6 letter words that starts with k

6 letter words that start with K

6 letter K word


Word With Friends


kaamas 11 13 KAAMA, a large South...
kababs 15 16 KABAB, cubes of meat...
kabaka 13 17 a Ugandan emperor [n...
kabala 13 14 a Jewish doctrine ba...
kabars 13 13 KABAR, (Scots) a hea...
kabaya 18 15 a cotton jacket [n -...
kabele 13 14 a self-governing ass...
kabiki 15 17 a tropical tree, aka...
kabobs 15 16 KABOB, to cook on a...
kaboom 13 16 the sound of a large...
kabuki 15 18 a formal, stylized f...
kaccha 19 18 short trousers worn...
kadais 11 11 KADAI, (Hindi) a wok...
kaeing 11 13 KAE, to serve, also...
kaffir 16 16 a kind of cereal gra...
kafila 14 14 a caravan, also CAFI...
kafirs 14 13 KAFIR, a kind of cer...
kaftan 12 14 a kind of tunic, als...
kagool 12 13 a light anorak, also...
kagoul 13 14 a light anorak, also...
kahals 14 13 KAHAL, the governing...
kahuna 12 14 (Hawaiian) a priest...
kaiaks 12 14 KAIAK, to travel by...
kaikai 12 14 (Maori) food, a feas...
kaikas 12 14 KAIKA, (New Zealand)...
kainga 11 13 a Maori village [n -...
kainit 11 11 (German) hydrous mag...
kaiser 11 10 an emperor, also KEA...
kaizen 13 20 in Japan, the princi...
kakapo 13 17 (Maori) a ground-dwe...
kakuro 12 15 a kind of logic puzz...
kalams 13 14 KALAM, a type of Mus...
kalian 11 12 a Persian hookah or...
kalifs 15 14 KALIF, an Eastern ru...
kaliph 17 16 an Eastern ruler, al...
kalium 14 15 an old name for pota...
kalmia 13 14 a genus of North Ame...
kalong 12 14 a fruit-eating bat [...
kalpac 17 17 a triangular Turkish...
kalpak 15 18 a triangular Turkish...
kalpas 14 14 KALPA, one of the Br...
kalpis 15 14 a Greek water-jar [n...
kaluki 14 16 a card game similar...
kamahi 14 15 a tall New Zealand h...
kamala 12 14 the red dusty hairs...
kamees 11 13 in South Asia, a loo...
kameez 14 22 in South Asia, a loo...
kamela 12 14 the red dusty hairs...
kamiks 14 17 KAMIK, (Inuit) a kne...
kamila 13 14 the red dusty hairs...
kamsin 12 14 the sirocco in Egypt...
kanaes 9 11 KANAE, (Maori) the g...
kanaka 10 15 (Hawaiian) a native...
kanban 11 15 a Japanese industria...
kanehs 12 13 KANEH, (Hebrew) a He...
kangas 11 13 KANGA, a coloured co...
kangha 13 15 a coloured cotton cl...
kanjis 13 20 KANJI, the character...
kanses 10 11 KANS, a type of Indi...
kantar 10 11 an Arab unit of weig...
kanted 10 12 KANT, to tilt, slope...
kanten 9 12 agar-agar jelly [n -...
kantha 12 13 an embroidered India...
kanuka 11 16 a New Zealand myrtac...
kanzus 14 21 KANZU, a long white...
kaolin 11 12 a very pure white cl...
kaonic 13 14 of or like a kaon, a...
kapeek 13 17 KAPEYKA, a monetary...
kapoks 14 17 KAPOK, a very light,...
kapows 16 16 KAPOW, a sudden shar...
kappas 15 16 KAPPA, the tenth let...
kapuka 14 18 a large evergreen tr...
kaputt 14 14 (German) finished, d...
karahi 13 12 (Hindi) a wok-like c...
karait 11 10 a venomous snake of...
karaka 11 14 a New Zealand tree w...
karamu 12 14 a small New Zealand...
karate 10 10 a Japanese art of se...
karats 11 10 KARAT, (US) a unit o...
karite 11 10 an African tree, aka...
karked 12 15 KARK, (Australian sl...
karmas 12 13 KARMA, (Sanskrit) th...
karmic 16 16 (Sanskrit) relating...
karoos 10 10 KAROO, in South Afri...
karoro 10 10 (Maori) a large seag...
kaross 11 10 (Afrikaans) a South...
karris 12 10 KARRI, a type of Aus...
