6 letter words that starts with o

6 letter words that start with O

6 letter O word


Word With Friends


oafish 14 11 like an oaf [adj OAF...
oakers 10 10 OAKER, (Spenser) och...
oakier 10 10 OAKY, like an oak [a...
oakies 10 10 OAKY, an icecream [n...
oakums 12 14 OAKUM, old ropes unt...
oarage 9 8 a rowing movement [n...
oarier 9 6 OARY, having the for...
oaring 10 9 OAR, to propel a boa...
oaters 9 6 OATER, a cowboy movi...
oatier 9 6 OATY, like oats [adj...
obangs 12 12 OBANG, (Japanese) an...
obdure 12 11 to become hard-heart...
obeahs 13 11 OBEAH, to bewitch [v...
obeche 16 14 a large West African...
obeism 13 12 a form of West India...
obelia 12 10 any of a genus of sm...
obelus 13 11 a symbol used in anc...
obento 10 10 (Japanese) a thin li...
obeser 11 9 OBESE, very fat [adj...
obeyed 17 12 OBEY, to do as one i...
obeyer 17 11 one who obeys [n -S]
obiing 13 12 OBI, to bewitch [v]
obiism 14 12 a form of West India...
obital 13 10 relating to an obit,...
obiter 12 9 (Latin) in passing;...
object 17 21 to argue in oppositi...
objets 14 18 OBJET, (French) an o...
objure 14 19 to bind by oath; to...
oblast 13 10 (Russian) a politica...
oblate 12 10 flattened at the pol...
oblige 14 12 to bind by some favo...
oblong 13 13 long in one directio...
oboist 12 9 one who plays the ob...
oboles 12 10 OBOLE, a medieval Fr...
obolus 13 11 in the Middle Ages,...
obsess 12 9 to dominate the thou...
obsign 13 12 to seal or confirm,...
obtain 11 10 to gain possession o...
obtect 15 12 of an insect, having...
obtend 11 11 (obsolete) to put fo...
obtest 12 9 to beseech, supplica...
obtund 12 12 to blunt, deaden [v...
obtuse 12 10 stupid [adj OBTUSER,...
obvert 14 13 to turn, to show a d...
occams 17 15 OCCAM, a computer pr...
occamy 23 17 an alloy imitating g...
occies 16 12 OCCY, in the phrase...
occult 18 14 secret [adj OCCULTLY...
occupy 25 18 to reside in, also O...
occurs 17 13 OCCUR, to take place...
oceans 11 10 OCEAN, one of the va...
ocelli 15 11 OCELLUS, a small sim...
ocelot 13 10 an American wildcat...
ochers 15 11 OCHER, a native pigm...
ochery 21 13 containing or resemb...
ochone 13 12 (Irish) an interject...
ochrea 14 11 (Latin) a sheath of...
ochred 15 12 OCHRE, to colour wit...
ochres 15 11 OCHRE, to colour wit...
ochrey 21 13 containing or resemb...
ocicat 16 12 a large short-haired...
ockers 14 13 OCKER, (Australian s...
ocreae 11 9 OCREA, (Latin) a she...
ocreas 12 9 OCREA, (Latin) a she...
octads 13 10 OCTAD, a group of ei...
octals 14 10 OCTAL, a number syst...
octane 11 10 any of a series of s...
octans 12 10 OCTAN, a fever recur...
octant 12 10 an eighth part of a...
octave 14 13 a set of eight music...
octavo 14 13 a page size [n -S]
octets 13 9 OCTET, a composition...
octett 13 9 a composition for ei...
octopi 15 12 OCTOPUS, a nocturnal...
octroi 13 9 (French) a duty levi...
octuor 13 10 (French) an octet [n...
octyls 21 12 OCTYL, a type of hyd...
ocular 14 11 perceived by the eye...
oculus 15 12 (Latin) any eyelike...
oddest 10 8 ODD, strange, unpair...
oddish 13 10 somewhat odd [adj]
oddity 17 10 one that is odd [n O...
