6 letter words that starts with v

6 letter words that start with V

6 letter V word


Word With Friends


vacant 14 14 empty [adj VACANTLY]
vacate 14 13 to make vacant [v VA...
vacked 16 18 VAC, to clean with a...
vacuum 17 18 a space completely e...
vading 13 14 VADE, to pass away [...
vadose 11 11 located above the pe...
vagary 19 14 a whim, also FEGARY...
vagged 14 15 VAG, to arrest someo...
vagile 14 13 free to move about [...
vagina 12 13 the passage leading...
vagrom 14 15 (Shakespeare) vagran...
vagued 13 14 VAGUE, to be vague [...
vaguer 13 13 VAGUE, indeterminate...
vagues 13 13 VAGUE, to be vague [...
vahana 12 13 (Sanskrit) a vehicle...
vahine 13 13 (Tahitian) a woman [...
vailed 13 12 VAIL, (archaic) to l...
vainer 11 11 VAIN, filled with un...
vainly 19 14 VAIN, filled with un...
vakass 13 14 (Armenian) a priest'...
vakeel 13 15 (Hindi) a native law...
vakils 15 15 VAKIL, (Hindi) a nat...
valeta 12 11 (Spanish) a kind of...
valete 12 11 (Latin) a farewell,...
valets 13 11 VALET, to act as a p...
valgus 15 14 (Latin) the position...
valine 12 12 an amino acid, essen...
valise 13 11 (French) an overnigh...
valium 15 15 as in valium picnic,...
valkyr 21 17 a maiden in Norse my...
vallar 14 12 (Latin) a Roman circ...
valley 20 14 a depression of the...
vallum 16 16 (Latin) a rampart; a...
valors 13 11 VALOR, (US) valour [...
valour 13 12 courage, also VALOR...
valsed 13 12 VALSE, (French) to w...
valses 13 11 VALSE, (French) to w...
valued 13 13 VALUE, to estimate t...
valuer 13 12 one that values [n -...
values 13 12 VALUE, to estimate t...
valuta 13 12 (Italian) the compar...
valval 16 16 pertaining to a valv...
valvar 15 15 pertaining to a valv...
valved 15 16 VALVE, to provide wi...
valves 15 15 VALVE, to provide wi...
vamose 12 13 to leave quickly, al...
vamped 15 17 VAMP, to repair or p...
vamper 15 16 one who vamps; one w...
vandal 12 13 one who destroys or...
vandas 11 12 VANDA, (Hindi) a kin...
vanish 14 13 to disappear, also E...
vanity 18 13 inflated pride in on...
vanman 11 15 a man who drives a v...
vanmen 11 15 VANMAN, a man who dr...
vanned 10 13 VAN, to transport in...
vanner 10 12 a person who owns a...
vapers 14 13 VAPER, one who vapes...
vaping 15 16 the practice of inha...
vapors 14 13 VAPOR, mist, fume or...
vapory 20 15 full of vapors; vapo...
vapour 14 14 mist, fume or smoke...
varans 11 11 VARAN, (Arabic) a mo...
varech 17 15 a kind of seaweed, a...
varecs 15 13 VAREC, a kind of sea...
varias 12 10 VARIA, (Latin) a lit...
varied 12 11 VARY, to make differ...
varier 12 10 a wanderer; one who...
varies 12 10 VARY, to make differ...
varlet 13 11 (archaic) a servant,...
varnas 11 11 VARNA, (Sanskrit) an...
varoom 12 13 to run an engine at...
varroa 11 10 (Latin) an Asiatic m...
varsal 13 11 (colloquial) univers...
varved 14 15 having a varve depos...
varvel 15 15 a ring for a hawk's...
varves 14 14 VARVE, a seasonal la...
vassal 13 11 a dependent, a retai...
vaster 12 10 VAST, huge [adj]
vastly 20 13 VAST, huge [adv]
vatful 16 15 as much as a vat can...
vatman 12 14 an employee of the C...
vatmen 12 14 VATMAN, an employee...
vatted 12 11 VAT, to put into a l...
vatter 12 10 one who uses a vat [...
vaudoo 11 12 West Indian black ma...
