11 letter words that end with Y

11 letter words that end with Y

11 letter Y word


Words With Friends®


abactinally 31 22 ABACTINAL, remote fr...
abandonedly 25 21 ABANDONED [adv]
abdominally 29 23 ABDOMINAL, relating...
abhorrently 29 20 ABHORRENT, loathsome...
abiotically 32 21 ABIOTIC, devoid of o...
ablutionary 27 19 relating to the act...
abnormality 28 21 the state of being a...
absorbingly 31 23 ABSORBING [adv]
abstinently 27 19 ABSTINENT, tending t...
accentually 32 23 ACCENTUAL, of or per...
acceptingly 35 26 ACCEPTING [adv]
acceptivity 36 26 the state of being a...
accessarily 32 20 ACCESSARY, accompany...
accessorily 32 20 ACCESSORY, accompany...
acclamatory 32 23 expressing acclamati...
accordantly 31 22 ACCORDANT, agreeing;...
accordingly 33 24 therefore; in agreem...
accountably 33 25 ACCOUNTABLE, that ca...
accountancy 32 25 the profession or pr...
accustomary 32 23 made familiar by cus...
acerbically 35 24 ACERBIC, bitter and...
acronically 32 22 ACRONICAL, occurring...
acronycally 38 24 ACRONYCAL, occurring...
acropetally 31 21 ACROPETAL, in the di...
actinically 33 22 ACTINIC, of or perta...
actinometry 28 20 the measurement of h...
actuarially 30 19 ACTUARIAL, of or per...
adjectively 33 31 ADJECTIVE, added, de...
adorability 28 18 the state of being a...
advancingly 31 26 ADVANCING [adv]
adverbially 31 23 ADVERBIAL, relating...
advertently 27 20 ADVERTENT, attentive...
aerobically 31 21 AEROBIC, requiring f...
aerobiology 27 19 the study of airborn...
aethereally 27 17 AETHEREAL, like a sp...
affectingly 34 26 AFFECTING [adv]
affectively 35 27 AFFECTIVE, of, arisi...
affectivity 35 26 the quality of being...
affirmatory 30 22 expressing affirmati...
affirmingly 33 26 AFFIRMING [adv]
agamospermy 29 24 the formation of see...
aggregately 28 20 AGGREGATE, formed of...
aggrievedly 30 23 AGGRIEVED [adv]
agnatically 30 21 AGNATICAL, pertainin...
agonisingly 27 20 AGONISING [adv]
agonizingly 30 29 AGONIZING [adv]
agrobiology 29 21 the study of plant n...
agrostology 27 18 the science or study...
aldermanity 26 19 the state of being a...
alkalimetry 29 22 the measurement of t...
allelopathy 31 21 an adverse influence...
alleviatory 28 19 tending to alleviate...
alternately 25 16 ALTERNATE, in turns...
aluminosity 27 19 the quality of resem...
amatorially 27 18 AMATORIAL, of or per...
ambiguously 31 24 AMBIGUOUS, open to m...
ambitiously 30 21 AMBITIOUS, having am...
ambivalency 33 28 simultaneous and con...
ambrosially 30 21 AMBROSIAL, consistin...
amenability 28 21 the state of being a...
amicability 33 23 the state of being a...
amorphously 31 23 AMORPHOUS, without d...
amphibology 34 27 a grammatically ambi...
amphictyony 39 27 a group of states sh...
amphiploidy 34 26 the state of being a...
ampullosity 31 22 (Browning) turgidity...
anaemically 29 22 ANAEMIC, suffering f...
analogously 26 19 ANALOGOUS, bearing s...
analyticity 35 20 the quality of being...
ancestrally 29 19 ANCESTRAL, relating...
anecdotally 28 20 ANECDOTAL, relating...
anemography 29 24 measurement by use o...
anencephaly 30 24 congenital absence o...
angelically 31 22 ANGELICAL, of or lik...
angelolatry 26 18 worship of or belief...
angelophany 28 23 the manifestation of...
angiography 30 23 a technique for X-ra...
angioplasty 28 20 the surgical repair...
animatingly 27 21 ANIMATING [adv]
anisophylly 37 23 the state of being a...
anniversary 25 19 the annual recurrenc...
anomalously 26 20 ANOMALOUS, irregular...
anonymously 31 22 ANONYMOUS, without a...
anovulatory 26 20 of a menstrual cycle...
antenatally 24 17 ANTENATAL, before bi...
anteriority 24 14 the state of being a...
antianxiety 29 22 designed to alleviat...
anticruelty 29 19 against cruelty [adj...
antidotally 26 17 ANTIDOTAL, having th...
antigravity 28 20 a hypothetical effec...
antileprosy 27 18 designed to prevent...
antiobesity 26 17 opposed to obesity [...
antiphonary 27 20 a book of antiphons...
antipoverty 28 21 opposed to poverty [...
antisecrecy 30 20 against secrecy [adj...
antislavery 27 19 opposed to slavery [...
antisubsidy 28 19 opposed to subsidy [...
aortography 29 20 an arteriography of...
aphetically 34 23 APHETIC, relating to...
apogamously 29 23 APOGAMOUS, engaging...
appallingly 33 25 APPALLING [adv]
appealingly 31 24 APPEALING [adv]
appeasingly 30 23 APPEASING [adv]
applaudably 33 26 APPLAUDABLE, worthy...
applicatory 33 23 capable of being app...
appreciably 35 26 APPRECIABLE, capable...
approbatory 30 22 expressing approbati...
appropriacy 34 25 the condition of del...
approvingly 33 27 APPROVING [adv]
appulsively 34 26 APPULSIVE, relating...
aquatically 38 28 AQUATIC [adv]
arachnology 30 22 the study of spiders...
arbitrarily 29 17 ARBITRARY, arising f...
archaeology 30 21 the study of ancient...
archaically 35 23 ARCHAICAL, ancient,...
archeometry 30 21 the use of scientifi...
aristocracy 31 19 government by the be...
aromaticity 29 19 the state of being a...
arrestingly 27 17 ARRESTING [adv]
arrhenotoky 26 20 giving birth only to...
arteriotomy 25 16 the surgical excisio...
arthrectomy 31 21 the surgical excisio...
arthropathy 31 20 a disease of a joint...
arthroscopy 32 21 the examination of j...
ascendantly 27 20 ASCENDANT, rising, a...
ascetically 33 21 ASCETICAL, practisin...
aseptically 32 21 ASEPTIC, free from s...
aspersively 30 21 ASPERSIVE, tending t...
assentingly 26 18 ASSENTING [adv]
assertively 28 18 ASSERTIVE, given to...
assiduously 27 17 ASSIDUOUS, diligent;...
assimilably 31 21 ASSIMILABLE, that ca...
associatory 27 16 characterized by or...
astatically 30 18 ASTATIC, having no t...
astringency 28 20 being astringent, al...
astrobotany 25 17 the branch of botany...
astuciously 30 19 ASTUCIOUS, (Scott) o...
atrociously 29 18 ATROCIOUS, terrible...
attentively 27 19 ATTENTIVE, full of a...
attractancy 30 20 the state of being a...
attuitively 29 19 ATTUITIVE, relating...
atypicality 38 22 the state of being a...
audaciously 29 20 AUDACIOUS, bold, als...
auricularly 31 20 AURICULAR, pertainin...
autocephaly 32 23 self-government [n A...
autochthony 31 22 the state of being a...
autosomally 27 19 AUTOSOMAL, of or lik...
avuncularly 32 25 AVUNCULAR, suggestiv...
axisymmetry 40 28 the state of being a...
azimuthally 34 30 AZIMUTHAL, of or per...
backcountry 34 28 a remote rural regio...
bacterially 32 21 BACTERIAL, of or lik...
balmorality 30 21 superficial enthusia...
bankability 31 25 being bankable, reli...
banteringly 28 21 BANTERING [adv]
baptismally 33 24 BAPTISMAL, relating...
barbarously 30 21 BARBAROUS, unciviliz...
barefacedly 32 24 BAREFACED, blatant,...
basipetally 31 21 BASIPETAL, produced...
bearability 30 20 the ability to be bo...
beauteously 27 19 BEAUTEOUS, beautiful...
beautifully 32 23 BEAUTIFUL, fair to l...
beckoningly 32 28 BECKONING [adv]
befittingly 32 23 BEFITTING [adv]
beguilingly 32 24 BEGUILING [adv]
believingly 32 25 BELIEVING, accepting...
bellfoundry 31 24 a place where bells...
bellicosely 33 22 BELLICOSE, warlike [...
bellicosity 33 21 the state of being b...
benedictory 29 21 of or expressing ben...
benefactory 30 23 having the nature of...
beneficiary 31 23 one that benefits fr...
benightedly 31 23 BENIGHTED [adv]
benignantly 27 22 BENIGNANT, kind; gra...
benumbingly 32 28 BENUMBING [adv]
beseemingly 29 23 BESEEMING [adv]
besiegingly 30 22 BESIEGING [adv]
bewailingly 33 24 BEWAILING [adv]
bibliolatry 32 21 worship of the Bible...
bibliomancy 34 27 divination by interp...
bibliophily 37 26 the love of books [n...
bicentenary 28 21 happening every two...
biconcavity 35 27 the state of being b...
biconvexity 38 31 the state of being b...
biddability 32 22 being biddable [n BI...
bifariously 31 21 BIFARIOUS, organized...
bigheadedly 31 23 BIGHEADED, conceited...
bilaterally 30 19 BILATERAL, having or...
bilingually 32 23 BILINGUAL, speaking...
bimillenary 30 22 happening every two...
binocularly 32 23 BINOCULAR, with two...
bioactivity 33 23 the state of being b...
biocenology 30 23 the branch of ecolog...
bioindustry 28 19 industry centred on...
biosocially 32 21 BIOSOCIAL, relating...
bipartitely 31 20 BIPARTITE, being in...
bipinnately 29 22 BIPINNATE, of a comp...
biquarterly 37 27 occurring every seco...
bisexuality 35 25 the state of being b...
blamelessly 31 22 BLAMELESS, without b...
blameworthy 34 25 worthy of censure [a...
blightingly 35 25 BLIGHTING, causing d...
blindstorey 28 19 a storey without win...
bloodguilty 31 22 guilty of shedding b...
bloodlessly 30 20 BLOODLESS, without b...
blushlessly 34 22 BLUSHLESS, free from...
bodaciously 31 22 BODACIOUS, remarkabl...
bookbindery 29 25 a place where books...
botanically 31 22 BOTANICAL [adv]
botanomancy 28 24 divination using bur...
boundlessly 29 21 BOUNDLESS, having no...
bounteously 27 20 BOUNTEOUS, generous...
bountifully 32 24 BOUNTIFUL, generous...
boysenberry 34 22 a fruit growing on a...
brainlessly 29 19 BRAINLESS, without b...
brainsickly 33 25 BRAINSICK, diseased...
brilliantly 31 20 BRILLIANT, shining [...
bronchially 34 24 BRONCHIAL, belonging...
buccinatory 33 24 of or like a buccina...
bucolically 37 26 BUCOLICAL, relating...
bumbleberry 34 27 a mixture of berries...
bumpsadaisy 31 24 an exclamation on bu...
bumptiously 33 25 BUMPTIOUS, offensive...
bureaucracy 33 24 a body of nonelectiv...
burlesquely 38 29 BURLESQUE, resemblin...
cackleberry 35 27 (slang) an egg [n CA...
cadastrally 30 19 CADASTRAL, of or rel...
calefactory 33 23 a monastery sitting...
calligraphy 36 25 artistic, stylized,...
calorically 34 22 CALORIC, related to...
calorimetry 30 20 the measurement of h...
campanology 31 26 the art of bell ring...
cancerously 31 22 CANCEROUS, afflicted...
candleberry 30 22 a shrub, the wax myr...
canonically 31 23 CANONICAL, included...
capaciously 34 24 CAPACIOUS, roomy [ad...
capillarity 33 21 the property or stat...
capitularly 33 22 CAPITULAR, relating...
cappernoity 31 23 (Scots) the head, no...
caravansary 28 21 a kind of unfurnishe...
carcinology 32 23 the study of crabs a...
cardinality 29 19 the number of elemen...
cardiopathy 32 22 any disease of the h...
caressingly 30 20 CARESSING, touching...
caressively 31 21 CARESSIVE, of or lik...
carousingly 30 21 CAROUSING, making me...
carriageway 31 21 the part of a road u...
cartography 33 23 the art and science...
castability 32 20 the ability to be ca...
castigatory 29 18 tending to castigate...
catarrhally 32 20 CATARRHAL, of or lik...
catholicity 35 22 broad-mindedness; in...
causability 32 21 the ability to be ca...
causatively 31 22 CAUSATIVE, relating...
causelessly 30 19 CAUSELESS, without a...
caustically 34 22 CAUSTICAL, burning,...
cavernously 30 23 CAVERNOUS, large and...
ceaselessly 29 18 CEASELESS, without c...
celebratory 30 20 serving to celebrate...
celestially 31 19 CELESTIAL, related t...
cellularity 32 20 the state of being c...
cementatory 27 20 having the quality o...
centrically 33 22 CENTRICAL, placed in...
cephalotomy 33 25 the dissection of th...
certifiably 34 23 CERTIFIABLE, capable...
cespitosely 31 20 CESPITOSE, growing i...
chalazogamy 35 33 the entry of the pol...
chancellery 34 24 the position, court,...
chancellory 34 24 the position, court,...
changefully 35 27 CHANGEFUL, full of c...
chaotically 35 23 CHAOTIC, confused [a...
charlatanry 30 20 the practice of a ch...
charmlessly 34 23 CHARMLESS, without c...
cheerlessly 32 20 CHEERLESS, without c...
cheiromancy 33 25 divination by means...
chickabiddy 38 30 a term of endearment...
chieftaincy 35 25 the office of a chie...
chieftainry 32 22 the office of chieft...
chirography 36 25 the study of handwri...
chlorimetry 33 22 measurement by chlor...
chlorometry 32 22 measurement by chlor...
chokecherry 36 27 an astringent Americ...
choregraphy 35 25 the art of symbolica...
chorography 35 25 the art of describin...
