj...
blithely 27 17 BLITHE, merry [adv]
bloodily 24 16 BLOODY, stained with...
bloomery 23 17 a furnace for smelti...
blossomy 24 17 having blossoms [adj...
blousily 25 16 BLOUSY, coarse and r...
blowsily 28 18 BLOWSY, coarse and r...
blowzily 31 27 BLOWZY, coarse and r...
blubbery 28 21 swollen, protuberant...
blurrily 26 16 BLURRY, blurred [adv...
blustery 24 15 windy [adj BLUSTERIE...
bodingly 24 18 BODING, ominous [adv...
boongary 21 16 a tree kangaroo from...
boringly 24 17 BORING [adv]
botchery 27 18 something botched [n...
botchily 29 19 BOTCHY, done badly [...
bottomry 23 16 the use of a ship as...
bouldery 23 16 of a landscape, char...
bouncily 26 19 BOUNCY, tending to b...
boundary 21 16 a final limit [n BOU...
bovinely 24 19 BOVINE, relating to...
bovinity 24 18 the state of being a...
bowingly 27 20 BOWING [adv]
boxberry 30 23 an evergreen plant,...
boyishly 32 18 BOYISH, like a boy [...
brainily 23 15 BRAINY, intelligent...
brassily 24 14 BRASSY, resembling b...
brawnily 26 18 BRAWNY, strongly bui...
brazenly 25 24 BRAZEN, impudent [ad...
brazenry 24 23 effrontery [n BRAZEN...
braziery 25 22 a place where brass...
breezily 26 23 BREEZY, windy [adv]
brevetcy 27 20 an honorary military...
breviary 24 17 a prayer book [n BRE...
bridally 25 16 BRIDAL, related to b...
brightly 28 18 BRIGHT, shining [adv...
broadway 24 17 a broad road [n -S]
broguery 23 16 the use of an Irish...
broidery 22 14 the act of broiderin...
brokenly 23 19 BROKEN [adv]
bronzify 27 26 to make bronze [v BR...
broodily 23 15 BROODY, tending to b...
brutally 25 16 BRUTAL, cruel, savag...
bryology 30 18 the study of mosses...
buccally 31 22 BUCCAL, pertaining t...
bullocky 29 23 (Australian) a bullo...
bullyboy 33 21 a ruffian hired to b...
bulrushy 27 18 thick with bulrushes...
bulwaddy 27 20 (Native Australian)...
bunchily 29 21 BUNCHY, clustered [a...
buoyancy 30 20 the tendency to floa...
burglary 25 17 a felonious theft [n...
burgundy 24 19 a red wine [n BURGUN...
bushbaby 29 22 a small African tree...
busybody 31 20 a nosy person [n BUS...
butchery 28 19 wanton or cruel kill...
cabbagey 27 21 like a cabbage, also...
cableway 28 20 a structure for tran...
cacodoxy 31 24 incorrect doctrine,...
cacology 27 19 a bad choice of word...
caconymy 32 22 the state of having...
caducity 27 18 the quality of being...
caecally 27 18 CAECAL, pertaining t...
cajolery 25 23 persuasion by flatte...
calamary 24 17 any of various speci...
calamity 25 17 a grievous misfortun...
calendry 23 16 a place where calend...
calidity 25 15 the state of being w...
callowly 29 19 CALLOW [adv]
candidly 24 17 CANDID, frank and si...
caninity 22 15 the state of being a...
cannonry 20 16 artillery [n CANNONR...
canticoy 25 17 to dance as an act o...
capacity 28 19 the ability to recei...
caringly 25 17 in the manner of sho...
carnally 24 16 CARNAL, pertaining t...
carraway 25 16 an umbelliferous pla...
cartoony 21 14 resembling a cartoon...
castaway 25 16 an outcast [n -S]
casually 25 16 CASUAL, accidental,...
casualty 24 15 a person injured or...
catatony 21 14 a state of rigidity...
catchcry 32 21 (Australia) a phrase...
catchfly 32 22 a name for a species...
catchily 30 19 CATCHY [adv]
category 23 15 a division in any sy...
catenary 21 14 a curve of the kind...
caudally 25 17 CAUDAL, of or pertai...
causally 25 16 CAUSAL, relating to...
causeway 25 17 to build a raised ro...
cavitary 25 17 pertaining to the fo...
celerity 24 14 swiftness [n CELERIT...
celibacy 29 20 abstention from sexu...
cemetery 23 16 a burial ground [n C...
centaury 22 15 a plant of the genus...
ceremony 22 17 a formal observance...
cetology 24 16 the study of whales...
chaffery 29 21 the act of trading [...
chambray 28 21 a lightweight fabric...
chancery 27 19 a court of public re...
chancily 29 20 CHANCY, risky, also...
chaology 26 18 the study of chaos [...
chapelry 28 19 the jurisdiction of...
charlady 26 17 a cleaning woman [n...
chastely 26 16 CHASTE, sexually vir...
chastity 26 15 moral purity [n CHAS...
chattery 25 15 loquacious [adj]
chattily 27 16 CHATTY, talkative [a...
chauntry 25 17 a chapel or altar bu...
cheatery 24 15 a cheating [n CHEATE...
cheddary 25 17 like cheddar cheese...
cheekily 27 20 CHEEKY, impudent [ad...
cheerily 26 16 CHEERY, cheerful [ad...
cheesily 26 16 CHEESY, resembling a...
chemurgy 28 21 a branch of applied...
chestily 27 16 CHESTY, suffering fr...
chevrony 26 20 adorned with chevron...
chiccory 32 21 succory, a blue-flow...
chickory 30 22 a perennial herb, al...
chiefery 27 18 an Irish chieftaincy...
chiffony 29 22 like chiffon [adj]
chillily 30 18 CHILLY, cool [adv]
chimbley 30 22 a chimney, also CHIM...
chirpily 30 19 CHIRPY, cheerful [ad...
chirrupy 29 19 cheerful, chirpy [ad...
chivalry 29 20 knightly behaviour,...
choicely 29 19 CHOICE, of fine qual...
choirboy 27 18 a boy who sings in a...
choosily 26 16 CHOOSY [adv]
choppily 31 22 CHOPPY, full of irre...
chorally 27 17 CHORAL, relating to...
choreboy 26 18 a boy used to do odd...
choultry 27 17 a shed used for asse...
chromoly 27 19 a steel alloy of chr...
chronaxy 30 23 a time constant in t...
chubbily 32 23 CHUBBY, plump, short...
chummily 30 23 CHUMMY, friendly [ad...
chunkily 28 22 CHUNKY, in chunks, s...
chupatty 28 19 (Hindi) a thin flat...
churchly 33 22 pertaining to a chur...
cinerary 22 14 pertaining to ashes,...
circuity 28 17 a roundabout course...
circussy 28 17 pertaining to a circ...
citatory 23 13 relating to a citati...
citrussy 25 14 pertaining to citrus...
civility 28 18 politeness [n CIVILI...
clamancy 27 21 urgency [n CLAMANCIE...
clammily 28 21 CLAMMY, unpleasantly...
classify 27 17 to arrange in catego...
classily 26 15 CLASSY, having class...
clattery 24 14 having a rattling so...
clearway 26 17 a non-stopping zone...
clemency 27 21 mercy [n CLEMENCIES]
cleruchy 30 20 an allotment of land...
cleverly 27 19 CLEVER, intelligent,...
clinally 26 17 CLINAL, pertaining t...
cloggily 28 19 CLOGGY, lumpy, stick...
clonally 25 17 CLONAL, relating to...
cloudily 26 17 CLOUDY, overcast wit...
clownery 26 18 clownish behaviour [...
clubbily 31 22 CLUBBY, characterist...
clumsily 28 19 CLUMSY, not dexterou...
clustery 25 15 pertaining to a clus...
cluttery 25 15 characterized by dis...
coagency 25 19 a joint agency [n CO...
coarsely 23 14 COARSE, rough, crude...
cobblery 28 20 the mending of shoes...
cobwebby 32 25 covered with cobwebs...
cocknify 29 24 to make (an accent)...
codology 24 17 the art or practice...
coembody 25 20 to embody jointly [v...
coemploy 26 20 to employ together [...
coevally 26 19 COEVAL, belonging to...
cogently 24 17 COGENT, convincing [...
coitally 25 15 COITAL, relating to...
colliery 25 15 the place where coal...
colloquy 33 25 speaking together; m...
colorway 26 17 an arrangement of co...
colotomy 24 17 a surgical incision...
comelily 26 18 COMELY, pleasing to...
cometary 23 16 pertaining to, or re...
commoney 23 20 an ordinary playing...
commonly 25 21 COMMON, ordinary [ad...
conceity 25 17 characterized by con...
congiary 23 16 in Roman history, a...
conicity 26 17 the state of being c...
contrary 22 14 opposite; in an oppo...
convexly 31 26 CONVEX, having an ou...
cooingly 24 17 affectionately [adv]
copurify 28 20 to become purified w...
coquetry 31 23 flirtatious behaviou...
corduroy 23 15 to build a road rein...
cornetcy 25 17 a rank in the Britis...
coronary 21 14 an artery supplying...
corsetry 23 13 the work of making c...
costally 25 15 relating to the ribs...
costmary 24 16 a garden plant havin...
costumey 24 17 pertaining to a cost...
cottagey 23 15 cottage-like [adj]
courtesy 23 14 to curtsey [v COURTE...
cousinly 24 16 like a cousin [adj]
cousinry 23 15 cousins collectively...
covertly 26 18 COVERT, secret [adv]
cowardly 27 18 lacking courage [adj...
cowardry 26 17 cowardice [n COWARDR...
cowberry 28 19 the red whortleberry...
coyishly 33 18 COYISH, somewhat coy...
crabbily 29 20 CRABBY, ill-tempered...
craftily 27 17 CRAFTY, skillful in...
craggily 27 18 CRAGGY, full of crag...
cramoisy 24 16 (archaic) crimson, a...
cranefly 25 18 a fly with very long...
crankily 25 19 CRANKY, cantankerous...
craunchy 28 20 crunchy [adj CRAUNCH...
cravenly 25 19 CRAVEN, cowardly [ad...
crawlway 30 20 a small low tunnel [...
creakily 25 18 CREAKY, creaking, al...
creamery 23 16 a place where butter...
creamily 25 17 CREAMY, having the c...
credibly 27 18 CREDIBLE, believable...
creepily 26 17 CREEPY, rather eerie...
crispily 28 17 CRISPY, crisp in tex...
croakily 25 18 CROAKY, low and hoar...
crockery 27 20 domestic pottery [n...
crookery 23 17 crooked activity [n...
crossply 27 17 of a tyre, having la...
crossway 26 16 a road that crosses...
croupily 27 18 CROUPY, affected wit...
crousely 24 15 CROUSE, lively [adv]
crummily 28 21 CRUMMY [adv]
crustily 26 15 CRUSTY, covered with...
cryingly 32 19 CRYING, distressing,...
cryogeny 29 18 a branch of physics...
cubicity 30 20 the state of being c...
culinary 24 16 pertaining to cooker...
culpably 30 22 CULPABLE, blameworth...
cupidity 27 18 avarice, greed [n CU...
curatory 23 14 tending to cure [adj...
curranty 23 15 full of currants [ad...
currency 26 18 a monetary medium of...
curriery 24 14 the shop of a currie...
cursedly 25 16 CURSED, wicked [adv]
curvedly 27 20 CURVED [adv]
cushiony 25 17 like a cushion [adj]
cussedly 25 16 CUSSED [adv]
custardy 24 15 like a custard [adj]
cutchery 29 19 a judicial office in...
cycleway 36 22 a path reserved for...
cyclicly 39 23 CYCLIC, moving in co...
cymosely 31 19 CYMOSE, resembling a...
cytogeny 29 18 the formation of cel...
