11 letter words that end with L

11 letter words that end with L

11 letter L word


Words With Friends®


abiological 26 21 not involving living...
abolitional 21 17 relating to abolitio...
accessional 24 19 relating to accessio...
accessorial 25 18 having the nature of...
accusatival 28 23 relating to the accu...
adventitial 21 18 relating to the adve...
adversarial 21 17 combative, anatgonis...
advertorial 21 17 an advertisement pre...
aerological 23 18 relating to aerology...
aeromedical 22 19 of or relating to ae...
aeronomical 21 19 relating to aeronomy...
aesthetical 24 17 keenly appreciative...
affectional 25 22 relating to affectio...
affluential 24 21 an affluent person w...
affrightful 31 26 (archaic) frightful...
agitational 19 15 relating to agitatio...
agonistical 23 18 relating to athletic...
agrological 25 20 relating to agrology...
agronomical 23 21 relating to agronomy...
ahistorical 25 17 not historical, also...
algebraical 26 21 relating to algebra,...
algological 26 21 relating to algology...
allantoidal 20 16 pertaining to the al...
allegorical 25 19 having the propertie...
allopurinol 23 19 a drug used in the t...
altitudinal 21 16 relating to altitude...
ambilateral 23 19 relating to or invol...
aminophenol 22 22 any of three isomeri...
amobarbital 24 21 a white crystalline...
amplexicaul 33 30 stem-clasping [adj]
ampullaceal 27 24 resembling an ampull...
anaphorical 25 21 referring to a prece...
ancestorial 21 16 relating to ancestor...
anecdotical 24 20 having the quality o...
anisocercal 24 19 of fish, having uneq...
anisodactyl 28 19 a bird having the fi...
antenuptial 20 18 taking place before...
anteorbital 20 16 situated in front of...
antheridial 21 16 relating to an anthe...
anthropical 26 21 of or relating to hu...
antialcohol 24 19 against alcohol [adj...
antiliberal 22 17 one who is opposed t...
antilogical 24 19 opposed to logic [ad...
antimusical 24 20 against music [adj]
antinatural 18 15 opposed to nature [a...
antinomical 22 20 relating to, or of t...
antiradical 22 17 opposed to radicalis...
antitumoral 20 17 intended to prevent...
antitypical 31 21 relating to an antit...
apartmental 21 19 relating to an apart...
apathetical 26 20 lacking feeling or p...
apicultural 27 21 relating to apicultu...
apodictical 28 22 (archaic) necessaril...
apomictical 29 24 relating to apomixis...
apostatical 24 18 of the nature of apo...
apostolical 25 19 relating to the offi...
aptitudinal 22 18 relating to aptitude...
arachnoidal 23 19 like a cobweb, cover...
archegonial 24 20 relating to an arche...
artefactual 24 19 of or like an artefa...
arthropodal 23 18 of or like an arthro...
artifactual 25 19 of or like an artifa...
artiodactyl 29 18 an animal having an...
arytenoidal 24 16 pertaining to either...
ascensional 20 17 of or relating to as...
assessorial 19 12 relating to an asses...
asthmatical 26 20 suffering from asthm...
atheistical 25 17 like an atheist, als...
atomistical 24 18 relating to atomism,...
attentional 17 14 relating to attentio...
attitudinal 20 15 relating to attitude...
attritional 19 13 relating to attritio...
attuitional 19 14 relating to attuitio...
audiovisual 22 19 relating to hearing...
autarchical 28 21 relating to autarchy...
authentical 24 19 (archaic) authentic...
automatical 23 19 (archaic) automatic...
autonomical 22 20 self-governing, also...
avocational 22 20 of or relating to an...
axerophthol 31 26 vitamin A, a pale ye...
axiological 30 25 relating to axiology...
axiomatical 29 25 indisputably true, s...
backchannel 29 29 an unofficial or cov...
baronetical 23 19 of or like a baronet...
basicranial 24 19 of or relating to th...
batological 26 21 relating to batology...
behavioural 25 22 relating to behaviou...
bidialectal 26 20 speaking two dialect...
biochemical 31 26 of or relating to bi...
biomaterial 22 18 suitable synthetic m...
biometrical 26 21 relating to biometry...
biophysical 36 25 relating to biophysi...
bioregional 21 18 relating to a bioreg...
bipyramidal 32 24 in the form of a bip...
bisectional 24 19 relating to bisectio...
blastoporal 24 19 like a blastopor [ad...
borborygmal 32 25 relating to borboryg...
bristletail 24 16 another name for the...
bromouracil 26 22 a uracil derivative...
bryological 33 23 relating to the stud...
cachectical 34 26 relating to cachexy,...
calendrical 26 21 relating to the cale...
cantharidal 24 19 of or like a canthar...
caricatural 26 19 like a caricature [a...
carnificial 28 22 of or pertaining to...
carpogonial 24 21 of or like a carpogo...
casuistical 27 19 relating to casuistr...
