12 letter words that end with L

12 letter words that end with L

12 letter L word


Words With Friends®


aberrational 21 17 given to aberration,...
accusatorial 27 20 denoting a judicial...
acroamatical 27 22 abstruse, esoteric,...
acupunctural 30 26 relating to acupunct...
adaptational 21 18 relating to adaptati...
adjustmental 24 28 relating to adjustme...
adventureful 25 24 daring [adj]
aeronautical 22 18 relating to aeronaut...
aerostatical 23 16 relating to aerostat...
aetiological 25 19 relating to aetiolog...
agrammatical 27 24 not grammatical [adj...
agrichemical 32 26 a chemical intended...
agricultural 28 21 of, relating to, use...
agrochemical 31 26 a chemical intended...
alphabetical 31 25 arranged in the orde...
alphamerical 30 25 consisting of, or (o...
altimetrical 27 20 relating to measurem...
amianthoidal 23 20 of or like amianthus...
amygdaloidal 30 23 having amygdules [ad...
anachronical 27 23 out of (chronologica...
anaglyphical 36 27 of or like an anagly...
anaglyptical 34 25 of or like an anagly...
anapaestical 24 20 in the form of an an...
anaptyctical 35 25 relating to anaptyxi...
anchoretical 28 22 of or like an anchor...
anchoritical 29 22 of or like an anchor...
angiospermal 24 22 like an angiosperm,...
annexational 23 23 relating to annexati...
antediluvial 24 21 pertaining to the pe...
anteprandial 21 19 before dinner [adj]
anthological 27 22 of or like an anthol...
anthropoidal 24 20 like an anthropoid [...
anticlerical 28 21 one opposed to cleri...
anticolonial 23 19 opposed to the colon...
anticultural 26 20 opposed to culture [...
antimalarial 22 18 effective against ma...
antinational 18 16 opposed to nationali...
antiparallel 24 19 making with a transv...
antiphonical 27 23 (obsolete) mutually...
antirational 19 15 opposed to the ratio...
antithetical 26 19 relating to antithes...
antitumoural 22 19 preventing or acting...
apfelstrudel 27 22 (German) apple strud...
apodeictical 29 23 (archaic) necessaril...
apologetical 27 22 expressing apology,...
apoplectical 32 26 (archaic) apoplectic...
apparitional 24 20 of or like an appari...
appositional 24 20 relating to appositi...
aquaceutical 35 30 a method of deliveri...
aquacultural 34 29 relating to aquacult...
aquicultural 35 29 relating to aquicult...
archesporial 28 21 of or like an arches...
archetypical 38 26 of or like an archet...
arithmetical 28 21 relating to arithmet...
aspirational 22 17 relating to aspirati...
astrological 26 19 relating to astrolog...
astronomical 24 20 related to astronomy...
asymmetrical 33 24 not symmetrical, als...
asymptotical 34 24 of a line, approachi...
atheological 27 21 related to atheology...
atheoretical 25 18 not based on or conc...
audiological 26 21 relating to the stud...
autochthonal 27 22 indigenous, aborigin...
autocratical 27 20 of, relating to, or...
bactericidal 30 23 destroying bacteria...
barometrical 27 22 as measured by a bar...
barristerial 24 16 of or like a barrist...
battological 28 22 pertaining to battol...
bibliothecal 32 25 of or like a bibliot...
bicentennial 24 22 happening every two...
bicollateral 28 21 of a vascular bundle...
bifunctional 28 25 having two functions...
bimillennial 26 23 happening every two...
biodynamical 33 26 relating to biodynam...
biogenetical 26 22 pertaining to biogen...
biographical 32 26 relating to biograph...
biotechnical 31 25 of or relating to bi...
brachycephal 42 31 a short-headed perso...
brachydactyl 45 29 having abnormally sh...
cabalistical 31 23 relating to the cabb...
cacophonical 33 28 of or like a cacopho...
cancellarial 28 22 of or relating to a...
carpological 31 25 related to carpology...
