15 letter words that end with Y

15 letter words that end with Y

15 letter Y word


Words With Friends®


abiogenetically 38 28 ABIOGENETIC, relatin...
accommodatingly 41 34 ACCOMMODATING [adv]
acidimetrically 42 29 ACIDIMETRICAL, relat...
acknowledgeably 42 36 ACKNOWLEDGEABLE, cap...
actinochemistry 41 29 another name for pho...
aerodynamically 42 29 AERODYNAMICAL, relat...
agglutinability 39 28 the capacity (as of...
algorithmically 43 30 ALGORITHMIC, relatin...
allotetraploidy 36 24 an allotetraploid or...
anacoluthically 42 30 ANACOLUTHIC, relatin...
anacreontically 37 27 ANACREONTIC [adv]
anaesthesiology 33 23 a branch of medical...
anaesthetically 37 25 ANAESTHETIC, taking...
anarchistically 42 28 ANARCHISTIC, of or p...
animatronically 36 27 ANIMATRONIC, relatin...
anisotropically 38 26 ANISOTROPIC, not hav...
anomalistically 38 27 ANOMALISTICAL, anoma...
anthropobiology 38 29 the study of human b...
antichristianly 38 25 ANTICHRISTIAN, oppos...
antipornography 37 29 opposed to pornograp...
antirationality 31 20 being opposed to rat...
apocalyptically 51 34 APOCALYPTICAL, of, r...
approachability 44 32 the state of being a...
archeoastronomy 35 26 the scientific study...
archeologically 43 30 ARCHEOLOGICAL, relat...
archiepiscopacy 47 34 the rank or province...
architecturally 43 28 ARCHITECTURAL, of or...
argumentatively 36 29 ARGUMENTATIVE, given...
astronautically 36 24 ASTRONAUTICAL, relat...
astrophysically 48 29 ASTROPHYSICAL, relat...
atmospherically 42 30 ATMOSPHERICAL, relat...
audiometrically 38 27 AUDIOMETRIC, relatin...
authoritatively 37 25 AUTHORITATIVE, havin...
autochthonously 39 28 AUTOCHTHONOUS, indig...
autographically 42 30 AUTOGRAPHICAL, of, r...
automorphically 42 31 AUTOMORPHIC, formed...
autoradiography 36 26 a technique used to...
autotetraploidy 34 23 the state of being a...
autotrophically 41 28 AUTOTROPHIC, capable...
bathometrically 42 30 BATHOMETRIC, relatin...
bathymetrically 49 32 BATHYMETRICAL, relat...
bidirectionally 39 27 BIDIRECTIONAL, invol...
bioavailability 40 29 the degree and rate...
bioecologically 43 31 BIOECOLOGICAL, relat...
biogeochemistry 41 30 the science of plant...
biomechanically 44 34 BIOMECHANICAL, relat...
biorhythmically 52 34 BIORHYTHMIC, relatin...
biostratigraphy 40 27 the determination of...
bisymmetrically 49 33 BISYMMETRICAL, showi...
bloodcurdlingly 42 32 BLOODCURDLING, arous...
brokenheartedly 36 29 BROKENHEARTED, great...
carcinogenicity 41 30 the state of being c...
cardiopulmonary 38 30 of or relating to th...
cataclysmically 52 34 CATACLYSMIC, relatin...
catallactically 45 30 CATALLACTIC, pertain...
catechistically 46 30 CATECHISTICAL, relat...
cenogenetically 38 29 CENOGENETIC, relatin...
chemoautotrophy 41 31 the production of en...
chemopsychiatry 52 35 treatment of mental...
chemotactically 46 33 CHEMOTACTIC, exhibit...
chemotropically 45 33 CHEMOTROPIC, exhibit...
cholangiography 43 33 the examination by X...
cholecystectomy 51 34 a surgical operation...
cholecystostomy 48 31 the surgical formati...
cholinergically 44 31 CHOLINERGIC, acting...
chronologically 43 31 CHRONOLOGICAL, arran...
cineangiography 39 31 the recording of the...
cinemicrography 44 34 cinematographic reco...
circumambiently 44 35 CIRCUMAMBIENT, going...
cleistogamously 39 28 CLEISTOGAMOUS, relat...
climacterically 46 32 CLIMACTERICAL, relat...
coeducationally 38 28 COEDUCATIONAL, relat...
coenzymatically 49 40 COENZYMATIC, relatin...
coinstantaneity 32 23 the state of being c...
collaboratively 41 30 COLLABORATIVE, of th...
colouristically 42 27 COLOURISTIC [adv]
colposcopically 48 35 COLPOSCOPICAL, relat...
combinatorially 39 29 COMBINATORIAL, of, r...
commemoratively 40 34 COMMEMORATIVE, inten...