cytology 31 18 a study of cells [n...
daintily 21 13 DAINTY, tasteful, de...
dalmahoy 23 17 (historical) a bushy...
damnably 23 19 DAMNABLE [adv]
dancetty 22 15 of a heraldic line,...
dapperly 25 18 DAPPER, trim, neat [...
daringly 22 15 DARING, brave, audac...
dastardy 20 12 despicable behaviour...
datively 23 16 DATIVE, expressing a...
deaconry 21 15 a clerical office [n...
debility 24 15 weakness [n DEBILITI...
decenary 21 15 a tithing, also DECE...
decently 23 16 DECENT, conforming t...
decisory 23 14 decisive [adj]
dekalogy 22 18 a group of ten novel...
delegacy 24 17 the act of delegatin...
deletory 20 12 serving to delete, a...
delicacy 27 18 a choice food [n DEL...
delivery 23 16 the act of deliverin...
delusory 21 13 tending to delude, a...
demagogy 22 18 the rule of a demago...
demissly 23 15 DEMISS, humble, also...
demology 22 17 the study of human b...
demurely 22 16 DEMURE, shy and mode...
denazify 24 24 to rid of Nazism [v...
deniably 22 16 DENIABLE, capable of...
dentally 21 14 DENTAL, relating to...
derisory 20 11 expressing derision,...
detoxify 28 21 to remove a toxin fr...
deucedly 24 17 extremely [adv]
deviancy 24 19 the behaviour of a d...
deviltry 24 16 mischief, also DEVIL...
devoutly 23 17 DEVOUT, pious [adj]
dewberry 25 17 a fruit like a black...
diablery 23 15 black magic; sorcery...
diadochy 25 17 the replacement of o...
diaphony 23 17 a system of rules fo...
dicacity 27 17 (archaic) raillery,...
diddicoy 24 16 an itinerant tinker,...
didynamy 27 18 the state of having...
dilatory 21 12 given to delay or pr...
dinarchy 25 17 government by two po...
diploidy 24 16 the condition of bei...
directly 25 15 DIRECT, straightforw...
disapply 26 18 to make a law inappl...
disarray 20 11 to throw into disord...
discandy 23 16 (Shakespeare) to dis...
dismally 24 16 DISMAL, sad, gloomy...
dispathy 25 16 dislike, also DYSPAT...
distally 23 13 DISTAL, remote from...
disunity 21 13 lack of unity [n DIS...
diversly 24 16 DIVERS, sundry, seve...
divinely 23 17 DIVINE, pertaining t...
divinify 25 19 to treat as divine,...
divinity 23 16 the quality of being...
docilely 25 16 DOCILE, compliant [a...
docility 25 15 the quality of being...
docimasy 24 17 scrutiny, examinatio...
doctorly 24 15 pertaining to a doct...
dogberry 23 16 the berry of the dog...
doggedly 23 17 DOGGED, stubbornly d...
dogsbody 23 17 a menial worker [n D...
domesday 20 15 a day of judgment, a...
donatary 18 12 a person who is give...
donatory 18 12 a donee of the crown...
doolally 22 14 crazy, deranged [adj...
doomsday 20 15 a day of judgment, a...
dormancy 23 18 a period of suspende...
dorsally 22 13 towards the back [ad...
dosology 21 14 the science of doses...
dotardly 21 13 like a dotard, one i...
dotingly 22 15 DOTING [adv]
doughboy 25 19 a boiled flour dumpl...
downplay 25 19 to understate, under...
doxology 27 21 a hymn or verse of p...
draftily 24 15 DRAFTY, exposed to c...
drangway 23 17 (English dialect) a...
draughty 24 16 exposed to currents...
dreamery 20 14 a place favourable t...
dreamily 22 15 DREAMY, full of drea...
drearily 21 12 DREARY, dismal [adv]
dressily 22 12 DRESSY, showy in dre...
drippily 27 18 DRIPPY, silly, inane...
driveway 25 18 a private road provi...
drollery 22 13 something droll [n D...
droopily 23 15 DROOPY, hanging [adv...
droughty 24 16 dry, also DROUTHY [a...
drowsily 25 15 DROWSY, sleepy [adv]
drudgery 22 15 hard, tedious work [...
dudishly 25 16 in the manner of a d...
dulcetly 26 17 DULCET, sweet-toned...
dumosity 22 15 bushiness [n DUMOSIT...
duopsony 21 16 the market condition...
dyspathy 31 18 dislike, also DISPAT...
dyspepsy 31 19 indigestion [n DYSPE...
dysphagy 32 20 difficulty in swallo...
earthily 23 13 EARTHY, consisting o...
earwiggy 25 17 resembling an earwig...
easterly 20 11 a wind from the east...
eclampsy 27 20 a fancied perception...
ectogeny 22 16 the effect of pollen...
effetely 24 17 EFFETE, exhausted [a...
efficacy 30 22 effectiveness [n EFF...
eighthly 27 17 in the eighth place...
elatedly 21 13 ELATED [adv]
elegancy 23 17 the state of being e...
elfishly 27 17 ELFISH, like an elf,...
eligibly 26 17 ELIGIBLE [adv]
elvishly 27 18 ELVISH, like an elf,...
emictory 24 16 promoting urine flow...
eminency 22 18 a high station or ra...
emissary 21 13 a person sent on a s...
emulsify 25 18 to convert into an e...
enactory 21 14 pertaining to the en...
endarchy 24 17 the condition of bei...
endogamy 20 17 the practice of marr...
endogeny 18 15 growth from within [...
enginery 19 14 the act or art of ma...
enormity 20 14 a great crime [n ENO...
ensigncy 23 17 the rank of a navy o...
enthalpy 24 17 the total heat conte...
entirely 20 12 completely [adv]
entirety 19 11 completeness [n ENTI...
entreaty 18 11 an earnest request o...
entryway 28 16 a passage serving as...
enviably 24 19 ENVIABLE, causing en...
epically 27 18 EPICAL, epic [adv]
epilepsy 25 17 a disorder of the ne...
epinasty 21 14 a downward bending o...
epiphany 25 19 an appearance of a d...
episcopy 27 19 (Milton) survey, sup...
epistasy 22 13 a suppression of gen...
epizooty 24 22 a type of animal dis...
equality 29 21 the state of being e...
equinely 28 22 EQUINE, relating to...
equinity 28 21 equine nature [n EQU...
errantly 20 12 ERRANT, wandering [a...
errantry 19 11 roaming around, look...
erringly 22 14 ERRING, mistaken [ad...
esterify 22 13 to convert into an e...
eternity 19 11 duration without beg...
etherify 24 15 to convert into ethe...
ethology 23 15 the study of animal...
etiology 21 13 the science of cause...
euphrasy 24 16 eyebright, a plant o...
euploidy 23 16 the state of being a...
eurythmy 30 18 rhythmical movement...
eutrophy 24 16 healthy nutrition [n...
evangely 22 18 (obsolete) the Gospe...
everyday 27 17 something appropriat...
everyway 30 19 all ways [adv]
executry 29 21 in Scots law, movabl...
exigency 29 23 urgency, also EXIGEN...
exiguity 28 20 meagreness [n EXIGUI...
exophagy 30 24 a cannibal custom of...
expertly 29 21 EXPERT, skilled [adv...
facetely 25 17 FACETE, (archaic) fa...
facially 27 18 pertaining to the fa...
facilely 27 18 FACILE, (French) eas...
facility 27 17 ease in performance...
fadeaway 23 17 a type of pitch in b...
faggotry 24 17 male homosexuality [...
falconry 25 18 the sport of hunting...
fallaway 26 18 a shot in basketball...
fallibly 28 19 FALLIBLE, capable of...
famously 24 18 FAMOUS, renowned [ad...
farriery 22 13 the trade of a farri...
fashiony 23 16 fashionable [adj]
fatality 23 14 a person who has bee...
fatherly 25 16 like a father [adj]
faucetry 25 17 an array of faucets...
faultily 25 16 FAULTY, imperfect [a...
faunally 23 17 FAUNAL, relating to...
feasibly 25 17 FEASIBLE, capable of...
feathery 23 15 resembling feathers...
federacy 24 17 confederacy [n FEDER...
federary 21 14 (Shakespeare) a conf...
feistily 24 14 FEISTY, spirited [ad...
felicity 27 17 happiness [n FELICIT...
felinely 23 16 FELINE, related to t...
felinity 23 15 the quality of being...
fellowly 28 19 (Shakespeare) compan...
femality 24 17 the quality of being...
femetary 22 16 a plant once used to...
feminacy 25 20 the state of being a...
feminity 23 17 the quality of being...
feracity 25 16 the state of being f...
feretory 21 13 a receptacle where s...
fernally 23 16 a vascular flowerles...
ferocity 25 16 fierceness [n FEROCI...
fervency 26 21 eagerness [n FERVENC...
fervidly 26 19 FERVID, warm, ardent...
festally 24 15 FESTAL, of or pertai...
fetidity 23 14 the state of being f...
fetology 23 16 a branch of medicine...
feudally 24 17 FEUDAL, pertaining t...
fidelity 24 15 loyalty [n FIDELITIE...
fiercely 26 17 FIERCE, violently ho...
filatory 23 14 a machine which make...
filially 26 16 FILIAL, pertaining t...
filthily 28 17 FILTHY, offensively...
finality 23 15 the state of being c...
finitely 23 15 to a finite extent [...
finnicky 26 22 particular about uni...
fireclay 26 17 a clay poor in lime...
fiscally 28 18 FISCAL, relating to...
fitfully 28 19 FITFUL, marked by su...
flabbily 29 21 FLABBY, hanging loos...
flackery 27 21 publicity [n FLACKER...
flashily 27 17 FLASHY, showy, vulga...
flattery 23 14 the act of flatterin...
flavoury 25 19 full of flavour, als...
fleecily 27 18 FLEECY, like a fleec...
fleshily 27 17 FLESHY, having much...
flexibly 33 25 FLEXIBLE, able to be...
flickery 28 21 flickering [adj]
flimsily 27 18 FLIMSY, lacking stre...
flintify 26 18 to turn into flint [...
flintily 25 16 FLINTY, resembling f...
floodway 25 18 an artifical passage...
floppily 29 21 FLOPPY, soft and fle...
florally 25 16 FLORAL, relating to...
floridly 25 16 FLORID, flowery; hav...
flossily 25 15 FLOSSY, resembling a...
fluently 24 17 FLUENT, flowing [adv...
fluffily 30 22 FLUFFY, downy, light...
fluidify 27 19 to make fluid, also...
fluidity 25 16 the quality of being...
flummery 26 21 a sweet dessert [n F...
flustery 24 15 confused [adj]
fluttery 24 15 marked by fluttering...
flyspray 32 19 an insecticide, or t...
foetidly 23 15 FOETID, stinking, al...
foldaway 25 18 designed to fold out...
folksily 26 19 FOLKSY, having an af...
forcedly 26 18 FORCED [adv]
forcibly 29 20 FORCIBLE, having for...
forebody 23 17 the forward part of...
forelady 22 15 a woman who supervis...
foreplay 24 17 erotic stimulation p...
forestay 21 13 a rope or wire used...
forestry 22 13 the science of plant...
forkedly 24 19 FORKED [adv]
formably 26 20 FORMABLE, able to be...
formally 25 18 FORMAL, regulated, n...
formerly 24 17 previously [adv]
fortuity 23 14 an accidental occurr...
forweary 24 16 (Shakespeare) to wea...
fourplay 25 18 the supply to a cust...
fourthly 26 17 in the fourth place...
foxberry 30 23 the red whortleberry...
freakery 22 17 an obsession with fr...
freakily 24 18 FREAKY, quirkily unu...
frenzily 26 24 FRENZY [adv]
friendly 23 16 one who is friendly...
frigidly 26 17 FRIGID, chillingly s...
