6 letter words that starts with n

6 letter words that start with N

6 letter N word


Word With Friends


nabbed 13 14 NAB, to seize [v]
nabber 13 13 one who nabs [n -S]
nablas 12 11 NABLA, in Cartesian...
nabobs 13 13 NABOB, (Urdu) a prov...
nachas 14 12 (Yiddish) pride in a...
naches 14 12 NACH, (Hindi) an ent...
nachos 14 12 NACHO, (Spanish) a c...
nacket 13 14 (Scots) a snack, a l...
nacred 12 11 having mother-of-pea...
nacres 12 10 NACRE, mother-of-pea...
nadirs 10 8 NADIR, (Arabic) the...
nadors 9 8 (South African) thir...
naeves 10 11 NAEVE, (obsolete) a...
naevus 11 12 a birthmark, also NA...
naffed 13 14 NAFF, to go away (as...
naffer 13 13 NAFF, inferior, tack...
naffly 21 16 NAFF, inferior, tack...
nagana 8 10 (Zulu) a tropical di...
nagari 10 9 (Sanskrit) the chara...
nagged 11 12 NAG, to find fault i...
nagger 11 11 one who nags, esp. a...
nagors 10 9 NAGOR, a reedbuck of...
nahals 12 10 NAHAL, (Hebrew) in I...
naiads 9 8 NAIAD, a water nymph...
naiant 8 8 in heraldry, swimmin...
naifer 11 10 NAIF, (French) ingen...
naifly 19 13 NAIF, (French) ingen...
nailed 10 9 NAIL, to fasten with...
nailer 10 8 a maker of nails [n...
nairas 9 7 NAIRA, a Nigerian cu...
nairus 10 8 NAIRU, an acronym fo...
naiver 11 11 NAIVE, lacking sophi...
naives 11 11 NAIVE, an unsophisti...
nakers 10 11 NAKER, a small kettl...
nakfas 12 14 NAKFA, the standard...
naleds 10 9 NALED, an agricultur...
nallah 13 11 (Hindi) a ravine, a...
nallas 11 9 NALLA, (Hindi) a rav...
namely 17 13 that is to say [adv]
namers 10 10 NAMER, one who names...
naming 11 13 the act of naming [n...
nances 11 11 NANCE, an effeminate...
nandin 8 10 (Japanese) an evergr...
nandoo 7 9 the rhea, or South A...
nandus 9 10 NANDU, the rhea, or...
nanism 10 11 abnormal smallness [...
nanite 8 8 a microscopically sm...
nankin 9 13 a durable buff-colou...
nannas 7 9 NANNA, (colloquial)...
nannie 7 9 a children's nurse;...
nanobe 9 11 a very small microbe...
nanook 8 12 (Inuit) a polar bear...
nanuas 8 9 NANUA, (Maori) a New...
naoses 8 7 NAOS, (Greek) the in...
napalm 13 14 to assault with a ty...
napery 17 12 table and other hous...
naping 12 13 NAPE, to attack with...
napkin 12 15 a piece of material...
napoos 10 10 NAPOO, to use up [v]
nappas 13 13 NAPPA, a kind of sof...
napped 13 14 NAP, to sleep briefl...
napper 13 13 one who naps cloth a...
nappes 13 13 NAPPE, a sheet of ro...
nappie 13 13 an infant's diaper,...
napron 10 11 (archaic) an apron [...
narcos 12 10 NARCO, (short for) a...
narded 9 9 NARD, to anoint with...
nardoo 8 8 (Native Australian)...
narial 10 8 of or relating to th...
narine 8 8 of or relating to th...
narked 10 12 NARK, to spy or info...
narras 9 7 an edible melonlike...
narrow 12 10 of little width [adj...
narwal 13 11 a kind of whale with...
nasals 10 8 NASAL, a sound utter...
nasard 9 8 an organ stop [n -S]
nashis 12 9 NASHI, (Japanese) an...
nasial 10 8 relating to the nasi...
