7 letter words that end with L

7 letter words that end with L

7 letter L word


Words With Friends®


abaxial 20 18 facing away from the...
abettal 14 11 the act of abetting,...
abigail 16 13 (archaic) a lady's m...
abuttal 15 12 the butting or bound...
abysmal 22 16 immeasurably deep [a...
abyssal 21 13 relating to a large...
acaudal 15 13 tailless, also ACAUD...
accrual 19 15 an accumulation [n -...
accusal 19 15 an accusation [n -S]
achiral 18 13 of, relating to, or...
acnodal 14 13 being an isolated po...
acrylyl 30 16 an organic radical [...
actinal 15 12 pertaining to the pa...
adagial 13 11 pertaining to an ada...
adaxial 18 16 next to the axis [ad...
admiral 14 12 the chief commander...
adnexal 17 17 relating to conjoine...
adrenal 11 10 relating to the adre...
aerogel 12 10 a highly porous soli...
aerosol 11 8 a spray released und...
affinal 16 15 related by marriage...
affixal 23 21 pertaining to a pref...
ainsell 13 10 one's own self, also...
airball 16 12 in basketball, a sho...
airfoil 15 11 part of an aircraft...
airmail 14 11 to send mail by airp...
akenial 12 13 relating to an achen...
albinal 15 13 pertaining to albini...
alcohol 18 14 a flammable liquid [...
allheal 16 12 a medicinal herb [n...
alodial 13 10 relating to alodium,...
amental 12 12 of a catkin [adj]
ammiral 15 14 (Milton) a naval com...
ammonal 13 15 a powerful explosive...
amygdal 21 16 (obsolete) an almond...
anaxial 17 16 asymmetrical [adj]
anconal 13 13 pertaining to the el...
anethol 13 11 an aromatic ether wh...
anginal 12 12 relating to angina [...
anthill 16 12 a mound raised by an...
antical 15 12 above or in front of...
apnoeal 12 12 relating to apnoea,...
apogeal 14 13 relating to an apoge...
apostil 15 11 a marginal note, als...
apparel 16 14 to dress [v APPARELE...
apperil 17 14 (Shakespeare) peril,...
apsidal 15 12 of an apse or apsis...
apteral 14 11 wingless, also APTER...
armsful 17 15 ARMFUL, as much as t...
arousal 12 9 the act of arousing...
arrayal 18 10 the act of arraying...
arrival 15 12 the act of arriving...
arsenal 11 9 a storehouse for wea...
asexual 18 16 of reproduction, inv...
ashfall 18 14 a deposit of volcani...
asocial 15 11 avoiding contact wit...
asprawl 18 14 in a sprawl [adv]
athrill 17 11 (archaic) in a thril...
augural 14 12 of or pertaining to...
auroral 12 9 relating to the dawn...
austral 13 9 a unit of currency i...
axolotl 19 16 a type of Mexican sa...
bagsful 19 17 BAGFUL, as much as a...
baleful 18 16 foreboding or threat...
balneal 14 13 of or pertaining to...
bandrol 14 13 a small banner or st...
baneful 16 16 poisonous [adj BANEF...
barbell 18 15 a weight-lifting app...
bashful 20 17 shy, timid [adj BASH...
basinal 14 12 pertaining to a basi...
batfowl 20 17 to catch birds at ni...
batgirl 17 13 a girl who minds bas...
bathyal 23 15 pertaining to the zo...
battill 17 12 to make fertile, als...
becrawl 21 17 to creep over [v -ED...
bederal 14 12 (Scots) a beadle, al...
bedevil 17 16 to plague, torment [...
bedrail 15 12 a rail that runs alo...
bedroll 16 13 a portable roll of b...
bejewel 19 23 to adorn with jewels...
bemedal 15 15 (archaic) to decorat...
benomyl 21 17 a pesticide and fung...
benthal 16 14 living on the sea bo...
benzoyl 23 23 a compound radical,...
bepearl 16 14 to cover with pearls...
bestial 15 11 animallike [adj BEST...
bestill 17 12 (archaic) to make st...
biaxial 21 18 having two axes, als...
bifocal 20 17 having two focal poi...
bijural 18 21 pertaining to a sing...
bilevel 18 16 of an image, showing...
bimanal 15 15 two-handed, also BIM...
bimetal 16 14 something composed o...
bimodal 16 15 in statistics, havin...
biofuel 17 15 a fuel (as wood or e...
bipedal 17 15 having two feet [adj...
bitonal 14 12 using two musical ke...
bivinyl 24 18 a flammable gas used...
bizonal 17 21 pertaining to a zone...
boatful 17 15 as much as a boat ca...
bobtail 17 14 an animal (as a hors...
bodeful 17 16 boding [adj]
boerbul 17 15 (South Africa) a mas...
bookful 18 19 as much as a book ca...
borneol 13 12 an alcohol used in p...
borrell 16 12 rustic, also BORREL,...
borstal 15 11 an establishment for...
bowlful 22 19 as much as a bowl ca...
boxball 24 22 a form of handball [...
boxhaul 23 21 to put (a vessel) on...
bradawl 18 15 a small boring tool...
brimful 20 18 full to the brim [ad...
brinjal 17 21 the aubergine [n -S]
bristol 16 11 a smooth cardboard [...
brothel 17 13 a house of prostitut...
burghal 19 16 relating to a burgh...
burghul 20 17 (Turkish) a form of...
burrell 17 13 (Hindi) a Himalayan...
burrhel 18 14 (Hindi) a Himalayan...
busgirl 18 14 an assistant waitres...
butanol 14 13 a flammable alcohol...