frillery 25 15 an arrangement of fr...
frippery 27 19 excessive ornamentat...
friskily 26 18 FRISKY, lively and p...
frizzily 31 32 FRIZZY, of hair, tig...
froggery 24 17 a place where frogs...
frolicky 28 21 FROLIC [adv]
fromenty 22 17 a wheat dish boiled...
frostily 24 14 FROSTY, covered with...
frothery 24 15 mere froth [n FROTHE...
frothily 26 16 FROTHY, covered with...
frowzily 30 26 FROWZY, fusty, stuff...
frozenly 25 24 FROZEN [adv]
fructify 29 20 to bear fruit [v FRU...
frugally 26 18 FRUGAL, characterize...
fruitery 23 14 a place for storing...
fruitily 25 15 FRUITY, tasting of f...
frumenty 23 18 a wheat dish boiled...
frumpily 28 21 FRUMPY, ill-dressed...
fugacity 27 19 lack of enduring qua...
fulgency 27 21 brightness [n FULGEN...
fumatory 23 17 a place for smoking...
fumingly 26 21 FUMING [adv]
fumitory 24 17 a plant once used to...
fumosity 24 17 a fuming condition [...
funerary 21 15 pertaining to or sui...
furacity 26 17 a thievish dispositi...
furmenty 23 18 a wheat dish boiled...
furriery 23 14 the business of a fu...
futilely 25 16 FUTILE, ineffective...
futility 25 15 uselessness [n FUTIL...
futurity 24 15 the state of being i...
gadgetry 22 15 the devising or cons...
gageably 24 18 able to be gaged [ad...
galloway 25 17 a breed of hornless...
gameplay 24 19 the plan of action o...
gannetry 19 14 a breeding place for...
gapingly 25 19 GAPING, wide open [a...
garbagey 23 17 like garbage, also G...
garganey 20 15 a kind of small duck...
garishly 25 15 GARISH, glaring [adv...
garlicky 27 20 tasting or smelling...
gauchely 27 19 GAUCHE, (French) awk...
gealousy 21 14 (Spenser) jealousy,...
gelidity 23 14 (obsolete) the state...
gemology 23 18 the study of gems, a...
genially 22 15 GENIAL, having a ple...
gentrify 23 16 to renew an area to...
geocarpy 25 18 a ripening of fruit...
geognosy 20 15 a branch of geology,...
geolatry 21 13 earth-worship [n GEO...
geomancy 23 19 telling the future f...
geometry 21 15 a branch of mathemat...
geophagy 25 19 the practice of eati...
gibingly 26 19 GIBING [adv]
giftedly 25 17 GIFTED [adv]
gimmicky 29 25 having or being like...
gingeley 22 16 the sesame seed or i...
gingelly 24 17 the sesame seed or i...
gingerly 23 16 in a careful manner...
giveaway 25 19 something given away...
glassify 25 16 to become like glass...
glassily 24 14 GLASSY, resembling g...
glaziery 25 22 the work of a glazie...
glibbery 27 19 (obsolete) slippery...
gliddery 23 15 (Scots) slippery, al...
glimmery 25 19 glimmering, faintly...
glittery 23 13 glittering [adj GLIT...
glitzily 28 23 GLITZY, showy, garis...
globally 26 18 GLOBAL, worldwide or...
gloomily 24 17 GLOOMY, dismally dar...
glossary 22 13 a list of terms and...
glossily 24 14 GLOSSY, with a surfa...
glumpily 28 21 GLUMPY, (dialect) su...
gluttony 22 15 excessive eating [n...
goldenly 22 16 GOLDEN, of the colou...
goliardy 22 14 boisterous, irrevere...
gondelay 20 15 (Spenser) a gondola...
gorbelly 25 17 (obsolete) a big bel...
gorblimy 26 19 a kind of flat army...
gorgedly 23 16 GORGED [adv]
gospelly 25 17 like gospel music [a...
gossipry 24 15 the practice of goss...
graithly 25 15 (dialect) decent, or...
gramercy 25 18 an expression of gra...
grassily 23 13 GRASSY, resembling o...
gratuity 22 13 a gift of money [n G...
gravelly 25 18 resembling or contai...
gravidly 25 18 GRAVID, pregnant [ad...
greasily 22 13 GREASY, containing o...
greedily 22 14 GREEDY, marked by gr...
greenery 19 13 green vegetation [n...
greenfly 23 17 a green aphid [n GRE...
greenway 22 16 a corridor of undeve...
grillery 24 14 a place where grille...
grindery 21 14 places where tools a...
grittily 24 13 GRITTY, plucky [adv]
groggery 23 16 a low public-house [...
groggily 25 17 GROGGY, dazed [adv]
groovily 24 17 GROOVY, trendy [adv]
growlery 25 16 a retreat for times...
grubbily 28 20 GRUBBY, dirty [adv]
gruffily 28 20 GRUFFY, low and hars...
grumpily 27 20 GRUMPY, bad-tempered...
guaranty 20 14 to assume responsibi...
guernsey 20 14 a close-fitting knit...
guideway 24 17 a track for controll...
guiltily 25 15 GUILTY, worthy of bl...
gullably 27 19 GULLABLE, easily dec...
gullibly 28 19 in a way so as to be...
gulosity 23 14 (archaic) enormous a...
gynandry 26 17 the condition of hav...
gynarchy 32 20 government by women...
gyniatry 27 15 the treatrment of wo...
gyratory 27 14 moving in a circle o...
hagberry 25 17 a genus of trees rel...
handplay 24 18 a dealing of blows [...
haploidy 25 17 the state of being a...
hardbody 24 17 an attractive person...
harlotry 23 13 the behaviour of a h...
harmosty 23 15 the office of harmos...
hassocky 26 19 soft and cushiony [a...
hatchery 27 17 a place for hatching...
hatchety 27 17 like a hatchet [adj]
hatchway 30 20 an opening in the de...
hazardry 25 22 playing at games of...
headachy 26 18 having a headache, a...
headstay 21 13 a support for a ship...
heartily 23 13 HEARTY, very friendl...
heatedly 22 14 HEATED [adv]
heathery 23 14 like heather [adj HE...
heavenly 23 18 full of beauty and p...
hecticly 30 19 HECTIC, habitual, es...
hectorly 26 16 HECTOR [adv]
hegemony 22 18 leadership [n HEGEMO...
hegumeny 23 19 the office of hegume...
helicity 27 16 a component of a par...
heraldry 23 14 the science of armor...
hereaway 23 15 hereabout, in this v...
heredity 22 13 the genetic transmis...
hermitry 24 15 the state of being a...
heroicly 26 16 (Milton) heroically...
herstory 22 12 history with a femin...
hexapody 29 23 a line of verse with...
hexarchy 33 24 a group of six separ...
hiddenly 23 16 HIDDEN, concealed [a...
hideaway 24 16 a hideout [n -S]
hierurgy 24 15 a sacred performance...
hilarity 24 13 noisy merriment [n H...
hillocky 29 21 full of hillocks [ad...
hitchily 30 18 HITCHY, inclined to...
hoarsely 22 13 HOARSE, rough and hu...
hobbitry 27 18 the lore of hobbits...
hobnobby 27 22 sociable, given to h...
hogmanay 22 18 a Scottish celebrati...
hogmenay 22 18 a Scottish celebrati...
hoistway 25 15 an opening for the h...
hokypoky 32 25 hocus-pocus; a kind...
holarchy 28 18 a system of interact...
hollowly 28 18 HOLLOW, not solid [a...
hologamy 24 18 the state of having...
hologyny 29 18 a trait transmitted...
homebody 24 19 one who likes to sta...
homelily 25 17 HOMELY, unattractive...
homestay 22 15 the time during whic...
homogamy 24 20 breeding of like wit...
homogeny 22 18 similarity due to or...
homogony 22 18 the condition of hav...
homology 24 18 similarity in struct...
homonymy 29 21 the state of being a...
homotony 21 16 harmony of tone [n H...
homotypy 31 20 the relation of homo...
honestly 22 14 HONEST, truthful [ad...
honiedly 22 15 HONIED, sweetened wi...
honorary 20 13 an honorarium [n HON...
hopingly 26 19 HOPING [adv]
horology 23 15 the science of measu...
horribly 26 16 HORRIBLE, dreadful [...
horridly 24 14 HORRID, nasty, repel...
horsefly 25 16 a large fly [n HORSE...
horseway 24 15 a road for horses [n...
hostelry 23 13 an inn [n HOSTELRIES...
houseboy 23 16 a male servant [n -S...
housefly 25 17 a common fly [n HOUS...
hoverfly 27 20 a fly noted for hove...
humanely 23 18 HUMANE, compassionat...
humanity 23 17 the human race [n HU...
humidify 27 20 to make humid [v HUM...
humidity 25 17 the amount of moistu...
humility 26 17 the quality of being...
hummocky 29 26 abounding in hummock...
hungerly 24 17 (Shakespeare) hungry...
hungrily 25 17 HUNGRY, having a cra...
huntaway 24 17 a dog trained to dri...
huntedly 23 16 HUNTED [adv]
hushedly 26 17 HUSHED [adv]
hydropsy 31 18 (archaic) dropsy, al...
hypogyny 37 22 the condition of hav...
hyponymy 37 23 the formation of hyp...
ideality 21 12 the state of being i...
idealogy 21 14 a belief system, als...
identify 22 15 to establish the ide...
identity 20 12 the essential charac...
ideology 21 14 the science of ideas...
idolatry 21 12 the worship of idols...
idoneity 19 12 the state of being s...
ignominy 21 17 deep personal humili...
illusory 23 13 based on illusion, a...
imitancy 24 17 the tendency to imit...
immanely 22 18 IMMANE, (archaic) hu...
immanity 22 17 monstrous cruelty [n...
immunity 23 18 the state of being p...
imparity 24 16 lack of equality [n...
impishly 28 19 IMPISH, mischievous...
impolicy 28 20 an instance of being...
impunity 24 18 exemption from penal...
impurely 25 18 IMPURE, tainted, als...
impurity 25 17 something that is im...
incisory 23 14 adapted for cutting...
indignly 22 16 INDIGN, disgraceful,...
industry 21 13 a group of productiv...
inedibly 23 16 not fit to be eaten...
inequity 28 21 unfairness [n INEQUI...
infantry 21 15 soldiers marching an...
infinity 22 15 the state of having...
infirmly 25 18 INFIRM, sickly [adv]
infusory 22 15 an infusiorian [n IN...
iniquity 29 21 a gross injustice [n...
inkberry 23 18 a small shrub [n INK...
innately 19 13 INNATE, inborn [adv]
insanely 19 13 INSANE, mentally uns...
insanity 19 12 the state of being i...
instancy 22 15 the quality of being...
intactly 24 15 INTACT, entire, unda...
intently 20 13 INTENT, fixed, conce...
interlay 20 12 to place between [v...
intimacy 24 17 a state of close fam...
intimity 22 14 a state of close fam...
intraday 19 12 occurring within a s...
inverity 22 15 lack of truth [n INV...
inviably 25 19 INVIABLE, not viable...
inwardly 24 16 INWARD, placed withi...
ionicity 23 14 the state of existin...
irefully 25 16 IREFUL, full of ange...
irrisory 21 10 mocking [adj]
isocracy 26 16 a form of government...
isometry 21 13 equality of measure...
isospory 22 13 the condition of pro...
isostacy 23 13 the state of balance...
isostasy 20 10 the state of balance...
isotropy 22 13 the state of being i...
issuably 24 15 ISSUABLE, authorized...
jackstay 26 26 an iron or wooden ba...
jadishly 26 23 JADISH, like a jade,...
jaggedly 25 25 JAGGED, rough-edged...
jagghery 26 25 a coarse, dark sugar...
janisary 21 20 (Turkish) a soldier...
