6 letter words that starts with e

6 letter words that start with E

6 letter E word


Word With Friends


eadish 12 9 pasturage, also EDDI...
eagers 10 8 EAGER, a tidal flood...
eagled 11 10 EAGLE, to score two...
eagles 11 9 EAGLE, to score two...
eaglet 11 9 a young eagle [n -S]
eagres 10 8 EAGRE, a bore or sud...
ealing 11 10 EALE, (Shakespeare)...
eaning 9 10 EAN, to give birth t...
earbob 13 12 an earring [n -S]
earbud 12 11 a small earphone [n...
earcon 11 10 an audible marker in...
earded 9 8 EARD, (Scots) to bur...
earful 13 11 as much gossip as on...
earing 10 9 a line for fastening...
earlap 12 10 the lobe of the ear...
earned 8 8 EARN, to obtain rewa...
earner 8 7 one that earns [n -S...
earths 12 8 EARTH, to cover with...
earthy 18 10 consisting of earth...
earwax 18 16 a waxy secretion of...
earwig 14 11 to pester with deman...
easels 10 7 EASEL, a three-legge...
easers 9 6 EASER, one who eases...
easied 9 7 EASY, to stop rowing...
easier 9 6 EASY, not difficult...
easies 9 6 EASY, a communicatio...
easily 17 9 EASY, not difficult...
easing 10 9 the act of freeing f...
easles 10 7 EASLE, (Scots) hot a...
eassel 10 7 (Scots) eastwards, e...
eassil 11 7 (Scots) eastwards, e...
easted 9 7 EAST, to turn east (...
easter 9 6 one living in the ea...
eatage 9 8 the eatable growth o...
eatche 14 11 (Scott) an adze [n -...
eaters 9 6 EATER, one who eats...
eatery 15 8 a restaurant, also E...
eathly 19 11 EATH, easy, also EAT...
eating 10 9 the act of consuming...
ebayer 17 11 someone who trades o...
ebbets 14 12 EBBET, a common gree...
ebbing 15 15 EBB, to move back fr...
ebooks 12 13 EBOOK, a book in ele...
ecarte 12 9 a card game [n -S]
ecbole 15 13 a rhetorical digress...
ecesic 16 12 relating to ecesis,...
ecesis 13 9 the establishment of...
echard 15 12 the total quantity o...
eching 16 14 ECHE, (obsolete) to...
echini 15 12 ECHINUS, a sea urchi...
echium 17 15 any plant of a genus...
echoed 14 12 ECHO, to repeat a so...
echoer 14 11 one that echoes [n -...
echoes 14 11 ECHO, a reflected so...
echoey 20 13 full of echos [adj E...
echoic 18 14 resembling an echo [...
eclair 14 10 a cake with cream fi...
eclats 14 10 ECLAT, (French) grea...
eclose 13 10 to emerge from a pup...
ecomap 15 15 a diagrammatic repre...
econut 12 11 one concerned for th...
ectopy 21 14 abnormal displacemen...
ectype 21 14 a reproduction or co...
ecurie 13 10 a team of motor raci...
eczema 16 21 a skin disease [n -S...
eddied 10 9 EDDY, to move agains...
eddies 10 8 EDDY, to move agains...
eddish 13 10 pasturage, or the ea...
eddoes 9 8 EDDO, a kind of yam,...
edemas 10 10 EDEMA, local or gene...
edenic 12 11 of or pertaining to...
edgers 11 9 EDGER, a tool used t...
edgier 11 9 EDGY, nervous [adj]
edgily 19 12 EDGY, nervous [adv]
edging 12 12 something that serve...
edible 13 11 something fit to be...
edicts 14 10 EDICT, an authoritat...
ediles 11 8 EDILE, (Latin) in cl...
edited 10 8 EDIT, to prepare for...
editor 10 7 one that edits [n -S...
educed 13 12 EDUCE, to draw out,...
educes 13 11 EDUCE, to draw out,...
educts 14 11 EDUCT, that which is...
eeched 14 12 EECH, to augment, al...