butyral 22 14 a kind of resin [n -...
butyryl 29 16 a radical of butyric...
cacodyl 25 17 a colourless, poison...
cageful 19 17 as much as a cage ca...
calomel 17 15 a strong purgative,...
cambial 19 17 of or like cambium,...
cambrel 19 17 the hock of a horse...
cameral 16 14 relating to a camera...
camphol 21 19 a rare variety of ca...
cansful 18 16 CANFUL, as much as a...
canthal 17 14 relating to the cant...
capital 18 14 excellent [adj CAPIT...
capitol 18 14 a building occupied...
caporal 17 14 a coarse, strong, da...
caracal 18 14 the desert lynx of N...
caracol 18 14 to perform a half tu...
caracul 19 15 (Russian) a sheep of...
caramel 16 14 a dark brown substan...
caravel 17 15 a small light fast s...
careful 18 15 cautious [adj CAREFU...
carinal 15 12 relating to a carina...
caromel 16 14 a dark brown substan...
carpool 17 14 to take turns drivin...
carrell 17 12 a desk for private s...
cartful 19 15 the contents of a ca...
castral 16 11 belonging to the cam...
catcall 20 15 to deride by making...
catfall 19 15 a rope used in hoist...
cattail 16 11 any of various plant...
censual 15 13 pertaining to a cens...
central 15 12 a telephone exchange...
ceramal 16 14 a strong alloy of a...
cerrial 16 11 of or pertaining to...
cesural 16 12 of a breathing space...
chaebol 19 16 a group of businesse...
chaetal 17 13 relating to a chaeta...
chancel 20 17 the part of a church...
channel 16 15 to direct along a co...
chappal 22 19 (Hindi) a type of op...
charnel 17 14 a room where corpses...
chasmal 19 16 of or like a chasm,...
chattel 18 13 any kind of property...
chervil 21 17 an aromatic umbellif...
chessel 18 13 a cheese-mould [n -S...
chloral 19 14 a white crystalline...
chordal 18 14 pertaining to a chor...
choreal 17 13 relating to chorea [...
chorial 18 13 pertaining to an emb...
chromel 19 16 an alloy of nickel a...
chromyl 26 18 a bivalent radical [...
chunnel 17 16 the tunnel underneat...
citadel 16 12 a fortress in or nea...
clausal 17 13 relating to a clause...
cloacal 19 15 relating to a cloaca...
clypeal 25 17 relating to the clyp...
cnemial 16 15 relating to the shin...
coaeval 16 15 one of the same era...
coastal 15 11 pertaining to the se...
coaxial 21 18 having a common axis...
codicil 20 15 a supplement to a wi...
coequal 23 21 equal in rank or pow...
colonel 15 13 a military officer [...
columel 18 16 a small column-like...
comical 20 17 amusing, also COMIC...
comital 17 14 relating to a count,...
conceal 17 15 to hide [v -ED, -ING...
conchal 20 17 pertaining to the co...
congeal 15 14 to change from a flu...
conical 18 15 shaped like a cone [...
conseil 15 12 (French) advice, cou...
control 15 12 to exercise authorit...
corbeil 18 14 (French) a basket fi...
cordial 16 12 genial [adj CORDIALL...
corival 18 15 to rival [v CORIVALL...
corneal 14 12 relating to the eye...
cornual 15 13 pertaining to the co...
coronal 14 12 relating to a corona...
coronel 14 12 the iron head of a t...
coryzal 25 22 relating to a head c...
costrel 16 11 an eared bottle or s...
cotidal 16 12 having high tide at...
council 19 16 an assembly appointe...
counsel 15 13 to advise [v COUNSEL...
cowbell 22 18 a bell worn around a...
cowgirl 21 16 a female ranch worke...
cowheel 20 16 the foot of an ox st...
cranial 15 12 pertaining to the sk...
creedal 15 12 pertaining to a cree...
creosol 15 11 one of the active co...
crestal 16 11 pertaining to a cres...
crissal 17 11 pertaining to the cr...
cropful 21 18 as much as a bird's...
crucial 20 15 very important [adj...
crustal 17 12 pertaining to the ea...
cryptal 25 16 relating to a crypt...
crystal 23 13 a transparent minera...
cubical 22 18 shaped like a cube [...
cubital 19 15 relating to a cubit...
cupgall 21 18 a cup-shaped gall in...
cupsful 22 19 CUPFUL, as much as a...
curtail 17 12 to cut short [v -ED,...
custrel 17 12 (historical) an infe...
cynical 25 17 distrusting [adj CYN...
cytosol 22 13 the fluid portion of...
damfool 15 15 a stupid person [n -...
damosel 13 12 (archaic) a young gi...
damozel 16 21 (archaic) a young gi...
danazol 14 19 a synthetic male hor...
dareful 15 13 (obsolete) full of d...
datival 15 13 pertaining to the da...
daygirl 21 13 a girl who attends a...
daysail 19 11 to sail a yacht for...
deasiul 13 10 (Scots) motion in th...
deasoil 12 9 (Scots) motion in th...
decadal 15 13 pertaining to ten; c...
decanal 14 13 relating to a dean [...
decibel 18 15 a unit of sound inte...
decimal 17 15 relating to a tenth...
decrial 16 12 a crying down; a cla...
deedful 15 14 marked by exploits [...
deiseal 12 9 (Scots) motion in th...
deposal 14 12 the act of deposing...
dernful 15 14 solitary; mournful,...
deskill 16 14 to make unskilled e....
despoil 15 12 to plunder [v -ED, -...
devisal 15 13 the act of devising...
dewfall 19 16 the formation of dew...