janizary 24 29 (Turkish) a soldier...
japingly 26 26 JAPING, joking [adv]
jauntily 23 22 JAUNTY, briskly self...
jealousy 22 21 a jealous feeling, a...
jejunely 24 31 JEJUNE, lacking inte...
jejunity 24 30 something that is na...
jeopardy 23 23 a hazard or danger [...
jesuitry 23 20 an unethical practic...
jibingly 27 26 JIBING [adv]
jocosely 25 23 JOCOSE, merry; chara...
jocosity 25 22 cheerfulness [n JOCO...
jocundly 26 26 JOCUND, marked by li...
jokingly 25 27 JOKING [adv]
jovially 26 25 JOVIAL, good-humoure...
jovialty 25 24 the state of being j...
joyfully 33 27 JOYFUL, full of joy...
joyously 29 23 JOYOUS, joyful [adv]
jugglery 26 25 the art of juggler [...
juratory 22 20 pertaining to an oat...
kablooey 22 18 an interjection expr...
kantikoy 21 19 to dance as an act o...
karstify 24 17 to develop undergrou...
kazatsky 25 27 (Russian) a Russian...
keepsaky 23 21 superficially pretty...
kernelly 22 17 full of kernels [adj...
ketchupy 29 23 of or like ketchup [...
kidology 23 18 the art of kidding [...
kielbasy 24 18 KIELBASA, (Polish) a...
kilogray 23 17 a unit of absorbed r...
kindlily 24 18 KINDLY, kind [adv]
kissably 25 18 KISSABLE [adv]
knackery 24 22 a knacker's yard [n...
knightly 26 20 befitting a knight [...
knottily 22 16 KNOTTY, full of knot...
kolinsky 23 20 an Asian mink, also...
kolkhosy 25 21 KOLKHOS, a collectiv...
kolkhozy 28 30 KOLKHOZ, a collectiv...
kromesky 23 21 a Polish fried croqu...
labially 25 16 LABIAL, pronounced w...
lability 25 15 the state of being l...
lackaday 24 19 (archaic) an express...
lacunary 23 16 relating to a lacuna...
laically 26 16 LAICAL, of or pertai...
lamasery 21 14 a monastery of lamas...
lambency 26 21 the quality of being...
laminary 21 15 pertaining to a lami...
lancegay 23 17 (obsolete) a kind of...
landlady 21 15 a female landlord [n...
lanosity 20 12 woolliness [n LANOSI...
lapidary 23 15 an expert in gems, a...
lapidify 26 18 to turn to stone [v...
latchkey 27 20 a key for opening a...
latently 21 13 LATENT, hidden [adv]
latinity 21 12 a manner of writing...
latterly 22 12 lately [adv]
laudably 24 17 LAUDABLE, worthy of...
lavatory 22 15 a room equipped with...
lavishly 27 18 LAVISH, generous or...
lawfully 29 20 LAWFUL, allowed by l...
lawyerly 31 17 befitting a member o...
leadenly 20 14 LEADEN, made of or r...
leathery 22 13 resembling leather [...
legality 23 14 the condition of bei...
legatary 21 13 the inheritor of a l...
legendry 21 15 a collection of lege...
legerity 22 13 quickness of the min...
leniency 22 16 the quality of being...
lesbigay 24 16 a lesbian, bisexual,...
lethally 25 15 LETHAL, causing deat...
lethargy 24 15 morbid drowsiness [n...
libatory 23 14 relating to libation...
lientery 20 12 the discharge of par...
lifebuoy 25 18 any of various kinds...
likeably 25 19 LIKEABLE, able to be...
limberly 26 18 LIMBER, supple [adv]
limitary 23 14 placed at the limit,...
limpidly 27 19 LIMPID, transparent...
lineally 22 14 LINEAL, being direct...
linearly 21 13 LINEAR, of or belong...
liquidly 32 23 LIQUID, free-flowing...
lissomly 24 15 LISSOM, easily flexe...
literacy 24 14 the ability to read...
literary 21 11 pertaining to books...
litherly 25 14 (obsolete) mischievo...
livelily 26 17 LIVELY, full of ener...
lividity 25 16 the state of being l...
livingly 26 19 LIVING[adv]
lobately 23 15 LOBATE, having lobes...
loblolly 26 17 a pine tree [n LOBLO...
lobotomy 23 17 a type of surgical o...
locality 25 15 a place, position or...
lockaway 27 21 in finance, a long-t...
locutory 24 15 a room in a monaster...
logotypy 30 18 the use of logotypes...
lonelily 22 14 LONELY, sad from lac...
lopingly 25 18 in the manner of one...
losingly 23 15 LOSING, tending to s...
louchely 27 18 LOUCHE, not reputabl...
loveably 25 19 LOVEABLE, worthy of...
lovelily 25 17 LOVELY, extremely be...
lovingly 25 19 LOVING, affectionate...
lubberly 27 19 like a lubber, clums...
lucently 25 17 LUCENT, shining, bri...
lucidity 26 16 the quality of being...
lumberly 26 19 lumbering [adj]
luminary 22 16 a body that gives li...
lumpenly 25 20 LUMPEN, (German) rel...
lunately 21 14 LUNATE, crescent-sha...
luringly 24 16 LURING [adv]
lyrately 28 14 LYRATE, having the s...
lysogeny 27 16 the state of being l...
maccaboy 28 22 a type of snuff, als...
maccoboy 28 22 a type of snuff, als...
madeuppy 25 21 (colloquial) artific...
mahogany 22 18 any of various tropi...
maidenly 21 16 in the manner of a m...
mainstay 20 14 the principal suppor...
majority 23 22 the greater number [...
malarkey 22 18 (US colloquial) absu...
malignly 24 18 MALIGN, evil [adv]
mammetry 23 19 idolatry, also MAWME...
manfully 25 20 MANFUL, courageous [...
mangabey 22 19 a long-tailed Africa...
mannerly 20 16 polite [adj]
mansonry 19 15 (Shakespeare) reside...
manually 22 17 MANUAL, by use of th...
markedly 23 19 MARKED [adv]
martyrly 29 16 resembling martyr [a...
massedly 22 15 MASSED [adv]
masterly 22 14 very skillful [adj]
matronly 21 15 like a matron [adj]
mattedly 22 15 MATTED [adv]
maturely 22 15 MATURE, fully develo...
maturity 22 14 the state of being m...
maumetry 22 17 the religion of Moha...
mawmetry 25 19 the religion of Moha...
meagerly 22 16 MEAGER, (US) scanty,...
meagrely 22 16 MEAGRE, inadequate,...
medially 23 16 MEDIAL, in the middl...
medianly 21 16 MEDIAN, middle [adv]
megacity 25 18 a very large city [n...
mellowly 27 19 MELLOW, well matured...
menially 22 16 MENIAL, lowly [adv]
menology 21 17 an ecclesiastical ca...
mentally 22 16 MENTAL, pertaining t...
merogony 20 16 the artificial produ...
meronymy 27 19 the state of being a...
mesially 23 15 MESIAL, situated in...
mesnalty 21 15 a type of feudal est...
metaboly 23 17 in biology, the capa...
metonymy 27 19 a type of figure of...
micrurgy 27 19 the use of minute to...
midstory 22 14 the middle of a stor...
mightily 27 18 MIGHTY, full of migh...
military 23 14 relating to armed fo...
milliary 24 15 an ancient Roman mil...
minacity 24 17 the state of being t...
minatory 20 14 menacing, also MINAT...
mindedly 22 17 in the manner of one...
ministry 22 14 the act of ministeri...
minority 21 14 the fact of being li...
minutely 22 16 MINUTE, very small [...
misandry 21 15 hatred of men [n MIS...
misapply 27 20 to apply wrongly [v...
misarray 21 13 (Scott) disarray [n...
misassay 21 13 to attempt unsuccess...
miscarry 25 16 to be unsuccessful [...
misentry 21 14 an erroneous entry o...
mismarry 23 16 to marry unsuitably...
misogamy 23 18 a hatred of marriage...
misogyny 28 18 a hatred of women [n...
misology 23 16 a hatred of debate o...
missilry 24 14 missiles collectivel...
mixology 29 23 the art of making mi...
mobility 25 17 the ability to move...
modality 22 15 the state of being m...
modernly 21 16 MODERN, pertaining t...
modestly 22 15 MODEST, unassuming [...
modishly 25 17 MODISH, fashionable;...
moistify 24 16 to make moist [v MOI...
molality 23 15 the number of moles...
molarity 22 14 the number of moles...
moltenly 22 16 MOLTEN, made liquid...
momently 22 18 from moment to momen...
monandry 19 16 the condition of hav...
monarchy 25 19 rule by a monarch [n...
monetary 19 14 pertaining to money...
monitory 20 14 a letter containing...
monogamy 21 19 marriage with one pe...
monogeny 19 17 the (theoretical) co...
monogony 19 17 asexual reproduction...
monogyny 26 19 the condition of hav...
monology 21 17 the act of uttering...
monopody 21 18 a measure consisting...
monopoly 22 18 exclusive control or...
monosemy 20 17 having a single mean...
monosomy 20 17 a condition of havin...
monotony 18 15 tedious sameness [n...
mopingly 25 20 MOPING [adv]
mopishly 27 19 MOPISH, dull; spirit...
morality 22 14 conformity to the ru...
moratory 20 13 authorizing delay of...
morbidly 25 18 MORBID, of the natur...
mordancy 23 18 the quality of being...
moronity 20 14 the condition of bei...
morosely 21 14 MOROSE, sad, gloomy...
morosity 21 13 (obsolete) morosenes...
mortally 23 15 MORTAL, fatal [adv]
mortuary 21 14 a place where dead b...
motherly 24 16 maternal [adj]
motility 23 14 the ability to move,...
motivity 24 17 the ability to move,...
motorway 23 16 a type of highway [n...
mouthily 25 17 MOUTHY, outspoken, o...
moveably 25 21 so as to be capable...
movingly 25 21 so as to affect the...
mucidity 26 18 mouldiness [n MUCIDI...
mucosity 25 17 the state of being m...
mudpuppy 29 25 a large salamander,...
mulberry 25 18 any of various trees...
mulishly 27 18 MULISH, like a mule;...
mullarky 25 20 (US colloquial) absu...
mullocky 28 23 (Australian slang) l...
mulloway 26 19 a large Australian f...
multeity 23 15 manifoldness [n MULT...
multiday 23 16 lasting for more tha...
multiply 27 19 to increase in numbe...
multiway 26 18 having several paths...
musingly 24 18 MUSING, reflective [...
musketry 23 18 the technique of fir...
mustardy 22 15 like mustard [adj]
mutatory 21 14 changing, mutable, a...
mutually 24 17 MUTUAL, shared in co...
mycology 32 21 the branch of botany...
myomancy 30 22 devination from the...
myopathy 31 20 a disorder of muscle...
myophily 33 21 pollination of plant...
mysticly 33 19 MYSTIC, related to m...
nabobery 22 17 the state of being a...
narghily 24 16 (Persian) a hookah,...
narrowly 23 15 NARROW, of little wi...
nasality 20 12 an instance of being...
nascency 24 18 birth or origin, als...
natality 20 12 birthrate, the ratio...
natantly 19 13 NATANT, floating in...
natatory 18 11 relating to swimming...
natively 22 16 NATIVE, inborn [adv]
nativity 22 15 the process of being...
naumachy 25 20 a mock sea battle, p...
navarchy 26 20 rulership over the s...
nebbishy 26 19 meek and insignifica...
necropsy 24 17 to perform an autops...
negatory 19 13 expressing denial [a...
neurally 21 14 NEURAL, pertaining t...
newishly 26 17 NEWISH, somewhat new...
nihility 24 14 the state of being n...
nisberry 22 14 an edible fruit, the...
nitpicky 27 21 tending to nitpick [...
nobility 23 15 the social class com...