karroo 10 10 n South Africa, a hi...
karsey 17 12 (slang) a lavatory,...
karsts 12 10 KARST, a landscape c...
karter 11 10 one who drives go-ca...
karyon 16 13 the cell nucleus [n...
kasbah 15 15 the old section of a...
kashas 13 12 KASHA, (Russian) a p...
kasher 13 12 to prepare food acco...
katals 12 11 KATAL, a derived SI...
katana 9 11 a long single-edged...
kathak 14 16 (Sanskrit) a classic...
kation 10 11 a positively charged...
katipo 13 13 (Maori) a venomous b...
kattis 12 10 KATTI, an Asian unit...
kaughs 15 15 KAUGH, (Scots) care,...
kauris 12 11 KAURI, (Maori) a gum...
kaurus 12 12 KAURU, the edible st...
kavals 14 15 KAVAL, a kind of flu...
kavass 13 14 an armed attendant i...
kawaii 14 13 (Japanese) in Japane...
kawaus 14 14 KAWAU, (Maori) the b...
kawing 15 16 KAW, to cry like a c...
kayaks 18 16 KAYAK, to travel by...
kayles 18 13 KAYLE, a ninepin, al...
kayoed 16 13 KAYO, to knock out [...
kayoes 16 12 KAYO, to knock out [...
kazoos 13 19 KAZOO, a toy musical...
keasar 10 10 (obsolete) an empero...
keavie 12 14 (Scots) a hencoop or...
kebabs 15 16 KEBAB, to skewer, al...
kebars 13 13 KEBAR, (Scots) a hea...
kebbed 15 17 KEB, to give birth t...
kebbie 15 16 (Scots) a shepherd's...
kebele 13 14 a self-governing ass...
keblah 16 16 (Arabic) the directi...
kebobs 15 16 KEBOB, to skewer, al...
kecked 15 18 KECK, to heave or re...
keckle 16 18 to protect by bindin...
kecksy 22 19 the hollow stalk of...
keddah 13 14 (Hindi) an enclosure...
kedged 12 14 KEDGE, to move (a sh...
kedger 12 13 a small steadying an...
kedges 12 13 KEDGE, to move (a sh...
keeked 11 15 KEEK, to glance; to...
keeker 11 14 someone who looks, s...
keeled 11 12 KEEL, to turn keel u...
keeler 11 11 one employed in mana...
keelie 11 11 (Scots) the kestrel...
keemas 11 13 KEEMA, (Hindi) in In...
keened 9 12 KEEN, to wail loudly...
keener 9 11 a professional mourn...
keenly 17 14 KEEN, enthusiastic [...
keenos 9 11 KEENO, a gambling ga...
keeper 12 13 one who keeps [n -S]
keeves 12 14 KEEVE, a large tub,...
keffel 16 17 (Welsh) a horse, a n...
kefirs 14 13 KEFIR, a drink made...
kegged 13 15 KEG, to store in a k...
kegger 13 14 a drinking party at...
kegler 13 13 a bowler, also KEGEL...
kehuas 13 13 KEHUA, (Maori) a gho...
keight 15 14 (Spenser) caught [v]
keiren 10 11 an 8-lap track cycli...
keirin 11 11 an 8-lap track cycli...
kekeno 10 15 a New Zealand fur se...
keksye 18 16 the hollow stalk of...
keleps 14 14 KELEP, a stinging an...
kelims 14 14 KELIM, a pileless wo...
keloid 12 12 a hard growth of sca...
kelped 14 15 KELP, to burn kelp s...
kelper 14 14 an inhabitant of the...
kelpie 14 14 (Scots) a water-hors...
kelson 11 12 a wooden or steel st...
kelter 12 11 a coarse cloth made...
keltie 12 11 (Scots) a bumper or...
kelvin 14 16 the SI unit of tempe...
kembed 14 17 KEMB, (dialect) to c...
kembla 15 17 (Australian slang) s...
kembos 14 16 KEMBO, to set akimbo...
kemped 14 17 KEMP, to strive to w...
kemper 14 16 a champion [n -S]
kemple 15 17 (Scots) forty bundle...
kenafs 12 14 KENAF, a fibre-yield...
kendos 10 12 KENDO, a martial art...
kenned 9 13 KEN, to know [v]
kennel 10 13 to put in a dog hous...
kenner 9 12 one who kens, knows...
kennet 9 12 a small hunting dog...
kented 10 12 KENT, to steer by a...