cartological 29 22 related to cartology...
cataphysical 38 26 unnatural [adj]
catechetical 32 24 relating to catechis...
catechumenal 29 26 of or like a catechu...
centroclinal 27 22 dipping towards a ce...
characterful 32 25 full of character [a...
chlorambucil 35 29 an oral drug used to...
chorological 31 24 related to chorology...
cliometrical 30 23 relating to cliometr...
coenobitical 28 23 of or like a coenobi...
coincidental 26 22 resulting from a coi...
commentarial 25 23 of or like a comment...
commissarial 27 22 of or like a commiss...
commissional 26 23 of or like a commiss...
complemental 28 27 relating to or being...
complexional 33 31 relating to complexi...
complimental 29 27 expressing or implyi...
componential 25 24 relating to a compon...
concentrical 29 24 having a common cent...
conceptional 27 24 capable of conceivin...
concessional 25 21 in the nature of a c...
conductional 26 23 relating to conducti...
conductorial 27 22 of or like a conduct...
conferential 24 21 of or like a confere...
confessional 24 21 relating to confessi...
confidential 25 22 marked by intimacy o...
confraternal 24 21 like a confraternity...
congenerical 26 23 of the same genus, o...
conjunctival 31 35 relating to the conj...
conjunctural 29 32 relating to conjunct...
connectional 24 22 relating to connecti...
consistorial 24 17 relating to a consis...
contortional 22 18 relating to contorti...
contractural 27 21 relating to contract...
contrapuntal 25 22 pertaining to counte...
contrasexual 29 25 one who represses th...
contubernyal 31 24 (archaic) living or...
convectional 27 25 relating to convecti...
conventional 23 23 formed by agreement...
conversional 24 22 relating to conversi...
convictional 28 25 relating to convicti...
convulsional 26 24 of or like convulsio...
correctional 26 20 relating to correcti...
cosmogonical 28 25 relating to cosmogon...
cosmological 30 25 relating to cosmolog...
cotangential 23 20 of or like a cotange...
counterspell 27 22 a spell intended to...
craniofacial 28 23 of, relating to, or...
craniosacral 26 20 as in craniosacral t...
cryosurgical 36 24 relating to cryosurg...
cryptococcal 42 30 of or like a cryptoc...
curvirostral 28 21 having a curved bill...
cybernetical 35 25 relating to cybernet...
cytochemical 40 29 relating to cytochem...
cytoskeletal 32 23 of or like a cytoske...
declensional 23 20 relating to declensi...
dedicational 23 19 of the nature of a d...
dedicatorial 24 18 related to dedicatio...
definitional 22 19 relating to the act...
deflectional 26 22 related to deflectio...
democratical 28 23 related to democracy...
dentilingual 23 20 pronounced (as th) w...
dentirostral 21 15 with notched beak [a...
departmental 23 21 relating to a depart...
depositional 22 18 relating to depositi...
derivational 22 19 relating to derivati...
descensional 22 19 characterised by des...
diagnostical 25 20 relating to diagnosi...
diapophysial 34 24 of or like a diapoph...
diarthrodial 24 17 of or like a diarthr...
differential 25 21 relating to a differ...
difunctional 26 23 a compound with two...
digressional 22 17 relating to digressi...
dilatational 21 16 relating to dilatati...
diplomatical 29 24 relating to diplomac...
discretional 24 18 relating to discreti...
discussional 25 19 relating to discussi...
disregardful 26 21 full of disregard [a...
distortional 21 15 relating to distorti...
ditheistical 28 19 relating to ditheism...
ditheletical 28 20 relating to dithelet...
divinatorial 23 19 relating to divinati...
dodecahedral 25 21 relating to a dodeca...
donatistical 24 18 pertaining to donati...
dorsiventral 23 19 having differentiate...
dorsolateral 21 15 of, relating to, or...
dorsoventral 22 19 extending from a dor...
dunniewassal 23 20 (Gaelic) a Highland...
duodecennial 22 21 recurring twelve yea...