chrismatory 32 21 a vessel for holding...
chronically 35 24 CHRONICAL, chronic,...
chronometry 30 22 the measuring of tim...
chrysocracy 43 26 the rule of wealth;...
chucklingly 39 31 CHUCKLING, laughing...
churchmanly 38 29 in the manner of a c...
circinately 32 21 CIRCINATE, rolled up...
circularity 34 21 the state of being c...
circulatory 33 21 circulating, also CI...
clamorously 31 22 CLAMOROUS, loud, ful...
clanjamfray 33 33 (Scots) rubbish, non...
classically 35 22 CLASSICAL, resemblin...
cleistogamy 31 22 the production of sm...
cleptocracy 37 26 rule by thieves, als...
cleverality 32 22 (Scots) cleverness [...
climatology 32 23 the study of the cli...
clinchingly 37 27 CLINCHING [adv]
cloudlessly 32 21 CLOUDLESS, without c...
clubability 36 25 sociablity, also CLU...
coadjacency 34 33 the state of being c...
coagulatory 29 20 tending to cause coa...
codicillary 34 22 relating to a codici...
coelioscopy 33 23 a medical procedure...
coeternally 28 19 COETERNAL, equally e...
cognitively 32 24 COGNITIVE, capable o...
cognitivity 32 23 the state of being c...
coilability 33 21 the ability to form...
coincidency 33 25 the act or condition...
colinearity 28 18 the state of being c...
collectedly 34 23 COLLECTED [adv]
collegially 33 22 COLLEGIAL, of or rel...
collinearly 30 20 COLLINEAR, in the sa...
collocutory 33 22 of the nature of con...
colloidally 32 21 COLLOIDAL, pertainin...
collusively 34 24 COLLUSIVE, character...
colonoscopy 32 24 examination of the i...
colorimetry 30 20 measurement by color...
colorlessly 31 19 COLORLESS, (US) with...
colourfully 34 24 COLOURFUL, full of c...
columnarity 30 22 the state of being c...
combatively 34 27 COMBATIVE, inclined...
combinatory 30 23 relating to combinat...
combustibly 36 27 COMBUSTIBLE, able to...
comedically 34 25 COMEDIC, of or relat...
comfortably 34 26 COMFORTABLE, affordi...
commendably 32 28 COMMENDABLE, that ca...
commensally 31 25 COMMENSAL, eating at...
comminatory 29 23 threatening punishme...
commonality 30 24 the common people [n...
communality 31 25 the state of being c...
comorbidity 32 23 the state of being c...
compactedly 35 27 COMPACTED [adv]
compellably 36 28 COMPELLABLE, that ca...
competently 31 24 COMPETENT, able [adv...
compilatory 32 23 relating to a compil...
complacency 37 30 self-satisfaction es...
compliantly 33 25 COMPLIANT, yielding...
complicitly 38 27 COMPLICIT [adv]
compositely 32 23 COMPOSITE, made of d...
compotatory 30 22 sharing in a compota...
comstockery 33 26 overzealous censorsh...
conceitedly 31 22 CONCEITED [adv]
conceivably 35 28 CONCEIVABLE, that ca...
concernancy 31 25 (Shakespeare) bearin...
concernedly 30 23 CONCERNED [adv]
concertedly 31 22 CONCERTED [adv]
conciliarly 33 22 CONCILIAR, of or per...
concipiency 35 27 the state of being c...
concubinary 32 25 relating to a concub...
concurrency 33 25 the state of being c...
condemnably 30 26 CONDEMNABLE, able to...
condolatory 27 19 serving to condole [...
condolingly 30 23 CONDOLING [adv]
conducingly 33 26 CONDUCING [adv]
confederacy 31 24 a league or compact...
confessedly 30 22 CONFESSED [adv]
confidently 30 23 CONFIDENT, self-assu...
confidingly 32 25 CONFIDING [adv]
confirmedly 32 25 CONFIRMED [adv]
conflictory 34 24 relating to conflict...
confluently 31 24 CONFLUENT, flowing t...
conformably 33 27 CONFORMABLE, complia...
confusingly 32 25 CONFUSING [adv]
congenially 29 22 CONGENIAL, pleasant,...
congruently 29 22 CONGRUENT, suitable;...
congruously 30 22 CONGRUOUS, harmoniou...
conjugality 32 30 the state of being c...
conjugately 31 30 CONJUGATE, joined, c...
connascency 31 25 the state of being c...
connectedly 30 23 CONNECTED [adv]
connivently 29 24 CONNIVENT, of insect...
connivingly 31 26 CONNIVING [adv]
connotively 29 23 CONNOTIVE, signifyin...
connubially 31 24 CONNUBIAL, of or rel...
consciously 32 22 CONSCIOUS, having th...
conservancy 31 25 a board regulating f...
consimility 31 21 the state of being c...
consistency 30 21 firmness of constitu...
consolatory 27 18 comforting [adj] / (...
consolingly 30 22 CONSOLING [adv]
consonantly 26 20 CONSONANT, consisten...
conspicuity 34 24 the state of being c...
consultancy 31 23 an agency which prov...
consumingly 31 25 CONSUMING, wasting o...
contemnibly 31 25 CONTEMNIBLE, worthy...
contentedly 27 20 CONTENTED [adv]
contestably 30 21 CONTESTABLE, able to...
continently 27 20 CONTINENT, temperate...
contingency 30 24 an event (as an emer...
continually 29 21 CONTINUAL, constantl...
continuedly 28 21 CONTINUED [adv]
contortedly 28 19 CONTORTED [adv]
contrariety 27 17 the state of being c...
controversy 29 21 the action of disput...
contumacity 32 24 stubborn disobedienc...
conveniency 30 26 fitness for performi...
convergency 32 27 the state of being c...
conversably 32 25 CONVERSABLE, able to...
conversancy 31 25 the state of being c...
convertibly 33 25 CONVERTIBLE, that ca...
convicinity 33 25 a neighbourhood [n C...
convivially 34 27 CONVIVIAL, relating...
convolutely 31 24 CONVOLUTE, rolled to...
coparcenary 31 23 joint heirship or ow...
coparcenery 31 23 joint heirship or ow...
coplanarity 30 21 the state of being c...
cordwainery 30 21 (archaic) the craft...
corporality 31 20 the state of being o...
corporately 30 20 CORPORATE, legally u...
corporeally 31 21 CORPOREAL, relating...
corpulently 32 23 CORPULENT, fleshy [a...
corrosively 31 21 CORROSIVE, having th...
corruptibly 35 24 CORRUPTIBLE, that ca...
corymbosely 38 25 CORYMBOSE, consistin...
cosignatory 28 19 a joint signer, also...
cosmetology 30 22 the study of cosmeti...
cosmography 34 26 a general descriptio...
cotemporary 30 22 contemporary, also C...
counterplay 30 22 to make a threat or...
counterploy 30 22 a ploy in return [n...
countlessly 30 20 COUNTLESS, beyond co...
courteously 29 19 COURTEOUS, polite, c...
craftsmanly 32 24 CRAFTSMAN [adv]
craniectomy 31 23 surgical opening of...
craniognomy 28 23 cranial physiognomy...
craniometry 28 20 a science dealing wi...
cranioscopy 32 23 phrenology [n CRANIO...
crapulently 32 23 CRAPULENT, suffering...
crapulosity 32 21 the state of being c...
crapulously 33 23 CRAPULOUS, suffering...
crashworthy 36 23 resistant to the eff...
credibility 33 21 the power of inspiri...
credulously 31 21 CREDULOUS, gullible...
criminality 31 21 the state of being c...
criminatory 29 20 involving criminatio...
criminology 31 23 study of crime; crim...
cripplingly 37 27 CRIPPLING [adv]
crithomancy 34 25 divination by strewi...
criticality 34 20 the state of being c...
cruciformly 37 27 CRUCIFORM, cross-sha...
cryobiology 38 24 the study of life un...
cryonically 39 24 CRYONIC, relating to...
cryosurgery 36 21 surgery using instru...
cryotherapy 38 23 medical treatment us...
cryptically 43 26 CRYPTICAL, hidden, s...
cucullately 35 24 CUCULLATE, hooded; h...
culpability 36 25 the state of being c...
customarily 31 21 CUSTOMARY, according...
cutaneously 28 20 CUTANEOUS, of or rel...
cyclicality 44 26 the state of being c...
cycloidally 41 25 CYCLOIDAL, of or lik...
cystography 40 25 radiography of the u...
dactylology 37 23 the study of sign la...
damnability 29 22 the ability to be da...
dangerously 26 19 DANGEROUS, full of d...
daredevilry 28 20 the state of being a...
dauntlessly 27 18 DAUNTLESS, unafraid...
deadeningly 25 20 DEADENING [adv]
deafeningly 27 22 DEAFENING, very loud...
deathlessly 29 18 DEATHLESS, not subje...
debauchedly 33 25 DEBAUCHED [adv]
decagonally 29 22 DECAGONAL, of a plan...
decanically 32 23 DECANAL, relating to...
deceitfully 33 23 DECEITFUL, given to...
deceivingly 32 25 DECEIVING, deceptive...
decennially 28 21 DECENNIAL, happening...
deceptively 33 25 DECEPTIVE, tending t...
deciduously 30 21 DECIDUOUS, losing le...
declamatory 29 21 in the manner of a d...
declaratory 28 18 in the manner of a d...
declinatory 28 19 a legal plea that ha...
decumbently 32 26 DECUMBENT, lying dow...
decurrently 29 20 DECURRENT, continued...
decursively 32 23 DECURSIVE, running d...
decussately 29 19 DECUSSATE, arranged...
dedicatedly 29 20 DEDICATED [adv]
deductively 32 24 DEDUCTIVE, of though...
defectively 33 25 DEFECTIVE, deficient...
defensively 29 23 DEFENSIVE, tending t...
deficiently 31 22 DEFICIENT, lacking [...
deglutitory 28 18 relating to deglutit...
degradingly 28 21 DEGRADING [adv]
degustatory 26 17 relating to degustat...
dehortatory 26 16 dissuasive, also DEH...
deictically 34 22 DEICTIC, relating to...
deistically 31 19 DEISTICAL, relating...
deliciously 31 20 DELICIOUS, tasting v...
delightedly 31 21 DELIGHTED [adv]
delinquency 36 30 a delinquent act [n...
deliriously 28 17 DELIRIOUS, mentally...
delphically 36 25 DELPHIC, like an ora...
delusionary 25 17 relating to delusion...
demagoguery 27 22 the actions of a dem...
demandingly 27 23 DEMANDING [adv]
demonically 30 23 DEMONICAL, of or lik...
demonocracy 30 24 government by demons...
demonolatry 25 19 the worship of or de...
dendrolatry 25 17 worship of trees [n...
deniability 28 19 the ability to deny...
denigratory 25 17 serving to denigrate...
denumerably 28 23 DENUMERABLE, that ca...
dependently 26 21 DEPENDENT, depending...
dependingly 28 23 DEPENDING [adv]
deploringly 30 22 DEPLORING [adv]
depravingly 31 25 DEPRAVING [adv]
deprecatory 29 20 serving to deprecate...
depredatory 26 18 serving to depredate...
dermatology 27 20 the study of skin [n...
dermography 31 24 anatomical descripti...
deservingly 29 22 DESERVING, worthy [a...
designatory 25 17 serving to designate...
designingly 28 21 DESIGNING, artful; s...
desperately 27 18 DESPERATE, in a stat...
despisingly 30 21 DESPISING [adv]
despondency 28 23 the state of being d...
desultorily 28 17 DESULTORY, jumping f...
deteriority 25 14 (obsolete) worseness...
determinacy 28 21 the state of being d...
deterrently 25 16 DETERRENT, serving t...
deuterogamy 26 20 a second marriage af...
deuterotoky 25 19 parthenogenesis in w...
devouringly 29 23 DEVOURING [adv]
dexterously 32 23 DEXTEROUS, skilful a...
dextrorsely 32 22 DEXTRORSE, rising sp...
diabolology 29 21 the study of devils,...
dialectally 31 20 DIALECTAL, relating...
diametrally 28 19 DIAMETRAL, pertainin...
diaphaneity 28 20 the quality of trans...
diathermacy 31 22 permeability by or c...
diatomicity 30 20 the state of being a...
dichasially 33 21 DICHASIAL, relating...
dictionally 30 20 DICTIONAL, relating...
differently 30 22 DIFFERENT, separate,...
difficultly 37 26 DIFFICULT, not easy,...
diffidently 31 23 DIFFIDENT, hesitant...
diffusively 34 26 DIFFUSIVE, having th...
diffusivity 34 25 the state of being d...
digestively 30 21 DIGESTIVE, related t...
dignifiedly 30 22 DIGNIFIED [adv]
dilatometry 27 18 meaurement by dilato...
dilutionary 26 17 tending to dilute [a...
dingleberry 29 21 a piece of dried fec...
dioeciously 29 19 DIOECIOUS, having ma...
dioptometry 28 20 the measurement of o...
directivity 32 21 the property of bein...
disarmingly 29 21 DISARMING [adv]
disassembly 30 21 the act of disassemb...
disavowedly 31 23 DISAVOWED [adv]
discernably 31 22 DISCERNABLE, that ca...
discernibly 32 22 DISCERNIBLE, that ca...
discography 34 24 phonographic records...
discordancy 31 22 the state or an inst...
discourtesy 29 18 lack of courtesy [n...
discrepancy 33 24 the state of being d...
disguisedly 29 19 DISGUISED [adv]
disgustedly 29 19 DISGUSTED [adv]
dishonestly 28 18 DISHONEST, not hones...
dishonorary 26 17 causing dishonour [a...
dismayfully 38 25 DISMAYFUL, terrifyin...
dismayingly 35 23 DISMAYING [adv]
disparately 28 18 DISPARATE, unequal,...
dispensably 30 22 DISPENSABLE, that ca...
dispersedly 29 19 DISPERSED [adv]
disposingly 30 21 DISPOSING [adv]
disproperty 30 20 (Shakespeare) to dep...
disquantity 34 25 (Shakespeare) to red...
dissidently 27 17 DISSIDENT, dissentin...
