6 letter words that starts with m

6 letter words that start with M

6 letter M word


Word With Friends


maaing 11 12 MAA, to bleat like a...
maases 10 9 MAAS, (South Africa)...
mabela 13 13 ground kaffir corn u...
macaco 16 15 (French) any one of...
macaws 17 15 MACAW, a large tropi...
macers 14 12 MACER, an official w...
machan 15 15 (Hindi) a raised pla...
macher 16 14 (Yiddish) an importa...
maches 16 14 MACHE, a herb, lamb'...
machos 16 14 MACHO, an aggressive...
macing 15 15 MACE, to attack with...
mackle 16 17 to blur in printing,...
macled 15 14 having a dark spot [...
macles 15 13 MACLE, a mineral, ak...
macons 13 13 MACON, (French) smok...
macoya 19 14 an American palm, wh...
macron 13 13 a symbol placed over...
macros 14 12 MACRO, in computing,...
macula 15 14 (Latin) a spot, as o...
macule 15 14 to blur in printing,...
madafu 13 14 (Swahili) coconut mi...
madame 11 13 the French title of...
madams 12 13 MADAM, to address as...
madcap 16 16 an impulsive person...
madded 11 12 MAD, to become or ma...
madden 10 12 to make or become ma...
madder 11 11 a herbaceous plant w...
madefy 19 15 (archaic) to moisten...
madges 12 12 MADGE, a type of ham...
madman 11 14 a man who is insane...
madmen 11 14 MADMAN, a man who is...
madras 11 10 a fine plain-woven c...
madres 11 10 MADRE, (Spanish) mot...
madtom 12 13 a North American cat...
maduro 11 11 a dark-coloured stro...
maelid 12 11 an apple nymph [n -S...
maenad 9 11 a female follower of...
maerls 12 10 MAERL, calcified red...
maffia 15 15 a secret criminal or...
mafias 13 12 MAFIA, a secret crim...
mafics 17 15 MAFIC, a generally d...
mafted 13 13 (dialect) suffering...
maftir 14 12 (Hebrew) the conclud...
magged 13 14 MAGG, (Scott) to ste...
maggie 13 13 (dialect) a magpie [...
maggot 13 13 any soft-bodied limb...
magian 11 12 a magician, also MAG...
magics 16 14 MAGIC, to work spell...
magilp 16 15 a substance with whi...
magism 14 14 the teaching of the...
maglev 15 16 (short for) a magnet...
magmas 13 14 MAGMA, the molten ma...
magnes 11 12 (archaic) a lodeston...
magnet 11 12 a body that possesse...
magnon 10 13 a quantum of spin wa...
magnox 17 19 (tradename) an alloy...
magnum 13 16 a bottle for wine, s...
magnus 12 13 as in magnus hitch,...
magots 12 11 MAGOT, (French) the...
magpie 14 14 a black and white co...
maguey 18 14 the century plant, a...
magyar 18 13 pertaining to a garm...
mahant 12 12 (Hindi) a chief Hind...
mahewu 16 15 in South Africa, fer...
mahmal 15 15 the empty litter sen...
mahoes 12 11 MAHOE, a small, bush...
mahout 13 12 the keeper and drive...
mahsir 14 11 a large freshwater f...
mahuas 13 12 MAHUA, (Hindi) a kin...
mahwas 16 14 MAHWA, (Hindi) a kin...
mahzor 16 20 a Jewish prayer book...
maidan 10 11 in India, an open pl...
maided 11 11 MAID, to work as a m...
maiden 10 11 unmarried, virgin [a...
maigre 12 11 a large Mediterranea...
maihem 14 14 maiming, malicious d...
maikos 12 13 MAIKO, an apprentice...
mailed 12 11 MAIL, to send by the...
mailer 12 10 one who sends mail [...
mailes 12 10 MAILE, a Hawaiian fl...
maills 14 11 MAILL, a payment [n]
maimed 12 13 MAIM, to injure or m...
maimer 12 12 one who maims [n -S]
mained 10 11 MAIN, to maim or cri...
mainer 10 10 MAIN, chief, princip...
mainly 18 13 MAIN, chief, princip...
mainor 10 10 act or fact of theft...
maires 11 9 MAIRE, (French) a ma...
maises 11 9 MAISE, a measure of...
maists 12 9 MAIST, (Scots) the m...
maizes 14 18 MAIZE, an American c...
majlis 15 19 (Arabic) an assembly...
majors 13 18 MAJOR, to pursue a s...
makars 12 13 MAKAR, (Scots) a mak...
makers 12 13 MAKER, one that make...
makeup 14 17 the way in which thi...
making 13 16 material from which...
makuta 12 14 LIKUTA, a monetary u...
makutu 13 15 (Maori) Polynesian w...
malady 18 13 an illness [n MALADI...
malams 13 13 MALAM, a Muslim scho...
malars 12 10 MALAR, the cheekbone...
malate 11 10 a salt of malic acid...
maleic 15 13 as in maleic acid, a...
malfed 14 14 badly fed [adj]
malgre 13 12 (archaic) to show sp...
malibu 15 14 as in malibu board,...
malice 15 13 to have ill-will tow...
malign 13 13 evil [adj MALIGNLY]...
maliks 14 14 MALIK, in India, the...
maline 11 11 a delicate net used...
malism 14 13 belief in the predom...
malist 13 10 MALICE, to have ill-...
malkin 13 15 (dialect) a cat, als...
mallam 14 14 a Muslim scholar, us...
malled 13 12 MALL, to beat, batte...
mallee 12 11 (Native Australian)...
mallei 13 11 MALLEUS, a bone of t...
mallet 13 11 a type of hammer [n...
mallow 16 14 any of various plant...
malmag 14 15 a nocturnal lemuroid...
maloti 12 10 LOTI, a monetary uni...
malted 12 11 a whisky flavoured w...
maltha 14 12 a thick mineral pitc...
maltol 13 11 a natural food addit...
malvas 14 14 MALVA, any plant of...
malwas 15 13 MALWA, a Ugandan dri...
mamako 12 16 (Maori) a tall edibl...
mamaku 13 17 (Maori) a tall edibl...
mambas 14 15 MAMBA, a venomous Af...
mambos 14 15 MAMBO, to dance the...
mamees 11 12 MAMEE, a tropical pl...
mameys 18 14 MAMEY, a tropical pl...
mamies 12 12 MAMIE, a tropical pl...
mamluk 15 18 (Arabic) one of form...
mammae 12 15 MAMMA, the milk glan...
mammal 14 16 any of a class of wa...
mammas 13 15 MAMMA, the milk glan...
mammee 12 15 a tropical plant hav...
mammer 13 15 (Shakespeare) to hes...
mammet 13 15 a puppet; a doll, al...
mammey 19 17 a tropical plant hav...
mammie 13 15 a child's name for m...
mammon 12 16 riches regarded as t...
mamzer 15 21 (Yiddish) an illegit...
manage 10 12 to control or direct...
manaia 9 10 (Maori) a figure in...
manana 8 11 (Spanish) tomorrow,...
manati 10 10 a large aquatic mamm...
manats 10 10 MANAT, a standard mo...
manatu 10 11 a large flowering Ne...
