10 letter words that end with L

10 letter words that end with L

10 letter L word


Words With Friends®


abacterial 22 17 not caused by or cha...
aboriginal 20 17 indigenous [adj ABOR...
abortional 18 15 pertaining to aborti...
abranchial 24 20 lacking gills, also...
academical 24 21 related to learning,...
acaricidal 24 18 relating to an acari...
accidental 23 19 by accident [adj ACC...
accipitral 27 20 like an accipiter, a...
accultural 26 20 relating to accultur...
acoustical 24 18 relating to the scie...
acronychal 31 22 occurring at nightfa...
acrostical 24 17 pertaining to, or ch...
acroterial 20 14 pertaining to an acr...
additional 17 14 existing by way of a...
adenoviral 18 17 relating to an adeno...
adhesional 18 15 relating to adhesion...
adjectival 25 28 using many adjective...
agronomial 18 17 relating to agronomy...
alchemical 28 23 relating to alchemy,...
alkaloidal 20 18 pertaining to, resem...
ambisexual 27 25 of sexual characteri...
ambosexual 26 25 common to both sexes...
ambulacral 25 22 of or pertaining to...
ammoniacal 21 21 of or pertaining to...
anagogical 21 19 relating to mystical...
analogical 21 18 of or belonging to a...
analytical 27 18 pertaining to analys...
anarchical 25 20 relating to anarchy,...
anatomical 20 18 relating to anatomy,...
androecial 19 16 relating to the andr...
aneurismal 18 16 of or pertaining to...
aneurysmal 24 18 of or pertaining to...
antechapel 23 20 an anteroom to a cha...
anticlinal 21 17 of or like an anticl...
antifungal 20 19 designed to prevent...
antimonial 17 16 a drug containing an...
antiphonal 20 18 sung or recited in a...
antisexual 23 20 one who is opposed t...
antisocial 20 15 averse to the societ...
apagogical 24 21 proving indirectly,...
aparthotel 21 16 a hotel in which sel...
aplacental 22 19 having no placenta [...
apocryphal 33 24 of doubtful authenti...
apolitical 24 18 not political [adj A...
apophyseal 29 21 relating to an apoph...
apophysial 30 21 relating to an apoph...
apothecial 24 19 relating to an apoth...
approximal 29 27 close together, next...
apterygial 27 18 wingless; finless [a...
archetypal 31 21 of or like an archet...
arthrodial 20 14 relating to arthrodi...
artificial 24 17 humanly contrived of...
artistical 22 14 characteristic of ar...
aspherical 25 19 not spherical, also...
assonantal 15 13 corresponding in vow...
asteroidal 17 12 of or pertaining to...
atramental 17 15 inky black, also ATR...
auditorial 18 13 relating to an audit...
autarkical 22 19 relating to autarky,...
autoptical 23 18 based on personal ob...
balibuntal 23 20 (Tagalog) fine, clos...
barrelsful 24 19 BARRELFUL, the conte...
basketball 24 22 a usually indoor cou...
basketsful 24 22 BASKETFUL, the conte...
beatifical 25 20 making supremely hap...
behavioral 23 20 (US) relating to beh...
beneficial 24 21 doing good [adj BENE...
bequeathal 29 26 the act of bequeathi...
bibliophil 29 23 a lover of books, al...
bicultural 26 20 having two cultures...
bicyclical 38 26 having two rings of...
bilharzial 27 26 relating to bilharzi...
bimaternal 20 18 having the genetic m...
bimestrial 22 17 occurring every two...
binational 18 16 of or relating to tw...
biocontrol 22 18 pest control by biol...
bioethanol 20 17 ethanol produced fro...
bioethical 25 19 relating to bioethic...
biological 25 20 relating to biology...
biomedical 24 21 relating to both bio...
biparental 21 18 relating to or deriv...
biparietal 22 17 relating to or conne...
blastocoel 23 18 the cavity inside a...
botryoidal 26 17 of minerals, occurri...
bowlingual 25 22 a device that allege...
brachyural 32 22 relating to the Brac...
breastrail 20 14 the upper rail of an...
brushwheel 28 22 a revolving brush [n...
bucketsful 28 26 BUCKETFUL, the conte...
butterball 24 19 the buffel duck; als...
buttonball 23 20 the American plane t...
calciferol 27 21 vitamin D2 [n -S]
calcifugal 29 24 like a calcifuge, a...
campestral 24 20 of or pertaining to...
cannabinol 20 20 a crystalline phenol...
cannonball 21 21 a ball to be shot fr...
carapacial 25 20 of or like a carapac...
carnassial 20 15 adapted for tearing...
caryatidal 27 17 of or like a caryati...
cataclinal 24 19 of streams, valleys,...
catacumbal 27 24 relating to a cataco...
catamenial 20 18 pertaining to the ca...
categorial 21 16 of or relating to a...
cathodical 26 20 relating to a cathod...
centennial 18 17 recurring every hund...
centesimal 21 18 counting or counted...
centroidal 20 16 of or like a centroi...
ceremonial 20 18 of or like ceremony...
chainwheel 27 22 a toothed wheel, as...
cheliceral 27 20 relating to the chel...
cherubical 29 23 like a cherub, also...
chimerical 28 22 of the nature of a c...
chlamydial 32 23 relating to chlamydi...
chlorophyl 35 24 the green colouring...
choirstall 25 17 one of the benches f...
chromophil 29 24 a cell that takes a...
cinquefoil 31 28 a wildflower, aka ro...
circensial 24 18 (obsolete) of or per...