commiseratingly 39 30 COMMISERATING [adv]
commiseratively 40 31 COMMISERATIVE, showi...
communicability 44 35 the state of being c...
communicatively 43 36 COMMUNICATIVE, tendi...
communistically 43 33 COMMUNISTIC, incline...
compartmentally 40 32 COMPARTMENTAL, relat...
compassionately 37 28 COMPASSIONATE, sympa...
complementarily 40 32 COMPLEMENTARY, servi...
complementarity 39 31 the state of being c...
complimentarily 41 32 COMPLIMENTARY, by wa...
compositionally 39 29 COMPOSITIONAL, relat...
comprehensively 42 34 COMPREHENSIVE, cover...
compressibility 43 30 the state of being c...
computationally 39 30 COMPUTATIONAL, relat...
concentratively 39 30 CONCENTRATIVE, tendi...
condescendingly 38 31 CONDESCENDING [adv]
confidentiality 37 27 the state of being c...
congressionally 36 26 CONGRESSIONAL, relat...
conjugationally 38 36 CONJUGATIONAL, conju...
conjunctionally 40 38 CONJUNCTIONAL, relat...
conscientiously 38 27 CONSCIENTIOUS, gover...
conscionability 40 29 the state of being c...
consentaneously 32 25 CONSENTANEOUS, accor...
consequentially 43 34 CONSEQUENTIAL, of th...
consideratively 37 27 CONSIDERATIVE, thoug...
contemplatively 41 33 CONTEMPLATIVE, relat...
contemporaneity 35 28 the state of being c...
contemptibility 42 31 the state of being c...
contractability 41 28 the quality of being...
contractibility 42 28 the state of being c...
contradictively 41 30 CONTRADICTIVE, contr...
contradictorily 39 26 CONTRADICTORY, servi...
controllability 40 27 the state of being c...
controversially 38 27 CONTROVERSIAL, of, r...
conventionality 35 28 a conventional usage...
correspondently 36 27 CORRESPONDENT, corre...
correspondingly 38 29 CORRESPONDING, simil...
corroboratively 39 28 CORROBORATIVE, servi...
coulometrically 42 30 COULOMETRIC, relatin...
counteractively 40 30 COUNTERACTIVE, servi...
counterstrategy 35 24 a strategy designed...
countertendency 35 28 a tendency running c...
craniologically 41 29 CRANIOLOGICAL, relat...
crystallography 49 31 a science that deals...
cytogenetically 46 30 CYTOGENETICAL, relat...
cytoplasmically 51 34 CYTOPLASMIC, relatin...
decipherability 43 30 the quality of being...
decomposability 41 31 the state of being d...
demeritoriously 34 23 DEMERITORIOUS, not m...
demographically 43 33 DEMOGRAPHICAL, relat...
demonstrability 36 26 the state of being d...
demonstratively 35 27 DEMONSTRATIVE, servi...
destructibility 41 26 the state of being d...
determinability 36 26 the quality of being...
determinatively 35 27 DETERMINATIVE, havin...
developmentally 38 32 DEVELOPMENTAL, relat...
diamagnetically 38 29 DIAMAGNETIC, applied...
diastrophically 42 28 DIASTROPHIC, relatin...
diffrangibility 42 31 the state of being d...
disagreeability 36 24 the quality of being...
disappointingly 38 29 DISAPPOINTING [adv]
discommodiously 39 30 DISCOMMODIOUS, incon...
disconcertingly 40 29 DISCONCERTING [adv]
discontinuously 36 26 DISCONTINUOUS, not c...
discretionarily 36 23 DISCRETIONARY, at di...
disenchantingly 38 29 DISENCHANTING [adv]
disharmoniously 36 26 DISHARMONIOUS, lacki...
dishearteningly 35 25 DISHEARTENING [adv]
disinflationary 34 24 relating to disinfla...
disinterestedly 33 21 DISINTERESTED, havin...
dispassionately 34 23 DISPASSIONATE, not i...
disquisitionary 41 29 of or like a disquis...
disreputability 39 26 the state of being d...
disrespectfully 43 30 DISRESPECTFUL, showi...
dissatisfactory 38 24 causing dissatisfact...
distinguishably 40 28 DISTINGUISHABLE, cap...
distractibility 41 25 the state of being d...
dithyrambically 50 33 DITHYRAMBIC, like a...
dorsiventrality 35 24 the state of being d...
dorsoventrality 34 24 the state of being d...
dramaturgically 40 29 DRAMATURGICAL, relat...
dyslogistically 47 28 DYSLOGISTIC, conveyi...
econometrically 39 29 ECONOMETRICAL, relat...
electroactivity 41 28 the state of being e...
electrorheology 38 26 the study of the flo...
electrovalently 38 28 ELECTROVALENT, relat...
embryologically 48 33 EMBRYOLOGICAL, relat...
