4 letter words that end with Y

4 letter words that end with Y

4 letter Y word


Words With Friends®


ably 16 10 ABLE, competent, als...
achy 18 11 aching [adj ACHIER,...
addy 13 8 (slang) an email add...
adry 13 7 (archaic) in a state...
aery 12 6 the nest of a bird o...
affy 17 12 (obsolete) to trust;...
agly 15 9 (Scots) with a turn...
ahoy 14 8 an interjection used...
airy 13 6 relating to air [adj...
alay 13 7 to quell, also ALLAY...
alky 15 11 an alcoholic, also A...
ally 15 8 to join by marriage,...
apay 14 9 to satisfy, also APP...
army 14 9 a large body of peop...
arsy 13 6 (Australian slang) a...
arty 13 6 artistic in a flashy...
ashy 15 8 covered with ashes [...
away 15 9 at or to a distance...
awfy 18 12 (Scots) awfully, ext...
awny 15 10 bristly like an awn...
awry 16 9 askew [adv]
baby 17 12 like a baby [adj BAB...
bevy 17 13 a group, esp. of gir...
blay 16 10 a small fish, also B...
bley 16 10 a small fish, also B...
body 15 10 to give form to [v B...
bogy 16 11 a goblin, a bugbear,...
bony 14 10 like bone, also BONE...
boxy 21 16 like a box [adj BOXI...
bray 15 9 to cry like as ass [...
brey 15 9 (South Africa) to pr...
buoy 15 10 to mark with a warni...
bury 16 10 to put in the ground...
busy 16 10 to occupy oneself [v...
cagy 17 11 shrewd, also CAGEY [...
caky 17 13 lumpy, also CAKEY [a...
cany 15 10 like cane, abounding...
cavy 18 13 a kind of South Amer...
chay 18 11 an Indian plant of t...
city 17 9 a large town [n CITI...
clay 17 10 to purify (e.g. suga...
cloy 17 10 to gratify beyond de...
coky 17 13 like coke [adj COKIE...
coly 17 10 an African bird [n C...
cony 15 10 a rabbit, also CONEY...
copy 18 12 to imitate [v COPIED...
cory 16 9 (Romany) the penis,...
cosy 16 9 to attempt to get on...
cowy 19 12 suggestive of a cow...
coxy 22 16 self-important, also...
cozy 19 18 to attempt to get on...
cray 16 9 (Australian) a crayf...
davy 15 11 a safety lamp [n DAV...
defy 15 10 to resist openly and...
demy 14 10 a size of paper [n D...
deny 12 8 to declare to be unt...
dewy 16 10 covered with dew, al...
dexy 19 14 a pill containing De...
didy 14 8 a diaper, also DIDIE...
dixy 20 14 a camp-kettle, also...
doby 15 10 an unburnt sun-dried...
dogy 14 9 a stray calf, also D...
domy 14 10 like a dome [adj DOM...
dopy 15 10 lethargic; stupid, a...
dory 13 7 a golden-yellow fish...
doty 13 7 stained by decay [ad...
doxy 19 14 a woman of loose mor...
dozy 16 16 sleepy [adj DOZIER,...
dray 13 7 a low heavy cart use...
drey 13 7 a squirrel's nest [n...
duly 15 9 DUE, required [adv]
duty 14 8 a moral or legal obl...
easy 12 6 not difficult [adj E...
eddy 13 8 to move against the...
edgy 14 9 nervous [adj EDGIER,...
eely 13 7 like an eel [adj EEL...
eery 12 6 uncanny, also EERIE...
eggy 15 10 containing eggs to s...
elmy 15 10 full of elm trees [a...
emmy 15 12 (tradename) a gold p...
envy 14 11 to covet others' pos...
esky 14 10 a container for keep...
espy 15 9 to catch sight of [v...
eyry 19 8 a bird of prey's nes...
fady 15 10 wearing away [adj FA...
fiky 17 13 fidgeting and restle...
flay 16 10 to strip off skin or...
fley 16 10 (Scots) to frighten,...