eeches 14 11 EECH, to augment, al...
eejits 12 15 EEJIT, (colloquial)...
eelier 10 7 EELY, like an eel [a...
eerier 9 6 EERY, uncanny, also...
eerily 17 9 EERY, uncanny, also...
eevens 10 11 EEVEN, the latter pa...
efface 16 15 to erase [v EFFACED,...
effect 17 15 to bring about [v -E...
effeir 14 12 (obsolete) to appert...
effere 13 12 (obsolete) to appert...
effete 13 12 exhausted [adj EFFET...
effigy 22 16 a likeness of a pers...
effing 15 15 euphemistic for a fu...
efflux 22 21 the act of flowing o...
effort 14 12 a deliberate exertio...
effray 20 14 (obsolete) fright [n...
effuse 14 13 to pour forth [v EFF...
eftest 12 9 (dialect) readiest,...
egally 19 12 in an equal way, als...
egence 12 12 need, also EGENCY [n...
egency 19 14 need, also EGENCE [n...
egesta 10 8 egested matter [n]
egests 11 8 EGEST, to discharge...
eggars 12 10 EGGAR, any of severa...
eggcup 18 17 a cup which holds an...
eggers 12 10 EGGER, any of severa...
eggery 18 12 a place where eggs a...
eggier 12 10 EGGY, containing egg...
egging 13 13 EGG, to incite [v]
eggler 13 11 (archaic) an egg-dea...
eggnog 12 13 a hot or cold alcoho...
egises 11 8 EGIS, (Greek) protec...
egoism 12 11 the doctrine that th...
egoist 11 8 one who practices eg...
egoity 17 10 the essence of the e...
egress 11 8 to go out [v -ED, -I...
egrets 11 8 EGRET, a wading bird...
eident 9 8 (Scots) busy, dilige...
eiders 10 7 EIDER, a large sea d...
eidola 10 8 EIDOLON, (Greek) an...
eighth 16 12 number eight in sequ...
eights 14 10 EIGHT, the cardinal...
eighty 20 12 a number, eight time...
eiking 12 13 EIK, (Scots) to augm...
eikons 10 11 EIKON, (Greek) a rel...
eirack 14 13 (Gaelic) a young hen...
eisell 12 8 (obsolete) sour wine...
eisels 11 7 EISEL, (obsolete) so...
either 12 8 relating to one or t...
ejecta 14 18 material ejected esp...
ejects 15 18 EJECT, to throw out...
ejidos 12 16 EJIDO, (Spanish) a p...
ekuele 11 12 a former monetary un...
elains 10 8 ELAIN, a glyceride o...
elance 12 11 to throw as a lance...
elands 10 9 ELAND, a large Afric...
elanet 9 8 a kite of the genus...
elapid 13 11 a kind of snake, inc...
elapse 12 10 to pass by [v ELAPSE...
elated 10 8 ELATE, to raise the...
elater 10 7 a kind of beetle, ak...
elates 10 7 ELATE, to raise the...
elbows 16 13 ELBOW, to jostle [v]
elchee 15 12 an ambassador, also...
elchis 17 12 ELCHI, an ambassador...
elders 11 8 ELDER, a kind of shr...
eldest 11 8 the oldest of a set...
elding 12 11 fuel, also ELDIN, EI...
eldins 11 9 ELDIN, (Scots) fuel,...
elects 14 10 ELECT, to select by...
elegit 12 9 (Latin) a writ of ex...
elemis 12 10 ELEMI, a fragrant re...
elench 15 13 (obsolete) in logic,...
eleven 11 12 a number, ten and on...
elevon 11 12 a hinged flap on the...
elfing 14 13 ELF, to entangle (ha...
elfins 13 11 ELFIN, a little elf...
elfish 16 12 like an elf, also EL...
eliads 11 8 ELIAD, an amorous gl...
eliche 16 12 spiral-shaped pasta...
elicit 15 10 to draw forth [v -ED...
elided 11 9 ELIDE, to strike out...
elides 11 8 ELIDE, to strike out...
elints 11 8 ELINT, (short for) e...