encephalography 43 34 radiography of the b...
encomiastically 40 29 ENCOMIASTICAL, besto...
endothermically 39 29 ENDOTHERMIC, charact...
entomologically 38 29 ENTOMOLOGICAL, relat...
environmentally 34 29 ENVIRONMENTAL, relat...
epeirogenically 38 28 EPEIROGENIC, relatin...
epiphenomenally 38 32 EPIPHENOMENAL, of or...
equiprobability 48 37 the quality of being...
esemplastically 41 29 ESEMPLASTIC, having...
ethnocentricity 39 27 the state of being e...
ethnomusicology 39 30 the study of compara...
eudiometrically 38 27 EUDIOMETRICAL, relat...
euphemistically 43 31 EUPHEMISTIC, relatin...
exchangeability 46 36 the state of being e...
excommunicatory 45 38 of or relating to ex...
expostulatingly 43 33 EXPOSTULATING [adv]
exterritorially 40 26 EXTERRITORIAL, extra...
extracellularly 45 32 EXTRACELLULAR, situa...
extrajudicially 46 40 EXTRAJUDICIAL, not f...
extraordinarily 38 27 EXTRAORDINARY, going...
fetishistically 43 27 FETISHISTIC, relatin...
fideicommissary 40 30 relating to a fideic...
formalistically 42 29 FORMALISTIC, relatin...
fungistatically 41 29 FUNGISTATIC, inhibit...
gamogenetically 38 30 GAMOGENETICAL, relat...
gastronomically 38 28 GASTRONOMICAL, relat...
geomagnetically 38 30 GEOMAGNETIC, of or r...
geostrophically 42 29 GEOSTROPHIC, relatin...
geotectonically 39 28 GEOTECTONIC, relatin...
gnotobiotically 39 28 GNOTOBIOTIC, relatin...
goniometrically 38 28 GONIOMETRICAL, relat...
gramophonically 42 33 GRAMOPHONIC, relatin...
grandiloquently 42 34 GRANDILOQUENT, bomba...
gravimetrically 42 31 GRAVIMETRICAL, of or...
gravitationally 36 26 GRAVITATIONAL, relat...
harmonistically 40 28 HARMONISTIC, relatin...
heartbreakingly 38 30 HEARTBREAKING, causi...
heliocentricity 41 27 the state of being h...
heliometrically 41 28 HELIOMETRICAL, relat...
heliotropically 42 28 HELIOTROPICAL, turni...
hemodynamically 46 34 HEMODYNAMIC, relatin...
hermeneutically 39 29 HERMENEUTICAL, inter...
heterocercality 40 26 the state of being h...
heterogeneously 33 24 HETEROGENEOUS, consi...
heterosexuality 40 28 the state of being h...
heterosociality 37 23 the state of being h...
histochemically 46 32 HISTOCHEMICAL, relat...
histophysiology 47 29 a branch of physiolo...
holoblastically 43 29 HOLOBLASTIC, of an e...
holographically 45 32 HOLOGRAPHIC, relatin...
homeopathically 43 32 HOMEOPATHIC, of or r...
homocentrically 42 31 HOMOCENTRIC, having...
homoplastically 43 31 HOMOPLASTIC, similar...
horticulturally 42 27 HORTICULTURAL, relat...
hydrometallurgy 45 30 the treatment of ore...
hydrometrically 47 30 HYDROMETRICAL, relat...
hydropathically 50 32 HYDROPATHICAL, relat...
hydrostatically 46 27 HYDROSTATICAL, of or...
hydrotropically 48 30 HYDROTROPIC, exhibit...
hygrometrically 48 31 HYGROMETRICAL, relat...
hygroscopically 52 34 HYGROSCOPICAL, readi...
hylozoistically 50 36 HYLOZOISTIC, relatin...
hypercritically 52 32 HYPERCRITICAL, metic...
hypermutability 48 32 the state of being h...
hyperphysically 59 36 HYPERPHYSICAL, super...
hyperreactivity 48 31 the state of being h...
hypnotisability 46 29 the quality of being...
hypnotizability 49 38 the state of being h...
hypsometrically 49 32 HYPSOMETRICAL, of, r...
ideographically 42 30 IDEOGRAPHICAL, in th...
idiomorphically 43 31 IDIOMORPHIC, of well...
immeasurability 38 28 the quality of being...
immensurability 38 29 the quality of being...
immunochemistry 41 33 a branch of chemistr...
immunogenically 39 33 IMMUNOGENIC, produci...
immunologically 41 33 IMMUNOLOGICAL, relat...
immunopathology 39 33 the study of immunit...
impenetrability 38 28 the inability of two...
imperishability 42 29 the state of being i...
imponderability 38 29 the state of being i...
imprescriptibly 46 33 IMPRESCRIPTIBLE, not...