citational 20 15 relating to a citati...
cladophyll 34 24 a special branch, re...
cleruchial 28 21 of or like a cleruch...
climatical 27 21 relating to climate,...
closestool 21 15 a stool holding a ch...
cognominal 21 21 of or pertaining to...
colestipol 24 18 a drug that reduces...
collateral 22 16 side by side [adj CO...
colloquial 31 26 a conversation [n -S...
colorectal 24 18 relating to the colo...
commercial 26 23 related to commerce...
commonweal 24 24 (archaic) the genera...
conational 18 16 relating to conation...
conceitful 26 22 (Spenser) thoughtful...
conceptual 25 22 relating to concepts...
conchoidal 25 21 shell-like, as appli...
concordial 23 19 harmonious [adj]
confederal 21 19 belonging to or rela...
confrontal 21 19 a confrontation [n -...
congenital 20 18 existing at or datin...
connatural 19 17 connected by nature;...
conoidical 23 19 nearly, but not exac...
consensual 19 17 relating to consent...
consortial 20 15 relating to a consor...
contactual 23 19 relating to contact...
contextual 26 23 relating to context...
conventual 21 21 of or pertaining to...
coromandel 20 19 a kind of timber, ak...
cosmetical 25 20 imparting or improvi...
cosmogonal 21 20 relating to cosmogon...
cottontail 20 15 any of several speci...
cotyloidal 28 18 shaped like a cup, a...
courageful 24 21 full of courage [adj...
covenantal 20 20 relating to a covena...
coxcomical 34 30 foppish, vain, also...
cranesbill 24 19 any wild species of...
creational 19 15 of or pertaining to...
credential 20 16 giving a title or cl...
crithidial 25 17 relating to the flag...
cucurbital 28 22 of or like a cucurbi...
curatorial 21 15 relating to a curato...
cyclonical 34 24 of or like a cyclone...
daisywheel 29 19 a kind of printer [n...
dasypaedal 25 18 of young birds, havi...
decahedral 22 18 having ten sides [ad...
decemviral 24 22 pertaining to the de...
decennoval 20 21 (obsolete) relating...
decinormal 21 19 of a chemical soluti...
decisional 20 16 relating to a decisi...
delightful 26 21 full of delight [adj...
delusional 18 15 relating to delusion...
demoniacal 20 19 like a demoniac, a p...
dendroidal 17 15 treelike, also DENDR...
dermatomal 19 18 of or like a dermato...
desmosomal 19 18 relating to a desmos...
despairful 23 19 (archaic) hopeless [...
despiteful 23 19 (archaic) full of de...
despotical 23 18 having the character...
devotional 18 17 relating to devotion...
dextrorsal 24 19 rising spirally and...
diabetical 23 18 pertaining to diabet...
diabolical 24 19 of, relating to, or...
dialogical 23 18 relating to a dialog...
diapasonal 18 16 relating to a diapas...
diaphyseal 28 19 of or like a diaphys...
diaphysial 29 19 of or like a diaphys...
diarchical 27 20 relating to a diarch...
diarrhoeal 19 14 of or like diarrhoea...
diathermal 21 17 freely permeable by...
dickcissel 27 22 the American black-t...
dicoumarol 22 19 a crystalline compou...
didactical 25 19 designed or intended...
dietetical 21 15 relating to diet, al...
dioptrical 24 18 transparent, also DI...
disapparel 22 18 to disrobe; to strip...
discordful 25 20 (Spenser) full of di...
discounsel 21 17 (Spenser) to dissuad...
discoursal 22 16 relating to discours...
disdainful 21 18 full of or expressin...
diseaseful 20 16 (obsolete) causing u...
disembowel 24 21 to take out the bowe...
disembroil 22 18 to disentangle; to f...
disemvowel 24 22 to remove the vowels...
disenthral 20 15 to release from a st...
disentrail 18 13 (Spenser) to disembo...
disgustful 24 19 provoking disgust [a...
disinthral 21 15 to release from a st...
dislikeful 24 21 full of dislike [adj...
divisional 20 17 relating to or makin...
dochmiacal 27 23 pertaining to, or co...
documental 21 20 of or pertaining to...
dogmatical 23 20 pertaining to a dogm...
domestical 22 18 (archaic) domestic [...
dramatical 22 18 of or pertaining to...
dropperful 25 22 the contents of a dr...
duniwassal 21 17 (Gaelic) a Highland...
duodecimal 22 20 of or relating to th...
durational 17 14 relating to a durati...
dyarchical 33 22 relating to a diarch...
dynastical 27 18 relating to a dynast...
ecological 25 20 relating to ecology,...
economical 23 21 marked by careful, e...
ectodermal 21 18 of or relating to th...
ecumenical 24 22 general; universal;...
egoistical 22 16 relating to or displ...
electorial 21 15 relating to election...
electrical 25 18 relating to electric...
elliptical 26 19 having the shape of...
embolismal 23 21 pertaining to emboli...
eminential 17 16 (obsolete) eminent,...
emphatical 26 22 uttered with emphasi...
emulsoidal 20 17 relating to an emuls...
encrinital 20 16 of or like an encrin...
encyclical 34 24 a letter sent by the...
endermical 21 19 acting through the s...
endocarpal 21 19 relating to an endoc...
endocrinal 19 17 relating to the endo...
endodermal 17 17 of or pertaining to...
endodontal 15 15 relating to endodont...
endorhizal 22 24 having the radicle o...
enneagonal 14 16 belonging to an enne...
enological 21 18 relating to enology,...