manawa 12 13 (Maori) a mangrove [...
manbag 13 15 a bag for small arti...
manche 15 15 (French) a sleeve [n...
mancus 14 14 (historical) an Angl...
mandir 11 11 a Hindu temple, also...
mandis 11 11 MANDI, (Hindi) a big...
mandom 11 14 man collectively [n...
manebs 12 13 MANEB, a powder for...
manege 10 12 to train horses [v M...
manehs 12 12 MANEH, (Hebrew) a un...
manent 9 11 (Latin) a stage dire...
manful 14 15 courageous [adj MANF...
mangal 12 13 (Turkish) a brazier...
mangas 11 12 MANGA, an adult comi...
manged 11 13 MANG, (archaic) to s...
mangel 12 13 a variety of beet, a...
manger 11 12 a feeding trough for...
manges 11 12 MANGE, a skin diseas...
mangey 17 14 affected with mange,...
mangle 12 13 to hack, tear or cru...
mangos 11 12 MANGO, a tropical tr...
maniac 13 13 an insane person [n...
manias 10 10 MANIA, an excessive...
manics 14 13 MANIC, someone affec...
manies 10 10 MANY, a great number...
manila 11 11 a strong paper, also...
manioc 13 13 (Tupi) a plant of th...
manito 10 10 (Native American) a...
manitu 11 11 (Native American) a...
mannan 8 12 a type of sugar [n -...
mannas 9 11 MANNA, the food mira...
manned 9 12 MAN, to provide with...
manner 9 11 method, fashion of s...
manoao 8 10 (New Zealand) a shru...
manoes 9 10 MANO, a stone roller...
manors 10 10 MANOR, the manor hou...
manque 18 20 (French) the section...
manred 10 11 (obsolete) homage or...
manses 10 10 MANSE, a house alloc...
mantas 10 10 MANTA, a rough-textu...
mantel 11 11 the ornamental struc...
mantes 10 10 MANTIS, a predatory...
mantic 14 13 having powers of pro...
mantid 11 11 a predatory insect,...
mantis 11 10 a predatory insect,...
mantle 11 11 to cover as with a c...
mantos 10 10 MANTO, (historical)...
mantra 10 10 (Sanskrit) a sacred...
mantua 10 11 (Italian) a woman's...
manual 11 12 by use of the hands...
manuka 11 15 (Maori) an Australia...
manuls 12 12 MANUL, a kind of Cen...
manure 10 11 animal excrement [n...
maomao 10 12 a New Zealand fish [...
mapaus 13 13 MAPAU, (Maori) a sma...
maples 14 13 MAPLE, a hardwood tr...
mapped 15 16 MAP, to plan a layou...
mapper 15 15 one who maps, a mapm...
maquis 20 19 a thick underbrush,...
marabi 13 12 (South Africa) a kin...
maraca 13 12 a kind of gourd, use...
maraes 10 9 MARAE, (Maori) a mee...
marahs 13 11 MARAH, (Hebrew) in B...
marari 11 9 (New Zealand) the bu...
maraud 11 11 to wander in search...
marble 14 13 to vein or print in...
marbly 21 15 mottled [adj MARBLIE...
marcel 15 13 to make a deep, soft...
marero 10 9 a member of a mara i...
margay 18 13 a small American wil...
marges 12 11 MARGE, (short for) m...
margin 12 12 to provide with a bo...
marids 12 10 MARID, (Arabic) a ji...
maries 11 9 MARY, (Australian sl...
marina 10 10 a berthing area for...
marine 10 10 a soldier trained fo...
marish 14 11 a tract of low, wet...
markas 12 13 MARKA, the standard...
marked 12 14 MARK, to impress or...
marker 12 13 one that marks [n -S...
market 12 13 to offer for sale [v...
markka 13 17 the standard monetar...
markup 15 17 the difference betwe...
marled 12 11 MARL, to fertilize w...
marles 12 10 MARLE, (obsolete) a...
marlin 12 11 a marine game fish [...
marmem 13 15 as in marmem alloy,...
marmot 12 12 a kind of burrowing...
marons 10 10 MARON, a kind of fre...
maroon 9 10 to abandon in an iso...
marors 11 9 MAROR, (Hebrew) a di...
marque 19 19 (French) a make or b...
marram 12 12 a seaside grass, als...
marras 11 9 MARRA, a Northern En...
marred 11 10 MAR, to spoil or dam...
marrer 11 9 one who mars or inju...
marris 12 9 MARRI, (Aborig) a eu...
marron 10 10 (Native Australian)...
marrow 14 12 to be a mate or comp...
marrum 13 13 a seaside grass, als...
marses 11 9 MARSE, (US) master [...
marshy 20 13 resembling a marsh [...
marted 11 10 MART, to sell, trade...
martel 12 10 (historical) a media...
marten 10 10 a carnivore of the m...
martin 11 10 a bird of the swallo...
martyr 18 11 to put someone to de...
marvel 14 14 to be filled with wo...
marver 13 13 a marble or iron sla...
masala 11 10 a mixture of ground...
mascle 15 13 a diamond-shaped pla...
mascon 13 13 a concentration of d...
mascot 14 12 a talisman, or anyth...
masers 11 9 MASER, a device used...
mashed 13 12 MASH, to pound down...
masher 13 11 a dandy frequenting...
mashes 13 11 MASH, to pound down...
mashie 13 11 a kind of golf club...
mashua 13 12 a tuber plant grown...
mashup 16 15 a piece of live or r...
masing 12 12 MASE, to act as a ma...
masjid 14 19 (Arabic) a mosque, a...
masked 12 14 MASK, to cover, cloa...
maskeg 13 15 (Native American) a...
masker 12 13 one who wears a mask...
maslin 12 11 a mixed grain, also...
masons 10 10 MASON, to build or r...
masque 19 19 a dramatic entertain...
massas 11 9 MASSA, (US) master [...
massed 11 10 MASS, to assemble as...
masses 11 9 MASS, to assemble as...
massif 14 12 a principal mountain...
masted 11 10 MAST, to provide wit...
master 11 9 a person, esp. male,...
mastic 15 12 a pale yellow gum re...
mastix 18 16 a pale yellow gum re...
masula 12 11 an Indian surf-boat,...
matais 11 9 MATAI, (Maori) a con...
matata 10 9 (Maori) a New Zealan...
matatu 11 10 a type of taxi used...
maters 11 9 MATER, (Latin) mothe...
mateys 17 11 MATEY, a friend [n]
matico 14 12 a Peruvian plant, al...
matier 11 9 MATY, friendly [adj]
maties 11 9 MATY, a friend, also...
matily 19 12 MATY, friendly [adv]
mating 12 12 the period during wh...
matins 11 10 MATIN, (French) a mo...
matipo 13 12 (Maori) a New Zealan...
matjes 13 18 a young herring, tre...
matlos 12 10 MATLO, a seaman, als...
matlow 15 13 a seaman, also MATEL...
matoke 11 13 in Uganda, plantain...
matres 11 9 MATER, (Latin) mothe...
matric 15 12 (short for) matricul...
matrix 18 16 the womb; that in wh...
matron 10 10 a married woman of e...
matsah 13 11 an unleavened bread,...
matted 11 10 MATT [v]
matter 11 9 to be of importance...