dissociably 32 21 DISSOCIABLE, that ca...
dissolutely 28 17 DISSOLUTE, of loose...
dissonantly 25 17 DISSONANT, discordan...
dissymmetry 35 22 the absence of or th...
distortedly 27 16 DISTORTED [adv]
disyllabify 39 24 to make into two syl...
dittography 31 21 the unintentional re...
divergently 29 22 DIVERGENT, diverging...
divergingly 31 24 DIVERGING [adv]
divertingly 30 22 DIVERTING [adv]
divisionary 27 19 marking a division [...
doctrinally 30 20 DOCTRINAL, of or rel...
documentary 28 22 serving to document...
dodecaphony 30 24 twelve-tone music, a...
dogmatology 28 22 the science of dogma...
dolorimetry 27 18 the measurement of p...
domesticity 30 20 the state of being d...
domiciliary 31 21 of or pertaining to...
doubtlessly 30 20 DOUBTLESS, without d...
downrightly 33 23 DOWNRIGHT, plainspok...
drapability 31 21 the state of being d...
drastically 31 19 DRASTIC, severe [adv...
dreadlessly 27 17 DREADLESS, free from...
dreamlessly 28 19 DREAMLESS, free from...
drivability 32 22 the ability to be dr...
drizzlingly 36 37 DRIZZLING [adv]
droolworthy 31 20 inspiring or likely...
dropsically 33 22 DROPSICAL, of, perta...
duplicately 33 23 DUPLICATE, double, t...
dutiability 30 19 the state of being d...
dynamically 37 25 DYNAMICAL, related t...
dynamometry 32 23 measurement by dynam...
ebulliently 30 21 EBULLIENT, bubbling...
eccrinology 32 23 the branch of physio...
ecofriendly 30 22 respectful of the en...
ectopically 35 24 ECTOPIC, relating to...
ecumenicity 32 24 the state of being d...
edaphically 34 24 EDAPHIC, pertaining...
edificatory 30 20 giving edification [...
editorially 27 16 EDITORIAL, relating...
educability 32 22 the capacity to be e...
effectively 35 27 EFFECTIVE, that work...
effectivity 35 26 the state of being e...
effectually 34 25 EFFECTUAL, successfu...
efficiently 33 24 EFFICIENT, capable o...
effortfully 34 25 EFFORTFUL, requiring...
effulgently 32 25 EFFULGENT, radiant;...
egregiously 28 19 EGREGIOUS, conspicuo...
eidetically 30 19 EIDETIC, marked by o...
eirenically 29 19 EIRENICAL, conducive...
ejaculatory 30 27 marked by or given t...
elaborately 27 18 ELABORATE, highly de...
elaboratory 26 17 (obsolete) a laborat...
elastically 31 19 ELASTIC, stretchy [a...
electorally 30 19 ELECTORAL, relating...
electricity 33 20 the manifestation of...
electrology 30 20 the study of electri...
electrotypy 37 22 printing by electrot...
elegiacally 31 21 ELEGIACAL, related t...
elementally 27 20 ELEMENTAL, of or con...
eligibility 32 20 the state of being e...
eliminatory 26 18 serving to eliminate...
ellipticity 34 21 the state of being a...
elucidatory 29 19 serving to elucidate...
embolectomy 32 26 the surgical removal...
embracingly 33 26 EMBRACING [adv]
embryectomy 38 27 the surgical removal...
emotionally 26 19 EMOTIONAL, full of e...
empirically 34 24 EMPIRICAL, relying o...
emulatively 30 23 EMULATIVE, inclined...
endearingly 25 19 ENDEARING [adv]
endemically 30 23 ENDEMICAL, confined...
endemiology 26 21 the study of local d...
endosteally 25 17 ENDOSTEAL, relating...
englacially 31 22 ENGLACIAL, embedded...
engrainedly 25 19 ENGRAINED [adv]
engrossedly 26 18 ENGROSSED [adv]
enterectomy 27 20 surgical removal of...
enteropathy 27 19 a disease of the int...
enterostomy 24 17 a surgical formation...
entomophagy 29 24 the eating of insect...
entomophily 30 23 seed plants which ar...
entranceway 28 21 an entrance [n -S]
enunciatory 26 19 relating to enunciat...
enzymically 40 33 ENZYMIC, of or like...
ephemerally 31 23 EPHEMERAL, existing...
epidemicity 32 23 the state of being e...
episcopally 34 24 EPISCOPAL, governed...
epitaxially 35 25 EPITAXIAL, relating...
eponymously 34 24 EPONYMOUS, of, relat...
equifinally 37 29 EQUIFINAL, having th...
equilibrity 38 27 the state of being i...
equivalency 38 32 the state or propert...
equivocally 40 32 EQUIVOCAL, subject t...
erasability 28 17 the capacity to be e...
ergatocracy 31 21 government by the wo...
eristically 31 18 ERISTICAL, pertainin...
erodibility 29 18 the capacity to be e...
erosionally 25 16 EROSIONAL, relating...
erratically 30 18 ERRATICAL, (archaic)...
erroneously 24 16 ERRONEOUS, wrong [ad...
erubescency 32 24 a blush, also ERUBES...
eschatology 31 21 a branch of theology...
essentially 26 16 ESSENTIAL, absolutel...
ethereality 27 16 the quality of being...
ethnobotany 26 20 the plant lore of in...
ethnography 31 23 the study and system...
eugenically 30 22 EUGENICAL, relating...
eupepticity 33 23 the state of being e...
evangeliary 27 21 a book of passages f...
eventuality 27 20 a possible event or...
evidentiary 26 19 being, relating to,...
eviternally 28 20 EVITERNAL, eternal [...
evocatively 32 25 EVOCATIVE, calling f...
exceedingly 35 28 EXCEEDING [adv]
excellently 36 27 EXCELLENT, very good...
excessively 37 28 EXCESSIVE, beyond wh...
exclamatory 35 27 containing or expres...
exclusively 39 30 EXCLUSIVE, able or t...
exclusivity 39 29 the state of being e...
excrescency 39 30 an outgrowth from th...
exculpatory 37 28 tending or serving t...
excursively 38 29 EXCURSIVE, constitut...
executively 37 29 EXECUTIVE, concerned...
exemplarily 36 28 EXEMPLARY, serving a...
exemplarity 35 27 the state of being e...
exhaustedly 34 25 in the manner of one...
exhortatory 32 22 using exhortation [a...
exogenously 31 25 EXOGENOUS, originati...
exorability 34 24 the state of being e...
exorbitancy 35 27 the state of being e...
expansively 35 29 EXPANSIVE, widely ex...
expansivity 35 28 the state of being e...
expatiatory 32 23 expansive, also EXPA...
expectantly 36 28 EXPECTANT, in a stat...
expectingly 38 30 EXPECTING, in a stat...
expediently 33 26 EXPEDIENT, suitable...
expensively 35 29 EXPENSIVE, costing a...
expiscatory 36 26 serving to expiscate...
explanatory 32 25 serving to explain,...
expletively 37 29 EXPLETIVE, filling o...
explicatory 37 27 serving to explicate...
exploratory 33 24 of, relating to, or...
explosively 37 29 EXPLOSIVE, tending t...
expurgatory 34 26 tending to expurgate...
exquisitely 41 31 EXQUISITE, delicate...
extemporary 33 26 unpremeditated; esp....
extensively 33 26 EXTENSIVE, large, wi...
extenuatory 29 22 serving to extenuate...
exteriority 31 20 the state of being e...
externality 31 22 the state of being e...
extirpatory 33 23 serving to extirpate...
extollingly 35 26 EXTOLLING [adv]
extorsively 34 25 EXTORSIVE, relating...
extravertly 34 25 EXTRAVERT [adv]
extrovertly 34 25 EXTROVERT [adv]
exuberantly 33 26 EXUBERANT, luxuriant...
facetiously 31 21 FACETIOUS, playfully...
factionally 31 22 FACTIONAL, relating...
factitively 34 24 FACTITIVE, causative...
factorially 32 21 FACTORIAL, relating...
faithlessly 32 20 FAITHLESS, without f...
faithworthy 35 23 worthy of faith or b...
fallalishly 34 22 FALLALISH, like a fa...
fallibility 34 22 liability to err [n...
falteringly 30 21 FALTERING, hesitant...
familiarity 30 20 the state of being f...
fanatically 31 22 FANATICAL, extravaga...
fantasmally 29 22 FANTASMAL, like a fa...
farcicality 35 23 the state of being f...
farkleberry 31 24 a shrub with hard, b...
fashionably 31 23 FASHIONABLE, accordi...
fatheadedly 29 21 FATHEADED, stupid [a...
fatidically 33 22 FATIDICAL, of or rel...
fatiguingly 31 23 FATIGUING [adv]
faultlessly 31 20 FAULTLESS, without f...
favouringly 31 25 FAVOURING [adv]
feasibility 31 20 the state of being f...
fecundatory 29 22 serving to fecundate...
fellmongery 30 24 the preparation of s...
feloniously 28 20 FELONIOUS, like a fe...
ferociously 31 21 FEROCIOUS, fierce [a...
ferrography 32 23 a technique for meas...
festinately 27 18 FESTINATE, quick [ad...
fictionally 32 22 FICTIONAL, relating...
fidgetingly 31 23 FIDGETING [adv]
fiduciarily 33 22 FIDUCIARY, holding i...
fifteenthly 32 23 FIFTEENTH, number fi...
filamentary 28 21 like a filament [adj...
filmography 35 27 a list of the films...
financially 31 23 FINANCIAL, relating...
fishability 34 22 the state of being f...
fissiparity 31 19 the state of being f...
flamboyancy 39 29 the state of being f...
flatulently 30 21 FLATULENT, suffering...
flauntingly 30 23 FLAUNTING [adv]
flavorfully 35 27 FLAVORFUL, full of f...
flexibility 39 28 the state of being f...
flexicurity 39 28 labor practices that...
flexography 39 31 a method of rotary l...
flinchingly 36 27 FLINCHING, shrinking...
flocculency 38 29 the state of being f...
fluorimetry 30 21 measurement by fluor...
fluorometry 29 21 measurement by fluor...
fluoroscopy 33 24 examination with a f...
flusteredly 30 20 FLUSTERED [adv]
fluxionally 36 28 FLUXIONAL, (archaic)...
foolhardily 31 21 FOOLHARDY, recklessl...
forbiddenly 30 23 (Shakespeare) in a f...
forcibility 35 23 the quality of being...
foresignify 30 22 (archaic) to signify...
forgetfully 33 24 FORGETFUL, inclined...
forgivingly 33 26 FORGIVING [adv]
formability 32 23 the quality of being...
formatively 31 24 FORMATIVE, tending t...
fortnightly 32 22 a publication appear...
fortunately 27 19 FORTUNATE, happening...
fractionary 29 20 fractional, fragment...
fractiously 32 21 FRACTIOUS, troubleso...
fragmentary 28 22 consisting of fragme...
frantically 32 22 FRANTIC, wild with a...
fraternally 28 19 FRATERNAL, belonging...
fraudulency 31 24 the state of being f...
freebootery 27 19 piracy, also FREEBOO...
freemasonry 26 20 spontaneous fellowsh...
frightfully 37 26 FRIGHTFUL, terrible,...
frivolously 32 23 FRIVOLOUS, lacking s...
frontlessly 29 19 FRONTLESS, shameless...
fructuously 33 23 FRUCTUOUS, fruitful...
fruitlessly 31 19 FRUITLESS, futile [a...
fugaciously 33 24 FUGACIOUS, lasting a...
fulminatory 29 22 serving to fulminate...
functionary 29 22 one who serves in a...
fungibility 33 24 the state of being f...
fussbudgety 32 24 like a fussbudget, a...
fustigatory 29 19 relating to fustigat...
gallimaufry 32 24 (French) a hash of l...
gametically 32 23 GAMETIC, of or like...
garrulously 29 19 GARRULOUS, talkative...
gastrectomy 30 21 surgical removal of...
gastromancy 29 22 divination by sounds...
gastroscopy 31 21 examination with a g...
gastrosophy 30 20 the art of eating [n...
gastrostomy 27 18 a cutting into, or o...
geitonogamy 26 21 pollination of a flo...
generically 30 21 GENERICAL, general;...
genetically 30 21 GENETICAL, relating...
genitivally 30 22 GENITIVAL, relating...
gentlemanly 27 22 GENTLEMAN [adv]
geostrategy 26 17 a branch of geopolit...
gerontology 26 19 the scientific study...
gerundively 29 23 GERUNDIVE, relating...
gigantology 28 21 the study of giants...
gimcrackery 35 28 the state of being g...
glamorously 29 21 GLAMOROUS, having gl...
glandularly 29 21 GLANDULAR, of or rel...
globularity 31 21 the quality of being...
glossectomy 31 22 the surgical removal...
gloweringly 32 23 GLOWERING [adv]
glutinosity 28 18 the state of being g...
glutinously 29 20 GLUTINOUS, gluey; st...
gnomonology 26 23 a treatise on gnomon...
gnostically 31 21 GNOSTICAL, having kn...
goldenberry 28 21 the Cape gooseberry...
goldsmithry 32 22 the craft of a golds...
gonadectomy 28 23 the surgical removal...
gossipingly 31 22 GOSSIPING [adv]
gracelessly 31 20 GRACELESS, without g...
gradability 30 20 the quality of being...
graminology 28 22 the study of grasses...
grandiosely 26 18 GRANDIOSE, imposing;...
grandiosity 26 17 the state of being g...
granularity 27 18 the state of being g...
graphically 36 25 GRAPHICAL, of or per...
gratulatory 27 17 congratulatory [adj]
grimacingly 33 25 GRIMACING [adv]
grotesquely 35 26 GROTESQUE, extravaga...
grotesquery 34 25 grotesque objects co...
grovelingly 31 24 GROVELING [adv]
gruellingly 31 22 in the manner of bei...
grumblingly 34 27 GRUMBLING, muttering...
guilelessly 30 19 GUILELESS, without g...
guiltlessly 31 19 GUILTLESS, without g...
gullibility 34 22 the state of being g...
gustatorily 28 17 GUSTATORY, pertainin...
gutturality 29 18 the quality of being...