odeons 8 8 ODEON, (Greek) a bui...
odeums 11 11 ODEUM, (Latin) a bui...
odious 10 8 hateful, repugnant [...
odisms 12 10 ODISM, belief in the...
odists 11 7 ODIST, one who write...
odiums 12 11 ODIUM, (Latin) hatre...
odored 9 8 having an odor, also...
odours 10 8 ODOUR, any smell, wh...
odyles 17 10 ODYLE, a mystical pe...
oecist 13 9 (historical) the fou...
oedema 9 10 (Greek) a pathologic...
oeuvre 11 11 (French) the sum of...
offals 15 13 OFFAL, waste or reje...
offcut 18 16 a small piece cut of...
offend 13 14 to commit a violatio...
offers 14 12 OFFER, to present fo...
office 17 15 a position of author...
offies 14 12 OFFIE, (slang) an of...
offing 15 15 that part of the sea...
offish 17 14 shy or distant in ma...
offkey 21 18 out of tune [adj]
offput 17 16 (Scots) the act of p...
offset 14 12 to compensate for [v...
oflags 14 12 OFLAG, a prisoner of...
oftest 12 9 OFT, often [adv]
ogamic 15 14 written using ogam,...
ogdoad 10 10 a group of eight [n...
oggins 12 11 OGGIN, (slang) naval...
oghams 14 13 OGHAM, (Irish) a 6th...
ogival 14 13 of or like an ogive...
ogives 13 12 OGIVE, a pointed arc...
oglers 12 9 OGLER, one who ogles...
ogling 13 12 the act of ogling [n...
ogress 11 8 a female ogre [n -ES...
ogrish 14 10 resembling an ogre,...
ogrism 13 11 the state of being o...
ohmage 13 13 electrical resistanc...
oidium 12 11 a thin-walled fungal...
oikist 12 10 (historical) the fou...
oilcan 13 11 a can containing oil...
oilcup 17 14 a closed cup for sup...
oilers 11 7 OILER, someone who o...
oilery 17 9 an oil business [n O...
oilgas 12 9 a gaseous mixture of...
oilier 11 7 OILY, covered in oil...
oilily 19 10 OILY, covered in oil...
oiling 12 10 OIL, to lubricate wi...
oillet 12 8 (obsolete) an eyelet...
oilman 11 11 one who owns or oper...
oilmen 11 11 OILMAN, one who owns...
oilnut 11 9 a North American but...
oilpan 12 11 (US) a sump [n -S]
oilway 20 12 a channel for the pa...
oinked 10 12 OINK, to grunt like...
ointed 9 8 OINT, (Dryden) to an...
ojimes 13 18 OJIME, (Japanese) a...
okapis 13 13 OKAPI, an animal lik...
okayed 16 13 OKAY, to approve, pa...
oldens 10 9 OLDEN, to grow old [...
oldest 11 8 OLD, living for a lo...
oldies 11 8 OLDY, (colloquial) a...
oldish 14 10 somewhat old [adj]
oleate 9 7 a salt of oleic acid...
olefin 12 11 a hydrocarbon of the...
oleine 9 8 a glycerine ester of...
oleins 10 8 OLEIN, a glycerine e...
oleums 12 11 OLEUM, fuming sulphu...
olfact 16 13 to smell something [...
olingo 11 10 a small mammal of Ce...
oliver 13 11 a forge-hammer worke...
olives 13 11 OLIVE, the small ova...
olivet 13 11 a button shaped like...
ollamh 15 13 (Irish) an Irish mas...
ollavs 14 12 OLLAV, (Irish) an Ir...
ollers 12 8 OLLER, (dialect) was...
ollied 12 9 OLLIE, to perform a...
ollies 12 8 OLLIE [n]
omasal 11 10 relating to the omas...
omasum 12 13 the third stomach of...
ombers 13 12 OMBER, a card game,...
ombres 13 12 OMBRE, a card game,...
omegas 11 11 OMEGA, a Greek lette...
omelet 11 10 a dish made with bea...