mattes 11 9 MATTE, a molten mixt...
mattie 11 9 (Scots) a young herr...
mattin 11 10 (French) a morning p...
mature 11 10 to develop fully, al...
matzah 16 20 an unleavened bread,...
matzas 14 18 MATZA, (Yiddish) unl...
matzoh 16 20 (Yiddish) unleavened...
matzos 14 18 MATZO, (Yiddish) unl...
matzot 14 18 MATZO, (Yiddish) unl...
mauger 12 12 (archaic) in spite o...
maugre 12 12 to show spite toward...
mauled 12 12 MAUL, to batter or m...
mauler 12 11 one that mauls [n -S...
maulvi 15 15 a teacher of Islamic...
maumet 12 13 a puppet; a doll, al...
maunds 11 12 MAUND, (obsolete) to...
maundy 17 14 a religious ceremony...
maungy 18 15 scabby, also MANGEY,...
maunna 9 12 must not [v]
mauris 12 10 MAURI, (Maori) the s...
mauver 13 14 MAUVE, coloured mauv...
mauves 13 14 MAUVE, a purple colo...
mauvin 13 15 a mauve dye, also MA...
mavens 12 14 MAVEN, (US slang) an...
mavies 13 13 MAVIE, the throstle...
mavins 13 14 MAVIN, (US slang) an...
mawger 15 14 (Caribbean) lean, th...
mawing 15 15 MAW, (US) to mow [v]
mawkin 15 17 (dialect) a cat, als...
mawmet 15 15 a puppet; a doll, al...
mawpus 17 16 (slang) a small coin...
maxima 18 19 MAXIMUM, the largest...
maxims 19 19 MAXIM, a brief expre...
maxing 18 19 MAX, to reach a maxi...
maxixe 23 23 a Brazilian ballroom...
maybes 19 14 MAYBE, an uncertaint...
mayday 23 14 the international ra...
mayest 17 11 MAY, to gather flowe...
mayfly 27 17 a short-lived insect...
mayhap 21 16 (archaic) perhaps, a...
mayhem 20 16 maiming, malicious d...
maying 18 14 the gathering of spr...
mayors 17 11 MAYOR, the chief exe...
maypop 21 17 the edible fruit of...
mayvin 19 16 (US slang) an expert...
mazard 14 19 a kind of small blac...
mazers 14 18 MAZER, a large drink...
mazhbi 19 23 (Hindi) a Sikh of lo...
mazier 14 18 MAZY, full of confus...
mazily 22 21 MAZY, full of confus...
mazing 15 21 MAZE, to bewilder [v...
mazout 14 19 a petroleum residue,...
mazuma 15 22 (Yiddish) money, cas...
mazuts 15 19 MAZUT, petroleum res...
mbiras 14 12 MBIRA, an African mu...
meadow 13 13 a tract of grassland...
meager 11 11 (US) scanty, also MA...
meagre 11 11 a large Mediterranea...
mealed 11 11 MEAL, to cover with...
mealer 11 10 a device for convert...
mealie 11 10 an ear of maize, als...
meaned 9 11 MEAN, to tend, signi...
meaner 9 10 a person who means,...
meanes 9 10 MEANE, (Scots) to la...
meanie 9 10 a nasty person, also...
meanly 17 13 MEAN, stingy; low [a...
meares 10 9 MEARE, (Spenser) to...
meased 10 10 MEASE, (Scots) to ma...
meases 10 9 MEASE, (Scots) to ma...
measle 11 10 (archaic) to catch o...
measly 18 12 spotty, paltry [adj...
meatal 11 10 relating to a meatus...
meated 10 10 to become meat [adj]
meathe 12 11 (obsolete) an alcoho...
meaths 13 11 MEATH, (obsolete) an...
meatus 11 10 a natural body passa...
meawes 13 12 (Spenser) mews, gull...
meazel 14 19 (Shakespeare) a lepe...
meccas 17 15 MECCA, a place visit...
medaka 11 14 a small Japanese fis...
medals 12 11 MEDAL, to honour wit...
meddle 12 12 to interfere, also M...
medfly 21 16 a Mediterranean frui...
mediad 11 11 toward the middle of...
mediae 10 10 MEDIA, the middle la...
medial 12 11 in the middle [adj M...
median 10 11 middle [adj MEDIANLY...
medias 11 10 MEDIA, the middle la...
medick 16 17 a clover-like plant...
medico 14 13 (colloquial) a docto...
medics 15 13 MEDIC, one engaged i...
medina 10 11 the native quarter o...
medium 13 14 a spiritualist [n -S...
medius 12 11 the middle finger [n...
medlar 12 11 a small tree related...
medled 12 12 MEDLE, (Shakespeare)...
medles 12 11 MEDLE, (Shakespeare)...
medley 18 13 a mixture [n -S]
medusa 11 11 a jellyfish, also ME...
meeken 10 14 to make meek [v -ED,...
meeker 11 13 MEEK, having a mild...
meekly 19 16 MEEK, having a mild...
meemie 11 12 a hysterical person...
meered 10 10 MEER, to mark off, a...
meeter 10 9 one that meets [n -S...
meetly 18 12 MEET, suitable [adv]
megara 11 11 MEGARON, the princip...
megass 12 11 crushed sugarcane, a...
megilp 16 15 a substance with whi...
megohm 15 16 a measure of electri...
megrim 14 14 a severe headache, a...
mehndi 13 13 (Hindi) in India, th...
meikle 13 14 (Scots) great, much,...
meined 10 11 MEIN, (Scots) to lam...
meiney 16 12 a family, including...
meinie 10 10 a family, including...
meishi 14 11 a Japanese business...
meiths 14 11 MEITH, (Scots) a lan...
mejlis 15 19 (Arabic) an assembly...
mekkas 13 17 MEKKA, a place visit...
melano 10 11 an abnormally dark p...
melded 12 12 MELD, to merge, blen...
melder 12 11 (Scots) the quantity...
melees 11 10 MELEE, (French) a co...
melena 10 11 excrement or vomit s...
melick 17 17 a type of perennial...
melics 16 13 MELIC, a type of per...
meliks 14 14 MELIK, in India, the...
mellay 19 13 a confused fight, al...
melled 13 12 MELL, (Scots) to mix...
mellow 16 14 to make mature [v -E...
melody 18 13 an agreeable success...
meloid 12 11 a blister beetle [n...
melons 11 11 MELON, any of severa...
melony 17 13 like a melon [adj]
melted 12 11 MELT, to change from...
melter 12 10 one who, or that whi...
melton 11 11 a strong and smooth...
member 14 15 a distinct part of a...
memoir 12 12 a biography [n -S]
memory 18 14 the gift of being ab...
menace 12 13 to threaten [v MENAC...
menads 10 11 MENAD, a female foll...
menage 10 12 to manage [v MENAGED...
mended 10 12 MEND, to repair [v]
mender 10 11 one that mends [n -S...
meneer 9 10 (Dutch) the Dutch eq...
menged 11 13 MENG, (archaic) to m...
menges 11 12 MENGE, (archaic) to...
menhir 13 12 (Welsh) a single upr...
menial 11 11 lowly [adj MENIALLY]...
mening 11 13 MENE, (Scots) to lam...