dewfull 20 17 (Spenser) proper, fi...
dextral 19 16 right, as opposed to...
diallel 15 11 a scheme of cross-br...
diarial 13 9 pertaining to a diar...
dibutyl 23 15 in chemistry, having...
dicotyl 23 14 (short for) a dicoty...
diedral 13 10 the angle between tw...
diethyl 22 13 in chemistry, having...
digital 15 11 relating to digits [...
digonal 13 12 of symmetry about an...
direful 16 13 dreadful [adj DIREFU...
dishful 19 15 as much as a dish ca...
disleal 14 10 (Spenser) disloyal [...
dismayl 21 14 (Spenser) to deprive...
distill 16 10 to extract by vapori...
dithiol 16 11 a chemical compound...
diurnal 13 11 recurring every day;...
doggrel 15 13 poor quality comic v...
dogtail 14 11 a grass with spiky f...
doleful 16 14 sad, full of woe [ad...
domical 17 15 shaped like a dome,...
domicil 18 15 to establish in a re...
donegal 12 12 a type of tweed [n -...
doomful 16 16 (Spenser) dispensing...
dottrel 13 9 a shore bird, also D...
dreidel 13 10 a four-sided toy mar...
drevill 17 14 (Spenser) a foul per...
drywall 24 15 board used in walls...
drywell 24 15 a hole for receiving...
dureful 16 14 (Spenser) enduring,...
dutiful 17 14 obedient [adj DUTIFU...
dysodil 20 12 an impure earthy or...
earball 15 12 a small ball kept in...
easeful 14 12 full of ease; restfu...
ectypal 24 16 or or like an ectype...
edental 11 10 without teeth, as of...
edictal 16 12 relating to an edict...
eluvial 16 14 relating to an eluvi...
elytral 20 11 pertaining to the be...
embowel 18 17 to remove the entrai...
embroil 16 14 to involve in confli...
empanel 14 15 to select a jury fro...
encinal 14 13 relating to an encin...
engrail 13 11 to border with curve...
enshell 15 12 to enclose in a shel...
ensnarl 11 10 to snarl up, entangl...
enteral 11 9 pertaining to the en...
enthral 14 11 to reduce to the con...
entrail 12 9 (Spenser) to interla...
entrall 13 10 (Spenser) an entrail...
enwheel 16 14 (Shakespeare) to enc...
epaxial 20 18 in zoology, above th...
ephoral 16 13 pertaining to an eph...
epigeal 15 13 growing close to the...
epochal 19 16 belonging to an epoc...
equinal 20 19 pertaining to horses...
escroll 17 12 a heraldic scroll, a...
espanol 13 12 (Spanish) a native o...
estival 15 12 of or relating to su...
estriol 13 8 an estrogen, also OE...
estrual 13 9 pertaining to estrus...
eternal 11 9 everlasting, also ET...
ethanal 13 11 another name for ace...
ethanol 13 11 ethyl alcohol [n -S]
ethical 18 13 a drug sold by presc...
ethinyl 21 13 a univalent chemical...
ethoxyl 27 19 a univalent chemical...
ethynyl 27 15 a univalent chemical...
eugenol 12 12 an aromatic liquid [...
evangel 14 15 good news; announcem...
excusal 22 19 an acceptance of an...
exposal 20 18 exposure [n -S]
exuvial 21 20 of or pertaining to...
eyeball 21 14 to look closely at [...
factful 21 18 full of fact [adj]
factual 18 15 actual, real [adj FA...
falafel 17 15 a fried patty of gro...
fangirl 16 14 a female who is an e...
fannell 14 14 a strip of material...
fantail 14 12 a fan-shaped tail or...
farthel 17 13 (Scots) the quarter...
fascial 18 14 of or like a fascia...
fateful 17 15 critical, fraught wi...
faucial 18 15 pertaining to the fa...
fearful 17 15 full of fear [adj FE...
federal 14 12 relating to or consi...
felafel 17 15 a fried patty of gro...
feminal 15 15 of a man, thinking l...
femoral 15 14 pertaining to the fe...
figural 17 14 represented by a fig...
finical 18 15 particular about uni...
fishful 21 17 containing many fish...
fistful 19 15 as much as a fist wi...
flannel 14 14 to cover with a soft...
floatel 15 12 a floating hotel, al...
fluidal 17 14 pertaining to a flui...
fluvial 19 17 of or relating to a...
foodful 17 16 able to supply food...
footsal 14 11 a form of associatio...
forkful 19 19 as much as a fork ca...
formful 19 18 exhibiting good form...
foxtail 21 18 the tail of a fox [n...
fractal 18 14 a complex geometric...
frampal 18 17 (Scott) peevish, int...
fresnel 14 12 a unit of optical fr...
fretful 18 15 inclined to fret [ad...
frontal 14 12 at the front [adj FR...
fulfill 21 17 to bring about the a...
funeral 14 13 a ceremony held to h...
furball 19 16 a ball of fur regurg...
fusarol 15 12 a semi-circular moul...
fusball 19 16 (US) table football,...
futchel 21 17 a support in a carri...
futural 16 13 of the future [adj]
gadwall 18 15 a large duck, found...
gainful 16 15 profitable [adj GAIN...
gambrel 17 16 the joint in the upp...
gametal 14 13 of egg cells [adj]
gangrel 14 13 a vagabond [n -S]
garboil 16 13 (obsolete) a confuse...
gasahol 15 12 a mixture of 8 or 9...
gashful 19 16 full of gashes; hide...
gasohol 15 12 a mixture of 8 or 9...
gastral 14 10 pertaining to the st...
gazeful 19 23 (Spenser) looking in...
