6 letter words that starts with j

6 letter words that start with J

6 letter J word


Word With Friends


jabbed 16 22 JAB, to poke sharply...
jabber 16 21 to talk rapidly [v -...
jabble 17 22 (Scots) to splash, r...
jabers 14 18 as in the Irish oath...
jabiru 15 19 one of several large...
jabots 14 18 JABOT, (French) a la...
jacals 16 19 JACAL, a hut built o...
jacana 13 19 any of various small...
jacare 14 18 the caiman [n -S]
jacent 14 19 (obsolete) lying fla...
jackal 17 23 an African carnivoro...
jacked 16 23 JACK, to raise with...
jacker 16 22 one who jacks [n -S]
jacket 16 22 to provide with a sh...
jacksy 23 24 the posterior, also...
jadery 18 18 the tricks of a perv...
jading 13 19 JADE, to tire [v]
jadish 15 18 like a jade, vicious...
jaeger 12 17 a German army marksm...
jaffas 16 21 JAFFA, in cricket, a...
jagaed 12 18 JAGA, in Indonesia,...
jagers 13 17 JAGER, a German army...
jagged 14 20 rough-edged [adj JAG...
jagger 14 19 a hawker, a pedlar [...
jaghir 16 19 (Hindi) the governme...
jagirs 14 17 JAGIR, (Hindi) the g...
jagras 13 17 JAGRA, a coarse, dar...
jaguar 13 18 a powerful feline be...
jailed 13 17 JAIL, to imprison, a...
jailer 13 16 a keeper of a jail,...
jailor 13 16 a keeper of a jail,...
jakeys 19 21 JAKEY, (Scots) a hom...
jalaps 15 19 JALAP, a Mexican pla...
jalebi 15 19 (Sanskrit) an Asian...
jalops 15 19 JALOP, the purgative...
jalopy 21 21 a decrepit car, also...
jamaat 12 18 (Arabic) an Islamic...
jambed 15 22 JAMB, to jam [v]
jambee 14 21 a light cane, fashio...
jamber 15 21 (obsolete) armor for...
jambes 15 21 JAMBE, a piece of le...
jambok 16 25 (Afrikaans) to beat...
jambul 17 23 (Sanskrit) the rose-...
jambus 16 22 JAMBU, (Sanskrit) th...
jamjar 15 27 a jar for jam, also...
jammed 14 22 JAM, to force togeth...
jammer 14 21 a person or thing th...
jampan 14 22 an Indian sedan chai...
jampot 15 21 a jar for jam, also...
jangle 13 19 to make a harsh meta...
jangly 20 21 making a jangling so...
janker 12 20 a long pole on wheel...
janney 16 19 to act as a disguise...
jansky 19 22 the unit of strength...
jantee 10 16 (obsolete) jaunty, s...
japans 13 19 JAPAN, to coat with...
japers 14 18 JAPER, one who japes...
japery 20 20 jesting, buffoonery...
japing 15 21 joking [adj JAPINGLY...
japped 16 22 JAP, to splash or sp...
jarful 16 20 as much as a contain...
jargon 12 18 to use words specifi...
jarina 11 16 the hard seed of a p...
jarool 12 16 a deciduous tree of...
jarped 14 19 JARP, to tap an egg...
jarrah 14 17 (Native Australian)...
jarred 12 16 JAR, to vibrate from...
jartas 12 15 JARTA, heart, used a...
jaruls 14 17 JARUL, a deciduous t...
jarvey 20 21 a driver of a horse-...
jarvie 14 19 a driver of a horse-...
jaseys 18 17 JASEY, a wig of wors...
jasies 12 15 JASY, a wig of worst...
jasmin 13 19 a genus of oleaceous...
jasper 14 18 a red variety of che...
jaspes 14 18 JASPE, a cotton clot...
jaspis 15 18 jasper, also JASP [n...
jasses 12 15 JASS, (obsolete) jaz...
jassid 13 16 an insect of the lea...
jataka 12 19 (Pali) the birth-sto...
jauked 13 21 JAUK, to dawdle [v]
jaunce 14 20 to prance, also JAUN...