omened 9 11 OMEN, to provide wit...
omenta 9 10 OMENTUM, a fold of t...
omerta 10 9 (Italian) the Mafia...
omigod 12 12 an interjection of s...
omlahs 14 12 OMLAH, an Indian sta...
omnify 19 15 to make universal [v...
omnium 12 14 the aggregate value...
omrahs 13 11 OMRAH, a Muslim lord...
onager 9 9 a wild ass of Asia [...
onagri 10 9 ONAGER, a wild ass o...
onbeat 10 10 the first and third...
oncers 12 10 ONCER, (slang) a one...
oncome 12 13 (Scots) a coming on,...
oncost 12 10 (Scots) an overhead...
ondine 8 9 a female water spiri...
onding 10 11 (Scots) a sudden ons...
onesie 8 7 a soft, loose-fittin...
oneyer 14 9 (Shakespeare) a (gre...
oneyre 14 9 (Shakespeare) a (gre...
onfall 13 12 an attack [n -S]
onflow 15 14 a flowing on [n -S]
onions 8 8 ONION, to apply an o...
oniony 14 10 like an onion [adj O...
oniric 13 10 belonging to dreams,...
oniums 11 11 ONIUM, a compound co...
onlays 16 10 ONLAY, an artificial...
online 9 9 carried out while co...
onload 9 9 to load a vehicle or...
onning 9 11 ON, to go on [v]
onrush 12 10 a forward rush [n -E...
onsets 9 7 ONSET, a beginning [...
onside 9 8 a cricket term, one...
onuses 9 8 ONUS, responsibility...
onward 12 11 towards the front, a...
onycha 20 14 (Greek) an ingredien...
onyxes 21 16 ONYX, a form of chal...
oobits 12 9 OOBIT, a hairy cater...
oocyst 19 11 an encysted form of...
oocyte 18 11 an ovum before it ma...
oodles 10 8 a large amount, also...
oofier 11 9 OOFY, expensive, ost...
oogamy 17 13 the state of having...
oogeny 15 11 the development of o...
oohing 12 11 the act of saying oo...
ooidal 10 8 egg-shaped [adj]
oolite 10 7 a kind of limestone...
oolith 13 9 any of the small rou...
oology 17 11 the study of bird's...
oolong 10 10 (Chinese) a variety...
oomiac 13 12 (Inuit) an Inuit can...
oomiak 11 13 (Inuit) an Inuit can...
oompah 14 14 to play a repeated r...
oomphs 15 14 OOMPH, spirited vigo...
ooping 12 12 OOP, to bind with th...
oorali 10 7 the plant yielding c...
oorial 10 7 a kind of Himalayan...
oorier 9 6 OORIE, (Scots) dingy...
oosier 9 6 OOSY, having fluff [...
ootids 10 7 OOTID, one of the fo...
oozier 12 15 OOZY, oozing [adj]
oozily 20 18 OOZY, oozing [adv]
oozing 13 18 OOZE, to leak slowly...
opaled 12 11 decorated with opal...
opaque 19 19 impervious to light...
opcode 14 13 a code containing op...
opened 10 11 OPEN, to cause to be...
opener 10 10 one that opens [n -S...
openly 18 13 OPEN, affording unob...
opepes 13 12 OPEPE, a West Africa...
operas 11 9 OPERA, a form of mus...
operon 10 10 a group of genes ope...
ophite 14 11 a name given to vari...
opiate 11 9 to treat with opium...
opined 11 11 OPINE, to hold as an...
opines 11 10 OPINE, to hold as an...
opioid 12 10 a peptide that acts...
opiums 14 13 OPIUM, an addictive...
oppose 13 12 to conflict with [v...
oppugn 15 16 to assail with argum...
opsins 12 10 OPSIN, a protein whi...
optant 11 10 a person who opts, e...
opters 12 9 OPTER, someone who o...
optics 16 12 OPTIC, an eye [n]
optima 13 12 OPTIMUM, the most fa...
optime 13 12 an honour student in...