gymnospermy 36 27 the state of being g...
gynaecology 35 24 the study of women's...
gynecocracy 40 27 government by women,...
haematology 28 21 the study of blood,...
hagiography 33 24 a biography of saint...
hangability 31 22 the quality of being...
haphazardly 35 31 HAPHAZARD, marked by...
haphazardry 34 30 the quality of being...
haplography 35 26 the accidental omiss...
harassingly 29 19 HARASSING, persisten...
harrowingly 32 22 HARROWING, acutely d...
hazardously 31 27 HAZARDOUS, dangerous...
healthfully 35 24 HEALTHFUL, giving he...
heartlessly 29 17 HEARTLESS, callous,...
heartsomely 28 19 HEARTSOME, exhilarat...
hebdomadary 29 23 a member of a chapte...
hectography 35 25 the process of copyi...
hectoringly 32 22 HECTORING, intimidat...
hedonically 31 22 HEDONIC, pertaining...
heliochromy 34 24 photography in natur...
heliography 33 23 the practice of sign...
hepatectomy 32 24 the surgical removal...
hepatoscopy 33 24 divination by examin...
hereditably 30 20 HEREDITABLE, capable...
heresiology 28 18 the study of heresie...
heretically 32 20 HERETICAL, like a he...
hermeticity 32 21 the state of being h...
herpetology 30 21 the study of reptile...
heterocercy 32 21 the state of being h...
heterophony 29 21 an independent varia...
heterospory 28 18 the production of mi...
heterostyly 34 18 the state of having...
hexagonally 34 27 HEXAGONAL, having si...
hierography 32 22 the description of s...
hilariously 30 18 HILARIOUS, very amus...
hinderingly 29 21 HINDERING, impeding...
historicity 32 18 historical actuality...
hobbledehoy 33 25 an awkward young fel...
hobgoblinry 33 25 the state of being a...
hochmagandy 33 27 (Scots) fornication,...
homeomorphy 32 26 the state of being h...
homeothermy 30 23 the maintenance of a...
homicidally 34 24 HOMICIDAL, related t...
homoeopathy 30 23 the use of minute qu...
homogeneity 27 21 the state of being h...
hortatively 30 20 HORTATIVE, giving ex...
hortatorily 28 16 HORTATORY, giving ex...
hospitality 31 19 hospitable treatment...
hotheadedly 29 20 HOTHEADED, rash, imp...
housewifely 33 23 like a housewife, al...
housewifery 32 22 the work of a housew...
huckleberry 35 27 an American shrub of...
humiliatory 30 20 serving to humiliate...
humorlessly 31 21 HUMORLESS, (US) with...
hungeringly 30 23 HUNGERING [adv]
hurtleberry 31 20 another name for who...
hydrography 39 25 the study of bodies...
hyetography 38 24 the study of rainfal...
hymnography 39 28 the study of writing...
hyperacuity 39 24 the state of being h...
hyperploidy 39 25 the state of being h...
hyperthermy 39 25 an extremely high fe...
hypertrophy 40 25 excessive growth of...
hypoacidity 39 24 abnormally low acidi...
hypothecary 40 25 of or pertaining to...
hypsography 41 27 the branch of geogra...
hysterogeny 33 20 the generation of hy...
hysterotomy 34 20 a Caesarean cut [n H...
ichnography 35 26 the art of drawing g...
ichthyology 41 25 the study of fish [n...
iconography 32 24 the study of drawing...
idempotency 30 24 the state of being i...
identically 30 20 IDENTICAL, exactly t...
idiotically 31 19 IDIOTICAL, relating...
idyllically 40 23 IDYLLIC, of or like...
illiberally 32 20 ILLIBERAL, narrow-mi...
illimitably 33 22 ILLIMITABLE, limitle...
illiquidity 38 26 the state of being i...
illogically 34 22 ILLOGICAL, not logic...
illusionary 27 17 having the nature of...
imaginarily 28 20 IMAGINARY, imagined...
imbricately 33 23 IMBRICATE, overlappi...
imitability 31 20 the state of being i...
imitatively 30 21 IMITATIVE, inclined...
immediately 28 21 IMMEDIATE, done or h...
immedicably 34 27 IMMEDICABLE, that ca...
immigratory 29 21 relating to immigrat...
immitigably 33 25 IMMITIGABLE, that ca...
immortality 29 20 the state of being i...
immunoassay 26 21 the determination of...
impartially 31 21 IMPARTIAL, not parti...
impassively 32 24 IMPASSIVE, not showi...
impassivity 32 23 the quality of being...
impatiently 29 21 IMPATIENT, not patie...
impenitency 30 24 the state of being i...
imperfectly 35 26 IMPERFECT, not perfe...
imperiality 30 20 the state of being i...
imperiously 30 21 IMPERIOUS, assuming...
impermeably 32 26 IMPERMEABLE, that ca...
impetratory 28 19 relating to impetrat...
impetuosity 29 20 the state of being i...
impetuously 30 22 IMPETUOUS, tending t...
implausibly 34 25 IMPLAUSIBLE, not pla...
imploratory 29 20 having an imploring...
imploringly 32 24 IMPLORING [adv]
implosively 33 25 IMPLOSIVE, of or rel...
impoliticly 35 24 IMPOLITIC, not polit...
importantly 29 21 IMPORTANT, of great...
importunacy 31 24 the state of being i...
importunely 29 22 IMPORTUNE, importuna...
importunity 29 21 the state of being i...
imprecatory 31 22 of or like an imprec...
imprecisely 33 23 IMPRECISE, not preci...
impregnably 32 26 IMPREGNABLE, that ca...
impropriety 31 22 an improper or indec...
improvingly 33 27 IMPROVING [adv]
imprudently 30 23 IMPRUDENT, not prude...
impulsively 34 26 IMPULSIVE, given to...
impulsivity 34 25 the state of being i...
inadvisably 30 23 INADVISABLE, not adv...
inalienably 27 20 INALIENABLE, incapab...
inalterably 28 19 INALTERABLE, that ca...
inanimately 25 19 INANIMATE, not alive...
inappetency 30 24 lack of desire or ap...
incantatory 26 18 of or like an incant...
incendivity 30 23 the power of causing...
incentively 30 23 INCENTIVE, inciting...
inceptively 33 25 INCEPTIVE, marking t...
incertainty 27 18 (obsolete) uncertain...
incessantly 28 19 INCESSANT, unceasing...
incipiently 31 22 INCIPIENT, beginning...
inclemently 30 23 INCLEMENT, severe, s...
inclinatory 28 19 of the nature of inc...
inclusively 33 24 INCLUSIVE, comprehen...
inclusivity 33 23 the state of being i...
incogitancy 31 23 the state of being i...
incoherency 31 23 the state of being i...
incommodity 30 24 anything that causes...
inconditely 28 20 INCONDITE, not well...
incongruity 29 21 the state of being i...
inconstancy 29 22 the state of being i...
incorrectly 32 21 INCORRECT, not corre...
incorruptly 32 22 INCORRUPT, not corru...
increasedly 28 19 INCREASED [adv]
incredulity 30 20 the state of being i...
inculcatory 32 22 serving to inculcate...
inculpatory 31 22 tending to inculpate...
incumbently 32 26 INCUMBENT, imposed o...
incuriosity 29 18 lack of curiosity [n...
incuriously 30 20 INCURIOUS, not curio...
indefinably 29 23 INDEFINABLE, that ca...
indexterity 31 22 lack of dexterity [n...
indignantly 26 20 INDIGNANT, feeling o...
indivisibly 32 23 INDIVISIBLE, that ca...
indomitably 29 22 INDOMITABLE, not to...
indubitably 31 23 INDUBITABLE, that ca...
inductility 31 20 the state of being i...
inductively 32 24 INDUCTIVE, relating...
inductivity 32 23 the state of being i...
indulgently 28 21 INDULGENT, tending t...
indulgingly 30 23 INDULGING [adv]
inedibility 29 19 the state of being i...
inelegantly 26 19 INELEGANT, not elega...
ineluctably 32 23 INELUCTABLE, inevita...
inequitably 36 28 INEQUITABLE, not equ...
inescapably 32 24 INESCAPABLE, that ca...
inestimably 29 21 INESTIMABLE, that ca...
inexcusably 37 29 INEXCUSABLE, that ca...
inexistency 33 25 lack of existence, a...
infantility 28 19 the state of being i...
infectively 33 25 INFECTIVE, infectiou...
infectivity 33 24 the state of being i...
infecundity 30 23 the state of being i...
inferiority 27 17 the state of being i...
infernality 27 19 the state of being i...
infertilely 29 19 INFERTILE, not ferti...
infertility 29 18 the state of being i...
inflamingly 31 25 INFLAMING [adv]
inflammably 33 28 INFLAMMABLE, easily...
inflatingly 30 22 INFLATING [adv]
informality 29 21 the state of being i...
informatory 27 20 conveying informatio...
informingly 30 24 INFORMING [adv]
infrangibly 31 24 INFRANGIBLE, not abl...
infrequency 37 31 rarity of occurrence...
infuriately 28 19 INFURIATE, enraged [...
ingeniously 26 19 INGENIOUS, cunningly...
ingenuously 26 20 INGENUOUS, showing i...
ingrainedly 26 19 INGRAINED [adv]
inhabitancy 31 23 the act of inhabitin...
inheritably 30 20 INHERITABLE, capable...
inhibitedly 31 21 in the manner of bei...
inimicality 31 21 the state of being i...
injuriously 29 26 INJURIOUS, causing i...
innavigably 30 25 INNAVIGABLE, that ca...
innocuously 28 21 INNOCUOUS, harmless...
innoxiously 31 24 INNOXIOUS, harmless...
innumerably 28 23 INNUMERABLE, that ca...
inoculatory 28 19 relating to inoculat...
inodorously 25 17 INODOROUS, emitting...
inquilinity 35 26 living in another's...
inquiringly 36 28 INQUIRING [adv]
insalubrity 29 19 the state of being i...
insatiately 25 15 INSATIATE, insatiabl...
inscrutably 32 22 INSCRUTABLE, that ca...
insectology 29 20 the study of insects...
insensately 24 16 INSENSATE, without s...
insentiency 26 19 the state of being i...
inseparably 29 21 INSEPARABLE, that ca...
insidiously 27 17 INSIDIOUS, developin...
insincerely 28 19 INSINCERE, not since...
insincerity 28 18 the state of being i...
insinuatory 24 16 tending to insinuate...
insipiently 28 19 INSIPIENT, wanting w...
insistently 26 16 INSISTENT, given to...
insistingly 28 18 INSISTING [adv]
inspiratory 27 17 tending to inspire [...
inspiringly 30 21 INSPIRING [adv]
instability 29 18 the state of being u...
insultingly 29 20 INSULTING [adv]
insuperably 30 22 INSUPERABLE, that ca...
insurgently 27 19 INSURGENT, rising up...
integrality 27 17 the state of being i...
intensively 27 20 INTENSIVE, making in...
interagency 27 20 between agencies [ad...
intercalary 28 18 inserted in a calend...
intercounty 27 19 between counties [ad...
interfamily 29 21 between family [adj]
interiority 25 14 interior quality or...
interlunary 25 17 pertaining to the pe...
internality 25 16 the state of being i...
intervalley 28 20 between valleys [adj...
intolerably 28 19 INTOLERABLE, that ca...
intractably 31 21 INTRACTABLE, unmanag...
intrepidity 28 18 the state of being i...
intricately 29 18 INTRICATE, involved,...
intrudingly 28 20 INTRUDING [adv]
intrusively 29 20 INTRUSIVE, tending t...
intuitively 29 20 INTUITIVE, possessin...
invectively 33 26 INVECTIVE, abusive [...
inventively 29 24 INVENTIVE, given to...
inviability 31 22 the state of being i...
invidiously 29 21 INVIDIOUS, tending t...
inviolately 28 20 INVIOLATE, not viola...
involuntary 27 21 done contrary to or...
involutedly 29 22 INVOLUTED [adv]
ironmongery 25 20 something made of me...
irradicably 32 21 IRRADICABLE, that ca...
irrecusably 32 21 IRRECUSABLE, that ca...
irreducibly 33 22 IRREDUCIBLE, that ca...
irrefutably 31 21 IRREFUTABLE, that ca...
irregularly 29 18 IRREGULAR, not regul...
irrelevancy 30 22 the state of being i...
irremovably 31 24 IRREMOVABLE, incapab...
irreparably 30 20 IRREPARABLE, that ca...
irresolubly 30 19 IRRESOLUBLE, that ca...
irrevocably 33 24 IRREVOCABLE, that ca...
irritatedly 27 15 in the manner of bei...
irruptively 32 22 IRRUPTIVE, rushing i...
isoantibody 26 18 an antibody that occ...
isolability 30 18 being isolable [n IS...
isotonicity 28 17 the quality of being...
iteratively 28 18 ITERATIVE, repeating...
iteroparity 27 16 the state of being i...
itinerantly 25 16 ITINERANT, travellin...
jabberingly 33 32 JABBERING, talking r...
jabberwocky 38 38 nonsense, gibberish,...
jejunostomy 29 36 surgical excision of...
judiciarily 33 28 JUDICIARY, having ju...
judiciously 33 29 JUDICIOUS, showing j...
juridically 34 29 JURIDICAL, relating...
justifiably 34 30 JUSTIFIABLE, that ca...
keratectomy 29 23 surgical incision of...
kinesiology 27 21 the study of human m...
kinesipathy 30 23 the practice of trea...
kinetically 31 23 KINETICAL, relating...
kittenishly 30 21 KITTENISH, of or lik...
kleptocracy 35 27 a government by the...
laboriously 29 19 LABORIOUS, full of l...
labouringly 30 22 LABOURING [adv]
laconically 33 23 LACONICAL, of a pers...
lacrimatory 30 20 of, causing or produ...
lacrymatory 36 22 of, causing or produ...
laevorotary 26 18 of, having or causin...
lamellately 29 20 LAMELLATE, composed...
lamellosity 29 19 the state of being l...
lamentingly 28 22 LAMENTING, expressin...
laminectomy 30 24 a kind of operation...
laparoscopy 32 23 an examination done...