jaunse 11 17 to prance, also JAUN...
jaunts 12 17 JAUNT, to go on a pl...
jaunty 18 19 briskly self-assured...
jauped 14 20 JAUP, (Scots) to spl...
javels 15 20 JAVEL, (Spenser) a w...
jawans 14 19 JAWAN, an Indian com...
jawari 15 18 Indian millet, aka d...
jawbox 23 28 (Scots) a sink [n -E...
jawing 16 21 chattering at length...
jaxies 18 22 JAXIE, the posterior...
jaycee 20 20 a member of a Junior...
jaygee 18 19 a military officer [...
jayvee 19 21 a junior varsity pla...
jazies 15 24 JAZY, a wig, also JA...
jazzbo 20 36 a devotee of jazz (a...
jazzed 18 34 JAZZ, to liven up th...
jazzer 18 33 a jazz musician [n -...
jazzes 18 33 JAZZ, to liven up th...
jeaned 10 17 wearing jeans [adj]
jebels 15 19 JEBEL, (Arabic) a hi...
jeeing 12 18 JEE, to turn to the...
jeeled 12 17 JEEL, to set, jell,...
jeelie 12 16 to make into a jelly...
jeeped 13 19 JEEP, to travel by a...
jeered 11 16 JEER, to mock, also...
jeerer 11 15 one who jeers [n -S]
jeesly 19 18 used as an intensifi...
jeezly 22 27 used as an intensifi...
jeffed 16 22 JEFF, (Australian sl...
jehadi 14 18 one who takes part i...
jehads 14 18 JEHAD, in Islam, a h...
jejuna 13 26 JEJUNUM, (Latin) the...
jejune 13 26 lacking interest or...
jelabs 15 19 JELAB, a Middle East...
jelled 14 18 JELL, to set like je...
jellos 14 17 JELLO, (tradename) a...
jembes 15 21 JEMBE, (Swahili) a h...
jemima 14 21 an elastic-sided boo...
jennet 10 17 a small Spanish hors...
jerbil 16 19 (French) a desert ro...
jerboa 13 18 (Arabic) a desert ro...
jereed 11 16 a wooden Oriental ja...
jerids 13 16 JERID, a wooden Orie...
jerked 13 20 JERK, to move spasmo...
jerker 13 19 (US) a kind of fish,...
jerkin 13 20 a kind of jacket [n...
jerque 20 25 to search a vessel f...
jerrid 13 16 a wooden Oriental ja...
jersey 18 17 a knitted shirt [n -...
jessed 12 16 JESSE, to fasten str...
jesses 12 15 JESSE, to fasten str...
jessie 12 15 (Scots) an effeminat...
jested 12 16 JEST, to joke [v]
jestee 11 15 the object of a jest...
jester 12 15 one that jests [n -S...
jesuit 13 16 an intriguer, a prev...
jetlag 14 18 the disruption of bo...
jetons 11 16 JETON, a piece of me...
jetsam 13 18 stuff thrown overboa...
jetsom 13 18 (archaic) jetsam, al...
jetson 11 16 (archaic) jetsam, al...
jetted 12 16 JET, to spurt forth...
jetton 11 16 a piece of metal use...
jetway 21 20 a telescoping corrid...
jewels 16 19 JEWEL, to adorn with...
jewies 15 18 JEWIE, (Australian s...
jewing 16 21 JEW, to barter succe...
jezail 16 25 a heavy Afghan muske...
jhalas 15 18 JHALA, (Sanskrit) in...
jhatka 15 21 the slaughter of ani...
jibbah 19 23 (Arabic) a long loos...
jibbas 17 21 JIBBA, a long loose...
jibbed 17 22 JIBB, to shift from...
jibber 17 21 to utter senseless s...
jibers 15 18 JIBER, one who jibes...
jibing 16 21 JIBE [v]
jicama 16 21 an edible starchy tu...
jigged 15 20 JIG, to dance a jig;...
jigger 15 19 to jerk up and down...
jiggle 16 20 to shake from side t...
jiggly 23 22 given to jiggling [a...