cataclysmal 34 24 relating to cataclys...
catalytical 33 21 acting as a catalyst...
catechismal 29 23 relating to catechis...
categorical 26 20 positive; absolute,...
cathartical 28 20 cleansing, purifying...
catoptrical 28 21 relating to reflecti...
causational 21 17 relating to causatio...
cenobitical 27 22 of or like a cenobit...
centrifugal 26 22 flying from the cent...
centripetal 24 19 tending inwards or d...
cetological 27 21 relating to cetology...
chancroidal 27 22 of or like a chancro...
chemurgical 31 26 relating to chemurgy...
chiragrical 30 22 relating to chiragra...
chiropodial 27 21 relating to chiropod...
chirurgical 31 23 relating to chirurge...
chlorophyll 38 26 the green colouring...
cholesterol 25 18 a sterol occurring i...
chromonemal 25 24 relating to a chromo...
chromosomal 26 23 relating to a chromo...
chrysalidal 33 21 like a chrysalid [ad...
chrysoberyl 40 24 a mineral, beryllium...
cicatricial 30 21 of or like a cicatri...
citronellal 24 18 a colourless aldehyd...
citronellol 24 18 an unsaturated liqui...
clamatorial 24 19 relating to the flyc...
clenbuterol 25 21 a drug used in the t...
climactical 32 25 relating to a climax...
clostridial 25 17 relating to clostrid...
coalitional 22 17 relating to coalitio...
cockleshell 31 26 a small, light boat...
coessential 21 16 religion, formed fro...
cognitional 22 19 relating to cognitio...
coleopteral 24 19 of or like any membe...
colleterial 24 17 as in colleterial gl...
collisional 24 18 relating to a collis...
commissural 26 22 like a commissure, a...
commotional 23 22 relating to commotio...
communional 23 24 related to communion...
componental 23 23 relating to a compon...
condimental 22 21 relating to condimen...
conditional 21 18 dependent on a condi...
conflictful 32 27 full of conflict [ad...
conflictual 29 24 having the nature of...
confusional 23 21 relating to confusio...
conirostral 22 16 having a strong coni...
conjectural 27 29 of the nature of or...
connexional 25 25 relating to connexio...
consonantal 19 18 relating to, being,...
conterminal 22 20 adjacent, end to end...
contextural 28 24 relating to contextu...
continental 20 18 relating to a contin...
contractual 25 20 of, relating to, or...
contubernal 23 21 living or messing to...
coprincipal 30 25 a joint principal [n...
coprosterol 24 18 a compound formed fr...
coralloidal 24 18 having the form of c...
cotyledonal 28 20 like a cotyledon [ad...
counterfoil 24 20 part of ticket or ch...
counterseal 21 17 (Shakespeare) to sea...
countervail 24 21 to counterbalance, n...
coxcombical 38 34 foppish, vain, also...
crematorial 23 18 relating to a cremat...
cruciverbal 31 26 related to crossword...
cupronickel 29 27 an alloy of copper a...
curvilineal 26 22 bounded by curved li...
cylindrical 34 23 shaped like a cylind...
cytological 34 23 relating to cytology...
deceptional 23 20 of the nature of dec...
decremental 22 20 having the nature of...
deferential 20 17 showing or expressin...
deflexional 27 25 showing deflexion, a...
demagogical 25 23 of or like a demagog...
demiurgical 26 22 relating to a demiur...
dendritical 23 18 of or like a dendrit...
dentilabial 22 18 labiodental [adj]
desinential 18 15 (archaic) terminal;...
detrimental 20 17 harmful [adj DETRIME...
diacritical 27 19 distinctive; serving...
dialectical 27 20 relating to the dial...
diametrical 24 19 pertaining to a diam...
diaphragmal 26 23 relating to the diap...
dictational 22 17 relating to dictatio...
dictatorial 23 16 befitting a dictator...
diffusional 24 21 relating to diffusio...
digestional 20 16 relating to digestio...
dimensional 19 18 concerning dimension...
dimercaprol 26 22 a compound developed...
diminutival 24 22 relating to or like...
dioristical 24 16 serving to distingui...
diphtherial 27 20 relating to diphther...
diphthongal 27 23 of or like a diphtho...
diphycercal 37 26 of fishes, etc., hav...
diplococcal 32 26 of or like a diploco...
directional 22 17 suitable for detecti...
directorial 23 16 serving to direct [a...
disapproval 26 23 censure, disapprobat...
disciplinal 27 21 relating to discipli...
disenthrall 23 17 to release from a st...
disgraceful 27 22 bringing or involvin...
dispatchful 31 25 (Milton) swift [adj]
disquietful 32 27 full of disquiet [ad...
distasteful 23 17 objectionable becaus...
distressful 24 17 causing distress [ad...
distrustful 25 18 having or showing di...
diversional 21 18 relating to a divers...
dodecagonal 21 20 like a dodecagon, a...
doxological 30 26 relating to doxology...