meninx 16 18 any of the membranes...
mensae 9 10 MENSA, the grinding...
mensal 11 11 belonging to the tab...
mensas 10 10 MENSA, the grinding...
mensch 16 15 an admirable person...
mensed 10 11 MENSE, to do honour...
menses 10 10 MENSE, to do honour...
mental 11 11 pertaining to the mi...
mentee 9 10 a person under the d...
mentor 10 10 to serve as a friend...
mentos 10 10 MENTO, a traditional...
mentum 12 14 the chin [n MENTA]
menudo 10 12 a spicy Mexican dish...
menyie 16 12 a family, including...
meoued 10 11 MEOU, to make the so...
meowed 13 13 MEOW, to make the so...
mercat 14 12 (Scots) market; trad...
mercer 14 12 a dealer in textiles...
merces 14 12 MERC, (short for) a...
merdes 11 10 MERDE, (French) excr...
merell 13 11 a counter used in a...
merels 12 10 MEREL, a counter use...
merely 18 12 MERE, nothing more,...
merest 11 9 MERE, nothing more,...
merged 12 12 MERGE, to combine [v...
mergee 11 11 a company acquired b...
merger 12 11 the combining of two...
merges 12 11 MERGE, to combine [v...
merils 13 10 MERIL, a counter use...
mering 12 12 a marking off [n -S]
merino 10 10 a soft woollen or wo...
merism 13 12 repetition of parts...
merits 12 9 MERIT, to deserve [v...
merkin 12 14 a hairpiece for the...
merles 12 10 MERLE, a blackbird,...
merlin 12 11 a species of small f...
merlon 11 11 the part of a parape...
merlot 12 10 a red dry wine [n -S...
merman 11 13 a fabulous creature...
mermen 11 13 MERMAN, a fabulous c...
merome 11 12 one of the serial se...
merrie 11 9 (archaic) merry [adj...
merses 11 9 MERSE, (Scots) a low...
mesail 12 10 a visor, esp. one ma...
mescal 15 13 (Nahuatl) a distille...
mesels 12 10 MESEL, (obsolete) a...
meseta 10 9 (Spanish) a plateau,...
meshed 13 12 MESH, to entangle [v...
meshes 13 11 MESH, to entangle [v...
mesiad 11 10 in biology, pertaini...
mesial 12 10 situated in the midd...
mesian 10 10 situated in the midd...
mesnes 10 10 MESNE, a legal inter...
mesons 10 10 MESON, a short-lived...
mespil 15 13 a North American tre...
messan 10 10 (Scots) a lapdog, a...
messed 11 10 MESS, to make dirty...
messes 11 9 MESS, to make dirty...
mestee 10 9 in the West Indies,...
mester 11 9 (dialect) master, he...
mestom 12 12 biological conductin...
metage 11 11 an official weighing...
metals 12 10 METAL, to cover with...
metate 10 9 in Mexico etc., a st...
meteor 10 9 a small celestial bo...
metepa 12 12 a chemical compound...
meters 11 9 METER, to measure by...
method 13 12 orderly procedure [n...
methos 13 11 METHO, (Australian s...
methyl 21 14 the radical (CH3) of...
metics 15 12 METIC, (historical)...
metier 11 9 (French) one's occup...
metifs 14 12 METIF, (French) the...
meting 12 12 METE, to distribute...
metols 12 10 METOL, a coal tar de...
metope 12 12 a space between two...
metred 11 10 METRE, to measure by...
metres 11 9 METRE, to measure by...
metric 15 12 relating to metre [a...
metros 11 9 METRO, an urban rail...
mettle 12 10 spirit or courage [n...
metump 15 16 a tumpline, a strap...
meused 11 11 MEUSE, to pass throu...
meuses 11 10 MEUSE, to pass throu...
meving 14 16 MEVE, (obsolete) to...
mevrou 13 14 (South Africa) a tit...
mewing 15 15 MEW, of a cat, to ma...
mewled 15 14 MEWL, to cry feebly,...
mewler 15 13 one that mewls [n -S...
mewsed 14 13 MEWS, to pass throug...
mewses 14 12 MEWS, to pass throug...
mezail 15 19 a visor, esp. one ma...
mezcal 18 22 (Nahuatl) a distille...
mezuza 17 28 (Hebrew) a small rol...
mezzes 17 27 MEZZ [n]
mezzos 17 27 MEZZO, (short for) m...
mganga 12 14 in Tanzania and othe...
mhorrs 14 11 MHORR, a West Africa...
miaous 11 10 MIAOU, to make the s...
miaows 14 12 MIAOW, to make the s...
miasma 12 12 a noxious vapor, als...
miasms 13 12 MIASM, a noxious vap...
miauls 13 11 MIAUL, to make the s...
mibuna 13 14 a Japanese vegetable...
micate 14 12 to furnish with mica...
micell 17 14 a group of molecular...
miched 17 15 MICHE, to play truan...
micher 17 14 a truant, also MOOCH...
miches 17 14 MICHE, to play truan...
michts 18 14 MICHT, (Scots) might...
mickey 22 18 to drug a drink [v -...
mickle 17 17 a large amount [n -S...
micron 14 13 a unit of length, al...
micros 15 12 MICRO, (short for) a...
midair 12 10 the midst of a cours...
midcap 17 16 of a company having...
midday 18 13 the middle of the da...
midden 11 12 a dungheap [n -S]
middie 12 11 a medium sized beer...
middle 13 12 equally distant from...
midges 13 12 MIDGE, a small gnatl...
midget 13 12 a very small person...
midgie 13 12 (colloquial) a small...
midgut 14 13 the middle part of t...
midleg 14 13 the middle of the le...
midpay 20 15 (Of an occupation, i...
midrib 15 13 the central vein of...
midsts 13 10 MIDST, the middle [n...
midway 21 15 a central avenue in...
mielie 12 10 an ear of corn, also...
mieved 13 14 MIEVE, (Spenser) to...
mieves 13 13 MIEVE, (Spenser) to...
miffed 16 16 MIFF, to annoy [v]
migawd 16 15 an interjection used...
miggle 15 14 a type of playing ma...
mights 16 13 MIGHT, strength, als...
mighty 22 15 full of might [adj M...
mignon 11 13 (French) a filet mig...
mihied 14 12 MIHI, to greet cerem...
mihrab 16 14 (Arabic) a niche or...
mikado 12 14 (Japanese) the popul...
miking 14 16 MIKE, to record by u...
mikron 12 14 a unit of length, al...
mikvah 17 19 (Hebrew) a place for...
mikvas 15 17 MIKVA, (Hebrew) a pl...
mikveh 17 19 a place for ritual b...
mikvos 15 17 MIKVAH, (Hebrew) a p...
mikvot 15 17 MIKVAH, (Hebrew) a p...
miladi 13 11 a term of address fo...
milady 19 13 an English gentlewom...
milage 13 12 the total distance e...
milded 13 12 MILD, to become gent...
milden 12 12 to make mild, or mil...
milder 13 11 MILD, gentle in temp...
mildew 16 14 to grow a whitish fu...
mildly 21 14 MILD, gentle in temp...
milers 13 10 MILER, one who runs...
milieu 13 11 (French) a social en...