larcenously 29 20 LARCENOUS, relating...
laryngeally 34 21 LARYNGEAL, relating...
laryngology 34 22 the study of the lar...
laryngotomy 33 22 surgical removal of...
laudability 30 20 the state of being l...
laughworthy 35 24 worthy of being laug...
lecherously 32 21 LECHEROUS, lustful [...
legationary 25 17 relating to a legati...
legendarily 27 19 LEGENDARY, having th...
levitically 34 23 LEVITICAL, of or lik...
libationary 27 18 of or like a libatio...
libellously 32 21 LIBELLOUS, relating...
libidinally 31 21 LIBIDINAL, relating...
lichenology 32 23 the study of lichens...
lickerishly 35 24 LICKERISH, (obsolete...
lieutenancy 27 20 the office, rank, or...
ligamentary 27 20 of or like a ligamen...
lightsomely 32 22 LIGHTSOME, having li...
likeability 31 22 the quality of being...
limitlessly 31 19 LIMITLESS, without l...
lingeringly 29 21 LINGERING, remaining...
lingonberry 28 21 the cowberry or red...
liquescency 40 31 melting, also LIQUES...
liquorishly 39 27 LIQUORISH, (obsolete...
lithochromy 35 24 painting upon stone...
lithography 34 23 the process of print...
litholapaxy 37 27 the operation of cru...
lithotripsy 32 19 the surgical operati...
litigiously 30 18 LITIGIOUS, having re...
liveability 32 22 the quality of being...
loadsamoney 24 19 wealth accumulated a...
loathsomely 29 20 LOATHSOME, abhorrent...
locutionary 28 19 of or relating to an...
lognormally 29 22 LOGNORMAL, relating...
logodaedaly 26 19 verbal legerdemain,...
loiteringly 28 18 LOITERING, standing...
longanimity 27 21 a disposition to bea...
longinquity 35 28 remoteness [n LONGIN...
loveability 31 22 the state of being l...
lubricously 34 23 LUBRICOUS, slippery;...
lucratively 33 23 LUCRATIVE, yielding...
ludicrously 32 21 LUDICROUS, ridiculou...
lumberingly 32 25 LUMBERING, walking h...
lunatically 31 21 LUNATICAL, crazy, al...
luxuriantly 34 25 LUXURIANT, overabund...
luxuriously 35 25 LUXURIOUS, enjoying...
lycanthropy 39 25 a delusion that one...
maddeningly 27 23 MADDENING [adv]
magistrally 30 20 MAGISTRAL, masterly...
magnanimity 27 23 the quality of being...
mailability 31 21 the ability to be se...
malacophily 35 26 pollination by snail...
maladroitly 28 19 MALADROIT, clumsy, u...
malariology 28 20 the study of malaria...
maledictory 30 21 of or like a maledic...
malefactory 31 23 having the nature of...
malefically 34 25 MALEFIC, having a ma...
maliciously 32 22 MALICIOUS, bearing i...
malignantly 28 22 MALIGNANT, evil, mal...
mammaplasty 31 26 the surgical reconst...
mammography 33 29 an X-ray of the brea...
mammoplasty 31 26 plastic surgery to c...
mancipatory 30 23 relating to mancipat...
mandatorily 26 19 MANDATORY, by mandat...
manducatory 28 22 relating to manducat...
manufactory 30 24 a place where someth...
marginality 28 20 the state of being m...
marionberry 27 20 a hybrid fruit, a cr...
marmoreally 28 21 MARMOREAL, of or lik...
martyrology 34 21 the study of martyrs...
marvelously 30 23 MARVELOUS, (US) asto...
masculinely 31 23 MASCULINE, male [adv...
masculinity 31 22 the state of being m...
masonically 30 22 MASONIC, relating to...
masterfully 31 22 MASTERFUL, exercisin...
masticatory 29 19 a substance chewed t...
matchlessly 34 23 MATCHLESS, without c...
materiality 27 17 the state of being m...
matutinally 28 20 MATUTINAL, relating...
maximaphily 39 32 the study and collec...
mediaevally 29 23 MEDIAEVAL, belonging...
medicinally 31 23 MEDICINAL, relating...
megacephaly 34 27 the condition of hav...
meiotically 31 21 MEIOTIC, exhibiting...
melodically 32 23 MELODIC, pertaining...
melodiously 28 20 MELODIOUS, having me...
meltability 31 21 the quality of being...
menstrually 28 20 MENSTRUAL, relating...
mercenarily 29 21 MERCENARY, hired for...
mercilessly 32 21 MERCILESS, without m...
mercurially 32 22 MERCURIAL, of a vola...
meritocracy 32 22 government by the me...
mesocephaly 33 25 having a medium skul...
mesotherapy 29 21 a type of cosmetic p...
metallogeny 27 21 the study of the ori...
meteorology 26 19 the scientific study...
methodology 29 22 a body of methods em...
metoposcopy 32 25 the art of judging a...
miasmically 33 24 MIASMIC, of or like...
microfloppy 37 29 a small floppy disk...
micrography 35 26 the art of writing o...
mimetically 33 24 MIMETICAL, imitative...
minaciously 30 22 MINACIOUS, threateni...
mirifically 35 24 MIRIFICAL, working w...
mirthlessly 32 20 MIRTHLESS, without m...
misanthropy 30 22 a hatred or distrust...
miscibility 35 23 the quality of being...
misclassify 34 23 to classify wrongly...
misguidedly 30 22 MISGUIDED [adv]
misidentify 29 21 to identify wrongly...
misshapenly 31 23 MISSHAPEN [adv]
mistakeably 30 24 MISTAKEABLE, liable...
mitotically 32 21 MITOTIC, relating to...
moldability 31 22 the quality of being...
molecularly 32 23 MOLECULAR, relating...
molendinary 25 20 belonging to a mill...
momentarily 27 21 MOMENTARY, lasting f...
momentously 27 22 MOMENTOUS, of great...
monadically 30 23 MONADICAL, of, perta...
monarchally 32 24 MONARCHAL, pertainin...
moneciously 29 22 MONECIOUS, having se...
monocularly 30 23 MONOCULAR, for use w...
monodically 30 23 MONODICAL, of or lik...
monohydroxy 39 29 containing one hydro...
monoicously 29 22 MONOICOUS, having se...
monotherapy 28 22 a medical treatment...
monovalency 29 26 the state of being m...
monstrosity 26 17 a malformation of a...
monstrously 27 19 MONSTROUS, huge, lik...
moribundity 29 22 the state of being m...
moronically 30 22 MORONIC, like a moro...
morphometry 31 24 measurement of form...
morphotropy 32 24 the effect on crysta...
motorically 31 21 MOTORIC, pertaining...
moveability 31 24 the ability to be mo...
multiagency 31 24 related to many agen...
multicounty 31 23 related to many coun...
multifamily 33 25 a building designed...
multiparity 31 21 the state of being a...
multistorey 28 18 having many stories...
municipally 34 26 MUNICIPAL, relating...
murderously 28 20 MURDEROUS, inclined...
murmuringly 31 25 MURMURING [adv]
murmurously 30 23 MURMUROUS, full of m...
muscularity 32 22 the state of being m...
mutteringly 29 21 MUTTERING, making a...
myelography 38 26 the taking of myelog...
myringotomy 34 24 surgical removal of...
myrmecology 38 27 the scientific study...
mythography 40 27 the descriptive stud...
narratively 27 19 NARRATIVE, relating...
narratology 25 17 the study of narrati...
nationality 24 16 membership of, or th...
naturopathy 28 20 medical treatment by...
necessarily 28 18 NECESSARY, needed [a...
needcessity 27 18 (dialect) necessity...
nefariously 27 19 NEFARIOUS, evil, wic...
negligently 28 21 NEGLIGENT, careless...
negotiatory 24 16 relating to negotiat...
neighbourly 31 23 like a neighbour, al...
neonatology 23 18 the study of newborn...
nephrectomy 32 25 the surgical removal...
nephropathy 32 24 kidney disease [n NE...
nephroscopy 33 25 use of the nephrosco...
nervelessly 28 20 NERVELESS, without n...
neurotrophy 28 20 nutrition of the ner...
nocturnally 29 21 NOCTURNAL, relating...
noiselessly 26 16 NOISELESS, without n...
nomadically 30 23 NOMADIC, like a noma...
nonauditory 23 17 not auditory [adj]
nonculinary 27 21 not culinary [adj]
nondelivery 26 21 a ball that does not...
nonidentity 23 17 something that is no...
nonindustry 24 18 not related to indus...
nonliterary 24 16 not literary [adj]
nonmilitary 26 19 not military [adj]
nonminority 24 19 something that is no...
nonmonetary 22 19 not monetary [adj]
nonmotility 26 19 the state of being n...
nonracially 28 20 NONRACIAL, not racia...
nonvalidity 27 21 the state of not bei...
nonverbally 29 24 NONVERBAL, not verba...
normatively 28 22 NORMATIVE, of or rel...
northwardly 31 21 in a northward direc...
notionality 24 16 the state of being n...
notoriously 25 16 NOTORIOUS, infamous...
noumenality 25 20 the state of being n...
nulliparity 30 20 the state of being a...
numerically 31 23 NUMERICAL, relating...
nuncupatory 29 23 (obsolete) of a will...
nutritively 29 20 NUTRITIVE, relating...
nympholepsy 39 28 a trance incurred by...
obfuscatory 32 23 serving to obfuscate...
objectively 35 33 OBJECTIVE, relating...
objectivity 35 32 the state of being o...
objurgatory 30 28 chiding, scolding, a...
obliviously 32 23 OBLIVIOUS, forgetful...
obnoxiously 33 26 OBNOXIOUS, unpleasan...
observantly 29 22 OBSERVANT, carefully...
observatory 28 20 a building or place...
observingly 31 24 OBSERVING [adv]
obsessively 30 21 OBSESSIVE, subject t...
obsidionary 26 18 of or relating to a...
obsignatory 27 19 relating to obsignat...
obstinately 27 18 OBSTINATE, stubborn...
obtrusively 31 22 OBTRUSIVE, thrusting...
occipitally 36 24 OCCIPITAL, relating...
octagonally 29 21 OCTAGONAL, having ei...
octennially 28 20 OCTENNIAL, recurring...
octingenary 27 20 an eight-hundredth a...
odonatology 24 18 the study of dragonf...
offensively 31 25 OFFENSIVE, causing o...
offhandedly 31 25 OFFHANDED, ungraciou...
officiality 34 23 the charge, office,...
officinally 34 25 OFFICINAL, tending o...
officiously 34 24 OFFICIOUS, volunteer...
olfactology 32 23 the study of the sen...
oligotrophy 31 21 the state of being o...
omniformity 29 23 the state of having...
omnipotency 29 24 the state of being o...
oneirically 29 19 ONEIRIC, belonging t...
oneiromancy 26 21 the practice of pred...
oneiroscopy 28 20 judging a dream [n O...
onomatology 25 20 the science of names...
onychomancy 38 28 divination by studyi...
onychophagy 40 28 the habit of biting...
openability 29 21 the ability to be op...
operability 30 20 the ability to be op...
operatively 29 21 OPERATIVE, having th...
operativity 29 20 the state of being o...
opportunely 29 22 OPPORTUNE, happening...
opportunity 29 21 a favorable juncture...
oppugnantly 30 25 OPPUGNANT, opposing...
optionality 27 18 the state of being o...
oracularity 29 18 the state of being o...
oraculously 30 20 ORACULOUS, of the na...
orbicularly 33 22 ORBICULAR, spherical...
orchidology 32 22 the study of orchids...
orchiectomy 34 24 excision of one or b...
organically 30 21 ORGANICAL, (obsolete...
orientality 25 15 the quality of being...
originality 27 17 the state of being o...
ornithology 28 19 the study of birds [...
orthognathy 29 20 the state of having...
orthography 32 22 the branch of knowle...
orthostichy 33 20 a straight row, e.g....
oscillatory 30 18 tending to oscillate...
osmotically 31 21 OSMOTIC, pertaining...
ostensively 27 19 OSTENSIVE, showing,...
osteography 29 20 a description of bon...
osteoplasty 27 17 plastic surgery on b...
ostreophagy 29 20 the eating of oyster...
ototoxicity 34 23 the state of being o...
outspokenly 28 23 OUTSPOKEN [adv]
ovariectomy 30 23 the surgical removal...
overanxiety 31 25 excessive anxiety [n...
overhastily 30 20 OVERHASTY, too hasty...
oviparously 30 22 OVIPAROUS, producing...
oxidatively 34 26 OXIDATIVE, relating...
pacifically 38 27 PACIFICAL, pacific,...
packability 35 27 the ability to be pa...
paedotrophy 30 22 the art of rearing c...
paleobotany 27 21 the study of fossil...
paleography 32 24 the study of ancient...
palingenesy 27 21 the remelting of roc...
palpability 34 24 the quality of being...
pantheology 29 22 a synthesis of all r...
pantography 31 24 copying by the use o...
paramountcy 30 24 the state of being p...
paramountly 28 22 PARAMOUNT, supreme [...
parfocality 33 23 the state of being p...
parochially 34 23 PAROCHIAL, local; co...
partibility 32 20 the state of being p...
partitively 31 21 PARTITIVE, parting,...
parturiency 30 21 the condition of bei...
parvanimity 30 24 pettiness, meanness...
passibility 32 20 the state of being p...
pathography 34 25 a description of or...
patricianly 31 21 PATRICIAN, aristocra...
pauselessly 29 19 PAUSELESS, without a...
peccability 37 26 the state of being p...
pectinately 30 21 PECTINATE, toothed l...
peculiarity 32 21 the state of being p...
pecuniarily 31 22 PECUNIARY, pertainin...
pedagoguery 28 22 schoolmastering, tea...
pellucidity 34 23 the state of being p...
pelotherapy 31 22 medical treatment by...
pendulosity 28 20 the state of being p...
pendulously 29 22 PENDULOUS, hanging l...
pennilessly 28 20 PENNILESS, without a...
pentaploidy 29 22 the state of being p...
penuriously 28 20 PENURIOUS, poor; mea...
peppercorny 33 26 containing or tastin...