echinodermal 26 23 of or like an echino...
egocentrical 27 22 concerned with the i...
emblematical 29 26 of, relating to, or...
emigrational 22 19 relating to emigrati...
enarthrodial 22 17 of or like an enarth...
endochondral 24 22 relating to a type o...
endoskeletal 21 20 relating to the endo...
endotracheal 24 20 placed within the tr...
enharmonical 25 23 relating to music co...
enterococcal 28 23 relating to enteroco...
enterostomal 20 17 relating to enterost...
entoplastral 23 18 relating to the ento...
epexegetical 32 28 providing additional...
epicycloidal 37 26 of or like an epicyc...
epideictical 30 23 done for show or dis...
epigraphical 32 26 relating to an epigr...
erotological 25 19 related to erotology...
ethnological 27 22 relating to ethnolog...
etonogestrel 20 16 a molecule used in c...
etymological 33 24 related to etymology...
eulogistical 27 20 of or like a eulogy,...
euphuistical 30 23 characterised by eup...
eurhythmical 37 26 relating to eurhythm...
euroterminal 21 18 the end station of a...
excavational 30 28 relating to excavati...
exorcistical 34 26 relating to exorcism...
exospherical 34 28 related to the exosp...
expediential 28 25 relating to expedien...
experiential 28 24 relating to, derived...
experimental 29 27 of, relating to, or...
expositional 28 24 relating to expositi...
expressional 28 24 relating to expressi...
extracranial 29 24 situated or occurrin...
extralimital 30 24 not present in a giv...
extralogical 32 26 not guided or determ...
extramarital 28 23 of, relating to, or...
extramusical 32 27 lying outside the pr...
extratextual 33 28 of, relating to, or...
fissilingual 27 21 having a forked or c...
fissirostral 25 16 having a divided bea...
fluorouracil 28 22 a fluorine-containin...
foresightful 30 24 full of foresight [a...
forestaysail 29 18 the sail attached to...
foundational 21 20 of or like a foundat...
gasometrical 26 21 relating to the meas...
geanticlinal 25 21 of or like a geantic...
gemmological 29 27 related to gemmology...
genealogical 25 22 relating to genealog...
generational 19 17 relating to generati...
genethliacal 27 22 (obsolete) pertainin...
geobotanical 25 22 relating to geobotan...
geocentrical 27 22 having the earth for...
geodynamical 31 25 related to geodynami...
geognostical 25 21 relating to geognosy...
geographical 30 25 of or relating to ge...
geopolitical 28 22 relating to geopolit...
geosynclinal 31 23 of or like a geosync...
geotechnical 29 24 relating to geotechn...
gladiatorial 23 17 of or like a gladiat...
glockenspiel 29 27 (German) a musical i...
governmental 23 24 relating to governme...
grallatorial 24 17 relating to wading b...
habitational 24 19 relating to habitati...
haematocryal 32 23 of all animals excep...
hagiological 29 23 relating to hagiolog...
hemorrhoidal 26 21 of or like a haemorr...
hendecagonal 24 23 of or like a hendeca...
heroicomical 30 24 of a style that mixe...
heterocercal 28 21 having the vertebral...
heterodactyl 32 21 a heterodactylous bi...
heterosexual 28 23 attracted to the opp...
heterosocial 25 18 relating to social r...
hexametrical 33 28 of verse, written in...
hexobarbital 33 28 a barbiturate used a...
hierarchical 32 23 of, relating to, or...
hierological 28 21 relating to hierolog...
histological 29 21 relating to histolog...
histrionical 27 19 relating to the stag...
homeothermal 26 23 keeping the same tem...
homeotypical 35 26 denoting or relating...
horometrical 27 21 relating to horometr...
hydrological 35 24 relating to hydrolog...
hydrothermal 33 23 designating naturall...
hymnological 35 27 related to hymnology...
hyperarousal 31 21 a state of extreme a...
hyperbolical 38 27 relating to a kind o...