opting 13 12 OPT, to decide or ch...
option 11 10 to grant the act of...
opulus 14 12 the guelder-rose [n...
opuses 12 10 OPUS, (Latin) a work...
orache 14 11 a plant of the goose...
oracle 13 10 to utter as an oracl...
orally 18 10 ORAL, relating to th...
orange 9 9 a citrus fruit [n -S...
orangs 10 9 ORANG, (Malay) a red...
orangy 16 11 resembling the colou...
orants 9 7 ORANT, a representat...
oraria 9 6 ORARION, in the Orth...
orated 9 7 ORATE, to speak form...
orates 9 6 ORATE, to speak form...
orator 9 6 one that orates [n -...
orbier 12 9 ORBY, resembling a s...
orbing 13 12 ORB, to form into a...
orbita 12 9 the hollow in which...
orbits 13 9 ORBIT, to revolve ar...
orbity 19 11 (obsolete) bereaveme...
orcein 12 10 a purple dyestuff ob...
orchat 15 11 an area where fruit...
orchel 16 12 a dye obtained from...
orchid 16 12 any plant or flower...
orchil 17 12 a dye obtained from...
orchis 16 11 (Greek) any flower o...
orcine 12 10 a chemical compound...
orcins 13 10 ORCIN, a chekical co...
ordain 9 8 to invest with holy...
ordeal 10 8 a severely difficult...
orders 10 7 ORDER, to give a com...
ordure 10 8 manure [n -S]
oreads 9 7 OREAD, a mountain ny...
oreide 9 7 an alloy used in imi...
orexin 15 14 a hormone that stimu...
orexis 16 13 (Greek) an appetite...
orfray 18 11 gold or other rich e...
organa 9 9 ORGANON, a system of...
organs 10 9 ORGAN, a musical ins...
orgasm 12 11 to experience the he...
orgeat 10 8 (French) a syrup or...
orgiac 14 11 of the nature of an...
orgias 11 8 ORGIA, a revel of de...
orgies 11 8 ORGY, a revel of deb...
orgone 9 9 according to Wilhelm...
orgues 11 9 ORGUE, (obsolete) a...
oribis 13 9 ORIBI, an African an...
oriels 11 7 ORIEL, a projecting...
orient 9 7 to determine the pos...
orifex 18 16 (Shakespeare) an ori...
origan 10 9 wild marjoram, also...
origin 11 9 a coming into being...
orihou 12 9 (Maori) a small New...
oriole 10 7 any of various mainl...
orisha 12 8 any of the minor god...
orison 9 7 a short prayer [n -S...
orixas 16 13 ORIXA, any of the mi...
orlons 10 8 ORLON, (tradename) a...
orlops 13 10 ORLOP, the lowest de...
ormers 11 9 ORMER, a sea snail o...
ormolu 12 11 an alloy of copper,...
ornate 8 7 decorated [adj ORNAT...
ornery 15 9 stubborn and mean sp...
orogen 9 9 an orogenic belt, a...
oroide 9 7 an alloy used in imi...
orphan 13 12 to deprive of both p...
orphic 18 14 mystical, oracular,...
orpine 11 10 a kind of stonecrop,...
orpins 12 10 ORPIN, a yellow pigm...
orrery 16 8 a mechanical model o...
orrice 13 9 the Florentine or ot...
orthos 12 8 ORTHO, short for ort...
orvals 13 11 ORVAL, a plant of th...
oryxes 22 15 ORYX, a kind of Afri...
oscars 13 9 OSCAR, (Australian s...
oscine 12 10 belonging to the sub...
oscula 14 11 OSCULUM, a small mou...
oscule 14 11 a small mouthlike ap...
osetra 9 6 (Russian) a type of...
oshacs 15 11 OSHAC, the ammoniac...
osiers 10 6 OSIER, a species of...
osiery 16 8 an osier bed [n OSIE...
osmate 10 9 a salt of osmic acid...
osmics 15 12 the study of the sen...
osmium 13 13 a metallic element [...