enterocoel 18 15 a coelom originating...
entodermal 17 16 relating to the ento...
entophytal 27 19 of or like an entoph...
eosinophil 21 17 a type of white bloo...
epagomenal 19 20 of days, intercalary...
epicardial 23 18 relating to the epic...
epicentral 22 18 relating to an epice...
epidemical 24 21 common to, or affect...
epididymal 28 21 relating to the epid...
epiglottal 22 17 of or like the epigl...
epineurial 19 16 relating to the epin...
epiphyseal 30 21 pertaining to, or ha...
epiphysial 31 21 pertaining to, or ha...
episodical 23 18 pertaining to or con...
episternal 19 15 of or pertaining to...
epitaphial 24 19 pertaining to an epi...
epithelial 23 17 of or pertaining to...
epithermal 23 19 having energy just a...
epitomical 24 20 of or like an epitom...
equational 24 22 relating to an equat...
equatorial 25 21 of, relating to, or...
eremitical 22 17 of or pertaining to...
ergosterol 18 13 a chemical substance...
eruptional 19 16 eruptive [adj]
erythritol 27 15 a sweet crystalline...
esophageal 21 18 pertaining to the es...
esthetical 23 16 keenly appreciative...
ethambutol 23 20 a drug used in the t...
ethanediol 18 15 a clear colourless s...
eucalyptol 30 21 a volatile, terpenel...
euphonical 24 21 agreeable in sound,...
evectional 21 19 relating to evection...
evidential 19 17 relating to, or affo...
excisional 26 22 relating to the act...
exegetical 27 23 pertaining to exeges...
exoterical 26 21 intelligible to the...
exothermal 26 23 of a chemical reacti...
extemporal 26 24 extemporaneous; unpr...
extradotal 23 19 forming no part of t...
extradural 24 20 the epidural injecti...
extralegal 25 21 outside the law [adj...
extramural 25 22 outside the walls or...
falsidical 25 19 conveying a meaning...
febrifugal 26 23 having the quality o...
fingerbowl 26 23 a bowl of water for...
fingernail 20 18 the nail of a finger...
fissipedal 23 18 having toes that are...
flaminical 25 22 pertaining to a flam...
flavourful 26 24 full of flavour, als...
flectional 23 19 relating to flection...
foeticidal 23 18 relating to foeticid...
forinsecal 22 18 (obsolete) foreign,...
fractional 22 18 of, relating to, or...
fragmental 21 20 composed of fragment...
francophil 27 23 a lover of France an...
frenetical 22 18 frenetic, frantic, a...
frictional 23 18 relating to friction...
frithstool 23 16 a seat in churches n...
functional 22 20 serving a function [...
fungicidal 25 22 having the propertie...
galactosyl 29 19 a glycosyl radical d...
galvanical 24 22 pertaining to direct...
genitalial 19 15 relating to the geni...
geodesical 21 17 of or pertaining to...
geodetical 21 17 of or pertaining to...
geological 23 19 relating to geology,...
geomedical 22 20 relating to geomedic...
geoponical 22 20 of or relating to ag...
geospatial 20 16 of or relating to th...
geothermal 21 18 relating to the inte...
germicidal 24 20 of or relating to a...
gerundival 21 20 relating to a gerund...
glossarial 20 14 of or pertaining to...
glucosidal 24 19 of or like a glucosi...
gnomonical 21 21 of or pertaining to...
goldenseal 18 16 a North American pla...
gonococcal 26 23 relating to gonococc...
gonorrheal 19 16 relating to gonorrho...
greaseball 21 17 (US slang) a derogat...
gressorial 19 13 adapted for walking,...
groundsell 20 17 the lowest timber of...
groundsill 21 17 the lowest timber of...
gyrational 24 16 relating to gyration...
haggadical 25 21 relating to the hagg...
harbourful 25 21 the contents of a ha...
harmonical 23 20 concordant; musical;...
haruspical 26 20 relating to haruspic...
haustorial 20 14 having a haustorium,...
hebdomadal 22 21 occurring, appearing...
hegemonial 20 19 relating to a hegemo...
helicoidal 24 18 relating to a helico...
hemelytral 28 19 relating to the heme...
hemiacetal 23 19 any of a class of al...
hemihedral 23 19 of a crystal or crys...
hemipteral 23 19 relating to the Hemi...
hemitropal 23 19 of a crystal, having...
heptagonal 21 19 having seven angles...
heptarchal 27 21 of or like a heptarc...
herbicidal 26 20 having the propertie...
hermetical 24 19 of or relating to so...
hermitical 25 19 of or like a hermit,...
heterophil 24 18 a polymorphonuclear...
hexactinal 28 24 having six rays [adj...
hexahedral 27 23 in the form of a hex...
hexametral 26 23 like a hexameter, al...
hierarchal 25 18 of or like a hierarc...
hieratical 23 16 pertaining to priest...
historical 24 16 of, relating to, or...
holohedral 22 17 having all the plane...
holophotal 24 19 of reflectors, throw...
homaloidal 21 18 of the nature of a h...
homeschool 25 21 to teach school subj...
homocercal 26 22 of fishes, having th...
homosexual 26 24 attracted to the sam...
homosocial 23 19 of, relating to, or...
homotaxial 26 23 showing homotaxis, a...
horizontal 22 23 parallel to the hori...
hydrocoral 29 19 any hydrozoan coelen...
hydrosomal 27 19 relating to a hydros...
hylozoical 33 28 relating to hylozois...
hymnodical 30 23 relating to a hymnod...
hypabyssal 37 23 in petrology, modera...