droppersful 27 23 DROPPERFUL, the cont...
duniewassal 22 18 (Gaelic) a Highland...
dyspeptical 34 24 suffering from dyspe...
eccentrical 28 22 (archaic) eccentric,...
educational 21 18 serving to educate [...
egomaniacal 22 21 of or like an egoman...
egotistical 24 17 relating to or displ...
elevational 20 18 relating to elevatio...
ellipsoidal 24 18 having the shape of...
emanational 17 17 relating to emanatio...
emolumental 21 21 relating to emolumen...
endocardial 21 18 relating to the endo...
endocranial 20 18 relating to the endo...
endometrial 19 17 relating to the endo...
endothecial 23 19 relating to the endo...
endothelial 21 17 of or like the endot...
endothermal 21 19 characterized by or...
energetical 22 18 full of energetic, a...
enigmatical 24 21 puzzling, mysterious...
enneahedral 18 17 of or like an enneah...
enteroviral 20 17 of or like an entero...
epanaphoral 23 21 relating to epanapho...
epicyclical 39 27 pertaining to or hav...
epigastrial 23 17 relating to the epig...
epileptical 28 22 suffering from epile...
epiphytical 36 25 of or like an epiphy...
epiplastral 25 19 relating to an epipl...
epistolical 26 19 of or like an epistl...
epithetical 27 20 pertaining to, or ab...
equilateral 28 23 having all sides equ...
equinoctial 30 26 relating to the equi...
erythrismal 30 19 suffering from eryth...
escritorial 23 15 relating to an escri...
ethological 26 20 relating to ethology...
etiological 24 18 relating to etiology...
eurythermal 29 20 tolerating a wide ra...
eurythmical 33 23 relating to eurhythm...
evangelical 25 23 of or relating to th...
evolutional 21 19 relating to evolutio...
exceptional 29 26 by way of an excepti...
excremental 28 26 relating to excremen...
executorial 28 23 relating to an execu...
existential 25 20 of, relating to, or...
exoskeletal 26 24 relating to an exosk...
expansional 25 24 relating to an expan...
exponential 25 24 of or relating to an...
extensional 23 21 of, relating to, or...
extrafloral 28 23 of nectaries borne o...
extrinsical 29 23 outward, external, a...
fantastical 24 19 unreal [adj FANTASTI...
ferronickel 25 23 an alloy of iron and...
fingerstall 24 19 a covering for prote...
firmamental 23 22 relating to the firm...
flickertail 28 23 in North America, a...
formational 21 19 relating to formatio...
fratricidal 26 19 relating to fratrici...
fundamental 21 22 basic [adj FUNDAMENT...
gametangial 21 20 relating to a gameta...
gemfibrozil 30 32 a drug that lowers t...
gemological 26 23 relating to gemology...
genotypical 31 23 relating to a genoty...
gentilitial 22 16 relating to a gens,...
geochemical 29 25 relating to geochemi...
geometrical 24 20 related to geometry,...
geophysical 34 24 relating to geophysi...
geotactical 26 20 relating to geotaxis...
gerontophil 24 20 a person who experie...
gestational 19 15 relating to gestatio...
gestatorial 20 14 (archaic) related to...
gnathonical 24 21 (obsolete) flatterin...
gonorrhoeal 20 17 relating to gonorrho...
gradational 19 16 relating to gradatio...
grammatical 26 23 belonging to, or acc...
groundswell 25 21 a broad, deep undula...
gymnastical 31 23 related to gymnastic...
gymnorhinal 29 23 with unfeathered nos...
habitudinal 24 20 (obsolete) related t...
haloperidol 24 19 a synthetic tranquil...
hegemonical 25 23 relating to a hegemo...
hematocryal 31 22 of all animals excep...
hemielytral 30 20 relating to the hemi...
hemistichal 29 22 related to a hemisti...
heptahedral 25 20 like a heptahedron [...
hexadecimal 31 28 a number system with...
hexastichal 33 26 having six lines or...
hexateuchal 32 27 relating to the Hexa...
hierurgical 27 20 relating to hierurgy...
hippocampal 32 29 relating to the hipp...
holocaustal 25 19 relating to a holoca...
homiletical 27 21 relating to homily o...
homological 27 23 having the same rela...
homothermal 25 22 keeping the same tem...
honorifical 26 21 attributing or givin...
horological 26 20 relating to horology...
hydrargyral 36 21 relating to hydrargy...
hydroquinol 36 28 a white crystalline...
hyoplastral 31 20 of or like a hyoplas...
hyperdactyl 40 25 having more than fiv...
hypersexual 36 27 excessively sexed [a...
hypocentral 32 23 relating to a hypoce...
hypoglossal 32 22 of or relating to th...
hypophyseal 40 26 relating to the pitu...
hypophysial 41 26 relating to the pitu...
hypothermal 33 24 of or relating to a...
hysteresial 28 16 pertaining to hyster...
hysteroidal 28 17 like hysteria, also...