nocently 22 16 hurtfully [adv]
noctuary 22 15 a diary for night jo...
nodality 20 13 the state of being n...
nodosity 19 12 knottiness; a knotty...
nomarchy 25 19 a province of modern...
nomogeny 19 17 natural rather than...
nomology 21 17 the science of law [...
nondairy 18 13 having no milk produ...
nonempty 21 18 not empty [adj]
nonentry 17 13 the fact of not ente...
nonfatty 20 15 not fatty [adj]
nonhardy 20 15 not hardy [adj]
nonleafy 20 16 having no leaves [ad...
nonmoney 17 16 not involving money...
nonparty 20 15 not affiliated with...
nonstory 18 12 an insignificant new...
nonwoody 20 16 not woody [adj]
noometry 19 14 mind-measurement [n...
normalcy 24 18 conformity with the...
normally 22 16 NORMAL, usual [adv]
nosology 20 14 a classification of...
nounally 20 15 NOUNAL, relating to...
novenary 19 16 a set of nine things...
nubility 24 16 the quality of being...
nugatory 20 14 of little or no cons...
numeracy 23 18 the state of underst...
numerary 20 15 pertaining to number...
nutmeggy 23 19 full of or tasting l...
oafishly 25 16 OAFISH, like an oaf...
obduracy 25 18 the quality of hardn...
obituary 22 14 a published notice o...
oblately 23 15 OBLATE, flattened at...
oblatory 22 14 relating to oblation...
oblongly 24 18 OBLONG, long in one...
obtusely 23 15 OBTUSE, stupid [adv]
obtusity 23 14 the state of being o...
occultly 29 19 OCCULT, secret [adv]
octapody 24 17 in verse, a line of...
octarchy 28 18 a government by eigh...
octonary 21 14 a stanza of eight li...
ocularly 25 16 OCULAR, perceived by...
odiously 21 13 ODIOUS, hateful, rep...
odometry 20 14 the process of using...
oecology 23 16 the study of the int...
oenology 19 14 the science dealing...
offishly 28 19 OFFISH, shy or dista...
ogrishly 25 15 OGRISH, resembling a...
oinology 20 14 the study of wines,...
omnivory 22 18 a practice of eating...
omophagy 25 20 the eating of raw fl...
oncology 23 17 the science of tumor...
oncotomy 22 17 incision into a tumo...
ontogeny 18 14 the development of a...
ontology 20 14 the branch of philos...
onwardly 23 16 going on [adv]
opaquely 30 24 OPAQUE, impervious t...
operably 24 17 OPERABLE, that can b...
opsonify 23 17 to form opsonins in,...
optology 23 16 the study of sight [...
opulency 25 19 conspicuous wealth,...
orangery 19 13 a building for growi...
ordinary 19 12 according to the com...
oreology 20 13 the scientific study...
organity 20 13 an organized whole [...
ornately 19 12 ORNATE, decorated [a...
orthoepy 23 15 the study of correct...
otiosely 20 11 OTIOSE, futile, idle...
otiosity 20 10 the state of being o...
otoscopy 24 16 the examination of t...
ourology 21 14 the study of urine o...
outbully 25 17 to surpass in bullyi...
outlawry 24 15 the state of being a...
outstudy 21 13 to surpass in studyi...
outweary 22 14 to weary out [v OUTW...
overbusy 24 18 to occupy oneself to...
overcloy 25 18 to eat to excess [v...
overeasy 20 14 too easy [adj]
overholy 24 17 too holy [adj]
overmany 21 18 an excess of people...
overplay 24 18 to exaggerate [v -ED...
overstay 21 14 to stay beyond a tim...
oversway 24 17 to bear down [v -ED,...
overwary 24 17 too wary [adj]
overwily 26 18 excessively wily [ad...
owlishly 28 17 OWLISH, like an owl...
oximetry 27 20 measurement with an...
paduasoy 21 15 (French) corded silk...
palimony 23 18 alimony paid after s...
palinody 22 16 a poem which retract...
pallidly 26 17 PALLID, pale, wan [a...
palpably 28 21 PALPABLE, capable of...
paltrily 25 15 PALTRY, meagre, mean...
pamphrey 27 21 (Irish) a cabbage [n...
panderly 22 16 acting as a procurer...
pandowdy 24 19 a deep pie or puddin...
panegyry 28 18 a great assembly [n...
pansophy 25 19 universal knowledge...
paperboy 25 19 a newsboy [n -S]
papistry 25 16 roman Catholicism [n...
paradoxy 27 21 the quality of being...
paralogy 23 16 false reasoning [n P...
paronymy 28 19 a relationship of tw...
parrotry 22 13 unintelligent imitat...
passably 25 17 PASSABLE, fairly goo...
passerby 24 16 one who passes by [n...
passibly 26 17 PASSIBLE, capable of...
pastorly 23 14 appropriate to a pas...
patchery 27 18 (Shakespeare) knaver...
patchily 29 19 PATCHY, uneven in qu...
patently 22 15 PATENT, obvious [adv...
patronly 22 15 in the manner of a p...
paynimry 29 19 heathendom [n PAYNIM...
peaberry 23 16 a type of coffee see...
peachily 28 19 PEACHY, coloured or...
peacocky 28 23 vain, strutting [adj...
peanutty 21 15 having the taste of...
peasanty 20 14 in the style of a pe...
peccancy 30 23 sinfulness; transgre...
pedagogy 23 18 the work of a teache...
pedantry 21 15 ostentatious display...
pedately 22 15 PEDATE, footed, foot...
peddlery 23 16 the trade of a peddl...
pedology 23 17 the study of the gro...
pelology 24 17 study of mud and its...
penality 22 15 liability to punishm...
pendency 23 19 a pending state [n P...
pennyboy 28 20 an employee whose du...
penology 22 17 the science of the p...
perchery 27 18 a barn where hens ar...
perigyny 29 18 a receptacle develop...
peripety 24 16 a sudden change in a...
pernancy 23 18 receiving, in legal...
perseity 22 13 an independent exist...
perspiry 25 16 perspiring, sweaty [...
petalody 22 15 transformation of st...
petchary 27 18 the grey king-bird [...
petitory 22 13 petitioning [adj]
pettedly 23 15 peevishly [adv]
phantasy 23 16 to imagine, also FAN...
phantomy 24 19 relating to a phanto...
pharmacy 28 21 a drugstore or chemi...
phisnomy 25 19 (obsolete) physiogno...
photopsy 26 18 the appearance of li...
phyllary 33 19 a bract of certain p...
phyllody 33 20 a flower transformat...
physicky 36 24 like medicine [adj]
picnicky 30 24 pertaining to a picn...
pigeonry 22 16 a place for keeping...
pilosity 24 14 the state of being p...
pinguefy 25 20 to become or make fa...
pipeclay 28 20 a fine white clay fo...
pipingly 27 20 shrilly [adv]
piquancy 33 27 the quality of being...
pitchily 30 19 PITCHY, like pitch [...
pitiably 26 17 PITIABLE, arousing p...
placably 29 21 PLACABLE, capable of...
placidly 28 19 PLACID, calm in natu...
plagiary 24 16 the act of passing o...
plaguily 26 18 PLAGUY, vexatious, a...
plastery 23 14 resembling plaster [...
plenarty 22 15 the state of an occu...
pleurisy 24 15 inflammation of the...
pliantly 24 16 PLIANT, easily bent...
pluckily 30 23 PLUCKY, brave and sp...
plugugly 28 21 a very ugly person [...
plumbery 27 21 the work of a plumbe...
plurally 26 17 PLURAL, more than on...
plushily 28 18 PLUSHY, luxurious [a...
plyingly 32 20 PLYING [adv]
podiatry 22 14 the study and treatm...
podology 23 17 the study of the fee...
polarity 23 14 the possession of tw...
politely 24 15 POLITE, showing cons...
polygamy 31 21 the condition of hav...
polygeny 29 19 generation from mult...
polygony 29 19 (Spenser) the plant...
polygyny 36 21 the condition of hav...
polymery 30 19 in botany, the condi...
polypary 31 19 the common supportin...
polypody 31 20 a fern with creeping...
polysemy 30 19 in linguistics, the...
polysomy 30 19 a condition in which...
polyteny 28 17 in abnormally large...
pommetty 24 19 in heraldry, having...
pomology 24 19 the study of fruits...
popinjay 25 26 a figure of a bird s...
popishly 28 19 POPISH, pertaining t...
porogamy 23 18 the entry of the pol...
porosity 22 13 the state of being p...
porously 23 15 POROUS, having minut...
porphyry 33 20 a very hard, variega...
porridgy 24 16 like porridge [adj]
portably 25 17 so as to be capable...
porterly 23 14 like a porter [adv]
posingly 24 17 POSING, assuming a p...
posology 23 16 a branch of medicine...
possibly 26 17 capable of happening...
postally 24 15 POSTAL, relating to...
potatory 21 13 pertaining to (exces...
potbelly 26 18 a protruding abdomen...
potently 22 15 POTENT, powerful [ad...
poticary 25 16 an apothecary, a dru...
pourtray 22 14 (Spenser) to portray...
powsowdy 28 20 (Scots) any mixture...
preapply 27 20 to apply beforehand...
preppily 28 20 PREPPY, denoting the...
prettify 25 16 to make attractive [...
prettily 24 14 PRETTY, pleasing to...
priestly 24 14 characteristic of a...
priggery 25 17 prim adherence to co...
primally 26 18 PRIMAL, being at the...
primrosy 24 16 coloured like a prim...
princely 26 18 befitting a prince [...
printery 22 14 a place where printi...
priority 23 13 precedence establish...
prissily 25 14 PRISSY, affectedly p...
probably 27 20 PROBABLE, likely to...
prolixly 31 22 PROLIX, tediously lo...
promptly 27 20 PROMPT, done without...
properly 25 17 PROPER, fitting [adv...
property 24 16 something owned [n P...
prophecy 29 21 a prediction [n PROP...
prophesy 26 18 to predict [v PROPHE...
provably 27 21 PROVABLE, that can b...
provenly 24 19 without doubt [adv]
pryingly 31 19 PRYING, inquisitive...
psalmody 24 18 the use of psalms in...
psaltery 23 14 an ancient stringed...
pseudery 22 15 falseness [n PSEUDER...
publicly 31 22 PUBLIC, open to gene...
puddingy 24 19 having the consisten...
pudicity 27 18 modesty; chastity [n...
pulingly 26 19 PULING, whimpering [...
pulpally 28 20 PULPAL, pertaining t...
pulpitry 27 18 sermonizing [n PULPI...
punchily 29 21 PUNCHY, forceful, ha...
punditry 23 16 the learning of pund...
pungency 25 21 the state of being p...
punitory 22 15 relating to punishme...
pupilary 26 18 relating to a pupil...
puppetry 27 20 the art of making or...
putridly 25 16 PUTRID, rotten [adv]
pyrology 30 18 the scientific exami...
quackery 32 27 the practise of a ch...
quadplay 31 25 the supply to a cust...
quagmiry 31 25 like a quagmire, bog...
quaintly 29 22 QUAINT, pleasantly o...
quandary 27 22 a state of perplexit...
quantify 30 24 to determine the qua...
quantity 28 21 a certain number [n...
queasily 29 21 QUEASY, feeling sick...
queerity 28 20 oddity [n QUEERITIES...
quiddany 28 23 a jelly or thick syr...
quiddity 30 22 the inherent nature...
quirkily 32 25 QUIRKY, twisted [adv...
quixotry 35 27 quixotic principles,...
quizzery 35 38 the act of interroga...
quizzify 38 41 (obsolete) to cause...
quotably 31 24 QUOTABLE, capable of...
rabbitry 25 16 a place where rabbit...
rabidity 23 14 the state of being r...
racially 25 15 RACIAL, pertaining t...