geminal 14 14 having two matching...
general 12 11 widespread [adj GENE...
genital 13 11 pertaining to reprod...
genteel 12 11 well-bred or refined...
geoidal 13 11 relating to a geoid,...
gharial 16 12 an Indian crocodile,...
gingall 16 14 a large Chinese or I...
girasol 14 10 a variety of opal, a...
girosol 14 10 a variety of opal, a...
glacial 18 14 very cold [adj GLACI...
gladful 18 16 (archaic) full of gl...
glareal 14 11 growing on exposed d...
gleeful 17 15 merry, also GLEESOME...
glossal 15 11 relating to the tong...
glottal 15 11 of or pertaining to,...
gluteal 15 12 relating to the glut...
glyptal 24 16 a kind of alkyd resi...
gnathal 15 13 of or pertaining to...
gomeral 14 13 (Scots) a simpleton,...
gomerel 14 13 (Scots) a simpleton,...
gomeril 15 13 (Scots) a simpleton,...
gonadal 12 12 pertaining to the go...
gradual 14 12 happening by degrees...
grapnel 15 14 a small anchor used...
graupel 16 14 (German) precipitati...
gremial 15 13 a cloth laid on a bi...
gumball 19 18 a small ball of chew...
gumboil 18 17 an abscess in the gu...
gustful 18 15 (archaic) savoury [a...
gutsful 18 15 one's fill, more tha...
handful 17 16 as much as the hand...
handsel 14 12 to give a good luck...
harmful 19 17 capable of harming [...
hatchel 20 15 to separate flax fib...
hateful 17 14 detestable [adj HATE...
hatsful 18 14 HATFUL, as much as a...
haverel 16 14 (Scots) a foolish pe...
headful 17 15 the contents of a he...
hederal 14 11 pertaining to a part...
heedful 17 15 paying close attenti...
helical 19 14 shaped like a helix...
helpful 21 18 giving help [adj HEL...
hematal 15 13 pertaining to the bl...
hernial 14 11 relating to a hernia...
hersall 16 11 (Spenser) a rehearsa...
hobnail 16 14 to furnish with broa...
holdall 17 13 a carrying case [n -...
hopeful 19 17 full of hope [adj HO...
hornful 17 15 the capacity of a dr...
humeral 16 14 a bone of the should...
humoral 16 14 of diseases, caused...
hurtful 19 15 causing injury [adj...
hushful 21 17 quiet [adj]
hymenal 21 16 pertaining to the hy...
hyoidal 21 13 pertaining to the hy...
hypural 24 16 situated beneath the...
iceball 19 15 a ball game played o...
icefall 19 15 a steep part of a gl...
illegal 16 12 not legal [adj ILLEG...
immoral 15 14 promiscuous or unscr...
impanel 15 15 to put onto a list f...
impearl 16 14 to make pearl-like [...
imperil 17 14 to put in danger, al...
incisal 16 12 relating to the cutt...
incivil 19 16 discourteous [adj]
incudal 16 14 shaped like an incus...
indexal 18 17 of or like an index...
indoxyl 25 19 a nitrogenous substa...
indwell 17 14 to live within [v IN...
infidel 15 13 one who has no relig...
initial 13 9 at the beginning [ad...
inkwell 18 17 a small container fo...
inshell 16 12 (Shakespeare) to enc...
install 14 10 to place in position...
instill 15 10 to infuse slowly, al...
inthral 15 11 to charm, also ENTHR...
intimal 14 12 relating to an intim...
invital 15 13 not vital, also UNVI...
irideal 13 9 belonging to the iri...
iridial 14 9 relating to the iris...
ischial 19 13 of or pertaining to...
isoamyl 20 13 isoamyl acetate, an...
jambool 17 23 the rose-apple tree,...
jarsful 18 21 JARFUL, as much as a...
jawfall 21 24 a falling of the jaw...
jejunal 16 28 pertaining to the je...
jeofail 16 20 (obsolete) an omissi...
jestful 18 21 given to jesting [ad...
jetfoil 17 20 a hydrofoil powered...
jezebel 19 29 a scheming, wicked w...
jingall 17 21 a large Chinese or I...
jonquil 23 28 a species of narciss...
journal 14 19 a record of daily ev...
jugsful 20 24 JUGFUL, as much as a...
juvenal 16 23 a young bird [n -S]
kakodyl 21 19 a colourless, poison...
karakul 15 17 (Russian) a sheep of...
kestrel 14 12 a kind of small falc...
kistful 18 16 as much as a chest c...
knaidel 13 14 (Yiddish) in Jewish...
kneidel 13 14 (Yiddish) in Jewish...
knevell 16 18 to pound with the fi...
kursaal 14 13 (German) a public ha...
lacteal 16 12 pertaining to milk,...
lacunal 16 14 relating to a lacuna...
laminal 14 13 relating to a lamina...
langrel 14 12 a shot consisting of...
lanital 13 10 a woollike fibre [n...
lateral 13 9 sideways [adj LATERA...
latosol 13 9 a tropical soil [n -...
lexical 23 19 of or relating to wo...
liberal 16 12 generous, freehanded...
lifeful 19 16 full of vitality, al...
limacel 18 15 a slug's reduced she...
liminal 15 13 of or relating to a...
linalol 14 11 a fragrant liquid al...
lingual 15 13 pronounced with the...
lioncel 16 13 a small lion used as...
listful 18 13 attentive [adj]
literal 14 9 to be taken as read...
litoral 14 9 pertaining to or on...
lobtail 16 12 of a whale, to slap...
lochial 19 14 of or pertaining to...
lockful 21 20 enough to fill a can...