vaults 14 12 VAULT, to leap over,...
vaulty 20 14 (Shakespeare) like a...
vaunce 14 15 (Spenser) to advance...
vaunts 12 12 VAUNT, to boast [v]
vaunty 18 14 boastful, also VAUNT...
vauted 12 12 VAUTE, (obsolete) to...
vautes 12 11 VAUTE, (obsolete) to...
vaward 15 14 (Shakespeare) the fo...
vawted 15 14 VAWTE, (obsolete) to...
vawtes 15 13 VAWTE, (obsolete) to...
vealed 12 12 VEALE, (Spenser) to...
vealer 12 11 a calf raised for fo...
veales 12 11 VEALE, (Spenser) to...
vector 15 13 to guide in flight b...
veduta 12 12 (Italian) a panorami...
vedute 12 12 VEDUTA, (Italian) a...
veejay 19 21 an announcer on a pr...
veenas 10 11 VEENA, (Sanskrit) an...
veepee 12 13 (US colloquial) a vi...
veered 11 11 VEER, to change dire...
vegans 12 13 VEGAN, one who refra...
vegete 12 12 vigorous, active [ad...
vegged 14 15 VEG, to laze about [...
vegges 14 14 VEG, to laze about [...
veggie 14 14 (colloquial) a veget...
vegies 13 12 VEGIE, a vegetarian,...
vehmic 19 18 relating to a vehm,...
veiled 13 12 VEIL, to cover with...
veiler 13 11 one who veils [n -S]
veinal 12 12 pertaining to the ve...
veined 11 12 VEIN, to fill with t...
veiner 11 11 a tool used in wood...
velars 13 11 VELAR, a sound produ...
velate 12 11 having a velum, a ve...
velcro 16 14 (tradename) a closur...
veldts 14 12 VELDT, (Afrikaans) o...
veleta 12 11 (Spanish) a kind of...
vellet 14 12 (Spenser) velvet [n...
vellon 13 13 (Spanish) a copper a...
vellum 16 16 (Latin) calf or lamb...
vellus 15 13 as in vellus hair, s...
veloce 15 14 (Italian) rapidly [a...
velour 13 12 a fabric resembling...
velure 13 12 (Shakespeare) to smo...
velvet 15 15 a silk, cotton, etc....
vended 11 13 VEND, to sell [v]
vendee 10 12 the person to whom a...
vender 11 12 a seller, also VENDO...
vendis 12 12 a whitefish, found i...
vendor 11 12 a seller, also VENDE...
vendue 11 13 (Dutch) a public sal...
vendus 12 13 VENDU, (Canadian) de...
veneer 10 11 to overlay with thin...
venene 9 12 medicine from snake...
venery 17 13 (archaic) the pursui...
venewe 13 14 (Shakespeare) a venu...
veneys 17 13 VENEY, (Shakespeare)...
venged 12 14 VENGE, (Shakespeare)...
venger 12 13 (Spenser) an avenger...
venges 12 13 VENGE, (Shakespeare)...
venial 12 12 easily excused or fo...
venine 10 12 any of various toxic...
venins 11 12 VENIN, any of variou...
venire 11 11 (Latin) a type of ju...
venite 11 11 (Latin) the 95th psa...
vennel 11 13 (Scots) a lane [n -S...
venoms 12 14 VENOM, to inject wit...
venose 10 11 with very marked vei...
venous 11 12 full of veins, also...
vented 11 12 VENT, to provide wit...
venter 11 11 (obsolete) a person...
ventil 13 12 a valve in wind inst...
ventre 11 11 (obsolete) to ventur...
venues 11 12 VENUE, the chosen lo...
venule 12 13 a small vein, also V...
verbal 15 14 in words [adj VERBAL...
verbid 15 14 a nonfinite part of...
verdet 12 11 copper acetate [n -S...
verdin 12 12 a small yellow-heade...
verdit 13 11 (Spenser) a verdict...
verdoy 18 13 in heraldry, a flora...
verged 13 13 VERGE, to come near...
verger 13 12 a church official, a...
verges 13 12 VERGE, to come near...
verier 12 10 VERY, absolute [adj]
verify 21 15 to prove to be true...