ichnofossil 27 21 a fossil footprint [...
ichthyoidal 34 22 fishlike, also ICHTH...
icosahedral 24 18 of or having the for...
ideological 24 19 relating to or conce...
idiomatical 24 19 peculiar to or of th...
imitational 20 16 relating to imitatio...
imperatival 25 22 relating to the impe...
implacental 26 23 having no placenta,...
implemental 24 23 instrumental, effect...
impolitical 28 22 (obsolete) impolitic...
impractical 30 24 not practical [adj I...
incorporall 25 20 (archaic) incorporea...
incorporeal 23 19 not corporeal, havin...
increaseful 24 20 (Shakespeare) fruitf...
incremental 22 20 of the nature of an...
indictional 22 18 relating to indictio...
inductional 22 19 relating to inductio...
ineffectual 26 23 not producing the pr...
inessential 18 14 not essential [adj]...
inferential 20 17 relating to inferenc...
infinitival 24 21 relating to the infi...
inflexional 27 25 relating to inflexio...
influential 22 19 having great influen...
infomercial 25 22 a television program...
infracostal 24 19 beneath the ribs [ad...
insertional 18 14 relating to insertio...
insessorial 19 13 adapted for perching...
inspectoral 24 19 relating to inspecti...
instinctual 23 18 relating to instinct...
institorial 20 13 pertaining to an age...
intensional 17 15 relating to intensio...
intentional 17 15 done by intention or...
interannual 17 16 between years [adj]
intercensal 21 17 occurring between ce...
intercostal 22 16 situated between the...
intercrural 23 17 within or pertaining...
interdental 18 15 pronounced with the...
interfacial 24 19 between plane faces;...
interlineal 19 15 between the lines [a...
interludial 21 16 relating to an inter...
intermedial 20 17 intermediate [adj]
interneural 18 15 situated between the...
internodial 18 15 (obsolete) between n...
interosseal 18 13 situated between bon...
interracial 22 16 involving members of...
interradial 19 14 between radii or ray...
interregnal 19 16 occurring between re...
interschool 24 18 between schools [adj...
interseptal 21 16 between septa [adj]
intersertal 19 13 having interstitial...
intersexual 25 21 existing between sex...
interspinal 21 17 between the vertebra...
intertarsal 19 13 between tarsal bones...
intertribal 22 16 between tribes [adj]
intradermal 20 17 situated or done wit...
intrasexual 25 21 within or between me...
intrathecal 24 18 introduced into or o...
intreatfull 23 18 (Spenser) full of en...
intrinsical 23 17 inward, internal, al...
intrusional 19 15 having the nature of...
intuitional 19 15 relating to an intui...
inventional 19 19 relating to inventio...
inventorial 20 18 relating to inventor...
invertebral 23 20 invertebrate [adj]
ipselateral 22 16 belonging to or affe...
ipsilateral 23 16 belonging to or affe...
isolecithal 26 18 of the ova of mammal...
isometrical 24 18 having equality of m...
judgemental 23 29 giving to making jud...
judgmatical 28 31 given to judgment, a...
kinderspiel 23 21 (German) a children'...
kinematical 24 23 relating to the kine...
knuckleball 29 30 a baseball pitch in...
kriegsspiel 25 21 (German) a war game...
labiodental 21 18 pertaining to or pro...
labyrinthal 31 21 of or like a labyrin...
lactational 22 17 relating to lactatio...
latirostral 21 13 having a broad beak,...
latitudinal 21 16 relating to latitude...
leishmanial 23 19 of or like leishmani...
leptocercal 28 22 slender-tailed [adj]
leptodactyl 32 22 a bird or other anim...
leptospiral 25 19 of or like a leptosp...
lethargical 27 20 showing lethargy, al...
leucodermal 24 21 relating to leucoder...
leukodermal 22 22 relating to leucoder...
leukorrheal 23 20 relating to leukorrh...
leviratical 26 20 of or like a levirat...
librational 22 17 relating to libratio...
lineamental 19 18 relating to lineamen...
loculicidal 29 22 dehiscing along the...
lumbosacral 27 23 relating to the lumb...
lymphangial 33 26 relating to the lymp...
macrodactyl 33 24 one of a group of wa...
macrofossil 26 21 a fossil large enoug...
magisterial 22 17 in the manner of a t...
maintopsail 22 19 the sail above the m...
matriarchal 26 20 of or like a matriar...
matrilineal 21 17 of descent or kinshi...
matrimonial 21 19 of or relating to ma...
matroclinal 24 20 inherited from the m...
mediastinal 20 17 relating to the medi...
mediational 19 17 relating to mediatio...
mediatorial 20 16 of or like a mediato...
medicolegal 25 22 of or relating to bo...
mesenchymal 32 26 relating to mesenchy...
mesenterial 19 16 relating to the mese...
mesothelial 23 18 of or like the mesot...
metaethical 25 20 relating to metaethi...