kentes 10 11 KENTE, brightly colo...
kentia 10 11 the Howea feather pa...
kephir 16 15 a drink made from fe...
kepped 15 17 KEP, (Scots) to catc...
keppen 14 17 KEP, (Scots) to catc...
keppit 16 16 KEP, (Scots) to catc...
kerbed 13 14 KERB, to provide wit...
kerels 12 11 KEREL, (Afrikaans) a...
kereru 11 11 a kind of New Zealan...
kerfed 13 14 KERF, to make an inc...
kermas 12 13 KERMA, a term in phy...
kermes 12 13 a red cochineal-like...
kermis 13 13 (Dutch) in Europe, p...
kerned 10 12 KERN, to be formed w...
kernel 11 12 to envelop like the...
kernes 10 11 KERNE, a medieval fo...
kerria 11 10 a flowering shrub [n...
kersey 17 12 a kind of coarse woo...
kerved 13 15 KERVE, (Spenser) to...
kerves 13 14 KERVE, (Spenser) to...
kesars 11 10 KESAR, (obsolete) an...
keshes 13 12 KESH, the uncut hair...
ketene 9 11 a toxic gas, also ET...
ketmia 12 13 as in bladder ketmia...
ketols 12 11 KETOL, one of a seri...
ketone 9 11 a chemical compound...
ketose 10 10 any of a class of mo...
kettle 12 11 a device for boiling...
kevels 14 15 KEVEL, (Scots) a pie...
kevils 15 15 KEVIL, (Scots) a pie...
kewler 15 14 KEWL, (colloquial) c...
kewpie 16 16 (tradename) as in ke...
keyers 17 12 KEYER, a device that...
keying 18 15 providing a key for...
keypad 19 16 a small device with...
keypal 20 16 a person with whom o...
keyset 17 12 a system of finger l...
keyway 26 17 a groove cut in a sh...
kgotla 13 13 an assembly of triba...
khadis 14 13 KHADI, (Hindi) a hom...
khakis 15 16 KHAKI, a dull browni...
khalat 14 13 an Indian robe of ho...
khalif 17 16 (Arabic) an Eastern...
khanda 12 14 a double-edged Sikh...
khanga 13 15 (Swahili) a piece of...
khanum 14 17 a lady's title of ra...
khaphs 18 17 KHAPH, (Hebrew) the...
kharif 16 15 in India, a crop sow...
khayal 20 15 a kind of classical...
khayas 19 14 KHAYA, a lofty West...
khazen 15 22 (Hebrew) a cantor in...
khazis 17 21 KHAZI, (slang) a lav...
khedah 15 15 an enclosure for ele...
khedas 13 13 KHEDA, an enclosure...
kheths 16 14 KHETH, (Hebrew) the...
khilat 15 13 (Hindi) a robe of ho...
khilim 17 16 an Eastern woven rug...
khimar 15 15 a type of head cover...
khodja 15 22 (Turkish) an Eastern...
khojas 15 21 KHOJA, a Middle East...
khoums 15 16 KHOUM, (Arabic) a mo...
khurta 14 13 a loose-fitting tuni...
kiaats 11 10 KIAAT, (Afrikaans) a...
kiacks 16 17 KIACK, a fish of the...
kiangs 12 13 KIANG, a kind of Tib...
kiaugh 15 15 (Scots) care, troubl...
kibbeh 18 18 an Eastern dish of g...
kibbes 16 16 KIBBE, an Eastern di...
kibbis 17 16 KIBBI, an Eastern di...
kibble 17 17 to grind coarsely [v...
kibeis 14 13 KIBEI, (Japanese) an...
kibitz 18 22 to give unwelcome ad...
kiblah 17 16 (Arabic) the directi...
kiblas 15 14 KIBLA, (Arabic) the...
kibosh 16 15 to put a stop to, ru...
kicked 16 18 KICK, to strike with...
kicker 16 17 one that kicks [n -S...
kickup 19 21 a noisy argument [n...
kidded 12 13 KID, to tease, decei...
kidder 12 12 a person who kids an...
kiddie 12 12 (colloquial) a child...
kiddle 13 13 a stake fence set in...
kiddos 12 12 KIDDO, (slang) a kid...
kidels 13 12 KIDEL, (historical)...
kidgie 13 13 (Scots) brisk, cheer...
kidlet 13 12 a little child [n -S...
kidlit 14 12 literature for child...
kidnap 13 15 to take by force and...