miling 14 13 the activity of runn...
milium 15 14 a small, whitish lum...
milked 14 15 MILK, to draw milk f...
milken 13 15 like milk [adj]
milker 14 14 one who milks (cows)...
milkos 14 14 MILKO, a man who sel...
milled 14 12 MILL, to grind corn,...
miller 14 11 a person who owns or...
milles 14 11 MILLE, (French) a th...
millet 14 11 a cereal grass [n -S...
millie 14 11 (Irish) a young work...
milneb 14 14 a fungicide [n -S]
milord 13 11 (French) a term of a...
milors 13 10 MILOR, (French) a te...
milpas 15 13 MILPA, (Spanish) in...
milsey 19 12 a milk strainer [n -...
milted 13 11 MILT, to impregnate...
milter 13 10 a male fish at breed...
mimbar 15 15 (Arabic) a mosque pu...
mimeos 12 12 MIMEO, to copy by mi...
mimers 13 12 MIMER, one that mime...
mimics 17 15 MIMIC, to imitate [v...
miming 14 15 MIME, to mimic [v]
mimmer 14 15 MIM, prim, demure, p...
mimosa 12 12 any tropical shrubs...
mimsey 19 14 prim, demure, prudis...
minars 11 10 MINAR, (Arabic) a to...
minbar 13 13 (Arabic) a mosque pu...
minced 14 14 MINCE, to cut into v...
mincer 14 13 one who minces [n -S...
minces 14 13 MINCE, to cut into v...
minded 11 12 MIND, to heed, to lo...
minder 11 11 one that minds [n -S...
miners 11 10 MINER, one that mine...
minged 12 13 MING, to mix [v]
minger 12 12 an unpleasant person...
minges 12 12 MINGE, (offensive) t...
mingle 13 13 to mix together [v M...
minier 11 10 MINY, abounding with...
minify 20 15 to diminish, in appe...
minima 12 13 MINIMUM, the least p...
minims 13 13 MINIM, a note with t...
mining 12 13 the business of work...
minion 10 11 a darling, a favouri...
minish 14 12 (archaic) to diminis...
minium 13 14 a red pigment [n -S]
minkes 12 14 MINKE, a kind of sma...
minnie 10 11 (Scots) mother [n -S...
minnow 13 14 any of the small fre...
minors 11 10 MINOR, to study a su...
minted 11 11 MINT, to process or...
minter 11 10 a person who coins o...
minuet 11 11 a slow and stately B...
minute 11 11 to take brief notes...
minxes 17 17 MINX, a pert girl [n...
minyan 16 13 the minimum number r...
miombo 14 15 in East Africa, an a...
mioses 11 9 MIOSIS, (Greek) exce...
miosis 12 9 (Greek) excessive co...
miotic 15 12 relating to miosis,...
mirage 12 11 a type of optical il...
mirchi 18 14 (Hinglish) hot [adj]
mirids 13 10 MIRID, a variety of...
mirier 12 9 MIRY, full of mire [...
miring 13 12 MIRE, to sink in mud...
mirins 12 10 MIRIN, a sweet rice...
miriti 13 9 any palm of the genu...
mirker 13 13 MIRK, dark, also MUR...
mirror 12 9 a surface which refl...
mirths 15 11 MIRTH, merriness [n]
mirved 14 14 MIRV, (slang) to pro...
mirzas 15 18 MIRZA, a Persian tit...
misact 15 12 to act badly [v -ED,...
misadd 12 11 to add incorrectly [...
misaim 13 12 to aim badly [v -ED,...
misate 11 9 MISEAT, to eat impro...
miscue 15 13 to make a faulty str...
miscut 16 13 to cut incorrectly [...
misdid 13 11 MISDO, to do wrongly...
miseat 11 9 to eat improperly [v...
misere 11 9 an undertaking in ca...
misers 12 9 MISER, one who hoard...
misery 18 11 a state of great suf...
misfed 14 13 MISFEED, to feed inc...
misfit 15 12 to fit badly [v MISF...
mishap 16 14 to have an unfortuna...
mishit 15 11 to hit poorly [v MIS...
mishmi 16 14 the bitter root stoc...
miskal 14 14 an Oriental unit of...
misken 12 14 to fail to recognize...
miskey 19 15 to key in date incor...
mislay 19 12 to put in a forgotte...
misled 13 11 MISLEAD, to lead ast...
mislie 13 10 to lie in the wrong...
mislit 14 10 MISLIGHT, to lead as...
mismet 13 12 MISMEET, to meet und...
mispen 13 13 to write incorrectly...
missae 11 9 MISSA, the Mass [n]
missal 13 10 a book containing a...
missaw 15 12 MISSEE, to see wrong...
missay 18 11 to say incorrectly [...
missed 12 10 MISS, to fail to mak...
missee 11 9 to see wrongly [v MI...
missel 13 10 the mistle-thrush [n...
misses 12 9 MISS, to fail to mak...
misset 12 9 to set incorrectly [...
missis 13 9 (colloquial) wife, a...
missus 13 10 (colloquial) a wife,...
mistal 13 10 (English dialect) a...
misted 12 10 MIST, to become blur...
mister 12 9 to address as mister...
mistle 13 10 to rain in small dro...
misuse 12 10 to use incorrectly [...
misust 13 10 (Spenser) misused [v...
miters 12 9 MITER, (US) to join...
mither 14 11 to confuse, stupefy,...
mitier 12 9 MITY, infested with...
mitral 13 10 pertaining to a valv...
mitred 12 10 MITRE, to join with...
mitres 12 9 MITRE, to join with...
mitten 11 10 any of various glove...
miurus 13 11 a hexameter with a s...
mixens 17 17 MIXEN, a dunghill [n...
mixers 18 16 MIXER, one that mixe...
mixier 18 16 MIXY, mixed [adj]
mixing 19 19 the act of mixing [n...
mixups 21 20 MIXUP, a state of co...
mizens 14 19 MIZEN, in a three-ma...
mizuna 14 20 (Japanese) a variety...
mizzen 17 28 in a three-masted ve...
mizzes 18 27 MIZZ, (colloquial) m...
mizzle 19 28 to rain in fine drop...
mizzly 26 30 drizzly, raining in...
mnemes 11 13 MNEME, the persistin...
mnemic 15 16 relating to the mnem...
mnemon 10 14 a hypothetical unit...
moaned 9 11 MOAN, to utter a low...
moaner 9 10 one who moans [n -S]
moated 10 10 MOAT, to surround wi...
mobbed 15 16 MOB, to crowd about...
mobber 15 15 one that mobs [n -S]
mobbie 15 15 (Carib) a frothy bev...
mobble 16 16 (obsolete) to muffle...
mobcap 18 18 a plain cap or headd...
mobeys 19 14 MOBEY, (slang) a mob...
mobies 13 12 MOBY, (slang) a mobi...
mobile 14 13 a form of sculpture...
mobled 14 14 MOBLE, (obsolete) to...
mobles 14 13 MOBLE, (obsolete) to...
moblog 15 15 a blog of mobile pho...
mochas 16 14 MOCHA, a choice, pun...
moched 16 15 MOCH, (of foods) to...
mochie 16 14 (Scots) mouldy, damp...
mochis 17 14 MOCHI, (Japanese) a...