elites 11 7 ELITE, a socially se...
elixir 18 14 a medicinal beverage...
ellops 14 11 (obsolete) a type of...
elmier 12 10 ELMY, full of elm tr...
elodea 9 8 an American genus of...
eloges 11 9 ELOGE, a funeral ora...
eloign 11 10 to remove to a dista...
eloins 10 8 ELOIN, to remove to...
eloped 12 11 ELOPE, to run away t...
eloper 12 10 one who elopes [n -S...
elopes 12 10 ELOPE, to run away t...
elpees 12 10 ELPEE, a long-playin...
elshin 13 10 an awl, also ELSIN [...
elsins 11 8 ELSIN, (Scots) an aw...
eltchi 17 12 an ambassador, also...
eluant 10 9 a solvent, also ELUE...
eluate 10 8 liquid obtained by e...
eluded 11 10 ELUDE, to evade [v]
eluder 11 9 one who eludes [n -S...
eludes 11 9 ELUDE, to evade [v]
eluent 10 9 a solvent, also ELUA...
eluted 11 9 ELUTE, to remove by...
elutes 11 8 ELUTE, to remove by...
elutor 11 8 a vessel for elution...
eluvia 13 12 ELUVIUM, an accumula...
elvans 12 12 ELVAN, a granular ro...
elvers 13 11 ELVER, a young eel [...
elvish 16 13 like an elf, also EL...
elytra 17 9 ELYTRUM, a hardened...
emails 12 10 EMAIL, to send elect...
embace 15 15 to lower, also EMBAS...
embail 14 13 (obsolete) to encirc...
embale 13 13 to form into a bale...
emball 15 14 to enclose in a ball...
embalm 15 16 to preserve a dead b...
embank 13 17 to enclose with a ra...
embark 14 16 to go on board ship,...
embars 13 12 EMBAR, (archaic) to...
embase 12 12 to lower, also EMBAC...
embays 19 14 EMBAY, to enclose in...
embeds 13 13 EMBED, to plant firm...
embers 13 12 EMBER, a small piece...
emblem 15 16 to represent with a...
emblic 18 16 a tree of the euphor...
embody 19 15 to form into a body,...
embogs 14 14 EMBOG, to bog down [...
emboil 14 13 (obsolete) to burn w...
emboli 14 13 EMBOLUS, a clot or a...
emboly 20 15 the formation of a g...
embosk 14 16 to conceal with foli...
emboss 13 12 to decorate with a r...
embost 13 12 EMBOSS, to decorate...
embows 16 15 EMBOW, to bend or ar...
embrue 13 13 to drench, also IMBR...
embryo 19 14 the entity which dev...
embusy 20 15 (Spenser) to employ...
emceed 13 13 EMCEE, to serve as m...
emcees 13 12 EMCEE, to serve as m...
emdash 13 12 a mark in writing th...
emeers 10 9 EMEER, (Arabic) an E...
emends 10 11 EMEND, to correct, a...
emerge 11 11 to come into view [v...
emergs 12 11 EMERG, the section o...
emerod 10 10 a haemorrhoid, also...
emerse 10 9 of leaves, rising ab...
emeses 10 9 EMESIS, (Greek) the...
emesis 11 9 (Greek) the act of v...
emetic 14 12 tending to cause vom...
emetin 10 10 an alkaloid which ca...
emeute 10 10 (French) a popular r...
emigre 12 11 (French) one of the...
emlets 12 10 as in blood-drop eml...
emmers 12 12 EMMER, (German) a pr...
emmesh 14 14 to entangle, also EN...
emmets 12 12 EMMET, (dialect) an...
emmews 15 15 EMMEW, to confine, m...
emmove 13 16 to affect emotionall...
emodin 10 11 a compound obtained...
emojis 13 18 EMOJI, a standardize...
emoted 10 10 EMOTE, to show exagg...
emoter 10 9 one who emotes, show...
emotes 10 9 EMOTE, to show exagg...
emoved 12 14 EMOVE, to affect emo...