kidney 17 14 a bodily organ [n -S...
kidult 14 13 (slang) a film or vi...
kidvid 15 16 a television or vide...
kiekie 12 14 (Maori) a climbing b...
kierie 11 10 in South Africa, a s...
kieves 13 14 KIEVE, a large tub,...
kights 16 14 KIGHT, (Spenser) a b...
kikois 13 14 KIKOI, in East Afric...
kikuyu 20 18 a type of African gr...
kilerg 14 13 a thousand ergs [n -...
kileys 19 13 KILEY, a boomerang,...
kilims 15 14 KILIM, a pileless wo...
killas 14 12 a Cornish word for c...
killed 14 13 KILL, to put to deat...
killer 14 12 one that kills [n -S...
killie 14 12 a small freshwater f...
killut 15 13 an Indian robe of ho...
kilned 12 13 KILN, to bake in a t...
kilted 13 12 KILT, to tuck up lik...
kilter 13 11 good condition, also...
kiltie 13 11 one who wears a kilt...
kimbos 15 16 KIMBO, to set akimbo...
kimchi 19 18 a spicy Korean dish...
kimmer 14 16 a godmother, also CU...
kimono 11 14 (Japanese) a traditi...
kinara 10 11 an African candle ho...
kinase 10 11 a kind of enzyme [n...
kincob 16 17 a rich silk fabric m...
kinded 11 13 KIND, (obsolete) to...
kinder 11 12 (short for) a kinder...
kindie 11 12 (Australian slang) a...
kindle 12 13 to cause to burn [v...
kindly 19 15 kind [adj KINDLIER,...
kinema 11 14 cinema [n -S]
kinged 12 14 KING, to make king;...
kingle 13 14 (Scots) a very hard...
kingly 20 16 befitting a king [ad...
kinins 11 12 KININ, a plant hormo...
kinked 12 16 KINK, to form a loop...
kinkle 13 16 a slight kink [n -S]
kinone 9 12 a golden-yellow crys...
kinred 11 12 (Spenser) kindred [n...
kiores 11 10 KIORE, a small brown...
kiosks 13 14 KIOSK, an open booth...
kippah 18 18 (Hebrew) a religious...
kippas 16 16 KIPPA, (Hebrew) a re...
kipped 16 17 KIP, to sleep [v]
kippen 15 17 KEP, (Scots) to catc...
kipper 16 16 to cure fish by salt...
kirana 10 11 (In India) a small,...
kirbeh 16 15 an Eastern water con...
kirked 13 15 KIRK, to perform a c...
kirned 11 12 KIRN, to churn [v]
kirpan 13 14 a small sword of rel...
kirris 13 10 KIRRI, a stick, also...
kirsch 18 15 (German) an alcoholi...
kirtan 11 11 (Sanskrit) devotiona...
kirtle 13 11 (historical) a man's...
kisans 11 11 KISAN, (Hindi) an In...
kishes 14 12 KISH, solid graphite...
kishka 15 16 (Yiddish) seasoned m...
kishke 15 16 (Yiddish) seasoned m...
kismat 13 13 destiny, also KISMET...
kismet 13 13 destiny, also KISMAT...
kissed 12 11 KISS, to caress by t...
kissel 13 11 (Russian) thickened...
kisser 12 10 (colloquial) the mou...
kisses 12 10 KISS, to caress by t...
kisted 12 11 KIST, to place into...
kitbag 15 15 a bag for holding ki...
kiters 12 10 KITER, one that kite...
kithed 14 13 KITHE, to make known...
kithes 14 12 KITHE, to make known...
kiting 13 13 kite-flying [n -S]
kitsch 18 15 faddish art or liter...
kitset 12 10 in New Zealand, a se...
kitted 12 11 KIT, to equip, fit o...
kittel 13 11 (Yiddish) a white ro...
kitten 11 11 to bear young cats [...
kittle 13 11 (Scots) ticklish, de...
kittly 20 13 (Scots) ticklish, de...
kittul 14 12 the jaggery palm; a...
kituls 14 12 KITUL, the jaggery p...
klangs 13 14 KLANG, (German) a co...
klatch 18 16 in North America, a...
klaxon 17 19 a loud mechanical ho...
klepht 17 16 a Greek brigand or g...
klepto 14 14 (short for) kleptoma...
kletts 13 11 KLETT, a lightweight...
klicks 18 18 KLICK, (colloquial)...
kliegs 14 13 KLIEG, a kind of ele...