jigjig 18 28 to copulate, also JI...
jigots 14 17 JIGOT, (French) a le...
jigsaw 17 20 to cut with a narrow...
jihadi 15 18 one who takes part i...
jihads 15 18 JIHAD, in Islam, a h...
jilbab 18 22 a long robe worn by...
jilgie 15 18 (Native Australian)...
jillet 15 17 (Scots) a skittish,...
jilted 14 17 JILT, to discard a l...
jilter 14 16 one who jilts [n -S]
jiminy 20 21 an interjection expr...
jimjam 17 30 a knick-knack [n -S]
jimmie 15 21 a short crowbar used...
jimper 16 21 JIMP, (Scots) slende...
jimply 24 24 JIMP, (Scots) slende...
jimson 13 19 a type of poisonous...
jingal 14 19 a large Chinese or I...
jingko 14 22 (Japanese) a kind of...
jingle 14 19 to make a tinkling s...
jingly 21 21 jingling [adj JINGLI...
jinked 13 21 JINK, to dodge nimbl...
jinker 13 20 (Australian slang) a...
jinnee 10 17 (Arabic) one of a cl...
jinnis 12 17 JINNI, a supernatura...
jinxed 18 24 JINX, to bring bad l...
jinxes 18 23 JINX, to bring bad l...
jirble 16 19 to pour unsteadily [...
jirgas 14 17 JIRGA, a council of...
jissom 14 18 (colloquial) energy,...
jitney 18 18 a small bus [n -S]
jitter 13 15 to fidget [v -ED, -I...
jivers 15 19 JIVER, one who jives...
jivest 15 19 JIVE, deceitful [adj...
jivier 15 19 JIVY, jazzy, lively,...
jiving 16 22 JIVE, to dance to ja...
jizzes 19 33 JIZZ, the characteri...
jnanas 10 17 JNANA, knowledge acq...
joanna 9 17 (colloquial) a piano...
jobbed 16 22 JOB, to do piece wor...
jobber 16 21 a pieceworker [n -S]
jobbie 16 21 (Scots) a lump of ex...
jobing 15 21 JOBE, to reprimand t...
jockey 22 24 to maneuver for posi...
jockos 16 22 JOCKO, a chimpanzee...
jocose 14 18 merry; characterized...
jocund 15 21 marked by lively mir...
jodels 13 17 JODEL, to sing with...
jogged 14 20 JOG, to run at a slo...
jogger 14 19 one that jogs [n -S]
joggle 15 20 to shake slightly [v...
johnny 19 21 a condom, also JOHNN...
joined 11 17 JOIN, to unite [v]
joiner 11 16 a carpenter [n -S]
joints 12 16 JOINT, to fit togeth...
joists 13 15 JOIST, to fit with j...
jojoba 15 27 a small tree [n -S]
jokers 13 19 JOKER, one that joke...
jokier 13 19 JOKY, amusing, also...
jokily 21 22 amusing [adv]
joking 14 22 the act of making a...
joling 14 19 JOL, (South African...
jolled 14 18 JOLL, (dialect) to b...
joller 14 17 one who jols, has a...
jolley 20 19 a guide for fixing a...
jollop 16 20 a cream [n -S]
jolted 13 17 JOLT, to jar or shak...
jolter 13 16 one who, or that whi...
jomons 12 19 JOMON, (Japanese) a...
jooked 12 20 JOOK, (Scots) to duc...
jorams 13 18 JORAM, a large drink...
jordan 11 17 a chamberpot [n -S]
jorums 14 19 JORUM, a large drink...
joseph 16 20 a caped overcoat wor...
joshed 14 18 JOSH, to tease [v]
josher 14 17 one who joshes [n -S...
joshes 14 17 JOSH, to tease [v]
joskin 13 20 (slang) a clown, yok...
josser 12 15 (slang) a clergyman...
josses 12 15 JOSS, a Chinese figu...
jostle 13 16 to run or strike aga...
jotted 12 16 JOT, to note quickly...
jotter 12 15 one that jots; a pad...
jotunn 11 18 in Norse myth, a gia...