osmole 11 10 a unit of osmotic pr...
osmols 12 10 OSMOL, a unit of osm...
osmose 10 9 to undergo osmosis [...
osmous 11 10 containing osmium in...
osmund 11 12 any fern of the genu...
osprey 18 11 a bird of prey that...
ossein 9 7 a gelatinous bone re...
ossias 10 6 OSSIA, (Italian) in...
ossify 19 11 to change into bone;...
osteal 10 7 relating to, of or c...
ostent 9 7 to show off [v -ED,...
ostial 11 7 relating to an ostiu...
ostium 12 10 (Latin) the mouth of...
ostler 11 7 a horse tender at an...
ostomy 17 11 a type of surgical o...
otakus 11 11 OTAKU, in Japan, a y...
otalgy 18 11 pain in the ear, als...
otarid 10 7 of or like an otary,...
others 12 8 OTHER, one that rema...
otiose 9 6 futile, idle [adj OT...
otitic 14 9 relating to otitis,...
otitis 11 6 inflammation of the...
ottars 10 6 OTTAR, a fragrant es...
ottava 11 10 (Italian) an octave...
otters 10 6 OTTER, to fish with...
oubaas 11 10 (Afrikaans) someone...
oubits 13 10 OUBIT, a hairy cater...
ouched 15 13 OUCH, to set a preci...
ouches 15 12 OUCH, to set a preci...
ouchts 16 12 OUCHT, (Scots) anyth...
oughly 21 14 to make ugly, also O...
oughts 14 11 OUGHT, to owe [v]
ougiya 17 11 a monetary unit of M...
ouglie 12 10 to make ugly, also O...
ouijas 12 16 OUIJA, (tradename) a...
oulder 11 9 OULD, (Irish) old [a...
oulong 11 11 (Chinese) a kind of...
ounces 12 11 OUNCE, a measurement...
ouphes 14 12 OUPHE, (Shakespeare)...
ouping 13 13 OUP, to bind with th...
ourali 11 8 the plant yielding c...
ourang 10 10 a reddish-brown, tre...
ourari 10 7 the plant yielding c...
ourebi 12 10 an African antelope,...
ourier 10 7 OURIE, dingy, also O...
ousels 11 8 OUSEL, a European bi...
ousted 10 8 OUST, to expel or re...
ouster 10 7 ejection or disposse...
outact 13 10 to surpass in acting...
outadd 10 9 to surpass in adding...
outage 10 9 a failure in use [n...
outask 11 11 to surpass in asking...
outate 9 7 OUTEAT, to surpass i...
outbar 12 10 to form a barrier [v...
outbeg 13 12 to surpass in beggin...
outbid 13 11 to bid higher than [...
outbox 18 17 to surpass in boxing...
outbuy 19 13 to surpass in buying...
outbye 18 12 (Scots) out of doors...
outcry 20 12 to cry louder than [...
outdid 11 9 OUTDO, to exceed in...
outeat 9 7 to surpass in eating...
outers 10 7 OUTER, a part of an...
outfit 13 10 to equip [v OUTFITTE...
outfly 20 13 to surpass in speed...
outfox 18 17 to outwit [v -ED, -I...
outgas 11 9 to remove gas from [...
outgun 11 11 to surpass in fire p...
outher 12 9 (dialect) either [ad...
outhit 13 9 to surpass in hittin...
outing 11 10 a short pleasure tri...
outjet 12 16 a projection, also O...
outjut 13 17 to stick out [v OUTJ...
outlaw 14 11 to prohibit [v -ED,...
outlay 17 10 to pay out [v OUTLAI...
outled 11 9 OUTLEAD, to surpass...
outler 11 8 someone who is out o...
outlet 11 8 a vent or passage [n...
outlie 11 8 to lie outside, be o...
outman 10 11 to surpass in manpow...
output 13 11 to produce [v OUTPUT...
outran 9 8 OUTRUN, to run faste...
outred 10 8 to surpass in rednes...
outrig 12 9 to equip (a boat) wi...