verily 20 13 in truth [adv]
verism 14 13 realism in art or li...
verist 13 10 an adherent of veris...
verite 12 10 (French) reality, tr...
verity 19 12 truth [n VERITIES]
verjus 15 20 the sour juice of cr...
verlan 12 12 (French) a variety o...
verlig 15 13 (Afrikaans) politica...
vermal 14 14 relating to a vermis...
vermes 13 13 VERMIS, a part of th...
vermil 15 14 to colour red, also...
vermin 13 14 troublesome animals...
vermis 14 13 a part of the brain...
vernal 12 12 pertaining to spring...
vernix 18 18 a fatty substance co...
verrel 13 11 a band placed around...
verrey 18 12 charged or variegate...
versal 13 11 an ornamental letter...
versed 12 11 VERSE, to write in a...
verser 12 10 a versifier [n -S]
verses 12 10 VERSE [n]
verset 12 10 a short line of metr...
versin 12 11 a versed sine, a tri...
versos 12 10 VERSO, (Latin) the r...
verste 12 10 (Russian) a unit of...
versts 13 10 VERST, (Russian) a u...
versus 13 11 (Latin) against; in...
verted 12 11 VERT, (colloquial) t...
vertex 18 17 (Latin) the highest...
vertue 12 11 moral excellence, al...
vertus 13 11 VERTU, a love or tas...
vervel 15 15 a ring for a hawk's...
verven 13 15 (Spenser) vervain, t...
verves 14 14 VERVE, the state of...
vervet 14 14 (French) a small, lo...
vesica 15 13 (Latin) a bladder, e...
vespas 14 13 VESPA, (Latin) a gen...
vesper 14 13 an evening service,...
vespid 15 14 a social wasp [n -S]
vessel 13 11 a craft for travelli...
vestal 13 11 (Latin) one of the R...
vestas 12 10 VESTA, (Latin) a kin...
vested 12 11 VEST, to place autho...
vestee 11 10 a garment worn under...
vestry 19 12 a room in which vest...
vetchy 24 17 covered with vetches...
vetoed 11 11 VETO, to forbid or p...
vetoer 11 10 one who vetoes [n -S...
vetoes 11 10 VETO, to forbid or p...
vetted 12 11 VET, to treat animal...
vetter 12 10 one that evaluates s...
vexers 18 17 VEXER, one who vexes...
vexils 20 18 VEXIL, the web or va...
vexing 19 20 annoying [adj VEXING...
vezirs 16 19 VEZIR, (Arabic) a mi...
viable 15 14 capable of living [a...
viably 22 16 VIABLE, capable of l...
vialed 13 12 VIAL, to put in a sm...
viands 12 12 VIAND, an item of fo...
viatic 16 13 pertaining to travel...
viator 12 10 a traveller [n VIATO...
vibier 15 13 VIBEY, lively, vibra...
vibist 16 13 (colloquial) a perso...
vibrio 15 13 a bacterium with a s...
vicars 16 13 VICAR, a church offi...
vicary 22 15 a vicarship [n VICAR...
vicing 17 16 VICE, to grip with a...
victim 18 16 one who suffers from...
victor 16 13 one who defeats an a...
vicuna 15 15 a wild wool-bearing...
vidame 13 14 in French feudal jur...
videos 12 11 VIDEO, to make a vid...
vidiot 13 11 a habitual undiscrim...
vidual 14 13 pertaining to viduag...
vielle 14 12 (French) a hurdy-gur...
vienna 10 12 associated with Vien...
viewed 15 14 VIEW, to look at [v]
viewer 15 13 one that views [n -S...
viewly 23 16 pleasing to look at...
vifdas 15 14 VIFDA, in Shetland,...
viffed 17 17 VIFF, to change dire...
vigias 14 12 VIGIA, (Spanish) a d...
vigils 16 13 VIGIL, a period of w...
vigoro 13 12 (Australian) an Aust...
vigors 14 12 VIGOR, active streng...
vigour 14 13 active strength or f...
vihara 14 12 (Sanskrit) a Buddhis...
viking 15 17 an aggressive sea-ra...
vildly 22 15 VILD, (Spenser) vile...