loessal 13 9 relating to loess, a...
logical 18 14 pertaining to logic...
logroll 16 12 to obtain passage of...
loofful 18 16 (Scots) an open hand...
lorrell 15 10 (Spenser) a good for...
lowball 20 16 to give a customer a...
lugsail 16 12 a four-sided sail be...
lumenal 14 14 of a lumen, a unit o...
luminal 15 14 pertaining to a lume...
lungful 18 17 as much as the lungs...
lustful 18 14 marked by excessive...
lustral 15 10 of or pertaining to,...
lyophil 25 16 of a colloid, readil...
lyrical 24 14 having the form of a...
maceral 16 14 any of the organic e...
magical 18 16 resembling magic [ad...
mandrel 13 13 a bar of iron fitted...
mandril 14 13 a bar of iron fitted...
manteel 12 12 (obsolete) a soldier...
marital 14 11 relating to marriage...
marshal 16 13 to put in proper ord...
martial 14 11 pertaining to war [a...
mastful 17 15 abounding in mast; p...
matinal 13 12 pertaining to the mo...
maximal 21 21 pertaining to the ma...
maxwell 24 22 a unit of magnetic f...
mayoral 19 13 pertaining to the ma...
mazeful 19 24 (Spenser) bewildered...
medical 17 15 related to medicine...
medusal 14 13 relating to a medusa...
membral 17 17 relating to the limb...
mensual 13 13 monthly [adj]
menthol 15 14 a camphor obtained f...
metical 17 14 a monetary unit of M...
miasmal 15 14 of or like a miasma,...
michael 19 16 as in take the micha...
milfoil 18 15 a yarrow, or other s...
mimical 19 17 of the nature of mim...
mindful 17 17 heedful [adj MINDFUL...
mineral 13 12 any of various class...
minimal 15 15 relating to the mini...
misbill 19 15 to bill wrongly [v -...
miscall 19 15 to call by a wrong n...
misdeal 14 12 to deal cards incorr...
misdial 15 12 to dial incorrectly...
misfall 18 15 unluckily to befall...
misfell 18 15 MISFALL, unluckily t...
missell 16 12 to sell an inappropr...
mistell 16 12 to inform wrongly [v...
mistful 18 15 clouded with, or as...
mistral 15 11 a strong cold dry no...
moanful 15 16 full of moaning; exp...
mochell 20 17 (Spenser) much, also...
monadal 12 13 relating to a monad...
mondial 13 13 worldwide [adj]
mongrel 14 14 a plant or animal of...
monofil 15 15 a single filament of...
moorill 15 12 (Scots) a cattle dis...
morrell 15 12 a tall eucalyptus of...
muchell 21 18 (Spenser) a great de...
mucosal 17 15 relating to mucosae,...
mudsill 17 14 the lowest supportin...
mulmull 19 18 (Hindi) a fine, soft...
museful 17 16 meditative; thoughtf...
musical 18 15 relating to music [a...
myrrhol 23 15 the volatile oil of...
nadiral 12 10 of or like a nadir,...
nagmaal 13 14 (Afrikaans) a Dutch...
naphtol 16 14 any one of a series...
narwhal 17 14 a kind of whale with...
natural 12 10 according to nature...
needful 14 14 necessary [adj NEEDF...
nemoral 12 12 pertaining to or liv...
neosoul 11 10 a style of popular m...
nestful 15 13 enough to fill a nes...
netball 15 13 a team game [n -S]
neutral 12 10 taking no part on ei...
nitinol 12 10 an alloy of nickel a...
nodical 15 13 pertaining to an ast...
nombril 16 15 the point on an escu...
nominal 12 13 in name only [adj NO...
nonfuel 13 14 a type of energy not...
nonoral 10 10 not oral [adj NONORA...
nonwool 13 13 not made of wool [ad...
nostril 13 9 an external opening...
notchel 17 14 to repudiate the deb...
nousell 13 11 to foster, also NOUR...
nucleal 16 14 of or like a nucleus...
numeral 13 13 according to number...
nuptial 15 13 relating to weddings...
nutgall 15 13 a round gall produce...
nutmeal 13 13 meal made from nuts...
nymphal 24 19 of or pertaining to...
oatmeal 12 11 meal made from oats...
obitual 15 12 relating to an obit,...
octanol 14 12 an alcohol [n -S]
octaval 17 15 relating to an octav...
oddball 16 14 an eccentric person...
odorful 15 13 strong smelling, als...
oedipal 14 12 pertaining to the li...
oenomel 11 12 an ancient Greek bev...
oestral 12 8 pertaining to oestru...
oinomel 12 12 (Greek) a beverage o...
omental 12 12 of or pertaining to...
optical 18 14 pertaining to sight...
optimal 16 14 best, most desirable...
orbital 15 11 relating to an orbit...
orcinol 15 12 a chemical compound...
ordinal 12 10 indicating order of...
oscheal 17 13 pertaining to the sc...
osmolal 14 12 relating to an osmol...
outbawl 18 15 to surpass in bawlin...
outcall 17 13 to bid higher than i...
outduel 13 11 to surpass in duelin...
outfall 16 13 the outlet of a body...
outfeel 14 12 to surpass in feelin...
outfool 14 12 to surpass in foolin...
outhaul 15 12 a rope used to haul...
outhowl 18 14 to surpass in howlin...
outkill 16 14 to surpass in killin...
outpoll 16 13 to get more votes th...
outpull 17 14 to attract a larger...
outroll 14 10 to roll out [v -ED,...
outsail 13 9 to sail faster than...
outsell 14 10 to sell more than [v...
outtell 14 10 to say openly [v OUT...