mocked 15 17 MOCK, to ridicule [v...
mocker 15 16 to clothe [v -ED, -I...
mockup 18 20 a full-sized model [...
mocock 18 19 a North American bar...
mocuck 19 20 a North American bar...
modals 12 11 MODAL, a modal auxil...
modded 11 12 MOD, to modify a mac...
modder 11 11 one who modifies a m...
models 12 11 MODEL, to form a pla...
modems 12 13 MODEM, to transmit b...
modena 9 11 (Italian) a dark pur...
modern 10 11 pertaining to the pr...
moders 11 10 MODER, (German) a la...
modest 11 10 unassuming [adj MODE...
modged 12 13 MODGE, (Dial) to do...
modges 12 12 MODGE, (Dial) to do...
modica 14 13 MODICUM, a small amo...
modify 20 15 to alter slightly [v...
modish 14 12 fashionable; stylish...
modist 12 10 a follower of fashio...
modius 12 11 a Roman dry measure...
module 12 12 a standard of measur...
moduli 13 12 MODULUS, a constant...
modulo 12 12 with respect to a mo...
moered 10 10 MOER, (South African...
moffie 15 15 (South Africa) a hom...
moggan 12 14 a footless stocking...
mogged 13 14 MOG, to move away [v...
moggie 13 13 (colloquial) a cat,...
moghul 16 15 an important person,...
moguls 14 13 MOGUL, an influentia...
mohair 13 11 a fabric made from t...
mohawk 17 18 a skating movement [...
mohels 14 12 MOHEL, a person who...
mohuas 13 12 MOHUA, a small New Z...
mohurs 14 12 MOHUR, a former gold...
moider 11 10 to confuse, stupefy,...
moiety 17 11 a half, also MOYITY...
moiled 12 11 MOIL, to drudge, wor...
moiler 12 10 one who moils, drudg...
moiles 12 10 MOILE, a type of ric...
moirai 11 9 MOIRA, fate or desti...
moires 11 9 MOIRE, a fabric havi...
moiser 11 9 (Yiddish) an informe...
moists 12 9 MOIST, to wet slight...
mojito 13 18 a traditional Cuban...
mojoes 12 18 MOJO, a magic charm...
mokihi 15 15 a Maori raft [n -S]
mokoro 11 13 the traditional dugo...
moksha 14 15 (Hindu) freedom from...
molars 12 10 MOLAR, a grinding to...
molded 12 12 MOLD, to work into a...
molder 12 11 to turn to dust by n...
molest 12 10 to touch or interfer...
molies 12 10 MOLY, a magical herb...
moline 11 11 a cross with two out...
moling 13 13 MOLE, to elicit bit...
mollah 15 13 (Arabic) a Muslim le...
mollas 13 11 MOLLA, (Arabic) a Mu...
mollie 13 11 the carousing of sea...
moloch 17 15 a spiny Australian l...
molted 12 11 MOLT, to shed feathe...
molten 11 11 made liquid by heat...
molter 12 10 one that molts, also...
moment 11 13 a brief period of ti...
momism 14 15 an excessive depende...
mommas 13 15 MOMMA, (colloquial)...
mommet 13 15 a puppet; a doll, al...
momoir 12 12 a memoir written by...
momser 12 12 (Yiddish) an illegit...
momzer 15 21 (Yiddish) an illegit...
monact 13 13 the spicule of a spo...
monads 10 11 MONAD, the number on...
monals 11 11 MONAL, a Himalayan p...
monaul 11 12 a kind of pheasant,...
mondes 10 11 MONDE, (French) the...
mondos 10 11 MONDO, a Zen Buddhis...
moneme 10 13 a word or part of a...
monera 9 10 MONER, a hypothetica...
moneth 12 12 (Spenser) a month [n...
moneys 16 12 MONEY, an official m...
monged 11 13 (slang) under the in...
monger 11 12 a trader; a dealer;...
mongoe 10 12 the waste produced i...
mongol 12 13 a person affected by...
mongos 11 12 MONGO, the waste pro...
mongst 12 12 (obsolete) amongst,...
monial 11 11 a mullion, the uprig...
monied 10 11 having lots of money...
monies 10 10 MONEY, an official m...
monish 13 12 to admonish; to warn...
monism 12 13 the philosophical be...
monist 11 10 a believer in monism...
monkey 17 16 to mimic [v -ED, -IN...
monoao 8 10 (Maori) a New Zealan...
monody 16 13 an elegy performed b...
monosy 16 12 a separation of part...
montan 9 11 as in montan wax, a...
montem 11 13 a custom, formerly p...
montes 10 10 MONS, a protuberance...
months 13 12 MONTH, one of the tw...
montre 10 10 the visible pipes of...
mooing 11 12 MOO, to make the sou...
moolah 13 12 (Arabic) a Muslim le...
moolas 11 10 MOOLA, (slang) money...
mooled 11 11 MOOL, (Scots) to cov...
mooley 17 12 a hornless cow, also...
moolis 12 10 MOOLI, an East Afric...
mooloo 10 10 (New Zealand) someon...
moolvi 14 14 a teacher of Islamic...
mooned 9 11 MOON, to wander abou...
mooner 9 10 one who abstractedly...
mooped 12 13 MOOP, (Scots) to nib...
moored 10 10 MOOR, to secure a ve...
moorva 12 13 a bowstring hemp, al...
mooted 10 10 MOOT, to bring up fo...
mooter 10 9 a disputer of a moot...
mooved 12 14 MOOVE, (obsolete) to...
mooves 12 13 MOOVE, (obsolete) to...
mopane 11 13 a small South Africa...
mopani 12 13 a small South Africa...
mopeds 13 13 MOPED, a type of mot...
mopers 13 12 MOPER, one who mopes...
mopery 19 14 violation of a trivi...
mopier 13 12 MOPY, dejected, also...
mopily 21 15 MOPY, dejected, also...
moping 14 15 MOPE, to be listless...
mopish 16 14 dull; spiritless; de...
mopoke 13 16 an owl of Australia...
mopped 15 16 MOP, to clean with a...
mopper 15 15 one who mops [n -S]
moppet 15 15 a baby, a darling [n...
morale 11 10 the state of the spi...
morall 13 11 (Shakespeare) a mura...
morals 12 10 MORAL, (archaic) to...
morass 11 9 a very wet or muddy...
morats 11 9 MORAT, a drink made...
morays 17 11 MORAY, a kind of eel...
morbid 14 13 of the nature of or...
morbus 14 13 (Latin) a disease, i...
morcha 16 14 (India) a hostile de...
moreen 9 10 a stout corded wool...
morels 12 10 MOREL, a kind of edi...
morgan 11 12 a unit of distance b...
morgay 18 13 (Welsh) the small-sp...
morgen 11 12 a Dutch unit of land...
morgue 12 12 a place where dead b...
morias 11 9 MORIA, (Greek) folly...
morion 10 10 a type of helmet, al...
morish 14 11 such that one wants...
morkin 12 14 an animal that has d...
mornay 16 12 a cream sauce with a...
morned 10 11 blunted [adj]
mornes 10 10 MORNE, the blunt end...
morons 10 10 MORON, a mentally de...