hypaethral 30 20 roofless; open to th...
hypanthial 30 21 of or like a hypanth...
hyperfocal 33 24 referring to the min...
hypodermal 29 22 relating to the hypo...
hypsophyll 41 26 a bract [n -S]
hysterical 30 18 relating to hysteria...
ideational 16 13 pertaining to, or ch...
idiolectal 22 16 of or like an idiole...
illusional 20 15 of or like an illusi...
immanental 18 19 relating to the imma...
immaterial 20 17 not consisting of ma...
immemorial 21 20 extending or existin...
impersonal 20 18 denoting the verbal...
incidental 20 17 by the way [adj INCI...
incisorial 21 15 relating to an incis...
incorporal 22 18 (archaic) incorporea...
individual 21 19 single [adj INDIVIDU...
indophenol 20 19 any one of a series...
industrial 19 14 related to industry...
influenzal 23 27 relating to influenz...
infusorial 20 16 composed of or conta...
ingrateful 21 18 not grateful, also U...
injudicial 24 26 not judicial [adj IN...
insightful 25 20 exhibiting or charac...
instantial 17 13 relating to an insta...
interlocal 21 16 between localities [...
intermodal 18 16 between modes [adj]
internodal 16 14 between nodes, also...
interposal 19 15 the act of interposi...
interramal 18 15 between rami or bran...
interregal 18 14 between kings [adj]
interrenal 16 13 between the kidneys;...
intertidal 18 13 referring to the zon...
intertrial 18 12 taking place between...
intervital 20 16 between two lives [a...
interzonal 19 22 between zones [adj]
intestinal 17 13 affecting, occurring...
intramural 19 16 being within the wal...
intranasal 16 13 lying within or admi...
intravital 20 16 performed upon or fo...
intrazonal 19 22 within zones [adj]
involucral 24 21 pertaining to, posse...
irrational 17 12 not rational [adj IR...
isocheimal 24 19 connecting points of...
isochronal 22 17 uniform in time; rec...
isoglossal 20 14 relating to an isogl...
isoglottal 20 14 relating to an isogl...
isopluvial 24 20 a line on a map conn...
isoseismal 19 14 a line connecting po...
isothermal 21 16 having an equal aver...
janitorial 19 21 relating to a janito...
jesuitical 24 24 cunning; quibbling,...
judgmental 22 28 given to making judg...
junctional 22 26 relating to junction...
juristical 25 24 of or pertaining to...
kernmantel 18 20 denoting a type of m...
kilopascal 25 22 a unit of pressure,...
kriegspiel 23 20 (German) a game in w...
labionasal 19 16 a sound produced wit...
lambdoidal 22 20 shaped like the Gree...
larvicidal 25 20 killing larvae [adj]
lavational 19 17 relating to lavation...
lavatorial 20 16 relating to a lavato...
legatorial 19 14 like a legator [adj]
libational 20 16 relating to or havin...
ligamental 20 18 of or like a ligamen...
liturgical 25 18 pertaining to, of or...
locational 20 16 relating to location...
logistical 24 17 logical [adj LOGISTI...
lumisterol 21 16 a steroid compound [...
madreporal 20 18 relating to madrepor...
magnetical 22 20 pertaining to the ma...
magnifical 25 23 (archaic) magnificen...
maieutical 22 18 of or relating to th...
majestical 24 26 having majesty, also...
maleficial 25 21 (archaic) injurious,...
managerial 18 17 relating to a manage...
manchineel 22 21 (Spanish) a tropical...
margravial 22 20 relating to a margra...
matricidal 23 18 relating to matricid...
matrifocal 24 20 in anthropology, foc...
matrilocal 23 18 of a form of marriag...
meaningful 21 22 having a meaning or...
mechanical 26 23 relating to machines...
megafaunal 20 21 relating to megafaun...
meiofaunal 19 19 relating to the meio...
menarcheal 22 20 relating to the mena...
menarchial 23 20 relating to the mena...
menopausal 19 19 relating to the meno...
mephitical 27 22 poisonous or foul-sm...
meridional 18 16 of or pertaining to...
mesmerical 23 20 of, pertaining to, o...
mesodermal 19 18 pertaining to, or de...
metacarpal 23 20 a bone of the metaca...
metatarsal 18 14 a bone of the metata...
meteorital 18 14 of or like a meteori...
methodical 24 20 arranged, characteri...
microphyll 35 25 a type of (usually s...
microsomal 23 20 of or like a microso...
microtonal 21 18 of or like a microto...
millennial 20 18 of or relating to a...
millesimal 23 19 thousandth; consisti...
milliosmol 23 19 one thousandth of an...
minatorial 18 15 menacing, also MINAT...
minischool 24 20 a small school [n -S...
miracidial 23 18 relating to a miraci...
mischannel 23 21 to channel wrongly [...
mischmetal 26 22 an alloy of cerium w...
miscounsel 22 19 to counsel or advise...
misdeemful 23 22 having a mistaken ju...
mnemonical 21 22 assisting in memory...
monactinal 20 19 of a sponge, having...
monarchial 23 20 relating to monarchy...
monastical 21 18 of or pertaining to...
monistical 22 18 of, pertaining to, o...
monitorial 18 15 of or pertaining to...
monoclinal 21 20 relating to a monocl...
monoclonal 20 20 derived from a singl...
monopodial 19 19 having a monopodium...
monopteral 19 18 resembling a monopte...
monorhinal 19 18 having one nostril,...
monothecal 22 20 having only one thec...