inaccessibility 42 28 the state of being i...
inadmissibility 38 26 the state of being i...
inapplicability 44 32 the state of being i...
inappropriately 38 28 INAPPROPRIATE, not a...
incalculability 44 31 the state of being i...
incommensurably 39 33 INCOMMENSURABLE, not...
incommutability 41 32 the quality of being...
incomparability 41 31 the state of being i...
incompatibility 42 31 the state of being i...
incomputability 42 32 the quality of being...
inconsecutively 40 31 INCONSECUTIVE, not c...
inconsiderately 34 24 INCONSIDERATE, heedl...
inconsolability 38 27 the quality of being...
inconspicuously 41 31 INCONSPICUOUS, not e...
incorrigibility 41 27 the state of being i...
indefeasibility 37 26 the state of being i...
indefectibility 41 29 the state of being i...
indefensibility 37 27 the state of being i...
indeterminately 32 24 INDETERMINATE, not d...
indigestibility 38 25 the state of being i...
indiscretionary 34 23 not discretionary [a...
indisputability 39 27 the quality of being...
indissolubility 38 25 the state of being i...
indistinctively 39 28 INDISTINCTIVE, lacki...
ineffaceability 41 31 the state of being i...
inefficaciously 43 32 INEFFICACIOUS, lacki...
ineradicability 38 26 the state of being i...
inexplicability 48 36 the state of being i...
inexpugnability 44 36 the quality of being...
inextensibility 41 30 the state of being i...
inextricability 45 32 the state of being i...
infinitesimally 37 27 INFINITESIMAL, takin...
informationally 35 27 INFORMATIONAL, relat...
inquisitorially 43 30 INQUISITORIAL, of or...
insignificantly 39 29 INSIGNIFICANT, not s...
inspirationally 35 24 INSPIRATIONAL, relat...
instantaneously 30 22 INSTANTANEOUS, done,...
institutionally 34 22 INSTITUTIONAL, of or...
instrumentality 34 24 the state of being i...
insubordinately 34 25 INSUBORDINATE, disob...
insubstantially 36 25 INSUBSTANTIAL, not s...
insurrectionary 34 23 relating to insurrec...
intellectuality 38 25 the state of being i...
intelligibility 40 26 the state of being i...
interchangeably 39 30 INTERCHANGEABLE, cap...
intercolonially 36 25 INTERCOLONIAL, betwe...
interculturally 39 26 INTERCULTURAL, betwe...
interdependency 34 28 the state of being i...
interfraternity 33 22 between fraternities...
interjaculatory 37 32 exclamatory [adj]
interjectionary 35 31 like an interjection...
interlocutorily 37 24 INTERLOCUTORY, made...
interminability 36 26 the quality of being...
internationally 31 22 INTERNATIONAL, betwe...
interpersonally 34 24 INTERPERSONAL, relat...
interrogatingly 34 24 INTERROGATING [adv]
interrogatively 35 25 INTERROGATIVE, relat...
interrogatorily 33 21 INTERROGATORY, like...
intertextuality 39 27 the complex interrel...
intertwistingly 38 25 INTERTWISTING [adv]
interuniversity 34 24 between universities...
intervisibility 39 26 the state of being i...
intracellularly 39 26 INTRACELLULAR, exist...
intracerebrally 38 26 INTRACEREBRAL, situa...
intradermically 38 27 INTRADERMIC, situate...
intramuscularly 39 28 INTRAMUSCULAR, situa...
intransigeantly 32 23 INTRANSIGEANT, intra...
intravascularly 39 28 INTRAVASCULAR, situa...
introspectively 40 29 INTROSPECTIVE, relat...
invulnerability 38 29 the state of being i...
ionospherically 40 28 IONOSPHERIC, relatin...
irredeemability 36 25 the quality of being...
irreductibility 41 26 the state of being i...
irreformability 39 27 the state of being i...
irrefragability 39 26 the state of being i...
irremissibility 39 24 the state of being i...
irrepealability 38 25 the state of being i...
irreprehensibly 39 27 IRREPREHENSIBLE, bey...
irresistibility 38 21 the state of being i...
irresolvability 39 26 the quality of being...
irreversibility 39 25 the state of being i...
kenogenetically 36 30 KENOGENETIC, related...
kinesthetically 40 29 KINESTHETIC, relatin...
knowledgability 41 33 the quality of being...
labyrinthically 49 31 LABYRINTHICAL, like...
lackadaisically 42 31 LACKADAISICAL, lacki...
lepidopterology 38 28 the study of butterf...
lexicologically 49 36 LEXICOLOGICAL, relat...
logarithmically 43 30 LOGARITHMICAL, of or...
logographically 44 32 LOGOGRAPHICAL, relat...
lymphadenopathy 47 35 abnormal enlargement...
macrocosmically 45 34 MACROCOSMIC, relatin...