emoves 12 13 EMOVE, to affect emo...
empale 13 13 to pierce with somet...
empare 12 12 to become worse, als...
emparl 14 13 (Spenser) to hold di...
empart 13 12 (Spenser) to impart...
empery 19 14 empire or power [n E...
empire 13 12 a dominion of people...
employ 20 15 to hire, use [v -ED,...
empted 13 13 EMPT, (dialect) to e...
empusa 13 13 a goblin in Greek my...
empuse 13 13 a goblin in Greek my...
emuled 12 12 EMULE, (Southey) to...
emules 12 11 EMULE, (Southey) to...
emulge 13 13 (archaic) to milk or...
emunge 11 13 (obsolete) to clean...
emured 11 11 EMURE, (Shakespeare)...
emures 11 10 EMURE, (Shakespeare)...
emydes 17 12 EMYDE, a genus of fr...
enable 11 11 to make possible [v...
enacts 12 10 ENACT, to establish...
enamel 10 11 to cover with a vitr...
enamor 9 10 to inspire with love...
enarch 14 12 to graft a plant [v...
enarms 10 10 ENARM, (obsolete) to...
enates 8 7 ENATE, a relative in...
enatic 12 10 possessed of a relat...
encage 12 12 to put in a cage, al...
encalm 14 14 (obsolete) to becalm...
encamp 15 16 to set up a camp [v...
encase 11 10 to put in a case, al...
encash 14 12 to convert into cash...
encave 13 14 to secrete, also INC...
encina 11 11 an evergreen oak [n...
encode 11 11 to put into code [v...
encore 11 10 to call for a repeti...
encyst 19 12 to become enclosed i...
endart 9 8 to dart in, also IND...
endash 11 10 a mark in writing us...
endcap 14 14 a display of product...
endear 8 8 to make beloved [v -...
enders 9 8 ENDER, one that ends...
endews 12 11 ENDEW, (Spenser) to...
ending 10 11 termination [n -S]
endite 9 8 to charge formally w...
endive 11 12 a salad plant of the...
endoss 9 8 (obsolete) to endors...
endows 12 11 ENDOW, to bequeath,...
endrin 9 9 an insecticide [n -S...
endued 9 10 ENDUE, to put on, as...
endues 9 9 ENDUE, to put on, as...
endure 9 9 to last [v ENDURED,...
enduro 9 9 a long distance race...
enemas 9 10 ENEMA, fluid injecte...
energy 16 11 the power required f...
enerve 10 11 (obsolete) to weaken...
enewed 11 11 ENEW, in falconry, t...
enface 13 13 to stamp or print on...
enfant 10 11 (French) a child [n...
enfire 11 10 (Spenser) to set on...
enfold 12 12 to envelop [v -ED, -...
enform 12 13 (Spenser) to form; t...
enfree 10 10 to set free [v ENFRE...
engage 10 11 to employ [v ENGAGED...
engaol 10 10 (Shakespeare) to put...
engild 12 11 (Shakespeare) to gil...
engilt 12 10 ENGILD, (Shakespeare...
engine 9 10 to equip with machin...
engird 11 10 to gird; to encompas...
engirt 11 9 ENGIRD, to gird; to...
englut 12 11 to glut, to fill [v...
engobe 11 12 (French) a slip appl...
engore 9 9 to gore; to pierce [...
engram 11 12 a deep-seated psycho...
engulf 14 14 to swallow up comple...
enhalo 11 10 to surround with a h...
eniacs 12 10 ENIAC, an early comp...
enigma 11 12 something that is di...
enisle 10 8 to put onto an islan...
enjamb 14 22 in poetry, to join t...
enjoin 10 17 to order or direct [...
enjoys 17 18 ENJOY, to take pleas...
enlace 12 11 to entwine or entang...
enlard 10 9 (Shakespeare) to gre...
enleve 11 12 (French) carried awa...
enlink 11 13 to connect closely [...
enlist 11 8 to engage for milita...
enlock 14 15 to lock up, also INL...
enmesh 12 12 to entangle, also EM...
enmews 13 13 ENMEW, to confine, a...