monumental 18 20 very large [adj MONU...
multiaxial 27 23 having more than one...
multifocal 26 22 of spectacles, havin...
multilevel 24 21 having many levels,...
multimodal 22 20 in many modes [adj]
multiskill 25 21 to train (employees)...
multivocal 26 23 a word with many mea...
murderball 23 20 a form of rugby play...
mutational 18 16 relating to a mutati...
mycorhizal 34 30 of or like a mycorhi...
myocardial 28 20 relating to the myoc...
myological 30 22 of or pertaining to...
natalitial 18 13 of or pertaining to...
natational 15 13 relating to swimming...
natatorial 16 12 relating to swimming...
neandertal 15 14 (German) a primitive...
negational 16 15 relating to negation...
neglectful 25 22 full of neglect [adj...
neoliberal 19 16 a liberal who de-emp...
neological 21 18 of or pertaining to...
neoterical 19 15 recent in origin, mo...
nephridial 22 18 of or pertaining to...
neuroglial 19 16 relating to the neur...
neutrophil 22 18 a leukophyte that is...
nicrosilal 22 16 a cast-iron alloy co...
nidamental 17 17 nest-forming [adj]
noematical 20 18 of or pertaining to...
nonaccrual 22 20 not causing accrual...
nonarrival 18 17 a failure to arrival...
noncapital 21 19 not capital, lower c...
noncentral 18 17 not central [adj]
nonethical 21 18 not ethical [adj]
nonfactual 21 20 not factual [adj]
nonfederal 17 17 not federal [adj]
nongenital 16 16 not genital [adj]
noninitial 16 14 not initial [adj]
nonlexical 26 24 not lexical [adj]
nonliteral 17 14 not literal [adj]
nonlogical 21 19 not logical [adj]
nonmarital 17 16 not marital [adj]
nonmedical 20 20 not medical [adj]
nonmusical 21 20 not musical [adj] /...
nonnatural 15 15 not natural [adj]
nonoptimal 19 19 not optimal [adj]
nonrenewal 17 17 the fact or act of n...
nonspatial 18 16 not spatial [adj]
nonthermal 19 18 not thermal [adj]
nontrivial 19 17 not trivial [adj]
nontypical 28 21 not typical [adj]
nosocomial 20 18 of or relating to a...
notational 15 13 relating to notation...
notonectal 18 16 swimming on the back...
nutational 16 14 relating to nutation...
objectival 27 30 relating to an objec...
oblational 19 16 relating to oblation...
obsidional 19 16 of or relating to a...
occasional 22 18 of or relating to a...
occidental 23 19 western [adj OCCIDEN...
octahedral 22 17 having eight faces o...
oestradiol 17 12 a natural oestrogen,...
offenceful 26 25 (Shakespeare) giving...
oligarchal 25 19 of or like an oligar...
ommatidial 20 18 relating to an ommat...
oratorical 20 14 of or like an orator...
orchestral 23 16 relating to or compo...
organismal 19 17 relating to an organ...
ornamental 16 16 decorative [adj ORNA...
orological 22 17 of or pertaining to...
orthogonal 19 16 at right angles; unr...
otological 22 17 relating to otology,...
outgeneral 17 15 to surpass in terms...
overbrutal 22 19 excessively brutal [...
overfulfil 26 23 to fulfil excessivel...
overmantel 19 19 an ornamental struct...
paclitaxel 30 25 a drug used to treat...
paddleball 24 21 a game like handball...
palaestral 20 15 related to a palaest...
panoptical 24 21 all-embracing; viewi...
papistical 26 20 relating to popery,...
paradisial 20 15 of or like paradise,...
parametral 20 17 relating to paramete...
paranoidal 18 16 suffering from paran...
paranormal 19 18 not scientifically e...
parapineal 20 18 beside the pineal gl...
parapodial 21 18 relating to a parapo...
parasexual 25 22 relating to reproduc...
parastatal 19 14 indirectly controlle...
parenteral 18 15 entering the body by...
paroxysmal 33 26 of the nature of a p...
parricidal 24 18 of or pertaining to...
parsonical 22 18 of or pertaining to...
pathetical 25 19 arousing pity, also...
patricidal 24 18 of or pertaining to...
patrifocal 25 20 centred on the fathe...
patrilocal 24 18 designating a form o...
pedantical 22 19 in the manner of a p...
pedimental 20 19 of or pertaining to...
pennyroyal 30 20 an aromatic herb of...
pentagonal 18 18 having five corners...
peppermill 27 24 a small handmill in...
perceptual 25 21 of, relating to, or...
periclinal 24 19 sloping downwards in...
peridermal 21 18 relating to the peri...
perigonial 20 17 of or like a perigon...
perihelial 23 17 relating to the peri...
perikaryal 27 20 relating to the peri...
perimetral 21 17 relating to a perime...
perineural 19 16 relating to the peri...
periodical 23 18 periodic [adj PERIOD...
periosteal 19 14 situated around bone...
peripheral 24 19 at the edge [adj PER...
peripteral 22 17 having a row of colu...
perisarcal 23 17 relating to the peri...
peristomal 21 17 relating to the peri...
peritoneal 18 15 relating to the peri...
pesticidal 24 18 of or like a pestici...
phalangeal 22 20 pertaining to a phal...
phantasmal 22 20 of the nature of a p...
pharyngeal 28 21 pertaining to the ph...
phenomenal 20 21 relating to or being...
pheromonal 21 20 relating to a pherom...
phonetical 24 20 of, concerning, acco...
phosphoryl 33 23 the radical PO, rega...