macroscopically 46 34 MACROSCOPIC, large e...
magistratically 40 27 MAGISTRATICAL, relat...
maintainability 35 26 the state of being m...
maneuverability 37 30 the state of being m...
manneristically 37 27 MANNERISTICAL, relat...
manoeuvrability 37 30 the quality of being...
marriageability 37 26 the state of being m...
martensitically 38 26 MARTENSITIC, relatin...
masochistically 44 30 MASOCHISTIC, relatin...
mechanistically 43 31 MECHANISTIC, relatin...
melancholically 44 33 MELANCHOLIC, subject...
mentalistically 39 27 MENTALISTIC, relatin...
merchantability 41 30 the state of being m...
meroblastically 41 29 MEROBLASTIC, undergo...
metagenetically 37 28 METAGENETIC, relatin...
metallurgically 42 30 METALLURGICAL, relat...
metamorphically 43 33 METAMORPHIC, showing...
microcosmically 46 34 MICROCOSMICAL, of or...
micromorphology 43 34 the microscopic stru...
microphotometry 41 31 measurement by micro...
microphysically 53 35 MICROPHYSICAL, relat...
microscopically 47 34 MICROSCOPICAL, able...
microseismicity 42 29 the state of being m...
microtechnology 42 32 technology that make...
mineralogically 39 29 MINERALOGICAL, relat...
miscellaneously 38 28 MISCELLANEOUS, consi...
modernistically 38 27 MODERNISTIC, relatin...
monographically 42 33 MONOGRAPHICAL, of or...
monomolecularly 38 31 MONOMOLECULAR, being...
monospecificity 43 33 the state of being m...
monosyllabicity 46 31 the state of being m...
morphologically 44 33 MORPHOLOGICAL, relat...
morphophonology 41 34 the study of the pho...
mouthwateringly 40 30 MOUTHWATERING, arous...
multiculturally 43 30 MULTICULTURAL, of, r...
multitudinously 37 27 MULTITUDINOUS, exist...
musicologically 44 32 MUSICOLOGICAL, relat...
necromantically 39 30 NECROMANTICAL, relat...
neologistically 38 26 NEOLOGISTICAL, relat...
neurofibrillary 38 27 of or like a neurofi...
neuropathically 40 29 NEUROPATHICAL, of or...
neurophysiology 43 29 the physiology of th...
neuropsychiatry 45 29 a branch of medicine...
neuropsychology 46 32 the study of the rel...
neurosurgically 38 27 NEUROSURGICAL, relat...
nomographically 42 33 NOMOGRAPHICAL, of or...
nonavailability 36 28 the state of not bei...
nonbelligerency 37 30 not belligerency [n]
nonbiologically 39 30 NONBIOLOGICAL, not b...
noncontemporary 34 29 not contemporary [ad...
noncontributory 35 27 not contributory [ad...
nonflammability 39 33 the state of being n...
noninflammatory 34 30 not inflammatory [ad...
noninflationary 31 25 not inflationary [ad...
nonproductivity 39 31 the state of being n...
nonspecifically 43 33 NONSPECIFIC, of a di...
northeastwardly 37 25 NORTHEASTWARD [adv]
northwestwardly 41 28 NORTHWESTWARD [adv]
nucleophilicity 45 32 the state of being n...
observationally 36 27 OBSERVATIONAL, relat...
obstructionally 39 27 OBSTRUCTIONAL, relat...
ochlocratically 46 31 OCHLOCRATICAL, relat...
oestrogenically 36 25 OESTROGENIC, produci...
ontogenetically 35 26 ONTOGENETIC, relatin...
oreographically 41 29 OREOGRAPHIC, relatin...
orientationally 31 21 ORIENTATIONAL, relat...
orthodontically 38 26 ORTHODONTIC, relatin...
orthopaedically 40 28 ORTHOPAEDIC, relatin...
orthopsychiatry 48 29 preventive psychiatr...
osteopathically 40 27 OSTEOPATHIC, relatin...
overconfidently 38 31 OVERCONFIDENT, exces...
overfamiliarity 38 28 the state of being o...
oversensitivity 36 26 the state of being o...
ovoviviparously 41 34 OVOVIVIPAROUS, produ...
palaeoethnology 35 27 the science of early...
palaeogeography 38 30 the study of the geo...
palaeolimnology 36 29 the study of ancient...
palaeontography 37 29 descriptive palaeont...
palaeopathology 38 29 the pathological stu...
palaeophytology 45 31 the study of fossil...
palynologically 47 32 PALYNOLOGICAL, relat...
pantheistically 41 28 PANTHEISTICAL, relat...
paragenetically 38 28 PARAGENETIC, relatin...
paragraphically 44 32 PARAGRAPHICAL, relat...
parallactically 44 30 PARALLACTICAL, relat...