klongs 13 14 KLONG, in Thailand,...
klooch 17 16 (Native American) a...
kloofs 14 14 KLOOF, a deep ravine...
kludge 14 15 to contrive a clumsy...
kludgy 21 17 involving or put tog...
kluged 14 15 KLUGE, to fix by clu...
kluges 14 14 KLUGE, to fix by clu...
klutzy 23 23 clumsy [adj KLUTZIER...
knacks 15 18 KNACK, to strike sha...
knacky 21 20 cunning, also KNACKI...
knaggy 19 17 of wood, knotty [adj...
knarls 12 12 KNARL, a knot in a t...
knarly 18 14 like a knarl, also G...
knarry 17 13 of a tree, having kn...
knaurs 11 12 KNAUR, a knot in a t...
knaves 12 15 KNAVE, a dishonest m...
knawel 14 15 a cornfield weed of...
knawes 13 14 KNAWE, a cornfield w...
kneads 10 12 KNEAD, to massage wi...
kneels 11 12 KNEEL, to rest on th...
knells 13 13 KNELL, to sound a be...
knicks 16 18 (colloquial) knicker...
knifed 13 15 KNIFE, to stab with...
knifer 13 14 someone who knifes [...
knifes 13 14 KNIFE, to stab with...
knight 15 15 a man who has been a...
knitch 17 16 a bundle of wood [n...
knived 13 16 KNIVE, to knife [v]
knives 13 15 KNIVE, to knife [v]
knobby 21 19 full of knobs [adj K...
knocks 15 18 KNOCK, to strike sha...
knolls 13 13 KNOLL, an obsolete f...
knolly 19 15 like a knoll [adj KN...
knosps 13 14 KNOSP, (German) an a...
knotty 17 13 full of knots [adj K...
knouts 11 12 KNOUT, to flog with...
knower 13 14 one who knows [n -S]
knowes 13 14 KNOWE, a rounded hil...
knowns 13 15 KNOWN, a mathematica...
knubby 22 20 having little lumps,...
knurls 13 13 KNURL, to make groov...
knurly 19 15 full of knots, gnarl...
knurrs 12 12 KNURR, a knot of woo...
koalas 11 11 KOALA, a small furry...
kobang 13 16 an obsolete Japanese...
kobans 12 14 KOBAN, an obsolete J...
kobold 14 15 a mischievous elf in...
kochia 16 15 any of several plant...
koftas 13 13 KOFTA, in India, fri...
kogals 13 13 KOGAL, (Japanese) a...
koines 10 11 KOINE, (Greek) a dia...
kokako 12 18 a large dark grey wa...
kokams 13 17 KOKAM, (Marathi) an...
kokers 12 14 KOKER, (Dutch) in Gu...
kokiri 13 14 the rough-skinned Ne...
kokopu 14 18 any of several small...
kokras 12 14 KOKRA, the wood of a...
kokums 14 18 KOKUM, (Marathi) an...
kolhoz 17 22 a collective farm in...
kolkoz 16 24 a collective farm in...
kombus 15 17 KOMBU, a type of Jap...
konaki 11 15 in New Zealand, a fa...
konbus 13 15 KONBU, a type of Jap...
kondos 10 12 KONDO, in Uganda, a...
koneke 10 15 in New Zealand, a fa...
konfyt 19 16 (Afrikaans) a preser...
konini 10 12 (Maori) the edible d...
konked 11 16 KONK, to hit on the...
koodoo 9 11 a kind of antelope w...
kooked 11 15 KOOK, to dart in and...
kookie 11 14 with the qualities o...
kookum 13 18 an East Indian tree,...
koolah 13 13 a small furry Austra...
kooris 11 10 KOORI, (Native Austr...
kopeck 17 20 a Russian monetary u...
kopeks 14 17 KOPEK, a Russian mon...
kopjes 15 22 KOPJE, in South Afri...
koppas 15 16 KOPPA, a Greek lette...
koppie 15 16 in South Africa, a s...
korari 11 10 a native New Zealand...
korats 11 10 KORAT, a cat with a...
korero 10 10 a New Zealand word f...
korkir 13 14 a lichen used for dy...
kormas 12 13 KORMA, (India) a mil...
korora 10 10 (Maori) the fairy pe...
koruna 10 12 a monetary unit of t...
koruny 17 14 KORUNA, a monetary u...
kosher 13 12 to prepare food acco...
kosmos 12 13 the universe as an o...