hyperdulical 37 26 of or like hyperduli...
hypersensual 31 22 excessively sensual...
hyperspatial 34 23 relating to hyperspa...
hyperthermal 35 25 suffering from hyper...
hypertypical 44 28 excessively typical...
hypnological 36 27 relating to hypnolog...
hypocritical 39 26 characterized by hyp...
hypostatical 35 23 relating to hypostas...
hypothetical 37 25 being or involving a...
ichnological 31 25 related to ichnology...
iconological 28 23 relating to iconolog...
imbibitional 27 23 relating to imbibiti...
immethodical 29 25 not methodical [adj...
impedimental 25 24 causing hindrance; i...
imperatorial 24 19 like an imperator [a...
impressional 24 20 of or like an impres...
inartificial 27 20 not artificial [adj...
incubational 25 22 relating to incubati...
indicational 23 19 of the nature of an...
infanticidal 26 22 relating to infantic...
inflectional 26 22 relating to inflecti...
infraorbital 25 20 situated below the o...
inhalational 22 18 relating to inhalati...
inharmonical 26 23 lacking harmony, inh...
innovational 20 20 relating to innovati...
insecticidal 28 21 destroying or contro...
inspectional 25 21 relating to inspecti...
inspectorial 26 20 of or like an inspec...
instrumental 22 19 nonvocal [adj INSTRU...
integumental 22 21 of or like an integu...
intellectual 26 20 relating to the inte...
interchannel 24 21 between channels [ad...
intercoastal 23 17 between coasts [adj]
interdigital 23 17 between digits [adj]
interfemoral 23 20 situated between the...
interfluvial 27 23 between two rivers f...
interfrontal 22 18 between the frontal...
interglacial 26 20 occurring between tw...
interlingual 23 19 relating to an inter...
internuncial 23 20 linking two neurons...
interorbital 23 17 between orbits [adj]
interpleural 24 19 situated between the...
interpluvial 27 23 a period between bou...
interspatial 23 17 of or like an inters...
interspersal 23 17 the act of intersper...
interstadial 21 15 a subdivision within...
interstitial 22 14 occurring in an inte...
intertextual 27 22 of or like an intert...
intonational 18 16 relating to intonati...
intracardial 24 18 within the heart [ad...
intracranial 23 18 existing or occurrin...
invitational 22 19 by invitation [adj]...
invocational 24 22 relating to invocati...
involutional 23 21 relating to involuti...
iodometrical 25 20 measured by iodine,...
irreciprocal 30 22 not reciprocal [adj]
irrigational 22 16 relating to irrigati...
irrotational 20 14 not rotating or invo...
isobilateral 24 17 having the same stru...
isocheimenal 26 22 a line connecting po...
judicatorial 27 27 relating to the judi...
karyological 33 25 relating to karyolog...
karyotypical 40 27 of or like a karyoty...
kilometrical 28 24 relating to measurem...
leucorrhoeal 26 20 relating to leucorrh...
levitational 23 19 relating to levitati...
liberticidal 29 21 destructive of liber...
ligulifloral 29 22 having strap-shaped...
limitational 23 18 relating to limitati...
limnological 28 24 relating to limnolog...
linguistical 28 21 relating to language...
lithological 30 22 relating to litholog...
lithotomical 29 22 relating to lithotom...
longirostral 23 17 having an elongated...
longitudinal 23 20 placed or running le...
loxodromical 32 28 pertaining to sailin...
mammalogical 29 28 related to mammalogy...
managemental 21 23 relating to manageme...
mangelwurzel 30 33 a kind of root veget...
manometrical 25 23 relating to manometr...
manufactural 27 25 relating to manufact...
marcasitical 29 22 of or like marcasite...
mathematical 28 24 related to mathemati...
maturational 21 18 relating to maturati...
medicamental 25 24 relating to medicame...
mereological 26 22 related to mereology...
metaleptical 28 23 of or pertaining to...
metamaterial 22 19 any artificial mater...
metaphorical 29 24 related to metaphor,...