outwell 17 13 to pour out [v -ED,...
outwill 18 13 to surpass in willpo...
outyell 20 12 to yell louder than...
ovarial 14 12 pertaining to an ova...
overall 15 13 a loose coverall [n...
ovoidal 14 13 egg-shaped [adj] / a...
oxyphil 30 22 an organism that thr...
pageful 18 17 as much as a page ca...
paginal 15 14 pertaining to the pa...
pailful 19 16 as much as a pail ca...
painful 17 16 causing pain [adj PA...
pairial 15 11 a pair-royal, a thro...
palatal 15 12 of or pertaining to...
pallial 17 13 of or pertaining to...
palmful 20 19 as much as a palm ca...
paludal 16 14 of marshes, also PAL...
papyral 23 16 relating to a papyru...
parasol 14 11 a small, light umbre...
parboil 17 14 to cook partially by...
partial 15 11 not whole [adj PARTI...
paschal 20 16 a candle used in rel...
pascual 18 15 a plant that grows i...
pasquil 24 21 a satire or lampoon...
patball 18 15 a gentle ball game s...
patrial 15 11 one who is entitled...
payroll 22 14 a list of employees...
paywall 25 17 an arrangement allow...
peafowl 19 17 a large pheasant [n...
pedicel 18 15 a slender basal part...
pedocal 17 15 a type of soil typic...
pedrail 15 12 a tractor with footl...
penicil 18 15 a tent or pledget fo...
pennill 15 14 (Welsh) a verse or s...
peregal 15 13 (obsolete) an equal...
peroral 14 11 occurring through th...
perusal 15 12 the act of perusing...
pestful 18 15 pestilential [adj]
peytral 21 13 a piece of armour fo...
peytrel 21 13 a piece of armour fo...
phaseal 16 13 pertaining to a phas...
phrasal 17 13 pertaining to a grou...
pigtail 17 13 a single plait hangi...
pinball 18 16 an electric game [n...
pincurl 19 16 a curl held in place...
pinfall 18 16 a wrestling fall whi...
pinitol 15 12 an alcohol [n -S]
pintail 15 12 a river duck [n -S]
pipeful 20 18 as much as a pipe ca...
pitfall 19 15 a hidden danger or d...
pithful 21 17 full of pith [adj]
pitiful 19 15 arousing pity, also...
pivotal 17 15 critically important...
playful 25 18 full of fun [adj PLA...
pleonal 14 13 relating to the pleo...
pleural 16 13 of or pertaining to...
plimsol 18 15 a rubber-soled cloth...
plotful 19 16 conspiratorial [adj]
pluteal 16 13 of or pertaining to...
pluvial 19 17 rainy, also PLUVIAN,...
pointel 14 12 a sharp instrument [...
poitrel 15 11 a piece of armour fo...
pokeful 18 19 as much as a poke (b...
potboil 17 14 to produce an artist...
poundal 14 14 a unit of force, the...
poutful 18 16 pouty, sulky [adj]
preanal 13 12 situated in front of...
prebill 19 15 to bill beforehand [...
preboil 17 14 to boil beforehand [...
precool 17 14 to cool beforehand [...
predial 15 12 a rural slave, also...
premeal 15 14 before a meal [adj]
preoral 14 11 towards the front of...
prepill 19 15 preceding the develo...
prequel 23 21 a book, film, etc.,...
presell 16 12 to promote a product...
pretell 16 12 to tell beforehand [...
pretzel 18 20 to twist, bend or co...
prevail 17 15 to triumph [v -ED, -...
preyful 24 17 bent upon prey [adj]
proball 18 15 (Shakespeare) suppos...
proctal 18 14 pertaining to the an...
prothyl 24 15 a hypothetical sourc...
puberal 17 15 of or pertaining to...
pursual 16 13 the act of pursuit [...
pushful 21 18 energetically or agg...
quantal 20 19 of or pertaining to...
quarrel 21 18 to become involved i...
quetzal 24 27 a tropical bird, als...
quintal 21 19 (French) an old unit...
quittal 22 18 (Shakespeare) requit...
rachial 18 13 relating to a rachis...
rackful 20 19 as much as a rack ca...
radical 16 12 fundamental [adj RAD...
radicel 16 12 a rootlike organ or...
rageful 16 14 full of rage [adj]
ragtail 14 10 ragged, shabby [adj]
raschel 18 13 (German) a type of l...
rattail 13 8 any of various deepw...
reavail 14 12 to avail again [v -E...
recital 16 11 a detailed account [...
recusal 16 12 a disqualification o...
redpoll 16 13 a kind of finch [n -...
redrill 15 10 to drill again [v -E...
redtail 13 9 a kind of hawk [n -S...
reexpel 20 18 to expel again [v RE...
refusal 15 12 the act of refusing...
refutal 15 12 an act of refuting [...
reginal 13 11 pertaining to a quee...
regosol 13 10 a type of soil [n -S...
relabel 15 12 to label again [v RE...
remodel 13 12 to make over [v REMO...
removal 15 15 the act of removing...
renewal 14 12 the act of renewing...
repanel 13 12 to panel again [v RE...
reposal 14 11 the act or state of...
reskill 16 13 to retrain employees...
respell 16 12 to spell again [v RE...
respool 14 11 to spool again [v -E...
restful 16 12 relaxing [adj RESTFU...
retinal 12 9 a pigment in the ret...
retinol 12 9 a liquid hydrocarbon...
retiral 13 8 the giving up of off...
retotal 12 8 to total again [v RE...
retrial 13 8 a second trial [n -S...
revisal 15 12 a revised version, a...