nasion 8 8 the middle point of...
nastic 13 10 growing because of i...
nasute 9 8 a type of white ant...
natant 8 8 floating in water, a...
nation 8 8 people who share com...
native 11 11 inborn [adj NATIVELY...
natron 8 8 a mineral, native hy...
natter 9 7 to chatter [v -ED, -...
natura 9 8 (Latin) nature [n NA...
nature 9 8 the qualities of any...
naught 13 12 nothing, also NOUGHT...
naunts 9 9 NAUNT, (archaic) an...
nausea 8 8 an inclination to vo...
nautch 15 13 (Hindi) an entertain...
nautic 13 11 relating to ships, a...
navaid 11 12 any of the electroni...
navars 11 11 NAVAR, a system of a...
navels 12 12 NAVEL, a depression...
navews 14 14 NAVEW, a wild Swedis...
navies 11 11 NAVY, a nation's war...
nawabs 14 13 NAWAB, (Urdu) a gove...
naysay 21 11 to oppose or deny [v...
nazify 21 21 to become like a naz...
nazirs 13 16 NAZIR, an Indian cou...
neafes 10 10 NEAFE, (Shakespeare)...
neaffe 12 13 (Shakespeare) a fist...
nealed 9 9 NEAL, an aphetic for...
neanic 11 11 relating to the adol...
neaped 10 11 NEAP, to tend toward...
nearby 17 12 near [adv]
neared 8 8 NEAR, to approach [v...
nearer 8 7 NEAR, situated withi...
nearly 16 10 almost [adv NEARLIER...
neaten 7 8 to make neat [v -ED,...
neater 8 7 NEAT, tidy [adj]
neatly 16 10 NEAT, tidy [adv]
nebbed 13 14 NEB, of birds, to to...
nebbuk 15 18 a prickly shrub, the...
nebeck 15 17 a prickly shrub, the...
nebeks 12 14 NEBEK, a prickly shr...
nebels 12 11 NEBEL, (Hebrew) a He...
nebish 14 12 (Yiddish) a colourle...
nebris 12 10 (Latin) a fawn-skin...
nebula 12 12 (Latin) a hazy or in...
nebule 12 12 in heraldry, a wavy...
nebuly 19 14 in heraldry, compose...
necked 13 15 NECK, to kiss and ca...
necker 13 14 a person who indulge...
nectar 12 10 a delicious drink [n...
needed 8 9 NEED, to have an urg...
needer 8 8 one who needs [n -S]
needle 9 9 to sew with a slende...
needly 16 11 like needles [adj NE...
neelds 10 9 NEELD, a needle, als...
neeles 9 8 NEELE, (obsolete) a...
neembs 12 13 NEEMB, (Hindi) an Ea...
neesed 8 8 NEESE, (Scots) to sn...
neeses 8 7 NEESE, (Scots) to sn...
neezed 11 17 NEEZE, (Scots) to sn...
neezes 11 16 NEEZE, (Scots) to sn...
nefast 11 10 abominable [adj]
negate 9 9 to nullify [v NEGATE...
neighs 13 11 NEIGH, to utter the...
neinei 8 8 (Maori) a New Zealan...
neives 11 11 NEIVE, (archaic) the...
nekton 9 12 (Greek) the totality...
nelies 10 8 a winter pear, also...
nellie 11 9 an effeminate male,...
nelson 9 9 a wrestling hold [n...
nemned 9 12 NEMN, (obsolete) to...
neocon 10 11 (short for) a neocon...
neoned 7 9 having a gaseous ele...
nepers 11 10 NEPER, a unit for ex...
nepeta 10 10 any of various labia...
nephew 16 15 the son of one's bro...
nepits 12 10 NEPIT, a unit of inf...
nerals 10 8 NERAL, the trans-iso...
nerdic 13 11 another name for gee...
nereid 9 8 a sea nymph, one of...
nereis 9 7 a marine worm [n NER...
nerine 8 8 a type of South Amer...
nerite 9 7 a type of sea snail...