metalloidal 22 18 intermediate in its...
meteoroidal 19 16 like a meteor [adj]
metonymical 30 24 relating to a metony...
metrosexual 26 23 a heterosexual man w...
miasmatical 25 21 of or like a miasma,...
microcephal 31 26 someone having a ver...
micrococcal 33 27 of or like a microco...
microfaunal 25 23 relating to microfau...
microfibril 30 24 a fine fibril [n -S]
microfloral 27 22 relating to microflo...
microfossil 27 21 a very small fossil...
midlittoral 23 17 that part of the sea...
midsagittal 23 18 median and sagittal...
migrational 21 18 relating to migratio...
ministerial 21 16 of, relating to, or...
misbestowal 26 21 the act of misbestow...
misdoubtful 27 24 (Spenser) suspicious...
mistrustful 26 20 not trusting [adj MI...
monarchical 28 24 relating to monarchy...
monasterial 19 16 relating to monaster...
monochasial 24 21 of or like a monocha...
monocrystal 29 21 a single crystal [n...
monolingual 21 21 one who speaks one l...
monological 24 22 relating to a monolo...
monospermal 22 22 producing only one s...
moustachial 26 21 related to a moustac...
multibarrel 25 20 a gun with many barr...
multicausal 26 21 relating to more tha...
multilineal 23 19 having many lines, a...
multinomial 23 21 a mathematical expre...
multiracial 26 20 made up of various r...
multiserial 23 17 arranged in many row...
multispiral 26 20 having many coils [a...
mycological 35 26 of or relating to my...
mycoplasmal 34 27 relating to mycoplas...
mycorrhizal 36 31 of or like a mycorhi...
myoinositol 26 18 a biologically activ...
narrational 17 14 relating to narratio...
nasofrontal 19 17 relating to the nose...
neanderthal 19 17 (German) a primitive...
nematicidal 23 20 of or like a nematic...
nematocidal 22 20 relating to a nemato...
neocolonial 20 18 of or like neocoloni...
neocortical 24 19 relating to the neoc...
nephritical 27 21 relating to the kidn...
neurilemmal 22 21 of or like a neurile...
neurofibril 24 20 one of a large numbe...
nominatival 21 21 relating to the nomi...
nomological 24 22 relating to nomology...
nonagesimal 19 19 ninetieth [adj] / th...
nonchemical 27 25 not chemical [adj] /...
nonclerical 25 21 not clerical [adj]
nonclinical 25 22 not clinical [adj]
noncriminal 22 21 one who is not a cri...
noncritical 25 20 not critical [adj]
noncultural 23 20 not cultural [adj]
noncyclical 35 26 not cyclical, also N...
nonfamilial 22 21 not familial [adj]
nonhormonal 19 20 not hormonal [adj]
nonhospital 22 19 not linked to a hosp...
nonintegral 18 17 not integral [adj]
nonjudicial 24 28 not judicial [adj]
nonmaterial 18 17 not material [adj]
nonmetrical 22 20 not metrical [adj]
nonmystical 29 22 not mystical [adj]
nonnational 15 16 one who is not a nat...
nonofficial 25 23 one who is not an of...
nonparallel 21 19 not parallel [adj]
nonpersonal 18 18 not personal [adj]
nonphysical 32 24 not physical [adj]
nonrational 16 15 not rational [adj]
nonseasonal 15 15 not seasonal [adj]
nonsensical 20 18 relating to nonsense...
nonskeletal 19 19 not skeletal [adj]
nonsurgical 23 20 not surgical [adj]
nontemporal 20 20 not temporal [adj]
nonterminal 18 18 something that is no...
nontropical 23 20 not tropical [adj]
nosological 23 19 relating to nosology...
notochordal 23 19 relating to the noto...
nucleosomal 23 21 of or like a nucleos...
nutrimental 20 18 relating to nutrimen...
nutritional 19 15 relating to nutritio...
obediential 20 17 relating to or of th...
obsessional 20 16 relating to obsessio...
obstetrical 25 18 relating to the care...
octachordal 27 21 relating to an octac...
oecological 26 21 relating to ecology,...
oecumenical 25 23 general; universal;...
oenological 22 19 relating to oenology...
oesophageal 22 19 pertaining to the es...
oncological 26 22 relating to oncology...
ontological 23 19 based upon being or...
operational 19 16 of or relating to op...
oreological 23 18 relating to oreology...
orthoepical 26 20 relating to orthoepy...
orthonormal 21 18 orthogonal with the...
osteodermal 19 16 of or like an osteod...
overarousal 20 17 excessive arousal [n...
overcareful 26 23 too careful [adj]
overcontrol 23 20 to control excessive...
overfulfill 29 25 to fulfill to excess...
overliteral 22 17 too literal [adj]
oxidational 24 21 relating to oxidatio...
pachydactyl 43 28 having thick digits,...
pachydermal 34 26 of or like a pachyde...
panegyrical 31 23 of or like a panegyr...