pepperminty 32 26 tasting of peppermin...
perceivably 35 27 PERCEIVABLE, able to...
perceptibly 36 26 PERCEPTIBLE, able to...
percipiency 35 26 the state of being p...
peregrinity 28 19 foreignness, outland...
perennially 27 20 PERENNIAL, lasting f...
perfervidly 33 25 PERFERVID, extremely...
perforatory 28 19 causing perforation,...
perfunctory 32 24 characterized by rou...
perinatally 28 19 PERINATAL, relating...
periodicity 31 20 the state of being r...
perishingly 32 22 PERISHING [adv]
perissology 29 19 superfluity of words...
permanently 27 22 PERMANENT, remaining...
permissibly 33 23 PERMISSIBLE, that ca...
perpetually 31 22 PERPETUAL, lasting f...
perplexedly 37 29 PERPLEXED [adv]
persecutory 30 20 having the nature of...
persistency 30 20 the action or fact o...
persnickety 31 24 fussy about small de...
personality 27 18 the state of being a...
perspicuity 34 23 the state of being p...
pertinacity 30 20 the quality of holdi...
pertinently 27 19 PERTINENT, belonging...
perturbably 33 24 PERTURBABLE, able to...
perturbedly 31 22 PERTURBED [adv]
pervasively 32 25 PERVASIVE, tending t...
pervertedly 30 22 PERVERTED [adv]
pervicacity 36 26 the state of being p...
pesteringly 29 20 PESTERING [adv]
pestilently 29 19 PESTILENT, deadly, p...
petitionary 26 17 like a petition [adj...
petroglyphy 40 26 the art of carving o...
petrography 32 23 the description and...
phalanstery 29 20 a Fourierist coopera...
phallically 37 25 PHALLIC, pertaining...
phlebectomy 36 28 the surgical excisio...
phonography 33 26 a system of spelling...
photochromy 35 26 a former process of...
photoglyphy 42 28 photography by photo...
photography 34 25 the process of produ...
phraseology 30 21 the manner or style...
physicality 41 24 the state of being p...
physiciancy 42 27 the post or office o...
physiocracy 42 26 government that does...
physiognomy 37 26 the general appearan...
physiolatry 37 21 nature-worship [n PH...
phytography 41 27 descriptive botany [...
piacularity 32 21 the state of being p...
pictography 36 26 the use of pictograp...
pictorially 33 21 PICTORIAL, relating...
pigheadedly 31 23 PIGHEADED, obstinate...
pilferingly 33 24 PILFERING [adv]
pilgarlicky 36 27 like a pilgarlick, a...
piratically 33 21 PIRATICAL, of or per...
placability 35 24 the state of being p...
placatingly 33 24 PLACATING [adv]
placelessly 33 22 PLACELESS, having no...
plaintively 31 23 PLAINTIVE, mournful,...
planetology 28 21 the study of planets...
planigraphy 33 25 x-ray photography in...
planography 32 25 cartography [n PLANO...
plantocracy 33 24 government by planta...
plastically 34 22 PLASTIC, easily moul...
plastometry 29 20 measurement by plast...
playability 38 23 the ability to be pl...
pleasurably 31 22 PLEASURABLE, giving...
plenteously 28 20 PLENTEOUS, plentiful...
plentifully 33 24 PLENTIFUL, abundant...
plessimetry 30 20 the use of a plessim...
pluviometry 32 25 the measurement of r...
pneumectomy 31 27 surgical removal of...
pointlessly 29 19 POINTLESS, with no p...
poisonously 27 19 POISONOUS, having th...
polarimetry 29 20 measurement by polar...
polemically 34 25 POLEMICAL, related t...
politically 34 22 POLITICAL, related t...
poltroonery 26 18 mean pusillanimity,...
polychotomy 40 27 division into many p...
polydactyly 45 26 the state of being p...
polygonally 36 24 POLYGONAL, like a po...
polyhistory 37 21 great and varied lea...
polyhydroxy 49 31 containing more than...
polytonally 35 22 POLYTONAL, of music,...
polyvalency 39 28 the state of being p...
ponderingly 28 22 PONDERING [adv]
ponderosity 26 18 the state of being p...
ponderously 27 20 PONDEROUS, heavy and...
popmobility 34 26 a form of exercise t...
pornography 31 24 the depiction of ero...
portability 31 20 the state of being p...
possessedly 28 18 POSSESSED [adv]
possibility 32 20 the condition or fac...
posteriorly 28 17 POSTERIOR, coming af...
postholiday 30 20 taking place after a...
postnatally 28 19 POSTNATAL, following...
postprimary 31 22 taking place after p...
postpuberty 32 23 the period after pub...
postulatory 28 18 assuming or assumed...
potentially 28 19 POTENTIAL, latent, p...
potteringly 29 20 POTTERING, busying o...
powerlessly 32 21 POWERLESS, without p...
practicably 37 26 PRACTICABLE, that ca...
practically 36 24 PRACTICAL, relating...
praediality 28 18 the state of being p...
prattlingly 31 21 PRATTLING [adv]
prayerfully 38 24 PRAYERFUL, given to...
preachingly 34 25 PREACHING, advocatin...
preambulary 31 24 of or like a preambl...
precedently 30 22 PRECEDENT, preceding...
predatorily 28 18 PREDATORY, preying o...
predelivery 30 22 the act of deliverin...
predicatory 30 20 pertaining to preach...
predictably 34 24 PREDICTABLE, that ca...
prefatorily 30 20 PREFATORY, acting as...
preliminary 29 21 preceding [adj PRELI...
preliteracy 31 20 the state of being p...
preliterary 28 17 before the written w...
prelusively 32 23 PRELUSIVE, introduct...
prelusorily 30 19 PRELUSORY, introduct...
prematurely 29 21 PREMATURE, ahead of...
prematurity 29 20 the state of being p...
premonitory 27 20 conveying a warning,...
preparatory 28 19 by way of preparatio...
prepollency 33 25 predominance, also P...
prepotently 29 21 PREPOTENT, potent in...
presanctify 32 23 to sanctify in advan...
presciently 31 21 PRESCIENT, having fo...
presentably 29 21 PRESENTABLE, worthy...
preservably 32 24 PRESERVABLE, that ca...
presumingly 31 24 PRESUMING [adv]
pretendedly 27 20 PRETENDED [adv]
prevalently 30 23 PREVALENT, prevailin...
preventably 31 25 PREVENTABLE, that ca...
preventibly 32 25 PREVENTIBLE, that ca...
pricelessly 33 21 PRICELESS, beyond pr...
primaevally 32 25 PRIMAEVAL, belonging...
primatology 30 22 the study of primate...
primiparity 32 22 the bearing of one's...
primitively 33 24 PRIMITIVE, belonging...
primitivity 33 23 the state of being p...
principally 35 25 PRINCIPAL, chief [ad...
privatively 33 25 PRIVATIVE, indicatin...
probability 33 23 the state of being p...
probatively 32 24 PROBATIVE, testing,...
proctoscopy 35 25 examination by use o...
procuratory 30 20 authorization to act...
prodigality 30 20 the state of being p...
profanatory 27 20 tending to profane [...
professedly 30 21 PROFESSED [adv]
proficiency 35 26 the state of being p...
prohibitory 32 21 serving to prohibit...
prolificacy 37 26 the state of being p...
prolificity 35 23 the state of being p...
promilitary 30 20 in favour of the mil...
prominently 28 22 PROMINENT, standing...
promiscuity 33 23 miscellaneous mingli...
promisingly 31 23 PROMISING [adv]
propinquity 38 30 nearness in space, t...
proprietary 29 19 of the nature of pro...
prosaically 32 21 PROSAICAL, relating...
prosiliency 31 21 the state of being p...
protanomaly 27 21 a form of colour bli...
proterandry 26 18 in a hermaphrodite o...
proterogyny 33 21 the development of f...
protogalaxy 34 26 a galaxy in its init...
protonotary 25 17 a court clerk; a chi...
prototrophy 31 21 the state of being p...
provability 33 24 the state of being p...
providently 30 23 PROVIDENT, seeing be...
provisorily 31 21 PROVISORY, of the na...
provocatory 31 23 provocative [adj]
provokingly 32 28 PROVOKING [adv]
proximately 35 27 PROXIMATE, nearest o...
psaligraphy 34 24 the art of paper-cut...
psychically 45 28 PSYCHICAL, relating...
psychobilly 44 28 a genre of popular m...
psychomachy 45 31 conflict of the soul...
psychometry 40 26 the measurement of m...
psychopathy 43 28 the state of being a...
psychophily 45 29 pollination by butte...
pteridology 29 20 the study of ferns [...
ptochocracy 38 27 government by the po...
pudibundity 31 24 the state of being p...
puerperally 31 22 PUERPERAL, of or rel...
pulmonology 30 25 the branch of medici...
pulsatility 31 19 the state of being p...
pulsatively 32 23 PULSATIVE, of musica...
punctuality 32 23 the state of being p...
punishingly 32 24 PUNISHING [adv]
pupillarity 33 22 the state of being a...
purgatively 32 24 PURGATIVE, serving t...
purportedly 31 22 PURPORTED [adv]
purposively 33 25 PURPOSIVE, directed...
pyelography 39 26 the use of pyelogram...
pylorectomy 38 25 the surgical removal...
pyramidally 37 24 PYRAMIDAL, shaped li...
pyroballogy 38 25 the study of artille...
quadraphony 36 30 a system of sound tr...
quadrophony 36 30 a system of sound tr...
qualifiedly 38 29 QUALIFIED [adv]
quangocracy 39 32 government by quango...
quaveringly 37 31 QUAVERING, shaky [ad...
querulously 36 27 QUERULOUS, complaini...
questionary 32 24 an asker of question...
quibblingly 42 34 QUIBBLING, arguing o...
quiescently 37 28 QUIESCENT, resting,...
quiveringly 38 31 QUIVERING, shaking w...
quizzically 46 46 QUIZZICAL, mocking,...
quotability 37 27 the ability to be qu...
quoteworthy 38 28 worth being quoted [...
radiography 30 21 photography of the i...
radiopacity 30 20 the state of being r...
radiothermy 28 19 the treatment of dis...
rancorously 28 19 RANCOROUS, full of r...
rapaciously 31 21 RAPACIOUS, greedy, p...
rapturously 29 19 RAPTUROUS, in a stat...
rateability 28 17 the ability to be ra...
rationality 25 15 the state of being r...
ravishingly 32 23 RAVISHING [adv]
reactionary 26 17 resisitng change [ad...
readability 28 18 the ability to be re...
rebukefully 33 27 REBUKEFUL, containin...
receptively 33 24 RECEPTIVE, ready to...
receptivity 33 23 the state of being r...
recessively 31 21 RECESSIVE, tending t...
reciprocity 34 22 the state of being r...
reclaimably 33 24 RECLAIMABLE, that ca...
reclusively 33 23 RECLUSIVE, solitary...
recognitory 28 19 relating to recognit...
reconditely 28 19 RECONDITE, concealed...
rectipetaly 31 20 the tendency to grow...
recumbently 32 25 RECUMBENT, reclining...
recurrently 29 19 RECURRENT, happening...
recurringly 31 21 RECURRING [adv]
recursively 32 22 RECURSIVE, involving...
rediscovery 30 21 the act of rediscove...
redoubtably 30 22 REDOUBTABLE, causing...
reductively 32 23 REDUCTIVE, tending t...
redundantly 25 19 REDUNDANT, no longer...
referendary 25 18 a referee; formerly...
reflexively 37 29 REFLEXIVE, indicatin...
reflexivity 37 28 the state of being r...
reflexology 35 27 a form of therapy fo...
reformatory 27 19 a penal institution...
refringency 30 23 refractivity, also R...
refulgently 30 22 REFULGENT, radiant,...
regardfully 31 22 REGARDFUL, heedful;...
regretfully 31 21 REGRETFUL, full of r...
regrettably 29 19 REGRETTABLE, to be r...
reificatory 30 19 effecting reificatio...
rejectingly 32 29 REJECTING [adv]
rejoicingly 32 29 REJOICING, joyful [a...
reliability 30 18 the state of being r...
religionary 26 17 a member of a religi...
religiosely 28 17 RELIGIOSE, morbidly...
religiosity 28 16 the state of being r...
religiously 29 18 RELIGIOUS, concerned...
reluctantly 30 20 RELUCTANT, unwilling...
reluctivity 33 22 a specific or relati...
remissively 30 21 REMISSIVE, remitting...
remittently 27 18 REMITTENT, remitting...
rentability 28 18 the ability to be re...
repellantly 29 20 REPELLANT, serving t...
repellently 29 20 REPELLENT, serving t...
repellingly 31 22 REPELLING [adv]
repentantly 26 19 REPENTANT, penitent...
repentingly 28 21 REPENTING [adv]
reportingly 29 20 REPORTING, giving an...
reposefully 31 22 REPOSEFUL, restful [...
repressibly 31 20 REPRESSIBLE, that ca...
reprobatory 28 19 condemnatory, also R...
reprography 32 23 the reproduction of...
reprovingly 31 24 REPROVING [adv]
reptilianly 29 19 REPTILIAN, related t...
repugnantly 28 22 REPUGNANT, distastef...
repulsively 32 23 REPULSIVE, that repe...
requisitely 35 24 REQUISITE, required...
requisitory 34 23 in law, a demand mad...
resentfully 29 20 RESENTFUL, full of r...
resentingly 26 18 RESENTING [adv]
reservatory 26 17 a receptacle; a rese...
resiliently 27 16 RESILIENT, springing...
resistingly 28 17 RESISTING [adv]
resistively 29 18 RESISTIVE, serving t...
resistivity 29 17 the longitudinal ele...
respectably 33 23 RESPECTABLE, worthy...
respiratory 27 16 related to respirati...
respirology 29 19 the branch of medici...
respondency 28 22 correspondence, agre...
responsibly 30 21 RESPONSIBLE, liable...
restitutory 26 14 serving to restitute...
resultantly 27 17 RESULTANT, resulting...
retaliatory 25 14 having the nature of...
retardatory 24 14 tending to retard [a...
retentively 27 19 RETENTIVE, tending t...
retentivity 27 18 the power of retaini...