photomural 23 20 an enlarged photogra...
photonovel 22 21 a novel in the form...
phrensical 25 20 (obsolete) frantic,...
phthisical 29 21 of or pertaining to...
phyllodial 31 21 relating to a phyllo...
pictorical 27 20 pictorial [adj PICTO...
pinacoidal 22 19 denoting a type of c...
pinakoidal 20 20 dentoing a type of c...
pitcherful 29 23 the quantity a pitch...
planetical 23 19 of or pertaining to...
plasmodial 22 19 of or pertaining to,...
plastidial 22 16 relating to a plasti...
platterful 24 19 the contents of a pl...
playschool 32 22 a nursery school or...
ploughtail 25 20 the end of a plough...
pocketsful 27 25 POCKETFUL, the conte...
podagrical 24 20 relating to podagra,...
polyclonal 30 22 a type of antibody [...
polydactyl 37 23 having too many fing...
polyhedral 29 20 having many faces or...
polynomial 27 21 an expression compos...
polyphenol 30 23 a polyhydroxyl pheno...
polytunnel 26 20 plastic sheeting str...
pomosexual 26 25 someone who rejects...
pontifical 25 21 of or like a pontiff...
poristical 24 17 relating to a porism...
positional 19 15 of, relating to, or...
postcoital 23 17 after sexual interco...
praecocial 25 20 of or relating to bi...
praetorial 19 14 relating to a praeto...
preceptial 25 20 (Shakespeare) consis...
precordial 23 18 in front of the hear...
preethical 25 19 relating to a state...
prefrontal 21 18 in front of, or in t...
pregenital 20 17 situated in front of...
preglacial 25 20 formed or occurring...
prelatical 24 18 relating to a prelat...
prelexical 30 25 denoting a stage in...
prelingual 22 19 before the use of la...
prelogical 25 20 before the developme...
premarital 21 17 taking place before...
premedical 24 21 of or relating to a...
prenominal 19 19 placed before a noun...
prenuptial 22 19 made or occurring be...
prepuberal 24 21 occurring in prepube...
presageful 23 20 full of presages; om...
presential 19 15 relating to or havin...
primatical 25 20 of or pertaining to...
primordial 22 18 original, rudimentar...
principial 26 21 elementary [adj]
printwheel 25 20 another name for dai...
prismoidal 22 18 having the form of a...
procambial 26 23 relating to procambi...
procedural 23 19 relating to procedur...
processual 23 18 governed by or relat...
proctodeal 22 18 relating to the proc...
proctorial 23 17 of or pertaining to...
prolicidal 25 19 relating to prolicid...
prolifical 27 21 producing young or f...
promiseful 24 21 full of promise [adj...
pronominal 19 19 of or like a pronoun...
prosodical 23 18 of or pertaining to...
prostomial 21 17 relating to the pros...
protonemal 19 18 of or like a protone...
prototypal 28 19 relating to a protot...
proverbial 24 21 of or like a proverb...
provincial 25 22 relating to the prov...
prudential 20 17 of or relating to pr...
psammophil 27 25 a sand-loving plant,...
pseudocoel 22 19 a body cavity not fo...
puristical 25 18 of or pertaining to...
purposeful 25 22 showing purpose [adj...
pyorrhoeal 27 18 relating to pyorrhoe...
pyrogallol 29 20 pyrogallic acid [n -...
quadrantal 25 23 of or pertaining to...
quadrivial 29 26 leading in four dire...
quatrefoil 28 24 a four-petalled flow...
questorial 26 21 relating to a questo...
quixotical 36 31 extravagantly and ro...
rabbinical 25 21 of or pertaining to...
radiolabel 20 16 a label on a radioac...
ragmatical 23 19 riotous, disorderly...
rainsquall 27 23 a squall of rain [n...
reactional 19 15 relating to reaction...
reciprocal 26 20 acting in return [ad...
rectricial 25 17 relating to rectrice...
refreshful 25 20 (archaic) full of po...
regimental 19 17 of or relating to a...
rejoiceful 25 27 joyous, full of rejo...
relational 17 13 of or relating to ki...
remorseful 21 18 motivated or marked...
requiteful 29 25 relating to the act...
resorcinal 20 15 of or like resorcino...
resorcinol 20 15 a colourless phenol...
respectful 26 21 marked by or showing...
retroviral 20 15 relating to a retrov...
revengeful 22 22 full of or prone to...
revisional 19 16 relating to revision...
rhachidial 26 19 of or like a rhachis...
rhetorical 23 16 of, relating to, or...
rhomboidal 23 20 having, or approachi...
rhythmical 34 23 according to rhythm,...
rijsttafel 23 23 (Dutch) an Indonesia...
rollerball 23 17 a pen having a small...
romancical 24 21 (Lamb) dealing with...
romantical 21 18 romantic [adj ROMANT...
rotational 16 12 relating to rotation...
rudimental 19 17 rudimentary, also RU...
sabbatical 25 20 relating to the Sabb...
sacerdotal 20 15 of or relating to pr...
saddlebill 23 18 a large black-and-wh...
salbutamol 22 19 a bronchodilator dru...
salicional 21 16 an organ stop with a...
salvifical 27 22 (obsolete) having th...
sapiential 19 15 providing wisdom [ad...
sarcosomal 21 17 of or like a sarcoso...
sardonical 20 16 bitterly or evilly h...
satchelful 27 21 the contents of a sa...
scansorial 20 15 climbing; adapted fo...
scapewheel 27 22 an escape wheel [n -...
schizoidal 27 26 suffering from schiz...