enmity 17 12 hostility [n ENMITIE...
enmove 11 14 to affect emotionall...
ennage 8 10 a measurement of pri...
ennead 7 9 a group of nine [n -...
ennogs 9 10 ENNOG, (dialect) a b...
ennuis 9 9 ENNUI, to bore, anno...
ennuye 14 11 (French) affected wi...
enodal 9 9 without nodes [adj]
enokis 10 11 ENOKI, (Japanese) a...
enolic 13 11 relating to enol, a...
enoses 8 7 ENOSIS, political un...
enosis 9 7 political union [n E...
enough 12 12 sufficient [n -S]
enrace 11 10 (Spenser) to implant...
enrage 9 9 to make very angry [...
enrank 9 12 (Shakespeare) to pla...
enrapt 11 10 in ecstasy [adj]
enrich 15 12 to add desirable ele...
enring 10 10 to encircle [v -ED,...
enrobe 10 10 to put on a robe [v...
enroll 11 9 to insert on a regis...
enrols 10 8 ENROL, to insert on...
enroot 8 7 to implant firmly [v...
ensate 8 7 sword-shaped, also E...
enseal 9 8 to put a seal upon [...
enseam 9 10 to make a mark like...
ensear 8 7 (Shakespeare) to dry...
enserf 11 10 to make a serf of [v...
ensews 12 10 ENSEW, (Spenser) to...
ensign 10 10 to mark with a badge...
ensile 10 8 to store in a silo,...
ensoul 10 9 to infuse with a sou...
ensued 9 9 ENSUE, to follow, al...
ensues 9 8 ENSUE, to follow, al...
ensure 9 8 to make sure [v ENSU...
entail 10 8 to settle an estate...
entame 9 10 (Shakespeare) to tam...
entera 8 7 ENTERON, a body cavi...
enters 9 7 ENTER, to go or come...
entete 8 7 (French) obstinate (...
entice 12 10 to lead astray [v EN...
entire 9 7 whole, also INTIRE [...
entity 16 9 the basic essential...
entoil 10 8 to entangle or ensna...
entomb 12 13 to place in a tomb,...
entrap 11 10 to trap [v ENTRAPPED...
entree 8 7 freedom of access [n...
entrez 12 16 (French) come in [v]
enured 9 9 ENURE, to accustom o...
enures 9 8 ENURE, to accustom o...
enurns 9 9 ENURN, to put into a...
envied 11 12 ENVY, to covet other...
envier 11 11 one who envies [n -S...
envies 11 11 ENVY, to covet other...
enviro 11 11 (colloquial) an envi...
envois 11 11 ENVOI, the concludin...
envoys 17 13 ENVOY, a representat...
enwall 14 12 to enclose within a...
enwind 12 12 to enwrap, also INWI...
enwomb 15 16 to enclose as if in...
enwrap 14 13 to cover by wrapping...
enzian 11 17 (German) a type of s...
enzone 10 17 to engirdle or surro...
enzyme 19 21 a complex protein th...
enzyms 20 21 ENZYM, a complex pro...
eocene 10 10 of rock formed in th...
eolian 9 8 relating to, acted o...
eolith 13 9 a very early rough s...
eonian 7 8 lasting for eons, et...
eonism 10 10 transvestism, especi...
eosine 8 7 a red dye, also EOSI...
eosins 9 7 EOSIN, a red dye, al...
eothen 10 9 (archaic) from the e...
epacts 15 12 EPACT, the differenc...
eparch 17 14 the ruler of an epar...
epater 11 9 (French) to shock co...
epaule 12 11 (French) the shoulde...
epeira 11 9 a genus of spiders,...
eperdu 12 11 (French) desperately...
ephahs 16 13 EPHAH, a Hebrew unit...
ephebe 15 14 a young man of ancie...
ephebi 16 14 EPHEBUS, a young man...
ephods 14 12 EPHOD, a sleeveless...
ephori 14 11 EPHOR, a magistrate...
ephors 14 11 EPHOR, a magistrate...