pansophical 28 24 relating to pansophy...
pantropical 26 22 occurring or distrib...
parabolical 27 22 of or like a parabol...
paracetamol 24 21 a mild analgesic and...
paradisical 25 19 of or like paradise,...
paradoxical 30 26 of the nature of a p...
paraglossal 23 18 relating to the para...
paragogical 26 22 relating to a parago...
paramedical 25 22 helping doctors or s...
parasitical 25 18 of or like a parasit...
parenchymal 33 26 of or like a parench...
parheliacal 27 21 of or pertaining to...
paronychial 32 23 relating to a parony...
participial 28 21 relating to a partic...
patriarchal 27 20 of, relating to, or...
patrilineal 22 17 traced through the f...
patrimonial 22 19 relating to patrimon...
patristical 26 18 pertaining to the Fa...
patroclinal 25 20 of animals and plant...
pedagogical 26 23 of, relating to, or...
pedological 26 22 of or relating to so...
penitential 20 17 relating to penitenc...
penological 25 22 relating to penology...
pentactinal 23 20 relating to a pentac...
pentadactyl 30 22 having five fingers...
pentahedral 22 19 of or like a pentahe...
pericardial 25 19 relating to the peri...
pericarpial 27 21 relating to the peri...
pericentral 24 19 surrounding a centre...
pericranial 24 19 relating to the peri...
periglacial 27 21 bordering a glacier...
perineurial 21 17 related to the perin...
periodontal 20 17 investing or surroun...
perispermal 25 21 of or like a perispe...
peristomial 23 18 relating to the peri...
perithecial 27 20 related to a perithe...
peritonaeal 19 16 relating to the peri...
peroxisomal 28 25 of like a peroxisome...
pharisaical 27 20 characterized by hyp...
phrenetical 26 21 frenzied, frenetic,...
phytosterol 30 19 any of various stero...
pietistical 26 18 relating to pietism,...
piscatorial 25 18 of or relating to fi...
pitchersful 31 24 PITCHERFUL, the quan...
planetoidal 21 18 like a planetoid [ad...
plasmatical 27 22 of or like a plasma,...
plattersful 26 20 PLATTERFUL, the cont...
pleasureful 25 21 full of pleasure [ad...
plethorical 28 21 having a full habit...
pleuritical 27 20 affected with pleuri...
pluriserial 24 17 in several rows, als...
pneumatical 25 23 relating to air or g...
polyactinal 31 22 of a marine animal,...
polyalcohol 34 24 an alcohol that cont...
polycrystal 39 23 an object composed o...
polyglottal 31 21 like a polyglot, als...
polyploidal 32 23 having more than two...
polytypical 41 26 of a taxon containin...
polyzoarial 31 27 relating to a polyzo...
pomological 27 24 relating to pomology...
posological 26 21 related to posology,...
postcranial 24 19 of or relating to th...
postglacial 27 21 following a period o...
postmarital 23 18 taking place after m...
postnuptial 24 20 made or occurring af...
postorbital 24 18 situated behind the...
praecordial 24 19 in front of the hear...
praenominal 20 20 of or relating to a...
pragmatical 27 23 dealing with facts a...
prebiblical 31 25 belonging to the per...
preceptoral 26 21 like a preceptor [ad...
preclinical 29 23 relating to the peri...
precolonial 24 20 taking place before...
precritical 29 21 prior to the develop...
predisposal 24 19 disposal in advance...
predoctoral 24 19 of, relating to, or...
prefatorial 23 18 serving as preface o...
prefectural 27 22 relating to a prefec...
prejudicial 28 29 tending to injure or...
premedieval 24 23 taking place before...
preprandial 23 20 taking place before...
prepubertal 26 22 occurring in prepube...
prepunctual 27 24 more than punctual;...
presbyteral 30 20 of or like a presbyt...
prestigeful 26 21 full of prestige [ad...
preterminal 22 19 occurring or being i...
previsional 23 20 showing prevision, f...
primigenial 24 21 first or earliest fo...
primogenial 23 21 first to be formed;...
prismatical 27 21 of, resembling or pr...
probational 22 19 relating to, serving...
procerebral 26 21 relating to the proc...
proctodaeal 23 19 relating to the proc...
proleptical 28 22 relating to prolepsi...
promotional 21 19 serving to promote [...
promycelial 33 24 like a promycelium,...
prophetical 29 23 related to prophesy,...
propranolol 23 20 a beta-blocker drug...
protectoral 24 18 of or relating to a...
prothallial 26 19 of or like the proth...
protococcal 30 24 relating to the Prot...
provisional 23 20 temporary [adj PROVI...
psalmodical 27 23 relating to a psalmo...
pseudopodal 23 21 of or like a pseudop...
pterodactyl 31 21 any of various ptero...
purgatorial 23 18 relating to purgator...
puritanical 25 20 of or like a puritan...
pyramidical 33 24 of or like a pyramid...
quadratical 31 26 involving the square...