parenthetically 40 28 PARENTHETICAL, relat...
parliamentarily 36 26 PARLIAMENTARY, of or...
pathophysiology 48 32 the physiology of ab...
periodontically 38 27 PERIODONTIC, relatin...
peripatetically 41 28 PERIPATETICAL, walki...
peristaltically 41 26 PERISTALTIC, relatin...
perpendicularly 41 31 PERPENDICULAR, at ri...
perspicaciously 44 31 PERSPICACIOUS, clear...
pessimistically 42 28 PESSIMISTICAL, incli...
petrochemically 45 33 PETROCHEMICAL, of or...
pharmacotherapy 43 33 the treatment of dis...
philosophically 47 33 PHILOSOPHICAL, relat...
phonogramically 42 33 PHONOGRAMIC, like a...
photochemically 47 35 PHOTOCHEMICAL, of, r...
photoelasticity 40 26 the state of being p...
photometrically 42 30 PHOTOMETRIC, of or r...
phototactically 44 30 PHOTOTACTIC, exhibit...
phototelegraphy 41 30 the transmission of...
phototopography 42 32 the preparation of t...
phototropically 43 30 PHOTOTROPIC, relatin...
phototypography 49 34 any printing process...
photoxylography 54 39 wood engraving after...
phrenologically 42 31 PHRENOLOGICAL, relat...
physiologically 50 32 PHYSIOLOGICAL, relat...
physiopathology 48 32 a branch of biology...
phytochemically 54 37 PHYTOCHEMICAL, relat...
piezometrically 43 37 PIEZOMETRIC, relatin...
pinocytotically 48 31 PINOCYTOTIC, relatin...
pisciculturally 46 31 PISCICULTURAL, relat...
planimetrically 41 30 PLANIMETRICAL, relat...
planometrically 40 30 PLANOMETRIC, denotin...
plasmolytically 49 32 PLASMOLYTIC, relatin...
platitudinously 37 26 PLATITUDINOUS, chara...
plenipotentiary 35 26 of e.g. an envoy, ha...
plethysmography 50 35 measurement by use o...
pluralistically 43 28 PLURALISTIC, relatin...
plutocratically 44 30 PLUTOCRATICAL, relat...
polygenetically 46 31 POLYGENETIC, of poly...
polygraphically 52 35 POLYGRAPHIC, relatin...
polymorphically 52 36 POLYMORPHIC, occurri...
postoperatively 38 28 POSTOPERATIVE, follo...
poststimulatory 37 25 following stimulatio...
postulationally 36 25 POSTULATIONAL, of or...
precipitability 44 30 the quality of being...
preferentiality 36 25 the state of being p...
prefiguratively 41 31 PREFIGURATIVE, relat...
prehistorically 42 27 PREHISTORICAL, relat...
premillennially 38 29 PREMILLENNIAL, comin...
prepositionally 37 26 PREPOSITIONAL, relat...
prepossessingly 38 27 PREPOSSESSING, creat...
presynaptically 47 31 PRESYNAPTIC, relatin...
preternaturally 35 24 PRETERNATURAL, exist...
problematically 43 32 PROBLEMATICAL, causi...
procrastinatory 36 24 tending to procrasti...
programmability 41 32 the state of being p...
progressionally 36 25 PROGRESSIONAL, relat...
proportionality 36 25 the state of being p...
proportionately 35 25 PROPORTIONATE, in pr...
propositionally 37 26 PROPOSITIONAL, of th...
proprietorially 38 25 PROPRIETORIAL, relat...
proteolytically 46 28 PROTEOLYTIC, relatin...
psephologically 45 33 PSEPHOLOGICAL, relat...
pseudomutuality 37 28 a relationship betwe...
pseudopregnancy 38 32 false pregnancy [n]
psychedelically 52 34 PSYCHEDELIC, relatin...
psychiatrically 52 32 PSYCHIATRICAL, relat...
psychobiography 53 37 a biography written...
psychochemistry 53 35 the treatment of men...
psychodelically 52 34 PSYCHODELIC, relatin...
psychogenically 51 35 PSYCHOGENIC, derived...
psychologically 53 35 PSYCHOLOGICAL, of or...
psychopathology 51 35 the study of mental...
psychosexuality 53 36 the psychic factors...
psychosociology 50 33 the study of how psy...
pusillanimously 39 29 PUSILLANIMOUS, lacki...
pyroelectricity 48 29 electric charge prod...
pyrophotography 49 34 the production of py...
pyrotechnically 50 33 PYROTECHNICAL, relat...
quatercentenary 40 32 a four-hundredth ann...
questionability 43 32 the quality of being...
quodlibetically 49 37 QUODLIBETICAL, of or...
radioautography 36 26 the use of radioauto...
radiochemically 43 31 RADIOCHEMICAL, relat...