metaphysical 36 26 of or relating to me...
metathetical 27 21 relating to metathes...
metempirical 29 25 transcending but ass...
meteoritical 25 19 of or like a meteori...
methylphenol 35 27 a type of aromatic o...
metrological 27 22 relating to metrolog...
metronomical 25 23 of or like a metrono...
microcrystal 36 24 a microscopic crysta...
micrological 31 25 relating to microlog...
microtomical 30 25 of or like a microto...
misappraisal 27 22 a wrong appraisal [n...
mischanceful 33 29 (archaic) full of mi...
mobocratical 30 25 relating to mobocrac...
molluscoidal 28 23 like a mollusc [adj]
monocultural 26 23 relating to monocult...
monomaniacal 23 24 obsessed with one su...
monometrical 25 23 of verse, written in...
monsignorial 22 20 of or like a monsign...
motivational 23 21 relating to motivati...
motoneuronal 19 19 relating to a motone...
multicentral 27 22 having or proceeding...
multichannel 28 25 having many channels...
multicipital 31 24 many-headed [adj]
multilateral 25 19 having many sides [a...
multilingual 27 23 of, having, or expre...
multinominal 24 23 having many names [a...
museological 27 23 relating to museolog...
myographical 37 28 relating to myograph...
mystagogical 34 25 relating to religiou...
mythological 36 26 of or relating to my...
nanomaterial 19 18 a microscopically sm...
nasolacrymal 31 23 relating to the nose...
navigational 22 21 relating to navigati...
necrological 28 23 relating to necrolog...
neoclassical 27 21 relating to neoclass...
nephological 29 25 relating to nepholog...
neurohumoral 23 21 relating to neurohum...
neurological 25 21 relating to neurolog...
nomothetical 26 22 legislative; based o...
nonbacterial 24 21 not bacterial [adj]
nonclassical 27 22 not classical [adj]
noncommittal 25 24 giving no clear indi...
noncustodial 23 20 of or being a parent...
noneditorial 19 16 not editorial [adj]
nonemotional 18 19 not emotional [adj]
nonempirical 26 24 not empirical [adj]
nonessential 18 16 something not essent...
nonfictional 24 22 not fictional [adj N...
nonfinancial 23 23 not financial [adj]
nonidentical 22 20 not identical [adj]
nonmercurial 24 22 not mercurial [adj]
nonmicrobial 26 24 not microbial [adj]
nonmunicipal 26 26 not municipal [adj]
nonnumerical 23 23 not numerical [adj]
nonpolitical 26 22 not political [adj N...
nonpractical 28 24 not practical [adj]
nonspherical 27 23 not spherical [adj]
nonsteroidal 19 16 of, relating to, or...
nontechnical 27 24 not technical [adj]
nonuniversal 21 21 not universal [adj]
nostological 25 20 relating to nostolog...
nychthemeral 35 26 (Greek) of or relati...
obligational 24 20 relating to an oblig...
occupational 28 24 related to occupatio...
odontophoral 23 20 of or like an odonto...
oligarchical 32 24 of or like an oligar...
ophiological 30 24 relating to ophiolog...
oppositional 24 20 relating to oppositi...
optimistical 29 22 optimistic, also OPT...
optometrical 27 22 relating to optometr...
orographical 29 23 relating to orograph...
orthopedical 28 22 related to orthopedi...
osteological 25 19 relating to osteolog...
overcritical 30 23 excessively critical...
paedological 27 23 related to paedology...
palaestrical 27 20 relating to a palaes...
pantomimical 28 26 like a pantomime, al...
paraboloidal 25 21 of or like a parabol...
paradisaical 26 20 of or like paradise,...
paradisiacal 26 20 of or like paradise,...
paraenetical 24 20 exhortatory, also PA...
parametrical 27 22 relating to paramete...
paratactical 29 22 of pertaining to, or...
paroccipital 32 25 the area next to the...
pathological 30 24 relating to patholog...
patrological 28 22 related to patrology...