racketry 24 17 illegal interference...
radially 22 13 RADIAL, having rays...
radiancy 22 15 the quality of being...
raggedly 23 16 RAGGED, tattered [ad...
ragingly 23 16 RAGING, furious [adv...
raillery 22 12 good-natured teasing...
rainbowy 24 17 like a rainbow [adj]
rakishly 25 17 RAKISH, dapper [adv]
ramosely 21 14 RAMOSE, branched, as...
ramosity 21 13 the state of being r...
ramously 22 15 RAMOUS, having many...
rampancy 25 20 the state of being r...
rancidly 24 16 RANCID, rank in tast...
randomly 21 16 RANDOM, haphazard [a...
rapacity 25 16 the quality of being...
rapidity 23 14 the state of being r...
rascally 25 15 characteristic of a...
rateably 22 14 RATEABLE, capable of...
ravingly 24 18 RAVING, mad [adv]
readably 22 15 READABLE, able to be...
readerly 20 12 typical of a reader...
reaedify 21 14 (Spenser) to rebuild...
reagency 22 16 a substance with a c...
recently 23 15 RECENT, happening no...
recodify 25 17 to insert a new code...
reconvey 23 18 to convey back to a...
recovery 24 17 an economic upturn [...
rectally 25 15 by way of the rectum...
redbelly 24 16 the char or other re...
redeploy 22 15 to deploy again [v -...
reembody 22 17 to embody again [v R...
reemploy 23 17 to employ again [v -...
refinery 21 14 a place where crude...
reflexly 30 22 REFLEX [adv]
regality 22 13 regal authority [n R...
registry 22 12 the act of registeri...
regnancy 22 17 the condition of bei...
reinjury 22 21 a second injury [n R...
reliably 24 15 RELIABLE, dependable...
remissly 23 14 REMISS, careless [ad...
remodify 23 17 to modify again [v R...
remotely 21 14 REMOTE, far off [adv...
renotify 21 14 to notify again [v R...
reoccupy 28 20 to occupy again [v R...
repacify 27 19 to pacify again [v R...
repandly 22 16 REPAND, having a wav...
repurify 25 17 to purify again [v R...
resinify 22 14 to convert into resi...
resupply 26 18 to supply again [v R...
resurvey 22 15 to survey again [v -...
retiracy 23 13 seclusion [n RETIRAC...
retrally 22 12 RETRAL, situated tow...
reverify 24 17 to verify again [v R...
revestry 22 14 a room in which vest...
revisory 22 14 having the power or...
revivify 27 21 to reactivate [v REV...
rhapsody 24 16 an irregular, emotio...
rheology 23 15 the study of matter...
rhubarby 27 19 tasting of rhubarb [...
ribaldly 25 16 RIBALD, earthily sex...
ribaldry 24 15 crude language [n RI...
ribaudry 23 15 (Spenser) ribaldry,...
ribbonry 24 17 ribbons collectively...
ricketty 25 17 shaky, ramshackle, a...
ridgeway 24 16 a track along a hill...
rigidify 25 16 to make stiff, also...
rigidity 23 13 the state of being r...
rimosely 22 14 RIMOSE, marked by cr...
rimosity 22 13 the state of being r...
ringlety 22 14 resembling or sugges...
ritually 23 13 RITUAL, according to...
rivality 24 15 competition, also RI...
riverway 25 17 a river as a waterwa...
robustly 24 15 ROBUST, strong and h...
rockaway 26 20 a light four-wheeled...
rocketry 24 17 the science of rocke...
rogatory 20 12 requesting informati...
rollaway 24 15 something mounted on...
rollicky 27 19 given to rollicking...
rootedly 20 12 ROOTED [adv]
rosemary 20 13 an evergreen shrub [...
rotatory 19 10 turning as on an axi...
rottenly 20 12 ROTTEN, very bad, ro...
rotundly 21 14 ROTUND, rounded, plu...
roughdry 24 16 to dry without ironi...
routeway 22 14 an established cours...
rovingly 24 18 ROVING, wandering [a...
rubbishy 28 19 like rubbish, also R...
ruefully 25 17 RUEFUL, feeling sorr...
ruggedly 24 17 RUGGED, having an un...
rugosely 22 14 RUGOSE, wrinkled; co...
rugosity 22 13 the state of being r...
rurality 22 12 the state of being r...
rusticly 26 15 RUSTIC, of or like t...
sacredly 24 15 SACRED, dedicated to...
sacristy 24 13 a room in which sacr...
saddlery 21 13 the shop of a saddle...
saffrony 23 17 coloured like saffro...
sagacity 24 15 wisdom [n SAGACITIES...
sailorly 22 12 like or appropriate...
salacity 24 14 lewdness [n SALACITI...
saleably 23 15 SALEABLE, able to be...
saliency 23 15 a projecting feature...
salinity 21 12 a concentration of s...
salivary 23 15 relating to saliva,...
sallowly 26 16 SALLOW, esp. of a pe...
salutary 21 12 producing a benefici...
salvably 26 19 SALVABLE, capable of...
samplery 24 17 sample work [n SAMPL...
sanatory 18 11 of healing [adj]
sanctify 25 17 to make holy [v SANC...
sanctity 23 14 holiness [n SANCTITI...
sanguify 23 17 to make blood [v SAN...
sanitary 19 11 related to health [a...
sapidity 23 14 the state of being s...
sapiency 24 17 discernment; judgeme...
saponify 23 17 to convert into soap...
satanity 19 11 devilishness [n SATA...
satiably 23 14 SATIABLE, capable of...
savagely 23 17 SAVAGE, fierce, unci...
savagery 22 16 the quality of being...
savingly 24 18 SAVING [adv]
savorily 23 15 SAVORY, (US) savoury...
savourly 23 16 (obsolete) relishing...
sawdusty 24 15 sprinkled with sawdu...
scabbily 29 20 SCABBY, covered with...
scalably 27 18 SCALABLE, that can b...
scammony 24 20 a climbing plant [n...
scantily 24 15 SCANTY, poorly suppl...
scantity 23 14 scantness [n SCANTIT...
scarcely 27 17 SCARCE, in short sup...
scarcity 27 16 the quality of being...
scattery 23 13 dispersed [adj]
scattily 25 14 SCATTY, empty-headed...
schleppy 31 22 (Yiddish) incompeten...
schlocky 31 23 of inferior quality,...
schlumpy 31 23 unattractive, sloven...
schmalzy 31 28 characterized by sch...
schmoozy 29 27 (Yiddish) gossipy, a...
schmucky 32 26 acting like a schmuc...
scrabbly 29 20 scrabbling [adj SCRA...
scraggly 27 18 irregular or ragged...
scratchy 29 18 made by scratching [...
screechy 28 18 screeching [adj SCRE...
scribbly 30 20 written hastily or i...
scriggly 28 18 wriggly [adj SCRIGGL...
scrimply 29 20 SCRIMP, scanty, also...
scroungy 24 17 dirty [adj SCROUNGIE...
scrunchy 29 20 able to be crushed [...
scrutiny 24 15 a close examination,...
scullery 26 16 a storeroom and clea...
scummily 28 21 SCUMMY, covered with...
scurvily 28 19 SCURVY, scabby, mean...
seacunny 21 16 a lascar steersman [...
seamanly 20 15 SEAMAN [adv]
seaweedy 21 14 abounding in seaweed...
secantly 23 15 SECANT, cutting [adv...
secondly 23 16 SECOND, number two i...
secretly 24 14 SECRET, hidden [adv]
secundly 24 17 SECUND, esp. of the...
securely 24 15 SECURE, free from da...
security 24 14 the state of being s...
sedately 20 12 SEDATE, calm, self-p...
sedulity 22 13 the state of being s...
seignory 20 13 feudal lordship, als...
seldomly 23 16 SELDOM, infrequent [...
selectly 25 15 SELECT, choice [adv]
seminary 20 14 a school for trainin...
senilely 21 13 SENILE, deteriorated...
senility 21 12 mental and physical...
sensibly 23 15 SENSIBLE, showing go...
sepalody 22 15 transformation into...
sequency 30 24 the following of one...
serenely 19 12 SERENE, calm, tranqu...
serenity 19 11 the state of being s...
serially 22 12 SERIAL, in sequence...
serology 21 13 the science of serum...
serosity 20 10 the state of being s...
serotiny 19 11 the condition of hav...
severely 22 15 SEVERE, strict, hars...
severity 22 14 the state of being s...
sexology 27 20 the study of human s...
sextuply 30 22 in Scots law, to off...
sexually 28 20 SEXUAL, pertaining t...
shabbily 28 19 SHABBY, not smart [a...
shaggily 26 17 SHAGGY, covered with...
shamably 26 19 SHAMABLE, capable of...
shattery 22 12 brittle [adj]
shauchly 29 19 shuffling [adj SHAUC...
sheltery 23 13 giving shelter [adj]
shiftily 27 16 SHIFTY, evasive [adv...
shimmery 25 18 glistening [adj SHIM...
shinnery 21 14 a dense growth of sm...
shirtily 25 13 SHIRTY, irritable, a...
shittily 25 13 SHITTY, very unpleas...
shmaltzy 28 25 characterized by sch...
shoddily 24 15 SHODDY, of poor qual...
shrewdly 27 17 SHREWD, having keen...
shuddery 23 15 shuddering [adj]
sickerly 26 18 SICKER, (Scots) sure...
sicklily 28 19 SICKLY, in poor heal...
signally 23 15 SIGNAL, notable [adv...
signiory 21 13 the power of a seign...
sikorsky 23 18 a helicopter [n SIKO...
silently 22 13 SILENT, without soun...
silicify 28 17 to convert into sili...
silverly 25 16 with a silvery appea...
simplify 28 20 to make simple [v SI...
sinfully 25 17 SINFUL, tainted with...
sinology 21 14 the study of Chinese...
siserary 20 10 a scolding; a blow,...
sisterly 22 11 resembling a sister...
sitology 22 13 the science of nutri...
sixpenny 27 22 a coin worth six pen...
sizeably 26 23 SIZEABLE, quite larg...
skimpily 27 21 SKIMPY, brief, exigu...
skittery 22 14 darting about [adj S...
slabbery 25 17 like, or covered wit...
slangily 23 15 SLANGY, full of slan...
slattery 21 11 (dialect) slovenly [...
sleazily 25 21 SLEAZY, shoddy, also...
sleepery 22 14 (Scots) sleepy [adj]
sleepily 24 15 SLEEPY, inclined to...
sliddery 22 13 slippery [adj]
slideway 24 15 a route along which...
slightly 27 16 SLIGHT, small in siz...
slinkily 24 17 SLINKY, slinking, cl...
slippery 26 17 causing slips [adj S...
slippily 28 18 SLIPPY, slippery [ad...
slithery 24 13 given to slithering...
slobbery 25 17 slobbering [adj SLOB...
sloppily 27 18 SLOPPY, wet or muddy...
slovenly 23 17 habitually untidy or...
slovenry 22 16 (Shakespeare) sloven...
slumbery 25 18 full of slumber, als...
slushily 26 15 SLUSHY, resembling s...
sluttery 22 12 the realism of being...
sluttily 24 13 SLUTTY, characterist...
smallboy 25 18 a deputy steward in...
smalmily 25 18 SMALMY, (obsolete) o...
smarmily 24 17 SMARMY, oily, ingrat...
smearily 22 14 SMEARY, covered with...
smeltery 22 14 a place for smelting...
smirkily 25 18 SMIRKY, given to smi...
smithery 24 15 the trade of a smith...
smoothly 24 16 SMOOTH, not rough [a...
smothery 23 15 tending to smother [...
smouldry 23 16 (Spenser) smoulderin...
smudgily 25 18 SMUDGY, having smudg...
smuggery 24 18 a state of smugness...
smuttily 24 15 SMUTTY, sexually sug...