radiogoniometry 32 24 the science of detec...
radiometrically 38 26 RADIOMETRIC, relatin...
radiophonically 40 29 RADIOPHONIC, of musi...
radioscopically 42 29 RADIOSCOPIC, related...
radiotelegraphy 37 26 signalling by radiot...
recognisability 39 27 the quality of being...
recognizability 42 36 the state of being r...
reconcilability 42 29 the state of being r...
reduplicatively 42 31 REDUPLICATIVE, relat...
rememberability 39 30 the state of being r...
remonstratingly 34 25 REMONSTRATING [adv]
remonstratively 35 26 REMONSTRATIVE, expre...
reproducibility 42 29 the state of being r...
resurrectionary 34 22 relating to resurrec...
retrogressively 36 24 RETROGRESSIVE, chara...
retrospectively 40 28 RETROSPECTIVE, looki...
revolutionarily 35 25 REVOLUTIONARY, of or...
rhombenporphyry 49 36 an intermediate, mod...
ritualistically 40 24 RITUALISTIC, relatin...
roentgenography 35 28 radiography [n]
rontgenotherapy 34 26 treatment by X-rays...
roundaboutility 35 25 the state of being r...
sanctimoniously 36 27 SANCTIMONIOUS, hypoc...
saprophytically 50 32 SAPROPHYTIC, relatin...
schoolmistressy 40 26 like a schoolmistres...
scintillatingly 40 27 SCINTILLATING [adv]
sculpturesquely 49 37 SCULPTURESQUE, done...
seismologically 40 28 SEISMOLOGICAL, relat...
semiconsciously 40 29 SEMICONSCIOUS, incom...
semidocumentary 36 29 a motion picture tha...
semipornography 39 31 material approaching...
septentrionally 34 24 SEPTENTRIONAL, (obso...
serendipitously 35 24 SERENDIPITOUS, obtai...
sesquicentenary 41 32 a hundred and fiftie...
sidesplittingly 39 26 SIDESPLITTING, extre...
significatively 42 31 SIGNIFICATIVE, signi...
silviculturally 44 30 SILVICULTURAL, relat...
slumpflationary 39 30 relating to slumpfla...
socialistically 42 26 SOCIALISTIC, related...
socioculturally 42 28 SOCIOCULTURAL, of, r...
solipsistically 42 26 SOLIPSISTIC, relatin...
somatologically 39 28 SOMATOLOGICAL, relat...
sophisticatedly 41 27 SOPHISTICATED [adv]
southwestwardly 42 28 SOUTHWESTWARD [adv]
splendiferously 38 28 SPLENDIFEROUS, splen...
stalactitically 42 26 STALACTITICAL, of or...
stalagmitically 41 28 STALAGMITICAL, of or...
staphylorrhaphy 50 32 the operation of uni...
stereochemistry 38 25 chemical study of ar...
stereologically 38 25 STEREOLOGICAL, relat...
stereotaxically 42 29 STEREOTAXIC, relatin...
stereotypically 45 27 STEREOTYPICAL, of or...
subreptitiously 39 26 SUBREPTITIOUS, fraud...
subspecifically 48 35 SUBSPECIFIC, relatin...
substitutionary 35 23 relating to substitu...
subterraneously 34 24 SUBTERRANEOUS, subte...
superabundantly 36 29 SUPERABUNDANT, more...
superefficiency 44 34 the state of being s...
superincumbency 43 36 the state of lying o...
superintendency 35 28 the act or function...
supernationally 34 25 SUPERNATIONAL, overr...
superplasticity 42 28 the state of being s...
superstitiously 37 23 SUPERSTITIOUS, relat...
supplementarily 39 30 SUPPLEMENTARY, added...
suppositionally 38 27 SUPPOSITIONAL, havin...
suppressibility 42 28 the state of being s...
supranationally 34 25 SUPRANATIONAL, trans...
surreptitiously 37 23 SURREPTITIOUS, done...
sycophantically 50 33 SYCOPHANTICAL, (obso...
syllogistically 48 28 SYLLOGISTICAL, of or...
symbolistically 49 31 SYMBOLISTICAL, relat...
sympathetically 49 32 SYMPATHETICAL, (obso...
symptomatically 48 33 SYMPTOMATICAL, relat...
synarthrodially 42 25 SYNARTHRODIAL, of, r...
synecdochically 51 34 SYNECDOCHICAL, relat...
synecologically 47 31 SYNECOLOGICAL, relat...
synergistically 45 27 SYNERGISTIC, showing...
tachometrically 43 30 TACHOMETRICAL, relat...
tachymetrically 50 32 TACHYMETRICAL, relat...
technologically 43 31 TECHNOLOGICAL, relat...
telegraphically 43 30 TELEGRAPHIC, of or r...
telekinetically 38 28 TELEKINETIC, relatin...