revival 17 16 renewed interest or...
riskful 18 16 dangerous, also RISK...
roomful 16 15 the contents of a ro...
rorqual 21 18 a large whale, a fin...
rosinol 12 9 a rosin oil [n -S]
rostral 13 8 of or like a rostrum...
roundel 12 11 a round object, also...
ruderal 13 10 a plant growing in p...
ruminal 14 13 of or like the rumen...
ruthful 19 15 full of compassion [...
sackful 20 19 as much as a sack ca...
sahiwal 18 13 any of a breed of hu...
saksaul 14 13 a low, thick, grotes...
salival 16 13 relating to saliva,...
satchel 18 13 a small carrying bag...
satyral 19 10 a heraldic monster c...
sawbill 20 15 a kind of bird, aka...
sawmill 19 15 a place where logs a...
scalpel 19 15 a small surgical kni...
scandal 15 13 to defame [v SCANDAL...
schnell 19 15 (German) quick [adj]
scissel 17 11 metal clippings, scr...
scissil 18 11 metal clippings, scr...
scleral 17 12 pertaining to the sc...
scravel 18 15 to move quickly, scr...
scribal 19 14 pertaining to a publ...
scrotal 16 11 pertaining to the sc...
scurril 18 12 (archaic) like or wo...
seafowl 17 14 a seabird [n -S]
seagull 15 12 a gull frequenting t...
seawall 16 12 a wall to protect a...
seconal 14 12 (tradename) a hypnot...
segetal 13 10 growing in fields of...
seismal 14 11 pertaining to an ear...
seminal 13 12 pertaining to semen...
sensual 12 10 pertaining to the ph...
serosal 12 8 relating to serosa,...
serumal 14 12 of or like serum [ad...
setwall 17 12 valerian, a plant fo...
several 14 12 various [adj SEVERAL...
sexfoil 21 18 a window, design etc...
shedful 18 15 the contents of a sh...
sheitel 15 10 (Yiddish) a wig worn...
shimaal 16 13 (Arabic) in the Midd...
shipful 21 17 a ship with a full c...
shopful 20 17 as much as a shop ca...
shrinal 15 11 of a shrine [adj]
shrivel 18 14 to contract into wri...
shtetel 15 10 (Yiddish) formerly,...
sideral 13 9 sent from the stars,...
sighful 20 16 full of sighs [adj]
sinical 16 12 relating to a functi...
sinkful 17 17 the contents of a si...
skepful 19 19 the contents of a sk...
skilful 19 17 full of skill, also...
skinful 17 17 as much as a skin co...
skysail 21 14 a type of sail [n -S...
snorkel 13 13 a mouthpiece used by...
solutal 14 10 of or like a solute...
somital 14 11 relating to a somite...
somnial 13 12 pertaining to dreams...
songful 16 15 disposed to sing; fu...
sororal 12 8 pertaining to sister...
soulful 17 14 full of emotion [adj...
soymeal 19 13 the residue of the e...
spacial 18 14 pertaining to space,...
spancel 17 15 to bind with a rope...
spaniel 14 12 a breed of dog [n -S...
spathal 17 13 furnished with a spa...
spatial 15 11 pertaining to space,...
special 18 14 particular [adj SPEC...
spheral 17 13 having the form of a...
spiegel 16 13 (German) an iron all...
spignel 16 14 an umbelliferous her...
spondyl 21 15 (Greek) a vertebra;...
sponsal 14 12 relating to sponsali...
spousal 15 12 nuptial [adj SPOUSAL...
spudgel 17 15 a bucket attached to...
stadial 13 9 a single period of c...
stammel 15 14 (historical) a coars...
staniel 12 9 the kestrel, also ST...
stannel 11 10 the kestrel, also ST...
stanyel 18 11 the kestrel, also ST...
stempel 16 14 (German) a cross-tim...
stencil 16 12 to produce by means...
sternal 12 9 pertaining to the st...
stibial 16 11 pertaining to antimo...
stigmal 16 13 relating to a stigma...
stoical 16 11 indifferent to pleas...
stokvel 16 16 (South Africa) a sav...
stratal 13 8 pertaining to a stra...
strigil 16 10 (Latin) an instrumen...
strobil 16 11 a scaly spike of fem...
stromal 14 11 of or like a stroma,...
strudel 14 10 (German) a very thin...
stummel 16 15 (German) a bowl and...
subcell 20 16 a subdivision of a c...
subcool 18 15 to cool below the fr...
subdual 16 14 the act of subduing...
subgoal 16 14 a subordinate goal [...
suboral 15 12 situated under the m...
suboval 17 16 nearly oval [adj]
subsoil 16 12 to plow the layer of...
sudoral 13 10 pertaining to sweat...
sundial 13 11 a type of time-telli...
surreal 13 9 of or relating to su...
surveil 16 13 to watch closely, al...
sutural 14 10 pertaining to the ju...
swayful 25 17 capable of influenci...
synfuel 21 15 a fuel derived from...
synodal 18 12 a payment made by a...
syzygal 30 23 related to a syzygy,...
tactful 19 15 having tact [adj TAC...
tactual 16 12 pertaining to the se...
taleful 16 13 full of stories [adj...
tankful 16 17 the amount a tank ca...
tapetal 14 11 relating to the tape...
tarseal 12 8 the bitumen surface...
tassell 14 9 a male hawk, also TA...
teabowl 17 14 a teacup without a h...
tearful 15 12 full of tears [adj T...
teemful 16 15 pregnant; prolific [...
teenful 14 13 filled with grief [a...
tendril 13 10 a coiling, threadlik...
tentful 15 13 as much as a tent ca...