snailery 20 12 a place where snails...
snappily 25 18 SNAPPY, bad-tempered...
snarkily 22 16 SNARKY, crotchety [a...
snazzily 27 30 SNAZZY, trendily sma...
sneakily 21 16 SNEAKY, crafty [adv]
sneaksby 22 18 (archaic) a sneak [n...
snickery 24 18 tending to snicker [...
sniffily 26 18 SNIFFY, given to sni...
snippety 24 17 ridiculously small;...
snippily 26 18 SNIPPY, stingy, snap...
snivelly 24 17 given to snivelling,...
snobbery 23 17 snobbish behaviour [...
snobbily 25 18 SNOBBY, snobbish [ad...
snoopily 22 15 SNOOPY, prying [adv]
snootily 20 12 SNOOTY, supercilious...
snottery 19 11 filthiness [n SNOTTE...
snottily 21 12 SNOTTY, foul with sn...
snuffily 26 19 SNUFFY, soiled with...
snuggery 22 16 a snug place e.g. in...
soakaway 22 17 a depression into wh...
soaraway 21 13 making spectacular p...
sobriety 22 13 the state of being s...
sociably 26 17 SOCIABLE, gregarious...
socially 25 15 with respect to soci...
sodality 21 12 an organized group,...
soddenly 20 14 SODDEN, wet through...
sodicity 24 14 the amount of sodium...
soldiery 21 12 the military profess...
solemnly 22 16 SOLEMN, serious [adv...
solicity 25 14 (Shakespeare) solici...
solidary 21 12 united [adj]
solidify 24 15 to make solid [v SOL...
solidity 22 12 the state of being s...
solitary 21 11 alone [adj SOLITARIL...
solvency 25 19 the ability to pay a...
somberly 24 17 SOMBER, (US) sombre...
sombrely 24 17 SOMBRE, gloomy, dark...
somebody 22 17 an important person...
sonobuoy 20 15 a buoy that detects...
sonority 19 11 the quality of being...
soothsay 21 12 to foretell, to divi...
sordidly 22 13 SORDID, low, mean [a...
sorority 20 10 a social club for wo...
sortably 23 14 SORTABLE [adv]
sottedly 21 12 SOTTED [adv]
souterly 21 12 like a shoemaker [ad...
southsay 22 13 to foretell, to divi...
sovkhozy 28 29 SOVKHOZ, (Russian) a...
sovranly 22 16 supremely [adv]
sovranty 21 15 sovereignty [n SOVRA...
sowbelly 27 18 pork cured in salt [...
sparkily 25 18 SPARKY, lively, also...
sparsely 23 14 SPARSE, thinly distr...
sparsity 23 13 the state of being s...
speedily 23 15 SPEEDY, fast [adv]
speedway 24 17 a road designed for...
spermary 23 16 an organ in which sp...
spiffily 29 20 SPIFFY, excellent [a...
spillway 28 18 a channel for overfl...
spinachy 27 19 like spinach [adj]
spinally 24 16 SPINAL, related to t...
spinnery 21 15 a spinning mill [n S...
spirally 25 15 SPIRAL, winding like...
spivvery 27 21 the world of spivs [...
splotchy 29 19 covered with splotch...
spongily 24 17 SPONGY, absorptive [...
spoofery 23 16 good-natured ridicul...
spookery 22 17 something spooky [n...
spookily 24 18 SPOOKY, scary, also...
spoonily 22 15 SPOONY, foolishly fo...
sportily 24 14 SPORTY, inclined to...
spottily 24 14 SPOTTY, marked with...
sprauncy 25 18 smart, dapper [adj S...
spritely 24 14 lively, also SPRIGHT...
sprucely 27 18 SPRUCE, smart, dappe...
spunkily 25 20 SPUNKY, courageous,...
sputtery 23 14 spluttery [adj]
squarely 29 21 SQUARE, rigidly conv...
squelchy 35 26 sounding like a sque...
squiggly 33 25 like squiggles, wrig...
squirely 30 21 like a squire [adj]
squooshy 30 22 squashy [adj SQUOOSH...
staggery 22 14 given to staggering...
stairway 23 13 a flight of stairs [...
stalkily 24 16 STALKY, long and sle...
stanchly 26 17 STANCH, firm, steadf...
stannary 18 12 a tin-mining region...
starosty 20 10 a domain bestowed by...
starrily 22 11 STARRY, abounding wi...
statedly 21 12 at stated times; reg...
staticky 25 17 marked by static [ad...
statuary 20 11 a group of statues [...
stayaway 28 15 in South Africa, a s...
steadily 21 12 STEADY, well-balance...
stealthy 23 13 acting with stealth,...
steamily 22 14 STEAMY, like steam [...
steevely 22 15 STEEVE, (Scots) firm...
stellify 25 15 to convert into a st...
stemmery 22 16 a place where tobacc...
sternway 22 14 the backward movemen...
stickily 27 18 STICKY, adhesive [ad...
stievely 23 15 STIEVE, (Scots) stif...
stingily 23 14 STINGY, mean, niggar...
stingray 21 13 a ray with a formida...
stockily 26 18 STOCKY, having a sho...
stodgily 23 14 STODGY, boring [adv]
stolidly 23 13 STOLID, impassive, u...
stomachy 26 18 obstinate; sullen; h...
stonefly 22 15 a winged insect [n S...
stormily 23 14 STORMY, wild, tempes...
stowaway 25 16 a person who hides a...
straggly 24 15 irregularly spread o...
straitly 22 11 STRAIT, confined, ri...
stramony 20 14 thorn apple, and its...
strategy 21 12 a plan for obtaining...
stratify 23 13 to arrange in layers...
stretchy 26 15 tending to stretch [...
strictly 26 14 STRICT, kept within...
strongly 22 14 STRONG, having great...
stubbily 27 18 STUBBY, short and sq...
studenty 20 13 like a student [adj]
stuffily 27 18 STUFFY, badly ventil...
stultify 25 15 to cause to appear a...
stumpily 26 18 STUMPY, short and sq...
stupidly 25 16 STUPID, foolish [adv...
sturdily 23 13 STURDY, strongly bui...
subentry 22 15 an entry made under...
subtilty 25 15 the state of being s...
subtlety 24 15 the state of being s...
sudatory 20 12 a hot-air bath for i...
suddenly 21 15 SUDDEN, without warn...
suddenty 20 14 suddenness [n SUDDEN...
suitably 24 15 SUITABLE, appropriat...
sullenly 23 15 SULLEN, showing broo...
sulphury 27 18 resembling sulfur, a...
sultrily 24 13 SULTRY, humid and op...
summerly 24 18 of or like summer, a...
summitry 24 17 conferences between...
sunbeamy 22 18 bright and sun lit [...
sunberry 22 15 dark edible fruit [n...
sundrily 22 14 SUNDRY, miscellaneou...
sunshiny 22 15 pertaining to the su...
superbly 26 18 SUPERB, of excellent...
superfly 26 18 showily pretentious...
superlay 23 15 SUPERLIE, to lie abo...
superspy 25 17 a superior spy [n SU...
supinely 23 16 SUPINE, lying on the...
supplely 27 19 SUPPLE, pliant, lith...
surquedy 29 22 (obsolete) arrogance...
sveltely 24 16 SVELTE, slender, sle...
swankily 25 19 SWANKY, ostentatious...
swannery 21 15 a place where swans...
sweatily 24 14 SWEATY, covered with...
swimmily 28 20 SWIMMY, blurred, swi...
symmetry 29 18 exact correspondence...
sympathy 32 20 a feeling of compass...
sympatry 30 18 the state of occupyi...
symphily 34 21 the practise of keep...
symphony 31 21 an orchestral compos...
synanthy 27 16 abnormal fusion of f...
synarchy 31 18 joint sovereignty [n...
synastry 26 13 coincidence of stell...
syncarpy 31 19 the state of being a...
synonymy 32 19 equivalence of meani...
tabloidy 23 15 like a tabloid newsp...
tabooley 21 14 (Arabic) a kind of L...
takeaway 22 17 a meal that is taken...
takingly 23 18 TAKING, attractive [...
tangency 22 17 the state of being i...
tangibly 24 17 TANGIBLE, able to be...
tanistry 20 11 the system of electi...
tapestry 22 13 to decorate with a w...
tarnally 21 13 TARNAL, (US slang) e...
tartanry 19 11 Scottish culture art...
tartarly 21 11 ferocious [adj]
tasselly 22 12 adorned with tassels...
tawdrily 25 15 TAWDRY, cheap, trash...
taxingly 28 21 TAXING [adv]
taxonomy 25 21 the study of scienti...
tayberry 28 15 a hybrid plant, a bl...
teaberry 21 13 a North American shr...
tearaway 21 13 a rebellious person...
telecopy 25 17 a message or documen...
telegony 20 14 the influence of a p...
teleplay 23 15 a play written for t...
telicity 25 14 the quality of being...
temerity 21 13 foolish boldness [n...
tenacity 22 14 persistence [n TENAC...
tenantry 18 12 the temporary occupa...
tendency 21 16 a trend or inclinati...
tenderly 20 13 TENDER, soft, sensit...
tenotomy 19 14 the surgical divisio...
tenpenny 19 16 worth tenpence [adj]
tensibly 23 15 TENSIBLE, capable of...
tepidity 23 14 the state of being t...
terribly 24 14 TERRIBLE, awful [adv...
tertiary 20 10 a flight feather of...
tetchily 27 16 TETCHY, peevish, fre...
textuary 26 18 a specialist in the...
thataway 24 15 in that direction [a...
thearchy 27 17 rule by a God [n THE...
theodicy 25 16 a defence of God's g...
theogony 21 15 an account of the or...
theology 23 15 the study of religio...
theonomy 21 16 rule by a god [n THE...
thickety 27 19 having the nature of...
thievery 24 16 the act of stealing...
thingamy 24 18 used when the correc...
thisaway 25 15 (colloquial) this wa...
thornily 23 14 THORNY, full of thor...
thrawnly 26 17 THRAWN, (Scots) obst...
threnody 21 14 a song of lamentatio...
thuggery 25 17 thuggish behaviour [...
thundery 22 15 indicative of thunde...
thwartly 27 16 THWART, cross-graine...
timidity 23 14 the quality of being...
timously 23 15 TIMOUS, timely; seas...
tinselly 22 13 of or like tinsel, a...
tinselry 21 12 tawdry material [n T...
tittuppy 26 17 gay, lively, unstead...
titulary 22 12 one who holds a titl...
tocology 24 16 a branch of medicine...
toiletry 21 11 an article used in d...
tokology 22 17 a branch of medicine...
tomalley 22 15 the liver of a lobst...
tomatoey 19 13 tasting of tomato [a...
tonality 20 12 the sum of relations...
tonicity 23 14 normal, healthy bodi...
tonishly 23 14 TONISH, modish; fash...
toothily 23 13 TOOTHY, having promi...
toparchy 27 18 the territory of a t...
toplofty 25 17 high and mighty, hau...
topology 23 16 the branch of mathem...
toponymy 28 19 the study of toponym...
torosity 20 10 the state of being t...
torpidly 24 15 TORPID, numb, lethar...
torridly 22 12 TORRID, extremely ho...
totality 21 11 the state of being c...
touchily 27 17 TOUCHY, quick to tak...
touristy 21 11 like a tourist [adj]
towardly 24 15 (archaic) favourable...
toxicity 30 20 the state of being t...
toyishly 30 15 TOYISH, sportive; tr...
trackway 27 20 a trodden path [n -S...
trainway 22 14 a railway [n -S]
trashery 22 12 rubbish [n TRASHERIE...
trashily 24 13 TRASHY, rubbishy [ad...
travesty 22 14 to parody [v TRAVEST...
treasury 20 11 a place where treasu...
trendify 22 15 to make something tr...