vilely 21 14 VILE, odious [adv]
vilest 14 11 VILE, odious [adj]
vilify 23 16 to slander; degrade...
villae 14 12 VILLA, (Latin) a cou...
villan 14 13 a malevolent evildoe...
villar 15 12 pertaining to a mano...
villas 15 12 VILLA, (Latin) a cou...
villus 16 13 (Latin) soft velvety...
vimana 12 14 (Sanskrit) in the In...
vimina 13 14 VIMEN, (Latin) a lon...
vinals 13 12 VINAL, a synthetic t...
vincas 15 14 VINCA, (Latin) a gen...
vineal 12 12 pertaining to wine,...
viners 12 11 VINER, a wine grower...
vinery 18 13 a place in which gra...
vinews 15 14 VINEW, to become mou...
vinier 12 11 VINY, of or pertaini...
vinify 21 16 to convert into wine...
vining 13 14 VINE, to remove vine...
vinous 12 12 pertaining to or lik...
vinted 12 12 VINT, to strip of gr...
vintry 19 13 a wine-shop [n VINTR...
vinyls 20 14 VINYL, a type of pla...
violas 13 11 VIOLA, a tenor fiddl...
violer 13 11 a viol player, a fid...
violet 13 11 any plant or flower...
violin 13 12 the smallest of the...
vipers 15 13 VIPER, a venomous sn...
virago 13 12 a noisy, domineering...
virals 14 11 VIRAL, a sales promo...
virent 12 11 (archaic) green; not...
vireos 12 10 VIREO, any one of nu...
virgae 13 12 VIRGA, (Latin) a tra...
virgas 14 12 VIRGA, (Latin) a tra...
virger 14 12 (obsolete) a verger...
virges 14 12 VIRGE, (obsolete) ve...
virgin 14 13 chaste [adj VIRGINLY...
virile 14 11 having masculine vig...
viring 14 13 VIRE, to transfer fu...
virino 12 11 a hypothetical parti...
virion 12 11 a virus particle in...
viroid 13 11 a viruslike plant pa...
virose 12 10 poisonous; foul, als...
virous 13 11 poisonous, foul, als...
virtue 13 11 moral excellence, al...
virtus 14 11 VIRTU, a love or tas...
visaed 12 11 VISA, to stamp with...
visage 13 12 the face of facial e...
visard 13 11 a mask or visor, als...
viscid 17 14 thick and adhesive [...
viscin 16 14 the sticky substance...
viscum 18 17 a genus of parasitic...
viscus 17 14 one of the organs, a...
viseed 12 11 VISE, to hold in a c...
visied 13 11 VISIE, (Scots) to ta...
visier 13 10 (Arabic) a minister...
visies 13 10 VISIE, (Scots) to ta...
visile 14 11 a person who learns...
vising 14 13 VISE, to hold in a c...
vision 12 11 the act or faculty o...
visite 13 10 (French) a light cap...
visits 14 10 VISIT, to call upon...
visive 15 14 of or pertaining to...
visnes 12 11 VISNE, the chosen lo...
visons 12 11 VISON, (French) the...
visors 13 10 VISOR, to provide wi...
vistal 14 11 pertaining to a vist...
vistas 13 10 VISTA, to make into,...
vistos 13 10 VISTO, (obsolete) a...
visual 14 12 related to sight [ad...
vitals 14 11 vital organs [n]
vitric 17 13 pertaining to glass...
vittae 12 10 VITTA, (Latin) a lea...
vittle 14 11 to provide with food...
vivace 17 17 (Italian) a musical...
vivaed 14 15 VIVA, to examine ora...
vivary 21 16 a place for raising...
vivats 15 14 VIVAT, (Latin) an ex...
vivdas 15 15 VIVDA, in Shetland,...
vively 22 17 lively [adv]
vivers 15 14 VIVER, (dialect) a f...
vivify 24 19 to give life to [v V...
vivres 15 14 (Scots) food; eatabl...
vixens 18 18 VIXEN, a shrewish wo...
vizard 16 20 to mask or disguise...
vizied 16 20 VIZY, (Scots) to tak...
vizier 16 19 (Arabic) a minister...
vizies 16 19 VIZY, (Scots) to tak...