jotuns 12 17 JOTUN, in Norse myth...
jouals 13 17 JOUAL, (French) a no...
jouked 13 21 JOUK, (Scots) to duc...
jouled 13 18 JOULE, to bump, also...
joules 13 17 JOULE, to bump, also...
jounce 14 20 to jolt, shake [v JO...
jouncy 21 22 jolting [adj JOUNCIE...
journo 11 17 (slang) a journalist...
jousts 13 16 JOUST, to engage in...
jovial 15 20 good-humoured [adj J...
jowari 15 18 Indian millet, aka d...
jowars 15 18 JOWAR, Indian millet...
jowing 16 21 JOW, to ring, toll a...
jowled 16 20 JOWL, to bump, also...
jowler 16 19 a heavy-jawed hound...
joyful 22 22 full of joy [adj JOY...
joying 19 20 JOY, to rejoice [v]
joyous 18 18 joyful [adj JOYOUSLY...
joypad 20 21 a device consisting...
joypop 22 23 to use habit-forming...
jubate 14 19 having or possessing...
jubbah 19 24 a long loose outer g...
jubhah 19 23 a long loose outer g...
jubile 16 20 a celebration, also...
judder 13 18 to vibrate, shudder...
judged 14 20 JUDGE, to decide on...
judger 14 19 one who judges [n -S...
judges 14 19 JUDGE, to decide on...
judies 13 17 JUDY, (slang) a girl...
judogi 14 19 a judo costume [n -S...
judoka 13 21 one skilled in judo,...
jugals 15 19 JUGAL, the cheek bon...
jugate 13 18 having leaflets arra...
jugful 18 23 as much as a jug wil...
jugged 15 21 JUG, to stew in a cl...
juggle 16 21 to manipulate object...
juglet 15 19 a small jug [n -S]
jugula 15 20 JUGULUM, the front p...
jugums 16 22 JUGUM, a pair of opp...
juiced 16 20 JUICE, to extract li...
juicer 16 19 a juice extractor [n...
juices 16 19 JUICE, to extract li...
jujube 17 29 a fruit-flavored can...
juking 15 23 JUKE, to dance [v]
juleps 16 20 JULEP, a cocktail of...
juliet 14 17 (In international ra...
jumars 14 19 JUMAR, to climb usin...
jumart 14 19 the supposed offspri...
jumbal 17 23 a thin crisp sweet c...
jumbie 16 22 (West Indian) a ghos...
jumble 17 23 to mix in a disorder...
jumbly 24 25 in a jumble [adj JUM...
jumbos 16 22 JUMBO, (colloquial)...
jumped 16 23 JUMP, to leap into t...
jumper 16 22 a type of overall, s...
juncos 15 20 JUNCO, a North Ameri...
juncus 16 21 any plant of the gen...
jungle 14 20 land covered with de...
jungli 15 20 an uneducated peasan...
jungly 21 22 of or relating to ju...
junior 12 17 (of a lawyer) to ass...
junked 13 22 JUNK, to discard as...
junker 13 21 (German) a young Ger...
junket 13 21 a pleasure trip, par...
junkie 13 21 a narcotics addict,...
juntas 12 17 JUNTA, a government...
juntos 12 17 JUNTO, (Spanish) a g...
jupati 15 19 a large Brazilian pa...
jupons 14 20 JUPON, a sleeveless...
jurant 12 17 one who takes an oat...
jurats 13 16 JURAT, a memorandum...
jurels 14 17 JUREL, a kind of foo...
juried 13 17 JURY, to select mate...
juries 13 16 JURY, to select mate...
jurist 14 16 one versed in the la...
jurors 13 16 JUROR, a member of a...
justed 13 17 JUST, to tilt with l...
juster 13 16 one who tilts with l...
justle 14 17 to run or strike aga...
justly 21 19 JUST, fair, impartia...
jutted 13 17 JUT, to project, sti...
juvies 15 20 JUVIE, (slang) a juv...
jymold 21 22 (Shakespeare) jointe...
jynxes 24 25 JYNX, the wryneck, a...