quadrennial 26 25 lasting four years;...
quadrupedal 30 28 having four feet [ad...
quaestorial 27 22 relating to the offi...
quincuncial 34 31 of or like a quincun...
quincunxial 37 35 of or like a quincun...
racquetball 34 29 a game similar to ha...
radiational 18 14 relating to radiatio...
raptatorial 21 15 predatory, also RAPT...
reappraisal 23 18 the act of reapprais...
recessional 21 16 a hymn or musical pi...
recommittal 25 21 the act of recommitt...
recremental 22 19 relating to recremen...
rectilineal 23 17 moving in or forming...
rectiserial 23 15 in vertical ranks [a...
redactional 21 17 relating to redactio...
redactorial 22 16 relating to redactio...
reductional 22 18 relating to reductio...
referential 20 16 of, containing, or c...
reflexional 27 24 relating to reflexio...
repertorial 21 15 relating to repertor...
reportorial 21 15 relating to the work...
reproachful 29 24 reproving [adj REPRO...
researchful 27 21 full of research [ad...
resectional 21 16 relating to resectio...
residential 19 14 used as a residence...
resourceful 25 20 able to meet situati...
resveratrol 21 16 a fungicidal phenol...
retrolental 19 14 behind the or a lens...
retrosexual 25 20 a man with tradition...
reverential 20 17 expressing or having...
reversional 20 17 relating to a revers...
rhapsodical 27 21 of or like a rhapsod...
rheological 26 20 relating to rheology...
rheumatical 26 21 relating to rheumati...
rhynchocoel 35 25 the cavity in which...
rickettsial 25 19 relating to ricketts...
rumbustical 28 23 (archaic) boisterous...
ruridecanal 22 18 concerning a rural d...
sacramental 22 19 of or like a sacrame...
sacrificial 29 21 of or like a sacrifi...
sacrocostal 25 18 a muscle connecting...
saltatorial 20 13 pertaining to leapin...
salvational 21 18 relating to salvatio...
sarcolemmal 25 22 of or like a sarcole...
sarcophagal 27 22 flesh-eating; of or...
satchelsful 29 22 SATCHELFUL, the cont...
scarlatinal 23 17 of or like scarlatin...
schematical 29 23 involving a particul...
schizopodal 30 30 of or like a schizop...
scissortail 24 15 an American flycatch...
sclerophyll 36 24 a hard, leathery lea...
scriptorial 26 18 related to a scripto...
seborrhoeal 22 17 relating to seborrho...
secessional 21 16 related to secession...
secretarial 22 15 like a secretary [ad...
secretional 21 16 related to secretion...
seigneurial 20 16 relating to a man of...
seigniorial 20 15 related to a seignio...
selectorial 23 16 related to selection...
semidiurnal 21 18 relating to or accom...
seminatural 20 17 modified by human in...
sempiternal 22 19 of never-ending dura...
sensational 17 14 of or relating to se...
sentimental 19 17 marked or governed b...
septentrial 21 16 (obsolete) northern,...
septifragal 25 20 breaking away of cer...
serological 24 18 as in serological ty...
servitorial 22 16 of or like a servito...
sesquipedal 30 26 tending to use long...
sexagesimal 27 24 relating to, or base...
sexological 30 25 relating to sexology...
sinological 24 19 relating to sinology...
sinupallial 24 19 of certain bivalve m...
situational 19 14 of, relating to, or...
sociosexual 28 23 of or relating to th...
sodomitical 24 19 relating to sodomy,...
sophistical 28 20 relating to sophistr...
sororicidal 23 16 relating to sororici...
spasmatical 26 21 in spasms, also SPAS...
spasmodical 26 22 relating to, or occu...
spermatical 26 21 pertaining to sperm,...
spermicidal 27 22 of or like a spermic...
sphincteral 27 21 relating to the sphi...
spinsterial 22 16 like a spinster, als...
spirochetal 27 20 caused by spirochete...
splenetical 25 20 marked by bad temper...
sporogonial 21 18 of or like a sporogo...
squirarchal 34 27 related to the squir...
stalactical 27 19 like a stalactite, a...
stalactital 24 16 like a stalactite, a...
statistical 24 15 relating to statisti...
stigmatical 26 20 stigmatic [adj STIGM...
stilbestrol 24 16 (US) a synthetic oes...
stomachical 29 23 of the stomach [adj]
strategical 24 17 relating to strategy...
strengthful 26 21 full of strength [ad...
subarboreal 23 19 growing or living un...
subcardinal 25 21 a subordinate cardin...
subclinical 30 24 producing effects th...
subcortical 29 22 of, relating to, inv...
subcritical 30 22 less or lower than c...
subcultural 28 22 relating to a subcul...
subdiaconal 24 21 relating to a subdea...
subimaginal 24 22 relating to a subima...
subinterval 24 21 an interval that is...
sublittoral 24 17 the area lying betwe...
submarginal 24 22 adjacent to a margin...