schlimazel 29 29 (Yiddish) an unlucky...
schoolgirl 26 19 a girl attending sch...
sclerotial 22 15 of or like a sclerot...
scriptural 25 18 relating to scriptur...
sculptural 26 20 of or relating to sc...
scuttleful 26 20 the contents of a sc...
sdeignfull 23 20 (obsolete) disdainfu...
seborrheal 21 16 relating to seborrhe...
seignorial 18 14 related to a seignio...
semantical 21 18 of or relating to me...
semestrial 19 14 half-yearly, also SE...
semiannual 17 17 half-yearly [adj SEM...
semifeudal 21 19 half feudal [adj]
semiformal 22 20 being or suitable fo...
semilethal 22 17 a mutation that tend...
seminarial 18 15 of a seminary [adj]
semipostal 21 17 an issue of postage...
senatorial 16 12 of or pertaining to...
sentential 16 13 comprising sentences...
septennial 18 16 lasting or continuin...
septicidal 24 18 with splitting of se...
sepulchral 27 21 funereal; gloomy; di...
sepultural 22 17 relating to sepultur...
sequential 25 22 succeeding or follow...
sequestral 26 21 of or like a sequest...
seraphical 25 19 of or like a seraph,...
sermonical 21 18 like, or appropriate...
sheathbill 26 19 either of two Antarc...
shieldwall 26 19 a defence of interlo...
shockstall 26 21 in aeronautics, a lo...
shovelsful 26 22 SHOVELFUL, as much a...
sicklebill 28 23 any one of three spe...
silverbill 26 20 an Old World finch o...
silvertail 22 16 (Australian slang) a...
simoniacal 21 18 of or pertaining to...
simplicial 27 21 of or relating to si...
sincipital 24 18 of or pertaining to...
sinoatrial 17 12 as in sinoatrial nod...
sinusoidal 18 14 of or pertaining to...
sitosterol 18 11 any of several stero...
sleazeball 24 25 a sleazy person, esp...
slumberful 26 23 sleepy [adj]
solenoidal 17 14 like a solenoid [adj...
solstitial 20 12 of or pertaining to...
solutional 18 14 relating to a soluti...
spagyrical 31 21 alchemical, also SPA...
specifical 29 23 for a particular pur...
spermatial 21 17 of or like a spermat...
sphenoidal 21 18 wedge-shaped, also S...
spheroidal 22 17 having the form of a...
spondaical 22 19 or of pertaining to...
sponsional 18 16 of or pertaining to...
sponsorial 19 15 relating to a sponso...
sporadical 23 18 occurring at irregul...
sporangial 20 17 of or like a sporang...
sporicidal 24 18 killing spores [adj]
sporophyll 32 22 a leaf that bears sp...
spoylefull 31 22 (Spenser) plundering...
sprightful 28 22 (obsolete) full of s...
springtail 22 17 any one of numerous...
squadronal 25 23 relating to a squadr...
standstill 20 14 a state characterize...
stealthful 24 18 stealthy [adj]
stomachful 27 23 proud, haughty [adj]...
stomodaeal 17 15 of or like a stomoda...
storksbill 24 19 any plant of the gen...
strabismal 22 17 of or like a strabis...
strophical 26 19 pertaining to or con...
structural 23 16 relating to structur...
subcentral 23 19 under the center [ad...
subcranial 23 19 situated under, or o...
subcrustal 25 19 relating to the subc...
subdecanal 22 20 of or pertaining to...
subglacial 26 21 of or relating to th...
subliminal 23 20 inadequate to produc...
sublingual 23 20 situated under the t...
submaximal 29 28 below maximal [adj]
subminimal 23 22 less than minimum ne...
submucosal 25 22 relating to the subm...
subnatural 20 17 almost natural [adj]
suboptimal 24 21 less than optimal, a...
suborbital 23 18 below the orbit of t...
subordinal 20 17 almost ordinal [adj]
substernal 20 16 positioned below the...
substratal 21 15 relating to a substr...
subtextual 27 23 relating to a subtex...
subtypical 33 23 relating to a subtyp...
successful 28 22 resulting or termina...
sulfhydryl 38 23 a chemical group, SH...
supermodel 21 19 a famous and success...
supervisal 23 19 supervision [n -S]
suprarenal 19 16 situated above, or a...
supravital 23 19 relating to the stai...
surnominal 18 17 pertaining to surnam...
suspectful 27 22 apt to suspect or mi...
switchgirl 30 21 a women who operates...
syllabical 32 21 (obsolete) syllabic,...
sylvestral 28 18 of a plant, growing...
symbolical 32 23 of the nature of a s...
symphyseal 36 23 relating to symphysi...
symphysial 37 23 relating to symphysi...
synaptical 29 20 of or pertaining to...
synchronal 28 20 coinciding in time [...
syndetical 27 18 in grammar, connecti...
synoptical 29 20 relating to a synops...
tangential 17 15 of or pertaining to...
tattersall 19 12 a pattern of squares...
taxational 22 19 relating to taxation...
taxidermal 25 22 relating to taxiderm...
tchoukball 28 25 a ball game involvin...
teacupsful 26 22 TEACUPFUL, enough to...
tectricial 25 17 of or like a tectrix...
tegumental 19 18 of or like a tegumen...
televisual 21 17 of, relating to, or...
tendential 16 14 marked by a tendency...
tenemental 16 16 of or pertaining to...
testudinal 18 14 like a tortoiseshell...
tetherball 23 17 a ball suspended by...
tetraethyl 26 15 a compound with four...