fogy 16 11 a person with an old...
foxy 21 16 like a fox, crafty [...
fozy 18 18 lacking in freshness...
fray 15 9 to wear by rubbing [...
fumy 17 13 full of fumes, also...
fury 16 10 violent anger [n FUR...
gaby 16 11 (dialect) a simpleto...
gamy 15 11 tasting like game, h...
gapy 16 11 infested with gapewo...
gazy 17 17 given to gazing [adj...
gley 15 9 (Scots) to squint [v...
goby 16 11 any fish of the genu...
goey 13 8 anxious to go [adj G...
gory 14 8 bloody, also GOARY [...
gray 14 8 between black and wh...
grey 14 8 between black and wh...
guly 16 10 (obsolete) of colour...
gyny 20 11 (colloquial) gynaeco...
hazy 18 17 like a haze, unclear...
hery 15 8 (Spenser) to praise,...
holy 16 9 perfect in a moral s...
homy 16 11 homelike, also HOMEY...
hugy 17 11 (archaic) huge, vast...
icky 18 13 repulsive [adj ICKIE...
idly 15 8 IDLE, inactive [adv]
iffy 18 12 full of uncertainty...
illy 16 8 ill [adv]
immy 16 12 a type of playing ma...
inby 15 10 (Scots) towards the...
inky 14 11 like ink [adj INKIER...
inly 14 8 inwardly; thoroughly...
jasy 15 15 a wig of worsted, al...
jaxy 21 22 the posterior, also...
jazy 18 24 a wig, also JASEY, J...
jivy 18 19 jazzy, lively, also...
joey 14 15 a young kangaroo [n...
joky 16 19 amusing, also JOKEY...
judy 16 17 (slang) a girl, a gi...
jury 16 16 a committee of adjud...
kray 14 10 (Russian) an adminis...
lacy 17 10 resembling lacework,...
lady 14 8 a woman of refinemen...
laky 15 11 full of lakes [adj L...
lazy 17 16 to move or lie slugg...
levy 16 11 to impose or collect...
lily 16 8 any plant or flower...
limy 16 10 containing lime [adj...
liny 14 8 resembling a line, a...
logy 15 9 sluggish, also LOGGY...
lory 14 7 (Malay) a kind of sm...
luny 14 9 crazy [adj LUNIER, L...
many 13 10 a great number [n MA...
mary 14 9 (Australian slang) a...
maty 14 9 friendly [adj MATIER...
mazy 17 18 full of confusing tu...
miny 14 10 abounding with mines...
miry 15 9 full of mire [adj MI...
mity 15 9 infested with mites...
mixy 21 16 mixed [adj MIXIER, M...
moby 16 12 (slang) a mobile pho...
moly 15 10 a magical herb given...
mony 13 10 (Scots) many, also M...
mopy 16 12 dejected, also MOPEY...
nary 12 7 (dialect) not any [a...
navy 14 11 a nation's warships...
nixy 19 14 a female nix or mali...
nosy 12 7 unduly curious [adj...
nowy 15 10 having a convex curv...
oaky 13 10 like an oak [adj OAK...
oary 12 6 having the form of o...
oaty 12 6 like oats [adj OATIE...
obey 14 9 to do as one is told...
occy 19 12 in the phrase all ov...
ofay 14 9 (US slang) a white p...
offy 17 12 (slang) an off-licen...
oily 14 7 covered in oil [adj...
okay 13 10 to approve, pass as...
oldy 14 8 (colloquial) an old...
only 13 8 standing alone [adj]
oofy 14 9 expensive, ostentati...
oosy 12 6 having fluff [adj OO...
oozy 15 15 oozing [adj OOZIER,...
orby 15 9 resembling a sphere...
orgy 14 8 a revel of debaucher...
owly 17 10 owlish, like an owl...
pacy 18 12 fast, also PACEY [ad...
paly 16 10 somewhat pale [adj P...
paty 15 9 of a heraldic cross,...
pily 17 10 divided into a numbe...
piny 15 10 covered with pine tr...