pentarchical 31 25 relating to a pentar...
pentateuchal 27 23 relating to the Pent...
perceptional 27 23 relating to percepti...
percussional 26 21 relating to percussi...
perichaetial 28 21 relating to the peri...
perichondral 28 23 of or like a pericho...
perimetrical 28 22 relating to a perime...
peripherical 31 24 (archaic) relating t...
perorational 21 17 of or like a perorat...
perspectival 31 26 relating to perspect...
pestilential 24 18 causing or tending t...
pestological 28 22 related to pestology...
petrological 28 22 relating to petrolog...
phagocytical 39 28 of or like a phagocy...
phantasmical 29 25 of the nature of a p...
phellodermal 28 24 relating to the phel...
phenological 29 25 relating to phenolog...
phenotypical 36 27 relating to a phenot...
phenylmethyl 42 29 an ester of benzene,...
philological 32 25 of or pertaining to...
phlegmatical 32 27 of a calm, unexcitab...
phonological 29 25 relating to phonolog...
phonotypical 36 27 of or like a phonoty...
phosphatidyl 37 26 any of several monov...
photothermal 28 23 of or concerned with...
phycological 40 29 relating to phycolog...
physiatrical 36 23 relating to physiatr...
phytological 37 26 relating to phytolog...
planetesimal 24 21 an asteroid or simil...
platitudinal 25 20 of or like platitude...
pleonastical 26 21 relating to pleonasm...
pluriliteral 27 19 of more than three l...
pneumococcal 32 30 of or like a pneumoc...
populational 25 22 relating to populati...
porismatical 28 22 relating to a porism...
possessional 22 17 relating to possessi...
postbiblical 33 26 belonging to the per...
postcolonial 26 21 taking place after t...
postdiluvial 28 23 after the Flood [adj...
postdoctoral 26 20 being beyond the doc...
posthospital 28 21 taking place after a...
postimperial 27 22 taking place after i...
postmedieval 26 24 taking place after t...
postneonatal 20 18 following a new birt...
postprandial 25 21 taking place after d...
postsurgical 29 22 taking place after s...
postvaccinal 31 27 taking place after v...
precautional 25 21 of the nature of a p...
precedential 25 21 of the nature of a p...
precentorial 25 20 of or like a precent...
preceptorial 28 22 a college course tha...
precessional 25 20 relating to precessi...
preclassical 31 23 before the classical...
prefectorial 28 22 relating to office o...
preferential 24 20 showing preference [...
prehensorial 24 19 prehensile, related...
preinaugural 24 21 preceding an inaugur...
premenstrual 24 21 taking place before...
prerehearsal 24 18 taking place before...
presbyterial 32 21 relating to a presby...
presidential 23 18 relating to a presid...
primogenital 25 22 firstborn, also PRIM...
prismatoidal 25 20 having the form of a...
procathedral 28 22 a parish church serv...
processional 25 20 of or like a process...
productional 26 22 relating to producti...
professional 24 20 of, belonging to or...
professorial 25 19 of or like a profess...
projectional 27 29 relating to projecti...
prolegomenal 24 23 of the nature of a p...
proportional 24 20 relating to proporti...
prosectorial 26 19 of or like a prosect...
prosopopeial 26 22 relating to prosopop...
protectorial 26 19 of or like a protect...
protonematal 22 20 of or like a protone...
protoplasmal 27 23 of or like protoplas...
prototypical 35 24 relating to a protot...
protreptical 29 22 exhorting or encoura...
providential 25 22 of, relating to, or...
pseudopodial 25 22 of or like a pseudop...
psychosexual 41 31 of or relating to th...
psychosocial 38 26 involving both psych...
pugilistical 31 23 related to pugilism,...
pumpernickel 31 31 (German) a kind of c...
pyritohedral 32 21 of or like a pyritoh...
pyrocatechol 37 26 another name for cat...
pyrochemical 39 29 relating to chemical...
pyromaniacal 32 25 relating to pyromani...
pyrometrical 34 24 relating to pyrometr...