epical 16 13 epic [adj EPICALLY]
epigon 12 12 an inferior imitator...
epilog 14 12 a conclusion [n -S]
epimer 13 12 a type of sugar comp...
epizoa 14 18 EPIZOON, an animal t...
epocha 16 14 an important period...
epochs 17 14 EPOCH, an important...
epodes 11 10 EPODE, a genre of ly...
epodic 15 13 relating to an epode...
eponym 18 15 a personal name from...
epopee 12 12 an epic poem, also E...
epopts 14 12 EPOPT, someone initi...
eposes 11 9 EPOS, an epic poem,...
eprise 12 9 (French) captivated...
epuise 12 10 (French) exhausted (...
epulis 14 11 a tumor of the gums...
equali 19 17 pieces for a group o...
equals 19 17 EQUAL, to make equal...
equant 17 17 a geometric adjustme...
equate 17 16 to be regarded as eq...
equids 19 17 EQUID, any member of...
equine 17 17 relating to horses,...
equipe 20 19 (French) in motor-ra...
equips 21 19 EQUIP, to provide wi...
equity 25 18 fairness or impartia...
erased 9 7 ERASE, to efface or...
eraser 9 6 one that erases [n -...
erases 9 6 ERASE, to efface or...
erbias 12 9 ERBIA, erbium oxide...
erbium 14 13 a metallic element [...
erects 13 9 ERECT, to build or r...
eremic 14 12 of deserts [adj]
erenow 11 10 before this time [ad...
ergate 10 8 a worker ant, an und...
ergons 10 9 ERGON, (Greek) work...
ergots 11 8 ERGOT, a fungal dise...
eriach 15 11 a murderer's fine in...
ericas 13 9 ERICA, a shrub of th...
ericks 15 13 ERICK, a murderer's...
eringo 10 9 a plant of the genus...
erinus 10 8 any rock plant of th...
erlang 11 10 a unit of traffic in...
ermine 10 10 the stoat; a white f...
erning 10 10 ERNE [v]
eroded 9 8 ERODE, to wear away...
erodes 9 7 ERODE, to wear away...
eroses 9 6 EROS, (Greek) the su...
erotic 13 9 relating to sexual d...
errand 9 8 a message or mission...
errant 9 7 wandering [adj ERRAN...
errata 9 6 a list of printing e...
erring 11 9 mistaken [adj ERRING...
errors 10 6 ERROR, a mistake [n]
ersatz 13 15 a substitute [n -ES]
erucic 17 13 as in erucic acid, a...
eructs 14 10 ERUCT, to belch out,...
erugos 11 9 ERUGO, a green film...
erupts 13 10 ERUPT, to break out...
eruvim 14 14 ERUV, a designated r...
eruvin 12 12 ERUV, a designated r...
ervils 14 11 ERVIL, a European ve...
eryngo 16 11 a plant of the genus...
escape 14 12 to free oneself [v E...
escarp 15 12 to cause to slope st...
escars 13 9 ESCAR, a narrow ridg...
eschar 15 11 a slough of dead tis...
eschew 18 14 to avoid [v -ED, -IN...
escort 13 9 to accompany [v -ED,...
escots 13 9 ESCOT, (Shakespeare)...
escroc 16 12 (French) a swindler...
escrol 14 10 a heraldic scroll, a...
escrow 16 12 to place a deed in t...
escudo 13 11 a monetary unit of P...
esiles 11 7 ESILE, (obsolete) so...
eskars 11 10 ESKAR, a narrow ridg...
eskers 11 10 ESKER, a narrow ridg...
eskies 11 10 ESKY, a container fo...
esloin 10 8 to remove to a dista...
esnecy 18 12 the primary inherita...
espada 11 10 (Spanish) a sword, e...
espial 13 10 a scout or spy [n -S...
espied 12 10 ESPY, to catch sight...
espier 12 9 someone who espies [...
espies 12 9 ESPY, to catch sight...
espoir 12 9 (French) a category...
esprit 13 9 (French) spirit, wit...
essays 16 8 ESSAY, to attempt [v...