vizirs 17 19 VIZIR, (Arabic) a mi...
vizors 16 19 VIZOR, to provide wi...
vizsla 17 20 (Hungarian) a Hungar...
vizzie 19 28 (Scots) to take a cl...
vocabs 17 16 VOCAB, (short for) v...
vocals 16 14 VOCAL, a sound utter...
vocule 16 15 a slight vowel sound...
vodkas 13 15 VODKA, (Russian) an...
vodoun 11 13 West Indian black ma...
vodous 12 12 VODOU, a primitive r...
voduns 12 13 VODUN, West Indian b...
voemas 12 13 VOEMA, (South Africa...
vogier 13 12 VOGIE, (Scots) vain,...
vogued 13 14 VOGUE, to perform to...
voguer 13 13 one who vogues, perf...
vogues 13 13 VOGUE, to perform to...
voguey 19 15 in vogue [adj VOGUIE...
voiced 15 14 VOICE, to express or...
voicer 15 13 one who voices [n -S...
voices 15 13 VOICE, to express or...
voided 12 12 VOID, to nullify of...
voidee 11 11 (historical) wine an...
voider 12 11 one who voids [n -S]
voiles 13 11 VOILE, (French) a th...
volage 13 13 (French) giddy; flig...
volant 12 12 capable of flight; o...
volary 19 13 an aviary [n VOLARIE...
volens 12 12 (Latin) consenting t...
volery 19 13 a large bird cage [n...
volets 13 11 VOLET, a short veil...
voling 14 14 VOLE, to win all tri...
volley 20 14 to return a ball bef...
volost 13 11 (Russian) a local go...
volted 13 12 VOLT, to make a sudd...
voltes 13 11 VOLTE, (Italian) a f...
volume 14 15 to send or give out...
volute 13 12 any marine shell of...
volvae 14 15 VOLVA, a sac that en...
volvas 15 15 VOLVA, a sac that en...
volved 15 16 VOLVE, (obsolete) to...
volves 15 15 VOLVE, (obsolete) to...
volvox 21 22 any of a genus of fr...
vomers 13 13 VOMER, (Latin) any o...
vomica 16 16 a cavity in the body...
vomito 13 13 (Spanish) a form of...
vomits 14 13 VOMIT, to eject the...
vomity 20 15 resembling or smelli...
vommed 14 17 VOM, (short for) to...
voodoo 10 11 West Indian black ma...
vorago 12 12 (Latin) a gulf [n -E...
vorant 11 11 devouring [adj]
vorpal 15 14 a nonsense word coin...
vorred 12 11 VOR, (Shakespeare) t...
vortex 18 17 a whirling mass of f...
vostro 12 10 as in vostro account...
votary 18 12 a person who is boun...
voteen 10 11 (Irish) a devotee [n...
voters 12 10 VOTER, one who votes...
voting 13 13 casting a vote [n -S...
votive 14 14 performed in fulfilm...
voudon 11 13 West Indian black ma...
voudou 12 13 West Indian black ma...
vouges 13 13 VOUGE, a weapon carr...
voulge 14 14 a weapon carried by...
vowels 16 14 VOWEL, to use as a s...
vowers 15 13 VOWER, one who makes...
vowess 15 13 (historical) a woman...
vowing 16 16 VOW, to make a solem...
voxels 19 18 VOXEL, a three dimen...
voyage 18 14 to travel [v VOYAGED...
voyeur 18 13 one who seeks sexual...
vozhds 18 22 VOZHD, (Russian) a s...
vraics 16 13 VRAIC, a kind of sea...
vrooms 13 13 VROOM, to run an eng...
vrouws 16 14 VROUW, (Dutch) a wom...
vulcan 16 16 (Latin) a blacksmith...
vulgar 15 14 common [adj VULGARER...
vulgus 16 15 (Latin) the common p...
vulned 13 14 VULN, to wound; pier...
vulvae 15 16 VULVA, the external...
vulval 17 17 relating to the vulv...
vulvar 16 16 relating to the vulv...
vulvas 16 16 VULVA, the external...
vummed 15 18 VUM, to vow [v]
vyings 20 15 VYING, the act of vy...