telephotography 41 30 the photography of d...
temperamentally 36 29 TEMPERAMENTAL, relat...
tenderheartedly 33 23 TENDERHEARTED, easil...
tetartohedrally 35 22 TETARTOHEDRAL, havin...
thalassotherapy 38 25 medical treatment us...
theorematically 39 27 THEOREMATICAL, relat...
therapeutically 41 28 THERAPEUTICAL, relat...
thermochemistry 42 30 a branch of chemistr...
thermostability 39 26 the state of being t...
thoroughgoingly 40 30 THOROUGHGOING, marke...
topographically 44 32 TOPOGRAPHICAL, relat...
toxicologically 48 35 TOXICOLOGICAL, of or...
tranquilisingly 44 33 TRANQUILISING [adv]
tranquilizingly 47 42 TRANQUILIZING [adv]
transactionally 35 24 TRANSACTIONAL, of th...
transcriptively 41 29 TRANSCRIPTIVE, relat...
transferability 37 25 the state of being t...
transgressively 36 25 TRANSGRESSIVE, of th...
translatability 36 23 the state of being t...
translationally 33 22 TRANSLATIONAL, relat...
transmutability 37 26 the quality of being...
transposability 37 25 the quality of being...
trisyllabically 49 29 TRISYLLABICAL, havin...
typographically 51 34 TYPOGRAPHICAL, relat...
ultramicroscopy 43 31 microscopy using an...
ultrasonography 37 27 the use of ultrasoun...
unacceptability 43 32 the state of being u...
unadulteratedly 33 24 UNADULTERATED, not a...
unadventurously 34 28 UNADVENTUROUS [adv]
unanswerability 37 27 the state of being u...
unanticipatedly 37 28 UNANTICIPATED, not a...
unapostolically 39 28 UNAPOSTOLICAL, not a...
unassailability 36 24 the state of being u...
unbelievability 40 31 the quality of being...
unceremoniously 35 28 UNCEREMONIOUS, not c...
unchallengeably 41 33 UNCHALLENGEABLE, not...
unchangeability 40 31 the state of being u...
uncomplainingly 40 34 UNCOMPLAINING, not c...
uncomplaisantly 39 31 UNCOMPLAISANT, not c...
uncomplimentary 39 33 not complimentary [a...
unconditionally 35 27 UNCONDITIONAL, not c...
unconstrainedly 34 26 UNCONSTRAINED, not c...
uncooperatively 38 30 UNCOOPERATIVE, not c...
understandingly 33 26 UNDERSTANDING [adv]
unemployability 45 32 the state of being u...
unexceptionably 44 37 UNEXCEPTIONABLE, not...
unexceptionally 43 35 UNEXCEPTIONAL, not o...
unextraordinary 36 28 not extraordinary [a...
ungrammatically 40 32 UNGRAMMATICAL, not f...
unidiomatically 38 28 UNIDIOMATIC, not idi...
unimaginatively 36 30 UNIMAGINATIVE, not i...
uninformatively 37 31 UNINFORMATIVE, not i...
unintelligently 35 26 UNINTELLIGENT, not i...
unintentionally 31 24 UNINTENTIONAL, not i...
uninterestingly 33 24 UNINTERESTING, not i...
unintermittedly 34 25 UNINTERMITTED, not i...
uninterruptedly 35 26 UNINTERRUPTED, not i...
unobjectionably 40 39 UNOBJECTIONABLE, not...
unparliamentary 34 27 contrary to the prac...
unpatriotically 39 27 UNPATRIOTIC, not pat...
unprecedentedly 36 29 UNPRECEDENTED, havin...
unpretentiously 34 25 UNPRETENTIOUS, free...
unprofitability 40 29 the quality of being...
unprogressively 38 29 UNPROGRESSIVE, not p...
unquestioningly 41 34 UNQUESTIONING, not q...
unrealistically 38 25 UNREALISTIC, not rea...
unrevolutionary 33 26 not revolutionary [a...
unsubstantially 36 26 UNSUBSTANTIAL, not s...
unsymmetrically 46 32 UNSYMMETRICAL, not s...
untraditionally 33 23 UNTRADITIONAL, not t...
untrustworthily 40 26 UNTRUSTWORTHY, not t...
unverifiability 40 30 the quality of being...
ventriloquially 45 35 VENTRILOQUIAL, relat...
vicissitudinary 39 27 of or like a vicissi...
violinistically 41 28 VIOLINISTIC, of or l...
viscoelasticity 42 28 the state of being v...
vivisectionally 41 31 VIVISECTIONAL, relat...
voyeuristically 46 29 VOYEURISTIC, like a...
xenomorphically 47 38 XENOMORPHIC, having...
xerographically 48 36 XEROGRAPHIC, relatin...
xeroradiography 42 32 radiography used esp...