outros 10 7 OUTRO, an instrument...
outrow 13 10 to surpass in rowing...
outrun 10 9 to run faster than [...
outsat 10 7 OUTSIT, to sit longe...
outsaw 13 10 OUTSEE, to see beyon...
outsay 16 9 to surpass in saying...
outsee 9 7 to see beyond [v OUT...
outset 10 7 a beginning [n -S]
outsin 10 8 to surpass in sinnin...
outsit 11 7 to sit longer than [...
outsum 12 11 to outnumber [v OUTS...
outtop 12 10 to overtop [v OUTTOP...
outvie 12 11 to surpass in compet...
outwar 13 10 to surpass in warrin...
outwin 13 11 (Spenser) to win a w...
outwit 14 10 to defeat by superio...
outwon 12 11 OUTWIN, (Spenser) to...
ouvert 12 11 (French) open, also...
ouzels 14 17 OUZEL, a European bi...
ovally 20 14 OVAL, egg-shaped [ad...
ovated 11 11 OVATE, to receive wi...
ovates 11 10 OVATE, to receive wi...
ovator 11 10 one who gives an ova...
ovened 10 12 OVEN, to cook in an...
overby 20 15 a little way over, a...
overdo 11 11 to do to excess [v O...
overed 11 11 OVER, to go, leap or...
overgo 12 12 to travel over [v OV...
overly 19 13 to an excessive degr...
ovibos 14 13 the musk ox [n -ES]
ovines 11 11 OVINE, a sheep or si...
ovisac 15 13 a brood-pouch; an eg...
ovists 13 10 OVIST, a believer th...
ovoids 12 11 OVOID, an egg-shaped...
ovolos 12 11 OVOLO, a moulding wi...
ovonic 14 14 related to ovonics,...
ovular 13 12 relating or belongin...
ovules 13 12 OVULE, the structure...
owches 18 14 OWCHE, (archaic) a s...
owelty 20 12 equality [n OWELTIES...
owerby 21 14 (Scots) a little way...
owlers 14 10 OWLER, a smuggler of...
owlery 20 12 a place inhabited by...
owlets 14 10 OWLET, a young owl,...
owlier 14 10 OWLY, owlish, like a...
owling 15 13 OWL, to smuggle wool...
owlish 17 12 like an owl [adj OWL...
owners 12 10 OWNER, one that owns...
owning 13 13 OWN, to have as a po...
owrier 13 9 OWRIE, (Scots) dingy...
oxalic 20 17 applied to an acid o...
oxalis 17 14 a plant of the wood-...
oxbows 21 19 OXBOW, a pronounced...
oxcart 19 16 a cart drawn by an o...
oxeyes 21 15 OXEYE, a wild chrysa...
oxford 18 17 a soft durable plain...
oxgang 17 18 as much land as one...
oxgate 16 15 as much land as one...
oxhead 17 16 a blockhead [n -S]
oxherd 18 16 one who tends oxen [...
oxhide 18 16 leather from the hid...
oxides 16 14 OXIDE, a compound co...
oxidic 20 17 of or like an oxide,...
oximes 17 16 OXIME, any of a numb...
oxland 16 16 as much land as one...
oxlike 18 18 like an ox [adj]
oxlips 20 17 OXLIP, a flower like...
oxslip 20 17 (Shakespeare) an oxl...
oxtail 17 14 the tail of an ox, e...
oxters 16 13 OXTER, (Scots) to ta...
oxygen 22 18 a gaseous element [n...
oxymel 24 19 a mixture of honey,...
oyeses 15 8 OYES, a proclamation...
oyezes 18 17 OYEZ, a proclamation...
oyster 16 8 a bivalve shellfish,...
ozaena 10 16 a fetid discharge fr...
ozalid 14 17 a process of printin...
ozekis 14 19 OZEKI, a champion su...
ozones 11 16 OZONE, an allotropic...
ozonic 15 19 pertaining to ozone...
ozzies 16 24 OZZIE, (dialect) a h...