kosses 11 10 KOS, a measure of di...
kotare 10 10 a small greenish-blu...
kotows 14 13 KOTOW, to grovel, al...
kotuku 13 16 a kind of heron with...
kotwal 15 14 (Hindi) the chief co...
koulan 11 13 a wild ass inhabitin...
koumis 13 14 a beverage made from...
koumys 19 16 a beverage made from...
kouras 11 11 KOURA, a New Zealand...
kouroi 11 11 KOUROS, an ancient G...
kouros 11 11 an ancient Greek sta...
kousso 11 11 an Ethiopian tree, a...
kowhai 16 15 (Maori) a New Zealan...
kowtow 17 16 the prostration made...
kraals 12 11 KRAAL, to pen, also...
krafts 14 13 KRAFT, a type of str...
kraits 12 10 KRAIT, a deadly Asia...
kraken 11 15 a legendary sea mons...
krangs 12 13 KRANG, the carcass o...
krantz 14 20 (Afrikaans) a crown...
krater 11 10 (Greek) a large two-...
krauts 12 11 KRAUT, (short for) s...
kreeps 13 13 KREEP, a basaltic lu...
kreese 10 10 a dagger or short sw...
krengs 12 13 KRENG, (Dutch) the c...
krewes 14 13 KREWE, a private gro...
krills 15 12 KRILL, a species of...
krised 12 11 KRIS, to stab with a...
krises 12 10 KRIS, to stab with a...
kronen 9 12 KRONE, a former mone...
kroner 10 11 KRONE, a former mone...
kronor 10 11 KRONA, a monetary un...
kronur 11 12 KRONA, a monetary un...
krooni 10 11 KROON, a former mone...
kroons 10 11 KROON, a former mone...
krubis 15 14 KRUBI, a malodorous...
krubut 15 15 a malodorous tropica...
krunks 13 16 KRUNK, a form of hip...
kubasa 13 14 (Russian) a Ukrainia...
kubies 14 14 KUBIE, a kubasa on a...
kuccha 20 19 the short trousers t...
kuchen 16 17 (German) a yeast-rai...
kudlik 15 17 (Inuit) a soapstone...
kudzus 16 22 KUDZU, an ornamental...
kugels 14 14 KUGEL, (Yiddish) a c...
kukris 14 15 KUKRI, a sharp, curv...
kulaki 14 16 KULAK, a rich Russia...
kulaks 14 16 KULAK, a rich Russia...
kulans 12 13 KULAN, a wild ass in...
kulfis 16 15 KULFI, an Indian des...
kultur 14 13 (German) culture, ci...
kumara 12 14 (New Zealand) the sw...
kumari 13 14 in India, the title...
kumera 12 14 (New Zealand) the sw...
kumiss 14 14 (Russian) a beverage...
kumite 13 14 freestyle martial ar...
kumkum 16 22 (Hindi) a red powder...
kummel 15 18 (German) a cumin-fla...
kunkar 12 16 a limestone found in...
kunkur 13 17 a limestone found in...
kurgan 12 14 (Russian) a prehisto...
kurres 12 11 KURRE, (Spenser) a c...
kurtas 12 11 KURTA, a loose-fitti...
kurush 15 14 a monetary unit of T...
kurvey 20 17 to move goods by ox...
kussos 12 11 KUSSO, an Ethiopian...
kutcha 17 16 (Hindi) made of drie...
kuvasz 17 24 (Hungarian) an ancie...
kvases 13 14 KVAS, (Russian) an a...
kvells 16 16 KVELL, (Yiddish) to...
kvetch 19 19 (Yiddish) to complai...
kwacha 19 18 a monetary unit of Z...
kwaito 14 13 a type of South Afri...
kwanza 16 23 a monetary unit of A...
kwelas 15 14 KWELA, a form of Zul...
kyacks 22 19 KYACK, a packsack [n...
kyangs 18 15 KYANG, a Tibetan wil...
kybosh 22 17 to put a stop to, al...
kylies 19 13 KYLIE, a boomerang,...
kylins 19 14 KYLIN, (Chinese) a f...
kyloes 18 13 KYLOE, (Gaelic) a sm...
kynded 17 15 KYNDE, (Spenser) to...
kyndes 17 14 KYNDE, (Spenser) to...
kyogen 17 15 a comic interlude be...
kyries 18 12 KYRIE, a religious p...
kythed 20 15 KYTHE, to make known...
kythes 20 14 KYTHE, to make known...