morose 10 9 sad, gloomy [adj MOR...
morpho 15 14 a kind of tropical b...
morphs 16 14 MORPH, to gradually...
morras 11 9 MORRA, a game of gue...
morris 12 9 an English folk danc...
morros 11 9 MORRO, a rounded ele...
morrow 14 12 the next day [n -S]
morsal 12 10 a morsel [n -S]
morsel 12 10 to divide into small...
morses 11 9 MORSE, (French) a wa...
mortal 12 10 fatal [adj MORTALLY]...
mortar 11 9 to bind with a type...
morula 12 11 an embryonic mass of...
moryah 19 13 (Irish) expressing a...
mosaic 14 12 in the form of a mos...
moseys 17 11 MOSEY, to saunter [v...
moshav 15 15 a cooperative settle...
moshed 13 12 MOSH, to dance frant...
mosher 13 11 one who moshes, danc...
moshes 13 11 MOSH, to dance frant...
mosing 12 12 MOSE, to have glande...
mosque 19 19 a Muslim place of wo...
mossed 11 10 MOSS, to cover with...
mosser 11 9 a person who works i...
mosses 11 9 MOSS, to cover with...
mossie 11 9 (Australian colloqui...
mostly 19 12 MOST, in the highest...
motels 12 10 MOTEL, a roadside ho...
motets 11 9 MOTET, (French) a ki...
motett 11 9 (French) a kind of u...
moteys 17 11 MOTEY, a pigment mad...
mothed 13 12 moth-eaten [adj]
mother 13 11 to give birth to [v...
motier 11 9 MOTEY, full of motes...
motifs 14 12 MOTIF, (French) a di...
motile 12 10 a person whose image...
motion 10 10 to direct by a gestu...
motive 13 13 to inspire to action...
motley 18 12 diversified in colou...
motmot 12 12 any of several mainl...
motors 11 9 MOTOR, to travel by...
motory 17 11 conveying motion [ad...
motser 11 9 (Australian slang) a...
mottes 11 9 MOTTE, an artificial...
mottle 12 10 to mark with spots o...
mottos 11 9 MOTTO, a short expre...
motuca 14 13 a large Brazilian bi...
motzas 14 18 MOTZA, (Australian s...
mought 15 14 MAY, to gather flowe...
moujik 15 23 a Russian peasant, a...
moulds 13 12 MOULD, to work into...
mouldy 19 14 covered with mould [...
moulin 12 12 a nearly vertical, c...
moults 13 11 MOULT, to shed feath...
mounds 11 12 MOUND, to heap in a...
mounts 11 11 MOUNT, to climb [v]
mouped 13 14 MOUP, (Scots) to nib...
mourns 11 11 MOURN, to feel or ex...
moused 11 11 MOUSE, to hunt mice...
mouser 11 10 a cat kept to catch...
mouses 11 10 MOUSE, to hunt mice...
mousey 17 12 resembling a mouse,...
mousie 11 10 a young mouse [n -S]
mousle 12 11 to pull roughly [v M...
mousme 12 13 a Japanese girl, esp...
mousse 11 10 to apply a hair-styl...
mousts 12 10 MOUST, to powder, al...
moutan 10 11 the Chinese tree peo...
mouter 11 10 (Scots) a miller's f...
mouths 14 12 MOUTH, to feed into...
mouthy 20 14 outspoken, obstreper...
mouton 10 11 (French) a sheepskin...
movant 12 14 a person who applies...
movers 13 13 MOVER, one that move...
movies 13 13 MOVIE, a motion pict...
moving 14 16 MOVE, to change from...
mowdie 14 13 (Scots) a mole, also...
mowers 14 12 MOWER, one that mows...
mowing 15 15 the act of mowing [n...
mowras 14 12 MOWRA, (Hindi) a kin...
moxies 17 16 MOXIE, (US slang) co...
moyity 24 13 (Spenser) moiety [n...
moyled 18 13 MOYLE, to moil, toil...
moyles 18 12 MOYLE, to moil, toil...
mozing 15 21 MOZE, to raise a nap...
mozzes 17 27 MOZZ, (Australian sl...
mozzie 17 27 (Australian slang) m...
mozzle 18 28 (Hebrew) to hamper o...
mprets 14 12 MPRET, a former titl...
mucate 14 13 a salt of mucic acid...
muchel 18 16 (archaic) a great de...
muches 17 15 MUCH, a great deal [...
muchly 25 18 MUCH, plentiful [adv...
mucins 15 14 MUCIN, a protein sec...
mucked 16 18 MUCK, to manure with...
mucker 16 17 to squander [v -ED,...
muckle 17 18 (Scots) a great deal...
mucluc 20 18 (Inuit) a type of se...
mucoid 15 14 a substance like muc...
mucors 15 13 MUCOR, a genus of mo...
mucosa 14 13 a mucous membrane [n...
mucose 14 13 containing mucus, al...
mucous 15 14 containing mucus, al...
mucros 15 13 MUCRO, a sharp point...
mudbug 16 17 a crayfish [n -S]
mudcap 17 17 to cover an explosiv...
mudcat 15 14 (US) a name given to...
mudded 12 13 MUD, to cover with s...
mudder 12 12 a racehorse that run...
muddle 13 13 to mix up [v MUDDLED...
muddly 20 15 disordered [adj MUDD...
mudeye 17 13 the larva of the dra...
mudged 13 14 MUDGE, to equivocate...
mudger 13 13 one who mudges, equi...
mudges 13 13 MUDGE, to equivocate...
mudhen 13 14 a water bird living...
mudirs 13 11 MUDIR, (Arabic) a lo...
mudpie 14 14 a small mass of mud...
mudras 12 11 MUDRA, a hand gestur...
muesli 13 11 (German) a dish of r...
muffed 16 17 MUFF, to make a mess...
muffin 16 17 a thick round baked...
muffle 17 17 to dull the sound of...
muflon 14 15 (French) a Corsican...
muftis 15 13 MUFTI, civilian dres...
mugful 17 17 as much as a mug can...
muggar 14 14 (Hindi) a broad-snou...
muggas 14 14 MUGGA, (Native Austr...
mugged 14 15 MUGG, to make funny...
muggee 13 14 the victim of a mugg...
mugger 14 14 (Hindi) a broad-snou...
muggle 15 15 (in fantasy fiction)...
muggur 15 15 (Hindi) a broad-snou...
mughal 16 15 an important person,...
muists 13 10 MUIST, to powder, al...
mujiks 16 23 MUJIK, (Russian) a R...
mukluk 16 20 (Inuit) a type of se...
muktuk 15 19 (Inuit) whale skin u...
mulcts 17 14 MULCT, to take money...
muleta 12 11 (Spanish) a small ca...
muleys 19 13 MULEY, a hornless co...
mulgas 14 13 MULGA, (Native Austr...
mulies 13 11 MULIE, a western Nor...
muling 14 14 MULE, to strike a co...
mulish 16 13 like a mule; stubbor...
mullah 16 14 (Arabic) a Muslim le...
mullas 14 12 MULLA, (Arabic) a Mu...
mulled 14 13 MULL, to ponder [v]
mullen 13 13 a tall, stiff, yello...
muller 14 12 to inflict a severe...
mullet 14 12 a kind of fish; a fi...