nerkas 10 11 NERKA, the sockeye s...
neroli 10 8 an oil distilled fro...
nerols 10 8 NEROL, a fragrant al...
nerval 12 12 of the nerves, also...
nerved 11 12 NERVE, to give coura...
nerver 11 11 someone or something...
nerves 11 11 NERVE, to give coura...
nesher 11 9 NESH, soft, crumbly;...
nesses 9 7 NESS, a headland [n]
nested 9 8 NEST, to build a str...
nester 9 7 one who nests [n -S]
nestle 10 8 to lie snugly togeth...
nestor 9 7 a genus of parrots w...
netful 13 12 enough to fill a net...
nether 11 9 situated below [adj]
netops 11 10 NETOP, a friend, com...
netted 9 8 NET, to catch in an...
netter 9 7 one who nets [n -S]
nettie 9 7 an internet aficiona...
nettle 10 8 to annoy [v NETTLED,...
nettly 17 10 like a nettle [adj N...
neumes 10 11 NEUME, a succession...
neumic 14 14 relating to a neume,...
neural 10 9 pertaining to the ne...
neuron 8 9 the basic cellular u...
neuter 9 8 to castrate [v -ED,...
nevels 12 12 NEVEL, (Scots) to po...
nevoid 11 12 of or like a nevus,...
newbie 14 13 a new arrival such a...
newell 14 12 (Spenser) a new thin...
newels 13 11 NEWEL, a post suppor...
newest 12 10 NEW, of recent origi...
newies 12 10 NEWIE, (Australian s...
newing 13 13 NEW, to renew [v]
newish 15 12 somewhat new [adj NE...
newsed 12 11 NEWS, to report rece...
newses 12 10 NEWS, to report rece...
newsie 12 10 (US) a newsboy, also...
newton 11 11 a unit of force [n -...
nextly 23 17 NEXT, nearest [adv]
ngaios 10 9 NGAIO, (Maori) a New...
nganas 9 10 NGANA, (Zulu) a trop...
ngatis 11 9 NGATI, (Maori) a tri...
ngomas 11 12 NGOMA, (Swahili) a t...
ngwees 13 12 NGWEE, (Bantu) a Zam...
nhandu 11 12 the rhea, a South Am...
niacin 12 11 a nicotinic acid, a...
nibbed 14 14 NIB, to provide with...
nibble 15 14 to eat with small bi...
nibbly 22 16 a small food item [n...
niblet 13 11 a small piece of foo...
nicads 13 11 NICAD, (short for) n...
nicely 20 13 NICE, agreeable; pre...
nicest 13 10 NICE, agreeable; pre...
nicety 19 12 a fine point or dist...
niched 15 13 NICHE, to place in a...
nicher 15 12 (Scots) to neigh, al...
niches 15 12 NICHE, to place in a...
nichts 16 12 NICHT, (Scots) night...
nicish 16 12 somewhat nice, also...
nickar 14 14 the round seed of a...
nicked 14 15 NICK, to make a shal...
nickel 15 15 to plate with a meta...
nicker 14 14 (Scots) to neigh, al...
nickle 15 15 to plate with a meta...
nickum 16 18 (Scots) a mischievou...
nicols 14 11 NICOL, a crystal of...
nidate 9 8 to become implanted...
nidget 11 10 to assist a woman in...
nidify 19 13 to nest [v NIDIFIED,...
niding 11 11 an infamous person;...
nidors 10 8 NIDOR, (Latin) the s...
nieces 12 10 NIECE, a daughter of...
nielli 12 9 NIELLO, a black meta...
niello 11 9 a black metallic sub...
niente 8 8 (Italian) softly fad...
nieves 11 11 NIEVE, (archaic) the...
niffed 14 14 NIFF, to smell bad [...
niffer 14 13 (Scots) to barter, t...
nigers 11 9 NIGER, (obsolete) a...
nigger 12 11 to exhaust by overcr...
niggle 13 12 to worry over petty...