quadriennial 28 26 taking place every f...
quadrinomial 30 28 an expression of fou...
quaquaversal 39 37 sloping downward fro...
quarterfinal 31 27 the round before the...
quasicrystal 40 28 a body of solid mate...
quinquennial 36 36 lasting five years;...
radiological 26 20 of or relating to ra...
recreational 22 17 of, relating to, or...
rectirostral 25 16 having straight beak...
redemptional 23 21 of the nature of red...
reflectional 26 21 relating to reflecti...
repetitional 22 17 relating to repetiti...
reputational 22 18 relating to reputati...
responsorial 22 17 an office-book conta...
retinotectal 23 17 of, relating to, or...
revelational 22 19 of or like revelatio...
revolutional 23 20 of or like revolutio...
rheometrical 27 21 relating to measurem...
rheumatismal 26 22 relating to rheumati...
rhinocerical 29 22 (archaic slang) rich...
rhinological 28 22 related to rhinology...
rhinorrhoeal 24 18 relating to rhinorrh...
rhombohedral 28 24 shaped like a rhombo...
rhopaloceral 28 22 relating to the Rhop...
saccharoidal 29 22 like loaf sugar in t...
salutational 21 16 relating to salutati...
scatological 29 22 relating to scatolog...
schismatical 32 24 relating to a schism...
schistosomal 28 21 of or like a schisto...
scholastical 31 22 (archaic) scholastic...
scientifical 30 23 of, relating to, or...
secobarbital 28 22 a barbiturate used c...
semaphorical 29 24 related to semaphore...
semiarboreal 23 19 often inhabiting and...
semicolonial 25 21 nominally independen...
semimystical 34 24 having some of the q...
semiofficial 30 25 having some official...
semiological 27 22 relating to semiolog...
semitropical 28 22 subtropical [adj]
septilateral 24 17 having seven sides [...
sericultural 27 19 relating to sericult...
seriocomical 28 22 partly serious and p...
servocontrol 25 21 in aircraft, a reinf...
sinistrorsal 22 14 of a climbing plant,...
sociological 29 22 of or relating to so...
solecistical 29 20 having the nature of...
sophomorical 29 24 of or like a sophomo...
speciational 25 20 relating to speciati...
spectatorial 26 19 of or like a spectat...
spermathecal 29 24 of or like a spermat...
spermatozoal 26 28 of or like a spermat...
sphincterial 29 22 relating ot the sphi...
spirochaetal 28 21 resulting from spiro...
sprachgefuhl 35 29 (German) an intuitiv...
squirearchal 35 28 relating to a squire...
stenothermal 23 19 capable of surviving...
sternocostal 23 17 of, relating to, or...
stigmasterol 24 18 a crystalline sterol...
stilboestrol 25 17 a synthetic oestroge...
strabismical 29 22 of or like a strabis...
studdingsail 24 19 an additional sail s...
subabdominal 26 25 relating to the lowe...
subcelestial 28 21 living below the hea...
subeditorial 24 18 relating to the role...
subepidermal 27 24 lying beneath or con...
subfactorial 29 23 something below a fa...
suboccipital 33 26 below the occiput [a...
subprincipal 32 27 an assistant princip...
substantival 26 22 of, relating to, or...
subvertebral 28 24 situated below the v...
successional 27 21 relating to successi...
superfrontal 25 21 a covering hanging o...
superglacial 29 23 occurring or origina...
superhelical 30 23 of or like a superhe...
superhumeral 27 23 an ecclesiastical ga...
superluminal 26 23 faster than light [a...
supernatural 23 19 of or relating to an...
superordinal 23 19 relating to a supero...
supersensual 23 19 sensual to a very hi...
superspecial 29 23 something exceptiona...
supplemental 27 25 serving to supplemen...
supracrustal 28 21 of rocks, on or near...
supraglottal 26 20 above the glottis [a...
supraliminal 26 22 conscious [adj SUPRA...
supraorbital 26 20 situated above the e...