tertial 13 8 a flight feather of...
testril 14 8 (obsolete) a sixpenc...
tetanal 11 9 relating to tetanus...
textual 19 16 pertaining to a text...
theelol 15 11 a female sex hormone...
thermal 16 13 relating to heat [ad...
thermel 16 13 a device for tempera...
thiazol 18 19 a chemical compound,...
thionyl 21 13 a compound containin...
tiercel 16 11 a male hawk, also TA...
timbral 17 14 relating to timbre [...
timbrel 17 14 (historical) an Orie...
timolol 15 12 a drug used to treat...
tinchel 18 14 (Gaelic) a circle of...
tinfoil 15 12 a thin metal sheetin...
tissual 14 9 pertaining to tissue...
toenail 11 9 to fasten with obliq...
toilful 17 13 producing or involvi...
tomfool 15 14 to play the fool [v...
tonnell 12 11 (obsolete) a tunnel...
topfull 19 16 full to the top [adj...
topical 18 14 relating to a topic...
topsail 15 11 a ship's sail above...
topsoil 15 11 to remove the surfac...
toxical 22 18 of or pertaining to...
tramell 15 12 to hinder, also TRAM...
trammel 15 14 to hinder, also TRAM...
travail 15 12 to toil [v -ED, -ING...
trayful 22 14 as much as a tray ca...
trefoil 15 11 a plant having three...
trenail 12 9 a wooden peg used to...
trental 12 9 a series of thirty r...
tressel 13 8 a support consisting...
trivial 16 12 insignificant [adj T...
trochal 18 13 shaped like a wheel...
trochil 19 13 an African bird, aka...
trommel 15 14 (German) a revolving...
trucial 17 12 bound by a truce [ad...
truncal 16 13 relating to the trun...
trunnel 12 11 a wooden peg used to...
trysail 20 10 a ship's sail bent t...
tubeful 18 16 as much as a tube ca...
tumbrel 17 15 a type of cart, also...
tumbril 18 15 a type of cart, also...
tumoral 14 12 relating to a tumor...
tuneful 15 14 melodious [adj TUNEF...
turmoil 15 12 to cause a commotion...
twibill 21 15 a battle-axe with tw...
typical 25 16 representative of a...
ultisol 15 10 a reddish-yellow aci...
umbonal 15 16 of or like an umbo,...
uncinal 15 14 bent at the end like...
uncivil 19 17 not civil, also INCI...
unequal 20 20 not equal [adj UNEQU...
unideal 12 11 not ideal [adj]
unlevel 15 15 to make uneven or no...
unmoral 13 13 lacking a sense of r...
unpanel 13 14 to unsaddle, also UN...
unravel 14 14 to separate the thre...
unroyal 18 12 not royal [adj UNROY...
unshell 16 13 to strip the shell f...
unsnarl 12 11 to disentangle [v -E...
unspell 16 14 to free from a spell...
unspool 14 13 to unwind from a sma...
unsteel 12 10 to disarm; to soften...
unusual 13 12 not usual [adj UNUSU...
unvital 15 14 not vital, also INVI...
unvocal 17 17 not vocal [adj]
uprisal 16 12 the act of uprising...
upskill 19 17 to improve a person'...
upswell 20 16 to swell up [v -ED,...
upwhirl 22 17 to whirl up [v -ED,...
uredial 13 10 relating to an uredi...
utensil 13 10 a useful implement [...
uxorial 19 16 of or relating to a...
vaginal 15 15 pertaining to the va...
vanpool 15 16 an arrangement where...
vaseful 17 16 the contents of a va...
vassail 15 12 (Scott) a vessel, al...
vatical 18 15 pertaining to a prop...
vegetal 15 14 of or pertaining to...
ventail 14 13 the movable front to...
ventral 14 13 pertaining to the un...
vermeil 16 15 to colour red, also...
vermell 17 16 (Spenser) vermilion...
veronal 13 13 a barbitone [n -S]
vesical 18 15 pertaining to the bl...
vessail 15 12 (Scott) a vessel, al...
vestral 15 12 relating to a vestry...
vialful 19 17 as much as a vial ca...
vicinal 18 16 neighboring; local [...
victual 19 16 to provide with food...
viminal 16 16 of or pertaining to...
virtual 16 13 having the effect bu...
vitrail 16 12 (French) stained gla...
vitriol 16 12 to treat with sulfur...
volubil 19 17 (Milton) flowing smo...
wadmaal 16 15 a thick, coarse wool...
wadmoll 18 16 a thick, coarse wool...
wagtail 17 13 a bird noted for its...
wailful 20 16 sorrowful; mournful...
wakeful 19 19 not sleeping [adj WA...
wameful 19 18 a bellyful, also WAM...
wassail 16 11 to go carolling or c...
wastrel 16 11 a wasteful person, a...
waxbill 26 22 any of numerous smal...
waybill 26 17 a list of goods for...
webmail 19 17 a way of accessing e...
wileful 20 16 full of wiles [adj]
willful 22 17 bent on having one's...
wimbrel 20 17 a bird like a curlew...
wishful 22 17 desirous [adj WISHFU...
wistful 20 15 yearning [adj WISTFU...
witwall 21 15 the green woodpecker...
woosell 16 12 (Shakespeare) an ouz...
workful 20 19 industrious [adj]
wrybill 27 17 a New Zealand bird r...
xylenol 25 19 a synthetic resin de...
xylitol 27 18 a sweet crystalline...
zealful 19 22 full of enthusiasm [...
zestful 19 21 full of zest [adj ZE...
zoarial 15 17 relating to a zoariu...
zooidal 15 18 of or pertaining to...