niggly 20 14 trifling [adj NIGGLI...
nighed 13 12 NIGH, to draw near t...
nigher 13 11 NIGH, near [adj]
nighly 21 14 NIGH, near [adv]
nights 14 11 NIGHT, the period fr...
nighty 20 13 a nightgown, also NI...
nigiri 12 9 a small oval block o...
nihils 14 10 NIHIL, (Latin) nothi...
nikabs 13 14 NIKAB, a veil coveri...
nikahs 13 13 NIKAH, in Islamic ma...
nikaus 11 12 NIKAU, (Maori) a typ...
nilgai 12 10 (Hindi) a large ante...
nilgau 12 11 (Hindi) a kind of an...
nilled 12 10 NILL, to be unwillin...
nimbed 13 14 having a halo [adj]
nimble 14 14 agile [adj NIMBLER,...
nimbly 21 16 NIMBLE, agile [adv]
nimbus 14 14 a halo; a type of cl...
nimmed 12 14 NIM, to take or stea...
nimmer 12 13 a thief [n -S]
nimrod 11 11 a hunter; a stupid p...
nincom 13 14 (short for) nincompo...
nincum 14 15 (short for) nincompo...
niners 9 8 NINER, a student in...
ninety 15 10 a number, nine times...
ninjas 11 17 NINJA, (Japanese) on...
ninons 8 9 NINON, a sheer fabri...
ninths 12 10 NINTH, one of nine e...
niobic 15 13 relating to the elem...
nipped 14 14 NIP, to pinch lightl...
nipper 14 13 to seize two ropes t...
nipple 15 14 a small projection w...
nipter 12 10 (Greek) an ecclesias...
niqaab 19 19 (Arabic) a veil worn...
niqabs 20 19 NIQAB, (Arabic) a ve...
nirled 11 9 NIRL, (Scots) to stu...
nirlie 11 8 (Scots) knotty, stun...
nirlit 12 8 (Scots) knotty, stun...
niseis 10 7 NISEI, (Japanese) a...
nisgul 13 11 (dialect) the smalle...
nishes 12 9 NISH, (colloquial) n...
nisses 10 7 NISSE, in Scandinavi...
niters 10 7 NITER, potassium nit...
nitery 16 9 (colloquial) a night...
nither 12 9 (dialect) to shiver...
nitons 9 8 NITON, an old name f...
nitres 10 7 NITRE, potassium nit...
nitric 14 10 containing nitrogen...
nitrid 11 8 a compound of nitrog...
nitril 12 8 any organic cyanide...
nitros 10 7 NITRO, (short for) n...
nitrox 16 14 a mixture of nitroge...
nitryl 18 10 the group NO2, usual...
nitwit 14 10 a stupid person [n -...
nixers 16 14 NIXER, (Australian s...
nixies 16 14 NIXY, a female nix o...
nixing 17 17 NIX, to veto [v]
nizams 14 19 NIZAM, (Hindi) the t...
nkosis 11 11 NKOSI, (South Africa...
nobble 14 14 to disable a racehor...
nobbut 14 14 (dialect) only, exce...
nobler 12 11 NOBLE, possessing qu...
nobles 12 11 NOBLE, a person of h...
nobody 17 13 an unimportant perso...
nocake 12 14 a meal made from par...
nocebo 13 13 (Latin) a harmless s...
nocent 11 11 causing injury; harm...
nochel 15 13 to repudiate the deb...
nocked 13 15 NOCK, to fit an arro...
nocket 13 14 a light lunch, also...
noctua 12 11 (Latin) a general na...
nodded 9 10 NOD, to give a quick...
nodder 9 9 one who nods; a drow...
noddle 10 10 to nod frequently [v...
nodose 8 8 having nodes, also N...
nodous 9 9 having nodes, also N...
nodule 10 10 a little rounded lum...
noeses 8 7 NOESIS, intellectual...
noesis 9 7 intellectual reasoni...
noetic 12 10 pertaining to reason...
nogaku 11 14 (Japanese) a traditi...