essive 12 10 a grammatical case d...
essoin 9 7 to give an excuse fo...
estate 9 6 to bestow landed pro...
esteem 10 9 to have a high opini...
esters 10 6 ESTER, a compound fo...
estocs 13 9 ESTOC, a short sword...
estops 12 9 ESTOP, to hinder or...
estral 11 7 pertaining to estrus...
estray 16 8 to stray [v -ED, -IN...
estrin 10 7 an estrogen, also ES...
estros 10 6 ESTRO, (Italian) the...
estrum 12 10 the period of heat i...
estrus 11 7 the period of heat i...
etages 10 8 ETAGE, a floor store...
etalon 9 8 a device used to mea...
etamin 10 10 a loosely woven fabr...
etapes 11 9 ETAPE, (French) a st...
etched 15 12 ETCH, to engrave wit...
etcher 15 11 one who etches [n -S...
etches 15 11 ETCH, to engrave wit...
eterne 8 7 everlasting [adj]
ethals 13 9 ETHAL, a white waxy...
ethane 10 9 a gaseous hydrocarbo...
ethene 10 9 a flammable gas, als...
ethers 12 8 ETHER, a volatile li...
ethics 16 11 ETHIC, a body of mor...
ethion 11 9 a pesticide [n -S]
ethnic 15 12 relating to race, al...
ethnos 11 9 (Greek) a group of p...
ethoxy 24 17 a univalent chemical...
ethyls 20 11 ETHYL, a univalent c...
ethyne 17 11 a colourless toxic i...
etoile 10 7 (French) in heradlry...
etrier 10 6 (French) a small rop...
ettins 10 7 ETTIN, (archaic) a g...
ettled 11 8 ETTLE, (Scots) to in...
ettles 11 7 ETTLE, (Scots) to in...
etudes 10 8 ETUDE, (French) a co...
etwees 12 9 ETWEE, a small ornam...
etymic 21 14 relating to the etym...
etymon 16 12 the true origin of a...
etypic 22 14 not conforming to a...
eucain 12 11 an anaesthetic safer...
euchre 15 12 to prevent from winn...
eughen 12 12 (Spenser) made of ye...
euking 12 14 EUK, to itch, also E...
eulogy 18 12 a speech or writing...
eumong 11 13 an Australian acacia...
eumung 12 14 an Australian acacia...
eunuch 15 14 a castrated man [n -...
euouae 8 8 a name for a Gregori...
eupads 12 11 EUPAD, an antiseptic...
euphon 13 13 a type of glass harm...
eupnea 10 11 normal breathing, al...
eureka 10 11 (Greek) the exclamat...
euripi 13 10 EURIPUS, a sea chann...
euroky 17 13 organisms living und...
eusols 11 8 EUSOL, an antiseptic...
eutaxy 22 16 good order [n EUTAXI...
evaded 11 12 EVADE, to escape or...
evader 11 11 one that evades [n -...
evades 11 11 EVADE, to escape or...
evejar 13 19 (dialect) the nightj...
evened 10 12 EVEN, to make smooth...
evener 10 11 something or someone...
evenly 18 14 EVEN, smooth and lev...
events 11 11 EVENT, to take part...
everts 12 10 EVERT, to turn insid...
evicts 16 13 EVICT, to dispossess...
eviler 13 11 EVIL, morally bad [a...
evilly 21 14 EVIL, morally bad [a...
evince 14 14 to show clearly [v E...
evited 12 11 EVITE, to avoid, als...
evites 12 10 EVITE, to avoid, als...
evoked 12 15 EVOKE, to call forth...
evoker 12 14 one who evokes [n -S...
evokes 12 14 EVOKE, to call forth...
evolue 12 12 a primitive person i...
evolve 14 15 to develop [v EVOLVE...
evovae 12 14 a name for a Gregori...
evulse 13 12 to pluck out [v EVUL...
evzone 13 20 (Modern Greek) a sol...
ewftes 15 12 (Spenser) efts [n]
ewghen 15 14 (Spenser) made of ye...
ewking 15 16 EWK, to itch, also E...