pioy 15 9 (Scots) a homemade f...
pipy 18 12 like a pipe; hollow-...
pity 16 9 to feel sorrow at an...
pixy 22 16 a small fairy, also...
play 16 10 to engage in recreat...
ploy 16 10 to move from a line...
pogy 16 11 a marine fish [n POG...
poky 16 13 cramped, also POKEY...
poly 16 10 (short for) a polyte...
pony 14 10 a small horse, also...
pory 15 9 having pores [adj PO...
posy 15 9 given to posing, als...
poxy 21 16 afflicted by pox [ad...
pray 15 9 to intercede or ask...
prey 15 9 to exploit or terror...
puky 17 14 reminiscent of or re...
puly 17 11 given to puling, whi...
pumy 17 13 (Spenser) a pebble,...
puny 15 11 of inferior size, st...
quay 21 16 a wharf for the load...
quey 21 16 (Scots) a heifer [n...
racy 16 9 pungent [adj RACIER,...
rely 14 7 to depend on confide...
reny 12 7 (obsolete) to renoun...
ricy 17 9 containing rice, als...
rimy 15 9 covered with rime [a...
roky 14 10 (dialect) misty; fog...
ropy 15 9 resembling rope, als...
rory 13 6 (Scots) noisy, garis...
rosy 13 6 rose-coloured [adj R...
ruby 16 10 a pure transparent r...
rudy 14 8 (In Jamaica) a membe...
ruly 15 8 obedient, orderly [a...
sagy 14 8 flavoured with sage...
scry 17 9 to engage in crystal...
sexy 19 13 arousing sexual desi...
shay 15 8 a light carriage, al...
sizy 17 15 pertaining to size,...
skry 15 10 to see the future e....
slay 14 7 to kill [v SLEW, SLA...
sley 14 7 a weaver's reed [n -...
somy 14 9 SOM, a monetary unit...
spay 15 9 to remove the ovarie...
spry 16 9 smart, dapper [adj S...
stay 13 6 to remain in a place...
stey 13 6 (Scots) steep [adj S...
sumy 15 10 SUM, a monetary unit...
sway 16 9 to move slowly back...
swey 16 9 (Scots) to sway, swi...
taky 14 10 (obsolete) attractiv...
tedy 13 7 (Scott) tedious [adj...
they 15 8 the 3d person plural...
tidy 14 7 in good order [adj T...
tiny 13 7 very small [adj TINI...
tivy 16 10 with great speed [ad...
toby 15 9 in thieves' slang, t...
tody 13 7 a small West Indian...
toey 12 6 (Australian slang) n...
tony 12 7 high-toned, also TON...
tory 13 6 a political conserva...
towy 16 9 pertaining to tow, p...
tray 13 6 the three in cards o...
trey 13 6 the three in cards o...
troy 13 6 a system of weights...
tuny 13 8 tuneful, esp. in a s...
tway 16 9 (Scots) two, also TW...
typy 22 11 conforming to the st...
ugly 16 10 not beautiful [adj U...
umpy 17 13 (Australian slang) a...
undy 13 9 wavy, also OUNDY, UN...
upby 18 13 a little further on,...
upsy 16 10 (obsolete) a carousa...
urdy 14 8 in heraldry, pointed...
vary 15 10 to make different [v...
very 15 10 absolute [adj VERIER...
viny 15 11 of or pertaining to...
vizy 19 19 (Scots) to take a cl...
wady 16 10 (Arabic) the dry bed...
waly 17 10 (Scots) fine, excell...
wany 15 10 waning in some parts...
wary 16 9 cautious [adj WARIER...
wavy 18 13 having waves [adj WA...
waxy 22 16 like wax [adj WAXIER...
whey 18 11 the watery part of m...
wily 18 10 crafty [adj WILIER,...
winy 16 10 having the qualities...
wiry 17 9 thin and tough [adj...
xray 19 13 (in international ra...
yawy 22 11 pertaining to the di...
yuky 21 13 itchy [adj YUKIER, Y...
zany 15 16 comical, clownish [a...