subnational 20 18 below the level of n...
subparallel 26 21 almost parallel [adj...
subrational 21 17 less than rational [...
subregional 22 19 relating to a subreg...
substantial 22 17 consisting of or rel...
subterminal 23 20 of a band or stripe,...
subtropical 28 22 relating to the area...
subvertical 28 23 below the vertical [...
successoral 26 19 relating to a succes...
sulphhydryl 42 26 a chemical group, SH...
summational 21 20 relating to summatio...
superficial 28 22 on the surface [adj...
supernormal 22 20 exceeding the normal...
superschool 27 21 an exceptional schoo...
supracostal 25 19 situated above the r...
surrebuttal 23 17 a plaintiff's eviden...
suspenseful 24 21 full of suspense [ad...
suspicional 25 20 relating to suspicio...
swallowtail 28 20 a kind of butterfly...
sybaritical 32 20 like a sybarite, dev...
sylleptical 34 22 relating to syllepsi...
symbiotical 33 23 relating to symbiosi...
symmetrical 32 23 having symmetry, als...
synagogical 30 22 relating to a synago...
synonymical 35 24 like a synonym, also...
syntactical 32 21 relating to syntax,...
syntectical 32 21 (obsolete) pertainin...
synthetical 31 20 artificially produce...
taxonomical 28 26 relating to taxonomy...
teaspoonful 22 20 the contents of a te...
telecontrol 22 17 control of mechanica...
terrestrial 20 12 living on land [adj...
territorial 20 12 relating to territor...
testamental 19 16 relating to a testam...
testimonial 20 16 a written attestatio...
tetractinal 22 16 having four rays, al...
tetradactyl 29 18 a four-toed animal [...
tetrahedral 21 15 of a solid with four...
tetramethyl 29 19 as in tetramethyl le...
theogonical 24 20 accounting for the o...
theological 26 20 of or relating to th...
theoretical 24 17 relating to or havin...
therewithal 27 19 (archaic) besides, t...
thermotical 26 20 of or due to heat, a...
thersitical 26 17 scurrilous; foul-mou...
thimblesful 30 25 THIMBLEFUL, the cont...
thioalcohol 27 20 another name for a t...
thrasonical 24 18 given to or marked b...
threnetical 24 18 of or like a threnod...
toploftical 28 22 high and mighty; hau...
topological 26 21 relating to topology...
toponymical 31 24 related to toponymy,...
trackerball 27 23 a spherical ball tha...
traditional 19 14 relating to or deriv...
transdermal 20 17 relating to, being,...
transferral 21 16 the act of transfer,...
transmittal 21 16 the act of transmitt...
transportal 21 16 the act of transport...
transsexual 25 21 a person anatomicall...
transversal 21 17 transverse [adj TRAN...
trapezoidal 24 25 in the form of a tra...
tribrachial 28 20 of or like a tribrac...
tribunicial 26 20 relating to a tribun...
tribunitial 23 17 relating to a tribun...
trichomonal 25 21 of or like a trichom...
tricuspidal 27 20 having three cusps,...
trierarchal 25 17 relating to a triera...
trimestrial 22 15 relating to a trimes...
trimetrical 25 18 relating to a trimet...
tripersonal 21 16 consisting of three...
tumblersful 28 24 TUMBLERFUL, as much...
typological 33 23 relating to typology...
ultracasual 24 18 very casual [adj]
unbeautiful 24 22 not beautiful [adj U...
uncanonical 23 22 not canonical, also...
unclassical 27 21 not classical [adj]
uncongenial 21 21 not sympathetic or c...
underfulfil 26 23 to fail to fulfil co...
unemotional 18 18 not emotional [adj U...
unempirical 26 23 not empirical [adj]
unequivocal 32 31 leaving no doubt, al...
unessential 18 15 not essential [adj U...
unhealthful 27 23 not healthful [adj U...
uniparental 20 18 derived from a singl...
unipersonal 20 18 existing as only one...
unpolitical 26 21 not political [adj]
unpractical 28 23 not practical [adj U...
unreposeful 23 21 not reposeful [adj]
unresentful 21 19 not resentful [adj]
unsatirical 23 17 not satirical [adj]
unspiritual 23 18 not spiritual [adj U...
untechnical 27 23 not technical [adj]
valuational 21 19 relating to valuatio...
variational 20 17 relating to variatio...
vespertinal 23 20 of or pertaining to...
vestimental 22 20 of or like a vestime...
vibrational 23 20 related to vibration...
virological 27 22 relating to virology...
vomeronasal 20 20 relating to the vome...
weathergirl 26 19 a girl who announces...
wherewithal 30 22 the means, resources...
xanthophyll 39 30 a yellow caretenoid...
zoochemical 31 32 relating to zoochemi...
zoometrical 26 27 relating to zoometry...
zoophytical 36 31 relating to a zoophy...
zygopleural 33 30 bilaterally symmetri...
zymological 35 32 relating to zymology...