nogged 11 12 NOG, to fill a space...
noggin 11 12 a small mug or cup;...
noints 9 8 NOINT, to anoint [v]
noised 9 8 NOISE, to spread as...
noises 9 7 NOISE, to spread as...
nomade 9 11 a member of a wander...
nomads 10 11 NOMAD, a member of a...
nomady 16 13 the life of a nomad...
nomens 9 11 NOMEN, (Latin) a nam...
nomina 9 11 NOMEN, (Latin) a nam...
nomism 12 13 the view that moral...
nonage 8 10 legal infancy, minor...
nonane 6 9 a hydrocarbon of the...
nonart 8 8 something that is no...
nonary 14 10 a group of nine [n N...
nonces 11 11 NONCE, the present o...
noncom 12 14 (short for) a non-co...
nonego 8 10 all that is not part...
nonets 8 8 NONET, a musical pie...
nonfan 9 12 a person who is not...
nonfat 10 11 having no fat solids...
nongay 15 12 a person who is not...
nonman 8 12 a being that is not...
nonmen 8 12 NONMAN, a being that...
nonpar 10 11 being a stock that h...
nonrun 8 10 of e.g. tights, not...
nontax 14 15 a tax of little cons...
nonuse 8 9 failure to use [n -S...
nonwar 11 11 a war that has not b...
nonyls 16 11 NONYL, a hydrocarbon...
noodge 9 10 (Yiddish) to nag, al...
noodle 9 9 to play idly on a mu...
noogie 9 9 the act of inflictin...
nookie 9 11 (colloquial) sexual...
nooned 7 9 NOON, to rest at mid...
nooner 7 8 a brief sexual encou...
noosed 8 8 NOOSE, to secure wit...
nooser 8 7 one who nooses [n -S...
nooses 8 7 NOOSE, to secure wit...
nopals 12 11 NOPAL, a Central Ame...
nordic 13 11 pertaining to cross-...
norias 9 7 NORIA, (Arabic) esp....
norite 9 7 a type of rock, a ga...
normal 11 11 usual [adj NORMALLY]...
norman 9 11 a tethering bar inse...
normas 10 10 NORMA, (Latin) a nor...
normed 10 11 having a norm [adj]
norsel 10 8 a short piece of lin...
norths 12 9 NORTH, to head north...
nosean 7 8 a cubic mineral, alu...
nosers 9 7 NOSER, (slang) a blo...
noseys 15 9 NOSEY, a prying pers...
noshed 11 10 NOSH, to eat snacks...
nosher 11 9 one who noshes, nibb...
noshes 11 9 NOSH, to eat snacks...
nosier 9 7 NOSEY, unduly curiou...
nosies 9 7 NOSY, a prying perso...
nosily 17 10 NOSY, unduly curious...
nosing 10 10 a projecting edge of...
nosode 8 8 a homeopathic remedy...
nostoc 12 10 a blue-green alga [n...
nostoi 9 7 NOSTOS, a Greek poem...
nostos 9 7 a Greek poem describ...
nostro 9 7 of a bank account, '...
notary 15 9 a public official wh...
notate 8 7 to put into a system...
notchy 21 14 having notches [adj...
noters 9 7 NOTER, a person who...
nother 11 9 neither; nor [adj]
notice 12 10 to become aware of [...
notify 18 12 to inform [v NOTIFIE...
noting 10 10 NOTE, to write down...
notion 8 8 a general idea [n -S...
notour 9 8 in Scots law, notori...
nougat 10 10 a sweet made from eg...
nought 13 12 nothing, also NAUGHT...
noulde 10 10 NILL, to be unwillin...
noules 10 9 NOULE, the top of th...
nounal 9 10 relating to a noun [...
nouses 9 8 NOUS, intellect, com...
nousle 10 9 to foster, also NOUR...
novate 10 11 to substitute a new...
novels 12 12 NOVEL, a fictional p...
novena 9 12 a series of Catholic...
novice 14 14 a person new to any...