tetragonal 17 14 of or pertaining to...
tetrameral 18 14 of or like a tetrame...
theatrical 23 16 of or pertaining to...
theistical 24 16 of or pertaining to...
thermophil 26 21 requiring, or thrivi...
theurgical 25 19 of or pertaining to...
thimbleful 28 24 the contents of a th...
thimerosal 21 16 a cream-coloured cry...
thiopental 21 17 a truth drug, aka Pe...
thiouracil 24 17 a derivative of thio...
thoughtful 27 22 absorbed in thought...
threnodial 19 15 of or like a threnod...
thumbstall 26 21 a covering or sheath...
thumbwheel 29 25 a control for variou...
thyrsoidal 27 16 having the form of a...
tinctorial 21 15 of or relating to dy...
tocopherol 24 19 vitamin E, found in...
toothshell 23 16 any species of Denta...
torrential 17 12 resembling a torrent...
tracheidal 23 17 of or like a trachei...
tractional 20 15 relating to traction...
transeptal 19 15 of or like a transep...
transexual 23 20 a person anatomicall...
transferal 19 15 the act of transfer,...
transposal 19 15 the act of transposi...
treadwheel 22 17 a wheel or cylinder...
treponemal 19 18 of or like a trepone...
triactinal 21 15 three-rayed, also TR...
triapsidal 21 15 having three apses,...
tricameral 22 17 having three chamber...
trigeminal 20 17 threefold; three-bra...
trilateral 19 12 having three sides [...
trilingual 21 16 pertaining to, in or...
triliteral 20 12 consisting of three...
trimestral 20 14 relating to a trimes...
tripletail 22 15 a large marine bony...
triquetral 27 21 triangular; three-ed...
triumviral 23 19 of a like a triumvir...
trochoidal 23 17 of or pertaining to...
trophesial 22 16 relating to trophesy...
tsotsitaal 18 11 (South African) the...
tumblerful 26 23 as much as a tumbler...
tyrannical 26 18 like a tyrant, also...
ubersexual 26 23 a male who is simila...
ufological 25 21 relating to ufology...
ultrasmall 22 17 very very small [adj...
umbratical 25 21 of or pertaining to...
unbiblical 27 23 contrary to or unsan...
unblissful 25 21 not blissful [adj]
unboastful 22 20 not boastful [adj]
uncerebral 22 19 not cerebral [adj]
uncheerful 25 22 not cheerful [adj UN...
unclerical 25 20 not clerical [adj]
unconjugal 23 29 (Milton) not conjuga...
uncritical 25 19 not critical [adj UN...
undoubtful 23 22 not doubtful [adj]
uneventful 21 22 marked by no notewor...
unfaithful 25 22 not faithful [adj UN...
unfruitful 24 21 not fruitful [adj UN...
ungraceful 24 22 not graceful [adj UN...
ungrateful 21 19 showing no gratitude...
unheroical 22 18 not heroic, also UNH...
unicameral 21 19 of a legislative ass...
unicentral 20 17 having a single cent...
unilateral 18 14 one-sided [adj UNILA...
unilingual 20 18 in one language only...
uniliteral 19 14 consisting of one le...
unimmortal 20 19 not immortal [adj]
unmaterial 18 16 not material; immate...
unmaternal 17 17 not maternal [adj]
unmerciful 25 23 not merciful [adj UN...
unmetrical 22 19 not metrical [adj]
unofficial 25 22 not official [adj UN...
unoriginal 18 16 not original [adj]
unparallel 21 18 not parallel [adj]
unparental 18 17 not parental [adj]
unpastoral 19 16 not pastoral [adj]
unpeaceful 24 23 not peaceful [adj UN...
unpoetical 22 19 not poetical [adj UN...
unpunctual 23 22 not punctual [adj]
unrightful 25 21 not rightful [adj UN...
unskillful 25 23 not skillful, also U...
untasteful 20 17 not tasteful [adj]
unthankful 23 24 not thankful [adj UN...
untranquil 26 24 not tranquil [adj]
untrustful 22 18 not trustful or trus...
untruthful 24 20 not containing or te...
unwatchful 29 25 not watchful [adj UN...
urochordal 23 18 of or pertaining to...
urogenital 18 15 relating to the area...
urological 23 18 relating to urology,...
urticarial 22 15 relating to urticari...
uxoricidal 28 23 of or pertaining to...
uxorilocal 28 23 living in or near th...
venational 17 17 of or like venation...
venatorial 18 16 or or pertaining to...
vermicidal 25 22 suitable for killing...
vermifugal 25 24 serving to expel wor...
vestmental 20 19 relating to a vestme...
visitorial 21 15 of or like a visitor...
vocational 21 19 relating to a vocati...
volitional 20 17 relating to volition...
volitorial 21 16 able to fly [adj]
volleyball 31 23 a game played by vol...
wanrestful 23 19 (Scots) restless [ad...
waterwheel 25 19 a wheel made to rota...
whereuntil 23 18 to what [adv]
wikitorial 23 18 a traditional editor...
windowsill 26 20 the horizontal membe...
winterkill 24 20 to kill by exposure...
withdrawal 27 20 the act of withdrawi...
worshipful 29 23 entitled to worship...
xanthophyl 36 28 a yellow caretenoid...
xenarthral 25 21 having additional fa...
yellowtail 29 18 any one of several s...
zoological 25 26 relating to zoology,...
zoothecial 25 25 of or like a zoothec...
zootomical 24 26 relating to zootomy,...
zygodactyl 38 30 having two toes poin...