trendily 21 13 TRENDY, fashionable...
trevally 24 16 a fish [n TREVALLIES...
triality 22 11 the body, soul and s...
triarchy 26 15 a government by thre...
tribally 25 15 TRIBAL, pertaining t...
trickery 25 17 deception [n TRICKER...
trickily 27 18 TRICKY, characterize...
triffidy 26 17 in the nature of a t...
trippery 25 16 like a noisy vulgar...
triunity 21 12 a trinity, also TRIU...
trollopy 24 15 slatternly [adj]
trophesy 24 15 a state of diseased...
truantly 21 13 like a truant [adv]
truantry 20 12 an act of truanting,...
trumpery 24 17 worthless finery [n...
trustily 23 12 TRUSTY, worthy of tr...
tryingly 29 16 TRYING, demanding, a...
tumidity 23 15 the state of being t...
tumulary 23 16 of or like a tumulus...
tunbelly 24 17 a potbelly [n TUNBEL...
tuneably 22 16 TUNEABLE, capable of...
tuppenny 23 19 two pennies, also TW...
turbidly 25 16 TURBID, thick or opa...
turgency 24 17 the state of being t...
turgidly 24 15 TURGID, swollen, inf...
tussocky 25 18 clumpy grass [adj]
tutelary 21 12 one who has the powe...
tweedily 24 15 TWEEDY, of a refined...
twittery 24 13 nervously agitated [...
twopenny 23 18 two pennies, also TU...
typology 30 18 the study of classif...
ubiquity 32 24 the state of being e...
udometry 21 15 the measurement of r...
ultimacy 26 18 the state of being u...
ultradry 22 13 extremely dry [adj]
unbloody 22 17 not bloody [adj UNBL...
unbouncy 24 20 not bouncy [adj UNBO...
uncatchy 28 20 not catchy [adj UNCA...
unchancy 27 21 unlucky, spooky [adj...
unchicly 30 21 not chicly [adv]
uncially 25 17 UNCIAL, in uncial fo...
unclassy 24 16 not classy [adj UNCL...
uncloudy 24 18 not cloudy [adj UNCL...
uncomely 24 19 not comely [adj UNCO...
uncostly 24 16 not costly [adj UNCO...
underbuy 22 17 to buy at a lower pr...
underlay 20 14 to place under [v UN...
underpay 21 16 to pay less than is...
undersay 19 13 to say in answer [v...
undersky 21 17 a lower sky [n UNDER...
underway 22 16 in progress [adv]
undrossy 20 13 not drossy [adj UNDR...
uneasily 20 13 UNEASY, marked by me...
unevenly 21 18 UNEVEN, not even [ad...
unfairly 23 16 UNFAIR, not fair [ad...
unfaulty 23 17 not faulty [adj UNFA...
unfixity 29 22 the state of not bei...
unflashy 25 18 not flashy [adj UNFL...
ungainly 21 16 clumsy, also UNGAIN...
ungently 21 16 UNGENTLE, not gentle...
ungravly 24 19 (Shakespeare) not gr...
ungreedy 20 15 not greedy [adj UNGR...
unguilty 23 16 not guilty [adj UNGU...
unholily 24 16 UNHOLY, not holy [ad...
unhomely 23 18 not homely [adj UNHO...
uniquely 29 23 UNIQUE, having no ot...
unitedly 21 14 UNITED [adv]
unjustly 24 23 UNJUST, not just [ad...
unkindly 22 19 UNKIND, not kind [ad...
unkingly 23 20 not kingly [adj UNKI...
unlikely 23 18 not likely [adj UNLI...
unlively 24 18 not lively [adj UNLI...
unlordly 22 15 not lordly [adj UNLO...
unlovely 23 18 not lovely [adj UNLO...
unmeetly 21 16 UNMEET, not suitable...
unpretty 22 15 not pretty [adj UNPR...
unpurely 23 17 UNPURE, not pure, al...
unreally 21 14 not really [adv]
unripely 23 16 UNRIPE, not mature e...
unsafely 22 16 UNSAFE, not safe [ad...
unsafety 21 15 lack of safety [n UN...
unsavory 21 16 not savory, also UNS...
unseemly 21 16 not seemly [adj UNSE...
unstably 23 16 UNSTABLE, not stable...
unstarry 20 12 not like a film star...
unsteady 19 13 not steady [adj UNST...
unstuffy 25 19 not stuffy [adj UNST...
unsubtly 24 17 UNSUBTLE, not subtle...
unsurely 21 14 UNSURE, not sure [ad...
untidily 22 14 UNTIDY, not tidy [ad...
untimely 22 16 not timely [adj UNTI...
untrendy 19 14 not trendy [adj UNTR...
untrusty 21 13 not trusty [adj UNTR...
unusably 23 17 UNUSABLE, not usable...
unwarely 23 16 (obsolete) unwarily...
unwarily 24 16 UNWARY, not wary, al...
unwatery 22 15 not watery [adj]
unwieldy 24 17 not wieldy [adj UNWI...
unwifely 26 19 not wifely [adj UNWI...
unwisely 24 16 UNWISE, not wise [ad...
unworthy 25 17 not worthy [adj UNWO...
upadaisy 22 15 an expression of rea...
uppishly 29 20 UPPISH, putting on a...
upwardly 27 19 UPWARD, toward a hig...
urbanely 22 16 URBANE, refined and...
urbanity 22 15 the quality of being...
urgently 22 15 URGENT, requiring im...
urgingly 24 17 URGING, urgent [adv]
uroscopy 25 17 the diagnosis of dis...
urostomy 21 14 an artificial passag...
usefully 25 17 USEFUL, serving a pu...
uvularly 25 18 UVULAR, relating to...
vacantly 25 19 VACANT, empty [adv]
vagility 25 17 freedom of movement...
vagotomy 23 19 surgical division of...
vagrancy 25 20 the state of being a...
valiancy 25 19 valour, also VALIANC...
validity 24 16 the state of being v...
valuably 26 20 VALUABLE, having val...
vanitory 21 15 a combined dressing...
vapidity 25 18 the state of being v...
varenyky 28 21 (Russian) Ukrainian...
variably 25 18 VARIABLE, liable to...
variedly 23 16 VARIED [adv]
varletry 23 15 a group of common pe...
varnishy 24 17 like varnish, glossy...
vasotomy 22 17 a surgical cutting o...
vassalry 23 15 vassals collectively...
vauntery 21 16 (archaic) vaunting,...
vavasory 23 18 the tenure or lands...
veiledly 24 17 VEILED [adv]
velleity 24 16 a very low degree of...
velocity 26 18 rapidity of motion [...
venality 22 16 the state of being v...
vendibly 25 20 VENDIBLE, that can b...
venially 23 17 VENIAL, easily excus...
venology 22 18 the study of veins [...
venosity 21 15 the state of being v...
venously 22 17 VENOUS, full of vein...
veracity 25 17 conformity to truth...
verbally 26 19 VERBAL, in words [ad...
verdancy 24 19 the state of being v...
vergency 25 20 the act of verging o...
vernally 23 17 VERNAL, pertaining t...
vespiary 24 17 a nest of wasps [n V...
vestally 24 16 VESTAL, relating to...
vestiary 22 14 a dressing room [n V...
vexatory 27 21 causing annoyance [a...
vexingly 30 25 VEXING, annoying [ad...
vibrancy 27 21 the state of being v...
vicenary 24 18 pertaining to the nu...
vicinity 26 18 the region near or a...
villagey 25 18 pertaining to or cha...
villainy 24 17 conduct characterist...
vincibly 29 22 VINCIBLE, capable of...
vinegary 22 17 sour like vinegar [a...
vinology 23 18 the study of vines [...
vinosity 22 15 the character of a w...
vinously 23 17 VINOUS, pertaining t...
violably 26 19 VIOLABLE, capable of...
virality 24 15 the state of being v...
virginly 25 18 VIRGIN, chaste [adv]
viridity 24 15 the state of being v...
virilely 25 16 VIRILE, having mascu...
virility 25 15 the state of being v...
virology 24 17 the study of viruses...
viscidly 28 19 VISCID, thick and ad...
visually 25 17 VISUAL, related to s...
vitality 24 15 exuberant physical s...
vivacity 28 21 the state of being v...
vividity 26 19 the state of being v...
vivipary 27 21 plants that germinat...
vocality 26 18 the possession of ex...
vomitory 23 17 an opening in a larg...
voracity 25 17 greed [n VORACITIES]
votively 25 19 VOTIVE, performed in...
vulgarly 26 19 VULGAR, common [adv]
walkaway 27 21 an easy victory [n -...
wantaway 24 17 a footballer who wan...
wantonly 22 16 WANTON, thoughtlessl...
wanwordy 25 18 (Scots) worthless, u...
wardenry 22 15 the office of a ward...
warranty 22 14 the act of warrantin...
washaway 27 18 an erosion of the ea...
wasteway 25 16 a channel for excess...
watchcry 32 21 a password [n WATCHC...
waterily 24 14 WATERY, like water [...
waterway 25 16 a navigable body of...
waxberry 31 23 a berry [n WAXBERRIE...
weaponry 23 17 weapons collectively...
weaselly 24 15 like a weasel (an an...
weevilly 27 19 full of weevils, als...
welladay 24 16 (archaic) alas, also...
wellaway 27 18 (archaic) alas, also...
westerly 24 14 a wind from the west...
wheezily 29 25 WHEEZY, given to whe...
whimsily 29 19 WHIMSY, full of whim...
whiskery 27 19 having whiskers [adj...
whispery 28 18 resembling a whisper...
whitefly 29 19 a small, whitish ins...
wickedly 29 22 WICKED, bad, evil [a...
widebody 25 18 an aircraft with a w...
widthway 29 19 across the width, as...
wilfully 30 20 WILFUL, bent on havi...
wingedly 25 18 SWIFT, rapid [adv]
winterly 24 15 having the character...
wintrily 25 15 WINTRY, having the c...
witchery 29 18 enchantment; witchcr...
wittolly 26 15 (Shakespeare) like a...
wizardly 28 24 like a wizard [adv]
wizardry 27 23 sorcery, magic [n WI...
woefully 27 19 WOEFUL, full of woe,...
wontedly 23 16 WONTED [adv]
woodenly 22 16 WOODEN, stiff as in...
wooingly 24 17 attractively [adv]
woollily 26 16 WOOLLY, like wool [a...
wordplay 26 18 a witty exchange of...
workably 27 21 WORKABLE, capable of...
workaday 23 18 a working day [n -S]
worthily 27 16 WORTHY, full of wort...
woundily 24 17 WOUNDY, (archaic) ex...
wrathily 27 16 WRATHY, inclined to...
writerly 25 14 having an accomplish...
xenogamy 26 23 cross-fertilization...
xenogeny 24 21 the production of of...
xylology 35 23 the study of the str...
xylotomy 34 23 the preparation of w...
yeastily 27 13 YEASTY, like yeast,...
yellowly 32 18 YELLOW, of a bright...
yeomanly 26 17 of yeoman rank [adj]
yeomanry 25 16 a collective body of...
yonderly 26 15 (dialect) mentally o...
yumberry 30 19 the purple-red edibl...
zealotry 23 20 the character or con...
zebrinny 24 24 the offspring of a m...
zigzaggy 30 34 having sharp turns [...
zinckify 30 30 to coat with zinc, a...
zircaloy 27 23 an alloy of zirconiu...
zoochory 27 24 the condition of bei...
zoolatry 23 20 the worship of anima...
zoomancy 25 26 divination by observ...
zoometry 23 22 comparing measuremen...
zoopathy 26 24 animal pathology [n...
zoophagy 27 26 the practice of feed...
zoophily 28 25 the love of animals;...
zooscopy 27 25 a delusion in which...
zygosity 31 23 the makeup of a zygo...
zymology 32 27 the science of ferme...