exacta 18 16 a type of horse raci...
exacts 19 16 EXACT, to demand [v]
exacum 20 20 any plant of the tro...
exalts 17 14 EXALT, to place in a...
examen 15 17 a critical study of...
exarch 21 18 a Byzantine provinci...
excamb 22 22 (Scots) in Scots law...
exceed 18 17 to go beyond the lim...
excels 20 17 EXCEL, to surpass ot...
except 21 19 to exclude, leave ou...
excess 19 16 to eliminate the pos...
excide 19 17 (archaic) to cut off...
excise 19 16 to cut off or out [v...
excite 19 16 to arouse the emotio...
excuse 19 17 to free from blame o...
exeats 15 13 EXEAT, (Latin) a per...
exedra 15 14 a curved bench in a...
exeems 16 16 EXEEM, to release or...
exemed 16 17 EXEME, to release or...
exemes 16 16 EXEME, to release or...
exempt 19 19 to free from liabili...
exequy 30 25 a funeral procession...
exergy 23 17 a measure of the max...
exerts 16 13 EXERT, to make an ef...
exeunt 15 15 (Latin) (stage direc...
exfils 20 17 EXFIL, to remove (da...
exhale 18 16 to breathe out [v EX...
exhort 18 15 to admonish earnestl...
exhume 19 19 to dig out from the...
exiled 17 15 EXILE, to banish fro...
exiler 17 14 one who exiles [n -S...
exiles 17 14 EXILE, to banish fro...
exilic 21 17 pertaining to exile...
exines 15 14 EXINE, the outer lay...
exists 17 13 EXIST, to have actua...
exited 16 14 EXIT, to go out [v]
exodes 15 14 EXODE, (Greek) the c...
exodic 19 17 relating to exodus [...
exodoi 15 14 EXODOS, (Greek) a co...
exodos 15 14 (Greek) a concluding...
exodus 16 15 a departure [n -ES]
exogen 15 16 a plant which grows...
exomis 17 16 a Roman sleeveless g...
exonic 18 17 relating to an exon,...
exonym 22 19 a name for a town in...
exopod 17 17 the outer branch of...
exotic 19 16 from another part of...
expand 17 18 to increase in size...
expats 18 16 EXPAT, someone who l...
expect 21 19 to anticipate [v -ED...
expels 19 17 EXPEL, to force out...
expend 17 18 to consume in any wa...
expert 18 16 skilled [adj EXPERTL...
expire 18 16 to come to an end [v...
expiry 25 18 expiration; death [n...
export 18 16 to send goods out of...
expose 17 16 to lay open to view...
expugn 19 20 to take by storm [v...
exsect 19 16 to cut out [v -ED, -...
exsert 16 13 to protrude [v -ED,...
extant 15 14 still in existence [...
extasy 22 15 a state of rapture [...
extend 15 15 to stretch out to fu...
extent 15 14 the range over which...
extern 15 14 an officer in attend...
extine 15 14 the outer layer of s...
extirp 19 16 to root out [v -ED,...
extold 17 15 EXTOL, to praise hig...
extoll 18 15 to praise highly, al...
extols 17 14 EXTOL, to praise hig...
extort 16 13 to obtain something...
extras 16 13 EXTRA, something add...
exuded 16 16 EXUDE, to ooze forth...
exudes 16 15 EXUDE, to ooze forth...
exults 18 15 EXULT, to rejoice gr...
exurbs 19 17 EXURB, a residential...
exuvia 18 18 EXUVIUM, the moulted...
eyalet 16 9 (Turkish) a province...
eyases 15 8 EYAS, an untrained y...
eyebar 17 11 a metal bar with a l...
eyecup 21 15 a cup used for apply...
eyeful 19 13 a complete view [n -...
eyeing 16 11 EYE, to watch closel...
eyelet 16 9 to make a small hole...
eyelid 17 10 a fold of skin that...
eyliad 17 10 an amorous glance, a...
eyries 16 8 EYRY, a bird of prey...
ezines 12 16 EZINE, a magazine av...