novity 18 13 innovation [n NOVITI...
novums 13 15 NOVUM, (Shakespeare)...
noways 18 12 in no way, also NOWA...
nowise 12 10 in no manner or degr...
noyade 14 10 (French) drowning, e...
noyaus 15 10 NOYAU, (French) a li...
noyaux 21 17 NOYAU, (French) a li...
noying 16 12 NOY, (Spenser) to an...
noyous 15 10 (Spenser) vexatious,...
nozzer 15 25 (slang) a raw naval...
nozzle 16 26 a projecting spout [...
nuance 11 12 to give subtle shade...
nubbed 14 15 NUB, (obsolete) to h...
nubbin 14 15 a stunted or imperfe...
nubble 15 15 to beat with the fis...
nubbly 22 17 having small protube...
nubias 12 11 NUBIA, a woman's sof...
nubile 13 12 suitable for marriag...
nubuck 17 19 a type of leather wi...
nuchae 14 13 NUCHA, the nape of t...
nuchal 16 14 the nape of the neck...
nuclei 14 12 NUCLEUS, an essentia...
nucule 14 13 the stone of a flesh...
nudely 17 12 NUDE, without clothe...
nudest 10 9 NUDE, without clothe...
nudged 11 12 NUDGE, to poke gentl...
nudger 11 11 one who nudges [n -S...
nudges 11 11 NUDGE, to poke gentl...
nudies 10 9 NUDIE, (slang) a fil...
nudism 12 12 the practice of goin...
nudist 11 9 an advocate of nudis...
nudity 17 11 the state of being n...
nudnik 11 14 (Yiddish) a dense, b...
nuffin 14 15 (slang) nothing [n -...
nuggar 12 12 (Arabic) a large boa...
nugget 12 12 to polish shoes or b...
nuking 12 15 NUKE, to attack with...
nullah 14 12 (Hindi) a ravine, a...
nullas 12 10 NULLA, (Hindi) a rav...
nulled 12 11 NULL, to annul, make...
numbat 13 14 a small Australian m...
numbed 13 15 NUMB, to deprive of...
number 13 14 to count [v -ED, -IN...
numbly 21 17 NUMB, lacking feelin...
numdah 13 14 an embroidered felt...
numina 10 12 NUMEN, (Latin) a loc...
numnah 12 14 a pad under the sadd...
numpty 20 16 (Scots) an idiot [n...
nuncio 12 12 an ambassador from t...
nuncle 13 13 (Shakespeare) an unc...
nurdle 11 10 in cricket, to score...
nurhag 13 12 a broch-like Sardini...
nurled 11 10 NURL, to make nurls...
nursed 10 9 NURSE, to care for t...
nurser 10 8 one who nurses; one...
nurses 10 8 NURSE, to care for t...
nursle 11 9 to foster, also NOUR...
nutant 9 9 drooping [adj]
nutate 9 8 to nod, to droop [v...
nutbar 12 11 a bar made from chop...
nuthin 12 11 (colloquial) nothing...
nutjob 14 20 (slang) a crazy pers...
nutlet 11 9 a small nut [n -S]
nutmeg 12 13 in football, to kick...
nutria 10 8 (Spanish) the coypu,...
nutsos 10 8 NUTSO, (Australian s...
nutted 10 9 NUT, to gather hard-...
nutter 10 8 a crazy person [n -S...
nuzzer 16 26 (Hindi) a present to...
nuzzle 17 27 to caress with the n...
nyaffs 20 15 NYAFF, to yelp, yap...
nyalas 16 10 NYALA, a kind of ant...
nyanza 17 19 (Bantu) in Africa, a...
nyases 15 9 NYAS, (obsolete) a y...
nybble 21 16 a measure of compute...
nylons 16 11 NYLON, (tradename) a...
nympha 21 17 a fold of the vulva...
nympho 21 17 (short for) a nympho...
nymphs 22 17 NYMPH [n]
nyssas 16 9 NYSSA, a tree of a g...