reticularly 31 19 RETICULAR, netted, n...
retinopathy 28 19 any of various nonin...
retinoscopy 29 20 observation of the r...
retributory 28 17 relating to retribut...
retrievably 30 21 RETRIEVABLE, that ca...
reusability 29 18 the capacity to be r...
revealingly 29 22 REVEALING, making vi...
revengingly 29 24 REVENGING, vengeful...
revisionary 26 18 relating to revision...
revoltingly 30 22 REVOLTING [adv]
revolvingly 32 26 REVOLVING, turning a...
revulsively 32 24 REVULSIVE, causing,...
rewardingly 30 21 REWARDING [adv]
rhabdomancy 32 26 divination by wands...
rheumaticky 33 26 suffering from rheum...
rhinoplasty 30 20 plastic surgery of t...
rhythmicity 42 25 the state of being r...
righteously 30 19 RIGHTEOUS, just, pro...
rightwardly 34 22 RIGHTWARD, toward th...
rinsability 29 18 the quality of being...
rinsibility 30 18 the quality of being...
riverworthy 33 22 able to be used on a...
roadability 28 18 the qualities, such...
robotically 32 21 ROBOTIC, relating to...
rubicundity 32 23 the state of being r...
rudimentary 26 19 arrested at an early...
sagaciously 30 20 SAGACIOUS, wise [adv...
salaciously 30 19 SALACIOUS, indecentl...
saleability 29 18 the quality of being...
salinometry 26 18 the measurement of s...
salmonberry 28 21 a salmon-coloured No...
salvability 32 22 the state of being s...
sartorially 27 15 SARTORIAL, of or rel...
satanically 29 19 SATANICAL, devilish,...
satanophany 26 20 an appearance of the...
satiability 29 17 the capacity to be s...
satirically 31 18 SATIRICAL, of or lik...
saturninely 25 17 SATURNINE, cold and...
saturninity 25 16 the state of being s...
scalability 33 21 the ability to be sc...
scamblingly 35 27 SCAMBLING [adv]
scatteredly 29 18 SCATTERED [adv]
scenography 32 24 the representation o...
sceptically 36 24 SCEPTICAL, inclined...
schistosity 32 18 the foliation in a s...
scirrhosity 32 18 the state of being s...
sclerocauly 33 22 possession of a hard...
scorchingly 36 25 SCORCHING, very hot...
scoundrelly 30 21 SCOUNDREL [adv]
scrapepenny 30 24 (archaic) a miser, a...
scrawlingly 35 24 SCRAWLING, of writin...
screamingly 31 23 SCREAMING [adv]
scrimshandy 32 23 to ornament, as shel...
scripophily 37 25 the hobby of collect...
sculduddery 31 22 (Scots) a breach of...
sculduggery 33 24 underhand dealing, t...
sdeignfully 31 23 SDEIGNFULL, (obsolet...
seamstressy 26 16 (Sterne) sewing, nee...
searchingly 32 22 SEARCHING [adv]
seasonality 24 15 the state of being s...
seclusively 33 23 SECLUSIVE, tending t...
secondarily 28 19 SECONDARY, subordina...
secretively 31 21 SECRETIVE, inclined...
sectionally 29 19 SECTIONAL, in sectio...
sedentarily 25 16 SEDENTARY, sitting;...
sedimentary 25 18 relating to or compo...
seditionary 24 15 one who promotes sed...
seditiously 27 16 SEDITIOUS, relating...
seductively 32 23 SEDUCTIVE, tending t...
segmentally 28 21 SEGMENTAL, relating...
seismically 32 21 SEISMICAL, relating...
seismometry 27 19 the scientific study...
seismonasty 25 17 response to mechanic...
selectively 32 22 SELECTIVE, liking to...
selectivity 32 21 the state of being s...
semasiology 27 19 the study of meaning...
semelparity 29 20 the quality of havin...
semiaridity 27 17 the state of being s...
semimonthly 30 23 half-monthly [adj] /...
semishrubby 34 25 partly like a shrub...
semitonally 27 19 SEMITONAL, of or per...
senselessly 26 16 SENSELESS, without s...
sensibility 29 18 the ability to recei...
sensitively 28 19 SENSITIVE, having th...
sensitivity 28 18 the state of being s...
sensorially 26 16 SENSORIAL, related t...
serendipity 27 18 the faculty of makin...
serotherapy 28 18 treatment with a ser...
serviceably 33 24 SERVICEABLE, able or...
sessionally 26 16 SESSIONAL, of or per...
setaceously 28 18 SETACEOUS, set with,...
sexennially 31 24 SEXENNIAL, lasting s...
shamelessly 30 20 SHAMELESS, without s...
shameworthy 33 23 worthy of shame [adj...
shapelessly 31 20 SHAPELESS, without s...
sheriffalty 33 22 the office of sherif...
shiftlessly 33 20 SHIFTLESS, feckless...
shiveringly 32 23 SHIVERING, trembling...
shriekingly 31 23 SHRIEKING, shrill [a...
shrinkingly 31 24 SHRINKING, drawing b...
shufflingly 36 27 SHUFFLING, walking w...
sialography 31 21 the process of makin...
sickeningly 31 25 SICKENING, nauseatin...
sightlessly 32 19 SIGHTLESS, blind [ad...
sightworthy 35 22 worth looking at [ad...
sigmoidally 30 21 SIGMOIDAL, S-shaped,...
silverberry 31 21 a silvery North Amer...
simperingly 31 23 SIMPERING, smiling i...
sindonology 25 19 the study of the shr...
singularity 28 18 the fact or state of...
sinisterity 26 14 left-handedness [n S...
sinistrally 28 16 SINISTRAL, of or per...
siphonogamy 30 24 the state of reprodu...
sixteenthly 34 24 SIXTEENTH, number si...
skeptically 34 25 SKEPTICAL, inclined...
skulduddery 29 23 (Scots) a breach of...
skulduggery 31 25 underhand dealing, t...
slaveringly 30 22 SLAVERING, drooling...
sleeplessly 30 19 SLEEPLESS, without s...
slightingly 33 22 SLIGHTING [adv]
slouchingly 34 24 SLOUCHING [adv]
slumbrously 32 23 SLUMBROUS, full of s...
smokelessly 29 22 SMOKELESS, without s...
snatchingly 32 23 SNATCHING [adv]
snobbocracy 34 26 government by snobs...
snobography 31 24 the description of s...
sociability 32 20 the state of being s...
solvability 32 22 the ability to be so...
somatically 31 21 SOMATIC, of or perta...
somnolently 26 20 SOMNOLENT, sleepy; c...
soothfastly 30 19 SOOTHFAST, (archaic)...
sorbability 31 20 the ability to be ab...
sorrowfully 33 22 SORROWFUL, sad [adv]
soteriology 26 16 the theological doct...
soundlessly 27 18 SOUNDLESS, without s...
southwardly 32 21 SOUTHWARD [adv]
sovereignly 28 21 SOVEREIGN, supreme,...
sovereignty 27 20 the state of being s...
spaghettify 33 23 to make into spaghet...
sparklessly 31 22 SPARKLESS, without a...
sparklingly 32 25 SPARKLING, giving of...
spastically 33 21 SPASTIC, of the natu...
specificity 37 25 the state of being s...
spectrality 32 20 the state of being s...
spectrology 32 22 the study of ghosts...
specularity 32 21 the state of being s...
speculatory 31 21 exercising speculati...
spelaeology 28 20 the study and explor...
sphagnology 31 24 the study of peat mo...
spherically 35 23 SPHERICAL, having th...
sphygmology 40 28 the study of the pul...
spinelessly 29 19 SPINELESS, without s...
spiritually 31 19 SPIRITUAL, related t...
spiritualty 30 18 being spiritual [n S...
spirography 33 23 the recording of bre...
spleenfully 32 24 SPLEENFUL, affected...
splenectomy 31 24 the surgical removal...
spontaneity 25 18 the state of being s...
sportsmanly 29 21 SPORTSMAN [adv]
spreadingly 29 21 SPREADING, expansive...
spritefully 33 22 SPRITEFUL [adv]
squeakingly 36 31 SQUEAKING, making a...
squeamishly 38 29 SQUEAMISH, feeling n...
squintingly 36 28 SQUINTING, looking w...
squirearchy 39 28 squires collectively...
squirmingly 38 30 SQUIRMING [adv]
stainlessly 27 16 STAINLESS, without s...
startlingly 29 18 STARTLING, very surp...
stasimorphy 31 21 structural modificat...
statesmanly 26 18 like a statesman [ad...
statutorily 27 15 STATUTORY, of or rel...
steadfastly 28 18 STEADFAST, firm, unw...
steerageway 27 18 a rate of motion suf...
stellularly 30 18 STELLULAR, starlike;...
stenochromy 30 22 printing in several...
stenography 29 21 the skill or occupat...
stereometry 25 16 the measurement of v...
stereophony 27 19 the reproduction of...
stereoscopy 29 19 the use of a stereos...
stethoscopy 32 21 examination with a s...
stichically 37 23 STICHIC, relating to...
stichometry 32 21 the numbering or cou...
stichomythy 41 25 dialogue in alternat...
stimulatory 28 18 serving to stimulate...
stipendiary 27 18 one who receives a s...
stipulatory 29 18 relating to stipulat...
stomatology 27 19 the study of the mou...
straightway 32 20 (archaic) in a direc...
stratocracy 31 19 government by the mi...
streamingly 28 20 STREAMING, of a cold...
strenuosity 25 15 the state of being s...
strenuously 26 17 STRENUOUS, requiring...
stressfully 31 19 STRESSFUL, causing s...
stringently 27 18 STRINGENT, tight, bi...
struttingly 29 18 STRUTTING, pompous [...
stumblingly 33 25 STUMBLING [adv]
stylography 38 23 a mode of writing or...
subaerially 29 19 SUBAERIAL, in open a...
subassembly 32 24 a subordinate part o...
subaxillary 36 26 situated below the a...
subcategory 31 22 a subdivision of a c...
subclassify 35 24 to group into subcla...
subcontrary 30 21 a proposition so rel...
subdeaconry 29 22 the office of subdea...
subdermally 31 23 SUBDERMAL, subcutane...
subindustry 29 20 a subordinate indust...
subjacently 33 31 SUBJACENT, lying und...
sublethally 33 22 SUBLETHAL, not quite...
subliteracy 32 21 the state of being s...
subliterary 29 18 relating to or being...
subnormally 30 23 SUBNORMAL, below nor...
subordinary 27 19 any of several heral...
subsocially 33 22 SUBSOCIAL, tending t...
subtreasury 28 18 a subordinate treasu...
suburbanity 30 22 the state of being s...
succinctory 35 24 a band embroidered w...
succulently 34 24 SUCCULENT, juicy, sa...
sufferingly 32 24 SUFFERING [adv]
sufficiency 36 27 the state of being s...
suggestibly 32 22 SUGGESTIBLE, easily...
suicidology 31 21 the study of suicide...
suitability 30 18 the state of being s...
sulfurously 31 21 SULFUROUS, containin...
summability 32 24 the ability to be su...
sumptuosity 30 21 the quality of being...
sumptuously 31 23 SUMPTUOUS, luxurious...
superagency 30 23 a large complex gove...
superdainty 27 19 extremely dainty [ad...
superfamily 32 24 a category of biolog...
superfluity 32 22 excess [n SUPERFLUIT...
superiority 28 17 the state of being s...
superlunary 28 20 otherworldly; above...
superluxury 36 27 extreme luxury [n SU...
supersafety 29 20 the state of being s...
supervisory 30 21 relating to or havin...
suppliantly 32 23 SUPPLIANT, (Shakespe...
supportably 33 24 SUPPORTABLE, that ca...
suppository 30 20 a solid but readily...
surprisedly 30 19 SURPRISED [adv]
susceptibly 35 24 SUSCEPTIBLE, open to...
suspectedly 32 22 SUSPECTED [adv]
sustainably 28 19 SUSTAINABLE [adv]
sustainedly 26 17 SUSTAINED [adv]
swingeingly 31 23 SWINGEING [adv]
sycophantly 39 25 like a sycophant [ad...
sycophantry 38 24 flattery [n SYCOPHAN...
syllabicity 40 23 the state of being i...
symbolology 37 25 the study of symbols...
sympodially 37 24 SYMPODIAL, relating...
synodically 36 22 SYNODICAL, enacted o...
synoecology 34 22 the study of ecologi...
syphilology 39 24 the study of syphili...
syringotomy 33 21 cutting of a fistula...
tacheometry 30 21 measurement by use o...
tachygraphy 42 27 shorthand [n TACHYGR...
taciturnity 29 18 the state of being t...
taintlessly 27 16 TAINTLESS, free from...
talkability 31 22 the quality of being...
talkatively 30 23 TALKATIVE, given to...
tameability 29 20 the quality of being...
tangentally 26 19 TANGENTAL, of or per...
tangibility 30 20 the state of being t...
tastelessly 27 15 TASTELESS, without t...
technically 35 24 TECHNICAL, related t...
technocracy 35 25 government by techni...
tegumentary 26 20 of or like a tegumen...
telesurgery 27 17 surgery carried out...
temperately 28 20 TEMPERATE, mild, mod...
temporality 29 20 civil or political a...
temporarily 29 20 TEMPORARY, not perma...
tenaciously 28 19 TENACIOUS, holding o...
tenebrosity 26 17 darkness [n TENEBROS...
tenementary 23 18 of or pertaining to...
tenorrhaphy 30 21 the repairing of a s...
tensibility 29 18 the state of being t...
tensiometry 25 17 the measurement of t...
tensionally 25 17 TENSIONAL, relating...
tentatively 27 19 TENTATIVE, cautious...
tephromancy 32 25 divination by ashes...
termagantly 27 20 TERMAGANT [adv]
terminatory 25 17 serving as a termina...
terminology 27 20 the technical or spe...
terribility 30 17 the state of being t...
testability 29 17 the ability to be te...
testudinary 25 16 like a tortoiseshell...
tetanically 29 19 TETANICAL, relating...
tetraploidy 28 18 the state of being t...
thanatology 27 19 the description or s...
thanklessly 30 22 THANKLESS, giving no...