mulley 20 14 a hornless cow, also...
mulmul 16 16 (Hindi) a fine, soft...
mulses 13 11 MULSE, (obsolete) a...
multum 15 15 an extract of quassi...
mumble 16 17 to speak indistinctl...
mumbly 23 19 given to mumbling [a...
mummed 14 17 MUMM, to act in a di...
mummer 14 16 to take part in mumm...
mummia 14 16 mummy as a drug or s...
mumped 15 17 MUMP, to mumble, mut...
mumper 15 16 a beggar; a begging...
munchy 23 18 suitable for snackin...
mundic 15 15 iron pyrites [n -S]
mungas 12 13 MUNGA, (New Zealand)...
munged 12 14 MUNG, to process com...
munges 12 13 MUNGE, to create a s...
mungos 12 13 MUNGO, the waste pro...
munify 20 16 to fortify, also MUN...
munite 11 11 to fortify, also MUN...
munshi 14 13 (Hindi) a secretary,...
munted 11 12 destroyed or ruined;...
munter 11 11 (colloquial) an unat...
muntin 11 12 the vertical framing...
muntus 12 12 MUNTU, a black Afric...
muonic 14 14 relating to a muon,...
muppet 16 16 (slang) a stupid per...
murage 12 12 (historical) a rate...
murals 13 11 MURAL, a painting on...
murder 12 11 to kill unlawfully w...
murein 11 11 a peptidoglycan foun...
murena 10 11 a genus of large eel...
murids 13 11 MURID, any of the fa...
murine 11 11 any of the family of...
muring 13 13 MURE, to wall up the...
murked 13 15 MURK, to murder, def...
murker 13 14 MURK, dark, gloomy,...
murkly 21 17 MURK, dark, gloomy,...
murlan 12 12 (Gaelic) a narrow-mo...
murled 13 12 MURL, (Scots) to cru...
murlin 13 12 (Gaelic) a narrow-mo...
murmur 14 14 to make a subdued mu...
murphy 23 17 (colloquial) a potat...
murram 13 13 a tough clayey grave...
murras 12 10 MURRA, an ancient Ro...
murray 18 12 a kind of eel, also...
murree 11 10 (Native Australian)...
murren 11 11 a disease of cattle,...
murres 12 10 MURRE, a guillemot,...
murrey 18 12 a kind of eel, also...
murrha 14 12 an ancient Roman sub...
murrin 12 11 a disease of cattle,...
murris 13 10 MURRI, (Native Austr...
murtis 13 10 MURTI, (Sanskrit) an...
murvas 14 14 MURVA, a bowstring h...
musang 12 13 a civetlike animal o...
musars 12 10 MUSAR, (Yiddish) Rab...
muscae 14 13 MUSCA, a genus of di...
muscat 15 13 (French) a sweet whi...
muscid 16 14 a member of the hous...
muscle 16 14 to force one's way [...
muscly 23 16 of a muscular build,...
musers 12 10 MUSER, one who muses...
musets 12 10 MUSET, a gap in a fe...
museum 13 14 a repository for the...
mushed 14 13 MUSH, to reduce to m...
musher 14 12 a person who travels...
mushes 14 12 MUSH, to reduce to m...
musick 17 17 to compose music for...
musics 16 13 MUSIC, to perform th...
musing 13 13 reflective [adj MUSI...
musits 13 10 MUSIT, a gap in a fe...
musive 14 14 relating to mosaic [...
musjid 15 20 (Arabic) a mosque, a...
musked 13 15 MUSK, to perfume wit...
muskeg 14 16 a marsh, also MASKEG...
musket 13 14 a long-barrelled muz...
muskie 13 14 (short for) a muskel...
muskit 14 14 a name for two trees...
muskle 14 15 (obsolete) a mussel,...
muskox 19 21 a large bovid of arc...
muslin 13 12 a cotton fabric [n -...
musmon 12 14 a Corsican wild shee...
musrol 13 11 (obsolete) the noseb...
mussed 12 11 MUSS, to disarrange,...
mussel 13 11 any of various marin...
musses 12 10 MUSS, to disarrange,...
musted 12 11 MUST, to powder, als...
mustee 11 10 in the West Indies,...
muster 12 10 to gather together [...
musths 15 12 MUSTH, a state of fr...
mutant 11 11 something that under...
mutase 11 10 any of various enzym...
mutate 11 10 to undergo mutation...
mutely 19 13 MUTE, dumb [adv]
mutest 12 10 MUTE, dumb [adj]
muthas 14 12 MUTHA, (slang) a mot...
mutine 11 11 to revolt against co...
muting 13 13 MUTE, to deaden the...
mutiny 18 13 to revolt against co...
mutism 14 13 the condition of bei...
mutons 11 11 MUTON, a unit of nuc...
mutter 12 10 to speak unclearly [...
mutton 11 11 the flesh of sheep u...
mutual 13 12 shared in common [ad...
mutuca 15 14 a large Brazilian bi...
mutuel 13 12 a system of betting...
mutule 13 12 an ornamental block...
mutuum 14 15 (historical) a bailm...
muumuu 14 16 (Hawaiian) a long lo...
muxing 19 20 MUX, to spoil, botch...
muzaks 16 23 MUZAK, piped backgro...
muzaky 22 25 like piped music [ad...
muzhik 19 25 a Russian peasant, a...
muzjik 19 32 a Russian peasant, a...
muzzed 18 29 MUZZ, to make muzzy...
muzzes 18 28 MUZZ, to make muzzy...
muzzle 19 29 to cover the mouth o...
mvules 15 15 MVULE, an African tr...
myalls 20 13 MYALL, (Native Austr...
myases 17 11 MYASIS, infestation...
myasis 18 11 infestation of human...
mycele 21 15 the white threads or...
myelin 18 13 the fatty substance...
myelon 17 13 the spinal cord [n -...
mygale 19 14 an American bird-cat...
mylars 19 12 MYLAR, strong polyes...
mynahs 19 14 MYNAH, (Hindi) an As...
myogen 17 14 an albumin, soluble...
myoids 18 12 MYOID, a section of...
myomas 18 14 MYOMA, a tumour comp...
myopes 19 14 MYOPE, a person havi...
myopia 19 14 a visual defect, als...
myopic 23 17 short-sighted [adj M...
myoses 17 11 MYOSIS, (Greek) exce...
myosin 17 12 a protein found in m...
myosis 18 11 (Greek) excessive co...
myotic 21 14 an agent that causes...
myriad 18 12 ten thousand [n -S]
myrica 21 14 a widely dispersed g...
myrrhs 21 13 MYRRH, an aromatic g...
myrrhy 27 15 of or like myrrh [ad...
myrtle 19 12 any of various everg...
myself 21 15 a form of the 1st pe...
mysids 19 12 MYSID, a kind of sma...
mysost 18 11 (Norwegian) a mild c...
mystic 22 14 related to mystery [...
mythic 24 16 relating to myth, al...
mythoi 20 13 MYTHOS, a type of tr...
mythos 20 13 a type of traditiona...
mythus 21 14 a type of traditiona...
myxoid 24 19 containing mucus [ad...
myxoma 24 21 a tumour composed of...
mzungu 16 23 (Swahili) in East Af...