suspensorial 23 18 of or like the suspe...
symbological 36 27 related to symbology...
synaptosomal 29 22 of or like a synapto...
synchronical 35 25 concerned with the s...
systematical 32 21 relating to or consi...
talismanical 26 21 of or like a talisma...
taphonomical 28 25 relating to taphonom...
tautological 26 20 relating to tautolog...
teaspoonsful 24 21 TEASPOONFUL, the con...
telemetrical 26 20 relating to telemetr...
teleological 26 20 exhibiting or relati...
telescopical 30 23 of, relating to, or...
telesmatical 26 20 relating to a telesm...
televisional 23 19 relating to televisi...
tenuirostral 21 15 of a bird, slender-b...
tetrachordal 26 19 having four chords [...
tetrarchical 30 21 having four xylem st...
tetrastichal 27 18 of or like a tetrast...
theocratical 29 21 relating to a theocr...
theosophical 30 23 relating to theosoph...
thiodiglycol 36 24 a chemical compound...
timocratical 29 22 relating to timocrac...
tragicomical 30 24 part tragic, part co...
transcranial 23 18 across the cranium [...
transitional 20 15 marking a transition...
translumenal 22 20 (of a surgical proce...
transluminal 23 20 (of a surgical proce...
transnatural 20 16 being above or beyon...
transvaginal 23 21 across the vagina [a...
tribological 29 22 relating to tribolog...
trichogynial 34 23 of or like a trichog...
triglyphical 39 26 of or like a triglyp...
triphthongal 29 23 relating to triphtho...
trochanteral 25 19 of or like a trochan...
tropological 28 22 characterized by tro...
trypanocidal 32 23 relating to a trypan...
trypanosomal 29 22 of or like a trypano...
tubulifloral 29 23 having tubular-shape...
tyrannicidal 30 21 relating to tyrannic...
ultracareful 28 22 very very careful [a...
ultraliberal 26 19 one who is extremely...
ultraradical 26 19 extremely radical [a...
ultrasensual 22 17 extremely sensual [a...
unanalytical 30 22 not analytical, also...
unartificial 27 21 not artificial [adj...
unbeneficial 27 25 not beneficial [adj]
uncommercial 29 27 not engaged in or re...
undelightful 29 25 not delightful [adj]
underfulfill 29 25 to fall short of sat...
unecological 28 24 not ecological [adj]
uneconomical 26 25 not economically pra...
unhistorical 27 20 not historical [adj]
unhysterical 33 22 not hysterical [adj...
unmechanical 29 27 not mechanical [adj]
unmethodical 27 24 not methodical [adj]
unornamental 19 20 not ornamental [adj]
unprelatical 27 22 not prelatical [adj]
unprocedural 26 23 not procedural [adj]
unremorseful 24 22 not remorseful [adj...
unrevengeful 25 26 not revengeful [adj]
unrhetorical 26 20 not rhetorical [adj]
unrhythmical 37 27 not rhythmical, also...
unromantical 24 22 not romantic, also U...
unscriptural 28 22 not scriptural [adj...
unsuccessful 31 26 not successful [adj...
unthoughtful 30 26 not thoughtful [adj...
unworshipful 32 27 not worshipful [adj]
urinogenital 21 18 relating to the area...
vegetational 22 20 relating to vegetati...
venerational 20 19 relating to venerati...
ventriloqual 32 29 related to ventriloq...
ventromedial 23 22 ventral and medial [...
vinicultural 29 24 relating to vinicult...
visitational 23 18 relating to visitati...
visitatorial 24 17 of or relating to vi...
viticultural 30 23 relating to viticult...
vocicultural 32 26 of or pertaining to...
volitational 23 19 of or like volitatio...
volumetrical 29 25 of or pertaining to...
vulvovaginal 29 30 relating to the area...
whippoorwill 36 28 a species of nightja...
wineglassful 29 24 the contents of a wi...
zoographical 32 32 relating to zoograph...
zootechnical 31 31 of or relating to th...