thankworthy 33 25 worthy of thanks [ad...
thaumaturgy 30 22 the performance of m...
theanthropy 30 21 a belief in the unio...
theftuously 31 21 THEFTUOUS, thievish...
theopneusty 28 20 divine inspiration,...
theriolatry 28 16 animal-worship [n TH...
thermically 34 23 THERMICAL, of or by...
thermometry 29 21 the measurement of t...
thermonasty 27 19 nastic movement in r...
thoracotomy 30 21 surgical incision of...
thrillingly 33 21 THRILLING [adv]
throbbingly 34 25 THROBBING, pulsating...
thrummingly 33 26 THRUMMING, humming,...
thwartingly 33 22 THWARTING, obstructi...
timbrophily 35 25 the love of stamps [...
titanically 30 19 TITANIC, having grea...
titteringly 28 17 TITTERING [adv]
tomboyishly 38 24 TOMBOYISH, like a to...
tonetically 29 19 TONETIC, of or relat...
toothsomely 28 19 TOOTHSOME, attractiv...
tormentedly 26 19 TORMENTED [adv]
torsibility 30 17 the ability to be tw...
torsionally 26 16 TORSIONAL, of or per...
torturingly 28 18 TORTURING, causing s...
torturously 27 16 TORTUROUS, involving...
totemically 31 21 TOTEMIC, of or perta...
totipotency 29 20 the state of being t...
totteringly 27 17 TOTTERING, unsteady...
tracelessly 30 18 TRACELESS, without t...
tracheotomy 30 21 a surgical incision...
tracklessly 32 22 TRACKLESS, without a...
traducingly 31 22 TRADUCING, maligning...
tragicomedy 30 22 a drama or a situati...
tranquility 35 25 the state of being t...
transiently 25 16 TRANSIENT, not lasti...
translatory 25 15 of, relating to, or...
translunary 25 17 of or relating to th...
treasonably 26 18 TREASONABLE, of the...
tremblingly 32 24 TREMBLING, shaking i...
tremulously 29 20 TREMULOUS, trembling...
trenchantly 30 21 TRENCHANT, incisive,...
trepidatory 27 17 causing trepidation,...
triadically 31 19 TRIADIC, having the...
triaxiality 33 21 the state of being t...
tributarily 30 18 TRIBUTARY, paying tr...
tricklingly 34 25 TRICKLING, in small...
triennially 26 17 TRIENNIAL, continuin...
trinomially 28 19 TRINOMIAL, of three...
trophically 35 23 TROPHIC, pertaining...
tropicality 32 20 the state of being t...
troublously 30 20 TROUBLOUS, (archaic)...
truculently 31 21 TRUCULENT, aggressiv...
trustlessly 29 16 TRUSTLESS, that may...
trustworthy 32 19 worthy of confidence...
tufftaffety 34 26 (obsolete) a taffeta...
tumescently 30 22 TUMESCENT, tending t...
turbulently 30 21 TURBULENT, tumultuou...
turgescency 32 23 the act or process o...
twanglingly 32 24 TWANGLING, making a...
typefoundry 35 24 a place where type i...
tyrannously 31 19 TYRANNOUS, like a ty...
umbellately 31 23 UMBELLATE, having um...
umbilically 36 26 UMBILICAL, of or per...
unabashedly 29 22 UNABASHED, not abash...
unaccusably 34 26 UNACCUSABLE, that ca...
unadvisably 30 24 UNADVISABLE, not adv...
unadvisedly 28 22 UNADVISED, ill advis...
unalienably 27 21 UNALIENABLE, not ali...
unalterably 28 20 UNALTERABLE, that ca...
unamusingly 28 23 UNAMUSING, not amusi...
unanimously 26 21 UNANIMOUS, of one mi...
unashamedly 28 22 UNASHAMED, not asham...
unavailably 30 24 UNAVAILABLE, not ava...
unavoidably 29 24 UNAVOIDABLE, that ca...
unbendingly 28 24 UNBENDING, stern, un...
unbiassedly 28 20 UNBIASSED [adv]
unblameably 31 26 UNBLAMEABLE, that ca...
unboundedly 27 23 UNBOUNDED, not bound...
unbridledly 30 22 UNBRIDLED [adv]
unbrotherly 30 21 not brotherly [adj]
unbudgeably 31 26 UNBUDGEABLE, that ca...
unbudgingly 31 26 UNBUDGING, not budgi...
unceasingly 29 22 UNCEASING, not ceasi...
uncertainly 28 20 UNCERTAIN, not certa...
uncertainty 27 19 the state of being u...
uncloudedly 30 23 UNCLOUDED [adv]
uncustomary 29 22 not customary [adj U...
uncynically 39 26 UNCYNICAL, not cynic...
undauntedly 25 20 UNDAUNTED, not daunt...
undebatably 29 23 UNDEBATABLE, that ca...
undecidedly 29 22 UNDECIDED, not decid...
understorey 24 16 the smaller trees an...
undersupply 31 24 to supply too little...
undesirably 28 20 UNDESIRABLE, not des...
undividedly 29 23 UNDIVIDED, not divid...
undoubtedly 28 22 UNDOUBTED, not doubt...
undutifully 31 23 UNDUTIFUL, not dutif...
unendurably 27 22 UNENDURABLE, that ca...
unethically 32 22 UNETHICAL [adv]
unfailingly 30 23 UNFAILING, not faili...
unfavorably 31 26 UNFAVORABLE, not fav...
unfearfully 31 24 UNFEARFUL, not fearf...
unfeelingly 29 23 UNFEELING, not feeli...
unfeignedly 28 23 UNFEIGNED, not feign...
unfittingly 30 22 UNFITTING [adv]
unflappably 35 29 UNFLAPPABLE, impertu...
unfoundedly 27 23 UNFOUNDED, not found...
ungallantly 28 21 UNGALLANT, not galla...
ungenteelly 26 20 UNGENTEEL, not gente...
ungentility 27 19 lack of gentility [n...
unguardedly 27 21 UNGUARDED [adv]
unharmfully 33 26 UNHARMFUL, not harmf...
unhealthily 31 21 UNHEALTHY, not healt...
unheedfully 31 24 UNHEEDFUL, not heedf...
unheedingly 28 22 UNHEEDING, not heedi...
unhelpfully 35 27 UNHELPFUL, not helpf...
unhopefully 33 26 UNHOPEFUL, not hopef...
unhurriedly 29 20 UNHURRIED, not hurri...
unhurtfully 33 24 UNHURTFUL, not hurtf...
unimpededly 29 24 UNIMPEDED, not imped...
unipolarity 28 19 the state of being u...
uniserially 27 17 UNISERIAL, having on...
unisexually 33 25 UNISEXUAL, of one se...
universally 29 21 UNIVERSAL, of the un...
unknowingly 30 27 UNKNOWING, ignorant,...
unlearnedly 25 19 UNLEARNED [adv]
unleisurely 27 18 not leisurely [adj]
unlimitedly 29 21 UNLIMITED, not limit...
unmeaningly 26 23 UNMEANING, having no...
unmemorably 29 25 UNMEMORABLE, not mem...
unmercenary 27 22 not mercenary [adj]
unmeritedly 27 20 UNMERITED, not merit...
unmindfully 31 26 UNMINDFUL, not mindf...
unmitigably 31 24 UNMITIGABLE, that ca...
unmusically 32 24 UNMUSICAL, not music...
unnaturally 26 19 UNNATURAL, not natur...
unnecessary 26 19 not necessary [adj U...
unneedfully 28 23 UNNEEDFUL, not needf...
unnervingly 28 24 UNNERVING [adv]
unorthodoxy 32 25 the state of being u...
unpalatably 30 23 UNPALATABLE, not pal...
unperfectly 33 25 UNPERFECT, not perfe...
unpitifully 33 24 UNPITIFUL, not pitif...
unpityingly 36 24 UNPITYING, not pityi...
unplausibly 32 24 UNPLAUSIBLE, not pla...
unpopularly 31 24 UNPOPULAR, not popul...
unprintably 30 23 UNPRINTABLE, that ca...
unrestingly 27 19 UNRESTING, not resti...
unsavourily 28 21 UNSAVOURY, not savou...
unscholarly 32 22 not scholarly [adj]
unseaworthy 29 20 not good enough to b...
unselfishly 32 22 UNSELFISH, not selfi...
unsettledly 27 18 UNSETTLED [adv]
unshakeably 30 25 UNSHAKEABLE, that ca...
unsightedly 30 21 UNSIGHTED [adv]
unskilfully 33 26 UNSKILFUL, not skilf...
unsmilingly 30 23 UNSMILING, not smili...
unsociality 29 19 the state of being u...
unsoldierly 27 18 not soldierly [adj]
unsparingly 29 22 UNSPARING, not spari...
unspeakably 30 26 UNSPEAKABLE, that ca...
unstoppably 32 25 UNSTOPPABLE, that ca...
untaintedly 25 18 UNTAINTED, not taint...
unthinkably 31 26 UNTHINKABLE, that ca...
unthriftily 32 21 UNTHRIFTY, not thrif...
untimeously 27 20 UNTIMEOUS, untimely...
untunefully 29 23 UNTUNEFUL, not tunef...
untypically 39 25 UNTYPICAL, not typic...
unutterably 28 20 UNUTTERABLE, that ca...
unvaryingly 35 25 UNVARYING, not varyi...
unweariably 30 22 UNWEARIABLE, that ca...
unweariedly 28 20 UNWEARIED, not weari...
unweetingly 29 22 UNWEETING, (archaic)...
unwelcomely 33 26 UNWELCOME, not welco...
unwieldlily 32 22 UNWIELDLY, unwieldy,...
unwillingly 33 24 UNWILLING, not willi...
unwinkingly 31 27 UNWINKING, not winki...
unwittingly 31 22 UNWITTING, without k...
upliftingly 34 25 UPLIFTING, inspiring...
upsettingly 30 21 UPSETTING, causing u...
uranography 29 22 descriptive astronom...
uranoplasty 27 19 plastic surgery of t...
vaccinatory 32 24 relating to vaccinat...
vacillatory 32 22 wavering [adj]
vagariously 29 21 VAGARIOUS, erratic i...
vaginectomy 31 26 surgical excision of...
valedictory 31 22 of or relating to a...
vanishingly 31 24 VANISHING, disappear...
vapouringly 31 25 VAPOURING, vaporous...
variability 31 21 the state of being v...
vascularity 32 22 the state of being v...
vectorially 32 22 VECTORIAL, of or lik...
velocimetry 32 24 measurement by means...
venatically 31 23 VENATICAL, related t...
vendibility 31 23 the state of being v...
venefically 33 26 VENEFICAL, acting by...
venereology 26 21 the study of venerea...
ventilatory 27 19 of, relating to, or...
ventriloquy 36 29 the production of th...
venturingly 29 23 VENTURING [adv]
venturously 28 21 VENTUROUS, ventureso...
veraciously 31 22 VERACIOUS, truthful;...
veridically 33 23 VERIDICAL, truthful;...
verminously 29 23 VERMINOUS, full of v...
verrucosity 31 21 the state of being v...
versability 31 21 (obsolete) aptness t...
versatilely 29 19 VERSATILE, turning e...
versatility 29 18 the state of being v...
vertebrally 31 22 VERTEBRAL, of or lik...
verticality 32 21 the state of being v...
vesicularly 33 23 VESICULAR, having ve...
vestigially 31 21 VESTIGIAL, of or lik...
vexatiously 34 26 VEXATIOUS, causing v...
vexillology 37 29 the study of flags [...
vibratility 32 21 the quality of being...
vibratingly 32 24 VIBRATING [adv]
vicariously 32 22 VICARIOUS, character...
vicegerency 33 26 the office of vicere...
viceregally 33 24 VICEREGAL, of a vice...
viceroyalty 37 23 the office of vicero...
victimology 34 26 the study of victims...
videography 32 25 the art of using a v...
villanously 30 22 VILLANOUS, villainou...
vincibility 35 25 the state of being v...
vindicatory 30 22 serving or tending t...
violability 32 22 the capacity to be v...
vivaciously 34 26 VIVACIOUS, lively [a...
vocalically 36 26 VOCALIC, of or perta...
voicelessly 32 22 VOICELESS, without a...
volcanicity 34 25 the state of being v...
volcanology 31 25 the study of volcano...
volitionary 27 19 relating to volition...
voluntarily 29 21 VOLUNTARY, not compu...
voraciously 31 22 VORACIOUS, greedy [a...
vulcanicity 35 26 the state of being v...
vulcanology 32 26 the study of volcano...
wanderingly 29 22 WANDERING, moving ab...
warrantably 30 21 WARRANTABLE, that ca...
washability 34 22 the quality of being...
wasterfully 33 22 WASTERFUL, (Scots) e...
wearability 31 20 the ability to be wo...
wearilessly 30 18 WEARILESS, incapable...
wearisomely 29 20 WEARISOME, tiresome,...
welcomingly 35 27 WELCOMING [adv]
weldability 33 22 the quality of being...
werewolfery 33 23 the state of being a...
wettability 32 20 the ability to be we...
wheedlingly 33 24 WHEEDLING, enticing...
whigmaleery 33 24 (Scots) a trinket or...
whimsically 38 26 WHIMSICAL, full of w...
whingeingly 33 25 in the manner of one...
whistlingly 35 23 WHISTLING, of e.g. a...
whodunnitry 30 22 the genre of whoduni...
wholesomely 32 23 WHOLESOME, healthy,...
windbaggery 32 25 being a windbag [n W...
winnability 31 22 the quality of being...
winterberry 30 20 a name given to seve...
witheringly 33 22 WITHERING, of critic...
wonderfully 32 24 WONDERFUL, causing w...
wonderingly 29 22 WONDERING, having a...
workability 33 24 the quality of being...
worrisomely 30 20 WORRISOME, causing w...
worthlessly 33 20 WORTHLESS, without w...
wrenchingly 35 26 WRENCHING, twisting...
yatteringly 33 19 YATTERING, jabbering...
zincography 36 33 an engraving process...
zygotically 41 31 ZYGOTIC, pertaining...
zymotically 41 32 ZYMOTIC, of the natu...